In Light Times October 2012

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IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 3

From The


They say that life is a balancing act and for every action there is an opposite reaction. Some call it karma while others believe it is simply life’s opportunity to encourage growth spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Without light, darkness would prevail; without seeing the silver lining, negativity would dominate; there would be no building if we allowed devastation to overwhelm us and, there would be no joy if we focus solely upon our tragedies. Living is indeed a balancing act…the Yin/Yang of the universe and as we move forward toward the end of 2012, it is important not to get caught up with all the hype regarding the Mayan calendar. Remember the turn of the century in 2000 and the Y2K scare? Do you recall what did NOT happen? Computers globally continued functioning (not crashing), life marched on and we soon forgot all the predictions of what would happen on January 1, 2000. It’s amazing how we, as a society, can take one piece of information and, as my mother use to say, “make a mountain out of a mole hill.” We do like our drama don’t we? Have you ever stopped to think, hurricanes, flooding, fires, earthquakes, devastations etc., have all been part of our existence since the beginning of recorded history? These events are not new. So why is it we allow our fears of “something” that might happen to shape our lives? If our attention is solely on the “mole hill becoming a mountain”, then we are simply feeding the fear that our minds are projecting. Perhaps it is time to take the opposite approach to fear and see the silver lining in life. Know it is the workings of both positive and negative energy that brings alignment. Tragedies and catastrophes are but one side of life’s many lessons and on the flipside is the restructuring, the growth and the unending possibilities. We cannot keep fearing the future … we have only the now. When we get so caught up in the drama and fear we forget how to live. Please understand, December 21, 2012 is an important time in history … it is, after all, the end of our world. Let us “make lemonade out of lemons” and create new opportunities to shift our perceptions and change the course of our lives. Take care my friends, many blessings.

In Love & Light,

Michelene PUBLISHER • EDITOR Michelene K. Bell ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eugenia Martini-Jarrett

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ADVERTISING 702-259-6843 national ADVISORy councIl Dannion Brinkley • Alan Cohen Dr. Doreen Virtue ADVISORS •Dyana Ray • Michele Avanti • Gina Robison-Billups Office

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PAGE 4 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES


October, 2012


Enlightening Views 4 From the Publisher by Michelene K. Bell They say life is a balancing act …

6 The Certainty of PurrFection by Dr. Georgina Cannon Yes. I know it’s a cheezy title, however, …

7 Which Movie Are You Watching? by Alan Cohen

We hired the cat for a reason. Why should I complain when she fulfilled her …

8 The Collapsing of Time by Govinda Miller

Have you noticed it seems like your day is over before it has even begun?

9 Fifty-two Weeks of Authenticity by Kathleen McIntire Are you really making the decisions that are right for you?

10 G ood Vibrations by Regina Rose Murphy

… the very nature of the Universe is a high energy frequency …

11 Nothing is Ever Lost By Sophia Falke

I proudly showed my mother the new pair of earrings I had just bought.

Our(Ur) Pets & Animals 12 Prepare a Personal First Aid Kit for Pets see Credits 13 Ask Margo by Margo Hecht Adopt Me Pleeze! by All Fur Love

Gems for the soul 15 Keep Your Dream • The Black Dot

Feature 16

Visions of the Future by JZ Knight


Health Lights 18 To Every Food by JB Bardot


There is a Season, Color, Taste, Element


19 Delicious & Nutritious Snacking Options by Ben Hirshberg Sweet Potato Fries • Kale Chips

20 How to Optimize Your Sleep by Dr. Joseph Mercola Avoid watching TV or using your computer at night.

21 Beyond the Human Eye by Vaishali

Everything is energy … even non-physical entities such as thoughts, feelings, memories, love and fear …

22 What Are Eye Floaters? by Dr. Andrew A. Dahl

People use the term “eye floaters” to describe seeing floating spots in their vision …




Books & Music Reviews 14 Sudoku Puzzle 15 Classifieds 25

Quick Reference Guide 26 Business Card Directory 27 Clarice’s Mystical Realm Astrology 28

Clarice’s Life Path Numerology 29 Light Happenings 30 Business Profiles 32 IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 5

Enlightening Views

Charlie Unwrapping Gifts

The Certainty

of PurrFection By Dr. Georgina Cannon

Yes, I know it’s a cheesy title; however, how else could I talk about the certainty of cats that they are lovable and perfect? And they’re not alone. Cared for dogs have that look and presence also and they can’t imagine you not wanting to be with them night and day. In your face. Under your hands and feet. On the bed. How many of us, I wonder, feel that secure in ourselves? Charlie, the black and white “jellicle” male cat in the household, teaches us each and every day, the value of good strong self esteem. But, like all good teachers, once he sees I’ve learned that lesson, he moves on to the next. It’s a humbling business trying to keep up with the daily teachings of a not so dumb animal. The first lesson of the week, every morning at 6 a.m. and repeated at various times during the day, is “Attention must be paid”. It took the paw pounding on my ribcage and loud purring at 6 a.m., the balancing act on the bathroom sink at 8 a.m. and the ‘I am so much more important than this’ walk-about in front of the computer screen at 11 a.m. for it to sink in.

The lesson of this day?

Attention must be paid Every day, we all have a choice to decide what is important in life — at that moment, and each and every moment after that — and use that information to enrich life. How we awaken — the attitude we take to the morning, the weather, the chores, the news. We decide how to see what we are served. At the computer, I can make decisions about my body — how and how long I sit to keep my body agile. (I’ve found a downloadable exercise program that makes you move every 30 minutes - it’s a good thing! the program is called Ergo Pro). In the kitchen, Charlie doesn’t have to worry, his food is pre-balanced for optimum health it says. But when he needs salad, or oil, he lets me know. He knows and understands what his body needs. Ha! Attention must be paid. Another lesson — we need to tune into the body before deciding what to eat. Stretching, exercise, good grooming. Attention must be paid. Yup it’s all there, thanks Charlie. (Like he cares!). Dr. Georgina Cannon is an accomplished author and writer whose insight into the world of the subconscious mind and its connections through past lives, relationships and today’s life has won her a worldwide audience and international acclaim. Visit: www. PAGE 6 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Enlightening Views

Monthly Inspirations from

n e h o C n a l A

Which Movie Are You Watching? Ah, another way of looking at the situation. We hired the cat for a reason. Why should I complain when she fulfilled her role? Two realities presented themselves as an offering for my choice: a disgusting sight or a job well done. I decided the second option felt better, and the apparent problem gave way to a sense of gratitude.


itting on an airplane in flight, I was listening to an inspiring audio seminar on my iPod. Then the in-flight movie came on. Since I was in a bulkhead seat and the projection screen was just a few feet from me at eye level, it was almost impossible not to watch the movie. So I kept listening to the audio seminar with my ears and my mind, while the movie paraded before my eyes.

Metaphorically speaking, we all have dead rats on our living room floor and we all have agents doing their job to keep things running efficiently. The more you complain about the dead rats, the more you find. The more you thank the cat, the more you find to be grateful for. The facts of events are neutral. Your interpretation creates their meaning and subsequently your experience.

It’s all about frequency and attunement. The spectrum of visible light we see, as well as audible sound, comprises a tiny, tiny slice of the full spectrum of light and sound. If you think the only light in the universe is what your eyes can see, or the only sound your ears can hear, you will not have access to extremely helpful dimensions beyond the obvious. Radio, microwave, and x-rays are just a few of the many unseen realms We live in a multi-dimensional universe in which an infinite that enhance our life. The movie of the number of parallel realities exist simultaneously. Some of the five senses, rich and amazing as it is, is just one channel among an infinite realities are wonderful, others horrible; some exhilarating, number available.

The film, a predictable teenage romantic comedy, was easy to figure out even without sound. So while I was primarily focused on the lecture, a lesser part of others annoying; some fascinating, others boring. my attention was tracking the film. All healing and world progress comes Halfway through the movie I realized I was participating in a seminar that through visionaries, people who see a brighter, higher, broader, freer movie than transcended the one I was listening to. I was learning how to remain established the masses are watching. If you are fixated on what is, you cannot discover what in a higher consciousness even while the drama of the world unfolded before could be. To improve the world, beginning with your own life, you must look up. me — the formula spiritual masters prescribe for a successful life. In Genesis 13:14 God told Abram (later Abraham), “Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west.” The instruction was more metaphorical We live in a multi-dimensional universe in which an infinite number of parallel than literal. God was telling Abraham to broaden his vision; to not be stuck in realities exist simultaneously. Some of the realities are wonderful, others horrible; the narrow-sighted vision that keeps most of humanity embroiled in sorrow and some exhilarating, others annoying; some fascinating, others boring. The reality suffering. To discover a new land, Abraham had to use a new way of seeing. you live in is determined by what you give your attention to. On one dimension a mindless movie drags on, while on another dimension impeccable wisdom is As we enter this fall, a crucial time on the planet, you and I are being called to a broadcasting. You get to choose which story you will participate in. new way of seeing. As old forms and institutions fall away, we must lift up our eyes to more fulfilling movies with story lines that take us where we want to Attention is the most powerful currency at your disposal. Where you place your go. If we continue to use the kind of vision that has shown us the old world, the attention today is a coming attraction of what you will receive tomorrow. You old world will continue. If we use the kind of vision that shows us a new world, may not be able to control the events that present themselves to you, but you the new world will begin. Even if a silly movie is being projected right before have total control over the vision you use to see them. In that way you gain your eyes, you can switch your focus to the inspirational lecture downloading. mastery over your experience. Perspective makes all the difference. That lecture will guide you precisely as to how to understand the movie of the world, master it, and go beyond it. “In my father’s house there are many mansions.” Where we live in the country, sometimes rodents show up. When our little visitors One airplane, many movies. increased in numbers, we got a cat to keep the population down. One morning I woke up and enjoyed an empowering meditation, tapping into a pool of deep inner peace that established the frequency for a great day. Then I walked into Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including the new popular Enough the living room and found a dead rat on the rug. After an initial “Arrrgh,” I Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. For information about Alan’s Hawaii got a shovel and scooped up the remains. As I headed outside, my partner Dee retreats, Life Coach Training, free daily inspirational quotes via email, and more, visit commented, “I am so grateful the cat is doing her job!”, or phone 1‑808‑572-0001. IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 7

Enlightening Views



Collapsing of Time

i m e i s a n i n t e re s t i n g phenomenon, especially now. Have you noticed it seems like your day is over before it has even begun? That time seems to be a fleeting thing. Nature sets the course of time, and we measure time based on the rotation of the Earth and its orbit around the Sun. Scientifically, we measure time by clocks and it seems to be linear. But is it? According to Albert Einstein, there is much more to time than we can understand scientifically. As human beings, and the powerful creators that we are, we have the ability to affect our reality of time. Since we create our own reality, and there are as many realities as there are people, each of our personal experiences with time is unique. Quantum physics provides scientific proof of our connection with the master creator. Scientific studies, through quantum physics, have shown that the observer affects that which is being observed. Our personal observation of time affects our experience of time. When doing something you don’t enjoy or that requires your strictest attention to time, time seems to slow down. On the other hand, when doing something interesting or enjoyable that takes your full attention away from focusing on the clock, time seems to go much faster. A universal measurement of time is the ‘Law of Cause and Effect’, aka ‘Karma’. (The planet Saturn rules karma, structure and time.) It states that with every action there is a reaction. The distance between the cause and its effect is a measurement of time. This distance is getting shorter. In other words, be careful what you wish for because you will get it – and probably sooner than you expect! What creates our unique experience of time is our mind. The mind is our tool for creation of our universe. The way we use our mind creates our unique experiences. Our mind is more powerful than we can comprehend. It is linked with Source Energy, and directs the creative processes of our reality. It does this

By Govinda Miller

by creating vibrational fields of energy. The ‘Law of Vibration’ states that everything in our universe has a vibration. Everything that is, was first a thought, before it became manifested. Every thought that we have has a vibration, a n d i f w e k e e p re peating this thought, feel emotion with that thought, and expect what we’re thinking about to manifest, it will manifest in our physical universe. Humanity, as a collective consciousness, is literally creating all the strange weather patterns, earth changes

Scientifically, we measure time by clocks and it seems to be linear. But is it? According to Albert Einstein, there is much more to time than we can understand scientifically. and everything else we are seeing and experiencing in the World. The Bible teaches us that we have dominion over Nature. There is a responsibility that comes with this ability. We must be responsible for what we think about, the attitudes we hold and how we communicate. That is how we will create our personal Heaven on Earth. We cannot do this for everyone, but we can do this for ourselves. That is our responsibility. This begins by living consciously, moment by moment. At this time, the evolution of the Collective Consciousness is accelerating. We are all being influenced by cosmic energies that are speeding up and stimulating our perceptions in radical ways. Old ways of being and thinking are breaking down and transmuting, to allow for greater possibilities. This is a part of the birthing of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Knowing. It is a time when we no longer need to have someone tell us how to find God through outside processes. We will have a personal experience with the Divine through

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consciously choosing to be on our spiritual path. In this way we will know and recognize our relationship and Oneness with the Divine and take full responsibility for what we are creating. Time is part of this three-dimensional, physical universe, and it has structure. In 2012, there are four celestial cycles that indicate an infusion of spiritual light into and a major breaking down of all physical structures, so they can be vibrationally recalibrated and rebuilt to vibrate for the ultimate universal Good. Each of these cycles involves the planet Saturn or the sign of Capricorn, both rule all structures. The Four Major Celestial Cycles that represent the collapsing of time, from January 2008 thru November 19, 2024 are: Pluto in Capricorn: January 2008 thru November 19, 2024 Pluto Square Saturn: September 2009 thru July 21, 2011

Uranus Square Pluto: May 6, 2010 thru March 2018 Saturn & Pluto in Mutual Reception: October 6, 2012 thru September 17, 2015 Time seems to be collapsing because of the changes in our perceptions of reality. The more we observe our physical universe quantitatively and expand our thinking to greater concepts, the faster time passes. On the other hand, when we sit in meditation and contemplate our Oneness with All That Is, time seems to stop. As we approach higher states of consciousness, and consciously connect with the spiritual planes, we enter into timelessness. This is because within the spiritual planes of consciousness there is no time. There is only NOW - The Eternal Now. So, as the structures of our world are being infused with spiritual light, time is collapsing. We are moving closer and closer to no time, which is NOW. Govinda is a nationally and internationally published author, a teacher of Conscious Meditation, a Chakra Clearing & Balancing practitioner and teacher, a Reiki Master, and has a working knowledge of nutrition, herbology, gemology and yoga. For more information, visit: www.

Enlightening Views By Kathleen McIntire

(excerpt from “Guiding Signs 101)

52 Weeks of Authenticity Are you really making the decisions that are right for you? If you’re like most of us, probably not.

Authenticity. It’s a word that gets tossed around quite a bit these days. (In fact, it’s in danger of becoming a bit of a cliché.) Sure, we all think we’re authentic in our words and actions. But are we really? Consciously or not, most of us let the expectations of others drive the decisions we make every day—from the major we choose, to the kind of house we buy, to where we go on vacation, to whether we stay in and relax on Saturday night or go out and party.

• De-clutter a little (people and “stuff”). When you’re too busy trying to manage chaos, you can’t relax enough to even know who you are and what you need and want. (Do you really love Grandma’s china? If you don’t, give it to someone who does. Are you really going to fit into those size 8 jeans ever again? If not, get rid of them!) • Give yourself a makeover. Do you dress in a way that truly expresses who you are? This question has nothing to do with what’s hot or stylish or what label is attached to your garments. It has everything to do with feeling comfortable in your own skin (and what’s covering it) instead of vaguely ill at ease or like you’re playing an expected role.

So many of us live out our lives as slaves to the tyranny of “should”. Year after year we strive to become what others—parents, partners, experts, society—tell us we should be. And then, one day, we wake up and realize we never got to let go and just be our real selves. Below are some practical tips—52 of them in fact—for “getting real” in various areas of your life. Each week, choose one suggestion from this list to focus on. No need to tackle them in the order they’re listed or to do all of them. They’re just meant to get you thinking—and to get you started down the path to a more authentic life. YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF We need to find the courage to say NO to the things and people that are not serving 
us if we want to rediscover ourselves and live our lives with authenticity. Barbara de Angelis • Come to terms with what really matters to you. Get comfortable with it. Maybe you’re okay with a smaller income and more free time. Maybe you’re okay with an extra 20 pounds. Never apologize for not “fitting in.” The minute you find yourself worrying about how others perceive you is the minute you abandon authenticity. • Whatever you decide to do (or not do), own your decision. If you find you can’t own it—if you feel wracked with guilt or compelled to hide the truth from those around you—it’s time to rethink what you’re doing. • If, in your journey to authenticity, you decide a lifestyle change is needed, be

realistic in your goal-setting. Let’s say you decide your diet, heavy in fats and processed foods, isn’t serving you well. If you know you aren’t going to grow an organic garden in your backyard, set a goal to prepare a body and soul-nourishing meal (heavy on the veggies and supplemented with organically raised meat) two days a week at first. It’s best to take “baby steps” and plan to make more dramatic changes when you’re ready. In this way you’ll build the confidence you need to succeed. • Break an unwritten “rule” made by others and reject any shame. Allowing others to shame us keeps us living on the treadmill and trying to fit in by doing it the “right way.” Authenticity is inner directed. Inauthenticity comes from caring what others think and letting the external dictate how you live.

• Give yourself permission to have feelings that you think you “shouldn’t” have. Should and shouldn’t have no place in an authentic life. • Get real about money. Spending what you can’t afford to spend is another way of pretending to be who we aren’t. It’s also a disaster in the making! • Take a break from the need to DO something. Simply BE. Simply show up as you are and love. • Know when you’re at your best and when you’re not. (When you’re not, it’s almost always the perfect time for a bath or a nap!) • Call a moratorium on victim talk. Authentic people don’t blame others. They recognize their own power and use it to create their own reality.

• Ask yourself, What am I hiding? Make the choice to reveal something you’ve been fiercely protecting. Chip away at the armor by sharing a secret with a partner, a friend or maybe just your cat or your journal.

• Own your emotions. If you can’t help crying in confrontational situations, let the tears flow. If you’re devastated when a pet dies, accept condolences without apologizing or minimizing. You feel what you feel…let go of the label of being “too sensitive.”

• It’s okay to do things for yourself. Honor your own needs. Sometimes we all need a massage, a new handbag or just a couple of hours alone while our spouse takes the kids to a movie.

• Each week, spend some time outside. When we disconnect from Nature, we disconnect from Source. We’re creatures of the Earth and it’s hard to thrive in an artificial world.

• Seize every opportunity to say, “I love you”—to yourself. Until we can fully love ourselves, we can’t fully love the others in our lives. AUTHENTIC FRIENDSHIPS We need people in our lives with whom we can be as open as possible. 
To have real conversations with people may seem like such a simple, 
obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk. Thomas Moore, PhD • Learn to say no. Sometimes it takes an authentic no (to something you don’t want to do) to say an authentic yes (to something you long to do). Unless you’re the clown or the balloon maker, does it really matter if you don’t go to the party? If you see it as an obligation, bow out lovingly and stay home and rest—ah, rest!—instead. • Also, learn to say yes when your heart guides you to. Be flexible and fun. So what if you “should” (there’s that word again!) stay home and clean? When a good friend invites you to dinner on the spur of the moment, drop everything and go. We rarely regret heart-inspired action! • Gently tell the truth. Of course you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but don’t withhold crucial insights to spare them, either. (“I think you have a drinking problem” may hurt her feelings, but if you believe the words Continued On Page 24 *

IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 9

By Regina Murphy

Enlightening Views

Good Vibrations Everything created or that will be created has a measurable vibration that impacts all elements of the Universe. In fact, the very nature of the Universe itself is a high energy frequency that effects all living beings. Everything exists at a different vibration: rocks, plants, colors and words. In sound, low tones have fewer vibrations per second than the higher notes. Some of the lowest vibrations of sound and light can have a more healing effect than some of the higher frequencies. Vibrations and frequencies can be quite a complex subject. More complex than most of us could begin to comprehend. Vibrations affect us in our daily lives. For instance, clove oil has a much higher vibration than the oil you put in your car. The vibration of the emotion of love is higher than fear or hopelessness. You can feel that a person is angry or if they are overjoyed because of the vibration they are emitting. You can tell when you wake up in the morning if you “Got up on the wrong side of the bed.” An organic salad for lunch vibrates higher than a hamburger and fries. In the color spectrum of the rainbow, the color red has a slower vibration than the color purple. What you eat, listen to and think about can alter your vibration. Sound is used to grow plants faster and better, to flavor wine, to make you stay longer at a Mall and to heal everything from Autism to killing cancer cells in a Petri dish. All viruses, bacteria and types of

tones that can be felt when played through a subwoofer or transducer. Having a playlist of our favorite music handy to help us feel better is so common that we take it for granted, just like the air that we breathe. We have music to wake up to, clean to, cry to, meditate to, drive with and, of course, dance to.

Our internal vibration can actually be measured, and when we vibrate consistently at .01 Hz, we are considered in “Coherence”, a very healthy place. fungus have different vibrations. Some are crucial for us to survive and some are deadly. Even the different areas of the brain have an ideal activity or frequency vibration verses another. We want our brain waves in a certain frequency for creativity, and another for sleep, and yet another for important tasks.

by cave men from the Stone Age to the scientists at NASA for use in the space shuttles.

Our internal vibration can actually be measured, and when we vibrate consistently at .01 Hz, we are considered in “Coherence”, a very healthy place. It takes a Guru to stay there for long periods of time.

Sound is used in the health care industry. At the NIH vibrations are used for healing. All the women in a breast cancer study that toned for 3 hours a day cured themselves of cancer with no negative side effects. This was not easy to do, but they were committed to healing themselves, and not one of them regretted it. Most of us would say, just give me the pills. This is what we are most comfortable with, not to mention the placebo effect. The belief that it was too farfetched to work was huge.

Of all of the sources of vibrations, sound vibration is the most noticeable by us in our daily lives. The effect of sound and music has been studied for as long as recorded history. Music and vibration have been used

The studies on the effects of Mozart on water verses heavy metal had very visible results. These results can be seen with a simple Google search of the work of Dr. Emoto.

Luckily, technology is working in our favor. We can apply sustained digital frequencies to our bodies with a perfect pitch, tempo and rhythm for so many illnesses. We can add light as well, amplifying the effects of sound, especially when the light and sound frequencies match. There are computer programs based on decades of research by Dr Raymond Royal Rife, Dr. Peter Guy Manners and Dr. Hulda Clark. These frequencies can be used by anyone who has a computer. They can also be embedded into your favorite music. It has a better effect if the music itself is healing and even more so if it contains the very low repetitious PAGE 10 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

In the area of self healing, it can be very effective when the speaker touches the body or vibrated something that touches the body or even travels through water into the body. With today’s technology, you can receive “Sound therapy”, if you own a computer, smart phone or entertainment center. More and more companies are making sound beds, pads, mattresses, pillows, and speakers that can be placed on the body. There are even teddy bears and cold packs with speakers. Feeling the music is now and always has been important. We can use tuning forks as acupuncture needles and quartz crystal bowls to change the surface tension of water. Shifting our vibration into a place that the body, mind and spirit harmonize with can make everything in your health and reality much more pleasant. There are millions of hits on the YouTube’s that have these healing frequencies available to us for free. You cannot patent a healing frequency; so they are free. In summary, our lives are dependent upon vibrations and especially sound. Scientific credible research has demonstrated how the use of good vibrations can dramatically improve our physical, emotional and quality of life. With this information available and easily accessible, we truly hold our own wellbeing in our hands. “The medicine of the future is Sound” Edgar Casey Regina Murphy is a published author, freelance writer, EST practitioner and Sound Therapist. Her passion specifically is in the area of Vibroacoustics and her latest research includes dolphins and whale videos. Regina is a teacher and founder of Emotional Sound Techniques and Harmonic Massage. Visit: www. .

Nothing is ever LOST

I remember when I was in my early 20s, I proudly showed my mother the new pair of earrings I had just bought. After dutifully admiring them, my mother asked, “Don’t you have enough earrings already?” “Of course not.” I responded, “There is no such thing as enough earrings.” So it is no surprise that I bought a pair of earrings when I was in Long Beach a couple of months ago. The night before I returned, I put the new earrings on a glass-covered night stand. In the morning, only one earring was on the table. I checked the floor, checked the suitcase (even though it shouldn’t have been there), and finally gave up because I wanted to hit the road. I checked every item in my suitcase as I unpacked. No earring. Oh well. Weeks later I was at Unity Center, helping clean up after we had painted our meeting room. So that everything would be ready for the next morning, we were putting chairs back in place and vacuuming the floor. While arranging the chairs, I looked down, and there was my missing earring. It had obviously been stepped on at least once and would need repair, but it was my missing earring nonetheless!

I was delighted at the discovery. But then the question, “How did the earring get there in the first place?” I’ve heard many stories of seemingly lost items appearing days, months, even years later. In my own family, my mother had her purse snatched and a year later, someone found it and returned it to her. And I’ve had things turn up after being missing for a long while, but in my situation, it was only because I had put the items in a “safe place,” only to forget where that safe place was. But now I experienced my very own personal, and may I say profound, miracle. In the world of “possibles,” I was now experiencing the impossible. An earring is a small thing in the scheme of life. But its reappearance after being irrevocably lost is an example of a basic Universal principle: Nothing is ever really lost!

Enlightening Views By Rev. Sophia Falke

at a heart level that promises them a long and happy life together. They plan to marry in the spring. They were never lost to each other. We may believe in loss—it’s part of the consciousness we grew up in—but once we release that illusion, we know that even if the something that we lost is a loved one, we have not really lost something. The flesh-andblood John or Mary may be gone, but their true essence remains. Their blessings and contributions to our lives remain. Yes, we miss experiencing them on the physical plain, but they are still with us. So I ask you, is anything ever lost? Have you lost the opportunity to have the relationship of your dreams? Have you lost the opportunity to rebuild your economic wellbeing after the bottom fell out of your financial investments or your home purchase? Have you lost the possibility to reclaim and restore your mind, body, and spirit to perfect health? No, of course not! Nothing is ever really lost. I was grateful to have my recent “earring” experience to remember this principle. It helps me when I get anxious because I’ve misplaced something or lost touch with someone I care about. It helps when a dear friend has passed on. It helps when I look in the mirror and wonder what happened to that young face that used to smile back at me. No, nothing is ever truly lost.

Sophia Falke is minister at Unity Center in the Valley (www. She is also a certified coach, seminar leader, and professional speaker through her business Embracing Greatness ( You can reach her at Sophia@ or by calling 702-456-9133.

Walt Whitman wrote: “Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost, No birth, identity, form — no object of the world. Nor life, nor force, nor any visible thing; Appearance must not foil, nor shifted sphere confuse thy brain. Ample are time and space — ample the fields of Nature.” Whitman is right. We never really lose anything. I know you have your own stories of items lost, then found. But it goes beyond mere things gone missing. It involves recognizing that everything is energy. That includes everything we see, feel, hear, and everything that goes beyond our five senses. In the greater scheme of life, everything is connected, always. So if everything is connected, how could anything be lost? And as Whitman says, don’t let appearance or “shifted sphere” confuse you. For example, I was talking with a colleague recently who shared that he was engaged to be married. He discovered the woman he is to marry because he inadvertently created a Facebook group for people he had gone to high school with. And here was this woman, more than 30 years later, who reconnected with him. They live across the country from each other, but they reconnected IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 11

Prepare a Personal First Aid Kit for Pets If you are like most pet owners, your pets are valued members of your family. It is a documented fact that many have risked life and limb to save their precious pets during a disaster. Statistically, however, it is more often small cuts and scrapes that occur that require immediate attention, rather than major disasters such as an earthquake or flood. For this reason, every pet owner should have easy access to a first aid kit specifically created for pets. What would you need immediately if your puppy fell off the bed and started whimpering? You’d need a first aid kit for pets. Supposing your cat had an altercation with the neighbor’s dog and the vet was twenty minutes away? You’d need a first aid kit for pets. A well-stocked first aid kit for pets is not a substitute for veterinary care, but it could save your pet’s life, or at least make him more comfortable until you can get your pet to a veterinarian. T h e likelihood that your

✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪

10 - Alcohol Pads 10 - Antiseptic Towelettes 1 - Bag 1 - Pet First Aid Guide 4 - Leg Splints/Tongue Depressors 10 - Cotton Tip Applicators 1 - Elastic Bandages 2” (“Ace” Type) 2 - Splinter Removers (Lancets) 3 - Sting Relief Pads

Assemble an emergency supply pack, which includes the first aid kit for pets, pet food, water, medications, medical records, leashes, a well-fitting muzzle, ID tags and other appropriate supplies. Put this kit in a central location in your home. Remember to take this pack with you when going on an outing, or else prepare a second pack for the car. The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) offers information regarding managing urgent care situations such as car accidents, wounds, and electrical shock, and eye, foot and ear injuries. Their website is aid. Additionally, the Red Cross offers a Pet First Aid booklet with suggestions on creating a first aid kit for pets. What should you do to ensure your pet’s survival and to avoid those feelings of panic when an accident or illness occurs? Plan, purchase, prepare and practice. Obtain a first aid kit for pets, and then review the materials it contains. It isn’t sufficient to simply have the supplies; you must know how they are used.

animals will survive an emergency depends largely on emergency planning done today. Therefore, a first aid kit for pets is a necessity.

2 - Paw Tip Bandages (Knuckle) 2 - Fingertip Bandages 1 - Tape Roll 1 - Trauma Pad (5 x9) 4 - Gauze Pad 4” x 4” 4 - Gauze Pads 2” x2” 1 - Gauze Roll 2” 2 - Examination Gloves 1 - Instant Cold Pack 1 - Tweezers 2 - Antibiotic Ointments

PAGE 12 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

When your pet has itchy skin, hot spots, a tendency to constantly wash their paws, have smelly ears, clear, watery discharge from the eyes, a runny nose or cough, ear infections, muscle weakness, fleastics, sore joints, arthritis, pus in urine and other ailments, apple cider vinegar may be a solution. • 1 TBS two times per day in their food per each 50 lb (adjust accordingly to pet weight) • Itchy skin - use full strength in spray bottle; spray on affected areas (part hair to get to skin as much as possible If skin is broken, dilute vinegar. • Check your pet’s urine with a PH stick. Just like humans, when an animal’s system is too acidic, a variety of ailments including fleas, tics, ringworm, fungus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, mange, etc, will have an opportunity to thrive. Apple Cider Vinegar may seem to be acidic, however, when it makes contact with the body it becomes alkaline. It is an excellent PH balancer for you and your pets.

What should a first aid kit for pets include? To some degree, that will depend upon the type of pet. However, the basics include the following: ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪ ✪✪

Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs, Cats & Horses

Learn the necessary skills so your actions become instinctive…even when you are under stress. Planning ahead is the key to keeping your pets safe when disaster strikes.

Pet Article courtesy of

ask Margo

This Month's Great Pix

As owner of Bullseye Pet Supply Margo has spent years researching and specializing in natural foods for pets. Have a question about your pet? Ask Margo.

My pet is eating grass and feces. Why is this? Pets sometimes eat things such as rocks, wood, grass, etc. which can be a learned behavior, a sign of boredom, a sign of nervousness, anxiety or being kept in small, confined areas. Eating items like these is not connected to a nutritional deficiency. Coprophagy or coprophagia is the consumption of feces and is believed to be more of a learned, emotional, or attention getting behavior, rather than the result of a dietary or nutritional deficiency. There are products available in the form of dietary supplements that make the feces less appealing. Behavioral training and removing the fecal material as soon as possible are also recommended. Why does my dog have gas after eating? Small amounts of gas are a normal product of digestion. Some dogs produce more gas than others. Overeating, eating too fast, or a change in diet may cause excessive flatulence. If your pet has just switched foods, the problem may disappear on its own after a few weeks. If the pet is very young, the flatulence may diminish as their digestive system matures. Things you can try: • Feed smaller meals more frequently. • Make sure the pet is being fed the appropriate amount. • Cut out all other food supplements. • Help your pet to eat more slowly by feeding them on a flat plate or cookie sheet, or putting a full, unopened can in the middle of their bowl, making them work around it to get the kibble. • If symptoms persist, you may want to speak to your veterinarian to rule out any potential medical issues. In Light Times is sponsoring All Fur Love Rescue Center by featuring various pets that need adoption. They need a home and a family. Please contact All Fur Love and see if there is a pet that you can adopt today.

Adopt Me! Pleez


Breed: Tabby DOB: April 15, 2012

Buana is super cuddly and loves hands on attention from her human. She loves toys, especially balls with something inside that makes noise. She loves to climb, so she hopes you have lots of cat trees so she can get to the top!


Breed: DLH Balinese/Siamese XMix DOB: December 29, 2009

Karmen is a cuddly and social cat. She loves being around people as well as some other cats and dogs. She does have long hair and requires brushing so she does not get ugly and painful mats in her fur. Karmen hopes you have the time, patience and love for her to be a part of your family. Please contact All Fur Love Animal Society at:, www.

IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 13

Books Music &

Books That Make A Difference

Browse through these and hundreds of the newest, most intriguing, motivating and inspiring books and Music that are available in the online in the In Light Times Book Store

Recommended Reading

Guardian of All Things:  Wild About Greens: 125  The D T E S H M V R he


tory of


By Michael W. Malone



By Nava Atlas

A fascinating exploration of the history of memory and human civilization.

A Must Read ZOO

James Patterson, Michael Ledwidge

The Light Between Oceans M.I. Stedman Bossypants Tina Fey

The Little Book of Talent Daniel Coyle

Simple Abundance: A Daybook

Sarah Ban Breathnach

The Guardian of All Things is a sweeping scientific history that takes us on a 10,000-yearold journey replete with incredible ideas, inventions, and transformations. From cave drawings to oral histories to libraries to the internet, The Guardian of All Things is the history of how humans have relentlessly pursued new ways to preserve and manage memory, both within the human brain and as a series of inventions external to it. Michael S. Malone looks at the story of memory, both human and mechanical, only...

Foods: 200 P  Thrive R




By Brendan Brazier, Foreward by Hugh Jackman

125 Delectable Ve g a n Re c i p e s for Kale, Collards, Arugula, Bok Choy, and other L e a f y Ve g g i e s Everyone Loves.

Memory makes us human. No other animal carries in its brain so many memories of such c o m p l ex i t y n o r so regularly revisits those memories for happiness, safety, and the accomplishment of complex tasks. Human civilization continues because we are able to pass along memories from one person to another, from one generation to the next.


Nava Atlas, a ccelebrated vegan a n d ve g e t a r i a n cookbook author, serves up a comprehensive collection of scrumptious recipes, all featuring ultra-healthy, super-nutritious leafy greens. Kale, collards, spinach, Asian greens, and many more leafy greens are a breeze to grow and prepare—and these 125 recipes showcase the most commonly used varieties in a wide selection of flavorful dishes.

Nava’s up-to-the-minute ideas range from using sturdy collard greens as wrappers for savory fillings to making luscious dips from arugula and watercress. There’s even a section on green juices and smoothies that make it easier than ever to incorporate the most nutritious foods on earth into delicious everyday fare that everyone can enjoy.

200 Plant-Based Recipes for Peak Health Fo c u s i n g o n a n environmentally friendly diet, Brendan Brazier’s new book builds on the stress-reducing, health-boosting nutritional philosophy introduced in Thrive. Finding creative ways to use basic ingredients such as kale, blueberries, and wild rice, Thrive Foods recipes are plant-based and nutritionally complete. They utilize the power of superfoods such asmaca, chia, hemp, and chlorella and avoid ingredients like wheat, yeast, gluten, soy, dairy, and corn. If you’re looking for sustainable energy, highquality sleep, physical strength, and mental sharpness to meet modern-day demands, Thrive Foods is your go-to recipe source.

Brendan Brazier is a professional triathlete and the creator of VEGA, an award-winning whole food product line. He was named one of the 25 Most Fascinating Vegetarians by VegNews.

Music to Make Note Of

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Il Volo Takes Flight: Live from the Detroit Opera House by Il Volo Recorded for a PBS fundraising special on one of their first ever North American shows, Il Volo Takes Flight: Live from the Detroit Opera House is the first live album from Il Volo, the Italian teenage trio dubbed as the Three Tenors meets the Jonas Brothers. Produced by Grammy-winner Humberto Gatica (Michael Bublé) and Italian composer Tony Renis, it features eight performances of tracks from their selftitled Billboard Top Ten debut, including “E Piu’ Ti Penso,” the medley of Morricone themes from Once Upon a Time in America and Malena, an emotive take on Charlie Chaplin’s “Smile”.

Brave [Original Score] by Patrick Doyle

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PAGE 14 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Brave drew attention for being Pixar’s first film to feature a female protagonist, the headstrong, flamehaired Scottish princess Merida. However, as Brave’s soundtrack reveals, the movie is also noteworthy for being one of the studio’s most musical films, especially for one not featuring music by Pixar’s go-to songwriter Randy Newman. Instead, Brave’s songs make the most of the film’s girl-power sentiments and Celtic setting with Patrick Doyle’s lively score and songs performed by the cast, as well as Scottish folk singer Julie Fowlis and English singer/songwriter Birdy.

Gems for the Soul

Keep Your Dream

The Black Dot


have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.

The last time I was there he introduced me by saying, “I want to tell you why I let Jack use my horse. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy’s high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. “That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and even drew a diagram of a 200acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch. “He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, `See me after class.’ “The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, `Why did I receive an F?’ “The teacher said, ‘This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you’ll have

A small town chamber of commerce invited a speaker to address its annual dinner. The community’s economy was bad, people were discouraged, and they wanted this motivational speaker to give them a boost. to pay large stud fees. There’s no way you could ever do it.’ Then the teacher added, `If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.’ “The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, `Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you.’ “Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.” Monty then turned to the assembled group and said, “I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-squarefoot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace.” He added, “The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.” When the teacher was leaving, he said, “Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.” “Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.” - Author Unknown


During her presentation, the speaker took a large piece of white paper and made a small black dot in the centre of it with a marking pen. Then she held the paper up before the group and ask them what they saw. One person quickly replied, “I see a black dot.” “Okay, what else do you see?” Others joined in agreement : “A black dot.” “Don’t you see anything besides the dot?” she asked. A resounding “No” came from the audience. “What about the sheet of paper?” asked the speaker. “I am sure you have all seen it”, she said, “But you have chosen to overlook it.” “In life, we also tend to overlook and take for granted many wonderful things we have or that happen around us and focus our attention and energy on small, dotlike failures and disappointments. The so called ‘problems’ that we have are usually like the black dot on the paper. They are small and insignificant if we can widen our horizon and look at the whole picture.” Are you one who focuses your attention and energy on dot-like problems? Author Unknown

Two Thousand Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb. When none worked satisfactorily, his assistant complained, “All our work is in vain. We have learned nothing.” Edison replied very confidently, “Oh, we have come a long way and we have learned a lot. We know that there are two thousand elements which we cannot use to make a good light bulb.”

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 15

Feature Story

By JZ Knight

Visions of the Future Remote Viewing

demonstrates that the ability transcends time and space to gather information using more than our usual five senses. This ability is innate within our mind/ brain wiring, an inner sonar. This natural ability is always present acquiring current and future data and presents its subtle images for our viewing at any moment. Learning to identify this quiet information takes a skill that is not acquired quickly; it takes training to identify this marvelous mechanism and understand its utility in ones’ daily life.

mind. It is independent of space, therefore, I can access that information any place on the planet or off of it if I choose.”

What began as a top secret, $20 million dollar United States military intelligence program more commonly known as Project Star Gate, to combat the cold war Russian psychic spies, has now blossomed into a worldwide civilian remote-viewing community used by normal people every day.

Schwartz also employed remote-viewing in Jamaica. “The Columbus Caravels Project is a multi-phase research program designed to locate and excavate from St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica the remains of Columbus’ last two ships, Capitana and Santiago de Palos. After an enforced exile of a year and five days, Columbus and his marooned crew were finally rescued on June 29, 1504. They departed for Hispaniola and Spain, leaving behind two of the oldest recorded shipwrecks in the Western Hemisphere, and the earliest European site in Jamaica.” Remote-viewing was used in this project to find the location of the ship, and to describe the underwater and surface geography of this location.

…remote-viewing is “a mysterious human ability to know things in spite of being shielded from that knowledge by time or space or both.” Everyone recalls the experience of seeing something far away and predicting the future. The technical term for this is remote-viewing, the practice of seeing events and objects from afar. Many have tried to replicate this experience instead of waiting for visions. Remote-viewing is a discipline that can heighten the awareness of our strong senses and intuitions and can be used for personal growth and spiritual development. Because remote-viewing can be used in either way, its potential for growth, healing and exploration is tremendous. One only need recall the ancient prophets or Seers to begin the understanding of remote viewing. These historical Icons had developed their natural ability of ‘seeing’ the future. Today we can readily understand this ability best not as a form of spiritual development but rather a military one. As the former Soviet Union of the 60’s and 70’s had their top secret spy program well underway using individuals with a highly developed ability to ‘see’ distant people, places and events, the U.S. government’s CIA program at Langley, Va. tested remote-viewing from the 1970s until the mid-1990s. Explicitly for military purposes, the CIA drafted soldiers into the program producing remote viewers making uncanny predictions about future events and viewing unseen objects. The theory was that people can use paranormal abilities to see distant locations via extra-sensory perception (ESP). The theory worked! Unwrapping the mystery of remote-viewing PAGE 16 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

“Learning the art of remote viewing is like training for a martial art—it takes many years of practice and dedication to become confident and competent,” says Daz Smith, from the Remote Viewed website. “Remote-viewing is as much about learning about yourself and how the universe speaks to you as it is a method to transcend time and space.” It is important to understand: remote-viewing is not exactly how it sounds, like the viewing of a movie of psychic impressions in our heads. “Remote-viewing is a mixture of senses and sensations; touch, sound, smells, tastes and many more very subtle impressions and feelings all working together to try to tell you what the target is,” says Smith. “Remote-viewing is like a gradual opening of a window to the target where each impression builds on the one before, slowly revealing the target to you.” Major General Albert Stubblebine, former commanding officer of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) concludes: “(It) is a very systematic, very controlled method of accessing information that is not normally available by any other source. It is independent of time. I can go present, I can go future. It is independent of location, so I can go anywhere on this earth, I can go into any closet, I can go into any

Researcher Stephan A. Schwartz says remoteviewing is “a mysterious human ability to know things in spite of being shielded from that knowledge by time or space, or both.” In addition to laboratory study on the topic, Schwartz, a Senior Fellow at the Samueli Institute, and his team have successfully used remote-viewing for archeological discoveries. Thanks to remote-viewing, Schwartz and his team made an important archaeological discovery, the identification and location of an ancient seawall which extends about sixty-five meters further out into the harbor of Alexandria, Egypt than was previously suspected. This location resolves a key piece in the puzzle of the ancient city’s complex layout. Without the use of remote-viewing, these discoveries in Alexandria, Egypt might still be unknown.

Every person has psychic abilities, a built-in sonar if you will. At the Ramtha School of Enlightenment (RSE), the very first day of beginner students training starts off with a remote view exercise without any formal instruction. The purpose of this unusual start is to introduce the student to their remarkable ability without training. The results are impressive revealing that 70% of the class accomplished accurately the remote view. Most students are surprised while others marvel at their own unused abilities. Further training, coupled with knowledge and exercise, heighten the unfolding of each person’s skills. The RSE curriculum involves training people to use the latent abilities in their brain as a daily exercise, and then integrating that knowledge into their lives. To test the ongoing efficiency of remote-viewing

Feature Story “The secret to the most powerful remoteviewing technique lies in how far you travel into the deeper levels of your mind. Unless you reach the higher levels … your mind will be subject to sensing information from the beta level, a level of mental awareness that is greatly limited.” • Triad-shaped object in-flight, as recorded over Rio de Janeiro

in the advancing student, about eight hundred at the campus and eight hundred more online participated in an advanced exercise in February. The students were divided into nine groups and asked to focus on a specific envelope and draw their impressions on paper. Only later were they told the contents of the envelope, predicting world events, with each envelope listing a different month to forecast. Some of the amazing predictions for the month of March that came true included a drawing of Big Ben and the London clock tower, which foreshadowed a news story discussing the renaming of Big Ben on March 23rd. In addition to that, a drawing by actress Linda Evans showed the cross of the Coptic Church for March in the Middle East. The Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, Shenouda III, passed away in March. In one of the groups marked with ‘April’ on the inside of the envelope, a student drew a photo of the Statue of Liberty with a large plane flying directly above. On April 26th, the Space Shuttle Enterprise flew over the Statue of Liberty on the back of a Boeing 747. Additional accurate results from the February retreat include: • Tornadoes in the Midwest and Northern U.S. in March • CMEs reaching the Earth in March which happened several times between March 5-13th around the world • Two predictions about the slow sinking of Venice, Italy, in March which correlated with a new study published the same month by Scripps Institution of Oceanography describing this phenomenon • Incidents involving water and flooding in April in Canada, Texas, Australia, British Columbia, and the Caribbean • Triangle-shaped UFO sightings worldwide

According to Joseph McMoneagle, remoteviewing is “possible and accurate outside the boundaries of time.” McMoneagle was one of the original officers recruited for Project Star Gate; McMoneagle was ‘Remote Viewer #1’ in the U.S. Army’s psychic intelligence unit at Fort Meade, Maryland. He believes to have remoteviewed into the past, present, and future; he has even predicted future events. McMoneagle has claimed to have remote-viewed a Chinese nuclear facility, the Red Brigades, the Iranian hostage crisis, and Muammar Qadhafi. He also claims to have predicted the location and existence of the Soviet Typhoonclass submarine in 1979. In mid-January of 1980, satellite photographs confirmed these predictions. In addition to that, McMoneagle worked with Dean Radin, an acclaimed parapsychologist, at the Conscious Research Laboratory at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas “to seek patentable ideas via remoteviewing for a future machine Radin conceived.” Remoteviewing has even been used in missing person cases across the country in places like San Francisco, New York, and Chicago. McMoneagle claims to have used remote-viewing in such cases, as well as employing remote-viewing as somewhat of a time machine to make various observations including the origin of the human species. On his website, McMoneagle explains one of his remote-viewing experiments conducted at Pete’s Harbor Restaurant near Palo Alto, California. This experiment is much like the one conducted at RSE this year, both of which proved to be successful. So how did McMoneagle successfully come to these results? “I was taken to a windowless room approximately one hour before target time. After my seclusion, a ‘beacon’ or target person randomly selected an envelope from a set of 75 possible locations and departed the building. After leaving the building (at some point in route), the beacon person opened the envelope and proceeded to the target location indicated, Pete’s Harbor Restaurant. At a pre-arranged time, designed to follow the arrival of the beacon person at the targeted site, I was asked to describe in as much detail as possible where the beacon person was located.­” McMoneagle attributes his accuracy to years and years of remote-viewing. Mary Rivas, a spiritual writer and consultant, describes how to most effectively use remoteviewing techniques. Remote-viewing opens up all

four levels of mind awareness: beta, alpha, theta, and delta. “The secret to the most powerful remote viewing technique lies in how far you travel into the deeper levels of your mind. Unless you reach the higher levels of heightened consciousness, your mind will be subject to sensing information from the beta level, a level of mental awareness that is greatly limited. Remote viewing techniques that teach you how to access theta will be far more effective in teaching you remote viewing. That’s because theta is the closest level to the ultimate universal mind, it’s the direct doorway into delta. The delta level operates outside time and space; it is infinity.” Dr. Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute explains the benefits of recognizing the practice of remoteviewing. “Humanity will increasingly appreciate the more complicated nature of physical reality, and the fact that sudden and nonlinear changes do happen to our planet and environment; humanity will begin to more fully understand the connection between events in space and life on Earth; humanity will more rapidly embrace some of the more profound implications of remote-viewing research with respect to extraterrestrial life; humanity will begin to realize that it is not without a measure of control in its march forward in time; and humanity will continue to have faith in science and scientific leadership, and the path forward will be guided by reason.” The experiences of our 1600 hundred students, along with the research of Schwartz and his team, prove that further study of remote-viewing can yield valuable results to those who seek enlightenment and nontraditional studies. Remote-viewing is about a desire to be a pioneer of the new world, seeking the visions of the future.

JZ Knight is President of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE). RSE was established in 1988 as an academy of the mind that offers retreats and workshops to participants from all over the world and from all walks of life. Using ancient wisdom and the latest discoveries in neuroscience and quantum physics, RSE teaches students how to access the extraordinary abilities of the brain to Become a Remarkable Life®. Visit:

IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 17

Health Lights

To Every Food

By JB Bardot

There is a Season, Color, Taste, Element Your organs know this, do you?


f your mother had x-ray vision and eyes on the back of her head that saw everything, it’s probably because her body’s innate intelligence knew she ate a lots of red foods whose properties nourish the eyes and vision. The practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) teaches the Five Element theory, where each element relates to a season, flavor, color, organ, bodily system and other properties influencing human life. The body’s intuitive knowledge differentiates between foods not only by their vitamin and mineral content -- but also by their taste and color, and the season in which they provide their optimal nutritional support. This instinct affords your body a chance to vary its focus throughout the seasons, benefiting from specific foods that best support each organ system.

The Five Elements Below is a brief look at how each element interrelates with its season, color, organ, taste buds and primary emotion — all affecting human health and well being. · Wood: Spring — Green — Liver/Gall bladder— Sour — Anger · Fire: Early summer — Red — Heart/Small intestine — Bitter — Happiness · Earth: Late summer — Yellow — Spleen/Stomach — Thought — Sweet · Metal: Autumn — White — Lungs/Large intestine — Spicy — Sorrow · Water: Winter — Black — Kidneys/Bladder — Salty — Fear

Each color has vastly different properties whose effects are part of the overall constellation of good health. Since foods, organs and seasons are inextricably related, eating certain foods during their designated seasons increases their effects on the body to both prevent and heal disease in the related organs and systems.

Supercharge, Protect & Heal with Colored Foods


nourishes the heart, circulatory system, brain, small intestine, and the eyes. Common foods with strong red pigments are carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, pomegranates, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, sweet potatoes, red pepper, red dates. Red foods are high in lycopene, antioxidants and anthocyanins, boosting the immune system, fighting free radicals and protecting against cancer and vision problems. PAGE 18 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Green foods nourish the liver and gall bladder, improve eye site and boosts immunity. Spinach provides the most nourishment for the liver according to TCM as well as foods such as romaine, cabbage, green beans, broccoli, cucumber, celery and bok choy. High in phytochemicals, green foods fight disease and are loaded with vitamins.

Yellow foods nourish the stomach and spleen, relieves mouth ulcers, muscle pains, lessens swelling with their diuretic properties and helps the pancreas

produce insulin. Choose dandelion -- a common herbal diuretic tonic -- squash, oranges, grapefruit, cantaloupe, barley, leeks, pumpkins, yellow apples, egg yolks, corn, and soybeans.


foods nourish and strengthen the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. Black rice, black sesame seeds, walnuts, black kelp, currants, sea cucumber, woodear and black mushrooms. Black foods protect against kidney stones and cancer.


foods support the lungs and large intestine and include pears, white radish, onions, garlic, white beans, winter melon, tofu, cauliflower, jicama. White foods are high in allicin, which reduces blood sugar and has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to fight cancer and heart disease.

Taste and cravings A desire for a specific tasting food often represents the body’s natural intelligence at work, craving certain nutrition through the specific taste related to its element. It’s wise to pay attention to any unusual food cravings. T h i s doesn’t imply that giving in to food cravings is good for you. When the body is in balance, it instinctively knows what it needs. If you find yourself craving unhealthy foods excessively, you have a problem and should seek help.

JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. READ HER OTHER ARTICLES ON NATURAL NEWS HERE: html. You can find her on Facebook at php?id=100001364941208&ref=tn_tnmn or on Twitter at jbbardot23 https://!/jbbardot23.


elicious and


Health Lights By Ben Hirshberg

utritious Snacking Options

Sweet Potato Fries and Kale Chips

Snacking is often associated with unhealthy foods. The easiest foods to snack on are those that come out of a bag or box, and most foods that come prepackaged are heavily processed and full of unhealthy additives. There are some foods that are easy to prepare, delicious to eat, and have significant nutritional properties. Two healthy snacking alternatives to store-bought potato chips and trail mixes are sweet potato fries and kale chips.

Kale Chips Sweet Potato Fries Sweet potatoes are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A, B, and C are present in sweet potatoes along with manganese, potassium, and iron.

Beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects cells from damaging free radicals, is abundant in sweet potatoes. Protecting against free radicals is critical to health, as free radicals contribute to the aging process and many chronic diseases. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, containing four grams each on average. Fiber promotes proper digestion and increases satiety, making sweet potatoes a snack that actually promotes feeling full.

Sweet potato fries can be made by cutting up a sweet potato, sprinkling on some sea salt and olive oil and then cooking the cut up sweet potato pieces in the oven at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Kale’s nutritional content is very impressive as well. Only one cup of kale contains 180 percent of the recommended daily vitamin A, 200 percent of the recommended vitamin C, and 1,020 percent of the recommended vitamin K. The extremely high vitamin K content in kale is conducive to keeping bones and tissues healthy. Lutein and zeaxanthin compounds exist in high levels in kale, promoting eye health. Kale is doubly beneficial for eyes because of its high vitamin A content.

Kale chips are made by sprinkling sea salt and olive oil on the kale leaves and then cooking them in the oven at 250 degrees for 30 minutes. The stems of kale can be eaten as well, but doesn’t get crunchy like the kale leaves.

Many of the vitamins found in sweet potatoes and kale are fat soluble, meaning the body can make the best use of them if they are consumed with dietary fat. Olive oil is a healthy source of fat, making it an excellent addition to sweet potatoes and kale.

Snacking is an activity that most people engage in daily. Artificial foods are a common choice for in between meal eating, but they are often nutritionally empty. Sweet potato fries and kale chips are two snacking alternatives that have a lot more to offer from a nutrition standpoint. Ben Hirshberg is a student from Seattle. He is very passionate about living healthfully and is constantly learning. Nutrition is a big part of his health philosophy so I am always experimenting in the kitchen with different foods. Physical activity is also something that I believe strongly in, and I am currently getting my personal trainer certification from the World Instructor Training Schools. You can find more of my articles on nutrition, physical activity, recipes, and mental health at (NaturalNews)

IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 19

How To Optimize Your Sleep Health Lights

• Avoid watching TV or using your computer at night—or at least about an hour or so before going to bed. TV and computer screens emit blue light; nearly identical to the light you’re exposed to outdoors during the day. This tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime, thereby shutting down melatonin secretion.

• Sleep in complete darkness, or as close to it as possible. Even the slightest bit of light in the room can disrupt your internal clock and your pineal gland’s production of melatonin and serotonin. Even the tiniest glow from your clock radio could be interfering with your sleep. So close your bedroom door, and get rid of night-lights. Refrain from turning on any light at all during the night, even when getting up to go to the bathroom. Cover up your clock radio. • Make sure to cover your windows—I recommend using blackout shades or drapes.

• Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 70 degrees F. Many people keep their homes and particularly their upstairs bedrooms too warm. Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is between 60 to 68 degrees. Keeping your room cooler or hotter can lead to restless sleep. This is because when you sleep, your body’s internal temperature drops to its lowest level, generally about four hours after you fall asleep. Scientists believe a cooler bedroom may therefore be most conducive to sleep, since it mimics your body’s natural temperature drop. • Take a hot bath 90 to 120 minutes before bedtime. This increases your core body temperature, and when you get out of the bath it abruptly drops, signaling your body that you are ready for sleep. • Check your bedroom for electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These can disrupt your pineal gland and the

PAGE 20 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

production of melatonin and serotonin, and may have other negative effects as well. To do this, you need a gauss meter. You can find various models online, starting around $50 to $200. • Move alarm clocks and other electrical devices away from your bed. If these devices must be used, keep them as far away from your bed as possible, preferably at least three feet. This serves at least two functions. First, it can be stressful to see the time when you can’t fall asleep, or wake up in the middle of the night. Secondly, the glow from a clock radio can be enough to suppress melatonin production and interfere with your sleep. • Cell phones, cordless phones and their charging stations should ideally be kept three rooms away from your bedroom to prevent harmful EMF’s. • Avoid using loud alarm clocks. It is very stressful on your body to be

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

suddenly jolted awake. If you are regularly getting enough sleep, an alarm may even be unnecessary. • I gave up my alarm clock years ago and now spontaneously awake without an alarm. On those rare occasions that I do need to get up early to catch a flight, I have used a sun alarm clock. The Sun Alarm™ provides an ideal way to wake up each morning if you can’t wake up with the REAL sun. Combining the features of a traditional alarm clock (digital display, AM/FM radio, beeper, snooze button, etc) with a special built-in light that gradually increases in intensity, this amazing clock simulates a natural sunrise. It also includes a sunset feature where the light fades to darkness over time, which is ideal for anyone who has trouble falling asleep. To read the rest of this article visit: www.

Beyond E v e r y t h i n g i s e n e r g y. Atoms vibrating at different frequencies form matter. In the physical world, the only thing separating a chair from a rock is their rate of vibration. Even non-physical entities such as thoughts, memories, feelings, love and fear are forms of energy with their own frequencies and magnetic signatures as well. The Eastern sciences of selfhealing say that all illness first starts on a vibrational energy level. In other words the energy body affects the physical body, not the other way around. The subtle energies that form the body are dis-at-ease long before a measurable disease shows up in the slower, energetically denser physical body. Allopathic doctors are not trained to diagnose from an energy level. They only monitor the physical body. This is why most doctors cannot see what is actually happening until a full-blown medical crisis has manifested. This is also how Ayurvedic doctors and doctors of Oriental medicine, who monitor the body’s energy patterns, can “see” a health problem long before it shows up in a blood test, MRI or CAT scan. Ayurvedic practitioners and doctors of oriental medicine are trained to diagnose the patient’s energy by reading the pulse, looking at the person’s eyes, hair, skin, emotional reactions and body type. All these forms of diagnostic information-gathering allow the alternative practitioner the ability to understand how the patient’s energy intelligence is organized before it solidifies in the body. Awareness, what are we giving our attention to, is the most life-altering form of energy available to us. It is our awareness that has the greatest influence on the body, our perceptions and emotions. Eastern psychologies say that emotions are attracted to the body’s nervous system according to what the person is giving their attention to. Thus, the emotional body actually reacts to the consciousness body. Your anger is the emotional body’s response to your thoughts; your thoughts do not take their cues from your emotions. The other energies that make up the human experience do not live in a vacuum either. For example, when it comes to the physical body, the Eastern sciences of self-healing say that over 95% of all illness and weakness within the body have an emotional origin. The

Health Lights


By Vaishali

Human Eye

Everything is energy. … Even non-physical entities such as thoughts, memories, feelings, love and fear are forms of energy with their own frequencies and magnetic signatures. sequence is: Thoughts attract emotions that, if unresolved, may cause physical problems. Unresolved emotions build up and become increasingly exacerbated by what you habitually give your attention to. Thoughts fuel the emotional fire. The inner narrative and dialogue you are running, your so-called “story,” attracts toxic emotions that in turn accumulate in the body and poison it, if you do not release them. If you keep reliving a negative experience, or one your awareness considers negative, it will make you sick. So please, acknowledge emotions as they come up, then release that vibration, and let the emotions go. You know, “Get over it!”

Since imbalance and disease enter through the doorway of awareness, they can also be ushered out through the power of that same portal. When you give your attention to things that live in an unlimited, high vibrational realm such as gratitude, acceptance, love and forgiveness, you have contact with the other spiritual beings that also live in those unlimited realms. This means, if you are seeking angelic intervention for whatever reason, giving your attention to things that reside in the same dominion as the angelic community is the most potent way to usher that relationship into direct contact with your life.

When you seek angelic interaction and then give your attention to things that live in a hellishly limited place, you remove yourself from receiving the support of that unlimited community. The idea is to make yourself accessible to angelic services by staying in their presence; this is done via what you are giving your attention to. Even if you are in pain, be it physical, emotional, financial or otherwise, you can ask for help and then gratefully acknowledge their divine assistance. In your time of need, see yourself as being treasured and adored by the divine. By giving your attention to these unlimited things, you remain firmly in the loving and healing hands of the heavenly community. The old saying “We have seen the enemy and it is us”, has never been truer when it comes to what we habitually give our attention to. We invite, accumulate and aggravate our miseries according to what we give our attention to. Conversely we also heal, overcome and breakthrough life’s challenges according to our awareness. The empowering aspect of this situation is that what lives in an unlimited, heavenly place is only as far away as what we are focusing on. Vaishali transformed her life though Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda after two terminal disease diagnoses. Completely recovered, she shares her wisdom. She is a health columnist for The Huffington Post and an international health and wellness speaker. Visit:

Every cause and effect leads back to what you are giving your attention to. Knowing this, I titled my first book and radio shows “You Are What You Love,” which is the short version of the spiritual law: “You are what you love, and you love whatever you are giving your attention to”. All the energies that make up physical human life are fundamentally organized and vibrate according to what you give your attention to and how you feel about what you give your attention to. The body, emotions and perceptions are giving you the results they are under the impression you want based exclusively on your awareness. Awareness can be the gateway to health or illness based on…you guessed it, what you are giving your attention to.

IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 21

Health Lights

By Andrew A. Dahl, MD FACS

What Are Eye Floaters? “Eye floaters” are deposits or condensation in the vitreous jelly of the eye. People use the term “eye floaters” to describe seeing floating spots within their vision when they look around. Eye floaters may be present in only one eye or both eyes.

People use the term “eye floaters” to describe seeing floating spots within their vision when they look around.

Why do people notice eye floaters? The structures in the front of the eye (the cornea and lens) focus rays of light onto the retina. Light focused onto the retina allows one to see. The light going to the retina passes through the vitreous humor, which is a jellylike material that occupies the back two-thirds of the eye. At birth and during childhood years, the vitreous gel is usually totally clear. Later in life, strands, deposits, or liquid pockets may develop within the vitreous jelly. Each of these strands casts a small shadow onto the surface of the retina, and these shadows may be perceived by the patient as eye floaters. As the eye moves from side to side or up and down, these strands, deposits, or pockets also shift in position within the eye, making the shadows move and appear to float or undulate. What do eye floaters look like? People describe eye floaters as spots, straight and curved lines, strings, or “O”

or “C” shaped blobs. Some people see a single floater while others may think they see hundreds. The lines may be thick or thin, and they sometimes appear to be branched. To most people, they appear grey and darker in color than the background. The density of different eye floaters will vary within an individual eye. Eye floaters may be more noticeable under certain lighting conditions and be more apparent when looking at a bright sky. Floaters are rarely seen in situations with reduced illumination. Like fingerprints, no two people have exactly identical patterns of eye floaters. If a person has eye floaters in both eyes, the pattern of the eye floaters in each eye will be different. In any eye that has eye floaters, that pattern of eye floaters may also change over time. Eye floaters always appear darker than the background and cannot be seen in darkness or with the eyes closed. This is unlike flashes, which often are seen in the dark and with your eyes closed. What are the causes of eye floaters? Any eye condition in which the clarity of the vitreous humor is altered can produce the symptom of eye floaters. As one gets older, changes normally begin within the vitreous humor. The vitreous jelly naturally undergoes some liquefaction, resulting in small pockets of more liquid vitreous lying within the firmer gel. This is called vitreous syneresis. The boundary between each liquid pocket and the gel may be noticeable to the person as one or more eye floaters. In addition, it is normal for the collagen fibers that are within the vitreous to become thickened and denser with age, resulting in eye floaters. Any person who is over the age of 50 will have these changes within their eyes. However, the degree of eye floaters produced by these typical changes will vary from person to person. As the vitreous normally ages, the gelatinous structure also begins to shrink within the space that it occupies. This shrinkage often leads to the back surface of the vitreous moving forward within that space. The vitreous is normally attached to the edges of the optic nerve. As the vitreous shrinks, this attachment to the optic nerve may release, and this former attachment now floats within the eye, causing one or more eye floaters which can sometimes seem very large and circular in shape. In addition, the back surface of the vitreous, now floating within the eye, will also cast shadows onto the retina, producing eye floaters. This shrinkage and pulling away of the back of the vitreous is called a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) or posterior vitreous separation. It is not the same as a retinal detachment. About 50% of people aged 65 will have a PVD in one or both eyes. A person developing a PVD in one eye is likely to develop a PVD in the other eye within the following 18 months. In addition to vitreous syneresis and posterior vitreous detachments, both of which are normal occurrences that cause eye floaters, there are a large number of abnormalities in the eyes that may also cause the symptoms of eye floaters. Any cellular material within the vitreous may cause eye floaters. Red blood cells as a result of hemorrhage and white blood cells as a result of inflammation are common types of cellular material causing eye floaters. Hemorrhage into the vitreous may be a result of injury, diabetic retinopathy, a retinal tear through a blood vessel, or eye surgery. Inflammation in the vitreous may be caused by uveitis, injury, infection, or eye surgery. How common are eye floaters? Eye floaters are extremely common in adults and are a leading symptom that causes people to see an ophthalmologist. Almost everyone has eye floaters by Continued On Next Page *

PAGE 22 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Health Lights

Eye Floaters

age 70, although some people are much more aware of them than others. It is unusual for children under 16 years of age to notice eye floaters. What eye diseases are associated with eye floaters? Eye floaters are associated with the retinopathy of diabetes, retinal tears, retinal detachment, and large degrees of nearsightedness. They occur more commonly in people who have had injury to the eyes, surgery to remove cataracts, or YAG laser surgery after cataract surgery. Tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, syphilis, and toxoplasmosis of the eye are other diseases associated with eye floaters. An unusual ocular condition called asteroid hyalosis is also a cause of eye floaters. Primary or secondary tumors in the eye, including lymphoma and leukemia, are associated with eye floaters, but these The majority of eye floaters are extremely rare.

changes within the

anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics will reduce the number of white blood cells. There are no oral or eye drop medications of value for the reduction of the common type of eye floaters.

Can eye floaters be removed with surgery? Breaking up of eye floaters by the use of a YAG laser has been advocated by some, but there is no evidence that this is both safe and effective. The use of a laser also poses significant risks to the vision in what is otherwise a healthy eye. The vitreous itself can also be surgically removed by a procedure called vitrectomy. This involves multiple incisions into the eye and is reserved for situations in which there is a large amount of non-clearing blood or inflammatory debris within the eye. Surgery of either are caused by normal aging type should not be performed in patients with the common type of eye floaters due eye. However, a person developing to vitreous syneresis or posterior vitreous floaters should be checked by an detachment.

What are the risk factors for symptoms of eye developing eye floaters? Being nearsighted (myopic) is a risk ophthalmologist to make certain that there is no associated factor for eye floaters occurring earlier Reference: eye abnormality which requires treatment. in life. The process of vitreous syneresis Schiff, William Merril, et al. “Pars plana is accelerated in eyes that are highly myopic, and posterior vitreous detachments vitrectomy for persistent, visually significant vitreous opacities.” Retina 20.6 occur at a younger age in people who are significantly nearsighted. Eye injury (2000): 591-596. is an additional risk factor. Resources: & Are eye floaters dangerous? Eye floaters can be annoying, but by themselves they are not dangerous. The majority of eye floaters are caused by normal aging changes within the eye. However, a person developing symptoms of eye floaters should be checked by Andrew A. Dahl, MD, is a board-certified ophthalmologist who has been practicing an ophthalmologist to make certain that there is no associated eye abnormality ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery for more that 30 years. He is a GLG scholar which requires treatment. A sudden onset of many eye floaters or the onset of eye and has been listed among America’s Top Ophthalmologists by Consumers’ Research floaters associated with flashing lights could signify a retinal tear that requires Council for the last five years. Dr. Dahl is an editor of, chief editor treatment to prevent retinal detachment. A curtain or cloud in the vision or a of Consumer Health Online, and the author of scientific articles and book chapters. loss of side vision could be a symptom of associated retinal detachment. How are eye floaters diagnosed? When a patient goes to the ophthalmologist with the symptom of eye floaters, the doctor will first ask the patient questions about them. The ophthalmologist will check the patient’s vision, look at the front of the eyes with a slit lamp, and then place drops in the eyes to dilate the pupils. After the pupils are dilated, the retina and vitreous will be examined with bright lights from an ophthalmoscope. The ophthalmologist will be able to see the eye floaters themselves and will be able to tell the patient whether there are any associated abnormalities which require further tests or treatments.

We come only as far as our imaginations take us. Where are you headed on this journey of vision?

Do eye floaters go away? Most eye floaters decrease in size and darkness with time. Some of this is due to actual absorption of the floater through the natural processes within the eye. Eye floaters may also shift in position within the eye, resulting in less of a shadow effect. In addition, the nerves within the brain adapt to and often become used to the presence of eye floaters, ignoring them in a manner similar to the way a person only notices the feeling of shoes on their feet when they think about it. Eye floaters eventually tend to become less bothersome. How can a person get rid of eye floaters? There are no safe and proven methods to cure the symptom of eye floaters caused by vitreous syneresis or posterior vitreous detachment. Most will fade over time and become less annoying or noticeable. Learning relaxation techniques may hasten the adaptation to persistent eye floaters. Can eye floaters be removed with medication? Although certain herbs, vitamins, and iodine-containing products have been touted as effective in decreasing eye floaters, none of these have been proven effective in clinical trials. In the unusual cases in which the eye floaters are due to white blood cells in the vitreous from inflammation or infection, appropriate IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 23

Health Lights By Kathleen McIntire

Continued From Page 9

(excerpt from “Guiding Signs 101)

52 Weeks of Authenticity Seize every opportunity to say, “I love you.”

are in her best interests, don’t you have to say them?) • Be vulnerable. Show your insecurities. Admit your house is a wreck, or your marriage is struggling, or you don’t know how to roast the turkey. People will be more willing to open up and be authentic with you because they’ll see you’re human. • Allow your friends to be vulnerable, too. Let them feel their feelings. When you argue with them or try to “fix” it for them, you deny the authenticity of their experience. • If it makes you uncomfortable, say so. If your friends never bring money to dinner and you always end up paying the tab, confront them (lovingly) with the truth. • Be sensitive to what is convenient to the other person. Sometimes what’s convenient for you doesn’t work so well for them. (If a busy working mother lets you borrow a hundred dollars in cash, pay her back in cash— don’t write a check. When is she going to have time to get to the bank?) • Practice and expect reciprocity. We’re all in different cycles at different times, so this should be measured in terms of years, not weeks or months. However, if you find that a friend seems to only take, limit the time you spend with her/him. • It’s okay not to be “nice.” Real friends would rather you speak your truth than pretend, deny or try to please and impress. Little girls are not sugar and spice and everything nice…and neither are grown women. • Surround yourself with authentic friends. If you don’t have any, set an intention to find your tribe. Join a reading circle, a knitting group, a hiking club or food co-op. Volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about. Be open to the people you meet. Likeminded people will find you as if by magic. • It doesn’t matter how long you’ve

known each other. If the friendship isn’t meeting your needs, move on.

They won’t. And anyway, who are you to insist they change to please you?

• Lighten the load for someone else when you can.

• It’s not about winning. As the old saying goes, Would you rather be right or be happy?

• Seize every opportunity to say, “I love you.” One day it will be your last chance. AUTHENTIC MARRIAGES/ RELATIONSHIPS Truly loving another means letting go of all expectations. It means full 
acceptance, even celebration of another’s personhood. Karen Casey • Ask yourself, Am I married to the right person…or am I just married? • State your intention. Do you intend to stay married and make it work? Then do what it takes to make it happen… or get a divorce. • End the blame game. If you’re blaming your partner for your unhappiness, you’re denying your own power. We can’t control what others do, but we can control how we respond to it and whether or not we’ll continue to live with it. • Tell the truth about something you’ve been stewing over. Tell it gently and lovingly, expressing what took place and how you feel: angry, sad, betrayed or conflicted. Make it an “I” statement versus a “You” statement. Own your feelings; they are yours. Then offer a suggestion on how to make the situation work for the both of you. This will turn the focus on a solution and keep you both from getting stuck on the problem. • Rock the boat. It can be good to upset the status quo in your relationship— especially if the status quo is causing seething resentment. Go where you want to go on vacation for a change… or plan an outing with girlfriends on his “golf day”…or paint your office the shade of green that he dislikes (but that you love). Let the chips fall where they may.

• Have you ever heard it said, “Don’t fight force with force”? It’s a MARTIAL arts principle that can also be a MARITAL arts principle! Sometimes yielding or flowing around the barrier like a river is the best way to get what you need. • Seize every opportunity to say, “I love you.” One day it will be your last chance. AUTHENTIC PARENTING A lot of mothers will do anything for their children, except let them be themselves. Banksy • Be as honest with your kids as you possibly can be without upsetting them with information too advanced for their ages. They can handle the truth when it’s expressed lovingly and in an ageappropriate way. Yes, Dad lost his job (but we won’t end up homeless). Yes, the shot will hurt a little (but only for a minute and it will be over). • Are you perpetuating the myth of parental perfection? When you screw up, admit you screwed up. Kids will respect and respond to your honesty. • Pay attention to your child when he talks. Really listen. Tuning him out or humoring/half-listening sends the message that what he has to say is not important. Believe me, that’s a message he will hear loud and clear. • Every day, make a sincere effort to truly engage your child. Turn off the TV, walk away from the computer, set aside the bills—and talk. When you don’t make it a priority, days and weeks can go by without a genuine connection…and you wake up one morning to realize you don’t know your own child.

• Are you letting your partner live an authentic life? If you’re doing something to manipulate or control him or her, it’s time to stop. When people are allowed to be who they are, they often blossom.

• Every so often ask your child “What would you like to do today?” Then just do it. While you’re throwing the football or having the tea party, don’t zone out and worry about the bills you need to pay or the report you need to write. Be in the moment. Enjoy your child. These days will not last forever.

• It’s usually a mistake to expect people to change lifelong habits that you don’t like.

• Parent from the heart. If it doesn’t feel good to you, it doesn’t matter if it’s

PAGE 24 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

what the “experts” swear by. You are you and your child is your child…your intuition will tell you what’s right for both of you. • Pushing kids to be something they’re not hurts them and you. They need to live their dreams, not yours. • Look for ways to honor your child’s gifts. Post the short story she wrote on your Facebook account. Or proudly show guests the Lego fort he built in his room. Tell friends (in her presence), “Meghan taught our dog how to sit, stay, and fetch…she has a real gift for connecting with animals!” Acknowledging what makes your child unique helps her shape a strong sense of self. • B e t r u t h f u l a b o u t y o u r c h i l d ’s shortcomings. Everyone has different strengths. If your child isn’t an academic superstar or a natural athlete, it’s okay. Focus on her strengths rather than trying to hide the truth about what you see as a weakness. • With everything you do, narrate the “why.” You’re helping your kids understand that you make the choices you make based on a set of beliefs and values that make you, you. • You’re not Parent of the Year (whatever that means!) and you never will be. Let yourself off the hook. You might not make it to every school event but there is plenty you do right. Focus on those things instead. • Let the housework go. The struggle to maintain perfect order at all times is the ultimate denial of who we are: beautifully flawed human beings! Spend the time you would have spent mopping playing with your kids instead. • Seize every opportunity to say, “I love you.” One day it will be your last chance. Kathleen McIntire is a transformational t e a c h e r, s p e a k e r, a n d h e a l e r w h o is dedicated to bringing forth truth, liberation, and awakening. She is the author and creator of Guiding Signs 101, a set of divination cards and guidebook using everyday road signs to tap into your intuition and own inner guidance. Visit: or www.

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PAGE 26 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES


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IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 27

Clarice’s Mystical Realm Astrology Personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.

Hello Stargazer’s. The vibrations this month start the hold on any new ideas or projects for the rest of the year. If you did not take advantage of the planet movement phase during Aug. 17th, New Moon in Leo, and your second chance of the Aug 31, Blue Moon in Pisces, then you have to wait until next year, when Jupiter goes back direct Jan. 30th in 2013. Jupiter will go retrograde this month Oct. 5th. It rules: expansion and good luck with developing new projects. In the meantime go back over already developed projects and details to improve your future.

Important, read Sun, Rising & Moon signs to have a full picture. Lunar Activity: Full Moon: Oct. 29th in Taurus, New Moon: Oct.15th in Scorpio, Last Quarter Moon: Oct 8th in Cancer, First Quarter Moon: Oct. 21st in Aquarius. Note: Glory Halleluiah, we’ve had so many planets retrograde this year; it is NOT normal activity and if you feel like you’ve been trekking through heavy snow, you are in good company. We all feel that way. Now, with the move of the other planets going back direct, there will be no more retrogrades until Nov. 6th, when Mercury’s 3rd phase will turn retrograde until Nov. 26th for the last time this year. Do all holiday shopping before Nov. 6th, for your best deals. Check your past issues of In Light Times, for the effects of Mercury, to have a heads up, ahead of time. This is definitely a month to be aware of change, not only because we have just crossed the line from summer into fall, but also because right at the beginning of October, Saturn on the 4th moves out of Libra into Scorpio. Saturn, being the planet of discipline and structure, and Scorpio, the sign of passion and intensity, you might think the combination of the two would be challenging, and if so, you’d be right. But the decisive power of these two together can actually provide those of us in a muddle with a firm way forward, giving us “The Key to a Better Life”. The changes you’re contemplating now involve both your personal and professional life. You are also testing your own position towards people and their commitment, including your career, environment, spiritual beliefs and other aspects of your life. For The effects of Retrograde planets and Eclipses, go to for detailed info & Mystic Clarice’s featured articles.

Happy Birthday Libra! September 23 to October 22 “I BALANCE”

Ruling Planet: Venus ~ Rules: Lower back, kidneys & blood sugars Symbol; Scales, balance ~ Element: Air ~ Energy: Masculine Lesson: Learn the meaning of selfless love Colors: Indigo Blue, Beige, White & Pastels ~ Gem Stone: Opal Spiritual Flowers: Rose & Hydrangeas Key Personality: Charming, Perceptive, Diplomatic & Refined Most Compatible Signs: Gemini & Aquarius depending on Rising & Moon signs

Librans are doers, not thinkers, and along with their good looks, they have easy going dispositions as long as they get what they want. Libra can be the most ungrateful sign of the twelve and certainly is the vainest – hence the term “narcissist,” for they are in love with themselves due to their own awareness of qualities within and the need for approval. The Libra personality is one with a strong sense of right and wrong, who despises discord and confrontation. Anyone who has a strong Libran influence is a person who is terrified of being alone. The fear is usually well controlled so the typical Libra always looks calm, collected, and in charge of any situation. Good natured, social, and loving, Libra can also be petulant, and even objectionable, when asked to take orders. They are extremely intelligent, and intuitive. Libra’s influence is gentle, loving peacemaker – until the scales tip too far and need to be adjusted (with a sudden storm of rage.) Ruled by Venus – the planet of values, self, possessions, beauty, and love, they do not like it when their decisions are challenged, and are impatient with people who criticize them. They hate people who are cruel to others and to them. Libra is the only inanimate sign of the Zodiac, all the others representing either human or animal traits. This is why they can be easily influenced by others; their rising sign will be the most primary influence to their personality trait than their Sun sign. The Libra awareness is the beauty within them. Libra is a complex and contradictory sign – more so than any other sign of the Zodiac. Due to the scales, they are either ambitious or lazy.

ARIES • Mar. 21 to Apr. 19

Libra ~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

Do not wait for others to do things, for you are the pioneer, the trailblazer, and now you have the power to make things happen. Positive Tip: Fortune is on your side. Mind Focus: Don’t let the door close, but go through it. You may be surprised with yourself, by trusting in your spirit that’s been in the closet too long.

It is a strange time of action and restriction. For you personally, it is both a time of passion and reserve. Positive Tip: Although you may be excited about some of your current life changes, you may feel apprehensive about others. Mind Focus: You have not yet dealt with problems of past fears.

TAURUS • Apr. 20 to May 20

Scorpio ~ Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

GEMINI • May 21 to June 20

Sagittarius ~ Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Need to let go of the past and be excited about the future. Let go of old warn out responsibilities. Positive Tip: Do not be afraid of outcomes. Mind Focus: Act to benefit others and ultimately you will benefit too. You must take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way; good luck is on your side.

You still have great personal fortune and opportunity working for you, although it is now shadowed by some big decisions that are necessary for you to move on. Positive Tip: Your immediate vicinity contains much more than you are aware. Mind Focus: But, you’ll have to get to it yourself, without support.

With Saturn in your career/job sector, plans and discussions abound. Positive Tip: Don’t let others talk you out of making moves. Mind Focus: This could be fear from the past or some self-limiting beliefs that you need to overcome. Where your life is at the moment, be creative and move forward with ideas.

Feeling invincible is your main health challenge during the month ahead. Positive Tip: Jupiter makes you feel that you can eat or drink without worrying too much about the consequences. Mind Focus: Investigate ways to make changes in your habits, even make a resolution or two.

Cancer ~ June 21 to July 22

Capricorn ~ Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Leo ~ July 23 to Aug. 22

Aquarius ~ Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Powerful times indeed with lots of ideas for personal growth and opportunities to make changes right around you abounds. Positive Tip: Look to developments outside your usual mind of awareness. Mind Focus: Either events or people that can make a big impact in your life right now could be at a distance.

This is the low point in your personal power year as all the energy seems to be in others or outside of you. Positive Tip: Continue working with others in a partnership way. Mind Focus: There are big changes in the quality of your life with offers of grand opportunities coming.

Virgo ~ Aug. 23 to Sept 22

Pisces ~ Feb. 19 to March 20

Finances, values, and possibly lots of papers to sign are emphasized at this time, with a strong family involvement. Positive Tip: It is time to act based on what you feel is your best course. Mind Focus: Use your inner self to guide you and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

It is time for for introspection and meditation. It is time to take action that supports you feeling good about self and your abilities. Positive Tip: This will lead to more financial abundance. Mind Focus: It may not come in the package you would expect. Look for the unexpected to help career.

PAGE 28 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

Powerful forces are active in your sector of self. They offer significant change if you are willing to make significant moves in your life. Positive Tip: Great opportunity of good fortune is there if you take responsibility for your actions. Mind Focus: The benefits of correct decisions could be extraordinary.

It seems that the world is spinning around you as you sit quietly meditating on the shape of things that you are creating. Positive Tip: You are focused on the now, as you should be. Mind Focus: No longer define yourself by whom you are connected, but by who you have created.

Clarice’s Life Path Numerology

A personal message from Mystic Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.

October is the number 10. Ten vibrations; denotes independence, selfmotivation, and a need to be in charge. The number 10 is reduced to a 1. This month the number 1, 4, 7 and 3 are also affected due to Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune planet retrogrades. Hurray, last month Pluto went back direct. We are still in the last phases of these transitional planets though. Stay positive please; look for the silver lining in every aspect of your life. Have faith that there is a reason and purpose to these planet movements as we go into the Holiday Seasons. Check out the Astrology page for more details.

What Is Your Life Path Number? For your enjoyment, the explanations below are on your main Life Path Number of Destiny. I have listed your destiny in regards to your numbers. The Birth Path number describes the nature of this journey through your life. We will be covering the number 10 = 1, for the month of Oct. Remember the numbers 7 for Neptune, 4 for Uranus and 3 for Jupiter are retrograde. In Astrology Neptune’s sun sign is Pisces, Uranus is Aquarius, and Jupiter is the sign for Sagittarius. These sun signs will also be affected, besides the people who have these life path numbers in numerology.


Life Path – Sun Rules Self-determinism, Leadership, Exploration, Independence


Life Path – Moon Rules Cooperation, Teamwork, Diplomacy, Intuition

A destiny number of 1 indicates that you are destined to a position of leadership. You can live up to this destiny by using your ability to think and act for yourself. By relying on your determination, independence and strength you will be able to make your own path in the world.

People with a numerology Destiny number of 2 are meant for positions of diplomacy and peacemaking. To move toward your destiny you can use your tact, power of persuasion and diplomatic skills to help others resolve differences. You may find great satisfaction in helping to resolve problems.


Life Path – Jupiter Rules Socializing, Optimism, Inspiration, Artistic

A Destiny number of 3 shows that you are meant to utilize creativity and optimism in life. Part of your job is to help other people realize the power of joy, laughter, and imagination. By helping others who may have lost the joy of living, teach them to appreciate life and live it to its fullest.


Life Path – Mercury Rules Freedom of Communication, Expression, Variety

With a Destiny Number of 5 you must represent freedom to find fulfillment. To live up to your destiny you must work to embrace change and not fear it or cling to the familiar in your life. It doesn’t mean rushing blindly into something new, however keep yourself open to change and taking on new opportunities.


How To Find Your Life Path Number

To find this number add all the numbers in your birth date. First, convert the month to a single number, and then add this individual digit, to the birthday, and the individual digit of the birth year. The individual digits are again added together, as necessary to reduce the total sum to a single digit 1 through 9. In this column I am not covering your personal year number, only for each month how your basic birth number is affected. If you are interested in the year number 1 through 9. You would add your month and day together to a single digit, and then add it to the existing year, to know the year number you are in. Example: Date of Birth: February 8, 1939 (2-8-1939). Add the month (2) to the day (8) plus the total of the digits in the year, (2-8-22 = 32 = 5.) The Life Path number is 5. To get the attitude number you add the month to the day to a single digit. This person’s numbers are: Life Path 5, Day 8, and Attitude number is 1. For your convenience I’ve listed the basic meaning to the numbers below; this will also help you know what numbers you are compatible with.

The Basic Numbers and their Meaning

1-5-7 Are the mental numbers, they ask the big questions in life.

2-4-8 Are the financial numbers, they are concerned with security issues. 3-6-9 Are the communication/creative numbers. 3-4-7-9 Are the Spiritual numbers, the numbers 4 & 7 are the genus numbers, and covers all talents.

Life Path – Uranus Rules Systematic, Workaholic, Reliable, Responsible

With a Destiny number of 4 the key to finding happiness will be found in organization, good management and practicality. Finding order in your life and personal affairs and building things to last will help you to find fulfillment in life.


The Life Path is the sum of the birth date of an individual, and remains throughout your life. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you carry with you through life; no individual has the same fingerprints, so, by adding your numerology number to your astrology sign makes you a totally unique individual. In numerology you have three primary numbers, your Life Path, Day and Attitude numbers. As you figure out your numbers, read all three to get a complete picture

Life Path – Venus Rules Trustworthy, Paternal or Maternal, Teacher, Healer

The key is to live your life as a humanitarian. Helping those who are weak, down on their luck or unhappy will help you to find happiness in your own life. While you should not completely sacrifice yourself to the service of others, helping those in need, opens the doors to beauty, love and harmony in your own life.


Life Path – Neptune Rules Analytical, Questioning, Spiritual, Intuitive


Life Path – Saturn Rules Enterprising, Realistic, Authoritative, Efficient


Life Path – Mars Rules Humanitarian, Idealistic, Visionary, Dramatic

Your Destiny of 7 will find fulfillment through teaching others. Pursuing an ongoing quest for knowledge and then sharing your findings with your fellow man is done through the exploration of science, mysteries, esoteric or other fascinating fields. Do this through teaching, writing, and other media modalities.

The number 8 opens doors for you to strive for accomplishments and success in your work and life. Setting goals and working diligently toward them will reward you with many gains including authority, personal recognition, financial success and security in your home environment and family. Focus is the key.

With a Destiny number 9 you are meant to bring charity, beauty, art, romance and perfection into the world. By living a life filled with generosity, a kindness of spirit, compassion, forgiveness and understanding, you will be rewarded with ultimate happiness and wealth of gifts from life.

Compatibility Numbers Your Number

Natural Fit Nbrs.

Compatible Nbrs.

Netural - Can Go Either Way Nbrs.

Challenge & Requires Compromise Nbrs.














































Mysteries of the Ancients Renowned Award Winning

Mystic Clarice

Author of 11 Books • 34 years experience

• Astrology • Numerology • Existentialist • Spiritual Consultant call


702.982.2263 Licensed

Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.

IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 29

Light Happenings


October, 2012 ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS UNITY CENTER IN THE VALLEY, A positive approach to spiritual living! Worship & Youth Ed 10am. Meditation & Metaphysical Discussion. oct. topics: Say YES! 7th God’s Plan w/guest speaker Charli Douglass; 14th Spiritual Healing; 21st Wholeness; 28th True Individuality. 3037 E. Warm Springs. #300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289.

Happy Halloween month!

ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE, 10am, Eckankar Center 3160 E. Desert Inn Suite 14. 702-369-0141. OCT. topics: 7th Love, the Pass*Key to Heaven; 14th Make Every Day Wonderfu; 21st The Outer & Inner Teachings; 28th Seeing Through the Eyes of Soul. Community HU Song, Sept. 28, 6:15pm at Pure Health Foods, 7575 W. Washington Blvd. The HU Song is for the public and all students of Eckankar.

11 & 25THURSDAY CRYSTAL MEDITATION, 7pm Love Offering; Find your center among like-minded people. Come join us at 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300, Las Vegas. Unity in the Valley. RSVP 702-435-3289; 19 FRIDAY MOVIE NIGHT, 7pm; Love Offering, Contemporary movie, kick back, relax and join other Truth seekers. Unity Center in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289. 28 SUNDAY Release, Heal & Prosper, 6:30pm with Dr. Robert Moldowan. Unity Center in the Valley @ 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV., 702-435-3289.

High Wisdom Consultations

SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ETERNAL LIGHT, 11am; Music, meditation, healing, messages at 3430 E. Tropicana, Suite 62, NE corner of Trop & Pecos (Trop. Plaza). Call, 702-362-6184. TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 11am; Friendship Circle and meditation. 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904 on Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. MONDAYS Anistimology, 6:30-7:45pm; $25; Become more alert, aware, & alive through breath, sound & simple body movement with Adora Starrsinger. Unity in the Valley, 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 300 (btwn Pecos & Eastern), LV. www., 702-435-3289. Gold Light Yoga (Yoga + Qigong), 7:45-9:15pm; Donation. Classical Ashtanga yoga combined with QiGong created for new and intermediate students. Blue Sky Yoga, Arts Factory 107 E. Charleston Blvd Downtown Las Vegas, TUESDAYS METAPHYSICAL BOOK STUDY, The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, 6:30pm-8pm. Sponsored by Unity Center in the Valley. Held at 3037 E. Warm Springs, Ste. 300, LV. (between Pecos & Eastern) 702-435-3289. WEDNESDAYS PRAYERS FOR THE PLANET, Send personal and planetary Prayer Requests by phone 702-530-3250 or website TEACHING OF THE INNER CHRIST, 6:30pm, Meditation; 3160 S. Valley View #100, 702-645-0904. On Facebook @ Teaching of the Inner Christ Las Vegas. MINDSHIFTER SUPPORT GROUP, 7pm. Free yourself from emotional pain and experience release and joy. Unity Center in the Valley,3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, LV. 702-435-3289.

LIST EVENTS BY THE 1ST • $15 per event (based on 20 words) + $1 each word thereafter • Submit via e-mail: (subject Line, Calendar)


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702.818.3729 PAGE 30 • October, 2012 • IN LIGHT TIMES

$1.00 from the sale of each angel is donated to “BRAINS” a pediatric brain tumor research fund

IN LIGHT TIMES • october, 2012 • PAGE 31

Rae Rocco Allan Martin Osman Spiritual Counselor-Teacher 702-473-0163 Allan helps you: break negative habits, release negative emotions, improve relationships, make better decisions; and develop Receivership from God within. Allan offers Counseling, Stress Relief, Guided Meditation and Home Study by phone, Skype or in office. Allan is practical, non-judgmental and experienced. Call or email: First session is FREE. See page 27

Bullseye Pet Supply 702-233-4157 Bullseye Pet Supply offers High Quality Products, holistic, natural pet foods, unique pet treats, quality kitty litter, pet toys and more…and at competitive prices. Better still, you will save time and gas as we deliver to your home or office for free; no more heavy lifting. Go to and order online. It’s easy, fast and convenient. Brand named pet food available. We work with clients and the recommendations from veterinarians. Your pet needs to be on a diet? Let us help. See page 3

702-897-9929 As your Independent Agent for Medicare Health Plans, I can help you sort through the many options available to you. Are you dissatisfied with your current plan? Are you losing your coverage on 12-31-2012? Do you want to have another choice? The fall enrollment period is from 10-15-12 through 12-07-12. The new benefits would begin 1-1-13. There is NEVER a charge for my services. Please call. You could reach me at 702-897-9929. See page 2

Unity Cntr in the Valley Rev. Sophia Falke • 702-435-3289 Unity is a positive path for spiritual living, offering a loving, joyous environment where you can feel accepted while you experience personal spiritual growth. Sunday morning Worship & Youth Ed at 10am & 4th Sunday Healing Service at 6:30pm. ROOMS & SEMINAR SPACE FOR RENT at 3037 E. Warm Springs Rd. Ste. 300, Las Vegas. Great location, great ambiance, great rates. Visit See page 10

Valarie Zuvuya

Go Raw Cafes

Shaman Healer 702-499-1811

Two Locations • www.GoRawCafe Go Raw Café is your place for fine raw vegan cuisine. The highest quality ingredients are used to create delicious, healthy, pizzas, burgers, salads, soups, samplers, wraps, fresh juices, smoothies, desserts, coffee and more. Enjoy the bookstore, specialty superfood and supplement market inside the cafes. Monthly raw prep classes offered for $30. Learn how simple it is to fuel with the finest. Check calendar for monthly meetup group events & free lectures @ See page 21

Got Angel?

Valarie Zuvuya, a Shamanic Healer, uses her abilities to remove the imprints of trauma and cellular memories which may cause pain, stress, disease, depression and anxiety. Through entering the luminous energy field and journeying into different planes of existence, Valarie, with the help of power animals and spirit guides, initiates Soul and Destiny retrieval at the original source. Her clairvoyance and knowing can release stored traumas and memories. Need a house blessing, clearing of unwanted energies or Soul & Destiny retrieval? Call Valarie today. Visit: See page 7

Vince Link - OMD 716-316-9123

Gemstone Healing Angels were created to combine the Metaphysical (healing properties of gemstones) and the Spiritual (praising the angels around us). Each angel is prayed over before it is sent out on its mission. We have, pendants, necklaces, bracelets and more. Gemstone properties include: healing, support, faith, abundance, light, career, communication, awareness etc. $1.00 from each sale is donated to “BRAINS“, a Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund — No matter what we may be experiencing, angels are here to help, just ask. Visit: www. See page 30

Janet Handley Reiki Master & Clairvoyant 702-808-8784 Are you looking for answers? Do you realize there is more to life than what you experience? Imagine your body feeling relaxed and calm. Being able to make decisions from a place of confidence, balance and harmony can take you to new heights. Janet Handley was born and raised in England. With 20 years experience in the healing arts, Reiki Master Janet utilizes the healing power of Reiki and her clairvoyant skills to bring understanding, guidance and wisdom. She conducts classes and gives individual readings. Her goal…bring healing, spiritual growth and peace into our lives. You’ll love her accent & you’ll love Janet! See page 27

702-444-4775 • Oriental Medicine Heard about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine? For over 3,000 years, oriental medicine has been an effective system of healthcare for naturally treating acute conditions and as a preventive strategy. A qualified practitioner can detect a pattern of disease long before the symptoms manifest by asking the right questions, physical examination, observation of the tongue and pulse diagnosis. If you are taking prescription drugs and tired of the disturbing side effects while just masking your illness symptoms, call and learn how the natural approach of acupuncture and herbs can help prevent and treat your current condition(s). See page 27

Your Healing Hands Michael Stellitano, Energy Healer 702-734-4777 At a very young age, Michael Stellitano recognized that he possessed a unique spiritual gift. In his early adulthood, he began to utilize the power he sensed to heal the pains and illnesses of people he encountered. He has spent the past 22 + years in the active practice of healing. Thousands of people have sought his assistance and have walked away relaxed, happy and free of pain. Michael does both in-person and remote/distant healings by phone. “I can show you how to heal yourself and others. Call today.” 702-734-4777 or order my DVD Your Healing Hands at: See page 27

IN LIGHT TIMES 310 Annabelle Ln. #247 Henderson , NV 89014

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