Ilt june 2013 issue

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IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 3

Contributing Writers

From The

Publisher Once again disaster has visited our world and brought with it the demise of children and adults in the town of Moore, Oklahoma. Every time we hear breaking news with regards to the tornado that touched down in the vicinity, we are reminded of this tragedy of total destruction and lives lost. One more time there is a hopelessness that seems to grip our nationÉa s the news so aptly report. On the flip side of this event; the heroes who poured into Moore… bringing necessary supplies to this hard hit community. People stepped up to the plate and helped rescue workers search for loved ones. They did not complain, they had a mission, a goal if you will, of search and rescueÉ NOT recoveryÉ true heroes in my book. Then, different types of heroesÉ the teachers who shielded the children with their own bodies with no thought for their own safetyÉi t was all about the Ò kidsÓ . So, what are the answers? This was not the first time Moore experienced such devastation. In 1999 their community was hit by yet another twister and once again had to rebuildÉa nd they did. Through this challenge I have heard many questions. Ò Why do they live in Ô tornado alleyÕ ?Ó Ò Why were there a lack of storm cellars for people to move out of harms way?Ó Questions will continue to be asked and the good news, Oklahoma legislature is proposing an ordinance that ALL schools and private homes be mandated to provide storm cellarsÉa win for the citizens of Moore, OK. What can we do for communities like Moore? First, help on the physical plane; secondly and most assuredly keep everyone in the white light of protection and pray for every soul that had this experience. It is at this time that we must dig deep and find within our consciousness and cellular being of our soul, that nature is the essence of self-realization. We must also realize that nature is a powerful force that humankind cannot control; we can only be a witness of this power and do what we do best; come to the aid of our fellow beings. A major positive? People who said (basically the whole town of Moore) Ò we lost everything, yet, we survived and have our family and our animals.Ó Perhaps these are the ultimate heroes of May, 2013 when the power of the tornado met with the Ò spiritÓ of humanity. There are no mistakes. There is a global citizenry that proves once again, the power of UNITY! Let us not forget who we are in the overall scheme of creation. Be well, be safe and continue the unification of humanity’s spirit. Take care my friends and many blessings, In Love & Light,

Michelene PAGE 4 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Monthly Alan Cohen, author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment.

Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author & speaker on selfdevelopment. Author of over 30 books, is affectionately called the “father of motivation”

Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, is the Founder of the Mystical Realm, a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT).

Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker.

Celestial Cycles

Empowering Numerology

by Motavenda

by Michele Avanti

The Herbalist

Dr. Judith Orloff, M.D.

Kathleen Gould

Author: Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, Guide to Intuitive Healing

June Writers Dr. Bob McMaria Elisha McFarland Jackie Woods

PF Louis Tim Delaney Mishel Roserberg


PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell


ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett

GRAPHICS By EUGENIA 702-328-3722

ADVERTISING 702-259-6843


NATIONAL ADVISORy COUNCIL Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups

WEBSITE IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Lane #247 Henderson, Nev. 89014



June, 2013 enligHtening Views 4 They DiD NoT ComplaiN From The publisher miCheleNe K. bell … they had a mission if you will …

6 CrysTals & GemsToNes by aNNeTTe rizzolo, msC.D

… one of the most beautiful natural creations of nature…the Pearl.

7 TruTh or saboTaGe by alaN CoheN We must all seek our truth.

8 Four (4) TeChNiques To proTeCT your eNerGy by Dr. JuDiTh orloFF You don’t have to reinvent the wheel …

9 CompeNsaTioN by JaCKie WooDs

Most people either seek life or hide from it.

10 The role oF FeeliNGs iN your maNiFesTaTioN by Dr. WayNe W. D yer “A change in feelings is a change in destiny.”

11 Where’s your passporT? by sophia FalKe

“Yes, of course I have a passport. How else can I go exploring?”

Our(ur) Pets & animals 12 TraiN your DoG WiTh loVe & NoT JusT FooD by mishel roserberG 13 Why eNzymees are imporTaNT To your peT’s healTh by Tim DelaNey gems fOr tHe sOul 15 FaThers

Feature 16 Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life HealtH ligHts 18 healTh beNeFiTs oF Dry sKiN brushiNG by elisha mCFarlaND

Skin that is clogged with toxins and dead cells cannot function properly because the toxins are not being eliminated.

19 DeTox quiCKly WiTh These spriNG poWer VeGGies by pF louis


Spring-cleaning is not just for your home or yard or car.

20 healiNG From The iNsiDe ouT by miCheleNe K. bell Ina Mohan actually never wanted to be a chef …


21 meN’s healTh by KaThleeN GoulD Nutrition is critical for good health.

22 WhaT is The size oF your WaisT? by Dr. bob Demaria

Have you considered the amount of blood vessels just one pound of “fat” requires …

15 18


Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 25

Quick Reference Guide 26 Business Card Directory 27 NEW Astrology•Celestial Cycles 28

NEW Empowered Numerology 29

Light Happenings 30 Business Profiles 32

IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 5

P EnlightEning ViEws

JUNE Gemstone

By Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D


earls The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and because of this, the word pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, fine, admirable, and valuable.

The Gemstone for June is one of the most beautiful natural creations of nature… the Pearl. The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and because of this, the word pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, fine, admirable, and valuable. The most valuable pearls occur spontaneously in the wild, in both sea water and fresh water pearl oysters. Some locations for Peals include: Tahitian Black pearls found in Tahiti. High quality pearls may be found in Scotland and China. Significant numbers of natural pearls are found in the Australian Indian Ocean from wild oysters. Also, Cook Islands and the Sea of Cortez. The pearl signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps provide focus to one’s attention. It is also said to increase fertility. This is a “stone of sincerity” bringing truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. It also symbolizes purity and can stimulate that condition in one’s body and mind; hence, providing a clear vehicle for the advancing states of wisdom, as well as a clean channel for receipt of spiritual guidance.

every gate was of one pearl: and the streets of the city were pure gold, as if transparent glass.” Holy things are compared to pearls in Matthew 7:6. “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.” Pearls are also found in numerous references showing the wickedness and pride of a people, as in Revelation 18:16. “And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!” There is certainly a lot of history regarding the Pearl, and many references to it in various religions. I enjoy it for its beauty in many of its color ranges, and always have felt it to give one the feeling of elegance and sophistication. Worn with formal clothing, or jeans and a blouse, pearls are always in style.

It has been used to inhibit disruptive behavior and provide a reflection of the self so that one may see how they appear to others. Pearls have been harvested and cultivated primarily for use in jewelry, however, in the past, they were also stitched onto lavish clothing. Pearls have also been crushed and used in cosmetics, medicines, and in paint formulations. Whether wild or cultured, gem quality pearls are almost always nacreous and iridescent, as is the interior of the shell that produces them. Interestingly, the Hindu tradition describes the sacred “Nine Pearls” which were first documented in the Garuda Purana, one of the books of the Hindu mythology. Ayurveda contains references to pearl powder as a stimulant of digestion and to treat mental ailments. According to Marco Polo, the kings of Malabar wore a necklace of 104 rubies and pearls which was given from one generation of kings to the next. The reason was that every king had to say 104 prayers every morning and every evening. In a Christian New Testament parable, Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven to a “pearl of great price” in Matthew 13: 45–46. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly (fine) pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” The twelve gates of the New Jerusalem are reportedly each made of a single pearl in Revelation 21:21, that is, the Pearly Gates. “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls;

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Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, and has over 22+ years “in the Biz.” Annette is a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT), Metaphysical Hypnotherapist, Freelance writer, and Founder of The Mystical Realm, a very unique & informative website. Visit: and become Enlightened & Empowered!

EnlightEning ViEws

Monthly Inspirations from


n e h o C n a l A

ruTh or SaboTage?

We must all seek to express our truth. There are two ways to do this: directly or indirectly. If you do not express your truth directly, it will come out in odd, aberrant, and damaging ways. Self-sabotage or sabotage of others occurs when you don’t speak your truth directly. Honest expression of truth ends sabotage.

I work with a rental car agency that gets me good deals. When I began to use the agency I phoned in an order to the owner; a friend of mine. When he emailed me the confirmation, I discovered he made an error on the pickup time of the car. I called him back and he corrected it. This happened not just once, but three times. Hmmm. I told the agent I planned to recommend his service for participants of my residential retreats. He told me, “Great! Just be sure to have them book online—that’s a lot easier for me than processing a phoned reservation.” Suddenly I realized why the agent had consistently messed up my orders. He didn’t want to take phone orders. His errors were subterfuge ways of saying, “I don’t want to do this.” When he finally told me the truth, I was happy to change the way I ordered. But he had to tell me the truth first. We must all seek to express our truth. There are two ways to do this: directly or indirectly. If you do not express your truth directly, it will come out in odd, aberrant, and damaging ways. Self-sabotage or sabotage of others occurs when you don’t speak your truth directly. Honest expression of truth ends sabotage. I had an office assistant whom I asked to pick up a laser printer cartridge on her way home from work, and she agreed. The next day when she came to work I asked her for the cartridge. “I couldn’t find the shop,” she told me. We found a map to the shop and she went off that day after work to find it. The following day she again returned empty-handed. “I got there after they closed,” she reported. I let her off work early that day to make it to the shop on time. The next day she told me, “I forgot to bring the company credit card.” Finally I picked up the cartridge myself without a hitch. The truth my assistant resisted telling me was, “I don’t want to do this.” I wish she would have told me up front; it would have saved both of us time and trouble. When you don’t tell the truth immediately, your truth comes out in weird ways that make more trouble for everyone. We all have the ability to do anything we choose to do…IF we choose to do it. The story is told about Joe, who came home from work one day quite tired. As he was unwinding in front of his TV during the evening, Joe’s buddy phoned him and asked Joe if he would help him move his refrigerator. “I’d sure like to,” Joe answered, “but I had a tough day at work and I’m beat. Maybe another time.” Ten minutes later Joe received a phone call from his girlfriend, who had just gotten back into town after being away on a business trip. “I’m back, honey,” she told Joe. “I just got a new Victoria’s Secret lingerie outfit. Would you like to come over and help me try it out?”

Did Joe suddenly have energy? You bet! He wasn’t lying to his buddy when he said he was too tired. He was too tired because he wasn’t motivated. We all find the energy and means to do what we choose to do. We find no energy to do the things we do not want to do. If we are forced to do things we do not want to do, we will find a way not to do them. That’s how powerful we are. The question is, will you express your preference honestly, or you veiled situations to get your point across? You don’t have to get sick to get out of school, have an accident to get out of work, or have an affair to get out of a marriage. You can simply, clearly, directly express that you do not wish to do this. You might ruffle some feathers, but the cost will be far less than illness, accident, or a nasty divorce. Yet there is a hidden value in direct communication. You might create a solution that surpasses simply staying unhappily or leaving dramatically. By expressing your feelings you might be able to change schools, transfer departments at work, or deepen your intimacy connection, and reward in marriage. Truth has ways of getting to solutions that sabotage does not. Ceanne Derohan wrote a classic book entitled, Right Use of Will. We are always using our will. But we may not always be using it in alignment with our good. Your will is like an automobile with its engine running and the gearshift in drive. You can steer the car onto the main highway and take the most direct route to where you want to go. Or you can drive it through many detours and byways, over bumps and through walls. Ultimately you will get to your destination, but one path is a lot more direct and fun than another. The universe rewards authenticity. Things are supposed to go right, and usually do. When you say yes to what you choose, and no to what you do not choose, you are living in alignment with yourself. Life asks no more—or less—of you than this. Alan Cohen, author of many inspirational books, including Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. Join Alan September 1st for his acclaimed Life Coach Training to become a professional life coach or incorporate life coaching skills in your current career. For more information about this program, Alan’s other books, free daily inspirational quotes, and his weekly radio show, visit, or call 800-568-3079.

The universe rewards authenticity.

Things are supposed to go right, and usually do. When you say yes to what you choose, and no to what you do not choose, you are living in alignment with yourself. Life asks no more—or less—of you than this. IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 7

EnlightEning ViEws


By Dr. Judith Orloff

Excerpted from “Emotional Freedom”

Techniques to Protect Your Energy You don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time you’re on emotional overload. Emotional freedom means learning how to stay centered in a stressful, highly emotionally charged world. Since emotions such as fear, anger, and frustration are energies, you can potentially “catch” them from people without realizing it. If you tend to be an emotional sponge, it’s vital to know how to avoid taking on an individual’s negative emotions or the free-floating kind in crowds. Another twist is that chronic anxiety, depression, or stress can turn you into an emotional sponge by wearing down your defenses. Suddenly, you become hyper-attuned to others, especially those with similar pain. That’s how empathy works; we zero in on hot-button issues that are unresolved in ourselves. From an energetic standpoint, negative emotions can originate from several sources. What you’re feeling may be your own; it may be someone else’s; or it may be a combination. I’ll explain how to tell the difference and strategically bolster positive emotions so you don’t shoulder negativity that doesn’t belong to you. This wasn’t something I always knew how to do. Growing up, my girlfriends couldn’t wait to hit the shopping malls and go to parties, the bigger the better; however, I didn’t share their excitement. I always felt overwhelmed, exhausted around large groups of people, though I was clueless why. “What’s the matter with you?” friends would say, shooting me the weirdest looks. All I knew was that crowded places and I just didn’t mix. I’d go there feeling just fine but leave nervous, depressed, or with some horrible new ache or pain. Unsuspectingly, I was a gigantic sponge, absorbing the emotions of people around me. With my patients, I’ve also seen how absorbing other people’s emotions can trigger panic attacks, depression, food, sex and drug binges, and a plethora of physical symptoms that defy traditional medical diagnosis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than two million Americans suffer from chronic fatigue. It’s likely many of them are emotional sponges. Here are some strategies from Emotional Freedom to practice. They will help you to stop absorbing other people’s emotions.

First, ask yourself: Is the feeling mine or someone else’s? It could be both. If the emotion such as fear or anger is yours, gently confront what’s causing it on your own or with professional help. If not, try to pinpoint the obvious generator. For instance, if you’ve just watched a comedy, yet you came home from the movie theater feeling blue, you may have incorporated the depression of the people sitting beside you; in close proximity, energy fields overlap. The same is true with going to a mall or packed concert.

When possible, distance yourself from the suspected source. Move at least twenty feet away; see if you feel relief. Don’t err on the side of not wanting to offend strangers. In a public place, don’t hesitate to change seats if you feel a sense of depression imposing on you.

For a few minutes, center yourself by concentrating on your breath: This connects you to your essence. Keep exhaling negativity, inhaling calm. This helps to ground yourself and purify fear or other difficult emotions Visualize negativity as gray fog lifting from your body, and hope as golden light entering. This can yield quick results.

Negative emotions such as fear frequently lodge in your emotional center at the solar plexus. Place your palm there as you keep sending loving-kindness to that area to flush stress out. For longstanding depression or anxiety, use this method daily to strengthen this center. It’s comforting and builds a sense of safety and optimism.

Shield yourself. A handy form of protection many people use, including healers with trying patients, involves visualizing an envelope of white light (or any color you feel imparts power) around your entire body. Think of it as a shield that blocks out negativity or physical discomfort but allows what’s positive to filter in.

Look for positive people and situations. Call a friend who sees the good in others. Spend time with a colleague who affirms the bright side of things. Listen to hopeful people. Hear the faith they have in themselves and others. Also relish hopeful words, songs, and art forms. Hope is contagious and it will lift your mood.

EmotioNal actioN StEp: How To Stay Centered In A Stressful World. To detach from other people’s negative emotions:

Keep practicing these strategies. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time you’re on emotional overload. With strategies to cope, you can have quicker retorts to stressful situations, feel safer, and your sensitivities can blossom. Dr. Judith Orloff, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and has helped patients find emotional freedom for over 20 years. She synthesizes pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Her bestselling books, Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, and Guide to Intuitive Healing offer readers practical strategies to overcome frustration, stress, and worry. Check out her amazing YouTube video collection. Visit www. PAGE 8 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Enlightening Views Jackie Woods on



Most people either embrace life or hide from it. And while a person may fall in one category more than the other, few people do just one. Even the individuals who have turned hiding into an art form may openly embrace caring for a pet. Or someone who seemingly embraces life openly, with great gusto, will still have areas that they keep stored in the recesses of their unconscious mind. These hidden parts of yourself may be locked away so securely that even you are not aware of them. But then again you might be aware, but still not want the general public to see what you consider to be too private to reveal. These secrets are kept safe through compensating techniques. Compensation can express in a wide array of forms, so listing them all is impossible. However, I want to touch on a few examples that may hit home for you. You may compensate through an action that is in exact opposition to how you really feel. For instance, if you don’t feel beautiful or handsome, then you might try to bury that feeling by dressing immaculately. Or, if you believe yourself to be stupid because you are uninformed around a certain subject, you may try to be overly knowledgeable in some other subject in order to keep your “ignorance” under wraps. Another compensation technique is avoidance. For example, if you were abused emotionally as a child, you might now do everything in your power to avoid someone getting upset with you. Or, if you are unsure about the validity of your action-choices, you may turn that responsibility over to your friends whenever possible. Like you might say, “I don’t care where we go out to eat; you choose.” Each person has their personal list of compensations. For some it is longer than others, but no matter how short or long your list, compensating is always deadly. Whether you hide from yourself or just from others, it keeps you from embracing life. To embrace life you must see all the unpleasantness, inside and out, as growth opportunities. Since secrets only collect negative energy, compensating to keep a secret hidden inside corrects nothing. The antidote for this insidious folly of compensation is to see that everything in your life’s physical script was created by the Divine to create love. And since love comes from the divine, every act of compensation you release will free a space in your psyche to be filled with love. Once you realize the transforming power of love, deeply hidden secrets can be turned into sacredness. Life lived in this way will become a continuous adventure of empowering love.

Jackie Woods, founder of Adawehi (Ah-dah-way-hee) Institute Healing School and Wellness Center, is a published author and an expert in the field of selfactualization. Visit

IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 9

EnlightEning ViEws

Role of feelings


Wisdom from Wayne

By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Excerpted from Wishes Fulfilled

In Your ManIfestIng

“A change of feeling is a change of Destiny!”


put it as plain and simple as I know how to make it: no assumption of the feeling of the wish fulfilled, no fulfillment of your wishes. In other words, it is absolutely imperative to learn how to assume, in your imagination, the feeling of already having and being what you desire. Your thoughts are without form. If we could find a location in space for these thoughts, they would be in your head; however, your head has boundaries, and your thoughts do not, so they could reside anywhere or nowhere. You choose the thought you prefer, from the trillions of thoughts that continuously flow through your mind on that never-ending conveyer belt. You can pick one that suits you, put it back, and take another at any time. Your imagination is the repository of thoughts you opt to keep. Your feelings, on the other hand, are experienced in your body—the place where you do all your living in this corporeal, material world. Your feelings play more of a role in your life than you realize. In order to learn something intellectually, you engage in the practice of mental discipline: studying, researching, memorizing facts, cogitating, participating in discussions, and seeking expert opinions. Ultimately you draw

conclusions about what you’ve been analyzing. You know the facts and are confident you’ve mastered the subject through the thinking process. Knowing something spiritually is a very different matter altogether. Here you can cogitate, ruminate, and analyze endlessly without accessing any more enlightened awareness of what you are studying. To know something spiritually, you must experience it, there is no other way…you cannot simply think your way to a new awareness. You must experience it, and the only vehicles you have for directly experiencing a new and higher vision are your feelings. What does it feel like in your body? You may have placed a picture in your imagination of who you’d like to be, but if you can’t assume the feeling of that wish fulfilled, you’ll find it impossible to make your future dream a present fact. Yet you do have this wondrous power to take a thought that is in your imagination, live from that place in your daily life, and then experience in your body exactly how that feels and stay with this feeling. Your feelings are where you live. If you have been able to assume the feeling within your heart and genuinely feel the love that this activity brings to you, you will, as Neville states, be in a place where your wish must be realized…such is the power of your feelings.

Years ago, while teaching at several major universities, I’d ask graduate students this question: “What do you respond to first…what you know, or how you feel?” I wanted them to determine which domain captured their primary attention. For instance, on the cognitive level…their analyzing ability, mathematical prowess, mastery of the rhyming scheme of an Elizabethan sonnet, or ability to memorize scientific formulas. On the feeling level… loneliness, sadness, fear, heartbreak, anxiety, love, ecstasy, joy, and so on. All reported the feeling level was primary. You most likely will agree that how you feel takes precedence over what you know; effect rules over cognition. Formal educational experiences, however, are almost exclusively devoted to the “what you know” aspect. I’m suggesting you assume an entirely new approach. I want you to get the full brunt of the message that the assumption of feeling of the wish fulfilled will bring home to you. Here is Neville Goddard, speaking on this subject in 1944: Every feeling makes a subconscious impression and, unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of an opposite nature, must be expressed. The dominant of two feelings is the one expressed. I am healthy is a stronger feeling than I will be healthy. To feel I will be is to confess I am not; I am is stronger than I am not. What you feel you are always dominates what you feel you would like to be; therefore, to be realized, the wish must be felt as a state that is rather than a state that is not. The words I am strong are simply cerebral abstractions. The feeling of ‘I am’ strong is a sensation and as Neville sums up: “Sensation precedes manifestation and is the foundation upon which all manifestation rests.” Here you are being encouraged to think feelingly only of the state you desire to realize. By literally feeling the reality of the state you seek, which is firmly in your imagination, you have the means of creating miracles. “A change of feeling is a change of destiny.” Keep this beautiful tidbit from Neville omnipresent in your consciousness.

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I have a picture of the completed book sitting in front of me, even though I am only halfway into the first draft. Yet these ideas and pictures are not the driving force that will allow my future dream to be the obvious present fact that it is. I have assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled, feeling the love in my body as I imagine millions learning these lessons that have so impacted my life. I look at the book jacket, I see the book as completed, and most important, I feel love in action. My subconscious mind has been programmed to act automatically on the desire I have placed in my imagination. But the actual fulfillment of that desire comes about because, and only because, I have assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled within me right now, even though it appears it has not yet materialized. To impress my subconscious mind with this desirable loving state I am currently experiencing, I assumed the feeling would have been mine had I already realized my wish. This is really an exercise in discovering just how powerful a role our feeling sensations play in the process of mastering the art of manifestation. You are not engaging in an intellectual exercise; you are learning about your Divine spiritual nature and how God works as you. You can look at anything you have declared in your imagination as I am and access the feeling of love in every cell of your body. You will, in time, impress your subconscious mind with all it needs in order to match your desires with your reality.

Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Author of over 30 books, he has created many audio programs, videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting messages, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. If you would like to receive Wayne’s newsletter visit: www.

EnlightEning ViEws according


By Sophia Falke


Where’s Your PassPort? Do you have your passport so you can say “Yes!” the next time opportunity comes knocking? “Do you have a passport?” Is your answer, “No, I never go anywhere so don’t need one.” or “No, I don’t have any money to travel, so I don’t need it.” or “Yes, but it expired and I haven’t gotten around to getting a new one.” Do any of these answers fit you? Or is your response similar to mine? “Yes, of course I have a passport! How else can I go exploring?” My first trips abroad were to Europe on cruise ships that had separate First and Tourist Class sections (yes, that long ago). Subsequent trips are mostly by air. I carry fond memories of each trip—none of which I could have taken without a passport. Simply having the passport has created many opportunities to take advantage of unforeseen opportunities. It allows me to say “yes” when adventure comes knocking. So I cannot imagine being without one. I’ve also discovered we need a passport for this experience called life. The basic passport was for birth into a particular family. Mine had its challenges and “growth opportunities,” and it had remarkable blessings. So that passport got me into life and laid a foundation for future travels. As with my U.S. governmentissued passport, I’ve had to renew my life passport over the years and even apply for a visa every now and then when I decided to travel outside my normalcy.

I just don’t always practice them on a continuous basis. I wish to share what those lovely, delicious moments of “Wow! I feel happy!” with people who don’t know that feeling. As Swami Jinendra says, “we’re born happy, but then we lose it as we journey into life”. I have my passport, so I’m ready to reclaim and sustain my happiness. Now back to my question: Do you have your passport? Have you consciously committed to the spiritual part of your journey where you receive the inspiration, tools, and support to succeed in all areas of your life. Do you have your passport so you can say “YES!” the next time opportunity comes knocking? So, I invite you to join Swami Jinendra and myself at Unity Center. (see calendar).

Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Find information on programs, especially the June workshops and Sunday messages on sustainable happiness, at www.,, or Sophia is also a certified coach and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness ( You can reach her at or by calling 702-755-7064.

A new friend of mine, Swami Jinendra Kothari, reminded me how we all go through certain phases of life. The first one, of course, is when we are influenced and molded by our family. Then the school system gets its chance. If we’re “lucky,” we receive a good grounding in the life skills and values that will make the next phases of life a little easier to navigate. It’s in those next phases that we set our own course. At each phase, we renew our passports. The photos change, our addresses and circumstances change, but underneath, we are the same soul striving to grow and thrive. As I look back on my own journey, I see those choice points where I decided how to use my passport. As Swami Jinendra reminded me, after our foundational years our journeys take us through the phases of establishing ourselves professionally and creating, supporting, and preparing a family for their journey. Some of us recognize this time as preparation for a more spiritual time of life. Others, like me, only recognize that’s what we were doing when we have already consciously renewed our passport for this spiritual leg of our life journey. As I look back, I see that, although I did not consciously know what I was preparing for, Spirit did. If we want to move as smoothly as possible from one life phase to another, we must renew our passport along the way. We might need a passport to learn forgiveness or not to take things personally. We might need a special visa to venture outside our comfort zone and break open deeply ingrained blockages. Having a spiritual passport (being willing and ready to go where life leads) helps us cross borders between outdated, lower vibration beliefs to higher vibration spiritual and emotional understandings. I just pulled out my passport for a new journey, one called “sustainable happiness.” I’m noticing more and more moments when I think, “Wow! I’m happy right now!” Then the next day I wonder “What happened to that happy feeling I had yesterday”? I have learned much from my friend Swami Jinendra. He has been teaching many the principles on how to sustain that feeling of happiness. Like a lot of you, I already know many of the principles for healthy, happy spiritual living.

IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 11

Train Your Dog With Love And Not Just Food

By Mishel Roserberg

Training a dog has a world of benefits. A well-trained dog leads to a happier pooch and a less stressed owner. Understand the benefits in training your dog, bringing about positive sessions with excellent results. You and your dog will enjoy and value this time.

use small steps when training a dog or pup to get into a crate, so that they can become familiar with it. When your dog appears to be at ease while inside the crate with the door ajar, you can help him adjust to the crate even further by slowly latching the door and rewarding him with treats fed to him through the spaces between the wires. Keep the gate closed for short periods of time, and work your way up to longer times. If the puppy gets too upset then you increased the time too much, too fast. Make sure you establish feeding routines and times for your dog. Training your dog to expect that when fed, once or twice a day, you will be removing the food bowl in 10-15 minutes, will lay down a feeding schedule that your dog will adhere to. Before long, your dog will learn to eat more quickly and efficiently. Consistency is the key to puppy crate training. When your puppy gets out of its crate, you need to give it the occasion to relieve itself right away. As time passes, start to be able to use the appropriate times.

Your daily schedule should consist of regular potty breaks, regular training sessions and an hour of good exercise. ensuring your dog gets thorough exercise will cause your training sessions to be much more effective, which will encourage your dog to behave better. A dog that has proper training and enough playtimes will be a happy dog. Make training fun for you and your dog. Remember that dogs have short attention spans, and keep your sessions short accordingly. Keep your rewards coming and vary what you give them. Dogs get a kick of compliments and praise. When the dog enjoys their training, they will listen better. Watch the tone you use when you discipline your dog. Dogs can feel what they’re masters are feeling. A firm but stern tone should be enough to reinforce discipline.

your puppy will restroom at the

Avoid reinforcing negative behavior. Don’t give praise or treats to your dog if it does something wrong. For instance, do not pet the dog lovingly if it jumps on you the minute you arrive home if this is something you are attempting to cure. It is best to pick a phrase for potty training your dog, and use it consistently. every single time you take your pup to do his business, say something like “need to go out?” It does not matter the phrase you choose, as long as you keep it consistent. This will keep him focused, and will teach him to associate those words with the action of relieving himself.

To make the most of your dog training efforts, stay consistent. Have a set list of commands that everyone in the household knows. Remember to always reward a good behavior and not a bad behavior. If everyone is on the same page, the dog will better understand what is expected of him. When you’re consistent, he can learn to hold it in. Take him outside hourly to do his business. Praise him immediately as soon as he goes to the bathroom outside. Never yell at your dog for relieving itself in the house. The yellowing won’t help him understand, and he certainly doesn’t know better. Bathroom breaks are required after meals or after leaving the crate. Vary the treats you use as rewards for your dog during training sessions. These treats should be easily distinguishable from the common biscuit variety you may give your dog on a regular basis as special achievements in training merit special edibles in reward.

Consistently train your dog. everyone that works with your dog should use the same commands, as well as the same techniques. The dog is sure to have a simpler time learning, as long as he is asked to obey just one group of commands and is given consistent responses.

As mentioned before, training a dog is a prudent investment. A dog that doesn’t behave can damage your property, irritate everyone in the home and soon the family won’t want the dog around. Listening to the information provided in the article, you could make it a choice to have a great a loveable dog.

Do not drag out your training sessions for too long. Dogs have a short attention span, and keeping the training sessions short and sweet prevents them from becoming a boring chore your dog dreads. Allow you dog a break every fifteen and then resume training if desired.

Mishel Roserberg: Find out how you can make your dog stop chewing furniture with bitter apple spray:

PAGE 12 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Why Enzymes are So Important to Your Pet’s Life

By Tim Delaney

Remember, every pet needs more than processed foods!

There are all-natural pet health supplements on the market that provide ‘live’ ingredients, which give the perfect added nutrition both pets and people need for promoting good health and vitality. Enzymes support a healthy immune system. If there are NO enzymes in your pet’s food then there is little else to protect their body.

Linda Arndt (Canine Nutrition Consultant - www.greatdanelady. com) starts her Great Dane pups on an eNzymes diet as soon as they are weaned to support them as they prepare for vaccinations and to help them with growth and conformation all life long. She feels that it is necessary to use these all-natural supplements as they help to replace what’s missing in today’s over-processed pet foods.


nzymes are vital to maintaining health in both humans and animals. As a lot of pet foods are processed, those necessary enzymes are being removed. The purpose of this article is to explain the importance of enzymes in humans and in their dogs and cats. Enzymes are the foundation of energy and the life force in all living things. They are responsible for building, detoxifying, and healing the body. They are also the force that allows your body to digest and absorb food. Enzymes also regulate tens of thousands of other biochemical functions that take place in the body every day. Even thinking involves “enzymes”. Without enzymes, seeds would not sprout, fruit would not ripen, leaves would not change color, and life would not exist.

Classifications of Enzymes

Throughout nature, there are many classifications of enzymes. Our focus is on two of these classifications, namely dietary enzymes, and digestive enzymes. Dietary Enzymes - All natural foods contain Living Dietary Enzymes. They are a powerful nutritional factor that supports the digestive process and the assimilation and distribution of key nutrients. They activate to strengthen the body’s immune functions and natural metabolism. Living Dietary Enzymes provide the body with a resource, enabling it to produce a whole series of metabolic enzymes, primarily the defensive frontline Antioxidant enzymes: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

Digestive Enzymes- Are found within living foods. They are there to help our bodies process (break-down for absorption) the foods we consume each day. The pancreas is also involved in the body’s own production of digestive enzymes. Each enzyme produced plays a specific role in breaking down the various components of the food that we consume. These digestive enzymes include the following: ✪ Amylase ✪ Cellulase ✪ Lipase

✪ Pectinase ✪ Phytase ✪ Protease

However, these digestive enzymes suffer the same forces as their dietary brothers when they are processed with heat or chemicals. This scenario leaves our bodies with limited resources to digest we eat each day. This enzyme deficit often leads to problematic nutritional deficiencies that play havoc with our bodies and health. Article by Tim Delaney. References include Nzymes: index.asp.

This Month's Great Pix

Superoxide Dismutase Catalase Glutathione Peroxidase Methionine Reductase

These enzymes are critical in the fight against free-radical damage and in maintaining healthy cellular functioning. The cells are the building blocks of life, and key to health and vitality. The reason it is so important to supplement with Dietary enzymes is that cooked and processed foods have these enzymes destroyed thru heat and during processing. Without an adequate supply, the body lacks the necessary resources to keep pace with the body’s demands for daily restoration and repair. This scenario leads to a downward spiral in general health and wellness.

Contributing Factors to a Pet’s Poor Health

A famous pet-nutritional study by Dr. Francis M. Pottenger reported that a life-long diet of processed or cooked foods as a contributing factor why animals develop chronic degenerative diseases, infections and other maladies. His decade-long study confirmed that the succeeding generations who remain on this type of enzyme-less diet would show progressively more illness and disease. Even the best commercial pet foods have their enzymes destroyed through heat, processing, preservatives and other chemicals. These vital food enzymes are needed to help maintain a pet’s immune system and protect all of their body’s primary metabolic functions. The fact that we continue to feed our pets such enzyme-less food over an entire lifetime may contribute to the growing list of animal health problems we witness today including; Osteoarthritis, Inflammation, Joint Pain, Hip Dysplasia, Pano, OCD, HOD, Shedding, Hair loss, Dry Skin, Itchy Skin, Digestive Disorders, Gastritis, Pet Food Allergies, Epilepsy, Fatigue, Hot Spots and many other stress related symptoms contributed to by a weakened immune system.

IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 13

Books Music &

Books That Make A Difference

Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online in the In Light Times Book Store

Recommended Reading

Speaks on  Solomon Reconnecting Your Life

Grown: The Story of  American the White House Kitchen Garden and

The Beauty Detox Solution

By Kimberly Snyder

Gardens Across America

By Dr. Eric Pearl & Frederick Ponzlov

A Must ReAd The GrillinG Book by AdAm RApopoRt Mind over Medicine by LissA RAnkin STorM FronT by

RichARd cAstLe

Theodore Boone by

John GRishAm

The 100: counT onlY SuGar calorieS and loSe up To 18 lBS. in 2 Weeks by

JoRGe cRuise

chriS powell’S chooSe More, loSe More For liFe by

chRis poweLL

You might have to reconsider everything you’ve read up until now about healing, consciousness, and our fourdimensional existence. During the time that the world renowned Dr. Eric Pearl was learning, and expanding the unique form of energy healing now known as Reconnective Healing, he was also gaining new insights into the intelligent energy that is the extraordinary force of creation. Those insights came courtesy of Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence that speaks through Frederick Ponzlov, a former chiropractic patient of Dr. Pearl’s, who entered into an altered state of consciousness and suddenly began to utter profound and life-altering information, illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives. What this book offers is an entirely new perspective on how to reconnect with, tap into, create, utilize, monitor, manage, and flow forward with the unlimited, expansive power of the Universal energy that enables us to heal, thrive and live our most vital, purposeful, productive, balanced and exuberantly happy life. Review By Jackie Lapin

carpet shape.

In her bestselling book, The Beauty Detox Solution, K i m b e r l y S n y d e r, o n e o f Hollywood’s top celebrity nutritionists and beauty experts, shared the groundbreaking program that keeps her A-list clientele in red-

Now you can get the star treatment with this guide to the top 50 beauty foods that will make you more beautiful from the inside out.

By Michelle Obama

In April 2009, First Lady Michelle Obama planted a kitchen garden on the White House’s South Lawn. As fresh vegetables, fruit, and herbs sprouted from the ground, this White House Kitchen Garden inspired a new conversation all across the country about the food we feed our families and the impact it has on the health and well-being of our children. Now, in her first-ever book, American Grown, Mrs. Obama invites you inside the White House Kitchen Garden and shares its inspiring story, from the first planting to the latest harvest.

Stop wasting your money on fancy, expensive beauty products and get real results, while spending less at your neighborhood grocery. ɶ Enjoy avocados and sweet potatoes for youthful, glowing skin ɶ Snack on pumpkin seeds for lustrous hair ɶ Eat bananas and celery to diminish under-eye circles With over 85 recipes that taste as good as they make you look, you can finally take charge of your health and beauty—one delicious bite at a time.

Try the unique recipes created by White House chefs and made with ingredients just picked from the White House garden. And learn from the White House Garden team about how you can help plant your own backyard, school or community garden. In American Grown, Mrs. Obama tells the story of the White House Kitchen Garden, celebrates the bounty of gardens across our nation, and reminds us all of what we can grow together.

Music to Make Note Of

It’s Magic: The Songs of Sammy Cahn By Steve Tyrell DATE:__________________ (required) NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________________ STATE _____________ ZIP ________________ PLEASE PRINT PHONE: _____________________________________ (required) EMAIL:_________________________________________________

Vocalist Steve Tyrell, the modern crooner, began his salute to the great American songbook with the 1999 release A New Standard. The tribute continues with It’s Magic: The Songs of Sammy Cahn as Tyrell explores 13 of his favorite songs written by the legendary composer. In a roundabout way, this set not only pays tribute to Sammy Cahn, but also his collaborators.

Give A Gift Subscription To A friend NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________________ STATE _____________ ZIP ________________ PLEASE PRINT PHONE: _____________________________________ (required) EMAIL:_________________________________________________

The Music is You: Tribute to John Denver by ATO Records 15 years after his death and 25 years after the release of his widely beloved song “Rocky Mountain High,” ATO Records will celebrate John Denver’s life and music with The Music Is You: A Tribute to John Denver, released March 19, 2013. The album features covers of Denver’s most popular songs by a diverse group of artists including Dave Matthews, Train, Lucinda Williams, Emmylou Harris duets with Brandi Carlile, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Amos Lee, Old Crow Medicine Show, Josh Ritter, and many more…

PAGE 14 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Gems for the Soul

“Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad.” -- Anne Geddes “A father is a guy who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be.” -- Unknown

s r e h t a F Interesting Trivia and Facts About Father’s Day v In most of the countries around the world, like USA, UK, India, Canada, China, France, Greece, Japan and even Hong Kong, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. v In Australia, the first Sunday of September is observed as Father’s Day, while Finnish people celebrate the festival on the second Sunday of November. In Thailand, 5th December is observed as Father’s Day every year. v In 1909 Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd campaigned to set a day in June to observe and honor fathers annually. She was an American whose father, a widowed civil war veteran, raised his six children single-handedly. v On July 19, 1910, the governor of the U.S. state of Washington proclaimed the nation’s first “Father’s Day.”

v The first American president to support the concept of Father’s day was President Calvin Coolidge, who did so in 1924. v President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation in 1966 that resulted in the declaration of the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day. v The declaration of 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day was signed as a law, and made permanent, by President Richard Nixon, in 1972. v One of the most common gifts associated with Father’s Day comprises of a necktie, followed by flowers. v Mrs. Dodd also designated the Rose as the official flower for Father’s Day. Wearing a red rose signifies a living father, while white one represents deceased father.

v In America, observers spend over $1 billion every year buying gifts for their father. v It is believed that the word “Dad” dates back to as early as the sixteenth century.

Happy Father’s Day

v Greeting cards make up the number one gift item on the occasion of Father’s Day. v It has been estimated that more than one-third of the cards sold on Father’s Day are funny in nature. v Hallmark reports that Father’s Day makes up the fifth-largest cardsending holiday in the world.

Answers on Pg 25

v A study came up with the fact that female shoppers spend approximately 50 percent more than men, while buying gifts for their dad.

v It is reported that Mother’s Day holds the record for most phone calls and Father’s Day has the most collect calls


IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 15

F eature S tory

Solomon Speak peakSS…

R econnecting Y ououRR L ife Dr. Eric Pearl and

Frederick Ponzlov




my God! I thought, watching my patient, Fred, who was no longer simply lying on his back on the cushioned table in front of me in my office. No one is going to believe this. Who or what am I in the presence of? Fred’s eyes were partially closed as they rolled up and back into his skull and began to dart rapidly back and forth underneath his fluttering eyelids. His breathing slowed and became deep. His arms, somewhat extended to the sides, began to move slowly, rhythmically … gently up, then down, then up again, as if softly buoyed by an invisible energy field. His lips parted; you could see his tongue was moving in a manner that was clearly forming speech as air audibly escaped his mouth. With slight trepidation, I bent forward and brought my ear closer to hear what he had to say … I was frozen in place by sheer awe. I knew I was in the presence of something more grand than I, or most people—or perhaps anyone at all—had ever experienced. And yet this was neither the beginning nor end of something that would move beyond what I could have ever anticipated, something that would soon affect millions of people around the globe. As I listened carefully to the sound of the air coming from Fred, I did finally hear a voice. Not from Fred. It was the voice of my mother saying, “What are you doing? Get your ear away from the crazy person before he bites it off!” And I started to smile, to laugh inside. It’s hard to explain what it’s

like to be somewhat frightened, in awe, and struck by humor at the same time. Now, before I continue along this line, can I truthfully say this came totally out of the blue? Well, yes … and no. To be more clear, let me back up just a few months from that January day in 1994 to the previous August. Little did I know life was about to change for me, and for many people. For the previous 12 years, I had been very happy as a doctor. I had one of the largest and most successful chiropractic practices in Los Angeles, and that was how I thought I would spend my life. But, you see, I went home on a Thursday thinking I was a doctor of chiropractic, and when I came back on the following Monday, I was something else. (Mind you, my parents had always told me I was “something else”; however, this probably wasn’t what they had in mind.) It all started on that Thursday night, when I was suddenly awakened by a very bright light. I opened my eyes to see what it was, and it wasn’t anything seemingly spiritual or metaphysical… it was just the lamp next to my bed. It had turned itself on. At the same time, it felt as though someone was in my home. I can’t begin to describe what an eerie feeling it is to awaken to the sense that somebody is in your house who hadn’t been there when you went to sleep. Let’s just say I got up with a knife, a can of pepper spray, and my Doberman pinscher and went hunting. After a good 20 minutes, I decided it had to be my imagination and went back to sleep. But on the following Monday, seven of my patients, independently of one another, insisted they were feeling “people” in the rooms of my office as we worked, just as I had felt people in my home—although they were completely unaware of my experience.

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Now, after 12 years of practice and no one having said anything remotely similar to that up until then, you would think seven people telling me this all in one day would get my attention. But, you see, other patients that same day were telling me they could feel my hands without me actually touching them. Of course I didn’t believe them. I told them to lie on the table with their eyes closed as I held my hands inches to a foot to yards away from them, yet they could always tell the direction my palms were facing. Left ankle, right shoulder. They knew. They could feel me…or it. As I watched, their facial muscles—tiny muscles in their forehead or around their chin and lips—would move…would, more accurately, ripple. Lips would part; tongues would move. Eyes would rapidly dart back and forth. Fingers and feet would involuntarily move in either synchronized patterns or alternating right, left, right, left. And then they started reporting healings. Real healings. Some were getting up out of wheelchairs. They were regaining the use of arms, legs, vision, hearing. Patients were bringing me laboratory results showing their cancer growths had vanished. And children with cerebral palsy and epilepsy were able to walk, run, and speak normally; no longer had seizures; no longer required medication. Soon people started asking me to teach this work. “Teach it?!” I responded. “How do you teach something like this?” I stand there waving my hands in the air looking like an idiot, I thought. I told them to “go outside, wave your hands in the air, and let me know what your neighbors have to say about it!” Yet more and more of my patients would call me after their sessions to report that when they drove up to their house, their automatic garage door opened before

they hit the little clicker button in their car to open it. Or when they entered their home, their TV or sound system turned itself on and off and on and off. They felt sensations in their hands and held them near someone in their family who was having a problem, and that person had a healing! And suddenly we began to recognize what science and researchers would later confirm: that once you interact with this new, broader, more comprehensive spectrum of healing frequencies, something changes within you that allows you not only to access your own healing, but to facilitate healing for others. Science today calls this Reconnective Healing. This was the basis for my first book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself. So, back in the room with Fred, the breathy sounds continued as I watched, fascinated. I touched Fred lightly on his sternum with my index and middle fingers and softly said, “Fred, I think we’re finished now.” Fred opened his eyes. He looked at me… he didn’t say anything. So I didn’t say anything. I mean, what was there really to say? I can’t tell you that I didn’t think about it—a lot—for the rest of that week until his next visit. I was sure it was going to happen again. I scheduled all my patients before Fred so I’d have some extra time in case it did. And it did. I adjusted him, and told him to close his eyes, relax and allow the adjustment to settle. As he was lying there, I held my hands in the air near his head, and the scene from his previous visit was repeated. His head jerked back, eyes rolled back in his head, lips parted, tongue moved, and air audibly escaped from his mouth. But this time

F eature S tory “I’m here to help you remember who you are. The greatness that you are … The greatness that is in all human life-forms. And the respect with which somebody should be treated. Once that is fully realized, then you have paradise.” ~ Solomon a man screaming in the distance. It felt as if it were in our yard, and I jumped out of bed as the screaming continued and raced out to the lawn along the side of our house. But then nothing. It stopped

the air condensed itself into a voice. And the voice said: “We are here to tell you to continue doing what you are doing. What you are doing is bringing light and information onto the planet.”


Fred’s story

seldom remember beginnings. But at some point it began in rural Wisconsin on a farm. The clearest memory was when I was ten and falling asleep, or thought I was asleep, and heard my closet door open. I sat up in my bed and suddenly heard a whirring sound that increased in volume and pitch, and just when I thought it couldn’t get any louder or any higher-pitched, I felt something move into my body. I, of course, was terrified, but couldn’t scream because I didn’t have control of my vocal apparatus. I felt my mind racing through my body, running down into my feet and running out into my hands, trying to find some physical sensation that I still had control of. As it turned out, nothing was responding. I was literally paralyzed with fear. My breathing became shallower and before long it seemed I was just panting. Then suddenly it felt as if my body was covered by a long, white, wet sheet. Slowly, it started to be lifted from my feet first. But it was agonizingly slow. As soon as it got past my toes, I could feel sensation in my feet, and I wiggled them madly. Then, as every part of my body was slowly being reclaimed, I could feel the bodily sensations were again mine. And, when the sheet lifted past my throat, I screamed. The year was 1962, and there was no frame of reference for any of this. But it was as real for me as the proverbial heart attack. Several weeks later, on a sweltering August day, I awoke to the sounds of

Several days later I found out a former hired hand from our farm had, on that very morning, gone to start up his new employer’s tractor and wasn’t aware it was still in gear. The tractor jerked as it started and lunged forward but was blocked by the retaining wall, and the hired hand was caught underneath the spinning rear tire. They said his screams were deafening. The only problem was that this happened 15 miles away. When the story eventually reached my ears, I knew something was different with me. But there was no one I could confide this to, and I was unsure how to even convey what I didn’t understand and I still don’t understand. I went away to the university of Wisconsin Milwaukee; majored in theater and had several of what could be called psychic phenomena… chalking them all up to coincidence. I then moved to new York City to pursue a career as an actor, and one summer got a job at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, in Boulder. Once there, I realized not only were we on the campus of the university of Colorado, but right next door was the naropa Institute, and this had become the summer of Transcendental Meditation. A good friend from New York coincidentally happened to be at naropa for a summer session, and told me all about TM. I wanted to enroll but, being an actor, didn’t have the coinage to purchase for myself my own mantra. So I co-opted “Om” because I’d heard that was a mantra. Like always, I had no idea what I was doing but sat cross-legged every morning, “Om-ing” away, waiting for something to happen or my mind to settle or whatever was supposed to occur. Then, one morning, after I had given up any hope for any tangible result, something did happen. I had just been breezily pondering a question in my unquieted mind, and an answer came. But it wasn’t my answer. It was something else. Someone else. Someone talking in a way that wasn’t remotely the way

I spoke. I tentatively responded to the voice, and another answer came, then another question, then another answer. I stopped for just a moment and clearly thought, “How great is this? Congratulations, you have just become a Schizophrenic!” I blamed Colorado: the elevation, the pressure from the shows, and perhaps not feeling at ease in my surroundings. I survived Colorado and returned to new York. Shortly afterward, I got caught in the turbulent wake of two murders, having arrived on the scene after each had occurred. I went to two separate psychics, when I still believed in psychic inevitability, to make sense of what was happening. each told me with great urgency to leave new York—it was not the city for me to be in at the moment. So I moved to the West Coast. Sometime later I ended up with three sessions with a chiropractor by the name of Eric Pearl. The book, Solomon Speaks, is what has resulted from my continuing sessions with him.

This is an excerpt from Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life by Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov. It is published by Hay House (May, 2013) and will be available at bookstores or online at

distinct individualities, that we can wreak havoc on someone else and hope or think that we gain from it. I’m talking about terrorism; I’m talking about hate crimes; anything of that ilk. That somehow, if we are able to eliminate a reflection of ourselves, we are going to become more whole. It’s a very twisted viewpoint. So that’s what we need to recognize, that we are all, in an umbilical sense, connected to the same force. Like reconnecting strings. Because we’ve lost that connection, that understanding that each individual’s greatness is relied upon by the other person’s greatness, by recognizing their greatness, not their inability. What this simply comes down to is to recognize that every creature has greatness inherent in them. And the suffering of one is the suffering of all mankind. There is a way for everyone to be joyful and not to be dependent upon what I refer to as relative happiness. That happiness has to do with whether or not you have more or less than another individual in terms of material goods, attractiveness, or all those strata that have been created. It’s a very destructive energy, relative happiness. The absolute happiness that comes from within, that’s eternal. It isn’t at the expense of everyone else. When people allow themselves to re-experience that, they recognize the joy that’s in all. F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t : w w w., www.FredPonzlov. com or

there is No Progress to be Made by Celebrating our differences This penchant for human beings to discover how unalike they are, how distinct they are—it all has to do with ego. We have now managed to “create” how different we all are. And in that difference comes disharmony. Where we need to put the energy now is in how similar we are, how much we all have that is similar that can be shared. How alike we all are, in terms of joy, pain, suffering and elation…and we need to share that information now. There is no progress to be made by celebrating our differences. We’ve already done that. We are now in a state of critical mass. We are so isolated, with our various

Reconsider everything you’ve read up to now about healing, consciousness, and our fourdimensional existence! Here is an entirely new perspective on how to reconnect with, tap into, create, utilize, monitor, manage, and flow forward with the unlimited, expansive power of the universal energy that enables us to heal, thrive and live our most vital, purposeful, productive, balanced and exuberantly happy life – courtesy of Solomon, an extradimensional intelligence that speaks through Dr. Eric Pearl’s former patient Frederick Ponzlov– Solomon Speaks (Hay House) (uS $24.95) ww.FredPonzlov. com, or


IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 17

Health lights

Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing By Elisha McFarland


ur skin is the largest organ of absorption and elimination. Many people exfoliate the skin on their faces regularly, but the truth is that your whole body could do with thorough and regular exfoliation. Skin that is clogged with toxins and dead cells cannot function properly because the toxins are not being eliminated. Since it is estimated that the skin eliminates over one pound of waste per day, skin brushing would be an excellent routine to add to your day. Dry skin brushing on a daily basis can provide numerous benefits, such as improved circulation, stimulating lymph drainage, stimulating hormones, and firming the skin. • By increasing the circulation to the skin, you are encouraging your body to discharge metabolic waste. • Dry skin brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which also helps to eliminate toxins from the body. • Dry skin brushing helps your skin to breathe by removing dead skin cells, and opening clogged pores.

Dry Skin Brushing Tips • You will need a brush with soft natural bristles for dry brushing. Do not use synthetic bristles. This is quite similar to a hairbrush, but it has a longer handle. They are very affordable and some of the best dry skin brushes cost as little as $8-$10. • Make sure that the dry brushing is done softly in the initial stages so that soreness is avoided. Application of a little more pressure can be done PAGE 18 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

• You should not use a scrubbing, circular or back and forth motion. • Slight flushing of the skin is normal, due to increased circulation. The skin should not be red or irritated, if it is you’re using too much pressure. • The entire process should only take one to two minutes. • Clean the brush meticulously after every brushing session as your skin gets used to dry brushing. • Your skin and brush should be dry. Shower after skin brushing to remove exfoliated skin. • Do not do any dry brushing over cuts, wounds or rashes. • Begin by brushing the outermost parts of your body (hands and feet) towards the center of your body. • Pass the brush once over your body, except the face. • The brush strokes should move towards your heart. This improvement in blood circulation is why so many people feel extremely refreshed after an energetic session of dry brushing. • It is only when you are dry brushing your stomach that you are going to apply clockwise brushing movements.

• If your skin is extremely dry, rub some oil into it after you have brushed it and showered. Jojoba oil is an excellent skin softener.

After sixteen years of struggling with MCS, Elisha has come out on the other side with a renewed zest for life and the desire to educate others about wholistic and healthy life choices. During that time she received the following degrees and designations, Doctor of Naturopathy, Master Herbalist, Diploma in Clinical Homeopathy, Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition, Certified Wholistic Rejuvenist and EFT-ADV. You can visit her website at ( Sources: I Was Poisoned by My Body by Dr. Gloria Gilbere N.D., D.A. Hom., Ph.D

Health Lights

Detoxify Quickly with These Spring Power Veggies

By PF Louis


pring-cleaning is not just for your home or yard or car. It’s time to clean out the body as well. And there are several foods that are seasonally appropriate for the task.

can purchase the seeds at some stores or online and sprout your own. Adding those sprouts to salads and sandwiches gives you even more protection against cancer then broccoli provides.

For maximum results, invest in a juicer. Juicing gives you maximum nutrition and enzyme potential with minimal digestive effort. The better juicers are masticating single or double auger types. They extract the juice without injury or excess enzyme-destroying heat and discard the pulp. One doesn’t need to go on a strictly juice fast to gain benefits. Studies have shown juicing three times a week while maintaining a mostly organic solid food diet augments those dietary benefits significantly. Shop around for masticating auger juicers. They range from $250 and up and usually have long-term warranties.

A few worthy items for spring detox

Dandelion leaves can be used in salads or added

to a mixture of other veggies and an apple to offset its bitterness. Organic dandelion leaves can be purchased by the bunch at most decent markets that offer organic foods. Very few have the access to wild harvesting the weeds safely. Dandelion has been used for ages to detox and fortify the liver. In addition to its proven empirical or anecdotal track record, modern Western studies have confirmed dandelion’s efficacy. Its extracts are used in many liver supplements.


ale is an alkaline-producing leafy green. Some find it rather bitter for using in salads or steaming. Ayurvedic medicine preaches the virtues of adding

Greens in general should be increased also. Chard, leafy lettuces other than the iceberg variety, and broccoli should be increasingly consumed during springtime. They can all be used raw in a variety of salads to your liking.

bitter-tasting foods to our normally sweet and salty conditioned taste buds as a healthy contrast. But kale can be juiced easily, and adding carrots and an apple with any normally bitter-tasting veggies does soften it up sufficiently. Just make sure the kale is organic or local without agricultural chemical applications.


rtichokes appear on most nutritional spring detox lists. They help digest fats and excite the liver’s bile production. They aren’t raw food or juicing items, but the prepared and bottled artichokes can be a part of any salad mix you invent.


organic sesame seeds can be sprinkled on salads or cottage cheese to help protect the liver, especially from the ravages of alcohol and acetaminophen OTC (over-the-counter) Tylenol and other generic pain relief versions. Ayurveda recommends a tablespoon of sesame seeds with an equivalent amount of raisins as a daily treat that also enhances intestinal lining villi repair to improve digestive food absorption and reduce gastrointestinal inflammation of all sorts.

B roccoli

sprouts greatly enhance broccoli’s benefits. They are rarely sold sprouted, but you


hlorophyll is a vital source of magnesium, the master mineral involved with over 300 cellular metabolic functions. Cellular mitochondria, where energy is produced, crave chlorophyll. Speaking of chlorophyll, don’t forget chlorella. It’s not just a supplement. It’s a single-celled food that helps detox while providing cellular nutrition. Add cilantro to your daily three to five grams of chlorella for a great mercury detox combo. Cilantro can be juiced or added raw to prepared foods or salads. Don’t forget to drink more pure water. If it’s purified by reverse osmosis, replace lost minerals with a liquid mineral supplement or a pinch of pure sea salt.

Author: PF Louis; Sources: IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 19

By Michelene K. Bell ILT Founder~Publisher

HealtH ligHts

Healing from the Inside Out An Interview with Nutrition Expert, Ina Mohan

Ina Mohan, now a resident of Las Vegas, Nevada was born and raised in Germany where she became a certified chef in the kitchen of a Moevenpick Hotel in 1985 … a Swiss hotel chain in Europe with a great reputation for its food and ice cream. She learned a craft that would change her life. michelene Bell: ina, have you always wanted to be a chef and if so, what motivated you? Ina Mohan: I actually never thought of being a chef at all, but I wanted to work in the gastronomy industry and learning to be a chef looked like a great start to gain all that knowledge on how to run restaurants and hotels. After becoming a chef I also became a restaurant and hotel expert. mkb: What was one of the most important lessons you learned as a chef? Ina: A commercial kitchen is a tough environment for a woman; particularly when you are only 16 years old. It’s such a male domain and the lingo used is rough and rowdy – no matter where you are in the world. My most important lesson was to prove that I can do this as a woman, that I have to be strong – physically and mentally, to earn my colleagues’ respect and to “claw” my way up the food chain. I definitely toughened up in that environment and was not easily shaken by anything afterwards. mkb: can you tell us what your funniest experience was in the kitchen? Ina: Ha ha, yes I can! A dear friend of mine and fellow kitchen apprentice was a fabulous dancer. So, one evening when we were both alone in the kitchen, cleaning up after a long day of cooking, we played music and started dancing rock’n roll in the kitchen – the full dance with shoulder throws and everything! That was so much fun and we had a good laugh (and work-out)! mkb: What were some of your specialties? Ina: I loved doing the buffets where I could decorate huge platters of food with beautiful intricate garnishes and set-up stunning buffet displays that would please the eye as much as the taste buds. I always enjoyed my interaction with guests and loved being in the area serving the food and explaining it. mkb: You’ve been a chef since 1985. How have your views of cooking changed thru the years? Ina: I have only cooked professionally for a short time in my career, as I moved

into hotel management and software soon afterwards, so I’m no longer close to the cooking profession. This is a good thing though, as I now have the distance to evaluate the good and bad more objectively. My personal views of cooking have changed drastically over the last 10 years ever since my mom got diagnosed with and then died of breast cancer. For me, as a chef, food was always about the taste, and the more fat and cream it had, the better it tasted. I never made the connection between food and health until I was so discouraged with my mom’s doctors’ abilities to help her, that I started digging for alternatives to drugs and invasive measures in treating diseases like cancer. That became a huge wake-up call and learning about the possibilities we have with nutrition and lifestyle literally changed my life! Suddenly, food was no longer just a pleasurable indulgence; it became a life safer – or taker! That was the trigger for me to give up my well-paying corporate career and start my own business Belsandia, a guide to healthy eating and lifestyle choices. mkb: our society seems to have a love affair with food. We also have an obesity crisis. any suggestions how we can change this trend? Ina: As much as we seem to love food, we tend to have more of a love-hate relationship with it. We gorge ourselves on the bad foods that are pleasurable, but then we immediately feel the pain, not only with extending waistlines, but high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, allergies, cancer – all of which are, to a great extent, directly related to our diet and lifestyle choices! The most important factor to change this bad trend is education. People need to know HOW MUCH their food choices impact their health and wellbeing. I don’t believe in diets at all. The key to long-term weight control and effectively dealing with disease is not in deprivation, or cutting out food groups. It is in knowing what to eat and how, and then to start “out-crowding” the bad stuff with the good foods. Diets never work because people feel they have to sacrifice foods they love. Feeling deprived is never a sustainable solution until you can replace the “losses” with better options! Long-term, only a permanent lifestyle change will bring desired benefits, not a temporary diet. That is why it’s crucial to find new foods you love that are healthy AND tasty; start eating more of these, which will automatically “out-crowd” the bad foods you were craving before. Our body is so inherently smart - it knows what to do, if only we would let it and trust it! Disease is a warning sign that something is wrong and needs to be changed. Throwing a pill at it is like throwing a brick stone at a flash light that indicates an emergency. The flash light will go off – but the underlying problem is not solved! A long-term lifestyle change is the only way to break the vicious cycle between bad food choices and our drug addiction. mkb: along the lines of our eating habits; some people eat according to their blood type. others believe in vegetarian cuisine and then there are those who subscribe to the vegan lifestyle. any thoughts on this? Ina: I have personally chosen the vegan diet for strong health and also ethical reasons. After 32 years of meat-eating, I became a vegetarian first, but when I learned that dairy proteins specifically are associated with hormone-responsive cancer growth, I chose to cut out all animal products from my diet. That does not mean eating vegan is the best choice for everyone else, although the evidence of the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle is overwhelming, and even conservative institutions like the American Heart Association now confirm the superior health benefits of it. I don’t have an opinion on the “blood type” diet – it may work well for some and that’s fine, but I would personally never choose it. I believe humans can continued on page 24 *

PAGE 20 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

HealtH ligHts herbaliST

Kathleen Gould, rh


Men’s Heal tH Nutrition is critical for good health. Learning to eat right is actually very simple. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits and a small amount of quality protein at each meal. Fruits and vegetables are so rich in antioxidants which help rid the body of toxins and free radicals. Use lots of garlic and onions in your cooking. Use only extra virgin olive oil and small amounts of real butter as your fats. That is virtually all there is to it except you will want to supplement with high quality Omega 3 fish oils. Once you have your diet under control, you are on the road to great health.

Kathleen Gould Herbs, according to Linda Page N.D., are a good choice for re-energizing male physical energy and combating fatigue and stress. Herbs work at the deepest level of the body processes, stimulating and supporting without depleting the adrenals and other glands. They are valuable for improving hormone function and balance, and add more energy to the reproductive system. Herbs are strong enough to specifically benefit the male system without the side effects of drugs, and they have a broad spectrum of activity for long term results. Very few foods are able to offer the strength or the specific nutrients with the rapid results of herbal combinations. alterative herbs: Help rid the body of toxins and waste and they are also used to treat impotence, and chronic degenerative diseases. Examples are Burdock root, Red clover blossom, Cleavers and Oregon grape root Hormone balancing herbs: Sarsaprilla, licorice root, wild yam root, panax ginseng mineral rich herbs: Oatstraw, kelp, sea vegetables, Yellow dock, nettle, horsetail dandelion root Heart & circulatory herbs: Hawthorn leaf, blossom and berry motherwort: Wonderful heart tonic that helps improve blood flow. Helps slow a racing heart due to stress, tension or sensory overload. Bitter digestive herb. Ginkgo: Longevity herb, increases blood flow to the brain and heart aphrodisiac herbs: Stimulate sexual arousal. Examples, Ginseng, Saw palmetto, Damiana, Sarsaparilla. Muira puama (Potency wood) is a sexual stimulant and can increase libido

FoRmUla Healthy Heart Tonic 1 oz Hawthorn flower and leaf 1 oz Hawthorn berries 1 oz Siberian ginseng ½ oz Ginkgo leaf ½ oz Motherwort ½ oz Valerian root ¼ oz Ginger root

Tincture: Mix herbs together and fill quart jar 2/3 full with herbs. Cover with 100% proof vodka. Cover tightly and shake daily for 2-4 weeks. Strain. Traditional dosage: 2-4 tsp. daily.

Green’s Male Song Tea In his book, The Male Herbal, James Green shares this wonderful tea to fill the Male Spirit. 1 oz Sassafras root bark ½ oz Licorice root 1 oz Ginger root ½ oz Orange peel 1 oz Marshmallow root ½ oz Sarsaparilla root ½ part Ginseng root 1 part Cinnamon bark

Combine herbs with water and simmer over low heat (1 full teaspoon of herb mixture per cup of water). This decocts into a deliciously “yang” male brew. Alter the parts and add whatever to suit taste. Some men prefer to powder their herbal blend and add a teaspoon to a tablespoonful to their morning smoothie (this is actually a great way to take the herbs).

BPH ~ Enlarged prostate formula 4 oz Uva Ursi leaf 2 oz Marshmallow root 2 oz Echinacea root 1 oz Horsetail

Mix herbs together; store in glass jar. Put 8 Tbl. herb mix in quart jar and cover with very hot but not boiling water. Let sit ½ hour and strain. Drink 1 cup 3-4 x day. This formula helps kill bacteria in the urinary system. Take Saw palmetto capsules (according to package) daily.

Some minerals, vitamins and other nutrients to consider (herbs are rich in these vital nutrients): antioxidants: Helps boost testosterone levels, helps regulate blood pressure. Free radical scavengers. Sources: fruits (especially berries), vegetables, hawthorn, alfalfa, clover, nettle, oatstraw, horsetail, rosehips Zinc: Important in prostate gland function and reproductive organ growth. Sources: pumpkin seeds, egg yokes, fish, legumes, meats, seafood’s, kelp, alfalfa, burdock root, milk thistle, nettle l-arginine: Improves blood flow. Sources: chocolate, coconut, dairy, oats, walnuts, wheat Note: the heart is the largest muscle and if you have had a heart attack or stroke, the heart will always pull blood to itself first. Look to the source, not the symptom and nourish the heart both physically and emotionally. IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 21

HealtH ligHts


By Dr. Bob DeMaria

is the

Size of Your Waist?

Numbers are significant for all aspects of your life; each “measure,” large or small, communicates something to me…the practitioner.

The dimensions of your body (whether your neck, arm, leg or waist) impact the internal function of all organs and can, in turn, have either a negative or positive effect on your body. The breadth of your waist has a very serious impact on your personal health. A male should not have a waist circumference greater than 40 inches and a female should not have one greater than 35 inches. There are several important factors that are affected by changes in weight. I want you to grasp the fact that one inch “off” your waist dimension (or pants size) is equivalent to 10 pounds of body fat. In our office, we have the ability to assess the percent and amount of fat our patients’ bodies have. I know from observation that the instrument is relatively precise and we notice the fat percentage decreases as the added weight “melts” away. Have you ever considered the amount of blood vessels just one pound of “fat” requires to survive and not be “toxic?” Every pound you add to your system requires your body to generate 200 miles of additional blood vessels. The real issue with the waistline is the amount of distress placed on the heart from having to push or propel the blood through all those extra miles. It has been estimated that 60-70% of the population in the USA are 20 pounds overweight. I want you to “run” the numbers – 20 × 200 = 4000 miles of additional blood vessels – about the equivalent of traveling from the tip of Maine over and down to the lower portion of San Diego, CA. If you really sit back and “chew” on it, that is a lot of miles and stress placed on the heart and supporting structures. Another subject matter that is significant: the amount of estrogen created by the additional fat in the abdomen, commonly called visceral or abdominal fat. The fat cells of the stomach area in both men and women produce estrogen (the abdominal fat is a storage center for toxins). Estrogen can have two negative effects: creating cell proliferation (cancer) and burdening the liver, which is the key player in processing estrogen. I have a question for the gentlemen: are you waking up several times a night because your prostate is squeezing the urethra (the small tube from your urinary bladder traveling through your penis) that transports urine? Men with a large belly/tummy tend to have liver stress and elevated estrogen levels that create a demand on the prostate. As you may be aware, your waistline also impacts the amount of soft/hard tissue damage caused to your joints. You could be experiencing hip, knee, and ankle discomfort due to the extra pounds you are supporting. Chronic low back pain can be caused by the extra stress placed on the small joints that support and attach the ligaments and muscles. Your ultimate goal is to have a waistline within the established physiologic parameters in order for you to enjoy and experience optimal health without medication and the negative impact of the weight burden on your heart, organs, and joints. I would encourage you to take a moment and measure your waist; it is a very significant “number” you want to “Get to Know”!

Dr. Robert DeMaria, author of seven books, including “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones” is a catalyst for health and well-being. His techniques have restored optimal health to thousands of patients without the need for prescription medication. An avid fan of social media, connect with Dr. Bob on Twitter, @DruglessDoctor and see what he’s eating on Facebook, Dr. Bob The Drugless Doctor. Visit:

PAGE 22 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 23

H e a lt H l i g H t S continued From page 20

Healing from the Inside Out achieve their highest potential and truly thrive on a pure or highly plant-based menu; however, it is very important to eat a whole food based, well balanced diet. You can eat vegan and be dreadfully undernourished or even get sick! The key is to eat a whole food diet based on unprocessed, as natural as possible fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes – and as many colorful foods as you can (and that doesn’t include M & Ms J)! With that said, I believe finding what works best for each individual is a personal path. It took me over 30 years to figure out how crucial food choices are for our health, and it took a tragedy to open my eyes. Sadly, this is the case with many people: we only start paying attention if something bad is happening. Education is key – the more we know, the more smart choices we can make that will protect us and people we love! mkb: What is the difference between the vegetarian and the vegan? Ina: Vegetarians consume a plant-based diet but also consume eggs and dairy products including cheese, butter, milk, cream, etc. They don’t eat flesh from animals or fish. Vegans consume a strict plant-based regime, which means no animal products whatsoever. This means no animal flesh, eggs, or mammal secretions such as dairy, butter, cream etc. For many vegans that also means avoiding animal byproducts found in sauces, dressings, processed foods, etc. mkb: as a chef you must learn about nutrition. What is the one lesson that you consider the most important? Ina: Our body is an amazingly complex system, that is so inherently smart! Our body knows exactly how to deal with the food we put into it. Take for example a multi-vitamin versus a whole food item. The idea of a multi-vitamin was to give us high doses of essential nutrients that we don’t consume in our daily eating habits. So we synthetically recreated the components vitamin C, A, K, etc. and combined them all in small capsules. Our body has no idea what to do with it! The nutrients in this composition are not recognized as natural food components and are not absorbed! NOW take a whole organic apple loaded with thousands of nutrients like vitamins A, C, K, etc. in perfect harmony like only nature can produce it! When eating an apple, our body knows exactly what to do with it and all the thousands of phytonutrients. It recognizes the apple as food and makes it available for us right away! This is one of the reasons we are facing increasing allergy and auto immune diseases nowadays. We are consuming these mockeries of real food that are labproduced, gene-manipulated, adulterated and processed to oblivion, and then wonder why our bodies reject these foods, giving us bloating, constipation, and all kind of allergic reactions! Foods not absorbed by the body are then deposited – guess where – around our bellies. Yet another reason for our obesity crisis! mkb: What are some of your goals? Ina: My overall goal is to let as many people as possible know they have options when it comes to their health and well-being, and they can take control of their own health – and their life – from the inside out! It is so empowering to learn what you are capable of doing to preserve or restore good health, battle the effects of aging, prevent dementia, obesity, cancer, etc. and to be in charge! All it needs is the right information, guidance and support from like-minded people. It is amazing what we can accomplish with such simple lifestyle changes like our daily food! The power lies within every single one of us – we can vote with our pocket book, so we get to decide what we buy, what we eat, what we support. It is equally important we learn what to believe in, and distinguish between those who have our best interest (and health) at heart, and those who are primarily making a profit from our climbing disease and obesity rates. mkb: What do you hope to create with Belsandia? Ina: Belsandia is my umbrella company for the change I’d like to see happening: PAGE 24 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

By Michelene K. Bell ILT Founder~Publisher

a resource center for information, recipes, videos, and knowledge on how to incorporate healthful nutrition into our lives. Belsandia is also the base for my health & wellness events, which are my main focus right now. With the events I see myself as a connector: I love to bring the best resources, experts and information to the people, to create a huge learning environment that is inspiring, educative and fun at the same time, where everybody feels welcome, no matter what their current lifestyle choices are! I encourage people to take either small simple steps or one huge leap with me into the direction of better health and more vibrancy in their lives – whichever they feel most comfortable with! mkb: i understand you are putting on health events (expos) and have one coming in June 14-16. What does that entail? Ina: Yes, this is my second annual Health, Healing & Happiness conference in Las Vegas, an event for natural solutions that embrace the entire body, mind & spirit. You can learn how to take control of your own health from the inside out – with the best nutrition and lifestyle options; discover natural healing solutions and reconnect your mind and body. Over 20 world-class speakers will present on nutrition, fitness, spirituality, and personal development, including Triathlete and Ironman Brendan Brazier, nutrition pioneer Dr. John McDougall, holistic cancer expert Dr. Thomas Lodi, Swami Ramananda, and many others. You can also enjoy healthy raw and vegan food demos with samples by master chefs, award-winning health documentaries, yoga and tai chi classes, free massages and mini spa treatments, a welcome reception, and amazing door and raffle prizes. Our vendor marketplace will have up to 40 health and wellness vendors and the Health Conspiracy Radio Show will interview attendees and sponsors live. We also offer an optional vegan lunch buffet on both days and a world-class magician will entertain us on Saturday evening. This event is a total natural health experience not to be missed – so get your tickets now at or call 702-772-9401. mkb: if there is one thing you want our readers to know, what would it be? Ina: First and foremost, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Trust your own abilities to heal and overcome any obstacles – this is essential! A healthy body can only thrive around a healthy and happy mindset. Disease often starts emotionally, and the physical state is just an expression of your thoughts and feelings. Detoxing emotionally is as important as physically! Do yourself a huge favor and know the choices you have with regards to health and well-being. Get information on overcoming stress, anger, grief; find out how to eat right, how to really thrive from the inside out. Go to events, watch movies, read books! I never thought I would be a vegan or have a health and wellness business until my mom died of breast cancer and my dad almost died of colon cancer at the same time. This does not need to happen to you – be smarter than me and learn sooner what you can do with natural solutions and nutrition – START TODAY! mkb: thank you ina for your insights and sharing with our readers.

Health Healing Happiness

2nd Annual Event June 14-16 Las Vegas

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ENERGY WORK OmnIZeaL, 702-265-5219 reiki sessions & classes, eFT, eST, crystal & color therapy, aromatherapy. Visit

ASTROLOGY mIcHeLe aVantI - caP, 541-863-6631 How do stars and planets affect us? For natal, compatibility, personal year charts & more.

ceLeStIaL cycLeS, 575-534-1024 Celestial Cycles by Motavenda “Moti” Melchizedek, astrology, bellydance, jewelry.

ASSOCIATIONS naFmIb - nat’L aSSOc. FOr mOmS In buSIneSS The only National Association representing nearly 60 million working mothers. Local Monthly Network providing education and opportunites for business growth.

CHINESE MEDICINE Dr. DamOn yang, OmD, 702-228-2088 VInce LInk, OmD, 702-444-4775

CHIROPRACTORS Dr. PameLa FLemIng, 702-641-3008 Chiropractic & Holistic Health Care, saliva tests, hormone evaluation, bioidentical treatment, car accidents, neck pain.

CHURCHES eckankar, 702-369-0101 Do you want more from Life? Find out who you truly are. 3160 e. Desert Inn, Suite 14, LV. unIty cntr In tHe VaLLey, 702-435-3289 A Positive Path for Spiritual Living. 10am Sunday Worship and Children’s Sunday School. Mid-week study groups.

CLAIRVOYANTS, INTUITIVES marI rOSe, 702-807-6495 Are you fulfilled with your present life? Are you in need of an accurate reading? Call Now. Listen to my radio show Saturdays at 5:30 on www.kdwn. com or call 702-257-KDWN (5396).

Happy Father’s Day! PAGE 26 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

GROCERS WHOLe FOODS marketS 100 S. Green Valley Pkwy, Hnd. 702-361-8183 8855 W. Charleston, Las Vegas, 702-254-8655 6689 S. Las Vegas Blvd.,Las Vegas 702-589-7711 WIncO marketS 80 N. Stephanie, Henderson, 702-558-5364 6101 N. Decatur, Las Vegas, 702-395-1359

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Celestial Cycles by Motavenda

My thoughts on “Experiencing” by Moti A willingness to be open and move through new terrain is key to personal evolution. We can cling to the familiar and find ourselves embedded and entrenched in cycles of repetition, or we can open our hearts and minds and walk with courage toward new experiences. In order to truly unfold into our highest potential here, we must engage life through stepping out of the known and embracing what calls us. The deepest wisdom is gained through exploring life and truly understanding things through experience itself.

Important, read Sun, rising & Moon signs to have a full picture. So, what’s up the with heavens? The Sun, traveling through Gemini, compels us to open our souls to embrace new experiences…until it enters Cancer on the 21st; marking the Summer Solstice and we turn to nurture and cultivate our inner worlds. The New moon on the 8th in Gemini hints at doorways into unexplored places that beckon us and the Full moon on the 23rd in Capricorn reveals new ways to ground our dreams into the physical world. Venus enters Cancer on the 2nd reminding us of the great rewards that come with experiencing all our emotions fully. And Neptune, traveling through its natural sign of Pisces, begins a five month retrograde movement on the 7th, as we embark on a quest of deepening our connection to our own souls and work to heal the places where we have sacrificed ourselves with others. We live and we learn and, as we embrace feelings of loss and regret, we grow in love. As Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 7th, we broaden our quest to find deeper meaning in the experiences we embrace. And, as Mercury in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn, we stand up to structures through aligning with truth. Mercury then squares Uranus in Aries on the 8th and we throw caution to the wind in our exchanges and speak up with a new fearlessness. Saturn in Scorpio trines Uranus in Pisces on the 11th as we walk through new doorways offering the potential of greater spiritual freedom. We can be both deep and free. Mars then squares Pluto on the 15th as tension builds and we search for new levels of liberation. Chiron, the comet of shamanism and healing, begins a five month retrograde journey through Pisces on the 16th. We must heal ourselves before we can truly be of help others in their healing journey. As Mars squares Chiron on the 19th, we realize where our what we have not yet healed blocks us now from moving forward. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, enters Cancer on the 25th as we take in a breath and release a collective sigh of relief and settle into a roomier way of being where we live in deeper emotional freedom together. Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde (until July 20th) on the 26th, reminding us that what is in our lives now is the result of our own law of attraction and that introspection is key to changing things for the better. And, as Venus enters Leo on the 27th, as we embrace our creativity and indulge a bit in self-exaltation. Motavenda “Moti” Melchizedek is an artist, writer and astrologer specializing in the areas of personal empowerment, family of origin issues, personal dreams and destiny. She is a student and teacher of the principles of “Divine Love” and can be reached at 575-534-1024 or visit:

Happy Birthday Gemini! may 21st to June 20th “i EXpERiENcE”

Ruling planet: Mercury ~ Rules: Shoulders, Arms & Hands ~ Symbol: The Twins ~ Element: Air ~ Energy: Masculine ~ quality: Mutable ~ color: Yellow ~ Gem Stone: Opal ~ Flower: Lily of the Valley ~ most compatible Signs: Libra & Aquarius ~ High manifestation of Gemini Energy: embodying and embracing an openness to experience all that life has to offer ~ Shadow manifestation of Gemini Energy: Loss of self through distractions and over extending without keeping our center and growing ~ Full Spectrum of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis: “I explore and experience the world so that I can come to my own deep understandings and arrive in a philosophical seat from which I can share with the world and continue experiencing.” With Gemini energy we grow to experience....beyond mere survival....this world of creation. Here, in this open state, we embrace our curiosity and an uninhibited state of a child. We feel a freedom and openness to things still unexplored. There are seeming endless doors calling to us to walk through into new experiences and we have the courage to go there. Each of us were created with passions and desires that are meant to be discovered, embraced, acted on and fulfilled. The courage to explore and a willingness go toward new things is key to this process. And Geminis leads the way. What are your dreams and desires? As we look around us, we see the possibilities and when we take steps in new directions it can lead to great things. To really understand things and gather genuine wisdom, we must immerse ourselves in life. So often, we are discouraged from exploring new things because we must start without the security of knowing in advance what it’s all about. To move through life with a willingness to be vulnerable and curious and uncertain opens a million new opportunities to us. We cannot know what something will be like or is all about until we go there. Allow the energy of Gemini to spring forth from your heart and soul and move you with abandon toward something brand new. There is an irony in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis in that we cannot gain deep wisdom without a willingness to know nothing. The knowledge we gather through placing ourselves in the middle of life is priceless. And, as we expand into new understandings, we see the great benefits of being open with ourselves and others.

PAGE 28 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

Whenever and wherever we find release from the grip of oppression, there is a renewed sense of appreciation for freedom. That is the positive side of this type of challenge. The truth is that we are all given free will and whenever we try to control others we are living out of harmony with love.

TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20

Great strength is accessible to you now. reach deep inside and draw on your well of wisdom to guide you. Tap into the resources that are around you but often remain unacknowledged and unseen. The more you can be still and tune into yourself, the more easily you can access these resources.

GEMINI • May 21 to June 20

Following times of victory, we can find ourselves feeling disoriented and looking for a new center. As you embrace the unknown and give space for uncertainty, you will find stress dissolve. We don’t need to know everything at all times, despite what we might have been taught. It is ok to be vulnerable.

caNcER ~ June 21 to July 22

After big shifts we see again the potential within and around us we had not realized was available to use to work with. When we push to get things done, we can end up narrowing our attention toward a tightly defined range of circumstances. Now, you become aware of the big wide world once again.

lEo ~ July 23 to aug. 22

The nature of life is to move in and out of communion with others. When we expose ourselves for prolonged periods of time, it is natural and healthy to yearn toward a more conservative time and embrace privacy again. It can be renewing and invigorating to individuate ourselves by simply spending time alone.

viRGo ~ aug. 23 to Sept 22

Letting go of strife is sometimes a choice we can make consciously to act on. Now, consider steps you can take to reduce areas of conflict or remove yourself from situations that result in strife. There is more room to negotiate and opportunities to disengage you may not have acted on yet.

liBRa ~ Sept. 23 to oct. 22

You offer advice and release attachment to the outcome with ease Libra. We can only give the gift of love and wisdom and honor the free will of others to make their own decisions to embrace and embody what we have offered or to make other choices in different directions. Leave it to them to decide.

ScoRpio ~ oct. 23 to Nov. 21

The meaning behind what you thought you had achieved, you feel now as hollow. We all embrace things that appear real at times that we later discover are illusions. On one level, whether there was truth in what we believed was real, does not truly matter because we still had the experience anyway.

SaGittaRiUS ~ Nov. 22 to dec. 21

Work to be open-minded Sag. realize that there are others involved in the things you are engaged in and that they have timelines of their own. What can feel like an abrupt interruption of the flow of things underway to one person, is the perfect rate of momentum to another. Tune in with care.

capRicoRN ~ dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Heroism is afoot Capricorn. You are more adept than many when it comes to accomplishing things in the “real” world. You can be generous with those who are learning still. What is second nature to you, can be very challenging to others and might require much more from them to achieve. Be a hero.

aqUaRiUS ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

You can guide others who have lost their way Aquarius. explain to those who inquire what it is that you see going on. When someone heads down a path that is not integritous, they often find it difficult to find their way back to balance. You step forward to help guide those you care about.

piScES ~ Feb. 19 to march 20

Your nature is to seek peace and harmony whenever possible Pisces. We must ultimately embrace and hold space for the full spectrum of our emotional selves if we are to exist here in our totality. The irony is that when we allow for “undesired” feelings, we enjoy rest from strife on the other side.

Empowered Numerology by Michele Avanti alpha Numeric Numerology chart

Last month we examined Earth’s own physical number, the number four. This month we move to a whole new level with the Number Five. Where Four connected the four elements of, Fire, Earth, Air and Water; the number Five adds Spirit, the force of eternal creation. In its most basic shape, Five looks much like a house, or a container with a pitched roof. In other words, it is a container that holds what comes in from above. This house-like shape represents the heavens pouring life force into the four elements. The number Five is the fifth element, Spirit. The Earth (number 4) is the box at the bottom, and at the highest point, the number Five pours Spirit into the Earth. This energy or frequency activates the creation of all forms of life. The human form is a pinnacle of Five. It is fully represented in the number Five by a human with arms and legs out-stretched, the top of the head being the pinnacle or fifth point. Humans are the pinnacles because only the human form has the ability to control and dominate, for good or evil, all other forms on the planet. When a human child is born, the top of the head, which we call the crown chakra is the entrance point of the life energy, or soul. This point remains soft till most children are between five and seven years old, for during these early years, the individuated consciousness that is taking on a personality in the physical form, is still traveling between worlds. This is the rooftop of the human form, also known as the entrance of the pranic tube. Through this part of the body, the fifth element, Spirit continues to activate and inform the consciousness of the new personality or human form. After the age of seven, a person must consciously choose to open this doorway to receive the input of the higher self, spiritual self or Spirit. With the Five frequency pouring into the crown chakra of humans, there is an enormous responsibility to carry the information of Creator into the physical world of Creation. Five is the number of Knowledge. Inherent in this number is the ability to achieve wisdom, though most will be stuck in the material worlds, or the emotional and mental worlds and thus miss the opportunity to experience the three hundred sixty degree viewpoint of Spirit. When we are in harmony with Five, we are open to hear the voice of creation, imagination, and inspiration. Some may call it intuition. When we are out of sync with five, we feel lost, not knowing which way to go, and we fall into the path of worry. Worry ignores the present and focuses on the past or the future, too often dragging past issues into the future. If we wish to activate Five in our lives, we must first live in the present. Dismiss the issues of the past, bless them, be grateful to them and let them go. Then, instead of obsessing with outcomes and the details of how to manifest, sit still and allow Spirit to flow into our consciousness. Fully visualize the crown chakra open with light, fill with love and gratitude for all life, then rest in it. The information will arrive. Perhaps not in the exact moment, but when we least expect it. That ‘Aha!’ moment happens and we see clearly the next step. A sense of peace will envelop anyone who opens, to allow Spirit to live in his or her house, which we call a human form.

June &

its frequencies June is J (1) + u (3) + n (5) + e (5) = 14, which reduces to 5 2013 is 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6 Total 5 + 6 = 11, which is a Master Number, so we will not reduce it any further. June carries the frequency of the number five, the number of knowledge. June’s ‘Five’ is neither feminine nor masculine but rather it oscillates between the two, and its element is ‘Air’. June’s Five activates socializing, communicating knowledge and networking without distinction to gender. Here the five speaks to community, as in, “It takes a village to raise a child.” When we connect with others, without allowing society’s issues of ethnicity, culture, creed, politics, caste, clothing or lifestyle to get in the way, we utilize the frequency of June. By connecting transparently with others, we release the reservoir of knowledge we often forget we have. We discover our own wisdom while gaining knowledge, compassion and understanding with others. Use June’s frequency to speak from your heart without concern for how others

This chart allows you to quickly access the number related to any letter. Thus you can identify what numbers are active through a name, or address. When looking at the chart, the letters listed below each number will activate that frequency and you can add them together to find the power of a word. For example, the name, Art. Look at the column with number one at the top. There you will find A, thus A=1, R is located in the 9 column, so R=9, and T is located in the 2 column, so T=2. Thus for Art we would add, 1+9+2=12, which when reduced = 3. may criticize you. Allow yourself to flow into the world. The salutation, “Namaste!” resonates to five. This greeting means, “I bless the Divine in you!” It acknowledges that we are connected to the source of creation and we each carry this great light, though some choose not to allow it to shine. When we approach all life, not just the human form with the thought, ‘Namaste!’ we align with five and activate our ability to accept the wisdom of creation from every source, from plant and tree, to animal and man. The full numerology of June 2013 asks us to make a conscious choice (6) to master our ability to manifest our dreams (11), by opening to our own source of wisdom by sharing with others from our hearts without prejudice (5). Considering the frequencies of June 2013, whose numbers are 5, 6, 11, this month asks us to stay in the present moment and dream here and now, knowing full well our dream is cradled by others till it becomes physical. It asks us to connect with others without prejudice so we can assist others through our speech, in manifesting their dreams. Doing this will bring amazing rewards from speeding up your own manifestation process to discovering the depth of your own wisdom.

The ancients believed there was a pole that held up the heavens, and that information was sent back and forth to heaven through this mighty pole.

In numerology, all numbers are added together and then reduced to a single digit, unless after adding them together the result is a number with double digits, such as: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. These remain intact and are called Master Numbers.

Master numbers are all numbers that consist of replicating digits, such as 11, 22, 111, 222, 444,444, etc. Master numbers activate the originating frequency to a higher octave and thus empower the individual exponentially.

We welcome any questions about the meaning of a name, and will be addressing names in this column later in the year.

Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She has taught in many areas of metaphysics and is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations and Online courses. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at for an appointment. To learn more about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at

IN LIGHT TIMES • june, 2013 • PAGE 29

Light Happenings

June, 2013


Father’s Day June 16, 2013

15-16 SAT. - SUN. WHOLISTIC HEALTH EXPO, Join us for the 2nd Annual Conference on Natural Solutions for the Whold Body, Mind & Spirit. 20+ Speakers, Movies, Vendor Marketplace, Free Classes, Food Demos, Raffles, Giveaways. For info & tickets visit: or call 702-772-9401. Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View, Las Vegas. 15-22-29 & JULY 13 SATURDAY SUSTAINABLE HAPPINESS SERIES, 10am-12pm, Led by Swami Jinendra Kothari. Four-part series; Creating & sustaining a happy life. Come to one or all seminars that include super-charged tune-up, tranquility training, tension taming, serenity training, & selfempowerment. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV. 20 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702-435-3289.

June is also: • • • • •

Aquarium Month Candy Month Dairy Month Fight the Filthy Fly Month Gay Pride Month

• • • • •

National Accordion Awareness Month National Adopt a Cat Month National Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Month Rose Month Turkey Lovers Month

Weekly Events: • Fishing Week • Email Week Resource:

1 SATURDAY REMOVE ENERGY BLOCKAGES Workshop, 8:30am-5pm. $89/adv. Using Moldova technique, learn simple, yet powerful ways to enhance your ability to heal yourself and others. Visit or call Robert Moldowan at 702-416-6590 to register. Held at Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV. 6 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702-435-3289. 8 SATURDAY DISCOVER YOUR INNER POWER SEMINAR with Dale Halaway & Dr. Greenawalt, $67; 9:30am6pm. June 8th, Saturday. Discover a new approach to empowerment, recognize and clear interference patterns that block you from being your authentic self. Reserve your space today; only 50 tickets available. Register at: 702-254-7730. 9 SUNDAY DIVINE LIGHT HEALING & MEDITATION, 6:30pm. Join together to support each other in healing & raising your vibration. Focus on Sacral Chakra. Led by Rose Catmull. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 13 THURSDAY DRUMMING CIRCLE, 7 pm; Experience the oneness of the drum and the beat. Bring your own drum or use one of ours. Led by Freddie Steward & Erin Lale. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702-435-3289.

23 SUNDAY HEAL YOUR BODY, HEAL YOUR LIFE, 6:30 pm Healing Service with Dr. Robert Moldowan. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 27 THURSDAY DIVINE LIGHT HEALING & MEDITATION, 6:30pm. Join together to support each other in healing & raising your vibration. Focus on Sacral Chakra. Led by Rose Catmull. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. Ongoing Events SUNDAYS ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702369-0141. Topics: June 2nd, Living an Abundant Life Rich in Blessings; June 9th, The Mahanta, a Spiritual Guide for Our Times; June 16th, Make Every Day Wonderful; June 23rd, Our Spiritual Wake-up Calls; June 30th, Past Lives, Present Opportunities. UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Children’s Programs 10am. Meditation & Metaphysical Discussion. Topics: June 2nd, Living a Conscious Life; June 9th, Pilgrimage to Self, Guest speaker Swami Jinendra Kothari; June 16th, Sustainable Happiness, Guest speaker Swami Jinendra; June 23rd, Passport for Life; June 30th, What If? Guest speaker Mike Rayburn, Inspirational Speaker & Carnegie Hall performer. 3037 E. Warm Springs. #300, LV. (Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern) Call 702-435-3289. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702-362-6184. TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 11am; Friendship Circle and meditation. 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904 on Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. MONDAYS Healthy Habits Wellness Center, 7pm; Join Dr. Thomas Stone and learn how subtle energies can help you heal yourself. Weekly seminar on Quantum Energy. Improve your life thru whole organic foods and clean water. Sample a prepared organic dish and enjoy an open discussion on your health at 5858 S Pecos Rd Bldg I Suite 600 LV (Park Place Professional Complex). Call 702-450-0321. TUESDAYS METAPHYSICAL BOOK STUDY, Non-Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, 6:30pm8pm. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held at 3037 E. Warm Springs, Ste. 300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289. WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone, 702530-3250 or website TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-6450904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. TRANSFORMATION SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30pm. Based on, “Why Is This Happening To Me… Again?” ~ laws of forgiveness. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289. FRIDAYS Arati and book study, (How to Know God) 6pm. Ramakrishna-Vedanta Center. Call 702-646-4889 for information. UPCOMING Events WHOLISTIC HEALTH FAIR, 10am-3pm, July 20th Saturday. Workshops, Aromatherapy, Readings, Meditation & much more. Immerse yourself and have fun. School supply donations are being accepted for Foster Kinship. Center of Spiritual Living 4325 N. Rancho Drive #110, Las Vegas. Call 702 255-6412.

LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: (subject Line, Calendar) PAGE 30 • june, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

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Body & Soul Sunless Tan 702-353-7474 We are the Valley’s first “Spray Tan Only” Salon. I dedicated myself to custom spray tanning after skin damage from the sun. I researched healthy alternatives to tanning and found many have experienced the Orange, Sticky, Chemical Smell, blotchy results of spray tans gone wrong. After years of research, I created a Perfect, Organic Spray that I apply with a custom airbrush! I Love Helping People feel Healthy, Happy and Beautiful! Visit: www. See page 20

Dr. Eric Pearl

Health-Healing-Happiness 702-772-9402 Join us for our second annual conference for natural solutions that embrace the whole body, mind & spirit - June 15-16! 20+ world-class speakers on nutrition, fitness, spirituality, and personal development; award-winning movies, food demos by master chefs, classes and mini spa treatments! Keynotes by former Triathlete and Ironman, Brendan Brazier; holistic cancer expert Dr Thomas Lodi; nutrition program pioneer Dr. John McDougall. Vendor marketplace with holistic solutions, welcome reception entertainment, amazing raffle gifts, door prizes! Speakers: Swami Ramananda, Lisa Ulshafer, Victoria Stitzer, Chef Mayra, Stacey Hall, many more! Website for tickets and info:


Eric Pearl is the founder of The ReconnectionTM. He travels the world teaching Reconnective Healing, the easy-to-learn revolutionary form of alternative healing that completely transcends “energy healing.” It accesses vibrational frequencies that are self-correcting by nature and accessible to everyone. In 2013, North American seminars will be held in Sacramento and Newport Beach, CA; Denver, CO and Toronto. Eric has also recently co-authored Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life (Hay House) and, with co-author Frederick Ponzlov, will lead a workshop June 29 on the vital life-changing messages brought forth in this new book. For information on all these events, visit See pages 3-16-17

Dr. Thomas Stone Healthy Habits USA 702-450-0321 Dr. Thomas Stone is a familiar face and “voice” in the Las Vegas healing community. He has been a practicing Holistic healer for over 35 years and many may remember his popular radio talk show, “The Healthy Habits Wellness Hour.” Dr. Tom believes that the offerings of Healthy Habits, through proprietary 3-6-9 Scalar energy, whole nutritional foods and education allows people to make informed decisions about their wellbeing. According to Dr. Tom, “we are able to embed our frequencies into many different products ranging from personal energy devices to energized whole food nutritional supplements. Our proprietary blend of enhanced frequencies enable the human body to use its own natural energy to function at the optimal level God intended”. Dr. Tom is a man of conviction and compassion; his knowledge and wisdom is the basis of this unique man…once a physician and now a true healer of humanity. Join inº for our Monday evening classes. Visit: www. See page 2

Janet Handley Reiki Master & Clairvoyant 702-808-8784 Are you looking for answers? Do you realize there is more to life than what you experience? Imagine your body feeling relaxed and calm. Being able to make decisions from a place of confidence, balance and harmony can take you to new heights. Janet Handley was born and raised in England. With 20 years experience in the healing arts, Reiki Master Janet utilizes the healing power of Reiki and her clairvoyant skills to bring understanding, guidance and wisdom. She conducts classes and gives individual readings. Her goal…bring healing, spiritual growth and peace into our lives. You’ll love her accent & you’ll love Janet! See pages 27 & 31

SW Herb 480-694-9931 SW Herb is a unique combination of a medicinal herb shop, community gathering place and educational center. We carry a large variety of bulk medicinal herbs, specialized herbal tea blends, tinctures, personal care products (made onsite), ceremonial herbs and informative books. Our biggest community draw is our 10-module Herbal Certification Course designed specifically to the lay person. Visit: See page 21

Greenawalt Chiropractic 702-363-8989 For the past 27 years Greenawalt Chiropractic, has upheld a philosophy that places special emphasis on treating the whole person physically, biochemically and emotionally. The doctors approach each patient’s individual symptoms, health, and present complaints to utilize the best treatment course. Open communication between patient and doctor is the foundation used to formulate an individual treatment/coaching plan to best benefit the patient. Treatment tools available: Body Talk Method, Neurolink (Neurological Integration System), Total Body Modification, Applied Kinesiology, Chiropractic manipulation, Activator Method, Cold Therapy Laser and Massage. Get back to optimum health. Be “wowed” by the complexity of the human body; release your potential today. Seminars That Inspire. See page 3

Unity Cntr in the Valley Rev. Sophia Falke • 702-435-3289 Are you on a spiritual path? Tired of that “old time religion” and looking for an alternative path to a deeper relationship with God and the Divine in you? Unity Center in the Valley offers diverse programs designed to support you on your spiritual journey, including meditation, worship, metaphysical studies, energy healing seminars, forgiveness groups, Kirtan, pilgrimage to your inner spiritual true self, sustainable happiness and more for all age groups. Space is available for rent if you want to offer your own spiritual or energetic healing service. www.uciv. org. For June’s special program, see page 11

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