hat happens if the word ‘ran’ in Sangiran is changed to ‘run’? Of course, this can lead to different thoughts and raise the possibility of other purposes to visit the site located in Sragen Regency, Central Java, in addition to learning about human evolution. It may have been unthinkable before
20-21, 2021 in Sangiran. About 100 runners raced across five museum clusters as well as six villages around the site with a total of 25 km of track routes.
Running Through the Passageway of Time in
that one of the purposes of coming to sangiran site was to run. However, this is what happened on November
Ir. Suharti, MA, PhD Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology running in the “time tunnel”Syefri Luwis
32 INDONESIANA VOL. 12, 2021