Ickenham dec 16

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 And the last magazine of 2016. Of course we will all still be busy here this month working on the January issue.

As ever, I will be desperately trying to fit in Christ mas shopping and putting up the tree, although I need to find someone tall enough to actually extract it from our loft first. Being a mere five foot tall does not come without some challenges! So, whether you have found 2016 to be a particu larly good or bad year, it is rapidly coming to an end and we can all look forward to a much needed break from work and quality time with family and friends. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our readers and ad vertisers for your continued support over the last eleven years and to wish you all a very happy and healthy Christ mas, whatever you may be doing.

Turkey Magic


Wildlife Zone


We’ll be back through your letterboxes in January! Until then, have a won derful time over the festive season. . 

You can advertise in this magazine from as little as    puts your   into all six publications (that’s over 30,000 homes).   Tel: 0800 038 5001 Mob: 07931 368151 In and Around Magazines cover: West Drayton . Iver . Denham . Uxbridge Angela Fisher 0800 038 5001 / 07759 536494 info@inandaroundpublishing.co.uk 



Heal that Hangover


Gardening: Christmas Cactus


Wrap it Up


Coffee Break Puzzles


Local Telephone Numbers


Local Events


Karen Munro Careers


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RSPCA Re Homing Appeal


Recipe: Avocado Baked Eggs


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Ickenham Turkey Magic FP+ (Dec16).qxp_IN! Tipss Style Editorials (Mar13) 30/11/2016 10:43 Page 1


IT’S A KIND OF (TURKEY) MAGIC MY Gran insisted on soaking her Christmas turkey in brine (or ‘broin’ as she used to call it, being a Birmingham girl). I never really understood why until I tried it for myself. You need 750g salt for a large turkey. Use a large watertight plastic box and dissolve the salt in 4 pints/ 2 litres of boiling water. Add 9 pints/5.5 litres of cold water and leave to cool. Immerse the turkey in the  brine, breast side down. Cover with a lid and put in a  cool place like the garage for 24 hours. You might want to seal the lid or weight it down to prevent mice from gaining access! The next day empty the brine and pat the turkey dry and refrigerate overnight. Remove the bird a couple of hours before cooking to allow it to come to room temperature, and prepare in your usual way. So why go to this trouble? Here comes the science bit! Roasted turkey can be dry and tough because it’s lean and we tend to err on the side of caution with cooking times, (no-one wants to serve up a plate of festive salmonella right?). Moisture loss is inevitable when you cook any type of muscle fibre. Heat causes individual coiled proteins in the fibres to unwind (the technical term is denature), then join together with one another, resulting in shrinkage and moisture loss.

Meat loses about 30 percent of its weight during cooking but by brining first, you can reduce this moisture loss to as little as 15 percent. The main reason for this is because the dissolved salt causes some of the proteins in muscle fibres to pre-unwind and swell. As they unwind, the bonds that held the protein unit together as a bundle break. Water from the brine binds directly to the proteins, then gets trapped between them when the meat cooks and the unwound proteins bind together. As long as you don't overcook the meat, the natural juices will be retained. All this ensures moister, juicier results. But what if you don’t have the container or the inclination to soak your bird? Is there an easier way? Yes, you can ‘dry-brine’, that is pre-salt the turkey. This seasons the meat like the wet brine, but does not use any water. Instead, it involves rubbing salt and seasonings directly onto the meat and / or skin, and then letting the meat rest in the refrigerator before cooking. For a 15lb /7Kg turkey you need about 3 tablespoons of salt, ¾ teaspoon of ground black pepper and herbs of your choice. Pat the turkey dry and then rub the salt mixture liberally over the surface. I like to rub about a third of it under the skin but if you don’t want to go to the bother of separating the skin from the meat it’s fine to just rub it over the skin. You need to allow time for the salt to penetrate the meat so allow a day’s brining time per 5lb /2 1/4 Kg of turkey. Dry brining has the advantage of producing extremely crispy skin, and we all know that’s the best bit! Final tip: Make sure you use an unseasoned turkey. Avoid preprepared or self-basting turkeys as they have been injected with brine. Enjoy!

Louise Addison 

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The Wildlife Zone...FP (Dec16).qxp_Layout 1 28/11/2016 21:53 Page 1

 SQUIRRELS THE WILDLIFE ZONE 

Andy Mydellton FLS (pictured right) is an environmentalist journalist, the founder and leader of the British wildlife charity, the Foundation for Endangered Species. They are members of the United Nations agency UNESCO with Andy Mydellton being Chairman and the Environmental Concern Advisor to the UNESCO Schools Group. Andy is a Fellow of the Linnean Society. He writes for many publications, mounts photographic exhibitions, gives presentations and broadcasts the 'Andy Mydellton Wildlife Zone' radio programme.

TO some people grey squirrels are pests or pesky. Moreover they are a North American invasive species that is replacing our own red squirrel. Yet ‘greys’ still manage to get friends. So why is this? Some people design their wildlife gardens to help all local wildlife. This is because they see all animals as equal but different, and as valid strands in the web of life. Furthermore, many conservationists believe that all animals have their place in the appropriate habitat without being classified as either good or bad. Usually negative terms are often imposed on animals from a human perspective, each tag depending on our own values and wishes.

The squirrel gets its name from the Latin word meaning ‘shadow’ caused by its large bushy tail curling up over its back when it eats. The tail is also an important tool in the squirrel’s spectacular acrobatics of leaping across voids and scurrying along branches. Moreover the grey squirrel has proven itself to be a winner! It is hardy enough to live as far north as the Arctic Circle, and has evolved over the millennia to survive really harsh conditions. It has also had to fend off other animal competition. I have just returned from the USA and seen the North American red squirrel* bully the ‘grey’, despite the red squirrel’s diminutive size. We can still see some of the ‘greys’ instinctive behavioural patterns here in the UK. Previous generations of squirrels have learned to grab what food they could in order to survive in their original cold and hostile environments. Excess food was buried to create a larder for leaner times and to prevent rivals from eating this precious food. When the grey squirrels bury nuts and then either die or simply forget where they have buried them, new saplings emerge, maturing into life-giving trees. This is an important part of a forests overall natural regeneration. This tactic was so successful that nowadays the squirrels living in warmer climes still practice the same survival techniques. At Millstream Fork we see squirrels instinctively burying their excess food in the lawn, flower beds, and even in the flower pots and tubs. Much of this food is usually peanuts that they have gymnastically prized from the bird feeders. May it be that some of these ancient survival strategies lead them into fighting members of their own family? This year I have had four squirrels in the Millstream Fork wildlife garden where I saw them chasing one another across the lawn, backwards and forwards along the path and over the patio, with the losers having to leap into the hedging trees, fleeing their aggressor. This is probably because Millstream Fork is a valuable food source right inside their territory where the alpha male and female must protect their natural rights as they see them. Would I want to see the demise of the grey squirrel? Never… Not unless I am guaranteed the pleasure of having our own red squirrel in their stead. *The North American red squirrel is a smaller species than the European red squirrel.

The charities’ contact details are www.ffes.org.uk email: info@ffes.org.uk 




Ickenham HANGOVER FP (Dec16).qxp_IN! Tipss Style Editorials (Mar13) 30/11/2016 11:17 Page 1

 ssh!

Heal that

Hangover Pounding head gasping thirst a vague memory of telling anyone who’d listen how much you love them... Sound familiar? Most of us have woken up to regret that last drink (or five), at least once. if you’re reading this through bleary eyes, while trying to stop the world from spinning, you might want to take heed of these hangover cures: REHYDRATION SACHET Dehydration is the main cause of your hangover symptoms. Drink plenty of water and juice, but if that’s not helping, try a rehydration sachet or isotonic drink. A FRY-UP A fry-up is a bit of a kill or cure remedy in my opinion. Many people swear by it though. Ideally, go for grilled meat, rather than fried, or you might realise it tastes a lot better going down than it does coming back up. A BANANA Bananas contain potassium, which you might be lacking after all the booze. If you don’t fancy a banana, try popping a multivitamin. TOMATO JUICE AND RAW EGG Personally, the risk of salmonella is enough to put me off this one. No one seems to be able to explain why the egg needs to be raw, so I’ll stick to my boiled egg and toasted soldiers, with a side of tomato juice. MILK THISTLE This is my fail-safe remedy. Milk thistle can help to 

detoxify your liver, so really does seem to help reduce a hangover, or even prevent it in the first place. Ideally, you should take one or two capsules before bed and another first thing in the morning. HAIR OF THE DOG THAT BIT YOU Treating a hangover with more alcohol is just delaying the pain. If you can stomach a drink, you may well feel better short-term, but the hangover will come back again, with a vengeance. FRESH AIR While you may just want to curl up on the sofa with Netflix, a walk outside will usually help to clear your head. Just don the shades so your bloodshot eyes don’t scare any small children. MONGOLIAN CURE If all else fails, you could go for a drink that’s said to be popular the morning after the night before in Mongolia – tomato juice with a pickled sheep’s eyeball. Not sure where you’re going to get the eyeball from however. PREVENTION Of course, prevention is always better than cure. Next time you’re out, try alternating your alcoholic drinks with soft drinks, and downing a pint of water before bed. Suffering from a few too many hangovers? it might be worth visiting www.drinkaware.co.uk.

Kate duggan




Ickenham GARDENING 2 (Dec16).qxp_IN! Tipss Style Editorials (Mar13) 30/11/2016 11:52 Page 1


 

the Christmas Cactus CHRISTMAS cacti are splendid plants. They pump out masses of delicate jungle flowers in rosy red, white, orange, pink, and pale yellow, depending on the variety, just in time for the festive season. And although they’re a true cactus, their spines are so tiny and soft that you’ll barely notice them - and never get pricked. Also as each outer leaf produces its own flower the display gets better year on year. They are available in shops and garden centres right now and are just perfect for those hard-to-buy-for souls. Also, according to my neighbour, who grows prize-winning cacti, they can live for 25 years or more so they’re the gift that just keeps on giving. CHRISTMAS CACTUS CARE! Light Christmas cacti are tropical epiphytes, which grow naturally in rainforest trees. Choose a cool, bright spot, out of direct sun is best. Try an east-facing windowsill, and it won't know it ever left the jungle. Humidity They love a humid atmosphere so are best grown on a gravel tray. Fill a waterproof bowl with gravel then add water to half way up the gravel. Place the potted plant on top of the gravel. Water As it’s tropical it’s less drought-tolerant than other cacti species. Water thoroughly then allow the top half-inch or inch of soil to dry out before watering again.

Fertilizer As new leaves appear or when flower buds start to swell, apply a liquid fertilizer formulated for houseplants every 7 to 10 days until the growth or flowering cycle ends. Repotting Christmas cacti flower best when they’re pot-bound. Every year or so, gently pull the plant out of its container and check the roots. When roots start to mat where they touch the inside of the pot, move the plant into a container that's an inch larger in diameter. Gently rough up the matted roots with a knife or fork before you repot. After Christmas When flowering is over, keep the plant indoors until the weather warms in late spring. New growth tends to start in March. If you particularly want the plant to flower at Christmas then next November put the cactus in a place where nights are cool (about 10 -12 C) and there's no artificial light. After flower buds form, you can stop the cool/dark treatment and start fertilizing for a strong three-week bloom cycle. o


My neighbour tells me that Christmas cacti are pretty forgiving souls and that even if you’re unsuccessful at inducing Christmas blooms you should be treated to regular flowering displays throughout the year. What could be nicer? Merry Bloomin’ Christmas.

Rachel Leverton Garden Consultant


Ickenham WRAP IT UP (Dec16).qxp_IN! Tipss Style Editorials (Mar13) 30/11/2016 09:57 Page 1



Wrap it up ArE you one of those people who leave all their wrapping until Christmas Eve and end up using a bit of birthday paper because you run out of Christmas wrapping?

If you have trouble cutting gift wrap in a straight line, look for brands that have grid lines on the reverse. If you can’t get these, mark the paper where you need to cut it and then fold it and cut along the crease. Keep any off-cuts as these may fit smaller gifts. This will also help avoid waste. If your gift consists of a number of boxes try making a tower and wrapping ribbon round the whole. Even if your gifts don’t come in boxes, you could put them in some to make wrapping easier. This is also the art of disguise and can create an element of fun. Even those who think they know what you are buying them will start to wonder.

Why not plan ahead and take a little more time this year. It can be really satisfying to see all your gifts looking beautiful under the tree and receive lots of compliments when you hand them out. There are lots of different types of wrapping available including paper, bags, huge sacks, tubs and boxes. You can also get lots of accessories from craft shops to add a unique twist. Here are some tips and suggestions to help... If using wrapping paper, measure it first and trim off the excess. Decide how much you need by wrapping a ribbon around the gift and then laying the ribbon on the paper and cutting it to that size. Alternatively, use a tape or ruler. 

When wrapping something soft like a scarf or a jumper, lay the item on a piece of cardboard, This will give you a firm base and mean that you can create clean corners and crisp edges. For oddly shaped presents, you can create a better effect by padding out unusual angles with tissue paper or using a gift bag. Try creating a cracker shape for tubular gifts. If your present has a circular bottom, pleat the paper to get a neat finish. To avoid getting in a tangle, buy tape which is on a dispenser and use double sided tape where it will help. Create a wow factor by colour coordinating your wrapping or using the same design for all of one persons presents. You could also use plain wrapping and be creative with patterned tape, add homemade gift tags or create a pocket effect in which you insert a card or other decoration.

Susan Brookes-Morris



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Sorry Santa, you’ve got work to do. Come and see for yourself why people in Hillingdon come to Ryefield Court first when choosing a care home. Even Santa. Arrange your viewing today.

Chauffeur-driven car | Cinema room | Bistro & bar | Private dining | Hair salon and spa Library | All-inclusive pricing | Inspired & stimulating events 50% higher staffing than average | Paying above the living wage follow the events at the home on facebook.com/ryefieldcourt 



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Dated Events (Dec16).qxp_Layout 1 29/11/2016 17:27 Page 1

december events 

HUBB Festive Lunch

Local Events

8th December, 12noon-2pm Bay Lodge, 36 Harefield Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1PH. mulled wine, cold festive buffet and networking with local professionals - in partnership with the Hillingdon chamber of commerce. thank you for your continued support over the past 12 months. to book email: helen.thompson@wardwilliams.co.uk or visit www.wardwilliams.co.uk

Christmas Tree Festival St Peter’s Church, Iver. come and see the trees on display throughout the weekend. entry to the tree Festival is free, refreshments available at a small charge. 9th December 10am-7pm, 10th December 11am-8pm 'Festive table decoration making' 2pm4.30pm and ‘songs of Praise’ at 6pm. 11th December, 10am & 12noon-2pm come and worship with us surrounded by the trees at morning Praise, 10am.

Ickenham Festive Community Night

Please send your details to be included in the January issues by Wednesday 14th December. 

10th December, 11am-3pm Iver Flowerland, Norwood Lane, SL0 0EW. come and sample a huge array of fabulous christmas Fayre. santa’s Grotto and elf Workshop for the kids.

    

German Christmas Fair at Southlands Arts Centre

4th December, 11am-4pm 75 The Green, West Drayton. enjoy christmas crafts, music, children's activities, Father christmas, roast chestnuts, hot wurst and sauerkraut, gluhwien and winter warmer beer in West drayton's own traditional German christmas.

december 2016

Free Food Tasting

9th December, 6-9pm Featuring a wide range of music, activities, fun and shopping.

Uxbridge Choral Society's Carol Concert 10th December, 5pm and 7.30pm St. Margaret's Church, Windsor Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1AB. Accompanied by the Oak Farm Junior school choir. tickets: Adults £7 and under 12’s £4. Available from www.uxbridgechoralsociety, any choir member or on the door.

Hillingdon Canal Club Christmas Social 13th December, Waterloo Road, Uxbridge, UB8 2QX. mince pies, mulled wine and waterways Quiz.

live music events

Champers Bar 184 Field End Road, Eastcote, HA5 1RE. 8 Dec Glen leon as tom Jones 18 Dec 2 tone christmas elf Party 22 Dec 'the Freaky dukes' Christmas Eve Party with dJ louis Wells New Year’s Eve Party with dJ dave connell

The Falcon Inn Village Road, Denham, UB9 5BE. 9 Dec tiny tina blues band 17 Dec dJ rossi

The WatersEdge Packet Boat Lane, Cowley, UB8 2JS. 9 Dec diamond nights tribute 17 Dec Frank sinatra & tina turner tribute 21 Dec the uK's no. 1 Gary barlow tribute 23 Dec Festive Party New Year’s Eve dJ from 9pm and 4 course luxury menu

The Swan at Iver 2 High Street, Iver, SL0 9NG. 8 Dec nicky b show 9 Dec 2 tone 17 Dec Grant chambers 21 Dec Kids christmas Party, 3-5pm 22 December ‘elvis’ is in the building Christmas Eve carols in the High street plus mulled wine with free mince pies New Years Eve super light show experience

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Karen Munro Careers (Dec16).qxp_Layout 1 28/11/2016 20:56 Page 1

KAREN MUNRO MAC RCDP Career Coach www.munrocareers.co.uk 

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twitter - @munrocareers facebook - munrocareers

Karen is a professional and qualified Careers Practitioner and Trainer who provides support in all aspects of Career Development and Transition including effective CV Coaching, Interview Skills and Networking Techniques. A member of the Association of Coaching and registered with the Careers Professional Alliance, she works with both private and business clients around London and the South East who are looking for career change, direction, motivation and support. She works as an Associate Career Coach for a number of organisations including Personal Career Management Ltd and is part of the MOD contract providing career support and guidance to Military Personnel transitioning in to civilian life. Karen contributes to ‘In and Around’ every month sharing her practical knowledge and wealth of experience with her local community.

A Time to Prepare... WELL, I know many of you will be like me and will not be ready for Christmas yet. Nevertheless I would like to wish all my readers and followers a very Merry Christmas! Personally, I can’t believe it’s that time of year again and I seem to say it every year. Where did the year go?

New Year’s resolutions – “give up smoking, lose weight, get fit, book a holiday and get a better job”! So everything starts moving again in January. “December, is your time to prepare”! It’s time to update your C.V. How can you improve it and make it stand out? Do you need to get some help to make your C.V to make it better? It’s time to start gathering lots of examples regarding your skills and experience so you can write strong ‘achievement statements’ to include in your C.V as well as to discuss at interview. It’s time to start... • thinking about your career direction • recognising what do you really want to do • planning how you can go about it • putting together a robust Action Plan to map out your New Year and your new job. • researching organisations. Where do you think you’d like to work? • talking to your contacts – and what better time to do that than at Christmas; over some mulled wine and mince pies!

For many of us this is a very expensive and stressful time of year. Everywhere you look there is the constant message to spend money and lavish loved ones and friends with gifts they may not use or want. If you are out of work, or worried about your job security, then looking for a new job during the lead up to and over the Christmas period is almost impossible! Most organisations do very little recruiting at this time of year. It’s a time for winding down, Christmas staff parties and finishing off all those things around the office that no one ever gets time to do. But don’t worry. Because January is just around the corner and it’s notoriously a much busier time of year for recruiting. People tend to make a start on their 

• Don’t forget up to 80% of the job market is ‘hidden’! It’s not advertised but filled through word of mouth, friends of friends, networking meetings and speculative enquiries. “Start networking”! By the time January comes around, you will have done all the ground work and you will be ready to put you plans in to action. Be ahead of the game! Once again, I hope you all have a stress free, healthy and happy Christmas. See you again in the New Year.

Karen munrocareers

Photographic Services   Photographic Printing up to A1 size  

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Passport Photos - Visas - I. D. Cards Professional Quality with 100% Compliance

Photography ~ Wedding Studio ~ Events & Commercial 34, Victoria Road Ruislip Manor

Tel: 01895 367930 

Ickenham What's On... May16.qxp_Layout 1 29/04/2016 11:00 Page 1

  

regular & local events... Quiz night Every Tues & Sun, 8.30pm Coach & Horses, Ickenham

ruislip rock ‘n’ roll club Every Thurs - rock 'n' roll record hop at Ruislip Social Club, Grosvenor Vale, HA4 6JQ. Doors open 7:30pm, classes at two levels 8pm, social dancing 8:50-11pm. Fun and friendly club, free parking, licensed bar. www.JiveRevive.co.uk; email: JiveRevive@ btinternet.com; call: 020 88664263. Beginners rock ‘n’ roll Jive classes Every Monday at Harefield Cricket Club, UB96NE. Doors open 7.30pm, class 8pm. Fun & friendly, no experience or partner required. 1950s Rock n Roll record hop - 1st Friday of every month at St Mary's Church Hall, Harefield, UB96BX. 7.30pm-11.30pm. Contact: therockingrebels@gmail.com 07947106607 www.facebook.com/ therockingrebels lessons in love Six workshops to help you deal with matters of the heart. Every Tuesday 7-9:30 call Keeley on 07923 074304 or visit www.key4change.com

comedy... comedy Bunker Ruislip Golf Centre, Ickenham Road, Ruislip HA4 7DQ. See www.comedybunker.co.uk

hillingdon decorative & Fine arts society Enjoy 10 expert lectures a year about art and culture from around Britain. Outings to galleries & places of cultural interest. Receive NADFAS Review, Interested? Come along to a lecture, cost £6. See www. hillingdondfas.co.uk, email: membership@ hillingdonfas.co.uk, call Ann 01895 638147

hillingdon Family history society At Hillingdon Park Baptist Church, Hercies Road, Hillingdon. Research room open (10am – 1pm) every Fri (except the Fri before the first Sat of the month). On the first Sat of the month open 10am – 1pm at Uxbridge Library. Experienced help available. See www.hfhs.co.uk. Contact Mrs P. Reynolds 01895 444442 or hillingdonfhs@onetel.com ickenham & swakeleys horticultural socty. Local gardening club. Twice yearly Shows in the Village Hall, winter lectures, summer outings, newsletters. Member Trading Hut with discounted gardening goods. Clubhouse Lane, UB10 8FU. Enqs: Jill Watson 01895 674412 www.ickenham-horticultural.org.uk @IckenhamGarden inland Waterways association 2nd Tues of every month, 7.30pm.Hillingdon Canal Club, Waterloo Rd, Uxbridge, UB8 2QX. middlesex.social@waterways.org.uk ruislip & district natural history society Meet last Mon of the month from Sept to April in Guide Hut near Ruislip Library. Call John Matthews 01895 636215.

comedy nights The Empire Comedy Club at The White Bear, Ickenham Road HA4 7DF every Thurs night. Pete 01895 675293

ruislip & northwood Flower arrangement society Meet every 1st Tues of the month at the Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue, Oaklands Gate, Northwood HA6 3AA


ruislip, northwood & eastcote local history society Meets on the third Monday of the month at St Martin's Church Hall, High Street, Ruislip at 8.15pm. See RNELHS website for details. Susan Toms 01895 637134 toms.susan@gmail.com

Brushstrokes art classes with sue Friendly weekly classes with tuition. Beginners welcome. Hayes, Ickenham & Ruislip. Ring Sue 01895 639294 or 07949 805246 chinese Brush Painting group Saturday mornings. The class is guided by an experienced tutor. Learn how to compose and develop your own style as well as practicing calligraphy. At Harefield Library, Park Lane Village Centre, Harefield or contact Phyllis Nash 01895 476 644 / phyllnash@gmail.com harrow & hillingdon geological society Meet for lectures at 7.30 for 8pm on the second Wednesday of each month at Cavendish Pavilion, Field End Road, Eastcote, HA4 9PG. All are welcome, visitors £3 donation. Refreshments. For details contact: Jean Sippy, Secretary Tel: 020 8422 1859 www.hhgs.org.uk


ruislip Philatelic society Meet at South Ruislip Methodist Church, Queens Walk, South Ruislip HA4 0NL on the 3rd Tuesday of each month except August. Meeting and displays and talks each month and an auction three times a year.7.30pm for 8pm. tel for more details: 01895 637283 the ickenham art society Meets Thu, 7.30pm in the Scout Hut, Community Close, Ickenham. See www.ickenhamart.co.uk. For painters in any medium. Tel. 0208 866 0875. the chiltern aviation society Meets every 4th Wednesday at the Methodist Church Hall, Ickenham Road. 8pm. Call

Keith Hayward on 01895 637872 or email JRoach at Chilternaviation@virginmedia.com

the language clubs of hillingdon From late Sept until mid-July. Speak some German, Spanish, French or Italian? Want to practise speaking and listening in friendly groups, with recent learners, improvers and native speakers? Join a Language Club! Each Club meets on a different Thursday of the month at 7.45pm in St Giles' Church Hall, Swakeleys Road, Ickenham UB10 8BG. For details: German Club 0208 429 1921. Spanish Club. French Club 01895 253 472. Italian Club 020 8863 3468. uxbridge craft market Every Wednesday (9am-5pm) at The Pavilions Shopping Centre Arts, Crafts, Gifts and Collectables www.uxbridge-craft-market.co.uk uxbridge & ickenham Floral art society Meets in the village hall, Swakeleys Road. Call 01895 850943 Wednesday stitch club 10-12noon at Hillingdon Tennis Club. All abilities, Tutorial, White work, gold work, crewel work.Call sue 0208 868 8052.

keeP-Fit, dance & drama... argosy Players theatre group Meets at Ruislip Conservative Club, Ickenham Road, West Ruislip. Every Thurs, 8pm. Call Call Wendy on 07956 971849 or visit www.argosyplayers. org.uk. Junior section for children from 8-16yrs meets Thursdays from 7-8pm. classical Pilates Mat classes for all levels in Ruislip. Contact Tonja Osborn 07766 011036 or email TonjaOsborn@gmail.com dance, gymnastics and Free running By Futunity UK. Ages 2 - adults catered for and all styles of dance. See www.futunityuk.com, call 01895 251224 e: admin@futunityuk.com eastcote exercise classes Metabolic workout class, 45 minute stretch class. Mon, Tues & Sat mornings. Contact Virginia King 01895 232551 virginiaking@vking2468.freeserve.co.uk empowering yoga Fusion of Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Wed 9.30-10.45am at Windmill Studio Centre, Ruislip Manor Thur 9.30-11.00am at St Thomas More Church, Eastcote + classes in Harrow. FreeTrial Class contact: Joanne 0845 4561336 e:info@empoweringyoga.co.uk

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  

Fitness League Fun dance routines to music for women of all fitness levels. Tues 7.30-8.30pm at Vyners School, Warren Road, UB10 8AB Call Rosemary 01628 776838 before coming. www.thefitnessleague.com

Fitsteps with Stephanie Mons 6.30pm at Ickenham United Reformed Church, Swakeleys Rd UB10 8BE and Mons 8pm at Vyners School Ickenham UB10 8AB info: stephanie-w@hotmail.com 07920 519630 www.fitsteps.co.uk Funky Rhythms Dance & Fitness Zumba with Brian (07957 343528) Monday Zumba, 6:30pm-7:20pm and 7:308:20pm, Abbotsfield School for Boys Zumba with Elli £5 (07833 690153) Tue 8pm - 233 High St, Uxbridge Funky Zumba with Brian (07957 343528) Wed 6:30-7:30pm, Abbotsfield School. FITSTEPS Thu 6:30pm-7:30pm, Abbotsfield School for Boys. Zumba with Sylvia J £5 (07793 769584) 8pm - Minet Junior School, Avondale Drive, Hayes Zumba with Elli £5. 8pm Active4less, 233 High Street, Uxbridge Zumba with Brian £5. Sat 11am -Swakeley's School for Girls, Clifton Gardens, Hillingdon Highgrove Pool Club A programme for over 55’s includes Gym, swim & group exercise sessions with a social area with coffee & teas included, for Info : Angelo Pignone angelo.pignone@all.org 01895 630753 www.better.org.uk/highgrove Images School of Dance Fun and friendly dance & drama classes for all ages. Based in Ruislip Manor. www.imagesschoolofdance.co.uk e: info@imagesschoolofdance.co.uk Irish Dancing Classes For children aged 5+. Beginners and advanced. Mon 6pm, Hayes Conservative Club, Church Road. Wed 6pm, Greenford Catholic church hall. T: 07956 346383 e: Deirdreosullivan@ hotmail.co.uk Jacquies Workouts Mon 7.30-8.30pm Kettlebell with Fitness Pilates floor work. Thu 7.30-8.30pm Latin Dance & Tone. Sports Hall, Vyners School, Warren Road, Ickenham. Wed 10am-11am Kettlebell & Fitness Pilates floor work at Eastcote Community Centre, Southbourne Gardens Eastcote. Call Jac 01895 672354.


Jazzercise Classes Jazzercise Classes New Denham Community Centre Oxford Road Mon 9.30-10.30am, Tues 6.45 - 7.45pm, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9.4510.45am. Denham Village Memorial Hall Village Road Thurs 6.30-7.30pm. Ruislip Sports & Social Club Grosvenor Vale Mon 6.45-7.45pm Tues 9.30am, 7-8pm, Wed 9.30-10.30am. Pinner Methodist Church Love Lane Mon 8-9pm, Thurs 7-8pm. St Lawrence Church Hall Bridle Road Pinner Fri 9.30am. St Lukes Hall Love Lane Pinner Wed 7.45-8.45pm, Sat 9-10am. Contact: Tina Durkan 07904 221191 e: tinadurkan@googlemail.com facebook.com/jazzerciseNWLondon

Modern Jive Classes (Ceroc) Mon 8-11pm, Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre. Tues & Thurs 8-11pm, Uxbridge Civic Centre. Beginners welcome. Free lifetime membership with this listing. Call Alan: 0208 933 4350 or 07860 250961 email: alanandsue@clubceroc.com Oaken Leaves English Folk Dance Club Thurs 8.15-10pm, Methodist Church Hall, Ickenham Rd, Ruislip. Call 01895 638008. Ruislip Dramatic Society Meets at South Ruislip Methodist Church. Mon 8pm & Thurs 8.15pm. Call 07854 284508 for more details. SALSA (all styles) Every Monday at Uxbridge Community Centre, 32b The Greenway, Uxbridge UB8 2PJ from 7.45pm to 10pm. Call 07958 578962 or email mina@queensalsa.com Salsa Classes Every Monday: The Middlesex Arms, Long Drive, South Ruislip, HA4 0HG.Beginners starts 8pm. Improvers/Intermediates: 8.459.30pm Freestyle dancing/practice time til 11pm Every Wednesday: The WatersEdge, Canal Cottages, Packetboat Lane, Cowley, UB8 2JS. Beginners starts 7:30pm. Improvers/Intermediates: 8.30-9.30pm. Freestyle dancing/practice time til 11pm Sanders Street - Authentic Street Dance Specialising in street stance for special needs. Sanders Pandas class, Age 5-11 Wed 5.30-6.30pm at Guide Hall, Community Close, Ickenham. Email info@sanders street.co.uk or call Crissy on 07799874003 www.sandersstreet.co.uk Showcase Amateur Dramatics Amateur musical theatre company. Every Fri, the Sacred Heart Church Hall, 73 Pembroke Road, Ruislip Manor, 7.30pm-10.30pm. Email: info@ showcasemusicaltheatre.org.uk

Suzanne’s School of Dance and Drama 69 Swakeleys Road, Ickenham UB10 8DQ. Classes from aged 2 yrs to adult. See www.suzannesdance.co.uk for details.

The Pilates Club St Giles & The United Reformed Church Halls, Ickenham. Call 07968 920070 or visit www.thepilatesclub.co.uk Wild Forest Gym Outdoor fitness and natural movement training in 50 acres of forest at Grim's Dyke Hotel, Old Redding, Harrow Weald. All abilities. Mon-Fri. Contact Coach Michael 0845 4561336 info@wildforestgym.com or www.wildforestgym.com Yoga Hatha Yoga and Pregnancy Yoga classes in Ickenham, 1st Scouts, UB10 8RE. All levels. Call Katja on 07951 763851 Yoga with Yolanda Ickenham Village Hall. Mixed group. Mon 6.45-8.15pm. Call 07919 243648 Zumba Wed 7.15-8.15pm. £5 Curves Uxbridge, Redford Way, UB8 1SZ Call 07795 512938

MARKETS... Duck Pond Artisan Craft & Farmers’ Market Artisan - 3rd Sunday of each month from 10am-3pm. Free parking, dogs welcome. Farmers’ - 1st Sun of each month 10am2pm. Both at the Great Barn, Ruislip. Mad Cat Crafts Hand painted and decorated objects for the home & garden. Wed to Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm, the Great Barn, Ruislip HA4. www.madcatcrafts.co.uk Ruislip Country Market Every Fri 10-11.30am - car park at St Martins Approach, Ruislip. Fruit, veg, eggs, honey, hand made cards & jewellery, cakes, pies & much more...

MUSIC... Capital Connection Ladies Singing Meets every Wed evening at South Ruislip Community Centre, Deane Park, Long Dr, HA4 OHS. www.capitalconnection.org.uk Eastcote Choral Society Rehearses every Tuesday from 8-10pm at Ruislip Methodist Church, Ickenham Road. All welcome. Call 01895 904556. Hillingdon Choral Society Rehearsals on Mon, TT only, 7.45-9.45pm. Ickenham United Reformed Church. New singers welcome 01895 234380 or see www.hillingdonchoralsociety.org.uk

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 Parkway, Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB10 9JX  Independent School for boys and girls aged 3 - 11   

An ‘OUTSTANDING’ School A family-run school with a caring atmosphere. Pupils achieve excellent results in academic subjects, music, sport and drama. For further information, or to arrange a visit, please telephone 01895 234371 Parkway, Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB10 9JX - www.sthelenscollege.com 

Ickenham What's On... Dec16.qxp_Layout 1 29/11/2016 16:57 Page 3

music continued...

   

Learn to Play in a Rock Band At a professional recording studio taught by expert musicians. Open to 7-18 year olds, we teach guitar, bass, drums and vocals in small groups and as a band. Sessions will run after school at R'n'R Studios, Uxbridge starting October. Contact Conor on 07946 402797 or email wlsr.uxb@gmail.com Ruislip operatic society A local theatre group meets every Monday and Thursday at St Martin's Church Hall. 7.30pm, email: info@ruislipos.org

singability We aim to encourage people to find their singing voice and have fun doing so. No auditions - first session is Free! Every Thurs 7.45-9.45pm, 1st Ickenham Scout Hut www. singability.co.uk Email kat@singability.co.uk singing Group meets every Thursday (TT only) in Ruislip Golf Club function room, 7.45pm. Estb: 2012 with 25+ M & F singers. No music reading, just get singing! £7 PAYG. For details email thesoundcrowd@gmail.com showcase musical theatre Come and sing with us, no audition necessary. We meet every Friday evening at 7.45pm at Hesdin Hall, The Most Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 73 Pembroke Road, Ruislip, Middx,HA4 8NN http://showcasemusical theatre.org.uk the Rock Project Greater London We teach 7-18 year olds how to play guitar, bass, drums and vocals in small groups and as a band. Wed's at Nower Hill High School, Pinner and Thurs at Vyners School, Ickenham. Juniors (7-11) 4.15-6.15pm and Seniors (11-18) 6.30-8.30pm. £20 per two hourly session. Contact Pritpal on 07855 863058 or e: uxbridge@therockproject.com top Jazz at the Fairway Ruislip Golf Centre, Ickenham Rd, West Ruislip. Normally 3rd Monday of the month. For details: 01895 632394 or www.jazzwestlondon.com

PRe-schooL & kids GRouPs... Funtimes Playgroup Ages 2-5years, Ofsted registered at 2nd Ickenham Scout Hall. Community Close UB10 8RE info: 07528 001478 e: funtimesplaygroup@hotmail.com happy days Pre-school At the United Reformed Church Hall, Swakeleys Road, Ickenham, UB10 8BE. Mon - Fri 9.15am-12.15pm TT only. Call Sandra on 07752 479750. Rickmansworth & Watford sea cadets Volunteers needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:15 to 21:30 & recruiting


Juniors (ages 10 -12) and cadets (12-18) fees £15 per month and plenty of weekends away. Email: corickmansworth@gmail.com tiny talk signing classes Thursday classes at St Giles Church Hall, 1 High Road, Ickenham UB10 8LE. 10am, 11.15 am & 1pm price £5 pre-paid per family. Call Bev Meier 07818 025993

seLF deFence... silat kuntao indonesian self-defence Traditional self-defence. Adult classes only. Mon and Wed 8pm-10pm at Denham Village Memorial Hall, Denham, UB9 5BN. Call Philip Davies 07790 496 346 or kuntao.matjan.uk@gmail.com. Functional kali Kali is a martial art for self defence incorporating weapons and empty hands. Designed for personal protection against multiple assailants. As used in the Bourne films. Classes every Weds evening in South Harrow. Call Amit on 07779322993 or see www.functionalkali.com

seLF heLP... Rosemary conley Mon 6-7.15pm Hillside Junior School, Northwood HA6 1RX. Tue 10-11.15am & Wed 7-8.15pm North Harrow Methodist Church, Pinner Road HA2 6EQ. Thurs 5.306.30pm Eastcote Methodist Church HA5 2QU. Sam 01895 460766 sam.simon@rosemaryconley.com

sociaL GRouPs... duplicate Bridge Mons & Weds 7.30pm, Thurs 1.15pm. Long Lane Hall, 304 Long Lane, Hillingdon. Call Tony 01895 233853 Friendly Rubber Bridge Tuesdays & Fridays 12noon - 4pm at Pinner Bridge Club, 103 Marsh Road, Pinner. For further info call Keith 01895 622033 Friendly Whist drive Harefield Community Centre, Priory Avenue, Harefield. Every Thursday at 7.30pm. Contact Lyn 01923 820173 inspirations spiritualist Group Spiritualist group for like-minded people. Weekly services with a guest Medium every Thursday at The Walter Pomeroy Hall, Royal Lane, Hillingdon, UB8 3QY. 7.15pm for 7.45pm start. Admission £5 Concessions £4.50 Accompanied Children u16 - FREE. Enqs: 07968 039426 or 0208 841 4901. Ruislip Wi Every 1st Thurs of the month at Upper Room, GAA Sports & Social Club, West End Rd, South Ruislip, 7.20pm-10pm Contact

Kim Murphy 07989 558925 email ruislipeveningwi@gmail.com

Ruislip social club At Ruislip Social Club, Grosvenor Vale, Ruislip HA4 6JQ. Fridays and occasional other nights, live bands & tribute bands for details visit www.tropicatruislip.co.uk sing and sign Britain’s favourite Baby Signing Classes from 6 months Wed at Uxbridge Leisure Centre, Fri at The White Bear, Ruislip. FREE TASTERS call Cathy 07712 047 621 cathyseddigh@singandsign.co.uk

Bus Pass to Broadway If you are over 60 and enjoy singing and dancing come and be part of a fun group. we meet every Monday at 10.30am at Wayfarers Tennis Club, Ickenham. Call Jacquie 01895 672354. scrabble (casual, all abilities) Every Thurs 1:30pm-4:30pm Elm Park Lunch Club, Ruislip Manor Hillingdon Residents only, small fees payable. Call Mel: 01895 444947 E: zarf77777@blueyonder.co.uk uxbridge conservative club At 46 Harefield Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1PJ Contact Georgina Baile 01895 233653/ 07778 348082 or udcc@btconnect.com Veterans Breakfast club runs to help Armed Forces Veterans in West London and surrounding areas for the purpose of Comrades (old & new) from all Services to get together on the last Saturday of the month at the Good Yarn Public House, Uxbridge High Street, UB8 1JX from 09:30-11:30hrs. Contact: Lorraine Reed 07976 398533, lorraineareed@gmail.com or (exRAF) Iain Henderson, Iain115@aol.com. Wimm – for Widows & Widowers Meet for walks, quizzes, evenings out, coffee mornings on 2nd and last Wed of the month, 7.30pm in the lounge of Pendle Court, 2b Sutton Court Road, Hillingdon (behind the Oak Farm Library). Info: Mary/Keith 01895 637353.

sPoRt... uxbridge tennis club Located in Gatting Way, Uxbridge UB81NR, tel. 07905 293444. Social Tennis: Thu 7pm, Sat 2pm, Sun 10am. Wayfarers tennis club, ickenham All welcome, all standards. Call Terry Stidder on 07958591703. Ladies Golf Meets 10am every Monday and Wednesday at Rickmansworth Golf Club. Email ladiescaptain@rickmansworthgolfclub.co.uk


 PROTECT YOUR  HARD EARNED 

ASSETS AND HOME With some simple planning we will ensure that they are fully protected so that your loved ones receive their rightful inheritance. Please consider the following five questions: 1. Have you made a will, if so when was it reviewed? 2. How can I protect my children’s inheritance? 3. How do I protect my home and assets from care costs? 4. How can I preserve my business assets for my family? 5. What if I am unable to manage my affairs?

If you feel you could benefit from a free review of your existing arrangements then please call us on 01895 675631

WELBECK CONSULTANCY Looking after you, your family and generations to follow

T: 01895 675631 F: 01895 638765 E: info@welbeckconsultants.co.uk www.welbeckconsultants.co.uk


   (020) 8966 9688 info@rspcamiddlesex.org.uk www.facebook.com/RSPCAMNW


Why are we calling it a popup shop? We will have use of the site for at least six months, but no more than a year, while the new owners carry out their plans for the building. To make our popup shop the best it can be         to help with preparing stock for sale, assisting cus tomers, manning the till and loads of other jobs too. The hours are flexible so if you are job hunting or have other commitments we will do what we can to accommodate you. Volunteering is fun, helps build confidence and looks good on your CV or university application. To join the team please call Perry on 07801 217196.

Each year we have to raise more and more money to care for our animals. This year we will spend £214,000 on direct care on top of which, we need to fund salaries and other costs, such as vehicles too. Without the income generated by our shops we would have to seriously reduce the amount of work we do and the number of sick, injured and ne glected animals in our care. So we have to make The countdown proper has begun. John Lewis, the best of every opportunity that comes our way M&S, Waitrose and the other big hitters have un so please come and support our new popup. veiled their Christmas adverts, and, you may have noticed that DFS and the other furniture shops To view some of the many pets we have looking for have sales on. If you are planning to take up their new homes you can visit our website at: offer of a new dining table to make room for granny www.rspcamiddlesex.org.uk where you will also or a bigger sofa on which to enjoy the seasonal TV find more information about the work we do at shows you will probably need to get rid of the old RSPCA Middlesex North West Branch. one first. That’s where we come in.


         in the old Quilters store in Ruislip and ironi cally, we will be selling lots of furniture. We have a great team who will come and collect your old furni ture so that we can give it a new life elsewhere, just give them a call on 07531 446830 to arrange date and time. 















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What’s on at Hillingdon Theatres in Dec & Jan


DK ProduKtions & London Borough of Hillingdon presents

Dick Whittington

Thu 8 - Fri 30 Dec, Compass Theatre This year’s purrrrfect pantomime paved with gold is the magical tale of Dick Whittington. Join Dick and his feline friend Tommy on his fun-filled quest for fame and fortune. Will he defeat the evil rats to win the hand of lovely Alice and be crowned Major of London? Join us to find out. Expect a fun and interactive show packed full of laughter, sensational songs, animated scenery and plenty of comedy! Tickets £15 / £11 under 16s and at off-peak shows; Groups of 10+ from £11 / Family Tickets from £44. For performance times and availability, visit www.hillingdontheatres.uk

Manor Farm Library presents

Manor Farm Christmas Concert Sat 10 Dec, The Great Barn, Manor Farm.

Come and enjoy an evening in Manor Farm's Great Barn in aid of the Mayor of Hillingdon's Charity Appeal, as Manor Farm Library present their annual Christmas concert. Live music will be provided again by the fabulous Stardust Big Band and there will be a glass of wine or soft drink and a mince pie included in ticket price. There will also be a raffle and The Worshipful the Mayor and Mayoress of Hillingdon, Councillor John Hensley and Diane Hensley are attending. This is expected to be a popular event so advance booking is advised. Tickets £7. N.B. The Great Barn is cold. Please wear warm clothing.

Royal Air Force Music Services presents

Esprit De Corps : The Central Band of the RAF

Tues 13 Dec, 7.30pm, Winston Churchill Theatre The last of three concerts in this year’s Esprit De Corps Concert Series, featuring the talents of the musicians from Royal Air Force Music Services. All proceeds donated to the RAF Music Charitable Trust. Tickets £16.

Encore Junior Theatre presents

Elf the Musical Jr

Sun 18 Dec 2.30pm & 5.30pm, Winston Churchill Theatre Based on the beloved holiday film, this hilarious fish-out-of-water comedy follows Buddy the Elf in his quest to find his true identity. This heart-warming family show is the perfect way to start Christmas

week. Suitable for the very young. Features songs by TONY Award nominees Matthew Sklar and Chad Beguelin (Disney’s Aladdin On Broadway), with a book by TONY Award winners Thomas Meehan (Annie, The Producers, Hairspray) and Bob Martin (The Drowsy Chaperone). Tickets £14 / £11 concs.

Friends of Ickenham Hall presents

Comedy Compass

Sun 8 Jan, 8pm, in the Bar at Compass Theatre The monthly comedy night returns with more professional and upcoming comedians. Full line up listed on www.hillingdontheatres.uk. Tickets £5.

DK ProduKtions & London Borough of Hillingdon presents

Compass Kidz

Sessions Jan-Mar, 10.30am, Compass Theatre Compass Kidz are back - and under new management! Compass Kidz are 4 to 7 year olds that learn about performance, teamwork and confident communication through fun drama and music activities. Term price £60 for 10 sessions: Jan 14, 21, 28 / Feb 4, 11, 25 / Mar 4, 11, 18, 25 (no session 18 Feb).

Argosy Players presents

Aladdin A Traditional Family Pantomime

Thu 19-Sun 22 Jan, Winston Churchill Theatre Rub those magic lamps! Argosy Players is back for more pantomime. Bringing together the companies of Argosy Players, ACT and HTDC, we travel to Beijing for the traditional family favourite. Aladdin is in love with Princess Jasmine but he is too poor to marry her. From rags to riches and back again, a magic carpet ride, and constantly chased by the comedic Police, come join Aladdin on his magical journey. Tickets £15 / £12.50 concs.

Friends of Ickenham Hall presents

Quiz 'n' Chips

Sun 29 Jan, 7pm The Lounge at Winston Churchill Theatre General knowledge quiz supper in aid of the restoration of Ickenham Hall and Compass Theatre’s building and fittings. There will be 10 tables, each seating up to eight people with one team per table. You are welcome to book tickets for fewer than 8 people - we'll put you together with others on the night, to make up a team of 8. Tickets £12 including a Chip Supper! For more details regarding forthcoming performances and shows see www.hillingdontheatres.uk

Winston Churchill Theatre & Hall, Pinn Way, Ruislip HA4 7QL. Compass Theatre, Glebe Avenue, Ickenham, UB10 8PD. Hillingdon Box Office: 01895 250615 boxoffice@hgfl.org.uk www.hillingdontheatres.uk 

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