Iowa Holstein Herald December 2022

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December 2022

DECEMBER 2022 VOL. 85 NO. 4

Editor - Brianna Lucey• 714 N. 1st St. • Guttenberg, IA 52052

Cell: 563-329-1003


Dan Moon, President

19475 155th Street, Monona, IA 52159 563-880-4562 •

Walt Wessel, Vice President

28547 400th Street, Greeley, IA 52040 563-590-8162 •

Brianna Lucey, Editor

714 N 1st St, Guttenberg, IA 52052 563-329-1003 •

Shellie Volker, Secretary/Treasurer

12686 U Avenue, Sumner, IA 50674 319-269-0318 •


Paul Stempfe, District 1 • 536-920-9495

16707 100th Street, Maynard, IA 50655

Doug Lyons, District 1 • 563-419-0275

131 Military Road, Castalia, IA 52133

Doug Brown, District 1 • 563-880-6776

39284 Skip Level Road, Colesburg, IA 52035

Dan Bolin, District 2 • 319-278-4288

30707 180th Street, Clarksville, IA 50619

Jim Vierhout, District 4 • 712-439-2932

PO Box 563, Hull, IA 51239

Jef Hammerand, District 8 • 563-580-3908

23920 N Bankston Road, Epworth, IA 52045

Tom Holub, District 8 • 319-213-4256

4638 Linn-Jones Road, Monticello, IA 52310


Larry Landsguard • 563-419-5576

17518 Gunder Road, Postville, IA 52162

Trent Henkes • 563-783-2479

18467 165th Street, Luana, IA 52156

Blake Courtney • 563-387-7879

2564 Pole Line Road, Ridgeway, IA 52165

Heather Moore • 563-357-1611

22654 92nd Street, Maquoketa, IA 52060

Tom Simon • 563-599-9183

10644 Cemetery Road, Farley, IA 52046

Sheri Danhof • 563-380-5945

1225 Parsley Drive, Waukon, IA 52172

Jason Volker • 563-380-5945

1225 Parsley Drive, Waukon, IA 52172


1 Holstein Place, Brattleboro, VT 05301

Telephone: 802-254-4551

Toll Free Number: 800-952-5200

Fax: 802-254-8251


Dennis Devore • 319-270-5038

Cedar Rapids, IA •


The offcial publication of the IOWA HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION


President’s Prespective . 4 Iowa Holstein Princess ............................................................................................................. 4 Board Meeting Minutes 5 2023 Iowa Spring Sale/Raffe Calf Details 6 2023 IHA Convention Details/Scholarships ..............................................................................8 Junior News ............................................................................................................................. 10 2023 Cardinal & Gold Classic Sale 12 Jr. All-Iowa Awards 13-14 Membership 19


December 28-29 Iowa Junior Holsein Convention January

5 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association DJM & Young DJM Awards February 1 2023 Membership Dues Deadline for IHA 1 First Deadline for 2025 Iowa Holstein Futurity 1 Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarship Deadline

1 Linda Pagel Scholarship & Iowa Holstein Association Scholarship Deadline 1 Application Deadline for Iowa Junior Holstein Association Cow Awards 25 2023 Iowa Holstein Convention, Promiseland Winery, Guttenberg March

18 Executive Meeting & Board Meeting, Gus & Tony’s Townhouse Cafe, West Union 18 Iowa State Sale, West Union June 23-27 2023 National Holstein Convention, Lexington, Kentucky August TBD Iowa Holstein Open Show TBD Iowa Junior Holstein Show


LuckyRidge Sidekick Ember walks on a snowy path in honor of the winter months and holiday season upon us. The IHA Board wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Subscriptions: A copy of each issue of the Iowa Holstein Herald shall be sent to each adult member of the Iowa Holstein Association and that $8.00 of each adult member's base rate annual dues of $35.00 shall be for a year's subscription to the Herald. Junior members may subscribe to the Herald for $10.00. The subscription price is $10.00 for people not residing in Iowa.

Postmasters: Please send address changes to Iowa Holstein Herald, 12686 U Avenue, Sumner, IA 50674.

IOWA HOLSTEIN HERALD (USPS 024497) is published quarterly each year by the Iowa Holstein Association, P.O. Box 16, Guttenberg, IA 52052. The publication dates are March 1, June 1, October 1 and December 1. Periodical postage paid at Guttenberg, IA and additional offces. The deadline for submitting news and advertising copy is 30 days preceding publication date of issue.

December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald 3

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday’s!

I hope everyone had a successful harvest this fall. World Dairy Expo was held as usual; with a great job done by our Iowa exhibitors. Congratulations to everyone.

Plans are underway for our Spring Sale in West Union, Iowa on March 18th, 2023. Please contact Sheri Danhof or Scott Stempfe if you have an animal to consign or have any questions.

Our Calf Rafe will kick of our sale again this year. Tis is a great way to support your association and have a chance to win some prizes.

If you have a calf to be considered for the rafe get ahold of Blake Courtney.

Plans are underway for our State Convention which will be held at Promiseland Winery in Guttenberg. Mark your calendars for Saturday February 25th, 2023 and make plans to attend.

Have a Merry Christmas and a safe Holiday Season!

Dan Moon

Iowa Holstein Princess

Hello Holstein Enthusiasts, I’ve been busy in classes at Hawkeye and now I am apart of the Human Resource Management Program.

I have been studying for the test at Holstein Convention. I would love to see all you junior members at our Convention in December. During past conventions junior members have been able to enjoy swimming, spending time with other junior members, playing games, taking our test to qualify for national convention, and learning more about the Holstein cow we all love.

I am currently serving as treasurer and am very excited to get to planning our convention. I would like to wish all you juniors luck on our test and I’m hoping to see all of you get involved with our association. I’m hoping to see all of you at national convention as well! Wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays! Brynlee Volker

Iowa Holstein Princess


I hope everyone had a safe harvest and are prepared for the cold days ahead.

Iowa Holstein breeders continue to be well-represented at the National level. Congratulations to all, especially to our Iowa Holstein Junior members.

As the year comes to a close, it is exciting to look forward to next year’s activities! Preparation for National Convention has already begun as junior members prepare to compete for spots on the Quiz Bowl teams and in the Jeopardy competition. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Iowa Junior Holstein Convention this December where we are sure to make more memories and friendships.

If you have any questions please reach out to myself or anyone on the Junior executive committee. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! (563)-637-2386 – nayscott16@

Northeast Iowa Community Colege Dairy Science Student Profle


Why did you decide to attend NICC? II decided to attend NICC because of how handson and interactive the agriculture programs are, as well as the small class sizes. These two things, paired with the on-site dairy farm provide students with an incredible opportunity to experience real-world farm scenarios and learn one-on-one with instructors. What has been your most memorable college experience? My most memorable college experience has come from being part of the Dairy Judging Team and attending the judging competition in Louisville, Kentucky in 2021. It was a great experience to tour a variety of farms, participate in a National competition, and make memories with my classmates.

What has been your favorite course? My favorite course has hands-down been Dairy Management Lab. I learned so many different, important skills in this class that will help me be more successful andknowledgeable in my future in the dairy industry. Working alongside the veterinarian and instructors, I learned how to correctly IV cows, castrate and dehorn calves, genomic test, give a large variety of shots and much more!

What are your future career goals? I am very passionate about the dairy industry, specifcally the show aspect and it is my goal to start my own dairy farm focusing on the breeding, raising, and exhibiting of high-type dairy cattle. I have already started my own herd of dairy cattle, one of which was the 6th place Holstein spring yearling of the junior show at World Dairy Expo this fall! I am very excited about my future in the dairy industry upon graduating from NICC.

Northeast Iowa Community College Dairy Science Program

1527 Hwy. 150 South, Calmar, IA 52132 563-543-9957 • •

President’s Perspective
Maya Bossom Hometown: Waukon, Iowa High School: Waukon High School Class Size: 120 Farm Name: Bozland Dairy Major: Dairy Science
4 December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald

Iowa Holstein Association Board Minutes

President Dan Moon called meeting to order at 12:30PM at Gus and Tony’s in West Union, Iowa. Members present were: Dan Moon, Walt Wessel, Brianna Lucey, Shellie Volker, Sheri Danhof, Doug Lyons, Doug Brown, Tom Holub, Larry Landsgard, Trent Henkes and Heather Moore.

Minutes from previous meeting were reviewed with one correction and were approved and 2nd. Treasurer’s report was given by Shellie and was also appoved and 2nd.

Junior Report- Jef Hammerand had discussed that the hotel they normally have convention at is in the process of being renovated over Christmas so he is still waiting confrmation on if they will be able to hold it there.

Membership report was given by Shellie with no changes in numbers, but discussed changes being made to the 2023 membership cards. Tere will be a place to mark on the cards if you want to receive a copy of the herald. Also there will be an added fee of $20 for adult and $5 for juniors if dues aren’t paid by 3-12023.

Program Development and Herald report given by Trent Henkes. Te 2023 State Convention will be held at PromiseLand Winery in Guttenberg on Saturday February 25. Tey are looking for a podium and sound system for the banquet if anyone has one to use. Barn Catering out of Sherrill will be providing the meal. Tey are looking for donations and possibly a speaker for the night. Plans are for meeting at 2PM with banquet to follow. Brianna is encouraging people to advertise in the December issue of the herald, she has reached out to 30 people with little or no response. Tere is a 10% discount for juniors who advertise in December issue.

Sheri Danhof went over sale report with few expenses lef to be paid. Some things to consider for future sales were discussed including less catalogs printed, difculty advertising with the timing of the sale and deadlines, help, ect. Need to get ahold of the Fayette Co Fairgrounds for next year, need to fnd a date and is will to take suggestions. Blake Courtney will be in charge of the rafe for the coming year. Show report was given by Larry Landsgard. District 8 is in charge of the state show this year and we need to fnd a day that works around all the county fairs. We are adding a late fee in hopes of getting those who show to pay memberships before show season. Tere was more discussion on taking State Fair out of the rotation and was moved to table until the annual meeting by Doug Lyons and 2nd by Sheri Danhof. Tom Holub will donate for the Grand Champion trophy again.

It was moved by Walt Wessel and 2nd by Doug Brown to approve committee reports.

Dennis Devore reported on national information. Ear tag shipments is not getting better, there is still a 3 month waiting period. Please get a hold of Dennis if a rush is needed. Allfex colors seems to make a difference in shipping. On Nov 14 there is a Holstein lab opening in Bowling Green, KY to put dariy technology together. Check the Holstein USA website for more information. Tere is a new director for Holstein Marketplace and new research online on the benefts of classifcation. Dennis also encouraged everyone to be safe and careful out there.

No Old Business to discuss.

New Business discussed was to support the juniors with paying back membership along with $500 and let them run the food stand again at the state sale. Shellie Volker presented the 2023 Budget and Walt Wessel presented a bus trip to Wisconsin for a day and half in the spring. All new business was approved and 2nd.

Doug Lyons moved to adjourn.

5 December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald

We’re Back With A Live Sale! & LOOKING FOR



Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 18, 2023 at the Fayette County Fairgrounds in West Union, IA.

If you know of any one looking to consign get them in contact with our sale staff! Our selectors are as follows:

Scott Stempfe: 563-608-0640

Jason Danhof: 715-305-0522

Scott Courtney: 563-380-1318

Duane Gibbs: 563-590-4012

Rick Demmer: 563-542-5073

If you have any questions please contact our Sale Co-Chairs: Sheri Danhof (563-380-5945) or Scott Stempfe (563-608-0640).

Iowa Heifer Raffle

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Fayette County Fairgrounds, West Union, IA Drawing will be held prior to the start of the Iowa Spring Sale.

GRAND PRIZE ~ 1st Choice of Heifer or $2,000 Cash

You or a representative must be present at the sale to make choice or the cash award will be awarded for the cash prize.

More information to come on specifc prize offerings.

Only 200 tickets will be sold at $100 per ticket. Tickets are available by contacting any Board member. (See page 4 for contact information)

Watch for updates and more info including the selected heifers for the raffe coming in the mail, the March Herald and the Iowa Spring Sale Catalog as well as on our Facebook page and Any questions, contact Blake Courtney at 563-387-7879.

Iowa Holstein Association 2023 Sale Information
District Meetings District Date Time Location 1 Dec 27 12:00 pm Johnson’s Restaurant, Elkader 4 TBA TBA TBA 5 TBA TBA TBA 6 TBA TBA TBA 8 Jan 11 7:30 pm Pizza Factory December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald 6

Interested in becoming the next Iowa Holstein Princess?

Te Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will conduct the Iowa Holstein Princess Contest in conjunction with the Iowa Holstein Association State Convention.

Candidate must be 17 years of age and not over 24 years of age by August 1, of the current year. Candidate must have a dairy farm background with parents or guardians who are currently engaged in the production of milk for sale during the coming year. Tey must participate in the check-of to Midwest Dairy. Te candidate will qualify if she has been away from home (at school, work, etc.) but still considers her parents’ or guardians’ farm her home. Her parents or guardians must be members of the Iowa Holstein Association. Te candidate and/or her parents or guardians must own some registered Holsteins. Te candidate must give a 3-5 minute presentation the day of the contest about dairy products and/or the dairy industry. Te candidate no longer has to be afliated with a district. Anyone in the state is allowed in the competition. Tere may be several from one district competing. Tis young woman will hand out ribbons at district and state shows, write articles for the Herald, and paricipate in dairy promotions while representing the Iowa Holstein Association. She will also represent the Holstein breed in the Iowa State Dairy Princess pageant that is held at the Iowa State Fair in August.

If you or anyone you know qualifes and would like to run, please mail or email a completed Princess Candidate Application by February 1 to Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd., Peosta, Iowa 52068; 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120; or Applications can be found on our website at or scan the QR code below with your cellphone camera to be directed.

Large & Small Animal Vet Clinic

Dr. Virgil Bourek, DVM Dr.Dan Meyer, DVM

1657 15th Ave SE • Dyersville, IA 52040 Phone: 563-875-6083


Terrick Holsteins
Lands-Brook Farms
HOLSTEINS Scottmo milk stronglive long re STARMONT FARMS, LLC
7 December 2021 Iowa Holstein Herald
Lisa 21958 Ungs Road Guttenberg, IA 52052 563-853-2402 Home of
Terry & Kelly Eick 1105 Ivory Ave. • Plainfeld, IA 50666 Phone: 319-275-4719 Fax: 319-275-4501 Email:
"The Landsgards" 18239 Gunder Rd. • St. Olaf, IA 52072 Fax: 563-864-3338 • Larry Landsgard 17518 Gunder Rd • Postville, IA 52162 Larry’s Cell: 563-419-5576
R Ave • Westgate, IA 50681
4113 H Ave. | Aurora, IA 50607 Mark: 319.238.3334 Barn: 319.634.3383 | Home: 319.634.3973

Don’t forget to apply for the Iowa Holstein Assocation Scholarships and the Linda Pagel Scholarship. Tere is only one application, and applicants can designate which scholarship they are applying for on the form. Te application is available at Mail completed application postmarked by February 1 to Trent & Leslie Henkes, 18467 165th St. Luana, IA 5216 or email

Iowa Holstein Association Scholarship

Up to four scholarships will be awarded. Applicant must be currently attending a four-year college or a one or two-year tech school or a short course program and majoring in Dairy Science. Preference will be given to Iowa Junior Holstein Association members. Tis scholarship can only be received one time.

Linda Pagel Scholarship

Linda Pagel served the Iowa Holstein Association as secretary and treasurer for 13 years. She also was a Family and Consumer Science teacher for many years. Youth have always been a part of her life. Her support and dedication to Iowa Holstein Juniors has be a large part of their success on the national level. Te Iowa Holstein Association Board of Directors would like to honor Linda with a scholarship for an active Iowa Junior Holstein Member or recent member.

Applicant must be a member or recent member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association and must have completed one year of secondary education. Tis $500 scholarship can only be received one time.

Iowa Holstein Auxiliary Scholarships

Te Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will be awarding up to three scholarships this year to eligible recipients. Applicant must be a member of the Iowa Junior Holstein Association at the time of application. Applicant must be currently attending a four-year college or a one or two-year tech school

Kathy Demmer, 6222 Sundown Rd, Peosta, IA 52068 or by email at

winners are
IHA Ofers Scholarships, Apply Today! 2023 Iowa Holstein Convention Where: Promiseland Winery, 39053 Great River Road, Guttenberg, IA 52052 Save the Date! February 25th, 2023! Tank-You to our early Sponsors! Stay tuned for more details! Follow us on our Facebook page at Iowa Holstein Association. December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald 8
a short course program
not majoring in Dairy Science. Previous scholarship
Please send
completed application to:
by February 1.

Iowa Junior Holstein Association News


Regan Demmer, President

• 563-876-3120

Trenton Hammerand, Vice-President

• 6222 Sundown Rd, Peosta, IA 52068

• 563-876-3783 • 23334 Kidder Rd, Epworth, IA 52045

Reagan Kime, Secretary• 563-379-8944

Brynlee Volker, Treasurer

Lane Domeyer, Reporter

• 1152 330th Ave, Waucoma, IA 52171

• 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674

• 563-920-5873 • 2245 235th Ave, Delhi, IA 52223

Brenna Volker, Historian • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674

Brielle Volker, Historian

• 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674

Brynlee Volker, Digital Historian • 319-269-4558 • 12686 U Ave, Sumner, IA 50674


Jeff & Tammy Hammerand • 563-580-3908

23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 •

Quiz Bowl Test

All Iowa juniors are invited to take the Quiz Bowl test to qualify for the quiz bowl teams or jeopardy that will represent Iowa at the 2023 National Convention. Te test will be given on December 28th at 11:00 a.m. at the Iowa Junior Convention at the Comfort Inn, Dyersville. In case of bad weather, the test will be given December 29th. Contact Jef Hammerand by 11 a.m. on December 28th if you need to take the test later in the day. If you are unable to take the test at the convention, contact Jef Hammerand at 563580-3908 (cell) or

Everyone will take the same test. Te top four scores in the junior division (9 to 15 years as of January 1, 2023) and the top four scores in the senior division (16-21 and not over 21 on Jan. 1, 2023) will make up the quiz bowl teams. All other juniors taking the test are eligible for the jeopardy contest, which has three divisions: junior 9-13, intermediate 14-17 and senior 18-21.

Questions for the test will come from the following sources: 2022 and 2023 Holstein and Ayrshire Dairy Bowl questions, Holstein Dairy Jeopardy questions and 2022 Hoard’s Dairyman, Holstein Pulse and Holstein World are benefcial to review. Current news questions may also be asked on the test; check out the Holstein Association website to stay updated and review for the test as well. Dairy Bowl and Dairy Jeopardy questions can be found by going to

State Junior Annual Meeting

Te State Junior Annual Meeting will be held on December 28th at 1:30 p.m. at the Comfort Inn, Dyersville. All juniors are welcome to attend. We will be electing new ofcers and making plans for the new year.

National Junior Member Awards

Any junior members wishing to apply for National DJM or YDJM should update their books and submit a black and white copy to Jef Hammerand postmarked by January 5, 2023. Members must have won the award on the state level to apply for the national award. Also all applicants must be state and national members.

State Junior Awards

Award applications are due postmarked January 5, 2023 for Iowa Holstein Young Distinguished Junior Member (for youth 9-15 years old as of January 1, 2023) and Iowa Holstein Distinguished Junior Member (16-20 years of age as of January 1, 2023). Tese awards will be presented at the Iowa Holstein Convention Banquet on February 25th at Promiseland Winery near Guttenberg.

For the Iowa DJM and Young DJM Awards, junior members must use the national forms in applying for these awards. For the state competition submit a black and white copy of your DJM or Young DJM book. Visit to fnd the appropriate links for these award applications.

If you have any questions, please contact Jef Hammerand. Completed applications should be submitted to Jef Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045.

State Cow Awards Due February 1

Applications are now due on February 1 for the 25,000# Cow Award, 150,000# Cow Award, Star and Progressive Breeder Awards. Tese awards will be presented at the 2023 Iowa Holstein Convention. Application forms are available online at www.iowaholsteins. org.

Prepared Public Speaking Contest & National Junior Folding Display Contest

Te details for the 2023 Prepared Public Speaking Contest and Folding Display Contest will be announced at a later date. Tese contests will be on the agenda at the state meeting on December 28.

Wisconsin Award Trip

An Awards Trip to Wisconsin is available to juniors at least 16 years of age. Participants selected will join Wisconsin award winners in visiting dairy herds in the state at the end of March or frst part of April. To be considered for the trip, please write a one page story on why you would like to go on the Awards Trip. Previous trip participants are eligible to reapply. Te deadline is postmarked January 5, 2023. Send your story to Jef Hammerand, 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045.

Any junior member or enthusiast between the ages of 8 to 21 years old are welcome to attend. Cost is $25.00 per attendee which covers room, food and other favors; due with your registration.

For planning purposes, registration should be mailed by December 23rd to Jeff Hammerand at 23920 N Bankston Rd, Epworth, IA 52045 For a copy of the registration form, please visit or watch for it in the mail! Looking forward to seeing you there!

*The status of the convention will depend on the state and local COVID-19 guidelines. Please watch our Facebook page and website for the latest updates.

10 December 2021 Iowa Holstein Herald
Come have some fun wit te Iowa Holstein Juniors!
13th Annual Iowa Junior Holstein Convention December 28-29* Comfort Inn, 527 16th Ave Southwest, Dyersville Decemeber 28 Registration from 10:00-10:45 AM Quiz Bowl Exam @ 11:00 AM » Fun Games & Activites « » Learn about National Convention « » Meet New People « » Movie Night « and much more!

2022 Iowa Junior Association Recap


You’re looking at the 2022 National Holstein Convention’s 3rd Place Senioor Dairy Bowl Team. Outstanding job and congratulations Juniors! Pictured from L to R: Regan Demmer, Isaiah Hammerand, Trenton Hammerand, Brynlee Volker, and Coach Jeff Hammerand.

The Iowa Junior Holstein Association would like to congradulate Regan Demmer on being named a National Distinguished Junior Member!
December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald 11
Mark your calendar for next year’s 2023 National Holstein Convention happening June 23- June 26 in Lexington, Kentucky!
Naomi Scottt and Henry Hamlett having fun during their time at Convention.

2022 Junior


Winners 150,000-Pound Cow Beckholm Goldwyn Latona
Cow Craggen Alonzo Lindor Baker Pries
Aged Cow Liddlehome Thunder
Pries 5-Year-Old
4-Year-Old Cow
Doorman Cynthia Regan Demmer
Senior 3-Year-Old Cow Great Heritage MoreView May Jacob Eggnik
Junior 3-Year-Old Cow Patel Sunlite All TH Way Raven Harrison Pagel
Senior 2-Year-Old Cow Le-O-La Doorman Lizzy-ET Regan Demmer Junior 2-Year-Old Cow Hawkeye JK She’s Poision Jonathan Krogman
December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald 13
Summer Junior 2-Year-Old Cow MS Stop Minkster-Red-ET Jacob Eggnik

2022 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners

Fall Yearling Quality-Ridge Undeni Marvel Alicia Heft Winter Yearling Fossum Tatoo Dallas Thomas Fossum Spring Yearling RedCarpet Warrior Labriola-ET Garrett Lovstuen Summer Yearling Miss Analandi A-GW Sueli Abbie Gahring Fall Heifer Calf Trump Bryer Putman Winter Heifer Calf Fossom Delta-Lamba Ariel Elizabeth Fossum Spring Heifer Calf Hawkeye JK Doc Afton-ET Brooke Krogman
14 December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald
Milking Yearling Le-O-La Alt. Destiny-Red-ET Regan Demmer

2022 Junior All-Iowa Award Winners

Futurity Challenge

Entries Due February 1, 2023

How do I enter?

• Complete the Futurity Form in Excel available at and email it to the Futurity secretary with appropriate fees by February 1, 2023. A pdf form will also be available online if you don’t have access to Excel. Eligible animals are those registered Holstein females born September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022. The initial fee is low to encourage you to enter several calves. You can always drop payment at subsequent deadlines.

What about heifers already entered?

• Entries made last year for the 2023 and 2024 Futurities will need to be updated. The Futurity Secretary will mail your form to you. Simply make payments on those animals you wish to re-enter, crossing out any you wish to drop. These entries are also due February 1, 2023.

What kind of calves should be entered?

• Your show calves that are already halter broke. Is your calf bred to have a good udder? Enter her!

Find Us on Facebook

Keep up on the latest news from both the Iowa Holstein Association and the Iowa Junior Holstein Association on Facebook. This will provide another source of communication with our members and other Holstein enthusiasts.

• Your fancy calf, out of a good cow, that was just the wrong age for the calf class. Enter her!

• Last summer's babies. They may show as first lactation 3-Year-Olds, but that just might be to their advantage. Enter them!

• The calf you plan to sell in the Iowa Spring Sale. A $2 entry may reap bigger dividends at the sale. Enter that calf!

• Any calf you might sell as a show calf or junior project calf. You pay the first entry and if the buyer wants to keep up the entries they may. It is the seller's responsibility to inform the buyer of the animal's eligibility, and the buyer's responsibility to submit subsequent fees.

Attention Junior Members

• To be eligible for JUNIOR BRED AND OWNED awards for future Futurities your name must be listed on the animal's registration paper as the BREEDER. The Challenge

• During the next year, you are breeding your cows and heifers for calves that will be eligible for Futurities in 2026 and 2027. Think about the bulls you are using. Think about the cow that is the foundation. Can you breed the futurity winner? Great cows are usually no accident! Have a plan, carry it out and let us all evaluate the results. See you at the show!

2023 IHA Auxiliary Silent Auction

The Iowa Holstein Auxiliary will have another Silent Auction at the 2023 Iowa Holstein Convention at Promiseland in Guttenberg. To make this auction a success, we need to have as many items donated as possible. Start searching around so we can have a variety of items to sell.

For Sale ~ Iowa

Holstein Auxiliary Cookbooks

Cookbooks are available upon request. Cost is $10 plus for $4 shipping.

Contact: Kathy Demmer 6222 Sundown Rd Peosta, Iowa 52068 563.542.2983 or 563.876.3120

Iowa Holstein Futurity • Matt Henkes, Secretary 17061 165th St, Luana, IA 52156 • 563-880-8614

Senior Champion: Le-O-La Doorman Cynthia Four Year-Old Reserve Senior Champion: Beckholm Goldwyn Latona 150,000lb Cow
December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald 15

2022 Iowa Junior Holstein Show

Des Moines, IA • August 13

Judge: Mike Heath• Total Head Shown: 104

Spring Heifer Calf (9)

1. Hawkeye-JK Doc Afton-ET (Doc), Brooke Krogman, 2. Nabholz Unst Skittles-Red (Unstopabull), Dakota Sawyer, 3. Courtlane Hancock Daiquiri (Hancock), Courtney Brinlee, 4. Moneek Hia Brighten (Have It All), Kennedi Vagts, 5. Elizabeth Westra

Winter Heifer Calf (14)

1.Fossum Delta-Lamba Ariel (Delta-Lambda), Elizabeth Fossum, 2.Hawkeye-JK Analyst Power-Red (Analyst), Brooke Krogman, 3.Fairholm Unstopabull Reece-ET (Unstopabull), Carter Kruse, 4.Quality-Ridge Doc Marquee (Doc), Alicia Heft, 5.Heavens Elite Anlyst Legacy (Analyst), Claire Opperman

Fall Heifer Calf


1.Cloverhill WR Trump-Red-ET (Warrior), Clover Hill Farms, 2. Ra-Rob Admiral Lakota (Admiral), Brody Anfnson, 3. Le-O-La Doc Frisky (Doc), Reagan Demmer, 4. Hawkeye-JK- Platinum-Red-ET (Avalanche), Jonathan Krogman, 5. Fossum Warrior Jazzy 2-Red (Warrior), Elizabeth Fossum

Summer Yearling (12)

1. Miss Analandia-GW Sueli(Moovin), Abbie Gahring, 2. Henkeseen Moment Dynamite (Moment), Caden Fette, 3. Le-O-La Anlayst Delight (Analyst), Reagan Demmer, 4. Hillrose Moovin Peach (Moovin), Regan Pries, 5. Benbie Lambda Ashley (Chief), KCCK Genetics

Spring Yearling (9)

1. Redcarpet War Labroila-ET (Warrior), Garrett Lovstuen 2. Heart-Broke Warrior Diva (Warrior), HB Holsteins 3. Henkeseen RCrush Bree (Crush), Avery Fette 4. Heavens Elite Diamond Ring (Diamondback), Brody Anfnson 5.Fox-Valley DBack Kandi-Red (Diamondback), Aries Derby

Winter Yearling (4)

1. Fossum Tatoo Dallas 2000 (Tatoo), Thomas Fossum

2. RJR Radio 7556 (Radio), Brody Courtney 3. Liza, Ana Rauen 4.Courtlane Select Loyalty (Select), Brinlee Courtney

Fall Yearling (5)

1.Quality-Ridge Undenied Marvel (Undenied), Alicia Heft

2. Redcarpet Warrior World (Warrior), Abbie Gahring, 3. Kerndt Doctor Dollar-Red (Reeve), Maya Bossom, 4. Arbor-Haven Doc Thalia (Doc), Emma Palmer, 5. Adalyn, Elizabeth Westra

Milking Yearling (2)

1.Le-O-La Alt Destiny-Red (Altitude), Reagan Demmer, 2.Arbor-Haven RGR Charlie-Red (Rager), Emma Palmer

Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (10)

1. Hawkeye-JK Shes Poison-ET (Avalanche), Jonathan Krogman, 2. MS Stop Minkster-Red-ET (Unstopabull), Jacob Eggink, 3.Heart&Soul BF Anna-ET (Backfip), 4.Moneek Dempsey Wince (Dempsey), Hannah Vagts 5. Cloverhill Imprssion Thalia (Impression), Clayton Guyer

Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (2)

1. Le-O-La Doorman Lizzy (Doorman), Reagan Demmer, 2. Cloverhill War Naomi-Red-ET (Warrior), Clover Hill Farms, IA

Junior Three-Year-Old Cow (6)

1. Pagel Sunlite Alltheway Raven (Alltheway), Harrison Pagel, 2.Oakfeld Rosey Posey-Red-ET (Jordy), Cale Baker, 3.Coutlane Doc Breeze (Doc), Brooke Courtney, 4.Cloverhill Control Arden (Control), Bryer Putman, 5. Scottmore Hot Tamale (Tatoo), Hannah Scott

Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (4)

1. Great- Heritage Morview May RC (Morningview), Jacob Eggink, 2. Turtle, Dillion Sparrgrove, 3. Scottmore Doc Clementine (Doc), Adam Scott, 4. Alexander, Elizabeth Westra

Four-Year-Old Cow (3)

1. Le-O-La Doorman Cynthia (Doorman), Reagan Demmer, 2.Moneek Detour Ohmy (Detour), Mitchell Vagts

3. Cloverhill GoldC Snow Angel (Gold Chip), Clayton Guyer

Five-Year-Old Cow (2)

1. Craggan Alonzo Lindor (Alonzo), Baker Pries, 2. Hawkeye-JK DMN Pokerface-ET (Doorman), Jacob Eggink

Aged Cow (1)

1. Liddleholme Thunder (McGucci), Baker Pries

Grand Champion - Le-O-La Doorman Cynthia (Doorman), 1st 4-Year-Old, Reagan Demmer Reserve Grand Champion - Le-O-La Doorman Lizzy (Doorman), 1st Senior 2-Year-Old, Reagan Demmer
16 December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald
Intermediate Champion - Le-O-La Doorman Lizzy (Doorman), 1st Senior 2-Year-Old, Reserve Intermediate Champion - Le-O-La Alt Destiny-Red (Altitude) Photo by Cowsmopolitan Junior Champion-Miss Analandia-GW Sueli(Moovin),Summer Yearling Reserve Junior Champion - Redcarpet War Labroila-ET(Warrior) Spring Yearling Photo by Cowsmopolitan Photo by Cowsmopolitan

The Future is Bright!

Thank You!

Thank you to all of you who sponsored trophies at the Iowa Junior Holstein Show! Your continued support is greatly appreciated. A reminder to all junior members please remember to send a personal thank you to your trophy donor.

Spring Heifer Calf ~ Scottmore Holsteins - Mike Scott Family

Reserve Spring Heifer Calf ~ Gibbs Holsteins

Winter Heifer Calf ~ Heavenlee Holsteins

Reserve Winter Heifer Calf ~ Alan Schantz Family

Fall Heifer Calf ~ Courtney Sales LLC

Reserve Fall Heifer Calf ~ Iowa Junior Holstein Association

Summer Yearling ~ Stempfe Holsteins

Reserve Summer Yearling ~ Iowa Junior Holstein Association

Spring Yearling ~ Red-My-Joy Holsteins

Reserve Spring Yearling ~ Pagel Sunlight Inc - Rick Pagel Family

Winter Yearling ~ Le-O-La Holsteins - Rick Demmer Family

Reserve Winter Yearling ~ Buddenberg Farms - Bruce and Julie Fall Yearling ~ Moondale Farm

Reserve Fall Yearling ~ Bahl Family Farms - Michael Bahl Junior Champion ~ Bill and Molly Rauen Family

Reserve Junior Champion ~ Linda Pagel

Novice Winner ~ Connie and Sarah Stewart Memorial

Novice Winner ~ Jessica Hammerand

Fall Yearling In Milk ~ KCCK Genetics

Reserve Fall Yearling In Milk ~ KCCK Genetics

Summer Junior 2 Year Old ~ Paula Smith Family

Reserve Summer Junior 2 Year Old ~ Langmont Farm

Junior 2 Year Old ~ Great-Heritage Holsteins

Reserve Junior 2 Year Old ~ Wesselcrest Holsteins

Senior 2 Year Old ~ Lands-Brook Farms

Reserve Senior 2 Year Old ~ Kevin and Julie Fossum Family Junior 3 Year Old ~ Regancrest Farms

Reserve Junior 3 Year Old ~ Schan-Dale Holsteins

Senior 3 Year Old ~ Henkeseen Holsteins

Reserve Senior 3 Year Old ~ Hamlett-Hill Holsteins

Intermediate Champion ~ Steve and Joanne Rauen Family

Reserve Intermediate Champion ~ Iowa Junior Association

4 Year Old ~ Farnear Holsteins - Tom & Rick Simon

Reserve 4 Year Old ~ Envision Sports Designs

5 Year Old ~ Bill and Shellie Volker Family

Reserve 5 Year Old ~ Hansen Dairy

Aged Cow ~ Katie Stoll - Hubbard Feeds

Reserve Aged Cow ~ Nate and Angie Meyer Family

150,000# Cow ~ Reuter Dairy Inc.

Reserve 150,000# Cow ~ Iowa Junior Holstein Association

Senior Champion ~ Mark Kerndt

Reserve Senior Champion ~ J-Volker Holsteins

Grand Champion ~ Simon Family

Reserve Grand Champion ~ William Regan Memorial

Junior Showmanship ~ Iowa Junior Association

Reserve Junior Showmanship ~ Jason and Sara Menne Family

Intermediate Showmanship ~ Terrick Holsteins - Terry Eick Family

Reserve Intermediate Showmanship ~ Doug & Lynnette Lyons Family

Senior Showmanship ~ Alden and Amy Arthur Family

Reserve Senior Showmanship ~ Eric & Amanda Gaul

Dairy Herd ~ Iowa Junior Holstein Association

Reserve Dairy Herd ~ Iowa Junior Holstein Association

Best Udder ~ Courtlane Holsteins

Top Milk Production ~ De Su Holsteins LLC

December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald 17
Junior Showmanship: 1 - Carson Rauen; 2 - Brock Anfnson Intermediate Showmanship: 1 - Lily Holthaus; 2 - Brooke Krogman
Novice 6 & under Novice 7 & 8
Senior Showmanship: 1 - Garrett Lovestuen; 2 - Brody Anfnson

Douglas “Doug” Lee Kiefer, 77, of Cedar Falls, passed away Monday, October 17, 2022, at his home.

Doug was born January 14, 1945, in Waterloo, Iowa, the son of Ernest and Velma (Schmidt) Kiefer. He attended Janesville High School where he was a four year letterwinner in four sports; football, track, basketball and baseball, graduating in 1963. He then attended Upper Iowa University where he was a member of the 1964 National Championship football team. He served his country in the United States Air Force from 1966 until his honorable discharge in 1970. He then returned to Upper Iowa to earn his bachelor’s degree in business. On February 25, 1984, he was united in marriage to Nancy Sorge at Mt. Hope Methodist Church. Doug farmed his entire working life on the Rockin-K Dairy Farm and was a rural mail carrier for the U.S. Post Ofce from 2003 until his retirement in 2020. Doug remained active on the farm until the time of his passing.

Doug enjoyed woodworking, making barn quilts and watching Iowa Hawkeye football and basketball. He loved being on the farm and working outside. Together with his family they showed dairy cattle for several years and was just starting to get into beef cattle. Doug was the dairy superintendent at the National Cattle Congress for over ten years. He also enjoyed fshing, playing cards and watching Fox News.

Doug is survived by his wife, Nancy of Cedar Falls, three children; Patty (Patrice) Rietveld of Woerden, Netherlands, Dustin (Amber) Kiefer of Cedar Falls and Danielle (Nick) Teisinger of Denver, Iowa, seven grandchildren; Lauren Rietveld, Dallas, Addilynn and Dalton “Sparky” Kiefer, Lydia, Kylee and Kamden Teisinger, two sisters; Judy (Duane) Judisch of Cedar Falls and Sue (Wyatt) Reynolds of Norman, Oklahoma. He is preceded in death by his parents, a brother, Lloyd and a sister, Laura.

Visitation was held from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at the Kaiser-Corson Funeral Home in Denver. Funeral Services were held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, October 24, at the Waverly Area Veterans Post in Waverly. Military Rites will follow at the Garden of Memories Cemetery in Waterloo. Memorials may be directed to the family and on-line condolences may be lef at

Eric Walter Lang died September 2, 2022, in Brooklyn, Iowa. He was 60 years old. He is survived by Nicole Schlinger his wife of 24 years, his brothers and sister, John, Craig and Christine (Turpin). He was the youngest of Maynard and Dorothy Lang’s four children. He was named Eric for his red hair and Walter for his maternal great grandfather Walter Uhl.

Eric grew up on the dairy farm where he lived his entire life, graduated from BGM Community High School and Iowa State University with a degree in Dairy Science. At Iowa State, he sang with the Iowa State Singers, the school’s top choral group and was a member of the Iowa State Dairy Cattle Judging team. Registered dairy cattle were his passion throughout his life. Afer graduating from Iowa State, he returned to the home farm to work with his father and brother, Craig. Te farm and dairy operation expanded from milking tens to hundreds of head of cattle and was recognized and awarded for its farming operation and its Ayrshire and Holstein cattle.

Eric and Nicole met on Mike Mahafey’s campaign for Congress in 1996. Tey met when Nicole called to ask for a donation, which he dropped of at the campaign ofce. Soon afer, Nicole drafed him to sing at several major political events in the state. He sang God Save the Queen at an event honoring Lady Margaret Tatcher in 1998, and Te Star-Spangled Banner at a fundraiser during George W. Bush’s frst visit to Iowa in 1999.

A self-taught auctioneer, Eric was ofen called upon to conduct auctions for university events. He always enjoyed being a “ring man”, taking bids at registered dairy cattle sales and being the “pedigree man”, standing in the sales box with the auctioneer, describing the animal’s pedigree and virtues and using witty commentary to encourage bidding.

Eric displayed an interest and aptitude for business very early in life. While in junior high, he negotiated a loan from the farm’s bank to buy his own dairy cattle which turned into a proftable venture. Troughout his life he pursued of the farm investing opportunities.

Eric took pride in being an excellent, self-taught writer. His articles were published in the Holstein World, Hoard’s Dairyman and others. He wrote a weekly article for the on-line magazine, Dairy Agenda Today, called “On Cows and Markets”. He devoted about half the article to analysis of dairy food, dairy cattle and other farm markets and the other half of the article to a witty commentary on a dairy, farm, or political issue that caught his interest. His brother, John, described Eric as a noted dairy industry prognosticator, free market apologist, registered dairy cattle enthusiast and occasional social and political critic whose writing was always extremely well written and humorous, but insightful. He and Nicole were also very generous with causes they considered worthy. He once announced at a sale that every dollar over a certain amount on an animal he had consigned would go to the University of Iowa, in honor of a colleague whose child was undergoing treatment there. Te donation proved to be substantial. Tey annually gave several large scholarships in honor or the memory of Iowa registered dairy cattle breeders to students enrolled in dairy science at Iowa State. He was a major donor to World Dairy Expo and other regional dairy shows.

While Eric and Nicole lived a very low-key personal life, he always added his own fair and style to his public life, including his sales persona, his writing, the advertising for his dairy cattle, the promotional logos he had embroidered on his shirts, and the hats he always wore. He asked Nicole to marry him on WHO radio at the Iowa State Fair.

In the last several years he bought top dairy animals in partnership with talented, younger registered dairy cattle men and women. One year he co-owned the grand champion cow in three dairy breeds at the Iowa State Fair. He paid much of the cost of housing, raising, and showing the animals while giving the honor of showing the animals to the men and women who co-owned them. He admitted he lost money on the cattle, but he said that when people get to his age with disposable funds they travel, buy boats, cars and vacation homes. He said, “I like to buy cows.”

December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald 18


Rita E. Becker, 87, of Center Point, Iowa, passed away Friday, Oct. 7, 2022, at St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Visitation: 4 to 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10, at Murdoch Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Center Point. Graveside Service: 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11, at Alice Cemetery, rural Center Point. Rita was born June 13, 1935, in Solon, Iowa, the daughter of Carl and Elma (Cambridge) Slaymaker. She graduated from Solon High School and was a lifelong farmer. Rita was united in marriage to Ted Becker in 1953, in Newhall, Iowa. She was a member of the Iowa Holstein Association, Highland Garden Club in Troy Mills, and Sacred Heart Catholic Church where she also taught religion. Rita was honored by being listed in the 1971-Who’s Who in America. She was a dedicated housewife who enjoyed milking cows as well as tending to her garden. She will be dearly missed by those who knew and loved her. Survivors include her husband of 69 years, Ted Becker of Center Point; children, Dennis (Deb) Becker of Center Point, Deborah Alpen/Becker of Bettendorf, Iowa, and Doug (Kim) Becker of Center Point; grandchildren, Deanna (Casey) Mollenhauer, Dustin Becker, Britta Alpen, Benjamin (Sarah) Alpen, Dawniell (Aaron) Balderston, Dannette (A.J.) Becker and Brennan Becker; great-grandchildren, Aliza, Maci, Cole, Dawson, Ashtyn, Jordan, Breanne, Mason and Trey; and sister-inlaw, Earlene Slaymaker. Rita was preceded in death by her parents and her siblings, Ruth (Chuck) Tomas and Robert Slaymaker.

Renew Your Membership by February 1

19 December 2022 Iowa Holstein Herald
Index to Advertisers Krogman’s 9 Iowa State Univeristy......................................12 Mensens Holsteins...........................................7 Animal Health Clinic.........................................7 Scottmore Holsteins.........................................7 Terrick Holsteins...............................................7 Lands-Brook.....................................................7 Henkeseen.....................................................20 Starmont Farms...............................................7 Select Sires - MidAmerica................................2 Northeast Iowa Community College................4
Mention Kiddie
AVERY with Royal Crush Bree CADEN WITH MOMENT DYNAMITE RES. JR. ALL-IOWA Design Topline Marketing + Design • DAT Expo photo
Calf at County Fair

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