IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 3
Contributing Writers
From The
We are so excited this month. April, 1989, was the beginning of In Light Times and here we are, 24 years later! What a journey. The ups and downs, the detours, the times when we were not sure about tomorrow, all events had interwoven challenges to help make us strong. I realize lessons are always a part of life and it is important we continue moving forward on whatever path we have chosen. In my case, it wasnÕ t I who chose this career, it was the angels that picked me. So, what can I say except, we are now celebrating our 24 years in print. It is a good feeling knowing we did not quit when things became really challenging. I must say, in reality, I am unsure as to where I would be if it werenÕ t for your support and that of Eugenia; my Associate Editor, partner and a best friend. Through her I have learned a great deal about the creative processes to such a degree that I am learning to give myself permission to explore new designs/ideas. It does amaze me how, when Spirit steps in, the doors open. It is up to us to read the signs, pay attention and see the synchronicity of the fabric of life. We have all had times when the lights came onÉ the ah ha moments if you will. Think about your journey and all you have met along the way. Were they friend or foe? Challengers or supporters? Regardless of which category they reside in, is not your life so much richer and more fulfilled? So where do you stand on your path? Are you at the mountain top or just traveling where the wind takes you? Not everyone wants to climb that mountain, and yet, it is in the trek that brings us to our destination of beauty and wisdom.
Alan Cohen, author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment.
Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author & speaker on selfdevelopment. Author of over 30 books, is affectionately called the “father of motivation”
Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, is the Founder of the Mystical Realm, a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT).
Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker.
Celestial Cycles
Empowering Numerology
by Motavenda
by Michele Avanti
The Herbalist
Kathleen Gould
April Writers Carol Locust, Ph.D Dr. Ben Kim Dr. Judith Orloff Dr. Natalia M. Schotte Ethan Evers
Examiner Health Aliciousness HenslerNursery
PF Louis Sandeep Godiyal
If you are a wind-surfer, then that path, as well, will lead you into unbelievable realms. So enjoy your journey, realize your purpose and allow Spirit to guide you.
Special announcement NEW & IMPROVED
In celebration of 24 years, I invite you to celebrate YOU! Many Blessing, take care my friends, In Love & Light,
PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett
GRAPHICS By EUGENIA 702-328-3722
ADVERTISING 702-259-6843 NATIONAL ADVISORy COUNCIL Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue
ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups
PAGE 4 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
WEBSITE IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Lane Henderson, Nev. 89014
• CLICK ON THE COVER AND SEE THE ACTUAL ISSUE. • READ ALL THE ARTICLES a. in the magazine format or b. within the website itself c. at the end of each article is a place to comment • Coming soon, the QRG, subscribe, classifieds and much more. ILT is under construction; so keep checking back.
April, 2013 enligHtening Views 4 Happy BirtHday in LigHt times From tHe puBLisHer micHeLene K. BeLL We are so excited this month!
6 crystaLs & gemstones By annette rizzoLo, msc.d
The Diamond was used in ancient times as a talisman …
7 tHe secret Voice By aLan coHen
The mortal man met the Divine Being and they were One.
8 eartH day-our pLanet our responsiBiLity By HensLer nursery Make the world a better place.
did you Know? credit
Earth Day Fun Facts.
9 tHe taLKing sticK By caroL Locust, pH.d. The talking stick has been used for centuries …
10 inspiration and purpose By dr. wayne w. dyer
When you are inspired by a great purpose, everything will begin to work for you.
11 wHat am i, cHopped LiVer? By sopHia FaLKe
I’ll always keep looking for the pea, because I believe having hope is …
Our(ur) Pets & animals 12 acupuncture proVes successFuL For pets By pF Louis 13 interesting dog and cat Facts
Feature 16 The New Flower Essences Ancient Technology and Future Science by Dr. Natalia M. Schotte
gems fOr tHe sOul 15 Burned Biscuits • shampoo
HealtH ligHts 18 seaweed extract outperForms cHemo By etHan eVers
… daily seaweed consumption may dramatically lower breast cancer risk, …
19 ten Food LaBeL entries tHat sHouLd send you running By sandeep godiyaL … Food preservative helps retain red coloring in processed meat products.
20 six (6) ways to access your inner doctor By dr. JuditH orLoFF Are you listening?
21 wHoLe pLant remedies By KatHLeen gouLd
Herbs often work as well and often better than allopathic drugs …
22 top 10 Foods HigHest in magnesium By HeaLtH aLiciousness
Magnesium … essential mineral required for maintaining normal muscle and …
23 paLpitations By dr. Ben Kim
The trick is: dunk your head in the coldest water you have … for 10 to 15 seconds.
Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 25
Quick Reference Guide 26 Business Card Directory 27 NEW Astrology•Celestial Cycles 28
NEW Empowered Numerology 29
Light Happenings 30 Business Profiles 32
IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 5
EnlightEning ViEws
By Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D
April Gemstone
h e
The Diamond was used in ancient times as a talisman against cowardice, and was recognized as a “stone to enhance invulnerability”. It gains strength with age and maintains the energy to stimulate unity and love of self and of others.
diamond is the birthstone for people born in the month of April, and is also used as the symbol of a sixty-year anniversary.
In traditional Hinduism one should avoid contact with a diamond whose surface area is damaged by a crack, a crowfoot, a round, dull, speckled area, or which is black-blue, flat, or is cut other than the (ideal) hexagonal shape.
George Frederick Kunz in ‘A Curious Lore of Precious Stones’ describes how a diamond in ancient times is worn on the forehead, until the early 19th century, at which time it was a tradition believed to bring good luck. The Diamond is known as “the king of the crystals”, symbolizing the central “Sun” of the Solar System. The color range of diamonds include colorless, white, black, and various shades, such as, pink, yellow, red, orange, green, blue, and brown.
Because of their extraordinary physical properties, diamonds have been used symbolically since near the time of their first discovery. Another name for diamond was Agira, which means fire or the sun. In fact there are 14 names counted to be given to a diamond in traditional Hinduism.
It can instill the aspect of trust to relationships and situations, bringing confidence to one’s emotional and intellectual characteristics, and brings fidelity to interpersonal associations. It may also be used to activate the Crown Chakra and can produce a connected force between the intellect and higher knowledge, assisting in removing the “fog” from one’s mind.
The oldest dated printed book in the world is called The Diamond Sutra, a Chinese text that dates from AD 868 and was found in the Mogao Caves. Sutras are most used to describe the teachings of Buddha. In this case the title of the Sutra refers not to the diamond itself but to a ‘diamond blade that will cut through worldly illusion to illuminate what is real and everlasting. Jewel imagery forms a central part of Buddhism: the triple-jewel represents ‘Buddha’, his teachings ‘Dharma’ and the spiritual community ‘Shangha’. The book presently resides in the British Library.
SymboliSm and lore The Diamond was used in ancient times as a talisman against cowardice, and was recognized as a “stone to enhance invulnerability”. It gains strength with age and maintains the energy to stimulate unity and love of self and of others.
Philosophers had a more naturalistic approach to explain the origin of gems: Plato for example believed gemstones were a consequence of fermentation in the stars, where a diamond actually formed the kernel of gold-bearing mass. In fact, often diamonds were linked to gold, which may have found its origin in the joint occurrence of diamonds with quartzite, quartz veins and an occasional occurrence of gold in them.
Also known as “a stone of innocence”, it brings forth purity, constancy, and the loving and open nature with which one came into the physical realm. It is one of the powerful stones said to be used in the breastplate of the high priests.
In later times, Robert Boyle actually believed that gems (including a diamond) were formed of clear, transparent water, and that their colors and characteristics were derived from their metallic spirit.
Mary of Burgundy is the first known recipient of a diamond engagement ring, in the year 1477.
References: Wikipedia, Love is in the Earth, The Book of Stones
it HaS been claimed tHat tHe diamondS poSSeSS Several
Supernatural powerS:
A diamond gives victory to he or she who carries it bound on his left arm, no matter the number of enemies. Panics, pestilences, enchantments, all fly before it; hence, it is good for sleepwalkers and the insane. It deprives lodestone and magnets of their virtue (i.e., ability to attract iron). Arabic diamonds are said to attract iron greater than a magnet. A diamond’s hardiness can only be broken by smearing it with fresh goat’s blood.
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Annette M. Rizzolo, Msc.D. has her Doctoral Degree in Metaphysical Arts & Sciences, and has over 22+ years “in the Biz.” Annette is a Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher (RMT), Metaphysical Hypnotherapist, Freelance writer, and Founder of The Mystical Realm, a very unique & informative website. Visit: and become Enlightened & Empowered!
EnlightEning ViEws
Monthly Inspirations from
n e h o C n a l A
the mortal man met the divine being and they were one
his year, like every year, ABC will air The Ten Commandments around Easter and Passover. Originally released in 1956, the movie remains a p e re n n i a l f a v o r i t e , dominating the ratings whenever it shows. Even though the dialogue is campy, the special effects old school, and the elder Moses’ long white beard totally fake, the film holds up. It is an inspirational classic, replete with meaning and loved through generations.
I purchased The Ten Commandments DVD and listened to the commentary by film historian Katherine Orrison, who was privy to many behind-thescenes secrets about the making of the movie. The sage came to its second most famous scene, where Moses encounters God at the burning bush atop Mt. Sinai. When Moses asks God why He has not rescued the Hebrew people from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, God tells Moses that He will execute the deliverance through Moses himself. Moses asks God what is His name, and He answers, “I am that I am.” At that point in the commentary, Ms. Orrison explained that for many years the identity of the actor who played the voice of God was kept a secret by director Cecil B. DeMille. Finally, the legendary filmmaker revealed that, the voice was none other than that of actor Charlton Heston, who played Moses. Heston’s voice was technologically manipulated so it sounded deeper and more resonant, but Heston it was. This admission packs a huge metaphysical
wallop. While it appeared that Moses was addressing an entity outside himself, he was really talking to his own higher self. The mortal man met the divine being, and they were one. We pray to God until we pray from God. In the classic Hindu epic Ramayana, Hanuman, depicted as half-monkey, half man, is the dedicated servant of Ram, the incarnation of God. At a poignant moment Hanuman says to ram, “When I forget who I am, I serve you. When I remember who I am, I am you.” Sometimes we are monkeys and sometimes we are God. Ultimately we are only God. The other significant revelation of the Mt. Sinai dialogue, straight out of the biblical book of Exodus, is that God reveals that Moses himself will lead the slaves to freedom. Their liberation will not be executed by a cosmic hand coming down from the heavens, scooping them up, and placing them in the Promised Land. The drama was played out on the human stage. Many biblical scholars say that Moses was unconfident to accept the mission because he had a speech impediment. When he asked God how he could possibly confront Pharaoh to plead for his people’s liberation, God told him, “I will tell you what to say.” So Moses didn’t have to do it all himself. He just had to show up and be willing, and God would take care of the details.
have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He, who sent me, will direct me…” (A Course in Miracles Text, p. 27). We are all Moses leading the world from the slavery of fear to the Promised Land of inner peace. You may not be assigned to move an oppressed nation from one country to another, but you have many opportunities each day to see yourself and others as capable and deserving to live in a domain far broader than the one to which you are accustomed. We all feel trapped in one way or another. There is a better, richer, freer way to live. One way or another, we will find it. Not through magical intervention, but through waking up to our true selves and innate power. I also find it fascinating that the true identity of the speaker of God’s voice in the movie was kept secret for many years. This also bears significant symbolic value. Your true identity has also been kept secret for many years. You have been told that you are a limited human being, confined to the boundaries of your body and a very small world prescribed by fear. The truth that you are so much more than your body and you have the right to freedom far beyond what the world shows you, has gone unpublicized.
The word “sacred” literally means “secret.” Your sacred identity has been kept a secret. Yet, like the truth about The Ten Commandments, the day comes when the director reveals the way it actually was and is. The voice of God is your own. When you talk to God, you are talking to your true self. Your desire to know and be God is God discovering Itself through you. Mt. Sinai is a metaphor for the journey to the inner mountaintop where you meet the God within. This classic movie is shown every spring when what appeared to be dead comes alive again. Behold your own story played out on the movie screen and the world around you. The freedom of greater life calls to you now and you will claim it. Alan Cohen is author of many inspirational books, including the newly-released, Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. Join Alan in Living Miracles, a celebration retreat May 29June 2 in Loveland, Colorado. For more information, visit or phone 800-568-3079 or 808-572-0001.
So it is for you and me. You don’t have to know how. You just have to know what. When you are clear on the what, the universe will take care of the how. In A Course in Miracles, a passage known as “the healer’s prayer” reveals a formula for how to pray before entering into any situation in which you feel unsure of yourself. “I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent Him who sent me. I do not IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 7
Enlightening Views
From Hensler Nursery From Examiner
Earth Day Our Planet Our Responsibility
make the world a better place!
arth day
Did You Know? Facts from the examiner
helps remind us that we need
to stay in that green state of mind,
• 75% of the water pumped out of
and each year, on April 22nd, 180
the ground is recycled.
countries around the world celebrate this anniversary.
• Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a
In the spirit of Earth Day, we would
100-watt light bulb for 20 hours,
like to share a few facts that can
a computer for 3 hours, or a TV
motivate us all to consider our impact
for 2 hours.
on the environment and take action.
• It
• Earth Day was founded by Senator
today, 34% of all glass containers are recycled.
the first Earth Day.
• More than 100 billion pieces of
year due to outdoor and indoor
junk mail are delivered in the
air pollution.
• Every year in the U.S. nearly
200 billion beverage containers
than 166 million tons of resources
are sold, two-thirds of which are
– paper, plastic, metals, glass and
placed in the landfill, incinerated
organic materials – in landfills and incinerators last year.
• It only takes about six weeks
or littered.
• Recycling, reuse and remanu-
facturing account for 3.1 million
total to manufacture, fill, sell, recycle, and then remanufacture an aluminum beverage can.
jobs in the U.S.
• More than 2 million people
could save 406 megatons of carbon
dioxide equivalent every year. This is the equivalent to shutting down
21% of our nation’s coal-fired power plants.
• More than 76% of cardboard boxes and 72% of newspapers
were recycled in 2006 but less than
50% of printing and writing paper was recycled.
energy that waste incinerator power plants generate.
globally die prematurely every
PAGE 8 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
and recycling and composting
90% of our discards by 2030, we
tons of paper each year, or 600 pounds per person.
• It takes more than 500,000 trees to
Americans read each Sunday, yet
only 30% of all newspapers are recycled.
• Plastics require 100 to 400 years to break down in a landfill.
4 pounds of garbage every day.
As Christmas tree growers and foresters, we have a deep appreciation for our connection to the environment and what it
• By reducing our waste 1% per year
• Americans use over 67,000,000
• The average person throws away
• Recycling saves 3 to 5 times the
• Half the world’s tropical and temperate forests are now gone.
break down in a landfill. In the US
• 20 million people participated in
• The U.S. buried or burned more
million years for a glass bottle to
Gaylord Nelson on April 22, 1970.
United States each year.
• Paper is the most common item found in our trash.
takes to keep our planet healthy and green. Vist: earth-day-fun-facts
• Product packaging accounts for 1/3 of our trash.
TT he
alking stick
has been used for centuries by many American Indian tribes as a means of just and impartial hearing. The talking stick was commonly used in council circles to designate who had
Enlightening Views
Talking Stick
the right to speak. When matters of great concern came before the council, the leading elder would hold the talking stick and begin the discussion. When he finished what he had to say he would hold out the talking stick, and whoever wished to speak after him would take it. In this manner the stick was passed from one individual to another until all who wished to speak had done so. The stick was then passed back to the leading elder for safe keeping. Some tribes used a talking feather instead of a talking stick. Other tribes might have a peace pipe, a wampum belt, a sacred shell, or some other object by which they designate the right to
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By Carol Locust, Ph.D.
(Tribal affiliation Eastern Band Cherokee)
speak. Whatever the object, it carries respect for free speech and assures the speaker he has the freedom and power to say what is in his heart without fear of reprisal or humiliation.
talking stick with his words, he should refrain from speaking so he will not dishonor himself. When he is again in control of his words, the stick will be returned to him.
Whoever holds the talking stick has within his hands the sacred power of words. Only he can speak while he holds the stick; the other council members must remain silent. The eagle feather tied to the talking stick gives him the courage and wisdom to speak truthfully and wisely. The rabbit fur on the end of the stick reminds him that his words must come from his heart and that they must be soft and warm. The blue stone will remind him that the Great Spirit hears the message of his heart as well as the words he speaks. The shell, iridescent and ever changing, reminds him that all creation changes -- the days, the seasons, the years -- and people and situations change, too. The four colors of beads -- yellow for the sunrise (east), red for the sunset (west), white for the snow (north) and green for the earth (south) -- are symbolic of the powers of the universe he has in his hands at the moment to speak what is in his heart. Attached to the stick are strands of hair from the great buffalo. He who speaks may do so with the power and strength of this great animal.
This article is a handout sheet used in workshops, and is included here with the permission of its author.
The speaker should not forget that he carries within himself a sacred spark of the Great Spirit, and therefore he is also sacred. If he feels he cannot honor the
Carol is Eastern Bank Cherokee and grew up in North Carolina and Oklahoma. She is a traditional practitioner of her people. Until she retired, she was Director of Training of the Native American Research and Training Center, of the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. (This department is now closed.) She used the Talking Stick article as a handout for a great many training sessions all over the United States. As she speaks a number of languages, including Cherokee, Apache, Navajo and Tohono O’Odham, she continues to be an interpreter at the University hospital for patients and their families. Visit:
Editorial Note: I found this article to be one of great wisdom and insight. If we would all stop and truly listen/ hear the one speaking, instead of interrupting, there would be less misunderstandings. Do you have your talking stick?
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IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 9
EnlightEning ViEws
I nspIratIon & purpose
By Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Wisdom from Wayne
When you are inspired by a great purpose, everything Will begin to Work for you
hen you are inspired by a great purpose, everything will begin to work for you. Inspiration comes from moving back in-spirit and connecting to the seven faces of intention. When you feel inspired, what appeared to be risky becomes a path you feel compelled to follow. The risks are gone because you are following your bliss, which is the truth within you. This is really love working in harmony with your intention. Essentially, if you do not feel love, you do not feel the truth, and your truth is all wrapped up in your connection to Spirit. This is why inspiration is such an important part of the fulfillment of your intention to live a life on purpose. When I left the work that no longer inspired me, every single detail I had worried about was almost magically taken care of for me. I had spent several months working for a large corporation where I was offered a salary three times higher than I had been paid as a teacher, but I was not in-spirit. That prodding inner knowing said, “Do what you are here to do,” and teaching counseling became my manifested daily purpose. And public speaking was not a risk; it was something I had to do because I knew I could not feel happy with myself if I did not follow my heart. The universe handled the details, because I was feeling love for what I was doing, and consequently, I was living my truth. By teaching love, that very same love guided me to my purpose, and the financial remuneration flowed to me with that same energy of love. I couldn’t see how it worked out, but I followed an inner knowing and never regretted it. You may think it is too risky to give up a salary, a pension, job security, or familiar surroundings because of a dim night-light in your mind that draws you to see why it is turned on. I suggest that there are no risks at all if you pay attention to that light, which is your knowing. Combine your strong knowing with the faith that Spirit will provide, and you acknowledge the power of intention at work. Your trust in this inner knowing is all you need. I call it faith, not faith
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in an external being to provide you with purpose, but faith in the call you are hearing from the center of your being. You are a divine, infinite creation making the choice to be on purpose and to be connected to the power of intention. It all revolves around your being harmoniously connected to your Source. Faith eliminates the risk when you choose to trust that inner knowing about your purpose and become a channel for the power of intention.
Wayne W. Dyer, PH.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Author of over 30 books, he has created many audio programs, videos, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dr. Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. When he’s not traveling the globe delivering his uplifting messages, Wayne is writing from his home in Maui. If you would like to receive Wayne’s newsletter visit:
EnlightEning ViEws according
By Sophia Falke
What am i, Chopped Liver?
ecently, a buddy of mine, who is 50, saw a photo of me when I was around 40. His comment, “Boy, if I had known you then, I’d have been knocking down your door.” I didn’t say anything right away, primarily because I couldn’t think of anything appropriate. Do I moo like a cow since I’m apparently no longer the “hot ticket” I once was? Do I say, “Thank you”? No, that wasn’t going to happen, especially since my first thought after his comment was, “So what am I now, chopped liver?”
If you’re from the five boroughs, or know someone from there, you’ve probably heard the expression, “What am I, chopped liver?” it is used when you feel frustrated because you don’t think you are being valued, listened to, or appreciated. I probably wouldn’t have thought any further about my buddy’s comment except that something similar happened soon after. So I started down the “chopped liver” road again and then remembered that “chopped liver” thinking is far from uplifting.
“Don’t you get it? There’s no pea under the shell. I’m palming it every time!” Her friend could have gone to a “What am I, chopped liver?” response. Instead she answers, “I know, but that doesn’t matter. I’ll always keep looking for the pea, because I believe having hope is more important than whether or not there’s anything under the shell.” And, judging from her smile, I think she also felt it was more important to celebrate their friendship. So back to my buddy telling me how good I looked at 40. Yes, I do see he was offering me a compliment. I knew it at the time but still had the temptation to ask, “So what am I now, chopped liver?” As I look back, I chuckle and am grateful that he helped me remember how much I have to celebrate. So “Let’s celebrate life! Let’s give it a cheer! Let’s celebrate freedom, peace, and love each day of the year!”
Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley. Information on programs at Unity Center can be found at,, or Sophia is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness ( E-mail her at Sophia@EmbracingGreatness. com or call 702-755-7064.
Later I had a dream where someone was posting a collage of my accomplishments on a wall, then apologized that she hadn’t remembered them all. When I awoke I realized this is where my focus should be—on my good, on my accomplishments— especially since April is my birth month. I want to be celebrating my life, not slipping into a limiting, “chopped liver” consciousness. There is a wonderful little song that begins “Let’s celebrate life! Let’s give it a cheer! Let’s celebrate freedom, peace, and love each day of the year!” As I sing these words, I find myself smiling—and thinking about all there is to celebrate. How about you? What can you celebrate? Pause for a moment and think about your answer. (That means, stop reading and think. You are worth the time it takes to identify at least one thing in your life to celebrate. I’ll wait.) Now write it down. Why did I want you to stop? Primarily so you take a moment to be conscious that there are things worth acknowledged and applauded. If you can’t think of anything, let me share the story of an elderly friend. When I ask him, “How’s your day?” he often responds, “It has to be good, I was breathing when I got up this morning.” It gives me a chuckle to think of his reply, and then I celebrate that he is still on the planet to remind me to revel in the simple things of life, like breathing. Like a sunrise. Like the rain. Like my dog. And even when my body has aches and pains, that I’m breathing. Celebration serves the same purpose as gratitude. It focuses our attention on all that is good in life. And as we have learned, what we focus on increases. True, I don’t increase the actual sunrise simply by celebrating it; however, I do increase the joy I feel. I remember when I moved to Missouri, where the weather can be quite quixotic. I had a neighbor who would go out onto his porch every morning and say “Thank you for a beautiful day!” It didn’t matter if there was sunshine, sleet, snow, 15 below or 115 above, he said “Thank you!” I wasn’t looking forward to experiencing Missouri’s weather extremes after living in the sunny southwest; however, I decided my neighbor’s approach was worth a try. So every morning I said, “Thank you for a beautiful day.” The result? A wonderful three-year respite in Missouri. In a movie I just watched, two friends are playing the “find the pea under the shell” game. The woman trying to pick the right shell is never successful. Finally, in exasperation at her friend’s naiveté, the one shuffling the shells blurts out,
IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 11
Proves Successful for Pets when Drugs and Conventional Therapy Fall Short
By PF Louis
ust when some naysayers and “science-based skeptics” ease off debunking acupuncture, or at least concede acupuncture offers a placebo effect, along comes some back page publicity regarding veterinarian acupuncture. Yes, people are getting acupuncture treatments for the pets, and some veterinarians have been trained to perform acupuncture. It not only works, it works when conventional approaches fail.
Marlene Cimmons, a science writer and former health policy writer for the Washington Post, shared her Labrador’s urinary incontinence acupuncture cure in that paper’s “Health and Science” section recently. After medications for her 11-year-old Lab caused more harm then good, her vet suggested Marlene look into acupuncture. Marlene knew it worked for humans because it had worked for her. After a few treatments, her Lab no longer woke up in her doggie bed soaked with urine. She was cured.
Some serious MD blowhards claim all benefits derived from acupuncture are from a placebo effect because they don’t have a Western medical explanation for its efficacy.
There are several other anecdotal gems; too many to describe here, but many are in the sources below.
They don’t attempt to understand Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, which are very different than the molecular-biochemical Western point of view.
Some background on acupuncture for pets
They would be hard-pressed to come up with the placebo effect explanation for animals. Maybe the dog knows his master is hauling him off to a vet to fix his lower back so he can walk properly. And when that vet starts sticking needles into his back, the dog is thinking, “I know this is going to fix me so I can walk better and run. I believe in this stuff, I’ve read about it.” Right, of course. It’s that ole’ placebo effect again. Those “science-based skeptics” will find a way to debunk anything outside their paradigm.
Anecdotal proof - yeah, proof
It’s more convincing to see or read about actual case cures that are not curable or made worse by conventional treatments than all of Big Pharma’s claims based on “scientific evidence.” An interesting story involves a veterinarian who was considering dropping out of acupuncture training after the first session of classes had ended. The whole acupuncture thing was too weird for him. Upon arriving at his home, he discovered his pet Dachshund was paralyzed, and his clinical associate couldn’t improve his condition. So the vet, William Martin, became desperate enough to call one of the acupuncture teachers. Over the telephone we did some hands-on diagnostics. He told me where and how to insert regular hypodermic needles in acupuncture points. Within four hours, the Dachshund was standing. Martin claims this was his first acupuncture miracle, and he continued with the course. PAGE 12 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
Evidently, veterinarian acupuncture started as a branch of TCM during the Zhou dynasty (1122-770 BC). The focus was on farm animals and warhorses. Veterinarian acupuncture emerged in the U.S. along with TCM for humans in the 1970s. Despite being considered alternative or complimentary, the procedure for diagnosing exactly what meridian map and acupoints to use is very thorough. The vet may smell the animal’s mouth or nose, perform some simple movement tests, and ask the pet’s owner lots of questions. TCM looks at the whole health picture to determine the underlying causes of symptoms instead of grabbing prescriptions dedicated to one size fits all with potential side effects. When those small, thin needles are used on animals, they show no signs of discomfort, and it’s okay if they move around the room. Unlike humans, dogs and cats aren’t required to remain still for 20 minutes per session. You know they won’t anyway. Acupuncture may not be a panacea, but it has offered a lot of success without side effects. Here are a few sites to help you find either a human or veterinarian acupuncturist:, or PF Louis - Read more articles at: Sources :
This Month's Great Pix
Interesting Dog and Cat Facts • Contrary to popular belief, a Pit Bull doesn’t have the strongest bite. In a scientific test measuring bite pressure, the Rottweiler won with 328 lbs., followed by a German Shepherd at 238 lbs., and the Pit Bull at 235 lbs. What makes Pit Bulls dangerous biters is their ability to lock their jaws.
In Light Times is sponsoring All Fur Love Rescue Center by featuring various pets that need adoption. They need a home and a family. Please contact All Fur Love and see if there is a pet that you can adopt today.
Adopt Me! Pleez
Breed: Tabby dob: April 2, 2011
• Scientists estimate that cats can see clearly in one-sixth the amount of light we humans would need. • Because cat-eye pupils are vertical slits, they get narrower in bright light. The neat trick: Cats can lower or raise their eyelids to hide more or less of the slit, just like a window shade. This gives a cat more precise control than nearly any other animal over the amount of light entering his eyes. • Dogs can hear low sounds about as well as humans (40 Hz, compared to our 20 Hz), and can hear sounds that are a quite a bit higher (60,000 Hz, compared to our 20,000 Hz). They are more sensitive to loud sounds - loud noises that humans can tolerate may be painful to dogs. The flipside of this is that they can hear sounds that are 4 times farther away.
Waitalanni is a sweet kitty who enjoys the company of people and other nice cats. He enjoys some playtime, lots of human time and hopes his dream home has lots of high places for him to climb. He is super affectionate and loves to be in your lap or having his body touching yours. His favorite thing is to be snuggled with head scratches by his human.
Breed: Tabby dob: April 6, 2012
• The oldest known breed of dog native to North America is the Chihuahua and the oldest known breed is the Saluki, an Arabic word meaning “noble one.”
Lalan can be a little shy at first, but immediate purrs when held and cuddled. He is very playful and energetic with his siblings and toys. He may take a few days to adjust to a new home and surrounding, but once settled, he will begin to show you his whole heart. He gets along with other cats and nice dogs.
• The weirdest cat on record was a female called Mincho who went up a tree in Argentina and didn’t come down again until she died six years later. While treed, she managed to have three litters with equally ambitious dads!
Please contact All Fur Love Animal Society at:, www.
• At birth, kittens can’t see or hear. Kittens open their eyes after five days and begin to develop their eyesight and hearing at approximately 2 weeks. They begin to walk at 20 days.
IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 13
Books Music &
Books That Make A Difference
Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online in the In Light Times Book Store
Recommended Reading
Karma Chow Ultimate The Cookbook: Simple Steps To A
…To Be Continued:
Reincarnation & the Purpose of Our Lives
Healthier, More Sculpted Body
A Must ReAd The FasTDieT: Lose WeighT, sTay heaLThy, anD Live Longer WiTh The simpLe secreT oF inTermiTTenT FasTing Michael Mosley, MiMi spencer The honesT LiFe: Living naTuraLLy anD True To you Jessica alba
The hormone cure: recLaim BaLance, sLeep, sex Drive anD viTaLiTy naTuraLLy WiTh The goTTFrieD proTocoL Dr. sara GottfrieD, Dr. christiane northrup
Karma Chow Creator and celebrity chef, Melissa Costello, introduces her new cookbook, The Karma Chow Ultimate Cookbook: 125+ Plant-Based Vegan Recipes for a Fit, Happy, Healthy You (HCI Books) - proof that planet-friendly fare is totally delicious as well as better for you. Over 7 million vegetarians and 3 million vegans in the U.S. already know this is what keeps them healthy and looking great! As the personal chef to celebrity fitness guru Tony Horton, creator of the bestselling P90X® fitness system, and many others, Melissa strives to keep the food appealing her clients fit, happy and energized.
By Sheryl Sandberg
By Karen Berg
By Melissa Costello
“An amazing book! I am so impressed with the easy, tasteful and healthy recipes that Melissa has shared. Even though I am not a vegan, I am continually incorporating healthy vegetarian dishes into our daily living. This book makes it easy and fun. A must read! “ Review by Eugenia M Jarrett
In: Women, Work, and Lean the Will to Lead
Out of the many books focused on reincarnation … To Be Continued: Reincarnation & the Purpose of Our Lives is the most thoughtprovoking. This is the latest book by Karen Berg, the author of God Wears Lipstick: Kabbalah for Women. Berg is the Spiritual Director of the Kabbalah Center, headquartered in Los Angeles. It’s not enough to know we had past lives, but we must use the knowledge of past lives to discover our purpose in this life. Every person we come in contact with isa person from a past life. Our lives are a collection of puzzle pieces and learning to fit the pieces together is how we handle life’s challenges. She writes at length about three tools that are part of the kabbalistic wisdom that can help us learn more about our purpose in life.
in Lean In, Sheryl examines w h y women’s progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, commonsense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential. Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and is ranked on Fortune’s list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business and as one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2010, she gave an electrifying TEDTalk in which she described how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers. Her talk, which became a phenomenon and has been viewed more than two million times, encouraged women to “sit at the table,” seek challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with gusto. Sandberg’s book is an inspiring call to action and a blueprint for individual growth.
Music to Make Note Of
Songs of the Goddess Annette Cantor DATE:__________________ (required) NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________________ STATE _____________ ZIP ________________ PLEASE PRINT PHONE: _____________________________________ (required) EMAIL:_________________________________________________
“Songs to the Goddess” offers 8 songs, which are meditations on 8 goddess figures of different cultures. Annette Cantor ’s floating vocals are skillfully accompanied by C.G. Deuters ethnic arrangements. Deuter is the founder of new age music, who previously produced “garden of the gods” in collaboration with Annette Cantor under his own name.
Give A Gift Subscription To A friend NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________________ STATE _____________ ZIP ________________ PLEASE PRINT PHONE: _____________________________________ (required) EMAIL:_________________________________________________
PAGE 14 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
Lead With Your Heart The Canadian Tenors The Canadian Tenors’ music is an eclectic blend of classical and contemporary pop that is thrilling audiences of all ages. The Tenors are the incredibly powerful voices of four gifted young men with diverse vocal styles, undeniable charm, international solo success and are one of Canada’s most sought-after exports.
Burned Biscuits
hen I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!
Gems for the Soul
the years is that learning to accept each other’s faults - and choosing to celebrate each others differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship. And that’s my prayer for you today... that you will take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of your God.
Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that ugly burned biscuit. He ate every bite of that thing... never made a face nor uttered a word about it!
“Don’t put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket - keep it in your own.” So, please pass me a biscuit, and yes, the burned one will do just fine. Author Unknown
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I’ll never forgetwhat he said: “Honey, I love burned biscuits every now and then.” Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, “Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she’s real tired. And besides - a little burned biscuit never hurt anyone!” As I’ve grown older, I’ve thought about that many times. Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. I’m not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. But what I’ve learned over
Shampoo Check your shampoo bottle label. I don’t know WHY I didn’t figure this out sooner! It’s the shampoo I use in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body and (duh!) printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning… FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY! NO wonder I have been gaining weight!!! Well! I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using Dawn dish soap instead. Their label reads: DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE. Problem Solved!!! If I don’t answer the phone - I’ll be in the shower!!!
Answers on Pg 25
IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 15
F eature S tory
By Dr. Natalia M. Schotte
New Flower esseNces: Combining
ANcieNT TechNology wiTh FuTure scieNce Magnolia Tree ‘Lennei’ assists you in clarifying your prayers so they are in alignment with your Soul. It supports you in recognizing, opening to and acting upon the guidance of your Angelic Response Team. Flower essences are a profound form of energy medicine and have long been part of the tradition of Earth-based and Shamanic healing. For millennia, healers of all descriptions have accessed and utilized the intelligence inherent in Nature for a variety of purposes, particularly personal transformation. From Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to the Aborigines of Australia, civilizations around the world have revered the power of flowers and used flower remedies for emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Paracelsus, the 15th century botanist and physician, wrote specifically about collecting dew from flowering plants, diluting it and using the liquid to treat imbalances in his patients.
All flower essences address underlying causation to some extent. The flower essences based in the new Aquarian consciousness provide an opportunity for us to take our inner healing to new levels - reaching final resolution of the past, setting the stage for optimal health and supporting us to reach higher levels of consciousness.
The New Flower Essences In recent times, this ancient technology has experienced a significant evolution, becoming one of the most potent forms of natural healing available for assisting us to meet the unique challenges of our times. As the speed of change escalates and our individual and collective challenges intensify, it is time to allow Nature to guide us to solutions to our most perplexing problems.
Rose ‘Angel Face’ produces a flower essence which assists us to transcend the Piscean dynamics of co-dependent giving and conditional love and anchor the Aquarian dynamic of Extension of Self through Unconditional Love. The result is the experience of authentic intimacy and Onenessessential aspects of evolved consciousness. It is especially useful for exposing what we require to heal in order to overcome patterns of codependent giving and/or withholding. If we are experiencing any form of lack in our lives, it assists us in transforming the perceptions that are keeping us from the ‘miracle of receiving.’
There are flower essence practitioners doing pioneering work in the fields of health and spirituality. They are at the leading edge of new thought and are laying the foundation for future science. The traditional remedies are still effective for their intended purposes; however, flower essences holding new patterns of consciousness provide solutions at a level that has not previously existed, assisting us to address challenges we have never before faced. They support our development into more evolved, spiritually mature and vital human beings. How Flower Essences are Made Every flower holds a pattern of consciousness or ‘energy signature.’ The flower essence practitioner chooses blossoms that have reached their peak potency and immerses the petals in water. The practitioner invokes Nature’s intelligence to extract the essence of the flower, specifically its healing properties. After sitting in the sun for several hours, the solution is preserved, usually with brandy or vinegar. The resulting stock solution, called Mother Tincture, is used to create dosage bottles. How Flower Essences Work Each flower essence has a specific purpose. When you take a flower essence (on or under the tongue), the ‘energy signature’ it holds enters your subtle energy system and is translated into the physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual levels, creating shifts over time. The effects of flower essences are subtle and profound, immediate and long-term. Your level of sensitivity determines how quickly a flower essence has an effect on your subtle energy system and your ability to notice the effect. To increase your sensitivity, adopt higher nutritional practices (e.g., cleansing, fasting, juicing, raw cuisine, etc.). Also consider increasing the time you spend in spiritual practices (e.g., empowered prayer, meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, etc.). Healing versus Suppression We are accustomed to addressing symptoms by suppressing them, rather than healing their underlying metaphysical causation. Ultimately, to experience health and well-being, we must heal imbalances at their point of origin within our consciousness, i.e., imprints from past experiences such as childhood trauma. We must also make the requisite life changes to align our lives with the impulses of our Souls. PAGE 16 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
Choosing the Correct Flower Essences There are many flower essences on the market with a variety of purposes. Here are some examples of the new flower essences:
Rose ‘Europeana’ produces a flower essence which draws us into the Inner Sanctum of the Self where we experience our perfection as a Soul incarnate. It supports relinquishing non-essential activities and the primacy of the thinking mind so we are able to seat our consciousness in the Inner Sanctuary of the Self. In this Inner Sanctuary, we experience the eternal and changeless nature of Being. We come to know that we are innocent even when we appear guilty, we are whole even when we appear broken, and there is no death even though we appear to die.
Hardy Lily ‘Butter Pixie’ produces a flower essence that supports you in deepening your experience of unification with the Divine through acceptance o f t h e d u a l i t y i n h e re n t i n human life and harmonization and integration of the body and Soul.
F eature S tory
Lily of the Valley produces a flower essence that supports you through all phases of the manifestation process. It elevates your consciousness so you are able to conceive ideas and set intentions that allow for your highest participation in the Divine Plan. It then supports you in translating these ideas and intentions into Perfected Form. Lily of the Valley also assists you in becoming aware of and transcending self-limiting perceptions that impede your ability to manifest.
Shasta Daisy ‘Becky’ produces a flower essence that supports individuals and groups to achieve an ever-deepening sense of community as coworkers, family, friends, healing circles, partners, project teams, etc. Community emanates from the authentic and intimate connection of individuals drawn to each other by a shared and/or unifying principle and/or purpose. Unity cultivates development of the authenticity and intimacy required for individuals to continue deepening their experience of Oneness. Unity also stimulates the desire for, assists preparation of and supports participation in sacred ceremony.
Rose ‘Black Jade’ produces a flower essence that supports you in living the contemplative lifestyle necessary for conscious spiritual development. It also assists you in discovering and enacting, or deepening, the spiritual practice that is appropriate for you at your current level of development. It works in concert with contemplative spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer and yoga, to cultivate the Soul quality of Quiescence. Ultimately, Rose ‘Black Jade’ increases your ‘peace quotient’ – the overall peace you experience and your ability to maintain it when external circumstances are chaotic and those around you are out of balance. Iris ‘Owlet’ produces a flower essence that acts as a catalyst of support for esoteric activations. These activations evoke spiritual revelations which prepare the spiritual initiate for initiatory ‘rites of passage’ which mark the major phases of spiritual maturation. This flower essence was created on Saga DawaDüchen, the annual
observance of Buddha Shakyamuni’s enlightenment and parinirvana. This is an indication of its power and purpose as an agent of evolutionary unfoldment and spiritual mastery. With Iris ‘Owlet’ you are energetically supported in moving through the Spiritual Development Process required for the particular initiation for which you are preparing and the initiation itself. With so many flower essences available, how do you know what essence to choose? 1. Decide at which level you wish to work When choosing a brand of flower essences, recognize each brand has a different purpose and intended level of effect. Some address physical imbalances, others work on the emotional/mental issues underlying physical imbalances, and still others go deeper, working at the spiritual level. Working at the spiritual level allows you to achieve authentic resolution and ultimate transcendence of your challenges. 2. Assess flower essence quality There is great diversity in flower essence quality. One of the key factors is the land on which the flowers are grown. Land that is chemical-free, energetically and physically balanced and maintained at the highest level produces the most potent flowers. The consciousness of the flower essence practitioner is also critical to the quality of the flower essences. 3. Choose flower essences that support your highest unfoldment at this time Use your intuition supported by the names of the flower essences, their purpose statements and corresponding photos, and/or use muscle-checking or dowsing (with a pendulum). Recognizing the Effects of Flower Essences Be conscious of prematurely judging the efficacy of flower essences and, therefore, prematurely discontinuing their use. I had a client who was taking flower essences to support her in addressing the underlying issues related to a long-standing depression, for which she was heavily medicated. After a few months she wrote to say she was going to discontinue using the flower essences because she hadn’t noticed any changes. I encouraged her to keep taking them. A year later, I saw her 60 pounds lighter, with a smile on her face, having made a series of positive life changes. We have become accustomed to arduous and complicated approaches to personal growth. Though our evolutionary leaps can be challenging, our personal growth can be simplified...and accelerated. Such is the gift of flowers. The ancient Maya call the new age that began on December 21, 2012, the Age of ‘Itza’ which means, among many things, ‘peace and flowers.’ It is time for us to blossom. Let us now choose perfected flowers to guide our unfoldment of the Peace and Beauty within.
Dr. Natalia M Schotte, author of Poems from the Garden of Love: Words of Light & Inspiration and The Ascension Oracle: Guidance for Accelerated Spiritual Growth™, began working with flower essences in 1986. She is a counselor, intuitive, speaker, spiritual healer and founder of La Vie de la Rose™ Flower Essences, which offers the FIRST and ONLY Nature-based system dedicated to Accelerated Spiritual Growth®. Dr. Schotte holds a Ph.D. in Spiritual Counseling from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines. Visit
IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 17
Health Lights
Seaweed Extract Outperforms Chemo Drug in Shrinking Breast Tumors but without the toxic side effects
By Ethan Evers
in seaweed treated rats - showing a sizable advantage for antioxidant status.
Seaweed for cancer - an established history
The extract of an edible red seaweed was found to be 27 percent more effective than standard chemo in shrinking breast tumors in rats while showing much less toxicity to liver and kidneys, and even improving the rats’ antioxidant status in both blood and tissues.
10 mg/kg body weight, and the third group was treated with the seaweed extract at 100 mg/kg body weight. According to the researchers, this dose is equivalent to giving a 50 kg woman an 800 mg tablet of the seaweed extract.
Eucheuma cottoni A potential natural treatment for breast cancer
27 percent more effective than chemo while improving antioxidant status
The seaweed used in this remarkable study was Eucheuma cottonii L., an edible, tropical red seaweed which grows naturally within about 20 degrees of the equator and is most commonly found around Southeast Asia. The Euchema group of seaweeds is already widely commercially farmed for use in the production of carrageenan. Researchers at theUniversity Putra Malaysia harvested the seaweed from the coastal waters of North Borneo during January. The seaweed was shade dried for three days and extracted using an 80 percent ethanol solution, which was then evaporated to leave a dry powder extract. The extract was found to be rich in iodine, quercetin, catechin, rutin, carotenoids, and more exotic antioxidants such as phytopheophylin and phlorotannins.
Rats treated with the chemo drug for four weeks showed a 71 percent decrease in the size of their tumors, but those treated with the seaweed extract had their tumors shrink by 91 percent - an improvement of 27 percent over chemo. The chemo drug also caused significant toxicity to the rats’ kidneys and livers, causing visible lesions on those organs. Not only did the seaweed show no toxicity (no liver or kidney lesions), it actually improved the rats’ antioxidant status. MDA (malondialdehyde) is a key marker of oxidative stress; with higher MDA levels indicating increased oxidative damage (MDA levels often rise with cancer). Treatment with the chemo drug decreased rats’ MDA levels by 27 percent, but again, the seaweed performed better and decreased MDA levels by 46 percent. Conversely, an important marker of antioxidant status is the glutathione level in erythrocytes (red blood cells), with higher glutathione levels indicating improved antioxidant status. Chemo treated rats saw their levels drop by 57 percent. But glutathione levels actually increased by 78 percent
To test the extract against breast cancer, SpragueDawley rats were injected with LA-7 breast cancer cells and divided into three groups: one group was not treated at all, the second was treated with the most commonly used breast cancer chemo drug at PAGE 18 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
Various seaweeds have been used for centuries in Chinese and Japanese traditional medicine against breast cancer. Epidemiological studies have also showed that daily seaweed consumption may dramatically lower breast cancer risk, and is considered one reason why Japanese women have 83 percent less breast cancer than those in the West. More recently, a clinical trial in the U.S. showed that just five grams per day of dried seaweed (Undaria) decreased levels of a key pro-cancer protein (uPAR) by 47 percent in postmenopausal women. This new study provides yet more good science to the case for using seaweed against breast cancer. And while this latest seaweed still must be proven out in human patients, it is impressive that the effective dose is likely attainable in human patients, using the extract of a seaweed which has been routinely eaten by Malaysian locals for decades with apparently no ill effects.
Ethan Evers is author of the award-winning medical thriller “The Eden Prescription,” in which cutting-edge researchers perfect an effective, all-natural treatment for cancer, only to be hunted down by pharmaceutical interests, which will stop at nothing to protect their $80 billion cancer drug cash machine. The Eden Prescription is based on the latest science and draws on real historical events stretching back to the beginning of the “War on Cancer.” Ethan has a PhD in Applied Science. The Eden Prescription is available on amazon: Eden-Prescription-cancer-what-think/dp/1439276552/ Follow Ethan on Facebook for the latest breakthroughs and news on natural medicine for cancer: pages/The-Eden-Prescription/130965870291786 for more information:
Health lights
Food Label Entries That Should Send You Running
OptiOns: Xylitol and Stevia which are natural sweeteners.
here are billions of consumers out there and only a few manufacturers of food. This means that to meet consumer demands, manufacturing companies need efficient processes in order to be in the competition. Enter food additives that serve to present and preserve packaged foods for consumer satisfaction. Thanks to federal laws, companies are now required to print all food ingredients on food packages. That means we are allowed to choose what we eat. Here are 10 of the food additives that we need to stay away from.
Acesulfame-K W hat : Food sweetener and has
been recently approved by the FDA as a food additive in baked goods, diet soda, gelatin desserts, and chewing gums.
O ptiOn : Xylitol and Stevia as healthy sweeteners.
Food colorings 1, 2, 3, and 6 What: These are blue, red, green,
Sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite
and yellow. Used in beverages, baked goods, and candies, cherries, fruit cocktail, sausage, and gelatin.
What: Food preservative; helps
E ffEcts : Causes tumors in the different parts of the body like the kidneys and adrenal glands.
retain red coloring in processed meat products.
EffEcts: Its chemical component
contains carcinogens, and when accumulated in the body, can lead to stomach, prostate, and breast cancers. It has also been found to cause fetal deaths, miscarriages, and birth defects among animals in the laboratory.
OptiOns: Seek for nitrate or nitrite-free meat products.
Butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT) and Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) What: Common among processed foods and
also in cereals, potato chips, vegetable oils, and chewing gums
EffEcts: Increases the risk of cancer development, liver enlargement, and hampers cell growth.
Propyl gallate What: Found in stocked chicken soup, gum, and in a few processed meat products. EffEcts: Still being suspected as a carcinogen,
propyl gallate is found to cause gastrointestinal, kidney, and liver problems.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) What: An artificial flavor enhancer, MSG is found
By Sandeep Godiyal
Olestra or olean in canned soups, chips, crackers, salad dressings, and frozen foods. It is also disguised under label entries like “spices,” “natural flavoring,” and “seasonings.”
EffEcts: Found to cause dizziness and nausea.
Hydrogenated vegetable oil What: Known as a trans fat, this can be found in
microwave popcorn, chips, pastries, cookies, pies, cakes, lard, margarine, cottonseed oil, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil.
EffEcts: Cardiovascular diseases like stroke, kidney failure, and other heart diseases. O p t i O n s : Vi r g i n o l i v e o i l a n d o t h e r monounsaturated fats.
Aspartame What: An ingredient in gelatin, frozen desserts, yogurt, puddings, diet sodas, low-calorie diets, and children’s vitamins. EffEct: Can cause food poisoning and makes up the bulk of consumer complaints directed to the FDa.
W hat : Artificial fat preventing healthy fat absorption in the digestive system and can be found in potato chips. EffEcts: Found to cause diarrhea, intestinal problems, and other gastrointestinal problems.
Potassium bromate What: Bleaching agent in white flour and can be found in pizza dough, breads, and rolls.
EffEct: Found to cause cancer in both animals and humans. OptiOn: Un-bromated flour products. As a supplement to the above, other additives that can be harmful are also high fructose corn syrup and sodium chloride. Sandeep is an avid rock climber, Mountaineer, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on several fitness sites. (NaturalNews) Sources:
IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 19
HealtH ligHts
By Dr. Judith Orloff
Ways to
Excerpted from “Second Sight”
ccess your Inner Doctor
ARE YOU LISTENING? Did you ever consider that a stiff neck might be your body’s way of telling you that someone or something in your life is being a “pain in the neck”? Or that the dream you had about drowning might be your lungs calling out for attention?
idea that pops into your head, without censorship. Maybe an image of your boss comes up. Or a long snake that reminds you of your intestines. Just listen, and then spend time thinking about the word or symbol and what it wants to tell you.
Our bodies possess medical wisdom, yet many of us don’t know how to consult our inner doctor. As an MD who is also a specialist in intuitive medicine, I have learned that our body’s wisdom is rarely wrong. The key is to learn how to listen to it.
Ask your dreams to provide the answer. Our dreams often tell us, usually in symbolic code, what’s happening in our body. For example, you’ve been ignoring your arm pain, blaming it on the gym. But in your dream, someone has left valentines all over your house. When you awaken, the first thing that comes into your mind is “heart.”
Here are six tips on how to do that. Obey “health hunches.” Perhaps you find you have the urge to pant, or to wear a cap during the day, or to drink carrot juice. These may be your body’s signals that something is up. Listen to these subtle urges and hints, and obey them as long as they are not harmful. Doing so is like finding a treasure hunt clue; obeying the hunch will lead you to the next clue. Ask the symptom what it needs. If you have a splitting headache, for example, or a sudden onset of fatigue, or an odd skin rash, get in a quiet space and ask it what it needs. The answer may surprise you. Pay attention to the first
Pay attention to seeming coincidences. Sometimes life itself will present moments of clarity in the form of coincidences. These can be powerful teaching moments. For example, you have a pain behind your temple and then turn on the TV to a health report about strokes. Don’t let such precious opportunities for self-examination pass you by. Make a mental or physical note about the synchronous event, and then revisit it later to find out if your body is trying to warn you of danger.
to danger. Are you listening? When your body sends you a chest pain, for instance, take notice, then take action. Have it checked out before it becomes a heart attack. Your intuition to act can save your life! Check in with your body. Just as we go to the doctor once a year for a complete physical, you can do the same thing with yourself. Lying or sitting comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your body, starting with your toes, ankles, calves, knees, etc. Don’t forget your skin and internal organs. See if any significant images or ideas pop up as you do this.
Dr. Judith Orloff, MD is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and has helped patients find emotional freedom for over 20 years. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality to achieve physical and emotional healing. Dr. Orloff passionately asserts that we have the power to transform negative emotions and achieve inner peace. Her bestselling books, Emotional Freedom, Second Sight, Positive Energy, and Guide to Intuitive Healing offer readers practical strategies to overcome frustration, stress, and worry. Visit
High Wisdom Consultations
Listen to warning signs--and act on them. Your body is designed to alert you
with Kathryn Peters-Brinkley
Are you at a crossroads in life? Do you know how to put your imagination in motion?
Benefit from Ancient Universal teachings… Discover your passion
Recalibrate your course
Attract your soul-mate
Align your soul-purpose
Improve your health
Revitalize your relationship
Enrich your life
Discern your soul lessons E-m ail m E for an
ap p t.
PAGE 20 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
HealtH ligHts herbaliST
Kathleen Gould, rh
Whole Plant Remedies Learning to incorporate herbs into our lives is a simple way to help prevent illness from occurring and if we do get sick, our bodies will be stronger and more able to move us through the illness quickly. Who knew our Wild Weeds could do so much!
laxatives, antacids, pain killers and hundreds of other drugs are taken often on a daily basis by so many people for literally every physical or emotional problem. Rarely, if ever, are the short and/or long term side effects of taking these drugs ever considered. In addition, because most people are taking more than one drug at a time (often many drugs at the same time), what are the interactions between those drugs? There are now, and have always been, plants we can use for these same problems. Herbs often work as well and often better than allopathic drugs and usually without the dangerous side effects. Because herbs are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients they almost always build and strengthen the body’s systems instead of depressing them like pharmaceutical drugs tend to do. A few examples of this are: Echinacea, the beautiful purple coneflower plant is well known in the medicinal herb world. This plant provides enough anti-microbial effect to help cut down the numbers of germs so our body is able to heal itself without suppressing the immune system. When we allow the immune system to function naturally during an illness, it makes antibodies to whatever foreign substance is causing the problem. Once the antibody is established, it can clone itself whenever necessary to fight off that particular antigen again. The nutrients in Echinacea actually build the immune system instead of suppressing it. This is very different from what an antibiotic does. Antibiotics work to destroy as many of the germs as possible and at the same time put a huge stress on the immune system. The only bacteria left are the ones that are very resilient. Antibiotics do have their place and have saved many lives; however, it is the abusive overuse of antibiotics that has become the problem.
Kathleen Gould time helps increase joint mobility and reduce stiffness; decrease serum cholesterol and uric acid; and promote digestive regularity.” Another of the potential side effects of using drugs is the potential damage to the liver and other vital organs. Again, nature comes to the rescue with herbs like milk thistle seeds, dandelion etc. These herbs can often be taken to help protect the liver from these nasty side effects. A teaspoon to tablespoon of whole milk thistle seeds ground fresh daily and put into your morning smoothie is inexpensive and an easy addition to help protect the liver.
Kathleen’s healing morning
½ cup organic plain yogurt ¼ - ½ cup organic blueberries (fresh or frozen) – great antioxidants 1 heaping tablespoon Immune & Immune Enhancing powder (see website for more info on this herbal blend
1 heaping teaspoon Milk Thistle seed (ground fresh daily) 1 heaping teaspoon Flax seed (ground fresh daily) 1 heaping teaspoon (or tablespoon) Maca root powder ½ - 1 teaspoon bee pollen ½ banana (to sweeten) Water to thin to consistency if you prefer
Dandelion is another great example of how the plant Queendom works in harmony with our bodies. Among other benefits, dandelion leaf is a great diuretic. As many of us know, one of the side effects of a pharmaceutical diuretic is a loss of the bodies’ vital potassium and so to replace that potassium the person is given supplemental potassium or told to eat bananas. Mother Nature, in her great wisdom, understands this and so has loaded dandelion with potassium. However the footnote here is that we are talking about the fresh or dried “whole” plant dandelion leaf. In her book, Dandelion Medicine, Brigitte Mars say the following: “A Cure-All for What Ails You, (Dandelion) has been used to cure just about everything at some time in some place. The leaves, with their mineral-rich properties, can be used for nourishing our bones (warding off osteoporosis) and our teeth. Drinking dandelion leaf tea over IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 21
HealtH ligHts
Credit Health Aliciousness
Foods Highest in Magnesium
Magnesium is an essential mineral required by the body for maintaining normal muscle and nerve function, keeping a healthy immune system, maintaining heart rhythm, and building strong bones. Magnesium is also involved in at least 300 biochemical reactions in the body. A deficiency in magnesium can lead to muscle spasms, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, migraines, osteoporosis, and cerebral infarction. Conversely, consuming too much magnesium typically causes diarrhea as the body attempts to excrete the excess. The current DV for magnesium is 400mg. Below is a list of high magnesium foods, for more, see the extended list of magnesium rich foods. 1. Bran (Rice, Wheat, and Oat) ~ Rice, Wheat, and Oat bran are great additions to breads and breakfast cereals like oats, rye, and buckwheat. One cup of crude rice bran contains 922mg of magnesium (230% DV) which is 781mg (195% DV) per 100 gram serving. Crude wheat bran contains 354mg of magnesium (89% DV) per cup, or 611mg (153% DV) per 100 gram serving. Crude oat bran contains 220mg of magnesium (55% DV) per cup, or 235mg magnesium (59% DV) per 100 gram serving. 2. Dried Herbs ~ Dried herbs are packed with vitamins and a healthy addition to almost any meal. Dried Coriander provides the most magnesium with 694mg (174% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 14mg (3% DV) per tablespoon. It is followed by Chives (160% DV), Spearmint (151% DV), Dill (112% DV), Sage (107% DV), Basil (106% DV), and Savory (95% DV). Continued on Page 24 *
PAGE 22 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
HealtH ligHts
By Dr. Ben Kim
When helping people fast on water only for two or more weeks at a time, it’s relatively common to run into palpitations. Often times, such palpitations go away once electrolyte-rich foods are introduced during the re-feeding process - half watermelon and half celery juice is the formula that I rely on most for this purpose (an infinitely healthier and more effective electrolyte-replacement drink than Gatorade or anything else you’ll find in a pre-packaged bottle). Where palpitations continue even after electrolytes have been replenished, once common arrhythmias and cardiovascular disease have been ruled out via an EKG, I have often had success using an old school cold water trick that I learned from a mentor in the late 90’s. The trick is this: dunk your head in the coldest water that you have access to for 10 to 15 seconds. If you can’t tolerate this amount of time, then even a few seconds can sometimes jolt the electrical activity of your heart back to normal. Variations of this method include dunking just your face for 30 seconds, or your hands for a full minute. Sudden exposure to cold water almost immediately affects the output of your autonomic nervous system, which can restore proper nerve signaling and conduction throughout your heart. This isn’t to suggest that you self-treat palpitations and arrhythmias; if you have any concerns about the regularity of your heart, you should consult with your family physician and then possibly a cardiologist. Sometimes, palpitations come about because of malnourishment, over-exposure to stimulants, or serious anxiety. In these and all other cases, it’s best to identify and address the root cause(s), but the cold water trick described here can often provide harmless temporary and sometimes lasting relief. Hope this tip comes in handy to loved ones some day. Dr. Kim is a chiropractor and acupuncturist. He helps to educate people on health issues. Visit:
IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 23
Health Lights
Continued From Page 22
Foods Highest in Magnesium
3. Squash, Pumpkin, and Watermelon Seeds (Dried or Roasted) ~ Great as a snack or in a salad, pumpkin, squash, and watermelon seeds are packed with magnesium. Squash and pumpkin seeds provide 535mg of magnesium (134% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 738mg (185% DV) per cup. Watermelon seeds provide 515mg (129% DV) of magnesium per 100 gram serving, or 556mg (139% DV) per cup. 4. Cocoa Powder (Dark Chocolate) ~ Dark chocolate is becoming more popular and with good reason, long regarded as junk food, dark chocolate is packed with vitamins and conferred health benefits. Cocoa powder provides 499mg of magnesium (125% DV) per 100 gram serving or 429mg (107% DV) per cup. Dark baking chocolate provides 327mg per 100 gram serving (82% DV), or 95mg (24% DV) per square, and a typical chocolate candy bar provides 63mg of magnesium (16% DV) per 100 gram serving or 28mg (7% DV) per bar. 5. Flax, Sesame Seeds, and Sesame Butter (Tahini) ~ Flax and Sesame seeds are a great source of heart healthy oils and also provide a good source of magnesium. Flax seeds provide 392mg (92% DV) per 100 gram serving or 39mg (10% DV) per tablespoon. Sesame seeds provide 351mg (88% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 32mg (8% DV) per tablespoon. Sesame butter (tahini) provides 362mg of magnesium per 100 gram serving, or 58mg (14% DV) per tablespoon. 6. Brazil Nuts ~ Possibily the largest of all nuts, brazil nuts, are a great source of magnesium. Brazil nuts provide 376mg (94% DV) of magnesium per 100 gram serving, 500mg (125% DV) per cup, and 19mg (5% DV) in a single kernel or nut. Brazil nuts are also very high in selenium, so should be eaten moderately. 7. Sunflower Seeds ~ Sunflower seeds are the number one source of vitamin E, and a good source of thiamin. Sunflower seeds provide 325mg (81% DV) of magnesium per 100 gram serving, or 455mg (114% DV) per cup. 8. Almonds and Cashews (Mixed nuts, Pine Nuts) ~ Nuts are great as a snack or as an addition to salads and soups. Almonds provide 286mg (72% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 395mg (99% DV) per cup. Cashews provide 273mg (68% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 352mg (88% DV) per cup. Pine nuts provide 251mg (63% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 339mg (85% DV) per cup. Mixed nuts in general provide 251 mg (63% DV) per 100 gram serving, or 361mg (90% DV) per cup. 9. Molasses ~ A good substitute for refined sugar in cakes and breads, molasses is also a great source of magnesium. Molasses provides 242mg (61% DV) per 100 gram serving, 816mg (204% DV) per cup, and 48mg (12% DV) per tablespoon.
Magnesium is an essential mineral required by the body for maintaining normal muscle and nerve function, keeping a healthy immune system, maintaining heart rhythm, and building strong bones. Magnesium is also involved in at least 300 biochemical reactions in the body. A deficiency in magnesium can lead to muscle spasms, cardiovascular disease. Reduced Frequency of Migraine Headaches (Controversial) ~ Studies show that individuals who have frequent migraine headaches have lower levels of magnesium than other individuals. There is conflicting evidence as to whether increased intake of magnesium will reduce the frequency of migraines. Alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) ~ Studies suggest that consuming higher amounts of magnesium, perhaps in conjunction with vitamin B6, helps to alleviate bloating, insomnia, leg swelling, weight gain, breast tenderness, and other symptoms associated with PMS. High Risk Groups for a Magnesium Deficiency People with Gastrointestinal Disorders ~ Most magnesium is absorbed through the colon so people with gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn’s disease are at high risk for a magnesium deficiency. People with Poor Functioning Kidneys ~ The kidneys should be able to regulate magnesium in the blood, excreting less when stores are low, however, excessive loss of magnesium through urine can occur to people on specific medications, poorly managed diabetes, and alcoholics. The Elderly ~ As we age, the amount of magnesium we absorb decreases as the amount we excrete increases. People Consuming high amounts of Fiber ~ Eating large amounts of fiber has been shown to interfere with the bodies ability to use magnesium. However, more research needs to be done to confirm how much fiber affects magnesium. People on a low protein diet (Controversial) ~ Eating less than 30 grams of protein a day may adversely affect magnesium utilization. People taking Certain Medications • Proton Pump Inhibitors • Prescription PPIs include Nexium (esomeprazole magnesium), Dexilant (dexlansoprazole), Prilosec (omeprazole), Zegerid (omeprazole and sodium bicarbonate), Prevacid (lansoprazole), Protonix (pantoprazole sodium), AcipHex (rabeprazole sodium), Vimovo, Prilosec OTC (omeprazole), Zegerid OTC (omeprazole and sodium bicarbonate), and Prevacid 24HR (lansoprazole) • Diuretics. Lasix, Bumex, Edecrin, and hydrochlorothiazide
10. Dry Roasted Soybeans (Edamame) ~ Great as a snack or as an addition to salads, dry roasted soybeans are also a great source of magnesium. Dry roasted soybeans provide 228mg (57% DV) of magnesium per 100 gram serving, or 392mg (98% DV) per cup. When boiled, edamame provides 64mg (16% DV) of magnesium per 100g serving, or 99mg (25% DV) per cup.
• Antibiotics. Gentamicin, and Amphotericin
Health Benefits of Magnesium Regulation of Blood Pressure ~ Diets high in fruits and vegetables provide both magnesium and potassium which are consistently associated with reduced blood pressure.
Other Magnesium Rich Foods Halibut, Soybeans, Oatmeal, Dates, Dry Roasted Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Blackeyed Peas, Low Fat Yogurt, Vegetarian Baked Beans, Brown Rice, Lentils (Dahl), Avocados, Kidney Beans, Pinto Beans, Bananas, Whole Wheat Bread, Whole Milk, Seedless Raisins, Buckwheat (Dry roasted), Seaweed (Spirulina), Quinoa, Walnuts, Bulgar, Wild Rice, Cod (cooked dry heat), Pecans, Corn (white or yellow), Scott Kale, Spinach (cooked).
Reduced Risk of Type II Diabetes ~ Magnesium is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and the bodies use of insulin. 6 Studies show that individuals with type II diabetes have low levels of magnesium in their blood. Correcting this lack of magnesium may help increase sensitivity to insulin and prevent type II diabetes.8 Reduced Risk of Heart Attack and other Cardiovascular Diseases ~ Because magnesium is associated with regulation of blood pressure and lower risk of diabetes, it follows that it also reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. Elevated levels of magnesium in the blood has been associated with reduced risk of heart attack and stroke. Reduced Risk of Osteoporosis ~ Magnesium plays a role in calcium metabolism and hormones which regulate calcium and may help to protect against osteoporosis. Several studies support that increased magnesium intake increases bone health. PAGE 24 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
• Anti-neoplastic (Cancer) medication. Cisplatin • Zinc Supplements
Warnings Nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, and molasses are high calorie foods and should be eaten in moderate amounts by people with a high body mass index. Dark chocolate, spinach, and almonds are high in oxalates which may inhibit some magnesium absorption. These foods however, are still good sources of magnesium. Brazil nuts are very high in selenium. Excess selenium can lead to diarrhea, bad breath, and even hair loss. Resource.
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702-259-6843 IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 27
Celestial Cycles by Motavenda
My thoughts on “Existence” by Moti It is through coming to know ourselves that we become capable of relating in truth, beauty and honor with others. There is no achieving true harmony or deep connections with others while maintaining distant or shallow relationships to ourselves. As we turn within and witness our own souls, we hear the echoes of our divine origins, shedding light on where we are out of harmony with the love. Through being self-aware we become capable of holding space for others to be who they truly are.
Important, read Sun, Rising & Moon signs to have a full picture. So, what’s up the with heavens? The Sun, traveling through Aries, fuels us with courage…until it enters Taurus on the 19th…and we search for new ground. With the New Moon on 10th, also in Aries, we feel new stirrings within from dreams unfulfilled. The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on the 25th in Scorpio, brings us awareness of things hidden on deeper levels. As Pluto in Capricorn sextiles Chiron in Pisces on the 4th we feel more room to step forward in confidence to pursue achieving our goals; regardless of what spiritual injuries we may have incurred in the past. We can use now what we have learned to navigate and guide us to create more loving structures. Venus conjuncts Mars in Aries on the 7th as the male/female energies within us and in the outer world find meeting ground and new harmonious ways forward. Pluto turns retrograde on the 12th and will not turn direct until September. Pluto’s travels through the heavens mirror our collective evolution and personal transformation. During this time of retrograde movement, we are brought into awareness of the deep places within our souls in need of truth and healing. Mercury enters Aries on the 13th as communications move with greater force between us all. As we own our voice with courage, and speak with abandon, we can make great progress together. Venus enters its natural sign of Taurus on the 15th. We are here in this beautiful world, so why not enjoy the earthly delights? Mars enters Taurus on the 20th bringing us protection and strength in these pursuits. Mercury in Aries conjuncts Uranus on the 20th, reminding us of the vital importance of having freedom to voice ourselves without restriction in our exchanges. Where can we give more room to others to express themselves? Sometimes, it is as simple as not interrupting each other. As we all grow into a new terrain, we will learn to trust and value even more the qualities of honesty and truthfulness in our our exchanges. As Mercury in Aries squares Pluto on the 21st, we see the challenges in existing uninhibited in the face of the shadow. Venus, the planet of love, values the feminine energy, opposes Saturn in Scorpio on the 22nd and then trines Pluto on the 24th. We can feel more clearly just where and when we are still oppressed by unhealthy creations around us. As Mars opposes Saturn on the 30th, we feel the needed strength developing within for us to employ in making long-term change for the better. Motavenda “Moti” Melchizedek is an artist, writer and astrologer specializing in the areas of personal empowerment, family of origin issues, personal dreams and destiny. She is a student and teacher of the principles of “Divine Love” and can be reached at 575-534-1024 or visit:
Happy Birthday Aries! March 21sr 19th to April 19th “I AM”
Ruling Planet: Mars ~ Rules: Head ~ Symbol: The Ram ~ Element: Fire Energy: Masuline ~ quality: Cardinal ~ Color: Red ~ Gem Stone: Ruby ~ Flower: Honeysuckle ~ Most Compatible Signs: Leo & Sagittariusi ~ High Manifestation of Aries Energy: Existing in our totality ~ Shadow Manifestation of Aries Energy: Being selfabsorbed in the extreme to the detriment of healthy coexistence. ~ Full Spectrum of the Aries/Libra Axis: “I know myself and therefore hold a space for others to know themselves so that we might share and achieve higher states of coexistence”.
Aries energy emboldens us. As we connect to ourselves we access the source of courage to come forward and more strongly into life. To be selfish and self-centered is sometimes important to allow space for. When we embrace ourselves and our own needs, we can move toward others with a capacity to coexist with greater love and a more expansive sense of balance. Without a strong sense of self, we often relate to others in addictive, needy and demanding ways. The vast majority of us are completely unaware of the extent of our unloving actions toward others and of how often we move from places that are unbalanced, unhealed and neglected within our souls. Knowing ourselves and giving space for the experience of our individuality is essential to personal and planetary well-being. Aries qualities provide supportive tools for self-discovery and for moving out into life intact. It is an act of courage in this day and age to listen to and honor the voice of our own soul. It is by living an authentic life, driven by the pure essence of the life-force of our souls, that we make the world more alive. It is an act of bravery to be real and to not accept a life of subjugation. Aries people forge ahead with strength born of fearlessness. This is priceless in these times where so much of what has been created was designed from places of misunderstanding, where the value of the individual was greatly diminished in the plans. We must all become more courageous and dare to move into the unknown and initiate there the creation of new and wondrous things born from valuing the individual.
PAGE 28 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19
Finding your footing and gaining your balance on new ground is a place worthy of your focus. With that strength you carry naturally, it is most important to be stable and thoughtful when it comes to deciding how and in what direction to proceed. You will have an effect no matter which path you choose.
TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20
You take that Taurean gift of yours to bring things into reality and begin working toward getting new structures designed. It is not always as easy to create things that are brand new as we might have expected. There is a lot of joy for you in seeing your own abilities bring things to life.
GEMINI • May 21 to June 20
There is the never-ending process of undertaking and initiating new creative endeavors, working toward mastery and fumbling as we find our way to perfecting our work. You can taste the satisfaction now of achievement. Take time to look around and take notice of what you have made happen.
CANCER ~ June 21 to July 22
When we join with another spirit in fun and freedom, life takes on the best of qualities. It is an obvious gift in this often tumultuous world to meet up with kindred souls that are safe and easy to be with. We can let our guard down and become open and able to experience joy on new levels.
LEO ~ July 23 to Aug. 22
We all need to grow and become more willing to let go of things we thought we knew as truth when we discover they are not. It is always freeing. We may have to wait until we arrive on the other side before we trust the process, but there is no benefit in holding onto untruths.
VIRGO ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22
Adjustments and change have led to greater strength through improved stability. Although you move with certainty and precision so much of the time, you also carry a natural and innate ability to shift with the current and embrace the organic nature of the ever and always changing world we live in.
LIBRA ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Feelings of emotional satisfaction that accompany times of success allows us to relax and know that all is in divine order. Life is rich in the way it offers growth and chances to experience so many states of being. We are capable of living in great happiness and were designed to have desires come to fruition.
SCORPIO ~ Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Things move swiftly now Scorpio. You do best when you let go of the reigns. There is nothing worse that being jolted by the shock of the sudden acceleration of things unexpected. As you loosen your grip on things, you move into more safety. Allow for things to happen that might pop out of left field.
SAGITTARIUS ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Though your nature is to embrace never-ending expansion, there is also great value in practicing restraint and moderation at times. Too much movement in any direction can lead to exhaustion which will be results that are weak in their makeup. Take a deep breath and give space for stillness.
CAPRICORN ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
The times we are in deep connection with others are some of the most beautiful gifts of living life. We can take the newness of the wondrous feelings, resulting from times of blended pleasure, and propel ourselves into places where we express ourselves more fully in everyday ordinary exchanges with people we meet.
AqUARIUS ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Releasing ideas whose usefulness has reached their end is well worth considering now. There is no benefit in holding on fiercely to things unwanted or unwelcomed or that have served their purpose. The truth will always be what it is. The key is to open your heart and allow space for something new.
PISCES ~ Feb. 19 to March 20
Old-school faith comes in handy these days Pisces. Reach deep inside and allow the things you know to be true. Align with the highest of the high and that what guides you. When we are aligned with divine truth, we can face any challenge no matter how forceful opposing views might be.
Empowered Numerology by Michele Avanti Alpha Numeric Numerology Chart This month we will examine the power and the meaning of the number Three. In every area of life as we progress to a higher level the experience becomes more complex, and we must become more aware so that we engage all facets as a whole in a balanced fashion. With the number three this is very important. To understand the number three, visualize an equilateral triangle. Equilateral triangles are made up of three identical sides created by 120-degree angles. As you can see, even the angular degree of 120 reduces down to the number three. When most people think of a triangle, they see it with one side flat against a baseline, like a one-dimensional pyramid. In this fashion, it is the most empowering or uplifting energy of the three. Within the geometry of the number three, we have: Mother, Father, God, or Male, Female, Source. The corners at the base of the triangle represent the two creative yin/yang forces of the lower worlds. One is the vessel (negative, receiving, feminine) and the other is the fire or filling energy (positive, proactive, masculine.) They receive their power from the apex, which is the Godhead, Source or the Divine Self. The number three not only pictures the Creative Universe or the macrocosm, it also identifies each part of the creative work including man for we each have both parts, masculine and feminine within us and we are nurtured with life force from our Divine Essence, which abides in Source. Using the number three with this understanding activates nurturing, empowerment and security. Looking at the numerology of the number’s word, ‘Three’: T(2) + H(8) + R(9) + E(5) + E(5) = 29 = 2, gives us another interesting statement. The total 29, is considered a critical number because it is a turning point from one level to the next. It requires a completion of the former level. Much like a landing in the middle of a staircase as we turn in a new direction. Thus, the numerology of the word three, shows us how this number escalates two to its higher octave, clearly signaling that the masculine and feminine will now move into a more complete, secure, nurtured state. But this number can also be used in the reverse, by holding it with the apex as the base, facing down. In this position, instead of allowing the power of our Divinity to guide us, we point all energy into one part of the self, either the masculine or feminine, thus binding us in the physical. In this reversed three energy, one becomes a martyr and loses their power to create. Instead, the individual is bound to the person/people or circumstances to which he has given his power. If you find yourself saying, “I can’t because…” you have turned the power of three upside down. You can start recovering by reversing the geometry of three (the triangle) in your mind and visualizing drawing in the Divine Energy of your Higher Self through the crown chakra at the top of your head. Chanting, “ATTA” five times with arms outstretched and hands open, palms facing upward while visualizing the apex of the triangle above your head will also activate the process of rebalancing. You can also chant the word for soul, “BA”, pronounced Baaah.
April &
its frequencies April reduces down to 29 and then 2, but we need to address the 29 first because this is a critical number. It carries the frequency of the two; however, at a very high critical pitch, indicating the lessons that needed to be learned under the number two (Balance), which is the number for January, must be taken seriously and learned now. April is the only month out of the year that has this critical number. Historically, April is filled with events that boiled over
This chart allows you to quickly access the number related to any letter. Thus you can identify what numbers are active through a name, or address. When looking at the chart, the letters listed below each number will activate that frequency and you can add them together to find the power of a word. For example, the name, Art. Look at the column with number one at the top. There you will find A, thus A=1, R is located in the 9 column, so R=9, and T is located in the 2 column, so T=2. Thus for Art we would add, 1+9+2=12, which when reduced = 3. into violent action. Under the influence of 2013, the number turns to 8, another number of balanc,e but this one refers to karmic balance. The shorter version of April, 2013, reduces to five, which is the number of learning, discipline, security and on the negative side, worry. So to make the most of the numerological frequencies of April, ask yourself, “What have I not addressed that may be causing me to worry?” “Where am I lacking in discipline and need to learn balance?” “What choices did I make in January that may have karmic consequences that I should address now before the situation flies out of control?” Take time this month to learn from past karmic experiences. Make sure to practice balance and calm, because this will likely be an emotionally challenging month for everyone. •
The ancients believed there was a pole that held up the heavens, and that information was sent back and forth to heaven through this mighty pole.
In numerology, all numbers are added together and then reduced to a single digit, unless after adding them together the result is a number with double digits, such as: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. These remain intact and are called Master Numbers.
Master numbers are all numbers that consist of replicating digits, such as 11, 22, 111, 222, 444,444, etc. Master numbers activate the originating frequency to a higher octave and thus empower the individual exponentially.
We welcome any questions about the meaning of a name, and will be addressing names in this column later in the year.
Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She has taught in many areas of metaphysics and is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations and Online courses. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at for an appointment. To learn more about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at IN LIGHT TIMES • april, 2013 • PAGE 29
Light Happenings Proud to
Announce In Light Times 24th Anniversary 4 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702-435-3289. 6 & 7 SAT. & SUN. Las Vegas Soul Festival, 7pm. Two days of unbelievable Music, Soul, Family Festivities, Vendors, & Entertainment. Proceeds benefit Lazarex Cancer Foundation; Thomas & Mack. Register @ 7 SUNDAY PASSION WORKSHOP, 1-4pm; $35/advance, $45/door. Discover your passions. Achieve your dreams! with Valerie Holden. Call 702-898-8001 to register. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702-435-3289. 11 THURSDAY DRUMMING CIRCLE, 7 pm; Experience the oneness of the drum and the beat. Bring your own drum or use one of ours. Led by Freddie Steward & Erin Lale. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702-435-3289.
April, 2013 13 & 14 SAT. & SUN. ART AT THE MARKET, BRUCE TRENT PARK, 10am-5pm @ 1600 N. Rampart, Las Vegas. Call 702-245-6077; 14 SUNDAY DIVINE LIGHT HEALING & MEDITATION WITH ROSE CATMULL, 6:30pm. Release Old, Attract New, Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 18 THURSDAY MEDITATION & ONENESS BLESSING (DEEKSHA), 7pm. A deep meditation and blessing from the Divine. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702-435-3289. 20 & 21 SAT. & SUN. ARTWALK AT ANTHEM HIGHLANDS SHOPPING CENTER, 10am-5pm @ 2810-2929 Bicentennial Parkway, Henderson. Call 702-245-6077; 24 WEDNESDAY HOSTING of the LAMBDA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APRIL BUSINESS MIXER, 5pm. An opportunity for local businesspeople to come together in support of the LGBT community and each other. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, (in Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289, 702435-3289. 27 SATURDAY DISCOVER YOUR INNER POWER SEMINAR with Dale Halaway & Dr. Greenawalt, $67; 9:30am6pm. Discover a new approach to empowerment, recognize and clear interference patterns that block you from being your authentic self. Reserve your space today; only 50 tickets available. Register at: 702-254-7730. 27 & 28 SAT. & SUN SUMMERLIN ARTWALK AT THE VISTA COMMONS CENTER, 10am-5pm @ 11700-11770 W. Charleston at Desert Foothills Drive. Call 702-245-6077; 28 SUNDAY HEAL YOUR BODY, HEAL YOUR LIFE, 6:30 pm Healing Service with Dr. Robert Moldowan. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (in Longford Plaza btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. Ongoing Events SUNDAYS ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702369-0141. April Topics: 7th, How Spiritual Lessons Come; 14th, Take the Next Step to Spiritual Freedom; 21st, HU: Soul’s Love Song to God; 28th, Is Life a Random Walk? Community HU Chant, FridayApril 26th 6:15pm at Pure Health Foods, 7575 W. Washington Ave. The HU Chant is open to the public and students of Eckankar. UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Children’s Programs 10am. Meditation & Metaphysical Discussion! April Topics: Apr. 7th, In the Beginning Was the Word; Apr 14th, Raising the Vibration of All Humanity; Apr. 21st, What If?; Apr. 28th, Inspired, Confident, & Passionate About Life. CELEBRATE our 10th Anniversary with something special each Sunday throughout April! 3037 E. Warm Springs. #300, LV. (Longford Plaza between Pecos & Eastern) Call 702-435-3289. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702-362-6184. TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 11am; Friendship Circle and meditation. 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904 on Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. TUESDAYS METAPHYSICAL BOOK STUDY, Non-Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, 6:30pm8pm. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held at 3037 E. Warm Springs, Ste. 300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289. WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone 702530-3250 or website TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-6450904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. TRANSFORMATION SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30pm. Based on, “Why Is This Happening To Me… Again?” ~ laws of forgiveness. Unity Center in the Valley,3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289. FRIDAYS Arati and book study, (How to Know God) 6pm. Ramakrishna-Vedanta Center. Call 702-646-4889 for information. Upcoming Events your soul mastery: the 8 keys, join psychic-medium Linda West for this life changing event on Saturday, May 4th. Visit:
LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: (subject Line, Calendar) PAGE 30 • april, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES
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Janet Handley Allan Martin Osman Spiritual Counselor-Teacher 702-473-0163 Allan helps you: break negative habits, release negative emotions, improve relationships, make better decisions; and develop Receivership from God within. Allan offers Counseling, Stress Relief, Guided Meditation and Home Study by phone, Skype or in office. Allan is practical, non-judgmental and experienced. Call or email: First session is FREE. See page 27
Body & Soul Sunless Tan 702-353-7474 We are the Valley’s first “Spray Tan Only” Salon. I dedicated myself to custom spray tanning after skin damage from the sun. I researched healthy alternatives to tanning and found many have experienced the Orange, Sticky, Chemical Smell, blotchy results of spray tans gone wrong. After years of research, I created a Perfect, Organic Spray that I apply with a custom airbrush! I Love Helping People feel Healthy, Happy and Beautiful! Visit: www. See page 3
Coast to Coast Psychics 310-228-0934 Got Questions? We have answers. Coast To Coast Psychics have been hand-picked and have the most clear, detailed, accurate, sharp, and incredibly helpful advice. Need a mini reading on Health, Money, Love, Career, Relationships and your Life’s Path? Coast To Coast Psychics offer: Tarot readers, Clairvoyants, Clairaudients, Dream Interpretation, Intuitives and Astrologers. Coast to Coast Psychics founded by a team of long time metaphysical professionals, recognizes our world is at a tipping point, requiring choices that preserve the wellbeing of ourselves and our planet. Making the correct decisions in life is of the utmost importance to us and our psychics. See page 31
Reiki Master & Clairvoyant 702-808-8784 Are you looking for answers? Do you realize there is more to life than what you experience? Imagine your body feeling relaxed and calm. Being able to make decisions from a place of confidence, balance and harmony can take you to new heights. Janet Handley was born and raised in England. With 20 years experience in the healing arts, Reiki Master Janet utilizes the healing power of Reiki and her clairvoyant skills to bring understanding, guidance and wisdom. She conducts classes and gives individual readings. Her goal…bring healing, spiritual growth and peace into our lives. You’ll love her accent & you’ll love Janet! See pages 27 & 31
Kathryn Peters-Brinkley 702-818-3729
For over two decades, Spiritual Wholeness counselor and teacher, Kathryn Peters-Brinkley, author of “Jewels for the Soul” and co-author with Dannion Brinkley of “Secrets of the Light”, has been assisting clients find their divine purpose, balance their four-body aspects (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) to function fully confident and empowered. Kathryn can help you clarify issues and overcome challenges in any life arena such as career, relationships, health, consciousness and/or finances. Personal mastery is just a phone call away. Sessions are conducted via telephone only. Schedule a reading today. 702-818-3729 or email Kathryn at QMPWisdom@ Visit: See page 20
Nv Childhood Cancer Fd. 702-735-8434 Established in 1993, the Mission of the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation (NCCF) is to provide emotional, educational, financial and psychological support services and programs to families of all children diagnosed with cancer and other life threatening illnesses and provide healing arts and wellness programs to adults touched by cancer. NCCF offers over 40 programs and services at NO COST for critically ill children, caregivers, and adults touched by cancer in Southern Nevada. Visit www.nvccf. org for pediatric programs and services and for adult wellness and support programs. NCCF is a local non-profit organization and not affiliated with any national agency. See page 31
Four Seasons Med Spa 702-309-4600 • 281-9900 (text) Dr. Kathleen Smith, administers all Botox, Juvaderm, Restylane, Radiesse and Bio-identical Dermal Filler, which contains growth factors to stimulate the body to repair and restore tissues using it’s own natural processes. Your skin heals faster with no allergic reaction and rejuvenates skin for a longer period of time. We have the “Best Price on Botox & Cosmetic Injectables…by our MD”. Call to schedule a Complimentary consultation with one of our MD’s. Also offered from our Medical Aestheticians are wonderful Facials and various treatments that meet our patients needs, from restful luxurious facials and wellness treatments, to our newest high tech anti-aging stem cell facials. Our products include OBAGI, IS Clinical, Clarisonic, SeneGence, Product B and other fine quality products. Visit: www. See page 3, & 23
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