Gulf Coast MotorSports January2016

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Vol. 21 No. 1

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief - Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505 E-mail:

Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664

By: Jimbo As this Christmas season draws to a close and we look forward to all the things we plan to do in the year 2016, I wonder if I should include all the things I didn’t do in 2015. Circumstances will change one’s plans but procrastination changes more. Do we run out of gas as we get older and just slow down? I guess you could say we are out of shape and just prefer to let the others pass us by. Isn’t that the way of life as we get older? Here is a e-mail that fits in here; Jimbo, GREAT NEWS !!!!! I just figured it out...I am a Seenager. (Senior teenager) I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later. I don't have to go to school or work. I get an allowance (pensions). I have my own pad. I don't have a curfew. I have a driver's license (so far) and my own car. I have ID that gets me into bars and the Beer Store. The people I hang around with are not scared of getting pregnant and I don't have acne. Life is great. tstauffer6@ Tom, you are right! Here we are right where we planned for and we are getting low on gas and need a tune up… it’s amazing how fast the highway of life is and the need to learn some of the many new things just to keep up. I would like to think that the events listed in this magazine give us gasstations in life. A place where we can go to re-fuel and get a tune-up of the soul. Helping to reduce the procrastination of living the life we planned for. All to soon we will eat from the wooden bowl. Brings to mind a story from years ago, I guarantee you will remember the tale of the Wooden Bowl tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now.

The WOODEN BOWL A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year - old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered.. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess "We must do something about father," said the son. "I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor." So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner. Since

CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE Jimbo page……3 GIZMOS CARRIAGE HOUSE…… page…....5 TRUNK TALES…… Greg Hole page…....6 THE COLE REPORT… Al Cole page…....7 GUYS ‘32…… Jimbo page…....8 STREET RODDER NEWS … Donna Holland page…...10 CLASSIC PINK CADILLAC. Candy Cocktail page…...11 17 FOREVER…… Terry Mason page…...14 A MATTER…… Jimbo page…...16 HOT COFFEE…… JR page…...16 DIRT TRACK MEMORIES….. Larry Dunham page…...20 CAR EVENTS………………….... page…...22 ALLEY GIRL August Lane page…...36 SHOW WINNERS…… page.......50 LETS RIDE……….. Page…...51 BUSINESS DIRECTORY…… page…...53 CLASSIFIED…………………. Page…...68 SUBSCRIPTION FORM…… page…...79 The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service, Baton Rouge, LA.

Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher. but then he’s easy

Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food. The four-year-old watched it all in silence. One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, "What are you making?" Just as sweetly, the boy responded, "Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and Mama to eat your food in when I grow up." The four-year-old smiled and went back to work. The words so struck the parents so that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done. That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table. For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled On a positive note, I've learned that, no matter what happens, how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles four things: a rainy day, the elderly, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. I've learned that, regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life.." I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back. I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But, if you



focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others, your work and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you. I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. I've learned that every day, you should reach out and touch someone. People love that human touch -- holding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

on your computer if you are out of the listening area..

I came across this posted on our Facebook site..and boy is it true! If you’re a regular at the cruise-in’s and car shows, some of us know that car but not the driver. #NAMETAG...would help us memory impaired!!!! Especially those who suffer from CRS disease….

Jimbo, A gas station owner near here was trying to increase his sales, so he put up a sign that read, 'Free Sex with Every Fill-Up.' My buddy pulled in, filled his tank and asked for his free sex. The owner told him to pick a number from 1 to 10, and said that if he guessed correctly, he would get his free sex. He guessed 8, and the proprietor said, 'You were very close, the lucky number was 7. Sorry, no sex this time.' A week later, my friend, and I, pulled in for another fill-up. Again he asked for his free sex. The proprietor again gave him the same story, and asked him to guess the correct number. He guessed 2. The proprietor said, 'Sorry, it was 3, you were very close, but no free sex this time.' As we were driving away, I said to him, 'I think that game is rigged and he doesn't really give away free sex at all.' My buddie replied, 'No it's genuine enough.. My wife won twice last week.'

The struggle is real. Timothy Ervin. Posted by Chrissy Ervin.. Ed… Boy is this true!!!

I hope you have taken the opportunity to tune in Cruisin’ WGCM 1240 AM. “Playing the Cruisin’ hits all the time”. A hot rod, car friendly AM radio station here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. It is here you will find out what’s going on. Who to call when you need help for your car/ truck/bike, where the car shows & cruise-in’s are….a local station with the music we like to Cruise too. You can download a FREE APP for your phone at or just tune it in



Here’s to a Happy and Blessed New Year Jimbo If you would like to advertise on WGCM 1240AM give me a call

Jimbo, The History of 'APRONS' I don't think our kids know what an apron is. The principle use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath because she only had a few. It was also because it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and aprons used less material. But along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven. It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears. From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes halfhatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven. When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.. And when the weather was cold, Grandma wrapped it around her arms. Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove. Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron. From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls. In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees. When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds. When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men folk knew it was time to come in from the fields

to dinner. It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old-time apron' that served so many purposes. Send this to those who would know (and love) the story about Grandma's aprons. REMEMBER: Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool. Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill to thaw. They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron. I don't think I ever caught anything from an apron - but love ---Hawk Seeker of Truth--Dear Jimbo, I've decided to go begging in order to save some extra money. I need advice before I go out and do it. Some of the questions I have are: How much can I expect to earn from begging? My goal here is to earn $20 an hour from it. If I bring in more money than I spend, how should I invest my excess begging funds? Does the IRS expect me to declare begging income on my tax return? If so, where do I put it on my return? And will I have to pay extra social security taxes on my begging income, since it might be considered earned income? What's the chance of the IRS grilling me during an audit about begging income, if I don't report it? Does the U.S. Government issue any informational pamphlets for beggars, which explains this line of work? Where are the best, and safest, areas to beg? I live in on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I would think the Airport would be productive area. Also, the major shopping centers. What will the management of these facilities do to me if I stick around begging? Will they kick me out? Isn't begging protected by the U.S. Constitution as a freedom of speech? Should I park my car quite a distance from where I beg? I figure it might lower my begging take, if people see I own a decent car. On the other hand, it might be safer if I have my car near by, in case I need to flee from some sort of trouble. How should I dress to go begging? Should I dress as messy as possible, to make people think I'm extremely dirt poor? Doing that might bring more sympathy, and thus more money. But if I dress more sharply, does that mean I could get away with begging in more high-class areas, such as in front of Starbucks, without any management chasing me away? Begging in Gulf Hills I would probably meet more people with fatter wallets this way. How long should I stay in one place before I move? I'm afraid if someone watches me in one place for too long a period, I might be robbed or beaten-up. What's the best time and/or day of week to go begging? Does weather make much a difference? Begging on extremely hot or cold/ wet days would be quite uncomfortable, but if lousy weather brings in more money due to lack of competition from other beggars. I think I'll do it, but any other advice would be appreciated. Fred Gpt, MS

Jimbo, As you know the Cubby Hole Memorial Library is a top priority for me. It will immortalize Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine and Trunk Tales. I have been searching for architecture and design that is descriptive of my work. I want people to drive up to it and understand immediately the significance of it. They will know before they even walk in what to expect. So here is my idea of what the library will look like. It will be slightly wider to accommodate room for the magazines to be handy for reading. Of course it would be a one "hole" outhouse...and it would be fully functional. I am interested in your opinion. Cubby

Just the thought of being included in your library is quite an honor...would I be next to the Sears catalog? I am forever grateful ‌.ed.

Gizmos Carriage House AKA Poppys Garage - January 2016 Its a long way to Mississippi. The seventies were a whirlwind for many, myself included. After high school many of my friends joined the service to avoid the potential of being drafted. A couple of friends and I even decided we would join too, but we wanted to be pilots. So off we went with confidence to the Customs House in New Orleans hoping to all join any branch that would let us fly. We went from one branch to the other taking aptitude tests, and always at the last minute before signing the bottom line, one last question, would we fly jets? Always resulting in the same answer time and again, no boys you need more school for that, but we can put you straight in to helicopters. Dejectedly we declined all of those offers and headed to Slidell. Ready to pursue different careers and make our millions. And soon all be riding brand new Harleys. Early jobs for most of us would be tough to find and just as tough to stay at. Some went to shipyards, some went off shore, some went in to office work, and I on a whim got a job at a distribution center for all things VW in New Orleans East. Had a pretty good gig too. I drove a forklift almost daily loading and unloading large trucks and containers. Made a decent wage too, and most of the time had lots of fun in doing so. Made lots off connections there and eventually left there for a job in a parts dept. at a Slidell dealership. Motorcycles quickly became a major focus for a few of us in the 70s. Used ones could be gotten for reasonable prices and were rather inexpensive to modify. My first motorcycle was a Harley and like everything else I owned I had to modify it. The taking apart was rather easy. it was the putting it back together that always took longer. I made a decision during the taking apart to build a chopper. The frame would be stretched and the front end would be longer its frame would be molded and all things not needed to make it run and drive would be removed. And it would need a complete paint job. After all of the needed frame mods were completed I brought the frame to my best friends house that he and his girlfriend were renting. He said they had a spare bedroom and we were going to paint it in there when she was at work one Saturday. We did and lets just say it came out beautiful and so did every wall and every inch of floor in that room and the paint smell filled the entire house. She (the girlfriend) was not a happy camper either. A week or so later, after everyone (the girlfriend) cooled off we put it back together in there, only to discover it could not make the turn out the door due to the much longer front end. Eventually got it out and on the road and had several memorable rides on it. Oh we still had cars and trucks to tinker with too and great plans for them as well, but it seems our focus was directed to motorcycles and our girlfriends. Some of us would be married soon and begin raising families and pushing the motorcycles aside for more domesticated means of travel with many more seats to accommodate small passengers. The cool cars and trucks would more or less take a little further back seat in the coming years as well. Building homes and family time would slowly become the new norm during the early 80's as well for most of my circle of friends. There was always that hotrod in the back of my head that one day would become reality as well, it would wait a while longer but it was there none the less. Mississippi was still a little ways away. Have a great New Year everyone. Later Gizmo Jimbo, Al, a road crew supervisor in Minnesota, hired Ole to paint the yellow line down the middle of route 32 heading up toward Bemidji. He was skeptical about hiring Ole since he didn't have any painting background. But Ole appeared enthusiastic and told Al that he really needed the job. At least his wife Lena told him so. He explained to Ole that his work day shift would be to complete 2 miles of center-line on the road. He was set up with brushes and paint and Al got him started. After the first day, the supervisor was pleased to find that he'd painted 4 miles of road in his 8 hour shift, instead of the two expected of him. He told Ole that he did an excellent job and said how pleased he was with his progress. On the second day, Ole completed painting just the 2 miles of road that was asked of him. His supervisor was surprised, because on the first day, he had completed twice as much work. But he didn't say anything, since 2 miles of road was the amount that the job required anyway. He decided to just accept it, and to look forward to the next day when he was sure that Ole would pick up the pace again. On day 3, the supervisor was disappointed to learn that in his 8 hour shift, Ole completed painting only 1 mile of road. Ole was called to the supervisor's office and was asked what the problem was. "On your first day, you completed 4 miles of road, on your second day, 2 miles of road, and now on day 3, you were only able to complete 1 mile of road. What's the problem, Ole?" "Vell," Ole replied, "I'll tell you vut is da problem, but I tought a smart man like you vould figger it out fer yourself. Every day I'm getting farder and farder avay from da paint can." Sent in by giff1500@



Insurance Tips: During the holidays, parking lots at malls and supermarkets are packed, increasing the possibility of a fender bender. If you hit, scrape or otherwise damage a parked car or if you’re the victim of such an accident don’t panic. Here are some steps you can take: IF YOU’RE THE DRIVER Don’t drive away if another customer or a surveillance camera spots you, you could be punished for a hit-and-run. Track down the other car’s owner. Head into the store and speak to someone at the customer service desk. Describe the car to the employee, and have him or her announce it over the store’s loudspeaker. Leave a note. If you’re unable to find the other driver, jot down basic information—your name, phone number and a brief explanation of the accident—and place it in a secure spot on the car. Write down the license plate number and take a photo of the damage if you have a camera with you. Call the police. Depending on how extensive the damage is, you may want to involve the police. They’ll document the accident and they can help you find the other car’s owner. IF YOU’RE THE VICTIM Contact your agent. Let him or her know what happened as soon as possible. Your agent will help you determine the next steps. Record evidence. Take pictures of the damage with your phone or a camera, if you have one on hand. Take thorough notes. If the other driver is still around, jot down his or her name, address, phone number, driver’s license number and insurance company. Gather as much information as possible. Get backup. Ask others in the parking lot if they witnessed anything. Also head back into the store and find out if they have security camera footage you can check. IF YOU’RE THE WITNESS Provide assistance. If the offending driver is gone, help the other driver document the damage. Give the driver your contact information, in case his or her insurance agent or the police need to contact you for further comment.

What to Do After a Hit and Run As with any collision, you must carefully document hit and run accidents for your insurance company and the police. However, that can be a little tricky since one driver has taken off! Here are some dos and don'ts for handling the situation. DO get as much information about the driver, car and accident as possible, including: License plate number. The other vehicle's make, model and color Description of damage to the other vehicle Which direction the other vehicle was headed Photos of the damage to your vehicle Location, time and cause of the accident DON'T follow the fleeing driver. Leaving the scene of the accident could put you in a compromising position: You'll miss getting eyewitness accounts — and police could question who's really at fault. DO ask witnesses if they can supply additional information about the accident. If they give you or the police a statement, be sure to get their names and contact information. Witness information can be especially helpful if the hit and run occurred when you were not with your vehicle. DON'T wait to call the police or your insurance company to file a police report or an accident claim. The official accident report will help police look for the missing driver and will be useful when you file your accident claim.



The Blanket Run Definition of the Blanket Run: More fun than a person should be allowed to have. The thirteenth annual Blanket Run was held December 5th in Indianapolis, IN. The run began with breakfast at McGilvery’s restaurant at 7:30 A.M. A selection of biscuits & gravy, scrambled eggs, sweet rolls, juice, milk, and coffee was devoured by the diehard rodders. In attendance were 130 cars and trucks. 175 Blankets were donated by benevolent attendees. These blankets are given to Wheeler Mission for distribution to deserving recipients. Those are the facts. Now for the fun! We left McGilvery’s with full stomachs. With map in hand we headed for Crawfordsville, IN. The map took us to Route 32 R e s t o r a t i o n s , approximately 34 miles away. The fog was intense. There were times when visibility was no more than 50 feet. This was some dense fog! The minute I stepped into this Route 32 Restorations showroom, all thoughts of inclement weather left my mind. I was in awe! This place is magnificent! Rows of cars are the first thing you see, followed by signs, gas pumps, globes, and a cornucopia of memorabilia. All of these items are for sale. As the saying goes, “You have to see this place to believe it!” I have included some photos. I could have stayed here all day and not seen everything. We then left Crawfordsville to travel to Finer Details, a restoration shop in Danville, IN. We were served a tasty lunch while enjoying all of the cars in varying degrees of restoration. There were some really interesting cars here. With our bellies filled once again, we travelled in various directions, back to our homes and families with stories to tell. You’re OLD when everything reminds you of a story…I have a lot of stories!!!

Gotta Cruise! Cubby

The Cole Report. Ok Jimbo time for this months Cole Report. Cruisers as the winter

slows down a lot of the cruise-ins and shows, it gives us the winter to touch up, change up and spruce up our rides. The month of December brought a host of toy drives and toy runs by almost every club/organization on the Coast. Keep in mind by the time you are reading this there will be numerous shows kicking off 2016 and it will get busy real fast. Remember get out and cruise even on the slow days, can't count how many times me and Glenda and others pass each other cruisin’ Hwy.90 or stopping for a bite to eat. So just get out and enjoy our Coast and small towns and communities. Remember to watch for our friends on bikes cruisin’ also.



Jimbo, My name is Guy Boudreaux, a few months back when I spoke with you about a subscription to Motor Sports you told me to send you the info on my car. It took me a while but here is the info, 1932 Ford Roadster, this project began in the spring of 1993 and came to completion in February of 2014, 21 years total. Yes I know a very long time, 2 wives, 2 girl friends, 3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 grand sons you get the picture. The car was designed and built by Kenneth Pedeaux, a life long friend. Yes Kenneth stuck with me on the build from the start. The car has a GM 350 engine, Turbo 350 Trans, 9 inch Ford rear end and a boat load custom features. The painting on the car was done by Ivy Trosclair another long time friend and Gulf Coast Trim in Pascagoula, MS. did the interior last winter. Guy Boudreaux - Carriere, MS



Below are Photos from the World of Wheels

Kenneth Pedeaux Builder



Donna Holland 228-332-3006 NSRA MS State Advisor Jerry Cuevas 228-326-7489 NSRA Safety Inspections Thomas H. (CW) Smith NSRA MS State Rep.

The fun part of NSRA comes in the form of activities. The premier event in the sport is the NSRA Street Rod NationalsÂŽ the world's largest automotive participant event, and it is supplemented with ten Divisional Nationals to bring the NSRA type of activity to even more parts of the U.S. The NSRA events are a combination of games, activities, mini-events and manufacturers selling trade shows, and every event is geared to family entertainment. Join the NSRA Today! Contact Donna Holland - 228 332-3006 Warren Schindler of Lake Charles, La. joined the NSRA during CTC. He has a beautiful collection of cars a 67 Corvette and a 74 Corvette, also a 57 Chevy truck. He takes turns driving them to shows and cruise-ins. Thank you Warren for joining the NSRA.

NSRA Top Participant Prize: Giveaway Car 2016 built by Hercules Motor Cars. All registered participants at the 47th NSRA Street Rod Nationals will, for the thirty-fifth consecutive year, have a chance at winning the Top Participant Prize if their entry number is pulled from the tumbler on Saturday, August 6, 2016. Of course they have to be present at the drawing and meet several other qualifying requirements before being handed the keys to their brand new street rod. The ’32 Woodie will be on display during the Street Rod Nationals held at the Kentucky Expo Center in Louisville, Kentucky, August 4-7, 2016, leading up to the drawing on Saturday and probably cruising the Expo Center throughout the rest of the event with its excited new owners behind the wheel. We have entered into an agreement with Cecil Taylor/Hercules Motor Cars of Tampa, Florida to give away a completed street rod at the 2016 Street Rod Nationals. Hercules Motor Cars will furnish a full fendered 1932 Woodie that will be presented to a lucky rodder attending the Street Rod Nationals. Mr. Taylor and Hercules Motor Cars are strong supporters of this Association, having participated in a number of our events, the Street Rod Nationals Builders' Showcase having built the 1999 Street Rod Nationals Top Participant Prize - a 1929 Woodie. 2016 will be the thirty-fifth consecutive year in which the National Street Rod Association will have given away such an outstanding prize. The safety of your street rod is of vital importance. If the street rod does not meet a certain set of guidelines, an accident can cause more than just replacing the parts. The NSRA or National Street Rod Association is the organization doing the safety inspections. Keep in mind that these safety inspections are completely voluntary. In most cases, safety inspections can be done at many of the street rod shows around the country. Generally, when a safety inspection is done, it is good for one year.



April 1-3 Tampa FL 29th Southeast Street Rod Nationals. April 1st. 2nd. and 3rd. 2016 Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa Fl. This show was in Oct. the same time as CTC therefore some had to miss this Southeast Nationals. This is one of the smaller Nationals but has plenty to offer. The also has the Super Prize Drawing and giveaway lots of valuable prizes. Hope to see you there. April 8-10 Oklahoma City, OK Southwest Street Rod Nationals at State Fair Park in No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, March 18th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, March 18th, 2016. April 29-May 1 Bakersfield, CA Western Street Rod Nationals at Kern County Fairgrounds in No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, April 8th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, April 8th, 2016. May 6 - 8 Knoxville, TN Street Rod Nationals South, at Chilhowee Park & Exposition Center. No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, April 15th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, April 15th, 2016. May 27-29 Springfield, MO Mid-America Street Rod Nationals at Ozark Empire Fairgrounds No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, May 6th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, May 6th, 2016. June 3-5 York, PA Street Rod Nationals East, at York Expo Center. No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, May 13th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, May 13th, 2016. June 24 - 26 Pueblo, CO Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals at Colorado State Fairgrounds No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, June 3rd, 2016. Discount available through Friday, June 3rd, 2016. August 4-7 Louisville, KY 47th Annual Street Rod Nationals at Kentucky Exposition Center. No mail-in entries accepted after Thursday, December 31st, 2015. Discount available through Thursday, December 31st, 2015. September 9-11 Kalamazoo, MI Street Rod Nationals North, at Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairground No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, August 19th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, August 19th, 2016. September 16-18 Burlington, VT Northeast Street Rod Nationals, at Champlain Valley Exposition. No mail-in entries accepted after Friday, August 26th, 2016. Discount available through Friday, August 26th, 2016.

by Candy Cocktail Facebook at Everyone reading this magazine has their favorite type of car; the one that you always look for at a classic car show, to admire and take a picture with. A timeless beauty that maybe you recently became a fan of or it may simply remind you of the first time you saw the vehicle, all those decades ago, when life was simple. Even though I enjoy admiring all of the vintage rides, there is only one car brand I continually look for at a classic car show; Cadillac. Cadillac is synonymous with luxury automobiles around the world. An American brand, formerly Cadillac Motor Car Division, is a division of General Motors (GM). Currently headquartered in New York, New York, Cadillac is one of the oldest vehicle brands. According to Wikipedia, Cadillac was founded on August 22, 1902 by what was left of the Henry Ford Company, following a dispute between Henry Ford and his investors. The quarrel resulted in Ford leaving the company. Cadillac was named after Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac, who founded Detroit, Michigan, in 1701. The Cadillac logo is actually based on the French explorer's coat of arms. Cadillac has always been one of the leaders in automobile innovation, being the first to have mass production of its cars, steel roofs and setting the industry standard with its V8 engine. In 1906, Cadillac was the first volume manufacturer of a fully enclosed car. In 1912, Cadillac was also first to use an electrical system for starting, ignition and lighting. Tailfins were first added to Caddys in 1948, but did not reach the height of their popularity until 1959. Cadillacs have always been my favorite! Deville or LaSalle, I appreciate them all. My dream car is a pink 1953 Cadillac Deville convertible. The old-fashioned style, the whitewall tires and a perfect bubblegum pink coat of paint make for the ideal girly vehicle for a pinup like me. Although not the 1953 Cadillac that I am slightly infatuated with, while browsing stylish rides on Instagram one morning, I came across a stunning pink Cadillac that caught my eye. Upon getting to know the car's owner, I learned that not only was she a woman with a love for Cadillacs, but she is a minority in the car world. The owner, appropriately referred to as Kristen Deville, actually did most of the work rebuilding the car herself. This gorgeous vintage Cadillac is as unique as its owner, a platinum blonde that loves skateboarding, welding and believe it or not, crime scenes! Ms. Deville’s had an obsession with ‘pink Cadillacs’ since 8th grade. Her nickname became ‘pink Cadillac’ and the name has stuck since then. The 31 year old grew up as a tomboy, always riding bikes, skateboards, jet skis, quads and dirt bikes, and wanting to follow her dad in the garage. As she says, “Anything with a motor I could tinker with was sufficient. Plus I used to race jet skis, so my dad taught me to learn how they work, by tearing them apart.” This Phoenix, Arizona native has been with her boyfriend Jesse for three and a half years. Working in an array of different fields, including managing a tattoo shop, doing crime scene cleanup,



working as a medical office and physician’s assistant, and as a welder, fabricator and paralegal, she still skateboards. She even has a mini ramp in her backyard. 'The sweetest boat afloat' For now Kristen has named her pink Cadillac Sally, AKA Sal-sweet and low. Sally is a 1964, 6-window sedan Deville. Kristen started working in a kustom fabrication shop as the grunt and moved on to welding and fabrication with a residency of approximately four to five years. The old Cadillac was parked with the project cars out back, just collecting dust. The owner had stopped coming around to have more work done. She finally asked about it enough that she was able to contact the owner who had left the car. He did not have the money to do anything further and needed a new transmission in his current car, so they came to an agreement that she would install his new transmission with a little on top for the Cadi. It was a done deal. The car only had 95,000 original miles. The car’s title came with the previous owner’s actual death certificate. He passed from a motorcycle crash and unfortunately, he was decapitated. This informative detail was especially interesting to Kristen. With an ever-increasing interest in forensics and serial killers, she has worked in crime scene cleanup. In addition to the owner’s cause of death, the death certificate listed his occupation as a welder. She immediately knew that it was fate; the car was undeniably meant to be hers. As Kristen says, “I have always loved old Cadillacs, especially those from the 50s, the 59-60 and the 64 bodies, but all Cadillacs in general. They always had that top quality to them and something unique as well, such as a gas door hidden in the taillight on some of the 50s. Mine has the pop off mirror on the sun visor. There are just two buttons on the back that snap it back on. A ‘Vegas mirror,’ think Scarface and what you could use a portable mirror for at that time. The turn signal indicators on top of the hood (even though mine are shaved off) and the fact that in 1964 this car had a 6-way adjustable power seat as well as power windows is amazing. Another awesome thing was the parallel parking third wheel they had back in the day. I have always had a funny love for the hidden gas door behind the license plate.” Ms. Deville had some help and guidance from others, specifically in the wiring of switches for the airbags and intricate details, but she made a point to do as much of the work that she could herself: Distributor cap & rotor, coil, plugs, wires, hoses, fluids, new fuel lines, installing the air tank & valves, running air lines for the bags and shaving the trunk before paint.



Those were just to start, so the car could at least be driven. Not a pretty set up, yet she definitely intends to add two large tanks and larger dual compressors. The airbags are hard lined with 4 simple switches. She did the work on the wiper cowl, door handles, turn signal indicators, body trim, and shaved the trunk. The car has the original 7 liter 429 V8 and surprisingly gets about 16 miles per gallon. The car currently has just a primer/sealer. Kristen intends to keep it flat, suede pink. She said many people dislike the 20 inch wire wheels. However, she has not been able to find any other style rim that she likes on Sally. The seats have been redone in black and white diamond tuck vinyl. The door panels are still undone and the carpeting is removed for now. One day soon the Cadillac may have a chop top and suicide back doors. So what is better than a bright pink 1964 Cadillac Deville that is female built and female driven? In my opinion, there is nothing better. The feminist in me loves that she customized the car herself. No damsel in distress behind the wheel of this Caddy! Even Elvis Presley, the king himself, was an infamous Cadillac enthusiast. Over the years, Elvis had several Cadillacs that he either drove himself or gave to his loved ones as gifts. The car mentioned in Elvis's song "Baby, Let's Play House," is his iconic pink 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood Series 60, which is currently still housed at Graceland. Once a trendsetting celebrity like Elvis was seen behind the wheel of his pink Cadillac, many car owners began painting their cars pink as well. Cadillacs have been immortalized in pop culture, in everything from songs by Bruce Springsteen and Aretha Franklin to movies like Pink Cadillac starring Clint Eastwood. The 1959 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible is more commonly replicated in merchandise and songs. A favorite of girls like Kristen Deville and me, pink Cadillacs are still a car show fan favorite. With a luxury history and stylish evolution, there are many reasons why pink Cadillacs are still talked about today. They will likely always be a fan favorite!



By: Terry

Mason Barfield

I met Larry White and his family while I was announcing stock car racing in the mid 1980’s. I met his uncle Eddie Willis first at a local car dealership that I called on for the radio station I was working with at the time. Larry White has Cerebral Palsy. You could tell being around him on a weekly basis that he loved racing. You could also tell it was the best moment of his week being at the races. You could see and feel his joy. His friends saw it and his family saw it. One of his uncles, Willie Willis, started putting Larry’s Pride on the trunk of his race car. That later morphed into Larry White Racing on the rear quarter panels. All three of his uncles raced, Johnny, Eddie and Willie and they all had Larry White Racing on their cars. The family finally stopped racing, but Larry never lost his love of racing. If you wanted to see Larry’s face light up, just ask him if he was ready to go to a race. Larry’s sister Renee married a racer, so racing was still alive for Larry. His uncles would still go now and then… and take Larry. The family would continue to piddle in and out of the sport. Eddie would always call this race car and that race car…Larry’s car, but Eddie knew they were never his and he always wanted Larry to have a car. Cerebral Palsy is a terrible disease and Larry can’s talk or can’t drive, he has an arm that he can’t completely straighten out, but he loved working on the race cars. It was amazing what he could do with simple instructions. Eddie taught Larry to drive a tractor and a lawn mower. Larry’s problem was he liked to put the hammer down and not let off. A couple of years ago Eddie decided he was going to build Larry White a race car that could be driven on the street that would truly be Larry White’s car. A street legal race car. Eddie didn’t know how or when he would get the car finished, but he committed to making it happen and expected it to take years, as he had the extra money. Then about a year and a half ago… a friend gave Larry and Eddie an old rusted out dirt race car that had been sitting out in the weather for over 20 years…and the project began.



Eddie wanted to build a car with two steering wheels so Larry could drive it, but not have complete control of the car. A car with a second limited slip steering wheel. Eddie started out - before there was a project… doing short videos of Larry working on the car and put them on Facebook. I saw the videos and followed The Project since the beginning. I would see Eddie about once a month and he would update me on the progress. The videos on Facebook took off. Thousands of views, people wanting to know what they could do to help and help they did. The Larry White Project took shape. One guy really stepped forward… Buster McDaniel. Buster is from Troy, Missouri, he’s a lineman for a local power company. $500 came in the mail from Buster. A week later he made arrangements for nice motor to be built with a confidential agreement with David McMurtry at McMurtry’s Race Engines. Buster and David came together for an incredible motor for Larry’s car. Plus the $500 checks from Buster kept coming. Chad Poston was another guy that steeped up Chad owns Extreme Sandblasting and Power Coating near Covington, LA. Chad provided powder coating of the chassis. Larry picked out the color, orange. In fact Larry picked out every color you see on the car. Bud McQueen and National Muffler, provided the headers, muffler system, saws, Buster McDaniel welders, shop time and so much more. Jason Clark from Prattville, AL owns Dubz Thermal Products, he builds radiators for NASCAR and other race teams, he has a family member with Cerebral Palsy and he donated a great radiator for the car. Greg Cooper and his local high school shop class jumped in with installing the wiring of the car. John Gillenwater of Prostar Designs of Ironton, Ohio developed The Larry White Project logo. T-shirts were designed and sold. The list of help goes on and on and on. The Larry White Project car is almost finished. The car looks great and will be unveiled at a special party to thank all the sponsors on Friday night January 15th at the Lyman Community Center, HWY 49 north in Gulfport.

Chad Poston

The man that will be honored that night is Buster McDaniel… and all the other folks that made this project happen. Buster is coming from near St Louis to be here when the car is unveiled. From the person that said here’s $10… to the man that opened his checkbook to make the project happen. All will be honored that night. The very next day, Buster McDaniel will drive The Larry White Project car in the Orange Grove Carnival Association Mardi Gras Parade with Larry White riding shotgun. The parade rolls at 2 pm on Saturday January 16 on Dedeaux Road in Gulfport.

Eddie Willis & Larry White

The Larry White Project car will appear at local car shows and events. It will be used for handicapped people to be able to take a ride in and enjoy. It will also give Larry White a sense of joy that you could never put a price on. If you would like to see the videos of the Larry White Project coming together…just look for The Larry White Project on Facebook and I’ll try to make sure The Larry White Project car is at our first Cruise-in of 2016 at Edgewater Mall in Biloxi on Saturday night April 2. This project started with an idea and a dream. Eddie Willis and Larry White had a great experience actually building the car. Most of the actual work on the car was done by Eddie and Larry, memories they will share the rest their life. The videos of the build were shared on Facebook and hundreds responded. Over 6,000 likes to their Facebook page and The Larry White Project videos have been watched by over 190,000 people. If you are lucky enough to get to see the Larry White Project car in person, be sure and say hi to Larry and let him know how much you love his car…and watch his face light up!

Two Steering Wheels Larry & Eddie in the car

You still got work to do on that Hot Rod before the car show season starts for 2016…you better get to work! til next month…

Terry Facebook: Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” and “Like Us” while you’re there or search for “Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” on or contact Terry @ 228.669.8122



Thanks to all who came for the kids today. The Misfits Street Krewzers toy drive for the kids in DHS was one of the best toy drives we ever had. Thanks again for our friends who gave up their time and cruised over to support this excellent cause.

We were at Emerald Coast show in Nov. and ate at the same places as before, except Texas Roadhouse grill. It is a steak house like Longhorn and Logan’s, They did have a good rib eye. We would like to say a late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the restaurants and their staff that we visited in 2015. We had great service every place we ate at. Merry Christmas to Rena’s - Biloxi, MS Ms Audrey - Gulfport, MS Quality Bakery - Gulfport, MS Woody’s BBQ - Ocean Springs, MS Fayard’s - West Biloxi, MS I do know that there will be dinner cruises coming the next 3 months.

So till we eat again Merry Christmas J. R. and Sharon 16



This past Cruisin’ the Coast® a kool ‘31 Model A pulled into a cruise-in I was at. It was a new car to me but I recognized the driver right away Ronnie Legg from Wilmer, AL. After handshakes, greetings, and a little small talk, I asked about the new car. “you know I build them the way I like em’ “ Ronnie said as we started walking over to the car. And for those of you who know him he is a man of his word. Details that just make you shake your head were everywhere you look. Like the hood ornament...a handmade, all metal basket with marbles in it.. or just about everything on the interior. Custom made dash, door panels, overhead console, removable steering wheel, just to mention a few of the obvious ones..

That’s Ronnie's daughter Charity Legg on the cover this month with the car. I asked Ronnie to send me some info and pictures from the build and here is what he sent…. PS. If you see this car at a cruise-in or car show take look under the car….like he said “I build them the way I like em’ “

Hello Jimbo. Here are the pictures and the rundown about the 1931 Ford A Model that you wanted. I bought the car at the MSSRA car show in 2013.

Punched the holes in the visor and put a third brake light in. There is 4 inches added to the frame and hood at the cowl. That makes a lot of leg room inside of the car as the engine is not set back into the firewall. After all the body work was done, I painted it black.

I drove it for about five months before I started on it. The first thing that I did was to chop the top, only 1 inch in the rear and 2 in the front. It gives it that look that I like.

When that paint had dried and sat for a week to cure, I had Derek Purvis come and lay the flames out for me.

I spent a week taping the car so I could paint the flames.

The black and green paint that I used was PPG Paint.



I painted the frame black and let everything cure out for a week then started fitting it all together. I got the motor in and had to modify the exhaust to fit around the suspension. I took sprint car headers and extended them.

The upholstery was done by Ronnie and Amy. The seats were already in the car when I got it. They were in excellent shape so I used them as they were.

I sent them to JetHot and had them coated. The drive train is 350-350. The motor is a 1986 model with a Sig Erson cam in it and has a Edelbrock 650 carb. The rear is an 8.8 with a 3.55 gear. The car drives and handles very good. I put in the overhead console and put all of the electrics in it.



Custom made overhead control panel

It took about a year and a half to finish. ……. Ronnie



Brad Dunham - 1979

For many years now ( 6 or so) I've received e-mails and letters from around the USA. Mostly they always ask, "How did you get started" in racing , what does it take to get started" and what does it take to be a race car driver? The big secret is as follows: You don't have to be a big time athlete in school or armatures. My brother Marston was one of those great High school and Jr. High athletes! At school he hit the longest ball ever, knocked the window out of the Gym, (seating side). Scored 4 touchdowns in one game as full back on the football team. He was champ of the school in boxing and wrestling. This will make you car guys smile: his tool box in the back of his car had 2 screwdrivers (phillips & slot) 1 pair of pliers, 1 vise grip, 6" crescent and a 12" crescent wrench and an oil can! Anyway, back to the main story. It is my belief that being a race car driver is a gift! You are equipped with all the instincts that are required. You just some how know what to do, when you get in the car. (open wheel is easier than stocks) but many stock drivers don't like open wheel because they are too quick to respond. If you have to think what to do, stay with the stocks! or don't be a race driver! I could name 50 drivers who had the gift, but most died at the track. Some of the ones who were my good friends were Jimmie Reece, (died 1958) Trenton Speedway. Johnnie Parsons, Jimmy Bryan (died in 1959), Sam Hanks, Allen Heath, Billey Cantrell, Billy Garrett, Duke Beamer, Bud Hoppe, and many others. When you get in the car to "Hot Lap", before the races, while hot lapping you can "feel" what you need, lower gear, front end is "hunting the fence", the rear end wants to come around. In 1954 I was running URA "Red" circuit at Culver City, Calif. We ran 12 races, I set fastest qualifying time 8 races, and was "in the 4 car dash" the other 4 races. Those drivers who have the "gift" can tell immediately what to do to the car! Johnny Mantz who I've written about before, was very tough to pass on the track, he could "sense" when you were faster than him, (when you were behind him) and he would stay in your "groove" and block you from passing for many laps! Johnny was good pals with Chuck Stevenson and Troy Ruttman. For my money Johnny Tolan, was the best. Troy and I were both driving factory Chevrolets for Mauri Rose in 1956. I didn't like him much, and the feeling was mutual, he didn't like me much! The few times I ran against him I out qualified him and started behind him a few cars. We ran 200 laps at Saugus Speedway and I got 6th but Troy was like 4th or maybe 3rd. For you guys running stocks or modified, when you see the front end "pushing" or "hunting the fence" drop the front end down one inch (I'm hoping you have weight jack buckets on each front wheel.) If the back end is "coming around" drop the back end 1" and raise the front 1/2". Also you can put a bigger tire on the left rear, if you are running stagger. These things will stop the "coming around" problem. Last time I went to Chili Bowl in Tulsa, Ok. (1996) I was with Joe Finley (a real pal) this was 1996, and his old Chevy II was obsolete, but we got it in the program, (semi main). They tell me that todays cars have the ability to adjust all four shocks, and raise or lower the front end from the cockpit while running. I guess the drivers will have to get pilots licenses soon? To stay in shape (as I got older) I bolted a bucket racing seat to a platform, and put in a steering wheel & column with a shock absorber (adjustable) hooked to it. In those days I could do a one arm push up with my left. I quit that, due to the fact my brother in law got a heart attack doing them. As you readers know, I'll be 89 in July.



The photo's you see here are the cars I built for my son Brad in the 1970's & 80's. We used to run the 1/2 mile dirts at Corona, & South Bay Speedway in Chula Vista. When he went out to hot lap I would stand in the last turn at the fence and watch the back end action when he would get on the gas hard coming off the corner. I would carry 60 lbs of weight per 1" of stagger (vertical) on the left rear wheel. If it came around to much, change left rear to 1" stagger leave the weight alone. After 3 or 4 races it is easier to judge how much was needed. This is my son Brad with me when I built the 69 Camaro Stocker. This is a 3 point suspension oval dirt track special. Notice the roll cage on top has a diagonal bar from left front to right rear. Also the top right rear of the roll cage has a bar running thru the cockpit to the left front of the frame. I guess I've bored everyone enough for this issue. MAY THE WIND ALWAYS BE AT YOUR BACK KEEP IT BETWEN THE FENCES

Larry Dunham 228-671-6216 - email:


21 21

we distribute

FREE while they last Jay & Debbie’s



8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431

January 1 Pass Christian, MS the 1st Friday Cruise-in at the Pass Pavilion. Corner of 2nd. Street & Davis Ave. ( from Hwy 90 turn at Hancock Bank go one block North) 4pm - 8pm January 2 Gulfport, MS The 2016 Gulf Coast Car/Truck/ Motorcycle Event Planning & Scheduling Meeting will be held at the Clarion Inn, (phone 228-868-3300) Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS. (Exit 34 I-10) meeting will start at 10am. . This is an open invitation to all car & motorcycle clubs, civic organizations and church groups to inform the public of their planed events taking place during the 2016 season. All car/truck & motorcycle event related topics open for discussion by everyone. You can help prepare a calendar of events, advertise your show, discuss any new problems you may have encountered with your particular event. Exchange club roster, and list of officers, and share any information as well as ideas and suggestions on events and shows on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome... Out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. A master schedule will be combined and distributed to car clubs. If you have any questions, please call 228 596-0664 or e-mail January 8 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from



January 9-10 Jackson, MS 28th Annual BankPlus Mississippi Racing Vehicle Extravaganza and World of Show and Go in the Mississippi Trademart on the Fairgrounds in Jackson, MS on Jan 9th and 10th, 2016. Featuring over 160 Race, Drag, Oval, Dirt, Asphalt, Performance Vehicles and Radical Custom, Muscle, Classic and Antique Cars in competition for the largest trophies in the industry. There will be over 100 classes, door prizes, and give-aways! Clubs and groups welcome to park together. Entry forms available or email 601-832-3020 this is Mississippi's Premier Indoor Automobile Event. January 9 Pearl, MS Street Rod annual Planning Meeting for all MS street rod clubs. Start at 10:am until 2:30 or 3:pm. The meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn, Trustmark Park. 110 Bass Pro Drive, Pearl, MS 39208 take exit Pearson Road off I-20 East (47B) phone 601-939-5238 All street rod related topics open for discussion by everyone. You can help prepare a calendar of events, advertise your rod run or car show, discuss any new problems you may have encountered with your particular rod run, exchange club rosters and list of officers, and share any information as well as ideas and suggestions on street rodding in MS. NSRA Rep. “CW” Smith will be on hand. Hopefully, some other guest will be there to

(Continued on page 24)



(Continued from page 22)

make presentations. Each club is asked to send at least one representative, but as many as you want to send are welcome. Lunch will be in the meeting room. Plan to pick up your tab here, but there will be no other expense to attend. Street rod vendors are also welcome to come and make contacts with clubs for their appearances at the various events for 2016, out of state clubs are also welcome to participate. If you have any questions, call CW Smith (601) 833-4606. C-601-695-3890 January 16 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) January 22-24 24th Annual Winter Rod Run. Pre '69 vehicles ONLY or by special invitation. REGISTRATION FEE $25.00 BEFORE JANUARY 1, 2016 = $20.00 HOST MOTEL BEST WESTERN, COVINGTON - 985-892-2681 or COUNTRY INN (adjoining parking lot) - 985-809-0467 Friday & Saturday, 2 night minimum for reservations, Call Now! Ask for CAR SHOW RATE . Come join us for street rods, games, music, friends, awards, 50/50 all for good causes! For information call 985-630-6315, 985-6307358 or 985-774-9535 Southern Who Street Rod Association.

FEBRUARY 2016 February 5 Pass Christian, MS the 1st Friday Cruise-in at the Pass Pavilion. Corner of 2nd. Street & Davis Ave. ( from Hwy 90 turn at Hancock Bank go one block North) 4pm - 8pm February 6 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast Winter Classic at Gulfport Dragway. 1st race of the season so bring your cars, trucks, bikes, pro stocks, muscle cars, dragsters out for a day of racing. Gates open at 9am Test & Tune "Stop Light starts and no times", Time trials start at Noon, eliminations start at 2pm. Grudge Racing 路 Vendors 路 Swap Meet Entrance Fee: Car & Driver $20 - Spectator $10. All Swap Meet & Vendors Welcome* (*Food Vendors must call track 228 863-4408) Vendors Set Up FREE with $10 spectator entrance. On site camping available. Gulfport Dragway is located I10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over railroad tracks. go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway.


February 12 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 February 20 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. (behind MotherCluckers and Keith's Super Store) (Continued on page 26)



just like you, a lot of people are reading this... and you can rent this space for just a few dollars a month.




(Continued from page 24)

February 26-28 Baton Rouge, LA 38th Annual R.O.D.S. Run Street-Rod Show at the Holiday Inn South. 225-924-7021 (9940 Airline Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70816) Vendor displays, event T -shirts, live D.J. by Homer-T, Swap Meet, Door Prizes, Mall Shuttle. Pre-1949 Streetrods ONLY. Registration $30 - $25 before Jan. 20th. For Rod Run info call 225-921-7530 or 225-275-9868. Vendor info call 225-938-3589. Free Swap Meet info call 225-571-2011. February 27 Bay Saint Louis, MS 3rd Annual VFW Auxiliary Post 3253 Open Car & Truck Show, 208 Third St.Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520. Dash Plaques First 50 vehicles. Top 20 Cars, Top 5 Trucks, 5 Specialty Awards, Best of Show Award, Commander's Choice, and John Parent Memorial Award. Registration 9am until noon. Awards at 2pm. Entry fee $20.00 day of the show. Food, Drinks, and Dessert available at Post. Additional information call Bobby 228-493-2033 or Cindy 228-332-2000

MARCH March 5-5 Brookhaven, MS Going To Town Car Show. Downtown Brookhaven, MS. Meet and greet supper Friday night. 8am - 3pm Saturday. Pre-registration $10 by Feb 28, 2016 Day of show $15. I-55 Exit 40. Brookway Blvd. East to downtown. Right on West Cherokee St. cross railroad tracks. Mail checks to Ole Brook Criisers, 811 Hwy 51 North. Brookhaven, MS 39601. More info TTommy 601-833-8620 or Chicken Willie 601-833-4606 - 601-6953890. Friday night supper at host motel Comfort Inn, 745 Magee Dr. Exit 40. 601-835-0055. Mention car show for special rate. March 10-13 Hammond, LA 60th Annual Two State Rodders Coon-Ass Rednecks Nationals Pre-1975 vehicles only. Pre-Entry: $25 (before February 28, 2016) Day of Show $30. Awards Galore!!! Lot’s of vendors, Games by Tuna Thompson, Early Arrival Drawing, Grand Prize - $4500 Tool Boxes donated by NAPA, 50/50, Great music, Inspections by NSRA, Show coverage by, Cruisin Style Magazine and C.R.A.P. Magazine. Host Hotel Magnuson Grand Hotel & Conference Center - 985-345-0556, Overflow Hotel: America's Best Value 985-542-9425. For info call the Ambassador of Cultural Affairs: Randy Wilson at 601-684-2609

We serve Oysters on the half shell all week long. Tuesday, Wednesdays & Thursdays Oyster Happy Hour 4pm to 9pm $8 a dozen raw $10 Charbroiled

da Swamp Shack Open Tues - Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-3pm 228-255-2028 Local Art · Kids · Jewelry



March 11-12 Gulfport, MS Atomic Blast 5 Open to ALL Vehicles. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles & Antique Bicycles. Rat Rods, Street Rods, Hot Rods, Antique & Classic Cars, $20 at the gate covers all activities including, Stoplight Drags, Tug of War, Burnout Contest, Flame Throwin' Contest, Donut spin-out contest and more. Swap Meet Vendors & Non-food Vendors Welcome. Here's your chance to attend the event everyone has been talking about.. This is a family event. Gate opens at 4 pm Friday, & 8 am Saturday. There will be a few choice awards for cars/trucks/bicycles handed out Saturday afternoon. There will be Food & Beer Stands. Events all day, Entrance to the track is $20 (kids under ten $10). Coolers & Grills OK (no glass bottles, please) Free primitive and RV Camping (no hook-ups) 24hr security on site. Everything is at Gulfport Dragway, 1 Mile South of I-10 (MS Exit 31) on Canal Road, Gulfport, MS Vendor information call Track Phone: 228 863-4408 or 228-596-0664 Call Host hotels for the Atomic Blast. Best Western Plus (228-864-0050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) both are on Hwy 49 ( at the I-10 exit 34) March 12 Mandeville La. 9th Annual Cruisin' With YFM 1088 (Youth For Mandeville). Open Car and Truck Show. $20 Entry Fee Day Of Event Registration 8:30am to 11am, Awards at 2:30 pm, Top Twenty-five & Peoples Choice Awards, Best of Show (New) 77 inch Grandfather Clock, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Engine, Best Car & Best Truck. Dash Plaques for The First 50 Entrees, 50/50 Drawing, Silent Auction, As Well As Other Drawing Thru-out The Day. (Rain or Shine) Indoor Facility To Accommodate All Guests, Early Bird Breakfast, Jambalaya, Gumbo, Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, and Lots More Available On Site. This Is A Non-Alcohol Family Friendly Event. Bring the Kids and Grandkids, Spacewalk will be provided. Lots of Fun for all. All Proceeds Benefit Youth Group Activities. For More Info Contact Lloyd at (504) 451-1522 or David at Show Located at Mandeville

(Continued on page 46)

















Gates Open 6 p.m. Time Trials Start 6 p.m. Eliminations at 9 p.m. Car & Driver: $20.00 Spectators: $7.00 10 Yrs. & Under: $5.00 $50 plus Trophy for each Winner · Minimum 4 Cars required for each Bracket. Once time trials have ended, there is no rainout!

Track Phone: 228 863-4408 17085 RACETRACK RD. ∙ GULFPORT, MS 39503 I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd. Enjoy the races! February 6 Sat 7th Annual Gulf Coast Winter Classic 9 a.m. • (228) 596-0664 - Jimbo February 9 Tue Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras Challenge 11 a.m. (228) 861-6071 - Monte • (228) 323-4047 - Shawn February 19, 20 & 21 “King of the Coast” ” bracket series Fri 4 p.m-s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon March 4 Fri Test ’n Tune Friday 6 p.M.-10 p.m. - (228) 863-4407 March 5 Sat Summit Super Series 2 races 1 Day 9 a.m. • (228) 863-4408 March 11-12 Atomic Blast Fri. 4 p.m.– Sat 8 a.m. www.atomicblastshow • (228) 596-0664 - Jimbo March 18, 19 & 20 “King of the Coast” bracket series Fri. 4 p.m. - s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon April 8 Fri Test ’n Tune Friday 6 p.M.-10 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 April 9 Sat Summit Super Series 2 races 1 Day 9 a.m • (228) 863-4408 April 16 Sat Down South Burners Motorcycle Club 10 a.m. April 30 Sat Spring Fling May 13 Fri Test ’n Tune Friday 6 p.M.-10 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 May 14 Sat Summit Super Series 2 races 1 Day 9 a.m • (228) 863-4408 May 27, 28, & 29 Gulfport Memorial Day blowout (Motorcycles only) • (228) 863-4408 June 4 Sat Summit Super Series 4 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 June 10, 11 & 12 “King of the Coast” bracket series fri 4 p.m-s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon June 25 Sat Street Wars 3 p.m. (228) 861-6071 - Monte or (228) 323-4047 - Shawn July 9 Sat Summit Races Super Series 4 p.m • (228) 863-4408 July 30 Sat Happy Daze Music Festival ∙ 8 a.m. • (228) 596-0664 - Jimbo August 13 Sat Summit Races Super Series 4 p.m • (228) 863-4408 September 9 Fri Test ’n Tune Friday 6 p.M.-10 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 September 10 Sat Summit Super Series 2 races 1 Day 9 a.m. • (228) 863-4408 September 17 Sat Fall Drags September 23, 24 & 25 “King of the Coast” bracket series Fri. 4 p.m. -s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon September 30 Fri Hazardous Waste Rat Rods 5 p.m. • (985) 637-9302 October 1 Sat Hazardous Waste Rat Rods 9 a.m. • (985) 637-9302 October 7 Fri Asphalt Assault 4 p.m.-10:30 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 October 7 Fri Smackdown Street Racing 11 p.M-2 a.m. • (228) 383-2317 - Larry Jr. October 8 Sat Hourly Rumble 4 p.m. • (228) 863-4408 October 15 & 16 Ford vs Chevy weekend sat 10 a.m.-sun 8 a.m. November 4, 5 & 6 “King of the Coast” bracket series Fri 4 p.m. -s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon November 12 Sat Diesel Thunder 9 a.m. • (228) 263-2550 - Michael December 2, 3 & 4 “King of the Coast” bracket series fri 4 p.m. - s/s 8 a.m. • (228) 323-7323 - Gaylon



Dangerous Broads #1: Gina Winchester aka “Alley Girl” By: August Lane The back bumper of her black-cherry 1950 Chevy had just eased over the Harrison County line when the single woop of a police siren tore through the air, turning Gina’s blood to ice. Red lights flooded her car’s interior and the tires crunched in the loose gravel as she let the car glide to a stop along the road’s shoulder. This was the last thing she needed. Her kohl rimmed green eyes flicked in the mirror and gave the trunk a quick, nervous glance before she turned her attention back to smoothing on a fresh layer of deep red lipstick. The cop pried himself out of the car, his badge flashing in the headlights. He could have stepped right off the set of Dragnet, all straight lines and dark hair. He walked toward her open driver’s side window with a hitch in his step. Is he staring at the trunk? A week ago she wouldn’t have given a damn, would have invited his stare whether it was directed at her or the car, and begged for more. But a week ago she hadn’t met Dickey Roberts. Gina and her ’50 earned good money on the Coast drag circuit, beating the boys a quarter mile at a time. Dickey was one of the good time boys, the kind easy enough to find around the drag strips along the Gulf Coast. He’d been quick to try to impress her with all of ideas about how they could put her very particular skills to work on one quick score -- the kind of score that would put them both on Easy Street. Dickey was a clever one, alright, but not clever enough. It was a gem of a job. It was nothing for her to be at the right place at the right time, precariously perched on five inch heels on front of the shop’s front window. All she did was bend over and adjust the top of her thigh-high stocking just enough her slip of skirt rose dangerously high, as if, maybe… Gave Dickey’s brother and his co-driver just enough to dream about during their afternoon break at the Old Town Soda Shop. Enough of a show to stretch out those precious minutes when they left their armoured truck unguarded, each passing second another bag of cash hoisted by Dickey from the back of the armoured truck into the trunk of her Chevy. Then pretty as you please, she had trotted around the corner, hopped into her weighed down Chevy, and roared away from Slidell. Dickey was waiting for her and the money in New Orleans. No dice. She and the loot had an appointment to keep in Pensacola. By the time Dickey puzzled out the jig was up, she would be sipping Mai Tai’s with Cuban cabana boys. Her future was nothing but Cuban casinos, white, sandy beaches, and rich men. 36




his hand out for the documents and she slapped them into his open palm with an undisguised pout. After a cursory glance at the licence, he tucked both the documents into his shirt’s chest pocket, right behind his badge. “Alright, Ms. Winchester, how about you hop outta the car?” “Mrs.” In for a penny, in for a pound, her dear old Ma used to say. Hell, at this point anything was worth a shot. “Missus,” his one visible eyebrow shot up into his hairline, “right. Well then Mrs. Winchester, you wanna hop outta the car?” “Is there something wrong, Officer?” Gina’s right foot hovered over the accelerator. If she could get the jump on him, she could take the old bootlegger’s roads and be in Pensacola on the boat before good lookin’ fished his hat out of the dirt. He popped open the door and held onto the frame, and said, “Not a thing, so long as you step out of the car.” She set the brake then swung her legs out of the car, careful to keep her knees together. The corset, barely there skirt, and thigh-high stockings she wore for the job were not part of her usual wardrobe, at least not wearing all three at

As long as this Mayberry copper didn’t go nosing around places he didn’t belong. Where was he a week ago when she was chatting up Dickey? Things would sure be a lot different now if she had spied him at the drag strip. Dickey wasn’t a bad looking sort, but he was no Cary Grant and this cop could be Cary’s long-lost brother. The brim of his fedora blocked his left eye as he sidled up to her open window. “What can I do for you, Officer?” She looked up at him, her green eyes wide and innocent though her palms were sweating through the elbow length gloves she wore. She smiled like some deranged Mouseketeer though the expression felt hard and hollow on her face. “License and registration,” he said without giving her more than a passing glance. His chin tilted toward the rear of the car. She leaned over the seat, making a show of pulling the documents of the glove box, taking plenty of time to let him have a nice long look. When she sat up there was a mischievous gleam in her eyes and her pin curls were slightly mussed -- only the copper was too busy worrying his bottom lip with his top teeth as he eyed her Merc’s trunk. He stuck 38


laughter. “Say, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about an independent woman who looks a lot like you, and who just happens to be wearing the very same outfit you’re in, who was seen giving a free show in front of the Old Town Soda shop earlier today, would you? Maybe right around the same time that an armoured truck was being robbed?” He asked as he frog marched to the back of the squad car. “There was a robbery? Was anyone hurt?” She feinted surprise at the news as he helped her into the back of the car. “Don’t play coy with me.” “I would never play coy with you, Officer.” He leaned into the gap left by the open door and said, “You know, you could just tell me what’s in the trunk and this would all be over.’ “All the things a girl needs to have a good time on the coast.” “Cool your heels while I call this in.” He slammed the car door shut, rocking the car on its axels. When he dropped into the driver’s seat it was to snatch up radio handset. “Dispatch, I need a warrant to search a vehicle. Suspect vehicle

the same time. No point in letting him get the wrong idea. There were no free shows here, thank you very much. The door slammed shut behind her, the breeze brushing the skirt across her thighs and blowing her loose curls around her shoulders. The cuffs were slapped on her wrists before she could blink. “Hey!” Indignation poured off Gina in waves. “What is this about? I have rights, you know.” “Sure, you do and I’m about to read them to you. Right after you tell me what you’re up to and why you happened to be driving the same car seen speeding away from a robbery in Slidell earlier today.” “I’m going to Pensacola. Just me and the girls. That’s not a crime, is it?” She looked at his through her eyelashes, a thick stream of smoke from her freshly lit cigarette pouring from between her parted lips. “Where are the girls?” He grinned at her, the Cheshire cat with a golden canary in his teeth. “They’ve got their own cars. We’re independent women,” she said with her chin held high. She ground her teeth to drown out the sound of his







undergarments.” She knew she was sunk, but was determined to be defiant to the last. Her first week as a bad girl had been a humdinger and there was a still a slim chance she would be able to the wiggle her way out this. “I don’t want to…” “Yes, you do,” she cut off his protest and glance in the rear view mirror only the once to see if he was paying attention. “Trust me, Sweetheart, I want to less every minute. Happy now?” “Jerk!” He twisted around, looking over his left shoulder to focus on Gina. “It’s 110 degrees in the shade at night and I am driving around in a black tin can wearing a suit and tie. Of course I’m a jerk. Now either tell me what you’ve got in the trunk or shut your trap and cool your heels so I can hear what his miserable jerk,” he held up the radio handset, “has to say.” Gina threw herself against the back of the seat and fumed. Her mind whirled, conjuring reasons while she would be cruising around with a lifetime’s stash of cash in the trunk of her car. Her father owned a business and she was going to drop the money at a bank on her way to…no that was

registered to a Ms. Gina Winchester.” Gina kicked the back of his seat, but he didn’t seem to notice. “Vehicle matches the APB for the robbery in Slidell. Over.” The sound of static filled the car, then a nasal voice responded, “Hold for further assistance.” The cop rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, “Once a telephone operator, always a telephone operator.” He caught Gina’s petulant gaze in his rear view mirror. “Sweetheart, the back bumper of your Chevy is damn near dragging ground. Unless your bikini is made of lead, there is no reason while a little swimwear, and I am assuming from the way you are dressed it would be very little swimwear, would weigh down the car quite that much. Why don’t you give me a little peek…” “You’ve gotten all the peek you’re going to get, Officer.” “Into the trunk of the car.” Each word was clearly enunciated as a wry grin spread across his face. “If there is nothing in there but lead swimwear and a cast iron sink, I will be more than happy to send you on your way.” “No. I am not going to let you riffle through my 42




ridiculous. Or how about…no. Oh, then there is … Nope. It was less ludicrous to say it was a lifetime of earnings for her performance in as a bear trainer with the circus. She was on the verge of breaking her silence with a confession when the dispatcher’s nasal whine came over the radio. “Car 2-42, your request for a warrant is denied. The suspect vehicle was spotted outside New Orleans by Orleans Parish Police. The suspect is in Parish Police custody. Over.” Gina giggled at the look of confusion on the cop’s face. “Dispatch, could you repeat that?” The particularly put-out Dispatcher sniped, “You’re request for a warrant is denied. Are you goin’ deaf out there? You’ve got the wrong person, Frankie.” After an awkward pause, the dispatcher added, “Over.” “That your wife, Frankie?” Gina asked. “Sister.” Gina laughed until she couldn’t breathe, and then laughed some more when Frankie the Cop’s ears flushed bright red. Over the sound of her laugher she heard him say, “Well, aren’t you the lucky little thing?’ Back in the front seat of her Chevy, she used her teeth to strip off her long gloves, wrapped her fingers around the steering wheel, and took a deep breath. Her foot hoovered over the accelerator, ready to smash the pedal to the floor the moment Frankie the Cop pulled out of sight. Dizzy with relief, she turned her thoughts on back to the sunny beaches and glamorous life she had plotted for herself. Knuckles rapped against her window.



She cranked the window down a couple of inches. “Need someone to help you spend all that money?” Frankie asked with a sly smile. “What money?” She mashed the pedal to the floor and roared away into the night. Alley Girl Pinup Model BROOKE MARTIN as Mrs. Winchester Photos by: Jack Criswell - Styling: Megan McLain of - Sha Salon 1950 Chevy Deluxe by - B.A. Rodz & Kustoms Additional talent and grip work by, The Beavers For some of us Pulp Fiction Men’s Magazines were a prized treasure not shared by our mothers, but sure made you popular with the guys you hung around with. Today we see more than our imagination gave us …. on TV during prime time. Jack Criswell of AdPix sent me a layout with Brooke Martin and a set of photos that really brings back the nostalgia of days gone by. This short story by, August Lane titled; “Alley Girl” is a throwback to that time. “Brooke Martin did a great job of portraying “Mrs. Winchester” and captured the days of black & white photographs as well as the color shots. Her poses are complemented by the 1950 Chevy that was supplied by B.A. Rods & Kustoms and Mayberry’s Vice Detective brought life, action and unspoken words to the pictures. “ Jack Criswell Jack: How long have you been modeling? Brooke: a few years and counting! Jack: What do you like about it? Brooke: It's fun to dress up and wear things you'd never be able to pull off in real life, you get to play around and be goofy or be someone else. Jack: What kind of modeling would you like to do? Brooke: Print and magazine, more edgy stuff. Mostly things that bring out your creative side, ones you can put all of your energy into. Jack: What do you like about this caricature? Brooke: She had to think fast and not show any weakness, ant she found a way to use her assets to get through it. Jack: Favorite car? Brooke: There are so many cars that I love! A definite import girl though. Jack: Favorite food? Brooke: Fried chicken, sweet tea, and burgers! mmm :] Jack: Your favorite car and favorite guy, a night off, what do you do? Brooke: PARTY! Go out and meet some new people. Jack: When do you look sexiest? Brooke: Fresh-out-the-shower with a white tank-top and some cut -off jeans. Jack: What about you would surprise people? Brooke: Lots of people think I'm stuck-up! I actually avoid those types of people, I'm usually more "one of the guys" than anything. Jack: Should there be more topless beaches? Brooke: I think way more people would be more comfortable with themselves in the long run if there were more topless beaches. Jack: What sport has the sexiest male players? Brooke: Soccer, maybe? ha. Jack: What's the fastest you've ever been in a car? Brooke: Probably about 180 at the drag strip Jack: Have you ever been able to get out of a ticket by your looks? Brooke: Never had a ticket because I've never been pulled over! Does that mean I drive like a grandma? haha Jack: Would you wear those wicked boots out? Brooke: I'm not sure I could pull it off, but I could defiantly try!

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(Continued from page 26)

Christian Fellowship Church 1211 Hwy 1088. Get on I-12 and take exit 68, Hwy 1088 West toward Mandeville and go 2 miles to four way stop, proceed 500 more feet Car Show on the right (Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church) March 18-20 Pearl, MS. 38th annual "DIXIE ROD RUN" 2016. Pre 49 Street Rods "ONLY". Host: Mississippi Street Rod Association Registration/ Flyer information @ or contact Eric Knight @ 601-955-8852 Event held at Trust Mark Park, "Home of the Mississippi Braves". March 19 Bay St. Louis, MS 18th annual GNAT Nationals Open Car Show. Saturday, March 19, 2016; 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Silent Auction, 50/50, Wipe-Out Board, Prizes Galore, Food, 50’s-60’s Music, Games, Coloring Contest, Dash Plaques, Sponsor Awards, Vendors. Top Prizes !! FUN FOR ALL AGES……………… Our Lady of the Gulf, 228 South Beach Blvd, Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 Charities CASA and Senior Citizens of Hancock County. Awards presented at 2:00 P.M. Pre-registration $20.00 by March 15, 2016 $25 day of show. Top 25 Awards, Furthest Driven, Sponsor Awards, Best of Show. Awards to be voted on by Registered Participants. “Our Chefs will be cooking all the good food!!!!” For information: Bobby 228-493-2033 or Donna 228-332-3006 Misfits Street Krewzers · P.O. Box 2101 · Bay St. Louis, MS 39521 March 26 Picayune, MS. 4th Saturday night cruise-in Boulevard Cruisers Cruise In. 6 till 9pm. Hudson/Burger King Parking lot. Memorial Blvd. Oldies Music and 50/50. March thru October

APRIL April 1-3 Gulfport MS 4th Annual Gulf Coast Auto Show. Open Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show held at the Best Western Plus (228-8640050) & Clarion Inn (228-868-3300) These hotels have adjoining parking lots and offer ground floor outside room entrances. Discounted room rates for this event. There is plenty of room for show car parking as well as the cruise-in cars. Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment including Michael's Night Club. Car show entry $20 Spectators Free. On site drive thru judging Fri & Sat. Awards Sat: Both Hotels are located on Hwy 49 South of I-10 exit 34. Info 228 596-0664 April 9. Gulfport, MS. 3rd Annual Crosspoint Cruisin’ for Missions Car, Truck, and Bike Show. Crosspoint Church 15046 North Swan Rd. Gulfport, MS 39503. Show starts at 9:30 AM, Awards Presented at 2:00 P.M. 6 classes of trophies and plaques will be awarded; cars, trucks, bikes, 4x4s and rat rods. Additionally, there will be specialty and sponsor awards earned. There will be fun, food, kids games and live entertainment available, so bring the whole family. We will have many door prizes and a raffle,… Registration fee will be $20.00. April 16 Mandeville, LA 4th Annual Classic Car Show. 9am - 3pm 720 Lafitte Street, Mandeville, LA. 70448 Entry Fee for Cars & Trucks $15 pre-registration fee - $20 registration fee day of event. $10 registration fee for each additional vehicle. Food, Drinks, Music, Door Prizes, 50/50 raffle. Cash Awards Categories - Best of Show Top Classic Car - Top Truck - Top Sports Car - Top Pre-1941. Sale & Trade booths inside air conditioned hall. registration fee:$20 per 10'x10' space, tables available. Benefits LA Lions Eye Foundation & LA Lions Children's Camp. For more information call 985-626-8862 or 895-626-8614 (rain date April 17, 2016) April 24 Picayune, MS 4th Saturday night cruise-in. Boulevard Cruisers Cruise In. 6 till 9pm. Hudson/Burger King Parking lot. Memorial Blvd. Oldies Music and 50/50. March thru October April 28—May 1 Fort Worth, TX The Lone Star Super Nationals - Pate Swap Meet 3545 Lone Star Cir, Fort Worth, TX 76177. Thousands of Hot Rods, Classics, Muscle Cars, Bikes & more. Over 10,000 Vendors Spaces. Info 662-587-9572 or 423-465-5855 April 22-24 Pensacola Beach, Fl. 44th Annual Sunny Beaches (Continued on page 48)





(Continued from page 46)

Rod Run for pre-75 only. Top 25 awards plus more... Registration Friday 2pm-5pm Saturday 9am-12pm. Free meal Friday night with registration. Games and giveaways all Saturday. Awards on Sunday. Pre-registration $20 after April 10th $25. For more information call Jody Johnston 850-255-0627 or Jimmy Johnston 850-944-3835 or on facebook Rod-Tiques of Pensacola . For reservations call Days Inn 850-934-3300. April 30 Hattiesburg, MS Fifth Annual Deanash Children's Village Open Car Show. at the Pineview Baptist Church, 19 Tower Road, Hattiesburg, MS 39401. ( located at the back entrance to Paul B. Johnson State Park) 8 am til 1 pm. Registration 8am - 10am fee is $25.00 day of show.. Free to the public. Music provided by Calm Assurance 10am, Country Story Teller- James Pearson 12:00 Door Prizes, T-Shirts, Games, Food, 50/50 Raffle. Awards- longest owned, distance traveled, best engine, interior, paint scheme, display, work in progress, oldest. Top three car pre 1960, 1960-1989, 1990-present, truck pre 1960, 1960-1989, 1990-present, street rod, rat rod, peoples choice, pastors choice, children's choice, best in show. Participant judging by popular. Vendors Welcome (for details call Stan) Proceeds to support the Deanash Campus of the Baptist Children's Village. See our flyer for more details. Call Stan at 601467-1138 or email

MAY 2016 May 5-8 Destin-Ft Walton, FL Burning up the Beaches is back for its 6th year of Cruizin, Partyin and Showin May 5th thru 8th 2016 on the sugar white beaches of Destin and Ft Walton Beach Fl! We are planning all sorts of new surprises for this 6th year celebration! Your all inclusive registration includes for 2 people- 3 nightly parties with food, live music and drawings, 5 fun filled stops at local hot spots, the Saturday car show at The Boardwalk, a t shirt, window decal, and all the fun we can fit into 3 days! Open to all classics! Host hotels are listed on the site. Vendor space available! All proceeds directly benefit The Arc of the Emerald Coast (formerly Horizons) caring for those with Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. Register early, this exclusive car show has limited space and will sell out! Hurry to, or for more info, call 850-376-1037. May 21 Lumberton, MS Lions Club Buster Crider Memorial Car Truck And Bike show. At the Little Black Creek Water Park come support Local Lion Club to help buy glasses for the needy, Flyer May 28 Picayune, MS 4th Saturday night cruise-in. Boulevard Cruisers Cruise In. 6 till 9pm. Hudson/Burger King Parking lot. Memorial Blvd. Oldies Music and 50/50. March thru October

May 5th – 8th, 2016 We are EXCITED to announce our 2016 home for Burning Up the Beaches central, Destin Commons! With more room, their beautiful facility and businesses like Uncle Bucks Fish Bowl, Bass Pro, World of Beer, H&M, and many more fine stores and restaurants. Welcome to the MOST partyin’, fun, BEST value classic car weekend on the circuit! If you are looking for a fun, relaxing weekend on the beach to meet other gearheads and have a BLAST at the beach, THIS IS IT! Are you used to paying $30 to show your car for a day and get a T-shirt? At Burning Up the Beaches you get armbands for 2 people, to 3 parties with live music, 5 fantastic stops, dinner on Saturday night, prizes galore, event decal, one event T-shirt, and Car Show all for $80 tax deductible dollars! Registration for 2016 is OPEN! Cruise & Show for One $70 Cruise & Show for Two $80 Show Only $50 Car Corral $30

PLACES TO STAY Ramada Plaza: 850-243-9161 Sea Crest Condominiums 895 Santa Rosa Blvd. Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 850-301-9600 or 800-476-1885 Venus Condominiums 885 Santa Rosa Blvd. Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 850-301-9600 or 800-476-1885 Pirates’ Bay Guest Chambers and Marina 214 Miracle Strip Pkwy. SW Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548 Destin West RV Resort 1310 Miracle Strip Parkway SE Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 800-947-0701

JUNE 2016 June 25 Picayune, MS 4th Saturday night cruise-in. Boulevard Cruisers Cruise In. 6 till 9pm. Hudson/Burger King Parking lot. Memorial Blvd. Oldies Music and 50/50. March thru October

JULY 2016 July 23 Picayune, MS 4th Saturday night cruise-in. Boulevard Cruisers Cruise In. 6 till 9pm. Hudson/Burger King Parking lot. Memorial Blvd. Oldies Music and 50/50. March thru October July 29-30 Wiggins, MS Red Creek Classics 6th annual antique car appreciation picnic at Flint Creek Water Park. July 29-30, 2016 a two day event at Flint Creek Water Park, Wiggins, MS. If you want to rent a cabin or camping spot you may want to do it soon. 601 928-3051 or 601 928-2753.

AUGUST 2016 August 27 Picayune, MS 4th Saturday night cruise-in. Boulevard Cruisers Cruise In. 6 till 9pm. Hudson/Burger King Parking lot. Memorial Blvd. Oldies Music and 50/50. March thru October

SEPTEMBER 2016 September 10 Kiln MS. 3rd Annual Knights of Columbus Car and Truck show at Annunciation Church 5370 Kiln-Delisle Road.



All Burning Up The Beaches net funds go to The Arc of the Emerald Coast the local ARC Agency serving those with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Autism.



15th Annual WILD TURKEY RUN CAR SHOW, Wiggins, MS The Knights of Columbus Council 11654 of Wiggins MS held their fifteenth annual Wild Turkey Run Car Show Saturday November 21st at the Sawmill Restaurant on Highway 49 in Wiggins. The weather was cooperative and afforded the Show a mild Fall day for the festivities. The show attracted 45 vehicles from the Gulf Coast with participants coming from Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. The oldest car in the show was a 1926 Ford “T” Roadster owned by Rodney Holliman and the newest a 2009 Ford Mustang. Fords, Mopars, Chevys, GMs, Cadillacs and a Dune Buggy competed for Plaques ranging from Best of Show to Best Rat Rod to Top Cars and Trucks. Bobby Young won Best of Show with his beautiful 1967 Chevy Nova, Best Engine went to Steve Doucet and his 1972 Chevy Chevelle while Dianna and Jay Bellew won Best Paint with their 1933 Ford Pickup. The award for Best Interior went to Buzzy Broadus and his 1928 Ford Model A. Best '87 or Newer Truck went to Leslie Levins and his 1990 GMC Pickup and Best '87 or Newer Car went to Welsley Hodges and his 2009 Ford Mustang. “We had a great group of very nice vehicles for this year's show” said Tom Easter, Show Chairman. The KCs gave away door prizes and gift packages donated by local businesses. In keeping with the Show's tradition the KCs gave away Thanksgiving Turkeys to lucky drawing winners. “We especially thank Elaine Beckham and her Sawmill Restaurant for providing us with a great venue and their usual good food and Brandi at Auto Zone for grand prizes and 'gimme's'” said KC Grand Knight Dave Russell. The Knights of Columbus are a Charitable Catholic men's organization that supports many projects to help widows and widowers, the mentally impaired, and the disadvantaged of Stone County. The KCs sponsor and conduct several youth programs including Basketball Free Throw Challenge, Soccer Challenge, Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Program and a Patriotic essay contest throughout the year. “Our “Tootsie Roll” candy drive raises monies for the Persons with Intellectual disabilities and is unique in that we give Tootsie Rolls to all who visit with us whether they donate or not” said campaign chairman Bob Theriot. The Knights of Columbus thank the Wiggins and Stone County community for their continued support in all of our endeavors. Top 20 Cars and Top 10 Trucks '86 and Older Advance Auto, Wiggins, Chad Evans Stone Insurance, Wiggins, Anthony Pennington, Wiggins; Sawmill Restaurant, Elaine Beckham, Wiggins, SQ Enterprise, Susan Easter, Wiggins, Dairy Queen II, Long Beach The KC's offer a special thanks to our SUPER SPONSORS, ELAINE BECKHAM



AND THE SAWMILL RESTAURANT for hosting our show and for their generous donation and BRANDI and FRED at AUTO ZONE for their generous gifts for awards, door prizes and help judging. Please support these businesses that have generously donated to help make our show a success!

Top Rat Rod - '26 Ford T Roadster, - Rodney Holliman Pine Burr Country Club, Wiggins

Best of Show - '67 Chevy Nova, Bobby Young - Auto Zone, Wiggins

Top Car '87 and Newer - '09 Ford Mustang, Wesley Hodges - Rusty Rayborn State Farm, Wiggins Best Paint - '33 Ford Pickup, Dianna and Jay Bellew- Dairy Queen I, Long Beach

Best Engine - '72 Chevy Chevelle, Steve Doucet - Bank of Wiggins

Top Truck '87 and Newer - '90 GMC Pickup, Leslie Levins - Wilson's Pharmacy, Wiggins

Congratulations to the SHOW WINNERS & Thank You to the PLAQUE SPONSORS: CLUBS LET THEM KNOW Best interior - '28 Ford Model A, Buzzy Broadus - Napa Auto, Wiggins

Send in your car/bike show pictures and thank-you’s to

March 4-13 Daytona Beach, FL Daytona Bike Week Motorcycle Rally taking place throughout Daytona Beach, Florida. Daytona Bike Week Motorcycle Rally is one of the biggest motorcycle events in the country with over 500,000 motorcycles rolling into Daytona in the spring for Bike Week. There is something for everyone including, old school biker parties, motorcycle races, concerts, bike games, people games and more. This is one Motorcycle Rally you don't want to miss. Check the Official Daytona Beach Bike Week website for complete schedule and venues March 17- 20 Forkland, AL Bama Bike Fest Spring Motorcycle Rally the deep south's wildest motorcycle event. Live Bands, Wet T-Shirt Contest, Bike Games, People Games and a Whole Lot More. The saloon will be open!! New pool tables, tv's with sports, DJ.... Armbands just $30 for the weekend!! RV power/water spots just $80!! All primitive camping is free!! Free hot showers. Come down and party with us, we promise you'll love it! The rally grounds are located about 7 miles north of Demopolis, 15 miles south of Eutaw. 16971 US Hwy 43, Forkland, AL info 334-654-0462 - March 31-April 2 Shreverport, LA Louisiana State HOG Rally the 2016 Louisiana State HOG Rally will be held in Shreverport, LA. There will be Music, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ's and more, please visit the website Phone 318-344-5990 April 22-24 Leesburg, FL 20th Annual Leesburg Bikefest this free event held in Historic Downtown Leesburg will be packed with entertainment boasting eight stages, forty bands, and a slew of exhibitions featuring Wall of death, Rat’s Hole Custom Motorcycles Show, Trails Rider and Drill Team Demonstration. Local restaurants and over 250 vendors will offer up a myriad of food, beer and beverage choices, while hundreds of friendly retail shops and vendors will be open for your shopping pleasures. Come experience this event for yourself and see why bikers across the country are making The Leesburg Bikefest an annual destination! The Bikefest is located in Historic Downtown, Leesburg, Florida. Go to for accommodations and directions. Phone (352) 365-0053 April 27-May 1 Panama City Beach, FL 18th Annual Spring Thunder Beach Motorcycle Rally the most Biker Friendly FREE Rally in the U.S.A! A 4-Day Motorcycle Rally on the “World’s Most Beautiful Beaches”, We have over 200 Vendors & Exhibitors at our Official Venues. There is free Live Entertainment and Contests across the beach. Activities include a Bike Parade, Beauty Pageants, Poker Runs, Motorcycle Stunt Shows, Tattoo Contests, Bike Shows with category judging, and much more. Official Thunder Beach Merchandise tents are at each venue. The venues are the Boardwalk Beach Resort, Club La Vela, Frank Brown Park, Hammerhead Fred’s, Harley-Davidson PCB, Pier Park, Sharky’s Beachfront Restaurant & Tiki Bar, the Shoppes at Edgewater and the Wicked Wheel. All venues are open from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm (unless otherwise noted in the Schedule of Events). There are no gates, no admission fees and free parking. Our local sponsors have daily specials on food and drink and special rates on rooms. Help Us Keep Our Rally Free!!! Support the Businesses that Support Thunder Beach! September 23-25 New Orleans, LA Bike Week 2016 New Orleans Bike Week will be the first major rally in New Orleans, LA since the Hurricane Katrina event. For those of you who remember when the "Steel Pony Express" was the go-to rally in the Big Easy prior to that event. New Orleans Bike Week is promising to be just as big.

To List Your Event E-Mail your Information to:






53 53

54 54



55 55

56 56


Brrr! It’s getting cold outside. Warm the hearts, hands and toes of someone without shelter by donating today.

Seashore Mission Needs Cold Weather Kits For our Unsheltered Neighbors

Sleeping bags ∙ Back Packs ∙ 5x7 Tarps Blankets ∙ Flashlights (items can be used and in good condition)

Also we need Large Can Goods for our food pantry Drop-off Site:

Seashore Mission 856 Division Street Biloxi, MS 39530 Call Judy Longo at 228-861-7777






59 59

60 60



61 61

62 62




64 64


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65 65


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Dixie Press Publishing Design - Layout - Printing Fact - Fiction or True articles & we love pictures. “Tell them in print” Photo Albums · Cookbooks · Magazine · Booklets · B/W & Color

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426 HEMI - New. Only cranked to test. 2000 H.P. $25,000 lot’s more invested for more info.. call 662-356-6035 1/16

‘27 Ford Track T Roadster. Pro built tube frame, V-6 OHV Pontiac engine, 5 speed transmission, custom rear-end $18,000 OBO Call 662-356-6035 1/16

1940 Chopped top Ford built by Kirby Stafford. 400 engine, 700 R tranny, 9” rear, to many things to list…. $75,000 OBO for more info.. call 662-356-6035 1/16



1941 Willie-Warhaw custom Heavy fiberglass body. 392 Hemi engine, Blower Shop 6-71 blower, two Elderbrok carbs, 400 tranny, 9” rear end, Wildwood brakes, custom frame Rasberry Fabrications. Metalflake by Warhawk Customs, Graphic’s by Kirby, Rocket wheels. Show Winner- Painless top 100 & Period Perfect Shades of Past. $85,000 OBO for more info.. call 662-356-6035 1/16

2009 Voodoo Chopper Motorcycle. Kraft Tech frame with single tube. S&S engine, Baker 6 speed trans, SS Carb, custom wide glide front forks with 40 degree rake, custom forward controls, open primary with 2” belt, old school headlight & chrome brake calipers, custom wheels with Avon Cobra 180/55 ZR18 front tire and Avon Venom 90/90-21 rear tire. $20,000 OBO Call 662-356-6035 1/16

Front Engine Dragster. 181” Bruce Todd chassis, 468 BB Hilburn injectors, roller rockers, rods dimple heads $16,000 call 662-356-6035 1/16

1951 Ford Delux Business Coupe original car, like new cond. 2nd owner. $20,000 OBO Call 1/16 Charles at 740-945-8675

1951 Ford Custom All original car, like new cond. 2nd owner. $20,000 OBO Call Charles at 1/16 740-945-8675

Selling Parts or a vehicle? You can’t beat the deal in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and on our web site. Two months with pictures for only $10.

1987 Corvette new paint, new tires & new wheels. 129,00 miles. Asking $13,000 might consider some trade for car, truck or boat.. lets talk. Call 228-380-3344 1/16

1963 Impala Sport Coupe 38,000 miles, 327, 3speed, air conditioning, very nice driving car. Has had one repaint and new seat upholstery several years ago, otherwise completely original. This car has been meticulously maintained and is in pristine condition, no disappointments - you just don't find time capsules like this anymore! Asking $25,000 call Glenn 601-918-0388 or 12/15

1932 Ford 3 window Coupe, Glass body, Real 32 frame, gas tank, radiator. Pontiac 389 3x2 4 spd fresh 62 Pontiac blue paint and fresh new white interior. text me for more pics and info. 941-416-1819 south Atlanta. $32,000. Part trade possible

1951 Chevy Fleetwood, 2 door, 1954 235 C.I. 6 Cyl, windshield from a 1951 Olds, Vintage air, headlights tunneled and frenched, new interior, 3 speed standard transmission, new paint and new tires, $13,500.00. More info, call Malcolm Fontenette, 504-810-4219 12/15

1990 GMC. 350, 700R, air cond., stereo, air tonneau cover. Great driving truck. Drive it to the show.. $6500 call 228 263-1980 12/15

1949 Plymouth, 3rd owner, flat head 6, Radio works like a charm, leather interior, has little rust in rocker panels, surface rust on trunk, other than that very solid car. Ready for restoration or drive it like it is. Quiet running.. New tires. $3,900 FIRM!! Call Lee 228-868-8828 or 228-669-8591 12/15

1952 Ford Crestline Victoria, rebuilt flathead V8, automatic transmission, new upholstery, headliner and carpeting, body was repainted, all bumpers and glass in good shape, original rims and Coronado kit included in sale. For more info call Malcolm Fontenette, 504-810-4219. 12/15

Ford tailgate in good condition. $100.00 228-216-6863 or 1/16



1955 FORD THUNDERBIRD Original 292 CID Engine, "Y" Block V-8 Engine, 193 HP Ford-O-Matic 2-Speed Automatic Transmission Original Snap-in Tonneau Cover & "Golden Rod" Hard Top Recent Installation of Black Vinyl Convertible Top 15 Mechanical & Electrical Improvements Completed since 2013 Selling Price: $30,000 Contact: Billy Kilgore 601-622-7035 12/15

1936 Chevy Business Coupe, steel body, 235 Chevy engine, automatic transmission, new interior and headliner, excellent paint job, excellent show car. More info, call Malcolm Fontenette, 504-810-4219 12/15

1969 Corvette Project Car: Original matching numbers big block Corvette T-Top coupe. 427ci/390HP; 4speed transmission; original positraction rear end; power steering, power brakes and factory a/c car, making it very rare. The engine cranks and runs and the car drives (but no brakes at present). A Number 1 grade similar equipped Corvette has an average selling price of $60000 (per Hemmings). This car will need a complete restoration but the platform is here to do just that. Car is located in Madison, Ms. We have a clear title. Contact Mike Martin 601-9061196 or with any questions or a request for moreinfo/photos. 12/15

2014 Mustang Saleen G.T. Deep Impact Blue Metallic. 400 A premium package - all the goodies!! Black chrome wheels, #30, 3500 pampered miles. Real Deal. $43,000 call Tony 504 570-0787 ( New Orleans, LA) 11-15

2004 Chevy SSR. Red, 103,500 miles. 5.3 liter, Loaded. $16,300 or trade on 1967-1969 Camaro. Call Joe Stringer at 601-425-2724 11-15

Kubota B700 HST Diesel 3 cylinder with bush hog. Runs Good. $3,150 call 601-425-2724 11-15

1950 Ford, color is PPG pewter, has Hollywood hub caps like in the 50's, hogn head light, cd player, dummy spot lights, lake pipes, skirts. electric doors, Like new in and out. $18,000.00 might trade, lets see what you have e-mail me at 11-15

1937 Jaguar Roadster. Powered by V-6 Chevy late model engine. Great reproduction. $12,000 OBO 228-861-0908 1/16

1946 Chevy chop top Hot Rod. Awesome car and it's a head turner. 350, Mustang frame, no power steering or air. I do not have the time or a garage to maintain this classic car. Needs to go to good home... $12,000 OBO Call Tammy 228 547-0909 Gulfport MS. 11-15

1931 Chevy 5 Window chopped top coupe, 350 V-8, auto. $16,500 or trade on 1967-1969 Camaro. Call Joe Stringer at 601-425-2724 11-15

1986 Chevy step side ps/air bags/cold cold AC. Complete off the frame restoration $15,500. or trade. Call 228-669-7353 12/15



Wanted/Looking for 1957 Chevy 210 2dr post car parts, most all Bel-Air parts will fit. Interior door panels, 15� wheels, carpet, fasteners, top gas filler chrome, radiator tie bar, etc. Just call me with whatever good parts you may have or if you know of '57 owners in the MS Coast area....Thanks, Steve Burns 704-254-5006 1-16

1974 GM Turbo 400 Transmission with Torque Converter & Yoke $500.00 Long Beach, MS call Steve 704-254-5006 1-16



1930 Model "A" 4 Door. New water pump, new radiator, new fan. this car is in excellent condition. It has been repainted 1 year ago, the inside has been totally redone with new floor mats, kick panels, door panels, headliner, seats and the back seats have side and center armrests, a dome light, rear curtains, door pouches, and door locks. This car was certainly a top of the line product. It has a new exhaust system and a new matching intake manifold. A new carburetor, motor mounts, moto meter. Dual spare tires. A rock solid body no rust all steel. It is now 12 volt system with cowl lights (park light) and 12 volt headlight bulbs. Starts instantly with that nice Model "A" sound. Complete with a rear trunk w/cover for carrying luggage, etc. Asking $18,500 call Jim 228 832-7777 or 228 861-5457 10/15

1964 Buick Riviera... Draws attention everywhere it goes...401 nailhead with factory 2/4 bbl carbs, air ride suspension, 20" Coys wheels with brand new tires, too many mods to list. It's a must see $24,000 obo 228-547-9999 10/15

1946 Ford Coupe 302 Ford, Auto, louvered hood, heat, air, solid body. For more details call Bill 251-518-6659 $24,000 OBO 10-15

Multiple Car Show Winner

“The Dooce” 1932 Ford Hi-boy Convertible 1100 hp 421 stroked (600hp) plus (500hp) profogger Nitrous motor (all studs) – internals, running gear, heads, top shelf – new interior – multiple car show winner – test run 1/8th 5.65 @ 135mph – 28’ enclosed trailer. Asking $65,000 for all. 225-635-2006 Serious offers considered. – 10/15

1950 Chevy Super Sport Coupe frame off restoration with less than 2500 miles. Frame is sandblasted & powder coated, has a Mustang II front end with power rack and pinion. A 350 cu. in. engine with flat top pistons, street cam, headers, aluminum intake manifold, and a 550 Holly carb. Supply power to the turbo 350 transmission with lock up torque converter on a manual switch, 342 posse traction rear end. Exhaust flows thru headers with twin Flow Masters. Four wheel disk brakes for stopping power. Custom leather upholstery with Lexus power bucket seats. Paint is base coat clear coat with flames under clear coat. Asking $29,500 Tommy 228-234-5115 10/15

1989 Neil & Park's 220" W/B chasses & seat belts. Current to 7.50 355CI SBS 620HP Best Parts 6" Bill Miller Rod, J&E Piston. Full Jessel valve train, Callie's crank. Bowie tie block, billet main caps. Brodix 10 heads, 210 intake 1.65exh. Motor & trans fresh 30 pass, runs 8.50 with 4.56 gear. Motor built for 9,000rpm. Only crossing at 7,800rpm. $11,000 Turn Key or will separate. Call Keith @ 337-658-1691 10/15

1996 Mustang GT Race & Street No rust! Best of everything!! Frame stiffiner, welded. k frame, DTS rear end "373" gear. 2 speed power glide transmission with trans brake, line lock power brake, B & M shifter. Ford racing roller block, Eagle stroke kit, 347 cu in, MSD distributor, aluminum heads, high rise intake w/750 Holley, 4500 stall converter, cam motion cam, low end girdle on motor, solid roller everything, alum. radiator, elect radiator fan, elect water pump, front & rear coil overs, shift tack. MSD 6 AL 2 step, delay box, Weld racing rims, Mickey Thompson street ET tires. about 600 miles on motor and drive train..and much, much more. Large file of paper work. asking $7,900.00 for more info call Bob 228-209-4833 10/15

85 Prostreet Monte Carlo. 496bbc. $15000 obo call Lloyd at 228 863-3815 Gulfport, MS 10/15

Race Car. New body, headers, radiator, MSD, full car less engine / trans. All new front end. $3500 call 228 832-8335 or 228 328-2112 Saucier, MS 10/15

FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1600 sq. ft. 4 bd. room/2.5 bath brick home in Bel-Aire s/d, off Dedeaux Rd. in Gulfport just north of I-10. Newly renovated w/ceramic tile & carpet…fenced back yard….bonus room…..includes all appliances. $79,900.00 more info.: (228) 832-4152 72


1965 T-Bird. 390 automatic, cold air, excellent shape, drive anywhere. $18,000 or Best offer. call Bill at 228 363-2193 or 228 9/15 424-8022

1966 Mustang convertible, 289 automatic, new top with cylinders and pump, new tires. Cruise Ready $21,900.00 228-762-0954 10/15



1958 Chevy Impala. 348 with 3 two-barrel carbs. Frame-off 1st class restoration, power steering, power brakes, powerglide transmission, stainless steel exhaust system and tips, lake pipes. Must see in person to really appreciate!!!! $95K Kiln, MS. Call Marvin at 228 493-4614 or 228 255-7323 11/15

1957 Chevy Bel-Air Hardtop bench seats front & rear. Excellent condition $1000 OBO Call 504-874-3477 11/15

1978 Fiat Spyder convertible, runs great, some rust, great project. $2500. 228-762-0954 10/15

1931 Ford Sedan no running gear or front and rear ends. car has been stored inside since 1954. You will look long and far to find another in this great of shape. Also a set of Ford sedan delivery sides that could be included. Car has a MS title in my name. $8500 Thomas 601 832-9646 9-15

1972 Chevy C10 pickup lwb 69000 original miles 402 big block, 400 trans, a/c, ps, pdb truck is loaded with factory options including rear leaf springs. I have the build sheet that came with this truck it was customer ordered. MS title in my name $6000 Thomas 601-832-9646 9/15

Model A trailer Be-Bops Glassworks. In great shape, always stored inside $5000 Call Thomas 601 832-9646 9/15

1970 Chevy C10 pickup short bed step side. Brand new Smeding performance 383 touring fuel injected, fresh rebuilt 700R4 trans, new vintage air heat and air system, Power steering, front disk brakes, ball joints, tie rods, 4 row desert cool radiator, 2500 cfm cooling fan, headlights system, wiring harness, wheels and tires, gauge cluster with tach, stereo with Ipod, aux, and satellite radio dock, 2001 Chevy pick up seats with fold down center console jump seat, new fuel tank under bed and trailer hitch with trailer brake wiring. Mississippi title in my name $32000 Call Thomas 601 832-9646 9/15



1927 Ford T-bucket excellent condition, 396 big block Chevrolet, turbo 350 transmission, new suspension, new tires and wheels. looks great fun ride. $14,500 call Steve 228-669-8212 9/15 20 lbs Freon-12, 18 lbs Freon-22. call 228 380-7800 12/15

Weekend Project...1960 Belair 2 door hardtop! off frame restored. Original motor - running Great! Ready for assembly & paint. $13,500 firm. call 337 230-6001 9/15

2003 T-Bird. 32 valve V-8. Rear wheel drive. Automatic, black/red leather seats & interior. Clean Carfax history. $13,500 O.B.O. Not perfect but nice. Must sell. Call Tony at 504 570-0787 N.O., LA 9/15



Metal print - aprox 11x15 - $20 includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 6x9 $5 each includes tax & shipping.

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Metal print - aprox 11x15 - $20 includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal print - aprox 6x9 $5 each includes tax & shipping.

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Metal print - aprox 11x15 - $20 includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505

Metal prints - aprox 6x9 $5 includes tax & shipping.

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“Exhibit 1” Metal print - aprox 7x12 - $10 includes tax & shipping. Check to: DIXIE PRESS · P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS 39505



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