May and June in review “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.
or the editors of ipcm®, the month
New strategies and new achievements
of May is always marked by great
on social media
excitement and numerous business
Social media have always been very
trips that will allow to create the reports and
important platforms for ipcm®, in order to
technical articles hosted in the magazines
spread knowledge and innovation in the
released at the end of the month.
surface treatment sector. This month, we
The automotive special included in the issue
surpassed 3,500 followers on LinkedIn’s
no. 69 of ipcm _International Paint & Coating
ipcm® International Paint & Coating Magazine
Magazine ( boasts many
company page, on which we publish daily
in-depth articles dedicated to coatings for
news and insights from companies within
the automotive sector, including an extensive
the industry, as well as all the news from the
report on the painting of the latest dream car
ipcm® world.
for all MC20 enthusiasts: the first Maserati
Moreover, our most loyal followers on
100% Made in Modena.
Instagram and Facebook may have noticed a
This rich issue also contains the ICT_Industrial
change of course in the content posted: we
Cleaning Technologies insert, dedicated to
want to pay growing attention to the selection
washing and cleaning components from to
of topics and to the most appropriate format
the automotive world.
(videos, carousels, infographics, stories, etc.)
Finally, we concluded the month with the
to better communicate the industry and
publication of the Spanish and Portuguese
make it accessible also to a less experienced
newspapers ipcm _Ibérica and ipcm _
audience, that is however always curious.
LatinoAmérica. ipcm® at the British Library The first video-interview with Paola
Another important recognition received
Giraldo, co-founder and coordinator of
this month concerns the British Library. The
ipcm Academy
National Library of the United Kingdom, one
On May 25th, Alessia Venturi, editor-in-
of the most prestigious research libraries in
the world, has contacted us to inform us that
chief of ipcm® magazines, interviewed Paola Giraldo, co-founder and coordinator of ipcm
all 69 issues of ipcm® are browsable in their
Academy, to retrace the story of how, from a
simple idea born in 2011, the training courses
of ipcm® Academy have turned into a very
A new colleague ... a biped one this time!
successful project, which saw the participation
To conclude, if last month we introduced you
of over 130 companies and which, since last
to Falkor, the Miniature Schnauzer puppy
year, has been recognised for training the
who joined the ipcm® family, this month we
new professional figure of Industrial Surface
welcomed a new member of the editorial
Finishing Processes Technician, included in
team: Gabriele.
the QRSP (Regional Framework of Professional
He has already contributed to the latest issue
Standards) of the Italian Lombardy Region and
of ipcm® and is also helping managing our
recognised at national and European level.
social media channels.
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine