Early 2021 Classes/Lectures
Beth Tikvah Lecture Series 2021
eth Tikvah offers a myriad of cultural, intellectual, social, musical and religious programming throughout the year, especially during Naples’ busiest months. All Beth Tikvah lectures and events are open to the greater Naples community and everyone is welcome. As part of its adult education programing and “All Things Jewish,” Beth Tikvah hosts a seasonal lecture series. This year, there are six lectures offered, each presented by a different lecturer on interesting topics held throughout the season:
Rabbi Irving Elson, Jan. 15 Dr. David Danoff, Jan. 17 June Sochen and Joyce Schrager, Jan. 28 and Feb. 11 Dr. Mark Poznansky, Feb. 4 Sam Geist, March 11. Please check times, topics and biographical details for the 2021 speakers online at BethtikvahNaples.org, where you can also make your reservation. Alternatively, contact office@bethtikvah.us or call 239-434-1818. Our appreciation goes to Jeff Margolis, Neil Adelman and Justin Land who contributed to this series in the fall of 2020.
Scholar-in-Residence Program at Beth Tikvah
eth Tikvah is pleased to announce that Dr. Sandra Lilienthal, a dynamic and inspirational Jewish educator, will return to Beth Tikvah as our Scholar-in-Residence from Friday, Feb. 19 through Sunday, Feb. 21. Dr. Lilienthal is the author of “Pillars of Judaism,” a two-year curriculum for adult learners. She holds a Doctorate in Jewish Education and is a member
Dr. Sandra Lilienthal
of the Hebrew University Florence Melton Adult Jewish Learning Faculty. A master teacher with a warm and sparkling personality, Dr. Lilienthal has taught at every level, both in her native Brazil and the United States. Beth Tikvah is proud to offer a weekend series of four lectures through which she will address the theme, “Through a Jewish Lens: Anxiety and Fear in Uncertain and Unpredictable Times.” Dr. Lilienthal possesses a unique ability to draw us into the journey and bring us to the moment. Her presentations will be conducted via Zoom, available through Beth Tikvah’s streaming channel. Further details about the timing and format of each presentation will be available through the Beth Tikvah website. All Beth Tikvah lectures and events are open to the Greater Naples community and everyone is welcome. If you are interested in attending, please go to www.bethtikvahnaples.org, contact us at office@bethtikvah.us or call 239-434-1818 for reservations and registration fees.
At Beth Tikvah with Rabbi Chorny
abbi Ammos Chorny’s “Jewish Perspectives” class meets on Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. Participants are invited to enjoy lunch while participating in the online discussion via Zoom. There is no charge to attend these discussions. Rabbi Chorny will lead four sessions on “Jewish Values in a Changing World” on Wednesdays in January and February. This program is based on Jewish Theological Seminary materials. In February and March, he will lead a series of four sessions on “Jews in Their History.” Together with Aviva Chorny, Rabbi Chorny will teach “Practice Makes Perfect: Learn to Read Hebrew in a Day (Year 2).” This will be held on Jan. 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration is required. All Beth Tikvah events are open to the greater Naples community and everyone is welcome. At present, all of our events are available in remote format online. Please visit us online to check for exact dates and fees for all courses. Go to our website at www.bethtikvahnaples. org or contact us at office@bethtikvah.us or 239-434-1818 for all reservations.
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