Religious Life
Beth Tikvah of Naples
eth Tikvah is an egalitarian Beth Tikvah defines itself as a familyJewish community established friendly community. Jewish learning is under the umbrella of the United a cornerstone of our programming, Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. with opportunities for people of all Members come together because Juda- backgrounds. We welcome visitors who ism is their joy and passion. They want wish to discover what we have to offer. to celebrate with each Aside from weekly other, their comworship services and munity and their holiday observances, children. They are Beth Tikvah offers adult committed to fostereducation, commuing a Jewish spiritual nity events and social experience through events. It provides for participatory and Life Cycle ceremonies egalitarian services and observances and that are at once tradistrives to provide YahRabbi Ammos and Aviva Chorny tional and innovative. rzeit minyans upon Beth Tikvah is a place of Jewish request. Its programs connect its comlearning, spiritual growth and com- munity with the people of Israel and to munal participation. We can study the State of Israel. Beth Tikvah supports traditional teachings in a way that is social service and Tikkun Olam. meaningful in our time and in our Beth Tikvah is led by Rabbi Ammos world. It is a welcoming and inclusive Chorny, an experienced spiritual leader community, at once vibrant and car- ordained by the Jewish Theological ing. The Beth Tikvah community has Seminary. Born and raised in Bogota, a close connection to the State of Israel Columbia, Rabbi Chorny brings an and Zionism. international flavor to his pulpit.
A man of great learning with a profound ability to share it, Rabbi Chorny’s wide range of experience includes being a chaplain in the United States army. He served in Saudi Arabia, among other places. Aside from English and Hebrew, Rabbi Chorny is fluent in Spanish, German and Yiddish. BETH TIKVAH OF NAPLES 1459 Pine Ridge Road Naples, FL 34109 239-434-1818 Rabbi Ammos Chorny Co-Presidents: Shelley Goodman and Sue Hammerman Movement/Affiliation: Conservative/ United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Membership: 180 members Services: Fridays at 6:15 p.m., Saturdays at 9:30 a.m., Sunday minyan at 9 a.m. in season. Special Programs: Lecture series, holiday celebrations, social/cultural/ community events, adult education courses, Rosh Chodesh Women’s Study, Naples Jewish Film Festival
For information on Beth Tikvah’s Naples Jewish Film Festival, see pages 18-19 CONNECTIONS 2021
A Guide to Jewish Living in Greater Naples