Federation Star
January 2024
Your support does so much By Rosalee Bogo, Campaign Chair
ampaign kickoff is In today’s world, more such a special and money is needed for security; important time for this is not an expense we had our Federation. It brings to anticipated. It is imperative our attention what the needs that our community feel safe, are for our community and and our Federation leadership our overseas partners. It is an goes to great lengths to ensure opportunity for us to educate this happens. where the dollars you donate The Annual Community go. Kickoff is a celebration to Campaign is the engine that inspire us to do this imporpropels our community into Rosalee Bogo tant job. the vibrant place we enjoy today. The Our inspiration for this year’s Nov. 29 Annual Community Campaign provides kickoff came from Joshua Malina, who is the necessary resources that allow Federaa star of screen and Broadway, and speaks tion to help meet the core needs of our on Jewish causes. A video which came Jewish community and our partners. from the National Jewish Federation of Our 2024 campaign cabinet will be askNorth America personalized our caming you to support the regular, ongoing paign. A picture says a thousand words and increasing needs of our community. and this video certainly spoke to us. We thank you for your dedication, comThe video showed our support of the mitment and generosity. It is because elderly and the Holocaust survivors at the of your support of our Annual ComBaker Senior Center Naples. Our Federamunity Campaign that we can be here tion gives preschool, Hebrew school and to also meet the needs during times of Jewish sleep-away camp scholarships, and we send kids on birthright trips to Israel. Our next generation of Jewish leaders are being cultivated at Nina Iser JewishCultural Center in a dedicated room for BBYO.
Marc Saperstein, guest speaker Joshua Malina and Judy Levitt emergencies, like Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Ian and most recently responding to the Israel Emergency Relief Fund. We follow Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ mission statement — to enhance and enrich the quality of Jewish life by recognizing and supporting the charitable, educational, humanitarian and social service needs of the Jewish community
locally, nationally, overseas and in the state of Israel. We transform lives and build community through your support, and we cultivate Jewish identity and connection engaging our community through enriching programs and experiences. We hope you are attending the many activities at our Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. Your support is so very important, and you will be proud of our community when we are able to do the good that is needed, and you made it happen. We thank you for all you do for our Federation, which is your community.
David Goldsteen, Marcia Cohodes and Wendy Israelite
Joshua Malina
Judy & Meyer Levitt and Susan & Jeffrey Feld
2024 Annual Community Campaign Chair Rosalee Bogo