Nov e m b e r - 2013
EnlightEning ViEws 4. Who Were Your heroes? bY Publisher Michelene K. bell
As I was growing up my heroes were the Lone Ranger and Roy Rogers
5. insPirational trailblazer bY in light tiMes Author & Filmmaker Entrepreneure, Robin Jay
6. crYstals & geMstones bY annette rizzolo, Msc.d What are crystals?
7. PoWer off Your sMart Phone bY dr. noelle nelson The courtroom is hot. The lawyer drones on and on.
8. soMebodY to love bY alan cohen
Most people are on a lifetime quest to be loved.
9. eMPoWer Your life thru Patience bY dr. Judith orloff
We need a new bumper sticker that says, “Frustration Happens”.
10. transitioned thru ManY bodies bY dr. WaYne W. dYer I don’t believe in “thinking” old.
11. a grateful heart bY soPhia falKe
“Oh Sophia, guess what? My house burned down! Isn’t that exciting?”
Our(ur) PEts & AnimAls 12. surviving the holidaYs With Your dog
Feature 16 The Seven Mystical Seals
vicKi degruY
13. “discoverY” over 400 neW aniMal & Plant sPieces bY John sanderson
by Rev. Katherine Bell
gEms fOr thE sOul haPPY thanKsgiving • soMe fun Quotes
YOgA insights 18. hoW Yoga breathing KeePs You healthY… bY anna hunt
The breath, a simple action often forgotten throughout the day, is a simple way to improve health.
hEAlth lights 19. strengthen Your iMMune sYsteM With herbs bY Kathleen gould Three great herbs to get to know are astragalus root, garlic and reishi mushrooms …
20. aMazing healing trees
Morninga Oleifer by Michael Ravensthorpe Myrtle Tree Oil by Carolanne Wright
21. Walnuts … the ultiMate brain food bY nanditha Walnuts are the same shape as the human brain.
22. suPerfoods for brain health bY dr. anna Kulze
Salmon • Nuts • Avocado • Oatmeal • Greens • Chocolate
23. beWare of toxic air fresheners bY dr. ben KiM Formaldehyde is classifed as a human carcinogen.
21 13 12 12 DEPARTMENTS
Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 25
23 Quick Reference Guide 26 Astrology• Celestial Cycles 28 Empowered Numerology 29
Light Happenings 30 Business Profiles 32 IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 3
From The
When I was a little girl growing up, I wanted to conquer my world. In that time of childhood years, I had been asked, Ò who were your heroes growing up?Ó Immediately, what came to mind were my Super Heroes, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Superman, The Green Hornet and of course, there was the Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers and Tom MixÉj ust to name a few. They all were justice fighters battling the dark side; the evil villains that wanted to conquer the world. It was a light vs. dark scenario. And, as I write this, there is a realization that my heroes of yesteryear had more of an impact on me and it reflects in my life today. Question. When you were growing up, did you look up to heroes; whether in “real life” or an imagined television show? Can you think back and see a correlation between their influence then and where you find yourself today? Do you have any modern day heroes that bring the light into your life? Perhaps you are a hero to someone else, maybe even to yourself? When was the last time you recalled someone who touched your life; who changed the course of your destiny? Who makes a difference in your life at this very moment? We are on an interesting journey. People come into our lives for many reasons. Some to support, others to challenge and then there are those who are just here to love and accept us for who we are; and be our friend. They are a rarity these days and they do exist. When we encounter such a spiritual being in human form, someone who accepts and loves us unconditionally, then we have found a treasure more precious than any riches we may have. There have been many heroes, mentors and friends in my life who have touched me with their kindness, their love, support and wisdom. They are a part of my life and I can only hope that in some way I am a part of theirs. We can change our world…the Super Heroes proved it (at least on television and comic books). So grab your hero, yourself, and link arm to arm your own army of Light workers. Join in unity with others and climb the mountain to the plateau of a new world. We are not in this alone. Remember, everywhere around us are heroes; supporters wanting to be a part of a movement that will indeed bring true peace, beauty and harmony.
Contributing Writers Monthly • noveMber Alan Cohen, author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment.
Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author & speaker on selfdevelopment. Author of over 30 books, is affectionately called the “father of motivation”
Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, is the Founder of the Mystical Realm, a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT).
Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker.
Awakened Oracle
Empowering Numerology
by BrynMorgaine
by Michele Avanti
The Herbalist
Anna Hunt Carolanne Wright Dr. Anna Kulze
Dr. Ben Kim Dr. Noelle Nelson John Sanderson
Awakened Oracle
One last thought. I am grateful for my hero of 22 years; my kitty, Kalisad taught me so much about life. He is indeed missed.
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In Love & Light,
Michelene PAGE 4 •
Michael Ravensthorpe Nanditha Vicki DeGruy
Welcomes our neW Astrologer
PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. bell
Take care my friends and many blessings,
Author: “Emotional Freedom”, “Second Sight”, “Positive Energy, Guide to Intuitive Healing”.
noveMber Writers
Let us share our many gifts and lessons. We are all headed in the same direction. Now is the time to recognize that we are the Light Centers of the Universe.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Dr. Judith Orloff, M.D.
Kathleen Gould
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett
NATIONAL ADVISORy COUNCIL Dannion brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen virtue ADVISORS • Dyana ray • Michele Avanti • Gina robison-billups
702-259-6843 GRAPHICS By EUGENIA 702-328-3722 E-mAIL ilt@inlightimes.com WEBSITE InLightimes.com InLightTimes.com IN LIGHT TImES 310 Annabelle Lane #247 Henderson, Nev. 89014
Robin Jay
Author & FilmmAker entrepreneure “I bring my ideas to life on paper, to begin with. I write down everything. While I’m doing that, I can see exactly how the project will progress.”
as Vegas Motivational Speaker Robin Jay is a Business Relationship Expert who understands the truths about success, sales, leadership, management, focused attention, being self-motivated, and the power of a positive mental attitude. After more than 18 years as an Advertising Account Manager, Robin took a leap of faith and began her writing and speaking career. robin Jay is an award-winning author, filmmaker, speaker, and publisher. She has written an award-winning book, The Art of the Business Lunch ~ Building Relationships Between 12 and 2, was a contributor to Chicken Soup for the Wine Lover’s Soul, was featured internationally on MSNbC-Tv, Newsweek Magazine, CNN, the bbC, the New York Times, The London Financial Times, Forbes.com and other well-recognized media outlets.
In 2006, robin founded the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, and published The Power of the Platform, a series of anthologies featuring messages from today’s top motivational speakers, including Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Les Brown.
In 2011, robin wrote, produced, and co-starred in The KEEPER of the KEYS – the first FUNNY personal development movie, starring Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff. The movie won the Las vegas International Film Festival Award for best Independent Film and The INDIE Fest award for best Documentary. Robin is currently in development on her next film, The Secrets of the Keys, which will star brian Tracy, Mariel Hemingway, Dannion brinkley, John Assaraf, and special guest don Miguel ruiz. ILT: You seem to have taken the business world and blended it with metaphysics. What prompted the evolvement? RJ: I’m working in the field of personal development, which is by its nature metaphysical. I think what I am doing that is even more significant than blending business with metaphysics is that I’m working to make transformation and self-help more palatable so as to attract and empower even more people. Those who feel they are “enlightened” – or believe the world is more than that which we see and know for sure – will always find their way to this kind of information. but then, they want to share it with their friends who may not be as open minded or enlightened. by making self-help FUN, I’m able to provide people with a vehicle that will have broader appeal. ILT: Robin, you changed careers and did it completely by yourself. Having successfully accomplished this change, what was one of the most important lessons you learned from this experience? RJ: Get a mentor! I think I made nearly every mistake a person can make. Now, it’s easy to see that I could have saved myself years of time and thousands upon thousands of dollars. I asked people for help, but I never took that far enough. ILT: You wrote, produced and costarred in the film “The Keeper of the Keys”, which also starred Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimoff. What inspired you to create this project? What was your purpose? RJ: As I just shared, most fans of self-help want to share their discoveries with their loved ones. I am no different. My bFF is my cousin Debbie; we grew up together until she moved away when we were teenagers. She’s been back in my life for about five years now and I adore her. She has six kids and seven grandkids and is in great shape, but she smokes. On a visit here in 2010, I insisted she watch Louise Hay’s film, You Can Heal Your Life. I hoped she would find the inspiration in the film to quit smoking. About 40 minutes into the film, she turned to me and said, “Robin, I get it. I should quit smoking. Can we go to the casino now?” The light bulb went off in my head. The old saying, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink” was proven once more. She was doing her best to appreciate that I wanted her to be healthier, but she was here on vacation, which (as with most visitors) meant going to the casino to drink and smoke. Shame on me for subjecting her to a documentary during her vacation! That is when I had the idea to make an empowering documentary that would be compelling and entertaining enough that even my cousin would want to watch it in its entirety. I’d never produced a film before, but everything I’d ever done in my life prepared me for it perfectly. AND, most importantly, I had an incredible mentor – Stephen Simon – who is Hollywood “royalty.” He helped me every step of the way. Stephen produced Somewhere in Time with Christopher reeve and Jane Seymour, What Dreams May Come with robin Williams, and Conversations with God with Neale Donald Walsch. All I did was ask for his help and it was the start of a beautiful friendship. I surrounded myself with people who had been making films for years so I would not make avoidable mistakes. Unfortunately, I found some new mistakes to make! ILT: You have accomplished many goals in life. What is your highest achievement that surprised you? RJ: As I am in development on my second film, I am frustrated that it seems to be taking longer than I thought it would to bring it all together. I have no idea how I managed to conceive, write, and produce my first film in just about 10 months – from start to finish!
I may have taken that all for granted at the time. Now that I know all that goes into producing a great film, I genuinely don’t know how I did it (other than with the help of divine guidance…!) ILT: What are two of your favorite restaurants and dishes? RJ: This is the easiest question ever! The businessman’s lunch at The Palm is #1 always. They take amazing care of their clients. The other is any meal at Mon Ami Gabi at Paris – especially if the weather is nice enough to sit outside on the patio. It’s bliss! The food there is outstanding – from the filet with merlot butter to the French onion soup. Yum! It’s one of my very favorite places. I still haven’t tried Gordon ramsey’s, but I’ve heard only that it’s brilliant. I can’t wait to try it. ILT: What are some of your favorite past times and/or hobbies? RJ: I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t been golfing in about two months, but it’s at the top of my list. The other activity I enjoy is preparing dinner for my friends. I love nearly every aspect - the planning, shopping, preparation, and serving. The only part I don’t like is cleaning up afterward! I love to concoct delicious flavored martinis, plus the real secret to a successful dinner lies in putting out great appetizers for an extended happy hour, then a stellar salad, stunning entrée, and chocolate for dessert. ILT: What message would you like to give our readers? What are your words of inspiration? RJ: be bold! Ask for what you want, ask for help in achieving your goals, and be willing to put your money where your mouth is. Bet on yourself. Use affirmations and write down your goals. be grateful for everything you have – even if it’s not everything you want. Always remember that today is a great gift. In my film, the end-of-life regrets that Judy Wright shared were that people were sorry they didn’t take more risks, that they didn’t reflect more on their lives – where they were and where they were heading, and that they weren’t a bigger part of their own lives … that they felt much of their lives was passing them by. I recommend you live your life without these regrets, which means take those chances, take time to reflect on your life and where you are headed, and participate … be a bigger part of your own life. You will be amazed at all you’ll be able to accomplish.
IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 5
EnlightEning ViEws
By Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D
are Crystals?
Nearly all crystals are created by the repetitive addition of new matter to a growing crystalline mass.
Do you think of Crystals and Stones as just rocks? Many do. To some, crystals and stones are inanimate objects, worthless. They are quite mistaken, and in my opinion, are missing out on an important tool for life-enhancement. The truth is, Crystals, Gemstones, and yes, even rocks, have an energy of their own; a vibration…a power. They can be incredible sources of light and energy, which may contribute to actual physical, spiritual and mental healing. Millions of people and many cultures throughout the world believe crystals and gemstones absolutely have “magickal” and/or supernatural powers. Crystals and Gemstones have been used on altars, in medicine bags, and healing by an ancient art known as “laying on of stones”. It’s fascinating as that this ancient art is still being used today. All matter, including Quartz Crystal, is composed of minute particles called atoms. Atoms are made up of even smaller particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. by looking very closely at these tiny units of energy, you will notice they are not really solid matter at all, but very tiny particles vibrating at a high rate of speed. Matter only appears to be solid … yet it is not. The entire physical world is created from different variations and various combinations of these particles. The way in which these atoms join together with other atoms determines which molecules will form and what materials will manifest.
These atoms arrange themselves in a very orderly way … just like in a jigsaw puzzle. Each unit of energy aligns itself with the cosmic force of the universe and then harmoniously joins together with other atoms to create a much purified form of matter. This physical manifestation of unity vibrates with the cosmic harmony that created it. In doing so, perfected forms, brilliant colors, and radiant light can be witnessed and experienced. The terminated peak of the crystal connects and aligns each molecule, atom, proton, neutron and electron that comprises the crystal to the universal source of infinite energy. Crystals are capable of receiving, storing, projecting, emanating, refracting, and reflecting light, which is the highest form of energy known in the physical universe.
HOW ARE CRYSTALS FORMED? Nearly all crystals are created by the repetitive addition of new matter to a growing crystalline mass. Some begin in magma or fiery gases of the earth’s interior or in the volcanic lava streams, which reach the earth’s surface. These minerals include quartz and are called magmatic or igneous. They form by the solidification of molten material as it cools and hardens. As the molten rock mass cools, the atoms group together to form the pieces of the puzzle that determine the shape and composition of the crystal. Some crystals grow from the vapors in vents in volcanic regions. This type of crystal includes sulfur and is condensed from hot mineralized gases into a solid state as the vapors are escaping from the inner earth. Some crystals form from water solutions or grow with the help of organisms on or near the earth’s surface. These crystals are known as sedimentary minerals and are formed through the process of mechanical or chemical weathering. Air, water, wind and ice are the main erosion factors involved in dissolving the earth’s materials. And lastly, new minerals are formed by the re-crystallization of existing minerals under great pressure and high temperatures in the lower regions of the earth’s crust. These metamorphic minerals undergo structural and chemical changes after the original formation. These changes reorganize the atoms, creating different textures, compositions and crystals. No one really knows exactly how long it takes for most crystals to form. Some speculate that it takes thousands, even millions of years; while others say that when the elements are right, crystals could form in an instant. Reference: Contains a partial compilation of info from Personal Knowledge & Research, Crystal Enlightenment, By: Katrina Raphael, Love Is in the Earth, By: Melody, & Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic, By: Scott Cunningham)
Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, and has over 22+ years “in the Biz.” Annette is a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT), Metaphysical Hypnotherapist, Freelance writer, and Founder of The Mystical Realm, a very unique & informative website. Visit: www.TheMysticalRealm.com and become Enlightened & Empowered! PAGE 6 •
EnlightEning ViEws Missed OppOrtunities?
off your
SMART phone!
Dr. Noelle Nelson The courtroom is hot. The lawyer drones on and on. The jurors are bored. The judge is bored. His Honor’s gaze strays over to the jurors. one juror seems relatively awake. That’s because said juror is texting one-handed, surreptitiously, down by his knee. but his interested expression gives him away. The judge booms: “bailiff!” The bailiff strides over to the embarrassed juror, who now of course can’t find the “%***^&” off button, and confiscates the phone. The two minutes of excitement having passed, the lawyer resumes his drone and boredom sets in once again. What’s the big whoop? Don’t we all multitask all of the time? And who can keep up with 21st century life without access to our technology? Yes to all of that, but here’s the thing. When your attention is on your mobile device, your EYES are no longer on where the true action is, whether that’s in a courtroom, with your work team, with your spouse or your child. or even on what your dog is sniffing when you walk him. Non-verbal communication is a huge part of our interaction, in fact, research indicates it’s responsible for up to 93% of what we convey to one another. Other studies indicate that between 60 and 70 percent of all meaning is derived from nonverbal behavior. So when your eyes are on your iPhone, even if your ears are hearing what’s being said, you are missing at least 60% to 70% of what’s really being communicated. Which means you are missing a huge percent of the opportunities for happiness and success, not to mention the warning signs of potential danger or trouble brewing. Why do you think television was considered such a huge jump from radio? If hearing conversations, discussions, stories and all the rest was sufficient, television would never have taken hold. You need both, the power of verbal content as well as what’s being transmitted non-verbally. Get your face out of your Smart Phone, notebook, whatever you’re using. You’ll get ahead farther at work if during team meetings or group discussions, which is where people are most likely to train their eyes on their devices, you lift your eyes up to what’s going on in front of you. You’ll glean valuable clues about what’s really going on that others will miss, putting you ahead of the pack. Similarly, with your friends and family, get your eyes up where they belong. On the people you’re actually interacting with, in the flesh, not the ones you’re communicating with via technology. remember what our Moms used to say to us: “Look me in the eye when you talk to me!” That was because instinctively, Mom knew she could suss (get to the bottom of something)out what was really going on with you when you looked at her. So too, can you suss out what’s really going on with your loved ones by looking at them when you’re conversing. And nature? Oh boy, the joys you miss when you’re fixated on a screen. Try it sometime. Take a walk somewhere in nature techno-free, and notice all the life around you. or even down a busy city street, take a walk with your device offand-stowed away, and notice all that you’d have missed otherwise. Yes, our technology is incredible and powerful. Yes, I make huge use of all my devices and love them dearly, however, I love the “off” button too. Life is much more interesting when taken in fully, with both eyes and ears.
Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D., is a psychologist, relationship expert, popular speaker in the U.S. and abroad, and author of nine bestselling books. Dr. Nelson focuses on how we can all enjoy happy, fulfilling lives while accomplishing great things in love, at home and at work, as we appreciate ourselves, our world and all others. Visit www.NoelleNelson.com, ANoteFromDrNoelle.blogspot.com. IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 7
EnlightEning ViEws
Monthly Inspirations from
n e h o C n a l A
Somebody To Love
had a nasty neighbor who regularly picked fights over all kinds of issues. People drove too fast past her rural home; her neighbors partied too loud; vandals were supposedly stealing from her water line; trees encroached on her property line; and on and on. She took in tenants, most of whom lasted no more than a month. Most people cringed when they saw her. Yet, over time, as I got to know Maude, I discovered something quite beautiful about her. She took in stray animals and cared for them with impeccable love. Dogs, cats, deer, goats, birds, and a turtle that would have otherwise suffered or died in abusive homes or the wilderness, found a healing sanctuary on Maude’s property. I watched her feed her critters, cuddle them, talk to them sweetly and carefully tend to their wounds. She was like a saint—a true inspiration to behold. Dean Martin sang, “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime”. People who otherwise live in psychic darkness find a ray of light in loving one person or one population. Many people who have difficulty loving people love animals. I led a seminar in which a fascinating theme emerged as participants revealed themselves. Nearly everyone in the group was wounded in human love; however, they all had deep love relationships with their pets. “Everybody needs to love somebody sometime”. one of my heroes is the great scientist Nikola Tesla. Like many geniuses, Tesla had certain eccentricities. rather than being involved with a relationship partner, he was a loner and channeled his creative energies into his inventions and service to humanity. Yet, Tesla did have a love relationship with a pigeon. In his Manhattan hotel room, Tesla daily welcomed a flock of pigeons to his window ledge, fed them, and made them his confidants. He was particularly fond of one pigeon. He nurtured and petted her and, I imagine, told her things that he did not tell people. He needed someone to love. Most people are on a lifetime quest to be loved. We seek love from anyone who might stimulate within us that wonderful feeling. We go from relationship to relationship, marriage to marriage, job to job, home to home, ardently seeking the experience of love. We believe that if someone would love us enough, we would feel safe and worthy. But, for most people, the quest for love remains just that—a quest, rarely or never fulfilled. Marianne Williamson made a brilliant statement based on her understanding of A Course in Miracles. She said, “It is not the love we do not receive that hurts us. It is the love we do not give”. PAGE 8 •
Her point cannot be overstated. The best way to receive the love we yearn for is to give it. Giving love rewards us more richly than receiving it. The love we give fulfills us as it passes through us, regardless of if or how it is received. As the famous St. Francis prayer affirms, “It is in giving that we receive.”
“Those that go seeking for love only make manifest their own lovelessness, and the loveless never find love, only the loving find love, and they never have to seek it”. D.H. Lawrence As we move through the holiday season, we have many opportunities to practice giving love. I don’t mean simply putting a dollar in the Salvation Army basket. I mean with family members who irk us, annoying co-workers at the Christmas party, and with sales reps who tell us that the gift we ordered is delayed. Those are the real opportunities of the holidays. This holiday season we can evolve from being love seekers to love expressers. D.H. Lawrence wrote, “Those that go searching for love only make manifest their own lovelessness, and the loveless never find love, only the loving find love, and they never have to seek for it”. You cannot simultaneously be a love seeker and a love finder. Even if you have been a love seeker for many years, you can instantly become a love finder. Then you will find everything you have sought inside yourself. I had an annoying neighbor like Maude. Just out of college, I was living with several guys, and Mrs. ryan did not cotton to us. She complained constantly and clearly did not want us next door. Then one evening I went to a lecture on positive thinking. The teacher asked us to take one person who irked us, and send that person love. Mrs. ryan came to mind, and I was able for a few brief moments to tap into the place inside me that thought fondly of her. The next morning Mrs. ryan approached me in my garden. “I just want to apologize for giving you boys a hard time, “ she said. “I know I have been an irksome neighbor. I’m sure you’re really nice guys, so I’d like to get along with you from now on.” And so we did. I was stunned. The only difference in our relationship was that I had sent Mrs. ryan genuine love for a few moments. behold the power of true love. We all need to get it, but, more importantly, we all need to give it. Alan Cohen is author of Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. If you would like to become a professional life coach or incorporate life coaching skills in your career or personal life, join Alan for his Life Coach Training Program beginning January 1, 2014. For more information visit www.AlanCohen.com or call 808-572-0001.
EnlightEning ViEws
By Dr. Judith Orloff Excerpted from “Positive Energy”
empoWer y our life thru pAtience W :f h e need A neW bumper sticker
very morning, noon, and night there are plenty of good reasons to be impatient. Another long line. Telemarketers. A goal isn’t materializing “fast enough.” People don’t do what they’re supposed to. rejection. Disappointment. How to deal with it all? You can drive yourself crazy, behave irritably, feel victimized, or try to force an outcome… all self-defeating reactions that alienate others and bring out the worst in them. or, you can learn to transform frustration with patience.
approach relationships and yourself. Without patience, you turn into your own worst taskmaster. You treat spouses and friends as disposable instead of devoting the necessary time to nurture love. With patience, you’re able to step back and regroup instead of aggressively reacting or hastily giving up on someone who’s frustrating you. You’re able to invest meaningful time in a relationship without giving up or giving in. In fact, patience gives you the liberating breath you’ve always longed to take.
Patience doesn’t mean passivity or r e s i g n a t i o n , b u t p o w e r. I t ’ s a n emotionally freeing practice of waiting, watching, and knowing when to act. I want to give patience a twenty-firstcentury makeover so you’ll appreciate its worth. Patience has gotten a bad rap for the wrong reasons. To many people, when you say, “Have patience,” it feels unreasonable and inhibiting, an unfair stalling of aspirations, some victorian hang-up or hangover. Is this what you’re thinking? Well, reconsider. I’m presenting patience as a form of compassion, a re-attuning to intuition, a way to emotionally redeem your center in a world filled with frustration.
Frustration prevents emotional freedom. Expressing frustrations in an effort to resolve them is healthy, but it must be done from a non-irritable, non-hostile place. If not, you’ll put others on the defensive. Wallowing in frustration leads to endless dissatisfaction, placing us at odds with life. This emotion makes us tense and kills our sense of humor. It also leads to procrastination; we put things off to avoid the annoyances involved. Conquering frustration will revive your emotional life by making it your choice in how you handle daily hassles and stresses.
To frustrate means to obstruct or make ineffectual. Frustration is a feeling of agitation and intolerance triggered when your needs aren’t met; it’s tied to an inability to delay gratification. At our own risk, we’ve become too used to immediate results. Emails zip across the globe in seconds. Parents text messages to their kids to come in for dinner instead of yelling from a front porch. You can get the temperature in Kuala Lumpur or the Malibu beach surf report with a click of a mouse. Despite the digital age’s marvels, it has propagated an emotional zeitgeist with a low tolerance for frustration… not just when you accidentally delete a computer file, but in terms of how you
I’m defining patience as an active state, a choice to hold tight until intuition says, “make your move.” It means waiting your turn, knowing your turn will come. once you’ve gone all out toward a goal, it entails trusting the flow, knowing when to let the soup boil. With patience, you’re able to delay gratification, but doing so will make sense and feel right. Why? Intuition intelligently informs patience. It’ll convey when to have it and if something is worth working on or waiting for. As a psychiatrist, I’m besotted with patience because it’s intimately intuitive, all about perfect timing, the key to making breakthroughs with patients. I can have the sharpest intuitions or psychological insights, but if I don’t share them at the right moment, they can do damage or else go in one ear and out the other. With regard to this, I
strive for enormous patience; anything less would impede healing. I’m also struck by the fact that every world religion sees patience as a way to know God, an incentive for me to practice it, and perhaps you too. Whereas, frustration focuses on externals, patience is a drawing inward towards a greater wisdom. Lastly, patience doesn’t make you a doormat or unable to set boundaries with people. rather, it lets you intuit the situation to get a larger, more loving view to determine right action. Patience, a gift when given or received, moves within reach when you can read someone’s deeper motives. To practice patience, try this exercise. I do it all the time to turn frustration around in long lines. Emotional Action Step Practice Patience In A Long Line To turn the tables on frustration, find a long, slow-moving line to wait in. Perhaps in the
grocery store, bank, post office. Or, if you’re renewing your driver’s license, dare to take on the mother of all lines in the DMv. but here’s the switch: Instead of getting irritated or pushy, which taxes your system with a rush of stress hormones, take a breath. Tell yourself, “I’m going to wait peacefully and enjoy the pause.” Meanwhile, try to empathize with the overwrought cashier or government employee. Smile and say a few nice words to the other beleaguered people in line. Use the time to daydream; take a vacation from work or other obligations. Notice the stress release you feel, how your body relaxes. Lines are an excellent testing ground for patience. To strengthen this asset, I highly recommend standing in as many lines as possible. Practicing patience will help you dissipate stress and give you a choice about how you respond to disappointment and frustration. When you can stay calm, centered and not act rashly out of frustration, all areas of your life will improve.
Dr. Judith Orloff, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and has helped patients find emotional freedom for over 20 years. She synthesizes pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Her bestselling books, Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, and Guide to Intuitive Healing offer readers practical strategies to overcome frustration, stress, and worry. Check out her amazing YouTube video collection. Visit www. DrJudithOrloff.com. IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 9
EnlightEning ViEws By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Wisdom from Wayne
Excerpted from Wishes Fulfilled
TransiTioned Thru Many Bodies
…I don’t believe in “thinking” old.
“is 60 reAlly the neW 40?”
ecently I participated in an interview for a documentary on the subject of aging. “Is 60 really the new 40?” It reminded me of a class I took in college where we explored the theory that what you believe about aging, your expectations, will determine what your experience of aging will be. Do we have to accept the notion that aging must involve deterioration of body and mind? I’ve always said that I will never let an old person into my body. That is, I don’t believe in “thinking” old. Although I’ve transitioned through many bodies—a baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult, mid-life and older adult—my spirit is unchanged. I support my body with exercise, my mind with reading and writing, and my spirit with the knowing that I am part of the Divine source of all life. Don’t program yourself to break down as you age with thoughts that decline is inevitable. one of my greatest role models will celebrate her 87th birthday today. The beautiful, vibrant, sprightly, wise, and witty Louise Hay. Louise has been celebrating her life ever since she discovered at around 40 years old that your thoughts can change the way you experience things. Want more happiness, peace, joy, health, love, and abundance in your life? Think on these things. Louise says, “I return to the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor.” Using these principles in the form of daily positive affirmations, it is possible to program your thoughts and transform your life. We are connected to a Source of infinite love within that we can use to heal our lives and help others do the same. Louise teaches mirror work—looking at yourself with love and gratitude always. Giving back, moving ahead, loving life, learning, and growing—this is Louise’s program for a long and happy experience here on this earthly plane. At 87, Louise is in the midst of the kind of active and vital life that comes from being hopeful, grateful, and ready to smile. Happy birthday, Louise, and many more to come! Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Author of over 30 books, he has created many audio programs, videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting messages, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. If you would like to receive Wayne’s newsletter visit: www.DrWayneDyer.com.
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It reminded me of a class I took where we explored the theory that what you believe about aging, your expectations, will determine what your experience of aging will be.
EnlightEning ViEws According
By Sophia Falke
A Grateful
“Oh Sophia, guess what? My house burned down. Isn’t that wonderful?
very month a group from our church goes to downtown Henderson to support the nonprofit group Friends in the Desert to help feed our community’s hungry and homeless. I feel blessed when I’m asked to say a short prayer before the meal is served. I always include gratitude for the many gifts everyone present has received. Some might think that a group of people who are either homeless or do not have the financial resources to purchase their own food would fail to see anything to be grateful for. Yet, they speak their gratitude with as much vigor as I, who have a roof over my head and food on the table. Have you ever noticed that sometimes those who appear to have the least are the ones who see the most to be thankful for? Yet, I encounter people who seem to have much, but take little joy from life. So what’s going on? Why would someone who lives in a lovely home in a good neighborhood, who has no financial challenges and has a loving, stable family show up in a conversation with only criticism and complaints about the world around him or her?
activate the power we each possess to experience life to its fullest—in relationships, joy, physical vitality, prosperity, motivation, creativity, and more. The feeling of gratitude unlocks the door to seemingly impossible over comings—even when we cannot yet see the good in a situation. We are entering the holiday season. Holidays can bring up a lot of memories—some happy, some sad or stressful. We have the opportunity to revisit what we have to be grateful for. Yes, a loved one might be gone. Times could be economically challenging. You might be dreading or missing family get-togethers. Nurturing a grateful heart is guaranteed to make the holidays—and your life—a more joyful, rewarding experience. Sophia Falke is the minister at Unity Center in the Valley, Las Vegas. Visit www.UCUV.org, Facebook.com or Meetup.com for our programs. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness (www.EmbracingGreatness.com). For information on how to help Henderson’s hungry and homeless, visit www.FriendsInTheDesert.com.
I attended a friend’s wedding in Phoenix once. They would be making their new home together in her house, which she shared with her daughter. When I arrived at the wedding, I was surprised to see the bride, resplendent in her wedding gown, outside greeting people before the ceremony. She ran over when she saw me and joyfully exclaimed, “Oh Sophia, guess what? My house burned down! Isn’t that exciting?” I responded, “Yes, it is!” Someone listening in might have thought we were crazy. However, we both recognized that there is always something to be grateful for. In her case, the obvious would be that no one was hurt. When I drove by her home the next day, I saw that it was still standing. The fire had damaged the interior enough that they had to totally redo the inside. So the house that started out being “hers” became “theirs” as they worked together to create their joint home. There is always some good that can be found in any situation—even if it seems the world is coming down around you. The ones who are able to find and celebrate the good are far happier than those who focus only on the bad. Ah, perhaps that’s one of the keys—focus. What do we focus on in life? And if the focus is on the negative, how do we shift? You’ve probably heard about gratitude lists. They are a good way to start. before going to bed, think back over your day and identify at least five things that you can be grateful for. It may seem simplistic, yet it helps shift your focus from stressful emotions so you take a grateful attitude to bed. Even in the worst experience, there is good to be found. It may not feel like it in the moment, but it is there. With my friend, a house “burned down” was the foundation for a new co-created home. If it’s difficult to find the good in something, ask for help from trusted friends. They will probably have a more objective read on something you are experiencing as “bad.” I have an older friend who, when I ask, “How are you?” always responds, “It must be a good day. I was breathing when I woke up.” Yes, we get a chuckle. More importantly, that’s his attitude. When my mother died, I felt devastated. It helped to remember I had much to be grateful for because of the many wonderful experiences we had in our lifetime together. It hurt in the moment, yet my gratitude helped me shift my emotions from the devastating grief to a place of peaceful, fond remembrance. We all have things we can be grateful for. We can use an intellectual exercise— creating the gratitude lists—to help us shift our emotions from feelings of lack, fear, or anger to feelings of thanksgiving, peace, and joy. Through our emotions we can
IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 11
Manners aren’t just for kids
Surviving The Holidays With Your Dog By Vicki DeGruy
teach your dog the “down/stay” command so he’ll lie down quietly on the other side of the room. Practice at every meal! If your dog hasn’t become reliable by holiday time, utilize your new dog crate and confine him while your guests are eating. Q: My dog is 9 months old and not very well behaved. I’m having family over for the holidays and I don’t know how I’m going to keep him under control. Most of my relatives don’t like dogs as much as I do and they’re not going to put up with a dog jumping up on them, begging for their food and tearing around the house. What am I going to do? A: I can’t think of a better time to start teaching your dog some manners! At nine months, he’s still a puppy with a puppy’s brain and high energy level but he’s fully capable of learning how to behave better.
Few dogs can resist food that’s left within easy reach. At holiday time, the kitchen counters and trashcans are chock full of irresistible treats. Sometimes the simplest solution to a problem is also the easiest. To keep your dog out of the garbage and away from dangerous things like turkey bones, use a trashcan with a locking lid or put the can under the sink or in a broom closet.
you don’t know much about training, the first thing you should do is check into obedience classes. Most kennel or training clubs host highly affordable public obedience classes. They meet once a week and even though there’s only a few weeks left before Christmas, you’ll be able to learn some very useful basic techniques and commands like “sit,” “down” and “stay.” Your veterinarian or local humane society should be able to refer you to clubs in your area.
The “Leave it!” command is particularly helpful to keep a dog away from food,
Are you cooling a pie or defrosting the turkey on the kitchen counter? Set the dish farther back or put it up in a cupboard so your inquisitive dog can’t stand on his hind legs and reach it. Here again, the “down/stay” command will help keep your dog away from the counter and out from under your feet in the kitchen. You can also keep your dog out of the kitchen altogether by confining him in his crate or putting up a “baby” gate across the kitchen doorway.
The next thing you should do is invest in a dog crate! When the dog can’t be supervised or you don’t want him underfoot at the moment, a crate is the coziest, safest place for him to stay. by starting now to get your dog accustomed to spending time in a crate, he won’t mind temporary confinement during the holiday parties. Jumping up on people is a dog’s joyous way of greeting them. Unfortunately, most dogs don’t understand it’s not the way most people want to be greeted! Many methods of training a dog not to jump on people involve some kind of punishment for the behavior — in other words, the dog is punished for showing his happiness. I prefer instead to teach the dog a more appropriate type of greeting — sitting! First you’ll need to teach your dog the “sit” command. Most dogs learn “sit” very quickly especially if you use treats as a reward. Once he understands the command, you can substitute sitting as a greeting rather than jumping up. Start by telling him to “sit” whenever he approaches you. reward him lavishly when he does! If he forgets and starts to jump up, tell him no, calmly take him by the collar and place him in a sitting position. Then praise and offer a treat. No rewards or praise should ever be given until the dog has his behind planted firmly on the floor. In order to make this training really work, you have to train yourself and your family as well. Jumping up at any time should be discouraged, even in play —substitute “sit” instead. be sure to praise him and pet him for obeying the command. before long, he’ll automatically sit when he comes to you or meets you at the door. When visitors are due to arrive, have a few treats in your pocket. As they walk in, give the “sit” command and have your guests offer the treats as a reward. If his enthusiasm gets the better of him, calmly correct him and put him back into position. With practice, you’ll soon have a dog that sits calmly when guests arrive, waiting for their praise, rather than jumping up and annoying them.
Christmas presents, the Christmas tree, etc. To be most effective, the “leave it!” command needs to be given while your dog is thinking about touching something he shouldn’t rather than after he’s already done it. When you see your dog start to investigate a forbidden object, tell him “No!” and order him to “Leave it!” using a deep, sharp, stern voice. When he turns away from the object, praise him and offer him one of his own toys instead. “Leave It” is a command you’ll find plenty of uses for all year round but keep in mind that it’s only effective when the dog is under supervision. Left alone or out of your sight, your dog is likely to do whatever he wants to. When you’re gone, confine him to a crate, another room, or put forbidden objects out of reach.
Since holidays always mean good things to eat, some dogs turn into beggars and even thieves when faced with temptation. Even dog-loving guests don’t appreciate a drooling dog at their side when they want to enjoy their holiday dinner. Start now to
Copyright 2012 by Canis Major Publications. www.CanisMajor.com/dog; www.CanisMajor. com/dog/holidays.html.
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Over 400 New Animal and Plant Species Found In Amazon, Including a Purring Monkey and Vegetarian Piranha A
By Eugenia M. Jarrett
fter four years of research scientists have discovered more than 440 new species of animals and plants in the Amazon rainforest: 258 plants, 84 fish, 58 amphibians, 22 reptiles, 18 birds and one mammal. These numbers do not include all the insects and other invertebrates that were found. “The more scientists look, the more they find”,: said Damiean Fleming, head of programs for brazil and the Amazon at WWF-UK. “With an average of two new species identified every week for the past four years, it’s clear that the extraordinary Amazon remains one of the most important centers of global biodiversity.”
This Month's Great Pix
In the Columbian Amazon, a unique “purring” Caqueta titi monkey was discovered. “All of the babies purr like cats,” said scientist Thomas Defler, who helped discover the species. “When they feel very content they purr towards each other, and the ones we raised would purr to us.” Another interesting find was the “vegetarian piranha”, which lives in the rocky rapids in the Brazilian Amazon, where they feast on aquatic herbs. Plants and fish were also discovered that have adapted to low-oxygen water in a small lake in Peru. Ostriches can run faster than horses, and the male ostriches can roar like lions. Houseflies don’t allow their short lifespans (14 days) to hinder their musical abilities. They always hum in the key of F. Tigers not only have stripes on their fur, they also have them on their skin. No two tigers ever have the same stripes. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear, making them masters of controlling their owners. Elephants can smell water up to 3 miles away. They are also one of the three mammals that undergo menopause – the other two being humpback whales and human females. Koala bears almost exclusively eat only eucalyptus leaves and nothing else. Butterflies have two compound eyes consisting of thousands of lenses, yet they can only see the colors red, green and yellow. The slowest fish is the seahorse, which moves along at about 0.01 mph. Pigs communicate constantly with one another; more than 20 vocalizations have been identified that pigs use in different situations, from wooing mates to saying, “I’m hungry!”
Source: http://list25.com
IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 13
Books Music &
Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online in the In Light Times Book Store
Books That Make A Difference
Recommended Reading
Days of our Lives Better Living: Cast
31 Days to an Organized Life
Secrets for a Healthier, Balanced Life
Regain Your Sanity In Just One Month
By Greg Meng, Eddie Campbell
The 21-Day yoga BoDy Sadie NardiNi
BeaTrix PoTTer’s garDening Life Marta Mcdowell
harD Luck, Diary of a WimPy kiD miss kay’s Duck commanDer kiTchen Kay robertSoN
giaDa’s feeL gooD fooD
Giada de laureNtiiS
The eDge of aLWays J.a redMerSKi
every grain of rice: simPLe fuchSia duNlop
The word “balanced” has been
Today’s chaotic daily lifestyle leaves one feeling frustrated and stressed. The various demands of life are huge boulders stuck in an unsatisfying rut, difficult to budge and seem to get bigger each day.
The lavishly illustrated Days of our Lives better Living reaches into the private lives of the beautiful cast members and reveals some of their “secrets” for how they have managed to create unique, balanced lifestyles that allow them to look and feel their best anytime, anywhere.
If you are like most people, you just want a spark to help get things started in creating a more simplified and manageable daily life so brenda compiled simple actions that you can easily complete in one month and gets your organizational ball rolling. Will your whole life be organized after one month? We know that’s quite a tall order, but what we do know is that your life will be heading in the right direction. Your life will become one that is more streamlined, easier to manage and opens the door for more happiness and satisfaction. Organization supports those qualities by saving you time, saving you money and saving your sanity! What makes 31 Days to an organized Life easy to implement is that you get to decide how it will work in your life. brenda Prinzavalli, The organizing Guru, wants you to have a simplified and easier life. Each day you get to select the mini-organizing project for that day.
defined as “possessing good judgment, well-grounded, wise.” Most of all, having balance in your life equates to having a satisfying and rewarding existence.
A Must ReAd
Jeff KiNNey
By Brenda Prinzavalli
The five sections of this inspiring book-Nutrition, Exercise, Style, Inspiration and balance-are packed with full-color photos, recipes, stories and valuable advice from current and former cast members on various aspects of their lives. Discover how to... • Get energized with the brazilian bombshell Smoothie • Switch up your boring gym routine with dance, martial arts, hiking and more • Master the secret of layering clothing and accessories to polish your personal style • Accept “the middle path”-and learn to let stress go • Do what you love without feeling guilty • And much more!
“This book needs to be a part of everyone’s life. It is simple and quick, very easy to follow and makes organizing your life a snap – fun as well. I recommend this book a must to help you take your life to a happier and more organized level.” ~ Eugenia M. Jarrett
Music to Make Note Of
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Chill Lounge 2 Paul Hardcastle This is escapism at its very best as Paul Hardcastle weaves a tapestry of moods and ambiance that will chip off the rough edges of life and dial you directly into the zone. You can almost feel your toes in the water and the wind blowing in your hair as you slowly sip these chilled vibrations. Sonic massage for the ears and mind from a man who has single handedly created niche that no other has penetrated.
Valentina Lisitsa Plays Liszt Valentina Lisitsa With her multi-faceted playing described as “dazzling”, valentina Lisitsa is at ease in a vast repertoire ranging from bach and Mozart to Shostakovich and bernstein. Her orchestral repertoire alone includes more than 40 concertos. She admits to having a special affinity for the music of Rachmaninov and beethoven and continues to add to her vast repertoire each season.
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The Grace Process: Meditations Lori Leyden After a near-death experience, Lori Leyden, Ph.D., created this transformative spiritual practice for healing and heart-centered living. The Grace Process will help you discover how to transcend your ego, so you’re free to learn and grow with gratitude, love, joy, and wonder, transforming your spiritual practice into a way of being in your everyday life.
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y p p a H iving G s k n a h T
Gems for the Soul
Thanksgiving is wonderful time of the year. It reminds us to stop, appreciate and be thankful for all that we have, no matter how sparse. Happy Thanksgiving!
“The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!” -Henry Ward beecher “Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes and Half Time takes twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.” -Erma bombeck “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” - W.J. Cameron
By Author Unknown
“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.” -Meister Eckhart
“Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.” -Edward Sandford Martin
“For flowers that bloom about our feet; For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet; For song of bird, and hum of bee; For all things fair we hear or see, Father in heaven, we thank Thee!” -ralph Waldo Emerson
“Our rural ancestors, with little blest, Patient of labour when the end was rest, Indulged the day that housed their annual grain, With feasts, and offerings, and a thankful strain.” -Alexander Pope
“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.” -Gerald Good
“Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.” -E.P. Powell
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” -John Fitzgerald Kennedy “An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.” -Irv Kupcinet “Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day.” -robert Caspar Lintner
Some Fun Quotes “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” -Mae West “I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday i s dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.” -Groucho Marx “Die, my dear? Why that’s the last thing I’ll do!” -Groucho Marx “Years ago, I tried to top everybody, but I don’t anymore. I realized it was killing conversation. When you’re always trying for a topper you aren’t really listening. It ruins communicatio.” -Groucho Marx “A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.” -Steve Martin “I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” -Woody Allen
Answers on Pg 25
“Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lie down until it goes away.” -Paul Terry IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 15
f eAture s tory
seven mysticAl seAls
By Rev. Katherine Bell, Ph.D., D.D. President of SPICA - Way of Light
The Guide to our Higher Self
The wisdom and code within the Seven Mystical Seals guides us through our shadow and into the light. The Seven seals are the entrance to the Higher Self, which we truly are. In one of our ancient texts, the New Testament, is the Book of Revelations. It speaks of the Seven seals as indicators of the End Times and the Anti-Christ. However, upon further review, we find it is the code of Vice and virtue. Through both states of consciousness, our Higher Self and our Shadow side, we acquire higher awareness and live in the state we were assigned to live. This is a state of inhabiting wholeness and expressing the greater power of Source in our everyday reality. We all carry the awareness of our Spiritual essence and within it, we also carry an aspect of our Shadow side. The Shadow is the quality within ourselves that holds the belief of separation; therefore, living in negative and self-deprecating attitudes. It creates the dishonoring of each other, the judgments we hurl around about our family, friends, governments, different cultures and different beliefs. This state of consciousness is the level that keeps us from knowing our Higher Self. We must break through our Shadow side of the Seals which requires dedication, discipline and the focus of one’s intent to live the holistic Path of oneness. review the seals and create your virtuous way of living. 1st seal: This is the Seal of Avarice. It carries the belief that Earth is a place of tragedy and that we are stuck in the muck of experiences. In this mire of fear, we are greedy, needy and take on the ego-fear of being less than and obviously without the power to take charge of our life. We want to rape, pillage, and hoard. but, even more tragic, we move into the vice of Inertia and remain stuck unless some outlandish force of experiences move us. We don’t take advantage of personal growth, mentally, physically, emotionally and certainly not spiritually. To Break The Seal: We can take measures to break this seal by moving beyond the fear of living in matter. We can recognize it as an incredible Creation, and Earth is the Garden we can tend by raising our thoughts, emotions and attitudes to a higher order of love and compassion for all life. When we honor that reality, abundance is everywhere. We can allow abundance to occur without having to take it from another or through our many vices. We simply need to use opportunities to grow and choose the virtue of right discernment in all that we do. 2nd seal: This is the seal of Illusion and Delusion. The illusion is the belief that what we experience is only what we can see in our human reality; and we have no choice but to be at effect of a Great Non-human Persona. The illusion is that we are weak as human beings and carry no True Power. It is the forgetfulness of our holiness. It is also the illusion, and becomes the delusion, that we are stuck in the flow of the Collective belief system of human fallacies and must live under these conditions of concepts limited by dogma. Delusion is our state of misleading ourselves through the valley of false truths that we create in order to seem knowledgeable. We express a manic need to seem intelligent or intuitive and carry bizarre and idiosyncratic beliefs that can and will reveal an abnormal reality. Under this seal of negativity, we enter into the PAGE 16 •
vice of idleness. We use our energy inappropriately and avoid living the purpose of our soul. We may live in an “airy-fairy” world. We use worry, fear and fret and move against the stream of life rather than moving with the flow. Our expenditure of energy reveals no growth in mind, heart, or spiritual qualities. To Break This Seal: We need to understand our illusions. We can align with the Truth that we are the Great Non-human Persona that is also the Persona of Human Expression and, therefore, we have charge over our living quality. In so doing, we leave the path of fear-based realities and enter the realm of sacred truth, higher wisdom and the virtue of independence and individuation. We honor that we are a Ray of the Oneness; expressing the Oneness in the unique quality of being our self. The power of the Independent Self is the ability to love who we are, release the soul-gift of our presence on the Earth and know that through compassion, love and honor of all life, we support the whole in the uniqueness of our Being. To break this seal of negativity … we move into the power of a Greater Love for all and the realization of Universal order. 3 rd s eal : This is the Seal of Dishonesty. The condition of attitudes of fear bring one into self criticism or the critical attitudes of others. To keep one “safe” from discrimination, lies begin. one may lie to themselves in order to feel “okay,” and lie to others to have other’s believe that they are okay. True awareness of self is eliminated because of the fear of not being good enough, not having enough to share, and having no talents to extend to the greater good of humanity. one will hide themselves, believing others will see the “bad things or shortcomings” that they believe they express. The negativity of the seal then supports chaotic thinking, lack of focus, and an inability to have open communication with another. To Break This Seal: one needs to use the virtue of truth and honesty to break this seal. The first level of this virtue is to be truthful and honest with one’s self. One needs to accept the role that they are playing in life is good, in and of itself. It is important not to hide behind false beliefs of self or others in order to break this seal. Every individual needs to share the qualities they have without fear of being judged. It is in breaking the fear of expression that one can reach a healing of the mind and heart, thus moving into the joy and splendor of recognizing themselves as a Living being of Life and Light. With such awareness, truth and honesty will always emerge. 4th seal: This is the Seal of Lust and misuse of energy. It is the rapist and pillager, one who wants to take control of others because of the fear of being controlled. It is abuses on many layers (sexual, unhealthy substances, physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual abuses). Lust is the need to have something that appears to be untouchable. Lust is the uncontrollable need to obtain what appears to be the unattainable. This seal keeps one in the state of “outer referencing” and not realizing that “inner referencing” brings one to the Sacred awareness of life and the knowing they are the Sacred Being experiencing individual qualities of
f eAture s tory Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved
We all carry the awareness of our Sacred-Being and within it, we also carry an aspect of our Shadow side. The Shadow is the quality within ourselves that holds the belief of separation; therefore, living in negative and self-deprecating attitudes.
life. The impurities of the heart exist in the seal of lust … simply meaning, one does not feel emotionally connected to the whole and thus must try to obtain the whole by misuse of power over others. To Break This Seal: Self awareness is the key and selflessness is the attitude that breaks this seal. Selflessness does not mean you must be the sacrificial lamb that takes on everyone else’s dysfunctions to make them feel better about themselves. It is the act of knowing that all life is important and you are an important part of the multi-trillions of components of LIFE. In the act of selflessness, you are truly merging into the one and Holy being of yourself–the Divine Essence within you. Devotion brings you to the Sacred Knowing and the virtue of unselfishness emerges without effort. Love and give honor, be creative and receptive as you break the seal of lust. 5 t h s ea l : This is the Seal of Arrogance. It is this state of consciousness in which comparison causes the need to be better than, greater than, and perhaps even holier than everyone else. It is the false-pride that continues to maintain the attitude and belief of Separation; and that separation is moving away from one’s higher nature (Source Self), separate from an open heart and separate from sacred harmony. Fear of demise causes one to hold onto everything with an arrogance of ownership … even when nothing can truly be owned. To Break This Seal: one needs to move into the higher mind/higher heart and virtue of devotion to the Higher Existence. of course, one must honor their self, and also honor everyone and every state of existence in this multidimensional universe. one must see that they are simply a part of this wholeness, not greater or lesser than any component of this wholeness. reverence for All is a key component in breaking the seal of arrogance. Love for All is the magickal component that helps create the cessation of separation and brings about the evolution of oneness. Arrogance has no room to perpetuate itself in the expression of love. 6 t h s e a l : This is the Seal of Cruelty and Destruction. It is the war-monger holding to the reality that cruelty and destruction is a hand of fear that keeps all things under the thumb of chaos, disease, and doubt. The war is in the mind and of the heart. The war is in the banter of dictatorial beliefs that continue the evolution of separation and the fall of humanity into the dungeon of lack, worry, depression and doom. one keeps their self in the dungeon through the war of their mind, the confusion of their heart, and the fear of loss, shame, or fear of lack of cognizance. To Break This Seal: one can use the power of the virtue of courage and energy that shatters the crystallization of false beliefs. In this power of courage, one can move into alignment with right changes, thus allowing things to go away that no longer serve and create new realities that serve a new state of
being. This seal is broken when one finds that their mind and emotions are only tools of a Higher Mind that is constantly creating, releasing, re-creating, and moving through the electrifying consciousness of constant change in order to set free its multiple realities of existence into the ever changing evolution of expression. No thing, no one is lost in a single dimension of living. In the breaking of the 6th seal, one moves into the sacred wisdom of multidimensional gardens of life. 7th seal: This is the seal of Bigotry, Waste and Tyranny. Intolerance of others only continues the power of separation and stirs the cruel and oppressive rule of sensate realities of five human senses that lead to addictions. It keeps a separation from the sixth sense of intuition, and thus the knowing of the Divine Center within. In this separation, energy is wasted on fear, selfishness, insatiable desires, and covetousness. To Break This Seal: by using the virtue of Divine Authority, one breaks this seal. This is an avenue of the heart and mind realizing the authority of inner discipline creates the power of clearing bigotry of beliefs, the tyranny of oppression, and the wastefulness of energy. It is the higher wisdom that all energy is created to be used to express the Divine regality and royal Privilege contained in all souls. It is self-dominion and the power to adjudge truth of the Living Source in all matter and non-matter, therefore, being obedient to living a higher order of thought, emotions and attitudes of sacredness. As the 7th Seal is broken, true wonders of the Universe occur. Humanity is free from the bonds of separation. Love prevails. The heavenly hosts sing the praises of oneness. The powers of a New World are heralded for all to use. The action of the higher consciousness is brought into being. When the 7th Seal is broken, the greater truth is revealed. The power of our Higher Self is realized. We will recognize this state as soon as we break the seals of separation and annihilate the vices within our unconscious. It’s exciting to know that by breaking all the Seven Seals, we no longer have to await some “end-time”.
Rev. Katherine Bell, Ph.D., D.D., (aka, Torres) is the Founder and President of SPICA - Way of Light Church and University of Divinity. She is an author, teacher and counselor, using the Transpersonal Approach℠. She also is the creator of Faces of WomanSpirit: A Celtic Oracle of Avalon. For additional information visit: www. SPICAWayOfLight.com or call: 800-499-2353; Katlynann@aol.com. IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 17
Yoga InsIghts By Anna Hunt
How Yoga Breathing Keeps You Healthy in Mind, Body & Spirit
T h e
at its core, is the practice of effective and efficient breathing.
exhale on its own because the tissues do not spring back. For example, compromised elasticity of the lungs results in respiratory problems such as emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis.
inhalation, it also replenishes us with prana – the energy of the living things that surround us. but if we’re to receive this energy, we must first make space for it within ourselves.
by giving consideration to the purpose, mechanics and awareness of breath, we can greatly improve mind, body and spirit.
During a typical yoga practice, we find ourselves focusing on slow, deliberate breathing, which tones the body’s respiratory system and associated muscles … keeping them healthy and effective.
Did you know you aren’t really b re a t h i n g ? I t i s t h e p l a n e t ’ s atmospheric pressure that sends breath into the body. With the process we call breathing, our body simply changes its shape in such a way that the pressure in the chest cavity is lowered; thus, permitting air to be pushed into the body during inhalation. During passive breathing, as when sleeping, it is the universe that breathes for us. on the exhalation, we do nothing; the body tissues that have stretched during inhalation simply spring back to their original shape.
Yoga, at its core, is the practice of effective and efficient breathing. During a yoga practice, we’re not only bringing alignment and coordination to our physical systems, we’re also creating a connection between the mind and the physical body with the breath. by focusing on the areas where we need the breath most, usually following tension, we develop our ability to perceive what each part of our body requires for healthy function, increase awareness of any ailments that need attention. The mind/body connection also develops our sensitivity to the subtle energy of the body, called prana.
Much of yoga is about removing waste from the body to prepare it for spiritual experience. TKv Desikachar, one of the great masters of modern yoga, has often claimed that yoga is 90% waste removal. With every exhale, we remove from the body what is no longer needed, physically in terms of carbon dioxide and energetically in terms of stale energy and negative emotions. Yoga breathing also unites and integrates all of the body’s systems to assist with the overall elimination process, thus bringing us closer into a state of sukha – good space.
breath, a simple action often forgotten throughout the day, is a simple way to improve your overall health, all the body’s functions, and your emotional outlook.
The movements of the diaphragm, the principle muscle associated with breathing, brings the body into complete alignment and coordination, because it is connected to all the major organs in the thoracic (chest) cavity and the abdominal cavity, as well to the heart. This is the reason why a calm, full, deliberate breath can slow your heartbeat, improve digestion, decrease abdominal pains, subdue intense emotions, etc. once the muscles and organs associated with breathing, the lungs, the tissues around the thoracic cavity, the diaphragm and its lower and upper attachments lose some of their elasticity, it is difficult for the body to PAGE 18 •
Yoga breathing (pranayama), long, deep inhales, active exhales, and focused awareness, following the breath in and out of the body, allows you to calm the chatter in the mind and open up to the subtle dialog your physical body has with the mind. The practice helps improve your concentration to a point that, with experience, you may become so familiar with your body you will instinctively know which postures/ foods/surroundings your body needs in order to address physical, mental and spiritual weaknesses. The Universe Fills Us with Life’s Energy As the universe fills us with air on the
THREE yoGA BREATHING TECHNIqUES In addition to the many functions and benefits of a regular deep breath used during a yoga practice, various breathing techniques called pranayama have been developed by yoga masters to help us accomplish certain objectives. The following three are examples of what we can achieve with pranayama and concentrated breath. DIRECT & GUIDE CHAkRA BREATHING TECHNIqUE This chakra breathing technique will
help balance the energy and revitalize any of the chakras. For example, if you focus on the heart chakra, Anahata, you will strengthen your sense of compassion and unconditional love, balance your feelings of joy and passion, and invigorate the immune and endocrine systems. ExERCISE MovEMENT begin this exercise by sitting comfortably in a chair or cross legged on a pillow on the ground, the spine straight and the wrists resting on the knees or legs, palms facing upward. breathe naturally and bring your awareness to one of the chakras. Keep your attention on only one chakra during this exercise. Notice any feelings in the area of the chakra that you’ve chosen – feelings such as tingling, warmth or buzzing. Then follow this process: Keep your awareness on the chakra. As you inhale, guide the energy of the in-breath to this chakra. As you exhale, settle your awareness and once again notice any sensations present in the chakra. Repeat for several breaths before returning to your natural breath. Continued On Page 24 *
HealtH ligHts
STReNGTheN YOUR IMMUNe SYSTeM WITh heRBS herbAliSt Kathleen Gould, rh
we move into the colder winter months, using herbs to help strengthen our immune systems is a simple way to help prevent getting the common illnesses like flu’s, colds and respiratory imbalances. And, although this will not guarantee you will not get the sick, it cannot hurt and in most cases will help.
We all now understand that we are not just physical beings but first and foremost spiritual, emotional beings as well, and as such, staying healthy means decreasing stress and thinking loving positive thoughts as often as possible. Meditation and prayer are wonderful ways to bring us to a loving space in our hearts and minds. Just 5-10 minutes a day in meditation can make a big difference in our overall health.
For most of us, the immune system works without any problem; however, with the addition of stress, anxiety, poor nutrition, lack of exercise or sleep and so forth, the immune system could use a bit of help especially during the winter months. As we look for herbs to boost our immune system, we must also look for ways to prepare these herbs that fit into our busy schedules as most of us do not have time to make complicated time-consuming preparations. One of the easiest things we can do this is to incorporate herbs right into our foods. Three great herbs to get to know are astragalus root, garlic and reishi mushrooms (all medicinal mushrooms are great food additions). AstrAgAlus is called an adaptogen, meaning it helps protect the body against physical, mental or emotional stress. In addition, it helps increase overall energy, can help build resistance to disease and reduce the incidence of colds and flus. reishi is a powerful mushroom that works to enhance the function of the immune system. Also an adaptogen, reishi helps rid the body of bad bacteria, viruses and pathogens to help fight off infection. It is a powerful immune stimulant, antihistamine and antioxidant and works to stimulate T-cell activity. It is used to treat chronic respiratory infections, ulcers, hypertension, high cholesterol, allergies and a host of other imbalances. gArlic – Everyone is aware of the remarkable healing properties of garlic. This highly nutritive and inexpensive food enhances the immune system to help strengthen the body against allergens and pollutants. It is a wonderful antibiotic, anti-fungal and antiseptic and effective against both viruses and bacteria.
IMMUNE BOOSTING SOUPS WITH BAG-O-HERBS Soups are an easy and delicious way to infuse all the healing properties of these medicinal herbs right into your food. Put a small piece of reishi mushroom, 2 tablespoons astragalus root and a couple pieces of garlic in a muslin bag. You can add other healing roots like burdock, dandelion and eleuthero if you have them on hand (about 1 rounded teaspoon each) to the muslin bag. Put the bag of herbs right into your soup as it cooks then remove the bag before serving.
health benefits
WHEATGRASS By Michelene K. Bell
is nutritiouslY a complete food
heatgrass, an excellent source of chlorophyll, has many health benefits and has been known to be a powerful detoxifier, energy booster and blood cleanser, with no side effects. below are just a few of the benefits of Wheatgrass.
• Helps soothe sores, pains, stomach issues • Detoxifies the liver • Helps slow down the aging process • Helps with sinus congestion • Helps with tooth decay • Helps heal eczema • Helps cure acne • Wheatgrass is a complete food
• Helps to reduce high blood pressure • Cleanses the blood • Increases red blood cells • oxygenates the blood and body • Improved brain function • Helps with blood sugars (diabetes) • Contains minerals essential for health • Help or eliminate most skin conditions including dry scalp • Contains a vital ingredient; magnesium • Energizes one’s metabolism • balances the Ph levels in the blood, making your system more alkaline • Helps with indigestion • Stimulates the thyroid • Helps with free radicals • Helps with toxin buildup • Helps remove heavy metals • Is an anti-inflammatory • Can be used as a topical agent • Sooths bites, cuts, scrapes etc. • Acts as a disinfectant • Helps with burns • Improves sleep • Freshens the breath
Wheatgrass may not be the miracle cure for what ails you; however, it is an exceptional start to a healthier you. Put it in your smoothies, your juice, a shot glass or water and feel the difference. Drinking one ounce of wheatgrass daily will increase your energy, remove toxins, improve your blood pressure, blood sugars and help you feel great. The other benefit, no side effects. As with any new practice, check with your healthcare practitioner.
Michelene is the Founder, Publisher and Editor of In Light Times. She enjoys traveling, great foods, good friends and is an avid kitty lover. She looks forward to returning to Talk Radio and interviewing our spiritual leaders. Visit www.InLightimes.com.
Note: You can do the same thing with any dish that cooks for longer periods of time i.e. rice, beans etc. About Reishi – this mushroom is pretty bitter and can overwhelm your foods so do not use too much. A small piece about 1 inch in diameter is more than sufficient. Every day, more and more of us are coming back to the knowing that herbs are our powerful allies for both prevention and healing. Open yourself to the Earth and all her healing
SW Herb is a unique combination of a medicinal herb shop, community gathering place and educational center. Our biggest community draw is their 10-module Herbal Certification Course designed specifically to the lay person. Visit: www.SWHerb.com.
IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 19
health lights
Amazing Healing Trees
By Michael Ravensthorpe
By Carolanne Wright
Moringa Oleifera
Myrtle Tree Oil
An all-around wonder remedy for wrinkles, depression, infectious disease and neurological disorders
The Miracle Tree of the Himalayas
Moringa oleifera is a tree that is native to the Himalayan Mountains of northern India. Though it is not well known in the United States, the tree is treasured in many parts of the world (especially Africa and South America) due to the healing properties of its leaves. In fact, moringa’s small, light green leaves are so nutrient-dense that the tree has been nicknamed ‘The Tree of Immortality’ and ‘The Miracle Tree’ by the inhabitants of the countries in which it is cultivated. Let’s find out whether these nicknames are deserved.
Famous for its superior antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, oil from the lemon myrtle tree knocks out stubborn salmonella and staph organisms while providing a variety of cosmetic uses. Not only does it soothe wrinkles and blemishes, but also calms nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, vertigo and depression. As an added bonus, myrtle oil is considered an aphrodisiac.
Time-Honored Oil of Beauty & Health
Moringa’s Health Benefits rich in antioxidants - Analysis has shown that dried and powdered moringa leaves (which is how moringa is usually sold and consumed) contain 46 antioxidant types, including carotenoids, zinc, selenium, chromium, and all the vitamins (even vitamin b and vitamin K). Moringa leaves also contain 36 anti-inflammatory compounds, including calcium, copper, chlorophyll, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, and sulfur. All of these antioxidants and compounds occur naturally in the plant, and work together to maximize absorption. For example, the magnesium found in Moringa helps us to absorb its calcium.
Nutrient concentrations -
Like most superfoods, Moringa contains a lot of nutrients. What really sets it apart from others, though, are the concentrations of those nutrients. For example, ounce-per-ounce, dried Moringa leaves contain three times more potassium than bananas, 2,500 times more amino acids than green tea, three times more iron than spinach or roast beef, three times more calcium than milk, and 10 times the recommended daily amount of vitamin E.
A complete protein - Moringa leaves are between 30 and 40 percent protein, and contain 18 amino acids. of these, nine (valine, lysine, leucine, histidine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan) are essential amino acids. This makes Moringa a ‘complete’ protein source - something seldom found in the plant world.
The ancient Greeks associated the myrtle tree with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, for good reason. Through its exceptional astringent, antiseptic and skin firming properties, myrtle oil is a powerful tonic for the skin. Pharmacologists believe the high level of myrtucommulone-A is responsible for the strong analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory attributes of the oil. Due to impressive antiseptic qualities, myrtle is an excellent topical remedy for skin infections, wounds and ulcers - including stubborn MrSA varieties. It also contracts and tightens the skin, helping to alleviate wrinkles. High myrtol content encourages the synthesis of sirtuin compounds, helping to further reduce skin aging. For those suffering from acne, myrtle opens the pores and acts as a bactericide, thereby reducing the incidence of breakouts. Mediterranean countries have long used myrtle extract to encourage hair growth as well. Additionally, it has a “highly selective cytostatic (inhibiting) effect on tumors,” as stated by the botanical health and wellness site bioesti. Myrtle essential oil also contains active compounds of cineol, myrtenol, pinene, myrtenyl, linalool, acetate, geraniol, borneol and camphene. According to Organic Facts, benefits include: • •
We need protein, of course, to build bones, skin, blood, and cartilage, and to produce hormones and enzymes. Without it, our bodies would biochemically dismantle.
Makes a great oil - Though the
Moringa tree is best-known for its nutritious leaves, its seeds also have a use: The matured pods can be processed into ‘ben oil,’ a clear, sweet oil that rivals olive oil in antioxidant activity. ben oil is extremely durable and doesn’t spoil, and has been used for centuries as a perfume base, cooking lubricant, and salad dressing. Given Moringa’s healthiness, it is unsurprising that regular consumption of its leaves - in cooked or dried states - has been linked to reduced blood pressure, weight loss, improved mood and digestion, healthier skin (some Western cosmetic companies are now adding Moringa extracts to their skincare products), and much more. In fact, Ayurvedic medicine claims that over 300 diseases can be treated by consuming Moringa leaves. So why not try it out? (NaturalNews) Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website Spiritfoods, http:// spiritfoods.net, through which he promotes the world’s healthiest foods. http://www.naturalnews.com/041264_moringa_oleifera_protein_tree_of_life.html
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• • •
Expectorant - Clears congestion of the respiratory tract, including the nose, sinuses and lungs. Encourages productive coughs. Sedative - Sedates and calms. Provides relief from depression, anger, stress and tension. It also soothes allergies, inflammations and irritations. Nervine - Balances the nervous system. Beneficial for disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, shaking limbs, vertigo, anxiety and fear. Aphrodisiac - relieves issues of frigidity, impotency, erectile dysfunction and loss of libido. Disinfectant - Discourages infections through its bactericidal, fungicidal, germicidal & antiviral properties. Heals infections of the intestines & stomach, eliminates diarrhea.
Myrtle oil is helpful against hemorrhoids, cystitis, leucorrhea and urinary tract infections too. It is especially beneficial for chest infections in babies and the elderly. The oil has been found to be more effective against salmonella and staph bacteria than tea tree oil as well. The fragrance is uplifting and fresh. It has no known side effects. However, always consult with a qualified practitioner before internal use of any essential oil, including myrtle.
(NaturalNews) Carolanne enthusiastically believes if we want to see change in the world, we need to be the change. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation for over 13 years. Through her website www.Thrive-Living.net she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people who share a similar vision. Find at Diaspora: thriveliving@joindiaspora.com. Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Thrive_Living At Facebook, connect here: www.facebook. com/pages/Thrive-Living/499578863433146. For Pinterest fans: www.pinterest.com/thriveliving/ natural-news/ Other articles on Natural News here: http://www.naturalnews.com/Author1183.html.
health lights
The Ultimate Brain Food
By Nanditha
Walnuts are the same shape as the human brain. So what’s
new here? Considered the ultimate superfood, walnuts are now being served up as brain medicine for many reasons...
he local pharmacy is promoting memory and mood-enhancing drugs. The advertisement says “if coffee is a socially acceptable drug, then why not this?” This is the age of instant gratification with a huge debate in tow about the ethics of peddling and consuming drugs for just about anything and everything. The easy way out, as we well know, is usually never the best way out. The instant solution to anything is somewhat dubious in the face of ancient, grandmotherly wisdom especially for body, mind and soul. Enter Walnuts Walnuts are the same shape as the human brain. So what’s new here? Considered the ultimate superfood, walnuts are now being served up as brain medicine for many reasons, not the least of which is because they are replete with omega-3 fatty acids, an essential fatty acid to keep the brain functioning normally.
you are struggling to win the battle of the bulge, then turn to this ubiquitous nut for help. Walnuts are full of healthy lean protein, polyunsaturated fats, and are a powerhouse of polyphenols. Walnuts are easy to incorporate into the daily diet. If eating an ounce of nuts a day is not your thing, however, then throw them in your oats, salads, pasta and rice dishes or discover and share new wholesome ways of eating this delicious nut. It is reasonable to assume that a healthy diet is medicine for the body and soul - your ticket to health heaven, all things considered, in your own hands.
research says that low omega-3 intake can be linked to depression and cognitive degeneration. Eating a fistful of walnuts regularly then can keep the spirits up and prop up the grey cells for good measure. What is more, walnuts are known to raise melatonin levels by a whopping three times, promising relief from sleeplessness and insomnia. So if you’re tired of counting sheep at night and would appreciate a knockout sleep instead, then consider ingesting a few walnuts as a pre-bedtime snack.
The term food pharmacy is actually a reference to a real thing - the well endowed kitchen pantry that has healing foods as a matter of course, with answers to many an ailment, not just the common cold. So if you are not a serious snacker, better become one and give the medicine corporations a run for their money.
The walnut is also considered a potion of sorts for the heart - it reduces cholesterol and enhances heart health. This nut is a powerhouse of nutrients - manganese, copper, iron, calcium, and phosphorus - the stuff of a good, healthy, happy body. Walnuts contain more antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin E than any other nut, and specifically black walnuts have the highest content (among nuts) of an amino acid called argenine which is essential for cell division and protein synthesis. If
(NaturalNews) Nanditha Prasad Ram is a consumer and health journalist and a practicing holistic therapist whose mission it is to inform, educate, empower and transform. Her blog is available at http://www.bindumandalayoga.blogspot.in.
Spicy Walnut Bites
Assemble the following ingredients: 2 cups walnut halves 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoon raw honey 2 tablespoons organic raw sugar 1.5 teaspoon sea or himalayan salt 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (adjust to taste) 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper (to taste) on medium heat melt the oil, honey, sugar and about a teaspoon of water., stir to blend. Then add the walnuts, toss coating evenly. Sprinkle the spices and sugar and over the walnuts and continue cooking for approximately two minutes or until coated and lightly browned. Transfer to large plate or cookie sheet and let cool. IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 21
HealtH ligHts
superstAr foods for brAin heAlth SALMoN • NUTS • BEANS • AvoCADo • BLUEBERRIES DARk CHoCoLATE • DARk LEAFy GREENS • wHEAT GERM
all organs of the body, the brain is perhaps the pickiest and most demanding when it comes to the foods and nutrients that suit it best. below are my recommendations for a brain Healthy diet. SALMoN: Salmon is exploding with the omega 3 fats that make up the majority of the solid structure of the brain and play a fundamental role in learning and cognition. In the brain, omega 3 fats, specifically DHA, are both the structural and functional “lynchpins” for learning. Wild Alaskan Salmon is my preferred choice which can frequently be found fresh and is always available canned or frozen. My kids love frozen salmon burgers from Costco! NUTS: Nuts score a perfect 10 when it comes to brain-boosting performance. They are rich in several nutrients that play a key role in healthy brain function, including essential amino acids, vitamin E, a full spectrum of minerals, and b vitamins. BEANS: beans are the most underappreciated brain foods. Cheap, convenient, versatile and well-liked by most, beans are a brain-health winner. They provide a steady supply of the brain’s preferred source of fuel, glucose, along with loads of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenol antioxidants that the brain loves. oATMEAL: oatmeal is a highly nutritious source of brain fuel (glucose) delivered gently, but steadily. (The brain cannot stand high or low levels of blood glucose). oatmeal is also a good source of b vitamins, vitamin E and key minerals. AvoCADoS: Avocados are another totally underappreciated brain health standout. A review of their nutritional profile reads straight from the winning play book of eating for optimal brain health. They are chock full of hearthealthy monounsaturated fats that promote healthy blood flow in the brain along with boatloads of the brains most valued nutrients including: folate, potassium, vitamin b6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and copper. BLUEBERRIES: This diminutive yet all powerful fruit should be called the brain berry. blueberries give the brain a nice gradual dose of its must-have
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By Dr. Ann Kulze, MD
fuel (glucose) along with a massive hit of powerful antioxidants. The brain is uniquely susceptible to the ravages of oxidation and blueberries hold the number one spot in food with the most antioxidant power. In laboratory studies, blueberries were found to enhance the learning capacity and motor skills in aging rats. best of all – they are delicious!. Any other berry is great too. A prudent portion of DARk CHoCoLATE. This yummy food houses some of the most potent antioxidants ever discovered in nature along with several natural stimulants that can enhance focus and concentration. The modest sugar it provides can help fuel the brain too. I always give my kids 2-3 small pieces of dark chocolate to take during exams. Any form of DARk LEAFy GREENS (including spinach, kale, collards, Swiss chard and lettuce greens). The nutritional fire power in dark leafy greens is unrivaled. They provide the full spectrum of brain-protective nutrients, including a huge dose of vitamin C and vitamin A along with 18 essential nutrients. They are teeming with antioxidant phytochemicals and a bit of omega 3 fats as an added brainhealth bonus. wHEAT GERM: Slightly sweet, yet nutty, wheat germ is a gem of a food for brain health. It is an excellent source of omega 3 fat, vitamin E and zinc – 3 nutrients required for brain function. Sadly, many people are deficient in these vital brain agents.
Dr. Ann Kulze is a physician, bestselling author of, the Eat Right for Life series. She is a motivational speaker on a personal crusade to share with as many people as possible the joys of living well. She is a renowned authority in the areas of nutrition, healthy lifestyles and disease prevention. Dr. Ann has distinguished herself as a one-of-a-kind “real world” nutrition and wellness expert. Dr. Ann enjoys swimming, running, kayaking, cooking and spending time with her wonderful family. Visit: www. DrAnnWellness.com.
HealtH ligHts By Dr. Ben Kim
Hey, I’m NOT on the List!!!
Beware of Toxic air Fresheners Formaldehyde is classiFied as a human carcinogen
you use synthetic air fresheners in your car or living space, you should know that you’re likely increasing the risk of developing a variety of health problems. Headaches, earaches, depression, an irregular heart beat, and diarrhea in babies are just a few of many health challenges that have been linked to regular use of synthetic air fresheners. A report that was released in September of 2007 by the Natural Resources Defense Council found that 12 of 14 brands of common household air fresheners contained phthalates. Phthalates are chemicals that are used to prolong the length of time that scented products maintain their fragrance. regular exposure to phthalates can increase your risk of experiencing endocrine, reproductive and developmental problems. Amazingly, some of the brands that tested positive for phthalates did not include phthalates on their lists of ingredients; some of these brands were even labeled as being “all-natural” and “unscented.”
In response to this study, the National resources Defense Council produced the following list that indicates the presence or absence of phthalates in common air fresheners: HigHEST LEvELS OF PHTHALATES: Walgreens Air Freshener Spray (removed from shelves) Walgreens Scented Bouquet Air Fresheners (removed from shelves) Walgreens Solid Air Fresheners (removed from shelves) ozium Glycolized Air Sanitizer Medium levels of phthalates: Air Wick Scented oil Febreze NoTICEables Scented oil Glade Air Infusions Glade Plug-In Scented oil oust Air Sanitizer Spray Low levels or no phthalates detected: Citrus Magic Febreze Air Effects Air refresher Lysol brand II Disinfectant Oust Fan Liquid Refills renuzit Subtle Effects Please note, having no phthalates does not make synthetic air fresheners safe
to use in your car or home. The vast majority of synthetic air fresheners emit significant amounts of terpene, a volatile organic compound that can react with naturally occurring ozone to create formaldehyde. ozone, a form of oxygen, exists at some level both indoors and outdoors, so formaldehyde formation is practically inevitable wherever synthetic air fresheners are used. Indoor environments that tend to have elevated levels of ozone include those where photocopiers and ozonegenerating air purifiers are used.
products that are designed to emit a prolonged artificial scent.
Why should you be concerned about exposure to formaldehyde? Formaldehyde is classified as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Sprinkle baking soda on carpets before you vacuum.
Given all of the above, it’s not surprising a study that was published in a 2007 issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine indicates that regular use of sprays can increase your risk of developing asthma by 30 to 50 percent. This study was performed by the European Community Respiratory Health Survey, and collected data from 3,500 people in 10 European countries. Clearly, your health is best served by minimizing exposure to synthetic air fresheners and other synthetic
healerS • recOnnectIOn
Here are some simple and natural ways of keeping your car and living space smelling fresh without using chemicalladen air fresheners: Open your windows, even just a crack during cold weather, for at least 30 minutes a day. Weather permitting, it’s best to keep your windows open all the time, assuming that you don’t live in a heavily polluted area.
Keep a box of baking soda open in the room. Keep natural (preferably organic) potpourri in a bowl out in the open, or put into little sachets to keep around the house. Maintain a friendly gathering of indoor plants in your living and work spaces. Take the garbage and compost out every day.
Dr. Ben Kim, is a chiropractor and acupuncturist living in Barrie, Ontario Canada. His goal is to help people discover healthy solutions. Visit: www. DrBenKim.com.
SpIrItual DevelOpMent
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Janet Handley
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IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 23
Yoga insigHts
Continued From Page 18
How Yoga Breathing Keeps You Healthy in Mind, Body & Spirit By Anna Hunt
This breath is ideal at the beginning or end of your yoga practice, or anytime you need to revitalize one of your energy centers.
yoga practice, but it can also be used other times when you need to bring focus to the mind, such as during a walking meditation.
Ujjayi means victorious. This breathing technique is most beneficial when used during a physical asana yoga practice. Using Ujjayi during your asana practice distracts the mind from unwanted thoughts, with the breath acting as a mantra and helping the mind to focus. Ujjayi breath acts as a guide during the practice, and if its rhythm is broken or forced, we learn to back off, slow down or rest. Using Ujjayi also creates more postural support in the body, and is recommended during physically-demanding yoga practices such as vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga.
The Kapalabhati pranayama is a cleansing breath technique where we focus on short voluntary exhales. This technique benefits the body in many ways: it revitalizes the respiratory, digestive and nervous systems; it tones the abdominal muscles and improves the metabolism; and it helps to purges your system of all negativity, including negative thoughts, physical ailments and diseases, and even damaging habits.
After you’ve warmed up and prepared for your yoga practice, follow this process to begin the Ujjayi breath: • While inhaling and exhaling through the nose, partially close the throat until the breath creates a soft humming sound in the back of the throat. The physical formation of the throat and vocal cords is similar to that during whispering. The sound is often described as the hum of the ocean waves or the wind moving through tree tops. •
Gently smile with each breath, allowing the breath to swirl in the back of the throat before moving down into the lungs. Continue with this breath throughout your yoga practice. This breath is ideal during a physical
b e g i n t h i s e x e rc i s e b y s i t t i n g comfortably cross legged on a pillow on the ground, the spine straight and the wrists and hands resting on the knees. You can also sit in a chair if sitting on the ground is not comfortable, with hands resting in the lap. breathe naturally for a few breaths and relax the physical body from the head, through the shoulders and torso, and down into the legs. Then follow this process:
breath’s full capacity, and exhale naturally. Observe the calmness in the mind for about 15-20 seconds, while breathing naturally. repeat for 2 or 3 rounds. Start practicing the Kapalabhati breathing technique with two rounds for about 20 seconds each, growing up to three rounds for 30 seconds each. Please note that Kapalabhati is a powerful breathing exercise, so it is not recommended if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, hernia, asthma, or are experiencing dizziness, back pain or abdominal pain during the exercise. Yoga offers several beneficial breathing techniques that can be used by anyone to improve health, wellness and develop peace of mind. Anna Hunt is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She and her husband run a preparedness e-store outlet at www. OffgGridOutpost.com, offering GMO-free
storable food and emergency kits. Anna is also a certified Hatha yoga instructor at Atenas Yoga. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal health and wellness. Read more of her excellent articles here. Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Waking Times or its staff. SoURCES: www.WakingTimes.com/2013/01/02/theseven-human-energy-chakras/ www.chakrajnanayoga.com/chakrabreathing-techniques.html www.youtube.com/watch?v=itZp-2IsoE4 Swenson, David. Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual. Ashtanga Yoga Productions. 1999. Kaminoff, Leslie and Matthews, Amy. Yoga Anatomy 2nd edition. Human Kinetics. 2012.
Inhale deeply through the nose until you’ve reached the top of the breath. Start with short, sharp exhales through nose, while at the same time squeezing the abdomen and pulling it in toward the spine, also in short bursts. Allow the inhalation to happen passively, without any emphasis on it. While practicing, visualize what you are expelling from the body. After about 20-30 seconds, inhale deeply through the nose until you’ve reached the
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This breath is ideals at the beginning or end of your yoga practice, or anytme you need to revitalize one of your energy centers.
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IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 27
Awakened Oracle
Introducing Scorpio october 23rd to November 21st “I wILL”
November is the exact middle of the seven powerful Uranus/ Pluto Squares (2012-2015) driving change, revolution and transformation in the world. The 4th square is November 1, 2013. These squares are forcing the integration of the vision born during their conjunction in the 60s. The pressure is building for Social Transformation, Radical Individualism, and Egalitarianism as a reality, rather than an ideal. Squares always “feel” like the other side should move, when in fact, both sides must move. The Status Quo might be dying, but it will not, and should not, allow radical change to throw out the baby with the bath water. Tensions will remain high during theseSsquares, so remember, this is all a very good thing! The smoothest passage is to allow our own status quo to transform without rejecting completely whatever we feel opposes us. During this process, both sides of any argument will have merit. We have to find and integrate that merit to pass this initiation.
Ruling Planet: Pluto ~ Rules: Genitals & Bladder ~ Symbol: Scorpion ~ Element: Water ~ Energy: Feminine ~ quality: Fixed ~ Gems: Garnet & Ruby ~ Flowers: Rhododendron & Chrysanthemum ~ Color: Deep Red ~ Most Compatible Signs: Cancer, Pisces & Virgo ~ Higher octave of Scorpio Energy: To seek power and truth as a path to reveal what has stagnated and is no longer in alignment with growth. ~ Lower octaves of Scorpio Energy: Secrecy and power for the sake of control. Full Spectrum of the Taurus/Scorpio Axis: “To embrace the truth and allow what is dying to shed away while maintaining the health of what is still living”.
Astrology uses the placement of all planets at the moment of your birth to determine the “Matrix” of energy you are working through this lifetime. The sign determines the process of connecting with that aspect of you. For instance, the Sun may be in Libra at birth, but Libra does not define “Who you Are”, it determines the process by which you will connect with “Who you Are”.
Astrology uses the placement of all planets at the moment of your birth to determine the “Matrix” of energy you are working through this lifetime. The sign determines the process of connecting with that aspect of you. For instance, the Sun may be in Scorpio at birth, however Scorpio does not define “Who you Are”, it determines the process by which you will connect with “Who you Are”.
Energy for November 2013 Strength: Understanding. We will see and comprehend strengths and challenges as vital parts of a greater whole. Everything is just as it should be.
Scorpio is the sign of power, truth and sexuality; the deepest emotional realms of the human condition. Scorpio seeks and finds comfort in those depths and, above all else, desires a connection to others on that level. Scorpio longs to live in raw, naked, undiluted truth. They are more likely to have others see them as secretive and controlling than they are to feel that way themselves. There is a great tendency for anyone who is not currently comfortable in this deep emotional arena to project that discomfort onto Scorpio. The protective Scorpion’s reaction to this rejection is actually sadness, and just as with all sadness, it may quickly turn to indifference or anger, hence their notorious reputation for being ruthless and dangerous. Scorpio knows that it has touched on the deeper truth and denial of that truth may make them sad however it has no effect on whether or not they believe they are correct.
Challenge: Action. First step; seeking guidance. The challenge…translate that guidance into Action. Totem Energy: Horse. The totem of Power and Freedom. This power comes from within. It is time to find our inner strength to live our lives as we choose. Energetic Theme: Elk, Self-esteem, Strength. Strength comes from the power of Love. Love for ourselves, families and tribe. New Moon: Nov. 3rd, 4:50am PST; 11° Scorpio (Total Solar Eclipse); New Moon Message: Carry the abundance that is your birthright into an awareness of the needs of the greater whole. Full Beaver Moon: Nov. 17th , 7:15am PST; 25° Taurus; Full Moon Message: Stand in integrity on Earth as you dream of Stars.
Scorpio demands that we accept the powerful drives within us, including our sexuality. Scorpios sun signs will often exude sexuality and prominent Scorpio in our natal chart will indicate that sexual power is a theme in our life.
BrynMorgaine is a psychic, writer and astrologer specializing in Personal and Planetary Actualization. She is the founder of the Awakened Oracle Metaphysical Institute and the creator of Polarity Creation Therapy. She can be reached at 360-436-6287 or Bryn@AwakenedOracle.com.
ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19
totem: Coyote (Humor, Survival). Change happens! This is terrific news for you. The discussion is over; the time for change has come. After so much longing for movement on the field, things are finally starting to change. Don’t stumble over your own feet as you feel the sudden shift. Coyote, this month, reminds you to not take yourself or your victory too seriously. Laugh and enjoy the game.
LIBRA ~ Sept. 23 to oct. 22
totem: Raven (Magic, Prophecy). You are the balancing agent in any polarized situation. Today you will find that you are also a visionary. Envision a world where resolution is possible and share your vision with others. Do not take conflict personally. What other people think of you is none of your business. Nor is it a barrier to bringing forth resolution. Be at peace within yourself and you will find that more peace appears around you.
SCoRPIo ~ oct. 23 to Nov. 21
TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20
totem: Dolphin (Harmony, Awareness). Relax and breathe. It is time to return to harmony within. You are so beautifully grounded just when others seem to be floating off into space, and that groundedness may have become rigidity. Are you holding on too tight? Allow the ebb and flow to return. Loosen up, breathe and balance the Earth and air within. You are reminded that you do not need to ground for others.
GEMINI • May 21 to june 20
totem: Dragonfly (Mystery, Illusions). Ideas are like multifaceted gems; be sure you are traveling freely through all facets of the ideas swirling around you. Illusions are valuable as they allow you to explore what is possible; however, be sure to free your fluid mind from the illusions created by others. Cleanse your mind of any thoughts that have trapped you and return to all these ideas refreshed and renewed.
CANCER ~ june 21 to july 22
totem: Butterfly (Sensitivity, Transformation). Sensitivity is your greatest strength. You understand how to create an environment conducive to emotional wellbeing. Tending to those needs in others brings you a sense of value and belonging. On occasion, growth and transformation requires we leave that comfort zone. A moth is at home in a cocoon; however, it must leave to become a butterfly. Has your comfort zone become a hiding place rather than a respite?
LEo ~ july 23 to Aug. 22
totem: Fox (Stealth, Cunning). “the better part of valour is discretion” (William Shakesphere). As the hero and brave hearted, you are normally a visible champion. Do not forgo stealth and discretion as a result. The spotlight is not always designed to shine on you. With an economy of effort and an ability to work behind the scenes, you will be just as effective so long as you do not seek the spotlight for yourself.
vIRGo ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22
totem: Otter (Playfulness, Trust). There is a great initiation taking place in your life right now. You have a whole new way of “being” available to you. Follow the lead of your energetic partner, Pisces, through this door. While playfulness and trust may seem unfamiliar to you, they are beacons in this storm leading you through this initiation. Let go and follow those lights to a world you had never before believed possible.
PAGE 28 •
needs your courage.
totem: Ant (Loyalty, Community). Deep within your soul is the desire to find and expose the truth because it is the truth that sets us free. You know, all too well, that we are only as sick as our secrets. Forgive whatever has turned you away from playing this sacred role and share your gifts. Rejoin your tribe and play your vital role once again. Your community
SAGITTARIUS ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
totem: Hummingbird (Joy, Music, Love). As an adventurer, you love the open vistas of the road less traveled. Philosophy and Wisdom are dynamic and alive in your world view. Wear any dogma you have acquired as a loose garment at this time. Broaden your vision, shed your certainty and return to the joy and curiosity of the unknown. The willingness to search for Shangri-La has value, regardless of whether or not you find it.
CAPRICoRN ~ Dec. 22 to jan. 19
totem: Beaver (Flexibility, Creativity). As the backbone of society, these may be trying times for you. Changes you are actually in favor of may be presented in ways that you cannot support or fear will only be destructive. You find yourself forced to hold your ground against change when you might prefer to work in partnership to enable it. Be flexible and creative. You will find a path to resolution. You will!
AqUARIUS ~ jan. 20 to Feb. 18
totem: Owl (Wisdom, Insight). The Age of Information is your domain. You understand how and why growth towards unity and freedom require unrestricted access to information. It may surprise you that others around you do not see as clearly. Be wise and share your simple insights with others. You may be uncomfortable in that leadership role. However, your clarity is a fresh wind blowing through a stagnate landscape. Do not hold back.
PISCES ~ Feb. 19 to March 20
totem: Elk (Self Esteem, Dreams). Hold onto your dreams and remind others of the value of “The Dream”. You often take a back seat when the drama starts. You prefer to hold space for compassion rather than being drawn into the controversy. Now is a good time to stand tall and remind us all that “The Dream” is worth fighting for. After all, your compassion is a courageous stance, not a denial of the conflict.
Empowered Numerology by Michele Avanti Alpha Numeric Numerology Chart
Hansel & gretel Now that we have learned about the nine basic frequencies, we can begin to explore the world around us. How are man’s words linked to the frequencies? Do names give power? It’s not so much that a name gives power, as it is, that the frequency that is activated by a name is some type of power.
by Horsemann
Let’s start where most people in Western Civilization claim it all started with Cain and Abel. Cain = C (3) + a (1) + i (9) + n (5) = 18 = 9. Abel = A (1) + b (2) + e (5) + l (3) = 11 The Nine is considered a perfect number in many ways and I call this frequency ‘The Bridge between Heaven and Earth’. The Eleven is beyond the realm of the Nine because it is a Master Number, and only a higher master number could compete with it. In this story, Cain (9) kills his brother Abel (11). At a basic level one would say this story instructs us not to allow jealousy and hatred to drive us to murder. but these stories are meant to give a lot more than such a basic and obvious directive. Through awareness of the numeric frequencies, we see the Nine threatened by the power of the Eleven’s mastery in the physical world. Thus, the story tells us, when we allow fear to over-ride our intuition, we kill (LESSEN) our power to master creation. The use of the names Cain and Abel is not an accident. The understanding of the frequency of numbers was well known in ancient times and all the Old Testament and some of the New Testament was written within a frequency code. As a matter of history, scribes were taught the codes or frequencies of numbers and used certain sequences to empower their work. What I find most fascinating is that this ancient power in its perfection converts to present language. This, to me, reiterates the incredible logic and infinite power of creation. Take the story of Hansel and Gretel with the Witch. Hansel = 8 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 3 = 5 Gretel = 7 + 9 + 5+ 2 + 5 + 3 = 31 = 4 Witch = 5 + 9 + 3 + 8 = 25 = 7
This chart allows you to quickly access the number related to any letter. Thus you can identify what numbers are active through a name, or address. When looking at the chart, the letters listed below each number will activate that frequency and you can add them together to find the power of a word. For example, the name, Art. Look at the column with number one at the top. There you will find A, thus A=1, r is located in the 9 column, so r=9, and T is located in the 2 column, so T=2. Thus for Art we would add, 1+9+2=12, which when reduced = 3.
will imprison our minds and lose sight of the details. but if we choose to empower ourselves through patient self-control, we will take action and burn the emotions that trap us, freeing our minds to learn new lessons in the future.
November is: N (5) + o (6) + v (4) + e (5) + m (4) + b (2) + e (5) + r (9) = 40 = 4 2013: 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6 Total: 4 + 6 = 10 = 1 November ’s frequency of Four is the higher octave of September ’s Four. September’s Four frequency followed the Earth and we were asked to examine our physical connection with the four directions and how we manifest through our bodies. November’s Four takes us through to the emotional level and asks us to go beyond the physical and examine how we emotionally create our worlds. Are we empowering ourselves through an intimate creative connection with life? or are we crying out, refusing to see our own shortcomings, afraid of what we will see and thus we project it onto others with pain and blame. This month’s frequency asks us to intimately look in the mirror and acknowledge, accept and love the flaws. To trust that we are perfect in ways we do not understand and begin to heal the deep emotional wounds that keep us from the creative power that intimate trust allows. This is a key time to look at the roots of who you are and prune off the parts that keep you from being the best you can be. Taking time now to do this will empower and prepare you for a new beginning in four months. It takes great courage to look in the mirror. Use this month’s frequency to clear out the deep emotional entanglements that keep you from creating the universe you desire. Chanting, “Leem om” will be helpful because Leem (water) will stir the emotions to the surface and om (Air) will filter them clear so you can understand and know your next step. By adding 2013’s six frequency to this month’s Four we activate One. This adds strength to speak out and state what needs to be said to heal the emotional wounds. Now it is our turn to tell the universe exactly what we will no longer do and what we now want to do. Speaking, to the universe may be done by speaking to people in your world. It is time to say what you have hidden to the people who stand in your way, who have helped you, or that you have shunned or harmed. •
The ancients believed there was a pole that held up the heavens, and that
In numerology, all numbers are added together and then reduced to a
Hansel’s Five frequency is the inquisitive mind, the one who looks at details and is always seeking knowledge. Gretel’s Four frequency knows how to take control, it is actually a masculine number that naturally takes control in situations. The Witch’s Seven frequency takes risks but its greatest challenge is emotional entrapment. Too often individuals with this frequency will get stuck feeling sorry for themselves.
information was sent back and forth to heaven through this mighty pole.
single digit, unless after adding them together the result is a number
with double digits, such as: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. These remain intact and
The Witch is also ‘blind’, which brings in another frequency for her: B (2) + l (3) + i (9) +n (5) + d (4) = 5. This tells us that her blindness is a method of learning for her. As the story goes, Hansel uses pebbles to make a trail so they will find their way back home. This works the first time. But the second time he uses bread-crumbs because his stepmother has locked the children in the house and he cannot get the pebbles he needs. So his Five frequency is actively thinking and paying attention to the details. At the witch’s house, he is locked in an iron cage to be fattened up for the witch’s meal, but each time the blind witch pokes him to see how fat he is, Hansel lets her touch an old bone instead. So again we see his attention to detail. The witch, instead of caging Gretel, takes the risk of using her as a slave. When the witch finally decides to eat them both, she attempts to push Gretel into the oven. Gretel. The Four, takes charge and pushes the Witch in, instead. All the frequencies are intact. Does this story tell us anything through the frequencies? Five uses brains and details, Seven’s personal emotional entrapment does not allow the individual to go beyond entrapping others to feed their needs, and Four engages to empower the individual through patience, clear thought and action. Thus the story tells us we can use our minds to create a trail of details, and or they may leave us locked away from what we want. If we engage in self-pity we
are called Master Numbers. •
Master numbers are all numbers that consist of replicating digits, such as 11, 22, 111, 222, 444,444, etc. Master numbers activate the originating
frequency to a higher octave and thus empower the individual exponentially.
We welcome any questions about the meaning of a name, and will be addressing names in this column later in the year. Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She has taught in many areas of metaphysics and is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations and Online courses. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at AstrologyAndMore@gmail.com for an appointment. To learn more about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at AstrologyAndMore.blogspot.com.
IN LIGHT TIMES • NovEMbEr, 2013 • PAGE 29
Light Happenings
November, 2013
National Holiday - Thanksgiving November is also (Month) • • • • • • • • •
Aviation History Month Real Jewelry Month Native American Heritage Month Peanut Butter Lovers Month National Sleep Comfort Month Internationa Drum Month National Epilepsy Month Child Safety Protection Month National Adoption Awareness Month
November is also
• World Peace Day • Button Day • World Kindness Day • Veteran’s Day • Book Lovers Day • All Soul’s Day
I AM NOT A TURKEY! Resource: www.HolidayInsights.com
• All Saint’s Day • Forget-Ne-Not Day • Sadie Hawkins Day • Housewife’s Day • Deviled Egg Day • Beautiful Day
• Thanksgiving Day • Homemade Bread Day • World Hello Day • Square Dance Day • Absurdity Day • Black Friday Day
3 SUNDAY GONG MEDITATION with Shamanic Healer Jon Reinschreiber. 6:30-8:00pm Love offering. Relax, let the voices of ancient gongs carry you to a place of timeless peace, release blockages. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV. www.UCiV.org, 702-435-3289. 5 TUESDAY LOVE ORACLE CARDS WORKSHOP with International Celebrity Psychic Amira Celon, 6:30pm $20. Learn about oracle cards, how to use them, as well as gifting each student with a reading @Enchanted Forest 702-948-4999. 800 N Rainbow Suite 100. Visit: EnchantedForestReiki.com. 7 & 21 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV. www.UCiV.org, 702-435-3289 www. UCiV.org, 702-435-3289. 9 SATURDAY PSYCHIC 101 DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP with Danielle Garcia, 10am-2pm $150.. Danielle will show tips and tools she’s learned throughout 15 years + of professional experience as an Intuitive. At Enchanted Forest, 800 N. Rainbow Suite 100. Call, 702-948-4999. Visit: EnchantedForestReiki.com. 16 SATURDAY EXTRAVAGANZA PARTY, 3-7pm. $25 individual/$40 couple. Live performances by BB Berg, Genevieve Dew, Richel Kompst, Kristy Love, and others; benefiting Sophia Center for Goddess Study. Vendors, food, beverages, raffle, Silent Auction & more. Call for more information: 702-405-7117 or email SophiaCenterLv@aol.com. Join in the fun! COOKING WORKSHOPS, 10am-Noon; $30/members, $40/non-member. Cook fresh, fabulous food and learn from the best—professional chefs from the Springs Cafe. Please pre-register for all workshops at SpringsPreserve.org or by phone, 702-8227700. Class size limited! Visit: www.SpringsPreserve.org for our complete calendar. 17 SUNDAY BEGINNING CORE SHAMANISM CLASS, 9am-4pm $150. Come join us for a fascinating day, connecting you to the Shaman ways. Learn core skills of how to do a “journey”, allowing you a pathway to obtain answers for self and others. Enchanted Forest 702948-4999. 800 N Rainbow Suite 100. Visit: EnchantedForestReiki.com. 19-20 TUES. – WED Reiki II Certification Class, 6-9pm $200. Learn how to do distant healing, chakra balancing, Core symbols, receive attunement and more. Enchanted Forest Reiki 702948-4999. 800 N Rainbow Suite 100. Visit: EnchantedForestReiki.com. 29 Friday ENCHANTING MYSTICS BLOWOUT MERCHANDISE SALE & CIRCLES, 10:30am-6:30pm. Join us as we have healing circles all day long including a morning crystal bowls circle, afternoon drumming circle and evening Reiki circle. Plus all of our beautiful unique merchandise will ON SALE. Enchanted Forest 702-948-4999. Visit: EnchantedForestReiki.com. 800 N Rainbow Suite 100.
PAGE 30 • november, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
30 SATURDAY FAMILY & FRIENDS TANDEM HEALING DAY EVENT, 10:30am-6:30pm. Bring a friend for a tandem healing session for 40-70% off normal rate. Pre-bookings only. Be sure to call 702-948-4999 for more details at Enchanted Forest Reiki Center. 800 N Rainbow Suite 100. Visit: EnchantedForestReiki.com. Ongoing Events SUNDAYS ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am Service. Nov. topics: 3rd, Do You Have Trouble Loving God?; 10th, Dreams, the Forgotten Road to God; 17th, Embracing Life With Joy and Laughter; 24th, Getting the Most From Life. Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Children’s Programs 10am. Meditative Worship 8:30-9:00am. Nov. Topics: 3rd, The Cosmic Christ; 10th, Your Lord is Coming; 17th, Awake O’Sleeper; 24th, Grateful Living. 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV. www.UCiV.org, 702-435-3289. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702362-6184. www.SpiritualChurchOfEternalLight.org. NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING, 9am-5pm. Learn what you need for health; herbs, vitamins etc. Check our class schedule at: www. NaturallyOrganicCenter.com. 1171 S. Buffalo. 702-433-3874. SUNDAY YOGA, 9am. $8/class (members) $10/class (non-members) Join instructor Ashley Erickson to integrate breath and movement into your daily life with Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga in natural settings at the Springs Preserve. 333 S Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas Visit: www.SpringsPreserve.org for our complete calendar. REIKI MASTER JANEE POWERS, 2-3pm. $5. Come in, learn about Reiki, and receive a relaxing mini session. @Naturally Organic Healing Center, 1171 S. Buffalo Dr. Bring a friend. RSVP 702.265.5219 www.Omnizeal.com. MONDAYS Healthy Habits Wellness Center, 7pm. Join Dr. Thomas Stone and learn how subtle energies can help you heal yourself. Weekly seminar on Quantum Energy. Improve your life thru whole organic foods and clean water. Sample a prepared organic dish and enjoy an open discussion on your health. Call for new location. www.HealthyHabitsUSA.com. Call 702-450-0321. MONDAYS & THURSDAYS SELF-HYPNOSIS, 6:30-9:00pm. $165 (includes materials) due first day of month. Learn the art of self-hypnosis to change behavior; relax (mentally and physically); to attain better sleep habits and control pain. Instructor, Dr. Walter B. Hammond, 32 years experience. Course taught in a holistic (mind, body, Spirit) environment. Wear comfortable clothing. (3-Mondays & 3-Thursdays) Please call 702-658-9682 to register. WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone, 702-530-3250 or website www.PrayersForThePlanet.org. THURSDAYS FARMERS MARKET, 10am-1pm. Free admission. Join us for our weekly cooking demonstrations. Regionally and locally grown seasonal offerings; fruits, vegetables, herbs, fresh eggs, honey, nuts, dates, locally roasted coffee and many more delectable treats. Inside Desert Living Center, Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View. Visit: www.SpringsPreserve.org for our complete calendar. 702-822-7700. FRIDAYS Arati and book study, (How to Know God) 6pm. Ramakrishna-Vedanta Center. Call 702-646-4889 for information. UPCOMING A WINTER SOLIST CELEBRATION, Join us and other Spiritual leaders on December 21, for a full day of connecting our community. Contact Darlene Mea at Darlene@ BeGlobalMedia.com for details. Discover, Enlighten and Evolve and let’s make an impact that will make a difference. See ad on page 2 HEALTH FAIR, January 25th Saturday. 10am-3pm; $5. Start the New Year with a Healthier New You. Featured holistic vendors, natural products, workshops and much more @ Ultra Violet Extreme Performance Art Center; 4544 W. Russell, Suites B-C Las Vegas, Event presented by The Wholistic Health Team. Call 917-916-9917 or Katricia 702-772-6025.
LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: ILT@InLightimes.com (subject Line, Calendar)
IN LIGHT TIMES • november, 2013 • PAGE 31
Allan Martin Osman
Omnizeal 702-265-5219
Janee Powers, Energy Worker, can promise you Relaxation & Stress Relief when entering into her uniquely designed session. As an energy worker she may include, Reiki, EFT, EST, aromatherapy, color therapy, crystals and gemstones to create a powerful “LIFE CHANGING” Allan helps you: break negative habits, release negative emotions, improve relationships, make better decisions; and develop experience. She combines Earth energy with the Divine & believes being Receivership from God within. Allan offers Counseling, Stress Relief, Guided grateful for all life’s challenges and loving yourself are the first steps in Meditation and Home Study by phone, Skype or in office. Allan is practical, awakening the mind and body. Visit www.OMNIZEAL.com. See page 2 non-judgmental and experienced. Call or email: amo@thekeystoreality.com. First session is FREE. See page 24
Spiritual Counselor-Teacher 702-473-0163
SW Herb
Eckankar 702-369-0101 The teachings of Eckankar define the nature of Soul. The goal of Eckankar is spiritual freedom in this lifetime, after which you become a Co-worker with God, both here and in the next world. Karma and reincarnation are primary beliefs. Key to the ECK teachings is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. He has the special ability to act as both Inner and Outer Master for ECK students. The prophet of Eckankar, he is given respect but is not worshiped. 3160 E. Desert Inn, Suite 14. Visit www.Eckankar.org. See page 6
Enchanted Forest Reiki Ctr 702-948-4999 More than just a Reiki Center, we offer a wide range of healing modalities including Cranial Sacral, Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Shamanism, Tuning Forks, Bars Access, the Dolphin Lounge with Vibroacustic Sound Therapy and more. Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, Spiritual items ‘n more. It is a great place to network; browse through our gift shop, experience many inspirational and informative classes, get certified in Reiki, Shamanism, Bars Access. Our classes cover mediation, chakras, psychic skills, just to name a few. Stop by Enchanted Forest Reiki Center at 800 N. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 100. Visit www.EnchantedForestReiki.com. See page 11
Four Seasons Med Spa 702-309-4600 • 281-9900 (text) Dr. James P. Wright, D.D.S., AIAOMT is a holistic dentist who offers the finest level of holistic, cosmetic and general dentistry in Las Vegas. Dr. Wright and his wife, Debby, desired to create the best dental experience possible for their patients, pioneering the paradigm shift from fear of the dentist, to looking forward to a relaxing spa-like experience. A true artist and skilled perfectionist, many patients say that he is the most thorough dentist they have ever seen. Dr. Wright’s personal commitment has always been to help patients feel and look their very best by giving them the very finest dental care and beautiful smile. For the very best in dental work, call the Four Seasons Dental Spa for a holistic experience. Call today and setup your appointment. 702-309-4600; Visit: www.FourSeasonsDentalSpa.com. See page 7 & 31
480-694-9931 SW Herb is a unique combination of a medicinal herb shop, community gathering place and educational center. We carry a large variety of bulk medicinal herbs, specialized herbal tea blends, tinctures, personal care products (made onsite), ceremonial herbs and informative books. Our biggest community draw is our 10-module Herbal Certification Course designed specifically to the lay person. Visit: www.SWHerb.com. See page 24
The Secret & the Truth of the Ages 702-991-1384
Learn about the secrets and truths that have been kept unknown for thousands of years. Learn how to become the person who you truly are and not the person who you think you are. Find out that there is far more to you than you think. You are living your life in this material universe using only 10 percent of your outer conscious mind. Learn how to unite with your inner, eternal subconscious mind that is perfect and is 90 percent more. By eliminating the division and uniting the left and right brain in turn will unite the inner and outer mind. To purchace your copy of this incredible book go to www.TheSecretAndTheTruthOfTheAges.com. See page 2
The Healing Trinity 702-771-6900 Jacqui has been gifted by the Divine to channel Life Force Energy for healing your physical body, your emotional make up & unclutter your mind. Jacqui provides upgraded teachings to include the most recently unveiled scientific and metaphysical information. The wide range of classes include: Opening your Pineal Gland, Healing Touch, Communicating with your Spirit Guides and many more. Jacqui is a clear channel into the highest realms of the Spiritual world. She works with The Ascended Masters, angels and counsels for clearing of Past Life Trauma, Spiritual initiations, and enlightenment. Infinite Love and Gratitude. www.TheHealingTrinity.com. See page 10