POWERED UP Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. is a company whose core business is the production and sale of electricity. In terms of available installed capacity it is the largest power generating company in Slovakia and the second largest in central and eastern Europe. It also generates and sells heat, and provides ancillary services to the power grid. Since 2006 the company has been a member of the Enel Group. Romana Moares reports on the latest developments
he Slovak electricity market is part of the CENTREL area which also includes Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Slovenské elektrárne represents around 8 per cent of CENTREL’s installed capacity and 7 per cent of its annual generation. In the Slovak Republic generation and wholesale activities were fully liberalized in January 2005. As a result there has been no price regulation at the wholesale level. Also, import and export prices are determined by bilateral contracts and since January
2005 there are no limits on the amounts of electricity that can be exchanged out of the domestic market. Slovenské elektrárne is the biggest electricity provider in Slovakia with 82 per cent of the country’s generation market. Slovenské elektrárne is the main supplier of electricity for the three biggest regional distribution companies in Slovakia (ZSE, SSE and VSE) and also supplies electricity to large businesses. The company is the main provider of ancillary services in Slovakia. It has an ideal
production mix – nuclear, water, fossil as well as renewable resources. The company has 5739 MWe of gross capacity in 34 hydroelectric, two nuclear, two thermoelectric and two photovoltaic plants.
New millennium, new company The joint-stock company Slovenské elektrárne was founded on 21 January 2002 as a new entity of the estate and the legal successor of the original Slovenské elektrárne a.s., of which the assets of the Slovak