The Islander Magazine - January 2021

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Captains of Ships Bryn Roberts Yacht Charter of the Month Sea Rhapsody Insurance Cover Questions and Answers Vito Dumas, The Worlds Greatest Navigator? Arience by Stuart Pearce




Dear Islanders, Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a far better 2021 than we have experienced in 2020. Who could have predicted what we have all endured during the past 12 months. It has been a very trying and worrying time for many, and we have all been affected to some extent either in our personal lives or in business. Fingers crossed that the vaccines coming on stream are a large part of the answer. Locally, the Covid situation has forced us to expect a very different way of celebrating Christmas and New Year, with the numbers still on the rise. It’s not an ideal situation, and I really feel for the owners of restaurants and bars who are having to operate under incredibly difficult rules and regulations during these times. We all need to respect these rules if we are to have any chance of the island recovering in time for any sort of 2021 tourist season. As I write this today on December 12th, another potential huge milestone in our lives looms large, for tomorrow is the end of the Brexit negotiations, or so they say!! I’m sure I speak for many when I say I’ll be glad to see then end of the past four and a half years posturing, where we don’t seem to be any nearer now than we were then to any sort of agreement! Out on the high seas, the Vendee Globe Race is reaching the intense period of the Southern Ocean, with the top three boats within 30 miles of each other, which is quite incredible after 5 weeks of racing. Sadly Alex Thompson, the original race favourite in Hugo Boss has been forced to retire due to a broken rudder after hitting discarded fishing gear, and ever increasing issue in our Oceans. This after spending 4 days and nights repairing his boat when the bow sections began to crack. Very sad indeed for him and his team. More drama was to follow, when Kevin Escoffier, 40, the French sailor who was lying in third place, was forced to take to his liferaft when 840 miles south west of Cape Town, in strong winds and heavy seas, his 60ft carbon fibre boat PRB slammed into a wave at 27 knots and broke in half. He had literally 4 or 5 seconds to deploy the raft. Fortunately, Jean Le Cam, the evergreen ocean racer, himself being rescued in the last edition of the race, managed to locate him and effect his rescue in dreadful conditions in the middle of the night. An amazing piece of seamanship. We wish safe passage for the many boats heading across the pond for the Caribbean season at this time. Fair Winds

Islander Magazine S.L. - B57952517 Apt 144, Crown Marine, Paseo Illetes 9-13 07181 Illetes, Baleares, Spain Deposito legal: PM 146-1997 Editor: Simon Relph (+34) 607 911 898 Sales: Damian Raxach (+34) 615 992 203 Accounts: Helen Relph Whilst the publishers have taken every care to ensure that the contents are correct they cannot take any responsibility for any losses incurred by readers as a result of any editorial or advertisement. The opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers who therefore cannot take any responsibility for any opinion expressed. All rights are reserved and no part can be reproduced or stored without written permission. La revista The Islander no se hace responsable necesariamente de todas las opiniones vertidas por sus colaboradores.




Bryn on graduation day

Bryn - age 10

CAPTAINS OF SHIPS – BRYN ROBERTS Bryn was born in Vancouver in 1962, but his parents grew up some 7,000km away in the United Kingdom. His father was an engineer from Liverpool, his mother a farmer’s daughter from North Wales. Their relocation to Canada was driven by a tantalising job offer from a construction company. A small sea-view cottage was bought in a remote part of West Vancouver with the plan to transform it into a substantial family home. When it was finished, his father would buy a boat. After five years toiling away in the tool-filled workshop, the refurbishment was complete, and a 28-foot wooden Herreshoff sailing boat called Bilidwca (Welsh for cormorant) was duly purchased. There followed endless adventures at sea on Canada’s beautiful West Coast. “Although Mum willingly came along, sailing was not her passion, so I became Dad’s de facto first mate,” says Bryn. “With assistance from my younger brother and sister, we’d set the sails, take the helm and learn the rudiments of boat maintenance. After a while, Dad hankered after a boat he could use, rather than just fix, so he traded Bilidwca for a less troublesome fibreglass Catalina 30 named Cariad - Welsh

for sweetheart. Ironically, when I was 16, my sister 14 and my brother 12, my parents were no longer ‘sweethearts’ and they broke up. “Dad was a member of no-frills Eagle Harbour Yacht Club and managed to leap from on-hand maintenance chap to Commodore. I have vivid memories of the annual Sailpast, where the entire EHYC fleet would exchange salutes and dipped ensigns with my father. All vessels had to remain out of the harbour until the Sailpast was complete, then the Commodore would lead them in, followed by a knees-up in the Clubhouse. Frightfully genteel. “I was neither socially confident nor academically gifted and my high school was heavily into sport - what we North Americans call a ‘jock school’. I was in the wrong place. Lousy at football, tennis, golf, you name it, all I was good at was sailing, skiing and Boy Scouts. After graduation, I food-prepped in a restaurant, waited tables and moved behind the bar when I turned 18. “Suddenly, I blossomed. I found alcohol, girls and, when I moved out of home, my independence. Age 22, I was doing rather nicely - a head barman with his own car - but

an alarm bell was warning me I shouldn’t be serving drinks forever. On a Vancouver bus, I spotted a tear-off advert for the Canadian Coast Guard College and squirreled a strip of paper in my pocket to show my father. “Dad’s impetus was for me to study an engineering degree at the University of British Columbia. I visited the campus, but it was too big, too scary and just too academic. No way. Instead, I put together a personal statement to apply for the Coast Guard. If accepted, I would commit to a three-year officer training programme followed by a minimum of three years active service. 2,200 individuals wrote applications, 220 of us were successful. “I flew to the purpose-built campus on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and was immediately wowed by the world-leading facilities, including simulated ship’s bridges, a planetarium, squash courts and football pitches. The instructors were senior mariners who’d moved ashore, and had a wealth of knowledge and anecdotes to share with us cadets. You could choose marine engineering or deck, I chose deck. “After a few months, we were split off onto




ships as officer cadets and, put off by the gruelling drill rig environment, loads of cadets quit straight away. I didn’t, I loved it, and flourished. In June 1987, 46 of the 220 graduated, with me ranked in sixth. They issued me with a trophy for Best Effort in a Second Language - French. “It was time to decide where I wanted to be stationed. The West Coast was the most desirable, but the Laurentian region of Quebec was where all the Arctic icebreakers were based. Here, you would rapidly rack up sea time, quickly achieve key certificates, learn to navigate on a big river, the St Lawrence, and also improve your French. Thanks to my high rank, I got Quebec and, knowing it would take years, put in a transfer request to the West Coast on day one. “We were 65 crew on a 115-metre ship and I went to the Arctic four times, usually as second officer. I also served on big offshore search and rescue ships, and the ‘buoy tenders’ which maintain the thousands of navigation aids on Canada’s coasts, such as buoys, lighthouses and fog signals. It was quite dangerous grappling with chains, cranes, cargo, and tides, on a daily basis, but I was sailing with a highly experienced team.

Bryn with youngest Sophie and dog Chip in the woods

“Three years later, I finally got transferred out West and braced myself for the big homecoming. It was bittersweet, and I found the proximity to old family and friends stifling. I’d also observed the high rate of divorce and boozing in Coast Guard captains, many of whom were barely a few years older than me, and couldn’t see them retiring to make way for career progression. Despondency set in. “Sequestered to an office job, putting together an analytical report on search and rescue assets, I thumbed a copy of Yachting World and my juices started to flow. After two months at a desk, I didn’t want to go back on a ship. I daydreamed of the British Virgin Islands and realised that my time with the Coast Guard was over. I tried to quit, but my shoreside captain insisted I take a year’s leave of absence instead.

Bryn with horse Sky

Bryn and Linda on Amir

“I flew to Tortola and tried to relax, but, with just a large backpack, British and Canadian passports, and a few thousand dollars to my name, I couldn’t. Within a week I had my first job with King Charters. They had five 50-foot motorboats, four in operation, and one they stole parts from to keep the others going, I slept on the broken-down fifth. “Life revolved around barbecues, bikinis and rum punches, I was really missing the icebreakers - not. I’d left a girlfriend, Sylvie, in Quebec, and flew her to the Caribbean. We started working for The Moorings, taking easy-to-please American guests out for charter trips. It was fun, but after a couple of years working in too-close proximity, I headed back to Vancouver where my brother got me work on a construction site. I was the lowest paid but they worked me like a donkey. “Mercury Launch & Tug then hired me to drive the 50-foot Fulford Spirit. Towing log booms and chipper barges, often through the night, I had no time for a social life but, when I asked

Daughters Megan and Sophie




Bryn as a young officer with the Coast Guard

Bryn with Coast Guard helicopter

Bryn reminiscing at Eagle Harbour Yacht Club

Amir in full sail

for time off, the boss was always quick to remind me how well paid I was. “Through some rather seedy circumstances, I met a guy called Bob who had a 78-foot schooner Private Dancer. Bob was going through a divorce and his wife’s lawyer aspired to rinse him. He had a plan to get his boat out the country while the legalities went through, and wondered if I might be the right guy for the job. So I left the tug and took Private Dancer to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. My delivery crew drifted home and I was left alone with the boat for nine months. “I met Gabi, an Austrian air stewardess with Lufthansa. While the plane was on the ground in San Diego, she took time out in Cabo and we had a fling. Bob called, his divorce was wrapped up and he wanted his boat back. With no crew, and no money, I took it as far as LA and, with the Caribbean and Mexico now ticked off my travel list, I flew to Europe. “Gabi was in Innsbruck where I taught skiing for a bit before heading to Antibes. For a French-speaker, it seemed like a smart idea. It turned out that huge yachts weren’t my thing,

and the language counted for very little, so I grabbed an Atlantic crossing and did Antigua Race Week. “Given racing crew’s lopsided ratio of men to women, it was inconceivable that I should encounter the girl of my dreams, but I did, in a bar, and her name was, and still is, Linda. Dual nationality, with a Croatian father and an English mother, Linda was an incredibly bright intelligent woman with a keen interest in skiing, tennis, motorbikes and playing the piano. She also had her Yachtmaster. When we met in 1995, Linda had been working for a German clothing manufacturer in London for 20 years, and taken leave to participate in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. We parted, Linda back to London, and me on a delivery to Palma, but I continued to hold a torch for her. “Feet on the ground in Palma, I thought ‘this is the place!’. Cosmopolitan and with a latenight party scene, I decided I needed to find a full-time captain job, learn the language, and buy a house. “Concurrently, and without each other knowing, Linda and I broke the news to our

respective partners that we couldn’t see them anymore and we started dating. And then, in December 1996, I got my first proper yachting job - captain of custom Jongert 26-metre Amir. I was finally on the map. “Thanks to Linda’s seniority, her boss gave her the freedom to join me on delivery trips. On one such occasion, we were sat on a beach in Sardinia and Linda agreed ‘this’ was all rather cool and exciting - but was it actually going anywhere? The jigsaw pieces slotted into place, if I proposed to her, she would be my wife, and we would be going everywhere together. An engagement ring was duly purchased in Athens and, in 1999, we had a trio of wedding celebrations in London, Croatia and at our new home in Mallorca. “Amir’s owner asked me to prep her for an extended Caribbean - New England itinerary, so Linda jacked in her job and we sailed to St Lucia. Upon arrival, Linda asked customs and immigration to recommend a gynaecologist. As it happens, she was four months pregnant, but preferred I focus on the crossing rather than our budding baby-to-be. Megan was born in Aruba in 2001, something our daughter


Bryn as an Airsoft Warrior

“On Megan’s first birthday, I was made redundant. Linda returned to her clothing career and I became a house husband in Mallorca. When Linda announced her second pregnancy, it was deemed sensible that I got a job. I joined 26-metre Atalanta in Saint Martin and brought her back to Palma. Sophie was born in 2003 and I called my billionaire Spanish businessman owner with the happy news. He congratulated me then promptly asked me to take the boat to Sardinia. I was gone for six months. After a couple of years, I managed to turn my back on Atalanta. “Up next was captain on 25-metre Camper & Nicholsons Mustang for a kind Swiss family. When I joined, she was for sale. A client came to view her - from Vancouver no less. I figured out the prospective buyer knew my father, and the boat duly sold to him in 2006. I put in a second stint as an unemployed house husband, albeit with a 12-month wage bonus from the grateful Swiss. I envisaged a fancy car, a swish family holiday, but sensible Linda said no, a down payment on a buy-to-let in Palma please.


Bryn with beloved dog Chip

Bryn reminiscing at Eagle Harbour Yacht Club

remains rather proud of.


Bryn on 43 metre Perini Navi Paz

“Aside from the icebreaker and the tug, I took on my first motorboat, steel-hulled 90-foot Atlantic Lady, followed by 26-metre woodenhulled Mizar, which chartered for short busy summers followed by long quiet winters. I got laid off in 2007, the same year Linda was offered a senior administration job with Absolute Boat Care. But, with two girls in private education, one salary wasn’t going to cut the mustard, so I accepted a position on a Russian-owned yacht moored near Rome. “It was clear that the crew had left in a hurry, pyjamas on the floor and festering food in the fridge, so I fastidiously cleaned her up before the agent arrived. He informed me that I’d wasted my time, as the boat had recently been traded in for a 37-metre across the harbour and I should hop on over. Having hired an allItalian crew, as per owner’s wishes, our planned Italy-based refit was cancelled in favour of one in Istanbul. It quickly became apparent that Turkish tradesmen should be working on tugs, not superyachts, and the crew started dropping like flies. The responsibility weighed hard and I spent just 40 nights at home that year, while Linda juggled a nine-year-old, a seven-year-old, and a job back in Mallorca.

“Returning from a desperately-needed break, I was shuttling between the domestic and international terminals at Barcelona and the phone went. It was the captain of 32-metre Sunseeker Smooth Operator. He’d been fired and thought I was the right man to fill his sea boots. I feigned toothache and flew from Istanbul to Germany for interview, slipping back into the shipyard that same evening. I got the job. “My new owner was a very wealthy German with a vineyard in St Tropez, villa in Mallorca, and a hotel-marina in Croatia. He had high expectations. I raised my game and, at first, I loved it. Year two, he gave the Hamburg-based management company the heave-ho and asked me to take over. Year three, he requested I look into his 90-footer in Croatia. While the Sunseeker was beautifully run - excellent crew, fine champagne, fresh flowers - his other boat was rubbish. I flew over, conducted a survey, and noted that it lacked, among other things, love. I replaced the entire crew and mentored them to excellence. Then COVID-19 came along. “Smooth Operator’s rigid annual routine was




Camper & Nicholsons Mustang

haul out in March, recommission in April, leave for the Monaco GP and Cannes Film Festival in May, come back to Mallorca mid-summer, an August Med cruise, September in Ibiza, and then berth in Alcudia for the winter. This year, we did the bare minimum at haul out, a quick pressure wash and antifoul, and left for St Tropez on 8 July. “In France and Italy the parties were getting

Supply vessel CCGS Sir James Douglas

Icebreaker CCGS Des Groseilliers

wilder, our neighbours more annoyed and, after nine years at the helm, it all felt a bit downmarket. What was going on? He asked me to take Smooth Operator through the Strait of Messina and, before I knew it, we were parked up alongside his other yacht in Croatia. And this is where he intended for her stay. Turns out I’d had a massive hand in my own demise. The owner was looking for a simpler itinerary with local crew, the very crew I’d

painstakingly mentored. We’re going through a slightly uneasy handover as we speak. “So, what next? The important stuff always has been, and always will be, in place. I have an excellent marriage and a strong bond with two happy high-achiever daughters. The girls and their two cousins each got given 1,500 pounds as teenagers and both decided to spend it on a horse. So, five years ago, we started renting a

Steel-hulled Atlantic Lady

Icebreaker CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier




Camper & Nicholsons Mustang

small stables near our house and have a dozen or so horses to keep us busy. Spending outdoor time as a family is far preferable to being glued to the TV. Linda and I play tennis each week, and on Sundays I get my fill of adrenalin and camaraderie with Airsoft, a tactical shooting game in the woods, similar to paintball in concept but without the paint splatters. “Career-wise, with two passports, Coast

Bryn in Rovinj Croatia

Guard training, three languages, and 20 years in yachting, I have several pokers in the fire. The natural tendency is to gravitate towards a bigger yacht, but I also find myself drawn to the stability of the land. Refit management could be a good path, particularly with the benefit of a captain’s perspective. Whatever happens, Linda will support me. She’s used to me being away and, between Absolute Boat Care and the stables, has quite enough to keep her

occupied without needing me to be constantly by her side.” ______________________________________ By Sarah Forge

Handling Smooth Operator's jetskis

Bryn on Smooth Operator in Portofino

Bryn on Smooth Operator




SEA RHAPSODY SUN, SEA AND STYLE A superyacht exuding elegance, 65m SEA RHAPSODY was launched in 2012 at Amels in Vlissingham, Holland. This pedigree beauty features naval architecture by the Amels' inhouse team alongside sleek styling by Tim Heywood and a superb interior from the renowned house of Winch Design. Currently available for charter in the Seychelles to select clientele, she is ideal for those seeking luxury, service and outstanding facilities. This is the second vessel in the successful Amels Limited Editions 212 series, constructed with a displacement steel hull and aluminium superstructure, fully compliant with MCA and Lloyds Register classification standards. SEA RHAPSODY benefits from a range of 5,758 nautical miles from her 155,000 litre fuel tanks, powered by 2 x Caterpillar 2,200hp engines, delivering a cruising speed of 13 knots and maximum of 16 knots. Her water tanks carry 38,000 litres of fresh water. Equipped with an underway and at anchor stabilisation system, this reduces roll motion effect, resulting in a

smooth and enjoyable cruising experience. Repainted in 2018/19, she also benefited from an excellent interior refresh in 2019/20 and has continually been maintained in exceptional condition. A ground-breaking superyacht, SEA RHAPSODY gained full Lloyd's Register recognition for the implementation of her Green Passport initiative and became the first superyacht in the world to be awarded this credential. Qualification for the Green Passport required Amels, as the builder, to put together a highly detailed list to identify and locate all materials used in the yacht's construction, so essentially monitoring the lifecycle of the yacht from cradle to grave. At the end of her life at sea, it is good to know that all materials can be recycled in a controlled and environmentally responsible manner thanks to this passport. Celebrated British studio, Winch Design, are responsible for the sumptuous interiors and have incorporated specific material choices

to create a wholly individual signature with the soft and harmonious dĂŠcor inspired by the client's love for Asia. This aesthetic showcases bold black and white surroundings that are subtly accented with russet tones, contemporary textures and ambient lighting. Attention to detail is evident throughout with care and precision in design being the overriding standouts. The main salon showcases a grand piano while the formal circular dining table offers an impressive setting. The sky lounge on the upper deck is decorated in a similarly muted monochrome colour scheme and offers a wet bar to port plus central table offering plenty of seating. Her spacious decks provide a fabulous choice of areas for socialising, entertaining and relaxation, most notably the large infinity pool/jacuzzi on the sundeck forward, with optionally shaded sunbeds, is a definite hotspot. Additionally the gym area and cinema/club zone are always popular places for guests to enjoy. The main deck is arranged into two areas of seating with a C-shaped sofa that benefits from catching the sun plus two


inward facing sofas and coffee table that are shaded. The upper deck alfresco dining table is a superb place for lunch while the sunbed style seating along the stern offers excellent views. An approved RYA Water Sports Centre, the water toys inventory on SEA RHAPSODY is exceptional, featuring an impressive three tenders, Seabobs, waverunners, paddleboards and kayaks plus a huge variety of waterskis and exciting tows. Her forward bow slide is a brilliant feature, providing endless fun, while the innovative inflatable t-dock and paddle pool can be set up by the crew to incorporate a myriad of items for the ultimate water-based play park. Her superb interior layout offers a great deal of flexibility and sleeps up to 12 guests in 6 staterooms. This includes a luxurious master suite on the main deck with a private lounge, a VIP stateroom on the bridge deck with private office, 1 double and 3 twin staterooms. These can be altered from 5 doubles and 1 twin to 3 doubles and 3 twins, making her highly versatile to accommodate an extended family, considering all potential requirements. SEA RHAPSODY carries an absolutely outstanding crew of 18, led by experienced Captain Cameron. All highly professional and consummately knowledgeable, they aim to offer the ultimate level of service and enthusiasm to ensure every charter is truly memorable. In addition, Chef Michael is a triple AA rosette, Michelin Star-level chef, with over 20 years' experience and has received countless accolades for his innovative and delicious cuisine.

Following exhaustive Covid protocols, extensive research and diligence by Captain Cameron, alongside the skilled management team at Ocean Independence, she is the first charter superyacht to be awarded a full and unencumbered Seychelles Charter Licence since the start of the pandemic. Achieving this exclusive status means that guests arriving by plane can directly join SEA RHAPSODY as a qualified quarantine zone and place of safety, recognised on the Official Tourism List. Negating the need to isolate in a hotel upon arrival until Covid-19 testing is complete, this opportunity therefore removes a time-consuming and somewhat inconvenient element to future holiday plans. With ribbons of powder-white sand lapped by warm, crystalline waters, the Seychelles deliver an idyllic barefoot getaway. An opportunity to discover scenic islands strewn with granite boulders, tropical palms and verdant peaks, there is now added peace of mind when cruising this yachting haven onboard SEA RHAPSODY. The yacht has received glowing reviews from previous charter guests, who have appreciated her luxurious interior, array of water toys and top-level service. Captain Cameron says, "SEA RHAPSODY is an outstanding yacht with an incomparable crew offering a wealth of knowledge. We are proud to welcome charter guests on board". _____________________________________






THE COST OF COVER – WHAT YOU CAN DO TO INFLUENCE THE PRICE OF YOUR INSURANCE PREMIUM The annual insurance renewal is rarely a welcome email for any superyacht owner or Captain to receive, but having a reliable insurance partner who will ensure your premiums are competitive and the insurance cover tailored to your individual requirements can certainly make the admin a more pleasurable experience. Here, we take a look at some of the risk factors and key considerations that determine superyacht insurance premiums, and help you identify conditions of your own cover that directly impact the premiums charged. In simple terms the more information you give your insurance provider, the better informed they will be and the more accurately your insurance policy and premiums will reflect your specific requirements. Insured value To you, your yacht may be worth her weight in gold, but what’s she worth on paper? Owners may be penalised by their insurance

provider for over or under insuring their vessel. Pantaenius, the superyacht insurance specialists, offer an agreed fixed value as part of their superyacht insurance policy and in the event of a claim the sum insured will not be challenged or averaged. Any insured value should be discussed at the start of your policy, taking into account all the relevant history of the yacht. However, it should be remembered that, in most cases, the sum insured has a direct bearing on the amount of premium you pay, so give consideration to the vessel’s current market value as well as the replacement cost. Ownership, Flag and Class If you plan to change the ownership structure or flag of your yacht then notify your insurers well in advance. Whilst the nature of the risk may not have changed, all insurers are governed by the licences they have and it may be that your insurer is no longer able to provide cover for your yacht under the new circumstances. Brexit is a really good example of this!

If the vessel’s class changes or lapses, then it is imperative you contact your insurance provider. Many policies include wordings that mean insurance cover automatically ceases in the event of a yacht falling out of class. Technical specifications Along with the obvious details such as year of build, shipyard, length, engine size and gross tonnage, your insurance provider will need the full scope of technical specifications. Any gaps or inaccuracies in this information could result in an inaccurate reflection of your needs. Where are you going? All too often, an owner, captain or yacht manager will specify that worldwide cruising cover is required when, in reality, the yacht will stay in the Mediterranean or shuttle between Europe and the Caribbean with the seasons. Whilst it may take 10 minutes of your time to advise your insurance provider of an intended location change, adapting the policy to suit




your more adventurous cruising plans as and when they arise, could save you money in the long run. Is your yacht up to the job? Keeping your yacht ship-shape is best practice in any case, but with older vessels or those that have been a little unloved, consider having a survey carried out to show the yacht is fit for use and share the survey results with your insurer. If there are any survey recommendations, you should also let your insurer know when you plan to have them rectified. Other considerations, if you are planning to cruise further afield, include whether the yacht is ice classed, whether piracy cover is required for High Risk Areas, and whether all other amendments/precautions with regard to the yacht’s safe passage and operation have been taken into account. Thinking of a new look? If you have refit works planned or a significant maintenance period within the next 12 months, advise your insurer at the time of renewal. Not only may your policy need amending to cover you for the work, but many insurers will require sight of the shipyard’s insurance policy, and protocols for hot works etc. This is particularly important if you are asked to sign any waivers of rights of subrogation. Who’s onboard? Many crew policies charge a premium “per capita” so it’s important that you keep insurers informed of accurate crew numbers. If you ever employ day workers, this should also be flagged with your insurers. What’s onboard? It’s important to advise your insurance provider of all toys and tenders, including submersibles, ROVs and drones that are aboard the yacht from one year to the next. Changes to the number and individual value of these items could affect your premium – as will changes to their use.

Aquarius © Cory Silken - 2019 St. Barths Bucket

Every Captain has a story The claims record of the Captain will also be taken into consideration. If your Captain is prone to bumping bows in the marina, make sure that your insurers are aware. This could affect whether insurers approve the captain to skipper the yacht at all. As with all things, honesty is the best policy. Private or charter?

or have previous P&I or crew welfare claims, these may also be affecting your premium. Most insurers will want records from at least the last five years so make sure the information you provide them with is as complete and accurate as possible. Skeletons have a habit of breaking out the closet! Any claims made on your policy year to year may have an impact on your renewal premium, but options are available.

Does your policy provide cover if the yacht is being chartered with a skipper? If it does, and you are going to offer the yacht for charter, then that’s fine but if you don’t plan to charter, you may be paying a higher premium for this aspect of cover when you don’t really need it.

Discuss having a higher deductible with your insurance provider. This could help reduce the annual premium and may give you a clearer guide as to when a claim is worthwhile.

Past claims

(+34) 971 708 670

If you’ve got a yacht that’s prone to problems


AVIVA © Stuart Pearce




than a month to refloat her), Rio Grande and Montevideo and when he arrived in Buenos Aires the crowd awaiting him took him 300m on litters , in one of those outbursts of patriotic passion, flowing hormones, and short memory.

VITO Vito Dumas. An ordinary Argentine, from a country that had once been great and was beginning to decline. He died of a stroke after a lifetime of physical excesses committed in earlier stages of his life that had led him to be a legend at home and abroad. He had broken the world record for staying in the water (longdistance swimmer), had boxed at the Gimnasia y Esgrima club, had sailed Archachon-Buenos Aires at the beginning of the 1930s on a 15m sailboat designed for day regattas which was bought with the money he carried to swim across the English Channel. The money was not enough (that's the official story). However, Vito decided not to continue with the challenge when he learned that an English woman had achieved it a short time before. "Being second is the same as being last," he said. And to make matters worse, being second to a woman: unacceptable for a porteño (born in Buenos Aires) of that time. Vito Dumas decided not to return to his homeland empty-handed and to do it in a special way; sailing in a sports boat.

He got "le You", formerly "Titave II" in a shipyard, owned by Mr. Bossuet, where it was about to be scrapped (according to Mr. Bossuet, he was going to warm his feet from the stove). Basic repairs were made to endure such a trip, and he renames her LEHG, initials of a love that lasted 20 years carried with extreme discretion given the lineage of the lady in question. Changing the name of a ship brings bad luck, and surely Vito knew it. When they launched her, he had her blessed by the parish priest of St. Ferdinand, the nearby church, sprinkling her with holy water by some olive twigs. She sailed with desire and little else. Mr. Bossuet, from the coast, commented to his son; tomorrow there will be wood in the sand, a descriptive saying of the usual accidents when trying to negotiate the bar outside the port. He made a stopover in Vigo, Agadir, the Canary Islands, Mostardas (where asleep he stranded and ran aground on the beach, and it took more

Vito was someone from the heap who had overshadowed the similar feat that, with "Ingrid", four members of the Buenos Aires upper class had achieved a few months earlier. Ingrid was talked about in the Argentine Yacht Club, whereas Lehg was throughout the country. Vito was the personification of the average Argentine who had achieved a feat, something unforgivable for the division of classes. A black legend of "mufa" and "yeta" (bearer of bad luck) was created. Meanwhile, the news of his achievement reaches Europe and his name is heard in clubs, associations, pubs, shipyards and fans. Vito Dumas donates the Lehg to the Lujan Museum, with the exception of the mainmast, which would be used as the pole of the Lehg II. Germán Frers Sr. (Don Germán, father of the brilliant designer ), in his shipyard in the port of fruits of Tigre, had told him that repairing the Lehg made no sense. An excellent Norwegian navigator, Al Hansen, arrived in Buenos Aires in 1934 and met Vito several times to compare solitary experiences. Surprised by the Argentine's knowledge and his generosity in sharing it, he gave him his on-board chronometer, a Solvil, a Swiss brand created by Paul Ditisheim, from a longstanding family of watchmakers. To be a marine chronometer, a watch had to be able to tell the time with a precision that would allow calculating a longitude with less than a third of a degree (an error of no more than five seconds in three months), a rule that the English had imposed (Longitude Board) in 1714. Since 1924, tuning in to the BBC's long wave, it was possible to listen to the hourly tones (6) at each hour, and to verify the proper functioning of the onboard chronometer or clock. Vito couldn't do it because he didn't have a radio. This Solvil chronometer is still in the possession of the Vito Dumas family, in Buenos Aires. Al Hansen would head south, he would be the


first navigator crossing Cape Horn in reverse (from E to W) and would capsize on the Chilean coast of Chiloé, dying there. Vito wanted to be alone at sea again, and he asked Manuel Campos, a designer of beauties whose difference with Sorolla, Monet or Turner was that his were three-dimensional and floated, to create for him a sailboat with which he could circumnavigate the Earth. The Lehg II was born, 9.55m in length, double bow and long keel for course stability, (which allowed him to tie the tiller and go to sleep), exterior of the cabin finished with painted canvas, infallible system for the tightness (and that I still used in the 70's, in the Tigre Sailing Club). The mainmast is from the original Lehg, the one from the trip from Arcachon. Vito, having tested the Lehg II on several trips to Brazil, concludes, after capsizing during a storm near Punta del Este, that the boat was good. He runs out of money and sells the Lehg II to a friend on the condition that he can buy it back in the future for the same price, dedicating himself for about 6 years to operate a small agricultural farm. He buys it back, prepares her, and in the middle of the second world war he decides to circumnavigate from west to east through the “roaring forties "to teach the youth that there are values beyond money and materialism." He was afraid that they might mistake her for a spy ship, so he decided not to install any engine, batteries, or radio. He loaded 400 bottles of sterilized milk, 200 liters of kerosene for cooking, and about 200kg of chocolate, dried meat, cookies and other non-perishable foods, the rain would take care of filling the 400-liter tank of water when it was emptied. Before setting sail, a friend asked him how much money he had and, given the evidence of the scarce 10 pesos, gave him 10 pounds sterling. Vito thanked him, commenting: "and where do



you want me to spend them while I sail?" The coast guard did not allow him to dispatch LeghII to circumnavigate because Vito did not have any navigator's license, not even a basic one, he then asked to be dispatched to Montevideo, and there he got dispatched to Cape Town. He had an infected nail when he set sail, which turned into an inflammation of the right arm to the point of gangrene. A week later, while crossing the Atlantic, he decided to cut the arm off. His egotism was taking its toll, he was neither invincible nor all-powerful. One night while he was sleeping, his arm drained and in the morning it began to heal. In the middle of the Atlantic, when opening a tin of cookies, he finds a note from the shopkeeper who had supplied them, wishing him good luck in his adventure and expressing his pride at having been able to contribute to it, which breaks his soul and makes him openly cry with sea, clouds and sky as witnesses. The worst moment of the trip was the calm of several days near Tasmania, where he “felt like dying” since that absolute tranquility gave him the impression of being dead. In the storms, Vito said "you fight, there is life." His journey lasted 15 months, he was greeted again like a hero. Later, General Perón, an emerging politician at the time who wanted to be president, gave him all kinds of tributes, including in 1949 the rank (maximum possible) of Lieutenant of the Main Naval Reserve, more to piss off the Navy, his natural enemies, than acknowledging the feat. A lot of photos in uniform with authorities and increasing his very innocent popularity, which had the effect of a renal colic and toothache within the Buenos Aires elite. Perón created and gave him to direct a nautical school, and tango players Francisco Canaro and Carlos Di Sarli dedicate the march “Vito Dumas” and the tango “El navegante” respectively to him. A few years later, Vito set sail for New York again aboard the "Lehg II".

When he arrived near Manhattan, he found himself with a very cold attitude for diplomatic reasons, since the US ambassador in Argentina had tried to manipulate the presidential elections against Peron, as he was proGerman and had been trained by Mussolini in Italy years ago ( although there are other versions but still not well founded). Without landing, Vito headed to Cape Verde and shortly before arriving he fell south, to return to




Buenos Aires. He lost 20 kilos and almost died from malnutrition and drinking sea water. He tried again and succeeds with the "Sirius." 7 meters x 2.20 wide. When he got back to Buenos Aires (the Sirio was sold in New York), the 1955 coup that overthrew Perón had just taken place. In Argentina there were two positions: Peronist (prohibited party) or anti-Peronist (also called gorillas), whose leadership was held by the Navy. Nobody carried him on a litter, and as an enemy of the regime for having accepted tributes from Peron, Vito's fate was cast: he was an outcast. I clearly remember two things: when I was ordered, at the Liceo Naval 19671971, not to pronounce the cursed name, and that one of my Buenos Aires crew here in Mallorca, when it was mentioned, performed a light exorcism to be kept away bad luck. Vito Dumas was a swimmer, photographer, chess player, boxer, painter, and aviator, and he excelled in everything. Bernard Motessier and Francis Chichester used his stories to run storms down the wing during their solo voyages 30 years after the voyage of the Lehg II. He was a "natural navigator" without studies or previous experience. His egocentric side led him to practice sports and activities alone, and to decide that sailing took precedence over his family life. The only known exception was Ms LEHG. He was also extremely generous all his life, once a fan gifted him a house, which Vito sold immediately, buying himself a 1947 Packard and distributing what was left to his less favored friends. He liked the good life when he was on land, his favorite drink was champagne.

In the 80s, the true story began to be recovered thanks to the biography "Vito Dumas Testimonies of the Legend" written by Ricardo Cufré and Roberto Alonso. On September 30, 2000, his remains were transported from the Olivos Cemetery to the Naval Pantheon of the Chacarita Cemetery, in Buenos Aires, a timid and shameful posthumous recognition of his sporting feats. It only took 50,835 miles and 57 years for the Argentine Navy to forgive him for being the best solo sailor that ever lived. Considering that the Vatican took 359 years to lift Galileo's excommunication, the Navy has been quite discreet. ______________________________________ By Oscar Siches To Ricardo Cufré, a Navy comrade, a scholar and a very dear friend.

Interesting Notes: • Sirius was the name of his fox terrier dog. • The Sirio was burned by its owner in New York to avoid paying the cost of the dry dock. • The Sirio II is in impeccable condition at the Mar del Plata Yacht Club. • The Lehg is exhibited at the Luján Museum, about 70 kilometers from Buenos Aires. • The Lehg II, abandoned by the Navy, was rescued and rebuilt by Carlos Perdomo, for whom Astilleros de Mallorca built the 64m schooner Jessica, in 1984. Perdomo took care of all the repair costs and then donated it to the Naval Museum in Tigre. • Vito Dumas does not name his son or his wife in any of his books. He approaches his son once he has stopped sailing and establishes the relationship which until that moment was nonexistent. • L.E.H.G., his love of 20 years and many times mecenas, asks Vito to stop sailing. Vito turns a deaf ear. L.E.H.G. burns part of his belongings as revenge. It was the end of the relationship.





Since the inauguration 4 years ago, V de Bravado has been growing year after year, in number of ships attended, in length and expanding services. The Travelift bay beam will be extended to 9 meters with the arrival of a new 240-ton Travelift. The extension of the existing ship for painting of hulls up to 40 meters and the addition of new workshops, all this expansion of these spaces highlights the concern of Ramón Pérez, who year after year invests and improves V de Bravado facilities. Its technical area occupies a surface area of 13,000 m2. In this large enclosure, equipped with advanced active and passive safety measures, they have a 150 ton Travelift, a 35TN hydraulic handling trailer, a 70m work and waiting dock, a mechanical workshop, a carpentry area that has the expertise of a riverside carpenter and a brand-new 30x10x10 paint shed, which can hold lengths of up to 40 meters, adding extension modules to the structure. In addition, they already have a new office building and auxiliary services that will be a benchmark of comfort for customer and crew service. An exceptional meeting point

that will also serve the growing demand from France and the Balearic Islands. V de Bravado's brand philosophy can be summed up in a firm commitment: guaranteeing the highest quality in every work carried out. That is why they are defined as "Your trusted Shipyard”

Facilities: Technical Area of 13.000m2 150 Tons Travelift / Soon 240 TN 35 Tons Hydraulic Handling trailer Waiting and working dock of 70 m 15 Tn Crane Paint booth of 30 x 10 x 10 m. (Expandable up to 40 m). Exclusive paint cabin for masts and booms. Dry dock for overwintering and storage Workshops Showers and Rest Areas for crew members Services: Mechanical Works and Naval Engineering Propellers, Rudders and Shafts Engines and generators Naval metal shop Nautical carpentry Electronics and electricity Paint and Fiber-glass Rigging and Hardware Air conditioner Nautical upholster





MB92 Barcelona, the leading superyacht refit and repair shipyard, recently announced that the customs authorities have given approval for their facilities to be an officially recognised bonded store (DAP).

operator (AEO), licensed premises for the exportation of goods (LAME) a temporary storage area (ADT), and will extend their AEO certificate to include AEO Security in the coming weeks.

To support the RPA service already available, clients will now be able to unload items directly from the yacht while in the facilities and arrange import, exports or transits without, on many cases, paying income taxes. MB92 Barcelona also permits the option to store items indefinitely within the 82,558 m2 facilities, and a dedicated 720m2 bonded warehouse to secure more delicate items under customs control.

Andrea Ros, MB92 Customs, Logistics & Purchasing Manager, stated that “this authorisation is not only going to make life easier for our clients, meaning that goods movements can be managed with the appropriate customs arrangement directly into the facilities, but that this will also provide a significant cost saving on import taxes, together with IPR, that would otherwise become applicable on goods coming from outside the EU or from Non-EU yachts. We have significant storage space throughout our facilities to safely store items of any size such

In addition to being a bonded store (DAP), the Barcelona facilities are an authorised economic

as tenders or toys and we can offer that added peace of mind through the use of our on-site warehouse facility”. MB92 Group CEO & President, Pepe GarcíaAubert added that “being able to offer this service to our clients has long been an objective for us. This latest development is going to have a considerable impact upon refit planning and clients will enjoy numerous benefits from being able to unload, store and make customs arrangements all on-site.” The new customs clients immediately wider commitment to providing the refit experience.

service is available to and forms part of a from the MB92 Group very best superyacht




VALENCIA MAR, A MARINA THAT DOES NOT STOP GROWING!!! Since the marina passed into the hands of the new managers in 2018, Valencia Mar has not stopped increasing its occupation and its services. In the last two years, the increase in occupancy has been incredible, going from having a few 125 boats moored to the more than 425 they now have. The formula for achieving these figures has been to increase the services offered to boats and to enhance the value of finger moorings, which allow safe and comfortable maneuvers as well as extra protection from storms. The mooring plant has also been modified with the intention of adapting the lengths to the existing fleet, reducing the size of the moorings and installing new fingers. In addition, various services have been installed such as laundry, new bathrooms, volleyball court, soccer and basketball court, new barbecues for customer use, improvement of security cameras, opening of an independent access creating 700 public parking spaces, installation of a floating beach, office renovation, rental car and electric bikes, etc ... Thanks to these improvements, more than 25 companies have already relied on Valencia Mar to establish themselves with 2 restaurants, a mini-market, a diving center, paddle tennis rental, a center for nautical qualifications, a boat broker, a motorcycle center for water, hardware store and repairs with which the client can have all kinds of help for everything his boat or crew needs. In these two years there have also been

numerous recreational events such as paella contests, open days, the successful floating party where users were able to enjoy a concert in full de-escalation in complete safety from their anchored boats or cultural themes such as paintings exhibitions, book presentations, etc ...

Marina" where various actions are proposed to raise awareness and try to reduce our footprint in the world, among other actions we have held workshops sustainability for port personnel and concession companies, installation of led lights, collective waste collection, electric vehicles, etc….

And Valencia Mar also thinks about the future and sustainability and for this reason it has created a program called "Valencia Mar Eco-

For all this Valencia Mar is, as its slogan says, the “Coolest” Marina in the Mediterranean.





Mooring with the peace of mind that your boat and you are safe and in good hands, is what the marinas of IPM & IMG Group have to offer you; it is about enjoying avant-garde, comfortable and functional facilities, where the personalized attention of a team of professionals who takes care of all the details of your stay and will do everything in their hands to make it easy and pleasant, and where all necessary disinfection and hygiene protocols are applied to run the lowest possible health risks. In addition to all the accreditations that provide guarantees in terms of quality, environment and risk prevention, the marinas of IPM & IMG Group are accredited with the SAFE TOURISM seal after having passed a rigorous health audit and maintaining the disinfection protocols periodically and permanently. Marina Ibiza, Marina Port de Mallorca, Marina Palma Cuarentena and Marina Port Ibiza belong to a pool of companies with a long history in the construction, management and promotion of nautical facilities of international level that offers the guarantee of their experience and is endorsed by the prestige in the recognition of their projects. 780 berths for boats with a maximum length of 110m are divided into these four iconic marinas that - each one with its particular characteristics - will provide you with an unforgettable stay, making you want to visit them all. Mallorca: a multi-faceted destination Mallorca is the Mediterranean paradise for lovers of the sea. Our clients come to Marina Port de Mallorca and Marina Palma Cuarentena attracted by the climate, which guarantees mild temperatures and navigable waters during most of the year, being able to choose between the 554 km of coastline that make up the island's coastline, but there is also an inner world of great beauty with much to offer, exclusive shopping areas, and a very special leisure, gastronomy and culture offer. Marina Port de Mallorca (Lat: 39º 34' N - Long: 2º 38' E) offers 200 moorings for boats up to 50m in length in the center of Palma, with modern facilities, personalized service that manages everything you need during your stay, accredited with quality certificates and highly committed to the environment. Easily accessible, with parking and 24-hour security,

they make it a quiet and safe port, but full of life.

environment where beauty, inspiration and elegance are combined.

Contact us: (+34) 971 28 96 93

With 425 moorings and ready to moor boats up to 110m in length, in Marina Ibiza (Lat: 38º 54'N / Long: 001º26'E) you will live a great luxury experience in all aspects, both in nautical and leisure, shopping or restoration. With 24/7 security and personalized Concierge service, this floating runway has become an international reference port where the most exclusive clients enjoy the best luxury marina in the Mediterranean.

Marina Palma Cuarentena (Lat: 39º 33’ N / Long: 2 º 37’ 6’E) is a cozy and familiar marina highly demanded by charter boats - which, due to its location in the heart of Palma, allows you to enjoy a range of shopping, entertainment, leisure and gastronomy just one step away from your boat. Its 70 berths for boats up to 60m in length are attended by a very close team that will help you manage everything you need during your stay. Contact us: (+34) 971 45 43 95 Ibiza: an island with magical energy Ibiza is one of the few places in the world where time flows at the speed you want. To relax in the coves lost from the bustle, to enjoy a sunset on a terrace or to let yourself be carried away by the Ibizan night. Its wide range of leisure activities makes the White Island one of the most cosmopolitan and desirable cities in the Mediterranean, where celebrities attend the event every year. And all this in a unique

Contact us: (+34) 971 318 040 Located in the same historic center of Ibiza, Marina Port Ibiza (Lat: 38º54.08 'N Long: 01º26.05' E) former Ibiza Magna, is the ideal port for boats and large yachts that wish to moor at the foot of the city. It has 85 moorings for boats up to 60m in length. Come to this exclusive port in the heart of the White Island and enjoy the Unesco World Heritage Site from your boat. Contact us: (+34) 971 40 20 50





The first virtual boat show in the Balearics meets expectations with over 200,000 page views. More than 150 exhibitors took part in the Balearic Yacht Show over the three days. During the first virtual boat show in the Balearics, organised by Balearic Marine Cluster and Mallorca Chamber of Commerce and the, over 40 live conferences were held where over 110 leading national and international speakers gave some top industry-related speeches. In addition to intense debates on the current situation of the marine sector, captains and crew joined together for some fun events. One of the highlights was the cocktail masterclass given by a leading international training firm that combined a workshop with a networking exercise. Although it could not be a physical fair, the Balearic Yacht Show has provided the opportunity for thousands of professionals from the nautical sector to connect again virtually through different channels offered by the platform as well as Zoom, Slack and online networking rooms.

The Balearic Marine Sector One of the main topics discussed during the Balearic Yacht Show was the situation in the Balearics and international yachting sector after a few months of uncertainty due to COVID-19. Martin Redmayne, President of the Superyacht Group was responsible for opening the three-day conference held at the Balearic Yacht Show, with an interesting reflection on the state of the current yachting industry and bright prospects for the future. Another positive aspect of the Balearic Yacht Show is the high level of occupation currently being experienced in Mallorcan shipyards. According to professionals in the nautical industry, boat restoration and maintenance work has not been greatly affected during the toughest months of the pandemic in the Balearics. Companies in this sector are maintaining a good rate of work and predicting a boom of projects in 2021. During the Balearic Yacht Show, the training and employment needs of the industry were also discussed. Along with the measures and

actions we should take in order to strengthen the sector and meet the growing demand for professional talent. Environmental measures in Nautical Industry According to the experts, The Balearic Islands are on track to become the European reference point for environmental sustainability in the nautical sector, however there is still a way to go. During the conferences held at the Balearic Yacht Show, there were also discussions about the environmental measures being taken and that should be implemented in the future to be as environmentally friendly as possible. As well as discussions on the industry, there were speakers from major local and international competitions, such as Copa del Rey, Superyacht Cup, the Infanta SofĂ­a Regatta and the VendĂŠe Globe. ______________________________________ (+34) 696 504 625





With increasing consciousness about environmental protection people are wanting to reduce their use of plastic and crew are more frequently looking to drink the tap water. This is to be encouraged but drinking the water is not the only reason yachts should be confident their water is safe, even showering can pose a risk from inhalation of pathogens.

chemicals. This factor and Legionella's high tolerance to chlorine, mean chlorine may not ensure complete disinfection of the vessel’s tanks and distribution network. If a biofilm is detected on testing our experienced team can suggest remedial action such as the application of Hydrasil Ag+®, a chemical specifically designed for biofilm reduction and elimination.

To comply with the Maritime Labour Convention regulations (MLC 2006), yachts and marine vessels must provide an adequate supply of safe water, free from microorganisms, parasites, chemicals, or other substances which can constitute a risk to human health. Regular water analysis is therefore an essential part of the yacht’s safety plan and the more regularly it is performed the higher the chance of finding any problems at an early stage and putting in place any required remedial actions, reducing costly down time, (for example charter loss).

An effective water management system consists of:

MTSea is the agent for Octo Marine in Mallorca, Octo Marine’s testing programme includes a full mineral analysis which provides an insight into yacht specific problems such as corrosion and the presence of a biofilm inside the water distribution system. A biofilm can house harmful bacteria such as Legionella and Pseudomonas which can affect the quality of the drinking water. This biofilm is unlikely to be removed by a hypo-chlorination procedure as the cells within produce a matrix which forms a protective barrier against chlorine and other

• Regular testing, at least every three or six months. • The application of a sterilisation treatment when issues are identified, followed by routine treatment every six months to keep the system safe. • A weekly examination of routine yacht procedures for disinfection and disinfection levels. • Water should be sourced from potable supplies on shore so ensuring safe bunkering of water using allocated, suitable equipment to prevent chemical or microbial contamination. • For this purpose, it is very advisable to use a food safe, bacteriostatic bunkering hose that is kept separate and not used for wash down purposes. • Essential routine maintenance includes checking the condition of the filters and changing them often, filter housings should be disinfected when changing filters.

Spa pools present a special risk for the health if not managed properly. The water is kept relatively warm creating the perfect environment for microbial growth, then it is agitated when used forming aerosols which can be inhaled. Even if the spa pool is emptied daily, the water within the circulation system may begin to proliferate bacterial growth, infecting the water on refilling. The bacterial infections Legionella and Pseudomonas are not harmful when swallowed due to the presence of acid in the stomach but they are very dangerous when inhaled into the lungs. OCTOMARINE ANALYSIS is yacht specific and more thorough than analysis done by most land laboratories, Octo Marine are a yacht specialist company and understand yacht water supply, treatment and storage systems and know how these systems differ to land supply systems. Where contamination issues are identified they can help solve the problem and give guidance on action to be taken, something that land based laboratories rarely do. Shower, use and drink compliance and comfort.



______________________________________ (+34) 971 230 771 (+34) 680 815 412




SEAVIEW THROUGH THE LENS; A CAMPAIGN OF SUPPORT & DISTRACTION Unpredictability - a consistent theme for many of us during the pandemic, but what has been certain is the support for each other. Uplifting the spirits of crew and the wider yachting community was the ambition for electrical marine company The SeaKing Group. 'The Yacht Crew Photo Challenge', a simple but effective free to enter contest. Over 200 crew from around the world were directly invited to participate, sending in moments that captured life on board. With the chance to have a 'flash' of distraction from the constant stream of COVID and to win some great prizes including the DJI Mavic Air 2 Drone- the uptake of entries was overwhelming. 'As the world starts to ease out of lockdown, this is a perfect time to come together and start the revival of our much-loved industry', Martin Sealeaf CEO SeaKing Group. Revive was the chosen theme; the entries armed with their smartphone, drone, or digital camera were very creative in their interpretation which made choosing the winner a 'task' in itself! Every day our social media feeds are filled with images of yacht life, the changing environment, and the excitement it brings – The Yacht Crew Photo Challenge seemed the perfect opportunity to get the crew's attention. Supporting the campaign included an industry panel of judges David Churchill (Superyacht

‘Dolphins on the bow’ by Captain Joshua Conquest

Photographer), Robert Owen (Yachting World), and Jeff Houlgrave (Marina Projects), alongside Superyacht UK to raise awareness.

So, what did the top photograph look like?

During the 8 weeks of the contest, the image variety was as expected- of people, sea-life, exquisite food, and luxury all reflective of the yacht industry.

Winner – Captain Joshua Conquest 2nd Place – Richard Craven 3rd Place – Luigi Fumarola



Sanlorenzo Spain, the exclusive agents for Sanlorenzo in Spain and the Balearic Islands, are proud to announce the sale of 38m Sanlorenzo SD126-55 ‘Y4H’ in an in-house deal with Sanlorenzo Spain representing both the buyer and seller. This sale marks the 3rd time ‘Y4H’ has been sold by Sanlorenzo Spain, having previously sold the yacht to her first owner in 2017 and then on to her second owner in 2019. ‘Y4H’ was delivered to her first owner in 2017 as the 13th hull of the Sanlorenzo SD126 model, a four-deck semi-displacement motor yacht with a length of just under 38 metres.

The SD126 is the largest fiberglass yacht that Sanlorenzo produces. She is the flagship of the ‘SD’ semi-displacement range which combines Sanlorenzo’s heritage lines, technological innovations and impressive autonomy at sea. To date over 20 Sanlorenzo SD126 units have been sold and delivered.

‘Y4H' is powered by twin MTU 12V 2000 M72 1469hp diesel engines for a top speed of 17 knots. At an economical cruising speed of 11 knots, she can achieve a maximum range of 3,000 nautical miles.

‘Y4H’ features luxurious accommodation for 11 guests across 5 cabins, with a full beam master stateroom on her main deck. There is additional accommodation for up to 7 crew members in 3 crew cabins on her lower deck and in a separate captain's cabin on her upper deck.

Sanlorenzo Spain Sanlorenzo Yachts Balear SL C/Benito Feijoo, 2 - Local 7, Puerto Portals, Calvia, 07181 Mallorca, Spain (+34) 971 676 930





Creative Solutions for Superyachts Glazing Perspex & Felted Fabrications Refit Engineering Solutions Air Spring Designs & Custom Seals


+34 678 899 038





owner together with the designers. It is our task to fulfill every wish within the limits of technical feasibility. Due to earliest development also in boating industries we´d like to give advisory support and/or create a concept for an electric drive or hybrid systems. Tenders kind of operation like transfers ashore and pleasure are perfect to be carried out with a boat of this propulsion. Alongside our tender new builds, Lütje has in recent years delivered a whole range of advanced motor yachts. This includes the high-speed powerboat Feara 47, the 50-foot Georgia, and our Classic Coaster Range. We even modified a new boat not built by us as a tender for a mega yacht.

Whether you are looking for a newly built tender or are planning a cosmetic or technical refit of your boat, you will find a dedicated team of craftspeople at Lütje-Yachts. We take pride in our tradition of building technically advanced motor yachts since 1956 and draw on our in-house expertise as well outside specialists. A fine example for our craftmanship is the breathtaking Cacique 35. It offers pure driving pleasure up to 42 knots. The particularly seaworthy Lobster Boats of the American East Coast were an inspiration for the design of the Lütje Classic Tender series. The Cacique, plotted by the design office Judel/Vrolijk &

Co presents itself as an open speedboat with elegant lines and comfortable sea handling. The owner requested the helm stand at the centre of the boat. Other dreams come true: a small plumbing unit, icebox and pantry. Large lounging surface, as well as ample storage for diving equipment and water skis make this boat a unique all-rounder. And yet the classic hull lines are visually complemented by the exotic wood trim and the control station with round gauges. If an owner has special demands for the purpose, design or equipment of the tender Lütje-Yachts will be pleased to support the

At Lütje we believe that properly designed and installed equipment is essential for reliable seafaring. The combination of meticulous craftsmanship, customer orientation and a commitment to delivering on schedule is increasingly drawing very large yachts to the German coast for a refit or alteration. While the mothership is in the yard, Lütje-Yachts offers an ideal opportunity to upgrade, alter or just brighten up the tender. Lütje-Yachts is looking forward to welcoming you at the shore of the Elbe for your next tender project. We are easily accessible from the centre of Hamburg and you can bring your tender either afloat or via truck or trailer. ______________________________________





Transom fenders were once rare to find on many superyachts due to the lack of a useable swim platform or transom space for water sports and tender operations. Fast forward 20 years and they are now a staple part of the guest setup. More recently, we are seeing small to medium sized sailing yachts installing transom fenders as they begin the transition from smaller tenders to larger chase boats, extending their cruising capabilities. Transom fenders were originally designed and manufactured with one key purpose, to protect the swim platform or transom edge and paintwork from tenders and toys. However, as the industry has moved on, their role has become multi-purpose by adding more space to the transom and to assist crew and guests in water sports operations. This design change has transformed the guest experience as water sports activities and tender operations occur daily during guest trips. There are many different types of transom fender available on the current market from a simpler stainless-steel structure with Hypalon or foam pads to the more advanced carbon fibre structure with closed cell foam fenders, integrated handrails and tender whip mounts. Not only do they have a specific purpose on the transom, they are now designed to be aesthetically pleasing as the owner’s eye for detail stretches from the interior to the exterior of the yacht. Currently there are two distinct products that make up a transom fender system. The first is the solid core foam fender that plays a key role in protecting the delicate transom edge. The solid core foam fender is moulded to fit the swim platform/ transom and is unique to every yacht, with optional extras including a faux teak top blending the fenders seamlessly into the deck. The second product that is involved in the transom fender system are the vertical pillar fenders (also known as tender fenders).

These are commonly used in conjunction with the solid core foam fenders especially where tenders with a high freeboard frequently come alongside. Furthermore, yachts with large shell doors and side boarding platforms are now integrating vertical pillar fenders into them to increase boarding options for guests. The vertical pillar fenders are typically constructed from composite materials and come in a variety of shapes and sizes from hinged fenders for tenders with flared bows/ sterns to fixed fenders that work with a multitude of tenders and toys. These fenders are almost sacrificial as they are the final resting point for the tender in berthing operations. The more moving parts that are involved in the vertical pillar fender, the more chance there is of structural failure. The location of the moving components will cause a weakness within the structure, especially when a tender collides with the fender with force due to weather conditions and sea states. Shipyard Supply Co. are at the forefront of design when it comes to transom fenders, constantly reviewing their products to ensure that they are ahead of the market. Their latest innovative design is for the sailing yacht market. The key difference with this new product is that they are shorter, making them easier to handle and stow (a key point where swim platforms aren’t that big!). All SSCo’s vertical pillar fenders are manufactured from carbon fibre and are designed to be easily installed either in the outfitting stage of a new build or retrofitted to an operational yacht. As you can see from the images below, the SSCo vertical pillar fenders are perfect for sailing yachts where swim ladders are either used at the side or centrally on the platform. Furthermore, as well as being the fender of choice for the larger tenders and chase boats, the vertical pillar fender also incorporates a handle on the top to aid boarding the

mothership or tender, removing the need for a separate boarding pole. Recently, there has been an increase in demand for tenders with higher freeboards where owners/ guests are requesting full standing headroom within the tender. This creates a situation where there is a large step up between the transom and tender. SSCo have developed the transom step that can be incorporated into the transom fender setup to enable the embarkation/ disembarkation of guests from the tender to the yacht in a safe and secure manner. As the images above show, the transom step provides a seamless transition from deck to tender and is in keeping with the yachts design, unlike the boxier steps that are currently available on the market. Furthermore, the transom step can be located in a number of set positions onboard (to be determined prior to installation) as well as being a key player in guest transfers. This is a must have product where there are young/ old guests frequently boarding tenders. ______________________________________ for further details for more inform information on what we have to offer




Marine Engineering Palma, C/ Alexandre Laborde, 3, local 3 07011 Polìgono Can Valero, Palma de Mallorca Office: 0034 - 971 447 477,,




COVID-19 AND YACHT AIR CONDITIONING At MTSea we are passionate about the quality of air that you breathe onboard your yacht. We are frequently asked to go aboard to offer advice on the ventilation system, time and time again we find ventilation systems that are not working at their optimum due to poor design, poor installation or modifications that have been made over time. The current COVID-19 situation has highlighted the need for good ventilation in interior spaces.

Air Quality Signs of poor general ventilation in an indoor space include musty smells, constant moisture on surfaces, mould, rooms are dusty, difficulty in heating or chilling the room and people seem to get colds frequently. Listen to complaints related to draughts and temperature, do people often get cold feet? This is an indication that there is inadequate airflow as the cold air from the AC is sinking to the floor and not being circulated around the room.

US Environmental Protection Agency says: COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person. However, some uncertainty remains about the relative importance of different routes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Evidence now confirms that this virus can remain airborne for longer times and further distances than originally thought. In addition to close contact with infected people and contaminated surfaces, spread of COVID-19 may also occur via airborne particles in indoor environments, in some circumstances beyond the 2 m range encouraged by some social distancing recommendations. There are straightforward steps that can be taken to reduce the potential for airborne transmission of COVID-19 and the focus of this material is on those measures. The layout and design of a building (yacht), as well as occupancy and type of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, can all impact potential airborne spread of the virus. Although improvements to ventilation and air cleaning cannot on their own eliminate the risk of airborne transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, EPA recommends increasing ventilation with outdoor air and air filtration as important components of a larger strategy that includes social distancing, wearing cloth face coverings or masks, surface cleaning and disinfecting, handwashing, and other precautions. By themselves, measures to reduce airborne exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 are not enough since airborne transmission is not the only way exposure to SARS-CoV-2 could potentially occur. What can be done on a yacht regards airborne transmission Increase Ventilation with Outside Air

While it is not always easy to leave doors, hatches and portlights open to increase ventilation on a yacht, consider what is safe and possible and make it standard practice. If you have an air-make system make sure it is working at its best. Check the filters are clean, fit properly, are of good quality and are in good condition. Check the parameters to ensure there is a good turnaround of air coming into the yacht also consider having the system checked professionally. The MCA Large Yacht Code states the ventilation system should provide 6 changes of air per hour (with all outside openings closed) this is outside air coming into the accommodation spaces. Blocked filters, dirty or old fans, and restrictions in ducting will all reduce the efficiency of the air make up units. We also find piecemeal modifications made to the system often impair the efficiency by increasing or decreasing air flows at particular points. It is possible to professionally check air flows to ensure that your system is free of this type of problem. Also incoming air should be dried through a heat exchanger to remove moisture from the ambient air, this can also be professionally checked to ensure good function and that the settings are at optimum. Where there is no air make and the yacht is experiencing problems take advice on whether retro fitting an air make up unit is possible. Filter the Air Where it is not possible to leave doors and hatches open run your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system continuously so it filters the air as it is circulated, this can help reduce airborne contaminants, including viruses. The fans can still be run even if the heating or cooling is not being used.

Simple monitoring of the CO2 levels in a room can tell you a lot about air quality and efficiency of the system you have on board. Where ventilation is good, CO2 will not build up. Monitoring can not only help identify system problems but it can also warn you that at any particular moment the system you have is overwhelmed by the number of people in the room and it is therefore time to disperse. In this case a yacht could use a simple, cheap CO2 monitor to act as an alarm in communal areas. MTSea is able to provide a whole yacht air quality survey to help you understand the efficiency of your HVAC system and discuss recommendations for improvement where needed. Other Precautions By itself, running your HVAC system is not enough to protect people from the virus that causes COVID-19, it should be used alongside other best practices recommended by WHO which include: • Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people. • Clean your hands often • Cough or sneeze in your bent elbow - not your hands! • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth • Limit social gatherings and time spent in crowded places • Avoid close contact with someone who is sick • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces • Improve ventilation ______________________________________ (+34) 971 230 771 / (+34) 680 815 412

T. +34 971 721 877 M. +34 609 393 146 Muello Viejo Edificio Espigón Exterior s/n 07012 Palma de Mallorca, Spain






Well what a year 2020 turned out to be… With so many plans and expectations we had for what would hopefully be a successful year for a new small company, the result has been quite a different comparison. Having only launched our business two years ago we were suddenly thrown into a world like no other, jobs delayed, work that was confirmed was cancelled due to the fact the vessels could not arrive into Palma and the competition became so fierce as companies all began to fight harder for the small amount of work that was left in Palma during this pandemic. It also became a difficult time to promote your business, gone were the days of walking up to have a chat with crew and selling yourself and your company, Covid-19 protocols and vessels self-isolating certainly put a stop to a daily process that we have taken for granted for so long. For companies who didn’t have confirmed work in some of the ports were even stopped from entering all together. The whole situation has been bleak, it was like the world had come to a standstill. I also believe the lack of government support for small autonomo companies and the launch of the new tax from the Port Authority has at times created a sense of hopelessness and panic about the future, I am sure we were not the only one to feel helpless and isolated. It was really at this time I started to try and think how we could get through this time; how could we move forward and remain motivated.

Surely other companies were going through the same yet we seemed not to be talking about it with each other, there is certainly a stigma attached asking for help or showing your desperation to others about the months that were due to follow. Who wants to work with a small company that is potentially facing a financial crisis and may not be able to finish the work they have started? I decided if we felt like this there were certainly other individuals feeling the same and I made the decision to reach out to colleagues and other companies I’ve worked alongside in the past, stood on the docks with and chatted with or shared a beer or coffee with in the bar. I talked about the need and the dream to collaborate our services, promote one another and more importantly help and support each other through this time. The companies that were approached all had a seamless service to one another, were well known in the industry and highlighted each other perfectly. I worked with companies that are often searched and looked for once a boat arrives here into Palma and are fundamental services that are required as an example for refits, repairs, communication systems, provisioning, interior supplies, training and even on board Spa facilities. From here I have sat down with each Company, learnt to understand their business in order to help promote, and we have all met together as a team… Suddenly we are no longer just worrying

about the future on our own we have become a team that are stronger working together and sharing our own personal experiences which alleviates so much pressure and stress. Hopefully as you read this you have seen us dropping off our leaflets in the ports in Palma and you are finding them a useful tool to keep in your interior folder or pinned on your crew mess notice board making it easier to find everyone in one place. We have also tried to keep these tools easier for you by separating them to and interior section and another for deck, and with 11 companies in each pamphlet you are not overwhelmed with information. I cant thank everyone for your support so far, your chats and your time on the quays and your understanding as to why this is necessary and why your support is fundamental to continuation of small companies being able to work in Palma for many more years to come. It would be a scary thought to think that we could potentially lose so many skilled independent tradesmen and women in the Industry simply because they did not survive the year that time stood still. Please find the contact details and our partners involved in the Palma Superyacht Support and if you would like to be considered in collaborating in some way in the future then please drop Danielle an email at





This month I will be describing how to prepare the kinds of moulds required to make a composite boat. There are two main types of moulds: a male mould (or plug), and a female mould. To make a male mould, or plug, the boatbuilder basically makes a wooden boat (upside down) by using frames, like horseshoes, at various points along what will be the length of the boat. Then battens are run across these frames lengthwise. Over these battens, usually ply is laid diagonally in both directions to form the shape of the boat. This is then normally sheathed in glass fibre, filled, faired and painted to create a smooth and airtight finish. The boat can then be built over this mould. To make a female mould, you can use the plug mentioned above, but instead of making the boat over the plug, you would create a female mould by laminating over the top of the plug. This new laminate mould can be split down the centre line for easy release. Now you have your female mould ready for production. At the high end of the race boat market, a female mould is usually used. The female mould can be made in a similar way with a plug, but the mould would be laminated with carbon fibre. This is so when it is cooked with the newly laminated hull in an oven, everything expands and contracts at the same rate thereby avoiding distortion. Once the mould is released from the plug, a filler would be applied to the mould surface. The whole mould surface would then be CNC machined to exact tolerances. The advantages of the

CNC cut mould in carbon is, because it is very accurate, no filler is required. A massive weight saver for a race boat! Also, when measured for class, it will measure correctly. Once the mould is ready, it must be checked for vacuum integrity (air leaks) so that a good vacuum can be achieved. To do this, a vacuum bag is applied over the entire mould surface. A vacuum pump then sucks out the air. The pump will attain a good reading if there are no air leaks. If you discover a leak, it will need to be sealed before continuing. When a good vacuum has been achieved, you are ready for a mould release agent. Mould release agents can be either wax or liquid. This is possibly the most important part of building the boat. Under no circumstances should this step be skimped on or missed out! Finally, you are ready to start building your boat. Now for a quick tip! I was asked how to cut angles for an exhaust pipe. The simple solution for a square cut is basically to wrap a piece of paper (I usually use a piece of sandpaper) around the pipe one and a half or two times and make sure it overlaps itself perfectly. Using the edge of the sandpaper, draw a line around the pipe. This also works on odd shapes, like a mast for example, as long as it is parallel rather than tapered. If you want to cut an angle on the pipe, i.e. making a corner, here is how you can do it. First, support the pipe on a flat surface at the angle you want. Then simply mark with a marker pen a line parallel to the flat surface using a block or a spacer for the desired height. In the photo, I used a mixing

cup for the height I wanted, then drew my line by sliding the cup around the pipe with the pen on top. In this example, the angle I used was 22.5 degrees. With two cuts, I ended up with a 90 degree corner. If I used fibre glass instead of plastic, and laminated over the joints, it would be ready for your super yacht exhaust. Don’t forget, if you have any boat building queries, please send them to my email or message my Facebook page. If I use your question in any of my future articles, you will receive a free AB Composites t-shirt! ______________________________________ FB: AB Composites / (+34) 666 239 365





Jayson Munn from Leicester has turned a lifelong hobby into a business after launching a new carpentry business during the recent lockdown. Mallorca Woodwork focuses on recycling wood left in shipyards in order to create unique and personalised products to sell back to the yachting and hospitality industry. The new company has also launched a largely successful Instagram page, ‘I became obsessed with watching videos of epoxy resin and laser engravings’ Jayson explained, ‘I decided to set up my own account and after just a few weeks of being online we’ve got close to one thousand followers. I certainly didn’t see myself buying lighting kits and video cameras

when I started this up!’ Before the pandemic Jayson worked as a bar manager in Magaluf, ‘Obviously Covid-19 has had an enormous impact on the hospitality and tourism industry here on the island. I decided to turn to carpentry, which is an industry I know well, I have wanted to start my own company for a while and it now feels like the right time to go for it.’ Though so many workers in the hospitality industry have struggled in 2020, Jayson was able to rely on a trade he had learned during his teenage years. Securing jobs in property maintenance and Superyacht refits gave Jayson

the initial resources needed to begin building his business. While Mallorca Woodwork is still at its very early stages Jayson is hoping 2021 will allow him to bring to life the numerous projects he has made plans for. Social media has proven to play a vital part in helping local businesses during these difficult times, to show support or check out some of their work follow @ MallorcaWoodwork on Instagram or Facebook. ______________________________________ By Max Stott FB & IG : Mallorca Woodwork

E3 AWARDED GOLD PARTNER STATUS BY PEPLINK e3 have achieved Peplink Gold Partner status. We have two newly qualified Peplink specialists - Santiago Urien Molinos is now a Peplink Certified Engineer, and Lynn Burbridge is a Peplink Certified Sales Specialist. They have both worked hard to pass their exams.

e3 provide is the largest independent and professional communications integrator providing mobile, maritime connectivity on the move using satellite and terrestrial connectivity. They also specialise in IMO ready networks and IT plus standard TVRO TV and IPTV. ______________________________________

Peplink is a leading provider of both wired and 4G and 5G wireless SD-WAN solutions. Their products can make any connection fast and reliable by combining bandwidth from multiple providers and centralizing management in an easy-to-use SD-WAN controller.

Our container inside STP is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 0930-1030 to receive donations of food, toiletries, bedding, toys, cleaning materials etc.

Alternatively please donate: Bankia: IBAN ES81 2038 3480 5160 0019 8061 All proceeds will be used to buy food for the homeless and hungry

See website or Facebook for details, or contact Nick Entwisle (+34) 619 117 937

E3 Systems (+34) 971 404 208

(+34) 659 887 455




E3 SYSTEMS NEWS TECHNOLOGY UPDATE A very Happy New Year to everyone. I’m sure we all share the same wish for 2021, which is a return to normality by getting the virus under control. In my December column, I was extolling my admiration of the 33 Vendee Globe skippers who set off on the most gruelling sports event in the world, sailing single- handed around the world. As I write this, we have seen four of them retired primarily due to collisions with UFOs (Unidentified Floating Objects), and that is before reaching the Cape of Good Hope. Fortunately, all four skippers are safe, and will at least be spending Christmas with their families. I hope by the time you read this there are no more casualties.

Whilst some networks put no restrictions on the amount of data used, so the plan appears to be truly unlimited, they will combine this with speed restrictions, and may decide to slow down your connection speed as part of their fair usage policy. This may happen whenever you use, what the network considers to be an unreasonable amount of data, or if your network suspects you are using the SIM for unauthorised commercial purposes. This is also known as De-Prioritisation. You may find language that resembles:

Customers may experience reduced speeds at times of network congestion. Translates to: If our network gets busy, we might slow you down

Is 4G unlimited data really unlimited? Our answer is always, “Truly unlimited data plans do not exist without a caveat”. Every network has some small print in their Terms and Conditions explaining how they can change the data delivered. So, as we were the original pioneer of GSM services for yachts, and with our years of working with many Service Providers, I have decided to do my best to explain how data plans are designed.

If you are uncertain, it’s easy enough to search on-line for “is unlimited data actually unlimited?”. You will find a lot of references for personal data plans on UK and USA networks but no commercial plans. You can also contact the service operator and ask. Also note that none of the experienced and established 4G service providers in the yachting arena provide an unlimited data plan at a fixed price for yachts, as they know that quality cannot be guaranteed. There are others that have stopped them. It’s important to provide the quality that your Owners and Guests expect

This says a huge amount about the rubbish in our seas. Just the other day, a container ship reportedly lost well over 100 containers in one day! I would like to encourage us all to redouble our efforts to help get marine pollution under control in 2021.

As the start of the new year gets under way, we are already working on many yacht refits and new projects from our bases in Europe and the USA. In all these locations we regularly get asked the following question…

outlined above. Also be sure that roaming is blocked otherwise you could have some very large bills. If you are told there are no limitations be suspicious and ask for the name of the service provider so you can check it our yourself.

This means your carrier can slow down your data speeds in favour of either, other customers with higher-tiered plans than yours, or customers who have not used their allotted full-speed data. 4G Network Congestion is a random feature to be avoided We are all familiar with road congestion, and most of us will have experienced a congested network and will have been frustrated by unusable data speeds. Unlike road traffic, it’s impossible to know when network congestion is going to take place. Typically, it will take place at the least expected and the most inconvenient time, such as when the yacht’s owner is wanting to send a crucial email, in the middle of a video conference, or when a goal is about to be scored.

To meet the high standards and expectations of yacht owners and their guests, we recommend and only offer commercial/yachting grade data plans that have uninterrupted, unlimited data and bandwidth. Based on our experience over the last 25 years we long ago understood yachts needed a service with the unknowns removed. Truly unlimited services cost a little more per GB but there is no waste. You never pay for what you don’t use, so in the end you pay less. You also get 24/7 support from our team in our Support Operations Centre together with an on-line portal showing you your data consumption. We also provide professional billing which is MOSS and credit card PCIDSS certified and approved against fraud. But most of all, you will be supported by a knowledgeable and passionate team who care about the quality of all the services we provide whether it is 4G, VSAT, TV or IT. If you would like advice, tips and tricks as to how to get the most out of your 4G services and equipment, please ask. In the last issue of the Islander, Tim Gorter also made the point about choosing the correct type of SIM card in his Cellular Speed article. Meet the e3 Team – Elliott Cameron, Marine Electronics Engineer

Unlimited plans are designed by all the networks for personal users only. A personal user is an individual using a single smartphone. A commercial user is an entity such as an office with multiple people sharing a single connection. A superyacht is always a commercial user.

Elliott was born and brought up in Glasgow, Scotland, and is one of a few Scots you’ll meet in the e3 team. Like many youngsters, he arrived in Mallorca at age 20 to spend a season working in the bars and clubs, and for Elliott his summer season had an unforeseen bonus – he met his lovely wife Charlotte.

There is no such thing as a commercial unlimited data plan. The networks have built into their unlimited plans various protection policies to make sure that, when the limit of acceptable usage has been exceeded, the performance deteriorates.

This is not what owners or charter guests expect on a large yacht.

Together, they decided to move back to Scotland to tie the knot and start a family and, in Elliott’s words “to establish a more serious career than serving sangria”.

Fair usage is one of the commonly used protection policies that caps the data used.

If you are being offered an Unlimited Plan do your due diligence and ask the questions I have

After successfully completing an Electrical Training programme, Elliott qualified as an electrician in 2012. As the family grew, with the addition of a little boy and girl, the Mallorca




Whilst dealing mostly with TVRO and VSAT Elliott is also involved with IT installations and more recently AV installs. “I thoroughly enjoy working with e3. As a company, they are always involved at the cutting edge of communications industry, most recently with the development of flat panel technology using Kymeta panels. There are no two days the same, and the team I work with are very supportive. I really enjoy the family atmosphere which is always present throughout the company.

climate was looking more and more attractive than the cooler climes of Glasgow, and they moved back to the island to join some of his wife’s family who were already living here. Elliott did a variety of jobs to make ends meet when he first arrived back, and then found a position in the yachting industry where he could put his professional electrical skills to use. One of the first projects he was involved in took him off to Bremen in Germany to work on the new build of Dilbar – the world’s largest superyacht by volume. In 2016 Elliott joined our team at e3, broadening his experience and dealing with all aspects of electronics onboard some of the biggest and most luxurious yachts in the world. A far cry from the docklands of Glasgow!

In my spare time I love to watch my football team - Glasgow Rangers - and when I can, I try to squeeze in a game of golf! Although being a fulltime dad and husband, my golf game is not what it was! I wouldn’t have it any other way, though.” Press Release

providers and centralizing management in an easy-to-use SD-WAN controller.

e3 have achieved Peplink Gold Partner status. We have two newly qualified Peplink specialists - Santiago Urien Molinos is now a Peplink Certified Engineer, and Lynn Burbridge is a Peplink Certified Sales Specialist. They have both worked hard to pass their exams.

e3 provide is the largest independent and professional communications integrator providing mobile, maritime connectivity on the move using satellite and terrestrial connectivity. They also specialise in IMO ready networks and IT plus standard TVRO TV and IPTV. ______________________________________

Peplink is a leading provider of both wired and 4G and 5G wireless SD-WAN solutions. Their products can make any connection fast and reliable by combining bandwidth from multiple

Roger Horner - E3 Systems e3 VSAT or SUPER DATA: (+34) 971 404 208 /

e3 Awarded Gold Partner status by Peplink




RAIN FADE The scenario, the vessel is quietly at anchor, you’re watching the Formula 1 on TV, received via your satellite receiver and suddenly the signal drops, comes back and drops again. The Guest calls the crew to fix this and the next 30mins is spent troubleshooting what may be wrong with the TV receive dish… Did anyone actually look out the window? Noted that it had started raining and a grey cloud in the sky hangs there above the vessel? What is rain fade? Most simply said moisture in the sky between the satellite dish on your boat and the satellite in the sky can and will cause a decrease in the signal being received. It’s moisture – this is rain, sleet, snow or simply a very heavily loaded (normally darkcoloured) cloud! Rain fade may even affect your signal if the storm is many miles from you, due to the line of sight. If your dish is pointing at 30º from the horizon (often so in the Mediterranean) a dark cloud many miles away on the horizon could well affect you! With all the technology advancement that we have made, mother nature is simply one that we cannot overcome that easily. What does it affect? Rain fade when it happens interrupts the wireless RF signal, with the simple effect, the more moisture the worse the signal. But it does not affect all RF signal (frequencies) equally. The simple rule is the higher the frequency the worse the effect is.

So why not use lower frequencies for the VSAT and TVRO services…?

antenna cable, bad earthing on the below deck equipment.

Well the lower the frequency the larger the satellite dish!

The signal loss here is more permanent, either it gradually has gotten worse over time although you have not moved, or there was a complete total loss. This will be the case where you need to call your service technician!

How can you check? Signal drop or loss happens due to 3 reasons… 1. Blockage, i.e. your own mast blocks the antenna, another physical object like a tall building or larger vessel parked alongside! Check you antenna pointing direction and see (with your own eyes) if there is something in the way… 2. Rain Fade, for all the reasons explained above. Normally the fade starts slowly gradually decreasing the signal and gradually returning. This should be seen by the signal level meter on the Antenna control unit. And here we can only wait for the weather to change. 3. Physical system failure, something as simple as a loose antenna cable/connector, salt water ingress into the

There are only two types of companies: Those that have been hacked and those that will be hacked.” – Robert S. Mueller, III, former Director of the FBI

Oh, what about Sun Fade? Well there is one more reason to lose signal, and this happens on that odd occasion when the satellite happens to be right in-front of the Sun. Here the “noise” coming from the sun actually drowns out the satellite signal. Another moment where mother nature gets the better of us! And not least of all, we must not forget that all these issues can also affect the Earth station, i.e. the dish at the other end of our connection to the terrestrial network… ______________________________________ This article was written by Tim Gorter, Virtual AVIT ETO, Call me if you have any AV or IT questions (I won’t charge or bite for simple questions!) or need technical support and training for crew assigned to look after their AV & IT system onboard. I want to make sure you understand how it works, and that you get the best out of it. Call for an AV & IT health check, more on

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Diverse Performance Systems – Introducing the newly launched e-Drive. The ultralightweight, low drag electric propulsion unit. A specialist company run by sailors for sailors, where next-generation yacht racing technologies are created and refined. With a portfolio of performance-boosting products and services, plus two world-class professional sailors as part of the management team – Diverse pride themselves on spotting emerging trends in yacht racing. To name just a few of their recent projects…. • They have installed Hydraulic control & hardware systems upgrades on J Class Velsheda & Wally Cento Galateia. • Their Loadsense department have produced over 500 Pins this year, including the majority of the Vendee Globe fleet & 2021 America's Cup contenders. • Designed and built the foil control system for the latest HUGO BOSS IMOCA 60. • Invented game changing technology for TP52 and Fast 40+ teams. • A Complete Re-Wire plus new & Improved Digital Switching System on Classic Cutter Jolie Brise. • Installed their new e-Drive on Fast 40+ RAN. • Produced Foil Bearing systems for a 120 ft new build. • Designed & Manufactured Subsea Hydraulic and Electrical equipment for Diver Delivery Unit. • Custom Hydraulic Actuators and Systems for Superyacht Tenders. • Completed a major electronics upgrade on Wally Open Season.

Their most recent innovation is an ultra-light, minimum-drag e-drive.

project: generating power to charge batteries under sail.

When the Fast 40+ RÁN VII launched back in 2018, its electric drive system drew a lot of interest. Unfortunately, the original e-drive proved unreliable and Diverse were called in to develop a better performing, robust, dependable solution.

Whilst many companies can supply parts of the solution, Diverse is one of very few with a proven track record of delivering the complete, fully integrated package of hydraulic hardware, foil actuation and flight control systems, sail control systems and programming logic.

The result is a 15kW propulsion system that’s 30% smaller and 20% lighter than any other saildrive on the market! The whole thing weighs less than 50kg. Almost all parts (except the motor itself & battery) are designed and manufactured in house. The motor is aircooled rather than water-cooled, which means two of the usual through-hulls aren’t needed. Available for any 30ft-60ft yacht as either a standard or custom installation.

Bringing free thinking and innovative solutions to the marine industry, their technical expertise coupled with their unique position as top-level end users, gives a superior insight on products and services.

A larger version for 60 to 80-footers is in development…..Watch this space! With the e-drive now ready to roll out, Diverse’s design engineers are now working on a related

______________________________________ +44 (0) 2380 45 33 99 Delivering Maximum Performance from Onboard Systems in Racing, Performance Cruising & Superyachts.




PROJECT 2021 A year ago, I wrote an article for The Islander called ‘2020 Vision’ which was full of hope for the year ahead and advice for setting goals which would help you to achieve your dreams in 2020. Reading it now, I realise that it is as relevant for 2021 as it was for 2020 but I think given this extraordinary year we need to reflect on what we have learnt and how we can use that to inform our plans for the year to come. When I reflect on last year, I realise that a lot of the things that I thought were important and that I wanted for my life, weren’t that important after all. It became obvious that there were things, relationships and places that I didn’t miss at all and didn’t have any desire to spend my time on or in again. I also realised what was really important to me because they were the things, relationships and places that made me feel happy or that I missed the most. So, what can we take from this, and how can we use our reflective practice for project 2021? Here are some steps you can take to help you reflect on the past year and plan for the next. 1. Review the last 12 months. Take some time to yourself and, with paper and pen, or a screen, whatever you prefer, work through these questions and make some notes. Then answer the final 3 questions and use those as the basis for your plan. What were the highlights of the last year, the standout moments of joy and inspiration? The moments of comfort and security, the moments when I stepped outside my comfort zone? What have I learnt about myself? What are the values that I hold most dear? What are my strengths and talents? What am I good at that I didn’t realise before now? What am I passionate about? What have I learnt about my personality and how others perceive me? What do I like about myself and am I proud of? What would I like to work on? What were some of the lowlights of last year? What was really tough? What made me unhappy? What did I really miss? What was frustrating or upsetting? How did I treat myself in those moments? What was the effect of that? Who did not add value to my life?

natural good at and enjoy doing, we find our purpose, our ‘why’ or our ‘Ikigai’ which is a Japanese concept meaning ‘a reason for being’. I promise you that when you find it, happiness and success follow easily. This model above helps you to understand how to find that sweet spot. There are lots of great books out there which explain how to find your purpose in life, including ‘Ikigai The Japanese secret to a long and happy life’ by Héctor García & Francesc Miralles and ‘Start with Why’ by Simon Sinek. If you prefer a short cut, here are the steps in brief: Step 1: List out, • What you love to do • What you are good at • What the world needs (from you) • What you can be paid for Step 2: Identify What Intersects • At the intersection of what you love and what you are good at is your passion. • At the intersection of what you love and what the world needs is your mission. • At the intersection of what the world needs and what you can get paid for is your vocation. • At the intersection of what you are good at and what you can get paid for is your profession.

2. Define your purpose or ‘Ikigai’

Step 3: Find Your Ikigai The “sweet spot” in this ikigai diagram is something you are passionate about, that you are also good at, that the world needs now, and for which someone will pay you. For example, I am passionate about developing talent, I am also skilled at it, there is a need for it in the world, and I have clients who pay me for it, so I have found my ikigai sweet spot...!

This is a biggy and many of us never get there or take a long time to find it, but this is your year! Make it work for you by taking a little time to invest in yourself and understand what you are for!

When you think about what your purpose is and you’ve worked through your Ikigai diagram, you might still have these questions to ask yourself in order to overcome the final self-imposed barriers to your own success.

We all have inherent strengths and talents, and when we find those and focus on what we are

• Do I let fear hold me back from pursuing my dreams?

• What did I learn from this reflection? • What do I intend to keep in my life and nurture and grow? • What do I intend to let go of?

• Is it fear of failure, of change or even of success? • How can I invest in myself to remove these barriers and step into my own potential? 3. Make a plan! Now is the time to begin to plan in the activities that will get you to where you deserve to be. Grab a notebook that is dedicated to your plan, write down the books you will read, the courses you will take, the places you will go and the people you will talk to, connect with or reach out to. Set yourself some goals and deadlines, create a vision board! (Refer to my article from last year if you want a reminder of how to do those things) Don’t over face yourself, set a few goals each month all driving you towards the BIG goal or goals for your whole life, remember this is a journey and you should enjoy it, that’s the trick! 4. Create a ‘bucket list’ This is great fun to do and really lovely to go through with your friends or significant other as well as on your own. Think about all the places you would like to go this year, where you’d like to eat, what you want to see, adventures you want to have. Just the things you want to do for fun, the stuff that feeds your soul. And if you find some of it also fuels your ambitions you know you are on the right path! Remember we bring life to work, and work to life so to separate them completely can be our undoing, find a role in life and in work which feeds you and which serves others in a meaningful way, this is your time to spend as you wish, make it count. _____________________________________ Sara Ballinger - Managing Partner





You know that feeling when you get caught in bad weather… The crew and the yacht are suffering. The boat slams in the waves. She is moving sideways more than forward. Every time your body warms up again, another wave with icy cold water comes over and soaks you to the bones. If you could step off, you would. But you can’t. So you just have to grit your teeth and roll with the punches. I first experienced this when I was 12 years old, crossing the North Sea from the UK. The feeling of gratitude once we sailed in between the piers of Nieuwpoort Belgium, with the waves subsiding; this was what made it all worthwhile. I wish everyone that feeling in 2021!!! No need to mention that it has been a crazy year. But I am very hopeful for the future. Those working in the yachting industry are incredibly lucky and if they played their cards right, just a little bit, they will have kept their heads above the water. I want to thank all Invisible Crew’s clients for their loyalty and the crews for their great work. I am also very proud to have signed up two new clients in the last quarter of the year and having a few more prospects in the pipeline already.

For those who suffered during this global pandemic, know that you are not alone. Know that this forces you to re-focus on the value you can offer. And know that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. I wish you the strength to reinvent yourself! 2020 didn’t just bring challenges. Our involvement with Save The Med, which started early September, has been inspiring. We are now managing their research vessel Toftevaag. Although the wooden workboat is a very different beast from the yachts of our clients, there are a lot of parallels when setting it up to be run safely and efficiently. It has also planted a seed in my mind to create an instructions booklet on how to turn every yacht into a (part-time) research vessel. An obvious first step would be to direct all crews to register with and join the network of ships that report lost, abandoned and otherwise discarded fishing gear. Historically, Invisible Crew has directed their service offer to the owners of 15-30m yachts. In the New Year, Invisible Crew will increase its appeal, not just to owners, but to the captains

and crew of Pocket Superyachts as well. I will be very excited to write about that in the coming editions of The Islander Magazine. Finally, I wish Simon Relph and his team at The Islander a great New Year. Simon has calmly helmed the magazine through a year when they were in lockdown made it impossible to distribute the printed version of two editions! For obvious reasons, contributors and advertisers have been relieved to see their appearance continued online and in the printed versions that reappeared after the lockdown. Congratulations for that! I wish you all lots of love, good health and prosperity. ______________________________________ Jens Oomes (+34) 674 83 83 68 Skype: Jens Oomes

APPOINTMENT OF NEW PYA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) Our present CEO, Andy Crawford has been at the helm for 3 years now and has helped transform our Association into a professionally structured, modern and efficient organisation. However, retirement has arrived and Andy will leave us at the end of the year. I am extremely pleased to advise you today of the appointment of our new CEO, Christophe Bourillon. Christophe comes to the PYA with a very impressive background in business development and strategic planning on an international level. In particular, during his career he has specialised in heading up Associations and has a huge amount of experience in managing, developing and expanding their membership numbers, reach and influence on the world stage. His past roles include Manager of the World Coal Association, CEO of the European Wind Energy Association, Director of the World Nuclear Association and most recently the

Executive Director of the Federation of Science Journalists. He has been active on the international policy-making scene and also participated in the negotiations of the UN Convention on climate change for more than fifteen years. The PYA Board is delighted that Christophe has agreed to join the team. Our association is on the cusp of exciting times which will see us making huge strides forward to the next stage of development and influence and Christophe will help us do that. I am sure that you will join me in welcoming him to the PYA.

Christophe Bourillon




SHIP TO SHORE: OLIVER CHARLES JOHN ELLWOOD – SATORI ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS How long did you work in yachting? Can you tell me about your yachting career – highlights, low points? I have been working in yachting as crew, in various diverse roles for 11 years since the tender age of 17. After that I decided it was the opportune time to make the transition to more shore based and racing roles. Having a passion for sailing and especially racing, I have worked predominantly on sailing yachts, where managed to provide my knowledge and enthusiasm in a wide spectrum of engineering matters below deck, and racing ability above deck. As far as highlights go, there are too many to list, but some of the more memorable ones are as follows: Involvement as build engineer for the creation and commissioning of two new high-profile superyachts, one was a carbon Baltic Yacht with intent for superyacht racing pedigree and the other a brilliantly engineered Fitzroy Yacht aluminium performance cruiser destined to perform a world circumnavigation with the owner and family onboard. Both provided an amazing insight to living in Finland and New Zealand, exploring and embracing the culture and people. As far as racing goes, making podium finishes on the legendary offshore RORC600, various inshore and superyacht races and the privilege of being professional race crew with all the fun that involves both on the water and on land! Regarding low points, I have also had my fair share of those! Most were more annoying and frustrating than low really. Such as the expected and standard in yachting simulation of celebrating Christmas and NYE down below in the crew mess during a charter. Dealing and living with a few toxic personalities that you have to attempt to coexist with… and supressing the tempting thought of pushing them overboard and never turning back. Others are more personal, dealing with lack of appreciation from delusional expectations, or even when all expectations are met! But all in all, some of the hardest and most demanding times, which have been a lot have all been character building experiences, and I would

not of changed them for anything better. How did you know it was time for you to make the move to land? Well, for the first 8 years the lifestyle and salaries were exceptional providing many amazing experiences with great people whilst developing my engineering knowledge was something hard to give up. But over time I started to miss the simpler things in normal life, I was hardly home, which was partially my fault for keeping myself so busy and being so ambitious! But the shine wore off and I felt like I needed to follow my own path to create a future where I can decide where I want to be and when! Some form of a legacy so to speak! Another factor was when I started to feel less challenged by the engineering problems and felt like the learning curve had flattened. A common piece of advice when starting out in yachting is to always have an exit plan, the time had come for me, which would mark the beginning of an exciting new chapter of uncertainty, but it was totally the right move. I was in my prime and very comfortable with the engineering aspects that I had decided I would specialize in, but also with a good understanding and plenty of experience for the others. What was the most difficult thing about the transition? Having to pay tax to the Spanish tax system was a big one! Learning about the necessary evil of tax and other formalities. But also, during a period of intense cooperation with a respectable and pioneering local engineering company on a subcontracted basis, I realized that my work ethics, success and ambition encouraged me to work too much. Weeks of working 70, 80, 90 hours a week with their clients and also my own personal clients was quite common. I seemed to have less free time and holiday than when I was on the busy yachts I worked with as crew! What was the best thing about it? The ability to remain in the yachting industry


and keep in touch with so many of the amazing friends and people whilst living in one place, enjoying the morning commute, making plans for the weekend to go sailing on my own boat, not someone else’s. New challenges on different boats throughout the week working with different crews and being proud of completed installations or resolving technical issues that had so many other companies and engineers confused. What do you miss most about yachting? Transatlantic deliveries on fast sailing yachts! These I cannot do so much these days due to work commitments here, as it has been hard to get the long period of time off to be away for such a period. This availability is changing though! Finishing work and exploring a new port of call, or area was also an incredible bonus of yachting. Getting to know a foreign place where the yacht was based for a while, sightseeing and finding what extreme sports were an option! What do you do now? After leaving yachting and working as a ski instructor in Austria, to reset and do something completely different, I became self-employed and started my own entity here in Palma. I have been working on a very close level with



the same respected and pioneering engineering company mentioned previously. There I oversaw the technical details of considerably sized electrical and hydraulic Superyacht refits, supervised the workforce, and was an electrical/electronic technician on the tools inbetween. From PLC, switchboard and control system design and installation to propulsion/ generator and hydraulic commissioning/ certification. Basically all aspects of electrical systems onboard Superyachts! In parallel I also did similar work with my own clients, other Superyachts that remained loyal to me, and despite my intense involvement with the other company, the results and customer satisfaction was provided. Now I am fully dedicated to my company Satori Engineering Solutions, where I specialize in the same line of work and recently have become official dealer for B&G after a decade of working on their products! Currently under construction, but reachable: www. Do you have any advice for fellow yachties about going land-based? Be sensible with spending, have a good, and researched exit plan using skills you have, or develop those skills whilst on good regular income, if you can! Network as much as you can whilst on the yachts, that’s half the battle. Whatever you want to do on land, know the

ins and the outs like the back of your hand, maybe even befriend potential competitors for market research! Oliver Charles John Ellwood Satori Engineering Solutions. (+34) 687 71 15 21 ______________________________________ Interview By Melanie Winters (+34) 646 897 378




YOUR PASSPORT TO A ‘TOTAL WATER SPORTS EXPERIENCE’ AXOPAR X JOBE green detailing and further complemented by extensive interior detailing in turquoise, filled with Jobe detailing and touches. For those searching for the ultimate Jobe experience, the unforgettably named flagship REVOLVE XXII comes with a custom-made hand painted special turquoise colour throughout the whole boat, accompanied by an extended full-size ‘Revolve’ hull-wrap graphics. MULTIPURPOSE ACTIVITY PLATFORM

INTRODUCING THE AXOPAR X JOBE - REVOLVE & REVOLVE XXII RANGE Here at Axopar, we felt the need to offer an even deeper and immersive water sports experience onboard our new Axopar 22 Spyder. This was how two of the world’s leading manufacturers found each other; the iconic Jobe Sports from The Netherlands and Axopar Boats from Finland. Together, we are now the first partnership to produce a boat range specifically tailored to its matching water sports products. We immediately realized the combination of our shared passion for fun on the water, innovation, know-how and years of experience would together allow us create one of the best water sports concepts in the leisure marine industry, and something truly unique on the global market today. The Axopar x JOBE Revolve and its flagship model, the Revolve XXII, are based upon the Axopar 22 Spyder, representing the results of a long-term, in-depth design and manufacturing collaboration between the Axopar and Jobe families - a partnership guaranteed to extract the maximum amount of fun and pleasure from being on the water. BEST RIDE ON THE WATER The Revolve is a true driver’s boat, exciting and fun to drive, and one of the best 22 footers in terms of handling and performance, seaworthiness, safety and comfort onboard on the market today. The boat is combined with myriad functionalities, options and alternative layouts all intended to suit a wide range of customers and their specific needs. VIVID AND EXCITING – A FEAST FOR THE EYES! To signify a true Jobe water sports product is to create a striking appearance that is instantly recognizable. As a straight carry over from the signature Jobe brand styles, Axopar x Jobe Revolve boats have a striking and vibrant colour scheme, graphics and patterns seen extensively across all detailing, custom-made

elements and on the Jobe products, delivered as standard with the boat. These features immediately ‘interconnect’ Axopar and Jobe seamlessly together. THE PERFECT FIT We have together developed new and unique water sports gear, exclusively created and manufactured for the Revolve models, including a ‘custom-made’ Peak towable water toy that fits perfectly inside the bow area underneath the foredeck seating. Another cool feature is the Axopar x Jobe hammock, a fun addition and a new perspective at sunbathing and lounging. FORM MEETS FUNCTION Combining form and function is essential to Jobe products, so we therefore bring non-slip EVA deck pads from Jobe’s highest quality SUP boards as the deck material on our Revolve boats. This durable material is a perfect choice for added grip, comfort and warm feeling underfoot on the boat finalizing that Jobe “touch”. STANDOUT APPEARANCE The Axopar x Jobe Revolve makes an unmistakable impression, with its white hull and Jobe graphics package, featuring neon

We can now offer a total water sports experience onboard for all possible fun on the water, for instance water-skiing, knee boarding, SUP boarding or towing your Peak towable behind the boat. Or alternatively just catching sun or relaxing onboard with your friends. Mix and match according to your preference and select from the different available sociable layouts onboard, and for added comfort you can choose a toilet, aft deck shower or bimini for sunshade to mention just a few available options. A water-ski pole comes as standard on both Revolve models. EXTEND YOUR JOBE EXPERIENCE Each boat comes uniquely with the Jobe Experience Package as standard, that include a variety of Jobe water sports gear, such as a complete Aero Yarra SUP kit, the Axopar x Jobe hammock, the Peak towable (including a 12V air pump), a tow rope and two Jobe life vests. We also throw in a Jobe gift card for all Revolve owners to select some cool items from the Jobe webshop. An optional additional package with Jobe gear called the “Exploration Package” is also offered to further an owner´s water sports experience. A NEW GENERATION OF INNOVATIONS An electric-powered SUP and Sea-Scooter is the result of Jobe’s never-ending quest for the best possible onwater experience and represents a new generation of innovations – products perfectly suited to the Revolve. Join our family and share in our love for water sports. ABOUT THE BRANDS




Axopar Boats Axopar is the globally renowned Finnish brand of premium range, multi award-winning motorboats, developed through a passion for adventure and the outdoors for you to experience more on your journeys. Our boats are known across international markets for their cutting-edge looks, exhilarating driving sensation, performance and great value for money. Jobe Sports Jobe is for everyone. We are a community, a global movement, a family of real people, who are discover- ing the beauty of watersports. No matter who you are, no matter your age or size, no matter your background. When you want to get on the water, you will fit in our family. We develop our products with the greatest care and highest quality materials, every day again. This is what “gets you on the water” means to us. Join our family and share in our love for watersports. ______________________________________ AXOPAR BOATS


Jan-Erik Viitala - Founding Partner +358 400 668765

Joris de Luij - International Sales +31 487 573 090

Henna Forsström - Brand & Marketing Manager +358 400 356 564

Britt van den Heuvel - Marketing Coordinator Spain +34 672 043 882 USA +1 954 9188382





Heesen is delighted to introduce to the market the latest in the 55-metre Steel class, YN 19755 Project Gemini, which follows the mythical Dioscuri Castor (now Solemates) and Pollux. For the successor to the twin half-brothers, Heesen appointed Italian designer Luca Dini Design & Architecture for his first collaboration with the Dutch shipyard. The Italian studio created a sophisticated interior decor that celebrates the light and the indoor-outdoor connection. These elements characterise the design of this motor yacht, which is approximately 760 gross tons and over 400 square meters of luxury areas for the owners and their guests. Frank Laupman of Omega Architects penned the muscular exterior lines of this successful series and worked closely with Heesen’s in-house engineers to create an evolutionary design. Twelve guests are accommodated in six staterooms. The impressive 83 square metres Owner’s apartment is located on the main deck forward and stretches full beam. Floorto-ceiling windows are draped with cotton and linen curtains that harmonise the geometric design and add a relaxing touch to the room. Forward, his and hers walk-in wardrobes give access to the master bathroom. Here, a freestanding black bathtub takes centre stage and is glorified by the recessed light fixture on the ceiling that mirrors its shape. On the starboard side, a large shower stall with rain shower completes the space and adds practicality to the room. Two twin and two

double suites are on the lower deck, while the VIP cabin is located on the bridge deck. Guests will be amazed when entering the main saloon. Two large bronze-mirrored ceiling panels reflect light and space around the room, maximising the already generous layout and making the best out of the large vertical windows. A cosy lounge area with large sofas takes the centre of the main saloon and is adjacent to the formal dining area located amidships and set for twelve. The full beam sky lounge is the pièce de résistance and offers the finest panoramic views. Ideal for lounging, relaxing watching TV or sipping cocktails at the bar, this space will become one of the most enjoyed on board Gemini. With toys and tenders conveniently stored on the fore deck, a fully-fledged wellness area in the beach club offers the ideal haven for relaxation after a day at sea.

The layout of the spacious outdoor areas has been carefully thought through and offers the owners and their guests plenty of alternatives for enjoying life outdoor. The expansive 110 square metre sundeck comprises a Jacuzzi surrounded by large sun pads, a central bar for servicing all areas with ease, an oval dining table on port side, and opposite, a built-in sofa. Reclining loungers face aft and are ideal underway to watch the world go by. The bridge deck aft terrace is equipped for al fresco dining and lounging, while the main deck aft terrace is perfect for pre-dinner cocktails. Thanks to two MTU 8V 4000 M63 IMO TierIII diesel engines combined with her ultraefficient Fast Displacement steel hull, Project Gemini will reach a top speed of 15.5 knots and have a transatlantic range of 4,500 nautical miles at 13 knots. Project Gemini is currently under construction and her hull and superstructure will be joined at our facility in Oss in March 2021.




VAGRANT WINS ‘BEST REBUILT YACHT’ AWARD The team at Royal Huisman / Huisfit is thrilled and proud to be honored with this prestigious award for the rebuild-project of the Herreshoff schooner VAGRANT, bestowed during the 15th edition of the World Superyacht Awards. This year’s ceremony was hosted by the World Superyacht Awards as a virtual event, to continue its annual recognition of the ingenuity and craftsmanship marking the most outstanding luxury yachts from across the globe. Warm congratulations to VAGRANT’s Owner and the Owner’s team, as the shipyard’s team expresses heartfelt gratitude for this recognition. The 40m / 131ft schooner VAGRANT was originally created in the United States of America by the world famous Herreshoff designer and shipyard, in 1913. In 2017, VAGRANT’s owner decided to bring her to Royal Huisman’s dedicated refit division – Huisfit – for a major refit, and provided a very clear brief to the team: “Reconstruct VAGRANT’s magnificent elegance and style – inside and out – with the utmost respect and care for her appearance to reflect the past decades of family ownership.” “Also re-engineer VAGRANT with the finest materials and most advanced board systems for sensible, effortless and safe operation, allowing her to cruise with a small and happy crew. In summary, VAGRANT should be ready to last for another one hundred years.” What ensued was a very extensive rebuild project, carried out by Huisfit’s dedicated inhouse team at the Royal Huisman shipyard, and supported by expert consultation with Dykstra Naval Architects on the upgrade of VAGRANT’s rig by Royal Huisman’s sister company, Rondal. Although Huisfit-projects are never a “typical refit”, the vast scope of this 22 months Huisfit project made it more like a new build, both for those involved at the shipyard and likewise noted by outside observers. The rewards of this project, though, are plentiful. From the report by the jury: “… one stood out, not only for the painstaking manner in which the rebuild was undertaken, but also for the magnificent result. … The judges were highly impressed with the detailed work undertaken that has undoubtedly helped preserve this magnificent yacht for another 100 years at least…” Thanks to her Owner, VAGRANT will not become forgotten history: she is a Living Sailing Legend – now also recognized by the World Superyacht Awards.





an exclusive outdoor terrace, and the extensive deck areas are just a few of the yacht’s outstanding features. The 20 sqm Fly Deck gym is the cherry-on-the-pie that Kurt Lehman, from Yacht Moments, is particularly proud of, since it was his idea, and is one of the features that truly impressed the judges.

Benetti’s 63-meter mega yacht “Metis” made the top step of the podium at the World Superyacht Awards in the category “Displacement yachts between 1,000 and 1,499 tonnes”. The judges at Boat International were impressed by the interior architecture, designed in a particularly progressive style by British studio Bannenberg & Rowell, and the innovative exteriors and layout penned by Giorgio M. Cassetta and his team. In the unprecedented setting of an online ceremony, held on November 13, Benetti’s mega yacht “Metis” won the prestigious World Superyacht Award in the “Displacement yachts between 1,000 and 1,499 tonnes” category. Such success replicates that of the award that Benetti received at the 2019 event for M/Y Spectre, once again held by the highly reputed yachting magazine Boat International. The experienced yacht owners forming the World Superyacht Awards jury recognised in “Metis” the Italian elegance and excellent quality that are the core values of the Benetti

brand. The judges particularly appreciated how Metis’ layout was designed to suit the needs of her owner, while extending the modern design trends, including interiors with such good visibility that they are at one with the surrounding seascapes. The beach club, opening directly to the sea through three huge shell doors, was another feature that caught their attention. The success of Metis is furthermore impressive considering that the build was started on speculation by Benetti. The project’s team was challenged to design an extraordinary yacht that would need to interpret with no compromises the requirements of modern yachtsmen, both in functionality and style. M/Y “Metis” is a distinctively contemporary 63-meter custom yacht with impressive volumes clad in flowing lines and innovative details. The steel hull and aluminium superstructure offer six decks and a maximum beam of 11 meters. The touch-and-go helipad, the 160 square meters master apartment, with

For the interiors, London-based firm Bannenberg & Rowell has introduced a new design approach that embraces an unusual layout, with the beach club, the main saloon on the Main Deck, and the lounge area on the Upper Deck turned 30 degrees compared to traditional configurations, revealing new perspectives from which to enjoy the view of the sea. The architecture developed by the English studio features the extensive use of bleached oak with leather inserts and materials including carbon fibre and polished stainless steel. Giovanna Vitelli, Azimut|Benetti Group vice president, commented: “I share this award with everyone who has been part of creating this project, which represents the excellence of Benetti’s production and construction capabilities, a statement of ‘Made in Italy’ best industrial and manufacturing capabilities. Proof of the excellent result is this prestigious award as well as the sale of four yachts based on Metis’ design that were sold to owners from four different continents”. ______________________________________ +39 02 99352500 Photo Credit Jeff Brown





Superyacht deck equipment specialists Shipyard Supply Co (SSCo) has announced it has employed two new team members following a 60% increase in overall sales revenue in its second year of business. SSCo founder and owner, Josh Richardson, commented, “After a particularly challenging year, it is reassuring to see all the team’s hard work pay off. Despite the difficulties presented by Covid, there is still clear demand for high quality deck gear delivered by an experienced project management team.” In the last two months, SSCo has employed Sam Hall as project manager and Amy Clark as office administrator. With a strong yachting background, Sam brings a wealth of product

and supply chain knowledge to the business. Amy joins the SSCo team with marketing experience, having come from a role in the shipping industry. SSCo project manager Sam Hall said, “Yachting has always been a part of my life, both in my career and in my downtime, so it’s great to be joining a team working right at the heart of the superyacht industry. SSCo has hit the ground running and I’m looking forward to building on the company’s success to date.”

whips, jet ski trolleys and a lot more, SSCo manufactures and supplies a wide range of products to superyachts worldwide. With orders on the increase, it was the right time to invest in the extra storage space to allow the team to continue to deliver an efficient service, often on very time-sensitive orders.”

As well as expanding the team, SSCo has recently invested in a storage facility to meet growing demand.

SSCo offers a range of high-quality superyacht deck gear, most of which is completely customised to meet a yacht’s specific criteria. The company also manufactures its own line of products, including tender mooring whips, jet ski trolleys, carbon fibre boat hooks, transom fenders, dock steps and boarding ladders. ______________________________________

Josh Richardson added, “From fenders, to

THE OYSTER 495 - SETTING A NEW STANDARD IN BLUEWATER CRUISERS The 495 is a collaboration between Humphreys Yacht Design and Oyster’s own in-house design studio, overseen by Oyster’s CEO & owner Richard Hadida and Oyster’s founder Richard Matthews. This hugely experienced team have produced their best work to date, creating this remarkable new Oyster. The Rob Humphreys powerful G6 twin rudder hull form delivers true performance cruising and clean lines. The beam is set well aft, contributing form, stability and great sailing performance, making the Oyster 495 a true live aboard, go-anywhere blue-water yacht, designed to be sailed shorthanded.

Oyster Yachts has announced the Oyster 495, the company’s much anticipated 50-foot yacht, which promises to set the standard in her class. Hand-built with Oyster’s thoroughbred bluewater DNA running through her from stem to

stern, the 495 offers many of the exceptional features found on the luxury boat builder’s larger yachts, making her unique amongst her peers. Easily handled by a couple or family, she is equally at home on coastal cruising trips, crossing an ocean or even circumnavigating the globe.

Founder and Director Richard Matthews says, “The objective was to follow our proud tradition of creating true, go-anywhere blue water cruising yachts and Rob and the design team have delivered an exceptional yacht on every level. You can feel the Oyster DNA running from bow to stern; this new yacht offers many of the high-end features you would expect to find on our larger vessels. Oyster have produced some great yachts over the years and I believe this new 495 will prove to be one of the best ever – she feels just right.” ______________________________________ Victoria Low: (+44) 7836 327362 Alice Driscoll: (+44) 7971 019377




INTRODUCING: ROYAL HUISMAN PROJECT 406 world’s largest true Sportfish Yacht, is a once in a lifetime privilege. Enabling us to work alongside our exceptionally talented friends at Vripack, Aqua Marine and world-renowned shipyard Royal Huisman to build the Client’s dream, shows the level of commitment and passion this Client has for quality yacht design, construction and a Game Fishing experience never before seen in our industry…and likely never to be seen again!”

Shipyard since 1884 photo by Royal Huisman

Royal Huisman has great pleasure in unveiling the commission to build a truly unique powerboat designed by the renowned Vripack Yacht Design Studio for a very experienced Client. This exceptional high speed motor yacht will proudly become the world’s largest true Sportfish Yacht, with her towering profile accommodating six decks, and her powerful hull measuring 52m / 171 ft overall. Returning to their roots in the most impressive of ways, perfectly sums up this new project for Royal Huisman. Building vessels for local fishermen was the core business of Royal Huisman for decades after the shipyard was founded in 1884. Vripack’s heritage since 1961, is very similar with a design range of sportfisherman yachts and fishing boats developed over the years. So, a matching history and a joint passion to create unique and innovative yachts lie at the basis for this new assignment, which was commissioned by a Client who very passionately enjoys fishing: this project will clearly be a veritable celebration of excellence.

shipyard such as Royal Huisman to bring this iconic creation to life.” Aqua Marine heading up the Client’s team, which includes Bush & Noble and Hampshire Marine as technical manager, is working in close collaboration with Vripack and Royal Huisman to deliver this iconic project. Aqua Marine brings the Client’s clarity into the process, ensuring excellent delivery of the project from its initial conception through to build. Brett Noble, Partner at Bush & Noble, comments: “It is indeed an honor for Bush & Noble to be involved with such an iconic project for such an experienced yacht owner. To be entrusted to participate in the building of the largest true Sportfish Yacht ever made, and knowing that it will be of the highest quality, makes the experience all the more exhilarating. Having started my yachting career building luxury Sportfish Cruisers over two decades ago, to now be an integral part of the

Royal Huisman’s CEO Jan Timmerman comments: “It is most energizing to know that our upcoming launch of the striking motor yacht Phi will be followed by this awe-inspiring Sportfish Yacht. In these times of Covid-19 restrictions we’ve been able to secure two new construction contracts and now have four projects under construction, together with multiple Huisfit and rebuild projects. Each and every one a unique build and therefore truly bespoke Royal Huisman projects. The Vollenhove shipyard which continues to be the ‘Home of the World’s Finest Sailing Yachts’, looks forward to becoming a ‘Home to the World’s Finest Powerboats’, as well – and Project 406 is the perfect complement.” ______________________________________ Technical information is currently restricted to the main specifications below. There will of course be further updates with more detailed information as the project progresses. Main specifications of Project 406 The world’s largest true Sportfish Yacht Type: Length overall: Exterior, interior design & naval architecture: Builder: Hull & superstructure:

Sport Fish Yacht 52m / 171ft Vripack Yacht Design Royal Huisman Aluminium

At this time no further details about Project 406 are available. Video: or via

The exterior and interior design are by the Vripack studio, who combine the stunning design with their state-of-the-art in-house naval architecture. Development of the relevant main aspects is in full progress, and all key components of this Sportfish Yacht, which Royal Huisman is referring to as “Project 406”, will be engineered in close collaboration with the Vripack studio, and produced at the shipyard in Vollenhove. Bart M. Bouwhuis, Creative Director at Vripack, comments: “This is a true sportfisher, designed for a private Client who takes sportfishing very seriously. We have ensured that all elements of the design are underpinned by our naval architectural expertise, and that means zero compromise. As the world’s largest true Sportfish Yacht, this aluminium build will be hugely technologically challenging, and we are truly delighted to work with a world-class

Royal Huisman headquarters in Vollenhove

experience inspired interiors since 1996 covers, awnings, carpets, bedlinen, exterior & interior upholstery (+34) 971 692 919 | |


After moving the Awards ceremony from May to September at first, and then finally to November, the organizers were forced by the pandemic to create a digital event to honour the winners of this year’s Awards. Boat International put together an incredible online ceremony which was attended by hundreds of guests of the industry and many yacht owners around the globe. Since Flying Fox is quite a bit larger than all her fellow nominees in the same category, the judges decided to put her in a new category: “Best Displacement Motor Yachts 5000 GT and above”. The judges considered Flying Fox to be an exceptional vessel not only in technical achievement but also for her owner and

guest facilities, interior layout and extreme high quality of construction. “It was clear that Lürssen had striven for perfection.” said the judging panel. Shipyard Managing Partner Peter Lürssen says: "We are thrilled that Flying Fox won the World Superyacht Award. Building Flying Fox was a great challenge and we are very proud of this achievement. Flying Fox has set new standards in the yachting industry.” The transversal 12m swim pool is a unique feature of Flying Fox and it is the first time this has been realized on a yacht. It required extensive calculations and testing in order to be functional both while under way and at anchor. The pool allows the swimmer an infinity view on the sea over the whole aft end of the ship.

Another highlight on board Flying Fox is the spa area which has a grandeur and an expanse never been seen before on a yacht and offers the owner and guests a truly extraordinary and luxurious experience. “My gratitude goes to the Owner for entrusting Lürssen to create this wonderful floating work of art as well as to the team of Imperial Yachts and the designers who all did a tremendous job. Without a good team spirit, such a complex project cannot be realized to the satisfaction of the client,” says Peter Lürssen. ______________________________________ Lürssen Yachts




SD118: SANLORENZO BRINGS THE ASYMMETRY CONCEPT ON SEMI-DISPLACEMENT MODELS With 4 units already sold, SD118 explores new ways of living on the sea, providing wide spaces and a new idea of comfort and onboard livability. The SD118 is the new yacht with a length of 35.75 meters, expanding the historic line of semi-displacement models by Sanlorenzo, yachts that offer great autonomy for the most expert lovers of life on the sea. In a perfect balance between classic, traditional lines and a contemporary interpretation, taken to new levels of elegance thanks to the essential aesthetic of the wide-body hull, SD118 is a proposal that reflects the constant innovation and research conducted by the brand over the years. Thanks to its novel configuration, the bow outdoor living area of SD118 is organized on two connected levels, the upper deck and the forward deck, that form a very large area for relaxation in the open air to which the owner has direct access from his cabin by means of a sliding hatch concealed below the staircase connecting the two decks that guarantees a total privacy. The fulcrum of the innovation of SD118, however, is the upper deck, which thanks to the intuition of Bernardo Zuccon has an asymmetrical configuration previously applied only to the SL line, which guarantees greater space, comfort, flexibility of use, and a direct view of the sea from both sides, generating total indoor-outdoor connection. While the port side features a side deck that leads seamlessly from stern to bow, along which the bulwark at the position of the living area opens to form a terrace, the starboard side is like that of a wide-body hull. In this way, the furthest deck from the sea brings guests closer to the water, its light and colors, in both visual and emotional terms. The new model also has a revised stern zone with expanded spaces and comforts with respect to the previous models in the SD line. At anchor, this zone is transformed into

a swim platform of 19 sqm thanks to large lateral hatches that open to permit diving and sunbathing au bord de l’eau. Demonstrating Sanlorenzo’s ability to foresee the needs of clients and the widest range of requests, prior to the official launch, 4 units of the SD118 model have already been sold, including the version with interiors by Bernardo and Martina Zuccon that will be presented at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2021, and the version with a sophisticated, elegant and contemporary interpretation by Patricia Urquiola, who continues to collaborate with Sanlorenzo, boarding the new SD118 with her inimitable style balanced between rigor and irony, industrial design and crafts.

MAIN TECHNICAL INFO Model: SD118 Overall length: 35.75 meters Width: 7.9 meters Draught when fully loaded: 33.9 meters Fuel capacity: 32000 l Water capacity: 4000 l Motors: 2 X MTU 10V2000M86 – 1380 HP b) 2 X CAT ACERT C32 – 1622 HP Generators: 1 X 70 KW – 1 X 55 KW Maximum speed: a) 18 kn b) 19 kn Economical cruising speed: 11 kn




FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE COMPANY’S HISTORY, SUNSEEKER TO LAUNCH AN INCREDIBLE FIVE BRAND NEW MODELS TOGETHER Manhattan 55 Building on the highly successful Manhattan range, the Manhattan 55 has been developed to offer exceptional levels of comfort and luxury throughout with a vast array of social spaces for entertaining. A key feature of this new model is the innovative powered glass cockpit/galley window that can be electronically lowered to bring the outdoors in. Matched to swathes of glazing, a selection of premium wood finishes, premium lighting solutions and a cool contemporary interior, relaxing in comfort and style has never been so effortless.

Sunseeker International has announced it will be launching an incredible five brand new models in January 2021 – a feat never before seen in the company’s history. Sunseeker’s ‘famous five’ global premieres are the Predator 55 EVO™, Manhattan 55, 65 Sport Yacht, 88 Yacht and 90 Ocean. Andrea Frabetti, CEO at Sunseeker International, commented: “This is a world first for Sunseeker and we are delighted to bring not one, but five new models to the market at the same time. Each of these innovative yachts, from the dynamic Predator 55 EVO™ to the industry-defining 90 Ocean exudes luxury and panache whilst benefitting from the very latest technology, engineering and design excellence. We have pushed the boundaries to deliver novel solutions, innovating at every opportunity. These new models are imbued with Sunseeker style and passion, poured lovingly into every yacht from conception to build. We are incredibly proud of all of them and believe, given their incredible designs, they will yet again define their respective segments.” These exciting new models are the first to come to market since Sunseeker International

announced a £38m investment in order to accelerate its new product development between 2020 and 2023. Predator 55 EVO™ The Predator 55 EVO™ has been engineered to make the heart race. Its evolutionary design is emphasised throughout its superstructure and interior. Framed by stainless steel and carbon fibre detailing, the Predator 55 EVO™ sits sporty and sleek atop the water. Inside, the dynamic feel continues with the Predator range of interior fabrics and textures throughout. Independent helm seats in the focussed cockpit allow owners to enjoy its piercing performance in comfort whilst underway. A carbon fibre opening roof with multiple glazed panels along with carefully devised concealed lighting, frames the saloon and maximises light throughout. Available with Volvo D11-725 shaft engines, the Predator 55 EVO™ reaches an exhilarating 34 knots whilst taking advantage of its ‘HydroPack’ which utilises a fly-by-wire steering system for exceptional agility.

She boasts three large cabins featuring fabulous finishes with the Master being particularly voluminous, bathed in natural light from its over-sized hull glazing. A wellequipped bathing platform with Beach Club aft and a hospitable foredeck entertainment area, make her perfect for family and friends to relax and entertain. If ever there was an argument for a model ‘perfecting perfection’, this has to be it. 65 Sport Yacht Continuing with the sporty and sleek style, the all-new 65 Sport Yacht showcases the fresh design philosophy of Sunseeker’s next generation of models and brings a fundamentally different yacht to the 60ft segment due to its sculptured exterior design, innovative helm concept and stylish interior appointments. With an almost invisible minimalist bridge deck and rakish tinted hull glazing, her exterior profile is defined with a blend of teak, carbon fibre and polished stainless steel features. The 65 Sport Yacht’s modular sport bridge can be specified as a standard ‘Sky Lounge’ with comfortable chaise longue and companion seating or a revolutionary ‘Sky Helm’ featuring twin bolstered pivoting seats set very low either side of a central console. The design includes a revolutionary steering arm that can be raised forward to ease ingress into the racing-cockpit design or locked in its elevated position for manoeuvring while standing.




As well as improved efficiency and performance from its Volvo Penta IPS drives, the choice of propulsion delivers numerous other benefits, not least the interior volume it frees up. To the stern too, it benefits from an immense extra-wide garage with flush floor providing flexibility to accommodate a Jet RIB or where specified, a fully-featured Beach Club. Yet, it’s the interior that will defy logic given a standard three cabin layout all with en suite plus a standard day head. But that’s not all, four optional configurations can be chosen ranging from a lower saloon, an additional single-berth cabin, mini-galley or, within the Master Stateroom, an open-plan Owner’s Office; delivering immense flexibility for any owner. 88 Yacht Luxury is personified in the new 88 Yacht which combines a superyacht feel with all the practical advantages of a yacht in this size category. She has impressive, exterior lines and where specified, a sleek hardtop roof with central opening canopy in either canvas or tilting aluminium vanes. She accommodates eight guests and four crew in complete luxury and comfort and is capable of reaching impressive speeds of up to 30 knots; rare for a yacht of this size but customary for a Sunseeker. The 88 Yacht’s exterior is vast and provides multiple sanctuaries fore and aft. The flybridge has a spacious deck with U-shaped seating, a feature wet bar with ice maker, grill and two fridges and even the possibility of an infinity spa bath with sun pad. Meanwhile the Beach Club with cantilevered parasol, can be equipped with X-TEND™ sunbeds which convert from their lowered beach configuration to raised cockpit position at the flick of a switch, providing an overhead rain shower and plentiful stowage opposite an extended bathing platform. The space, grace and innovation on this yacht is beyond exceptional and continues throughout, making her without doubt the best in her class. 90 Ocean Stepping up in size to what is frankly an entirely new category, the 90 Ocean which is built in the superyacht shipyard in Poole, sees a remarkable 20% increase in overall

Yacht Surveyors & Legal Consultants based in Palma and with our head office in England. We have associate offices located throughout the UK, mainland Europe and further afield. We believe in offering our clients a professional but affordable service. As well as comprehensive survey work we are able to provide legal advice on all yacht ownership issues including ownership structures, VAT, flagging and project management of new-builds and refits. We provide a one-stop shop service to clients wherever they may be.

volume with this new model compared to her predecessor, thanks not only to her substantial beam but also her upright bow that brings interior volume forward. The 90 Ocean’s exterior lines have been modified to allow a large spacious Beach Club measuring over 6m x 4m, helping to bring guests closer to the water than ever before. With plentiful storage for a 4.6m JetRib, a JetSki and two SeaBobs in dedicated lockers, an action-packed day of water sports has never been more appealing with ease of access to and from the water provided by a wide submersible ladder gangway. Once you’re ready to relax, sit back and enjoy the X-TEND™ seating in either its raised cockpit or lowered Beach Club configuration, maybe whilst using the integrated BBQ bar built into the lower coaming. The flybridge is a staggering 25% larger than a comparable yacht and if specified, comes with an infinity spa pool and sideboard with second integrated BBQ. Perfect for entertaining, the space also provides a wet bar with stainless steel sink, drawer fridges, ice maker and glass bar top sitting amongst an uninterrupted panoramic view. Inside, an open-plan feel is enhanced by

clever design and glazing with a considerable penthouse style saloon, dining and galley, much of which is flexible in configuration due to concealed ‘invisible’ systems such as air conditioning. The elegant furnishings and flawless design are replicated below deck with a spectacular sculptured feature wall, leading owners into the luxurious full beam Master Stateroom complete with panoramic views through its 2.5 metre feature windows. The furniture has been carefully designed, featuring sweeping curved bulkheads, textured panelling, a curved sofa, vanity desk and a super king slatted bed that offers additional stowage below. Behind a full-width decorative bulkhead mirror lies a 55” television, displaying yet again the yacht’s array of advanced technology. Large ‘His & Hers’ pivot hinge wardrobes adjoin the feature lobby shelving, sat behind full-height panelled mirrors accommodating hanging and further drawer stowage. The generous Master en suite incorporates a floating vanity unit with twin porcelain sinks, backlit framed mirrors, more drawer stowage and a large shower room. The 90 Ocean surprises and delights at every turn and has been meticulously designed with sophistication and detail breathed into every aspect of this yacht; unprecedented in its innovation, revolutionary in its offering, yet unmistakably a Sunseeker.


WARD & MCKENZIE (Balearics)

(+34) 611 42 19 59 (+34) 669 14 54 36 (+44) 1728 745344 (+44) 7770 655306 BCP C/ Es Palmer - Buzon 19 Lluchmajor, 07620 Mallorca





Introduction Malta is well positioned in the central Mediterranean for yachts transiting east or west. Over the years Malta has developed a strong legal and regulatory platform which has enabled it to become one of the largest ship registers in the world - ranking 1st in Europe in the yachting industry. Opting for Malta means joining the largest and arguably the most established shipping community in Europe. Malta is located in the middle of the Mediterranean, south of Sicily and north of Africa, and has English as well as Maltese as official languages. As a Member of the EU, Malta’s law and regulations are all compliant with EU directives. Moreover, it has also ratified most of the International Conventions issued by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the United Nations (UN). The tax framework of Malta is OECD compliant including a network of over 70 double tax treaties. Why Malta? Our recommendation for clients, based in the EU and navigating EU waters, is to opt for a Malta flag. The Maltese flag offers a number of attractive benefits to owners and charterers of Malta registered yachts: • Reputable and well respected: This history of maritime excellence has earned the Maltese shipping flag real respect and worldwide confidence in the Maltese regulator’s level of quality and monitoring. • Member of the EU: Malta became a member of the European Union in 2004, so yacht registration in Malta comes with the perks of

sailing an EU flag, and greater peace of mind. • Reliable, solid and tested legal framework for company and yacht registration • Efficient, straightforward procedures: Malta provides for a straightforward procedure for the registration and deletion of vessels, including the registration and discharging of mortgages which are essential when seeking to obtain finance. • Competitive fees: Malta offers low company formation and yacht registration costs. • There are no restrictions on the nationality of the master, officers and crew, serving on Maltese vessels. • Ability to pay social security contributions for the crew in Malta. • There are no restrictions on the nationality of shareholders and directors of Maltese shipping companies. • Service oriented jurisdiction that is yachting friendly and experienced with yachts and their owner’s needs. Yacht registration process Under the Malta Flag a yacht can be registered as a Private yacht or a Commercial yacht. Private yachts are defined as any pleasure yacht, of 6 metres in length or more, which does not carry passengers for reward, is not engaged in trades, and only being used by the owner and his/her family. A commercially registered yacht is considered to be a yacht, of 15 metres in length or more, which does not carry cargo, carries not more than 12 passengers and operated by the owner or corporate body owning the yacht for commercial use. Yacht registration, whether private or commercial, is a very simple and straightforward process subject that all documentation is in order. Yachts are first registered provisionally under the Malta Flag for six months (extendible

for a further period, or periods not exceeding in the aggregate six months). Upon providing all the requested documentation (including survey reports and proof of ownership) and the payment of the fee, the authority will issue the permanent certificate of registry. A certificate of Malta registry is subject to renewal on the anniversary of the Maltese registration. Vistra Marine & Aviation Ltd. Vistra is focused on giving private clients tailormade solutions. Vistra Marine & Aviation Limited provides assistance with registration of company and yacht, asset administration, corporate structuring and services, accounting, payroll, yacht financing, customs, VAT, and tax compliance service. Our network includes lawyers, tax advisors, and yacht brokers, providing you with the support you need to purchase your yacht, setup a company and administering both the company and your yacht. ______________________________________ Dr Anthony Galea, Managing Director Vistra Marine & Aviation Limited 114 The Strand, Gzira GZR 1027, Malta T. +356 2258 6400 M. +356 7961 8671

Vistra Yachting Service Worldwide experience, world-class expertise – – – –

Assistance with acquisitions/sales and New Builds Assistance with Financing Registration for Pleasure and Commercial Yachts Set up and Administration of Companies Owning and Managing Yachts – Financial Administrative Services – VAT Compliance, Import and Export Services Find your next opportunity

Seizing a world of opportunity This document is subject to, and must be read in conjunction with our Legal Notice (including Disclaimer) at Copyright © 2020 by Vistra Group Holdings SA. All Rights Reserved.





Usually, it’s the destinations which are the most complicated to get to that boast the sweetest rewards. Except when it comes to petite Formentera. A quick 30-minute ferryride will transport you from party-hardy Ibiza to the Balearics’ most laidback sister. Here, the bluest waters, softest sand and mellowest vibe await those keen to go somewhere relatively unspoilt. And as fervent Formentera fans, we have some tips for those contemplating sojourning in this heart-skipping beauty this summer. Gorge on farm-to-table exquisite setting




There are a couple of starters on A Mi Manera’s menu which are simply divine. The sliced wagyu beef fillet seasoned with wild rosemary is one such dish, as is the zucchini stuffed with creamy ricotta cheese and salty anchovies. What’s more, rustic-chic A Mi Manera serves their delectable farm-to-table food under a canopy of fairy lights in a story-book garden. Another restaurant which invites diners to settle in for the long haul is Formentera institution Juan y Andrea. Here, you can wash down steaming paella with chilled glasses of the palest rose while revelling in the restaurant’s beach club vibe and people-watching opportunities. Cruise past sparkling salt pans in a Mini Moke Bare feet on the dash, hair whipping around your face, hands riding over the airflow even better than discovering Formentera’s impressive sights is doing so by means of a no-roof, no-door cabrio. The Mini Moke, treasured for its unique styling and the Thelma and Louise-type feeling it evokes, is perfect for exploring the island’s sparkling salt pans, saltwhite beaches and pine-cloaked coastal cliffs. Of course, a visit to 1861 clifftop lighthouse "Far de la Mola", is not to be missed. Perched high over the Mediterráneo and with its

surrounding gold-coloured cliffs and crashing cerulean waves, it boasts, hands down, Formentera’s most unforgettable vistas. Sip sundowners at a chilled-out beach club Nothing matches Formentera’ s blissfully languid pace than enjoying sun downers while soaking up photogenic views. Chezz Gerdi -principally a restaurant (and a fine one at that)- is one of our favourite places to take the edge off a long day on the beach. Get there by strolling down Es Pujols’ wooden boardwalk and find bronze-limbed people lounging on day beds with ice-laden cocktails in hand (try the Green Tea Gin –it’s divine). Caribbean-style chiringuitos Kiosko 62 and Piratabus, located on Mitjorn and Es Caló beaches respectively, also stand out from the rest, not in the least because of the pinch-yourself sunsets, moreish mojitos and friendly sunny vibe. Snooze on beaches fit for a magazine cover With its snow-white sands and gem-like blues Formentera’s beaches boast the most

powerful pull of all of the Balearics. In fact, we defy anyone to resist leaping into the island’s crystalline waters immediately (the posidonia meadows that cover the seabed act as natural purifiers and keep the water as clear as gin). Whether you decide to snooze on Llevant’s white sand beach, pad into Illetes’ tourmaline waters or lay your towel in front of Migjorn’s soul-stirring views, matters little. Not only do all of Formentera’s beaches look like they’ve been photoshopped, they’re beautifully unspoilt and so perfect for folk who like to keep things simple. ______________________________________ As a boutique charter agency, we can offer a personalized service and smooth negotiation process. To put it in a nutshell, we're great at doing big things with less. Captains keen to hear about our management options or owners wanting to know more about the benefits of putting their yacht on the charter market are invited to drop into our Palma office or get in touch via phone / email. For more info, visit:




MALLORCA-MODEL CHARTER YOUR SUPERYACHT IN SPAIN Charter Yachting Hub Spain Spain is a diverse and stunning destination for a yacht charter and offers long stretches of sun- drenched sand and world-renowned islands, and therefore is undoubtedly one of the best places in the Mediterranean to enjoy a yacht charter. The majority of luxury superyacht charters to this vibrant country centre on yachting hubs such as Barcelona and Marbella. With their modern marinas, these centres act as springboards to 1,660 kilometres of diverse coastline and the Balearic Islands. The islands continue to grow in stature among the superyacht set with their beach clubs, restaurants, nightlife and wellness offerings. Chartering in Spain If you are a yacht owner, and wish to charter in Spain or anywhere else in the EU, before you are able to offer your superyacht for charter, the yacht needs to be imported within the EU. This process requires the declaration of the yacht with a Customs Authority in one of the EU Member States. This involves the valuation of the yacht, payment of VAT, and any customs duties. A Yacht Owning Company needs to appoint a Fiscal Representative in Spain to import the yacht in Spain. Said representative will handle the application for the Spanish VAT number, together with the administrative requirements, like the valuation of the yacht. Once Customs formalities are completed the Yacht Owner needs to ensure his/her yacht is fit for charter. Chartering in Spain is possible for EU and Non-EU (e.g. Cayman Island, BVI, Marshall Island) flagged yachts, only if the yacht is registered with a commercial status. Lastly and unlike other charter hotspots such as France or Italy, before a yacht can start its charter business in Spain a Charter License has to be obtained in the Spanish region where the charter will start. Most of our clients apply for both the Balearics and Barcelona license. VAT and Tax The VAT on the Charter income in Spain is 21% and no reduction is possible. If the charter will be done by an Non-EU Company (e.g. Cayman Island, BVI, Marshall Island) and this country does not have a double tax treaty with Spain,

an additional withholding tax of 24% has to be deducted from the Charter Income. Our Solution Chartering in Spain might appear daunting but rewards are great, given the spectacular scenery and potential for charter business, especially for larger superyachts. We have worked with our Spanish counterparts to create a solution that allows us to handle the administrative burden for yacht owners. What is the Mallorca-Model? Our setup helps US, Canadian, Russian, Chinese and other non-EU commercial yacht owners wishing to charter in Spain and be tax compliant with the various rules in Spain, as well as licenses. The main advantage of the Mallorca-Model is that the setup avoids all the complexity for yacht owners for which we take full responsibility. We have set up a Charter Company intended to undertake the commercial operation of yachts in Spain and provide to the yacht owner: • Legitimacy - as a professional, dedicated Charter company. The company will charter various yachts to third parties. • Speed – the structure in place allows registration to take place quickly.

• Professionalism – as the company managers are used to handling a large number of transactions under the same structure. • Tax - we will handle same and ensure VAT is collected and paid. No withholding tax will apply on income. Vistra Marine & Aviation Ltd. Vistra is focused on giving private clients tailormade solutions. Vistra Marine & Aviation Limited provides assistance with registration of company and yacht, asset administration, corporate structuring and services, accounting, payroll, yacht financing, customs, VAT, and tax compliance service. Our network includes lawyers, tax advisors, and yacht brokers, providing you with the support you need to purchase your yacht, setup a company and administering both the company and your yacht. ______________________________________ Dr Anthony Galea, Managing Director Vistra Marine & Aviation Limited, 114 The Strand, Gzira GZR 1027, Malta +356 2258 6400 +356 7961 8671





When considering where we want to go on a yacht charter, many of us are strangely blind to the astonishing experiences right on our doorstep. A Florida yacht charter offers all the ingredients of a brilliant, life-changing yacht charter: coconut palms and crystal clear seas, white sand beaches and pristine coral reefs. Florida is a place where you’ll find water sports and wildlife refuges, boutique shopping and street parties buzzing with a deep Calypso beat. Florida also offers some of the best reef diving on the planet, as well as a rich history of pirates, shipwrecks and clashing empires. Beginning your Florida yacht charter in Miami, you can explore this buzzing city of art deco and skyscrapers, white sandy beaches and waving palm trees. Shop in the glamorous boutiques,

eat in the world-class restaurants, and party in some seriously good VIP clubs. Head to Little Havana, where old men play dominos and smoke cigars, and Cuban music drifts from coffee houses and wood-panelled bars. Offshore you can indulge in the sports fishing that Florida is so famous for, or head inland to look for alligators as you fly through long seagrasses of the Everglades in an airboat. As you leave the bright lights of Miami behind and cruise slowly down to the famed Florida Keys on your private yacht, you’ll discover a place that inhabits a special place in the American imagination- a place both blissfully tranquil and slightly, endearingly mad. A Florida yacht charter is the only way to do the Florida Keys justice, as you explore this desperately

pretty archipelago curving out from the coast like a necklace of islands in a sapphire sea. The Florida Keys are unique. Perhaps it’s the quintessential experience of eating a slice of Key Lime Pie under the coconut palms, or visiting Ernest Hemingway’s house in Key West. Perhaps it’s walking the streets lined with old Spanish architecture, or spending an afternoon browsing the fashionable art galleries of beautiful Islamadora. Perhaps it’s the dazzling mix of locals: the Bohemians, the fishermen, the drifters, the Hispanics, the native ‘Conches’- and the gentle acceptance of all types who end up here. Perhaps it’s the oldworld sight of animals in the streets- the odd goat or donkey wandering along a village road dusted with beach sand, or the chicken that strolls right past your restaurant table.


And then, of course, there’s the Florida waterthat crystal clear sea of every colour of blue imaginable. Beneath the surface is a riot of colour and life, as the calm waters of the Florida Keys are sheltered by the only living coral reef in America. This place is a paradise for snorkelers and divers, and keen divers can explore the many shipwrecks that lie resting on the sea floor. As you venture deeper in the Keys you’ll find that the incredible reef mostly prevents the soft white sand from reaching the beaches. But never fear, you can always drop anchor off one of the perfect sandbars to enjoy a day of snorkelling and picnics. Spend relaxing days diving for lobster, handing your catch to the

yacht’s chef to grill up for lunch on deck. Wake up early to go wakeboarding around the yacht, or jump on a paddleboard for an adventure through the mangrove forests, where shy manatees and fish hide in the shallows. Ashore, you’ll find luxury resort spas, fine dining and boutique shopping for complete indulgence on your Florida Keys yacht charter. Those who appreciate history will be astonished by the Dry Tortugas, where the immense Fort Jefferson was built to break the back of piracy and still stands as the biggest brick structure in the Western Hemisphere. Nature lovers will enjoy this place too, as it’s one of the many wildlife refuges in the Florida Keys, and the reef is pristine.



The sunsets in this part of the world are breathtaking- so breathtaking that crowds gather upon the shores to watch, and then the street party begins, with tumbling acrobats and fire-eaters and rum punch flowing under the stars. Or of course, you can just watch the sunsets from your yacht- perhaps while sitting in the Jacuzzi with a cocktail, warm Florida air blowing across your bare shoulders as you watch the sea become a shifting canvas of burnished reds and golds. This year, why not leave all your worries behind and embrace Florida time, with a luxury yacht charter in the Sunshine State.

SNS YACHT CHARTER: MALLORCA’S NEWEST ADDITION TO THE YACHT CHARTER SCENE The Mediterranean hub of the yachting world, Palma de Mallorca, has just been enriched with SNS Yacht Charter, a new and exciting boutique charter agency. SNS Yacht Charter doesn’t only shine through its highly personal approach and great attention to detail but also through oodles of invaluable experience. Company founder and head of SNS Yacht Charter, Stephanie Skinner, is by no means new to the luxury charter business. Before opening SNS Yacht Charter in November last year, she worked as a managing partner for a successful Spanish charter agency. Prior to heading one of the aforementioned company’s offices, Stephanie clocked up no less than 14 years with one of the world’s leading brokerage houses. Stephanie Skinner said to be: “very excited about the opening of SNS Yacht Charter and looking forward to matching clients with their dream charter holiday”. She added that: “The islands’ popularity as a cruising destination and its flourishing charter market make it one of the best locations to base a charter/ management company.” Captains keen to hear about the company’s various management options, or owners wanting to know more about the benefits of

putting their yacht on the charter market, are welcome to drop into SNS Yacht Services’ office to pick Stephanie’s brain. And those who dream of dozing off on a sun-lounger under a startling sky, lulled by the sound of gentle waves lapping against the side of a hull, should also pop in for a meet & greet, as Stephanie will be able to give those new to the illustrious world of yachting a good feel for what chartering a luxury yacht is like. The office’s Son Armadans location means potential clients can easily enjoy the benefits of an in-person meeting in the center of Palma – the Mediterranean yachting epicenter and one of Europe’s hottest holiday destinations. Stephanie speaks English, German and Spanish fluently and knows the yachts the company represent and the market, as a whole, inside out. Contact her via email: stephanie@ and / or by phone on: +34 618 292 844. SNS Yacht Services’ office is centrally located on Calle Magalhaes 5, just off Carrer del Marquès de la Sènia and opposite dive center ISURUS. For more info, visit:





CARIBA, based in Mallorca since the 1980’s, may be said to have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth, having had the good fortune to be built to 18A1 by one of the finest English yards of the Victorian and Edwardian period, J.G. Fay & Co., of Northam, Southampton - now better known as "Shamrock Quay". Landing on the cabin sole from her elegant, turned companionway stair is like alighting from a time machine. The quality of her mahogany panelled accommodation would be well-nigh impossible to replicate now without a mighty guilty conscience – or access to a barn-find of old growth lumber.

She was commissioned by the London lawyer and Vice-Commodore of the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Allan E. Messer, a time-served yachtsman in smaller boats together with his more famous brother, the architect Arthur Albert Messer. AE Messer would later become sole owner of the Fife 19-Metre MARIQUITA. Carib was designed and built as a gaff-rigged yawl, the only motive power being her suit of Ratsey & Lapthorn sails. She still sails today under Ratsey & Lapthorn cloth, but with the auxiliary benefit of a 291 hp Yanmar “iron mainsail”.


After the First World War she moved to Denmark and became - as CARIBA - mothership to serial racing yacht (and Copenhagen department store Magasin du Nord - “the Harrods of Scandinavia”) - owner William Vett’s ever changing collection of International 6-Metres. Vett won the first of his two 6mR Class Olympic Silver Medals at Le Havre in 1924. It is nice to speculate that CARIBA was there. In 1935 she was converted to Bermudan rig, possibly under the supervision of Charles E. Nicholson, and sailed until 1938 as a singlemasted cutter. In 1938 she was captured restored to yawl configuration at the start of that season’s RORC Helgoland race, her

spinnaker pole at a decidedly jaunty angle - and this is the rig she has recently been restored to. Later under Italian ownership, she became well-known in the Caribbean as the charter yacht SPIRIT OF CARIB. Since the mid-1980s, firstly as SPIRIT OF CARIB, and more recently returned to CARIBA, this striking yawl has been based in Mallorca, at Puerto Pollensa and Palma, and an occasional attendee at the Spanish classic regattas. Her recent restoration took place in Palma under the direction of her captain, Michael Andersson Hidalgo. In the autumn of 2018, CARIBA made



a successful return to racing in the 8th Gstaad Yacht Club Centenary Trophy at Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez, and was a nominee in the following spring's Classic Boat magazine Awards. ______________________________________ Central Agents – Sandeman Yacht Company Direct link and further information to Cariba: CLASSIC YACHT INFO Sell your yacht - Listings available to classic yachts of any size…




FLYING FIFTEEN MALLORCA 1 ESP 4014 ffinally Stephen Babbage / Ben Stitt 1 2 ESP 3728 Wight Flyer Stephen Parry / Philip Parry 2 3 ESP 3577 Fuego fatuo John Walker / Juan Carlos 3 We had been followed around the course by the rib, where photographer Ruth Cordero had been taking some great pictures, just a few of which are shown in this article. Photos by Ruth Cordero @corderophotographymallorca 7 November – Bigboy Nautica Trophy

24 October – Liga de Otoño 1 – Pollença The forecast was ideal for the first of the RCNPP Autumn series. 9 flying fifteens turned out, with a similar number in the cruiser fleet. The fuego team split up, with John sailing fuego fatuo, and Stephen in ffinally with Ben – who hadn’t sailed small boats for fifteen years. ffinally was practicing before start, and having missed all signals, noticed that the flying fifteens looking like starting so joined in. They ducked below fuego fatuo and Triffid, then came up onto the line ahead of Spanish Fly. They were kept to the left side of the course, as there was no track past Wight Flyer. This proved to be the better side, and they were coming up to the mark in the lead when Wight Flyer came in on port, tacked in front and rounded first, with fuego and dragonfly following. However, ffinally had an issue with the spinnaker hoist, allowing the next two boats to slip through. fuego stayed left down the run, whilst the other three went for the centre. ffinally went down the run in the middle of Wight Flyer and Dragonfly, and pulled ahead of both half a mile before the bottom mark. fuego fatuo rounded ahead of Dragonfly and Wight Flyer, who sailed low and fast to break free.

The wind had been increasing, and the next leg was extremely gusty and unpredictable – between 8 to 25+ knots. Wight Flyer picked up the breeze first and stormed off. Then ffinally picked up a strong gust and planed up to within three boat lengths. Meanwhile fuego fatuo was following in a strong third place. The wind dropped and the two leaders carried on at a more normal pace. ffinally got the next gust first and bore away on a high-speed reach to pull alongside Wight Flyer. The gust passed, and again they resumed a side by side battle. Coming up to Punta de la Avançada, the two boats caught the next gust of 25+ knots, but ffinally reacted quicker and stormed ahead, taking some five lengths before the wind dropped. They held the lead in the next gusts and rounded low to avoid a possible wind shadow. In the event there wasn’t one and the following boats stayed high around the point, recovering some of the gap. Coming up to the finish it was a three-boat tacking duel, with ffinally holding the lead to finish 10 seconds ahead of Wight Flyer, who pipped fuego fatuo by a couple of boat lengths.



Three races were set, with a simple up and down course. Victor laid down his marker, taking the first race from Rafa in some style. Next was Wight Flyer, then fuego fatuo followed by ffinally who wasn’t enjoying the lighter conditions this week. In the second race, the winds were all over the place, but David read them correctly, and tool Stormtrooper IV to a win ahead of Wight Flyer, with Flying Uschi third and Martini fourth. Victor took the final race ahead of Martini with Stormtrooper third and Wight Flyer fourth. Rafa and Pilar gave us a great post-race party ashore, with drinks and snacks. Prizes for the winners were especially welcome, being various lines and sheets – including some new spinnaker sheets with a Dyneema sheath and a removable polyester core – very light and easy to handle. Many thanks to Rafa, Pilar and Bigboy Nautica. 1 ESP 3509 Flying Uschi Victor Peréz / Juan Carlos Serrano 5 2 ESP 3382 Martini Rafa Benitez / Pilar Casares 8 3 ESP 3728 Wight Flyer Stephen Parry / Philip Parry 9




+34 971 432 329 +34 627 003 185 Son Fosquet 10, Polígono Son Noguera, Llucmajor

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Super Yacht Specialist

ffinally was not sure where to go but thought the next mark would be somewhere near

Formentor. They saw the rib laying a mark to windward, and so now knew that the leg was a fetch and not beat. The leg having turned into a drag race, weight was key, and Wight Flyer pulled up and rounded just ahead.

Rafa and Pilar (3382, Martini) sponsored this Saturday regatta – to fill the gap before the next in the RCNPP Liga de Otoño series. We were joined by Spanish Snipe National Champion Victor Peréz sailing Flying Uschi – many thanks to Stefi for lending her boat. This gave a total of ten boats on the start line – a great turnout by any reckoning.


21 November – Liga de Otoño 2 – Pollença For the second in the Autumn series a few boats weren’t able to make it, so we only had seven at the start. Stephen and John had lent fuego fatuo to Philip Parry, who was sailing with first time racer Noemi Calafat. Off the line Martini and ffinally had a great battle, which continued up the beat until ffinally tacked off to the right side. This proved to be a mistake, as Martini rounded fifty metres ahead, with Spanish Fly between them and ffinally. The next leg was to a buoy off Formentor island, so a close reach to Punta de la Avançada, followed by a fetch to the mark.

ffinally passed Spanish Fly just after the point, but was unable to catch Martini who rounded ten lengths ahead. On the downwind leg Martini extended their lead, leaving the next two boats to have a great battle. ffinally stayed ahead of Spanish Fly and had extended to over a hundred metres before a big gust and wave at the same time allowed them to surf to within a few boat lengths. At the bottom mark, ffinally stayed ahead, and started to catch Martini – but ran out of race course and had to be content with second ahead of Spanish Fly and fuego fatuo – Philip beating father Steve in fifth placed Wight Flyer. 1 ESP 3382 Martini



Rafa Benitez / Pilar Casares 1 2 ESP 4014 ffinally John Walker / Stephen Babbage 2 3 ESP 3825 Spanish Fly John Leaf / Mark Hart 3 If you’re interested in a trial sail, just follow the link:, we’d love to see you! Or come see us, we’re at: ///categorically.allergies.abdomens – really! ____________________________________ By Stephen Babbage Our 2020 calendar is posted on our website Visit us on Facebook @f15spain




FOLLOWING IN THE WAKE OF THE VIKINGS IN A HYLAS 63 explorations, I found that it was all about sailing in fast ships and in short hops, during favourable weather windows in the height of summer,” said Duhau. “If the Vikings did it ten centuries ago, why couldn’t we do it in greater safety and comfort today?” Built by Hylas yard Queen Long Marine in Taiwan, Shaima was already a supremely comfortable 8-berth bluewater yacht, with sleek lines from the incomparable Germán Frers. Her hull was a hi-tech sandwich construction using alternating layers of Twaron and glassfibre for stiffness and strength in collision, and she had been customised for offshore work. But key cold-water improvements included building a rigid cockpit enclosure with heating, installing a heat exchanger in the watermaker intake, reinforcing the davit bases for a 15ft tender and beefing up the rudder bearings. She was also equipped with 120m of anchor chain and long shorelines. Once the boat was expedition-ready, Duhau drew up a detailed passage plan whose key feature was cruising southwest Greenland, particularly the 57-mile long Prince Christian Sound. This narrow fjord separates the mainland from numerous islands to the south, while glaciers calve into its deep waters from the north. In places, it is no more than 500m wide. With impressive tankage for 2,450lt of fuel and 1,450lt of water, and several fridges well stocked with fresh food, Shaima took the US east coast in one long hop. Then she put in at several spots along the coasts of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, revelling in the sight of humpback and pilot whales. “The small coastal villages of this part of Canada start to have the flavour of Scandinavian towns that dot the landscape for the rest of the trip,” noted Duhau. • Story of a 132-day sailing expedition on board a comfortable Hylas 63 yacht • Island route from Florida to Valencia via Greenland, Iceland and the Faroes • Just a few custom features added to ready the boat for the Far North • Cruising legendary Prince Christian Sound with its dozens of calving glaciers • Exploring the wild Faroes and traversing the famous Caledonian Canal A determined Hylas 63 owner has demonstrated

just how straightforward it is to island hop across the far north of the Atlantic Ocean. With just a few cold-water improvements made to his yacht Shaima, Alberto Duhau and an everchanging crew took 132 days to cruise from Florida to Valencia, by way of Newfoundland, Greenland, Iceland and the Faroes. Duhau conceived of the expedition as a homage to the Viking navigators, and he was determined to do it in a comfortable non-expedition boat. “In studying the Viking

They waited three days on Newfoundland for a weather window before making the 700-mile jump to Greenland’s second ‘city’ Qaqortoq. With 15-20 knot winds from the south and west, it was a good broad reach most of the way, although there were plenty of bergie bits and ice sightings to keep the crew busy. “Sometimes we could scout for icebergs from the warmth of our cockpit enclosure, but often we had to stand watch unprotected from the side deck,” said Duhau. “Our one-piece survival suits and our Arctic boots were essential.” The warmth and comfort of the boat’s luxurious




interior made a welcome respite from the cold and fog. Some 90 per cent of Greenland lies under the ice cap, with only a strip of exposed land around the coast. In anchorage after anchorage, the crew explored to their hearts’ content, taking in iceberg climbing, sea kayaking and bountiful fishing for Arctic char. Care was needed through Prince Christian Sound, where high granite cliffs on either side are punctuated by 12 calving glaciers. Nonetheless, this was a highlight of the trip. It was a much simpler crossing to Iceland across 660 miles of mostly ice-free sea. The passage took just four days, and the island is much better supplied with marinas and tourist facilities. Duhau had planned to cruise the wilder north-about route, but changed plans in order to make up lost time. “Reykjavik is welcoming, culturally vibrant and fun,” he said. “We spent 10 days there and never ran out of things to do.” The cruise down to the Faroe Islands felt like downhill by comparison, although the islands themselves are beautiful, empty and wild. One can explore by sea readily enough, but it is quicker to do so by land, because the main islands are connected by tunnels. Shaima made a fast passage to Inverness, where she picked up the Caledonian Canal to traverse Scotland. Duhau enthused about “climbing up and down dozens of sea locks, sailing across the legendary loch Ness and reaching lovely Oban on the third day.” Tobermory and Islay came next, where the crew visited no fewer than six distilleries, reaping the inevitable reward the next morning. Highlights after that were Belfast, Dublin and then the Spanish rias, where the tempo began to rise as they hopped south and into the Mediterranean. Looking back on his adventure, Duhau noted that they had not spent more than six days in a row at sea – a far cry from the two to three weeks required for the direct route. “The route up North is just so isolated, so pristine, it touches your heart. You do not need an expedition boat to do this, just a seaworthy ocean vessel and a competent crew,” he added. “Island hopping across the Atlantic is a very feasible project.” Hylas director Peggy Huang saluted the achievements of Alberto and his crew. “We are thrilled to see the Hylas 63 Shaima put to such a good test in the far north, but it

comes as no surprise. We work with one of the world’s best naval architects and use cutting edge technology to ensure that all our boats are hugely capable offshore cruisers. They are nimble performers, or course, but above

all they are safe to handle and extremely comfortable to live aboard. Our unmatched ability to customise the boats from the off makes us unique in the 46-70ft yacht segment.”





Sailing around Koh Samui - SY Yanakee Too

Cool waters of Koh Samui

begin seeing our clients arriving for cruising voyages around Thailand’s western Andaman Sea and the eastern Gulf of Siam after quarantining aboard”. The third largest island in Thailand after Phuket and Koh Chang, Koh Samui is surrounded by open water and visitors rave about the pearlwhite sandy beaches, lush tropical rainforests and magnificent waterfalls. Also on offer are high end luxury resorts, restaurants and pampering spas for yachting visitors. Samui beaches

Samui dinner in Thailand

Captain Charlie Dwyer - Superyacht Skipper

A stunning island amongst the country’s tropical islands and a sparkling jewel in the crown of Thailand, Koh Samui is a yachting paradise to be found in the heart of the Gulf of Siam on the eastern side of the country.

There are many wondrous attractions on the island, beautiful anchorages, Gulf cruising and an archipelago that is a national treasure, the Ang Thong Marine Park - a compact archipelago of 81 small and virtually untouched islands best explored by sea kayak.

Boasting of one of the lowest number of Covid-19 cases, Thailand is slowly opening to foreign-flagged yachts. It was great news when the Thailand Marine Department confirmed yachts can be moored for quarantine aboard in two areas of Thailand – on the western Andaman side, Ao Por in Pa Khlok in Phuket and on the eastern Gulf side of Thailand, the Ocean Marine Yacht Club in Chonburi.

But Koh Samui wasn’t anything close to what it is today. In going back three-plus decades, the island only had dirt roads, and there was very little infrastructure. To attract more tourists, the island improved its infrastructure over the years and is now known as one of the world’s most beautiful tropical destinations, charming its visitors ever since the first tourists arrived in 1971.

Asia Pacific Superyachts (APS) co-founder Captain Charlie Dwyer, providing professional yacht support services on Samui since 2002, notes, “The Ocean Marine Yacht Club was established in 1995 and today stands as one of Asia’s largest marinas, offering full facilities for yachts - though many superyachts enjoy beautiful anchorages around Samui and the Gulf of Siam”.

As the infrastructure developed 5-star resorts gradually arrived. In 2007 Four Seasons unveiled a high-end villa resort, the first property on the island with access to a private beach and an infinity pool for each of its luxury villas. Others followed including high-end hotels Le Méridien, the W Retreat, Conrad Koh Samui and in 2017 the Ritz Carlton. The ultraluxurious accommodations and spectacular dining options are great for a change of pace for owners and their guests.

APS co-founder, Gordon Fernandes, recently announced they cleared their first foreignflagged superyacht client into Phuket, which was then able to quarantine aboard. “Earlier this year saw a record number of superyachts visiting Phuket. We are thrilled to once again

Those who experience Koh Samui are rewarded with an idyllic tropical retreat, white-sand beaches, sapphire-blue sea and an abundance of tantalizing Thai cuisine complimented by


an unusually warm and friendly people. Just 21 kilometres at its widest point and 25 at the longest, Samui’s hinterland consists of forests, hills of limestone and granite and the shoreline is made up of countless palm-fringed beaches and bays. Samui, much smaller and enormously less populated than Phuket, is in the middle of the vast waters of the Gulf of Thailand and has the appeal of a real island. And, beyond Samui are other islands well worth exploring – including sister island, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao, rated one of the best diving locations in Thailand and the world. There are plenty of attractions and activities on the island, including golf. The Santiburi Samui Country Club is one of the most beautiful golf courses in the region, voted one of the top five golf courses in Thailand. The Royal Samui Golf and Country Club features incredible views though lacking in clubhouse and other amenities. This course is not for the faint hearted but an enjoyable experience nonetheless, notes a visitor, “The first hole sets the tone for the day with a few other testing holes backed up by short par 3s with great views of the island from the course”. Other attractions include award-winning meditation and wellness retreats, a vibrant nightlife, island hopping, jungle exploring and Buddhist temples. Presenting a fantastic culinary scene, in recent years the island has become well known for its large number of excellent restaurants, delighting visitors with some of the finest cuisine from all over the world. In fact, a growing number of high quality chefs see Samui as the ideal location to share their impressive culinary skills and it’s even rumored the island can now boast more Michelin star chefs and 5 star restaurants all in one place than anywhere else in the world!



as now yachts may apply to quarantine aboard in Thailand. The Phuket Marine Department Acting Chief Nachapong Pranit confirmed the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has granted permission for overseas yachts to check into Thailand. APS Phuket coowner ‘Jojo’, a director of the Thai Yachting Business Association was instrumental in obtaining permission from Bangkok so that foreign flagged yachts can check into Thailand. Jojo confirmed that the government has now extended the STV Long Stay Visa Program for yachts which check in for the next 30 days. Captain Charlie says the best season to visit is March to September as the rainy season is traditionally regarded as being from October to mid–December. The climate is tropical and humid throughout the year with the temperature usually ranging from 28 to 35 degrees Celsius. There is no risk of tsunamis and the island is located well out of the typhoon belt. For more information email:

Beautiful Thai Dancer

Samui is easily accessible by private jet and helicopter and boasts of an award-winning international airport. The island continues its development into the best luxury destination base in Thailand for unique cruising voyages setting off from Koh Samui. ______________________________________ Sunset on Samui's west side of island

With so many breathtaking sights, unique attractions and cruising options it’s no wonder Samui is receiving growing interest from superyacht Owners and Captains, especially Samui Chaweng coastline

Thai Dancers

Koh Samui Anthong Archipelago Marine Park




VARADERO VALENCIA ANALYZES ITS FIGURES IN AN EXCEPTIONAL AND INTENSE YEAR OF REFITS Coming to 15 years of intense work in the boat repair and maintenance sector, Varadero Valencia recapitulates and takes stock of a complicated year, but at the same time full of challenges, work and the desire to improve. Since it began its activity to the present, both the team of professionals and the facilities themselves have evolved to serve all types of boats that arrive for commissioning, for specific repairs and for complicated projects both in time and in the involvement of different industrialists to carry it out. Its technical area of 28,000m2 of esplanade has served more than 8,000 boats in its facilities with resources and equipment made up of 3 pits with a draft of up to 5 meters, a covered warehouse of 400m2 and the incorporation in the last year of a new travelift that allows the lifting of boats of up to 300 tons, which translates into boats of approximate dimensions of 45m in length and 9m beam. In addition, Varadero Valencia has a 360ยบ service including the management of TPAs and is currently working on the implementation of a quality protocol that guarantees standards aimed at achieving a higher degree of customer satisfaction at the end of their projects.

But if there is something that has been increasing in Varadero Valencia, in addition to the length of boats -which thanks to the new travelift increased significantly from 35m to 45m-, it is the intervention in large projects and it is that the client's profile that this year has trusted the shipyard has evolved thanks to having Varadero Valencia positioning as an interesting and affordable alternative for those

boats that have not found space in Mallorca or have had the need to optimize their budgets. It should also be noted the increasing arrival of classic and regattas boats that increasingly rely on these facilities. And it is that another of the qualities to mention is having all the services in the same place, from the hand of the same team offering a comprehensive and fast repair. Varadero Valencia in figures 2020 Travelift movements: almost 2.000 Boats repaired: + 1.000 (septemer - march) Occupation in high season of refit: 85% Occupation of basic maintenance: 100% & waiting list Basic maintenance: 80% Refit: 20% Sailing: 42% Motor: 58% Maximum lenght hoisted: 46m Heaviest hoist: 265 tonnes Large number of clients fine-tuning for regattas Analyzing these figures and considering the characteristics of an exceptional year in terms of restrictions, the data encourages Varadero Valencia to continue evolving in the same direction to offer ever better services and build its own space in the comprehensive repair sector.





Winter is in full swing and the quieter season is approaching. While the new boating season might have brought with it a list of chores to tackle onboard over winter, one task you shouldn’t forget to add to your list is to check mattresses. Unzip the cover of your mattresses and there’s a good chance you might find mould. Even when not seen immediately by the naked eye, mould and mildew are almost always present. Time for new mattresses? Neptune supplies custommade mattresses with antibacterial cores and antibacterial ticking. Mould in the mattress core is caused by the loss of perspiration and other waste products over night, which can cause mould in the mattress cores due to the lack of ventilation under mattresses. This is not only unhygienic, but also unhealthy: fungi are the cause of many health issues such as a runny nose, watery eyes and respiratory tract irritations. Neptune supplies custom boat mattresses in various qualities that, in combination with our patented slatted base systems which deliver essential ventilation under the mattress, ensure a healthy and comfortable sleeping place on board your yacht. Our mattresses are fitted with Neptune antibacterial mattress covers. As well as this, for optimal protection against bacteria, fungi and viruses, Neptune uses nano silver in all mattress ticking. The

environmentally-friendly treatment of the ticking with colloidal silver, also known as silver water, kills unwanted intruders and reduces the spread of bacteria and the formation of fungi in the long term. Neptune also works with Pantera Nautic™ comfort foam and Vita Talalay® Latex Superior™. The fire-retardant Pantera Nautic™ is a premium comfort foam that has been treated with an antibacterial agent and is not susceptible to mould, as well as being resistant to dust mites making it ideal for allergy sufferers. Vita Talalay® Latex Superior™ is a durable, superior latex that, due to its open cell structure, offers optimal ventilation and moisture regulation so that fungi and bacteria do not stand a chance. Did you know that you spend about 30 per cent of your time on board asleep? We at Neptune believe that’s too much time to experience discomfort. Our sleeping systems have been specially developed to provide optimal comfort and support and are made of the most durable materials.

Neptune Experience Centre Palma de Mallorca Neptune is represented on the Balearic Islands by Melanie Winters and she is based in Palma de Mallorca. Neptune recently opened a unique experience centre / showroom in central Palma.Visiting clients can lay down and “experience” the comfort and support of Neptune mattresses in 7 full size beds. They have 18 different qualities of mattresses for them to choose from in multiple supports and thicknesses.







IN THE GALLEY DAVID HAYWOOD What are your three favorite cookbooks and why? Great British Chefs, Heston at Home, Ottolenghi Flavour – all three give a mix whatever the occasion. What three kitchen gadgets could you not live without? Sous vide machine, dehydrator & a good chef’s knife What piece of equipment should every yacht have in the galley? A top quality combination oven, heat, steam & self clean or a Vac Pac machine

Name: David Haywood Years’ Experience as a chef: 14 years Nationality: British What are you doing / where are you working right now?

What would you say are some of the most overrated ingredients? Wagyu beef & oysters What would you say are some of the most underrated ingredients? Sweetbreads, rabbit & black pudding

Looking for new position

What has been the most popular (or requested dish) on a yacht by a guest so far?

Who is your food hero (dead or alive) and why?

Warm chocolate fondant & ginger ice cream

Gordan Ramsay & Tom Kerridge. Ramsay for his passion & drive, Kerridge for keeping to his roots, being British and executing British food at such a high level.

If you were a guest on a yacht, who would you want to cook for you and why?

What three ingredients could you not live without? Butter, garlic & shallots

Tom Sellers. Restaurant Story is a restaurant I’ve wanted to get to for a long time; I think with his food, you get lost in another world. What music do you listen to in the galley (if at all)?

TalkSPORT has crew driven up the wall in the galley, but for actual music I like chilled house remixes. Best galley tip/hack? Clean section, clean mind. What is the most difficult location you have ever had to provision in? And what bit of advice can you give to figure out where to go?


Some of the tiny islands in Croatia & upgrade your phone plan to unlimited data.

What is your attitude toward crew with dietary requirements?

What is the hardest part of your job?

They are becoming more frequent for crew and guest alike, so if you’re clever you can blend the two together.

Juggling your time between the guest dishes, crew food & running out shopping. What do you see as being the biggest challenge for chefs in the industry moving forward? If provisioners become too expensive. Time is of the essence in our world and getting those provisions delivered is priceless. What would you say to people who stereotype chefs as being prima donnas with big egos? Most qualified chefs onboard do this profession for life; it’s our career, on or off land. We must succeed on every dish, every day, we have nowhere to hide and can make or break a trip; the pressure’s defiantly on. It’s important to have a close bond with your interior team.



talk. You get a good understanding of them depending on what direction the conversation takes you. What one thing should all chefs do to help the environment?

What is the weirdest most bizarre thing you have ever been asked to cook?

Keep ingredients local and seasonal - get to know a good local fisherman.

To warm up a jar of baby food.

What one thing can chefs do to limit food wastage?

Name something you have cooked for guests that you are most proud of? A lobster dish with a celeriac velouté. It’s a mix of hot and cold elements yet rich, creamy and hearty. It was a gamble by thankfully it paid off! When you are interviewing a chef to work for you, how do you know if they are any good?

Most leftovers and trimmings can be used in many different ways. Stocks & soups are a great way of keeping wastage to a minimum. If you weren’t a chef, what would you want to be? Formula 1 Driver!

Listen to what they say; god gave us two ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you


Whether you've dropped and cracked your sunnies while working aloft or simply want to add another pair to your growing collection, you’ll find sensational eyewear to marvel over at Rialto Living. The store’s owners have teamed up with the designers of leading Parisian eyewear brand, Izipizi, to create envyinducing eyewear you’ll absolutely love. Sun-drenched Mallorca’s palm trees, turquoise sea and sunset vistas provided the inspiration for the fashionable sunglasses. Ranging from a rich teal to a soft pale blue, the frames boast a blue colour gradient that evokes the feelings of freshness after a dip in the water and is similar in appearance to the mesmerising colour changes of the Mediterranean. Note that it’s only in this limited-edition pair of sunglasses that eyewear gurus Izipizi have used this attractive colour gradient. Rialto Living’s limited-edition sunglasses are unisex, offer optimum protection and are comfortable to wear. With their blend of cobalt blue and fiery orange, the lenses (100% UV, category 3) flaunt tones which are reminiscent

the store and try a pair? A word of warning though– there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself stepping into the sunshine with a new pair of shades adorning your face!

of the island’s soul-stirring sunsets. Keepers are the glasses’ packaging - featuring waving palm trees and the kind of glowing hues which feature at sun down, they are equally as eyecatching as the sunnies themselves. A felt case will not only keep your shades protected on that rare Mallorca day when you won’t need them but are also enhanced with Rialto Living and Izipizi’s logos, not to mention an attractive palm leaf print. These head-turning shades stand out for their designer frames and colours to match the island’s holiday vibe and are exclusively available in Palma’s Rialto Living. Why not visit

Palma’s Rialto Living, conveniently located on Calle Sant Feliu 3, is just a stone’s throw away from STP and sells a wide selection of eyecatching super yacht must-haves. Have a snoop around and see for yourself. And if you make a purchase don’t forget to flash your STP (or other) entry card so you can relax in their leafy, oasis-like café and sip on a complimentary ‘cafe con leche’ before you head back to the boat. ______________________________________ Rialto Living is now open between 11 am and 7pm Monday – Saturday. Photography: Pär Olsson Rialto Living C. Sant Feliu 3, Palma (+34) 971 71 33 31




ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS sauces and dressing that have long since seen better day’s. You should now have plenty of space to freshen things up in your basic store cupboard. Start your shopping with the basics; a couple of good quality pastas such as Linguine, fettuccini, Garganelli, etc and a couple of different types of rice; Basmati, jasmine and a risotto rice such as carnaroli, are all good staples. Other grains such as couscous, bulgur, pearl barley and Quinoa are also great to have kicking around, as are lentils, chickpeas, white beans and polenta. A couple of cans of peeled tomatoes, good quality tomato puree and

sun-dried tomatoes are also must, along with soy sauce, chilli sauce and a good selection of herbs, spices and spice blends such as ras el hanout and curry powder. Good quality salt such as “flor de sal” or Maldon is also essential along with the best olive oil you can afford. It’s also a good idea to have a couple of speciality oils such as sesame, walnut and grape seed Try something new; if you’ve never tried cooking with Sumac, a decorative bush that grows wild throughout the Middle East and parts of Italy, you should seek it out and give it a try. Make your own preserved lemons and get inspired to cook a tagine!

SIMPLE LAMB TAGINE WITH APRICOTS AND CORIANDER This recipe is from cookbook - Modern Mediterranean: Sun-drenched recipes from Mallorca and beyond.

The start of a new year is always a good time to reflect on how you can improve your cooking skills and liven up your food in 2021. It’s also great time to treat yourself to a new cookbook (hopefully mine), or rediscover one you already have and experiment a few ingredients you’ve never used before. The first basic step to great food is to stock your kitchen with a variety of foods so that you can throw something together quickly for healthy, fast meals in a hurry. Living out of a freezer might seem convenient, but if you’ve shopped wisely in the first place, you can easily prepare tasty, fresh meals that also do a body good in no time. All you need to do is stock your cupboard with a few essential ingredients that every discerning cook should have to hand and you will always have enough food to make a decent dinner for yourself, your family or unexpected guests in less than 30 minutes. So which foodstuffs constitute essential ingredients for your kitchen store cupboard and where do you begin?

Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes Preparation time: 20 minutes, plus 4 hours marinating Serves 4 1kg lamb shoulder, diced 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp sweet paprika 1 tsp cayenne pepper 100ml olive oil 2 onions, peeled and chopped 2 carrots, peeled and chopped 4 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tsp saffron threads 750ml chicken stock (bouillon) 600g canned chopped tomatoes 120g dried apricots, sliced

Firstly, start with totally clearing the shelves of your existing kitchen cupboard; Take every single item out of the cupboard and throw away any out-of-date items or packets of herbs and spices that have been open for years or

3 Plaça del Olivar, Palma de Mallorca (+34) 871 55 68 16

1 tsp chopped preserved lemon Bunch of fresh coriander (cilantro), roughly chopped Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper In a large bowl, mix the lamb with the cinnamon, cumin, sweet paprika and cayenne pepper, cover and transfer to the refrigerator to marinate for at least 4 hours, or overnight is ideal. Warm the olive oil in a large heavy saucepan over a medium heat, add the marinated lamb and brown on all sides. Add the onions, carrots and garlic and cook gently for 1–2 minutes, then add the saffron threads, stock (bouillon), tomatoes and apricots. Bring slowly to the boil, season with salt and pepper, then cover with a lid, reduce the heat to a gentle simmer and cook for 1 & ½ hours. Add the chopped preserved lemon and coriander (cilantro), check the seasoning and serve immediately.




ECO YACHT SLOT Happy New Year! I hope you are healthy and well and looking forward to a year exploring and looking after our Oceans. For many this year marks more than just the turning of time – 2020 was a year we won’t will forget and the start of a New Year symbolises a fresh start and a new beginning. I’d like to introduce myself and welcome you to this exciting new section in The Islander – the monthly Eco-Yacht Slot. I’m Hannah and I was a Chief Stewardess for over 9 amazing years – During this time I worked with amazing crew and owners and explored some of the most diverse and beautiful parts of our planet. From the Galapagos to the Amazon we were blessed with marine and land flora and fauna, these experiences left me with a deep love of the environment and a great ability to make beds faster than anyone I know. Fast forward a few years and I live in Mallorca and run Viveco – a Sustainable Living shop online and with a physical shop in the village of Alaro. I started Viveco a few years after living on land when I began making big changes in my everyday life, swapping to more natural plastic free alternatives to everyday items, reducing the amount I consumed unnecessarily and swapping out reusable alternatives for disposables. I had a lightbulb moment when I realised that all these ‘zero waste’ changes I was making on a personal and household level also had amazing benefits when applied to Yachts – you need to SHOP LESS, STORE LESS and CREATE LESS WASTE. Within the Yacht Crew community there has recently been a huge movement towards reducing plastic consumption onboard and now one of my absolute favourite aspects of my business is

combining my 2 passions and helping yachts make lasting changes. FRESH START FOR 2021 As we go into a new year it is a great time to start to look at where you can make changes onboard. If you are here in the Med the boat has probably been running on skeleton crew, in the yard, or you have been living ashore for refits / maintenance work. It is a great opportunity to stop and assess what you have onboard, have a huge clear out and audit and use up old stock while having the time to look for viable long-term alternatives. To start us off here are our top 5 areas you can make easy but impactful changes to your plastic and waste: 1. CREW TOILETRIES Instead of continually buying (and throwing away) individual bottles of shampoo, conditioner etc look at swapping to 5L bulk bottles in the toiletry cupboard (or store in the bilge) which crew then fill up from each time. Hannah Russell

2. CLEANING Keep it simple, eliminate unnecessary toxic chemicals from your cleaning cupboard and keep only what you really need. Think about making simple things yourself or purchasing your most used products (Vinegar, Universal Cleaner etc) in bulk and refilling your bottles onboard. 3. CREW MESS Still holding onto that pod machine – now is the time to change. Switching to a bean to cup machine not only saves a HUGE amount of unnecessary pod waste but you get a nicer

cup of coffee and it will save you money in the long term! 4. GALLEY Swap out flimsy plastic Ziplocs to Silicon Stasher Bags, available in a variety of sizes and shapes – these bags are endlessly useful from freezing smoothies and keep food fresh to storing guest sandwiches and wet bikinis. Freezer, Microwave and Oven Safe! A small stash replaces hundreds of Ziplocs 5. LAUNDRY Ditch the chemical laden plastic heavy Fabric Softener/ Bounce sheets and Swap to Woollen Dryer Balls. Use an Ecoegg or Laundry Sheets for everyday Items and keep a Bulk Laundry Liquid on hand for stained / smelly items. Whether you are on a 20m sailing boat or a 90M motor applying some simple changes to mindset and purchasing habits can drastically impact the amount of waste you create. Over the coming months we will look at • Some of the current issues surrounding plastic use and waste management • Challenges and solutions to issues faced by crew and Yachts when trying to implement change onboard • Finding and sourcing the right products • Each month we will feature a few of our favourite and simple swaps you can easily make to help you on your eco-journey. If you have any topics you would like me to look into or have any feedback please get in touch – I’d love to hear from you! ______________________________________ Hannah




THE HOME MADE CREW MED KIT DILEMA I have come to realise that many people do not understand simple “over the counter “medicines such as non steroidal antiinflammatories or antihistamines and their side effects, contraindications and consequences when self administered.

I remember when I got my first Deck/Stew position and was responsible for the Medical Kit. The official Medical Kit arrived from the authorised Medical Company and while it contained everything we needed to sail the world, I felt compelled to create a separate Crew Medical Kit, so we did not dive into the official Medical Kit Provided. I went out and purchased everything I thought would be needed day to day. I stocked it, not only with dressings, but with all the over the counter medicines I could purchase. I added numerous anti-inflammatories and analgesics, all placed carefully in a plastic box that I named “pain relief” one named “allergies” and another “sea sickness”. We ate those medicines like sweeties. If someone went into the box to get an anti-inflammatory, such as ipubrufen, the whole crew would claim they needed one too. Consequently the box would be passed around the crew mess and be literally consumed in one sitting! During my years on Yachts, I have seen everything from the “Morning After Pill” to Sedatives in these Crew Med Kits. I have seen sedatives such as Diazepam (better known as Valium) labelled as “muscle relaxant”, or worse still, antipsychotics such as Chlorpazamine, labelled for head aches in home made crew medicine chests.This, I believe is downright dangerous and unnecessary. This is an extreme example, so today I will focus on the basic over the counter medicines we find in pharmacies, supermarkets and fuel stations world wide.

I have not spoken to one crew member who consults their 24/7 Medical provider or the recommended guidelines, such as the “Ship Captains Medical Guide” when administering drugs from the crew meds, the reason being, is that they are just “over the counter medicines” and, apparently, entirely safe. The reason I am so passionate about writing this article today, is that in the last year 3 people, I know of, lost their lives by self administering anti-inflammatories at sea. The problem is, these drugs have contraindications such as stomach ulcers and asthma, take a look at the “Ship Captains Medical Guide” Drug index and see for yourself. Furthermore, many people do not realise natural medicines, including the widely used natural anti-inflammatories, such as the cucumin (tumeric) can combine with pharmaceutical ant-inflammatories and act as a double dose, this can be a lethal combination which may cause extreme side effects in high risk individuals. The other issue is, is that these self made crew medical kits are unregulated, so we do not know who is taking these medicines or why. Personally, I want to know if someone is taking pain relief or antihistamines, such as sea sickness tablets on my watch. If someone is taking these drugs regularly, we need to ask the question, why! First of all, lets remember that, according to the experts… “The medical kit should include details on the safe usage of all its contents to optimise benefits and minimise risks, especially in remote locations where complications of treatments will be challenging to manage…” (Nikolec et. al 2017). I believe this refers to the crew meds, as well. Prescription and over the counter (OTC) drugs may enable users to continue working during periods of acute or chronic illness. However there is an increased risk that impairing side effects of such medication, e.g. fatigue or disorientation, could jeopardise personal safety and in some cases, the safety of others. At sea this can be a particular problem, and recent accidents have highlighted impairing medication as a contributory factor. Employers and seafarers should therefore be aware of their particular roles in helping to prevent such incidents, and the following guidelines should be followed whenever necessary. (MCA MGN 296) I also believe that anyone who is self administering or dishing out these medicines onboard, requires professional

Medical Training, and guidance from their Medical Provider, or at the very least the recommended texts. “The Medical Training program of the crew should be based upon instruction on what resources are available in the medical kit, how it is laid out and how to use the contents to the best effect.” (Nikolec et. al 2017) When we set up the crew medical kits ourselves, we are often not adhering to the carefully researched guidelines set by governing bodies such as the MCA, nor utilising the systems we have in place to minimise risk, such as tele-medicine from our authorised Medical Provider. In this article I will focus particularly on antiinflammatories & anti-histamines, the most widely self administered drugs of the crew meds, and hope to encourage you to rely on your Medical providers to provision your Crew Medical Kits and the 24/7 tele-medicine services they provide. So, let´s start by talking about pain relief, particularly anti-infalmmatories, also known as NSAIDS (Non-steroidal anti inflammatories). Case Study Kate is a 32 year old chef who has suffered back pain, she also had a past history of stomach ulcers. After a busy day in the galley, her lower back ached. She went to the crew medical cabinet and took 2 Ipubrufen, which were 600mg each and had been purchased in Thailand. In the UK Ipubrufen is only 200mg and the recommended dose is 400mg in total. Kate took 2 Ipubrufen, which was 3 times the recommended dose. She also took a 100mg Voltaren, also purchsed in Thailand (The UK dose of Voltaren is 50mg). It must be noted that Kate had also taken a natural anti-inflammatory, widely known for its numerous health benefits, Cucumin. She had a glass of red wine to relax her back and then went and had a long hot shower, where she started vomiting blood and passed out. She was found unconscious by a crew member, who arrived moments before she stopped breathing and CPR was commenced. Kirsty was resuscitated and survived to tell the tale, none the less, she suffered great blood loss and brain damage, due to a Stomach Ulcer Bleed cause by an overdose and combination of NSAIDS. Could this have been prevented? Yes. If Kate had spoken to the Medical Officer and used the provided Tele-medical service, she would have been prescribed the correct dosage and not doubled, or tripled her NSAID dosage. As it turns out Kate was a high risk individual, due to her prolonged self administration of both natural and pharmaceutical antiinflammatories. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) defines high-risk patients as: aged >65 years;


interacting medications (including 20% of patients >75 years); patients with diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, renal or liver impairment; patients with a history of peptic ulcer or GI bleeding; and those taking long term NSAIDs or maximum doses. So why did this happen and most importantly how can it be prevented? Let us look at the facts…. • What many people do not understand is that from the first day of use, all NSAIDs increase the risk of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, myocardial infarction, and stroke. (Davis 2016) • Bleeding is the better-known consequence with all types of NSAID use. GI bleeds while taking NSAIDs are more likely to be fatal, with a mortality of 21%, whereas in patients not taking NSAIDs it is 7%. (Straube 2009) • Preventable adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are responsible for 10% of hospital admissions people. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are responsible for 30% of hospital admissions for ADRs, mainly due to bleeding, heart attack, stroke, and renal damage. (Pirmohamed, 2004) • NSAIDs also increase systolic blood pressure by 5 mmHg and increase fluid retention. (Bhala, 2013) • NSAIDs can precipitate bronchospasm and Asthma and 5–10% of adult patients with asthma will have an acute deterioration in symptoms after taking NSAIDs. (Lemanske, 2006) Therefore, I believe the use of NSAIDs is long overdue for system-wide attention. Please think twice before you pop that next pill and always consult your Medical Officer or Provider. Another drug we often will help ourselves to for hay fever or sea sickness. As we all know, Allergic conditions are common, although most individuals with allergies do not seek medical care (2014) Asthma and Immunology Allergies. American College of Allergy.) Case Study 2 - Antihistamines Steve is a 28 year old Engineer who suffers from allergies and sea sickness. Steve was suffering



from a Pollen allergy and was self administering an over the counter medication daily, from the crew meds. While en transit between ports, some foul weather hit and Steve also self administered a common, yet prescribed, sea sickness tablet found in the home made over the counter the crew medical kit. While on this delivery Steve felt increasingly drowsy, yet did not disclose his fatigue, nor drug administration to the Captin or Meical Officer on board. During a sailing manoeuvre Steve put his hand through the winch and caused himself and another crew member great bodily harm, it was discovered that Steve was suffering fatigue caused by the medications and in actual fact should not have been operating heavy machinery under the influence of these drugs, at the time. Allergy medications are readily available over the counter. While most people will report relief of their symptoms with readily available allergy treatments, approximately 7% of patients who take these medications will experience adverse effects (AEs), which can be severe (Flynn, 2002) What many people do not realise is that Antihistamines can cause undesired anticholinergic effects including mydraisais, sedation, dry eyes, dry mouth, constipation and urinary retention. Significant overdose of antihistamines can cause serious toxicity and even death. (Malone 2017) What about the common decongestant for the annoying blocked nose? I was shocked to discover that even the every day decongestants have side effects. Decongestant side-effects include nausea, vomiting, insomnia, dizziness, elevated blood pressure, restlessness, anxiety, hallucinations, seizure, psychosis, headache, urinary dysfunction, stroke, intracranial bleed, arrhythmias, and myocardial infarction. (Malone, 2017) What is the answer? Do not self medicate at sea. Always inform your Captain and or Medical officer when requiring medication on board, even in port. Establish a culture where it is the norm to request a medical appraisal from your Medical officer or authorised telemedicine provider.

The MCA 296 (M) states Operators, employers and masters with input from masters and other senior personnel as appropriate, should establish the required level of protection and, based on advice from their Medical Advisors, and governing bodies, and put it into practice. I believe the only way to reduce illness and accidents in terms of accidental drug reactions on board is to request your Maratime Medical Provider provisions your complete Yacht Medical Kit, including the Crew Meds and that we treat these kits with the utmost respect and always seek medical advice prior to prescribing or self prescribing medicines. I also recommend that any crew member who is responsible for the provisioning and administration of drugs on board, including over the counter medications, seek yearly training to refresh Medical knowledge and to be reminded of the due diligence and utmost respect we must have for all the medicines we carry on board. ______________________________________ Amanda Jean Hewson-Beaver, Medical Trainer & High Performance Coach (BHSC, Nursing, MIPH)




RIB FRACTURES Simple rib fractures usually occur as a result of blunt trauma and in the yachting community are often due to a fall onto a winch or stanchion. They are also caused by contact sports such as rugby and is a common cycling injury or road traffic accident when the chest wall makes contact with the handle bars or steering wheel. Other causes of rib fractures are pathological in nature such as a cancer lesion or osteoporosis in older patients which, when combined with a bad cough, can cause a rib fracture. Signs and Symptoms of a Rib Fracture Pain on deep breathing. Sneezing and coughing will feel very painful and a bit frightening to perform. Pain on palpation of the rib cage possibly inducing nausea and vomiting. There may be bruising at the site of the impact. Bending or rotating the body will be uncomfortable and cause breathlessness.

back, abdomen, diaphragm, and muscles of respiration. The ribs also serve as a protective cage around vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and bronchi. The lower “floating” ribs offer some protection to the liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys. While it is rare for the lower “floaters” to be fractured (due to their flexibility) any suspected rib fracture should be taken to A and E as soon as possible to evaluate any possible organ damage. Immediate Care Ice pack should be the first aid of choice to help reduce bruising, swelling and relieve pain. Any suspected rib fracture must be checked at the nearest clinic as when ribs break they can leave very sharp edges. Any organ or soft tissue damage may not be evident at the time of injury.

The rib cage comprises of the spinal column at the back, the ribs and the sternum at the front. Together they perform several functions which include muscular attachments for the

Bandaging around the torso is helpful to support the rib cage when transferring to the A and E however this may well not be advised long term as the restriction will inhibit deep breathing and could give rise to a chest infection and even pneumonia.

TRACEY EVANS - MCSP SRP COFIB T. 971 405 769 M. 609 353 805 C/ Joan de Saridakis, 1 (opposite Marivent Palace)

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Friendly dynamic team Great with kids and nervous patients Same day emergency appointments Cosmetic treatments including whitening Hygenist Dental Implants

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Rehabilitation Physiotherapy is not always a requirement for the recovery of a simple rib fracture however if there are more than one rib broken, you will certainly find relief from an appointment or two. Your Physio will likely use cold therapy techniques and ultra sound to help any heamatoma. If after 6 to 8 weeks there is still difficulty in breathing, then gentle mobilisation techniques can be used to loosen up the rib articulations (with the spine) and which often become a bit “sticky” due to the lack of deep inspiration during the healing period. Flail Rib Flail rib fractures are when there is more than one break in multiple ribs such that there exists no connection in a portion of the rib cage. Usually our chests inflate when we breathe in and deflate when breathing out however when a section of the rib cage is broken it will do the opposite due to a change in the stability of the respiratory vacuum. Flail Ribs (also known as flail chest) is a serious condition and medical help should be sought immediately as this can cause a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) or heart insufficiency with severe consequences if not quickly attended. ______________________________________ Tracey Evans The Physiotherapy Centre (+34) 609 353 805




FITNESS TIPS AND TECHNIQUES WITH BT23 FITNESS need to make the exercises harder then you can add some weight where necessary if you have them. We have 4 exercises and the aim is to complete 10 reps of each exercise in the space of a minute, any spare time you have after completing the exercise will be rewarded as recovery, if you get to the end of the minute and still haven't completed the exercise you just go back to the start and try again. we are doing 5 minute rounds, 2 mins recovery at the end of the 5 minutes and 3 rounds in total.

Welcome back to another session from BT23 Fitness and a Happy New year. In this new years issue we will be doing a full body EMOM session, EMOM meaning (Every Minute On The Minute). All of the exercises this month can be done using just bodyweight, if you feel the

So in summery: - 4 exercises - 3 sets of 5 minute rounds - 10 reps of each exercise in the minute - no longer than 2 mins between rounds _____________________________________ For more info on BT23 Fitness follow on: Instagram @BT23_Fitness or go to:

Press Ups: Setting the hands up a little wider than shoulder width apart in a plank position start to lower yourself down leading with the chest and keeping the core activated, hold at the bottom before pushing through the palms on the way up. alternative set up would be to start from a kneeling position as shown in the picture on the right.

Jack Knife: Laying on your back keep the legs straight out and hands straight behind the head, from this position lift the legs and arms to meet in the middle above the hips squeezing the core at the top. as you lower back down try and keep the heels and shoulders just off the ground before raising up into the next rep.

Squat Jumps: From a standing position engage the core, push the hips back and keeping the weight in the heels drop down into a seated position, once held drive the force through the heels jump up into the air and as you land control yourself back into that squatted position.

How many times should i train a week?

High Knees: Running on the spot bring the knees as high as possible keep the core engaged and use the hands to help with the momentum of the movement. *2 KNEES UP = 1REP

There is no exact science to how many times we should train a week, the aim to achieve is something that is sustainable and long lasting. If you try to train 4/5 times a week but then find you keep cancelling other plans and arrangements then there’s a good chance you won’t stick to your plan. What I often suggest is that you aim for 2/3 times a week, train with a plan so that you make the most of your time and each workout is effective and efficient. If you’re unsure of how to create a plan speak to someone you know who also trains or get in touch with a trainer who should be able to help you get started.




NOURISH’S WELLBEING ROUND-UP 2020 was an insane year, one most of us are happy to see the back of. With the blank canvas of 2021 stretching ahead of us we should be feeling excited and invigorated to start fresh, but that may not be the case. Many of us are heading into the new year with a little trepidation about what’s in store. Wouldn’t it be great to get some guidance and support to help you move forward with ease? Life coaching is becoming more and more popular and with good reason. Perhaps you feel trapped personally or professionally, have fears about moving forward, or are struggling to cope with life’s curveballs. A life coach is dedicated to helping you identify your blocks and goals, keep you on track, and cheer you on as you step by step make positive changes. This month’s roundup features a few of our favourite life coaches on the island, each with a unique toolbox to help you live a happier more purposeful life, activating your own resources to bring out the best in yourself.

FB ‘Nourish the Community’

Use #nourishmallorca to be featured on our Instagram feed - @nourishtheguide aLIVE! 9 WEEK TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM Evelyn Sztojanov is a qualified Life Coach and founder of SIMPLIFYT Boutique Fitness Studio. She has developed a fantastic 9-week program for women which combines both life coaching with physical training which is truly transformational. Evelyn explains, “My coaching methodology entered a completely new sphere when I realized how much transformation can be driven when mental/emotional change is accompanied by a sustainable, empowering physical training routine.” Find out more and contact Evelyn via the SIMPLIFYT website at

COACHING PALMA If you’re focus is on professional development this year, then Sabrina from Coaching Palma is your go-to lady. She provides personal, team and business coaching to enable you to discover gaps, define targets and help you achieve your ambitions and full potential. Seeing people make progress and rise above circumstances and perceived barriers is Sabrina’s passion. If you’re ready for some self-discovery visit

GREEN APPLE COACHING Anne Nielsen from Green Apple Coaching has the tools and experience to get you out of the funk of 2020 and make 2021 your best year yet. As an ex yachtie herself she understands all the struggles of the industry and specialises in working with those in this field. Contact Anne at

THE BODY CAMP – A BODY & MIND EXPERIENCE The Body Camp is all about exceptionally fun, healthy and high energy fitness retreats combined with mental and emotional transformation. A retreat at The Body Camp will lift you up, make you strong, give you back control and provide you with new tools for life. Reach your personal health and fitness goals, develop incredible mental health strength and awareness, and learn how to cook delicious, nutritious, plantbased food in the most gorgeous villa setting in picturesque Sencelles. Find out more about these life-changing retreats at




END OF THE BEGINNING In London in the winter of 1942 Churchill opened his mouth and something memorable came out, it often did, he had a knack for this kind of thing. "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." He was on that occasion talking about an allied victory that began to turn the tide of the Second World War, and he was right, it was. In the intervening seventy eight years that quote has been co-opted many times in many contexts, mostly hyperbolically as some lesser orator looked to grab a headline or two. It got a run out again last month and for once, the occasion fitted the words. The UK became the first country to approve a Covid vaccine for public use, and they didn’t hang about putting it to work. 91 year old Margaret Keenan was the first to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on what became dubbed ´V´day but it was a shot in the arm for all of us everywhere. Hopefully and perhaps it is the end of the beginning of a turbulent twelve months that has turned our modern world upside down and perhaps changed it forever. We belong to the luckiest generations to have ever drawn breath of course, we in the developed world have never been richer, more comfortable, more at peace, more healthy or expected to live as long. The pandemic came as a shock that perhaps we have taken that all for granted for too long. But we got lucky a second time, throughout all but the most recent of years of human history, you just had to live with plagues and pandemics. Cut yourself off, quarantine if you can but mostly they just had to run their course. That meant huge numbers of casualties and economic ruin for a generation. Accounts of the 17th century plague and the 1918 flu pandemics are worryingly similar. 102 years on we can fix things now. A little over a year since the first Covid cases and the clever old human race has

come up with multiple vaccines. That means that within six months or so death tolls will drop to next to nothing, and we can all come out of hiding and get back to being busy little workers, earners and taxpayers. We can write off 2020 as a bad year, mourn those who didn’t make it through but ostensibly get back to normal and start paying back the overdraft we collectively ran up to see us through the worst of it. Except let's not quite get back to normal. It’s been easy to forget this last year while we have been focused on the pandemic that we have some other stuff to sort out too. Inequality, migration, climate change, and all the rest of it. The development of a Covid vaccine should act as a reminder what our species is capable of if we are motivated in the right way and concentrate on the stuff that is really important. Some of the smartest people in the most intelligent life so far discovered are employed dreaming up gadgets you don’t need until you see one and then can’t live without, medics and scientists employed to treat diseases that are a product of the modern luxurious lives we have invented for ourselves. Let’s put these brains to work doing something

important. We are incredible and we can fix almost anything we decide to fix, so why not do it? Vaccinations also serve as another timely reminder of what is important. It's often overlooked these days but the eradication of smallpox from the world is probably one of the human race’s crowning achievements. It was fairly straightforward to treat the first world with their robust welfare states, public health systems and relatively modern housing, but to banish this killer from the world the challenge was to take the wealth of the rich world, and spend it in the slums, favelas and shanty towns of the third world on the very poorest people in the world. Only by doing this did we all collectively prosper. The luckiest people ever to have lived got lucky again, let's not push that luck too far. As a species it seems we can do what we like, let’s make sure we like what we do. ______________________________________ Phil D. Coffers The Islander Economics Correspondent




BREXIT AND RESIDENCE The UK officially left the EU on 31 January 2020 and the Brexit transition period is now underway and set to run until 31 December 2020. By the moment of writing this lines we do not know if it will end with an agreement – let us hope so - or with a no deal but some general ideas must be known. Leaving the European Union will affect most UK nationals to varying degrees, but those living in or owning property in Europe will have specific concerns about their future. Spain has almost 300 thousand British residing in our borders who will be considered nonEU nationals and, as such, will require a new residence and work permit. Until now, the Brexit Agreement provides that, those British nationals with documented residence in Spain will have a transitional period to request a new residence and work permit, if applicable, and it would be necessary to comply with the recommendations of the European Commission on the possibility of granting special temporary residence permits until obtaining a permanent one. The Spanish Government approved a Contingency Plan to guarantee the rights of British residents in the event that an agreement is not reached, so that they can remain in Spain, which includes special consideration for British people who have had their residence permit for more than five years, and special measures. This also affects British employed workers, who must have their corresponding residence and work permit to continue working in Spain, however, said Contingency Plan prepared by the Spanish Government aims to guarantee the rights of British workers and mitigate in much of the possible adverse effects that a non-negotiated exit from the EU would have on the rights of British workers in Spain. The Withdrawal Agreement has provided for the establishment of a transitional period until December 31, 2020. During the transitional period, the rights derived from the application of Union law will be maintained with the following exceptions: • Right to active and passive suffrage in elections to the European Parliament. • Right to active and passive suffrage in municipal elections. However, Spain and the United Kingdom have adopted a bilateral Agreement in relation to municipal elections, so that Spanish and British citizens

may continue to enjoy active and passive suffrage in said elections, now under this bilateral Agreement. • Exercise of the Citizen Legislative initiative of the EU. Once the transitional period has ended, on January 1, 2021, the Withdrawal Agreement provides that the rights to residence, work, studies and Social Security will be maintained, provided that you resided in Spain before that date. After that period he concern of British citizens who have a legal relationship with Spain, and especially with the Mediterranean coast, is growing, both in the case of being residents, with businesses, others working for someone else or retired, as well as those who are nonresidents but owners of homes that they use during vacation periods, or rent them, are at this moment until uncertain and will have to wait for the final legal and economic agreements to know how all this will affects them. The rights of British citizens and their families who begin their legal residence in Spain after the transitional period will be those established by the Agreement that regulates the future relationship or, failing that, those established by the general immigration regime The current registration certificates and EU citizen family cards available to British citizens and their relatives residing in Spain are in principal valid documents to prove legal residence in Spain, after the withdrawal


islander Due to a large demand, we are now offering a postal subscription for the magazine. This is being offered at cost price.

• UK & Europe 15 eu per issue • USA & Rest of the World 25 eu per issue A minimum order of 6 months to be paid in advance. Payment by Credit/Debit Card

of the United Kingdom from the EU and benefit from the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement. British citizens and their relatives residing in Spain can request a residence document with a uniform format (TIE), which will prove the status of their bearer as a beneficiary of the rights contemplated in the Withdrawal Agreement. The Instruction of the General Directorate of Migrations and the General Directorate of the Police from last July, 2 of 2020, determines the procedure for issuing the residence document provided for in article 18.4 of the Withdrawal Agreement. To request it, the interested person must go to the immigration office of the province where you intend to reside or to the corresponding police station for filing the application or consult the web https://sede. If you have already obtained Spanish nationality, it will not be necessary to carry out any procedure. In the next weeks we will know the final scenario. ______________________________________ Carlos Espinos Solicitor and Tax Adviser (+34) 627 413 201





THE BOX MALLORCA – THE EVERYMAN AND WOMAN GYM If you are anything like me then gyms scare the living hell out of you. The thought of walking in and using anything but the safety of the treadmill (even I have mastered the ability to change the incline and pop on an episode of Midsummer Murders or some surfing videos) is beyond me. Machine after machine of terrifying looking equipment that wouldn’t look out of place in a medieval dungeon, that not only do I think I will injure myself on but more importantly look a total prat using. I know that many of you reading won’t feel that way, but spare a thought for the many of us, those that scurry in and just as quickly, out, do. And that is where John and the team at the newly opened The Box Mallorca ‘/come in. For starters there is no astronomic joining fee, or a contract that ties you into something harder to get out of than a marriage and for twice as long. Instead, the team start you off with a free session where you can either go and observe a class, or chat one to one with one of the highly trained and Internationally renowned coaches, in pretty much the majority of the main languages found on the island – Mallorcan, Spanish, English, Swedish, German, Norwegian and even Hungarian. It is here that they explain the ethos of the gym and how it sets itself apart from the majority found pretty much anywhere, certainly Mallorca. Because the idea behind it is to build a local community of ‘Mes’. People for whom the gym is a scary and mysterious place. Rather than alienating us, the plan instead is to build a family of likeminded people – a community. You know the saying strength in numbers, well here it is in reality. The groups are kept carefully small, both to follow Covid safety measurements, but also because that is what works. In fact, if the small group classes are still too daunting at first then one on one sessions are always available. Once you decide you are ready to embrace the challenge you set for yourself, be it weight loss, increasing fitness, changing to a healthier lifestyle or perhaps training for a Spartan, then John recommends you begin with the On Ramp programme to set you off in the right direction. The On Ramp course consists of four 30-minute sessions, either one on one or in groups of up to four, all for a steal at 90 euros. It is designed to be a soft introduction, where goals are set that are both easily maintainable, but also

contain enough of a challenge to keep them interesting and your goals ever achievable.

home exercises. The challenge starts on the 11th of January 2021 and costs 220 euros.

After you are comfortable with the ideology and, most importantly, that ever-present gym equipment, you can choose your level of membership. Silver costs 120 euros per month and gives you access to two classes per week of an ever-changing roster. The idea is not to cherry pick, but to mix it up in pure CrossFit style. If you would also like to do some individual workouts and perhaps additional classes then there is always the Gold option that gives you unlimited classes and also an open gym from 11am-1pm and 3pm-5pm daily, for 150 euros. But as John says, the idea here really is the community and group sessions. It is somewhere to workout, but also to laugh and enjoy both your challenges and successes.

And as I mentioned earlier, if you are not able to commit for months at a time then there is a simple stop and go option, where you can pause your membership without penalty, until you are able to start again. So, if that dream job in the Caribbean comes up or you simply decide to head off on a different adventure for a few weeks or months, then you can simply resume on your return.

Aside from the normal membership options, if you are up for something a little different then they are launching the 30-day Body Transformation challenge, where they will focus on nutrition, training and lifestyle advice, with the hope that when you see the results you will continue into the year and beyond. They are also there to keep you accountable – and God knows we all need that. Also, if you are unable to come to the gym for the two sessions a week, plus drop-in time, then they are offering many different and easy to do, at-

John, his girlfriend Jacqueline, with whom he started the gym, and the team, have trained at the very top of their games, coaching the elite of the elite in sports and CrossFit, and they are now ready to bring that to you. So, fear the gym no longer, pop on your shiny new yoga pants or your slouchy jogging bottoms and head along to watch your body, fitness and long-term outlook be utterly transformed. ______________________________________ By Victoria Pearce The Box Mallorca Avinguda de Joan Miró, 327, Port of Calanova 07015 Palma Islas Baleares The Box Mallorca Whatsapp for all enquiries: (+34) 722 839 175




CYCLING, WINE & HORSES in a low key Gravel Event organise by Rapha Mallorca. They created a route for us to follow on our Garmins, we entered in teams of 4 and due to covid, start times were spread out over a two hour period. The route took us from Felanitx to the lighthouse at Capdepera & back. With approximately 60% of the ride off road, the route was creative and took us through some stunning scenery. Mallorca’s varied landscape was evident throughout the day - forests, mountains, sea views and sandy tracks along the back of beaches… the route started with an ascent to the San Salvador sanctuary (+470m above sea level) and also included sections of the via verdes http:// Other highlights were the Castell Punta de n’Amer (past Sa Coma) and a 2km section round a muddy waterlogged field that had us sliding all over the place! The delights of Mallorca also cooked up its usual varied array of weather - blue skies, high winds and torrential rain - but none of that managed to dampen our spirits. Myself, Javier & Andreas rented gravel bikes from Jan Eric and were very fortunate to have the experience of Andy to guide us on our way. It was a great day, a wonderful experience and something I look forward to repeating again very soon. What is Gravel Riding

Gravel Time For the last 18 months there has been much discussion among us regarding Gravel Riding. I was very cynical and felt it was just another ploy from the bike manufacturers to persuade us to buy another bike! I also felt that Mallorca’s terrain was far better suited to road biking and mountain biking than a mix of the two. Jan Eric @ma13mallorca has been a real advocate - shouting about it from the roof… more recently, after lockdown, we also had to

put up with @joanhorrach_liveablock banging on about it…. still I resisted. Oh how wrong I was…. Gravel riding is a whole new sensation and an essential experience if you want to challenge your cycling brain and develop as a rider. Rapha Prestige Gravel Ride 133km, 1,600m vertical with a moving time of 6 hours 15 minutes - in horizontal rain & high winds. At the end of November I participated

When gravel riding started, it was viewed by its original adopters as almost one of an alternative culture to road biking. More creative and a bit more hipster like… But more recently, events are starting to pop up all over the world. These events are far more creative than the mass participation road biking events and allow riders to explore off road areas & routes that have historically been hard to navigate. Gravel riding allows you to get away from the traffic whilst still offering some of the attractive elements of road cycling, such as the ability to cover distance and at speed, not to mention safely with a group of friends. In smaller groups, it is a sociable riding experience with friends with the opportunity to explore previously unridden trails and views. The sociable element is one that is key and its appeal to a diverse range of rider abilities. Exploring aside - gravel bikes are a fantastic way to build your core fitness and endurance, whilst exploring off the beaten track trails. There is no ‘right’ way to dress for gravel


From the waist down go MTB, from the waist up go road. Of course this is cycling and so there are little touches which are critical for ‘the look’ if you’re really getting invested – casquettes and bum bags would seem to be two cornerstones of the true gravel rider. The latter perhaps has a more practical side to it. Gravel is intended to be a long-distance affair and often strays into multi-day bike packing events - sleeping rough, away from civilisation, amidst extremely changeable weather. As such, an ample cargo capacity is key to carrying a wide array of spares, food, liquids and clothing essentials.

disc brakes. They do a superb job of nullifying the vibrations and chatter coming back through them.

You WILL puncture!

It would be very easy to go gravel riding on your own and not really ‘get’ it. After the initial amusement of being on a completely new setup & shape of bike wears off, it can feel a bit like the halfway house that it really is – neither on nor offroad. Gravel is a social way of riding and is a hell of a lot more enjoyable with others around you…

This is a weirdly masochistic element of gravel, particularly in countries with chunkier grades of forest road. Without suspension and often higher top speeds than when on your mountain bike, you’re asking a lot of the thinly carcassed tyres. Punctures are still very much a massive part of gravel, as is the chipper camaraderie around fixing them as everyone in the group knows that it could well be them next. Losing air aside, gravel bikes are remarkably mechanically resilient. They borrow heavily from both MTB & road and as a result, benefit from some already pretty dialled in bike tech such as one-by drivetrains and



Everything is familiar, yet really different Depending on the terrain, your first hour or so on a gravel bike is a space shuttle launch of a learning curve. The speed at which you can climb feels strange. Gravel bikes, are of course not trail bikes but riding easier trails on them is eye-opening in every sense. Go with experienced gravelistas

If you are keen on Gravel, I would give Jan Eric a shout. He has the bikes, the experience and the patience. ______________________________________ @ses_rote

Dan Marsh - Owner & Founder (+34) 616 529 111





As a new year begins, Save The Med shares some of the project highlights and results from the last three months of 2020 in their quarterly newsletter: STM received the 2020 Silver Siurell Award! Just before Christmas Save The Med received the 2020 Silver Siurell Award for Best environmental initiative from the Serra Group. The award was received by Save The Med’s Vice President Gabriel Morey who thanked Group Serra and all the people who believe in our work for the award. Marine Protected Areas Declaration of a new MPA in the external waters of Sa Dragonera. On November 5, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food published, declared the new marine reserve of Sa Dragonera in the southeast of Mallorca! In 2016 the waters between the island of Sa Dragonera and Mallorca were declared

Painting Dragonera in Sant Elm

protected. With this new declaration, the protection is extended to the external waters of the Dragonera island. The new marine reserve, with an area of 457 hectares, is divided into three zones of different degrees of protection. 82 hectares correspond to an integral reserve. At Save The Med we celebrate the new marine reserve and are very happy to have been able to contribute to this process along with many other groups and individuals from the Andratx community. We especially remember and wish to honor the efforts of Fernando Garfella Palmer to achieve the protection of this area. Discover Your MPA Sa Dragonera Project Our favourite autumn highlights of the Discover Your MPA project include the painting of the murals of the Sant Elm Sports Centre and educational hiking tours on Sa Dragonera Island during which the participants learned about the ecological value of the marine reserve, as well as the regulations and the reasoning behind them! During October five artists and fifty participants of all ages participated in shifts to paint and colour a vision of what the

Sa Dragonera marine reserve is. Among them were representatives of the City Council who contributed the painting materials as well as the Director of the Natural Park from the Consell de Mallorca who helped us paint. As 2020 ends, so does the first phase of this project. We are happy to announce that the second phase will begin early next year as the Marilles Foundation have committed to support the continuation of the Discover Your MPA project until the end of 2021! Scientific Expeditions Thunderbird has left the Mediterranean One of the turtles we rescued and tagged this summer, Thunderbird, has officially left the Mediterranean and begun her long journey across the Atlantic Ocean, very likely heading to the beach she was born to lay eggs. Her journey is filled with potential threats such as ghost gear, plastic pollution, vessel strikes and of course sharks. We truly hope that she will make it safe! You can follow her tracks as well! Check out @savethemedexpeditions. Med Ghost Fad Project Since the launch of the Med Ghost FAD project (, close to 400 vessels have

Marine reserve of Sa Dragonera


expressed interest in joining the fleet to collect data at sea, remove ghost FADS and help rescue entangled animals, some of which have already begun! To try to find out where the ghost FADs retrieved during our expeditions originated, backtrack modelling is currently being conducted in collaboration with SOCIB and UIB. By tracing winds and currents and matching them with the date, time and GPS coordinates of the found FADs, scientists can obtain information about the potential areas from which the FADs were released. Knowing where these areas are allows scientist to develop Action Plans which aim to solve the root cause of the problem. Meanwhile, we actively share existing information to the scientific committees of ICES SGBYC and ICCAT Ecosystems Subcommittee as well as to the Balearic Government, MITECO and MAPA. Dos Manos School Programme During the last three months 296 students participated in the Dos Manos Schools Programme, resulting in a total of 1095 students in 2020. While this is a reduction compared to COVID-free years, this years students removed 39.846 plastic objects from beaches all around the island and many more schools have already signed up for 2021! The Changemakers Project 2021 is launched! Students who will turn 15 before the end of 2021 can form teams of three and sign up to the Changemakers Projects! This time, five projects will be selected and the teams invited for expeditions and excursions at sea with the Save The Med team! In addition, a monetary reward will be given for the teams to spend on an environmental initiative or excursion together with their class! Find our more at Plastic Free Balearics After having won the BeMed call, the Balears Sense Plàstic team have been working together with Ibiza Preservation to harmonise their plastic reduction initiatives and achieve one single Balearic-wide certification for single use plastic reduction, named “Plastic Free Balearics.”

The team has also been working to define a common road map in favour of reuse in the Balearic Islands together with Amics de la Terra, Begudes Puig, Cleanwave, the Deixalles Foundation, GOB, Eines per la Inserció - Càritas Mallorca, Ecobodega, Rezero-Fundació per la Prevenció dels Residus, Save the Med, Boomerang Bags and the UIB's Office for a Healthy and Sustainable University. These efforts were made public during a press conference and presentation of the Pact for Reuse in October. The entities who signed the Pact of Re-use are striving to promote ecodesign such as packaging food and drink in truly returnable and re-useable materials, while highlighting the enormous environmental, social and economic benefits of re-use and repair. The “Define Human” campaign To find out how we can restore biodiversity to prevent future pandemics and reduce the effect of climate change, Save The Med and Patterson Agency interviewed experts from different fields and shared their replies in the new campaign “Define Human” which was launched this autumn. Through interviews, videos, infographics and downloadable materials, Define Human invites citizens to rethink our role in nature and proposes actions which can lead us towards a more resilient,



collaborative society. Find out more and take action at and Instagram @definehumano. As we begin a new year, let this be a time to reflect on what we, as a collective can learn from 2020. Let this be a time to reconnect with our values and reconsider our priorities. Let this be a time to re-imagine, and act towards, a future where we restore our bond with nature and become a regenerative force on our Planet. Thank you all! We’d like to thank all who have contributed to and followed our work in 2020 and wish you all a very Happy New Year! None of what we do would not be possible without our fantastic volunteers, collaborators, members, corporate partners and funders, and all the teachers and students who have taken action for marine regeneration in 2020! A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you from all of us at Save The Med! ______________________________________ Save the Med @savethemed for more info and updates!





Ca´n de Paris – The story of family traditions and love encounters I first heard of Ca'n de Paris from a Croatian friend who grew up in Paris. He claimed that their pastries were “even better than in Paris"! I, too, knew a thing or two about good pastries. Years ago, as a student I worked at the French patisserie Maison Blanc in Oxford. Their almond croissants were units of deliciousness against which all future pastries would be measured! Even the ones I had in France. So, naturally, the first thing I tried at Ca'n de Paris was an almond croissant. And, oh my God, did it measure up! It was crispy and crunchy on the outside with a creamy, slightly runny filling on the inside. I was in love! This soon became one of my favourite places for sweet treats. Whether sitting inside, surrounded by the smell of freshly baked delicacies and the images of Paris or chatting with friends and listening to street musicians on the sun filled terrace – Ca´n de Paris always feels really special! It´s a little piece of Paris on a random Palma square! Several months after the first visit, I asked the

charismatic owner Natacha to tell me her story. It turned out to be just as fascinating as her cakes! She is the fifth generation of bakers and pâtissiers. Her great, great grandfather opened his first bakery in Caen in Normandy in 1920. It seemed quite fitting that Natacha was re-telling me her family´s history exactly a hundred years on! Her ancestors opened the first ever school for pastry chefs in France in 1946, while her grandfather´s bakery and pastry shop was the largest in the East of France, employing over 50 people in the 1980s. After a brief career as an accountant, Natacha too joined the family business, continuing the family tradition. Curiously, her grandparents met in store and so did Natacha and her husband a couple of generations later! So, who knows, when you go in for that croissant or cake - you might find love too… Ca´n de Paris opened in Palma in November 2019. After four years of research, Natacha and her husband Yohann settled on Placa Olivar, next to the busting Market Olivar. While we were talking, we got interrupted several times - by the buskers wanting a tip for their performance, a street seller pushing fake Louis

Vuitton scarfs and a local beggar asking for a cigarette - but Natacha handled them all with her disarming French charm, before turning back to me and continuing her story. I am curious - why Palma? She tells me that they wanted a multilingual environment for their two youngest children (the eldest one stayed on in France) and better weather. Their customers are a mixture of locals and expats. They recently introduced organic coffee and cane sugar, by Templo, which has been appreciated by coffee lovers. An increasing number of chefs and stews have also been buying bread, pastries and cakes here for their crew and guests. Although Can de Paris has a delightful choice of sweet treats (savoury too, but that’s a story for another column!), I am a creature of habit, and you are most likely to spot me munching on either the aforementioned almond croissant in the morning or a “tarta” Real - a perfect cuboid of chocolate base topped with almond cream - in the afternoons. I could not recommend either of those highly enough! Still, I enquire about their best sellers, and Natacha tells me that the classic chocolate éclairs and raspberry


tarts fly off the shelves the fastest. They also make a delicious cocoa and nut spread – perfect for home-made pancakes. At Christmas, their shelves fill up with Bûche de Noël (Christmas log cakes) and I particularly like the sound of raspberry and vanilla based bûche Menorca. By the time this article reaches you, there will still be time to run to the shop and check out their Galettes des Rois (crown-shaped cakes celebrating The Three Kings). Let's hope that many of us get a little good luck charm hidden in the cakes and that 2021 turns out to be a better year for all of us! Till next month… Yours sweetly, Mia ______________________________________ Instagram: mianaprta Aside from bringing you a story of one special place each month, I will briefly mention a few other places or products that have caught my attention over the previous weeks. Coffee: I usually start my day at Cafetería California, an unassuming neighbourhood café that, for me, has the best coffee in El Terreno! Their daily menu – a mix of Majorcan and Filipino cuisine - is also very good, if you happen to be around the area at lunchtime. Chocolate: This month my favourite was Caitxo´s bean-to-bar citrus & sea salt white chocolate, found at the gourmet section of El Corte Ingles. It felt like munching on little squares of sunshine on gloomy winter days! Cava: Izizi Nunank, a stylish “adults only” bar in Portixol, is a pretty great place to watch the sun go down and raise a glass of cava, or a cocktail, to the new beginnings!

ABOUT ME My surname is supposedly Czech. I was born in Yugoslavia, a country that no longer exists. More specifically, I'm from Lika, a beautiful - if scarcely populated part of Croatia, yet to be discovered by tourists who regularly descend upon the Adriatic coast and the islands. I spent most of my adult life in the UK. I studied English and Journalism in Oxford, before moving to London. Over the next 17 years I worked my way up from an "office angel" to a food and drink market analyst, specialising in sugar and chocolate confectionery. Some of my friends would say that I was "getting paid to eat chocolate and write about it"! After years of busy lives and grey skies, my partner and I decided to slow down and warm our bones somewhere sunnier. We explored Portugal, Italy and the south of Spain, before Palma won us over in 2015. Although my career has been mostly about markets and numbers, I have always been writing - from personal blogs and opinion pieces for trade publications in the UK to travel articles for a Croatian lifestyle magazine. So, when Simon asked me to get involved with The Islander, I jumped at the chance! Now, I really hope that you will like what we have in store for you over the coming months...







On a cold winter’s day nothing quite hits the spot like a steaming hot mug of spiced mulled wine. The very name conjures up images of snow-capped mountains, roaring fires and snuggling down into a warm, furry throw with the smell of citrus, cinnamon, cloves and allspice wafting over you. When we opened our wine bar here in Mallorca, it was the beginning of November 2014. I recall it being a particularly chilly November too so we decided to take advantage of this cold spell and entice clients into our new bar with a hot cup of mulled wine. Mulled wine (or ‘vino caliente’) isn’t something the Spanish have particularly embraced as it tends to be much more popular in the cooler climes of Scandinavia or Germany. Nevertheless, quite a few people were willing to give it a try. Prior to Mallorca, we lived in the Alps of Switzerland, so as you can imagine ‘vin chaud’

was a much more popular feature on the menus of mountain bars and restaurants. European Christmas Markets will often feature stands with huge cauldrons of white mulled wine, red mulled wine and even hot cider too. Depending on the country you’re in, mulled wine comes under many different guises, each country giving it a different name and a variation of the recipe. If you’re a frequent visitor to Ikea you will no doubt already be aware of the bottles of ‘glögg’ that are sold in their Swedish shop. Theirs is a non-alcoholic version of the traditional drink and all you have to do is heat it up and serve it with a few almonds, raisins and a couple of thins of fresh ginger. In Germany the ‘glühwein’ recipe is simple, you just need red wine, brown sugar and the usual blend of winter spices. The Italian ‘vin brulé’ incorporates lemon zest, vanilla, peppercorns

and bay leaves for a slightly different flavour. ‘Grzaniec galicyjski’ (try saying that after a few mulled wines) is the Polish version, simply using red wine, sugar, cloves, cinnamon and a bay leaf. Another favourite of mine is ‘bischopswijn’. This is the Dutch version and they really go to town with the cloves, cinnamon and citrus flavours. ‘Bischopswijn’ also reminds me of an extract from ‘A Christmas Carol’, by Charles Dickens. “A Merry Christmas, Bob!” said Scrooge with an earnestness that could not be mistaken, as he clapped him on the back. “A merrier Christmas, Bob, my good fellow, than I have given you for many a year! I’ll raise your salary, and endeavour to assist your struggling family, and we will discuss your affairs this very afternoon over a bowl of smoking bishop, Bob!” ‘Smoking Bishop’ was the name for mulled


wine in Victorian times. The recipe consisted of port, red wine, lemons or Seville oranges, sugar and winter spices. Other variations were ‘Smoking Archbishop’ (made with claret), ‘Smoking Beadle’ (made with ginger wine and raisins), ‘Smoking Cardinal’ (made with champagne or Rhine wine) and ‘Smoking Pope’ (made with burgundy).

warming up wine during the freezing cold winter months. Eventually, the idea of mulled wine spread throughout Europe and during the Middle Ages, other ingredients were added to the hot wine as it was believed the spices helped to ward off disease. Herbs were also added to bring a touch more sweetness to the wine.

But what are the origins of mulled wine?

In the 1890s, mulled wine became more associated with Christmas as bottles of Swedish ‘glögg’ were shipped to Europe in bottles that featured Father Christmas. Mulled wine then became a global phenomenon, with many countries creating their own variation of the drink.

Well, the Ancient Greeks didn’t like to waste wine, so if there was any ‘old’ or left over wine they would add some spices to it, heat it up and give it a new lease of life! The Romans also embraced the idea of



And that is how mulled wine became the drink we know and love today. So, where will you be enjoying your steaming mug of mulled wine this winter? ____________________________________ Wine Industry Mallorca Bringing wine to you - quality wines from lesser known bodegas and interesting wine makers. Ivan Gonzalez Gainza (+34) 657 88 32 48 Lara Corfield (+34) 638 60 19 43




Plaza de la Navegaciรณn 17, Palma (opposite Santa Catalina Market) Reservations: (+34) 871 179 059 : (+34) 669 59 38 03

Be Ta er & pa



Calle Torrent 5, Palma (+34) 673 758 044






ADVERTISE FOR FREE FOR SALE FOR SALE: New floor sander 'JOYA' 30 drum 80 kg used only once with two rolles 80-50 grit paper (new over 3,000€ + i.V.A). Accept 1,650€. Tel. 619 973 334. (11.20) FOR SALE: For sale due to retirement, outstanding lease till 2031. 55 sq metre local in Marina Portals prime front line spot. All furnishing and fixings included. Price makes the annual cost a third of the Ports going rate. Lowest price for sale in the port. Call +44 7714 215411. Or Spanish 656 949 244. (11.20) FOR SALE: Due to retirement. Franchise opportunity with long established international brokerage network Sunbird SA. Sited in centre of Mallorca`s premiere marina, Puerto de Portals, a high profile site linked to one of Europe`s larger brokerage networks, with offices across the Mediterranean and the UK. Access to established online presence and digital marketing platforms. Lease ownership has 11 years to run till 09.2031. Exciting opportunity for a turn key operation. Simon Limb, Dir. Sunbird International Yacht Sales Tel +44 1294 607074 Mob +44 7980 268550. (10.20) FOR SALE: Santa Ponsa Top Floor Fully Refurbished 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment sea view balcony. 208.000 €. 647 436 434. (04.20) FOR SALE: Westwind 35 for sale. Seven Berth, Good Sails, Yanmar Deisel Engine, Wheel Steering, Roller Reefing. The yacht comes with it's own mooring in the beautiful bay of Puerto Pollenca. €15,500. Tel: 602 436 166.(01.20)

If you have anything for sale or wanted - boat bits, household, etc. Strictly no trade ads (except jobs), or property ads (except private rentals) please! By email to:

FOR SALE: British registered MCA coded sports fishing boat. 2x Volvo 370hp diesel inboards 1400hrs. Kohler 5.5 KVA Gen. 6 berths in 3 cabins. Large flybridge and aft deck. Air-conditioning and heating. Complete Raymarine electronics package. Autopilot. Electric heads. Bow thruster. 1 yr old zodiac and 6hp Suzuki outboard. 2.5m x 2.5m sundeck forward, all cockpit sundeck and awning new 2019. Ready to go! 99,000€. Tel 654 234 897. (01.20)

FOR SALE: Storage. 3.7mL x 2.7mH x 1.7mH. Safe and clean. Light and electricity. Bendiate Sa Vinya. Leaving the Island €12k Make me an offer. (+44) 773 948 7237 / (+34) 673 406 107. (03.19)

FOR SALE: Large Wooden shipping boxes, used but good condition, 118cm x 55cm x 56cm treated timber boxes for world wide shipping or storage. 30€ ea. Tel. 971 719 816. Palma. (12.19) FOR SALE: RYA sailing school for sale, Port Andratx, Mallorca, established over 25 years, 10,000 euros or 55,000 euros with school sailboat. Contact Paul on 607 597 098. (10.19) FOR SALE: 2,3 m carbon fiber yacht gangway. 700€ o.n.o. (new 1.500€). 609 672 344. FOR SALE: Land Rover Defender 90 2.4 Tdi 1997 dark green with towbar, 7 seats, in excellent condition 225,000 km. Price includes full roof rack and set of off-road tyres € 10,995 - Call or WhatsApp 618 366 499 for more info. (05.19) FOR SALE: RIB. 6.5m. New tubes 2015. 90hp Johnston 2 stroke Fully serviced. Bimini. Trailer. price E8000. 634 342444. (04.19) FOR SALE: Beneteau first 211 sailboat, 2003 very good condition 11,000 euros. Ideal first boat or for cruising the islands. Contact paul 607 597 098 Port Andratx. (04.19)

FOR SALE: Vindo 50 ketch (10.5m) 1978 swedish blue water sailing yacht, mahogany topsides, grp hull. A Beautiful example of this stunning yacht, Fully and professionally restored during our ownership of her. We have many photos of the works. Currently lying in puerto portals. Reduced for a quick sale 44,500 euros (tax paid). For more information or queries please contact Dave on 660 680 621 or 636 259 908. (04.20)

FOR SALE: Jaguar XK8, Feb 2000, 78,000km with history. Dark Green/Cream leather. Fabulous condition, unmarked BBS split-rim wheels with nearly new Pirelli P Zero tyres. Supplied with a full year ITV, Spanish Matriculated LHD. €14.500 contact via WhatsApp in first instance 690 716 456. (11)


FOR SALE: House for sale. A completely restored very charming typical old mallorcan stone house right by the beautiful village of Galilea, amid the Tramuntana. Completely refurbished with taste and respect to traditional mallorcan materials. Currently divided in two annexed properties of 110 and 80 sqm. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of them en-suite in the large one. An inside bathroom plus one outside in the smaller one. They both interconnect or can be lived separately for privacy. Under floor heating. Laundry room and much storage space. Four parking places in the property. Land plot of 1.500 swm. Facing South and direct uncluttered views to the Tramuntana mountain range (UNESCO world heritage). P.O.D. Please contact (04.20)

FOR SALE: Beautiful 100sqm apartment 5 mins from Santa Catalina in Son Espanyolet. 2 bed in great condition, high ceilings, open plan, lots of natural light. €379,000. Contact Lloyd +44 7584 993 081. (10)

A 6.8 MTR AQUAPRO (New Zealand) with a Suzuki 175 lean burn outboard. Engine just serviced, and hull antifouled. This RIB has great seakeeping qualities, and provides ample space for a picnic, or makes a great chase boat. Comes with a hard top for protection from sun and water! Boat and engine launched in October 2014, has had limited usage and still in great condition. The current mooring in Port Calanova is also available to rent separately. 12,950 €

Contact: Tel: (+34) 607 911 898


FOR SALE: Modern apartment in the harbour of Puerto de Andratx. This modern apartment (97m2 with a 10m2 terrace) enjoys a very central location within walking distance to the sailing club and the heart of Puerto de Andratx in the south-west of Mallorca. The well-maintained development is one of the very few that has this advantage. The apartment is in immaculate condition and has a modern interior. Comprising of 2 large bedrooms, each with en suite bathrooms. The property is almost fully furnished and features air conditioning and a parking space in front of the building. From the balcony you can enjoy sunshine from the early morning hours and lovely views of the community pool and the well-kept garden. £475,000. (08)

FOR SALE: TVR Chimaera 4.0. 1994, 3950cc Range Rover V8, 240hp, 2 axle rigid, 1050kg, fiberglass body in metallic azure blue, tan interior, 0-60mph 5 secs, RHD, UK plates, 59,125 miles. A prime example of this marque with low mileage, no corrosion, good tyres. Fun to drive. 3 years to Historic Spanish plates. €11.5k. Contact +34 627 992 740. (01.21)

FOR SALE: Rio day boat. 2002, 3 litre mercruiser inboard. Serviced, antifouled and ready to go. Comes with Bimini, cover, shower, swim ladder, water ski bar. Sound system, small cuddly at front. British registration. Lying Port Andratx . 4000 euros. Contact Michael 07905190978.. (08.20)

FOR SALE: Range Rover P38 Overfinch. 1999. 4.6HSE. RHD. Burgandy/Tan leather interior. 85,000 miles from new. Full documentation including original invoice. Been in storage since 2004. Regularly started. In storage in Son Bogadelles. On UK plates Exceptional condition. 10,000 eu. Tel. 656 949 243. (07)

FOR SALE: For sale by local owner - 1974 VW Beetle 64,000 kms on clock (not sure how many times it has been around). 1200 cc, manual, sunroof, well maintained, recent ITV to 05/21. Looking for good home to preserve this head turning classic. Offers around Euro 7,000. Mob 681 187 128, prefer to speak English, Trevor. (10.20)


Contact: Tel: + 34 607 911 898

This fine example of the superbly built Delphia 33.3 is from 2011 but had very little use in the past 5 years. 6 berths with a good-sized heads/ shower, large saloon with very good headroom and a super cockpit, ideal for those evenings at anchor. Brand new 4-man dinghy and new Mercury outboard engine. Comes with loads of extra kit and a mooring in Puerto Portals until late July 2019. Must be seen to appreciate. Reduced to 52,950 €



FOR SALE: Carbon Swim Ladder, surplus stock made as demo model, unused in perfect condition. Length 1781mm x Width 455mm. For sale at greatly reduced price €13,000. For more photos or information email: (11.20) FOR SALE: Peace & Tranquillity. Nestled high on the side of “Punt de ses Bruixes” (witches Point) & offering views that can never be obstructed, over the town of Llucmayor to the island of “Cabrera”. This rustic property boasts 14,000 m2. Of prime Mallorcan real estate. This property features a solid threebedroom home that has been the subject of some major improvements and expense in recent years. Connecting electricity, and a 150m. tarmac private drive. Simple but yet charming this property has been enjoyed by its current owners, as a family home for over three generations. And could remain as is for those who want a holiday home or yearn for peace and tranquillity. However, for those wanting something special that will really do this premium position and views the justice it deserves, the home could be extended refurbished or potentially knocked down to pave the way for a magnificent residence. The perfect retreat for a buyer seeking privacy and solitude, but only 3kms from Llucmayor, 15 minutes to the airport of Palma & 25 minutes to the capital Palma. An astute buyer will recognise a truly unrivalled offering & a rare opportunity. If interested P.O.A. please contact (09)

MISCELLANEOUS GO SAILING: Would you like to join in with the Flying Fifteen fleet in Mallorca. Exhilarating dinghy sailing in the safety of a keel boat. Join our racing fleets in Pollensa & Palma. Buy a boat, come and crew or borrow our club boat to give it a try! All ages 18 - 80.


FOR RENT: Beautiful village house in the charming Alaró. At the feet of the tramuntana trails, this quiet house serves as a haven of peace. With two double bedrooms and a terrace facing countryside landscape, this house warms its living room with a fireplace. Two bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, and a dining room. Short or middle term rental for a nice stay. 670 326 036. (01.21)

FOR RENT: This beautiful house, settled in the heart of charming son Españolet (by santa catalina). Will be your haven of peace during your stay in Palma, only 5 min walking distance to the center. A unique master bedroom and Two more, double and single bedrooms will serve as a perfect base for your stay in Palma. A big terrace to feel relaxed in a quiet neighborhood, a living room with a fireplace and a complete kitchen to make you feel entirely at home. Weekly or monthly rental. Pakberasategui@ 670 326 036. (01.21)




ADVERTISE FOR FREE FOR RENT FOR RENT: For rent industrial property, polígono son bugadellas, 170 m2 ground floor 120 m2 first floor all legalized, good connection to palma ports 380 v electricity, ideal for nautical workshop. 1500 € a month contact 659 678 089. (12.20) FOR RENT: Sunny 160 sq. meters apartment in Palma,quiet neighbourhood, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, 15 min driving from Palma Marinas, 1 min walking from L3 bus stop, 850€ per month excluded bills, fully furnished, fireplace, A/C, terrace. More info please contact Xisco 666 285 188 or email fsalamancamulet@ (12.20) FOR RENT: Charming family finca, 15 minutes drive from Palma and marinas, but nestled in the mountains, totally private, 4,000sqm fenced in, parking for 2/3 cars. This unique property is a tranquil oasis just outside busy Palma with swimming pool, wood burning pizza oven, terraces, outside kitchen with bar/bbq/fridge. Ideal for parties and entertaining. The house has 2 double bedrooms, 2 single bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large modern kitchen, open plan living and dining room, air con, WIFI, apple tv, terracotta and cherry wood floors. Guesthouse about 100 metres from main house is ideal for visitors or family that come to stay. Sleeps 4, separate bathroom, small living room and kitchen. Own terrace with tables and chairs. Long term let only. Give us a call if you are interested. (+34) 616 482 800 or for more information or photos. (07.20) FOR RENT: On-suite bedroom in a shared, modern and fullyfurnished flat in Andratx town, just 20 minutes drive from Palma. € 400 per month, excluding water, electricity and internet bills. For more info please contact Sam on (+34) 633 824 209. (04.20) FOR RENT: On-suite bedroom in a shared, modern and fullyfurnished flat in Andratx town, just 20 minutes drive from Palma. €400 per month, excluding water, electricity and internet bills. For more info please contact Sam on (+34) 633 824 209. (03.20)

If you have anything for sale or wanted - boat bits, household, etc. Strictly no trade ads (except jobs), or property ads (except private rentals) please! By email to:

FOR RENT: Prime location on Paseo Maritimo behind The Boathouse. € 1,300 per Month for a single unit of 27 sq. meters, includes existing furniture and 1 complimentary parking space. Excludes Utility Costs, which will be invoiced on a quarterly basis. (+34) 699 569 934 (06.19) FOR RENT: Mooring For Rent 8x2,6m in the Club de Mar in Palma including parking and pool use for 8.500€ / 1 Year. Alexander Paul - Mobil: (+49) 17610333771.

JOBS / EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE: Lady house / pet sitter, n/s, available over the autumn / winter period in Mallorca. Reliable, kind, trustworthy and long term resident, own transport. Please email me at: (11.20) JOB VACANCY: Fire Detection And Alarm Specialist (M/W). Do you have a degree in electromechanics? Do you have experience detecting faults and/ or maintaining fire detection and protection equipment in nautical environments? Are you a team-player with office automation user capabilities? One of the most recognized fire protection companies in Mallorca selects personnel to support its detection and alarm department. Your duties will be: Detection of faults and alarms in fire detection equipment; Maintenance of fire detection equipment; Installation of fire detection and alarm systems; Support for workshop manager and detection area; Problem solving. We offer direct hiring, full time, breaks according to Law and salary according to experience. It is required: A degree in Electromechanics or equivalent; Analytical capacity for problem solving; Team working attitude; Handle tools skills; Driving licence B; Previous experience in a similar position will be assessed; If you are interested in this position, please send a mail with your CV to: busquedadepersonalpci@ (11.20) JOB VACANCY: Repair and maintenance of marine diesel engines, gearboxes and shaftings in the pleasure craft area. We are a young company and want to expand our team, and we are looking for a mechanic

for marine engines who has professional education as car mechanic or equivalent. We presuppose experience in engines, a good knowledge of English. Experience in the marine sector and knowledge of Spanish is an advantage but not a requirement. We offer you an all year employment. Please email your application with curriculum vitae and a photograph to: (07.20) JOB VACANCY: Seeking to fill two seasonal crew positions aboard a well known Palma based 32m private, motor yacht; chef and solo stewardess. Requirements: STCW Basic Safety Training, ENG 1, at least one full season in a similar role (sorry we can’t consider inexperienced yacht crew for these roles)- English mother tongue or very high level. Preference to candidates who are currently in Palma and to those that don’t smoke. Season runs April 15 – September 15. These positions would suit females or would consider a male chef with his solo stew girlfriend. Great program. France & Italy June & July. Balearics August & September. If you are interested and comply with these requirements, please send cv to: motor.yacht.mallorca@ (04.20) JOB VACANCY: Marine Engineer Required. Mallorca based marine welding and fabricating company working within the superyacht industry has an opening for an experienced Marine Engineer. The job would ideally suit a Marine Engineer in the yachting industry that wants to become land based but other work backgrounds will also be considered. The job will involve project managing from discussing the job on board with the client, designing plans, making estimates and liaising with staff in the manufacture process to making sure that the project is finished to the highest standard and as quickly as possible. Essential requirements: Experience and a good practical understanding of boat construction, engineering and the processes relating to metal fabrication in the marine sector. Ability to multi-task you will be required to work on several projects at the same time. Able to demonstrate an ability to visualize ideas from verbal or written instruction. Complete fabrication drawings to assist production. Strong shop floor

management and leadership skills will be required. A good level of English and Spanish. A knowledge of AutoCAD would also be useful. We aren’t interested in qualifications but on your ability to get the job done! Links Marine Services SL - Sara Manley (+34) 971 229 717, (04.20) POSITION WANTED: Looking for Part-Time Personal Assistant or Administrative work. Vast experience working at Board level in several different industries. Also ran own business for 10 years. Proficient in MS Outlook, Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Other skills include diary management, face-to-face client contact, bookkeeping, marketing campaigns, ad designing and promotions. Have experience of working remotely. Fast learner! So if you need some help without the commitment of a Full-Time salary - I’m your woman! Lisa Thompson on (+34) 689 542 690 or email me at lisathompson100@ (12.19) JOB VACANCY: Seippel & Seippel, International Insurance Brokers, based in Mallorca are offering a full time administrative and sales positions. We are looking for an efficient and professional individual with good PC skills. Minimum languages required are Good English / Some German with a good level of spoken Spanish - or Good German / Some English with a good level of spoken Spanish. At Seippel & Seippel you will benefit from great working hours, a pleasant working atmosphere in an international high qualified team as well as remuneration following qualifications. If interested please send your CV with photograph in English or Spanish to (04.19) JOB VACANCY: Marivent Yachts, a leading company in the Yachting Sector is selecting After Sales Staff. The Job involves the Inspection, Preparation and Set Up of new Yachts for Handover to the Owners. The Maintenance, Repair and Management of these vessels as well as their delivery between ports is also a fundamental part of the job. Medium level English and High level German are compulsory. CV to Tel: (+34) 607 140 849. (03.19)




2015 Catana Bali 4.3 Catamaran ‘PRICELESS’ €375,000 EUR VAT Paid Palma de Mallorca CENTRAL AGENCY A well maintained and high specification example of the the Bali 4.3 model, an innovative open-plan catamaran from CatanaGroup. 'PRICELESS' has had one owner from new and has been professionally maintained with no expense spared. Powered by twin 50hp NANNI engines and equipped with a generator, watermaker and three spacious cabins, 'PRICELESS' is the ideal vessel for autonomous cruising anywhere in the world. Each of her 3 cabins have a separate bathroom and air conditioning. Viewing highly recommended.

FPB 97’ ICEBERG 2014 6,750,000 EUR EX VAT Lying in Palma

Edificio Dux - Calle Porto Pi 4 - 07015 Palma de Mallorca +34 639 701 234

ICEBERG is the largest and fastest of the FPBs (Functional Power Boats) designed by Dashew Offshore and built at Circa Marine in New Zealand, in 2014. 97’ refers to her waterline length, her LOA is 110 ft / 33m – yet she can be handled by a family crew. The vessel is capable of comfortable and effortless transatlantic passages at over 12 knots. Due to her Dashew hull shape, like her sisters, she will surf at speeds well in excess of 20 knots. A unique feature of these vessels is FPB trademark matrix deck, which is described elsewhere as the fly bridge. This is a marvellous covered upper helm position with a lovely teak laid deck and trim, together with an entertaining area. The main saloon is a true FPB ‘Great Room’ with 360-degree vision and is a light and airy place for watch keeping, entertaining, cooking, relaxing and living within the marine environment. She has been immaculately maintained and is simply the ultimate platform for blue-water cruising the world over in comfort and security.

CNB 76 2017 2,700,000 EUR VAT Not Paid

Arrival Yachts S.L. T. +34 971 677 576 C/ Benito J. Feijoo 2, local 8, 07181, Puerto Portals, Mallorca, Spain

Brilliant Philippe Briand design with raised saloon that delivers sailing performance with elegance, embodying 30 years of CNB design knowhow. White hull with teak deck caulking in grey to match Sunbrella upholstery and covers. Bright, Limed Oak interior with flexible layout, providing accommodation for 6/8 guests and 2/4 crew. Highly specified example including performance carbon mast and V-boom with slab reefing, brand new DFi mainsail, hydraulics for outhaul, genoa and staysail furling, winch upgrades, Code 0, hydraulic passerelle, carbon wheel, Williams JetRIB in stern garage. Retractable bow and stern thrusters. Lighting package, Pioneer/Yamaha sound system, Raymarine electronics, extra fridge, extra freezer, heated towel rails, washer/dryer, dishwasher, telescopic table and more...

Delphia 33.3 2011 Reduced to 52,950 EUR

It is nice to step aboard a boat where everything is in the right place, looks maintained, and looks in order. This is one such boat. Rather lightly used, and with a great spec, this boat could take you around the Baleares, and very much further. Slab - reefed main, cabin heating, nearly new outboard (one hour ONLY, run on it!), and a nice tender. These and many more features add up to a splendid package. The boat comes with berthing until the end of July, in a very desirable Palma Bay marina. And there is a possibility of extending this, should you so wish... Jonathan Syrett is a yachting and brokerage consultant who can accompany you on the ownership journey - and beyond. You can rely on his expertise, integrity and dedication to help you make the right decisions when buying, using and enjoying or selling a yacht. Please call, email or visit his website to find out how. T. (+34) 971 40 44 66

M. (+34) 609 43 33 33




Hanse 575 2014 459,000 EUR VAT Paid Lying in Mallorca Commissioned in 2015. Completely equipped for comfortable living aboard and long trips. She has a sophisticated light grey hull, Flexiteek decks, huge Flexiteek cockpit, hydraulic bathing platform and a garage housing a Williams Jet Rib. Sloop rigged with electric in-mast furling main sail, electric furling self-tacking jib, spare main sail, storm jib and electric winches. Furthermore: a 150 hp engine, retractable bow- and stern thruster, new generator, water maker, B&G navigation, hydraulic passerelle, life rafts, etc. Go to to view the photo album and the video.

McConaghy Lutra 80 2010

McConaghy Lutra 80 for sale: SINGULARITY was built at McConaghy Yachts in Sydney in 2010 to a design by Adrian Konynendyk of Lutra Yacht Design. Conceived to strike a balance between a comfortable cruiser and a competitive race course yacht and with an emphasis on Mediterranean racing and cruising, the sailing yacht’s hull shape is optimised for reaching and features all carbon construction, canting keel, big carbon fibre rig with square-top mainsail, high-aspect rudder, bowsprit and maximum waterline. SINGULARITY was finished and built to an extremely high standard and she has been maintained and kept to the same standards since. A refit in spring 2020 includes, but is not limited to respraying of hull, deck, superstructure, mast and boom, new electronics and PLC. An exceptional yacht now ready for viewing in Palma de Mallorca.

RIBQUEST VELOCITY 12M 2019 215,000 GBP TAX Paid What can you say…? This twin stepped hull come with 6 gas strut support seats, full Nav suite and 3 x 250hp Honda outboards. Simply Stunning. This 2019 bespoke built RibQuest V12, was built as a chase boat for the UK 2020 AMERICAS CUP TEAM. Due to the race being cancelled, the boat is now for sale at a greatly reduced price. Yes she has 300 hours on the engines, but has full engine warranty until 2023. Her original cost was in excess of £260k GBP ex tax, and we have her for sale with an asking price of £215k GBP TAX PAID. She has a full commercial build and is MCA coded, meaning her new owners options are vast. A fast day boat, super yacht tender, or commercial work base she is capable of all those options and more. Fitted with a 700 litre fuel tank, 6 x Ullman Shock Seats, Stainless Bimini, 7kw jet thruster joystick docking system, Navico package, VHF, 3 screens, sonar, telematics and so many other options, if your looking for something a little, different, then look no further.

Rapsody 40 235,000 EUR

(+34) 971 402 911

De Valk Palma Port Cala Nova, Avda. Joan Miró, 327 07015 Palma de Mallorca

Beautifully finished example of this timeless design by Dutch designstudio Vripack. Spacious cockpit and cabins finished in mahogany. All new soft furnishing. Refitted 2019. A real eyecatcher.

Beneteau 57 2009/10 350,000 EUR VAT Paid Lying Malta

+34 971 67 63 92 Puerto Portals, Local 10 - Mallorca Beneteau Brokerage Specialists

66 & 76

Simon Crutchley: +34 656 949 244

Beneteau 57, 2009/10, all GRP with teak decks, white hull, centre cockpit, pedestal steering. Yanmar 160hp diesel engine, bow thruster, air conditioning, generator, watermaker. Classic rig with electric winches. Master cabin aft layout with 2 forward cabins, all en-suite. Passage cabin with single bunk, next to day heads. All set up for blue water cruising, a number of updates completed in 2019. Lying Malta and priced at €350,000 euros Tax paid.

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