關於 JCCAC About JCCAC 開放時間 Opening Hours JCCAC 每 日 上 午 10 時 至 晚 上 10 時開放, 農曆新年假期除外。 公眾可自由參觀而毋須預約,但 請留意個別展覽及藝術活動會有 不同的開放日期和時間,為免向 隅, 請 向 主 辦 單 位 直 接 查 詢 確 定。我們亦提供預約的團體導賞 服務,如有興趣,歡迎查詢。 JCCAC is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily except Chinese New Year holidays. While no appointment is required for general visits, visitors should check the date and time of specific exhibitions or art activities to avoid disappointment. JCCAC also offers group guided tours; interested parties may contact us for details.
於 2008 年開幕的賽馬會創意藝術中 心(JCCAC),是香港首間由整幢廠 廈活化而成的藝術村兼藝術中心。 JCCAC 為自負盈虧非牟利慈善團體 及香港浸會大學附屬機構,作為一 所多元化及對外開放的藝文場地, JCCAC 既為藝術家及藝文團體提供 價格實惠的工作室及設施,也為公 眾營造親切的環境,體驗藝術文化 活動和感受創意氛圍,讓藝術更靠 近 社 區, 並 走 得 更 遠。 佔 地 約 二 十 萬平方呎的 JCCAC 是近 140 個各類 型藝術家和文化團體的運作基地, 當中更特別預留近四份之一的工作 室以支持具潛質的新晉藝術家。
Opened in 2008, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) is the first factoryturned artist village and arts centre in Hong Kong. JCCAC is a self-financed registered charity and Hong Kong Baptist University's subsidiary. The multidisciplinary arts and cultural venue is open to the public and is dedicated to meet the arts community’s need for affordable arts studio and display facilities, nurture young creative talents for Hong Kong and provide a relaxed environment for the public to experience arts and culture. Spread over 200,000 square feet, JCCAC is the operation base for around 140 artists and cultural organisations of a wide array of art forms, of which around a quarter of its studios are dedicated specifically to support development of promising emerging artists.