Indonesiana Vol.12 The Sparkling of Indonesian Culture

Page 38


Merapi eruption mitigation in Borobudur Syefri Luwis

Borobudur, Super Priority Tourism Destination


orobudur Temple is one of the

century AD), uses a description of the

strategic area, national vital object and

main tourist destinations in

shape of temples and stupas, sculptural

as one of the super priority tourism

Magelang, Central Java, which

motifs, reliefs and gallery hallway. The

destinations. Super priority tourism

attracts domestic and foreign tourists

temple is vertically divided into 3 and

destinations are part of the “10 New Bali”

to visit. In the shape of a lotus, the

follows the Buddhist philosophical

program launched by the government

sacred flower of Buddhism, Borobudur

concept of attaining nirvana. Now

which is expected to drive a creative

Temple is an exceptional reflection of

Borobudur is 1200 years old.

economy that is beneficial for local

the combination of the original idea



of ancestor worship and the Buddhist

Borobudur as a single tourism concept

concept of achieving nirvana. The ten

seems to have weakened its great

Therefore, the Ministry of Education,

terraces of the whole structure are the

potential, namely economic potential and

Culture, Research, and Technology

stages that the Bodhisattva must attain

spiritual potential. Until 2019, Borobudur

through the Director General of Culture

before attaining Buddhahood.

is the single most visited tourist attraction

initiates coordination between relevant

in the country, so it holds the following

ministries so that the determination of

The Buddhist monument, which was built

statuses: world heritage, nationally

Borobudur Temple as a Super Priority

during the Sailendra dynasty (8th–9th

ranked cultural properties area, national

Tourism Destination run well while

36 INDONESIANA VOL. 12, 2021

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Articles inside

Indonesiana Vol.12 The Charms of Indonesian Culture

pages 1, 12, 16, 30, 97, 109

Diplomacy Of The Spice Route To a Cultural Superpower

pages 92-95

Padepokan Keris Brojobuwono

pages 96-99

Human Facial Expressions in Masks

pages 80-83

Walking through the Biboki Kingdom Trail in Tamkesi Village

pages 76-79

Seeing Indonesia through Soy sauce Cap Sapi

pages 88-91

Indonesian Cheese, Local Potential International Potential

pages 64-67

Ulu Ambe, Crown of Authority of Ninik Mamak

pages 72-75

When Ancient and Present Share in Philatelic Buildings

pages 68-71

Hunting for Sound in Tana Humba

pages 60-63

Prayer Strands on Each Toraja Sheet of Weaving Cloth

pages 46-49

Sangkulirang - Mangkalihat Prehistoric Rock Art in the Heart of Kalimantan

pages 52-55

Rayak-Rayak Sukabumian, Gaul Dance Form Gratitude

pages 50-51

Culture and Sports

pages 42-45

Conservation: Borobudur, Super Priority Tourist Destination

pages 38-41

National Culture Week: Spirit for New Normal Nusantara’s Brilliant Spirit

pages 30-33

Let us Find and Recognize the Potential of the Village to Be Empowered

pages 8-11

Gathering of “Ngabudayan” Sangiran Residents

pages 12-15

Enjoying the harmony in Bayan Beleq Village

pages 20-23

Race of Flying Duck, Wisdom from Rice Fielders

pages 16-19

Muara Kaman Ulu, Civilization in The Land of Birth of Kutai

pages 24-27

Running Through the Passage of Time in SangiRUN

pages 34-37

Greetings Editor

page 4
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