5-Star Jersey
New Members
With the recent August ABV release, JA updated the 5-Star Jersey list and recognised 404 more cows across 46 member herds for this achievement.
Jersey Australia welcomes the following new members to the Association DAIRY’S FINEST COW
The 5-Star Jersey award recognises cows who are: ✤ Registered ✤ AI Bred ✤ Classified ✤ Genomic Tested ✤ Herd Tested with 1 completed lactation Members are entitled to use the 5-Star Jersey logo when promoting and marketing any cow who has the 5-Star Jersey Award.
2021 Great Southern And Great Northern Challenges It is with great disappointment, we announce the cancellations of the 2021 Great Southern and Great Northern Challenges. With club challenges in some regions highly in doubt due to growing COVID-19 issues and with the GSC and GNC having to be judged across 5 States each with separate travel and access requirements that vary greatly and very reactive in closing borders at very short notice combined with a risk of quarantine having to be completed either during or after judging we consider the most appropriate course of action is to not run the event again this year. Cancelling the GSC and GNC will also mean the Great Australian Challenge will also not in 2022 at the AGM. We do strongly encourage clubs were possible and within the confines of your respective state or regional area COVID-19 restrictions and requirements to continue to run your club events. On Farm Challenges are one of the most important events on our member’s and club calendar and making every effort to continue your club event should be made.
2021 Jersey Australia Photo Competition Spring is here so it is time to get your camera’s out and start taking some great Jersey themed shots for the 2021 Photo Competition.
Jersey Australia Annual Calendar We will soon be talking bookings for the Jersey Australia Calendar. To reserve your place in the 2022 calendar email Doris.Gauci@jersey.com.au Limited places are available.
MINKO JERSEYS • Dr Mike Boerema. Willunga SA GRACIOUS JERSEYS • Damien Henry, Tinamba, Vic TANDARA JERSEYS • Ben Govett, GOONBOONA JERSEYS • Georgina Rowley, Illowa, VIC DALPAIZ JERSEYS • Andrea Henry, Sale, VIC RIVERFERN JERSEYS • Damien & Aaron Curtis. South Purrumbette, VIC DELIGHTFUL JERSEYS • Olivia Lambkin, Broke, NSW STARSTORM JERSEYS • Jasmine Curtis, Mooroopna, VIC ILLABO JERSEYS • Sheridan Heath. Bookar, VIC OCEAN ACRES JERSEYS • Corey Couch & Julia Gleeson. Avalon VIC We also welcome back BRINDABELLA JERSEYS and Jade and Scott Sieben who have recently re-joined JA. Join us in welcoming our new and returning members.
Spring Classification Bookings are now open for the Spring Classification Tour. We do expect COVID-19 travel restrictions to impact some regions or states at this stage however, we are planning ahead with the best intentions to reach all members wishing to classify in the spring. Book online at the Jersey Shop https://jersey.com.au/shop/ or complete the enclosed booking form and return to Jersey Australia or send us an email at class@jersey.com.au
Autumn Calf Registrations Registering your animals is cheapest when they are the youngest. If you haven’t yet registered your Autumn born calves it’s time to get this done now. JA’s member services team is here to help if you need. You can register your calves online at https://jersey.com.au/ jersey-online/ or use the function in your Easy Dairy or Mistro Software.
Jersey Australia Video JA recently produced a video for an international focus on the US Jersey Youth Academy program. The Video promoted the Australian Dairy Industry and Australian Jersey and was an exciting little project. We have put the video on You Tube and with nearly 500 views to date it has been well watched. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWb1YqUvYHM&t=32s Our thanks to all those who helped put this video together.
The Australian Jersey Journal – September-October 2021 // 34