MGA Independent Retailer - Issue 2 -July 2023

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2023 | PAGE 17
Metcash Expo Awards
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The trusted leading voice of industry responsive to member needs in a competitive environment. We employ people of exceptional expertise and determination to deliver valuable service and solutions for our members.


Suite 5, 1 Milton Parade, Malvern, Victoria, 3144 P: 03 9824 4111 •


Lincoln Wymer (President): Victoria & New South Wales

Grant Hinchcliffe (Vice President): Tasmania

Ross Anile: Western Australia

Graeme Gough: New South Wales

Jeff Harper: Victoria

Ripple Parekh: New South Wales

Chris dos Santos: South Australia

Terry Slaughter: Queensland

Debbie Smith: Queensland


David Inall

03 9824 4111



Mark Paladino 0417 264 331





Damian 03 9842
US ONLINE MGAIndependentRetailers mga-independent-retailers 5 CEO Welcome 6 Updated anti-sexual harassment laws 8 Transfer of instruments under the Fair Work Act 10 Can I pay my employees an annualised salary instead of a wage under a Modern Award? 12 Metcash Food Expo 2023 15 Out and about with MGA 17 Australia’s best IGA and Foodland IGA stores crowned at the 2023 IGA Awards of Excellence 20 MGA events - save the date 21 Exciting news for MGA members 22 The Hastings Co-op Family 23 Vale Allan Gordon 24 Bacardi appoints new MD for Australia and New Zealand 27 Australian alcohol consumption is higher than it was pre-pandemic driven by increases for wine and ‘RTDs’ 28 ALM shows the strength of independent liquor 29 ALM structure changes for continued success 30 Welcome to Electrical Consultancy WA 31 Welcome to 1receipt ∏ 33 Queensland’s Single Use Plastics Ban 35 The Mid-Strength that doesn’t taste like one 37 Abrupt end to native forestry harvesting in Victoria 37 Timber Product Knowledge Training Contents
Front Cover: Metcash Expo 2023 Award presentation to IGA Hall of Fame inductee, Bob Cybula.

MGA Corporate Partners




independent retailers

CEO Welcome

MGA has invested considerable resources into building our capacity to better service members with employment law inquiries. MGA recently engaged an additional employment lawyer, Guy Dimitriou, to secure a more responsive service to members. While many similar organisations outsource their member employment law advice service, MGA has an embedded legal team in the office. Our service builds internal capacity and expertise that allows for a deep understanding and experience around those issues that affect members each and every day.

The scourge of illicit tobacco, often being sold in plain sight, continues to cause significant downward pressure on grocery and liquor members. Currently, one in four cigarettes in Australia are illegally sourced. The Federal Government is failing to see that proposed changes to the sale of legal tobacco products will only increase the illicit tobacco and vaping market - a market not monitored by any public health smoking rate metrics. Any assertions from

Government that smoking rates are decreasing does not take into account the illegal market.

MGA is working with key stakeholders and partners in the independent sector to build a multi-layered campaign that addresses these issues. Enforcement is the key, which must occur at the state level, which will require significant assistance from the Federal Government to ensure the states are well supported. Australia should no longer allow this illegal trade to impact the country in such a negative and pervasive way. MGA will inform members shortly of our campaign details once it is activated.

For MGA TMA members, we have responded to the significant announcement from the Victorian Government regarding their early exit from native forestry in Victoria. This announcement was a surprise to the sector with the Andrews Government being the first state to make such a decision. This announcement brings this exit forward to 1 January 2024, delivering a significant blow to those in the sector, including the many families and business in the affected regions. It is clear the Victorian Government appears not open to reversing this decision, and we continue to monitor developments in other states.

And finally, this year’s Metcash Expo was my first and it was a fantastic experience. Expos are always a great opportunity to meet members, as well as stakeholders from the wider industry and discuss key issues that affect us all. Issues consistently raised include illegal tobacco, industrial relations and generally the everincreasing cost of doing business.

Until the next edition!

As we move into the second half of the year, there remains no shortage of issues that face the independent sector. MGA stands ready to continue supporting members as well as the wider industry during these difficult trading conditions.
Guy Dimitriou- MGA Employment Lawyer Metcash Expo 2023. David Inall with Ben Ryan from Ryans IGA Group

Updated anti-sexual harassment laws

In recent years workplace anti-sexual harassment laws have reformed significantly. One important legislative reform was the introduction of the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 (the Act) which came into effect on 12 December 2022.

The Act, originating from recommendations of the Respect@ Work Report published by the Australian Human Rights Commission (the AHRC), inserted new anti-sexual harassment provisions into the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA) and the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth).

Key reforms to anti-sexual harassment laws included:

1. Imposing a positive duty on employers to take ‘reasonable and proportionate measures’ to eliminate sex discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation, as far as possible.

2. Making it unlawful for a person to engage in conduct that subjects another person to a workplace environment which is hostile on the basis of sex.

3. Provide the AHRC with powers and function to monitor and assess compliance with the positive duty in the SDA and inquire and report on systematic unlawful discrimination, including sexual harassment.

4. Clarifying that victimising conduct can form the basis of a civil action for unlawful discrimination.

5. Allowing representative bodies (such as a trade unions or advocacy groups) to bring claims to the federal courts.

6. Lowering the test for a finding of sexbased harassment under the SDA.

The new positive duty on employers to eliminate sexual harassment and the prohibition of conduct that creates

a hostile workplace environment, is discussed below.

Positive duty to eliminate sexual harassment

Employers have an existing duty under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) and their relevant state’s work health and safety laws, to, so far as reasonably practicable, provide and maintain a working environment that is reasonably safe and free of risks to health.

In addition to this existing duty, the Act imposes a new positive duty on employers to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate, as far as possible, certain discriminatory conduct that is already made unlawful under the SDA, including:

• sex discrimination;

• sexual harassment;

• sex-based harassment;

• conduct that amounts to subjecting a person to a hostile work environment on the ground of sex; and

• certain acts of victimisation. Examples of such conduct includes the following:

• unwelcome touching, kissing, cornering or hugging;

• suggestive comments or jokes;

• inappropriate staring or leering;

• sexually explicit pictures, gifts or posters;

• using suggestive or sexualised nicknames for co-workers;

• pressure or requests for sex;

• intrusive questions about a person’s private life or body; and

• sexually explicit or indecent physical contact or indecent emails, phone calls, text messages or online interactions.

In determining whether an employer has taken “reasonable and proportionate measures” to eliminate sexual harassment, factors such as the size, nature and circumstances of the employer, its resources, the practicability and the cost of measures to eliminate such conduct can be taken into account.

The positive duty also extends to employers taking reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate, as far as possible, unlawful discriminatory conduct by other third parties, including customers, contractors and suppliers towards employees and workers.

Hostile workplace environment

The Act makes it expressly unlawful for a person to subject another person to a workplace environment that is hostile on the ground of sex. As such, employers now have a duty to eliminate, so far as is possible, circumstances subjecting individuals to workplace environments that are hostile on the ground of sex.

Under the Act, a person (Person 1) subjects another person (Person 2) to a workplace environment that is hostile on the ground of sex if Person 1 engages in conduct (which includes making a statement orally or in writing) in a workplace where Person 1 or Person 2, or both, work and:

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• Person 2 is in the workplace at the same time as or after the conduct occurs; and

• a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated the possibility of the conduct resulting in the workplace environment being offensive, intimidating or humiliating to a person of the sex of the Person 2 by reason of their sex or characteristics that generally appertain or are imputed to persons of their sex.

In determining whether a person has subjected another person to a hostile workplace environment on the ground of sex, the circumstances to be taken

into account include, among other factors, the seriousness of the conduct, whether the conduct was continuous or repetitive, and the role, influence or authority of the person engaging in the conduct.

It is important to note that such prohibited conduct does not necessarily need to be directed at a specific person in the workplace. For example, a joke of a sexual nature told by one person to another is prohibited if, a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated the possibility of the joke resulting in the workplace environment being offensive, intimidating or humiliating.

Members should take steps to ensure they comply with these new obligations, such as undertaking a risk assessment to understand risk exposures to sexual harassment and identifying any gaps, reviewing, and updating policies and procedures and considering further staff training.

The above article is provided for general information purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as legal advice. Members requiring assistance or advice should contact our Employment Law team on 1800 888 479.

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Transfer of instruments under the Fair Work Act

Engaging in a transmission of business is an almost universal experience amongst members. Many members are well-practiced in this process having purchased and sold numerous stores as business owners.

Upon successfully purchasing a business, a modern award such as the General Retail Industry Award 2020, does not automatically apply to your business and to your employees. A transferable instrument, such as the previous owner’s enterprise agreement, may apply instead.

This may be the case if you employ a transferring employee, even if their employment was terminated by the previous owner and their entitlements were paid out before they commenced with you.

As the purchaser of a business, take steps to confirm whether an enterprise agreement will cover the employee and the business at settlement. Once you have done so, you can issue new contracts of employment with confidence. Taking this vital step before re-engaging an employee could save money and stress at a later date.

purchaser even after their employment is terminated by the seller.

A transferable instrument can be, for example, an enterprise agreement that has been approved by the Fair Work Commission and that is still in force.

What is a transferring employee?

Generally, under the Act, an employee is a transferring employee where:

• Their employment with the seller has terminated, and

• Within three months after the termination, the employee becomes employed by the purchaser, and

• The work performed by the employee is the same, or substantially the same, as the work the employee performed for the seller.

• An employee who does not meet this definition may not be a transferring employee.

When will a transferring employee be covered by a transferable instrument?

Importantly, please note that any employees who are not transferring employees will likely not be covered by the transferable instrument.

What steps can I take to check the coverage of my transferring employees?

It is important for any purchaser of a business to perform due diligence and check whether any current or legacy enterprise agreement applies to that business. We recommend you make these enquiries before you sign the transmission of business contract. If this is not possible, ensure to do so before the settlement date.

» Option 1: Make early enquiries with the seller

What is a


instrument under the Fair Work Act?

The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the Act) prescribes that particular transferable instruments may continue to apply to an employee’s employment with the

As a general rule, if, immediately before the termination of the transferring employee’s employment with the seller a transferable instrument covered the seller and the transferring employee, then the transferable instrument will cover the purchaser and the transferring employee upon transmission of business.

At first instance, the seller of the business may be best placed to answer your enquiries regarding any existing enterprise agreements which cover, or use to cover, the store. If the seller confirms that an enterprise agreement applies, or used to apply, to their employees, we recommend that you request a copy of the enterprise agreement. If they are unable to provide a copy, ensure that they provide you with at least the name of the enterprise agreement, if known.

If the seller tells you that they are not sure whether an enterprise agreement applies, or cannot provide a copy, you can proceed to Option 2. We recommend that

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Post-settlement your new business may still be covered by the seller’s old enterprise agreement, and you may be required by law to apply it.

you do so even where the seller tells you that they don’t believe their agreement will apply to your business, which may not be accurate, or where the seller tells you that they have not given you permission to use their agreement, which is irrelevant.

» Option 2: Search for the agreement online

To confirm whether an enterprise agreement is still in effect, and from what date it was in force, we recommend that you search for a copy of the agreement online.

The Fair Work Commission has a Document Search function, available at the below web address:


We recommend that you make multiple searches, particularly where the name of a potential agreement is not known. You could try searching for the trading name of the store, the company or business name of the seller, and any previous names the store or the seller have traded as.

» Option 3: Contact us for assistance


We recommend that you begin your enquiries through the options outlined above, as most of this information should be readily accessible.

Our Employment Law team can provide you with legal advice you can rely on regarding whether an instrument will cover your business and your employees upon a transmission of business.

The above article is provided for general information purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as legal advice. Members requiring assistance or advice should contact our Employment Law team on 1800 888 479.

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Can I pay my employees an annualised salary instead of a wage under a Modern Award?

Many employers are faced with a myriad of wage rates, overtime, penalties, allowances and other entitlements when calculating an employee’s remuneration. This can make processing payroll a stressful and burdensome process, especially if an employer employs many staff.

It is for this reason that employers frequently ask our lawyers, ‘is there a simpler way to remunerate my employees?’

Salary compared to individual entitlements under a Modern Award

Many employees across Australia will be covered by a Modern Award. These are documents which are created and updated by the Fair Work Commission (FWC) which set minimum terms and conditions of employment, minimum wage rates, overtime rates, allowances, penalty rates and other entitlements of covered employees.

Modern Awards also include several entitlements and allowances specific to different industries (for example, the General Retail Industry Award 2020 contains a cold work allowance for employees principally employed on any day to enter cold chambers or to stock or refill refrigerated storages such as dairy cases or freezer cabinets).

Terms regarding minimum wage rates, overtime, penalties, entitlements and allowances do not preclude an employer from paying employees an annualised salary or a ‘loaded rate’ which satisfies or is more beneficial than the entitlements an employee would otherwise receive under a Modern Award.

Calculating whether an employee’s salary

meets or exceeds their entitlements under their applicable Modern Award can be a difficult task which may require specific financial and/or industrial expertise or skills such as those of a bookkeeper, accountant, HR advisor/ consultant or a legal advisor in more complex situations. The ramifications of miscalculating an employee’s entitlements and consequently resulting in an underpayment are significant and outlined below.

Several Modern Awards contain specific limitations or requirements when applying annualised salaries, so be sure to check or request legal advice as to whether the applicable Modern Award contains any such limitations.

Why would I choose to pay an annualised salary?

An annualised salary can ease the administrative burden of the payroll process on a more regular basis, particularly if a given worker’s pattern of work is predictable.

Calculating an appropriate salary or loaded rate which would meet or exceed the entitlement an employee may have under a Modern Award will require careful attention to detail. However, if calculated correctly and reviewed regularly (especially when rates in the Modern Award change), an annualised salary or loaded rate may assist in reducing administrative processes associated with

processing payrolls over time.

As outlined below, it is essential you have the required contractual paperwork in place if you will be applying an annualised salary or loaded hourly rate.

Why would I choose to pay the Modern Award rates?

Remunerating employees exactly in accordance with the relevant Modern Award may be a safer option for some employers, providing they correctly interpret and pay the entitlements.

The FWC undertakes an annual wage review which usually sees an increase of wages and entitlements on an annual or more frequent basis. If an employer pays in accordance with the Modern Award, they will be able to rely on updated pay guides released by the Fair Work Ombudsman to work out the correct remuneration entitlement of their employees for each pay period.

If employers have opted to pay their employees an annualised salary or loaded hourly rate, they should review their employees’ salary or loaded hourly rate each time the FWC updates the entitlements in the relevant Modern Award to ensure that it meets or exceeds any amendments to wages, overtime, allowances, penalty rates and other entitlements.

NATIONAL | July 2023 | Edition 2 10 LEGAL AND IR

On Friday, 2 June 2023, the FWC announced a 5.75% increase to all Modern Award minimum wages. Employers that have opted for annualised salaries should review and potentially amend the remuneration they pay their employees to ensure it satisfies the new minimum wage rates and entitlements. This can be a tedious and challenging task to undertake on an annual or more regular basis, however, some employers may prefer to undertake the review from time to time as required, rather than regularly calculating entitlements in each pay cycle.

Employment Contracts and Annualised Salaries

If an employer seeks to implement annualised salaries for its employees, the first step is to consult and seek agreement from employees to do so.

If the employee agrees to be paid an annualised salary, it is essential this arrangement is documented appropriately. The ideal way to document the arrangement is in a contract of employment.

The contract of employment should be carefully drafted to state the annualised salary is inclusive of all Modern Award entitlements payable to an employee (such as wages, penalties, allowances, overtime, etc). Crucially, the contract of employment must include a ‘offset clause’ which would allow for an overpayment of one type (such as wages) to cover an underpayment of another (such as overtime). These clauses are complex and legalistic, we strongly advise you seek legal assistance to ensure your contracts of employment protect you as best as possible from underpayment claims.

MGA TMA provides suitable contract templates to members free of charge. Please contact our legal team to obtain copies of templates which suit your needs.

MGA TMA strongly recommends you do not enter into any annualised salary

or loaded hourly rate arrangement unless you are certain you have taken all necessary steps to protect yourself from wage underpayment claims –this includes making the necessary calculations (and reviewing them regularly) and having the necessary contracts of employment in place.

What happens if I have underpaid my employee?

Some Modern Award require employers to undertake a 12-month audit to ensure that employees are remunerated at the award rate, or above. This is good practice even if an employee’s Modern Award does not require it.

If an employer discovers that an employee has been underpaid in their review, then they should take immediate steps to make the necessary backpay and ensure the employee is paid correctly in future.

Steps in rectifying the underpayment

The first step in rectifying an underpayment is to calculate how much money an employee is owed. This will be the difference between what the employee was entitled to (or what they should have been paid) and how much the employee was actually paid. There may need to carefully consider taxation and superannuation implications and potentially seek professional advice.

Once you have calculated how much an employee is owed, you should speak with the employee and advise them of the underpayment and explain how much money they are owed. You should advise the employee when they can expect to receive the backpay (on the next pay day).

If you are unable to afford paying the necessary backpay, you should seek legal advice immediately.

Penalties for non-compliance with National Employment Standards

The underpayment of employees or noncompliance with minimum remuneration entitlements can attract significant financial penalties for employers and their managers personally if an employee is successful in their claim. These penalties may be imposed by a court order and can be up to $16,500 for each contravention for individuals, and up to $82,500 per contravention for companies.

Serious contraventions can attract penalties of up to $165,000 per contravention for individuals and $825,000 per contravention for companies. These higher penalties are typically imposed in circumstances where employers are aware that they are in breach of workplace laws or where there is a systemic pattern of conduct affecting many employees.

In some parts of Australia, underpayments are considered ‘wage theft’ and attract criminal penalties for companies and individuals involved. Those penalties include significant fines and, in some cases, imprisonment.

A case-by-case approach

Neither of the options discussed in this article are right or wrong. Each business has different needs and operational requirements that will see benefits in both methods, and a business should consider which method will work best for them.

If members require any assistance in choosing the right approach for their business or have any questions regarding Modern Awards or annualised salaries, please do not hesitate to contact our Employment Law team for tailored legal advice.

The above article is provided for general information purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as legal advice. Members requiring assistance or advice should contact our Employment Law team on 1800 888 479.


Metcash Food Expo 2023

July 16th – 18th saw thousands of retailers, suppliers, industry stakeholders, Metcash team members and staff from around Australia converge on the Gold Coast in Queensland to attend the Metcash Food Expo with this year’s theme being ‘Proudly Independent’.

Taking up the entire Gold Coast Convention Centre, the Metcash Expo team are to be congratulated on an extremely well run and smooth logistical challenge. This involved approx. 400 suppliers with a wide variety of grocery, fresh produce, delicatessen foods such as small goods and cheeses, bakery, and dairy items all took part to share their insights and products with retailers, including refrigeration, ovens, steamers and other equipment and service providers together for the three day event.

This event is a rich opportunity for retailers and suppliers of goods and services to meet and discuss their businesses and learn about the many new innovations and future consumer trends vital to strengthening retailer’s relevance with customers.

Also, it is a very important opportunity for retailers to meet with the many technology companies that are continuously developing new and more efficient means to engage with their customers. The latest point of sale systems, Cyber security, staff engagement and consumer engagement technologies were all present. Cutting edge tech company GPK, a supplier of outstanding tech support services to the supermarket industry, has leveraged the latest Artificial Intelligence capability to create face and product scanning recognition, as well as, full inter-store equipment connectivity, to create accurate time-saving efficiencies and to better manage the store.

Suppliers are to be congratulated for their commitment and investment into this event and for driving the growth of their businesses through the independent supermarket sector.

Much information was shared, many opportunities to do business created and the continued strong support of the independent sector demonstrated.

MGA’s stand was attended by:

• David Inall, CEO MGA Independent Retailers,

• Martin Stirling, Head of Legal

• Jenny Nguyen, Employment Lawyer

• George Kovits, National President Liquor

• Mark Paladino, Business Development

Joining MGA were Corporate Partner representatives Lee Surace - First Super, Michael Hellis – AustBrokers Country Wide & Anthony Di Fiore – Adroit Insurance & Risk, providing valuable assistance to members visiting the stand.

L - R: Lee Surace First Super, Mark Paladino MGA Business Development, Martin Stirling MGA Head of Legal, George Kovits MGA National President Liquor, David Inall MGA CEO, Jenny Nguyen MGA Employment Lawyer, Anthony Di Fiore – Adroit Insurance & Risk


MGA offered a Business Health Check with the opportunity to ‘WIN’ $1,000 e-voucher for participating. This winner was Lisa Putzolu from Foodworks Texas Queensland.

governments to address smuggling illegal cigarettes and loose leaf tobacco into Australia, whilst continuing to work with Australian Border Force and local state police to maintain strong law enforcement resulting in arrests, seizure of stock and closure of retailers trading in illegal tobacco.

Illegal sale of tobacco is having a devastating impact on retailers and costing our sector an estimated $350 million in lost sales revenue. Members are encouraged to keep reporting illegal activity in their area by reporting the store location of illegal traders to the ATO and Australian Border Force as well as approaching their local State and Federal political members.

MGA attended many functions throughout the three day Expo. MGA representatives attended the VIC, NSW & QLD IGA state welcome functions on the Saturday night and enjoyed catching up with members to discuss many business issues and trading environment in a relaxed environment.

Metcash illicit tobacco stand

AUR/Foodworks held a welcome cocktail function Monday evening, also attended by MGA .

The IGA National Retailer of the year dinner was held on Monday in the Ballroom at The Star Gold Coast. A buzz echoed throughout the evening with several awards handed out. The sense of pride clearly runs deeply throughout the sector, with the unmistakable ‘family

MGA, together with Metcash and the three tobacco manufacturers, manned the Illicit Tobacco information stand over the course of the Expo.

The stand’s purpose was to inform and share with retailers the amount of work undertaken and future lobbying to be actioned with Federal and State

feel’ to many of the business on display throughout the evening.

Congratulations to all nominated stores in each category, finalist and eventual winners in the 2023 Awards of Excellence IGA Retailer of the Year.

L-R: Cillian Naughton Metcash Trading Manager Tobacco, George Kovits MGA, Brad Shaw PMI L-R:Angelo & Lisa Putzolu – Foodworks Texas –winner of the e voucher L-R: Martin Stirling MGA, Janine & Chester Willcock IGA Xpress Rosetta L-R: Carlo Cavallaro, Antonietta Cavallaro, Jenny Nguyen MGA, Maria Cavallaro L-R: Michael Zervakis Champions Group, David Inall MGA & Martin Stirling MGA 14 CORPORATE PARTNER ADVERTISING Don’t just renew, review & get the right protection for you.
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Out and about with MGA

MGA-led retailer tours in the lead up to and during Metcash Expo July 2023 on the Gold Coast, with MGA Board President Lincoln Wymer, and Terry Slaughter Queensland MGA Board Representative.

Main photo. L-R: Lincoln Wymer, Raelene Hopper, and Terry Slaughter.

photo. Lincoln Wymer, Ash O’Reardon, David Kindt, Terry Slaughter.

Middle photo. Visit to new Spar Distribution Centre. L-R: Mark McGuinness, Michael Reddrop, Lincoln Wymer, Spar Managing Director Lou Jardin and Terry Slaughter.

L-R: Tyrone Jones, Lincoln Wymer, David Kindt.

Top right Bottom photo.
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Australia’s best IGA and Foodland IGA stores crowned at the 2023 IGA Awards of Excellence

IGA and Foodland IGA stores from across Australia were celebrated at the National IGA Awards of Excellence. Held at The Star Gold Coast on July 17, the awards formally recognised and celebrated independent retailers from across the country.

This year’s awards were hosted by triple Gold Logie award-winning comedian, television and radio presenter, producer, and media personality Rove McManus, who helped present 25 awards to IGA and Foodland IGA independent retailers, with Bob Cybula, proud owner of North Road IGA, being inducted into the prestigious Dr Thomas S Haggai IGA Hall of Fame.

South Australia’s Saints Foodland IGA was awarded the highest accolade of the night – the 2023

IGA National Retailer of the Year, as well as the 2023 IGA National Large Store of the Year and the 2023 IGA National Large Grocery and General Merchandise Department of the Year and will go on to become the Australian representative at the International IGA Global Rally in the USA.

Grant Ramage, Metcash Food CEO said: “As independent family-owned businesses, IGA and Foodland IGA retailers pride themselves on providing their customers with exceptional customer service, products tailored to

their community and local know how. It is fantastic that we can highlight their incredible stores, the amazing people who own them and the integral role that they play in their local communities.”

“Our retailers have and always will go above and beyond for their local communities. These awards are a testament to their passion, hard work, and commitment to delivering a unique shopping experience for their local customers and are truly well deserved.”

South Australia’s Saints Foodland IGA was awarded the highest accolade of the night – the 2023 IGA National Retailer of the Year as well as the 2023 IGA National Large Store of the Year and the 2023 IGA National Large Grocery and General Merchandise Department of the Year

The four major award winners


» Hall of Fame - Bob Cybula

» 2023 IGA National Small Store of the Year - Lovey’s IGA Xpress Hawks Nest

» 2023 IGA National Medium Store of the Year - Romeo’s Food Hall IGA South Eveleigh

» 2023 IGA National Large Store of the Year Award - Saints Foodland

» IGA 2023 IGA National Retailer of the Year - Saints Foodland IGA Hall of Fame Inductee Bob Cybula was inducted into the IGA Hall of Fame, after a career spanning over 40 years as an independent retailer. Dedicated and passionate, Bob has worked tirelessly over the years to help strengthen the independent network in Western Australia, whist at the same time doing whatever he could to support local farmers and his local community. After over 45 years in the business, you can still find him in the store every day from 8am, and he even pops in on weekends just to check in!

Speaking of his induction into the IGA Hall of Fame, Bob Cybula said: “I am incredibly honoured to be inducted into the IGA Hall of Fame and no words can really describe the feeling! I love being an independent retailer, and I have so much pride in what we have been able to achieve and the great store and first-class customer service we have been able to offer our local shoppers. I have experienced so much joy over the years being able to give back to my local community, support our local farmers and provide a better shopping experience for our locals. It was so special to have my wife, children, and grandchildren up on the stage to present this award.”

Peter Trappel from Lovey’s IGA Xpress Hawks Nest said: “It’s quite humbling to win this award again, given we were up against so many great retailers with amazing stores who are doing whatever they can to support their local communities. It is so positive and motivating for our team to be recognised in such a way. They are a tight knit team who have been together for a several years and work so hard every day to deliver a fantastic shopping experience.

The focus of the entire team, from our Store Manager right through to our newest junior is on providing the best customer service possible and we are proud about how they deliver to that each day and support the local community.”

Joseph Romeo from Romeo’s Food Hall IGA South Eveleigh said: “Our family wanted to create a world class shopping experience that allowed us to share our passion for food with local shoppers and we were fortunate enough to be able to do this in the amazing South Eveleigh precinct. We have been able to incorporate a traditional wood oven pizza, sushi, carvery, butcher, fishmonger, continental deli florist, and supermarket into the historical train sheds, and preserve the wonderful history of these buildings, with equipment from days gone by being part of the shopping experience. The team are passionate and work so hard to bring to life a unique offer and we could not be prouder.”

Philip Funnell from Saints Foodland IGA said: “Winning the National Retailer of the Year was not only great recognition for all the hard work our team do, but it was also great recognition for the John

NATIONAL | July 2023 | Edition 2 18 INDUSTRY NEWS
Hall of Fame Inductee Bob Cybula was inducted into the IGA Hall of Fame, after a career spanning over 40 years as an independent retailer.

Chapley family and their vision for this store. We are so proud of the entire team at Saints that work hard in the store day in and day out and the passion they have for delivering a world class shopping experience for our locals. We love the store, the site and the community have really embraced us, and we can’t thank them enough. The local community will be proud about this win, and we hope people feel proud to come to a store where their kids work and one that supports their local sporting teams – it’s a real family atmosphere.”

Full list of awards and recipients included:

» 2023 IGA National Small Fresh Award - Lovey’s IGA Xpress Hawks Nest

» 2023 IGA National Small Grocery & Perishables AwardLovey’s IGA Xpress Hawks Nest

» 2023 IGA National Medium

Delicatessen Department of the Year - White’s IGA Mt Coolum

» 2023 IGA National Medium

Meat Department of the YearIGA Creswick

» 2023 IGA National Medium

Bakery Department of the YearBlair Athol IGA

» 2023 IGA National Medium

Fresh Produce Department of the Year - IGA Myaree

» 2023 IGA National Medium

Grocery & General Merchandise

Department of the YearRomeo’s Food Hall IGA South Eveleigh

» 2023 IGA National Medium

Dairy & Freezer Department of the Year - IGA Midway Buronga

» 2023 IGA National Large

Delicatessen Department of the Year - Teitzel’s IGA Tully

» 2023 IGA National Large Meat

Department of the YearHasting Co-Op IGA Plus Liquor

Sovereign Place

» 2023 IGA National Large

Bakery Department of the Year

- Ritchie’s Fine Food & Wine IGA Taren Point

» 2023 IGA National Large Fresh

Produce Department of the Year

- Kilkenny Foodland IGA

» 2023 IGA National Large

Grocery & General Merchandise

Department of the Year - Saints Foodland IGA

» 2023 IGA National Large Dairy & Freezer Department of the Year - Everfresh IGA Capestone

» 2023 IGA National Customer Service & Experience AwardWhite’s IGA Baringa

» 2023 National Rising Star

Award - Mitchell Naylor, Mannum IGA

» 2023 IGA National Community

Award - IGA Local Grocer Domain Central

» 2023 IGA National Small

Transformation & Innovation

Award - IGA Xpress Laburnum

» 2023 IGA National Medium

Transformation & Innovation

Award - Seasons IGA East


» 2023 IGA National Large

Transformation & Innovation

Award - Ritchie’s Fine Food & Wine IGA Taren Point

» Hall of Fame - Bob Cybula

» 2023 IGA National Small Store of the Year - Lovey’s IGA Xpress Hawks Nest

» 2023 IGA National Medium Store of the Year - Romeo’s Food Hall IGA South Eveleigh

» 2023 IGA National Large Store of the Year Award - Saints Foodland

» IGA2023 IGA National Retailer of the Year - Saints Foodland IGA



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Exciting news for MGA members

MGA Industry Training is excited to announce that we are partnering with William Angliss Institute to provide industry leading nationally accredited Food Safety, RSA and compliance training to assist members with their current and future employees to create a strong foundation of development.

William Angliss Institute is Australia’s largest specialist centre for food, tourism, hospitality and events education and training. A comprehensive range of short courses are accessible including allergen awareness, RSA, retail food safety and supervisory training and accreditation.

William Angliss pride themselves on their people who are passionate and dedicated. With long-standing industry ties, they contribute their knowledge and experience in delivering training of the very highest standard.

Named ‘Large Training Provider of the Year’ at the 2021 Australian Training Awards, their position as a leader in education has been long standing, building on over 80 years of experience.

MGA’s partnership with William Angliss provides an opportunity to deliver additional management and leadership courses, to provide development opportunities for key staff lin your store looking to advance their caree in the retail sector.

“We are incredibly excited to take our industry training forward with one of the top providers in Australia with such rich history of education and strong global reputation.

A dedicated MGA portal from William Angliss’s web pages will provide seamless registration, payment and assessment support to members and their employees”.

“It makes perfect sense to partner with William Angliss, to deliver an enhanced training platform and grow MGA industry training, beyond 2023”.

William Angliss and MGA’s partnership launch date will be circulated to members in the coming weeks.

- David Inall, CEO MGA Independent Retailers. - Karon Hepner Manager National Training and Short CoursesWilliam Angliss Institute

The Hastings Co-op Family

With a long and proud history that grew from the dairy industry, Hastings Co-op is a thriving community-owned co-operative of 19 businesses on the NSW Mid North Coast. The jewel in their crown is the family of four IGA supermarkets at Wauchope, Timbertown, Sovereign Place and Port Macquarie, an integral part of their local community.

Hastings Co-op is one of the longest serving independent Co-ops in Australia. This powerhouse cooperative serves as a testament to the group of local dairy farmers who, in 1916, saw benefit in joining forces. Their businesses employ more than 400 locals and include fuel, supermarkets, liquor stores, hardware and rural supplies, condiment manufacturing and car hire.

For those unfamiliar with the cooperative model, Co-ops are owned by the community comprising both shareholder and loyalty club members. The more members spend, the more money they receive in return in the form of discounts.

Giving back to the community is their goal. Hastings Co-op has many long-term employees, with some unfortunately having moved out of retail, a symptom of COVID-19. During COVID-19 retail employees were often treated poorly by the general public and finding staff now remains a significant challenge, with deli managers particularly difficult to acquire.

Hastings Co-op, however, remains focused on several internal enrichments, including amping up their focus on training. This has culminated in the Co-op employing a full-time training officer to deliver their internal programs.

As independent retailers the community is central to their business. For many locals, working at the local independent retailer was their first job while still in school. Hastings proudly notes they are now employing the children of those school children who worked in the business many years ago.

This multi-generational dimension of the business is an incredible reflection of the culture that underpins our independent sector. This same culture has applied to their relationship with local suppliers with relationships spanning decades.

The challenges ahead include the continuous need to keep up with


competitors; how can they do things differently? The Co-op recognises they need to be dynamic, not static, with many other independent stores feeling the same pressures. A key priority is to move the stores from being a ‘top up’ shop to a ‘full trolley’ shop. Challenges around theft are increasing, with a 1.5% loss and growing.

In terms of opportunities, Hastings Co-op is positive and recognises significant scope to modernise the business. Unlike some competitors, the Co-op can move fast in terms of varieties of products or the introduction of new

technologies. Always keen observers of overseas supermarket activities and discovery, they connect international learnings with a local flavour, continually adapting progressive ideas for the local community, and benchmarking to the IBIS World Supermarket Research Report.

MGA wishes the Hastings Co-op all the best in the future and looks forward to remaining connected with all members as we collectively navigate the challenges and opportunities over the next decade and beyond.

Vale Allan Gordon

The outpouring of grief since Allan Gordon’s passing is testament to his contribution not only to Hastings Co-op, but to the wider Hastings community.

Allan was many things to many people, but the recurring reference to being “a true gentleman” best describes the man known as the Chief Executive Officer of the Hastings Co-op for the past 10 years.

Leading Hastings Co-op was much more than a job to Allan. He cared deeply for the business, employees, and the Hastings community.

Many people will remember Allan’s professional acumen and community focus. Described as “a decent human being”, “upstanding community leader”, “one of the good guys” and “a fine, principled person” are the true measures of a life well lived.

Allan was deeply passionate about his family, and he was the first to coin the term ‘Hastings Co-op family’, which is a legacy employees proudly uphold.

Allan, will always be remembered for making a profound contribution

to the Co-op, its employees, and the community it serves.

RIP Allan Gordon

Bacardi appoints new MD for Australia and New Zealand

Luiz Schmidt will take over as Managing Director of Bacardi in Australia and New Zealand after more than two years in Panama working as Regional Marketing Director for Bacardi in Latin America and the Caribbean.

A University of Technology MBA graduate and FMCG marketing specialist with over 20 years of international experience, Schmidt will lead Bacardi’s sales, marketing, finance and supply chain functions, as well as expand the company’s premium portfolio and market share in the region.

Vijay Subramaniam, Regional President for Asia, Middle East & Africa and Global Travel Retail at Bacardi, said Schmidt is uniquely qualified to take over as Managing Director as a dual Australian

and Brazilian national with a wealth of experience.

“The appointment of Luiz Schmidt as our new Managing Director marks an exciting chapter for Bacardi in Australia and New Zealand,” he said.

“Thanks to his extensive international experience leading both developed and emerging markets with the company and more broadly within the industry, Schmidt brings a deep and nuanced understanding of the global premium spirits market.”

Schmidt said he’s excited to return to Australia, where he’ll be based with his family and take charge of a talented team across Australia and New Zealand. “These markets are one of the most developed and attractive premium spirits markets in the world, offering Bacardi a tremendous opportunity to accelerate the growth of our iconic brands in close partnership with our customers and consumers,” he said.

Bacardi is the world’s largest privately held spirits company, and according

NATIONAL | July 2023 | Edition 2 24 LIQUOR NEWS
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to IWSR market share data, holds a leadership position across premium vodka, super premium tequila, premium gin and white rum globally.

Schmidt comes to the position with experience leading long-term marketing and business strategy in companies such as Brown-Forman and Edrington in Australia, USA, Brazil, Mexico and Latin America.

In his most recent role as Regional Marketing Director for Bacardi in Latin America and the Caribbean, Schmidt successfully transformed the region’s marketing and commercial execution functions and increased market share for brands including Patrón and Bombay Sapphire while co-led Bacardi ́s marketing transformation in Mexico, including the successful launch of Bacardi Mango Chile, which is now Mexico’s leading flavoured spirit.

smoother than Greek and thicker than regular yoghurt
New Bacardi MD Australia & NZ Mr Luiz Schmidt Source: Bacardi Press Release | July 2023 ORDERS@LAUNCHLIQUOR.COM.AU HELLO@80PROOF.COM.AU 622771 PAWN STAR P/V LIQ700ML 622967 SOUR PUSS APPLE 700ML 622941 SOUR PUSS GRAPE 700ML 622959 SOUR PUSS WMELON 700ML 622802 WP SHOT 35% + GP 6+1 DEAL

According to the new data released in the Roy Morgan Alcohol Consumption Report the proportion of Australians who drink alcohol was at 67.6% in the 12 months to March 2023, up by 1.3% points since the pre-pandemic period in the 12 months to March 2020 (66.3%).

Key Findings

• In the year to March 2023 a total of 13,709,000 Australians (67.6%) aged 18+ consumed alcohol in an average four-week period compared to 13,073,000 (66.3%) in the year to March 2020 – an increase of well over 600,000 Australians.

• •The standout alcoholic beverages over the course of the pandemic have been ‘Ready-to-drink’ (RTDs) for which consumption increased from 2,138,000 Australians (10.8%) pre-pandemic up to 4,208,000 (20.8%) – a massive increase during the pandemic of over 2 million people.

• The most popular alcohol is wine which has stretched its lead during the pandemic with the number of Australians drinking wine increasing from 8,096,000 (41.0%) prepandemic to 8,898,000 (43.9%) in the 12 months to March 2023 – an increase of over 800,000 people.

• The spirits category enjoyed a clear ‘pandemic boost’ of over 1 million extra consumers and in the 12 months to December 2021 there were 6,759,000 (33.8%) of Australians drinking spirits, however this ‘boost’ has now receded. There are now 5,573,000 (27.5%) Australians drinking spirits, down slightly from 5,671,000 (28.7%) prepandemic.

Whilst the Wine and RTD’s categories drove the growth of alcohol consumption, the major category that hasn’t been able to arrest a long-term decline is the beer category. Although consumption of beer did increase during the early stages of the pandemic

this momentum quickly dissipated, down from 37.6% of total sales to 32.2% (-1.2%).

Article Source: Roy Morgan Alcohol Consumption Report

Australian alcohol consumption is higher than it was pre-pandemic driven by increases for wine and ‘RTDs’
Proportion of Australians aged 18+ who consume alcohol in an average four-week period

ALM shows the strength of independent liquor

The independent liquor channel was a bright area in 2022 for Metcash, parent company of Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM). In the first half results of the company’s financial year (May to October 2022), ALM showed strength in a number of areas. In this period, ALM saw continued increased preference for local neighbourhood shopping and at-home consumption, leading to increases in shopper basket sizes. In the numbers, this was reflected by an 11.6 per cent increase in total sales (including chargethrough), a 1.3 per cent increase in wholesale sales to ALM’s network of Independent Brands Australia (IBA) bannered retailers, and a 14 per cent increase in sales of Owned and Exclusive brands. Retail growth was complemented by great results in the on-premise segment too, with a 47.8 per cent increase in sales to these customers. Chris Baddock, CEO of ALM, said such impressive performance has been driven by consumers’ growing love for local independent liquor.

“The attractiveness of local shopping (convenience) with a wide as well as local range and being able to serve the local community through locals who own the store has helped to deliver the results,” Baddock said.

The strength of the independent liquor retail channel has been a key highlight for Baddock in 2022, alongside ALM’s ability to support customers in the on-premise

as the sector recovered from pandemic restrictions. Such an environment also created core challenges to navigate in 2022, with staff shortages, supply chain issues and inflation affecting both the ALM business and IBA retailers.

While unpredictable economic conditions are likely to remain challenging in 2023, Baddock is confident in the entire ALM network’s ability to overcome them.

“As proven during the past three years, both IBA and the independent retailer has shown agility to react and adapt to the ever-changing needs of our customers,” he said.

Championing successful independents

The mantra for IBA is simple – to champion successful independents. Baddock said there are three main focuses to this mission that the company will develop further this year.

The first is being famous for the right brand and offer, by building brands which appeal to every liquor shopper across supermarket attached (IGA), convenience retail (Cellarbrations, The Bottle-O and Thirsty Camel), specialty destination (Porters) and Big Box (Cellarbrations and The Bottle-O super stores). IBA has a store and program which appeals to all shoppers’ needs.

The second focus is to be a frictionless order to cash wholesaler, as Baddock explained.

“This year we will launch R.O.S.S. (Retailer One Stop Shop) where all ALM customers will be able to access their needs located in one portal. In addition, we will expand ALM Connect and continue to build the extended aisle so retailers can access product from across the industry which may not always be in our warehouses,” he said.

Finally, IBA will be creating “sticky shoppers and customers”, by continuing to enhance the group’s e-commerce offer, and taking its loyalty program from trial to a full launch.

Baddock added: “We will continue to ensure our retailers have the right range at a competitive price – a focus that will never end!”

As the liquor retail industry evolves into 2023, Baddock said the partnership between retailers and suppliers will be incredibly important, especially with NPD and innovation. Owned and exclusive brands, particularly in the value sector, will be big players to create category growth in this space.

“I would like to thank all retailers and suppliers for their partnership – we truly believe that working together and understanding our role in the eco-systems builds a sustainable independent liquor trade,” Baddock concluded.

NATIONAL | July 2023 | Edition 2 28 LIQUOR NEWS
Chris Baddock, CEO of Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM), talks about what the group’s positive results in a number of areas shows about consumers.

ALM structure changes for continued success

The core of ALM’s business purpose is to Champion Successful Independents. To service this purpose, ALM strive to build a business which is ‘Famous’ for their Brands, ‘Frictionless’ in the way they do business and ‘Sticky’ in their retail and wholesale offerings. To deliver on this ambition, ALM has made some exciting changes to its structure and people.

ALM has created a new role, General Manager – Customer, which will form part of the Senior Leadership Team reporting to Chris Baddock, with the single-minded ambition to ensure ALM is easy to do business with.

This new role will involve accountability for ALM systems, customer journey, contract customers, customer service, retail support and ALM on-premise National accounts. Congratulations to Brad Williams, current GM QLD, appointed to this role.

As a result of this promotion, Katherine Johnstone, previously General Manager for NSW, will move to Queensland as General Manager, Queensland. With Katherine’s move, ALM are proud to share the promotion Adrian Ricci, to General Manager NSW / ACT, all appointments are effective commencing 1st April 2023.

To create a frictionless and omnichannel approach to execution in market, Josh Gaudry’s role has expanded to include e-commerce and Owned & Exclusive

(O&E) marketing to General Manager Marketing, Digital and Loyalty. This will enable the team to truly execute through the line and create brands they are famous for.

Creating a seamless approach to their Owned and Exclusive business, ALM will look to integrate the O&E team into their respective areas of expertise with marketing moving under Josh and National Merchandise, O&E, moving into John Barakat’s team, Merchandise and Operations.

Included in the recent announcements and to continue ALM’s focus on the network of the future, Rod Pritchard will take up a secondment of General Manager – Network of the Future, ensuring critical projects are delivered to the market and their network of independent retailers and venues.

Chris Baddock, CEO ALM, shared, “We have our purpose of Championing Successful Independents, a strategy I am proud to deliver every day and now we have a people structure to execute this through every touch point and function of our business; wholesale, retail and onpremise. Our people are more connected than ever, from national through to states and our committees with the shopper at the heart of everything we do.”

Adrian Ricci - General Manager, NSW/ ACT Rod Pritchard - General Manager, Network of the Future Katherine JohnstoneGeneral Manager, QLD John BarakatMerchandise and Operations Josh Gaundry - General Manager, Marketing, Digital and Loyalty Brad Williams - General Manager, Customer

Welcome to Electrical Consultancy WA

Electrical Consultancy WA (ECWA) is Western Australian largest Energy Brokerage and Network Design Consultancy firm. We assist businesses with their electricity and gas procurement and assist with power upgrades and new power connections.

ECWA has been the nominated Energy Procurement provider to all Western Australian MGA members and is proud to be associated with MGA. With a collective experience of more than 45 years, we have assisted a vast range of business with their electricity, solar and gas procurement. We do this by making the process simple and hassle free at no direct cost to you, so that you can focus on running your business.

Why should your business use ECWA? The below will provide you with our capability, and commitment to your business.

» ECWA is based in Booragoon (opposite Garden City Shopping Centre), with easy and quick access to all main routes allowing us to reach the majority of our CBD and surrounds clients within 1 hour, with our country customers taking a little longer to get to

» ECWA is based in WA and so we are on the ground and engage with ~90% of our clients on a face-to-face basis (business covid policies respected)

» ECWA does not market or send mass emails to clients or prospective clients. The vast majority of our client base was secured by face-to-face interactions, repeat business, reputation, referrals, and networking.

» ECWA has an extremely high client retention rate which demonstrates the high confidence our clients have in us and our repeat business.

» ECWA undertakes 500-700 procurement events per year, so we have both the experience and ability to assist MGA clients.

» ECWA manages over to 800,000,000kWhs of electricity and gas volume per annum for

our diverse client portfolio.

» ECWA submits between 250300 applications on behalf of clients/developers/electrical consultants to Western Power each year to secure new or additional power for clients. We then project manage this from application stage through to energisation stage.

» ECWA is the largest and most active broker in WA.

» ECWA is Synergy’s largest Broker in Australia

» All Directors and co-owners are full-time working partners. See ECWA website for further information:


Welcome to 1receipt ∏

1receipt® is a novel platform for “completely eliminating paper receipts” and issuing, storing, retrieving, and managing digital receipts through their smartphone app. Using 1receipt platform, shoppers can easily and safely receive their shopping receipts by scanning an exclusive barcode on their phone at checkout point in participating stores.

Unlike existing digital receipt platforms like “Email receipt” or “SMS receipt,” 1receipt’s unique and secure technology offers a cyber-secured and 100% encrypted platform where shoppers won’t reveal any personal information to the retailers. They scan a barcode from their phone at checkout point, and they’re done!

With 1receipt®, MGA retailers will benefit from:

1. Reduce receipt issuing.

2. Boost customer satisfaction.

3. Increase customer loyalty.

4. Send targeted push / email ads.

5. Single sign-up loyalty program.

6. Contribute to a healthier world.

1receipt is well integrated into over 22 POS systems in Australia with minimal effect to the day to business operation.

Get a taste of 1receipt® by visiting & click the 1receipt® logo to experience the new marketing channel.


Edgemill Group is a family owned business with over 40 years of experience in retail, wholesale and manufacturing.

Our story began way back in 1961 when Steve and Roula Stavrakoulis emigrated from Greece and were consumed by the great Australian dream of owning a home and running his own business.

In 1971, that dream materialised into a humble milk bar in the Victorian suburb of Tottenham. With his 5-year-old daughter, Penny, nipping at his heels and a new business to run, Steve convinced Roula to leave her sewing job so she could assist him in what had suddenly become a true family affair.

As the business matured, so did Steve’s children – Penny had become a fine assistant to her father and Alex was starting to take notice. By 1987, it was clear that a 15-year-old Alex shared the same dreams as his father – the apprenticeship had begun. And his rise in the liquor industry was swift…

In 1989, Alex took the reigns and quickly built a reputation for his traditional customer service and astute knowledge of the liquor industry. By 1996, Alex had created the wholesale wine and spirit business, Alexander’s Wine and Spirits – a venture that, like his father, started in a single room, but grew to flourish in its own right.

Today, that very business is known as Edgemill Group – a global multibeverage wholesaler, retailer and distributor, with a proud family history.

Great Taste. How Good. | July 2023 32 CORPORATE PARTNER ADVERTISING

Queensland’s Single Use Plastics Ban - effective 1 September 2023

The ban on the supply of singleuse plastic straws, stirrers, plates, unenclosed bowls, and cutlery, and expanded polystyrene (EPS) takeaway food containers and EPS cups started in Queensland on 1 September 2021.

Expanding the ban

Community, industry and business consultation has shown strong support to expand the ban of single-use plastics.

As a result, the Queensland Government is planning to ban the following single-use plastic items from 1 September 2023:

• cotton buds with plastic stems

• expanded polystyrene loose packaging

• plastic microbeads in rinseable personal care and cleaning products

• heavy weight plastic shopping bags

• the mass release of lighter than air balloons.

In addition, a mandate on minimum reusability standards for heavyweight plastic shopping bags will be introduced at the same time.

A proposed five-year roadmap has been prepared to show how the Queensland Government plans to continue to consult with suppliers, manufacturers and businesses on the inclusion of additional single-use plastic items in the ban, including single-use takeaway coffee cups and lids.

This will provide industry and businesses with an opportunity to provide feedback regarding supply chain challenges,

sourcing suitable alternatives and timeframes, and preparing for future actions.

Preparing your business

If your business uses banned items (e.g. restaurants, cafes, takeaway food shops, party suppliers, supermarkets), you will not be able to provide these to your customers after the ban commences.

If you are a supplier, distributor or wholesaler of banned items, you may continue to supply to a business if you have a reasonable belief they are an exempt business.

Read more about how the ban is being enforced at visit management/waste/recovery/reduction/plasticpollution/single-use-plastic-products-ban/ enforcement .

NATIONAL | July 2023 | Edition 2 34 CORPORATE PARTNER ADVERTISING LOOKING TO IMPROVE YOUR GRAB & GO OFFER? Available for both hot and cold products. Multideck Cabinets In Stock NOW! At MB we pride ourselves on providing our clients with exceptional service, excellent value, and timely solutions. Australia’s leader in commercial HVAC & refrigeration. 1300 624 765 Contact us to learn more. 24/7 Emergency Hotline Nationwide Service Maintainence & Repairs HVAC & Refrigeration Solutions

The Mid-Strength that doesn’t taste like one

Introducing Pepperjack’s latest innovation, Mid-Strength Shiraz: Combining the art & science of winemaking

As makers of Australia’s leading Shiraz – and in a very first for the winery –Pepperjack, is proud to announce the launch of its Mid-Strength Shiraz. As more consumers look to moderate their alcohol intake, the demand for alternatives that offer a full flavour experience without the full impact of alcohol has skyrocketed. So, with desire to be more dynamic and innovative, the Pepperjack winemaking team have expanded beyond full-strength wines to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers and occasions.

“It strikes a balance between the art of traditional winemaking that Pepperjack is renowned for, and the science of cutting-edge de-alcoholisation and flavour retention technology.

“Still bursting with quintessential Pepperjack character, this mid-strength wine displays aromas of blackberries and plums with hints of pepper and spice. The palate is rich, round and soft with concentrated berry fruits and soft velvety tannins. All the best bits of Pepperjack but is 50% lighter in alcohol compared to the original Pepperjack Shiraz,” concluded Mattner.

To support the launch, Pepperjack put the campaign tagline – ‘The midstrength that doesn’t taste like one’ – to the test with Aussie dads. We had influencers around the country including AFL player and Pepperjack ambassador Max Gawn, along with kiis 1065FM Radio Host, Brittany Hockley, conduct the ‘Dad Test’ on their own Dad’s to see if they could tell the difference between the new Pepperjack Mid Strength and a regular Shiraz. Turns out most couldn’t! You can

view The Dad Test here which launched nationally on 25 July 2023.

As Australia’s biggest wine producer, Treasury Wine Estates has risen to the challenge of producing quality, great-tasting wine under some of the country’s favourite brands. It introduced the award-winning Wolf Blass Zero range in late 2021, followed by NOLO options in the Matua, Lindeman’s and Squealing Pig brands. In addition, TWE will also be investing in an in-house state-of-the-art low alcohol production facility at its recently-upgraded Barossa Valley winery in South Australia.

“Building on our NOLO offering with Pepperjack Mid-Strength Shiraz cements our commitment to customers. It’s a wine that stays true to the heritage of Australia’s favourite Shiraz, offering a lighter alternative without compromising on taste,” said Peter Neilson, Managing Director of Treasury Premium Brands.

“We’re leveraging our premium winemaking credentials, global reach and diverse portfolio of brands – we’re in a unique position to lead in this growing segment,” concluded Neilson.

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa’s rich heritage. The winemaking team has respect for traditional winemaking techniques and is also dynamic and imaginative. The Pepperjack winemakers are conscious of modern wine styles and are creating wines that reflect their passion for this special region. Pepperjack wines are rich and honestshowcasing the Barossa’s outstanding qualities. / @pepperjackwine


Woven into the Victorian state budget in May, was an announcement that the government would exit out of native hardwood harvesting and production six years earlier than planned.

It was incredibly disappointing that our industry and members were not consulted in 2019 when the decision was made by the same government to cease Victorian native forestry, and again in 2023 when the cessation date was brought forward to 1 January 2024.

MGA TMA actively participates in a collaborative communication group with an urgent meeting held the day after this government decision was announced. Members of the group were shocked by this decision.

The industry worked closely together to voice it’s dissatisfaction over this announcement demonstrates this collaborative strength.

Western Australia has plans to cease native hardwood harvesting and production and MGA TMA fears Victoria is the first of potentionally a number of states, to exit out of native forest harvesting.

MGA TMA wishes to alert people to the significant impact this decision will have on workers, families, and businesses, destroying regional communities reliant on the industry. MGA TMA has also focused on the impact on consumers. Many consumers want to make a sustainable choice, with a fondness for timber flooring and decking etc., but by reducing local supply, the only option to fulfil demand will be to import. This increased cost, especially in these times

Abrupt end to Native Forestry harvesting in Victoria Timber Product Knowledge Training

of high inflation, is not an attractive option to the consumer and Australian economy. Many countries outside Australia, do not have these strict forestry regulations.

MGA TMA has activated our existing political contacts to further mobilise this issue.

MGA TMA is currently working with Victorian Forest Products Association, Wood Products Victoria and other industry groups to formulate a strategy and take our message to Canberra.

Providing the highest quality training and consultation to industry, MGA TMA is proud to partner with Timber Training Creswick to offer Timber Product Knowledge training.

With the success of these courses, our partnership continues to strengthen.

MGA TMA will host two Timber Product Knowledge Training sessions in 2023.

» 22 – 23 August 2023

» 01 – 02 November 2023 *

Day one, students will cover theory and day two participents will put theory into practice with a full day field trip.

Details on how to register for these courses are on the MGA TMA website,

Space is limited. Register early to avoid missing out!

* Registration will open in October for November Timber Product Knowledge training.

This course is run by Timber Training Creswick in partnership with MGA TMA.



The mid strength

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Articles inside

Abrupt end to Native Forestry harvesting in Victoria Timber Product Knowledge Training

pages 37-39

The Mid-Strength that doesn’t taste like one

pages 35-37

Queensland’s Single Use Plastics Ban - effective 1 September 2023

pages 33-34

Welcome to 1receipt ∏

pages 31-32

Welcome to Electrical Consultancy WA

page 30

ALM structure changes for continued success

page 29

ALM shows the strength of independent liquor

page 28

Bacardi appoints new MD for Australia and New Zealand

pages 24-27

The Hastings Co-op Family

pages 22-23

Exciting news for MGA members

page 21

Australia’s best IGA and Foodland IGA stores crowned at the 2023 IGA Awards of Excellence

pages 17-19


pages 13-15

Metcash Food Expo 2023

page 12

Can I pay my employees an annualised salary instead of a wage under a Modern Award?

pages 10-11

Transfer of instruments under the Fair Work Act

pages 8-9

Updated anti-sexual harassment laws

pages 6-7

CEO Welcome

page 5

Abrupt end to Native Forestry harvesting in Victoria Timber Product Knowledge Training

pages 37-39

The Mid-Strength that doesn’t taste like one

pages 35-37

Queensland’s Single Use Plastics Ban - effective 1 September 2023

pages 33-34

Welcome to 1receipt ∏

pages 31-32

Welcome to Electrical Consultancy WA

page 30

ALM structure changes for continued success

page 29

ALM shows the strength of independent liquor

page 28

Bacardi appoints new MD for Australia and New Zealand

pages 24-27

The Hastings Co-op Family

pages 22-23

Exciting news for MGA members

page 21

Australia’s best IGA and Foodland IGA stores crowned at the 2023 IGA Awards of Excellence

pages 17-19


pages 13-15

Metcash Food Expo 2023

page 12

Can I pay my employees an annualised salary instead of a wage under a Modern Award?

pages 10-11

Transfer of instruments under the Fair Work Act

pages 8-9

Updated anti-sexual harassment laws

pages 6-7

CEO Welcome

page 5
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