Champa Holidays #7

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V O L 0 1 I S S U E 0 7 C H A M PA H O L I D AY S T O U R A N D G U I D E I N L A O S

Issue 07 Oct - Nov 2011

ອອກພ�ນສາ, ບຸນຊວງເ�ືອ Boun Ork Phansa, End of Buddhist Lent ບຸນນະມ�ດສະການ ພະທາດວງ

Boun That Luang, Festival of the Grand Stupa


Journey into the Heartland

ມະຫະກ�ການເ�ນ ຝ�ງແ�ຂອງ

Fang Mae Kong Dance Festival!

ສະເ�ີຼມສະອງ ບຸນກິນຈຽງ

Hmong New Year

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