ipcm® n. 69 - May/June 2021

Page 60


Preempting Market Needs: Mirodur’s Forward-Looking Vision From an interview with Marco Vitelli, Massimo Vitelli, and Riccardo Vitelli

© Mirodur

Mirodur factory in Aprilia (Italy).


he world of paints and coatings has

Belgian company that had developed a paint

in industrial paints, producing water and

always been extremely competitive

used to protect mirrors. Hence the name

solvent-based liquid coatings for both the

and carving out a place for one’s own

Mirodur, from “miroir durée”, referring to

heavy industry and the general industry. Our

company in this environment is no easy

the durability of mirrors guaranteed by this

production area extends over 15,000 m2, of

task. Italian firm Mirodur has managed to

coating. They started producing this paint in

which 8,000 m2 are covered. Besides coatings,

do so thanks to its ability to innovate and

a small factory on the outskirts of Rome and

we have developed our Miromix colour mixing

preempt the needs of the sector through both

they were immediately successful, especially

systems with converters and colouring pastes

new technologies and new products, thus

because this sector did not exist in Italy at the

of our own production. This has allowed us to

establishing itself in the international market

time. This opened up new growth prospects

collaborate with several retailers, which are

and getting included on the vendor lists of

for our father and uncles, thus enabling them

increasingly crucial for the quick distribution

leading companies such as Gazprom.

to move to a larger factory in Pomezia. The

of small batches especially at a time when all

ipcm had the opportunity to interview two of

range of paints offered was also extended to

companies tend to stock less.

the three generations carrying on Mirodur’s

include industrial coatings. In 1982, it became

Massimo Vitelli: Another business branch

story: Marco Vitelli and Massimo Vitelli, sons of

necessary to move to an even larger building

that is very important to us and that has

one of the company’s founders and its current

in Aprilia, which is still our headquarters today.

contributed to the reputation of Mirodur is

directors, and Riccardo Vitelli, its marketing and

In 2016, finally, we acquired the industrial

the design and production of our Turbomill

communication manager, belonging to the third

branch of Turin-based Albesiano-Sisa Rossi,

devices. More than thirty years ago, we

generation of the family.

bringing its production operations here to

patented a paint production machine, which


we decided to market in the 1980s: since


How was Mirodur created?

then, we have sold more than 1,500 Turbomill

Marco Vitelli: Our father, Ugo, together

How is Mirodur now?

devices in over seventy countries around

with his brothers Mario and Renato, founded

Marco Vitelli: Nowadays, we no longer

the world, both to small and medium-sized

Mirodur in 1957. They bought a patent from a

deal with the glass sector, but we specialise

firms and to multinational companies. It is an


N. 69 - MAY/JUNE 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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