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fresh, local, fun
markets crop up in Hollywood
8 chamber news 14 letters to the editor 21 dining adventures
30 calendar of events 33 classifieds 34 real estate Q&A
Cover photo by Courtney Ortiz www.courtneyortiz.com
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hollywood gazette | 954-962-8180 | www.hollywoodgazette.com
Hollywood real estate agent receives national recognition
Andre Lauzier of the Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Hollywood office ranked No.10 nationwide among all company associates for total sales units by NRT — the nation’s largest residential real estate brokerage and Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate’s parent company. In addition, Lauzier is consistently ranked among the top sales associates in NRT’s Southeast Region (Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth and Florida) for sales performance. “Even though Andre closes numerous transactions annually, he assists each customer as if that person were his only client,” said Mark Kaminsky, managing broker of the Hollywood office. “He helps buyers make good purchasing decisions and educates his sellers, so they can get the highest price possible with the least inconvenience in the shortest period of
time.” Lauzier, a Florida resident for 23 years, is tri-lingual, speaking English, French and Spanish, and he has also ridden along with the Hollywood Police Lauzier Department, assisting the community through his language translation skills. “I am very proud of Andre’s significant accomplishments,” said Charles Richardson, Regional Senior Vice President, Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate — Southeast Florida. “He’s never too busy to help a new agent or colleague and has been the consummate Realtor for more than 20 years.” “Call me, I’ll answer,” is Andre Lauzier’s slogan, and he can be reached anytime directly on his cell phone at 954-347-4317.
Spinal surgeon joins division of neurosurgery at Memorial Healthcare System’s Neuroscience Center
Jennifer A. Sandomir PUBLISHER jennifer@hollywoodgazette.com
Jack A. Siriani director of sales and marketing (954) 439-3903 • jack@hollywoodgazette.com
Brett Daly ASSOCIATE EDitor brett@hollywoodgazette.com
Caron Conway LEAD CORRESPONDENT/ CALENDAR EDITOR caron@hollywoodgazette.com
David M. Udoff CORRESPONDENT Marty Foyer dining columnist diningadventures@aol.com
Courtney Ortiz Cover photographer www.courtneyortiz.com
Tom Olsen feature photographer www.cre8mephoto.com
Barbara Pellicano-Tisi ADministrative director barbara@hollywoodgazette.com
Alvaro Rosero Creative director creative@hollywoodgazette.com
Marika Guyton event promotions marika@hollywoodgazette.com
Southeast Offset (305) 623-7788 printer
Joseph Martinez, M.D., a neurosurgeon fellowship trained in complex spine surgery with a focus on spinal cord tumors, has joined the Martinez Division of Neurosurgery at Memorial Healthcare System’s Neuroscience Center. Martinez’s colleagues on the neuroscience team include Greg Zorman, Hoang Duong, James Jaffe, Alexander Poisik, Luis Rodriguez and Linda Sternau. In his new role, Martinez also will be part of the Memorial Trauma Center – one of only seven level 1 trauma facilities statewide that is qualified to treat the most severe, life-threatening injuries. Martinez holds both his Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry and economics and his medical degree from the University
of New Mexico in Albuquerque. During medical school, Martinez served as a research fellow in vascular surgery at Harvard Medical School. He completed his internship in general surgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and his residency in neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston – one year was spent at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Following that, Martinez did a fellowship in complex spine surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Fla. Over the past three years, Martinez has conducted research through M.D. Anderson Cancer Center to help identify variables that may better predict pre-operatively the duration of postoperative survival in patients undergoing surgery for spinal metastases. In the past, he also has presented research before the American Society of Hematology annual meeting, the Harvard Medical School Summer Student Research Symposium and the Minorities in Cancer Research Council annual meeting.
Enter the 2010 Best of Hollywood Contest on our Facebook page!
www.facebook.com/hollywoodgazette Finalists announced in the September 2010 issue Winners announced in the October 2010 issue There is no cost to enter, no purchase necessary to vote. Any BUSINESS IN HOLLYWOOD can enter, everyone can vote.
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Gilmore Associates direct mail services
For more information, call 954-962-8180 or visit www.hollywoodgazette.com Hollywood Gazette © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. The entire contents of the publication shall be the property of Hollywood Gazette. No parts hereof may be reproduced without prior written consent of the publisher. Hollywood Gazette is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. The views and opinions expressed by our columnists do not necessarily reflect those of the Hollywood Gazette.
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New farmers’ markets are cropping up in Hollywood BY BRETT DALY ASSOCIATE EDITOR brett@hollywoodgazette.com
photos by Courtney Ortiz www.courtneyortiz.com
New farmers markets are sprouting in Hollywood, giving local farmers, artists and craftsmen a venue to sell their products to the community. The ArtsPark Saturday Market made its debut one month ago at Young Circle, and Mike Wharton, ArtsPark & Cultural Affairs Division administrator, said the public has shown a definite interest. “It seems more of a trend for the public to buy local,” Wharton said. “Opening a farmer’s market is something we’ve always thought about, and after seeing how successful other markets have been, we thought we would give it a try.” The Market Company, Inc., the organization responsible for the Lincoln Road Farmer’s Market in Miami, organizes the weekly Saturday event. Claire Tomlin, principal of the Market Company, Inc. who has more than 15 years experience producing farmers’ markets, said she recognized the potential for a successful farmer’s market at the ArtsPark. “When the City renovated ArtsPark, I just thought it was a prime location for a market,” she said. “It makes shopping so easy for people in Hollywood because of the surrounding businesses and parking.” The open-air market contains 20 vendors who sell products like organic fruits, honey, flowers and handmade soap, but Tomlin said she expects the number to climb between 40 and 50 once vegetables are harvested in
November. “We’re seeing the neighborhood discover the market, and we’re seeing a lot of repeat business,” she said. “We’re gearing up for the fall and are really excited.” Tomlin said she would love more arts and crafts featured at the ArtsPark Saturday Market, so she encourages local artists to look into showcasing their work at the event. And since ArtsPark receives most of its foot traffic at night, Wharton said they decided to operate from 4 to 10 p.m., setting it apart from early morning markets. “The Saturday Market is connected to the Downtown setting,” he said. “It’s a nice park setting with both dancing and music. People should come out and see what it has to offer.” In addition to the ArtsPark Saturday Market, Hollywood will soon sport the Yellow Green Farmer’s Market. Scheduled to open in November of last year, the market encountered several permitting and safety violations, postponing its debut to this October. The City required changes to the market’s plumbing, electrical and fire alarm systems, as well as changes to its parking lot and landscaping. Violeta Beaumont, marketing coordinator of the Yellow Green Farmer’s Market, said the Yellow Green Farmer’s Market reached an agreement with the City at the July 7 City Commission meeting, and the market is in the process of making the necessary changes to open for business. She said final inspections should be completed by mid-August. And despite the setbacks, Beaumont said the public is still interested in the farmer’s market. “The public inquires every day to see if we are open,” she said. “The response is still there.” The response is still there amongst vendors as well. The market, located
at 1940 N. 40th Road, will contain 330 booths, 255 of which have already been rented by local vendors. Beaumont said vendor products emphasize environmentally friendly, green products and include organic vegetables and fruits, jewelry and coffee. In addition, the market will also contain entertainment. “This farmer’s market is very much like a California- or New York-style farmer’s market where you can spend an
entire day there,” she said. “You can have lunch, there’s face painting for the kids and the products will be high quality and priced well.” The market will remain open year round on Thursdays from 5 to 11 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information about the ArtsPark Saturday market, visit www.themarketcompany.org, and for more information about the Yellow Green Farmer’s Market, visit www. ygfarmersmarket.com.
hollywood gazette | 954-962-8180 | www.hollywoodgazette.com
Former Dolphins Linebacker will be Keynote Speaker at Next Hollywood Chamber Breakfast Event The Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce former Miami Dolphins linebacker, Twan Russell, as their August keynote Twan Russell, former speaker. Miami Dolphins Russell will be linebacker, will addressing the local be speaking on business community the importance of on the importance business partners of business partners in education at in education this month’s Good during the Aug. Morning Hollywood Breakfast. 13 Good Morning Hollywood Breakfast sponsored by Waste Management/ The Wheelabrator.
Twan is the Founder of the Russell Life Skills and Reading Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization set to eradicate illiteracy among our youth. He also serves as the current Director of the Miami Dolphins’ Youth and Community Programs. The Hollywood Young Professionals, the Greater Hollywood Junior Chamber of Commerce (Hollywood Jaycees) and the City of Hollywood’s Education Advisory Board have partnered to collect back to school items to help benefit the Back to School Backpacks for Needy Children program. Donations needed include backpacks, pens, pencils, folders and notebooks. Financial contributions will also be accepted.
Chamber at a Glance!
Get your most up-to-date Chamber business news at . . . you guessed it – At a Glance! • Greater Hollywood Chamber members are given a variety of money-saving offers like the ChamberPerks affinity program. Save hundreds in office supplies with Office Depot, insurance with ChamberCare, shipping with FedEx and much more. But this is an exclusive member benefit, so join the Chamber and watch your savings grow! • Do you have a HOT DEAL? Members also receive the opportunity to gain FREE online exposure to all www.HollywoodChamber. org visitors on promotions and new products through our Hot Deals feature. It’s FREE for members and easy to upload! • SAVE THE DATE - Nov. 19! Join us for the 27th Annual Golf Classic. More details to come! Now recruiting volunteers for the Golf Classic steering committee. Please call the Chamber at 954-923-4000 for more information. • Membership is on the rise! Local business owners are revamping their marketing plans to include grassroots marketing strategy, and your Greater Hollywood Chamber provides just that! There are currently 736 members and still growing! • Professional Education Seminar Series is in high demand. FREE for members and $25 for future members, this series features topics like small business marketing, Microsoft Outlook 101, time management skills and much more. Take a look at our upcoming events to attend the next seminar and find out what all the talk is about.
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• Want to get involved? Join one of our many committees. Ranging from education to government, we have a group to cater to your interests. Please call the Chamber at 954-923-4000 for more information. • Speaking of committees . . . the Chamber would like to congratulate Co-Chairs David Kout and Carlos Jimenez for leading our new Green Initiatives Committee; and Co-Chairs Sean Atkinson and Steven Alig for leading another newly formed committee – the Technology Committee. Give us a call at 954-923-4000 if you want to join one of these committees. • Say No to 4! Recently, the GHCC Board of Directors unanimously voted for the Chamber to position itself AGAINST Amendment 4. This “Vote-on-Everything” amendment would force Floridians – not the representatives they elect – to decide on hundreds of technical comprehensive plan changes each year. For more information on Amendment 4, visit Florida2010.org. • We are everywhere! To provide you with the most to-date Hollywood business information, the Chamber understands the need to get out in the community and get involved. Chamber representatives can be seen attending meetings with: City of Hollywood Commission, Downtown Hollywood Business Association meetings, Hollywood Beach Business Association, Port Everglades, Community Redevelopment Agency, Executive Roundtable and the State Road 7 Business Association. The list goes on and on!
Event Details: Good Morning Hollywood Breakfast Friday, Aug. 13 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Hollywood Beach Marriott 2501 N. Ocean Drive Hollywood Speaker: Twan Russel of the Russell Life Skills and Reading Foundation, Inc. Registration is $7 for members and $12 for future members. For more information, please call 954-923-4000 or visit www. hollywoodchamber.org to R.S.V.P. online.
Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce FIRST in South Florida to Provide FREE Smartphone Chamber Application The Chamber would like to announce a new partnership with MyChamberApp, the only nationwide mobile directory of businesses belonging to their local Chamber of Commerce. This application allows for automatic updates to the MyChamberApp using our ChamberMaster database information. YOUR business will show up on ALL smartphones. MyChamberApp is an excellent way for YOU: • To find out about Chamber events. • To promote YOUR businesses, events and Hot Deals. • To have YOUR business listed in MyChamberApp with YOUR member name, address, phone number and Web site link. The application is free and available for iPhone, Android, Blackberry and any phone with a mobile Web browser. Because we will be the FIRST Chamber in South Florida to offer this membership benefit, this is a great opportunity for you to jump ahead of the competition simply by joining the Hollywood Chamber. For more information, please call Amber at 954-923-4000, ext. 16.
AUGUST chamber of commerce events Friday, Aug. 13 Good Morning Hollywood Breakfast 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Sponsored by Waste Management / The Wheelabrator Hollywood Beach Marriott 2501 N. Ocean Drive Hollywood Topic: Business Partners in Education $12 Members/$20 future members
Tuesday, Aug. 17 Professional Education Workshop: Taking the Mystery out of Business Loans 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce 330 N. Federal Highway FREE members/$25 future members
Friday, Aug. 20 Pizza & Benefits Learn about the benefits of being a Hollywood Chamber member! 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. The Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce 330 N. Federal Highway FREE members/$10 future members
Wednesday, Aug. 25 Business After Hours 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Gino’s Italian-American Deli & Supermarket 5729 Johnson St. Hollywood $7 members/$12 future members
Tuesday, Aug. 31 Professional Education Workshop: Foreclosure Defense 101 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce 330 N. Federal Highway FREE members/$25 future members
REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR ALL EVENTS! Call the Chamber at 954-923-4000 to register for all your Chamber events or visit www. hollywoodchamber.org to R.S.V.P. online.
FIRST EVER Slot AND Poker Tournament Join the Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for its FIRST annual Slot and Poker Tournament. Set for Thursday, Oct. 14 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Mardi Gras Casino (831 N. Federal Highway in Hallandale Beach), this event will be the casino’s first time hosting a slot and poker tournament simultaneously! Benefiting the Hollywood Chamber, the tournament will feature a grand prize of up to $5,000 ($2,500 Cash/$2,500 Bonus play)! Other prizes include a weekend stay at the Westin
Diplomat; a $100 gift certificate to the French Quarter Restaurant at Mardi Gras Casino; and $250, $150 and $75 Bonus Play. The event is presented by Mardi Gras Casino, Becker & Poliakoff and Synergy Gaming. Get the exposure you need in front of the right players! Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Tournament is limited to the first 300 players, so get your spot today! Member registration is $75 per player, per tournament. Future member
registration is $100 per player, per tournament. Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served. Interested attendees must be 21 and have a valid driver’s license. You must bring your driver’s license in order to participate and to claim your prizes! For more information, please call Marie at 954-923-4000, ext. 17 or visit www.hollywoodchamber.org to download the sponsorship information or to register your players.
Must be minimum 21 years of age and a Player’s Club member to participate. Membership is free. Must have a valid driver’s license. The State of Florida assumes no liability for this promotion (according to rule 61D-14.076). Bonus Play not transferable into or out of the State of Florida. When gambling is no longer a game… call 1-888-ADMIT-IT.
Member to Member “According to recent statistics, your chances of sealing a deal are 79 percent higher when business networking is involved,” according to AskMen.com. The Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is helping our members attain business, but we thought it would be better to let our members tell you about their own successes with our Chamber! “I decided to start my own company this year after working for ‘Corporate America’ for the last 15+ years, which can be a very scary endeavor. Not only did
my membership and involvement with the Hollywood Chamber help me to identify my ideal potential client, but all of the networking opportunities that were available as a part of my membership have led to no less than SIX new, steady clients. The membership has paid for itself several times over,” said Michele Fiorenza of Marketing Solutions by Michele. To hear how Michele can also help you with your marketing needs, please call 954-923-3804. Need a little help with your networking skills or business plan? Give us a call at 954-923-4000, and let us help you get in front of the right client.
hollywood gazette | 954-962-8180 | www.hollywoodgazette.com
Interfaith organization supports HIV-infected orphans in Haiti BY BRETT DALY ASSOCIATE EDITOR brett@hollywoodgazette.com
During his recent trip to Haiti, it was easy for Rabbi Allan Tuffs of Hollywood’s Temple Beth El to feel sadness at the amount of human suffering caused by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that shook the country in January. But after seeing the smiling faces of the 30 children he helps support, the feeling transformed to inspiration from their unyielding faith and hope. Tuffs, along with a group of 21 people, traveled to Haiti last month on a work-study mission as part of Hollywood CARES, an interfaith organization that supports HIV-infected orphans in Haiti. Founded by Tuffs and the Rev. Kennedy McGowan of the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood in 2006, the organization established a facility in Port au Prince three years ago for eight HIV-infected children and has funded it ever since. In addition, Hollywood CARES established and supports a school for 30 children. Tuffs said they made the decision to fund these projects after a member of
Sara Parr, a student at Johnson and Wales, hugs James, an orphan who receives support from Hollywood CARES.
his congregation traveled to Haiti and shared his experiences with them. After convincing the member to return to Haiti and show him around, Tuffs made the decision to help Project Papillon, a Haitian organization, establish the house and school for the children. The purpose of the organization’s latest trek was twofold: first, the group helped repair damage inflicted upon the orphanages and school by the devastating
Hollywood students participate in Community Workers Week
Hollywood firefighters posing with Marware students after showing them their fire engine.
Marware Montessori Academy, a new school for children ages 18 months to 12 years old, held its first Community Workers Week to help teach students about various occupations. The Hollywood Fire Department, Hollywood Motorcycle Police Department and Mayor Peter Bober 10
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participated in the event. Opened in Downtown Hollywood at 2230 Hollywood Blvd., the 7,200-square-foot facility is licensed for 87 children and offers all-day, yearround hours just for working parents. For more information, call 954923-7100.
earthquake, and second, the group worked on building a new youth and community center to not only help children dealing with the trauma of the earthquake but also provide the community with a meeting center. “These kids really appreciate everything we’re doing for them, and they’re thriving,” Tuffs said. “Our facility is an oasis of hope and success in a country lacking in the two.” Because of a grant from the Union for Reform Judaism, Hollywood CARES had the funds to supply its new community center with a $10,500 generator and new computers. The facility also contains a music academy. “We’re trying to give these children the resources they need to grow physically, psychologically and educationally,” Tuffs said. “We’re committed to giving them at least a highschool education, so they can go out into Haitian society and take action to develop their country.” The mission also provided Hollywood CARES members with the chance to interact with the children they have supported over the last few years. Tuffs said they sang songs and even showed them card tricks. “We always spend time playing with the kids and getting to know them,” he said. “They’re always very warm and sweet.” The work Rabbi Tuffs has completed – work he still plans to continue – has given him the opportunity to do something worthwhile and lasting, he said. “I feel it’s my duty to try and fix the world where it’s broken,” he said. “I feel commanded to try and ease human suffering.” For information about Hollywood CARES, call Temple Beth El at 954-9208225.
John Dieubon, director of Project Papillon, Rabbi Allan Tuffs, Temple Beth El, and Pastor Kennedy McGowan, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, stand by the gas generator donated by The Union for Reform Judaism for the Youth Center being opened by Project Papillon.
Pastor McGowan and Collin Erringer (New Jersey) sanding and painting at the Hollywood CARES House.
Camille, an HIV-infected orphan at the Hollywood CARES Houses receives a dental checkup and a new toothbrush.
EB-5 investments in Hollywood offer real estate development in exchange for visas
Interest in Hollywood from foreign investors is expected to grow under a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services program that offers real estate development opportunities in exchange for a special visa that can shave years off an immigrant’s wait for permanent U.S. residency. The EB-5 Investor Visa Program, which was authorized by Congress under the Immigration Act of 1990, offers green cards to foreign nationals and their immediate family members with an investment of $1 million, or $500,000 in target areas with a high unemployment rate, that also creates a minimum of 10 American jobs. EB-5 (Employment Based 5th Preference) investments in the American economy can be made directly into a business or through a federally approved regional center that promotes economic growth by encouraging and managing investments in the U.S. from abroad and helps expedite the receipt of a green card for immigrant investors. Florida currently has 10 regional centers, the newest being Gold Coast Florida Regional Center (GCFRC), which opened in Coral Gables in July, and focuses on key real estate investment and development opportunities for foreign investors in the tri-county area. Its first project will be the 25-story Hollywood Circle mixed-use development on Young Circle in the heart of Downtown Hollywood, which will consist of 397 residential apartments; 20,000 square feet of ground-floor shops; a 48,000-square-foot Publix Super Market; a restaurant; and The Circ, an upscale boutique hotel by Desires Hotels. Veteran developer Charles “Chip” Abele, GCFRC’s chairman and one of four founding partners, called EB-5 regional centers a “win-win situation.” The investor program benefits not only foreign nationals seeking to realize the American Dream but also the local community as well, as an infusion of foreign capital creates new employment opportunities and boosts the economy. “As an officially designated regional center, we will solicit international investments for select South Florida projects that fuel jobs and economic growth,” said Abele, who recently spent close to three weeks soliciting investors in Hong Kong, Shanghai, South Africa and London. “Projects can be funded without bank loans or debt, enhancing potential for profitability.”
Abele anticipates that GCFRC will generate more than $850 million and create more than 18,000 jobs in South Florida during the next five years. The Hollywood Circle development is expected to pump $160 million into the local economy and create approximately 3,000 new jobs. Construction is scheduled to begin next summer. “Hollywood Circle will enhance one of Hollywood’s most important sites and attract the consumers and residents needed to create a sustainable downtown environment,” Abele said. “Its benefits will include nearly 400 new upperincome residential families, millions in annual tax revenues and a $500,000 public improvements contribution to Hollywood’s ArtsPark.” Hollywood Circle is the first EB-5 development in Broward County to be fully approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and only the second one in South Florida. GCFRC also plans to fund a second project in Hollywood, the Great Southern Hotel redevelopment, as well as the Cypress Office Park project in Fort Lauderdale. Another Hollywood project that is courting international investors is the $126 million Margaritaville resort planned for Johnson Street and State Road A1A on a 6-acre, city-owned parcel that other developers have unsuccessfully tried to develop over the past several years. Financing for the 17-story hotel/ restaurant project will consist of about $75 million from foreign investors, $10 million in developer equity and a $10 million loan from the City’s Community Redevelopment Agency to be repaid in 10 years at 5 percent interest. Developer Lon Tabatchnick will pay the City $20,000 a month during construction, which is scheduled to begin Oct. 1, 2011. The City will be paid $500,000 a year, with a 3 percent increase annually, once the project is finished. It is expected to create 3,000 jobs. Because the Hollywood projects are located in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA) where unemployment is at least 150 percent of the national average, each participant will invest a minimum of $500,000, as opposed to the $1 million capital investment that’s typically required for projects outside TEAs. Qualified EB-5 investors, spouses and children younger than 21 years old initially receive conditional visas and are granted permanent green cards once they demonstrate that two years of U.S. residency have passed, the original investment requirements have been met and maintained, the investment has been continuous, and the required number of
“Its benefits will include nearly 400 new upperincome residential families, millions in annual tax revenues and a $500,000 public improvements contribution to Hollywood’s ArtsPark.” - Charles Abele Chairman Gold Coast Florida Regional Center
American jobs have been produced. The EB-5 Regional Center Program, which sets aside 3,000 green cards each year for foreigners who invest in designated regional centers such as GCFRC, is considered one of the most flexible immigrant investor initiatives available, with no requirements with regard to language, education, business or management experience, or U.S. sponsorship. There are no quota backlogs that are typical with many employment and family-based green card categories.
In addition, investment capital can come from any lawful activity or source, including a gift or inheritance, and investors are not required to manage their investment on a daily basis, which allows them to pursue other professional and personal ventures. “The EB-5 Program provides a unique financing mechanism for a number of important projects in South Florida, and in particular, two significant development projects in Hollywood,” Alan Koslow, a partner with the law firm of Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. and president of the Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, added. “This financing tool also provides immigrants from Canada, Latin America and South American and Eastern Europe to invest in these development projects and obtain a permanent green card. Since there are already thousands of tourists and residents in the Hollywood area from these areas of the World, the EB-5 Program has a significant chance of success.” For additional information on Gold Coast Florida Regional Center and foreign investor opportunities and services, visit www.gcfrc.com.
THE SOUTH FLORIDA BALLET THEATER INC. & THE FLORIDA APPRENTICE BALLET SCHOOL In Hollywood Arts Park at 1 Young Circle Is now Registering for Fall Season Classes
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Get 1/2 off registration fee with first month’s tuition in advance August 1-15th For information or to register, call (954) 929-4601
hollywood gazette | 954-962-8180 | www.hollywoodgazette.com
finance and your future
Change the way you think about life BY charles e. howell | charles@cehow.com
If you are going to walk this long journey of life, you better make sure you’re wearing the right pair of shoes. Selecting the right pair of shoes is not just based on comfort and style but on understanding that not everyone’s feet are the same size or width. The same understanding applies when developing an effective strategy to provide cash flow for a lifetime and maintaining quality of life. Helping clients identify their own traits, behaviors and situations helps select a plan more likely to succeed. Which ones might apply to you? Deniers: always think they can take action tomorrow because retirement is too far away. They avoid systematically reducing the largest potential risks in life with disability, life or long-term care insurance until it is too late. Strugglers: constantly encounter financial setbacks and perceived emergencies that sabotage their retirement and savings. Impulsive: hope to retire early but have saved no more than $10,000 to provide retirement income. They struggle with the conflict of working well into their 70s to maintain their current lifestyle and downsizing their standard of living to basics necessities.
Are you making these BIG gym mistakes? BY SHONDELLE SOLOMON-MILES | shondelle@synergizeweightloss.com
Cautious Savers: have already started to save but have no means to pay for future medical or long-term care. They can maintain their lifestyle but will be financially devastated when the first medical or health issue arises because they don’t have employer or Medicare medical coverage. Sandwich Generation: care givers caught between taking care of a parent or a spouse and/or child. They do the right things for the right reasons, and in the end, they take 10 years off their life expectancy and are left in poverty from the cost of caring for others. I urge you to join the ranks of the prepared. When you change the way you think about life, you will take care of the most important thing: YOU! The simple truth is the less you plan, the more you pay! Charles has master’s degrees in Taxation, Accounting & Education. Charles can be reached at 954-559-8556 or at charles@cehow.com, and he holds a “CHAT with CHARLES” open seminar every Wednesday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at 5892 Stirling Road #5.
Take a walk through any gym, and you’ll notice many mistakes. Mistakes that waste time. Mistakes that put people in danger. And mistakes that are just plain stupid. Maybe you make a few of these mistakes yourself. By avoiding these common blunders, you’ll put yourself on the fast track to results. Check out the following five fitness mistakes and the solutions you need to avoid danger and to get fit fast. Mistake 1: You don’t challenge yourself The goal of a good workout is to challenge your body, not to simply go through the motions. If you don’t need a few minutes to fully recover after a workout, or if your clothes are as dry after your workout as when you walked into the gym, then chances are you’re not pushing yourself hard enough. Unfortunately, just going to the gym is not enough. You actually have to work hard, get out of your comfort zone and break a good sweat. Lack of intensity, in my opinion, is THE biggest reason that most gym goers don’t get RESULTS! My motto: Train HARD or Go HOME! Mistake 2: You do the same routine You may have noticed that most people do the same exercises each time they visit the gym. Maybe you’ve been doing the same exercise routine as long as you can remember – if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it, right? Wrong. The truth is that exercise routines have expiration dates, and that is the date that they begin to lose their effectiveness. The best way to prevent a plateau and maximize your results is by consistently confusing the muscle. In other words, you vary your workouts frequently, if not daily. My clients never perform the same workout within a three- to four-month span. The benefit of this is one: their bodies never get used to the workout, and two: they never get bored with their “routine.” Mistake 3: You ONLY Use Machines When was the last time in your everyday life when you were in a seated position extending your knees with a 75-pound load strapped to your ankles (aka
the leg extension machine)? My guess is NEVER! If your strength training routine consists of ONLY machine training, you are doing yourself a huge disservice because machines do NOT in any way relate to real world movement. Most people spend all day sitting at a desk, and then they go to a gym to improve their fitness and strength by sitting on a machine! Call me crazy but that doesn’t make much sense. What does make sense is to train your body as it naturally moves so that it has practical value in your real life. Mistake 4: You use bad form Gyms are filled with people performing exercises with bad form. The two biggest reasons are that you aren’t focusing on the exercise are: you’re trying to lift weight that is too heavy (most often not the case with women) or you learned by watching someone else who had bad form. Lifting with improper form almost always results in injury. Take the time to achieve proper form, and by doing so, you’ll avoid injury and will reap the full benefit from each exercise. Mistake 5: You workout alone People who exercise alone are less challenged, less accountable and typically see fewer results. It makes sense, doesn’t it? Why rush to the gym if no one is there waiting for you? Why push yourself if no one is watching? Exercising alone is a recipe for disaster. I’ve been a trainer for nearly 15 years, and I still workout with a trainer for guidance and accountability (and I do pay). The best way to avoid injury and to see results is to work with someone who will push you to your limits and who understands what it takes to get results. Working with a fitness professional is ideal, but if not, at least workout with someone who knows what they are doing, who will not let you wimp out and who is passionate about seeing you achieve results – without wasting time, energy and effort on mistakes. Shondelle Solomon-Miles is a body transformation expert and owner of Synergize! training studio in Hollywood, Fla. You can reach her at www. SynergizeWeightLoss.com
Is your business the “Best” in Hollywood? Enter the 2010 Best of Hollywood Contest on our Facebook page!
www.facebook.com/hollywoodgazette Finalists announced in the September 2010 issue Winners announced in the October 2010 issue There is no cost to enter, no purchase necessary to vote. Any BUSINESS IN HOLLYWOOD can enter, everyone can vote.
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Hollywood Stars
Hollywood soldier helps prepare Diyala province for drawdown By Pfc. Adrian Muehe
Operation Iraqi Freedom has led U.S. Forces to Diyala province, Iraq, for the greater part of the last decade. Along the way they have established bases that units have rotated in and out of, leaving behind excess equipment such as radios, ammunition and storage containers, to stockpile over the years. As the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, stepped foot inside this province, they knew they would be one of the last units to do so. They started taking immediate action to help erase the footprints left throughout the province. To address the excess equipment that the brigade inherited upon its arrival, Task Force Transition was created by 296th Brigade Support Battalion, 3 SBCT, 2nd ID. “It’s not going to be like Vietnam with the images of helicopters being pushed into the water,” said Capt. Jonathan Cheek, of Highpoint, N.C., and the TF Transition officer in charge. They began this task by exploring every nook and cranny and documenting everything found on the bases selected to be handed back over to the Government of Iraq by 3 SBCT, 2nd ID. While the group administered this process by making sure all of the paperwork was in order, clean-Sweep teams were brought in from the 13th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion, 3rd Sustainment Brigade, stationed at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. The job of these clean-sweep teams was to retrograde (re-enter into the Army supply system) the inherited equipment. These groups confirmed, re-inventoried, packaged and shipped empty containers – and containers full of extra equipment – to other locations to be accounted for once again. So far, a total of 1,370 containers have been relocated by this system, said 1st Lt. Mark Hall, of Hollywood, Fla., and the brigade transportation officer responsible for overseeing movement of equipment and supplies. Some excess equipment, such as Containerized Housing Units (CHUs), generators and water tanks were left behind to be used by the GoI. “These are things that we have a lot of, but don’t really need,” said Capt. Sarah Komm, of Kenosha, Wis., and the deputy officer for the
transition team. “It costs more for us to take it back than to just leave it here for the Iraqis to have.” Although supplies from previous units are being left on bases and handed over to the IA, they are not just leaving useless or unserviceable items to be disposed of by the GoI. Everything left behind is in working order and can be used to maintain operations and living conditions on these bases. “The Iraqis actually do a joint inventory with the FOB mayor [U.S. representative responsible for operations on the FOB] where they show them everything on the base,” said Capt. Komm. “We just don’t hand them a bunch of broken stuff. We try to give it to them in working condition.”
After these bases have been handed over, the Soldiers of 3 SBCT, 2nd ID, have continued their partnerships with the Iraqi Security Forces by training and advising them in combat operations. So far, none of the Iraqi units operating out of these bases have voiced any complaints about the condition of the
facilities they received, said Capt. Cheek. Coming to the end of their tour after operating in the province for ten months, Arrowhead Soldiers have shifted their focus from conducting missions to inventorying and packing their own equipment that they brought with them. While TF Transition is getting ready to go home as well, they are continuing their job for the next unit to finish. “We have already started inventorying everything on [FOBs] Warhorse and Cobra,” said Capt. Komm. “This will make it a lot easier for [2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division] when they close down these bases.”
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A. It is always a good idea to go the hospital after most accidents, even minor ones. You must rule out fractures or internal injuries, but once these emergency type injuries are ruled out, many times there are strain/sprain injuries or bio-mechanical damage to the body. These injuries require treatment to stop pain and prevent
or reduce possible permanent injury. Chiropractors are the Doctor of choice statistically for auto accident sufferers. Chiropractors are uniquely positioned in the healthcare industry to treat the patient with therapy and adjustments to rehabilitate the injury with therapeutic exercise and massage and to manage the case between other physicians and attorneys. Chiropractors can perform or refer for diagnostic testing, such as x-ray or MRI and can refer to medical specialists as necessary. I have successfully treated thousands of accident cases over the past 18 years. Don’t ignore the pain; get the proper treatment right away.
Dr. Scott Hedrick is a board certified multi-state licensed Chirpopractic physician with 20 years experience in private practice in South Florida. He specializes in pain treatment, massage and nutrition. His office is located at the Sheridan Executive Center at 3475 Sheridan St. Suite 207 in Hollywood.
Hedrick Chiropractic & Nutrition • 954-987-2220 3475 Sheridan Street, Suite 207 • Hollywood, FL 33021
auto accidents require this deep tissue medical massage to reduce pain, speed up healing time, LETTERSrehabilitate to the editor and stabilize their injury and prevent permanent Dear Editor, muscle injury. Massage feels greatisand makes youand healthier. My name Robert Ormston, I have lived on Tyler Street in Hollywood for the last 25 years. Over atheweight years, we have had some drainage problems but never as bad or as "I have frequently since December of 2009, which corresponds with the semi-completion of the problem. Can you tell me Hollywood Boulevard Restoration project. Last December was the worst ever as even my about yourmajor weight lossfrom the rising water that rose above my front steps front house sustained damage program?" and into my family room. Since then I have had water intrusion twice in my back house. Most recently on July 6, 2010, weof had Unfortunately, lots Americans another major flood event with 8 inches of have a large problem with their water in the rear cottage. weight. are an overweight I have enclosedWe pictures of Tyler country more Street flooding. Yougetting can see that theoverweight. way the boulevard has been raised causes the Statistically, 27% of Americans water to drain off and into Tyler Street. In are clinically obese. Our children Caron Conway’s piece on the construction weigh more on average update, she mentions parking and safetythan ever issues thatbefore. are certainly Thiswarranted is the first generation concerns,that but this flooding definitely may have issue a shorter life needs to be addressed. I’m sure a mention expectancy due to the chronic of this in your paper will draw plenty of diseases caused obesity, attention to other residents on by Tyler Street. such Thankingas youstroke, in advance to any exposure you can give to this problem. heart attack, diabetes and cancer. My weight loss Sincerely, program is simple common sense. Bo and Andi Ormston Eat healthy and sensibly and Hollywood residents exercise consistently and appropriately for your age. Weight Dear Ms. Daly, falls off slowly and permanently. I detoxify thewritten body,recently clean by upJoan the Miller (July 10 “letters to the editor”) A letter to the editor openly tried to rationalize dogs on the beach. She diet and clinically design a wholecited Lincoln Road as an appropriate comparison!! that wasand weird and wondered whether she was familiar with the foodI thought supplement exercise Broadwalk area. On Lincoln Road mostly everyone wears shoes. On the beach, bare feet program. No fad diets, no that could be a big difference. are the norm and the expected. Hum, maybe hunger, Thiscounting is a copy ofanything, a letter we no recently wrote:no Honorable andEat Honorable Commissioner Asseff, eatingMayor crazyBober foods. a reasonable For four (or more) hours on Sunday (June 27/10) Hollywood Beach Broadwalk amount of a variety of good and its beautiful beach became a “pooping” place at the shore for a dog and a “peeing” foods as you simply educateplace for the same dog that was tied to a yourself into a healthier lifestyle cooler most of the time and then needed to “go.” of eating and activity and you Please let the public know if the rules will no longer have a weighthave been changed. problem. We are destroying the pleasant, clean-
beach “environment.” My grandchildren come to the beach: Sit in the sand, dig in the sand, play in the sand. They have a dog, but we would never allow it on the beach. No one in their right mind would have their own “dog poop” where they play. If dogs are allowed on the beach (and we all know they will poop), when are the “public health warning signs”
being installed? Is the clean-beach environment being destroyed? When there are rip currents, flags warn the public. When there are man-of-war in the water, flags warn the public. If dog poop is being tolerated, when are the signs saying “Do not swim, play in the ocean or sand” being installed? We love dogs, but we are not dumb. Please forward this e-mail to those who need/may have an interest/or may want to know. (Public Health Department?) Your comments are appreciated. PHOTOS attached. This subject needs to be a DEAD issue. It needs to be a clear statement to everyone who visits our beach and Broadwalk. NO DOGS or other pets allowed except in clearly designated areas, clearly marked and regulated, such as the North Beach “Dog Beach” Park. Enforce the laws as they are now. They are not wrong. Sincerely, Miriam and Robert Spiegel Hollywood Beach Residents
AU G UST 2 0 1 0
Mail your “letters to the editor” to: Hollywood Gazette 3363 Sheridan St., Suite 209 Hollywood, FL 33021 or e-mail brett@hollywoodgazette.com.
municipal news
Commission gives green light for traffic camera installation By Brett Daly | associate editor
City Commissioners set Hollywood’s red-light program into motion last month after unanimously approving an ordinance tweeking the City’s Red Light Running Prevention Act to state standards. The Act calls for the installation of traffic cameras at high-problematic intersections in Hollywood (including Pembroke Road and I-95 and several along Sheridan and Stirling Streets) to catch drivers running red lights, said city spokeswoman Raelin Storey. Storey said camera installation has already begun at 10 intersections throughout the City, and red-light runners could receive warning tickets in the mail as soon as Oct. 1, with official $158 citations beginning as soon as November 1. “There is definitely a problem with people running red lights,” Storey said. “This is another tool in the police department’s arsenal to prevent traffic violations.” The City solicited American Traffic Solutions, a provider of technology and business solutions for photo traffic safety and electronic toll enforcement programs worldwide, to install the cameras. The company has installed nearly 1,100 cameras around the country, including cameras in Ft. Lauderdale, according to its Web site. At each intersection, a 16-megapixel resolution camera will view all lanes at the same time. The camera captures two high-resolution images from the rear of the vehicle. The first image shows the vehicle with the front wheels behind the stop bar and the illuminated red light, and the second image shows the vehicle in the intersection with the rear wheels past the stop bar and an illuminated red light, according to the site. A clear image of the license plate is also extracted from one of the violation images. Storey said a portion of the revenue generated by the traffic cameras will go to the state, and the City will use its portion of the fines for general revenue for Hollywood. However, Storey stated revenue
was not the ultimate motivation behind the cameras. “The cameras will generate revenue, but that is not the reason we implemented them,” she said. “We want to make the roads safer.” And although the City passed the Red Light Prevention Act last year, Storey said they needed to make changes to ensure the bill meshed with state laws. The Act now follows the statewide standards for the use of cameras as traffic enforcement devices stated in the Mark Wandall
Traffic Safety Act, which Gov. Charlie Crist signed in May. The Mark Wandall Act, named for a man killed by a red-light runner, requires cities to comply with regulations established by the Florida Department of Transportation. The City will launch a public relations campaign in September to inform residents of intersections containing the cameras. Storey said the PR outreach, as well as the first month of tickets simply being warnings, gives residents ample
opportunities to prevent receiving a $158 fine. In addition, the City will launch a Web site containing all the information needed for drivers who receive a ticket, including information on appeals. “Residents will know where all the cameras are two months before any tickets are issued,” Storey said. “Then they will have a month to get used to it and start coming to complete stop.”
s to n o i t a l u t Congra l Suder, our Michaey winner! Jul
hollywood gazette | 954-962-8180 | www.hollywoodgazette.com
Dade Medical College Expands to Broward County with a New Campus in Hollywood Dade Medical College will soon offer diploma and Associate of Science degree programs from a new campus in Hollywood. The new 16,000-square-foot location is now housed at 6837 Taft St., in the former Bealls Outlet space. “We’re thrilled to be bringing the opportunity to study for a career in the medical field to the citizens of Hollywood,” said school CEO Ernesto Perez. “Dade Medical College looks forward to helping educate the community and being good corporate citizens for many years to come.” The new campus features 10 classrooms, four laboratories, more than a dozen administrative offices, a library/resource center and a student lounge. Enrollment is now open and classes are set to begin on Feb. 8. For more information about the school and open positions, visit www. DadeMedical.edu or call the Hollywood location directly at 954843-7930.
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Paint your own pottery at Downtown art studio By Brett Daly | associate editor
Vabian and Victoria Alvarez love the arts and love their family. Their passion for the two inspired them to open I Am An Artist, a paint-your-ownpottery art studio and café in Downtown Hollywood that aims to provide a fun place for families and friends to gather while creating their own artwork. The Alvarez’s, who have three children of their own, said they believe that families that play together, stay together, so they wanted to open a place to incorporate that belief. “At I Am An Artist, you spend time with the people you care about and have fun at the same time,” Victoria said. “It’s not a sideline sport where parents watch their kids from afar; it’s interactive, and a way for parents to connect with their children on a more child-like level. It’s a great way for parents to open up to the wonderful world of art that their children explore so uninhibitedly.” Opened in December 2009, the studio offers projects for everyone. Victoria said that creating personal artwork can be very therapeutic and
said that I Am An Artist offers people a place to relax after a long day. She said customers simply choose a piece of pottery, choose a design and paint. Patrons can paint objects such as frames, plates, mugs, piggy banks, vases and Disney characters like Winnie the Pooh, and they also offer idea books, coaching and encouragement for those intimidated by art projects. “There’s no need to be scared, and there’s no need to have artistic abilities,” she said. “Anyone can do
it, and then you have something that you’ve made yourself – something you can keep forever.” For example, she said Vabian adores his “I Love Dad” mug their children made for him and always uses it. The studio also offers events on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays such as “Diva Night” for a girl’s night out, an “Adult’s Night” with live music, and a “Kid’s Night,” a night when parents can drop off their children to paint, eat pizza and sing karaoke while they enjoy Downtown Hollywood. And in addition to art projects, the studio also offers coffee, sandwiches and desserts. “It’s something different, something unique in Hollywood,” Victoria said. “It’s a place for families and for friends.” I Am An Artist is located at 2008 Hollywood Blvd. For more information, call 954-367-6378.
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DINING ADVENTURES with... marty and company NOT SO FAST… DON’T TURN THE PAGE ON THIS ONE… DO NOT DISCARD… I REPEAT, DO NOT DISGARD OR DESTROY…FINE DINING, IT’S NOT… Marty Foyer FAST FOOD, IT’S restaurant / food critic NOT… JUST OK FOOD…NOT…I just reviewed this joint and met Jimmy the Greek. I was looking for Zorba to dance with, break plates and bread with. No Zorba the Greek here. What we have here is a café-type, local, new restaurant that packs a wallop; I mean this joint is jumpin’. I could review a restaurant with the best of critics, but in the past few years with business being the way it is, I would rather show my passion for the restaurants that I do review. (I would think it makes better reading, and it just might awaken one’s interest and appetite…yum.) With that behind me, may I indulge with you a dining adventure and share my passions for this new kid on the block (since May) The Greek Joint. All vegetables are hand selected daily as though you were looking for a cracked egg in a carton of a dozen, as well as the poultry, fish and beef. Picture if you may The Greek Joint in Mykonos, Greece on a narrow, winding street just filled with cafés and push carts where vendors are selling all the wonderful foods that make up the dishes that I’m about to share with you. They say good things come in small packages – well in this case, it’s great things. With a menu that’s filled with generations of love and old family recipes, The Greek Joint is what fine quality food is all about. Since we truly eat with our eyes (unless we’re starving), these wonderful dishes – starting with the salads – looked as though they were painted on
Monday-Thursday 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday-Saturday 11:30 a.m. to midnight Sunday noon to 10 p.m.
954-929-9966 2003 Hollywood Blvd. www.thegreekjoint.com
The “Best Gyro in South Florida.”
the plates. Picture perfect. The Greek Salad was colorful, of Greece with every dish. The Grilled plentiful and was filled with feta cheese, Lamb Chops with Roasted Potatoes and juicy and thick chunks of tomato, the Moussaka (layers of eggplant, potato cucumbers, onions, and not to forget the and ground beef topped with a béchamel kalamata olives and a touch of the housecrust) were baked to perfection. Both of blend dressing. And that was just the these dishes were pushed on the side just beginning. for a moment to make room Exciting appetizers for the Grilled Mahi truly entertained… that was served on especially the a bed of spinach Taramosalata with roasted spread (a red peppers caviar and a Greek mousse vinaigrette. that gave The me goose Veggie bumps), the Pita Platter Fava (spilt (plentiful) was peas, chopped shared by all, and red onions, capers Greek Salad last but not least (on and more…wow) and the same table) they put the Tirokafteri spread (feta down the Gyro. cheese, roasted jalapeno and red pepper) OK, they tell me that the Gyro is the that brought tears to the table (and smiles). best in South Florida…NOT SO… Please Next came the pork sticks, chicken sticks bring another to the table only because and roasted lemon potatoes all seasoned my taste buds were dancing even without to perfection, and it only gets better from Zorba. Folks please listen up to this. The here (if that’s possible). Gyro at The Greek Joint is not made with The Main Event: the true flavors compressed meats that are carved from a
The Greek Joint Owner Jimmy Sklavenitis with Hollywood Gazette restaurant and food critic Marty Foyer.
revolving rotisserie. Slow and low is how these fresh meats are cooked (nothing compressed and seasoned with the magic that Jimmy the Greek has perfected). I have come to the conclusion that the Gyro at The Greek Joint surpasses any Gyro anywhere, including N. Y. and Mykonos, Greece. If there is a restaurant out there that thinks it has the Gyro to end all, then call me and let’s do a Gyro challenge. So before dessert time, I must say that everything in this “joint” is “cheap,” great and plentiful. So for dessert, I asked them to surprise me, and a Baklava and Walnut Cake appeared on the table… in just a few minutes all you could see were empty plates (so good). Bring your friends and family or me…I’ll join you in on what I think is one of the best Greek restaurants I’ve ever dined in. Hollywood, Fla. is back on the map big time with this one. To my new pals Jimmy and Pam Sklavenitis, thanks for being such gracious hosts and being so talented in the kitchen. The Greek Joint is a restaurant that you won’t forget…enjoy. Here’s To Good Food… Here’s To Good Friends… Here’s To Good Times and Here’s To You.
hollywood DINING guide Laura’s Cuban Restaurant First class Cuban food made with fresh and quality ingredients. Laura’s offers the best of Cuba’s Cuisine. Try their Pastelitos, or a real Cuban sandwich among many more delicious choices, and you can enjoy one of the several international brands of beers they offer. Comfortable, modern and artistic setting. 2723 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33021 954-921-9990
Mickey Byrne’s Irish Pub & Restaurant With 18 beers on tap – ranging from Irish favorites Guinness and Smithwicks, European Imports like Chimay and Carlsberg to home-based micro brews like Stone Pale Ale, Holy Mackerel and Thumper – there’s always plenty of variety to tempt your palate. They offer an array of traditional Irish food dishes like an Irish Breakfast, Fish ‘N’ Chips,
Shepherd’s Pie, Bangers and Mash, and Beef and Guinness Pie, but they also have their famous handmade Burgers (with secret seasoning), vegetarian options and great wings. 1921 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33020 954-921-2317 www.MickeyByrnes.com
La Barraca Tapas Bar & Café La Barraca is South Florida’s premiere Paellas & Tapas restaurant. Located in Downtown Hollywood, Florida, La Barraca offers authentic Spanish cuisine in a relaxing environment and accompanied by a fine Spanish wines selection and beautiful Flamenco dancing. 115 S. 20th Ave. Hollywood, FL 33020 954-925-0050 www.labarracatapas.com
Dandee Donut Factory This is a great place to have breakfast or lunch. Their breakfast and lunch menus range from Donuts, Pancakes and Omelets to Pizza, Burgers and Steaks. Delicious homestyle cooked food with service that is rare to find these days. “Best donuts, best service, best coffee and great prices.” Dandee Donut Factory 102 North 28th Ave. Hollywood, FL 33020 954-929-1118
Shenanigan’s Shenanigan’s is the place for good times, good food and family fun. Something for everyone. From their award-winning chicken wings to their famous homemade pizzas, their extensive menu can satisfy even the most discriminating tastes. You can also enjoy a cold one at the bar while you watch a game. Visit either one of their two Hollywood locations.
Shenanigan’s Sport Pub (West) 3303 West Sheridan St. Hollywood, FL 33021 954-981-9702 www.shenaniganspub.com Shenanigan’s East Side Pub 1300 South Federal Highway Dania, FL 33004 954-923-3008 shenaniganseastsidepub.com
Taboulli Enjoy the homemade, traditional Middle Eastern cuisine at Taboulli Restaurant. 1719 E. Young Circle Hollywood, FL 33020 954-922-5115 www.Taboulli.com
Mama Mia Italian Restaurant They take pride in their awardwinning menu, affordable pricing and a commitment to service that has proven to be so successful in their
sister establishments in Brooklyn and Manhattan. 1818 South Young Circle Hollywood, FL 33020 954-923-0555 www.MiaGrill.com
Pizza Rustica Pizza Rustica received its inspiration from “pizza a taglia” – pizza by the slice sold in the authentic takeaway shops of Rome. Just one unique rectangular slice is so big it has to be served on two plates! The innovative toppings are piled high and made with the freshest produce, including exotic Portobello and shiitake mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, juicy plum tomatoes and much more. 1928 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, FL 33020 954-923-3878 www.Pizza-Rustica.com
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Hillcrest Leadership Council hosts political speed dating event BY DAVID M. UDOFF
Hillcrest Leadership Council hosted a first-time event called CandiDATE where residents of the Hillcrest Condominiums in Hollywood sat down to meet with almost 40 primary candidates campaigning for office in the upcoming election. “We copied the speed dating idea where candidates wanting to make a good first impression get an opportunity to meet with voters for several minutes and then move on to the next table,” said Meredith Shuster, President, Hillcrest Leadership Council. With 24 buildings consisting of 2,400 units, Hillcrest offers a powerful voting bloc, and approximately 150 residents turned out for the event held last month inside the Palladium Club House. During the event, political candidates moved from table to table, answering their constituents’ questions for several minutes. After the candidate moved to the next table, residents recorded their thoughts of the candidates as: likely to vote
AU G UST 2 0 1 0
Sandy Goldstein, Debra Steinsaltz for Broward County Court Judge.
Mardi Anne Levey-Cohen for Broward County Court Judge (standing).
Steve Geller for Broward County Commissioner.
for; need more information; and impression rating on score cards. Democratic Commissioner
Sue Gunzburger, campaigning for re-election as Broward County Commissioner, said she has three priorities: jobs, ethics and the preservation of the environment. “I have not allowed for overdevelopment,” she said. “As a Commissioner, we acquired more than 1,400 acres that will never be developed with several purchases of land in Hollywood.” Gunzburger also believes Florida should take the lead in renewable energy technology resulting in more high-tech and better-paying jobs, stating that she wants to assist companies that will bring in those jobs to South Florida. The majority of candidates who attended the Candi-DATE event were campaigning for Circuit and County Court Judge seats. Ken Gottlieb, raised in Hollywood, has been very active in the political arena as a State Representative and Hollywood City
Commissioner. “When you campaign for County Court Judge, you don’t campaign on issues,” he said. “The most important thing for a judicial candidate is to be fair, impartial and to follow the law.” Robert Abraham Jakovich, a lawyer with 25 years of experience in the court system, also attended the event and said he felt the time was right to run for Circuit Court Judge. And in addition, Mardi Anne LeveyCohen, a lawyer campaigning for County Court Judge, said she felt the event was innovative and commended Hillcrest for giving candidates an opportunity to go one-on-one with each individual. “We tried to get residents from the community to meet with the candidates and get to know them and learn about their platform,” said Sandy Goldstein, Hillcrest building property manager. “At Hillcrest, we rally around community issues, and we really get out there to vote.”
business news
Hollywood entrepreneur creates line of watches that always tell the right time: now watch company has gained more than 5,300 fans from more than 30 countries around the world. And while the success of Time-Peace stems partly from its designs, Koslow said that the product he spreads is awareness. “Time-Peace is a philosophy or a way of looking at and living in the world,” he said. “It just so happens that the best way for us to express the philosophy is through watches.” After being featured in the June issue of Natural Health Magazine, Time-Peace sold out of its first 500 watches, a sign, Koslow said, that the company’s message resonates with people. With the success of the company, Koslow said he and his “dream team” are creating new watch designs and even apparel. One of the company’s new watches will feature a LED design, or light-emitting diode, in which the watch will only tell the time if the owner touches the screen. “These watches remind people that the time is always now.” For more information visit www. time-peace.org or www.facebook.com/ timepeace.
BY BRETT DALY | brett@hollywoodgazette.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR
When Hollywood resident Ian Koslow looks down at his self-made watch, he doesn’t think about the time. He thinks about living in the moment. Armed with that “the time is always now” concept, the 23-year-old and six of his closest friends launched Time-Peace, a watch company that encourages people to stop worrying and to start being by creating watches whose first function is not to tell time. “I realized that if our perception of time is what’s responsible for all of the stress and suffering in the world, why not make watches that always tell the right time: now,” he said. “By reminding people to live in the present, we hope to create inner peace for the individual.” The tree of life symbol, which forms a right side up peace sign, adorns Time-Peace’s watches to represent its philosophy that everything and everyone is connected. Koslow said the symbol should serve as a reminder that people shouldn’t focus on time. “Right now we are all looking at the world completely upside down,
so it’s time to flip everything around and create the world we actually want to live in,” Koslow said. “Peace can only come through understanding. Our perception of time separates us from everyone and everything around us, but it is easy for someone to see how everything is connected through the present moment.” Since the inception of Time-Peace on Facebook in September 2009, the
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Your child can “Make A Splash” this summer with local library programs for all ages, even teen-agers, including puppetry, storytellers, singers, crafts & more; days & times vary; Hollywood Branch Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call 954-926-2430, ext. 4. HOLLYWOOD TRAILS BICYCLE TOURS
Mention the Hollywood Gazette for $5 off “Historic Architecture, Notorious Mob Bosses & Movie Locations,” “ECO-Mangroves,” “City of the Arts” or “Hardcore ECO” bicycle tours ranging from 6-27 miles; times & duration vary; Hayes St. & the Broadwalk; $40-$55. Call 202-375-0283. SUMMER ARTS CAMP
Aug. 9-20, ages 6-12 can learn important skills as “Young Actors and Young Artists”; 9 a.m.-noon (“Young Actors”) & 1-4 p.m. (“Young Artists”) weekdays; Art and Culture Center of Hollywood’s Art School, 1626 Harrison St.; $250 members/$275 non-members for half-day, $350 members/$375 non-members for all day. Call 954-921-3274, ext. 232.
The Jewish War Veterans of Post 613 meet the first Sunday of every month; 10 a.m.; Meyerhoff Senior Center, 3081 Taft St. Call Morton Weiner, 954-961-3330.
SCORE #235 trains volunteers to counsel individuals in business or those who want to start a new business; 3475 Sheridan St., Suite 203. Call Phyllis Schwartz, 954-966-8415.
Free classes for ages 60+ include Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Current Events, Painting, Jewelry Making, Brain Aerobics, Bridge & Defensive Driving; field trips & Adult Day Care Program also offered; Joseph Meyerhoff/Southeast Focal Point Senior Center, 3081 Taft St. Call Janet, 954-966-9805.
Commit 2B Fit program for all ages on a 2-mi. walking path, with T-shirt & certificate for reaching distance goals & bandanas for canine companions; 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. daily; T.Y. Park, 3300 N. Park Rd.; free ($1.50 weekend/holiday park admission for ages 6 & up). Call 954985-1980.
Learn the fundamentals of golf in 6 weekly lessons; various days & times available; Orangebrook Golf & Country Club, 400 Entrada Dr.; $89/session. Call 954-967-4653, ext. 4.
Nonprofit single-parent group offers indoor & outdoor activities for both children & adults & adults only. Call Susan, 954-484-6484.
Lessons for 1-3 people ages 16 & older, from beginners to advanced, are offered, as well as free demonstrations; ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1. Call 954-649-8930 or 561-504-7847.
every day of the year; Hillcrest Golf & Country Club, 4600 Hillcrest Dr. Call 954-987-5000. MONDAYS KINDER CHEFS
Cooking class for ages 3½-8; 3:30-4:15 p.m.; Muzart Kidz Konnection, 1205 S. 21st Ave. Call 954-924-1133 for fees.
Instructor-led class for adults; 6:45-8 p.m.; Anne Kolb Nature Center at West Lake Park, 751 Sheridan St.; $10/session. Call 954-926-2480.
Stay aware of your cardiovascular health; 9:30-11 a.m.; Memorial Senior Partners, 7031 Taft St.; free. Call 954-963-8030.
Strengthening postures & breathing techniques safe for all trimesters assist relaxation during labor & birth; 6-7 p.m.; Temple Beth El, 1351 S. 14th Ave. Call instructor Jiwan Kaur, 954-445-6775.
Bring a chair; 5 p.m. (weather permitting); 1201 S. Ocean Dr. (behind the Summit Condo); free. Call Susie, 305439-1993, or Rocki, 954-548-5760.
Become the speaker & leader you want to be; 7 p.m.; Temple Sinai of Hollywood, 1400 N. 46th Ave. Call 954-309-5751. MONDAY – WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY MUSIC & DANCING UNDER THE STARS
Live music varies from easy listening to line dancing, R&B to rock ‘n’ roll; 7:30-9 p.m. (weather permitting); Hollywood Beach Theater, Johnson St. & the Broadwalk; free. Call 954-921-3404. MONDAY & WEDNESDAY KUNG FU CLASSES
For ages 4-12; 5 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle (Visual Arts Pavilion), Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1. Call 954-921-3500 for fees.
Adult classes; 7:30-9 p.m. Mon. & 9:3010:30 a.m. Wed.; Temple Beth El, 1351 S. 14th Ave. Call instructor Jiwan Kaur, 954-445-6775.
Ages 5 & up learn self-confidence, discipline & respect; 4:30-5:30 p.m.; T.Y. Park, 3300 N. Park Rd.; $6.50/class. Call 954-985-1980 or instructor Joseph Williams, 954-275-6121. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY MOMMIES IN MOTION
Fitness class features cardiovascular, strength & flexibility training (children optional); 9-10 a.m.; T.Y. Park, 3300 N. Park Rd.; $7/class or $60/10 classes. Call 954-864-9098.
Adult classes; 7 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle (Visual Arts Pavilion), Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1. Call 954-921-3500 for fees.
Learn how to create your own jewelry in group or private classes; ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1. Call 305-450-5125 or 954-627-4036.
“Creating Art with Purpose” art classes are offered by George Gadson Studios; ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1. Call 954-822-5425.
Juniors golf for free when playing with a paying adult all summer long & enjoy complimentary Callaway rental clubs
AU G UST 2 0 1 0
Shirley Jones, 754-368-3171.
Bring a mat, towel & dress in comfortable clothing; 9:30-10:45 a.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; $10/class or $65/8 classes. Call 954-921-3600. MONDAY & FRIDAY SCRABBLE
Enjoy the popular game for fun & competition; 12:30-3:30 pm; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; $5.50 yearly club dues/ residents, $11/nonresidents. Call 954921-3600. MONDAY – THURSDAY TEEN LOUNGE
Watch TV, listen to music & play favorite board & card games with friends; 6-8:30 p.m.; McNicol Community Center, 1411 S. 28th Ave.; free. Call 954-921-3511.
All ages are welcome at World Tae Kwon Do classes; 6-7:15 p.m.; Washington Park Community Center, 5199 Pembroke Rd.; $30/month. Call 954-243-7297.
Modern, liturgical, ballet, jazz & lyrical for ages 5 & up presented by the Feet That Preach Institute; 6-8:30 p.m.; McNicol Community Center, 1411 S. 28th Ave.; $30 residents, $40 nonresidents. Call
Learn how to use your daily self-monitored blood glucose to improve diabetes control with Internet tools; 2:30-4:30 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free. Call 954-270-2662 to register.
Classical Hatha Yoga classes are based on the Sivananda Method; 6:30-8:15 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; $15 per class or $90/10 classes. Call 954-921-3600.
7:30-8:30 p.m.; Dance Explosion, 6878 Stirling Rd.; $60/6-wk. session. Call 954-983-9899. TUESDAY – THURSDAY 3HO KUNDALINI YOGA
Featuring triple master points every day & refreshments, with supervised play available Mon. & Thurs.; 12:30 p.m.; Temple Sinai, 1400 N. 46th Ave.; $8 entry fee. Call David, 954-600-1899, or Sedat, 954-790-3010. MONDAY – SATURDAY AEROBICS AT THE YMCA
High- and low-impact step aerobics; mornings & evenings; 3161 Taft St. Call Patty Ceballos, 954-989-9622. MONDAY & WEDNESDAY – SUNDAY FENCING CLASSES
Olympic saber & foil fencing classes are offered for kids, teens & adults; times vary; Hollywood Sabre Fencing Academy, 2000 Harrison St. Call 954-966-1240 for fees & to schedule a free introductory session. TUESDAYS ROTARY CLUB
Lunch meeting; noon; Hollywood Rotary Clubhouse, 2349 Taylor St. Call Richard Ferrara, 954-921-4500.
10-11 a.m. & 6:30-7:30 p.m.; Hollywood Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call Roz, 954-962-7447.
10 p.m.; Shenanigans, 3303 Sheridan St. Call 954-981-9702.
Participate in a blend of playful breathing techniques & stretching exercises that stimulate laughter; 8:30 a.m.; T.Y. Park (Pavilion 4), 3300 N. Park Rd. Call 954989-3774.
No subtitles; 7 p.m.; German American Society of Hollywood, 6401 Washington St.; $2 (meal available for $5 at 6:30 p.m.). Call 954-322-6227.
increase flexibility, reduce stress & heighten awareness; 9:30 a.m.; The Goddess Store, 2017 Harrison St. Call 954-696-9299.
7-8:30 p.m.; Memorial Regional Hospital South (1st Floor West), 3600 Washington St.; free. Call Brenda Ferriolo, 954-7916318.
2:30-4:30 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free (metered parking). Call 954-9213600.
Learn breathing techniques, postures & meditation with Mitar Kaur, IKYTA certified, to improve the immune system,
As taught by Yogi Bhajan for all ages & levels: Postures, Breathing, Meditation, Chanting, Massage, Diet, Hygiene; 6-7 p.m.; 3901 S. Ocean Dr.; $15 (1st class free with 10 paid classes). Call Sadhana Kaur Khalsa, 954-237-4186. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY DANCE CLASSES
Dance Explosion offers classes in tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop & lyrical/contemporary for ages 3 to teens; David Park Recreation Center, 108 N. 33 Ct.; $40/ month. Call 954-985-5674. TUESDAY & THURSDAY GROUP FITNESS
Adult classes; 6 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle (Visual Arts Pavilion), Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1. Call 954-921-3500 for fees.
Enjoy a movie & light refreshments; 10 a.m.-noon; Fred Lippman Multi-Purpose Center, 2030 Polk St.; $1. Call 954-9213408. TUESDAY & FRIDAY ASHTANGA YOGA WITH RONNI
Bring a mat & towel & experience dynamic Yoga sequences that sculpt the outside & open the inside; 9-10:20 a.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; $15/class or $90/10 classes. Call 340-626-9642.
Learn the basics of pole dancing while toning and sculpting the body; 6-7 p.m.; Sensual Souls Pole Dance and Fitness Studio, 2850 Stirling Rd., Suite H; $20. Call 954-926-POLE (7653). WEDNESDAYS KARATE CLASSES
USA Goju Karate classes develop courtesy & self-confidence while teaching self-defense; 6-7 p.m. (beginner kids), 7-8 p.m. (adults); Driftwood Community Center, 3000 N. 69th Ave.; $30/month resident ($20/2nd family member), $35/ month nonresident. Call Ed Gonzalez, 305-801-3361.
For ages 4-8; 5:30-7 p.m.; David Park Tennis Center, 510 N. 33rd Ct.; $15/session. Call 954-967-4237.
Broward’s oldest networking business organization; 7:30-8:45 a.m.; Club at Emerald Hills, 4100 N. Hills Dr. Call Jim
Stoodley, 954-962-9997.
7-8 p.m.; Hillcrest Playdium, 1100 Hillcrest Dr.; free. Call Roz, 954-962-7447.
Register for 9 holes of golf & dinner with the Hollywood Men’s Golf Association; 4:30 p.m.; Orangebrook Golf & Country Club, 400 Entrada Dr.; $25 annual dues. Call Brian, 954-967-4653, ext. 24.
For ages 4-6 & 7-11; 3:30 p.m.; Muzart Kidz Konnection, 1205 S. 21st Ave. Call 954-924-1133 for fees.
R&B ballroom dancing; 7-8:30 p.m.; Fred Lippman Multi-Purpose Center, 2030 Polk St.; $10. Call 954-921-3408.
Experience dynamic Yoga sequences that sculpt the outside & open the inside, & master the Ujjayi breath for a strong practice; 5:30-6:45 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr. Call 340-626-9642.
Mighty Horn Music presents saxophonist Travis Bridges playing a variety of Billboard chart toppers in a smooth mixture of soulful, jazzy, inspirational blends; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Luce Restaurant, 1906 Harrison St. Call Mighty Horn Music, 786-487-7338.
American Legion Post 92 serves up dinner & karaoke; 5-8 p.m. dinner, 6-10 p.m. karaoke; 211 N. 21st Ave. Call 954923-2760.
Enjoy popcorn & new video movie releases on a 73-inch HDTV; 1:30 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; $1. Call 954921-3600. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY TAI CHI
9-10 a.m. Wed. & 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thurs.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr. Call 954-9213600.
Piano, boys’ violin & band classes for ages 6 & older, with scholarships & family discounts available; 3-5 p.m. Wed. & 3-7:30 p.m. Thurs.; McNicol Community Center, 1411 S. 28th Ave. Call Dr. Brown, 954-288-5443. THURSDAYS BLUE MOON THURSDAY
Performances by local blues-inspired musicians; 7 p.m.; Main Stage, ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3500.
Relieve stress & anxiety while creating inner peace; 7-8 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free; metered parking. Call 954-921-3600.
Little League cheerleading classes for ages 4-7; 4:30 p.m.; Muzart Kidz Konnection, 1205 S. 21st Ave. Call 954-9241133 for fees.
Share your loss with others; 2:30-3:30 p.m.; Memorial Regional Hospital South, 3600 Washington St.; free. Presented by Hospice By The Sea. Must RSVP: 954985-6371.
Members of BNI (Business Network Int’l.), a business & professional networking organization, share ideas, contacts & referrals; 7 a.m. breakfast meeting; Orangebrook Golf & Country Club, 400 Entrada Dr. Call Rene Curbelo, 305-6515777
calendar of events OJIMA REIKI
Noninvasive mind-body technique used for stress reduction & deep relaxation includes a 15-minute guided imagery meditation; 7-8:30 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; $5 donation. Call 954-921-3600.
8:30-9:30 p.m.; Dance Explosion, 6878 Stirling Rd.; $60/6-wk. session. Call 954-983-9899.
Classical Hatha Yoga classes are based on the Sivananda Method; 6:15-7:45 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; $81/9 classes. Call 954-921-3600.
Beginners classes are offered by the Taoist Tai Chi Society of USA; 10-11:30 a.m.; Fred Lippman Multi-Purpose Center, 2030 Polk St. Call 954-921-3408.
Ages 3-8 improve fitness & health in a high-energy, noncompetitive atmosphere that emphasizes fun & confidencebuilding; 4:30-5:15 p.m.; David Park, 108 N. 33rd Ct.; free. Call 954-385-8511.
Features Exotic Factory pole dancers & food & drink specials; 10:30 p.m.; Vedu’s Fish and Burger Shack, 1500 N. Broadwalk. Call Manny, 954-668-3296.
Featuring Cover-All-Jackpot & Lucky Ball Jackpot; 6-9 p.m.; American Legion Post 92, 211 N. 21st Ave. Call 954-923-2760.
Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office will assist taxpayers with Homestead, Senior and other exemption applications & answer questions on property taxes (various documents required to file); 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Hollywood City Hall, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call 954-357-6035.
Featuring complimentary drinks for ladies & live entertainment by jazz singer Dede; 5-10 p.m.; Sage French Café & Oyster Bar; 2000 Harrison St. Call 954-3919466.
Classical Hatha Yoga classes are based on the Sivananda Method; 5:20 & 6:30 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; $12 per class or $80/10 classes. Call 954-921-3600. FRIDAYS BROADWALK FRIDAY FEST
Experience this oceanside cultural arts performance series at the outdoor Hollywood Beach Theater; 7-9 p.m.; Johnson St. & the Broadwalk; free. Call the Beach CRA, 954-924-2980.
Ages 10 & younger enjoy a free kids’ menu meal when accompanied by an adult ordering an entrée; 4-7 p.m.; A La Turca, Café Italia, Dolce Vita, Exotic Bites, Huang’s Mandarin House, Los Pinchos, Orale Mexican Restaurant, Sage Café & Oyster
Bar, Spice Resto-Lounge, Taboulli, Taverna Yiamas or The Little Bakery. Call the Downtown CRA, 954-921-3016.
Features live music & entertainment at the poolside Lava Tiki Bar & Grille; 6-9 p.m.; Crowne Plaza Hollywood Beach, 4000 S. Ocean Dr.; no cover charge & free valet parking before 7 p.m. Call 954-454-4334.
For ages 2-3; 4-4:45 p.m.; Muzart Kidz Konnection, 1205 S. 21st Ave. Call 954-924-1133 for fees.
Provides upscale gatherings for singles to meet & mingle at some of the finest restaurants in Hollywood. Call 954-723-9608.
Network with classic-film lovers; 7 p.m.; TheMeetUpClub.com, 1940 Harrison St. (Mezzanine). Call 954-367-6723.
Includes dinner & free line dance lessons; 5:30-9:30 p.m.; Hollywood Moose Lodge, 2907 Taylor St.; $10. Call 954-927-0826.
With instructor Henriette Arnold; 10 a.m.-noon; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr. Call 954-9204574.
Ages 2-5 along with their parent/caregiver will sing, move, imagine, play & create with Wee Wiggle and Sing; 9:30 a.m.; Kay Gaither Community Center, 6291 Funston St.; $80/8 wks. (free trial class & ongoing registration). Call 954 967-4234.
7:30-9:30 p.m.; Mega Bite Cyber Café, 1910 Hollywood Blvd.; free admission. Call 954-237-2888. FRIDAY – SUNDAY DOG BEACH OF HOLLYWOOD
Dogs must have current rabies tag & owners are responsible for waste cleanup; 5-9 p.m.; North Beach between Pershing & Custer streets; weekend daily pass is $5/resident, $10/nonresident (per dog); 6-month pass is $30/resident, $60/nonresident. Call 954-921-3404. SATURDAYS DANCING IN THE PARK AFTER DARK
Enjoy DJ music & disco dancing under a giant disco ball; 8-10 p.m.; in the Plaza at the ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3500.
Spoken word & acoustic music; 7 p.m.-midnight; Harrison Cafe, 2028 Harrison St. Call 954-3675982.
Storytelling for children; 3 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle playground, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3500.
Adult program combines specific methods of military training, martial arts & fitness; 9:30-10:30 a.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle (Visual Arts Pavilion), Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1. Call 954-921-
3500 or 954-963-7712.
Art and Culture Center of Hollywood’s Art School, 1626 Harrison St. Call 954-921-3274 for times & fees.
Featuring fresh flowers, plants & prepared food vendors; 4-9 p.m.; Palm Court, ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 305-531-0038.
Program for ages 15 & younger includes the use of Junior Callaway Clubs; 10-11 a.m.; Hillcrest Golf & Country Club, 4600 Hillcrest Dr.; $15. Call 954987-5000. SATURDAY & SUNDAY FUN SHOP CREATION STATION
Interactive children’s art activities; 4-5:30 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle playground, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-923-1950.
Get a closer look at a 3,500-gallon saltwater aquarium & learn about its inhabitants; 2-2:30 p.m.; Anne Kolb Nature Center at West Lake Park, 751 Sheridan St.; $1. Call 954-926-2480. SUNDAYS ORGANIC GREEN MARKET
Featuring Josh’s Organic Garden; 9 a.m.-5:31 p.m., rain or shine; Harrison St. & the Broadwalk. Call 954-456-3276.
Light, breezy jazz music; 4 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3500.
All ages can learn commands (sit, down, stand, come & stay) as well as leash walking & how to handle problems such as jumping & improving attention; 8 or 9 a.m.; T.Y. Park, 3300 N. Park Rd.; $125/5 wks., plus $1.50 park weekend entrance fee. Must preregister: 954-357-8811.
Enjoy an open bar, full brunch & desserts aboard The Grand Floridian yacht; 12:30-2:45 p.m. sailing; depart from Diplomat Landings, 3555 S. Ocean Dr.; $55 adult (includes tax & tip), $27.50 ages 6-12 & free for kids under 6. Call 954-771-0102.
Adult classes; 9 a.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle (Visual Arts Pavilion), Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1. Call 954-921-3500. SUN., August 1 COIN & COLLECTABLES SHOW
Presented by Gold Coast Coin Club of Hollywood; 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; David Park Community Center, 108 N. 33rd Ct.; free. Call 954-967-4236. MON., August 2 COMPUTER PROGRAM
Teach and Reach Computer Program Basic; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Washington Park Community Center, 5199 Pembroke Rd.; free. Pre-register: 954-987-0625.
Learn tarot with UU Fellowship of South Florida; 7:30-9 p.m.; 1812 Roosevelt St.; $5. Call Aleph, 954-394-3342. TUES., August 3 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT AGAINST CRIME
Presented by the Washington Park Homeowners Association; 7-9 p.m.; Washington Park Community Center, 5199 Pembroke Rd.; free. Call 954-987-0625.
Business card exchange, appetizers & discounted drinks; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Giorgio’s Grill, 606 N. Ocean Dr.; $10. Call 954838-9644.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy the singing of traditional Yiddish folk songs, participate in the telling of Yiddish humor & discuss the rich tradition of Yiddish culture, heritage & “hochma”; 10:30 a.m.; Temple Beth El, 1351 S. 14th Ave.; free. Call Al Lipton, 305-937-7007.
Demonstration class; 6:30-7 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free. Call 954-9213600. WED., August 4 COMPUTER PROGRAM
Teach and Reach Computer Program Intermediate; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Washington Park Community Center, 5199 Pembroke Rd.; free. Pre-register: 954-987-0625.
Learn tarot with UU Fellowship of South Florida; 7:30-9 p.m.; 1812 Roosevelt St.; $5. Call Aleph, 954-394-3342. THURS., August 5 BOOK CLUB
Reviews & group discussions on selected books, sponsored by the Broward County Library; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free. Call 954926-2437.
Discuss & share the joys of coin collecting with the Gold Coast Coin Club; 6-9 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free. Call 954-921-3600. FRI., August 6 FUNTASTIC FRIDAYS FOR KIDS
Family social features a bounce house, clowns, arts & crafts, games & karaoke; 5-9 p.m.; Anniversary Park, Hollywood Blvd. & 20th Ave.; free. Call 954921-3404.
Bring a lawn chair & enjoy the movie Willow under the stars; 8 p.m.; Grove Screen, ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3500.
Demonstration class; 9-9:30 a.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free. Call 954-9213600.
Join the Hollywood Historical Society & celebrate city founder Joseph Young’s birthday with music, dancing, refreshments & historical exhibits; 5-7 p.m.; Little Flower Church (Father Cashman Hall), 1805 Pierce St.; free for society members, $10 for nonmembers. Call Clarissa Barth, 305-409-7139.
Event to benefit the Russell Life Skills and Reading Foundation includes a reception with former pro athletes, “Martorano’s & Martinis,” dinner, drinks & a comedy show with Pete Correale; 5 p.m.; Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 1 Seminole Way; $100. Call 954-981-5653.
Skills include basic stroke, longdistance paddling, sea-kayaking & safety; 9-11:30 a.m.; Holland Park, Johnson St. & 6th Ave.; $35 (ages 15+); must pre-register. Call instructor Colleen, 954-3285231.
Guests are welcome at this monthly meeting; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, 1530 Hollywood Blvd. Call 954-985-6867.
Enjoy a parade followed by music, games, free back-to-school supplies & free immunizations for children with a parent & immunization records; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center, 2400 Charleston St.; free. Call 954-921-3412. MON., August 9 NATURE WALK & PLANT REMOVAL
Take a guided nature walk in one of the few remaining natural oak hammocks left in Broward County & help remove invasive plants; 9 a.m.-noon; John Williams Park/Sheridan Oak Forest, 6101 Sheridan St.; free. Call 954-921-3404.
Learn tarot with UU Fellowship of South Florida; 7:30-9 p.m.; 1812 Roosevelt St.; $5. Call Aleph, 954-394-3342. TUES., August 10 JUNIOR CHAMBER MEETING
The Greater Hollywood Junior Chamber (Jaycees) general meeting & networking are open to all; 6-7 p.m.; Jaycees Hall, 2930 Hollywood Blvd. Call Executive Director Debra Gronvold, 954-981-4378.
One-on-one business counseling sessions are sponsored by the City of Hollywood; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Hollywood Branch Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call M.D. Stewart & Associates, 954703-7976.
One-on-one business counseling sessions are sponsored by the City of Hollywood; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Hollywood Branch Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call M.D. Stewart & Associates, 954703-7976.
Learn tarot with UU Fellowship of South Florida; 7:30-9 p.m.; 1812 Roosevelt St.; $5. Call Aleph, 954-394-3342. THURS., August 12 HOLLYWOOD ART GUILD
Meeting open to the public features a fine-art demonstration, lively conversation & camaraderie; 7 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free. Call Peggy Austen, 954-924-1818.
Monthly support group hosted by Valerie Panciera-Rieth; 6:30 p.m.; Landmark Funeral Home, 4200 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call 954-989-8220.
Conducted by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation; 6:30-8 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free. Call 954-921-3600. FRI., August 13 FUNTASTIC FRIDAYS FOR KIDS
Family social features a bounce house, clowns, arts & crafts, games & karaoke; 5-9 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3404.
Bring a lawn chair & enjoy the movie Jimmy Neutron under the stars; 8 p.m.; Grove Screen, ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3500.
Wine, cheese & art instruction are provided at this painting party for adults; 6:30-10 p.m.; Muzart Studio, 1205 S. 21st Ave.; $35 per individual/group project package, with childcare available at an additional cost. Call 954924-1133.
The topic is “Business Partners in Education”; 7:30-9 a.m.; Hollywood Beach Marriott, 2501 N. Ocean Dr.; $12 Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce members, $20 future members. Must register: 954-923-4000.
9 p.m.; D.P.’s (formerly Stonewall Tavern), 200 N. Broadwalk on Hollywood Beach. Call 954-9227993. SAT., August 14 “BUGSY MALONE”
Performance by students ages 12-18 in the Art and Culture Center of Hollywood’s Broadway Actors Advanced summer program; 2 p.m.; Hollywood Central Performing Arts Center, 1770 Monroe St.; $7 for adults, $4 for ages 12 & under. Call 954-9213274, ext. 232.
hollywood gazette | 954-962-8180 | www.hollywoodgazette.com
monthly feature
of the month
calendar of events SAT. & SUN., August 14-15 FLORIDA BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOUR
Presented by Pro-Motions Sports Marketing, Inc.; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Hollywood Beach from Michigan St. to Harrison St. Call Gino, 954-224-5739. SUN., August 15 FREE GALLERY ADMISSION DAY
View the LEGO® sculpture exhibition “Nathan Sawaya: Replay”; noon-4 p.m.; Art and Culture Center of Hollywood, 1650 Harrison St.; free. Call 954-921-3274.
Gwen Six-month-old Gwen Gillin is lucky to live in South Florida since she adores the water. Her parents, Tara and Byron, call her their little swimmer.
Want your baby to be Hollywood Gazette’s ‘Baby of the Month’? E-mail a hi-res photo with the following information: Name of Parents; Name of Baby; Age; and Special Traits to brett@hollywoodgazette.com.
monthly feature
of the month
Mosaic (Jewish) Outdoor Club of South Florida event includes a sandcastle contest with prizes; 11 a.m.; meet at the water-play area between Connecticut & Garfield streets; $3 for Mosaic members, $8 for nonmembers. Call Beth Herzbrun, 954-987-5202. MON., August 16 HOLLYWOOD GARDEN CLUB
All ages are welcome to learn about gardening in South Florida, share tips & trade plants; 7-9 p.m.; Fred Lippman Multi-Purpose Center, 2030 Polk St., Rm. 11. Call 954-921-3404.
Learn tarot with UU Fellowship of South Florida; 7:30-9 p.m.; 1812 Roosevelt St.; $5. Call Aleph, 954394-3342. TUES., August 17 DEPRESSION GLASS CLUB
South Florida Depression Glass Club promotes awareness & appreciation of depression-era glassware through lectures, publications & exhibits; 7:30 p.m.; Fred Lippman Multi-Purpose Center, 2030 Polk St. Call 954-9648073.
“Taking the Mystery out of Business Loans”; 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.; Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, 330 N. Federal Hwy.; free for members, $25 for future members. Must
register: 954-923-4000. WED., August 18 “PARTY WITH A PURPOSE”
Networking & fundraising event featuring complimentary hors d’oeuvres, half-price cocktails, business card drawings, & free shuffleboard & billiards will benefit The Russell Life Skills and Reading Foundation; 5:307:30 p.m.; Dave & Buster’s, 3000 Oakwood Blvd.; $10. Call 954-9628180.
All veterans are invited to the American Legion Post 308 West Hollywood meeting; 7 p.m.; Driftwood Recreation Center, 3000 N. 69th Ave. Call 954296-1242.
Learn tarot with UU Fellowship of South Florida; 7:30-9 p.m.; 1812 Roosevelt St.; $5. Call Aleph, 954394-3342. THURS., August 19
Noon-8 p.m.; Stirling Road Branch Library, 3151 Stirling Rd.; free. Call Susan O’Donnell, 954-985-2689. FRI., August 20 FUNTASTIC FRIDAYS FOR KIDS
Family social features a bounce house, clowns, arts & crafts, games & karaoke; 5-9 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3404.
Bring a lawn chair & enjoy the movie The Incredibles under the stars; 8 p.m.; Grove Screen, ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3500.
Kids ages 2-10 can come in their PJs & enjoy gym time, games, art activities, dinner & the movie The Tale of Despereaux (G); 6-9:30 p.m.; Muzart Studio, 1205 S. 21st Ave. Call 954924-1133 for fees. SAT., August 21 ARTWALK
Stroll through Downtown Hollywood’s galleries & boutiques & enjoy complimentary refreshments at all galleries & participating businesses; 7-10 p.m.; pick up a guided map at Comfort Zone Studio & Spa, 2028 Harrison St., Suite 1; free. Call 954-921-3404.
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Presented by the Community Enhancement Collaboration, Inc. (CEC); 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Washington Park Community Center, 5199 Pembroke Rd.; free. Pre-register: 954-987-0625.
Volunteers ages 13 & up who want to help clear natural areas of garbage & invasive plants should bring a hat, gloves, sunscreen & drinking water; 9 a.m.-noon; Anne Kolb Nature Center at West Lake Park, 751 Sheridan St.; free. Must pre-register: 954-9262480. MON., August 23 BEGINNING SPANISH CLASS
For adults; 10:30-11:30 a.m.; Hollywood Branch Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call Carol Russo, 954-9262430, ext. 227. TUES., August 24 FREE BUSINESS COUNSELING
For a treat, Donatello will sit, lie down and give his owners, William and Ana Higuita, his paw and a high five. The a 6-month-old chocolate Labrador also loves socks and will steal them right out drawers.
Do you want your pet to be “Pet of the Month”? E-mail a hi-res photo with the following information: • Name (owners/parents); • Pet (breed and name); • Age & Gender; and • Special traits & talents to brett@hollywoodgazette.com.
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Schools & Administrative Offices Closed Schools Closed Report Cards Issued Early Release Day First & Last Day of School
Hurricane make-up days in order of preference: 10/28/10, 1/21/11, 4/1/11, 4/28/11 *Year Round Schools Follow Different Calendars
One-on-one business counseling sessions are sponsored by the City of Hollywood; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Hollywood Branch Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call M.D. Stewart & Associates, 954-703-7976. WED., August 25 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS
Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce networking event; 5-7 p.m.; Gino’s Italian-American Deli & Supermarket, 5729 Johnson St.; $7 members, $12 future members. Must register: 954-923-4000.
One-on-one business counseling sessions are sponsored by the City of Hollywood; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Hollywood Branch Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call M.D. Stewart & Associates, 954-703-7976.
CLASSIFIEDS HEALTH Caring Partners In-home care is the family alternative to assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Our caring and experienced caregivers provide up to 24-hour care in the comfort of your own home at affordable rates. Call 954-929-7747. SERVICES Tired of high telephone bills? We can help. call 954-394-0998. We provide business telephone service and internet bandwidth. We have over 15 years experience lowering business telephone bills and represent over 30 companies 954394-0998 call Marty Today and start saving tomorrow 954-3940998. HANDYMAN FOR GENERAL REPAIRS PAINTING INSIDE & OUT REPAIRS/ FAUCETS TRIM & MOLDING HANGING SHELVES CHANGE LIGHTS & FIXTURES & CEILING FANS DOORS - REPLACE OR REPAIR VERY NEAT & CLEAN & RELIABLE CALL DALE 954-967-0466
REAL ESTATE Sheridan Lakes Villas Furnished 2 Bed 2 Bath 2464 Carlyle Lane 129,000 2474 Carlyle Lane 110,000 Call Steve 954-648-5533 Hollywood Beach Condo Direct Ocean View 2 Bed 2 Bath Crystal Towers Call Steve 954-648-5533 Looking for a quality REALTOR? I’m your professional! Steve Feldott Reaction Realty Group 954-648-5533 For Rent: 5 bed, 3 bath with wood floors, den, and formal dining room in South Hollywood near 441 w 2 car garage and workshop. Huge yard, quiet street. $2850. Sec 8 OK. Call Now 954-624-8441. For Rent: 4 bed, 3 bath w den, South Hollywood, near Pembroke Rd. Quiet street. $1700. Sec 8 OK. Call Now 954624-8441.
Downtown Loft, Fort Lauderdale for Rent 1BR/1BA Condo $1,350/mo. Call Shelley Gillman; Engel & Voelkers (954) 6008500. FOR RENT in Victoria Park, Ft. Lauderdale 2BR/2BA Townhouse $1,950/mo. Call Shelley Gillman; Engel & Voelkers (954) 6008500. Rio Vista, Fort Lauderdale, FL 3BR/3+1BA Townhouse $2,100/mo. Call Shelley Gillman; Engel & Voelkers (954) 6008500. OFFICE SPACE TO SHARE
Beautifully furnished and fully equipped office space to share with Psychotherapist 1-2 days a week. Fri. & Sat. available $300.00 per month, per day. In E. Hallandale, near the
Intracoastal Waterway Immediate occupancy. Call Joan E. Childs LCSW 954-568-1004 or email joanec@aol. com MISCELLANEOUS Shop AVON at home or office. Personal delivery and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call and request your brochure today. Be your own boss and start your AVON business for only $10.00. Cheryl LaPalme AVON Independent Sales Rep. 954-448-0457 www.youravon.com/ clapalme bluliner55@earthlink.net
HOLLYWOOD GAZETTE Classified ads are $25 for up to 450 characters and $20 additional with photo. Place your classified ads and announcements online at www. hollywood gazette.com
Place your classified ads online at www.hollywoodgazette.com
calendar of events THURS., August 26 MOVIE CLUB
Sponsored by the Broward County Library; 2-4 p.m.; Hollywood Beach Culture & Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr.; free. Call 954-921-3600.
Adult literacy program; 10:30 a.m.-noon; Hollywood Branch Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call Carol Russo, 954-9262430, ext. 227. FRI., August 27 FUNTASTIC FRIDAYS FOR KIDS
Family social features a bounce house, clowns, arts & crafts, games & karaoke; 5-9 p.m.; ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call
Bring a lawn chair & enjoy the movie Bolt under the stars; 8 p.m.; Grove Screen, ArtsPark at Young Circle, Hollywood Blvd. & U.S. 1; free. Call 954-921-3500.
Mosaic (Jewish) Outdoor Club of South Florida event features a 1-hr. slide show/lecture followed by a release of baby hatchlings on the beach; 8 p.m.; Ann Kolb Nature Center at West Lake Park, 751 Sheridan St.; $8 for Mosaic members, $13 for nonmembers, plus quarters for parking. Call Jodi Gast, 954-829-3160. MON., August 30 BEGINNING SPANISH CLASS
For adults; 10:30-11:30 a.m.; Hollywood Branch Library, 2600 Hollywood Blvd.; free. Call Carol Russo, 954-926-2430, ext. 227. TUES., August 31 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION WORKSHOP
“Foreclosure Defense 101”; 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.; Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, 330 N. Federal Hwy.; free for members, $25 for future members. Must register: 954923-4000.
The entire community is invited to enjoy a film; 1:30 p.m.; Temple Beth El, 1351 S. 14th Ave.; $2 contribution to the temple. Call Al Lipton, 305-937-7007.
Send your Hollywood events to calendar@hollywoodgazette.com by the 15th of the month hollywood gazette | 954-962-8180 | www.hollywoodgazette.com
Mortgage Troubles? There Are Dignified Solutions to Foreclosure You may have done everything right, but in today’s housing market, it’s becoming more common for responsible homeowners to find themselves with an unaffordable mortgage. If you or someone you know is facing foreclosure and doesn’t know what to do, know that there are better options and very strong reasons to pursue them. Through the new Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives Program, or HAFA, you may be eligible for a $3,000 incentive to avoid foreclosure by pursuing a SHORT SALE or deed-in-lieu, two dignified foreclosure alternatives. I’ve written a report that details how you can benefit from these foreclosure alternatives. You can download the report here:
www.DignifiedSolutions.info Dennis Hearing, PA, GRI, CDPE, CSSA
Certified Distressed Property Expert Dennis@TheHearingGroup.net
Cell: 954-648-4949
THE HEARING GROUP Keller Williams Realty Professionals 3696 N Federal Hwy. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
AU G UST 2 0 1 0
“Ask the Pink Realtor”
Hollywood Real Estate Q & A BY ROCHELLE LE CAVALIER | rochellelecavalier@gmail.com
Dear Pink Realtor, After waiting for the market to improve for nearly a year to sell our house, we finally entered into a contract with someone who wanted to buy our home at a fair price. The agent representing the buyer presented us with a “prequalification” letter from a lender. Weeks later we discovered the buyer was rejected for financing. How can this happen? Sincerely, Back at Square One Dear Square One, You allowed the term “prequalification” to lull you into a false sense of security. The loan amounts referenced in pre-qualification letters are conditional on (or “subject to”) verification of income, employment, funds on deposit, credit report and more. A lender can issue a prequalification letter after just a simple 10-minute phone interview with a prospective purchaser. As a seller, your best vehicle for peace of mind is an all-cash offer. Second best is a pre-approval letter, subject to as few items as possible, accompanying the offer to purchase. A pre-approval letter is a firm commitment to lend money issued only after verification of the crucial financial items mentioned above and includes a list of what it is subject to. In cases where an offer is presented with a pre-qualification letter only, you have a few options: accept the offer and instruct your agent to accept back-up offers, counter the offer with the condition of presenting a pre-approval letter (and possibly a non-refundable earnest money deposit) or reject the offer and explain that you will review when submitted with a pre-approval subject to property appraisal only. For future reference, when you first list your house for sale, you may instruct your agent to accept only offers including a pre-approval letter. This will guarantee that the offers you receive have a chance of closing and will deter offers from people testing the market, feeling it out and wasting your time. Dear Pink Realtor, My husband and I live in Quebec and our snowbird friends
say that Hollywood Beach has a lot of Canadians. We want to come for the season and feel at home, so we subscribed to this newspaper to get an idea of the area. Someone said there used to be a French Canadian newspaper there as well. Is there? A second home in Florida is our dream. Anything specific you can tell first time snowbirds? Sincerely, Living the Canadian Dream Dear Canadian Dreamer, What a small world! My Dad is French Canadian. Hence the name: Lecavalier (Le-CA-val-yay). The newspaper you mention is “Le Soleil de la Floride.” It is still published and widely available around Hollywood Beach and can even be found in select locations in Quebec (http://www.lesoleildelafloride.com/ soleil/). Hollywood Beach has more rental apartments than hotels, and many snowbirds return to the same place every year. When buying a second home, I suggest you spend one season renting while you get to know the area, determine your preferences and understand the local real estate market. You happen to be considering buying at an excellent time. For French Canadian Snowbirds, Hollywood Beach is the place to buy a second home. French Canadian Snowbirds are to be found in Dania Beach and Hollywood Beach in high numbers. In my opinion, Hollywood Beach is the superior buy in terms of real estate value and potential appreciation. Over the past few years, many have been moving farther north to Fort Lauderdale and Pompano Beach, but it is a small percentage. Hollywood Beach has been receiving a series of upgrades over the past year, including an attractive sea wall along the Broadwalk (a wide, 2-mile long paved path on the beach). On any day of the week, one can spend the day walking or bicycling around the area and find Italian water ice, discover free concerts at the beachfront band shell and take in the Florida sunshine. In Dania Beach (a few miles north), you will feel removed from the world, with only ocean in front of you and trees behind you. French Canadians play petanque-- the French version of bocci-- and on weekend
evenings, cruise ships sail out from nearby Port Everglades. The Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino is west of downtown along Florida’s Turnpike. In addition to gambling, there are a number of restaurants, shops and a theater showcasing big-name acts. Dairy Belle (118 N Federal Hwy Dania, FL 33004) is an ice cream shop, but is considered by many to have the best poutine in South Florida. (However, it is said that the fries are not as crisp and the cheese has a different texture than that of authentic poutine from Quebec.) Dear Pink Realtor, I did not file my Florida Homestead Exemption by the deadline back in March. Do I have to wait for the next year and forego the exemption for 2010? Sincerely, Need a Second Chance Dear Second Chance, You may late file for 2010 Homestead Exemptions until Sept. 20. This includes homestead, disability, widow/widower, granny flat, portability and non-profits. While you are at it, you may also pre-file for 2011 exemptions. Per the Broward County Property Appraiser: You must submit a complete application by the statutory Sept. 20, 2010, late filing deadline. No 2010 applications will be accepted after Sept. 20. To file a 2010 or 2011 exemption, go to http://www.bcpa. net/homestead.asp. Questions? Contact Broward Customer Service & Exemptions Division at 954-357-6830.
LeCavalier has an extensive background in land development, construction, mortgage banking, and real estate sales, marketing and management with more than 15 years experience in the industry. She is known as the “Pink Realtor” around South Florida where she and her team cheerfully serve the real estate needs of many clients. In addition, LeCavalier serves as Fund Manager for SISCO Limited Partners, a private equity fund that rehabilitates foreclosed properties and rents them via affordable housing programs in Broward County, and she is a licensed Real Estate Agent and an Accredited Residential Manager (IREM, ARM).
3 free ways to market your business today
Medical Center
BY Wendy Crocquet Lieber | wendy@athena-marketing.com
I was having a conversation recently with a colleague of mine that went something like this: “Wendy, I wish I had the budget to hire your company, so I could market my business. I know if we spent money on marketing, we could grow.” My response: “Scott, everything you do is marketing. The product you provide your customers is marketing. The way your staff treats your customers is marketing. The environment your customers walk into every day is marketing. The way you answer the phone is marketing.” He was taken aback for a moment while this processed and said, “Wow. You are right. I think of marketing as spending money finding new customers. There is a lot of marketing I can do with what I have. That’s exciting.” I have this conversation often with business owners. Marketing gets defined as activities that cost money. The result of this misconception is businesses take themselves out of the marketing game because they think they can’t afford it. This is one of the biggest misconceptions plaguing small businesses today. Marketing is something everyone in your company is doing 24/7/365. Just as you cannot NOT communicate, you cannot NOT market. Wake up! This is good news for you. Use this information to grow your business. Here are three important steps you can take right now. And they are FREE. 1) Work on making your product or service remarkable. Make sure you deliver on your promise every time. Be vigilant about this. Act like
Richard J. Wilbur, M.D.
your life depended on it. 2) Focus on the experience you deliver your customers. From the way someone is greeted when they walk into your establishment and an e-mail you write to the magazines in your waiting room and the copy on your Web site. Pay attention to it all. I walked into a new dentist office recently and there were signs all over the office that said “NO CHANGE PROVIDED” and “WE DO NOT PROVIDE CHANGE!” My whole experience of the office was negative. They had an environment that was not customer oriented, and it came through in everything they did. The signs were just a symptom. I changed dentists as fast as I could. They were marketing – just not the right message. 3) Make sure every employee realizes they are marketing for the company. A family was driving and saw a pizza delivery car next to them. The driver was smoking. The young girl in the back seat said, “Daddy, I never want to order from that pizza place again because it will have smoke in it.” That driver didn’t think of himself as a marketer. Clearly he was. There are so many things you can do to thrill your customers, so they are addicted to your business offering. Stop complaining that you don’t have money for marketing and focus on the marketing you are doing today. And remember, marketing is something everyone in your company is doing 24/7/365. You cannot NOT market. E-mail me at wendy@athenamarketing.com, and I will send you a one-page planning tool to make it easy for you to get in the marketing game. If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me or comment on my blog http://wendylieber.wordpress.com/.
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954-924-4465 Photos by MarussiVision.com
Westin Diplomat hosts Miss Florida USA press day The City of Hollywood sparkled with beauty last month when more than 50 Miss Florida USA Pageant contestants convened poolside at the Westin Diplomat Resort in Hollywood, 3555 S. Ocean Drive, on Thursday, July 8 for the official Press Photo Day of the Miss Florida USA 2011 Pageant. The Miss Florida USA Pageant, a statewide tradition that highlights the outstanding young women of the Sunshine State, crowned Lissette Garcia to represent the state of Florida for the Miss USA Pageant as seen on NBC in the winter/spring of 2011. The Westin Diplomat Resort is a long-time sponsor of the Miss Florida pageant. This year’s contestants also enjoyed activities hosted by Giorgio’s Grill, and Mama Mia’s on Young Circle in Hollywood. Open to all women of the Sunshine State of Florida between the ages 18 -26, The Miss Florida USA® Pageant is the official qualifier towards Miss USA® and Miss Universe®. For more information on the Miss Florida USA 2011 pageant, visit www.missfloridausa.com.
New Miss Florida USA 2010 Lissette Garcia.
Top 15 Jamie Lynn Daniels - Miss Photogenic (Emerald Coast).
Victoria Woods (Lake City).
Miss Hollywood USA Brittany Freeman with Kathleen Patton (Homestead).
Top 15 Megan Hefner (Volusia County).
Photos by John Lamarche (lamarchephotography.com).
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Over 100 years of Bringing Buyers and Sellers Together NORTHLAKE
Live the life you love in this charming 3/2 pool home located on palm lined Tyler St. Split bedrooms for privacy, large master bedroom with updated bathroom. mexican tile throughout with white washed pine vaulted ceilings. This home features an updated gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite. The family room looks out to a screened - in patio and a spectacular tropical pool area enclosed in a private fenced yard. Priced at $475,000.00
Fabulous 3 bedroom 2.5 bath patio home with own pool and 2 car garage.
“GRANDVIEW CONDO” AT EMERALD HILLS - $159,000 Enjoy Golf And Water Views From A Large Screened balcony.
new granite kitchen, with cherry wood cabinets and tile floors throughout. Good condition. mexican tiled patio. Full accordion hurricane shutters.
Spacious 2 bed 2.5 Bath,Washer/Dryer,Formal Dining,Huge master, Walk-In-Closets. Garage Parking,24 Hour Guarded Entrance,Rec Facility, Heated Pool. $159,000.
Pool needs new diamond brite. Private back yard beautifully landscaped. Gated community. not a short sale. FHA financing available. Offered at $ 280,000.
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GOLDEN ISLES, HALLANDALE BEACH Lovely 1st floor unit in fabulous location, partially furnished. Walking distance to Gulfstream village, shopping, gorgeous beaches. 24/7 security, remodeled kitchen and baths, new a/c, hurricane shutters. Call us for an appointment to view this great property! Offered at $85,000.
ray & lucy miccio the preferred team!
• Direct Ocean 3/2.5 plus den. Fabulous Ocean views, floor to ceiling windows,
beautiful 3/2 villa with fantastic water view. Open floor plan, vaulted ceiling with skylight, tile floors throughout. Central location, close to schools, house of worship, shopping, beaches and major highways.
Low Maintenance & No Assessments.
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oren hilel
SHERIDAN OCEAN CLUB JUST LISTED Perfect for first time home buyers or for a second home. Updated 3 bed 2 1/2 bath with Enclosed Patio and Lovely Deck. Loft-style 3rd bedroom. master bedroom Downstairs. Guard-Gated Community with 2 Pools. near beach, restaurants and shopping. Offered at $299,999
Hollywood broadwalk with shops and cafes a few blocks away. 2 bedrooms/2 baths offered at $194,500. Low maintenance, small pet friendly. SHORT SALE? no problem! I can get you out from under that upside down property with ease. Call me anytime to discuss the details.
2 pkg. all amenities plus tennis on 8 acres set among parks.
Great Ocean View! Just 1/2 block to the sand.
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Recent listing, $649,000.
• Mint Intracoastal view unit, 2075 sf. high floor: $450,000.
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CAMINO SHERIDAN VILLA Great 1 Story villa In best Location In Complex. Many Upgrades Totally Redone And In mint Condition. brand new Roof, 18’’ Tile And Shutters Throughout. vaulted Ceilings Split bedroom Spacious master bedroom. Great Screened Patio And Lovely Landscaped yard. Pool And Tennis Included Low Maintenance Close To Everything. Pets, Fha And Va Ok. Only $185,000
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3319 Sheridan Street Hollywood, FL 33021