March 2022
Federation Star
Happy Purim! Chag Sameach! Reneé Bialek Program Director
ere is a quick rundown on some of the upcoming events sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. Calling all Jewish Young Professionals to Zoom with us for a Meet and Greet on March 14 at noon. If you are in your 20s to 40s, this group is for you! The JCRC’s Jewish Community Evening of Learning will take place on Tuesday, March 22 at 7 p.m. The Israel Advocacy Committee presents Avi Melamed, who will speak about his latest book on Wednesday, March 23 at 7 p.m. Dale Artis Hackerman will speak about architecture on Monday, March 28 at noon. More information on any of these speakers can be found in this issue of the Federation Star and on our homepage of the website, The Jewish Book Festival has two more book festival events this season — March 7 and March 17. Thank you to all the sponsors, patrons and individual ticket holders for supporting the Jewish Book Festival this season! Thank you to Gayle
Dorio, the amazing volunteer Jewish Book Festival chair. PJ Library and Jewish Families with Young Children are invited to the park for activities and fun on Sunday, March 20 at 3 p.m. Please make a reservation with Alicia at If you have an idea for a program or want to be a guest speaker or facilitator, please contact me at rbialek@ Please read our weekly Monday e-blast for any changes to these programs and, of course, for the additional programs being offered to the community. Please register at www.jewishnaples. org or via our weekly e-blasts for each of these programs. The Zoom link will be emailed 2 hours prior to the start of each program. These programs are advertised in the Federation weekly e-blast sent out on Monday mornings. If you are not getting them, please let me know so we can help you stay connected. We have a variety of groups and committees at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, such as PJ Library, Jewish Families with Young Children, Cardozo Legal Society, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Israel Advocacy Committee and Jewish Community Relations Council. Please join the group and/or committee that best fits your needs. A taste of each one can be found throughout our website at
DALE ARTIS HACKERMAN “For centuries, buildings
have begun with a vision in Monday, March 28 the mind of an architect. The 12:00pm ET (noon) way in which architecture has changed over time The presentation will be provides us with a live via Zoom. fascinating record of the development of civilization, This is a free event. from antiquity to the present. Architecture represents the Register at thoughts, emotions and values that have defined societies throughout history. Today, however, the importance of climate awareness and sustainability place new demands upon architects that affect how we live and work together. We will view significant buildings in my PowerPoint presentation that address these concerns. I look forward to your thoughts in a discussion after my presentation.“
This free program is brought to you by:
Jewish Community Relations Council is pleased to present
Rabbi David Dalin speaking on
The Impact Jewish Justices have had on The Supreme Court and Our Country 7:00 pm, Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at Temple Shalom (with an option to attend virtually)
“A must read for anyone interested in Jewish, American, or legal history.” ~ Alan Dershowitz
Eight Jewish Justices have served on the Supreme Court.
Who are these people, and what have they brought to the American experience, both individually and as representatives of our Jewish heritage?
Dr. David Dalin, a Senior Research Fellow at Brandeis University, is a widely published scholar of American Jewish history. His most recent book, Jewish Justices of the Supreme Court: From Brandeis to Kagan, is the first history of the eight Jewish Justices. Dr. Dalin will discuss the Jewish background and legacies of the Jewish Justices with particular focus on the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer.
Dr. Dalin is highly regarded by communities throughout the country: “Dr. David Dalin is a brilliant scholar and a wonderful speaker.” ~John Rothman, Radio Talk Show Host KGO 810 AM, San Francisco
“We were thrilled to have Dr. David Dalin share his insights on Jewish Justices of the Supreme Court.... Dr. Dalin painted a very personal, well-rounded picture of each justice.” ~ Stacy Kamisar, Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County
There is NO CHARGE to attend, but reservations are required. To register, go to or use the link in Federation’s weekly e-blast. Seating will be socially distanced and Temple Shalom’s COVID policies will apply. Questions? Contact Program Director Reneé Bialek (
A Taste of the Day of Learning is brought to you by Federation’s JCRC.
Co-sponsored by Temple Shalom, Beth Tikvah, Naples Jewish Congregation and Jewish Congregation of Marco Island.