The Decisive 60 years in Fashion

Page 17


V. First steps in the Fashion World Between 60s and 70s his fashion educa�on begins, as he usually a�ended a tex�le school, Alfredo Ma�roli became an expert in weaving, spinning, dyeing, he began to see the family company with a more expert eye, he learns, he loves more and more this world, the Fashion world.

Textile laboratory in Italy

He s�ll wanted to deepen his knowledge and go abroad, in Switzerland, of which he is also a ci�zen and he a�ended the school of tex�le engineering in San Gallo, it is a university master's degree. He learned German and in his spare �me he went to a co�on fabric factory as a worker, a wonderful experience. It is 1962, he returned to Italy and Somma Company called him, the most important company of blankets in Europe to be a technician, he is however a�racted by a fascina�ng and beau�ful novelty: Marke�ng. he became a marke�ng technician, perhaps one of the first Merchandisers. He completed his prepara�on with a master's degree in Marke�ng from Columbia University in New York where in the 90's he received a bachelor's degree in Economics for work merits in the fashion field. 17

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