Champa Holidays #13

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V o l 0 2 i s s u e 1 3 c h a m pa h o l i d ay s t o u r s a n d g u i d e i n l a o s

Issue 13 Oc tober - november 2012

w w w. c h a m pa m a g . c o m


Sold on Houaphanh


Lao Handicraft Festival

j j 3I’cI,-qogzqkcsj’.\jmu;a’;P’

New ethnic hotel in Vang Vieng

w w w. L a o A i r L i n e s . c o m | w w w. C h a m pa H o l i d ay s . c o m | w w w. C h a m pa M a g . c o m

ສານຂອງທ່ານ ດຣ. ສົມພອນ ດວງດາຣາ ຜູ້ອຳນວຍການໃຫ່ຍລັດວິສາຫະກິດການບິນລາວ Message from Dr.Somphone DOUANGDARA President of Lao Airlines

ປີໃໝ່ລາວໄດ້ຜາ່ ນພົ້ນໄປ ຫວັງວ່າປະຊາຊົນລາວບັນດາເຜົ່າຂອງ

ລາວເຮົາໄດ້ສະຫລອງກັນດ້ວຍຄວາມມ່ວນຊື່ນເພື່ອຮັກສາໄວ້ຊງຶ່ ຮີດຄອງປະ ເພນີອນ ັ ດີງາມຂອງເຮົາໄວ້. ປີນນ ີ້ ອກຈາກເປັນປີທອ ່ ງທ່ຽວລາວ ແລ້ວຍັງເປັນ ປີໜງຶ່ ທີ່ ສປປ ລາວ ເຮົາຕ້ອງໄດ້ອອກແຮງແຂ່ງຂັນກັບເຮັດໜ້າທີ່ຂອງແຕ່ລະ ແຂວງການສະເຫຼີມສະຫຼອງມີແຫ່ງຄວາມສາ ມັກຄີມດ ິ ຕະພາບກັບ ສສ ຫວຽດ ນາມ ຄືສະຫຼອງຄົບຮອບ 50 ປີ ແຫ່ງ ການສ້າງສາຍພົວພັນທາງການທູດລະ ຫວ່າງ ສປປລາວ ແລະ ສສ ຫວຽດນາມ, ສະເຫຼີມສະຫຼອງສົນທິສນ ັ ຍາມິດ ຕະພາບ ຄົບຮອບ 35 ປີ ຂອງທັງສອງປະເທດອີກດ້ວຍ. ນອກນັ້ນໃນທ້າຍປີ 2012 ນີ້ ສປປລາວ ເຮົາຍັງ ໄດ້ຮບ ັ ກຽດເປັນເຈົ້າພາບຈັດກອງປະຊຸມອາເຊັມ (ASEM) ຊຶ່ງລ້ວນແລ້ວແຕ່ເປັນເຫດການທີ່ມຄ ີ ວາມສຳ ຄັນຂອງ ສປປລາວ ຊຶ່ງຈະນຳມາຊຶ່ງຊື່ສຽງ ແລະ ຜົນປະໂຫຍດຕ່າງໆ ທີ່ຈະໄດ້ຕາມມາຕາມພາຍ ຫລັງເຊັ່ນ: ສາກົນຈະເຫັນ ແລະ ເຂົ້າໃຈ ສປປລາວ ຕື່ມຂຶ້ນ. ການທ່ອງທ່ຽວ, ການລົງທຶນ ແລະ ອື່ນໆ ກໍຈະເປັນຕ່ອງໂສ້ຕາມມາຢ່າງ ແນ່ນອນ.

ລັດວິສາຫະກິດການບິນລາວເຮົາເອງກໍໄດ້ວາງແຜນ ແລະ ຕຽມຕົວ

ເພື່ອຮັບເຫດການຕ່າງໆໄວ້ໃນອານາຄົດ. ພວກເຮົາໄດ້ຈດ ັ ຊື້ເຮືອບິນ ATR 72 – 600 ຈຳນວນ 2 ລຳຊຶ່ງເປັນລຸນ ້ ຫລ້າສຸດຂອງບໍລສ ິ ດ ັ ອາເອໂຣສະປາຊິອານ (Aerospacial) ຊຶ່ງລຳທຳອິດຈະສົ່ງມອບໃນເດືອນພະຈິກ (11) 2012 ແລະ ລຳທີ 2 ສົ່ງມອບໃນເດືອນ ມິຖນ ຸ າ (6) 2013.

ນອກຈາກນີ້ໃນແຜນບິນລະດູໜາວ (Winter Schedule)ຈະເພີ່ມ ຖ້ຽວບິນໄປກວາງໂຈ (CAN) ສປ ຈີນ ແລະ ຖ້ຽວບິນເຊົ່າເໝົາ (Charter

flight) ໄປຍັງໂຕກຽວ (TYO) ປະເທດຍີ່ປນ ຸ່ ອາທິດໜຶ່ງ 4 ຖ້ຽວ ຊຶ່ງໄດ້ເລີ່ມ ປະຕິບດ ັ ແຕ່ ວັນທີ 25/04/2012 ເປັນຕົ້ນມາ. ພ້ອມດຽວກັນນີ້ທາງລັດວິສາ ຫະກິດ ການບິນລາວພວກເຮົາຍັງໄດ້ດດ ັ ແປງ (modify) ເຮືອບິນ MA 60 ໃຫ້ ເປັນ ເຮືອບິນລຳລຽງ (Freighter) ຖືວາ່ ການວາງແຜນກຽມພ້ອມກໍກາຍເປັນ ຮູບປະທັມແລ້ວເພາະວ່າພວກເຮົາໄດ້ກຽມພ້ອມ - ສຳລັບສາຍບິນໄກດ້ວຍ A320 - ສຳລັບສາຍບິນໃກ້ດວ ້ ຍ ATR72 – 600 - ສຳລັບການລຳລຽງດ້ວຍ AM60

As well as the “Visit Laos Year 2012”, Laos PDR is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Lao-Vietnamese diplomatic relations and 35 years since a friendship treaty was signed between the two countries. Laos will also host the 2012 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), a significant event that will allow the nation to play a central role on the international stage. It is also expected to provide a welcome boost to the national economy. In response to such historical events, Lao Airlines is preparing to expand its services by purchasing two brand new ATR 72-600 series aircraft. This will replace our existing MA 60s, which will be converted for use as freight aircraft. We have also added two new routes to our winter schedule; a new scheduled flight to Kwangchow (China) and four weekly charter flights to Tokyo (Japan), which have been operational since 25 April 2012. On behalf of everyone at Lao Airlines, I wish you a pleasant onward journey and look forward to seeing you again soon. Dr . Somphon Douangdara President of Lao Airlines

Greetings from the Editor ສະບາຍດີ ທ່ານ ຜູ້ອ່ານທີ່ເຄົາລົບ.

ມາຮອດແລ້ວສະບັບທີ 13 ຂອງວາລະສານ ຈຳປາຮໍລີເດ. ນີ້ເປັນເວລາອັນດິທີ່ຈະມາຢຽ້ມຍາມ ປະເທດລາວ ຫລື ຜູ້ທີ່ຕ້ອງການເດີນທາງທ່ອງທຽ່ວ. ມັນເປັນ ເວລາທົ່ງໄຮ່ທົ່ງນາຂຽວງາມ ພູຜາປ່າໄມ້ຂຽວອຸ່ມທຸ່ມ ນີ້ຄືທຳມະຊາດສ້າງສັນໄວ້ໃຫ້ ສປປ ລາວ ທີ່ເປັນທຳມະ ຊາດແທ້ໆ ທີ່ບໍ່ໄດ້ດັດແປງ ແລະ ທ່ານຈະໄດ້ພົບກັບ ຄວາມລາກຫລາຍຂອງບັນດາເຜົາ. ສະບັບນີ້ກົງກັບສະບັບເດືອນຕຸລາ - ພະຈີກ ມີງານບຸນທີ່ສຳ ຄັນຫລາຍງານ, ເຊັ່ນ: ບຸນຊ່ວງເຮືອ, ການໄຫລເຮືອໄຟ, ງານມະຫາ ກຳສີມືຫັດຖະກຳ ແລະ ສີ່ງທີ່ຂາດບໍໄດ້ໄປໝວດການທ່ອງທຽ່ວ ເບີນີເປີດເຜີຍການທ່ອງທຽ່ວໃນແຂວງຫົວພັນ ແລະ ຫ້າສະຖານທີທີ່ ເປັນຈຸດເດັ່ນທີ່ທ່ານບໍຄວນພາດເມື່ອໄດ້ໄປຮອດແຂວງອຸດົມໄຊ, ຟາ ບຽງໄດ້ພາໄປລ່ອງເຮືອທີ່ອ່າວຮ່າລອງເບ, ປະເທດຫວຽດນາມ ແລະ ຮູ້ຈັກກັບງານມະຫາກຳການເຕັ້ນສາກົນ ແລະ ຈຸດເດັ່ນ ຂອງຮູບເງົາຂອງຄົນລາວຜະລິດ ຮັກອຳ່ຫລຳ່. ນອກນີ້ ພວກເຮົາຈະພາທ່ານໄປຮູ້ກັບການຈັດງານຫັດຖະກຳ ສີມືຫັດຖະກຳລາວ, ການນຸ່ງຖືຂອງຊົນເຜົ່າໃນລາວ ແລະ ແຟຊັນການນຸ່ງຖືທີ່ໄດ້ແຮງບັນດານໃຈຈາກຍຸກສະໄໝປະຈຸບັນ ແບບລາວປະຍຸກ ທີ່ໄດ້ນາງແບບຈາກສາວແອຮອດສເຕັດຂອງສາຍ ການບີນລາວ ທີ່ຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ທ່ານ ຫລົງໄຫລໄປກັບພວກເຂົາ. ພົບກັນໃໝ່ສະບັບທີ 14 ປະຈຳເດືອນ ທັນວາ/ມັງກອນ. ສະບາຍດີ ສຸຂີ ນໍຣະສີລປ໌

Dear readers,

Welcome to this 13th issue of Champa Holiday. Your visit comes at a great time to be in Laos, a season of the lush-green rice fields and misty mountain tops that have inspired so many to come and experience this enchanting country. This time of year also hosts many exciting festivals and events, a fantastic opportunity for visitors to get a taste of one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the region. And best of all, our veteran travel experts have done all the research you’ll need. So you can jump into all Laos has to offer as soon as you land! In this issue, we introduce you to the incredible artistic diversity of the Lao Handicraft Festival, an authentic celebration of Lao craftsmanship and style, as well as a spectacular display of Laos’ many unique identities and cultures. Bernie Rosenbloom also takes you to a few of the highlights of littleknown Oudomxay. Fabien Vuillerey cruises the crystal-clear waters of Vietnam’s Halong Bay. We also bring you an introduction to the spectacular Fang Mae Khong Dance Festival. One of the highlights of Lao cinema, romantic comedy Huk Aum Lam. And of course, all our latest inside tips on where to sleep, eat and relax. From me and everyone at Champa Holiday, until next time, we wish you happy travels and a safe onward journey. Editor in Chief Mr. Soukhee Norasilp

Lao AIrlines In-Flight Magazine EXECUTIVE ADVISERS: MR. SOMPHONG MONGKHONVILAY MR. SOUKASEUM PHOTHISANE DR. SOMPHONE DOUANGDARA MR. SOMSANOUK MIXAY MR. CHANTHY DEUANSAVANH Editor-in-Chief: Mr. Soukhee Norasilp Lao Proof editor: Mr. somsouk souksavath English Editor: Mr. Benjamin Blech Executive Editor: MS. PHITSMAI CHANTHABOURY

Graphic Designer: insmai Creative Communication transalation: Mr. Anousa KOUNNAVONG PHOTOGRAPHy: Fab world Account-Finance: Ms. Khounkham Chanthaboury CHAMPA HOLIDAYS Magazine is produced & Published by insmai Creative Communication Tel/Fax: (856-21) 223590, 020 22464321 |

Owner & Publisher: Inter Media Lao Tel/Fax: (856-21) 480947 under license of Lao Airlines Lao Airlines Head Office: 02 Pangkham Rd, Xieng Gnune Village, Chanthaboury District, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel : (856-21) 212051-54, 212016 Fax: (856-21) 212056, 212058

ສາລະບານ Contents 8

Five Highlights of Oudomxay Province

10 ຈຸດຂາຍດ້ານການທ່ອງທ່ຽວໃນແຂວງຫົວພັນ Sold on Houaphanh


16 Cruising Halong Bay

ງານມະຫາກຳສີມືຫັດຖະກຳລາວ 2012

21 Lao Handicraft Festival 2012


32 New ethnic minority hotel in Vang Vieng


38 Yen Sabai Restaurant in Luang Prabang


42 Fang Mae Khong

ຮັກອໍ່າລໍ່າ ຮູບເງົາມາໃຫ່ມ

44 Hak Aum Lam - A highlight of Lao cinema ໂຄງການໂລກໃໝ່ແຫ່ງວຽງຈັນ

46 “Vientiane New World”


50 Clay school opens in

Luang Prabang Province

32 42

Ecotourism Laos

Namo La Xai Chom ong village

Five Highlights of Oudomxay Province Huaysaengkham

village Bernie Rosenbloom takes you on five OudPakbeng omxay experiences, most within a short drive from Xay Town. You can explore northern Laos’ largest labyrinth, journey to a cave that acted as a wartime hideout, join a hands-on handicraft workshop, trek to Nam Kat Waterfall, and select from four natural and cultural excursions in Muang La.

1. Creep around Chom Ong Cave

Hundreds of grottoes pock Laos’ mountains, but few compare to the Chom Ong cave system located some 45 km from Xay Town. Spelunkers have investigated 13.5 km of the roomy underground maze with overlaying halls, which run along a 4-km long mountain ridge. Several side corridors remain unexplored, though one that was rediscovered ends in an 18-metre drop to the Nam Kaang River, which flows through the lower areas of the cave system. An hour-plus hike leads to the stream inlet in the north, and a full exploration with equipment can take eight hours before exiting at the river’s southern end.

2. Happening Handicrafts in Ban Yor

Handicraft hounds heading to Oudomxay can strike the mother lode 57 km south of Xay Town in the ethnic Tai Lu and Khmu village of Ban Yor. A hands-on pottery workshop shows you where villagers find the clay, how they gather and prepare it, and how to distinguish various types of clay and the different styles of pottery and bowls. The course culminates in throwing and decorating your own pot. Those curious about cotton can participate in three separate workshops, where eager weavers learn to yearn, dye, and weave cotton. The end result is a piece of handmade cotton cloth you can call your own.


Kanvang village


Namhaeng village

Nga Houn

3. Buddha’s Protective Shield

Those stopping overnight at Pakbeng on a Mekong cruise have a great reason to spend a full day...Khamtan Buddha Cave. Half and full-day tours take you to the hidden haven for locals during the Indochina War. Prayers to Buddha asking for protection from the bombings led to its name, “Phachao (Buddha) Khamtan (Valuable Protective Shield)”. Tours depart from Pakbeng by tuk tuk to Pak Ngeuy and its two temples before a short boat ride and walk along the Mekong to Phachao Khamtan Cave. The full-day tour follows the same itinerary before trekkers embark on a five-six-hour march through nature.

4. Hike to Hidden Nam Kat Waterfall

You can follow a local guide on the high or low path from Ban Faen village, but both one-day treks lead to Nam Kat Waterfall buried in oldgrowth jungle in the limestone outcrops east of Oudomxay Town. Massive boulders surround Nam Kat’s 20-metre cascade, and create a series of smaller cataracts. The easier 13-km path follows the stream, along which you can see a large variety of colourful small fish. The rough 13.5-km route, with a 500-metre ascent over Phou Pha Daeng Mountain, presents far-reaching views before descending to the falls and a dip in its pool. Back in Ban Faen, shop for quality bamboo handicrafts.

5. Meander to Muang La

Muang La, 28 kilometres from Xay Town, offers four tour packages with English-speaking guides that take you into the district’s mountains and cultural diversity. A one-day tour visits ethnic villages and Singkham Temple with its 400-year-old Buddha images, hot springs, Nam Kai Waterfall, and Phachao Singkham Buddha Cave. Other day tours head to Phavi Village and a Khmu ethnic experience before trekking to Houay Kai Waterfall, and Aa No Village to uncover the ethnic Akha’s way of life. A two-night, community-based tour focuses on the ethnic Khmu with overnight stays in two villages and treks to Phachao Singkham Buddha Cave and Houay Kai Waterfall.

To book a tour to the above experiences, visit For more information, visit “Visitor Information at

Vientiane-based travel writer, Bernie Rosenbloom, has covered Southeast Asia for more than 15 years. He has authored several Lao provincial guidebooks, and along with Champa Holiday, has recently contributed stories about Laos to Thai Airway’s Sawasdee magazine, PATA Compass, and Travel Review. Bernie is currently a public relations consultant for the Laos Sustainable Tourism Development Project, Lanith (Lao National Institute for Tourism and Hospitality), and the New Zealand-Laos CBT-SED project. Email:




Sold on Houaphanh ໂດຍ ເບີນີ ໂລເຊັນບລູມ / by Bernie Rosenbloom

“ທ່ານຕ້ອງໝາຍແຂວງຫົວພັນໄວ້ໃນລຳດັບຕົ້ນໆຂອງລາຍການທ່ອງ ທ່ຽວຂອງທ່ານ,” ນີ້ແມ່ນຄຳເວົ້າຂອງທ່ານ ລີກ ພອນ ຫົວໜ້າທີມໂຄງ ການພັດທະນາທ່ອງທ່ຽວແບບຍືນຍົງຂອງທະນາຄານພັດທະນາອາຊີ (STDP-Laos) ທີ່ໄດ້ແນະນຳຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ. ຕາມຄວາມຈິງແລ້ວ ເຂດຊົນນະບົດຂອງແຂວງທາງຕາເວັນອອກສ່ຽງ ເໜືອ, ຖືກຮັບຮູ້ໃນນາມຖ້ຳເມືອງວຽງໄຊ ໄດ້ກັດແຫ້ນຕ່ອມຕ້ອງການ ເດີນທາງຂອງຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ, ແຕ່ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຕ້ອງການສະຖານທີ່ໆເປັນ ຈຸດຂາຍຢ່າງ ແທ້ຈິງ. ມັນກໍ່ປຽບເໜືອນພິທີກອນທີ່ຕ້ອງໄດ້ຈັດຄວາມເປັນລະບຽບຂອງເວທີ, ທ່ານລິກນຳສະເໜີສະຖານທີ່ຕ່າງໆ ໂດຍມີບັນຊີລະອຽດເຊິ່ງປະກອບ ມີຖ້ຳວຽງໄຊ, ສວນບູຮານຄະດີຫີນຕັ້ງແລະການປະສົມປະສານ ລະຫວ່າງ ທຳມະຊາດ ແລະ ປະຫວັດສາດເມືອງວຽງທອງ.

ການເດີນທາງໄປແຂວງຫົວພັນ ການເດີນທາງໄປຫົວພັນແມ່ນສາເຫດຂອງການເລື່ອນການເດີນທາງ ຂອງຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ. ບໍ່ແມ່ນສະຖານທີ່ໆ ສາມາດເດີນທາງໆອາກາດໄດ້ ສະດວກ, ເຖິງວ່າສາຍການບິນລາວສະໜອງບໍລິການຖ້ຽວບິນບາງຄັ້ງ ຄາວ. ບໍລິສັດ ການບິນລາວ ສາມາດນຳທ່ານໄປສູ່ແຂວງຊຽງຂວາງ ຢ່າງສະໝ່ຳສະເໝີ, ແຕ່ວ່າທ່ານຈຳຕ້ອງ ໃຊ້ເວລາເດີນທາງໆລົດເປັນ ເວລາໜຶ່ງວັນເພື່ອໄປຊຳເໜືອ, ເທດສະບານເມືອງ ແຂວງຫົວພັນ.


ທ່ານລິກກ່າວວ່າ ຈຸດທີ່ຕັ້ງຂອງຫົວພັນເທິງເສັ້ນທາງມໍລະດົກທາງ ພາກເໜືອເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ກັບຫຼວງພະບາງ ແລະ ຊຽງຂວາງ, “ສະໜອງໂອ ກາດໃນການຮຽນຮູ້ກ່ຽວກັບທຸກໆມູມມອງມໍລະດົກດ້ານທຳມະຊາດ ແລະ ວັດ ທະນະທຳຂອງລາວ, ຈາກຍຸກສະໄໜທອງແດງສູ່ການ ປະຕິວັດຂອງພັກກອມມຸຍນິດ” ຊື່ສຽງຂອງເສັ້ນທາງມໍລະດົກທາງ ພາກເໜືອພວມ ຂະຫຍາຍໂຕ, ທ່ານກ່າວຕື່ມອີກວ່າ, “ໂດຍສະເພາະ ແມ່ນໃນບັນດານັກຂັບຂີ່ ລົດຈັກ”, ແລະ ນອກນີ້ສະຖານ ທີ່ທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ສ່ວນຫຼາຍກໍ່ຢູ່ໃກ້ກັບຖະໜົນຫຼັກ.

“You must put Houaphanh on top of your bucket.” Rik Ponne, the Asian Development Bank’s Sustainable Tourism Development Project’s (STDPLaos) team leader told me. Actually, the remote north-eastern province, known for Viengxay’s Cave City, has been gnawing at my travel glands, but I wanted a solid sales pitch. Much like an MC setting the stage, Rik introduced the show with a playbill featuring Viengxay’s Caves, the Hintang Archaeological Park, and Vienthong’s natural and historical orchestra.

Getting There Getting to Houaphanh is the key to my procrastination. It’s not a fly-there place, though Lao Air occasionally offers flights. Lao Airlines can regularly get you to Xieng Khouang, but then it’s a day’s drive to Xam Neua, Houaphanh’s capital. Rik said Houaphanh’s position on the Northern Heritage Route (NHR) linking it to Luang Prabang and Xieng Khouang, “offers opportunities to learn about the full spectrum of Laos’ natural and cultural heritage, from the Bronze Age to communist revolution.” The NHR’s popularity is growing, he said, “particularly among motorcyclists,” adding most sites are near main roads. “Travelling by land allows you to visit a number of key attractions along the way,” Rik said, noting travel company, Stray Travel, offers an NHR pass, opening Viengthong and Viengxay to longer stays.

ທ່ານ ລິກ ກ່າວວ່າ “ການເດີນທາງໆບົກອຳນວຍຄວາມສະດວກໃຫ້ແກ່ ການທ່ຽວຊົມສະຖານທີ່ທ່ອງທ່ຽວທີ່ໜ້າສົນໃຈສຳຄັນຫຼາຍແຫ່ງຕາມ ເສັ້ນທາງ,” ບໍລິສັດ ທ່ອງທ່ຽວ Stray Travel ບໍລິການນຳທ່ຽວຜ່ານ ເສັ້ນທາງມໍລະດົກ ພາກເໜືອໂດຍເຮັດໃຫ້ການທ່ອງທ່ຽວຜ່ານເມືອງ ວຽງທອງ ແລະ ວຽງໄຊ ໃຊ້ເວລາຍາວນານຂຶ້ນຕື່ມ.

ເມືອງໃນຖ້ຳທີ່ຖືກເຊື່ອງຊ້ອນ ທ່ານລິກ ອະທິບາຍວ່າການທ່ອງທ່ຽວໃນຫົວພັນເລີ່ມທີ່ຖ້ຳວຽງໄຊໃກ້ ກັບຕົວເມືອງຊຳເໜືອ. “ທ່ານ ໂປນ ໂລເຈີສາມາດບອກໃຫ້ທ່ານຮັບ ຊາບທຸກຢ່າງກ່ຽວກັບສະຖານທີ່ແຫ່ງນີ້, ເນື່ອງຈາກວ່າລາວເຄີຍໄປ ສະຖານທີ່ແຫ່ງນີ້ສຳລັບການສຳຫຼວດໃນເບື້ອງຕົ້ນ” ຈາກຈຸດນີ້ ທຶນຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອສຸມໃສ່ການບໍລິຫານ ແລະ ການຕະຫຼາດຂອງຖ້ຳ. ທ່ານໂປນເປັນຫົວໜ້າທີມງານ. ປະເທດຊາດຈາລຶກຖ້ຳວຽງໄຊປຽບເໜືອນ “ຕົ້ນກຳເນີດຂອງລາວ”. ປະທານພັກຄົນທຳອິດຂອງຊາດ ທ່ານ ໄກສອນ ພົມວິຫານ ຊີ້ນຳ ການປະຕິວັດ ຈາກ “ເມືອງທີ່ຖືກເຊື່ອງຊ້ອນ”ທີ່ກວ້າງໃຫ່ຍແຫ່ງນີ້, ເຊິ່ງ ນອກນີ້ຍັງ ຖືກໃຊ້ເປັນສຳນັກບັນຊາການດ້ານທະຫານຂອງຝ່າຍປະ ເທດລາວ ແລະ ເປັນບ່ອນຫຼົບໄພ ຂອງພົນລະເຮືອນຈຳນວນ 20,000 ກ່ວາຄົນ. ການນຳທ່ຽວ 18 ຈຸດໃນຕົວເມືອງທີ່ຖືກເຊື່ອງຊ້ອນດ້ວຍເທັບອັດສຽງ ນຳສະເໜີຂໍ້ມູນເບື້ອງຕົ້ນກ່ຽວກັບຊີວິດໃນປາງສົງຄາມໃນຖ້ຳທີ່ສະຫຼັບ ຊັບຊ້ອນ. ທ່ານຈະໄດ້ທ່ຽວຊົມຖ້ຳປະທານໄກສອນໂດຍມີການຕົກແຕ່ງ ດ້ວຍຂອງຂັວນ ຈາກຕ່າງປະເທດເຊັ່ນຮູບປັ້ນທ່ານເລນິນ ແລະ ປຶ້ມທີ່ ສະສົມ, ໄປພ້ອມກັບການຮຽນຮູ້ວິ ໄສທັດຂອງເພີ່ນກ່ຽວກັບລາວ.

Hidden Cave City Rik explained Houaphanh tourism started with the Viengxay Caves near Xam Neua. “Paul Rogers should be able to tell you all about it, as he went there on the initial survey.” Following this, funds concentrated on managing and marketing the caves. Paul headed the show. The country considers the Viengxay Caves as the “Birthplace of Laos”. The nation’s first President Kaysone Phomvihane directed the revolution from the sprawling “Hidden City”, which also served as the Phathet Lao’s military headquarters and shelter for some 20,000 civilians. An 18-stop Hidden City Audio Tour presents first-hand accounts of war-time life in the labyrinth. You’ll visit Kaysone’s office with its foreign gifts like a Lenin statue and book collection, while learning about his vision for Laos. Nouhak Phoumsavan’s Cave divulges the risk of finding and cooking food during the war, and how villagers overcame this. Prince Souphanouvong’s Cave describes the US aerial bombardment and how locals learned to recognize spotter, bomber and fighter planes. Respected historian, Phoumi Vongvichid, ran a school in his cave, residents explain how the Small Hospital Cave cared for the wounded, and ex-battlers tell of life in Soldiers’ Cave Barracks. Viengxay has caves for cinemas, celebrations, communications, and factories. According to Rik, STDP is opening two Market Caves, which sold everything from baked goods to farming tools. STDP also supported SNV in developing a new trek that takes in previously unopened embassy caves.



ຖ້ຳທ່ານ ໜູຮກ ັ ພູມສະຫວັນ ເປີດ ເຜີຍຄວາມສ່ຽງຂອງການຊອກ ຫາແລະປຸງແຕ່ງອາຫານໃນໄລ ຍະສົງຄາມແລະ ກ່ຽວກັບວິທີທີ່ຜ່ານຜ່າສິ່ງ ດັ່ງກ່າວມາໄດ້. ຖ້ຳ ທ່ານ ສຸພານຸວົງ ບັນລະຍາຍເຖິງການຖີ້ມລະເບີດ ທາງອາກາດຂອງ ອາເມລິກາແລະວິທີທີ່ປະຊາຊົນຮຽນຮູ້ກ່ຽວກັບການ ຈຳແນກຍົນຊີ້ເປົ້າ, ຍົນຖີ້ມລະເບີດ ແລະ ຍົນໂຈມຕີທາງອາກາດ. ນັກວິທະຍາສາດທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບຄວາມເຊື່ອຖືເຊັ່ນທ່ານ ພູມມີ ວົງວິຈິດ ເປີດ ໂຮງຮຽນສອນໜັງສືໃນຖ້ຳ, ປະຊາຊົນ ອະທິບາຍໃຫ້ຮູ້ກ່ຽວກັບການປິ່ນ ປົວຄົນເຈັບໂດຍໂຮງໝໍນ້ອຍໃນຖ້ຳ ແລະ ອາດິດນັກຮົບ ບອກໃຫ້ຮູ້ ເຖິງຊີວິດ ການເປັນຢູ່ໃນຖ້ຳກຳບັງສຳລັບທະຫານນັກຮົບ. ວຽງໄຊມີຖ້ຳສຳລັບສາຍຮູບເງົາ, ສະເຫຼີມສະຫຼອງ, ສື່ສານ ແລະ ໂຮງງານ.ຕາມການໃຫ້ຮູ້ຂອງທ່ານ ລີກ, ໂຄງການພັດທະນາທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ແບບຍືນຍົງ ເປີດຖ້ຳຕະຫຼາດສອງແຫ່ງເຊິ່ງຂາຍທຸກສິ່ງທຸກຢ່າງແຕ່ ເຂົ້າໜົມຈົນເຖິງເຄື່ອງມືຮັບໃຊ້ການກະສິກຳ. ນອກນີ້ໂຄງການຍັງ ສະໜັບສະໜູນອົງການ SNV ໃນການພັດທະນາເສັ້ນທາງຍ່າງ ທ່ອງ ທ່ຽວແຫ່ງໃໝ່ ໄປຍັງຖ້ຳສະຖານທູດທີ່ບໍ່ໄດ້ເປີດໃຫ້ເຂົ້າຊົມມາກ່ອນ.

ພາກໃຕ້ຂອງຊຳເໜືອ ຈຸດເຄິ່ງກາງລະຫວ່າງຊຳເໜືອ ແລະ ຊຽງຂວາງ ໂດຍມີປ້າຍສະແດງ ຖະໜົນໝາຍເລກ 6 . ໂຄງການ 3 ບ້ານ 3 ຜະລິດຕະພັນ ເປີດໃຫ້ບໍລິ ການໄປພ້ອມໆກັບນ້ຳຕົກຕາດສະເລີຍທີ່ມີຄວາມສູງ 100 ແມັດ ຕົກລົງໃສ່ໂງ່ນຫີນ. ໂຄງການພັດທະນາທ່ອງທ່ຽວແບບຍືນຍົງເຮັດວຽກຮ່ວມກັບບ້ານໂພນ ໄຊໃນການຜະລິດເຄື່ອງຫັດຖະກຳ, ປະກອບມີເຄື່ອງເຟີນີເຈີໄມ້ໄຜ່. ຫ່າງຈາກຈຸດດັ່ງກ່າວ 2 ກິໂລແມັດໄປທາງໃຕ້, ໂຄງການສະໜັບສະໜູນ ປະຊາຊົນບ້ານສະເລີຍໃນການຕ່ຳຜ້າໄໝ ແລະ ຜ້າຝ້າຍ, ແລະ ຍົກສູງ ທັກສະໃນການຕ່ຳຜ້າມັດໝີ່ ແລະ ວິທີຍ້ອມສີ ເພື່ອການອອກແບບລະ ດັບສູງທີ່ມີຄວາມສັບສົນ. ນອກນີ້ ໂຄງການພັດທະນາທ່ອງທ່ຽວແບບຍືນຍົງຍັງໄດ້ຊ່ວຍພັດທະ ນາການທ່ອງທ່ຽວແບບພັກເຊົານຳປະຊາຊົນ ໃນບ້ານສະເລີຍແລະພະ ນັກງານນຳທ່ຽວຍ່າງປ່າທ້ອງຖີ່ນຈຳນວນສອງຄົນ. ເຊິ່ງເປັນການຍ່າງ ຂຶ້ນພູໂດຍໃຊ້ເວລາ ເຄິ່ງມື້ໄປຍັງນ້ຳຕົກຕາດເສືອ ແລະ ນ້ຳຕົກຕາດໝູ ປ່າ, ເຊິ່ງເປັນນ້ຳຕົກຈາກປ່າດົງສອງແຫ່ງ. ຫ້ອຍໂຫນໂຕລົງຕາມສາຍ ນ້ຳຕົກ ແລະ ຂ້າມຂົວອູ່ເທິງຍອດພູເພື່ອຊົມວິວ ແລະ ຢ້ຽມຊົມກຸ່ມບ້ານ ນາສາລາທີ່ມີຊື່ສຽງໃນການຜະລິດເຫຼົ້າຂາວ.


South of Xam Neua Great midway shows dot Route 6 between Xam Neua and Xieng Khouang. The “3 Villages-3 Products Cluster”, about 40km south of Xam Neua, opens with Saleuy Waterfall cascading 100 metres over rock slabs. STDP works with Ban Phonxay Village in producing handicrafts, including bamboo furniture. Two kilometres south, it supports Ban Saleuy villagers, who weave silk and cotton textiles, and are honing their mat-mee weaving skills, a tie-dyed method used to create intricate designs. STDP also developed Ban Saleuy homestays and two locally guided treks. A half-day hike heads to Tiger and Boar Falls, a pair of forest-cliff chutes. “Do the Loop!” follows the falls, and crosses a suspension bridge at the top for a closer view. And capping “The Cluster” is Ban Nasala’s top-shelf lao khao rice alcohol. The 1,500-year-old “Standing Stones” marking Bronze Age burial chambers at the Hintang Archaeological Park presents Houaphanh’s oldest act. A 6-km dirt road from Route 6 leads to San Khong Phan and the Hintang Trail’s 72 sites with slender, tall upright stones, large stone discs, and burial chambers. Julie Van Den Bergh, a former UNESCO archaeologist for the Plain of Jars, said, “Frankly, I did not expect much, being more enamoured with my stone jars, but it turned out that I was very wrong. I was more than impressed not only with the archaeological site but also by the stunning surrounding landscape... The experience was very much one of a ‘treasure hunt’.”

Photo: Bart Verweij / SNV ຫີນຜາຕັ້ງທີ່ມີອາຍຸຫຼາຍກ່ວາ 1500 ປີ ຖືກຮັບຮູ້ກັນວ່າໃຊ້ເປັນເຄື່ອງ ໝາຍສຸສານຝັງສົບໃນຍຸກທອງແດງໃນເຂດ ສວນອຸດທະຍານຫີນຕັ້ງ ເຊິ່ງເປັນການນຳສະເໜີສະຖານທີ່ໆເກົ່າແກ່ທີ່ສຸດຂອງແຂວງຫົວພັນ. ຖະໜົນດີນແດງໄລຍະ 6 ກິໂລແມັດຈາກຖະໜົນເລກ 6 ນຳພາທ່ານໄປ ສູ່ສັນກອງພັນ ແລະ ເສັ້ນທາງຫີນຕັ້ງຈຳນວນ 72 ແຫ່ງໂດຍມີແຜນຫີນ ບາງຕັ້ງສູງເດັ່ນຢູ່ທາງເບື້ອງຂົວ, ຫິນແຜ່ນໃຫ່ຍ ແລະ ສຸສານຝັງສົບ. ທ່ານ ນາງຈູລີ ວານ ເດັນ ເບີກ, ອາດິດນັກບູຮານຄະດີຂອງອົງການຢູ ເນັດສະໂກສຳລັບທົ່ງໄຫຫີນກ່າວວ່າ: “ຕາມຄວາມຈິງແລ້ວຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ ບໍ່ໄດ້ຄາດຫວັງຫຍັງຫຼາຍ, ເນື່ອງຈາກວ່າມີຄວາມຜູກພັນຫຼົງໄຫຼກັບ ໄຫຫີນ ຫຼາຍກ່ວາ, ແຕ່ມັນກັບປະກົດວ່າຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຄິດຜິດຫຼາຍ. ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າມີຄວາມປະທັບໃຈຫຼາຍ ບໍ່ສະເພາະແຕ່ ສະຖານທີ່ທາງ ບູຮານສະຖານ ແລະ ນອກນີ້ຍັງຮູ້ສຶກປະທັບໃຈກັບພູມສັນຖານທີ່ເຕັມ ໄປດ້ວຍຄວາມ ຍິ່ງໃຫ່ຍອ້ອມບໍລິເວັນດັ່ງກ່າວ...ປະສົບການດັ່ງກ່າວຖື ໄດ້ວ່າຄ້າຍຄືກັບການລ້າຊັບສົມບັດ ຫຼາຍທີ່ສຸດ”

ເມືອງວຽງທອງ ເມືອງວຽງທອງຕັ້ງຢູ່ຫ່າງຈາກຊຳເໜືອປະມານ 4 ຊົ່ວໂມງ ທ່ານຈຳ ຕ້ອງໄດ້ພັກເຊົາໃນສະຖານທີ່ແຫ່ງນີ້ເນື່ອງ ຈາກວ່າມີສາມຢ່າງທີ່ທ່ານ ຈຳຕ້ອງໄດ້ເຫັນ. ສະຖານທີ່ຊົມສັດປ່າຕາມລ່ອງນ້ຳເນີນສອງແຫ່ງ ເຊິ່ງເປັນບ່ອນຊົມສັດ ປ່າຫາຍາກທີ່ສຸດຂອງລາວ ດ້ວຍການນັ່ງ ເຮືອຫາງຍາວ ແລະ ລ່ອງໄປ ຕາມເສັ້ນທາງປ່າສະຫງວນແຫ່ງຊາດເຂດນ້ຳແອດພູເລີຍເພື່ອເບິ່ງ ແລະ ຕິດຕາມສັດປ່າ ໃນຍາມລາຕີ. ຖ້າວ່າມີຄົນມາທ່ຽວຊົມຫຼາຍ, ບ້ານທີ່ເຂົ້າຮ່ວມໂຄງການຈຳນວນ 14 ບ້ານກໍ່ຈະມີລາຍຮັບເພີ່ມຂຶ້ນ. ບ້ານສົ້ນຂົວຕ້ອນຮັບນັກທ່ອງທ່ຽວທີ່ເດີນທາງມາຊົມສັດປ່າດ້ວຍອາ ຫານພື້ນເມືອງ ແລະ ນັກທ່ອງທ່ຽວສາມາດຮຽນຮູ້ກ່ຽວກັບການປົກປັກ ຮັກສາເສືອປ່າໃນເວລາທີ່ພັກຄ້າງຄືນໃນແຄ້ມຂອງປ່າສະຫງວນ. ນອກເໜືອຈາກປະສົບການ ດັ່ງກ່າວແລ້ວ, ພະນັກງານນຳທ່ຽວຍັງໄດ້ ນຳສະເໜີທັກສະໃນການເອົາໂຕລອດເວລາຫຼົງປ່າ. ທ່ານ ໂປນ ເອຊູ ເຊິ່ງເປັນຜູ້ນຳພາຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດກິດຈະກຳຂອງອົງ ການອະນຸລັກສັດປ່າ (WCS) ກ່າວວ່າ: “ນີ້ແມ່ນສະຖານທີ່ແຫ່ງດຽວ ໃນລາວທີ່ນັກທ່ອງທ່ຽວສາມາດຊົມສັດປ່າໄດ້ໂດຍຕະຫຼອດ” ທ່ານກ່າວ ຕື່ມວ່າ:”ບໍ່ມີການຮັບປະກັນວ່າຈະເຫັນສັດປ່າໄດ້ຕະຫຼອດ, ແຕ່ວ່າທົວ ສ່ວນໃຫ່ຍແມ່ນໄດ້ເຫັນສັດປ່າ. ໃນປີທີ່ຜ່ານມາທົວ 25 ຫາ 30 ກຸ່ມ ເຫັນສັດປ່າໂດຍສະເລ່ຍແລ້ວແມ່ນສາມາດເຫັນສັດປ່າຈຳນວນ 3.2 ໂຕຕໍ່ທົວ”

Viengthong Vienthong, about 4 hours from Xam Neua, demands overnight stays as it hosts a three-ring show. Two “Nam Nern Night Safaris”, Laos’ top rare wildlife activities, take long-tail boats and moderate trails in the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area (NPA) to spot and track nighttime wildlife. And the more you see, the more of your fee goes to the 14 participating villages. Ban Son Koua Village hosts safari-goers with traditional food, and visitors can learn about tiger conservation while staying overnight at the park campsite. Adding to the experience, the local guides demonstrate jungle survival skills. “This is the only place in Lao where tourists regularly see wildlife,” said Paul Eshoo, who led the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) initiative. “There’s never a guarantee to see wildlife, however, most tours see wildlife. Last year 25 of 30 tours saw wildlife, with an average of 3.2 animals per tour.” Paul stressed wildlife sightings are becoming fewer as the local government opened the area to mining in 2010, “which encouraged local people to hunt in our tour area.” Meanwhile, former STDP Ecotourism Planner Jim Johnston blazed trails in the Nakhang–Nakout Historical Landscape. A pair of programs, based in Nakout “Tin Drum” Village about 27 kilometres south of Viengthong, lead to the keynote attraction: Nakhang’s Airbase. Nakhang rose as a primary US airbase for attacking Houaphanh targets from 1965–1969, when North Vietnamese forces overran it. Today, lingering war relics include the airstrip, roadwork equipment, shell launcher, and 10,000-litre fuel tanks.


TOURISM ທ່ານ ໂປນຢ້ຳວ່າສັດປ່າທີຍັງເຫຼືອໃຫ້ເຫັນແມ່ນມີໜ້ອຍລົງເນື່ອງຈາກວ່າລັດ ຖະບານທ້ອງຖີ່ນໄດ້ເປີດໃຫ້ມີການ ສຳປະທານເໜືອງແຮ່ທາດໃນເຂດດັ່ງ ກ່າວໃນປີ 2010 ເຊິ່ງໄດ້ເຮັດໃຫ້ປະຊາຊົນໃນເຂດດັ່ງກ່າວລ້າສັດໃນ ເຂດສະຫງວນສຳລັບທົວທ່ອງທ່ຽວ. ໃນຂະນະດຽວກັນ, ອະດີດນັກວາງແຜນການທ່ອງທ່ຽວທຳມະຊາດຂອງໂຄງ ການພັດທະນາທ່ອງທ່ຽວແບບຍືນຍົງ, ທ່ານ ຈີມ ຈອນສະຕັນ ເຜີຍແຜ່ເສັ້ນ ທາງໃນພູມສັນຖານທາງປະຫວັດສາດ ນາຂາງ-ນາກູດ. ມີໂປແກຼມການ ທ່ອງທ່ຽວທີ່ເລີ່ມຈາກນາກູດ “ບ້ານຖັງກົ່ວ” ຕັ້ງຢູ່ ທາງຕອນໃຕ້ຂອງເມືອງ ວຽງທອງ ປະມານ27ກິໂລແມັດ ເຊິ່ງເປັນເສັ້ນທາງໄປສູ່ແຫຼ່ງທ່ອງທ່ຽວທີ່ໜ້າ ສົນໃຈ: ສະໜາມບິນນາຄັງ. ນາຄັງຖືກສ້າງເປັນຖານທັບອາກາດແຫ່ງທຳອິດຂອງອາເມລິກາເພື່ອໃຊ້ເປັນ ບ່ອນໂຈມຕີເປົ້າໝາຍແຂວງຫົວພັນແຕ່ປີ1965-1969, ຈົນເຖິງເວລາທີ່ກອງ ທັບຫວຽດນາມເໜືອບຸກຍຶດເອົາສະຖານທີ່ດັ່ງກ່າວຢ່າງມີໄຊ. ປະຈຸບັນສິ່ງ ເສດເຫຼືອສົງຄາມປະກອບມີ: ລານແລ່ນຂອງເຮືອບີນ, ເຄື່ອງມືພາກພື້ນດີນ, ຖານຍິງປືນໃຫ່ຍແລະຖັງນ້ຳມັນ ຂະໜາດ 10000 ລິດ. ໃກ້ກັບນາຄັງ, ສົງຄາມໄດ້ທຳລາຍລ້າງບ້ານໄຕພວນແຕ່ປະຊາຊົນທ້ອງ ຖີ່ນໄດ້ສ້າງໝູ່ບ້ານຂອງເຂົາເຈົ້າຄືນໃໝ່ ດ້ວຍສິ່ງເສດເຫຼືອ ຈາກສົງຄາມ. ພວກເຂົາສ້າງບ້ານ, ເລົ້າເຂົ້າ ແລະ ຮົ້ວອ້ອມສວນດ້ວຍຖັງນ້ຳມັນ ແລະ ລູກລະ ເບີດສະນັ້ນຈຶ່ງຖືກຕັ້ງຊື່ວ່າບ້ານຖັງກົ່ວ. ນອກນີ້ເຂົາເຈົ້າຍັງໃຊ້ອຸປະກອນເຮືອ ບີນ ແລະ ໂຕຍືດລູກປືນຂອງຍົນສູ້ຮົບ ມາຕີເປັນເຄື່ອງໃຊ້. ທ່ານຈີມກ່າວວ່າ, “ບາງຄອບຄົວຍັງປູກມອນລ້ຽງມ້ອນ, ຍ້ອມໄໝ ແລະ ຝ້າຍແລະຕ່ຳແຜ່ນແພ, ຕີເຫຼັກ ແລະ ຈັກສານກະຕ່າທີ່ເຮັດດ້ວຍໄມ້ໄຜ່” ທ່ານ ກ່າວຕື່ມວ່າໂຄງການພັດທະນາທ່ອງທ່ຽວແບບຍືນຍົງສະໜັບສະໜຸນແນວ ຄິດລິເລີ່ມນີ້, ຮວມທັງການກໍ່ສ້າງຫ້ອງພັກຂະໜາດສອງຫ້ອງນອນ. ກັບຄືນມາທີ່ເຂດປ່າສະຫງວນນ້ຳແອດພູເລີຍ, ໂຄງການພັດທະນາທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ແບບຍືນຍົງຊວ່ຍພັດທະນາ ເຂດບໍ່ນ້ຳອຸ່ນເມືອງວຽງທອງ. ຄົນທ້ອງຖິ່ນເລົ່າວ່າ ນ້ຳສາມາດຮັກສາພະຍາດໄດ້ ແລະ ຫຼັງຈາກແຊ່ນ້ຳ ທ່ານກໍ່ຮູ້ສຶກວ່າໄດ້ຮັບການ ນວດແຜນບູຮານ. ໂຮງຮຽນປ່າໄມ້ເມືອງວຽງທອງ, ແຫ່ງທຳອິດໃນລາວ, ໂອບອ້ອມບໍ່ນ້ຳຮ້ອນ ແລະ ການຍ່າງປ່າດ້ວຍການນຳທາງ ຂອງຕົນເອງສອງຮູບແບບເຂົ້າໄປໃນ ໂຮງຮຽນ, ບໍ່ນ້ຳຮ້ອນ ແລະ ສິ່ງອື່ນໆອີກຫຼາກຫຼາຍ. ເສັ້ນທາງປະຫວັດສາດ ສົງຄາມອີນໂດຈີນໄລຍະ 1.5 ກິໂລແມັດຕັດຜ່ານປ່າໄຜ່ໄປສູ່ເສັ້ນທາງສະ ໄໝສົງຄາມກ່ອນທີ່ຈະເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ກັບ ເສັນທາງນ້ຳຕົກຕາດຫົກດອນ ໄລຍະ 5.4 ກິໂລແມັດ ທີ່ບໍ່ນ້ຳຮ້ອນ ແລະ ສູນຂໍ້ມູນນັກທ່ອງທ່ຽວເຂດປ່າສະຫງວນ. ການຍ່າງທ່ຽວໄລຍະ 4-5 ຊົ່ວໂມງ ນີ້ຜ່ານຈຸດສະອາບຂອງບໍ່ນ້ຳຮ້ອນ ແລະ ຍ່າງຕາມລ່ອງນ້ຳ ຫ້ວຍເຮັ້ຍໄປສູ່ຕາດ ຫົກດອນ. ສະຖານທີ່ເລົ່ານີ້ລ້ວນແຕ່ແມ່ນສິ່ງທີ່ໜ້າສົນໃຈ ທີ່ຄິດວ່າພຽງພໍສຳລັບການ ຕັດສິນໃຈເດີນທາງໄປທ່ອງທ່ຽວ.

Near Nakhang, the war destroyed the Tai Phuan village of Nakout, but locals rebuilt it with war leftovers. They constructed houses, rice stores, and garden fences with flattened oil drums and bomb shells, thus the nickname, “Tin Drum Village”. They also used airplane parts and ammunition cases to forge tools. Jim said, “Some households are involved in sericulture, silk and cotton dyeing and weaving, blacksmithing, and bamboo basketry.” He added that STDP are supporting this initiative, including a tworoom lodge. Back in the Phou Louey NPA, STDP is developing the Vieng-thong Hot Springs. Locals say the waters have medicinal qualities, and after soaking in them, you can get a massage.

The Viengthong School Forest, the first in Laos, surround the springs, and two self guided treks take in the school, springs, and more. The 1.5-km Indochina War History Trail heads through a bamboo forest to a wartime trench before connecting to the 5.4-km Hok Don Waterfall Trail at the hot springs and the NPA’s Visitor Centre. This four-to-five-hour circuit passes the spring’s retention pool and follows the Houi Hia stream to Hok Don Waterfall. That’s quite a strong line up. I’m sold.

For more information, go to “Visitor Information” at For information on the Nam Nern Night Safaris, visit Photo: Bart Verweij / SNV




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Cruising Halong Bay



ຮ່າລອງເບແມ່ນຄວາມມະຫັດສະຈັນທາງທຳມະຊາດອັນພິເສດ; ມັນແມ່ນສະຖານ ທີ່ໆດີເລີດ ໃນອາຊີຕາເວັນອອກສ່ຽງໃຕ້. ເກາະດອນ ຈຳນວນກ່ວາສາມພັນແຫ່ງຕັ້ງ ສະຫງ່າພົ້ນເດັ່ນອອກຈາກໜ້ານ້ຳທີ່ ຂຽວ ສວຍງາມດັ່ງແກ້ວມໍລະກົດ, ໄຫຼສວນກັນ ໄປມາ ແລມອງແລ້ວຄ້າຍຄືສິ່ງທີ່ມີຊີວິດທີ່ລີ້ລັບຂັບເຄື່ອນໄປມາເທິງໜ້ານ້ຳ. ມີນິທານ ເລົ່າກັນວ່າ ມັງກອນ ໃຫ່ຍເຄີຍອາໄສໃນເກາະດອນເລົ່ານີ້ ທ່ອງທຽວໄປມາໃນບໍລິ ເວນດັ່ງກ່າວດ້ວຍການຂຸດຊ່ອງທາງໃຫ່ຍຫຼາຍເສັ້ນທາງໃນພື້ນດີນ ສະນັ້ນຈຶ່ງ ເຮັດໃຫ້ ສະຖານທີ່ດັ່ງກ່າວຖືກເອີ້ນວ່າຮ່າລອງເຊິ່ງມີຄວາມໝາຍວ່າ: “ມັງກອນໃນນ້ຳທະເລ”

Halong Bay is an exceptional natural wonder; if not the greatest in Southeast Asia. Some three thousand islands rise out of the emerald blue waters, arranged in a zigzag pattern like a mystical creature breaching the surface. Legend has it that a giant dragon that once lived on the islands would travel around by digging enormous gaps in the landscape- hence the name Halong, which means “dragon in the sea”.

ຖ້າວ່າທ່ານຕ້ອງການເຫັນສິ່ງມະຫັດສະຈັນຢ່າງເຕັມຮູບແບບຂອງ ອ່າວຮ່າລອງເບ, ທ່ານສາມາດໃຊ້ບໍລິການເດີນເຮືອບາຍາ, ທີ່ສະໜອງ ບໍລິການທ່ອງທ່ຽວແບບພັກ ແຮມໃນເຮືອບູຮານທີ່ເຮັດດ້ວຍໄມ້ໂດຍ ທ່ານສາມາດເຊື່ອໄດ້ເລີຍວ່າທ່ານຈະມີ ຄວາມຮູ້ສຶກເປັນພິເສດທີ່ສຸດ.

If you want to capture the full wonder of Halong Bay, don’t miss Bhaya Cruise, who offer a stay on a traditional wooden junk that’s certain to make the experience all the more unique.

າລອງເບຕັ້ງຢູ່ທາງຕາເວັນອອກສຽ່ງເໜືອຂອງຫວຽດນາມເບິ່ງແລ້ວຄ້າຍຄື ກັບຜົນງານສີລະປະທາງພູມສັນຖານ. ໃນຂະນະທີ່ທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ຊົມອ່າວນີ້, ທ່ານ ຈະຮູ້ສຶກຫຼົງໄຫຼໄປກັບໂລກແຫ່ງເກາະດອນຕ່າງໆທີ່ເຕັມໄປດ້ວຍຄວາມມະ ຫັດສະຈັນ ແລະ ນ້ຳກໍ່ຍັງໃສ ປຽບໄດ້ເໜືອນ ແວ່ນແຍງ.

ຍ້ອນມີເຕັກນິການເດີນເຮືອທີ່ມີເອກະລັກສະເພາະ, ວິຈິດຕະກຳໄມ້ທາສີເຫຼື້ອມ ແລະ ການຕົກແຕ່ງທີ່ທັນສະໄໝ, ການລ່ອງ ເຮືອທ່ອງທ່ຽວທີ່ເປັນເຮືອໄມ້ເຮັດໃຫ້ປະສົບ ການຂອງທ່ານບໍ່ສາມາດ ຈະລືມໄດ້ເຖິງຄວາມມີລະດັບ. ຫ້ອງນອນຂອງພວກເຮົາຖືກ ອອກແບບ ຢ່າງລົງໂຕຕາມແບບຕາເວັນອອກທີ່ມີລະດັບ ເຊິ່ງປະກອບມີສິ່ງອຳ ນວຍ ຄວາມສະດວກທັນສະໄໝແລະວິວໜ້າປະທັບໃຈ.


rom above, Halong Bay in northeastern Vietnam looks like a geological work of art. While exploring the bay, it’s easy to feel completely lost in a world of dramatic islands and still, mirror-like water.

With its classic sails, polished woodwork and sophisticated décor, the wooden junks offer an unforgettable atmosphere of laid back elegance. Our cabin was perfectly designed in a classic eastern style, equipped with modern facilities and outstanding views. From the spacious sun deck, we really enjoyed the infinity islets of Halong Bay, a milky way of islands ly-

ing in the turquoise waters of the South China Sea. Featuring an impressive range of cocktails and an easy, relaxed ambiance, the sun deck is a delightful place to socialise and watch the sun sink behind the bay’s myriad of islands. The also offer an exciting array of activities. During our three-day cruise, we had the chance to visit some amazing caves and fishing villages, swim and kayak through the quiet blue water and a cycling tour of Cat Ba Island. You can also take the opportunity to learn more about the ingredients and techniques used to create mouthwatering Vietnamese dishes by taking one of the great cooking classes on offer.

ຢູ່ດ້ານເທິງດາດຟ້າເຮືອທີ່ກວ້າງຂວາງ (ບ່ອນອາບແດດ) ພວກເຮົາສາ ມາດເບີກບານໄປກັບເກາະດອນທີ່ບໍ່ມີບ່ອນສິ້ນສຸດຂອງ ອ່າວຮ່າລອງ, ເຊິ່ ງ ປຽບເໝື ອ ນທາງຊ້ າ ງເຜື ອ ກລອຍເທິ ງ ໜ້ າ ນ້ ຳ ທີ່ ມີ ສີ ຟ້ າ ແກມຂາວ ອ່ອນໃນເຂດທະເລຈີນໃຕ້. ໂດຍມີບລ ໍ ກ ິ ານເຄື່ອງດື່ມປະເພດຄອກແທວ ໜ້າປະທັບໃຈທີ່ຫຼາກຫຼາຍເມນູ,ບັນຍາກາດທີ່ສະບາຍ, ຜ່ອນຄາຍ, ລານ ອາບແດດ ເປັນສະຖານທີ່ໆດີເລີດໃນການພົບປະສັງສັນ ແລະ ຊົມພະອາ ທິດຕົກທາງເບື້ອງຫຼັງຂອງເກາະໜດອນຈຳນວນນັບບໍ່ຖວ ້ ນ. ນອກນີ້ຢູ່ເທິງເຮືອຍັງມີບໍລິການອື່ນທີ່ໜ້າຕື່ນເຕັ້ນອີກຫຼາຍກິດຈະກຳ. ໃນໄລຍະສາມວັນຂອງການທ່ອງທ່ຽວເດີນເຮືອນັ້ນ, ພວກເຮົາຍັງໄດ້ ທ່ຽວຊົມ ຖ້ຳທີ່ມະຫັດສະຈັນຈຳນວນໜຶ່ງ, ໝູ່ບ້ານຄົນຫາປາ, ລອຍນ້ຳ ແລະ ຂີ່ເຮືອກາຍັກຜ່ານສາຍນ້ຳອັນຂຽວສະອາດຕາເຕັມໄປດ້ວຍຄວາມ ງຽບສະຫງົບ ແລະຂີ່ລົດຖີບທ່ຽວໃນເກາະແຄດບາ. ນອກນີ້ທ່ານຍັງສາ ມາດຮຽນຮູ້ກ່ຽວກັບເຄື່ອງປຸງ ແລະ ເຕັກນິກໃນການປຸງແຕ່ງອາຫານ ຫວຽດນາມໄດ້ຫຼາຍ ຂຶ້ນເພື່ອເຮັດໃຫ້ນ້ຳລາຍໄຫຼໂດຍການເຂົ້າຮ່ວມ ການສອນວິທີປຸງແຕ່ງອາຫານຊັ້ນຍອດ.


OUTSIDE DISTINATION ຮ້ານອາຫານບໍລິການເທິງເຮືອກໍ່ສະໜອງປະສົບການດ້ານອາຫານທີ່ໜ້າປະທັບໃຈທີ່ສຸດ ຄຽງຄູ່ກັບບັນຍາກາດທີ່ເຕັມໄປດ້ວຍຄວາມສຳ ລານ, ພະນັກງານທີ່ເອົາໃຈໃສ່ ແລ ະວິວທີ່ສຸດຍອດເໜືອຄຳບັນຍາຍ.

The on bored restaurant is a fantastic culinary experience, with its pleasant atmosphere, attentive staff and great views. ສຳລັບຂໍ້ມູນເພີ່ມເຕີມສາມາດເຂົ້າເບິ່ງໄດ້ທີ່:


Our Lao Traditional Hospitality Makes Us different.

Reopening in October 2012


ຊ່າງຫັດຖະກຳລາວທົ່ວປະເທດກຳລັງຂຸ້ນຂ້ຽວກະກຽມເທດ ສະການຫັດຖະກຳລາວ2012ເຊິ່ງຈະໄດ້ຈັດຂຶ້ນລະຫວ່າງ ວັນທີ 1-7 ພະຈິກ 2012 ທີ່ສູນການຄ້າລາວໄອເທັກ ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ.

Artisans from all over Laos are busy preparing for the Lao Handicraft Festival, which will be held between 1st and 7th November 2012 at Lao ITECC in Vientiane.

ໃນແຕ່ລະປີ, ນັກສີລະປິນຫຼາຍກ່ວາ100ທ່ານເດີນທາງມານະຄອນຫຼວງ ວຽງຈັນເພື່ອເຂົ້າຮ່ວມງານມະຫາກຳສີມືແລະຂາຍຜະລິດຕະພັນຫັດຖະກຳ ທີ່ຫຼາກຫຼາຍ ແລະ ມີເອກະລັກສະເພາະຕົວເຊັ່ນ: ແຜ່ນແພ, ເຄື່ອງປະດັບ, ຜະລິດຕະພັນທີ່ບໍ່ເຮັດດ້ວຍໄມ້ ແລະ ຜະລິດຕະພັນທີ່ນຳກັບມາໃຊ້ສອຍຄືນ ໃໝ່, ເຄື່ອງປັ້ນດິນເຜົາແລະສິນຄ້າທີ່ມີລັກສະນະວັດທະນະທຳອີກຈຳນວນ ຫຼວງຫຼາຍ. ບັນດາເຄື່ອງຫັດຖະກຳທີ່ເຮັດດ້ວຍສີມອ ື ນ ັ ປານີດ ແລະ ສວຍງາມກໍ່ ຖືກວາງຂາຍເພື່ອໃຫ້ແທດເໝາະກັບທຸກໆງົບປະມານ, ເລີ່ມແຕ່ສີນຄ້າ ທີ່ລະນຶກທີ່ມີລາຄາຖືກຈົນເຖິງເຄື່ອງສະສົມຄຸນນະພາບສູງສວຍງາມ ແລະ ລາຄາສູງ. ຜະລິດຕະພັນອາຫານເຊັ່ນ: ກາເຟ, ຊາ, ນ້ຳມັນສະໝຸນໄພ ແລະ ເຄື່ອງເທດທີ່ຜະລິດໃນລາວກໍ່ເປັນອີກສີສັນພິເສດໜຶ່ງພາຍໃນງານ.

The annual Lao Handicraft Festival is designed to show-

ຈາກເວທີເດີນແບບຂອງເມືອງນິວຢອກ, ລອນດອນແລະປາຣີເຊິ່ງຕັ້ງຢູ່ຫ່າງຈາກ ລາວຫຼາຍພັນໄມ, ແນວໂນ້ມການອອກແບບເສື້ອຜາໄດ້ແຈ້ງເກີດຢ່າງເປັນຮູບ ປະທຳໃນປີ2012: ຕາມແບບ”ເຜົ່າແລະຊາວພູດອຍ”. ວິຖີທາງ, ເລື່ອງເລົ່າ ແລະ ເຕັກນິກຂອງເຜົ່າຍັງໄດ້ຮັບຄວາມນິຍົມຊົມຊອບຢ່າງບໍ່ມີມື້ຈົບສິ້ນ. ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າ ວົງການແຟຊັນສາກົນອາດໄດ້ຮັບແຮງບັນດານໃຈຈາກການອອກແບບ ແລະ ເລື່ອງເລົ່າຂອງບັນດາຊົນເຜົ່າ, ແຕ່ເຄື່ອງຫັດຖະກຳຂອງລາວກໍ່ຍັງເປັນການສະ ແດງເອກະລັກສະເພາະເຖິງວັດທະນະທຳດ້ານຫັດຖະກຳ ແລະ ທັກສະທີ່ມີອາຍຸ ເຖິງຫຼາຍຮ້ອຍປີ(ຫຼືບາງທີອາດເຖິງຫຼາຍພັນປີ).

sive variety of products including textiles, jewellery, non-

case handicrafts that are exclusive to the rich and diverse cultures of Laos. The festival is organised by the Lao Handicraft Association (LHA), which operates under the supervision of the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI). Each year, over 200 artists from around the country travel to Vientiane to participate in the festival and sell an extentimber and recycled products, pottery and many other cultural items. Beautiful handmade pieces are on sale to suit all budgets, from inexpensive souvenirs to exquisite high-end collectables. Food products such as coffee, tea, oils and spices produced in Laos are also a key feature of the event.



ລາວປະກອບມີ49ເຜົ່າ, ເຊິ່ງສາມາດແບ່ງອອກເປັນ4ກຸ່ມພາສາ. ແຕ່ລະກຸ່ມ ແມ່ນມີ ແບບວິຖີ ແລະ ປະເພນີໃນການສ້າງສັນຫັດຖະກຳອັນເປັນເອກະລັກສະເພາະຂອງ ກຸ່ມ,ໂດຍສະເພາະແມ່ນສະແດງອອກຜ່ານເຄື່ອງນຸ່ງຫົ່ມບູຮານທີ່ມີເອກະລັກ. ເຜົ່າອາຄາ (ຫຼືຮູ້ຈັກໃນນາມເຜົ່າອີກໍ້) ທີ່ອົບພະຍົກມາຈາກແຂວງຢູນານທາງພາກໃຕ້ ຂອງຈີນ ແລະ ຕັ້ງຖີ່ນຖານຢູ່ເຂດພູດອຍໃນພາກເໜືອຂອງລາວມາເປັນເວລາຫຼາຍ ກ່ວາ 200 ປີ, ສ້າງສັນເຄື່ອງນຸ່ງຫົ່ມປະເພນີຂອງເຂົາເຈົ້າຂຶ້ນເອງ. ບັນດາເພດຍິງປູກ ແລະເຂັນຝ້າຍຫຼືປໍເພື່ອ ເຮັດເຄື່ອງນຸ່ງຫົ່ມ. ຫຼັງຈາກນັ້ນກໍ່ໄດ້ໃຊ້ນ້ຳຍ້ອມຜ້າສີຄາມທຳ ມະຊາດ ກ່ອນທີ່ຈະຕ່ຳເສັ້ນດ້າຍໃຫ້ກາຍມາເປັນເຄື່ອງນຸ່ງແລະຕົກແຕ່ງດ້ວຍການ ຫຍີບແສວດ້ວຍສີສັນ. ແຕ່ສິ່ງທີ່ເປັນເລີດກໍ່ຄື, ເພດຍິງຊາວອາຄ່າມັກພັນຫົວດ້ວຍຜ້າ ພ້ອມດ້ວຍເຄື່ອງເອ້ຢ້ອງທີ່ສວຍງາມ. ເຜົ່າໄຕລື້ເຊິ່ງຍ້າຍຖີ່ນຖານມາຈາກທາງຕາເວັນຕົກສຽ່ງໃຕ້ຂອງຈີນ ສາມາດຈຳແນກ ໄດ້ຢ່າງງ່າຍດາຍດ້ວຍສີ້ນຕີນລ່າມ ແລະ ເສື້ອແຂນສັ້ນທີ່ມີສີສັນຂອງເຂົາເຈົ້າ. ສີ້ນຂອງເຜົ່ານີ້ແມ່ນມີຫຼາຍອົງປະກອບລວມມີຜືນສີ້ນທີ່ຕ່ຳດ້ວຍມືຢ່າງປານິດ ແລະ ອຸດົມຮັ່ງມີໄປດ້ວຍເລື່ອງເລົ່າຮິດຄອງປະເພນີຂອງເຜົ່າໄຕ ແລະ ນອກນີ້ຍັງມີສ່ວນທີ່ ເປັນຕີນສີ້ນນຳອີກ. ນັກທ່ອງທ່ຽວທີ່ມາລາວຈະສາມາດສັງເກດເຫັນໄດ້ວ່າບັນດາເພດຍິງຫຼາຍຄົນຍັງນຸ່ງ ສີ້ນ. ບໍ່ວ່າຈະແມ່ນພະນັກງານຫ້ອງການ, ນັກຮຽນ ນັກສຶກສາ, ບຸກຄົນມີຖານະໃນສັງຄົມຫຼືວ່າຈະເປັນ ຊາວບ້ານທຳມະດາ ມົນສະເໜ່ຂອງສີ້ນກໍ່ຍັງຖືໄດ້ ວ່າມີຊື່ສຽງໂດ່ງດັງແລະເປັນເຄື່ອງນຸ່ງທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບ ຄວາມນິຍົມ. ໂດຍທົ່ວໄປແລ້ວສີ້ນຈະເຮັດດ້ວຍໄໝ, ຝ້າຍ ຫຼືປະສົມປະສານກັບໄຍສັງເຄາະ ແລະ ຖືກຕ່ຳ ໃຫ້ເປັນຜືນສິນລາຍຕ່າງໆທີ່ເປັນເລື່ອງເລົ່າ ສະທ້ອນໃຫ້ເຫັນວັດທະນະທຳເຜົ່າຂອງ ຊຸມຊົນຫຼືຂອງພາກ ຫຼືວ່າສ່ອງແສງເຖິງ ໂອກາດທີ່ຜືນສິ້ນດັ່ງກ່າວຈະຖືກນຳໃຊ້. ຕາມປະເພນີປະຕິບັດແລ້ວ, ສີ້ນຖືກເຮັດ ດ້ວຍມືທຸກຂັ້ນຕອນ, ເຊິ່ງເລີ່ມຈາກການ ປັ່ນໄໝຫຼືປັ່ນຝ້າຍຈົນເຖິງຂະບວນການ ຍ້ອມສີ, ກະກຽມລວດລາຍ, ຮູບແລະຂັ້ນ ຕອນສຸດທ້າຍກໍ່ແມ່ນການຕ່ຳດ້ວຍມື.

As well as shopping, visitors attending the festival can also enjoy fashion shows, craft demonstrations, workshops and product design competitions. The festival is a platform for artisans to display and demonstrate craftsmanship that has been passed down from one generation to the next. As well as selling their work, artists who exhibit their work at the festival enjoy the opportunity to share and celebrate their cultural heritage with visitors. Thousands of miles from Laos on the fashion catwalks of New York, London and Paris, a fashion trend is beginning to take centre stage in 2012: “ethnic and tribal” styles. Ethnic patterns, motifs and techniques still have a timeless appeal. But while international fashion may take inspiration from tribal designs and motifs, Lao handicrafts are authentic reflections of hundreds (if not thousands) of years of culture, artistry and skill. Laos has 49 officially recognised ethnic groups. Each group has its own unique craft styles and traditions, particularly noticeable through their distinctive traditional clothing. The Akha ethnic group (also known as Ikor), who migrated from Yunnan in southern China and settled in the mountainous areas of northern Laos over the last 200 years, make their own traditional clothing. The women grow and spin cotton or hemp to make cloth. They then use natural indigo dye, before weaving the thread into cloth and decorating it with colourful embroidery. To top it all off, women wear beautiful ornate headdresses. Visitors to Laos will notice that many women still wear a traditional tube skirt or sinh. From office workers to students, “high-society” to rural villagers, the elegant sinh remains both popular and fashionable. The sinh is usually made of silk, cotton or a combination of fibres and is woven with motifs that reflect the ethnic culture of a community or region,


ຢູ່ເບື້ອງຫຼັງສາກຂອງງານ, ສະມາຄົມຫັດຖະກຳລາວເຊິ່ງເປັນແມ່ງານ ກໍ່ຈະຈັດກອງປະຊຸມສຳມະນາເພື່ອຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອບັນດານັກສີລະປະ ພັດທະນາຄວາມຮູ້ໃນການບໍລິຫານທຸລະກິດ, ການຕະຫຼາດ, ການອອກແບບຜະລິດຕະພັນແລະຄຸນນະພາບ. ການເຂົ້າເຖິງຕະ ຫຼາດທີ່ມີຂໍ້ຈຳກັດຍັງເປັນສິ່ງທ້າທາຍສຳລັບຜູ້ຜະລິດຫັດຖະກຳຢູ່ຊົນ ນະບົດ. ແຕ່ວ່າການເຂົ້າຮ່ວມງານມະຫາກຳສີມືຫັດຖະກຳລາວໄລຍະ ໜຶ່ງອາທິດຈະຊ່ວຍເພີ່ມຍອດຂາຍ ແລະ ລາຍຮັບຂອງເຂົາເຈົ້າຈຳນວນ ຫຼວງຫຼາຍ. ທ່ານສາມາດສະແດງອອກເຖິງຄວາມປະທັບໃຈທີ່ມີຕໍ່ຄວາມເປັນເອກະ ລັກທາງດ້ານວັດທະນະທຳ, ອາຊີບຫັດຖະກຳແລະຮິດຄອງປະເພນີ. ສະນັ້ນຈຶ່ງຂໍຮຽນເຊີນບັນດາທ່ານເຂົ້າຮ່ວມງານມະຫາກຳສີມືຫັດຖະກຳ ລາວຄັ້ງນີ້, ຊື້ຜະລິດຕະພັນຫັດຖະກຳທີ່ມີເອກະລັກຂອງລາວ ແລະ ພົບ ກັບບັນດານັກສີລະປີນທີ່ສ້າງສັນຜົນງານເລົ່ານັ້ນ. ສະຖານທີ່: ລາວໄອເຕັກ (1-7/11/2012) ເຂົ້າເບິ່ງລາຍລະອຽດເພີ່ມເຕີມໄດ້ທີ່:

or the occasion for which it is intended. Traditionally, a sinh is completely handmade; from the hand spinning of the silk or cotton threads to the dyeing process, preparation of the pattern and loom, and finally; hand weaving. Producing hand-woven textiles is extremely labour intensive and requires a high level of skill. It takes at least 15 days to weave a sinh – although it can take several months depending on the complexity of the work, while a Chinese factory can produce a sinh in just 15 minutes. In recent years, factorymade sinhs have become popular because they are much less expensive. But the quality of many handmade Lao sinh is second to none. Consequently, they have become highly valued for their unique craftsmanship and artistry. As handicraft artisans struggle to compete in an increasingly globalised world, the Lao Handicraft Festival helps to preserve and promote the country’s ancient craft heritage. Through the festival, the LHA aims to encourage and honour Lao artists by recognising their accomplishments and dedication to their craft. Behind the scenes of the festival, the LHA runs seminars to help artists develop their knowledge of business management, marketing, product design and quality. Limited access to a viable market still poses a major challenge for rural handicraft producers. But one week at the LHF can dramatically increase their sales and income. Thanks to the festival, some even develop business relationships that lead to repeat orders and contracts for popular products. By attending the festival and purchasing handmade crafts, you can demonstrate your appreciation of cultural authenticity, craftsmanship and tradition. So join the festivities at the Lao Handicraft Festival, pick up some authentic Lao handicraft and meet the artists who created them.

Venue: Lao ITECC, approximately 5 kms from downtown Vientiane. Dates: 1-7/11/2012 Time: 10am – 8pm daily Admission free

“Akha women demonstrating their craft at the Lao Handicraft Festival 2011”

See website for details: Lao Handicraft Association Email: Phone (856-21) 452 956 or 020 5581 9587.



ນາງແບບສາວແອຮອດໂດຍການບີນລາວ: ນາງ ມິສະຫວັນ ນາພົງສະຫວັນ (ຊຸດລາວລຸ່ມ) ນາງ ພອນເທວາ ພີສະໄໝ (ຊຸດລາວສູງ) ນາງ ເລນີ ເພັດວຽງໄຊ (ຊຸດອີ່ກໍ) ນາງ ພິດສະພອນ ພົມສະຫວັນ (ຊຸດລາຍນຳ້ໄຫລ) ຊຸດເຄື່ອງຊົນເຜົ່າໂດຍ: ໂຄງການສອງມືນາງ


Models by Lao Airlines Hostess: Ms. Misavanh Naphongsavanh (Lao Loum Dress) Ms. Phonetheva Phisamai (Hmong/Yao Dress) Ms. Leny Phetviengsay (Akha Dress) Ms. Phisaphone Phomsavanh (Nam Lai Dress) Dress: Song Mue Nang Handicraft



Traditionally inspired Lao designs modelled by Lao Airlines Crew ນາງ ລັດຕະນາ ສີນຖາວອນ (ຊຸດແດງຊຳ້) Ms. Lattana Sinthavone ນາງ ສຸພາພອນ ສຸລິຍາແສງ (ຊຸດສີບົວ) Ms. Souphaphone Souliyaseng ນາງ ພິດສະພອນ ພົມສະຫວັນ (ຊຸດສີໄຂ່) Ms. Phisaphone Phomsavanh ນາງ ພອນເທວາ ພີສະໄໝ (ຊູດສີໝາກມັຄຸດ) Ms. Phonetheva Phisamai


ຊຸດແຕ່ງກາຍໂດຍ: ຮ້ານ ໄໝຂອງເຈົ້າ Dress from ‘Your Silk Shop’

ເຄື່ອງປະດັບ: ຮ້ານກຳແພງວຽງຫັດຖະກຳ

Siver Decoration: Khamphengvieng Handicraft Shop

ຊ່າງພາບ: ເບ ວິລາສັກ

Photogrpher: Bay Vilasack

ຄອນເຊັບ: ອີນສະໄໝ ການສື່ສານທີ່ສ້າງສັນ Concept: insmai creative commnication

ແຕ່ງໜ້າໂດຍ: Shiseido Make up by




ບັນດາຊຸດທີ່ນາງແບບນຸ່ງແມ່ນຖືກໃຊ້ເຂົ້າໃນງານ ASEAN Garment and Textile Fairs 2012, ໃນທ້າຍເດືອນ ສິງຫາ ຜ່ານມາທີ່ໄດ້ຈັດຂື້ນປະເທດກຳປູເຈ້ຍ. ທ່ານນາງ ຈຳປາ ຄຳສອນ ແມ່ນຜູ້ຕ່າງໜ້າຂອງຊາວລາວທີ່ໄດ້ອອກແບບຊຸດດັ່ງກ່າວ ເພື່ອໄປປະກອບສ່ວນສ້າງ ສີສັນໃນງານມື້ນັ້ນ. ການອອກແບບແມ່ນ ອີງຕາມຄອນເຊັບຂອງງານ ຜ້າໄໝ ຫຼື ແຜ່ນແພໃນຂົງເຂດພາກພື້ນກ້າວສູ່ສາກົນ. ການປະສົມປະສານລະຫວ່າງວັດ ທະນະທຳການຕໍ່າແຜ່ນແພລາວແບບດັ້ງເດີມ ແລະ ການອອກແບບຕັດຫຍິບ ສະໄໝໃໝ່. ການນຳໃຊ້ຜ້າໃນຫລາຍທ້ອງຖີ່ນກໍເກີດຄວາມໂດດເດັ່ນໃນ ການອອກແບບເຊັ່ນ:

- ຊຸດກະໂປ່ງສີໄຂ່: ຜ້າໃໝມ້ອນສີໄຂ່ທຳມະຊາດ ແລະ ປາຍກະໂປ່ງ

ປະດັບໃຫ້ເຫັນລາຍລະອຽດແບບລາວ ໂດຍໃຊ້ຜາ້ ໂຊຂອງແຂວງອຸດມ ົ ໄຊ. - ຊຸດກະໂປ່ງສີບົວ: ຜ້າໃໝມ້ອນສີບົວອິດ, ຈີບກະໂປ່ງໄດ້ມາຈາກສິ້ນ

ຝ້າຍລາຍນ້ຳໄຫຼ ລາຍນາກສີສົດໃສຈາກເມືອງຊຳເໜືອ, ແຂວງຫົວພັນ.

- ຊຸດແດັສ ສີແດງຊໍ້າ: ຜ້າໃໝມ້ອນສີເປືອກສຽດ ປະສົມກັບຮາກໄມ້ຊະນິດອື່ນຂອງ ແຂວງ

ຊຽງຂວາງ, ແຕ່ງຜືນຜ້າໂດຍໃຊ້ຜາ້ ລາຍລາວຜືນໃຫຍ່ໝດ ົ ຜືນຈາກ ເມືອງຊຳເໜືອ, ແຂວງຫົວພັນ. - ຮັດເອິກສີມັງຄຸດ: ຜ້າໃໝມ້ອນຊຳເໜືອສີມັງຄຸດ

ນອກນັ້ນ ທ່ານ ນາງ ຈຳປາ ຍັງໄດ້ປະກອບຄຳເຫັນກ່ຽວກັບວົງການຜ້າໄໝໃນລາວຜ່ານວາລະສານພວກເຮົາ:

“ດ້ານການນຸ່ງຖືເຫັນວ່າຄຶກຄັກ ແລະ ໄດ້ຮັບຄວາມນິຍົມຈາກສັງຄົມໃນລະດັບດີພໍສົມຄວນ. ການຜະລິດ, ຜູ້ຜະ

ລິດຕ້ອງເອົາໃຈໃສ່ດ້ານຄຸນນະພາບເພີ່ມຂຶ້ນເພື່ອເພີ່ມມູນຄ່າຂອງແຜ່ນແພ, ປະຈຸບັນເປັນຫວ່ງເລື່ອງການລະ

ເມີດຊັບສິນທາງປັນຍາ, ການກອບປີ້ລາຍສິ້ນໄໝ, ສິ້ນປອມແປງບໍ່ແມ່ນຂອງແທ້ ທີ່ຂາຍລາຄາຖືກກວ່າຄວາມ

ເປັນຈິງຢູ່ຕາມທ້ອງຕະຫຼາດ. ພາກສ່ວນທີ່ກ່ຽວຂ້ອງທັງໝົດຄວນປຶກສາຫາລືໃຫ້ມີນະໂຍບາຍ ຫຼື ການໂຄສະນາ ສົ່ງເສີມການນຳໃຊ້ຜ້າໄໝລາວເພີ່ມຂຶ້ນ.”

ຮ້ານໄໝຂອງເຈົ້າ: ຈຳໜ່າຍຜ້າໄໝມ້ອນ, ຜ້າຝ້າຍສີທຳມະຊາດ ພ້ອມທັງຮັບອອກແບບ-ຕັດຫຍິບຄົບວົງຈອນ ບ້ານ ອຸບມຸງ, ເມືອງສີໂຄດຕະບອງ, ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ, ຕູ້ ປ.ນ: 1288 ໂທ: 020 55522002 ຫຼື 020 55529180 | ອີເມວ:

Colonial Charm,Luxurious Elegance

E-mail: 6 Pang Kham Street, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: (856) 21-217581/2 • Fax: (856) 21-217583 A Belmont International Hotel



New ethnic hotel

in Vang Vieng


rchitecture, culture and nature come together at Vang Vieng’s first luxury hotel, the Riverside Boutique Resort. Opened in July this year, the resort celebrates the exceptional cultural and natural diversity of Laos, with all aspects of its design paying tribute to Laos’ many ethnic minorities.

Offering the most spacious and exclusive accommodation in town, the resort consists of 34 rooms, including 2 luxury suites. Colonial architecture and influences blend seamlessly with traditional Lao styles inspired by eight distinct ethnic groups: Akha, Hmong, Katu, Lanten, Lao Lum, Tai Daeng, Tai Lue and Yao. Ethnic minority culture is reflected throughout the interior of every room with exclusive fabrics and artefacts. The luxury furnishings all provide a relaxed and intimate ambience. Each room comes with a private balcony and stunning views over the nearby river and mountains.


ະຖາປັດຕະຍະກຳ, ວັດທະນະທຳ ແລະ ທຳມະຊາດຖືກສ້າງຂຶ້ນພ້ອມໆກັນທີ່ໂຮງແຮມຫຼູຫຼາ ແຫ່ງທຳອິດ ຂອງວັງວຽງ ເຊິ່ງໄດ້ຮັບການ ຂະໜານນາມວ່າ ລິວເວີໄຊບູຕິກລີສອດ. ລີສອດແຫ່ງນີ້ໄດ້ເປີດໃຫ້ບໍລິການໃນເດືອນກໍລະກົດຜ່ານມາ ສ້າງຄວາມປະທັບໃຈດ້ວຍ ຄວາມຫຼາກຫຼາຍທາງດ້ານວັດທະນະທຳ ແລະ ທຳມະຊາດທີ່ມີລັກສະນະພິເສດຂອງລາວ. ເນື່ອງຈາກວ່າຕັ້ງຢູ່ແຄມນ້ຳຊອງ ເມືອງວັງວຽງ, ລີສອດແຫ່ງນີ້ ມີວິວອັນສວຍສົດງົດງາມຂອງພູຜາທີ່ຕັ້ງຢູ່ບໍລິເວນໄກ້ຄຽງ ໂດຍມີຄຸນລັກສະນະຂອງການອອກແບບທຸກຢ່າງທີ່ເປັນສິລະປະຂອງບັນ ດາເຜົ່າຂອງລາວ ໂຮງແຮມນີ້ທີ່ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຢາກຈະຍົກໃຫ້ເປັນໂຮງແຮມຕົວຢ່າງທີ່ດີໃນການນຳໃຊ້ວັດສະດຸ ຫຼື ເຄື່ອງຫັດຖະກຳຂອງປະເທດລາວ ມາຄິດອອກແບບຕົບແຕ່ງໃຫ້ຢ່າງລົງໂຕ. ມີຄວາມງົດງາມທາງດ້ານທຳມະຊາດ ບອກຄວາມພິຖີພິຖັນໃນການເອ້ຢ້ອງ. ສະຖານທີ່ພກ ັ ເຊົາທີ່ກວ້າງຂວາງ ແລະ ມີຄວາມເປັນສ່ວນຕົວຫຼາຍທີ່ສດ ຸ ລີສອດແຫ່ງນີ້ປະກອບມີ 34 ຫ້ອງນອນເຊິ່ງລວມມີຫອ ້ ງສູດສອງຫ້ອງທີ່ຫຼຫຼ ູ າ ສະຖາປັດຕະຍະກຳ ແລະ ອິດທິພົນ ສະໄໝເມືອງຂຶ້ນປະສົມປະສານກັນຢ່າງ ລົງ ໂຕກັບວິຖີວັດທະນະທຳລາວໂດຍສະເພາະແມ່ນຈາກ 8 ເຜົ່າຄື: ເຜົ່າອາຄ່າ, ມົ້ງ, ກຶມມຸ, ແລນແຕນ, ລາວລຸ່ມ, ໄຕແດງ, ໄຕລື້ ແລະ ຢ້າວ. ວັດທະນະທຳເຜົ່າສະແດງອອກຜ່ານການຕົກແຕ່ງພາຍໃນຂອງແຕ່ລະຫ້ອງດ້ວຍ ວັດສະດຸສະເພາະ ແລະ ເຄື່ອງຕົກແຕ່ງທາງສີລະປະ. ການນຳໃຊ້ເຄື່ອງເຟີນີເຈີທີ່ຫຼູຫຼາ ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຄິດວ່າຖ້າທ່ານໄດ້ມາຢູ່ນຳ ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຕອນນີ້ຄົງຈະສຳພັດໄດ້ກັບ ບັນຍາກາດ ທີ່ຜ່ອນຄາຍ ແລະ ໃກ້ຊິດນຳທຳມະຊາດເມືອງວັງວຽງ, ທຸກຫ້ອງແມ່ນມີລະບຽງສ່ວນຕົວ ແລະ ສາມາດຊົມວິວອັນສ່ວຍສົດງົດງາມຂອງ ແມ່ນ້ຳ ແລະ ພູເຂົາທີ່ຕັ້ງຢູ່ຕໍ່ໜ້າທ່ານ. ຮ້ານອາຫານຂອງລີສອດແຫ່ງດັ່ງກ່າວໄດ້ກາຍເປັນໜຶ່ງໃນສະຖານທີ່ໆດີທີ່ ສຸດໃນຕົວເມືອງ. ຕິດກັບແຄມນ້ຳຂອງອາຫານທີ່ເສີບມີທັງອາຫານສາກົນ ແລະ ອາຫານລາວທີ່ປະສົມ ປະສານກັບອາຫານຊົນເຜົ່າໃນລາວ.



The resort’s in-house restaurant is one of the best in town. Facing the river, it offers a tantalising selection of international and Lao dishes drawing inspiration from Laos’ ethnic mosaic.

ຫຼັງຈາກທີ່ທ່ຽວຊົມຕົວເມືອງຢ່າງເຕັມອິ່ມຕະຫຼອດວັນ ຖ້າທ່ານໄປກັບ ຄອບຄົວ, ທ່ານຈະມີເວລາມ່ວນຊື່ນຫຼິ້ນນ້ຳທີ່ສະລອຍນ້ຳຂອງລີສອດ. ການຜ່ອນຄາຍທີ່ເປັນເລີດແບບນີ້ທ່ານຄົງບໍ່ສາມາດຊອກບ່ອນໃດໄດ້ ໃນລາຄາແບບປະເທດລາວ. ນອກນີ້, ທາງລີສອດຍັງບໍລິການ ການນຳ ທ່ຽວດ້ວຍລາຍການທົວຫຼາຍຮູບແບບ ເພື່ອເຮັດໃຫ້ນັກທ່ອງທ່ຽວສາ ມາດທ່ຽວຊົມສະຖານທີທີ່ມີຄົນຮູ້ຈັກໜ້ອຍທີ່ສຸດຂອງຕົວເມືອງ ທີ່ມີຊື່ສຽງລະດັບປະເທດແຫ່ງນີ້.


The pool, set in peaceful tropical gardens, offers a family-friendly environment and a great place to relax after a busy day of sightseeing. The resort can also organise some highly original tours, which allow visitors to discover some of the lesser known parts of this famous stretch of the country.

Special thanks to Europcar for getting us there safely




Yen Sabai Restaurant in Luang Prabang ໃນສະບັບພວກເຮົາຂໍແນະນຳຮ້ານອາຫານ ເຢັນສະບາຍ ທີ່ເຫັນແລ້ວ ກໍສົມຊື່ແທ້ໆ ເພາະຮ້ານຂອງເພີ່ນຕັ້ງຢູ່ແຄມນຳ້ຄານເມືອງຫລວງພະ ບາງ. ທີ່ຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ທ່ານຮູ້ສືກສະບາຍຫາຍກັງວົນ ເມື່ອໄດ້ໄປນັ່ງພັກ ທີ່ກະຕູບໄມ້ໄຜ່ ທີ່ມີລະບຽງກວ້າງໂອບຫຸ້ມດ້ວຍບັນຍາກາດປ່າ ແລະ ພືດພັນສີຂຽວ.

Perched on the banks of the Nam Khan River close to Luang Prabang, the Yen Sabai Restaurant is a world away from the stresses of daily life. The restaurant captures the peace and tranquility of the rainforest, while still close to the bustle of vibrant Luang Prabang. The setting is fabulous, nestled among lush green vegetation. Seating is housed in bamboo huts on wide open decking overlooking the river, beautifully decorated with colourful cushions and lanterns. There’s also a choice of a western style table or comfortable Lao futons. 38

ເວລານັ່ງທ່ານສາມາດແນມເຫັນແມ່ນຳ້ຄານ ພາຍໃນຮ້ານກໍຕົບແຕ່ງແບບສະບາຍສະ ບາຍດ້ວຍເບາະນັ່ງແບບມີສີສັນ. ມານັ່ງຫຼື້ນເກມ ຫລື ຈະອ່ານປື້ມແບບສະຕາຍຕາເວັນຕົກ ພ້ອມ ຈິບຄອກເທວ ຫລື ນຳ້ໝາກໄມ້ທີ່ສົດໆ ເອີ້ນນຳຍ່ອຍ ກ່ອນຊິມອາຫານທີ່ທີ່ທາງຮ້ານ ເພີ່ນໄດ້ຄິດແຕ່ງຂື້ນ ເຊັ່ນອາຫານລາວ ແລະ ພີເສດຟອງດູຮ້ອນທີ່ເສີບໃສ່ເຕົາຖ່ານ. ຫວັງ ວ່າສີ່ງທີ່ກວ່າມານີ້ຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ທ່ານຄົງບໍຍາກພາດທີ່ຈະໄປແວະໃນເທື່ອໜ້າເມືອໄດ້ໄປເມືອງຫຼ ວງພະບາງ ເມືອງທີ່ມີແຕ່ສີສັນ.

Play a wide selection of games, browse the library of books or enjoy a refreshing cocktail. We loved the fruity daiquiris, a must with the wonderful tapasstyle Lao appetisers. Yen Sabai serves delicious Lao food including a speciality fondue dish, where a fire-heated brazier is set in the middle of a stone table.


Quarterly Japanese Free Paper

Taste and Travel, Discover Laos

Taste Laos

Full Moon Restaurant: Dongnasok Village (near Donpasak traffic light) Tel: 021-520828, Mobile: 02055554341, 020 22225732



“ຝັ່ງແມ່ຂອງ” ກັບມາແລ້ວ

ພວກເຮົາ ມີຄວາມຍິນດີເປັນຢ່າງສູງທີ່ຈະນຳສະເໜີ ແລະ ຮຽນ ເຊີນທຸກໆທ່ານມາຮ່ວມງານກັບພວກເຮົາເປັນປີທີສາມ ທີ່ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ ແລະ ຫຼວງພະບາງ. ປີ 2012 ນີ້ເປັນປີແຫ່ງການຮ່ວມມືທາງດ້ານສິນລະປະການສະແດງລະຫວ່າງນັກສະແດງສາກົນ ກັບການສະ ແດງຈາກປະເທດຝຣັ່ງ, ລາວ, ສິງກະໂປ, ລາວຝຣັ່ງ ແລະ ຝຣັ່ງສິງກະໂປ. ໃນປີນີ້, ເຮົາມີຄວາມຍິນດີຕ້ອນຮັບສິລະປິນຈາກຄະນະເຕັ້ນ DANS6T ແລະ STYLISTIK ຈາກປະເທດ ຝຣັ່ງ ທີ່ເຄີຍຮ່ວມງານນຳເຮົາມາແລ້ວໃນງານມະຫະກຳການເຕັ້ນສາກົນຄັ້ງທີ່ 1. ນອກຈາກນີ້, ທ່ານຍັງຈະໄດ້ພົບກັບການສະແດງຂອງຄະນະເຕັ້ນຈາກສິງກະໂປ SRI WARISAN, ຄະນະເຕັ້ນ HOPPIN ຈາກນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ ແລະ ນັກເຕັ້ນໃໝ່ໆມາຈາກທົ່ວປະເທດລາວ. ການສະແດງທີ່ຈະນຳມາສະເໜີໃນງານມະຫາກຳ “ຝັ່ງແມ່ຂອງ” ນີ້ບໍ່ມີເຂດຈຳກັດທາງດ້ານສິລະປະ. ເຖີງແມ່ນວ່າລາຍການການສະແດງຈະໃຫ້ຄວາມສົນໃຈແກ່ການເຕັ້ນແບບຮ່ວມສະໄໝ ແລະ ການທົດລອງ ຮູບແບບໃໝ່ໆກໍ່ຕາມ, ການເຕັ້ນແບບ Hip Hop ກໍ່ຍັງມີສ່ວນຮ່ວມຫຼາຍຄືເກົ່າ ຊຶ່ງຈະປ່ອຍໃຫ້ນັກເຕັ້ນໄວໜຸ່ມໄດ້ມີໂອກາດຖ່າຍທອດພະລັງ ແລະ ຄວາມຄິດສ້າງສັນຂອງ ຕົນອອກມາ ໃນ “FMK Hip Hop Battle”. ຂໍຂອບໃຈມາຍັງອາສາສະໝັກ, ຜູ້ສະໜັບສະໜູນ ແລະ ອຸປະຖຳທາງພາກລັດ ແລະ ເອກະຊົນ.



ຮັກອໍ່າຫລໍ່າ Huk Aum Lam: a highlight of Lao cinema ປີນີ້ເປັນອີກປີໜຶ່ງທີ່ດີທີ່ສຸດຂອງວົງການຮູບເງົາ ຫຼື ໜັງລາວໂດຍຍັງມີຮູບເງົາໃໝ່ອີກ ຫຼາຍເລື່ອງທີ່ຈະອອກສູ່ສາຍຕາມະຫາຊົນ, ຈາກປະເພດຮູບເງົາສະຍອງຂັວນເຖິງບູ້. ແຕ່ເຖິງຢ່າງໃດກໍ່ຕາມການຫວນຄືນສູ່ການຜະລິດຮູບເງົາກໍ່ຖືໄດ້ວ່າແມ່ນໜຶ່ງໃນບັນດາ ຜົນສຳເລັດທີ່ຍິ່ງໃຫ່ຍຂອງວົງການຮູບເງົາລາວ. “ຮັກອ່ຳຫລ່ຳ” ແມ່ນຮູບເງົາຄວາມ ຮັກແກມ ຕະຫຼົກສ້າງໂດຍບໍລິສັດ ລາວນິວເວັບຊີເນມາ ຮ່ວມມືກັບຫ້ອງຖ່າຍທຳເຮີມອນ. ຮູບເງົາເລື່ອງນີ້ນຳສະແດງໂດຍບຸກຄົນທີ່ມີສື່ສຽງຫຼາຍໃນວົງການບັນເທິງລາວເຊັ່ນ: ສັກ ຈາກວົງດົນຕີລອກ “Cells”, ອາລີ ຈາກວົງນັກຮ້ອງຍິງວົງ “Shawty” ແລະ ກິກ ນາງງາມລາວ ປະຈໍາປີ2009, ທີ່ຫຼິ້ນເປັນນາງໂສພາ, ເຊິ່ງເປັນນາງເອກ. “ຮັກອ່ຳລ່ຳ” ເລົ່າເລື່ອງສັກກີ (ສັກວົງແຊວ), ນັກຮ້ອງເພງປອບຂອງລາວ ຕັດສີນໃຈ ເດີນທາງກັບບ້ານ ເກີດຢູ່ຊົນນະບົດພ້ອມກັບໝູ່ ແລະ ຜູ້ຈັດການຂອງລາວ ແຕ່ລາວກໍ່ ໄດ້ຄົ້ນພົບວ່າລາວບໍ່ໄດ້ຖືກຕ້ອນຮັບເໜືອນ ດັ່ງເດີມ. ຮູບເງົາເລື່ອງນີ້ໄດ້ເລົ່າເລື່ອງຂອງບຸກຄົນຕ່າງໆທີ່ ສັກກີໄດ້ປ່ອຍປະໄວ້ເບື້ອງຫຼັງໃນບ້ານ ເກີດຂອງລາວເພື່ອໄປສານຝັນຂອງຕົນໃນການກາຍເປັນນັກຮ້ອງເພງປອ໋ບທີ່ມີສື່ສຽງ,ແຕ່ ວ່າສິ່ງທີ່ຮູ້ສຶກສະເທືອນໃຈເໜືອສິ່ງອື່ນໃດກໍ່ຄື, ໂສພາ, ຄົນຮັກໃນໄວເດັກຂອງລາວທີ່ບໍ່ ຍອມຍົກໂທດໃຫ້ລາວເນື່ອງຈາກວ່າສັກຂາດການຕິດຕໍ່. ສາຍສຳພັນ ຂອງລາວກັບ ສັກກີເປັນສາຍສຳພັນອັນຂົມຂຶ່ນ. ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່ານາງຈະນ້ອຍໃຈທີ່ສັກກີບໍ່ ໄດ້ຕິດຕໍ່ກັບ ນາງເປັນເວລາດົນນານ, ພີ່ນ້ອງຂອງສັກກີ ຄຳເຜີຍ (ເຈ້ຍ ປາຊີຟີກ) ແລະ ອ້າຍ ລ້ຽງ (ແຈ້ງ)ໄດ້ໃຫ້ ກຳລັງໃຈ ແລະ ປອບໃຈນາງຕະຫຼອດໄລຍະເວລາທີ່ສັກກີຈາກໄປ; ເລື່ອງຕ່າງໆເລົ່ານີ້ເຮັດໃຫ້ນັກທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ທີ່ເດີນທາງມາລາວສາມາດ ເຫັນພາບອັນຊົງພະລັງ ຂອງວິຖີຊີວິດດັ້ງເດີມຂອງຄອບຄົວໃນລາວ. ນອກນີ້ຮູບເງົາຮັກອ່ຳລ່ຳຍັງມີມູມມອງທີ່ສອດແຊກຄຳສອນ. ການຫວນຄືນສູ່ຄວາມສະຫງົບ ສຸກໃນບ້ານເກີດຂອງ ສັກກີໄດ້ເຕືອນສະຕິໃຫ້ລາວຮັບຮູ້ວ່າຄວາມສຸກແມ່ນຫຍັງແທ້. ແລະ ນອກນັ້ນ ລາວຍັງຕັ້ງໃຈທີ່ຈະຟື້ນຄືນຄວາມ ຮັກທີ່ລາວມີຕໍ່ໂສພາທີ່ຖືກຈາງຫາຍມາ ເປັນເວລາດົນແລ້ວນັ້ນໃຫ້ຫວນຄືນກັບມາໃໝ່. ແຕ່ພໍເມື່ອອຳພອນ (ອາລີ), ນັກຮ້ອງຍິງສາວທີ່ສວຍ ງາມເຊິ່ງ ເຮັດວຽກຮ່ວມກັບສັກໃນບໍລິສັດຄ້າຍເພງ ເດີນທາງມາ ທີ່ໝູ່ບ້ານ, ກໍ່ຍິ່ງເຮັດໃຫ້ໂສພາຍິ່ງມີຄວາມຄຽດຊັງຍິ່ງຂຶ້ນ. ມີຫຼາຍຄຳຖາມທີ່ຈະໄດ້ຮັບຄຳຕອບໃນສາກການເດີນ ທາງທີ່ເຕັມໄປດ້ວຍມົນສະເໜນີ້, ຮວມເຖິງຄຳຖາມທີ່ ວ່າ ສັກກີຈະຖອນຕົວຈາກບໍລິສັດຄ້າຍເພງທີ່ລາວ ສັງກັດຢູ່ນັ້ນໄດ້ຄືແນວໃດ, ລາວຈະໄດ້ຮັບຄວາມຮັກ ໃນໄວເດັກ ຂອງລາວຄືນມາຫຼືບໍ່. ແລະ ລາວຈະຟື້ນຟູ ຄວາມສະຫງົບສຸກ, ຄວາມເຊື່ອໝັ້ນ ແລະ ກົມກຽວ ກັບບ້ານເກີດຂອງລາວໄດ້ຄືແນວໃດ. ທ່ານບໍ່ຄວນ ພາດໃນການຕິດຕາມຄວາມວຸ້ນວາຍ ແລະ ສາກ ທີ່ເຕັມໄປດ້ວຍຄວາມ ໂຣແມນຕິກ, ສະໜຸກ ສະໜານທີ່ຖືກຖ່າຍທຳໃນຊົນນະບົດອັນເຕັມ ໄປດ້ວຍມົນສະເໜຂອງລາວ.


Soon to return to cinemas is one of Laos’s greatest cinematic achievements, ‘Hak Aum Lam’, a romantic comedy created by Lao New Wave Cinema in Collaboration with Hemon Studios. The film showcases some of Laos’ biggest stars, Sack from the rock band ‘Cells’, Alee from girl band Shawty and Miss Lao 2009 Kik, who plays Sopha, one of the main female characters. ‘Hak Aum Lam’ tells the story of Sakky (Sack Cells), a disillusioned Lao pop star who with his friend and agent, decides to return home to the rural village where he was born, only to discover he is no longer as welcome as he once was. The film takes us on a journey through all those Sakky left behind in the village to peruse his dream of becoming a famous pop singer, most poignant of all, Sopha, his childhood sweetheart who had never forgiven him for leaving. Her relationship with Sakky is a bittersweet one. Although she is angry with him for not contacting her for so long, Sakky’s relatives Khamphey (Jia Pacific) and Ai Lieng (Jeng) have comforted her throughout his time away; offering visitors a powerful portrayal of traditional Lao family life. There is also a philosophical edge to the drama of ‘Hak Aum Lam’. Sakky’s return to the peace and tranquility of his home village reminds him what happiness really is. And so he sets his heart on rekindling his long-lost love with Sopha. But when Aphone (Alee Shawty), a young and beautiful singer who works with Sakky at his record company comes to the village, her presence only heightens Sopha’s resentment. Many more questions are answered during this gripping cinematic journey, including how Sakky will free himself from his record company, whether he will regain the love of his childhood sweetheart, and how he will restore peace, trust and harmony to the village. Be sure to follow this chaotic yet hilarious romantic comedy, set in

the magical Lao countryside.



Vientiane “New World- The Glory of Laos” ໂຄງການກໍ່ສ້າງອາຄານຂະໜາດໃຫ່ຍລຽບແຄມຝັ່ງແມ່ ນ້ຳຂອງໃນໃຈກາງນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນຈະປະກອບມີ ໝູ່ບ້ານທີ່ຫຼູຫຼາ ແລະ ສູນການຄ້າຂະໜາດໃຫ່ຍເລີ່ມດຶງ ດູດຄວາມສົນໃຈຂອງປວງຊົນທົ່ວປະເທດ. ທ່ານ ຢາວ ຜູ້ຈັດການ ບໍລິສັດລົງທຶນ ແຄມຊີ (CAMCE Investment), ເຊິ່ງເປັນບໍລິສັດຫຸ້ນສ່ວນລະຫວ່າງ ບໍລິສັດ ວິສະວະກຳແຄມຊີ ແຫ່ງປະເທດຈີນ ແລະ ກຸ່ມບໍລິສັດ ລາວກິດຕິພົງ ນຳສະເໜີເລື່ອງລາວຢູ່ເບື້ອງ ຫຼັງໂຄງການດັ່ງກ່າວ ຜ່ານວາລະສານພວກເຮົາ.

ສິ່ງໃດທີ່ດຶງດູດທ່ານໃຫ້ມາລາວ ແລະ ໂຄງການ ໂລກໃໝ່ແຫ່ງວຽງຈັນ ເລີ່ມຕົ້ນໄດ້ຄືແນວໃດ? ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າໄດ້ຖືກສົ່ງມາລາວເພື່ອສ້າງຕັ້ງຫ້ອງການໃນຕົ້ນປີ1996 ເຊິ່ງຖືໄດ້ວ່າເປັນສ່ວນໜຶ່ງຂອງແຜນ ບໍລິສັດ ແຄມຊີ ໃນການປະຕິຮູບ ຮູບແບບທຸລະກິດຈາກການດຳເນີນທຸລະກິດດ້ານວິສະວະກຳພຽງຢ່າງ ດຽວມາສູ່ຜູ້ທີ່ມີບົດບາດຫຼັກໃນການລົງທຶນໃນໂລກ. ພາຍຫຼັງທີ່ໄດ້ພິຈາລະນາຫຼາຍປະເທດອື່ນໆແລ້ວ. ພວກເຮົາເຫັນໄດ້ ເຖິງກາລະໂອກາດໂດຍສະເພາະແມ່ນເນື້ອທີ່ໆຍັງຫວ່າງເປົ່າຫຼາຍຂອງ ລາວ ແລະ ຈຳນວນປະຊາກອນທີ່ຂ້ອນຂ້າງນ້ອຍ. ທິວທັດທຳມະຊາດ ທີ່ສວຍງາມ ແລະ ຕົວເມືອງກໍ່ມີຄວາມສະຫງົບສຸກ. ຈັ່ງຫວະການດຳລົງ ຊີວດ ິ ຍັງຊ້າ ແລະ ລາວມີຄວາມອຸດມ ົ ຮັ່ງມີໄປດ້ວຍຊັບພະຍາກອນທຳ ມະຊາດເຊິ່ງສະໜອງໂອກາດອັນຍິ່ງໃຫ່ຍແກ່ການພັດທະນາເສດຖະ ກິດໃນອະນາຄົດ.


ສະນັ້ນລາວຈຶ່ງເປັນປາຍທາງອັນດັບຕົ້ນໆຂອງພວກເຮົາໃນການລົງ ທຶນໃນເວລານັ້ນ. ແລະ ມັນກໍ່ບໍ່ດົນພໍທໍ່ໃດທີ່ພວກເຮົາເຫັນໄດ້ໂອກາດ ທີ່ຍິ່ງໃຫ່ຍຂອງເຂດດອນຈັນ. ມາເຖິງມື້ນີ້, ພວກເຮົາຄິດວ່າພວກເຮົາ ໄດ້ສ້າງບາງສິ່ງທີ່ພິເສດແລ້ວ.

ເປັນຫຍັງທ່ານຄິດວ່າລັດຖະບານເລືອກ ບໍລິສັດ ແຄມຊີ ເປັນຜູ້ຮັບຜິດ ຊອບໂຄງການນີ້? ບໍລິສັດ ແຄມຊີ ປະຕິບັດງານໃນລາວມາເປັນເວລາຫຼາຍປີແລ້ວ. ພວກ ເຮົາມີສາຍພົວພັນທີ່ດີກັບລັດຖະບານລາວ ແລະ ໂຄງການໃຫ່ຍຫຼາຍ ໂຄງການທີ່ພວກເຮົາໄດ້ຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດຜ່ານມາກໍ່ໄດ້ຮັບການຍອມຮັບ ແລະ ສະໜັບສະໜຸນຢ່າງສູງ. ແລະ ພວກເຮົາກໍ່ປະຕິບັດໃນສິ່ງທີ່ພວກ ເຮົາໃຫ້ຄຳໝັ້ນສັນຍາຢ່າງແທ້ຈິງ.

ທ່ານຄິດວ່າສິ່ງທີ່ເປັນຈຸດໂດດເດັ່ນຂອງໂຄງການ ໂລກໃໝ່ແຫ່ງວຽງຈັນບັນລຸໄດ້ຜ່ານມາແມ່ນຫຍັງ? ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຄິດວ່າພວກເຮົາໄດ້ສະແດງອອກເຖິງຄວາມນັບຖື ແລະ ເຄົາລົບປະຫວັດສາດ ແລະ ວັດທະນະທຳລາວໂດຍການສອດແຊກອົງ ປະກອບດ້ານປະຫວັດສາດແລະວັດທະນະທຳເຂົ້າໃນໂຄງການເຊິ່ງຖື ວ່າໄດ້ຮັບຜົນສຳເລັດທີ່ຫຍິ່ງໃຫ່ຍ. ພວກເຮົາມີຄວາມປາຖະໜ້າທີ່ຈະ ສ້າງປ່ອງຢ້ຽມເພື່ອເຮັດໃຫ້ຊາວໂລກສາມາດມອງເຫັນລາວ; ເປັນຈຸດເ ດັ່ນທີ່ສຳຄັນແກ່ຜູ້ມາຢາມລາວທຸກຄົນ.

“Vientiane New World” (VNW), a massive building project along the banks of the Mekong in central Vientiane, that will include luxury villas and a mega shopping mall has begun to attract nationwide attention. Mr. Yao, CEO of CAMCE Investment, a joint venture between Chinese CAMCE Engineering and the Lao Krittaphong Group, shares the story behind the project.

Q: Why do you think the Government chose CAMCE to be responsible for the project?


CAMCE has been operating in Laos for many years. We have good relations with the Lao Government and the major projects we have done so far have received a great deal of recognition and support. And we always carry out what we promise.

Q: What do you think has been the highlight of the VNW

Q: What first attracted you to Laos & how did VNW begin? project so far? A: Therehavebeentoomanytonamethemall.Soherearejusttwo. A: On behalf of a CAMC Engineering, I was sent to Laos

to set up an office in early 1996, as part of CAMCE’s plan to transform its business model from being solely an engineering contractor to a major player in global investment. We decided to come to Vientiane after considering many other countries. We had discovered the opportunities that came with Laos’ abundance of open space and a relatively small population. The scenery is beautiful and the cities are relatively peaceful. The rhythm of life is slow. And Laos is rich in natural resources, providing huge potential for future economic development.

So Laos became one of our top destinations to invest in at that time. And it wasn’t long before we realised the full potential of the Don Chan area. Today, we think we have created something extraordinary.

I think the way we have shown consideration and respect for the history and culture of Laos by integrating many historical and cultural elements into the project. We wanted to create a window through which the world can view Laos and for it to become an essential icon for visitors. I think we have been very successful in that regard and that this has been one of the most significant highlights. Secondly, the ASEM VILLA. The ASEM Summit, as a great gathering of world leaders, will attract the attention of the world. And so the villa has been key to achieving high standards. In the world today, communication between East and West is particularly important. So to have such a central role in laying the platform for an Asia-Europe Summit is an achievement we are very proud of.


ສິ່ງທີສອງກໍ່ຄືບ້ານພັກຜູ້ນຳອາເຊັມ. ກອງປະຊຸມສຸດຍອດອາເຊັມ, ຖື ໄດ້ວ່າເປັນການໂຮມໂຕທີ່ຍິ່ງໃຫຍ່ຂອງຜູ້ນຳໂລກ. ສະນັ້ນອາດເວົ້າ ໄດ້ວ່າບ້ານພັກຜູ້ນຳເປັນກຸນແຈອັນສຳຄັນໃນການບັນລຸມາດຕະຖານ ລະດັບສູງ. ໃນໂລກຍຸກປະຈຸບັນ, ການສື່ສານລະຫວ່າງຕາເວັນອອກ ແລະ ຕາເວັນຕົກແມ່ນມີຄວາມສຳຄັນເປັນພິເສດ. ສະນັ້ນໂດຍການມີບດ ົ ບາດອັນເປັນໃຈກາງໃນການສ້າງພື້ນຖານໂຄງລ່າງແກ່ກອງປະຊຸມ ສຸດຍອດອາຊີເອີຣບ ົ ແມ່ນຜົນສຳເລັດທີ່ພວກເຮົາມີຄວາມພາກພູມໃຈຫຼາຍ.

ແຜນພັດທະນາໃນຕໍ່ໜ້າຂອງບໍລິສັດແຄມຊີໃນອາ ຊີຕາເວັນອອກສ່ຽງໃຕ້ມີຫຍັງແດ່? ບໍລິສັດວິສະວະກຳແຄມຊີແມ່ນມີພື້ນຖານທີ່ໜ້າເຊື່ອຖືໃນອາຊີຕາເວັນ ອອກສ່ຽງໃຕ້. ພວກເຮົາມີຫ້ອງການຜູ້ຕາງໜ້າ ແລະ ໂຄງການໃນຫຼາຍ ປະເທດເຊັ່ນ: ກຳປູເຈຍ, ໄທ ແລະ ມຽນມາ. ພວກເຮົາມີຊັບພະຍາ ກອນທີ່ເປັນເລີດ ແລະ ສາຍສຳພັນທີ່ດກ ີ ບ ັ ລັດຖະບານຕ່າງໆ ແລະ ເນື້ອ ທີ່ດີນເພື່ອໃຊ້ເປັນສະຖານທີ່ກໍ່ສ້າງໂຄງການທີ່ຄ້າຍຄືກັນໃນຕໍ່ໜ້າ. ບໍລສ ິ ດ ັ ຂອງພວກເຮົາຈະສືບຕໍ່ຈດ ັ ຕັ້ງປະຕິບດ ັ ແຜນທີ່ເຕັມໄປດ້ວຍຄວາມ ມຸ່ງໝັ້ນອັນແຮງກ້າ. ດ້ວຍການວາງແຜນທີ່ຈະສ້າງໂຄງການທີ່ຄ້າຍຄື ກັນນີ້ໃນທົ່ວອາຊີຕາເວັນອອກສ່ຽງໃຕ້ໂດຍນຳໃຊ້ປະສົບການທຸກຢ່າງ ທີ່ໄດ້ຮຽນຮູ້ຜ່ານໂຄງການໂລກໃໝ່ແຫ່ງວຽງຈັນ. ພວກເຮົາຫວັງວ່າສະ ຖານທີ່ແຫ່ງນີ້ຈະກາຍເປັນຈຸດສູນກາງຂອງຕົວເມືອງທີ່ດຶງດູດນັກທ່ອງ ທ່ຽວຈາກທົ່ວໂລກ.


Q: How do you see CAMCE’s future in South-East Asia?


CAMC Engineering has a sound foundation in SouthEast Asia. We have representative offices and projects in many countries, such as Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar. We have excellent resources, good relations with governments, as well as land on which to begin similar projects in the future. Our company continues to implement an ambitious plan. We plan to build similar projects across the region having applied everything we have learnt throughout the VNW project. We hope they will become city landmarks that attract visitors from around the world.


ເປີດໂຮງຮຽນດີນແຫ່ງທຳອິດທີ່ຫຼວງພະບາງ ໂຮງຮຽນປະຖົມທີ່ມີຄວາມຍືນຍົງທາງດ້ານສະພາບແວດລ້ອມແຫ່ງ ໃໝ່ຖືກສ້າງຂຶ້ນໂດຍນຳໃຊ້ດີນດາກຂອງທ້ອງຖິ່ນ ໄດ້ເປີດສອນຢູ່ບ້ານ ນາຫຼວງແຂວງຫຼວງພະບາງ. ໂຮງຮຽນຫຼັງດັ່ງກ່າວຖືກສ້າງຂຶ້ນໃນ ກອບໂຄງການໂຮງຮຽນດິນ ແລະ ກໍ່ເປັນອົງປະກອບໜຶ່ງຂອງແນວຄິດລິເລີ່ມ ທີ່ເອີ້ນວ່າ ‘Fair T rek’ ຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດໂດຍບໍລິສັດບໍລິການທ່ອງທ່ຽວພາຍໃນ ແຂວງ ຮູ້ຈັກໃນນາມ ບໍລິສັດໄທເກີທຽວ ເຊິ່ງໃຫ້ບໍລິການທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ຢ່າງມີຈັນ ຍາບັນໃນເຂດດັ່ງກ່າວມາເປັນເວລາຫຼາຍກ່ວາ10ປີ. ໂດຍການຮ່ວມ ມືກັບຊຸມຊົນທ້ອງຖິ່ນ, ບໍລິສັດໄທເກີທຽວໄດ້ຊ່ວຍປັບ ປຸງສິ່ງອຳນວຍ ຄວາມສະດວກທາງການສຶກສາຂອງຊຸມຊົນ, ໃນຂະ ນະດຽວກັນກໍ່ ເຮັດໃຫ້ນກ ັ ທ່ອງທ່ຽວໄດ້ຮບ ັ ປະສົບການກ່ຽວກັບລາວໃນທິດທາງທີ່ ມີເອກະລັກສະເພາະທີ່ສົ່ງຜົນທາງບວກແກ່ຊຸມຊົນ ທ້ອງຖິ່ນ ແລະ ສະພາບແວດລ້ອມ. ໃນບ້ານນາຫຼວງເດັກນ້ອຍຈຳນວນ 30 ຄົນທີ່ມາຈາກສາມເຜົ່າ (ເຜົ່າ ລາວລຸ່ມ, ມົ້ງ ແລະ ກຶມມຸ) ທີ່ມີອາຍຸລະຫວ່າງ 5 ຫາ 9 ປີ ແມ່ນນັກຮຽນ ຮຸນ ່ ທຳອິດຂອງໂຮງຮຽນຫຼັງໃໝ່ແຫ່ງນີ້. ມາເຖິງປະຈຸບນ ັ , ໂຮງຮຽນຫຼັງ ດຽວພາຍໃນບ້ານແມ່ນໂຮງຮຽນຫຼັງນ້ອຍທີ່ເຮັດດ້ວຍໄມ້ໄຜ່ເພື່ອຮອງຮັບ ເອົານັກຮຽນທີ່ມີອາຍຸນ້ອຍທີ່ສຸດ ແລະ ກໍ່ມີຄູພຽງໜຶ່ງຄົນ. ສ່ວນນັກ ຮຽນທີ່ມີອາຍຸສູງໜ້ອຍໜຶ່ງຈຳຕ້ອງໄດ້ໃຊ້ເວລາຍ່າງປະມານ 2 ຊົ່ວໂມງ ໃນແຕ່ລະວັນເພື່ອໄປໂຮງຮຽນມັດທະຍົມທີ່ຕັ້ງຢູ່ໃກ້ທີ່ສຸດ. ຜົນປະໂຫຍດ?ຂອງດິນດາກທີ່ໃຊ້ເປັນວັດສະດຸກໍ່ສ້າງແມ່ນມີຢ່າງ ຫຼວງຫຼາຍລາຄາບໍ່ແພງ. ວຽກກໍ່ສ້າງທີ່ນຳໃຊ້ດິນດາກສາມາດເຮັດ ໃຫ້ແທດເໝາະໄດ້ກັບທຸກງົບປະມານ, ໂດຍຂຶ້ນກັບວ່າວັດສະດຸ ດັ່ງກ່າວສາມາດຫາໄດ້ຫຼາຍຊ່ຳໃດໃນທ້ອງຖິ່ນ, ຄ່າໃຊ້ຈ່າຍໃນ ການຂົນສົ່ງວັດສະດຸທີ່ຈຳເປັນໃນການກໍ່ສ້າງແລະຄ່າແຮງງານ. ໂດຍທົ່ວໄປແລ້ວ, ການກໍ່ສ້າງທີ່ນຳໃຊ້ວັດສະດຸທີ່ເຮັດຈາກດິນດາກ ແມ່ນມີຄ່າໃຊ້ຈ່າຍໜ້ອຍກ່ວາໜຶ່ງສ່ວນສາມຂອງການນຳໃຊ້ຄອນ ກິດ. ມັນສາມາດຊ່ວຍຄວບຄຸມຄວາມຊຸ່ມຊືນ ແລະ ນອກນີ້ຍັງຮັກສາ ຄວາມອົບອຸ່ນ ແລະ ປ້ອງກັນສຽ່ງ ຫຼື ບົນແຊວຟົດນັ້ນໄດ້ດີ. ມັນບໍ່ໄດ້


ບັນຈຸສານເຄມີ, ສານແຕ່ງເຕີມທີ່ອາດເປັນອັນຕະລາຍຕໍ່ສຸຂະພາບ ຂອງຄົນ, ຕໍ່ສະພາບແວດລ້ອມ ແລະ ສິ່ງທີ່ຕ່າງຈາກ ຄອນກິດ, ສິ່ງກໍ່ ສ້າງທີ່ເຮັດດ້ວຍດິນດາກບໍ່ຈຳເປັນຕ້ອງມີຊ່ຽວຊານສະເພາະໃນແຕ່ລະ ຂັ້ນຕອນຂອງການກໍ່ສ້າງ. ສຳລັບກໍ່ສ້າງໂຮງຮຽນປະຖົມນາຫຼວງ, ໃຊ້ດິນກ້ອນຈຳນວນເກືອບ ເຖິງ 6000 ກ້ອນໂດຍໄດ້ຖືກປັ້ນຂຶ້ນ ໂດຍຊາວ ບ້ານ ແລະ ອາສາສະໝັກ. ອາສາສະໝັກຈຳນວນ ຫຼາຍກວ່າ 100 ຄົນຊ່ວຍ ໃນການກໍ່ສ້າງອາຄານຮຽນທີ່ມີມູນຄ່າ ກໍ່ສ້າງທັງ ໝົດປະມານ 15,000 ໂດລາສະຫະລັດ. 7 ຄອບຄົວໄດ້ຢ້າຍມາບ້ານດັ່ງກ່າວ ເພື່ອຊ່ວຍສ້າງໂຮງຮຽນ. ມາເຖິງປະຈຸບນ ັ , ຄູສອນໃໝ່ອກ ີ ໜຶ່ງຄົນໄດ້ຖກ ື ມອບໝາຍຈາກ ຫ້ອງການ ສຶກສາເມືອງນ້ຳບາກເພື່ອມາສິດສອນໃນໂຮງຮຽນແຫ່ງນີ້. ໂຮງຮຽນຍິນດີຮັບເອົາທຸກການຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອບໍລິຈາກຜ່ານອົງການ Big Brother Mouse. ຫຼືອີກຮູບແບບໜຶ່ງທ່ານອາດຊື້ປຶ້ມແລ້ວ ນຳສົ່ງໂດຍກົງໄປຍັງໂຮງຮຽນ. ບໍລິສັດນຳທ່ຽວ ໄທເກີທຽວແຂວງຫຼວງພະບາງ ໂຄງການປຶ້ມຂອງ Big Brother Mouse

Clay school opens in Luang Prabang Province A new environmentally sustainable primary school, built using local clay, has opened in the the village of Naluang in Luang Prabang Province. Built as part of the Clay School Project, the school has been a feature of a ‘Fair Trek’ initiative run by local tour operator Tiger Trail, who have been operating ethically inspired tours in the area for more than ten years. In cooperation with local communities, Tiger Trail has helped improve local educational facilities, while also offering visitors an authentic way of experiencing Laos, while also having a positive impact on local people and the environment. In Naluang, thirty children from three ethnic groups (Lao, Hmong and Khmu) between the ages of five and nine are the first generation of students at the new school. Until now, the only school in the village has been a small bamboo hut just big enough to accommodate the youngest children and one teacher. Older students had to walk almost two hours every day to reach the nearest secondary school. Clay has been rediscovered as an inexpensive, practical and environmentally sustainable building material. Consequently, it is now commonly used in contemporary architecture.

dampening noise. It contains no chemicals or additives that might be harmful to human health or the environment. And unlike concrete, clay buildings do not require skilled professionals at every stage of construction. To build the Naluang primary school, nearly 6000 bricks were made by villagers and volunteers. Over a hundred volunteers helped in building the school at a total cost of around $15,000. Seven families moved to the village to help built the school. So far, one new teacher has been assigned to the school by the Nambak Department of Education. The school always welcomes book donations through Big Brother Mouse. Alternatively, you can purchase books and deliver them to the village. Tiger Trail, Luang Prabang Big Brother Mouse Book Project

The benefits of clay as a building material are amazingly diverse. Building with clay can fit all budgets, depending on how much of the materials can be sourced locally, the logistics of putting the design together and labour costs. Generally, building with clay costs one third less than concrete. It helps control humidity, as well as providing insulation and



ລັດວິສາຫະກິດ ການບິນລາວ ປະກອບສ່ວນສະໜັບສະໜູນກອງປະຊຸມ AEBF (Asia Europe Business Forum)

ວັນທີ 14 ກັນຍາ 2012ຜ່ານມາ ທີ່ຫ້ອງປະຊຸມສະພາການຄ້າ ແລະ ອຸດສາ ຫະກຳ ແຫ່ງຊາດລາວໄດ້ມີພິທີເຊັນສັນຍາສະໜັບສະໜູນກອງປະຊຸມ ທຸລະກິດ ABEF 13 ໂດຍແມ່ນ ດຣ. ສະນັ່ນ ຈຸນລະມະນີ ຮອງ ປະທານ ສຄອ ແຫ່ງຊາດລາວ, ປະທານຄະນະກຳມະການໆເງິນກອງປະຊຸມທຸລະ ກິດ AEBF ເປັນຜູ້ກ່າວຮັບ. ຕາງໜ້າໃຫ້ແກ່ລັດວິສາຫະກິດການບິນລາວກ່າວ ມອບໃນຄັ້ງນີ້ແມ່ນ ທ່ານ ນາງ ເລືອງສະໄໝ ເລືອງວັນໄຊ, ຮອງປະທານ ບໍລິສັດ ລັດວິສາຫະກິດການບິນລາວ ໃນຈຳນວນເງິນ 25,000 ໂດລາສະຫາລັດ (Gold Sponsor).

After almost a year of renovation, the Nam Phou Fountain in central Vientiane has reopened to the public. Known as Nam Phou in Lao, the fountain has been an icon of Vientiane and a favourite recreational area for residents for centuries. During French colonialism, the area was designed as a market before being developed into a fountain fifty years ago. The area surrounding the fountain has now been turned into a small park with garden flowers, benches and some of the city’s best restaurants and cafes.

Sinouk Cafe have opened a new branch at a prime location on the riverside Fa Ngoum Road. Elegantly decorated, the café serves great coffee from the Bolaven Plateau in all its forms. You’ll also find some of the finest espresso in town and a hearty breakfast, lunch and dessert menu. Outside on the pavement, you can take a seat at one of their pleasant patio tables; the ideal place to sit and watch life go by on this lively street.

Nov Oct ກອງປະຊຸມເວທີພາກປະຊາຊົນ ອາຊີ-ເອີຣົບ ຄັ້ງທີ 9 ຈະໄດ້ຈັດຂຶ້ນໃນລະຫວ່າງວັນທີ 16-19 ຕຸລາ 2012 ທີ່ຈະມາເຖິງນີ້

ຢູ່ທີ່ຫໍວັດທະນະທຳແຫ່ງຊາດ ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ ສປປ ລາວ, ເຊິ່ງມີຫົວຂໍ້ຫຼັກດັ່ງນີ້:

“ຄວາມສາມັກຄີຂອງປະຊາຊົນຕ້ານຄວາມທຸກຍາກ ເພື່ອການພັດທະນາແບບຍືນຍົງ: ສິ່ງທ້າທາຍຕໍ່ຄວາມບໍ່ຍຸຕິທຳ ແລະ ການພັດທະນາບໍ່ເທົ່າທຽມກັນ, ສ້າງລັດໂດຍປະຊາຊົນເພື່ອປະຊາຊົນ”

The 9th Asia-Europe People’s Forum will be held between 16th and 19th October 2012 at the National Culture Hall in Vientiane Capital. The forum aims to address issues such as poverty and inequality, sustainable development and discuss strategies for “Building States of Citizens for Citizens” ສຳລັບຂໍ້ມູນເພີ່ມເຕີມ, ກະລຸນາເຂົ້າເບິ່ງເວັບໄຊ ຂອງພວກເຮົາດັ່ງນີ້:

For further information, please kindly visit our website:

Dec Dates for your calendar... O c t ob e r

1st: 3rd-5th: 7th: 12th:

16th-19th: 30th: 31st:

International Day for the Elderly Asia-Europe Forum (ASEP), Vientiane National Teachers’ Day. Students pay their respects to teachers in schools Independence Day to mark Laos’ declaration of Independence in 1945 Asia-Europe People’s Forum and ASEAN Minister for Women’s Affairs to visit Vientiane Capital Boun Phansa (End of Buddhist Lent) Vientiane Boat Racing Festival on the Mekong River. Women’s race in the morning and a men’s race in the afternoon.

N o v e mb e r

1st-7th: 3rd-5th: 5th-6th: 22nd:

Lao Handicraft Festival at Lao ITECC, Vientiane Asia-Europe Business Forum, Vientiane Asia-Europe Summit Meeting, Vientiane Opening of International Commercial Fair, Lao ITECC, Vientiane 26th: Wax Castle Procession at Vat Simuong 27th: That Luang Festival from 1:00 pm. Procession carrying Phasat to the Grand Stupa through the Eastern Gate. 28th: End of That Luang Festival Morning: Alms-giving ceremony Afternoon: Procession and Tee Khee (ritual hockey game) Evening: Candlelit procession and offerings to the Buddha

Located behind the hospital, Cafe de Paris is a newly opened restaurant in Vang Vieng. Escape the noisy TVbars and come to discover this casual French restaurant where great wines, good food and a social atmosphere merge effortlessly together. Magret de canard, stuffed eggplants, homemade pâté and crepes are just some of the wonderful delicacies on the menu.

D e c e mb e r

1st: 1st-5th: 2nd: 2nd: 7th: 12th:

World Aids Day Luang Prabang Film Festival Mekong River Run, Vientiane National Day to mark the establishment of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in 1975 Miss Laos Beauty Pageant Opening of ASEAN University Games, Vientiane


Where to stay this Summer?


Ansara Hotel

Home to 12 rooms and 2 suites, these elegantly put together rooms with their hugely underrated decor offer a funky fusion of traditional Lao and Asian contemporary designs.

Mercure Vientiane

Mercure Vientiane features an outdoor pool, tennis court and luxury accommodation with satellite TV. The hotel is only a 10 minute walk to the Mekong river.

Salana Boutique Hotel

Luang Prabang


My Dream Boutique Resort & Spa

Surrounded by a peaceful garden and stunning views of the Nam Khan River, My Dream Boutique Resort & Spa is an oasis of tranquility just minutes from Luang Prabang’s bustling town centre.

Villa deux rivières

In the heart of old Luang Prabang, this unique boutique hotel is just a short walk from all the main historical sights of the city.

Luang Prabang

Designed to impress even the most discerning guests, this charming boutique hotel is centrally located, placing you in the centre of all the city has to offer.

Shangri Lao

Retrace the footsteps of a 19th century French explorer, passing tranquil streams and dense jungle and spending the night in luxury tents with breathtaking views. One of the best travel experiences on offer in Luang Prabang.

Le Bel Air Hotel

This boutique resort is perfect for a comfortable stay, while giving you a taste of the laid-back life and tranquility of rural Laos. Newly opened, the hotel offers ten guest-rooms with beautiful river views, decorated using local wood, natural silk and traditional Lao ornaments.

Experience the beauty of historical Laos

Experience the wealth of our cultural heritage

...Elegance and timeless comfort... in the heart of Vientiane

...The spirit of traditional Lao hospitality... on the bank of the Nam Song River

12 Khouvieng Rd, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR Phone: +856 21 26 4097. Fax: +856 21 26 3064 Email :

Ban Viengkeo, Vang Vieng, Vientiane Province, Lao PDR Phone: +856 (0)23 511 726-8. Fax: +856 (0)23 511 729 Email: |

Vang Vieng Ban Sabai Bungalows

Just a few minutes from the centre of Vang Vieng, these charming bungalows are perfectly set on the banks of the Nam Song River. They also come with great views of the spectacular limestone peaks that surround the area. |

Riverside Boutique Resort The Riverside Boutique Resort consists of thirty four luxury rooms and suites surrounded by tropical gardens and centred around a swimming pool. The restaurant and bar offer stunning views over the famous limestone mountains of Vang Vieng.

Nam Lik Eco-village

For nature lovers and those looking to embrace the great outdoors, the Nam Lik Eco-Village is a dream come true. The resort is designed to work in harmony with nature, as well as various community development projects in nearby Ban That Wang Monh.



Nong Khiaw Riverside

Residence Sisouk, Pakse

Large comfortable wooden bungalows on stilts offer breathtaking river views and a warm welcome from Danish owner Eskil and his friendly team. The homemade food is excellent. The best place to stay in Nong Khiaw.

Auberge Phouphadend, Phonsavan

A delightful hilltop resort in beautiful countryside close to Phonsavan, Auberge Phouphadend makes an ideal base for exploring the famous Plain of Jars. Fifteen comfortable wooden bungalows have been built in-amongst a forest of pine and fern trees.

Charming Lao Hotel, Oudomxai

Close to the centre of town, the Charming Lao Hotel is ideal for anyone visiting Oudomxai for business or pleasure. All rooms are equipped with modern facilities. Best choice in town.

The Boat Landing, Ban Kone, Luang Namtha

This premier eco-lodge is a great jump off point for those looking to explore the Nam Ha Protected Area. All the bungalows have been built using local materials and in a local style, while guaranteeing a comfortable stay. A great choice.

Rooms offer unique views of the Sedone River, as it flows into the Mekong. Close to a market and Wat Luang, Pakse’s most celebrated Buddhist Pagoda, it’s also a great place to experience local life. Rooms are clean and comfortable.

Kingfisher Ecolodge

A great little retreat in Champassak Province. The area around the lodge is one of the most beautiful in the country and great for those that love the great outdoors. The nearby Xe Pian National Protected Area is a haven for rare flora and fauna.

Athena Hotel, Pakse

Situated in the center of Pakse, the Athena Hotel offers guests both convenience and comfort and is one of few hotels in town with a swimming pool. The hotel features 21 spacious and beautifully decorated rooms with modern amenities.

The River Resort , Champassak Province This newly opened riverside resort offers 20 comfortable rooms; all with stunning riverside terraces offering panoramic views of the Mekong. There’s a great swimming pool overlooking the river and traditional Lao massage. Staff are friendly and accommodating. The perfect retreat.

* Look more hotels suggestion in our website



Vientiane Capital of Lao PDR



Vientiane is Southeast Asia’s most laid-back capital. This city boasts outstanding French colonial architecture and low level buildings spread throughout the city, exuding its rich cultural heritage and relaxed atmosphere. Life in this pleasant capital is slow-paced. We explore this small, peaceful capital at a leisurely pace, visiting some of the finest and most important historical sites in Laos. How to get to Vientiane on Lao Airlines? From Bangkok, there are two daily flights. There are daily flights from Hanoi / Kunming / Siem Reap. From Ho Chi Minh, three flights a week (Tue, Thu & Sat).

Vientiane Free & Easy Stay-3 days Day 1: Arrival in Vientiane (B) Code: CPH71 Enjoy the Free & Easy Stay package to Vientiane Capital, which includes round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, 2 nights accommodation at a hotel of your choice with breakfast, round trip airport transfer and a half day tour.

Vientiane Stop-Over-3 days Code: CPH72 Vientiane Stop-Over tour includes a round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, transportation in private car, hotel accommodation in a twin shared room with breakfast, English speaking guide, admission fee to indicated sights, Government tax and service charge and tour program are below:

Opon arrival in Vientiane, you will be met and transferred to a centrally located hotel. Vientiane is a charming and fascinating capital, with an interesting mix of Lao, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, French, and American influences. After a short rest, we begin visiting the major sights of the capital, including Vat Sisaket, the oldest temple with thousands of miniature Buddha statues, and the former royal temple of Vat Prakeo, which previously housed the famous Emerald Buddha. Enroute to Lao’s national icon, the precious and sacred structure of That Luang Stupa, you will have the opportunity to take pictures of the imposing Patuxay Monument, which is known as Vientiane’s own Arc de Triumph. We’ll end the day by the Mekong riverside for a relaxing stroll and admire the sunset. Overnight in Vientiane (B)

Day 2: Vientiane – Nam Ngum Lake

After breakfast, we head out of the city to make our way to Nam Ngum, a huge reservoir created by the damming of the Nam Ngum River. On the way to Nam Ngum Lake, we’ll stop at Ban Keun, which is famous for its salt extraction plant and a village that distills the local Lao whiskey. On arrival at Nam Ngum Lake, we embark on a long tail boat to visit fishing villages in the various islets. We take a short walk to explore the lifestyle of the local fishermen. After that we’ll have lunch. On the return drive to Vientiane, [if time permits], perhaps you might want to experience gambling at the Lao casino located in the valley where you can also enjoy a beautiful view of the lake. We return to Vientiane by late evening. Overnight in Vientiane (B)

Day 3: Vientiane-Departure After breakfast, we visit the Morning Market which has a range of Lao made products, from silk, handicrafts, silver jewelry, clothing, etc. (if time permits). The tour ends after you’re transfer to the airport for departure. (B)

For more information please contact Champa holidays tour or Lao Airlines offices Tel: ( 856-21 ) 219932, Fax: ( 856-21 ) 212058, Mobile: 22413161, 22224884 Email:,,

Pakse City (Champasak) Pakse Stop-Over-3 Days Code: Champa 3.2

Day1: Arrival-Pakse to Don Khone On arrival at Pakse, drive out towards Khong Island. On the way we make a short detour to visit Pha Suam Vaterfall and to explore the Lao Teung ethnic minority villages. We continue our journey by motorboat to Don Khong, the largest island in the southern part of the Mekong river region known as the 4,000 islands, one of the most scenic areas in Laos. Overnight in Don Khong. (L/D)

Day 3: Pakse - Departure after breakfast, at your leisure or shopping, then transfer to airport. (B)

Package includes: - Roundtrip on Lao Airlines air ticket - Two nights accommodation in hotel in a twin sharing room; daily breakfast - Transportation in private car - English speaking guide - Admission fee to indicated sights

Day 2: Khong Island to Done Khone Pakse Free & Easy Stay-3 Days to Pakse Following breakfast, we enjoy a visit to the surrounding countryside, and embark on a longtail boat tour of the Don Khone area, which takes you to visit the remains of the French colonial period and Liphi Vaterfall or “the Corridor of the Devil”. We return to the mainland at the fishing village of Ban Nakasang and drive further south to visit Khone Phapheng. Khone Phapheng is considered the largest Vaterfall by volume in South east Asia; this is an impressive attraction near the Lao-Cambodian border, set within an area which is teeming with wildlife, making it one of the most breathtaking destinations in Laos. Afterwards we drive back to Pakse. Overnight in Pakse. (B/L/D)

Code : Champa 3.1

Enjoy the Free & Easy Stay package in Pakse, the southern city of Laos. You can make a connection flight on Lao Airlines flight from Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, Luang Prabang and Vientiane. Day 1: Meet at Pakse airport and transfer to hotel for check-in and relaxation. Day 2: Enjoy breakfast at hotel and free time or you may contact hotel counter for city tour yourself.

Package includes: - Roundtrip Lao Airlines air ticket - Two nights accommodation at hotel Daily breakfast - Round trip airport transfer

Pakse Splendid We explore the beautiful region of Pakse, located in the southern part of Laos, also home to the famous Ancient Khmer ruins of Vat Phou from the 5th Century and the aweinspiring Khone Phapheng Vaterfall, the biggest in Southeast Asia! The surrounding forests teem with flourishing vegetation and you will be greeted by the friendly locals as we visit a few villages. You will take a trip to the Bolaven Plateau, which will provide you with a refreshing break from the heat and allow you to observe the cultivation of rich coffee, tea and other crops. On Pakse on Lao Airlines flights from Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Siem Reap, Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh. Direct flights are available from Ho Chi Minh to Pakse as follows: Tue, Thu, Sat – Depart at 11:45 and arrive at 13:45. Pakse to Ho Chi Minh: Tue, Thu, Sat– Depart at 09:15 and arrive at 10:45.

Day 3: After breakfast, free time and transfer to airport for check in and fly back to your next destination.

For more information please contact Champa holidays tour or Lao Airlines offices Tel: ( 856-21 ) 219932, Fax: ( 856-21 ) 212058, Mobile: 22413161, 22224884 Email:,,

Luang Prabang World Heritage City Luang Prabang has a beautiful and tranquil dream-like setting with a fusion of foreign influences and splendid landscape and scenery, making this an idyllic, unspoiled and charming destination for visitors. It is no wonder this amazing city has been declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO. The ancient city was the former capital of Laos, with a reign of more than 63 kings over 600 years. Luang Prabang is known as the ‘Thousand Pagoda City’ and there are countless intriguing architectural highlights in this sleepy and once royal capital. How to get to Luang Prabang? Lao Airlines has direct flights from Bangkok, Chiangmai and Hanoi daily; three times a week from Siem Reap; three flights daily from Vientiane. Day 1: Arrival-Luang Prabang Luang Prabang Free & Easy Stay-3 Days Code: CPH11 Enjoy the Free & Easy Stay package in the World Heritage City of Laos which includes round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, 2 nights accommodations in a hotel room of your choice with daily breakfast, round trip airport transfer and half day city tour.

Luang Prabang Stop-Over-3 Days Code: CPH12 Luang Prabang Stop-Over tour includes a round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, transportation in private car, accommodation in a twin shared room with breakfast, English speaking guide, admission fee to indicated sights, and government taxes and service charges. The tour program is as follows:

Arrival at Luang Prabang airport you will be met and transferred to your hotel. After a short rest, we will visit the impressive stupa of Vat Visoun and the shrine of Vat Aham and Vat Mai. We then climb up to the top of Mount Phousi for an enjoyable exploration of the sacred, gilded stupa as well as a beautiful sunset view of the city and the Mekong River. From there, we explore the Night Market, where you can find a lovely selection of handmade textiles made by hilltribe groups and local people from the surrounding area of Luang Prabang. Overnight in Luang Prabang.

Day 2: Luang Prabang-Pak Ou Cave On this day, we enjoy a short-guided tour to see the city’s oldest temples of Vat Sene and the magnificent Vat Xiengthong with its roofs sweeping low to the ground, representing classical Laotian architecture. We then embark on a cruise upstream on the Mekong River, which also gives us a breathtaking view of the tranquil coun-

tryside as well as time to explore the mysterious Pak Ou Caves, two linked caves crammed with thousands of gold lacquered Buddha statues of various shapes and sizes left by pilgrims. Along the way, we will stop at the village of Ban Xanghai, where the local rice wine is produced. On return, we’ll take a short drive to another small village, Ban Phanom, which is famous for its hand weaving. Overnight in Luang Prabang. (B)

Day3: Luang Prabang-Departure Visit the National Museum (closed Tuesdays) at the former Royal Palace. It displays a collection of artifacts reflecting the richness of Lao culture dating from the days of the early kings right through to the last reign. There will also be time to look around the Central Market. After visiting these sights in the morning, there may be free time (depending on your flight) to venture into town and stroll around the shopping area. The tour ends after your transfer to the airport for departure. (B)

For more information please contact Champa Holidays Tour or Lao Airlines offices Tel: ( 856-21 ) 219932, Fax: ( 856-21 ) 212058, Mobile: 22413161, 22224884 Email:,,

Luang Prabang World Heritage City Luang Prabang Wonder-4 Days

Day 2: Luang Prabang-Pak Ou Cave

Code: CPH13 Enjoy Luang Prabang Wonder – 4 days and 3 nights which includes round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, transportation in private car and accommodation in a twin shared room with daily breakfast, English speaking guide, admission fees to indicated sights, government taxes and service charges. The tour program is as follows:

Day 1: Arrival-Luang Prabang Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to your hotel. Luang Prabang has been claimed by UNESCO to be ‘the best preserved city in Southeast Asia’. During your time here, we’ll visit the impressive stupa of Vat Visoun and the shrines of Vat Aham and Vat Mai. We then climb up to the top of mount Phousi for an enjoyable exploration of the sacred, gilded stupa as well as a panoramic view of the city at sunset and the Mekong River. From there, we explore the Night Market, where you can find a lovely selection of handmade textiles made by local and hilltribe people from the surrounding areas of Luang Prabang. Overnight in Luang Prabang. (B)

Enjoy a short-guided tour to see the city’s oldest temple of Vat Sene and the magnificent Vat Xiengthong with its roofs sweeping low to the ground, representing classical Laotian architecture. We then embark on a cruise upstream on the Mekong River, which also gives us a breathtaking view of the tranquil countryside as well as time to explore the mysterious Pak Ou Caves, two linked caves crammed with thousands of gold lacquered Buddha statues of various shapes and sizes left by pilgrims. Along the way, we stop at the village of Ban Xanghai, where they make the local rice wine. On return, we take a short drive to Ban Phanom, a small village known for its hand weaving. Overnight in Luang Prabang. (B)

Day 3: Luang Prabang-Khouangsi Vaterfall An optional early start gives you the fantastic opportunity to participate in the daily morning rituals of saffron-clad monks collecting offerings of Alms (often in the form of sticky rice) from faithful residents. This tradition is very unique in Laos, being the only Buddhist nation still preserving the ritual. From there, you will visit the morning Phousi Market, where you will see such diverse offerings as dried buffalo skin, local tea and saltpeter among the chickens, vegetables and hilltribe weavings.

Laos is also known for its traditional crafts, and this day you will visit local villages of Lao ethnic minority groups at Ban Ouay, a Hmong village, Ban Ou, Lao Oum Village and Ban Thapene, which are Khmu villages. This then takes us to the beautiful Khouangsi Vaterfall where you can cool off with a refreshing swim in the pools or walk along the forest trails. On the return trip to Luang Prabang by late afternoon, we continue to Ban Xangkhong, a village well known for its silk weavings and for its Saa (jute) Papermaking. We return to the city by late evening to admire the sunset at Vat Siphouthabath. Overnight in Luang Prabang. (B)

Day 4: Luang Prabang-Departure Visit the National Museum (closed Tuesdays) at the former Royal Palace. It displays a collection of artifacts reflecting the richness of Lao culture dating from the days of the early kings right through to the last reign. There will also be time for us to look around the Central Market. After visiting these sights in the morning, there may be free time (depending on your flight) to venture into town and stroll around the shopping area. The tour ends after your transfer to the airport for departure. (B)

For more information please contact Champa Holidays Tour or Lao Airlines offices Tel: ( 856-21 ) 219932, Fax: ( 856-21 ) 212058, Mobile: 22413161, 22224884 Email:,,

Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam Formerly known as Saigon How to get to Ho Chi Minh City? You may take Lao Airlines flight from Vientiane or Pakse to Hochiminh on Tue, Thu & Sat. Ho Chi Minh Free & Easy Stay-3 days Code: CPH61 Enjoy the Free & Easy Stay package in the historical Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) which includes round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, two nights accommodation in a three star hotel with daily breakfast, round trip airport transfer and a half-day tour in Ho Chi Minh city.

Ho Chi Minh-Mekong Delta-3 Days Code: CPH62 The Ho Chi Minh Mekong Delta 3 days and 2 nights package includes round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, 2 nights accommodation in a twin sharing room, daily breakfast and one lunch at the hotel, transportation in private car, entrance fees to tourist sites and a one-day tour of the Mekong Delta including tour guide as follows:

Day 1: Meet on arrival at Tan San Airport

and transfer to hotel for check-in and then free time or shopping.

sightseeing and observing the daily activities of local people, taking a paddle boat along the small canal, visiting a bee farm, orchards, enjoying tea, honey, seasonal fruits, sweets, amateur traditional music performances, touring a coconut candy mill and then lunch on the island. On the way back, stop for shopping.

Day 3: Depart Ho Chi Minh (B) After breakfast at hotel , free time or shopping and transfer to Tan Son Nhat airport for your departure flight.

Ho Chi Minh Vung Tau 3 Days Code: CPH63 Ho Chi Minh Vung Tau 3 days and 2 nights includes round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, 2 nights accommodation in a twin sharing room, full meals, transportation in private car, entrance fees to tourist sites, tour guide and tour program as follows:

Day 1:

Arrive Ho Chi Minh – CITY TOUR (L,D)

Day 2: Ho Chi Minh – Mekong Delta – Ho Arrive Ho Chi Minh by QV515 at 10:45. Chi Minh (Meals: B/L)

After breakfast, depart at 8:00 am, driving to the Mekong Delta, nicknamed the large rice basket of Vietnam. This day includes visiting Vinh Trang pagoda, cruising on the Mekong river to an island for

Welcome by friendly guide then transfer to hotel. Buffet lunch provided by hotel. PM: City tour – visit local neighborhoods and landmarks such as China Town, Thien Hau Pagoda, Remnant War Museum, Reunification Hall (Formerly Presidential Pal-

ace), Opera House, City Hall, stop at the Main Post Office & Notre Dame Cathedral for pictures. On the way back to the hotel, stop at a lacquer ware factory for shopping. Back to hotel and enjoy a set dinner at Sapphire Hotel.

Day 2: HCMC – VUNG TAU – HCMC (L, D) Depart in the morning for Vung Tau, a famous tourist spot. Free for swimming and sea bathing at Mariana Club. Set lunch at the local seafood restaurant. Visit memorial statue of Saint George (30 m high) on Small Mountain - the highest Saint statue in VietNam; visit Niet Ban Tinh Xa, the most beautiful pagoda in Vung Tau on a hillside facing the sea. On the way back to HCMC, stop at Long Thanh to buy fruits of the season. Arrival HCMC, enjoy a set dinner on a Saigon floating restaurant. Transfer back to hotel for leisure time.

Day 3: HO CHI MINH – VIENTIANE Free time until transfer to airport for a flight at 11:45 am. End of service.

Amazing Angkor, Siem Reap - Cambodia How to get to Angkor Vat? You may take Lao Airlines flight from Vientiane or Pakse with daily service or depart from Luang Prabang on Mon, Thu & Sat.

Angkor Vat Free & Easy Stay3 Days, 2 Nights Code: CPH41 Enjoy the Free & Easy Stay package in Siem Reap city which includes round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, 2 nights accommodation in a three/four star hotel with daily breakfast and round trip airport transfer.

Amazing Angkor Vat Full Package - 3 Days, 2 Nights Code: CPH42 Visit the Amazing Angkor city on a 3 days and 2 nights package with Champa Holidays which includes roundtrip air ticket on Lao Airlines, 2 nights accommodation in a twin sharing hotel room, meals, transportation (car, van or bus), entrance fees to tourist sites, English/Thai speaking guide and tour program as follows:

Day 1: Arrive – Siem Reap (L/D) Arrive at Siem Reap International Airport and transfer to hotel for check-in and visit the National Museum then have lunch. In the afternoon, visit the Vat Thmei Artisan Angkor, Old Market, then have dinner at Koulen II Restaurant with Apsara Dance show. After dinner, visit the Night Market, then back to hotel.

Day 2: Angkor Thom (B/L/D ) After breakfast at hotel, visit South Gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon temples, Bapuon, Phimenakas, Terrace of Elephant and Leper King. In the afternoon, visit Ta Prum temple, Takeo, Angkor Vat temple and Vatch the sunset over Bakheng Hill, dinner and back to hotel. Day 3: Siem Reap – Pakse/Vientiane (B) Breakfast at hotel, visit old market and transfer to Siem Reap International Airport to fly back.

Angkor Vat - Phnom Penh Sihanoukville Full Package - 6 Days, 5 Nights Code: CPH42 Day 1: Arrive Siem Reap (L/D) Arrive at Siem Reap International airport and transfer to hotel for check-in. Lunch at Sophea Angkor Pich Restaurant then visit South Gate of AngkorThom , Terrace of Elephant, Angkor Vat and Vatch the sunset over Bakheng Hill, dinner at Kolen II Restaurant.

Day 2: Tonle Sap Lake – Phnom Penh (B/L/D) At 7:30 am guide and van pick up to visit the Tonle Sap Lake, and have an early lunch at Kolen II restaurant. At 12:00 noon depart by van to Phnom Penh and checkin to a three star hotel and have dinner at the Tonle Basac restaurant.

Day 3: City tour Phnom Penh – Sihanoukville (B/L/D) At 8:00 am guide and van pick up to visit the Royal Palace, museum, the killing fields, and have lunch at Tonle Basac restaurant and at 1:00 pm depart by van to Sihanoukville and check-in to Hotel Golden Sand, then have dinner at the Beach Restaurant.

Day 4: Sihanoukville At 8:00 am guide and van will pick up to Ream Beach. Lunch at Beach Restaurant and in the afternoon visit the Ochheuteal beach, then have dinner at a beach restaurant.

Day 5: Sihanoukville – Siem Reap (B/L/D) At 8:00 am visit Sihanoukville Market and lunch at Tonle Basac Restaurant, and drive back to Siem Reap, check-in to hotel and have dinner at Sophea Angkor Pich Restaurant.

Day 6: Siem Reap – Pakse/ VTE (B) Breakfast at hotel, visit old market and transfer to Siem Reap International Airport to your next destination.

Jinghong-China Visit Jinghong , Xishuang Banna Located in the south of Yunnan Province, Jinghong is the political, economic and cultural center of Xishuang Banna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, which is a supernatural oasis in southwest China, while Jinghong is a bright pearl in the oasis. Attractions in Xishuang Banna Known for its tropical flowers, plants, and garden, attractions in Xishuang Banna include the Meng Tropical Botanical Garden, tropical rain forest valley, Mengle great Buddhist monastery, Mengle cultural park, Manting park, Dai ethnic garden, wild elephant ravine, south medicinal plants garden, the virgin forest park and Mengjinglai village and more. How to get to Jinghong? Travel with Lao Airlines direct flight from Luang Prabang on Friday and Sunday or on a connecting flight from Vientiane.

Jinghong Free & Easy Stay3 Days, 2 Nights Code: CPH51 Enjoy and relax with the Free & Easy Stay package in Jinghong Xishuang Banna which includes round trip air ticket on Lao Airlines, 2 nights accommodation in a four star hotel with daily breakfast and airport transfer.

Jinghong Stop-Over3 Days, 2 Nights Code: CPH52 Spend your holidays with the Jinghong Stop-Over – 3 days, 2 nights which includes roundtrip air ticket of Lao Airlines,

2 nights accommodation in a three star hotel with a twin sharing room, full meals (Chinese food), transportation (car, van or bus), entrance fees to tourist sites, Lao/ English speaking guide and tour program as follows:

Day 1: Take Lao Airlines flight QV818 to Jinghong , guide will meet you at the airport, go straight to visit Bage Temple (Head Temple in Xishuangbanna), then transfer to hotel check-in and dinner. Overnight at Jinghong.

Day 2: After breakfast at hotel, transfer to Virgin Forest Park, lunch, then to Ganlanba and sightseeing in the local bazaar and the villages of Dai people and visit the Dai Garden, take part in the Vater splashing, and have dinner during a singing and dancing show. Overnight at Jinghong.

Day 3: Breakfast & check-out from hotel, tour the Flower Garden. After lunch, transfer to the airport to fly back to Luang Prabang or Vientiane.

V o l 0 2 i s s u e 1 3 c h a m pa h o l i d ay s t o u r s a n d g u i d e i n l a o s

Issue 13 Oc tober - november 2012

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Sold on Houaphanh


Lao Handicraft Festival

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New ethnic hotel in Vang Vieng

w w w. L a o A i r L i n e s . c o m | w w w. C h a m pa H o l i d ay s . c o m | w w w. C h a m pa M a g . c o m

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