2 minute read
Healing Time on Earth
Healing Time on Earth by Angels of Seven as Transmitted to Rev. Marcia Cantrell
At this time in Earth’s history as Earthling’s would say, is the most important time since the beginning. There has never been a time that is as crucial as now for healing on this planet. Earthlings must know to realize where you are in the bigger agenda that is at stake.
More than once in your recent history your star brothers and sisters have stepped forward when the Galactic governing body was to call an end to Earth due to all the evil that was taking place. I speak of evil as the atomic power, humans against humans and most of all, the turning away from God, your creator. The star brothers and sisters asked for more time to work with earthlings to stop the beloved planet from being destroyed.
Brothers and sisters open your ears as we share with you the healing of Earth and its inhabitants that still needs to happen in order for you to ascend when the beloved planet is ready. There are those among you who have been, and are still in the darkness of this third dimensional world who have not begun the process of healing their soul. Many do not recognize
they have a soul. So many have carried with them the karma of their choices through the cycle of death and birth for thousands of years. Sadly to say, many will continue this cycle for the next 26,000 years while many of you will have healed your past karma and will ascend when the time is here.
Ascension is the conclusion of healing. Letting go of anger and fear that frees you to forgive and not judge, but to feel love for others. To commune with God, the Elementals and all of God’s creations.
I say to you this is a time of much confusion. The darkness is using all its power of lies and trickery to hold on to what it has always held, the key to false pretenses, greed, murder and the worst of evil atrocities one can imagine. They have ruled and now this darkness will be replaced by Light. The Light of God.
This is the time to use discernment to understand what is true and what is not true. Ask for help and you will receive it.
My brothers and sisters, we deeply encourage you to evaluate your healing journey. Look deep into your heart, your heart holds answers. Is there still something that needs to be forgiven?
This is Healing Time on Earth.
We thank the Editor for the opportunity to share this transmission through our Beloved Sister to all those who read this.
Angels of Seven
About the Author: Marcia is an ordained minister of the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking founded by James Twyman. She has a Masters of Social Work degree and with the assistance of her Angels and Guides, provides spiritual counseling for those seeking healing. She offers other healing modalities including Seichim energy and Past Life Regression Therapy. Marcia is humbled and honored to channel other Light Beings including Yeshua and her Guardian Angel Angela.