© HangOn
HangOn Launches Flexi-frame HangOn has launched Flexi-frame, a new space saving, divisible frame developed to increase line efficiency during coating operations.
angOn announced the release of Flexi-frame, a divisible frame
combination you want”. Although it is possible to make a customized
especially developed for use in the coating process. Its flexible
solution of the product, the divisible frame can be used with already
design and stable construction make Flexi-frame an
existing products.
easy-to-use solution, compatible with already existing hanging
The Flexi-frame is compatible with:
systems. Flexi-frame also helps tackle the problems connected
• H11B
to storage space, costs and flexibility, providing companies the
• H2B
opportnunity to save up to 75% in transport and storage costs.
“With this new frame, hanging has never been easier”, says Jakob
• HCL levels
Törefors, in the board of HangOn. “Hanging can be easier in one way,
• HQS can be used directly in the top hanger
since we today have a number of welded frames in stock. It is easy to just buy them, and you do not even have to assemble anything. But
Flexi-frame at a glance:
the Flexi-frame is, if possible, even easier. It takes less space than a
• Space saving on delivery and on-site storage
standard frame, reducing the problems connected to storage during
• Lower transport costs
transport and on-site, and you do not have to decide in advance what
• Easy to handle with existing hanging systems
N. 70 - JULY/AUGUST 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine