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Rising Raw Material Costs: What Will Happen in 2022?
s an issue that is difficult to interpret and whose consequences
and shipments, leading to an exponential rise in prices at the very
do not seem easily foreseeable, the increase in the cost of
beginning of the economic recovery.
raw materials and energy resources in 2021 is subverting
The coating industry has suffered major repercussions, especially due
the manufacturing industry as well as other sectors. The upswing in
to the sudden shortage of solvents, resins, and pigments, which are
business activities following the stoppage due to the global health crisis
essential elements in the formulation of paint products. This has led to a
has been so explosive and characterised by such exceptional demand
surge in the cost of these key raw materials for the sector. Solvent costs,
for resources that it has created a short circuit in the supply chain, which
in particular, have risen by 200 to 300% compared with the previous
has been added to the complications arising from export restrictions
year, as reported in the latest press release of the British Coating
imposed by certain countries and to the Brexit, which has led to delays
Federation, one of the most active trade associations in Europe.
in European transport. Overseas, the situation in the United States was
In order to provide a general overview of what can be expected in 2022,
further complicated by winter storm Uri, which slowed down transport
we have chosen to collect communications from some of the world’s
N. 73 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2022 - international PAINT&COATING magazine