Ongoing Challenges for Sustainable Water-based Paint in Canada Gary LeRoux President & CEO of CPCA, The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association
In any part of the globe the restrictions on use of biocides in paint and coatings represent a big challenge for our industry. We have decided to publish this message which Gary LeRoux, President & CEO of CPCA, The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association, addressed to our sector. Here he emphasises some globally applicable and important aspects about this issue, that are perhaps underestimated by the regulatory authorities.
he issue of biocides in paint, and the
many uses in crop protection, sanitization,
urgent matter.
increasingly tight regulation of them,
etc. It has recently become clear that the
The most recent evidence of those
has been gathering steam in Europe,
more restrictive evaluation of uses for paint
challenges was the ban of a very common
Canada and the United States. It is among
and coatings has not been well understood
biocide for paint and coatings use in Canada
the top issues for the coatings industry. Until
by regulators and thus challenging for the
in 2019, OIT. The ban was reversed a year
now, regulators have long been focused on
paint and coatings industry. CPCA’s extensive
later in 2020. However, it is unclear why
the review and subsequent regulation for
advocacy efforts continue to address this
the same data used to restore both OIT as
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