INside Peek American Heart Gala The American Heart Association held its New Orleans Heart Ball at the Hyatt Regency on Saturday, June 11. The gala featured a social hour as well as a silent auction, a live auction, and Open Your Heart Appeal to help raise funds to fight heart disease.
1. Dr. Lauren Agnew and guests celebrate at the
Grand Opening Party for the Magazine Street location of Eye Wares. 2. That’s baby Liam! He was in the hospital for months after his birth. He is now home and thriving with his parents Ryan and Stacey Gaudet. 3. Mr. Bradley and Dr. Angelle McGehee of Blue Line Sandwich Co. celebrate their nuptials at McGrail Vineyards in Livermore, CA. 4. Attendees at the Memorial Tree Grove Dedication hosted by Friends of Jefferson the Beautiful on June 16.