Five Towns Jewish Home - 5-6-21

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MAY 6, 2021 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

Lessons From My Mother Local women leaders share the life lessons that they learned from their mothers

Sally Lasker, a"h BY MYRNA ZISMAN MY mother, Sally Lasker, a”h, was a very unique woman. Her quick wit and intelligence made her a force to be reckoned with. Her devotion to both religion and education were exemplary. An avid reader, she always encouraged my siblings and me to always have a book in hand. She would tell us, “If there was time to spare in your day, always open a book and read.” She also told us that it is never too late to learn. My mother did not attend college post high school, but the yearning to graduate from college was always there. She fulfilled her dream by graduating from Touro College at age 69. People say I look like my mom. I hope I inherited her genes. She lived until the age of 98!

D Toby Schwartz, a”h BY RACHAYLE DEUTSCH AS parents, we spend a lot of our time advising our children – trying to impart wisdom gained from our own experiences that will help carry them more safely and wisely through life’s journeys. As children, unfortunately, we don’t always have the patience and sense to listen to and absorb our parents’ messages. I learned so much from my mother about being joyful and grateful, but I didn’t fully appreciate her approach to life until after her recent passing, a”h. There is something she

frequently said that only now hits me with its clarity and beauty. Whenever my mother would receive a compliment, especially about her children, she was always quick to say, “I had a good partner in Hashem.” In this way, she constantly acknowledged Hashem’s presence in her life and His benevolence. Although I heard these words often, it didn’t register with me until recently what emunah my mother had, and I’m sure that is why she was able to go through life – and not always an easy life – upbeat and with a smile. At times, it is so difficult to be positive, to remember that we are not alone, and to give credit for our accomplishments to a Higher Power, but she was always able to do this. I am so grateful that I can continue to learn from her, even now.

D Helen Katz BY RACHEL PILL, LCSW I would be honored to write about the lessons I have learned from my mother. I am so blessed to have been given my mother, and I know that she is an incredible gift. My mom (Helen Katz) has taught me to love unconditionally – that children are each special and deserve to be loved and respected for who they are. My siblings and I are each so different, and my mom has always loved us for who we are – not who she thinks we should be. My mother has always believed in me and let me know that I could do anything as long

as I was kind and respectful of myself and others. I try very hard to live my life in this way. I work hard to love my kids unconditionally and to make them feel as safe and loved as I have always felt.

D Rebbetzin Jackie Wein, a"”h BY REBBETZIN SORI TEITELBAUM THIS Sunday is my mother’s 15th yartzheit. So timely! I will be giving a shiur in Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst on Shabbos in her zechus. My topic is the beautiful tefilla of Nishmas. My mother was all about seeing the positive in every person and in every situation. I remember one Shabbos morning a woman who was known to dress a bit d i ffer ently came into


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