Federation Star - February 2024

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Federation Star


February 2024

www.MCANaples.org / 508-733-9427


MCA ­— One week in February By Larry Israelite


hen MCA members try to tell their friends about MCA, it’s kind of difficult. They can talk about all of the interesting people they have met, the things they do, how it makes their time in Naples and, for many (though not all), their retirements more pleasant. What’s more challenging is helping people understand the scope of what MCA offers to address the interests and needs of its wide variety of members. So here is a ‘week in the life’ of what could be a very busy MCA member — in this case, the week of Feb. 11.

Biking in Sarasota

Walking with friends

Sunday, Feb. 11

Biking (weekly) – MCA offers opportunities for bikers at all levels, from fast, competitive riders to those who are content to ride slowly and just enjoy the day and everywhere in between.

Monday, Feb. 12 Israel Discussion Group (monthly) – Hardly a day goes by without some news coming from Israel, be it political, economic, military-related or social. This discussion group is devoted to these current events. Bocce (twice weekly) – MCA friends, with all levels of experience, enjoy an afternoon of light physical activity (also on Wednesday). Pickleball (twice weekly) – Other MCA friends play the fastest growing sport in America (also on Thursday).

Collier County Special Operations

Collier County Mosquito Control

Collier County Jail and Court House

Tuesday, Feb. 13

Habitat for Humanity (weekly) – MCA members can partner with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a home for a family in need. Walking Group (weekly) – Meet other MCA members as you walk at your own pace in various parts of Greater Naples. Science Discussion Group (monthly) – The goal of this group is to introduce MCA members to ideas in science and its history and to have interesting discussions. This month, the topic is the Hubble telescope. MCA Golf (weekly) – 18 holes on a pleasant Naples afternoon … What could be better? Talmud Study Group (twice monthly) – Talmud Study Group focuses on ancient Jewish civil laws, many of which formed the foundation of our modern laws. The description of this year's focus: "Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” MCA Travelogue Series (monthly) – Travel the world through the exquisite photography of MCA member Jim Sernovitz. This month, visit the Western Mediterranean, including Spain, Portugal and Morocco. Table Tennis (weekly) – Join your MCA friends for a twice-a-month gathering for table tennis at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center.

Wednesday, Feb. 14 East Naples Breakfast (periodically) – There is nothing better than breakfast

Learning about Arthrex with friends — in this case, focused on those who live south and east of Naples. Pool – Join your friendly MCA pool sharks for a friendly game of pool. Shoot pool and the breeze with the guys, while sharing tales of your ill-spent youth. Lifestyle-Health Discussion Group – The purpose of this group is to discuss the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. This month’s topic: Updated clinical studies of adequate blood Vitamin D levels and disease prevention. Wednesday Trivia at Bonehook Brewing Company (monthly) – Join other MCA members (and their significant others) for good fellowship, good food and a great night of trivia. MCA Breakfast (weekly) – Another day, another breakfast; this one located in North Naples. Private Tour of the Holocaust Museum – Join us for a private guided tour of the Museum. This comprehensive tour offers a unique opportunity to learn the history of this horrific event.

Bocce (twice weekly) – Same game; different day. Men's Medical Seminar Series (monthly) – This monthly program helps our membership understand the various presentations, diagnoses and treatments of a variety of medical conditions primarily affecting adult males. This month’s topic: sleep apnea. Current Issues Discussion Group (monthly) – Each month the group engages in an interesting, relevant and often controversial discussion, based on an article from a well-known publication. MCA Pickleball (twice weekly) – Same game; different day. L o w S t a k e s Po k e r (weekly) – There’s nothing like a good game of poker to get your competitive juices flowing. MCA Movie Group (monthly) – Members watch a film on their own, then meet at host couples' homes

for some food and an interesting discussion about what they have seen.

Friday, Feb. 16

Kayaking (weekly) – MCA Kayakers alternate between the close and beautiful Outer and Inner Clam Bays, and other locations within easy driving distance. Intermediate Bridge (weekly) – Now in its 11th year, the bridge group is looking for more intermediate bridge players! We're very welcoming, and always looking for more players. And that is just the week of Feb. 11. You can only imagine what goes on the rest of the month, and all of the months after that.

Want to know more?

Go to www.mcanaples. org, email us at help@ mcanaples.org or scan the QR code to the left.

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Articles inside

Welcome back, we're gearing up for groundbreaking!

page 50

Updates from BBYO Naples and Fort Myers

page 49

Listen Up! Help NJC celebrate 25th anniversary

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When you need a minyan

page 48

I look forward to welcoming you to Temple!

page 47

Temple Shalom teens trip to Washington, D.C.

page 47

Resolute Purim

page 47

Let us remember the children of the Holocaust

page 46

Tears of sorrow and joy: Naples Zionists attend the Global Conference for Israel

page 45

Dr. Norman Isaacs named co-president of Jewish National Fund-USA’s Naples board

page 44

The explosion of antisemitism compels us Jews to own our identity

page 43


page 42

How do you spell laughter? D-Z-I-G-A-N!

page 41

GenShoah presents

page 41

GenShoah SWFL “The origin story”

page 40

Naples Jewish Congregation events

page 38

From Beth Tikvah

page 38

Temple Shalom events open to the community

page 38

At the Museum

page 37

The first year in our new location

page 36

Lots of WWII stuff, Einstein BBC style, new movies, more

page 34

Celebrate Jewish life at four February events

page 32

A review of “The Escape Artist” by Jonathan Freedland

page 30

Jewish Book Festival hosts two authors in February

page 29

“In the Jewish Mood”

page 27

Tikkun Olam

page 26

PJ Library in action!

page 25

PJ Library update

page 25

WCA’s season is underway!

page 24

MCA — One week in February

page 22

Adamah program to address sustainability and our connection to Earth

page 21

Climate hero Jakir Manela and Adamah

page 20

The Life and death of the Dead Sea

page 18

Ninth Annual Day of Learning in two parts

page 17

Sam Levine: Our local hero

page 16

Interfaith marriage discussion

page 13

Guest speaker Karen Ezrine to discuss Hadassah’s innovations

page 13

We have a new name — Israel and Overseas Committee!

page 12

Welcome guests to our new center with a brick paver

page 10

The fun way to greater strength and better balance

page 10

Beading for Betterment makes a difference

page 10

Programs, books, games, and more

page 9

Pomegranate Society luncheon

page 8

The lion behind the pin

page 6

Security measures to keep us all safe

page 6

73% of Jewish college students report antisemitism on campus

page 5

Antisemitism in education … An American problem

page 4

2024 Annual Community Campaign is in full swing!

pages 1-3
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