In Light Times July 2013

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The Book of

REVELATION A New Beginning

A new kind of book that reveals hidden secrets behind Saint John’s Revelation Learn:

• Why you are here on Earth • Who you truly are • Why you suffer • Why the extreme symbolism of the Book of Revelation could not be revealed until now

Terry L Newbegin, a New Energy Consciousness Teacher & Channeler, believes “everyone is destine for Christhood no matter who they are or what they have done”. Other books by Terry Newbegin Inspired by Ascended Masters Genesis: Your Journey Home Unlocking The Consciousness of Your Soul visit:


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“Change your world and change your life! Make 2013 a year of health, prosperity and understanding who you are.” Janet Handley


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IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 3

Contributing Writers

From The

Publisher “What You Think of Me Is None of My Business” is a book by Terry Cole-Whittaker. I’ve always loved that title and the powerful statement it makes. So often we go through life trying to please others at our own expense; after all, everyone wants to be loved and liked…that is our nature. What You Think of Me Is None of My Business opens up a whole new realm of living from a different perspective. If we are no longer concerned with someone else’s opinion of us, then we can come from a place of authenticity and have no need to put on airs. How would that feel and what would it look like?

Monthly Alan Cohen, author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment.

Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author & speaker on selfdevelopment. Author of over 30 books, is affectionately called the “father of motivation”

Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, is the Founder of the Mystical Realm, a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT).

Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker.

Celestial Cycles

Empowering Numerology

by Motavenda

What would your answer be if you asked yourself, “do I love or even like me?” Your first response is an important key element in moving forward on this path of self-discovery. If you answered “yes” make a list of all the loving things you do for yourself. How do you take care of you? Is your list long or short? On the other hand, if you said “no”, ask yourself why not; what part of you do you take issue with? How many do you list? And, if you said, “there are parts of me I don’t like”, list them. What are they and how did you come to this conclusion?

by Michele Avanti

The Herbalist

Dr. Judith Orloff, M.D.

Kathleen Gould

Author: Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, Guide to Intuitive Healing

July Writers Carolanne Wright Deanna Cook Dr. Bruce Fife, N.D.

Dr. Susan J. DeVito Jackie Woods Michele Anderson

Nicole Wilde Randy Yancey Sandeep Godiyal

Take stock of where you are at the moment. Draw a map, see the whole picture and how you can make the necessary changes to step into a world of your making. Is your destination one of adventure or trepidation? Above all else, on this journey be courageous and honest with yourself; tell yourself the truth without judgment and be real.

Welcomes To Our Family

Erase those tapes that are a constant reminder of the past and record new experiences from where you are now.

Advertising Consultant

I realize this is not an easy task, and for me, as with so many of us, it will take facing ourselves on a whole new level towards self-awareness. Expressing the reality of who we are, with no masks, makes a powerful statement. “What you think of me is definitely none of my business; however, what I think of me IS my business.” Let us embrace our self-love and respect for ourselves as this is the basis of unconditional love.

In Love & Light,

Michelene PAGE 4 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Robert Knudson

702-429-5417 Office

PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell


ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett


ADVERTISING 702-259-6843 Robert Knudson 702-429-5417


national ADVISORy councIl Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups

Website IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Lane #247 Henderson, Nev. 89014



July, 2013 Enlightening Views 4 What You Think of Me … the Publisher Michelene K. Bell … a powerful statement.

6 Crystals & Gemstones by Annette rizzolo, msc.d Ruby stimulates the heart chakra and …

7 The Guru in Your iPhone by Alan Cohen

“Just think, there is a little bit of Ram Dass in every iPod”.

Qi Activation

8 Birds, the Spiritual Messengers of the … by Michele Anderson Birds are our mobile news agency …

9 Walking Your Talk by Jackie Woods

For some reason, applying our own advice is difficult.

10 Make Your Vision a Reality by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

All of us are here for a purpose; when you find that purpose, hold the vision …

11 I’m Doing “Just Fine” by Sophia Falke

I have a challenge for you, if you choose to accept.

Our(Ur) Pets & Animals 12 Dogs With Separation Anxiety by Nicole Wilde 13 How To Stop Dog Barking by Randy Yancey

Feature 16 Up Close & Personal by Deanna Cook

Gems for the soul 15 Sweetheart • Seven Wonders • The Oyster


Health Lights 18 How to Hide Nutrition in Your Kids’ Meals by Dr. Sandeep Godiyal

Do your children’s noses turn upward at the sight of fresh fruits and vegetables?

19 Stubborn Excess Body Fat That won’t Budge? by Carolanne Wright Yoga can help.

20 The Missing Piece to Overeating by Dr. Judith Orloff Why don’t diets work?

21 Cooling Herbs for Summer Heat by Kathleen Gould Living in the summer desert heat can be challenging …


22 Blood Sugar & Diabetes by Dr. Bruce Fife

Dietary fiber helps moderate swings in blood surgar …

23 The Growing Epidemic by Dr. Susan J. DeVito

Our right and left sides of the brain are responsible for different mental & physical …


6 11 23


Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 25

Quick Reference Guide 26 Business Card Directory 27 NEW Astrology•Celestial Cycles 28

NEW Empowered Numerology 29

Light Happenings 30 Business Profiles 32

IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 5


Enlightening Views

JULY Gemstone

By Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D

CRYSTALS & GEMSTONES Ruby stimulates the heart chakra and assists one in the selection and attainment of one’s ultimate values. It further stimulates the loving emotional side toward nurturing; bringing spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge, and wealth.


The beautiful Ruby is the precious gem for July. A ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminum). The red color is caused mainly by the presence of the element chromium. Its name comes from Ruber, Latin for red. Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires. The ruby is considered one of the four precious stones, together with the sapphire, the emerald, and the diamond. Prices of rubies are primarily determined by color. The brightest and most valuable “red”, called pigeon blood-red, commands a large premium over other rubies of similar quality. All natural rubies have imperfections in them, including color impurities and inclusions of rutile needles known as “silk”. Gemologists use these needle inclusions found in natural rubies to distinguish them from synthetics, stimulants, or substitutes. Usually the rough stone is heated before cutting. Almost all rubies today are treated in some form, with heat treatment being the most common practice. However, rubies that are completely untreated but still of excellent quality command a large premium. Generally, gemstonequality corundum in all shades of red, including pink, are called rubies. However, in the United States, minimum color saturation must be met to be called a ruby; otherwise the stone will be called a pink sapphire. Rubies have historically been mined in Thailand, the Pailin and Samlout District of Cambodia, Burma, India, Afghanistan and in Pakistan. In Sri Lanka, lighter shades of rubies (often “pink sapphires”) are more commonly found. After the Second World War ruby deposits were found in Tanzania, Madagascar, Vietnam, Nepal, Tajikistan, and Pakistan. A few rubies have been found in the U.S. states of Montana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Wyoming. While searching for aluminous schists (stones that split into layers) in Wyoming, geologist Dan Hausel noted an association of vermiculite with ruby and sapphire and located six previously undocumented deposits. More recently, large ruby deposits have been found under the receding ice shelf of Greenland. Republic of Macedonia is the only country in mainland Europe to have naturally occurring rubies. They can mainly be found around the city of Prilep. Macedonian ruby has a unique raspberry color. In 2002 rubies were found in the Waseges River area of Kenya. There are reports of a large deposit of rubies found in 2009 in Mozambique, in Nanhumbir in the Cabo Delgado district of Montepuez. Metaphysical Properties: Ruby stimulates the heart chakra and assists one in the selection and attainment of one’s ultimate values. It further stimulates the loving emotional side toward nurturing; bringing spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge, and wealth. Ruby is also known as a “stone of stability”, gathering and amplifying energy while promoting and stimulating mental concentration. It can improve one’s success in controversies and disputes, encouraging gentleness and discouraging violence. It is an excellent shielding stone, protecting on all levels and safeguarding ones PAGE 6 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

consciousness from psychic attack. Psychologically, Ruby has the ability to bring up anger or negative energy and then transmuting it and removing it from your path. Wearing it also promotes dynamic leadership. It has been used to induce stability in one’s economic status; it has been said that as long as one retains a bit of ruby, wealth will never depart. It’s also said to have been used to protect the wearer/carrier against unhappiness, distressing dreams, and lightning. Ruby brings about a positive and courageous state of mind. It also is known as a sociable stone that attracts sexual activity. Ruby is an excellent gem for energy. It imparts vigor to life, and encourages one to follow your bliss! Reference: Wikipedia, Love is in the Earth, Crystal Bible

Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, and has over 22+ years “in the Biz.” Annette is a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT), Metaphysical Hypnotherapist, Freelance writer, and Founder of The Mystical Realm, a very unique & informative website. Visit: and become Enlightened & Empowered!

Enlightening Views

Monthly Inspirations from


n e h o C n a l A



hile watching the documentary film Stephen Jobs, “Hippy Billionaire”, I was tickled to learn that as a young adult Jobs was significantly influenced by Baba Ram Dass and his book, Be Here Now. I also credit Ram Dass as one of the most valued mentors in my life. He led millions of spiritual seekers to higher awareness and is considered by many to be the “Father of the New Age.” As destiny would have it, eight years ago, Ram Dass moved to Maui, where he now lives a few miles from my home. I see Ram Dass often at local social and spiritual gatherings. A few nights ago I told him about his inspirational influence on Steve Jobs. He smiled. I told him, “Just think—there’s a little bit of Ram Dass in every iPod.” While spiritual guides and teachings are not always known or acknowledged by the masses, higher-dimensional influences shape our world more than most people realize. When Steve Jobs showed up in the computer industry, it was terribly dry and left-brain heavy. He changed that by adding flair, art, beauty, and user friendliness. If not for him, we might all still be pecking at keys working DOS on mouseless devices beneath green-on-black monitors. Jobs’ foray into eastern spirituality expanded his mind and lifted him into multidimensional vision, which he passed along to billions of people through his inventions that are as tasteful as they are useful. Abraham Lincoln, considered by many to be our nation’s greatest president, was a deeply spiritual man. He held séances in the White House, overseen by D.C. psychic Nettie Meinhard, and he had a psychic premonition of his death. Nikola Tesla, the genius who gave the world alternating current

in your


Imagination is more important than knowledge.

“I have not arrived at my understanding of the universe by means of the rational mind.” Albert Einstein electricity, wireless technology, x-rays, and neon lighting, received ideas and inspiration for his inventions in clairvoyant flashes. Albert Einstein declared, “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” and “I have not arrived at my understanding of the universe by means of the rational mind.” I met Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, the courageous neuroanatomist who completely overcame a stroke and went on to author the bestselling book, My Stroke of Insight. An expert on brain function, Dr. Taylor, often speaks to audiences of contrasting proclivity, such as leftbrain scientists and right-brain new agers. “The left-brainers want what the right-brainers have,” she told me. “They know there is magic and wisdom in the intuitive self, but many of them don’t quite know how to access it.” For that reason, Jill is a great bridge builder. That bridge is available to all of us if we are willing to cross it. The movie, “Regarding Henry”, depicts a hardball lawyer who is transformed after a head injury. (“Lest ye become as a little child, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”) You don’t have to have a head injury to be transformed. You just have to bring your intellect into harmony with your spirit, and let the mind serve a Higher Power.

conference sponsored by the Sufi Order, a mystical branch of Islam. On my way from the airport to the conference I found myself in a limo with another speaker. “How did you get to be invited to speak here?” he asked me. I told him (somewhat proudly) about some of the books I had written. “What do you do?” I asked him. “I’m a brain surgeon,” he answered. Oh. “What moved you to go into that profession?” “In Sufism, everyone is required to have a skill or profession in which you work with your hands,” he answered. I guess brain surgery would qualify. Behind this doctor ’s sophisticated surgery was a spiritual influence, as there is behind many people who excel in medicine. Dr. Larry Dossey has done a great deal of research on the power of prayer. He recounts that in a survey in which 1,000 doctors participated

anonymously, 59% reported that they pray for their patients, and 55% said they had seen miraculous results of prayer. “The key to this survey is that it was anonymous,” Dr. Dossey concludes. “The doctors would have been less honest if they had to identify themselves in a profession that does not generally recognize the power of prayer.” So spirit is behind a significant portion of medical success. You do not need to be a guru, healer, or brain surgeon to allow higher power to influence your work. You just have to be willing. The next time you listen to your iPod, surf on your iPad, or talk on your iPhone, remember, the man behind those adventures had one foot in spiritual reality, and another in uplifting the world. And so do you. Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including the newlyreleased, Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. For more information about Alan’s other books, and free daily inspirational quotes via email, visit www., email Info@AlanCohen. com, or call 800-568-3079.

If you read between the lines of some of the most popular business books of our time, you will recognize a strong spiritual influence. Stephen Covey has translated lofty concepts into practical application, as has Ken Blanchard. Blanchard is upfront about his spiritual beliefs. He has dubbed himself “CSO” of his company: Chief Spiritual Officer. I was invited to speak at a spiritual IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 7

Enlightening Views


The Spiritual Messengers of the Animal Kingdom

Birds are our mobile news agency, and they deliver the Daily News.
They also represent the air element, which is communication, consciousness, and transformation. Bird Behavior: What is the bird doing? Singing, walking, perching, flying. Singing = speak up. Perching = find a vantage point. Flying = take the higher view. Positioning: Where are they? On a tree? On a telephone pole? A hawk perched on a telephone pole (communication) has a different meaning than a hawk sitting on a fence (delayed decision). Flight Pattern and Direction: Which direction are they flying in? Are they on your right or left side? Above you?

 The question I ask is: “Do I know someone who lives in that direction - a relative, friend, loved one?” Here’s a summary of the meaning of the Four Directions from Ted Andrews. East: Healing, creativity, illumination, new birth West: Vision, dreams, quests and journeys, the feminine South: Purification, faith, strength, awakening inner child North: Teaching, abundance, balance, sacred wisdom Song: What’s their song? Is it continuous? What is the rhythm of the song? Is it a happy song?
A woodpecker drums a message with its beak addressing the rhythms in our life. A bluejay makes a loud screechy noise, which can represent a boisterous, argumentative person.

Key Message: Combine all these elements: behavior + positioning + flight pattern + song + group size + coloring = a message. Thousands of geese flying north could represent a change of home, or a spiritual migration - change of life direction. Solidity gained through teamwork and working with large groups; collective purpose; community. Signs & Symbols: the Roadrunner • Want to accomplish your goal with incredible mental focus, lightning speed? Call upon the roadrunner energy. • Do you tend to procrastinate? Roadrunner boosts your productivity. • Are you a runner, and want to increase your speed per mile? The roadrunner totem is especially good for sprints, mental and physical. Call upon roadrunner to assist you. • Runs up to 17 mph; roadrunner is an excellent totem for track and field athletes. • Captures and eats snakes; ally for transformation. • Versatile voice; alters vocal tone based on the situation. • Crest on its head = dynamic, inspired thought. • Use wit and humor to get you thru; mental and physical agility. • Strategic thinking; cleverness, adaptability.

Group Size: Just one bird? Three birds? A whole flock? One bird = daily news.
Three birds = significant group interaction. Whole flock = epic life event.

• Effective quick action; leave stagnant situations without delay.

Coloring: What primary colors do you notice? Color reveals the energy and character of a sign. Red cardinal indicates nobility, vitality, confidence. Blackbird gives insight into what’s hidden, the ability to defend one’s territory: setting boundaries.

Michele Anderson is a dynamic transformation coach, intuitive, and educator on how to read signs and omens. She sees the intuition as a symbolic language anyone can learn. Michele also loves music, and is a seasoned percussionist and performer. She lives with her husband and two Samoyed dogs in Boulder, Colorado. Visit her website at

PAGE 8 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Enlightening Views Jackie Woods on


alking our Talk

People talk a lot, but rarely do they realize that what they are saying is exactly what they need to apply to their own life. Now I am not proposing you go around talking to yourself. I am simply offering that you might want to pay attention to the advice you are handing out to others. More than likely that advice needs to have legs in your own life. When you don’t listen to what you say to others, the meaning will come back to “bite” you. For example, I recently did a workshop in which I talked about boundary setting. It was a long and intense workshop so I came home very tired. I fixed a sandwich for my husband, so there wasn’t much clean up. But my habit is to clean up no matter what…even if I am too tired. However, this time I asked my husband to do it. Since my husband had been part of the workshop, he was also tired. He put legs to what he had taken in around boundaries by saying, “No I am too tired to do the cleanup now.” Boy did I dislike that! However, after a few minutes of emotional boiling, I realized he had set a boundary and I hadn’t. We both needed to wait until we were rested before doing kitchen duty. For some reason, applying our own advice is difficult. You wouldn’t think so, but we wouldn’t be preaching that particular sermon to others, if we didn’t need to hear it ourselves. The only problem is that preaching is usually a mental/spiritual combo. That means the emotional/physical parts are at that moment silent. And while they’re being silent during the listening does not mean they are inactive, they’re being silent because you don’t want to feel or act is a whole different matter. In the future, make sure your words of truth are backed by feeling and action or you will fail to walk your talk. Otherwise, you will be providing spiritual/mental words with the intent of making the other person provide the emotional/physical parts. This creates two half people. Two half people in no way support two whole people coming together in relationship. And even if the advice is appreciated by the other person, duality is the outcome, not unity. Walking your talk requires listening to all four parts of your inner self; spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. So, next time you give spiritual advice to a friend, make sure it is backed by enough feeling motivation for application to happen in your own life. This unified approach to interactions will not only support your internal unity, but will help tremendously in creating whole relationships. Jackie Woods, founder of Adawehi (Ah-dah-way-hee) Institute Healing School and Wellness Center, is a published author and an expert in the field of selfactualization. Visit IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 9

Enlightening Views Wisdom from Wayne

Make Your Vision a R eality

By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Excerpted from Wishes Fulfilled

All of us are here for a purpose… never happened before, try creating a vision of your authentic self, destined to do great things. Enjoy fulfillment, happiness, and success deserving of the best that life has to offer. When that happens, you’ll be a vibrational match to the Source of all, and this new receptivity will become your way of life. When anything crops up that’s inconsistent with this vision, take the advice of Lao-tzu: “In order to eliminate the negative influences, simply ignore them.” Such words are so simple, yet so profound.

A caller to my radio show told me the following story: she had survived a terrible earthquake in her native country, lost her husband in that quake, emigrated to the U.S. with her surviving child, and worked to put that child through college. Now she was trying to follow her dream of establishing a charitable organization to help disaster victims; however, she was becoming discouraged because her vision wasn’t materializing as quickly as she’d hoped. Could someone who had come so far through so much really afford to be discouraged? I told her in no uncertain terms to hang onto her dream. Be willing to hold the vision!

Hold onto your vision and make it your reality.

Wa y n e W. D y e r, P H . D . , i s a n internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Author of over 30 books, he has created many audio programs, videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting messages, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. If you would like to receive Wayne’s newsletter visit: www.

Holding the vision involves an unwillingness to compromise what you’re visualizing.

All of us are here for a purpose; when you find that purpose, hold the vision regardless of what difficulties or obstacles may surface. Holding the vision involves an unwillingness to compromise what you’re visualizing. It means being willing to face setbacks and what appears to be an uncooperative universe. Even if you’re not convinced that you can make something happen that has

PAGE 10 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Enlightening Views According


By Sophia Falke


I’m Doing “Just Fine” “I have a challenge for you…if you choose to accept it” … “I have a challenge for you… if you choose to accept it” she said with a sly smile on her face. My mind immediately went into caution mode. “What does she want?” I thought. I deftly tiptoed around a direct response. When I finally asked what the challenge was, I breathed a sigh of relief. The challenge was to take something I already did well to a higher level—to a level of excellence. Have you ever received a similar challenge? It might be your job, a relationship, finances, your health, or your spiritual life. Everything is “just fine”. And then you are invited to go to the next level. If you are a professional, you are probably required to take continuing education classes. The purpose is to assure your continued competence and ability to serve your clients, customers, or students with excellence. We have continuing education in other areas of our lives. We’re going along “just fine” and then the universe invites us to take our lives to a higher level. As a coach and minister, I hear of many instances when an individual is called to a higher level. Sometimes the invitation comes in a life crisis. You lose your job, a relationship ends, you become depressed, you lose a loved one, you face a major health challenge, or you may experience a spiritual dark night of the soul. Sound familiar? Whatever the challenge, it is an invitation to grow and take your life to a higher level. Modern medicine has developed many life-saving pharmaceuticals. A lot of them make it easy for us to avoid doing the work we need to do for our own physical and mental well-being. They allow us to continue being “just fine” so we can sidestep the work that will take us higher. There are times I wish there was a magic pill to make life extraordinary. And I know there isn’t. It’s up to me to move my life from “just fine” to something amazing.

nurture each leg or I’m likely to topple over. That means I must now also attend to my physical well-being as an equal partner with the mental and spiritual aspects of my human experience. Does any of this resonate with your own journey? Are you being called to rise to the next level? Are you wondering why “just fine” isn’t good enough anymore? And would you rather the universe just leave you alone? I remember the expression, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” There are a lot of people who adhere to that philosophy. Yet many innovations improved on what was already “just fine.” I originally thought sticky notes were unnecessary. As long as I had paper clips and notepaper, I was happy. However, it didn’t take long for me to become the sticky note queen at work. Why a cell phone? Pagers work just fine, don’t they? And what’s all the fuss over texting. Why can’t you just pick up the phone? Now I’m a believer and an avid text message user. Taking life to a higher level is part of our human DNA. We can resist it for a while. Ultimately, however, we get a nudge or a kick in the seat of our pants from the universe. My nudge was the simple invitation I mentioned in the beginning of this article—to take something I already did well to a higher level. We can never be quite sure when life says, “I have a challenge for you…if you choose to accept it.” The resulting question is, do we want to continue with a life that is “just fine” or do the work to become something and someone greater? How about you? Are you ready to accept life’s challenges and become greater—physically, mentally, and spiritually? See you at the gym!

Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Information on programs at Unity Center can be found at,, or Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness ( You can reach her at Sophia@ or by calling or texting 702-755-7064.

…do you want to continue with a life that is “just fine” or do the work to become something and someone greater?

It’s up to me to take an inventory of what no longer serves me. What thoughts do I continuously think? What beliefs do I embrace? Do my thoughts enrich my life or worsen it? Are my beliefs true? What habits do I practice that support my achieving excellence and which ones undermine my success? And if I want to be honest with myself, do I care enough about my personal growth to make the effort to change where I need to? I’ve never quite figured out why, yet I know I care about my own continuous growth in mind, body, and spirit. To me it seems obvious that I would want to flourish and excel. To do otherwise would invite stagnation and decline. Lately I’ve focused more on the mental and spiritual aspects of my evolution. Yet, I recognize the body-mind-spirit connection is like a three-legged stool. I need to IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 11

Dogs With Separation Anxiety


Twelve Tips From A Professional Canine Behavior Specialist

By Nicole Wilde

s a Certified Professional Dog Trainer who specializes in behavior issues and has treated many cases of canine separation anxiety, I have seen first-hand how challenging the problem can be. Separation issues not only have behavioral consequences for the dog, but there is an emotional component for both dog and owner, which can make matters even more difficult. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help. Some dogs are hyper attached to a particular person, while others simply do not like to be left alone. Anxiety levels range from mild to extreme and may display as pacing, drooling, barking or other vocalizations, inappropriate elimination, and destruction, to name a few. In extreme cases, dogs may injure themselves trying to escape to follow their owners. It can be frustrating to come home to destruction and potty accidents day after day, and truly terrible to watch your dog suffer.

So what can you do? 1. First, set up a video camera to record your dog’s actions when you are away. Reviewing the footage will help you determine whether your dog seems anxious or upset, or is destroying things out of boredom. If it’s the latter, providing more exercise and mental stimulation should help. 2. Consider creative management solutions. If your dog remains calm as long as another dog is present, you could bring him to a doggy daycare center, or arrange for play dates with another dog. If that’s not possible, hire a petsitter, or bring your dog along when you do short errands. 3. Desensitize your dog to departure cues, those things that clue him in that you’re leaving. Pick up your keys and put them down immediately; put on your jacket and remove it. Do these things multiple times each day until your dog does not react. 4. To prepare for a departure, choose an area your dog will feel safe, such as his crate or a gated off room; this varies by dog, as some anxious dogs may panic in a crate. 5. Be sure your dog is well exercised before you leave him. 6. Provide a stuffed Kong or other tantalizing chew item that will last for some time. 7. You can also place an item that smells like you (such as a t-shirt or sweatshirt you’ve been wearing, or a towel you’ve rubbed on your body) in his safe area to provide comfort. 8. You may have to practice being physically separated but in sight first, then out of your dog’s sight but still in your home before you ever actually leave the house. Once your dog is ready for actual departures, leave for very short periods at first, starting with mere seconds. Gradually build to longer absences. Don’t push too far too fast, always making sure your dog remains calm. PAGE 12 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

9. Complementary measures that can help include body wraps, psychoacoustically designed music, DAP, flower essences, and more. 10. In severe cases, pharmacological intervention may be indicated. Consult your veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist. 11. A trained professional can offer guidance and support. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers ( is a good place to start. 12. Don’t Leave Me: Step-by-Step Help for Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety ( is an in-depth workbook with step-by-step protocols, tips and techniques that allow you to customize a rehabilitation program for your dog. Cautious Canine ( is a shorter booklet, but has very useful information as well. Remember, progress will be made gradually. In mild cases, improvement may take only a few weeks. In moderate cases, it might take months. In extreme cases, complete recovery could take up to a year or more. The important thing is, stick with the program, seek help when necessary, and do not give up hope. Your dog is worth it!

Nicole Wilde is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and internationally recognized author and lecturer. Her nine books include, So You Want to be a Dog Trainer, Help for Your Fearful Dog, and Don’t Leave Me! Step-by-Step Help for Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety ( In addition to working with dogs, Nicole has worked with wolves and wolf hybrids for over fifteen years and is considered an expert in the field. She is on the advisory board of the Companion Animal Sciences Institute, the educational branch for the International Institute for Applied Companion Animal Behavior, and an Advisory Board member for the Association of Animal Behavior Professionals. Nicole writes an Ask the Expert column for Modern Dog Magazine, blogs for Dog Star Daily, Victoria Stilwell’s Positively blog, and her own site, Wilde About Dogs (

How To Stop Dog Barking Without Using A Bark Collar!

By Randy Yancey


ne of the biggest problems dog owners face is how to stop dog barking. They bark at night, they bark at anyone that comes near the house, they bark to get your attention, and sometimes they bark just to hear themselves bark. Unfortunately, barking is one of a few ways that a dog can communicate with you and with other dogs. While body language is the number one communication tool for dogs, barking appears to be a close second. There are methods to decrease your dog’s barking, and in some situations stop your dog from barking, and they are simple to learn and only require patience and consistency on your part. Before I delve into the most effective methods to stop dog barking, it is important that you understand that your dog could quite possibly have situational barking bred into him. If he is from a Guard Dog breed, like a German Shepherd, Rottweiler, or a Doberman, he is going to bark when someone approaches you. If he is from a Hunting Breed, he is going to bark in certain situations. There really isn’t much you can do about it. What we are more concerned with here, is the dog that barks just to hear himself talk, or the dog that barks at you or other household members in an attempt to get his way. There are two easy methods to train your dog not to bark, and neither involves shock collars or anything of the sort. Your relationship with your dog is based on mutual respect, and one of the first things you need to do is to make sure she understands who the alpha dog, or pack leader, is. YOU are supposed to be the alpha, and if she thinks she is, you have a serious problem, The first method you can use to stop barking will not only stop it, but will also show her who the alpha is. When your dog is barking, for whatever reason, don’t say a word. Approach your dog and gently, but firmly, grasp her snout. Many dogs will try to back away or wriggle free. Use your other hand to hold her collar, and continue to grasp her snout until she stops trying to get away from you. Once she has stayed calm for a few seconds, let go of her and give her a little light praise. Don’t make a big deal of it; just tell her she is a good girl. If she starts barking again, repeat everything above. You are not only stopping her from barking by grabbing her snout, you are showing her who is in charge.

This Month's Great Pix

The other method to stop barking works well when your dog is trying bully you, or get something from you, by barking at you. In this case, you are going to ignore him. You are not just going to just ignore him, you are going to cross your arms, turn your back on him, and not acknowledge his presence in any way. Make a big deal out of it. Continue to do this until he stops barking, even if it takes a few minutes or so. This method requires patience and consistency. If you give in, even once, you will find yourself back at square one, as you have only taught your dog to bark louder or longer to get your attention. If you follow the two methods as I have outlined, you should be able to eradicate most, if not all, problem barking from your dog’s behavior.

Randy Yancey knows that one of the biggest problems dog owners face is how to stop dog barking. There are methods to decrease your dog’s barking, and in some situations stop your dog from barking, and they are simple to learn and only require patience and consistency on your part. Visit: IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 13

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While imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp, Simon Wi e s e n t h a l w a s taken one day from his work detail to the bedside of a dying member of the S.S. Haunted by the crimes in which he had participated, the soldier wanted to confess to and obtain absolution from - a Jew. This unusual encounter and the moral dilemma it posed raise fundamental questions about the limits and possibilities of forgiveness. Must we, can we forgive the repentant criminal? Can we forgive crimes committed against others? What do we owe the victims? Twenty-five years after the Holocaust, Wiesenthal asked leading intellectuals what they would have done in his place. Collected into one volume, their responses became a classic of Holocaust literature and a touchstone of interfaith dialogue. This revised edition of The Sunflower includes 46 responses (10 from the original volume) from prominent theologians, political leaders, writers, jurists, psychiatrists, human rights activists, Holocaust survivors, and victims of attempted genocides in Bosnia, Cambodia, China, and Tibet. Their answers reflect the teachings of their diverse beliefs.

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PAGE 14 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Gems for the Soul Sweetheart, Hold My Hand A Little Boy and his mother were crossing a bridge. The mother was kind of scared so she asked her little one, ‘Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don’t fall into the river.’ The little Boy said, ‘No, Mom. You hold my hand.’

‘What’s the difference?’ Asked the puzzled Mother.. ‘There’s a big difference,’ replied the little Boy. If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go.’ In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So, hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours… Author Unknown

The Seven Wonders of the World Junior high school students in Chicago were studying the Seven Wonders of the World. At the end of the lesson, the students were asked to list what they considered to be the Seven Wonders of the World. Though there was some disagreement, the following received the most votes: 1. Egypt’s Great Pyramids 2. The Taj Mahal in India 3. The Grand Canyon in Arizona 4. The Panama Canal 5. The Empire State Building 6. St. Peter’s Basilica 7. China’s Great Wall While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student, a quiet girl, hadn’t turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The quiet girl

By Author Unknown replied, “Yes, a little. I couldn’t quite make up my mind because there were so many.” The teacher said, “Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help.” The girl hesitated, then read, “I think the Seven Wonders of the World are: 1. to touch… 2. to taste… 3. to see… 4. to hear… (She hesitated a little, and then added…) 5. to feel… 6. to laugh… 7. and to love”. The room was so quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. May this story serve as a gentle reminder to all of us that the things we overlook as simple and ordinary are often the most wonderful and we don’t have to travel anywhere special to experience them. Enjoy your gifts!

The Oyster

Answers on Pg 25

There once was an Oyster whose story I tell, Who found that some sand was inside his shell Just one little grain, but it gave him great pain! For oysters have feelings, though they all seem so plain. Now did he berate the workings of fate. Which had led him to such a deplorable state? Did he curse out the government—call for an election, And cry that the sea “should have given protection?” No! He said to himself as he lay on the shelf, “Since I cannot remove it, I’ll try to improve it.” The years rolled along, as the years always do, And he came to his ultimate destiny—stew! And the small grain of sand that had bothered him so, Was a beautiful pearl, all richly aglow! The tale has a moral, for isn’t it grand. What an oyster can do with a morsel of sand? What couldn’t I do if I’d only begin, With all those things that “get under my skin!” IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 15

F eature S tory

Qi Activation Up CAnlose & P ersonal Interview with Jeff Primack Founder and Visionary of Supreme Science Qigong by Deanna Cook

For over 15 years, Jeff Primack has shared Qigong H e a l i n g with tens of thousands of people. It all began when he founded Supreme Science Qigong Center and began f l y i n g i n d i f f e re n t “Qigong Masters” from China and other countries to Florida for the purpose of teaching seminars. Jeff built a reputation for Qigong by bringing in masters with a minimum of 50 years Qigong training. It has been over years of studying alongside these masters learning advanced concepts that he formulated his present day Qigong system. Jeff is also an author and Food Healing Pioneer. His “Conquering ANY Disease” is perhaps his best known work with SPECIFIC PROTOCOLS that have been time tested effective at helping people USE FOOD to reverse nearly every disease. He has taught over 40,000 people in live seminars and has certified over 2,500 Qigong teachers across the United States. He continues to follow his passion in helping others understand the power of Qigong and its potential.

Deanna Cook: I had no clue of really what Qigong was prior to this interview, but now after watching you train instructors for a week, researched your testimonies, and tried some of your smoothies, I think it’s very important for people to know exactly what Qigong is. So, let me begin by asking you what is “Qigong” really all about? Jeff Primack: Qigong is the art of Harnessing QI, which directly affects the blood flow and is an exercise that makes your blood pulse. PAGE 16 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

This pulsing occurs by moving Qi using specific breathing techniques along with postures and slow graceful movements. Qigong also encompasses using healing foods, herbs, acupressure, yogic stretches, all of which energize the body, increase vitality & accelerate metabolism. Qigong is circulation; the term “blood flow” is synonymous with “moving Qi”. Many studies confirm practicing Qigong reduces drug withdraw in Heroin addicts by 50 percent. Studies also reveal that Qigong boosts the immune system and is beneficial for those fighting cancer. Dr. Oz was quoted by saying that if you want to live to be 100, do Qigong. These techniques originated over 3000 years ago by mountain wanderers, people who were highly activated by Qi. DC: I practice Yoga a few times a week and find the methods of Qigong to be quite different. Can you tell us how Qigong is different from Yoga or other healing therapies like Acupuncture? JP: Good question. Qigong is different from Yoga primarily because it requires slower, more gracious movements to harness our electromagnetic field. Some Qigong exercises build muscle or speed, but most are a pulsation of Qi through the body. Qigong is the “sensation of energy” and is highly tangible. A few advanced systems of yoga, like Kriya Yoga, have striking similarities to Qigong in that they move energy directly. However, compared to most systems of Yoga, Qigong has a much greater emphasis on precise breathing techniques. Qigong deals with smaller movements of the abdomen to circulate Qi and more precise movements of the hands, rooting into the earth and opening up pathways of energy. Yoga works with energy, but to a lesser degree and although we practice and love yoga, Qigong does what Yoga cannot. We train many thousands of yoga teachers and they are always blown away by the tangibility of Qi experienced at our seminar. In regards to Acupuncture, Qigong doesn’t use needles for treatment. However, Qigong is Self-Healing and directly affects the source of disease, which is poor

F eature S tory

Qigong also encompasses using healing foods, herbs, acupressure, yogic stretches, all of which energize the body, increase vitality & accelerate metabolism. Qigong is circulation; the term “blood flow” is synonymous with “moving Qi”. circulation to various organs and body areas. Acupuncture is excellent for eliminating many health issues, but the fact Qigong can be done by yourself, free of charge, makes it special. Most Acupuncturists are strong believers in Qigong and some actually prescribe Qigong exercises to their patients in between treatments. DC: I was blown away after doing your “Breath Empowerment” exercise. I was actually buzzing inside! Using scientific terms, can you tell me what this buzzing is and what happened to my body? JP: “The Buzz” is a reaction caused by increased levels of oxygen and negative ions that accelerates the vibration of mitochondria. Many describe the inner buzzing or vibrational feeling as a natural high. It activates the body’s natural endorphins and dopamine. This form of activation helps the blood cell structure become “rounder” and improves the health of blood cells.

The viral healings were perhaps the most startling revelation. My close friend and fellow Qigong teacher, Dietrie Yamini, gave her mother with Hepatitis B and C my antiviral food protocol with no expectations and doctors can no longer find any traces of the virus in her blood after 30 years of having it! Another student, named Emily Sunderland, discovered my book from a friend and her HIV viral count went from in the millions to completely undetectable in a few months. She is avidly teaching our Food Healing program to other sufferers of HIV and believes Qigong also played a big role in her results. DC: In the 1st interview we talked about what QIGONG was and how to add this practice into our daily life for optimal wellness. We also discussed FOOD CHEMISTRY and your book, “Conquering any Disease”. Many of the disease-reversing testimonies I read were groundbreaking. After reading these miraculous stories I decided to try the HighPhytochemical smoothies in your book. Almost immediately I noticed my energy has increased and I am sleeping much better. TIME and a FULL SCHEDULE is often a challenge making it hard to eat perfectly or practice as much as I would like. What are the ‘most important’ Qigong & Dietary components for people with extra busy lives?

Bacteria and cancer thrives in an anaerobic environment (low oxygen) and therefore, Qigong breathing techniques, can help kill harmful microorganisms and reverse infections from candida and many types of skin breakouts caused by harmful bacteria overgrowth.

JP: Ahh, yet another request for the 10 minute Qigong workout!

Eating alkaline foods can help do this, however the breath is simply the most direct route to transform the blood.

I wake up, brush my teeth and hair, drink some hot tea outside and do the 9-Breath Method five times. This method absorbs/retains large amounts of oxygen in the bloodstream.

A few medical doctors have explained that Breath Empowerment creates a highly alkaline condition in the blood. I believe it after seeing the images of live blood cell analysis before and after doing our techniques. DC: Jeff, I understand you have a book called “Conquering any Disease”. According to many testimonies, Food-Healing has helped hundreds of your students reverse Asthma and you even have students that have successfully reversed HIV Aids & Hepatitis Virus. This is a major breakthrough. What led you to the ‘Food healing “science that you are so admired for? JP: I was an asthmatic until my early 20’s; at that time I was looking for alternative treatment. The first study I found showed that children in Italy who consumed 5-7 servings of kiwi a week had 40% less incidence of wheezing compared to children who didn’t eat kiwi. I began strictly enforcing that all my students with asthma eat 2 kiwis everyday in addition to consuming other foods and herbs. Behold it worked! I even had a few students say I gave them KIWI in their dreams! With these profound results, including other phytochemical rich foods that boost lung functions, this became one of the protocols.

When time is short I recommend cleansing your body with oxygen and energy FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. I will share with you my daily practice.

Gentle power breathing awakens the cellular VIBRATION and stimulates the metabolism. As I wake up slowly for 10 minutes each morning, my senses become heightened and I watch the birds in my garden. This is a quick and powerful method, we spend hours thoroughly teaching at the Qi Activation conference. As far as FOOD goes…look beyond fats, proteins, carbs, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and follow God’s trail of white crystals into the apple core. The infamous fruit that started it all! Someone said an “apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Yeah, I say, but only if you eat the crystallized core of phytochemicals, which activates bone marrow‘s production of cytokines for immunity. Regardless of how busy your life is, I recommend… Continued On Page 24 *

IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 17

Health Lights

By Carolanne Wright

Stubborn Excess Body Fat That Won’t Budge?

Yoga Can Help

Not only is yoga exceptional for reducing stress, relaxing the body and taming disease, but it’s also a fabulous method for shedding unwanted pounds. By increasing oxygen intake, unblocking energy and strengthening the endocrine system, this ancient practice can greatly improve weight control. Paired with other health enhancing habits, integrating a yogic program into a daily routine can revitalize your life - along with your waistline.

Five thousand years (and counting)

We all have witnessed yoga studios popping up like mushrooms around the country over the last decade. But what we forget is that yoga is a science of observation and transformation developed over five thousand years ago. The foundation of practice is built on three key structures: breathing, stretching and meditation.

Modern applications

Since a balanced body is a prerequisite for maintaining healthy weight, yoga is the perfect practice to adopt. Known to relax the muscles and mind, it also massages the internal organs. Digestion and circulation are improved, detoxification becomes more effective. Additionally, yoga encourages endocrine equilibrium, which stabilizes the hormones. When the hormonal system is operating at peak efficiency, proper weight is sustained. Oxygen utilization is enriched as well - helping to increase metabolism.

Here’s a basic overview of the three yogic tenets that can specifically target undesirable pounds.


As simple as it may sound, when we breathe properly, our body is brought into harmony very quickly. If we want to lose weight, we need to balance the endocrine system - mainly, the adrenal glands since they produce the stress hormone cortisol. When levels of this hormone are high, the body is trained to store fat readily. Even just a minute or two of deep breathing before a meal is enough to calm cortisol production, heal the adrenals and promote healthy weight. For those who desire a more intensive yogic breathing protocol, specific instructions can be found here.


Frequently, asanas (or postures) are what we tend to associate with the bulk of yoga practice. For weight loss, certain postures are recommended. The focus is on improving liver function for detoxification and burning of fat stores, soothing stress and boosting the metabolism through thyroid health. To enhance the liver, use backbend asanas such as: - Chakrasana (wheel pose) - Dhanurasana (bow pose) - Bhujangasana (cobra pose) - Matsyendrasana (spinal twist)

For curbing stress, try: - Viparita Karani (legs positioned up on wall) - Savasana (corpse pose) And thyroid-stimulating postures include: - Matsyasana (fish pose) - Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)


Here we see again the importance of stress reduction in the quest of slimming down. When we are not spinning around in our heads or through our days, the body has a chance to regain equilibrium. Cortisol production drops, digestion improves, fat stores disappear. When the mind is clear, we make better food choices and eat more slowly as well. So take a few minutes each day and find a quiet spot. Sit in an upright position with straight spine and follow the breath. Ten to 20 minutes is a good time frame for beginners.

Dedication to Harmony

Yoga is a complex system of healing that teachers study throughout their lives to master its subtleties. Yet with patient, methodical and committed focus, we too can reap the benefits of this sublime practice. Consistency is the key. By integrating a small measure of yogic principles into our daily lives, the cumulative value will reveal itself over time. And before we know it, a lucid mind and fit body are realized.

Carolanne enthusiastically believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation for over 13 years. Through her website she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people who share a similar vision. Follow on Twitter at: Facebook, follow here: Pinterest fans, connect here: Read Carolanne’s other articles on Natural News: Sources include: PAGE 18 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Health Lights

How to Hide Nutrition in Your Kids’ Meals

By Sandeep Godiyal

Kids can be picky eaters. If your little ones balk at anything green, then you’re likely concerned that they’re not getting the nutrition they need. Camouflaging food takes a little kitchen finesse, but you’re covered with these proven tricks of the trade.

Reshape their Food

Do your children’s noses turn upward at the sight of fresh fruits and vegetables? Make them look twice with funshaped alternatives. Use a cookie cutter or knife to rework watermelon, apples, carrots and other nutrient-rich foods into shapes your children will love. Create entire figurines by using different shapes of fruits and veggies to assemble fun characters. Foods cut into fun shapes help them appear more inviting to youngsters, increasing the chance that those foods will end up in their mouths.

Be a Blender

Blend the nutrient-rich foods your kids usually snub into smoothies, popsicles and other fun treats. Apples, bananas and other fruits can easily be pureed into pulp and juices that can then be frozen into delicious popsicles. Blend a mixture of fruits, vegetables and protein powder into smoothies the youngsters will savor until the final drop. From veggie-rich sauces to nutrient-packed drinks, blending the foods your kids despise into meals they love is a cinch.

Substitute Ingredients

Do your children love macaroni and cheese? Give them what they love without the processed ingredients by making the meal from scratch at home. Whole wheat pasta, real cheese and whole milk blend to create delicious homemade mac and cheese that your kids are sure to prefer to the boxed stuff. Begin replacing white bread with whole wheat versions and always opt for whole wheat pasta when making spaghetti. Small substitutions such as these accumulate to bring major nutritional improvements in no time at all.

Remake Sweets

When a child sees a cookie, they most often

associate that cookie with being sweet and delicious. Little do they know that cookies can be both delicious and nutritious. Start replacing a portion of the fat content in cookies, cakes and other sweets with applesauce. Fruit juices, natural sugars and other sweeteners are effective replacements for refined sugar. Zucchini and other nutrient-rich foods can even be shredded and added to your kids’ favorite baked goods without them being any the wiser.

Make it a Breakfast Affair Breakfast is often when kids are the hungriest and groggiest. Capitalize on this time of day by hiding fruits and veggies in their favorite breakfast items. Whip up a batch of blueberry pancakes lathered with pure maple syrup (not the processed kind) or bake some whole wheat muffins.

will also feed the kids’ brains and will offer the energy needed to power through their days. Getting your kids to eat nutrient-rich foods often requires a little kitchen know-how. From fun-shaped veggies to nutritious and delicious shakes, put your mind at ease by finding creative ways to fill little ones with the goodness they need.

Sandeep is an avid rock climber, Mountaineer, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on betterhealthblog. www.betterhealthblog provide tips on Healthy Living, Beauty and Fashion, Home & Gardening, Weight Loss . Sources:

As your kids chow down on their wholesome breakfasts, you’ll be smiling with ease knowing the day is starting out right. Those nutritious breakfasts IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 19

Health Lights



By Dr. Judith Orloff Excerpted from “Positive Energy”

Piece to Overeating


a psychiatrist I know there is more to overeating and obesity than meets the eye. One big reason many diets fail is that traditional weight loss programs don’t factor in how we process subtle energy, what Chinese medicine terms life force or chi. Subtle energy penetrates and surrounds the body. Sensitive people, who I call intuitive empaths, unknowingly overeat in response to being overwhelmed by negative vibes. Empaths not only can sense energy around them, they absorb it into their bodies. Energetic premise of obesity: When empaths are thin they have less padding and are more vulnerable to soaking up negative vibes. For instance, early twentieth century faith healers were renowned for being grossly obese to avoid absorbing their patient’s symptoms, a common trap I’ve seen modern-day healers also unconsciously fall into; food is a convenient grounding device. Similarly, many of my patients pack on pounds to protect against overwhelming vibes, massive or minute. Energy is at the root of an empaths hunger. Whether you’re sensitivity to negative vibes is minimal or intense, for a diet to succeed it’s important to develop alternative coping strategies other than overeating. Eight Emergency Interventions to Halt Energetic Eating When the impulse to overeat hits: Identify an Addictive Craving from a True Need Addictive craving, a symptom of nutritional abuse, is a frequent response to energetic overload. Bottom line, you eat certain foods like a drug addict; this leads to obesity. Cravings feel intense: whenever you keep lusting after sweets and carbs especially, be suspicious. (I’ve yet to see someone binge on brussel sprouts!) For instance, chocolate turns from simple pleasure to a crutch when


you gorge on it, use it to self-medicate stress, or to get a sugar high; also, if you experience mood-swings, sugar hangovers, can’t control your intake, or it makes you sick. With cravings, you eat to relieve stress, not to build energy. Try to identify addictive foods, and limit them.

out fear. I also visualize negative vibes exiting through the spaces between the vertebrae in my lower back. Try this too. Breathing out toxic vibes is a proactive cleansing process. You’re in charge of the flow. Allow well-being to permeate every inch of you. Repeat this exercise until you’re free of negative residue.

A true nutritional need lacks such angst or internal conflict; there’s no lusting or lunging for food to guard against negative energies. A true need comes from a centered place, has nothing to do with soothing our emotions (comfort foods) or obsession. Feeling healthily nurtured from food never involves mood swings, sedation or elation…rather an even feeling of satisfaction. A true need lets you enjoy your meal, optimizes energy, and doesn’t lead to obesity.

Pray to Release the Addictive Craving If you’re gripped by a craving, go into praying-mode. For a few quiet moments breath slowly. Bring your awareness to your heart, and aim for self-compassion. The craving may feel impossible to handle, but that’s okay. In this calm state ask your higher power to lift it from you. No mental nudging needed. If you surrender your ego-involvement, this simple heartfelt request works like a charm. What you’re doing is calling on a cosmically influential positive energy to supplant a material-world negative drive.

Quickly Pinpoint Energetic Stressors That Trigger Addictive Cravings Immediately ask yourself: Have I been exposed to bad vibes? A loud-mouth neighbor. An ordeal to pass through airport security. A siege of overbearing phone messages. Don’t write off the “smaller” incidents which notoriously send empaths motoring to the refrigerator. Avoid panic. Methodically pinpoint cause and effect. You don’t have to be victimized by negative energy. The trick is to clear it as soon as possible once you’ve been slimed. Breathe Negative Vibes Out of Your System Take a five minute break for damage control. Slowly inhale and exhale. As you’ve learned, breath activates positive energy; it also releases negative vibes. Notice if they get stuck in a specific part of your body. For instance, negative vibes go straight to my gut; I feel irradiated by a toxic stun gun. Identify your vulnerable points. Then practice this visualization: Just as your lungs take in oxygen and expel toxic carbon dioxide, you’re going to breathe in light and clarity, breathe out stress. Breathe in vitality. Breathe

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Take a Shower or Bath A speedy way to dissolve negative vibes is to immerse yourself in water. My tub is my refuge after a busy day: it washes away everything from bus exhaust to long hours of air travel, to personal unpleasantness. While you relax, water works on you. It has alchemical cleansing properties which will purify the physical body and energy field. Burn Sage Just because vibes are invisible doesn’t mean you don’t eat over them. Try burning sage to counteract negative energy someone deposits in your office or home…a strategy that has

kept pounds off my patients. Vibes accumulate and can cause stress if not eradicated. You may not realize that left-over subtle energies trigger addictive eating patterns, but these vibes subliminally wear at you. Sage has been used by ancients crossculturally to purify locations. Burn it, and the desire to eat over lurking negative vibes will wane. Visualize a Protective Shield Around You Visualize white light surrounding every inch of you from head to toe so negative energy cannot penetrate this shield and deplete your energy. Eat with Attunement Develop a diet that satisfies your energetic needs. I’d like energy to motivate why you eat, more important than taste or any dietary dogma…a priority to impart to children. Whatever you put in your mouth, run by your energy meter; see what truly nourishes or depletes. Even foods you’ve shunned become more attractive when you experience their energy lift. Food is no place to be passive. You don’t have to let poisonous energy lodge itself in you. To stay on top of your eating, do a daily check-in. Stay alert for cravings prompted by negative vibes. Watch your responses. I promise, your eating habits will change.

Dr. Judith Orloff, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and has helped patients find emotional freedom for over 20 years. She synthesizes pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Her bestselling books, Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, and Guide to Intuitive Healing offer readers practical strategies to overcome frustration, stress, and worry. Check out her amazing YouTube video collection. Visit www.

Health Lights Herbalist

Kathleen Gould, rh


Cooling Herbs for Summer Heat Living in the summer desert heat can be a challenge even for the most hardy of us. Just a few minutes outside can leave you weak and even a bit nauseous if you are not extra careful. But again, Mother Nature is here to offer more of her amazing cooling gifts. Kathleen Gould



cooling gifts.

Hibiscus in the summer desert heat can be a challenge even for the most hardy of us. Just a few minutes outside can leave you weak and even a bit nauseous if you are not extra careful. But again, Mother Nature is here to offer more of her amazing, and this time

Herbs in the mint family like peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm are cooling, spicy and bitter in nature. They aid digestion and are an effective body cleanser. They also help open the pores to relieve excess heat in the summer. Hibiscus flowers, an all time favorite, is not only very refreshing but also rich in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Regular consumption of this great tasting and cooling herb has been shown to help lower blood pressure and help in weight loss. Hibiscus turns your tea a beautiful pink and has long been used as a natural red dye.

Here is a delicious blend to help get you started: 2 teaspoons Rosehips

1 teaspoon Lemongrass

1 teaspoon Hibiscus flowers

1 teaspoon Spearmint

1 teaspoon Peppermint

½ teaspoon Orange peel

Pinch of Stevia (sweet herb) To make delicious herbal ice tea without heating up your house: Fill a big jar with your herbs and water (ratio, 1 teaspoon herb or herb blend per cup of water) and let sit in the sun for a few hours. You can add a pinch of Stevia (sweet herb) to sweeten while infusing in the sun. Strain and refrigerate. Keeps about a week in the refrigerator.

Other herbs you might consider are: Hawthorn leaf and flower — strengthens the heart and aids digestion. Rosehips — Disease defense herb. Rich source of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Chrysanthemum — cools the body without cooling digestion. Lemongrass — Rich in Vitamin C, cool the body by gently dilating the pores to release body heat. Red clover — Improves circulation, immune strengthening and cooling. Raspberry leaf — Rich in minerals which help replace the minerals we lose when sweating. Mix and match these herbs to create all kinds of great herbal blends for your summer ice teas.

IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 21

Health Lights


Blood sugar is an important issue for anyone who is concerned about heart disease, overweight, hypoglycemia, and especially diabetes because it affects all of these conditions. Carbohydrates in our foods are broken down in the digestive tract and converted into glucose (blood sugar). Meals that contain a high concentration of carbohydrates, particularly simple carbohydrates such as sugar and refined flours, cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. Since elevated blood sugar can lead to a coma and death, insulin is frantically pumped into the blood stream to avoid this. If insulin is produced in adequate amounts, blood sugar is soon brought back down to normal. This is what happens in most individuals. However, if insulin is not produced quickly enough or the cells become desensitized to the action of insulin, blood glucose can remain elevated for extended periods of time. This is what happens in diabetes. Dietary fiber helps moderate swings in blood sugar by slowing down the absorption of sugar into the blood stream. This helps keep blood sugar and insulin levels under control. Coconut fiber has been shown to be very effective in moderating blood sugar and insulin levels. For this reason, coconut is good for diabetics. Diabetics are encouraged to eat foods that have a relatively low glycemic index. The glycemic index is a measure of how foods affect blood sugar levels. The higher the glycemic index, the greater an effect a particular food has on raising blood sugar. So diabetics need to eat foods with a low glycemic index. When coconut is added to foods, including those high in starch and sugar, it lowers the glycemic index of these foods. This was clearly demonstrated by T.P. Trinidad and colleagues in a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2003. In their study, both normal and diabetic subjects were given a variety of foods to eat. Some of the types of food included cinnamon bread, granola bars, carrot cake, and brownies—all foods that a diabetic must ordinarily limit because of their high sugar and starch content. It was found that as the coconut content of the foods increased, the blood sugar response between the diabetic and non-diabetic subjects became nearly identical. In other words, coconut moderated the release of sugar into the bloodstream so that there was no spike in blood glucose levels. As the coconut content in the foods decreased, the diabetic subjects’ blood sugar levels became elevated, as would normally be expected from eating foods high in sugar and white flour. This study showed that adding coconut to foods lowers the glycemic index of the foods and keeps blood sugar levels under control. Sweet foods such as cookies and cakes made using coconut flour do not affect blood sugar levels like those made with wheat flour. This is good news for diabetics who want a treat now and then without adversely affecting their blood sugar. The Coconut Research Center is operated by Bruce Fife, N.D, an internationally recognized expert on the health and nutritional aspects of coconut and related products. Dr. Fife is the author of numerous books, including, The Coconut Oil Miracle (formerly titled The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil), The Palm Oil Miracle, Coconut Lover’s Cookbook, and Eat Fat, Look Thin. He is the publisher of the Healthy Ways Newsletter. For a free copy of the Healthy Ways Newsletter please write or e-mail us. Visit: www.

PAGE 22 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Health Lights Dr. Susan J. DeVito


Growing Epidemic

Our right & left sides of the brain are responsible for different mental & physical functions, and they each need to work properly … One out of five school-aged children will be diagnosed with some type of neurological disorder that affects their ability to learn and socially interact. Even more astonishing is the visible growth seen in diagnoses. A recent study by Northwestern University researchers found a 66 percent increase in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses. From 2000 to 2010, the total number of cases in children under the age of 18 went from 6.2 million to 10.4 million. Similarly, autism diagnoses are also increasing at a shocking rate of 17 to 20 percent per year. Within five years, the numbers will double. With the numbers skyrocketing for learning disabilities, ADHD, and neurobehavioral disorders, many doctors and researchers are beginning to view the growing amount of issues as an epidemic. The sheer numbers are surprising on their own. But when paired with the vast amount of money, time and medication families dedicate to the issues, it is easy to see that we’re dealing with an epidemic. While select disorders, including autism, have previously been linked to a genetic component, the growth of diagnoses is leading more researchers to believe that the problems are more environmentally based. On average, parents of a child with ADHD spend $15,000 per year, which results in $200-300 billion total spent each year by parents on treatment programs and extended care for children with learning disabilities. Because of the growing numbers and money dedicated to treating the issues, learning disability medications comprise one of the fastest growing portions of the pharmaceutical industry, with nearly 75 percent of the medications focusing on ADHD. This comes as no surprise as U.S. doctors in 2009 wrote an estimated 20 million prescriptions for Ritalin. A recent FDA study found a 46 percent rise in ADHD prescriptions,

mirroring the growth of epidemic. While the prescription medications help decrease symptoms of ADHD, they fail to address the primary cause of the problem; brain imbalances. Our right and left sides of the brain are responsible for different mental and physical functions, and they each need to work properly and cooperatively in order for us to function at our best. However, in children with ADHD and autism, the brain appears to be imbalanced, as the right side of the brain is delayed in comparison with the left side of the brain. This is evident as these children are often very bright and articulate and generally do well on verbal tests. However, they often struggle socially and have difficulty reading nonverbal cues. Alternative programs, like the Brain Balance Program, combine cognitive, sensory and motor stimulation with diet, nutrition and basic behavior modification to identify and activate networks in the brain that are underactive and immature. By completing activities that target underactive parts of the brain, children with ADHD challenges can achieve more balanced development between the two hemispheres, which facilitates improved functioning.

before, and the long-term negative effects of such exposure are still largely unknown. From fast food to artificial sweeteners, kids are not only missing out on the nutrition they need, but they are also ingesting potentially harmful chemicals on a regular basis. We have to encourage a return to whole, fresh foods and organic items, and the same is true even for expectant parents or couples that are trying to have children. By eating healthfully, cutting back on stress, and implementing positive changes before they even start having children, couples can model a healthy lifestyle for their future kids, not to mention, help ensure better health for the entire family. Ultimately, the treatment for ADHD, autism and other neurobehavioral issues needs to be as multi-faceted and complex as the factors in the environment that can contribute to it. Instead of simply medicating the symptoms or compensating for

weaknesses in special ed, parents need more innovative and individualized options, while working to understand what methods will best suit their needs and their family needs. By working together, doctors, parents, and educators can all help these children to achieve their fullest potential. Susan DeVito: Passion for children and tapping unlimited potential has been the lifelong focus of Dr. Susan DeVito. From 1988-2003 she focused on children and families as a Doctor of Chiropractic in New York. Empowering her patients toward optimal wellness through the elimination of nerve interference was her primary focus. Subsequently, Susan traveled internationally inspiring other practitioners to do the same. Now, with laser focus she serves the vast community of children and families with special education needs at her Brain Balance Achievement Center, an after school learning center for kids with learning challenges. Visit: www.

Working to help correct brain imbalances can be invaluable in helping to improve conditions like ADHD and autism. This means making sure that the brain is getting enough ‘exercise’ by cutting down on technology/television time and getting the child active and involved in his environment. The more children can interact and get hands-on with the world they live in, the more they can build connections in the brain and further develop mentally and physically. Along with cutting down on T.V. and video games, it’s important for parents to consider their child’s diet and environment. From toxins in the home to genetically modified foods, modern families are exposed to more chemicals and hormones than ever IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 23

F eature S tory

Qi Activation Up Close & Personal

by Deanna Cook

Continued From Page 17

An Interview with Jeff Primack

1. Giving Up All Dairy Products – Replace with delicious healing ice cream, raw key lime pie etc. 2. Smoothie Every Morning with - Avocado and it’s big SEED, Apple with Core, Organic Strawberries etc. 3. Have Big Bowel Movements – Eat squash, sweet potato and one Good Belly probiotic drink everyday. 4. Watermelon Fast Once a Month – Only watermelon all day to cleanse kidneys and urinary channels. Include eating/blending the white section, which contains L-Citrulline, a precursor to Nitric Oxide the body’s primary vasodilator. Fasting on watermelon has helped dissolve kidney stones for many people. Watermelon is not recommended for diabetics, cancer patients or people with sugar sensitive diseases. DC: In my 30 years being on an enlightened path, attending many retreats and seminars, I never saw a group of people be as open, vulnerable and empowered like I did at the Qi Activation Conference. What really resonated with me was that it was both experiential hands on and educational. You seem very at ease with speaking in front of so many. Was PUBLIC SPEAKING something that came natural for you? JP: The highest teachers of Qigong speak in shorter bursts of information. They are natural summarizers of complex teachings. Speech spoken at the core essence level can powerfully hold an audience’s attention, because it’s free of fluff. Talking about a pharmacy inside your own brain and activating latent healing abilities happens to be very interesting. Every year I speak to thousands of people; so I get lots of practice and learn new ways to refine the way I deliver the information. Humor also plays a role in how I teach at these big events. In high school, I was a class clown and studied ways to make people laugh. At every seminar participants tell me I remind them of Adam Sandler, but I can’t see it. “Qigong Humor” is funny because we’re all so holistic and mental about the same issues and sometimes we feel alone. Humor unifies people and that helps raise the energy. DC: I’ve been doing your “Qigong Strength Training” every other day like you suggested and my belly is getting some definition, but the best part is that I feel so peaceful at the end. How do you explain to people what is special about Qigong methods of fitness and muscular conditioning? JP: Qigong strength training is 100% nurturing to Qi instead of taxing like some traditional exercises. If you have old injuries you can practice Qigong without any side effects. We use “Holding Qi” postures like Horse Stance to build the root chakra and leg strength of the body. When doing HyperThrows we use extreme fast followed by slow “Pressing on Qi” movements, which works wonders for circulatory issues and building muscle. These Yin & Yang alternating movements open PAGE 24 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

arteries to expand blood flow beyond what traditional exercise is capable of. Qigong breathing and movements are merged into a mildly challenging fitness routine and this Qi integration helps you recover faster and go deeper than normal. DC: People are excited that Las Vegas will experience the Largest Qigong Gathering Nevada has ever seen. 500 people highly focused into healing practices inside one beautiful ballroom sounds exciting. Jeff, how can you afford to produce all the high production elements and sell tickets to a 4-Day Conference like this for only $129? And how does the GROUP ENERGY EFFECT of so many people’s energy in the same room make a difference? JP: A master, known as Dr. Yan Xin, was perhaps the most influential Qigong figure of all time. He facilitated 30,000-person Qi-Lectures inside of stadiums. Due to the huge COLLECTIVE ENEGY at these stadium events many experienced the deepest levels of Qigong within hours and many miraculous healings were reported. Historically speaking, Qigong went from being practiced by almost no Chinese people in the 1970’s to a mind blowing 200 million by mid 1980’s! This came to a screeching halt in 1999 when the Chinese government, for fear of an uprising, outlawed Large Qigong events. I believe Qigong is God-Connecting, humbling, healing to the spirit and unifies people, which is something the Chinese government is not supporting now. America is different and I am proud to live where my President supports Qigong and the right to gather in freedom! Why only $129 for 4-Days Qigong? Because we want the secret of Qigong Healing to get out! Hundreds moving and breathing in sync is truly vivid and allows you to experience ENERGY beyond what you could by yourself. Where two or more are gathered seeds of love are scattered… DC: In closing, I would like to thank you, your team and the students who allowed me to sit in on your instructor classes. The Qi Activation program was the single most enlightening, educational, wellness program I have yet to see. Thank You Jeff for this opportunity.

Interviewer Deanna Cook has owned several organic restaurants, is a holistic celebrity chef and has appeared on the Food Network.

Qi Activation L V coming to



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IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 27

Celestial Cycles by Motavenda

My thoughts on “Experiencing” by Moti As we seek to evolve into deeper states of connection with divine truth, our emotions lead the way. When we embrace all our feelings and allow them to surface and be experienced completely, we come to understand the truth of things on the ultimate level. So often we hear certain emotions are unholy or unhealthy to experience, when the truth is that it is essential we allow the full experience of all our emotions if we are to create a balanced and humane world for all to live in.

Important, read Sun, Rising & Moon signs to have a full picture. So, what’s up the with heavens? The Sun, traveling through Cancer, compels us to tune into and listen with care to our innermost selves and allows our intuition to guide us until it enters Leo on the 22nd and we come out of hiding to revel in our beauty as we share our true nature with the world. The New Moon in Cancer on the 8th nudges us to connect hidden feelings we have been avoiding. The Full Moon on the 22nd in Aquarius finds us enjoying the company of those who love us for who we are. Saturn, ruler of structures, support and grounding, turns direct on the 8th in Scorpio (having traveled retrograde since late February). We see openings for unfolding our passions and desires in new ways born of a greater understanding of our true needs and which will allow for creations that will be much more durable in the long term. Mars enters Cancer on the 13th marrying our drives with our feelings. We are designed to act in alignment with truth and love and our emotions, when acknowledged, honored and balanced, will lead us to make great strides in the most positive directions. Uranus turns retrograde on the 17th in Aries. We are in times of change and this transit affords us insight into what must be released so more space and freedom may be opened up for us to live with greater authenticity, both individually and as a part of our communities. Jupiter in Cancer trines both Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces on the 17th and Saturn trines Neptune on the 19th as we expand the things that stabilize our lives so that they become more spiritually nurturing. Why use our will to create things that stifle our souls? It is time to flower and unfold into our divine selves and this takes acts of love and care for our emotional selves and conscious actions in harmony with fulfillment of our true desires and, as Mars in Cancer trines Neptune and Saturn on the 20th, all of this new energy is fueled as more support comes in to propel us to manifest more loving spiritual and material creations. Mercury in Cancer turns direct on the 21st as we find more connecting points with others as we move with more grace and empathy in our exchanges. Mars conjuncts Jupiter on the 22nd and opposes Pluto in Capricorn on the 27th as more energy pours in and moves us beyond the shadow of outdated structures and out of the reach of unloving authority figures.

Motavenda “Moti” Melchizedek is an artist, writer and astrologer specializing in the areas of personal empowerment, family of origin issues, personal dreams and destiny. She is a student and teacher of the principles of “Divine Love” and can be reached at 575-534-1024 or visit:

Happy Birthday Cancer! June 21st to July 22nd “I FEEL”

Ruling Planet: Moon ~ Rules: Chest & Breast ~ Symbol: The Crab ~ Element: Water ~ Energy: Feminine ~ Quality: Cardinal ~ Color: Sea Green ~ Gem Stone: Pearl ~ Flower: Lotus ~ Most Compatible Signs: Scorpio & Pisces ~ High Manifestation of Cancer Energy: Feeling deeply and nurturing others through supporting them to do the same. ~ Shadow Manifestation of Cancer Energy: Engaging emotionally in possessive ways through controlling other peoples emotions. ~ Full Spectrum of the Cancer/Capricorn Axis: “I feel all my feelings and support others to do the same so that we might create healthy, nurturing, sustainable worlds together.” In a world where so many of us have become estranged from ourselves through being wedged apart from our own emotions, Cancers offer a great relief, an oasis of sorts, as they guide us back to a place where we come to love our feelings again. We must all come home to ourselves, through embracing all of our emotions, if we are to live in a world that is truly healthy again. When we separate from our feelings, we become capable of creating the huge and unloving things we see manifesting all over the earth. Cancer energy demonstrates the importance of nurturing ourselves and others through living lives guided by truths that emotions reveal. We gain the most accurate insights into the condition of our souls by witnessing where and how we are shut down still. We must use our souls to guide us forward and we can do this by embracing our emotions fully once again. As the suffering we see around us in the world today is the direct result of our collective estrangement from our feelings, we can follow the journey of emotional integration as a direct pathway back to self love and love of others. The Moon rulership of Cancer reveals the essential need for the allowance of psychic space for organic unfoldings in all our creations. If we are to structure systems that are loving and genuinely supportive to our souls, we must incorporate room for intuition, emotions and space for honoring our natural rhythms and changing internal tides. Things we have become frightened of collectively, we must nurture once again through listening to our feelings. These are the tools we were created with in our souls to lead us back to the divine.

PAGE 28 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

The gift of giving is often unexplored in its full potential. How can you give to others in ways you have not yet considered? There is a great deal of happiness you can embrace by giving freely and unconditionally to others. It is an often untapped area where you can access deep joy.

TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20

Something beautiful can be breathtaking. With new possibilities step back. Take notice and breathe into a sense of deep appreciation. Things can pass us by simply because we are not present enough emotionally to actually experience them. Your job is simply to stay present and engaged.

GEMINI • May 21 to June 20

Tension brings about balance in the long run for you. Sometimes we must stretch ourselves in order to reach new places of healthy and mutually empowering coexistence. In these places, we are able to collaborate with others in ways that were out of our reach before. As we stretch, we grow and become more flexible.

Cancer ~ June 21 to July 22

Spiritual sharing with another is a sacred gift to be honored. It is surprising how often we find these experiences fleeting and rare in our lives and end up starving for a sense of permission to exist openly with others. Take a risk and initiate creating the space for intimacy and invite others in.

Leo ~ July 23 to Aug. 22

It is not always easy coming to terms with the realization that we actually know far less than we assumed about something important to our hearts. It is okay to not know and to have believed something to be true only to discover later was not. We are all learning more truth as we go.

Virgo ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22

Grounding strength through compromise is the terrain you explore now. You are able to extend yourself further because you have grown stronger. It is true that when we have a strong sense of who we are, and a growing alignment with divine truth, we become capable of existing in more places without fear.

Libra ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

Ah, don’t we love those moments when all feels perfect and everything makes more sense than ever before? You are able to connect to the gratitude that accompanies the realization that things turned out better than they would have if you had had the control over things that you had wanted in the past.

Scorpio ~ Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Time is a strange thing. We can feel it in our souls and we witness how, even though we often acquiesce to the notion that life is divided into perfectly sectioned pieces, things actually unfold in a whole different way. Some days move slowly and others with sudden bursts of swiftness. Do not limit yourself.

Sagittarius ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Emotional generosity is the name of the game. There is joy for sharing and giving to others through acts of compassion. As you give room for people to express their inner conflicts and share confusions, you provide something of value that they can gain tremendously from. It is a win-win situation.

Capricorn ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

If we find our endeavors leading us astray and feel ourselves faltering, we can rest assured in the realization that all is in divine order. Knowing what we’re heading for might ultimately lead to a place we were never meant to go; allowing us to embrace new directions and head toward better possibilities.

Aquarius ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

It is wonderful to indulge in the sensual pleasures of life. We have physical bodies and are here on the Earth, so it makes sense that we are meant to partake of the delights of this world. Take a break from the rat race and give yourself nurturing. It will give you a great sense of renewal.

Pisces ~ Feb. 19 to March 20

You are grateful for the changes you have been willing to make. The nature of life is that things are always changing, growing and dissolving and new life emerges again. The more we embrace change, the more we enjoy life as it presents itself now. We are not meant to control things unnaturally.

Empowered Numerology by Michele Avanti Alpha Numeric Numerology Chart

Last month we examined the number five, which links us beyond the physical to Source. This month we go beyond viewing Source and it’s power of creation to the number six, which asks us to activate our awareness of the choices we make as part of the power of creative force. The number six is the midpoint between three and nine. Three represents the creative power of masculine and feminine either in alignment with Source or completely focused on the physical. It is either powerfully creating for good or manifesting out of fear. The nine is a number of great wisdom and completion. This midpoint focuses on choices. Six is a happy vibration and it will test one to choose from the heart, which is the wisdom of six. Six has both symmetry and confusion like pool balls perfectly racked then scattered by a focused cue ball, creating numerous choices to win the game. Six is the first number with so many options that the mind wrestles with them. This is the test, and of course the opportunity to rise to the next level. The interesting issue of 666, (a master number), is called by some the “Mark of the Beast”. It carries the vibration of three energized six times, the frequency of choices that has multiplied six times, therefore temptation to choose poorly is increased, and also reduces to the number nine, which concludes with mastering choices. The association of 666 was created through religious paths, relating this number of ‘the beast” to the devil, evil, etc. To understand the basis of this entity, realize that in the density of the physical form, there will be many temptations. The “Beast”, is simply lack of awareness or consciousness in making a choice for the good of the whole, which is how Divine self always chooses. Making choices cloaked with lusty overtones which create new frequencies in our bodies, minds and emotional levels, feed on greed in all its varying forms. To fully understand six and the 666; here is a mundane example. A diabetic person knows eating sugary foods is not wise. At dinner ice cream is offered for dessert. Though this is not what the body wants, they give in to their emotional and mental desires and eat the ice cream. It seems a simple choice but not the choice Divine Self would make. In our higher bodies we view the universe and all its contents as a continuum, a whole. We see it in terms of frequency and will always choose to accelerate the frequencies, not lower them. But in the human consciousness, we ignore this and the needs of the trillions of sentient beings that make up our physical bodies (our personal universe), and allow the lust of emotional and mental desire to run rampant. When we ignore what the heart knows, and act on desire, we fulfill the saying; “The devil made me do it.” Thus, we can understand the mark of the beast is simply many choices that cause us to succumb to our desires and cause pain to ourselves or others. When we achieve mastery through this frequency we will no longer be swayed by temptations. Another fact regarding the number 666, is that in the periodic table it signifies the element of carbon; the basis of our physical bodies. When placed under great pressure, carbon is transformed to a diamond. This is completely in alignment with soul’s journey. It often takes hundreds of lifetimes to learn to choose wisely in every arena of physical life. When we do achieve this, we are no longer the 666 but are transformed to its reduction, the 9 in its highest form. On a personal level, the number six, through birth date or name, indicates a life filled with choices designed to help achieve mastery. I call the six, the social butterflies. They are great networkers, love talking and interfacing with others, laugh easily and are usually gracious, fun-loving people. Their challenge is to choose from the heart rather t h a n t h ro u g h p e e r, f a m i l y, c u l t u r a l pressure or fear. Like the butterfly, they transform in life and are both colorful and flighty. Because choices are their path, making commitments is their challenge. So this frequency requires some kind of sanctuary in any committed relationship…it may simply be a room of their own. 2013 is a six year, so all these issues will be apparent this year. To fulfill the highest level of six, one can practice viewing all life as a continuum and making

This chart allows you to quickly access the number related to any letter. Thus you can identify what numbers are active through a name, or address. When looking at the chart, the letters listed below each number will activate that frequency and you can add them together to find the power of a word. For example, the name, Art. Look at the column with number one at the top. There you will find A, thus A=1, R is located in the 9 column, so R=9, and T is located in the 2 column, so T=2. Thus for Art we would add, 1+9+2=12, which when reduced = 3. conscious choices each day. A simple technique; begin the day by consciously saying, “Today, all I do, say or think, is for the good of the whole”. Then, in the evening, review the choices you made. Writing them down prepares you for the next day. Over time you will transform. The benefits…peace at every level. To be at peace with all life is what it means to be a diamond.


Its Frequencies

July is: J (1) + u (3) + l (3) + y (7) = 14 = 5 2013: 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6 Total: 5 + 6 = 11 Like June, July carries the frequency of 5, the number of knowledge. But, unlike June, July is a feminine water five. So, we have the vast knowledge of Mother Earth graciously nurturing us. July’s five frequency is perfect for connecting with family, nurturing, learning or sharing with everyone we call family. Additionally, it is a good time to extend the family connection to the wisdom and medicine of all life forms because the watery five energy, opens the channels for us to communicate and understand all forms of life. Now is the time to listen to your animal friends, because July’s frequency will help you understand them. When we add 2013 to the frequency equation, we will be faced with choices regarding our care for the Earth, its creatures and it may also be our biological mother or other females or female issues. Remember, choose from your heart center, not your mind or emotions. Choose for the good of the whole and begin achieving the mastery inherent in July 2013…that of 11. Eleven is the feminine mastery of manifestation; the doorway to other worlds through dreams, and visions. Thus, July’s nurturing nature extends to great naptimes, meditations with nature and, an awakened awareness of when your body is on automatic and you are off in other worlds. Enjoy this month, it offers so much at every level and a great opportunity to accelerate humanity’s frequencies and awareness. •

The ancients believed there was a pole that held up the heavens, and that

In numerology, all numbers are added together and then reduced to a

information was sent back and forth to heaven through this mighty pole.

single digit, unless after adding them together the result is a number

with double digits, such as: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. These remain intact and are called Master Numbers. •

Master numbers are all numbers that consist of replicating digits, such as 11, 22, 111, 222, 444,444, etc. Master numbers activate the originating

frequency to a higher octave and thus empower the individual exponentially.

We welcome any questions about the meaning of a name, and will be addressing names in this column later in the year. Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She has taught in many areas of metaphysics and is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations and Online courses. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at for an appointment. To learn more about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at

IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 29

Light Happenings

July, 2013 25 THURSDAY DIVINE LIGHT HEALING & MEDITATION, 6:30pm. Join together to support each other in healing & raising your vibration. Focus on Sacral Chakra. Led by Rose Catmull. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 27 & 28 SAT. - SUN. ANGEL PATH HEALER 2 DAY CERTIFICATION CLASS, 9am-4pm . $347; If you know it is your time to take your relationship with the Angels to the next level, then this training course is for you. RSVP in advance required for attendance. Enchanted Forest Reiki Center; 800 N. Rainbow, Ste.100, Las Vegas. 702-948-4999. www.

JULY is also (National)

JULY is also (Day)

• • • •

• • • •

National Hot Dog Month National Anti-Boredom Month National Ice Cream Month National Blueberry Month

World UFO Day Canada Day International Joke Day Chocolate Day

Week Event: • 2nd week is Nude Recreation week Resource: 4 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289 www., 702-435-3289.

28 SUNDAY HEAL YOUR BODY, HEAL YOUR LIFE, 6:30 pm Healing Service with Dr. Robert Moldowan. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. Ongoing Events SUNDAYS ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. Topics: July 7, Accepting Miracles In Our Lives; July 14, The Connecting Power of Love; July 21, The Creative Power of Soul; July 28, Master Your Spiritual Destiny . UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Children’s Programs 10am. Meditation & Metaphysical Discussion. Topics: July 7, Spiritual Independence; July 14, One With All Creation; July 21, Living a Compassionate Life; July 28, One Power, One Presence: 3037 E. Warm Springs. #300, LV. (Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern) Call 702-435-3289. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702362-6184.

5 FRIDAY OPEN HOUSE: ENCHANTED FOREST REIKI CENTER, 11am-7pm. Refreshments, raffle prizes, plus all merchandise on sale! Come listen to the Crystal Singing Bowls, be a part of our Energy Healing Circle, Meditations, throughout the day or try a free session on our sound bed. 800 N. Rainbow, Ste.100, Las Vegas. 702-948-4999. www.

MONDAYS Healthy Habits Wellness Center, 7pm; Join Dr. Thomas Stone and learn how subtle energies can help you heal yourself. Weekly seminar on Quantum Energy. Improve your life thru whole organic foods and clean water. Sample a prepared organic dish and enjoy an open discussion on your health at 5858 S Pecos Rd Bldg I Suite 600 LV (Park Place Professional Complex). Call 702-450-0321.

11 THURSDAY DRUMMING CIRCLE, 7 pm; Experience the oneness of the drum and the beat. Bring your own drum or use one of ours. Led by Erin Lale. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702-435-3289.

“OCEAN BREEZES” OPEN MEDITATION, 5:30-6:30p.m. Feel the deep vibrations, the lullaby of the waves, and the beautiful energy from our vibroacoustic sound therapy lounge as you bring yourself into a meditative calm and peace. Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, Spiritual Items ‘n More 800 N Rainbow, Ste. 100, Las Vegas. 702-948-4999.

13 SATURDAY SUSTAINABLE HAPPINESS SERIES, 10am-12pm, Led by Swami Jinendra Kothari. Four-part series; Creating & sustaining a happy life. This seminar includes supercharged tune-up, tranquility training, tension taming, serenity training, & selfempowerment. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV.

TUESDAYS METAPHYSICAL BOOK STUDY & NVC PRACTICE GROUP, Non-Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, 6:30pm-8pm. NO CLASS JULY 2ND. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held at 3037 E. Warm Springs, Ste. 300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289.

14 SUNDAY DIVINE LIGHT HEALING & MEDITATION, 6:30pm. Join together to support each other in healing & raising your vibration. Focus on Sacral Chakra. Led by Rose Catmull. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 18 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289 www., 702-435-3289. 19 FRIDAY KIRTAN, CHANTING, DRUMMING, FUN, 7-9:30pm. Unity Center, 3037 E. Warm Springs, Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289.

WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone, 702-530-3250 or website TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702645-0904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. TRANSFORMATION SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30pm. Based on, “Why Is This Happening To Me…Again?” ~ laws of forgiveness. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289. FRIDAYS Arati and book study, (How to Know God) 6pm. Ramakrishna-Vedanta Center. Call 702-646-4889 for information.

20 SATURDAY WHOLISTIC HEALTH FAIR, 10am-3pm, Workshops, Aromatherapy, Readings, Meditation & much more. Immerse yourself and have fun. School supply donations are being accepted for Foster Kinship. Center of Spiritual Living, 4325 N. Rancho Drive #110, Las Vegas. Call 702 255-6412.

UPCOMING Events QI ACTIVATION, 7th Annual Conference; Be your healthiest ever. August 2427th. Henderson Convention Center. Special 4-day event $129. Formerly the Qi Revolution. Updated cirruculum; Qi Activation has helped reverse Asthma, Arthrits, Cancer, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis & more. Hundreds will breathe as One; Seats going fast, CPU Available, Get your tickets now. Go to: 800-298-8970.

DISCOVER YOUR PASSION, 1-4pm. $35/advance, $45/at door. Unity Center, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern). www.UCiV. org, 702-435-3289. Register @

LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: (subject Line, Calendar)

PAGE 30 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

IN LIGHT TIMES • july, 2013 • PAGE 31

Allan Martin Osman Spiritual Counselor-Teacher 702-473-0163 Allan helps you: break negative habits, release negative emotions, improve relationships, make better decisions; and develop Receivership from God within. Allan offers Counseling, Stress Relief, Guided Meditation and Home Study by phone, Skype or in office. Allan is practical, non-judgmental and experienced. Call or email: First session is FREE. See page 27

Briggs Applied Chiropractic 702-385-3090 For over 20 years, Dr. Jo Briggs has treated a variety of conditions in the spine, extremities, nerves and muscles using chiropractic techniques including Diversified, modified Thompson, Meric, B.E.S.T. with some Applied Kinesiology, Activator and physiotherapy. Get at the cause of specific emotional states, unlock emotional patterns and unleash the healing power inside you. Briggs Applied Chiropractic is more than a chiropractic office. We are committed to assist in your return to health with our many techniques, nutrition advice and lifestyle recommendations. Visit: www.DrJoBriggs.Chiroweb. com. See page 23

Celestial Cycles By Motavenda Motavenda “Moti” Melchizedek is an astrologer and metaphysician specializing in personal empowerment, family of origin issues, personal dreams and destiny, and the human potential. Moti enjoys painting, sculpturing, creating jewelry and writing. Both student and teacher of the principals of “divine love” and she believes this pathway holds the key to restoring our world to one of beauty, balance and harmony. For more insights and info, or to schedule a reading, visit: www.InnerWorldDesigns. com. See page 11

Eckankar 702-369-0101 The teachings of Eckankar define the nature of Soul. The goal of Eckankar is spiritual freedom in this lifetime, after which you become a Co-worker with God, both here and in the next world. Karma and reincarnation are primary beliefs. Key to the ECK teachings is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. He has the special ability to act as both Inner and Outer Master for ECK students. The prophet of Eckankar, he is given respect but is not worshiped. 3160 E. Desert Inn, Suite 14. Visit See page 10

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Enchanted Forest Reiki Ctr 702-948-4999 More than just a Reiki Center, we offer a wide range of healing modalities including Cranial Sacral, Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Shamanism, Tuning Forks, Bars Access, the Dolphin Lounge with Vibroacustic Sound Therapy and more. Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, Spiritual Items ‘n More is a great place to network; browse through our gift shop, experience many inspirational and informative classes, get certified in Reiki, Shamanism, Bars Access. Our classes cover mediation, chakras, psychic skills, just to name a few. Stop by Enchanted Forest Reiki Center at 800 N. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 100. Visit See page 3

Omnizeal 702-265-5219 Janee Powers, Energy Worker, can promise you Relaxation & Stress Relief when entering into her uniquely designed session. As an energy worker she may include, Reiki, EFT, EST, aromatherapy, color therapy, crystals and gemstones to create a powerful “LIFE CHANGING” experience. She combines Earth energy with the Divine & believes being grateful for all life’s challenges and loving yourself are the first steps in awakening the mind and body. Visit See page 7

Terry Newbegin

Terry L Newbegin, born in 1948 in Caribou, Maine, now lives in Johnson City, Tennessee. Terry is a successful entrepreneur, author, and a channel in New Energy Consciousness. Terry’s greatest passion is teaching others to explore what lies beyond conventional beliefs. Terry has written three books on the subject: “Genesis: Your Journey Home”, a book that teaches you the core essence of God. “The Book of Revelation: A New Beginning”, a book that opens up the gates of your soul memories, and “Unlocking The Consciousness of Your Soul”, a book that takes you all the way back to the first creation and how it relates to “who you truly are and where you truly come from.” If you are ready to move beyond your suffering, your concerns about the future, and your pain forever, then Terry can help you connect to the wisdom of your soul. Visit See page 2

The Healing Trinity 702-496-7300 Mystics spoke of my destiny to become an extremely powerful healer of thousands of people. I was to serve as a vessel for Spirit Beings to purify people of dis-ease. I studied many spiritual, energy modalities. I met two women whose spiritual journeys duplicated mine. Our gifts of healing were multiplied by the sacred number three. In gratitude, we became The Healing Trinity. We offer classes, mystic counseling, private and group healing sessions for your four bodies. We celebrate your divine nature, as we support your enlightenment and ascension. This is our divine path, for which we are uniquely qualified. See page 31

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