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Artist of Life, Drawing from Within
Artist of Life, Drawing from Within by Patti Lightflower
“There are two types of creators in the world. One type of creator works with objects; a poet, a painter, they work with objects, they create things. The other type of creator, the mystic, creates himself.” Osho
Craftswomen and men since early humanity possess a knowledge of a source and process for inner wellbeing. Working with our hands soothes the mind and soul. The Mayo Clinic lists being creative or having a hobby as a great stress reliever. It helps take the mind off worries and concerns as you focus on the task and goal at hand. A wave of peace melts away tension and stress as you work.
When I began seriously studying hand analysis in the 80’s it was quite popular to say the hand was a printout of the brain. However, studies in recent decades show that using our hands also program the brain. This corresponds to how lacemakers were frequently nuns. I can see them absorbed in a state of bliss, meditatively, prayerfully, making repetitive moves with the bobbins of thread and watching as beautiful pieces of delicate lace fabric manifested in the process.
Even if you have no talent, finding a creative project and involving yourself in the process offers a sense of accomplishment and feelings of productiveness. As you pour yourself into your craft, you also over time develop your own style. This adds a sense of selfworth and of being a unique individual. The mystic creating self. Making something tangible also satisfies an urge that many of us instinctively feel, to leave something of ourselves here on earth.
Sewing has been practiced by women and men throughout the ages. Its magic is available for all to experience. Taking a needle and thread on a journey can be a threaded path to enlightenment. Sashiko is a form of stitching that is used for mending and for
decorative embroidery. The word means “little stabs” in Japanese. The rhythm of poking the needle in and out, while your task at hand clears your mind, helps you to focus and reach a state of inner peace.
The piece below is a beautiful example of a Stitch Meditation by Judy Peace. Take a few moments and look at the details. If you have been working on your apron with me or another piece, perhaps this will motivate and inspire you to try a little meditative stitching yourself. It really is a wonderful thing to do to release stress. “I started working on this piece because I came across information on Stitch Meditation. I used to sew often but hadn’t for years. When I read the article, I liked the idea that in ‘Stitch Meditation’ you just stitched whatever flowed from you. No judgement, no destiny, no purpose. This felt so good to move pass the judgment of a good/bad piece. As I started the process, I had no intention except to begin, to pick up the needle and thread to see what would come forth. The four elements appeared earth, air, fire, and water. After the piece was completed, I notice that in repeating the sequence of the elements I had created an infinity symbol, which can represent simplicity and balance. It takes us to the center of our being, moving from past or future, where we connect with the now moment, where all creativity flows. It was an enjoyable meditation and a pleasant reminder to live from the now moment.” ~Judy Peace

About the Author, Patti Lightflower: “I’ve always enjoyed working with textiles. As a child I watched my grandmother turn color cotton feed bags into play clothes. I designed and made dresses for my dolls from scraps of fabric and shoes for them from orange peels, which I pretended were leather. I’ve taken art classes at the University of Cincinnati in the 70’s, and have studied with textile artists at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, as well as with many other professionals in their studios over the years. My long time passion has been the study of hands and their owners, being creative and expressing my artistic side allows for manifesting something tangible whereas reading hands is more esoteric. Occasionally, I offer small group sessions for working with dyeing silk and other fun creative projects that allow freedom of expression and finding that within heart is art.”
Patti Lightflower can be contacted at pattilightflower2@ gmail.com and more information can be found at her
website: www.ireadhands.com
Nikki Luna Williams
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