3 minute read
The Wondrous Gifts of the Season of Change
The Wondrous Gifts of the Season of Change by Cynthia White Flower
The winds of change are upon us! Allow the autumn rains to nourish and cleanse our spirits as it clears and heals Mother Earth. The process is unfolding as nature paves the way and leads us to higher ground.
Fall is the season of purging. Symbolically, we are shown that the energies, through the rain, washes away what was. The autumn rain provides an example for us to let the past be washed away. If we are angry, sad, or resentful, we are still living in the past. The Dalai Lama XIV teaches: “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do and mostly Live.” (1)
To release that which keeps us from living, we must focus on the blessing of the moment. This moment is all that we have! Being consciously in this moment, in the now, is truly living. Our choices determine how we fill this blessed gift of now. The wonder of God lives within our Being. We have only to reach out and touch it. Look into a mirror. Look deep into your eyes. Do you see God looking back at you? Look deeper. Look at how beautiful you are as the sparkle of life shines through you, from you, back to you. You are the wonder of life! Let this moment nourish your spirit.
We have layers of emotions and thoughts that may not hold the energies for our highest good. We can use this moment to wash them from our lives. Release is necessary for transformation. To consciously “let go” gives the Universe permission to follow our lead. We can stand in the rain, physically or symbolically, and state that this emotion, this situation, this disappointment, “…is being washed from me now.” Feel it go. Feel the release. We can take it to a higher level by seeing the symbolic rain as purple, Freedoms’ forgiving, transmuting energy. We can feel a more lasting transformation as we use this spiritual gift.
To clear the old is to make room for the new. We each have a divine destiny, a divine plan, a commitment
that we made to something that IS uniquely ours to do that no one else can do. If we don’t do it, then the world is deprived of our very special gift. What is it? Do you know? Meditate. Ask. Fill this moment with selfdiscovery. Mathew: 7:7 recommends that we “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”(2)
There is a beautiful Hindu proverb that reminds us, “There isn’t a tree in the world that the wind hasn’t shaken.” (3) This beautiful metaphor reminds us that no one escapes life’s challenges. It is our resilience that propels us. We can use this moment to heal. Jesus’ statement from John, 11:25 teaches us: “I am the resurrection and the life.” (4) We are taught to keep rising and to keep manifesting life. We can be new. We have this moment to rise. We have this moment to affirm our liberation from that which no longer serves our highest good. We can affirm, “I disengage from all victimizing energies now. I call back my light, my life force, my energy and my power and all that I am.” Take this moment to become purely you!
A positive attitude pushes us further. Paramahansa Yogananda recommends that we “Awaken the innate fortitude of the mind by affirming: “No matter what experiences come, I am always happy. My experiences cannot touch me.” (5) Become the master of yourself by filling the moment with that which helps you to rise. Open the doors to the season of change and all of its many wondrous gifts.
About the Author: Cynthia McNabb, BS, M.S., (aka, Cynthia, White Flower) is an author, teacher, counselor and an ordained spiritual minister. The late James McNabb is her beloved and is with her in spirit as she carries on her journey. Please contact Cynthia for an appointment, email:cynthialynnmcnabb@yahoo.com or phone/text 734-904-0075
1. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/735245-thereare-only-two-days-in-the-year-that-nothing
2. https://biblehub.com/matthew/7-7.htm 3. https://exploringyourmind.com/7-amazing-hinduproverbs/
4. https://biblehub.com/john/11-25.htm
5.http://yogananda.com.au/gurus/ yoganandaquotes04b.html
Divinity Spiritual Church
“A Place of Love, Light, Truth, & Freedom”
4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield 45014
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