ipcm® n. 70 - July/August 2021

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New Graphene-Based Coating Protects Paintings Against Environmental Degradation A team of researchers developed a new coating able to create a graphene film that protects artworks against degradation.


team of researchers from the Institute of Chemical

by the exposure of colours to ultraviolet (UV) and visible light in the

Engineering Sciences of Foundation for Research and

presence of oxidizing agents, can lead to irreversible alteration of

Technology-Hellas (FORTH/ ICE-HT), the Department of


Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras, and the Center

The newly developed graphene-based coating creates a flexible,

for Colloid and Surface Science (CSGI) of the University of Florence,

transparent film, produced by chemical vapour deposition, which is

led by Professor Costas Galiotis, has developed a graphene-based

impermeable to moisture, oxygen and corrosive agents, and can also

coating for the protection of paintings against environmental

absorb a large amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it


has the potential to be used as a transparent layer for the protection

Degradation mechanisms (including fading and yellowing), triggered

of art objects in museums, during storage and transportation.


N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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