Island Magazines December 2022 Bembridge & St Helens area

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Your Local Community Magazine December 2022 Wish i n gyouaMerry Christmas &AHappyNew Year Bembridge & St Helens Area
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Welcome to the Christmas/December issue and here we are heading straight into the festive season, which I must admit feels like it has snuck up on me when I wasn’t looking. Do you feel the same?

This year there are lots of Christmas events happening in the lead up to the big day and some even after, such as the Boxing Day swims. I’ve never known so many Christmas Fayres and events to take place across the Island and this is great to see after the last couple of years. Our ‘Dates for your Diary’ section is on pages 8 and 9. For even more events visit our website and go to the events tab. On page 11 you will find details about Santa Sleigh and the date he will be visiting this area. At the time of going to print the final routes and times hadn’t been finalised but as soon as they become available I will update the events page on our website.

This year I will be baking some Christmas cookies and savoury snacks for both myself and to give as gifts and you can find the recipes on Joy’s Humble Crumble Kitchen feature on page 13. These are the basic recipes to get you going and you can easily add different toppings, herbs, spices and flavours.

In this month’s issue you will find a great variety of local businesses advertising their services and their support through advertising keeps this community magazine going, so please use their services and let them know you saw their advert here.

I’ve had a wonderful year catching up with you every month and I want to thank you for taking the time to read this community magazine and I hope to catch up with you again in 2023... but until then I hope you have a Happy Christmas, however you are celebrating and please look out for those on their own and any elderly neighbours.

Best wishes to you all.

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5 ALL WASTE REMOVED Our range of services include:• House/garden clearances • Office clearances • Bins emptied, incl holiday lets • Household appliance collection/disposal • Scrap metal collection • Hardcore & ballast collection/delivery • Large items collected & delivered OAP discounts Prices start from as little as £10 Please contact us: 07815526650 or 07871093192 S & J Clearance & Removals S & J Clearance & Removals Royal Mail Bulk Mail Economy : Friday, December 16. 2nd Class, 2nd Class Signed For and Royal Mail 48 : Monday, December 19. 1st Class, 1st Class Signed For, Royal Mail 24 and Royal Mail Tracked 48 : Wednesday, December 21. Royal Mail Tracked 24 : Thursday, December 22. Special Delivery Guaranteed : Friday, 23 December HM Forces Mail - British forces Post Office (BFPO) Operational HM Forces and Static HM Forces : Friday, 2nd December
Last Recommended Posting Dates for Christmas Delivery 2022
* Please note: latest recommended posting dates are correct at the time of publishing and are subject to change. It is advisable to post as early as possible to ensure your Christmas letters and parcels reach their destination in good time. For a full list of all interntional destinations go to

News Report from Jonathan Bacon - IW Councillor for Brading & St Helens. Tel 07973 872150 | Email: Cllr Jonathan Bacon

In St Helens we have at last seen the installation of the long promised bollards around the edges of previously unprotected parts of the West Green. This is to stop the Green being used as a car park by some and to help ensure its maintenance and preservation.

We are looking to continue the work to protect the Green and the Parish Council is having discussions with the Isle of Wight Council as to the possibility of enforcement activity against those who fail to respect the Green elsewhere.

It seems that some do not realise that the Green is Common Land and its value as a green space in perpetuity is something to be respected and maintained. It is one of the things that makes St Helens special. That said we must be careful not to treat it as absolutely sacred but recognise that the best approach is a respectful one so as to make the best of it as an asset for the Village.

There is a lot of work being undertaken locally on behalf of WightFibre. With this in mind the 24 Hour Rule on the Green Car Park will not be enforced between now and the end of January so that people who are adversely affected by works can have somewhere to park. It is of course asked that people respect that the relaxation of the rule is to help out those affected by the works in the area for the duration of those works and that they only use the facility when necessary, so that it is free for others in the Village when they are adversely affected.

Lastly, we are currently looking to establish a Local Green Volunteers Group in St Helens. This is both to assist with particular projects but also to provide assistance for general maintenance work. The idea has arisen out of the consultation exercise that took place during the summer about possible tree planting, wildflower meadows and other suggestions. There is to be an initial meeting involving those who have expressed an interest through the consultation process to see how such a group could best work and be organised after which we hope there will be a public meeting to take the group forward.

As both your Isle of Wight Councillor and a Town Councillor I can be contacted at any time and I will always respond to messages. I have set out my contact details above.

My remaining surgery date for St Helens is on 6th December at 10am in the Pavilion on the Green. I am in the process of arranging dates and locations for my surgeries for 2023 and will announce these when available.

2022 has been an eventful year for all of us and Christmas allows us time to reflect on the year, unite with friends and family and look ahead to the future. I hope everyone has an enjoyable and peaceful festive season and I wish all readers the very best for 2023

Tap classes for adults of all age Methodist Church Hall, Foreland Rd, Bembridge PO35 5UD every Wednesday 11.00 - 12.00 SitFit Exercise Four benefits of Chair Exercises • improve your Posture and Balance • Strenthen your Shoulders • Lubricate Knee Joints • Increase your Upper body Flexibility Seview Church Hall, Church Street, Seaview, PO34 5EN every Friday 15.00 - 16.00 To book please contact Suki Turner ARAD, LISTD (DIP) 07940503971 Contact Lui Tel: 520522 Mob: 07795 363 534 THIS SIZE ADVERT COULD BE YOURS FOR JUST £14 For more info email or call 07880 587931

dates for your diary

Thursday 1st December – Kick start your Christmas shopping with Ryde Late Night Shopping event from 4 – 8pm. Entertainment with in store competitions and offers, Christmas Light switch on and much more.

Friday 2nd December – St Mary’s Church Brading Christmas Music Concert at 7pm. Scottish Fiddlers, The Wight Ukers and Brading Community Choir. Enjoy some mulled wine, mince pies, cake and refreshments. Admission free with a retiring collection.

Saturday 3rd December – Lights of Love Parade in Bembridge from 5pm. Meet at Lane End shops. Lantern procession to Holy Trinity Church (arrive approx. 5.30pm). Afterwards to the Village Inn for mince pies and mulled wine/juice.

Saturday 3rd December – Newport Carnival

Christmas Parade starting from Church Litten from 4.30pm. Floats, bands, lanterns, Santa Claus, Young Farmers, schools and much more. Lots going on in the town during the day.

Saturday 3rd and Thursday 8th December

– Christmas Wreath Making Drop-in workshops at Gift to Nature Shop, 12 Holyrood St, Newport. Saturday from 11am - 3pm and 10.30am – 2pm on Thursday. All material provided. Pop in and make a wreath. Tuition on hand if required. Suggested donation £6 per wreath with all proceeds to Gift to Nature. Contact rachael. for more information.

Saturday 3rd December – The Wight Brainy Bunch Christmas Market at Ryde Fire Station from 10am – 4.30pm. Magical Grotto, kids craft corner, inflatable snow globe, live

entertainment, seasonal stalls, refreshments and the Ryde Fire’s Christmas Lights turn on at 4pm.

Thursday 8th December – Late Night Christmas Shopping in Cowes – Cowes retailers invite you to join them and enjoy an evening of shopping, food and drink from 5pm until late.

Thursday 8th December – Light up a Heart Christmas Celebration at Cowes Baptist Church, Moorgreen Road, Cowes with Wessex Heartbeat. Celebrate the lives of loved ones at this special time of year. Come along, enjoy some Christmas refreshments, including mince pies and share the evening with the community. You are welcome to dedicate a ‘Heart’, where you can write a message to a loved one which will then be hung on the Christmas Tree during the evening. This community event is free, but we do ask you to let them know if you are attending, via, as space is limited in the Church.

Thursday 8th December – Dementia Afternoon Club at Bembridge Methodist Hall, Foreland Road from 2pm – 4pm. £5 per person, this includes a selection of sandwiches, cakes, mince pies and tea and coffee. Carols from Bembridge CE Primary School. Sponsored and Hosted by Right at Home in Bembridge. To confirm your attendance please call them on 01983 218318 (they need to ensure everyone has enough cake!)

Saturday 10th December – Christmas Coffee Morning and Raffle at Bembridge Community Library from 9.30am onwards (raffle tickets on sale now - £1 each or £5 book) Raffle drawn at noon.

continued over the page

All event information was correct at time of print but could be subject to change at any time.


dates for your diary

Wednesday 14th December – Ryde Castle Hotel Christmas Fair from 6pm – 9pm.

Friday 16th December – Ryde Merry and Bright. Join in the celebration in the town from 5 – 8pm. Lantern Parade at 5.30pm (starting Dover Street and ending in Vernon square) illuminations in the Garden at St Thomas Rest and Vernon Square. Music, entertainment and food stalls.

Saturday 17th December – Community Christmas Fair at Ryde Depository in Nelson Street, Ryde from 1 – 4pm.

Saturday 17th December – Sandown Christmas Day from 10.30am – 3.30 pm. A day of Christmas fun for all the family. Lots to see and do.

Monday 26th December – Ryde Boxing Day Swim at The Big Kahuna/Ryde Beach Lifeguard Station at 12 noon. Refreshments and hot showers available after at the Waterside Pool.

Sunday 1st January – New Year’s Day Dip in Sandown raising funds for Sandown & Shanklin Independent Lifeboat. Meet at the Royal Pier Hotel at 11am then head down to the beach next to the pier for the dip.

Sunday 1st January – Sandown New Year’s Day Firework Celebrations – This spectacular fireworks display will be from Sandown Pier at 6pm. FREE ENTRY! Donations are gratefully appreciated. Friendly volunteers will be positioned around the esplanade with collection buckets. Road closures will be in place before, during and after the display for crowd safety. This event may be subject to last minute changes or cancellation due to weather

conditions. The views and opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own and do not reflect the views of the Editor or Island Magazines unless stated otherwise. Island Magazines reserves the right to refuse or alter material where necessary. Specialising in cladding & all types of carpentry & building work CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION Full Public Liability Find us on 01983 609842 or 07845 397498 CARPENTRY & BUILDING SERVICES

St Helens Village News by Parish Clerk Jacky Matthews

Phone: 01983 722575 | E-mail:

St Helens Beach

What a busy holiday season on the Duver this summer. Wonderful to see so many people enjoying the area. The capacity of litter bins was increased, the units being emptied regularly during the holiday season. The Toilet block was kept clean and open throughout.

As with the past couple of years, St Helens was successful in being awarded The Seaside Award for 2022.

Now entering the winter season, the toilet facilities are reduced to the accessible toilet only until next April. The defibrillator unit is situated at the toilet block should it be required. All areas are regularly checked throughout the year.

In order to keep our area in a tidy condition we plan to establish a regular litter pick event. More information to follow.

St Helens Village

Throughout the summer months the Greens have been the venue for a number of Village Events. Jubilee Weekend celebrations, Carnival, Village Sports, Car Boot Sale, Sports matches, Horticultural Show, Trying to keep the areas in good condition with the weather is always slightly challenging.

Thankfully the grass wasn’t killed off with the heat of the summer. Due to some grant funding extra planting was enabled at the garden at Nelson’s Quay, happy to report most of the plants again withstood the hot days.

Plans to update the garden at Latimer Road will take place over the next few months. Along with the Horseshoe Trail, at West Green.

A maintenance schedule for the various areas and benches is being drawn up. If you would like to join the volunteers list to give a small amount of time please feel welcome to contact me on the details above.

On behalf of The Parish, a Poppy Wreath was laid at the Church Gate during the Remembrance Day Service. Listening to the Roll Call of the people who gave their lives for our freedom is always a sobering time.

We look forward to seeing the Christmas Tree with its bright lights within the next month.

The Village of Angels is celebrating its 10th year anniversary this year. Let’s hope for a good turnout, always interesting to see what creations are made from recycled packaging.

Remember it is your village. If you have an idea you would like in the village, something to report or would like to be involved then please make it known - contact as above.

11 Santa is back on his sleigh again this December. Come and see him as he visits a town near you. Saturday 3rd Sunday 4th Monday 5th Wednesday 7th Shanklin/Lake Thursday 8th Ventnor Friday 9th Wootton Saturday 10th Ryde Sunday 11th Binstead Monday 12th St Helens Tuesday 13th Cowes SANTA SLEIGH SANTA SLEIGH Brought to you by Multi award winning transformational coach. Rebuild your confidence and achieve more. Get in touch today 01983 754 620 Email: My best wishes for a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year to the people of Bembridge and beyond. Thank you for your support over the last 12 months Cllr. Joe Robertson Times and routes are being finalised. Follow @IWROUNDTABLE on Facebook for more information or check for updates on the events page at

News Report

from Cllr Joe Robertson

The draft Island Planning Strategy has been sent back to the Council’s Cabinet for reconsideration with reasons for it being rejected. One of those reasons is too many greenfield allocations for new housing and I will continue to work with the Council’s Cabinet and Officers to seek to reduce the greenfield allocations for Bembridge in particular. There are also some recommended amendments to ensure more affordable housing built for Islanders. The IPS needs to ensure that we build homes which are actually affordable to most Islanders both to rent and buy. The Islandwide housing waiting list currently stands at around 2,500 which is an increase over the last two years and far too high. Finally, there is an advisory deadline that the IPS should return to the Council with amendments by April 2023 although it could happen earlier.

Now that the Bembridge Flood report has been published, we are able to make progress on following through on the recommendations and ensuring that the flood damage caused last year is not repeated. By the time of going to print I will have met with Parish Councillors, the Environment Agency, Southern Water and Island Roads to make a plan for work to begin and progress to be made. In the meantime, I am pleased that the Parish Council have appointed local flood wardens and have been taking proactive steps to make sure the Village is better prepared in the future.

Looking across the Island more widely, I am concerned that the mediation settlement over the defective floating bridge is being kept secret from the public. This is an issue of significant public interest considering

- Bembridge

how long it has been going on. While the mediation process itself will have understandably taken place behind closed doors, the outcome should have been made public. The Council should not have signed up to confidentiality in this case. I am also concerned that the designers of the floating bridge had a liquidator appointed by their creditors before they entered mediation in February 2022 and regardless of the deal reached, the Council may never receive a penny from them. The issue of the floating bridge itself has still not been resolved and we have been told the Council may buy another one. The time and cost involved is not clear and we do not know how much of the cost will be covered by the mediation settlement money because that is being kept secret. If the settlement figure was substantial it should be obvious in the Council’s accounts. If we cannot find it the logical conclusion will be that the settlement sum was very small. Simply buying another vessel risks making the mistakes of the past all over again.

Finally, I was pleased to attend the police re-naming ceremony in Newport. The Hampshire Constabulary will now be known as the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary. The Isle of Wight name has been missing since 1967 and I would like to thank our Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones for bringing about this change. The roll out of the rebranding will happen over time. So, for example, as police cars are retired, new replacement cars will bear the new name and crest.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year.


From joy’s humble crumble kitchen From joy’s humble crumble kitchen

With the festive season upon us our recipe suggestions for this month are for sweet and savoury treats for yourself or you can share with family and friends or even make as Christmas gifts. The children and grandchildren can get involved in making these tasty biscuits to give as gifts... just pop them in cellophane packets and add a ribbon and message.


100g cheddar cheese grated

50g parmesan cheese grated

100g plain flour

100g butter - chilled & cut into cubes

1 egg yolk plus a pinch of cayenne pepper and a pinch of black pepper.

• Place the grated cheese into a large bowl - sift the flour and add the cubed butter. Add cayenne and black pepper.

• Rub together using your fingertips until mix resembles coarse breadcrumbs.

• Add the egg yolk. Stir together with a knife then bring the dough together to form a firm dough using hands. Tip onto lightly floured surface. Shape into a rectangle and roll until 5mm thick. Trim the edges and cut into 2cm strips.

• Lay on a lightly oiled baking trayleave a space between them as they will spread. Bake at 220 degree for 8 - 10 minutes or until golden.

• Leave for 5 minutes before transferring them onto a wire rack.


120g butter - softened

75g light brown sugar

75g caster sugar

180g plain flour

1 medium egg

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp bicarb of soda

150g dark or milk chocolate, cut into small chunks.

• Cream the butter and sugars together until light and fluffy, beat in the egg and vanilla, sift the flour, bicarb, salt - mix well and add the chocolate bits.

• Scoop 10 large tbsp of the mixture onto parchment lined trays or lightly oiled trays, leaving good spaces between to allow for spreading.

• Bake at 180 degrees for 10 - 12 minutes or until golden and firm at the edges but still soft in the middle (they will harden as they cool). Leave to rest for 5 minutes before transferring them onto a wire rack.


100g plain flour, 100g butter - chilled & cubed 100g parmesan cheese - finely grated These are lovely on their own or you can customise with finely chopped herbs, thyme and rosemary work well.

• Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until crumbly then bring together to form into a 3cm diameter log - if too dry add a spoonful of warm water • divide log in half, wrap each in cling film and rest in refrigerator • slice the dough into 1cm round cookies, sprinkle a little grated parmesan on top and bake at 180 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until golden.

14 Sudoku PUZZLE PAGE Follow us on Wordsearch ‘CHRISTMAS’ Word Ladder Last month’s answer for Word Ladder GREAT,TREAT,TREAD,TRIAD,TRIAL,TRILL,TWILL,SWILL,STILL,STALL,SMALL
A word ladder is a sequence of words formed by changing just one letter each time eg CAT - COT - DOT - DOG. Can you find the missing words? Use the clues if you get stuck.

Christmas Pudding

Is Christmas Pudding like marmite? Do you either love it or hate it? I remember always having this at Christmas as a child and I never enjoyed it and they say that tastes change as you get older but in my case it still the same and a big fat NO from me! But am I in the minority as it seems Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without the Christmas Pudding for some. Whatever you feel about it here are some interesting pudding facts.

• Christmas pudding originated in medieval England in the 1420s.

• It is also known as plum pudding or plum duff.

• A typical Christmas pudding contains sugar, treacle, suet, raisins and spices.

• Christmas pudding traditions had a Roman Catholic influence, with puddings made with 13 ingredients, representing the 12 apostles plus Christ and was stirred from East to West to remember the Three Wise Men.

• The pudding is traditionally cooked on a Sunday, 4-5 weeks before Christmas.

• It was traditionally steamed in a cloth, although pudding basins are now often used.

• Christmas pudding is often hooked on a hook to dry after

until Christmas day.

• Even though the Christmas pudding is known as a ‘plum

has no plums, instead it has raisins, which in old Victorian

• Coins (and sometimes other trinkets)

and whoever was lucky enough to have a coin in

times were called plums.
pudding’, the
were commonly cooked in the pudding mix,
their slice of pudding got to keep the
15 Professional, personal & caring service Private Chapel of Rest Pre-paid funeral plans Call Richard or Caroline day or night on 872598 Weaver Brothers Ltd Weavers Yard, Lane End Road, Bembridge, IW, PO35 5UE email: Telephone: (01983) 872598 TRUSTED CARE IN YOUR OWN HOME Our services include: •Companionship •Personal care •Dementia care •Medication support Contact Vicky or Katie for more information: 01983 218318 Making a difference every day •Respite care •Shopping •Meal preparation •Running errands Or pop in for a cuppa and a chat: 7 High Street, Bembridge, Isle of Wight PO35 5SD

Are You Scams Savvy?

Join the Age UK Isle of Wight Digital Support Service for our gently paced workshops and a chance for a chat with our digital staff and volunteers. This month we are focusing on how to avoid scams and stay safe online. Sally Ash from Trading Standards and Philip Bonser from Daniel Burns Wealth Management are working with us to provide expert advice and guidance.

Date Time Venue Details

Thurs 1st Dec 10.00 12.15 Brighstone Methodist Church Hall

Tues 6th Dec 10.00 12.00

East Cowes Community Hub

Weds 7th Dec 10.30-12.45 Ryde Library

Feeling safe at home. Discussion with Age UKIW and Sally Ash

Scams awareness with Phil Bonser

Feeling safe at home. Discussion with Age UKIW and Sally Ash

Mon 12th Dec 10.00 12.00 Newport Library Scams awareness with Sally Ash

Tues 13th Dec 10.00 12.15

Better Days Café, Ventnor

Feeling safe at home with Age UKIW

Thurs 15th Dec 10 00 12.00 Newport Library Scams awareness with Phil Bonser

Sally Ash Works for the Isle of Wight Council as a Fair-Trading Officer.

Phil Bonser is a former bank manager who now works for Daniel Burns Wealth Management.

All events are free of charge and refreshments are provided.

Spaces are limited, so please book your place by contacting Age UK Isle of Wight on (01983) 301693 or email

As well as digital workshops, Age UK Isle of Wight also host drop in sessions across the island and one to one home support where needed. Get in touch with us to find out how to access these or go to

Registered Charity Number: 1118711

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