Exquisitehomes magazine apr2018 for web

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Welcome to our first issue of Exquisite Home magazine I hope that you will enjoy browsing through our properties, which range from bijou apartments to Victorian townhouses, from country cottages to country estates and from seaside gems to homes with excellent equestrian facilities to suit a wide range of budgets. What all our properties have in common is that they are exquisite! If you would like to see a professionally produced and photographed brochure of any property featured, then please contact me. Are you looking to sell your property? Here are some of the many reasons why you should choose Exquisite Home as your agent: r 0VS VOJRVF MJGFTUZMF NBSLFUJOH BQQSPBDI r 1SPGFTTJPOBM CSPDIVSFT DPNCJOJOH QSPGFTTJPOBM QIPUPHSBQIZ and insightful content r " QSPGFTTJPOBM BOE FYQFSJFODFE UFBN PG BHFOUT BU ZPVS TFSWJDF 7 days a week r *OUJNBUF MPDBM LOPXMFEHF BOE TQFDJBMJTU FYQFSUJTF DPNCJOFE with far reaching advertising and marketing r &YQPTF ZPVS QSPQFSUZ PO PWFS PG UIF XPSME T NPTU important property portals r "MM QSPQFSUJFT CFBVUJGVMMZ SFQSFTFOUFE POMJOF BU www.exquisitehome.co.uk If you are looking to buy or sell an exquisite home, then please contact me for further information. Enjoy the read! Mike Bidwell | Managing Director

Highlights this issue Page 23: 8JO B OJHIU BXBZ BU UIF $SPXO BOE $BTUMF JO 0SGPSE Page 30: $IFDL PVU PVS TFMFDUJPO PG &RVFTUSJBO 1SPQFSUJFT Page 44: Why Exquisite Home goes that extra mile Page 56: Try this delicious recipe for Hainanese Chicken

T: 07725 552252


E: mike.bidwell@exquisitehome.co.uk



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