B2B Marketing: How to Set Up an Effective Multichannel Strategy Ilaria Paolomelo eos Mktg&Communication Srl
Cross-media marketing has always been considered a key factor in ensuring the effectiveness of a corporate communication strategy. But how to set up a multichannel marketing strategy, especially in a sector like B2B, which is dominated by more complex promotion, sales and purchasing dynamics? How to choose the online and offline channels that best suit our needs? Here are the steps to put this into practice.
he digital transformation has completely
very important role and it is destined to
by setting up a multi-channel strategy, that is,
revolutionized consumer habits and
continue to do so in the future, as we have
by identifying the tools necessary to achieve
the ways in which companies manage their
already discussed when we analysed the
the goals we have set ourselves and creating
marketing and sales activities.
2021 social trends.
a synergy between digital and conventional
And if this revolution has swept over the
What to do then? How to set up a marketing
B2C sector, made of companies that sell
strategy in such a particular sector as B2B by
So, let’s see what are the steps to take to
products or services directly to the end user,
combining digital transformation with more
define and manage a successful cross-media
B2B, which instead refers to the commercial
traditional forms?
marketing strategy.
relationships that exist between companies
The answer is simpler than one would think:
located in different points of the production chain, stood by and watched, perhaps due to its very technical and specialized nature, which often requires a more conventional approach to selling and buying. But digital transformation was not (nor will it be) the only event that changed the way we communicate. In fact, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has led us to an almost paradoxical reflection: if on the one hand digital transformation is the future, on the other digital and non-traditional means of communication are actually still essential today1 and the desire for a return to the past and to forms of communication capable of filling the informational gap perceived online and widened with the pandemic, prevails. From newsletters to podcasts, from technical and specialized magazines up to trade fairs and events: what we thought we could easily replace with increasingly advanced, almost futuristic forms of digitization, still plays a
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