TASTE OF PURITY Stock Polska is Poland’s leading producer of clear vodka and vodka-based liqueurs. The company is an important part of the Stock Spirits Group, a leading spirits business in central and eastern Europe. Dariusz Balcerzyk reports.
tock Polska is proud of the fact that its products are a combination of its tradition reaching back to 1884, innovative ideas and cutting-edge manufacturing facilities. Retaining the harmony between tradition and innovation has resulted in the development of market leading spirit brands.
A company with a long tradition The roots of Polmos Lublin, (known today as Stock Polska), go back to the first half of the 20th century. At the time it was the famous manufacturer Emil Plage who was the heart of the company and who began the production of distilled spirits. Thanks to the dedication of his successors, the company survived both world wars and, as a result, resumed production in 1944. However, during the Communist 102 Industry Europe