Joiners Magazine September 2020

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m a g a z i n e September 2020 Joinery, Cabinetmaking & Kitchen Manufacturing Industries trans tasman s t y l i s h b a s i c s stylish basics twenty five years JOINERS Magazine at 100 not out sinks, taps and tops two successful kiwis in Australia

Whatever you’re looking foryou’ll find it.

At Häfele we pride ourselves on the incredible range of products we have available. We are constantly sourcing the latest innovations from suppliers around the globe and that’s what sets us (and you - our customers) apart with over 12,000 SKU’s available.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 1 The wait is over. 0800 4 Hafele View online or contact your Account Manager for a copy! The Complete Häfele has been our signature catalogue from day one, and still a much loved reference to this day - featuring the full range of products available in New Zealand from around the globe across over 1500 pages. When paired with The Ä Book - these two catalogues make the perfect team; The Ä Book is condensed, offering essential fast moving products that our New Zealand market knows and loves. We endeavour to have these items ready on hand when you need them, to ensure your business runs smoothly.

for a perfect finish start with GoldenEdge HMR0

GoldenEdge HMR0 is the proven MDF that provides a perfect paint finish. It’s that simple.

Eco friendly GoldenEdge HMR0 (high moisture resistance zero emissions) is rated E0 and comes in 9mm, 12mm, 16mm, 18mm and 25mm thicknesses.

It’s recommended for kitchen units, cabinets,

bathroom vanities - everywhere a perfect paint finish is required.

GoldenEdge HMR0 is just one of the many MDF products provided by Nelson Pine Industries using the advanced technology of the Küsters continuous press and offering an unsurpassed range of board densities and thicknesses.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 2
Nelson Pine Industries Ltd, Nelson, New Zealand
Eco Friendly helpingtheenvironment


Master Joiners 4

Paul Ingram suggest if we all look to up our own game it just may raise the bar and make for a better industry for us all.

Spindle Care 72

Jon Escreet gives some advice on lengthening the life of your spindle and a lot of it is to do with warm up and heat transfer.

Steering a Course 76

Ian Featherstone recognises the difficulties experienced with a second lockdown and suggest it is more important than ever to monitor key indicators in our business.

NKBA report 77

Suzie Rees reports that with free fees until 2023 those wanting to get the benefits of a qualification in kitchen design should take advantage now.

Due Process 78

Geoff Hardy clarifies the legislation around the enforceability and liability regarding variations to building and construction contracts.


News & Info 4 - 12

Education 74

NZJMF membership 80

State of the Industry 84

Classifieds 88

Advertiser index 88

m a g a z i n e

fashion & function 14

Beautiful, durable, functional - we look at some of the many options available in benchtops, sink inserts and taps as researchers and designers look to enhance the kitchen experience both in terms of function and aesthetic.

offshore success 22

Homag Australia boss Ross Campbell and AWISA organiser Geoff Holland talk to Bob Nordgren about their careers, challenges, support and time in the business over the last 25 years.

SCM virtual expo 34

More than 4,000 on-line guests from 100 countries took part in a live streaming event in late July when SCM presented the latest technologies that would have been shown at various trade fairs that have been postponed due to Covid-19.

the Blum NZ story 46

Blum NZ Managing Director Mike Hawkins gives us the background and history that has seen Blum establish itself as a premier supplier of furniture hardware in New Zealand.

contract spraying 60

Masterton spray painter Penthouse Furniture Spraypainters has been in business for 25 years during which time they have acquired an impressive body of work which can be seen in many residential and commercial properties in the lower North Island.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 3
PearlArc matching sinks and taps by Zomodo - p.18
WOCA oil + Triboard = designer item p. 64
photo courtesy Burns & Ferrall

Are we doing a good job together?

Congratulations Joiners

Magazine on achieving this milestone, 25 years and 100 issues. It was good to sit down with Bob recently and recognize the longstanding relationship with Joiners Magazine and the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation (Master Joiners). This publication is well received and I’m sure we all look forward to seeing it arrive in the mail. All the best Bob and your team for many issues to come.

So how do joinery and our related industries stack up against others in New Zealand? I was thinking about this recently and concluded that in many areas we do okay. Our business’s tend to be resilient and don’t come and go in the same way that some in other industries do. Overall working conditions are okay. We are pretty quick on the uptake of new technology. We are well served by material suppliers and we produce generally high quality products.

But what if we could lift our game and achieve more?

What’s in it for each of us and as an industry as a whole if we reach a bit higher? Well for a start a career in joinery could pay better, we should be at least on par with other highly paid professions and we have some ground to make up on that one. That would attract more people to our trade and allow us to train and foster the future. An increased joinery workforce, highly skilled and trained in their craft and also in management and leadership would ensure sustainability and succession. Business owners would enjoy systemised and therefore saleable organisations that employ great people.

There was reason for me to look over the NZJMF rules recently and I noted the objectives as: To promote and encourage the joinery trade generally and confer on all matters affecting its interests. And also to secure its members all the advantages of unanimity of action.

Those objectives guide us as a membership organisation to help the joinery industry raise the bar. We can apply tactics to achieve this by providing learning opportunities for our members, bringing together industry partners to foster product development and and create awareness of technology available, collectively investing in research and development, and promoting what’s excellent about our trade such as how we are caring for the environment by manufacturing legacy products that will last for generations and not end up in landfill!

The strategy we are working to has three strands. Membership is all about fostering networks which is achieved regionally within our 10 branches, connecting regionally and nationally with our Associate Members and suppliers, and getting together at events like conference. The strength of these networks is demonstrated constantly, don’t go it alone. The Federation’s advocacy work is ongoing and we have “confer on matters affecting industry interest” with MBIE, Worksafe, MOE, BCITO, Standards NZ. The annual (usually) excellence awards are another example of how we as a membership advocate to the public by showing what it really is that we do. The education strategy not only looks to monitor training of technical skills but to provide opportunities to strengthen our

member’s organisations with professional development, mentoring, webinars, and by sharing tools and resources.

Have we got some traction?

I certainly think we have. Even through Level 4 lockdown regions connected using e-meetings, even Friday afternoon beers. Nelson Marlborough boxed on and held their Regional Excellence Awards via zoom. There has been good activity on the MJ website forum and the executive connected with members with a nationwide phone around. We have a growing and engaged membership, the basis of unanimity of action. Master Joiners have hosted a webinar series over recent months, one hour long on subjects specifically targeted at making our industry resilient and to raising the bar. There are more to come along with other opportunities to upskill and tool up, perhaps even see how your business measures up. Will you take up the challenge to help lift our game?

Covid virus containment allowing, we will look forward to holding our 2020/21 Inspired to Perform Conference in Hamilton on the 25th-27th March along with the Excellence and Apprentice Awards. Our members can also expect to see increased benefit delivered by year end in the form of Contract Templates and an effective and robust Disputes Resolution process.

So have a think, are we doing a good job together? Master Joiners welcome new membership enquiries and encourage existing members to be active and contribute. Our networks, our voice, and our skills will determine how much more we can achieve.

Take care, stay safe

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 4
from the president 13.08.2020
Nelson apprentices - training for the future.
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 5 0800 781 200 0800 781 200 Fax 06 278 1225 EgmontAir Dust & Fume Extraction Your dust extraction specialists EgmontAir Dust & Fume Extraction A BREATH OF FRESH AIR FOR YOUR WORKPLACE » • Create a cleaner and more productive workshop • Protect your employee’s health with the latest in dust extraction • Phone for technical advice or information • Wood Dust Extraction • Spray Booths • Centralised Extraction Systems • Suction Benches • Exhaust Fumes Extractors • Grinding Dust Extractors • Welding Fume Extraction • Extraction Fans


Official Publication

25 years on and still here

If you had asked me back when we started this magazine in 1995 how long would it last no way would I have said twenty five years but here we are celebrating our 100th issue. It has been an interesting journey being witness to good times and not so good times but above all to change. As a publication we have gone from paste up boards and film stripping, from aluminium to plastic plates to eventually the digital world where everything is in the ether from one computer to another. The same can be said of the industry sectors we have covered. Ross Campbell, one of our featured people in this issue makes the comment ‘Today there is no destiny without computerisation’ and he is right.

The magazine has essentially covered two main sectors: the utilization of solid wood and panel by the main trades we cover being joiners, cabinetmakers, furniture and kitchen manufacturers on the one hand and on the other the myriad of product and services involved in what can be called architectural hardware. Both sectors have been heavily influenced by the introduction of computerisation be in design or manufacturing since the maturing process began back in the mid 1990’s. Just two examples suffice to illustrate this. One is the evolution of machines using CNC technology which has transformed modern production processes making it faster, more efficient and cheaper to make products. The other is they say a hinge is a hinge is a hinge. Not true. The design process aided by computerisation and new production techniques has seen the humble hinge evolve over the last twenty years from simple to sophisticated.

The magazine has been fortunate from the start to be the official publication of the NZ Joinery Manufacturers Federation now known as Master Joiners. This body has evolved over the last twenty five years as well. The first annual conference I attended was held in Ashburton back in 1995. It was a small gathering by current standards. Membership of the Master Joiners was for a long time around 140 until the implementation of the NZ Standard 4211 after which membership doubled to around 280 and is still growing. It was in my view the single greatest change to date for the group since it’s

inception back in 1949. In the last year or so we have seen some exciting developments for the Master Joiners with the appointment of new personnel, a new national office in Wellington and a new approach. It is a true trade organisation being representative of it’s members and a link to other organisations particularly for training, apprenticeships and government. The future for the organisation looks ever brighter. I should note here that the magazine has been the proud sponsor of what is now called the Master Joiners Apprentice Awards for a continuous 25 years – the only sponsor to be so. It would have been so this year as well had it not been for Covid 19.

For me there has been one particular aspect that has kept me in this business: the people I have met over the years. They are too numerous for me to mention by name but they have all left their mark on me. Perhaps the most important person though has been the person I started this business with, my editor Michael Goddard. He has been there through it all, at the coalface meeting and interviewing clients for stories while putting the magazine together in readiness to print. He has probably seen change more dramatically than I have particularly on the production side of things. I thank him for his real contribution.

We have over the years been supported by the suppliers to the industries we have covered and they ultimately are the reason for our survival and I thank them for it. I have always viewed the magazine as the meat in the sandwich between the buyer and the seller, we don’t take sides we simply present. The driving force is to be as good as we can in getting the message out there, to encourage other potential members to join the Master Joiners and to present the Master Joiners as well as we can. There are many other topics of the last twenty five years I could touch on but I’m going to end with a very hearty thank you to the most important people of all: you the reader. The magazine is for you and we will continue to provide coverage of the latest in goods and services available and industry comment as long as we can

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 6 From the Publisher
magazine for the joinery, cabinetmaking & kitchen manufacturing industries
of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation magazine
Aldersgate Rd, PO Box 27 - 513, Mt. Roskill, Auckland, 1440, New Zealand.
64-9-624 4680
Magazine is the official publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation. It is distributed to members of the joinery, cabinetmaking and kitchen manufacturing industries and is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Advertising statements or editorial opinion are not necessarily those of the publisher, its staff, the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation Inc., or their executives, unless expressly stated. All articles printed in JOINERS Magazine are subject to copyright and cannot be reproduced without the express consent of the Publisher or the authors therein. Advertisements and articles are accepted without liability as to the accuracy or otherwise of the factual matters represented. JOINERS MAGAZINE ONLINE




We stock the market’s best known brands and understand the special requirements needed by a joiner for the perfect finish.

Your furniture and joinery account manager will work with you and the extended CARTERS team.

Talk to us today about the joinery solution that works for you.

Supplier of Bestwood

Melamine colour board ranges, ask your local branch for details today.

September 2020 page 7 | 0800 CARTERS

Blum Christchurch complex opens

Blum Christchurch has moved to a fresh, new purpose-built location in Wigram! And the showroom is impeccable. Our inspiring project is complete, and we could not be more delighted to share all of the exciting details with you. The new Christchurch showroom is now open for everyone to come in and enjoy!

The Kitchen Test Drive is now available in the South Island! Experience the 1:1 scale mobile units and create mock-ups of your designs. Join your clients for a coffee in a comfortable, relaxed, modern atmosphere and watch their dreams and your creation come to life, at no cost.

Our comprehensive Wigram based facility is up-to-date and includes all of the latest Blum products released in 2020; AVENTOS HK top, SPACE STEP and coming soon our MOVENTO pull-out shelf lock. There's an EXPANDO T kitchen installed to show customers and clients the potential and luxury behind thin fronts. There’s a history display to learn about Blum, who we are, where we've come from and what we've accomplished as a family owned company.

Book a Kitchen Test Drive?

Email or phone the Christchurch team on 03 379 4984

Sustainable building

At Blum, taking care of the environment and its resources is extremely important to us. That’s why our new architectural property features high-tech but sustainable design and materials. It boasts unique and innovative spaces for office, showroom, warehouse and training facilities to support our South Island distribution centre while also supporting the planet.

Aligning with our company values made it imperative for us to incorporate a sustainable and environmentally supportive infrastructure. Key features include a water recycling system; recycling rainwater for use in flushing toilets and irrigation and photovoltaic roofing panels; which run the majority of the buildings electrical requirements. Long term planning will provide us with future growth without the need for extensions and renovations.

Want to know more about our sustainable and environmental values? Visit environment

Support hub for all

A supportive and innovative centre for trade and homeowners alike, Blum’s state-of-the-art Wigram based support hub is perfect for everyone to experience. Whether you’re a cabinetmaker, designer, architect, installer or homeowner - Blum’s visionary

new Christchurch headquarters is a place to meet, plan, learn and decide. An abundance of meeting rooms makes it the ideal place for us to support our industry partners and their clients. Pop in for a showroom tour with one of our showroom consultants or book a test drive of kitchen plans with the 1:1 scale kitchen planning experience.

Whatever you need, we’re here to help! Visit us at Avenger Crescent in Wigram to see our beautiful new workspace or call 03 379 4984 to book a meeting room or the kitchen test drive.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 8
Avenger Crescent, Wigram.

Auriga 1308XL Power

This new addition to the very popular 1308XL range is packed with extra features not seen on some of the very largest machines in the market today. It has the full automation required to utilize the 19 inch touch screen control. The FAST (servo drive) system from Holzher makes it possible to change from single edge to corner

round at the push of a button while board is still in the machine. All radius adjustments in the machining cabinet can be made from the control or saved in a program making this a true, hoods down machine. The automatic glue quantity control shows how much glue is remaining and how many meters can be processed.

All pneumatic settings are made from the automatic regulators so different air settings can be made for different products and saved to programs. Internal LED lighting, Diamond tooling, Laser like glue finish,

Best service and support in the industry.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 9 superior edging from Holzher Mike French, 021 353 632, Rajan Pillay, 021 504 929, TMS - service and support second to none
1308XL Power with 11 High-Speed NC-servo axis as standard
Very competitively priced in the in the market

collective optimism

It’s been an interesting year as we have all moved through various alert levels, challenging us and our people. We’ve appreciated being able to get back to business, working with our customers, suppliers and partners and planning for the future.


Hideaway Bins are proudly NZ Made *

The full range of Hideaway Bins are proudly made here in NZ by Kitchen King Limited. A business located in Silverdale, Auckland which is run, and owned by the Bertelsen family a NZ home grown family. Hideaway Bins have been certified NZ made since August 2007. The status applies to all our bins no matter the bucket size or where it is going, be it a waste bin for the kitchen & bathroom or a laundry hamper for the laundry or wardrobe.

Kitchen King use New Zealand businesses to sub-contractor and manufacture our parts, so when you purchase a Hideaway Bin you can be certain that you are supporting local. Your purchase supports New Zealanders to remain in work across many different industries, be it metal manufacturing, plastic injection molding, powder coating, cardboard cartons the list goes on.

A few years ago, many manufacturers in the kitchen industry decided to take manufacturing offshore for all or parts of their products. The decision to stay manufacturing in NZ is close to the heart of Director Allen Bertelsen, who truly believes in playing his part towards ensuring the economic stability of NZ.

Being locally made means we can produce products on shorter lead times, and are less affected by logistical lead times, as well as logistical issues caused by Covbid-19. This can be critical for large projects where continuity of supply is important.

To become certified NZ made, a manufacturing business must be in New Zealand. The key materials/ components that form the essential character of the finished products must be made here in NZ and if imported parts are used, they must be minor in nature. We are proud to say we design all our products ourselves; we manufacture the parts for our Hideaway Bins here in NZ except for minor parts such as the runners. We leave that to the runner experts, for example we import the German Made Matrix runners used on our Red Dot Award winning Concelo waste bin.

Hideaway Bins are distributed nation wide by Hideaway’s distribution partners; Häfele, Carters, ITM, Impey’s, Rose City Wood Panels and Scooters.

* certified made here in NZ

During recent customer visits I’ve been heartened by the collective optimism for the future. We have experienced steady demand for our products and services and strong future order books for our customers for the foreseeable future. While we know there is potential for further interruptions, we also know our industry is resilient and can manage through these disruptive times.

The information we are seeing from building consents and the demand through our website demonstrates there is more work in the pipeline. More homeowners are planning to renovate and improve their kitchens, bathrooms and living areas particularly given travel is limited. We have experienced an increase in online activity, particularly with our newly released online sample ordering which has been growing in popularity each month; not only from the trade, but also from consumers wanting samples to plan their renovations! At the Home Ideas Centre in Auckland, there has been a 77% increase in July visitors compared to the same period last year looking for renovation ideas and products

In July we had the pleasure of opening our new flagship showroom space at the Home Ideas Centre, Auckland. We know the difficulty consumers can face with product selection, and what it means to create a space that our customers and their clients can view products in larger size formats. If you haven’t had a chance to visit, I highly recommend it, or you could go to for a quick video tour.

This month we are excited to launch our Laminex Woodgrains Collection. Six stunning veneer look decors, with new technology making it more UV stable than natural veneers. The bonus is that it’s sold as a panel, so no lacquering/coating is required; there’s also matching textured ABS edgetape. We think this is a perfect addition to our premium panels range and hope you do too.

Within this issue, we have an article on our e-commerce platform. We are continuously evolving it to make the solution suited for our customers.

The last three months has been busy, with more exciting product launches planned over the next 18 months. Lastly, you are welcome to try our online sample ordering or if you would like to sign up to our e-commerce platform – you can visit laminex. for more details.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 10 Laminex New Zealand update

The value of membership

The membership of Master Joiners is growing with thirty-one new applications in the last quarter alone. Strong leadership, personal and professional growth opportunities, peer support and industry identity form part of that membership value proposition.

Members turn out for meetings, networking opportunities, industry recognition and breakfast catch ups around the countries 10 regions. When the National President stops by, it is a welcome chance to connect and engage with one of the Executive Committee. The value of membership can be seen in the Master Joiner smile.

Members from Wellington (top & bottom) and Waitaki (middle) greet, meet, eat and catch up with NZJMF President Paul Ingram at recent regional meetings.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 11
Apply online today visit LeadershipRepresentationConnectionsReputation NZJMF - PO Box 12269, Thorndon, Wellington, 6011. Tel: 04 471 1133, Email:


From warehouse and newly renovated Wellsford office premises in the North, through to Christchurch distribution facility and showroom in the South, the team at Fit recently downed tools for a short break to celebrate turning 15.

Far from being a stroppy teenager, the Fit story is one of growth and innovation, with a focus on exceptional service to trade customers and to giving back to Kiwi communities.

Beginning with the purchase of a small hardware business in Auckland by MD Lyndon Boakes, what was then Access Joinery Supplies grew steadily. The Tanova concept launched in 2007 and the next years saw multiple premises being outgrown and many innovations to Tanova, still the jewel in FIT's crown.

They opened their Christchurch warehouse nearly 5 years ago, committing to top-notch, faster service to South Island customers. A showroom was added to this facility in 2019, and has proven very popular with trade customers and designers alike.

In 2018, Access became FIT — same awesome people, same quality, wellestablished product range, but with a fresh new name and look.

Over 15 years, FIT has flourished as a Kiwi-owned & operated family business, committed to quality products that are NZ-designed, fabricated, and assembled as often as is possible.

In fact the latest step forward for the Fit team is gaining New Zealand Made licencing for their Tanova laundry basket and Tanova ventilated drawer ranges and for selected Tanvoa kitchen bin models.

Strong industry voice in formation of WDC

Competenz CEO Fiona Kingsford has been appointed to the interim Establishment Board of the Manufacturing, Engineering, Logistics and Technology (MELT) Workforce Development Council (WDC), providing critical industry experience in the formation of the new standards setting body for industry training.

Her appointment will ensure the 37 industries currently represented by industry training organisation Competenz will have a strong voice in the development of the new council, which is part of the Reform of Vocational Education.

“I am delighted to have the opportunity to join this interim Establishment Board, and will advocate to ensure that our future workforce is armed with the skills it needs to navigate the shift to industry 4.0 in this post-COVID-19 world of industry training reforms and critical skills shortages,” says Ms Kingsford.

Throughout her career within the manufacturing, engineering and hospitality sectors, Ms Kingsford has been a strong advocate of work-based learning. Her background includes organisational design and development, vocational education and training, strategy, M&A and change management.

Recently, she was selected by the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Establishment Board as Chair of WorkBased Learning Working Group, providing advice on this critical component to the reform of vocational education.

Ms Kingsford is a member of the Forest Industry Ministerial Advisory Board and Director of Group Training Organisation, ATNZ. She was previously a member of the establishment board and Chair of Auckland Māori and Pasifika Trades Training Consortia.

Five years on!

It’s been an amazing 5 years since we entered the NZ market with our Whiteboard, Jeff Davenport of Daiken Southland says.

“The initial nervousness in introducing a new melamine Whiteboard product into an already well serviced NZ market place back in 2015, has transformed into confidence in our product and our strategy”, Jeff says. By doing things a little differently Daiken Whiteboard has gone well since, with volumes escalating nicely and we now have a decent market share… but obviously we are always looking for more! Having the only NZ Melamine manufacturing plant based next to an existing MDF plant in Mataura (Southland) is one of the benefits, allowing very competitive pricing!

We also tested a small colour range a year or so ago and have now refined this to offer one colour, ‘Black melamine’, currently growing in popularity alongside our WhiteBoard melamine range” Jeff says. Initially introduced by Dongwha NZ as ‘Dongwha WhiteBoard’ in June 2015, the company was purchased by Daiken NZ in 2018, and maintained the WhiteBoard brand as ‘Daiken WhiteBoard’. Daiken were not new to the New Zealand market as they also own an MDF plant in Rangiora, manufacturing Customwood branded MDF. The melamine operation has proven a successful addition to their business.

Based out of their Auckland office Jeff Davenport and Craig Doughty have been in the industry for many years and are more than happy to discuss your ongoing requirements.

Phone 09 278 8150 or via email at

Sicam revised to October 2021

The twelfth edition of SICAM originally planned for October this year will be held at the same location – the Pordenone trade fair – from Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th of October 2021.

“The current economic situation and the serious problems that have been generated by the pandemic across the globe have convinced us to postpone the twelfth edition of SICAM to next year,” the organiser of the event Carlo Giobbi explained.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 12

A collection of six finished woodgrain panels that are rich in colour and texture.

• Supplied as finished panels so no coating or lacquering is needed

• Consistent colour and pattern

• UV stable for indoor use

• 2800x1220 sheet size

• Matching 22x1mm textured ABS edgetape

• Recommended for vertical use

• 7 year warranty

View for full range, swatches and brochure. Contact your Laminex representative to find out more.

Textured Finish

Consistent Pattern Repeat

UV Stable Indoor Use

Versus natural timbers

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 13

end of one chapter … start of another

Most if not all who have been in the joinery trade for some time will have known Peter King of Kings Fourth Woodworking Company.

His passing on the 9th March 2020 is certainly the end of a chapter. Peter will be remembered for his outside of the box thinking and zest for life. Many will remember him dressed in his home-made wooden suit and his quirky wooden gifts.

Peter took over the helm of Kings Woodworking Co in the late 1970s and became well known for beautiful timber benchtops and prestigious G4 Resin finish. Unfortunately, due to Peter’s deterioration in health Kings Woodworking Company was unable to continue trading. This is how the next chapter started for G4 Timber Benchtops.

The Woodsmiths whom most will also know (after also having supplied the joinery trade with timber tops for 25 years) recognized the value of the G4 Resin Finish for their customers and made the decision to purchase Kings G4 IP etc.

The Woodsmiths are very pleased to be able to continue to grow the legacy of Kings G4 Resin Finished benchtops.

tops, taps, sinks & more ...

Freephone: 0800 149 663


room in the house

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 14
Peter King was well known for his beautiful timber benchtops.
Firstly they need to function well but just as importantly they need to look good and wear well. Fortunately there are a lot of options to choose from. Over the next few pages we look at some of these, in materials as diverse as timber, stainless steel, marble and laminate with accessories to match and enhance our experience in the kitchen while providing the aesthetic we desire in the most used
Clockwise from top left: ABS edging tape from Laminex; marble benchtop from Stone and Joinery Solutions; stainless steel sink from Perrin & Rowe; matching coloured stainless sink and tap from Burns & Ferrall.

Innovation & Heritage

Stainless Steel from Perrin & Rowe

Perrin & Rowe sinks are built of rigid high-quality stainless steel that is expertly cut and welded. The sides and base have been carefully sculpted to give the aesthetic of a zero-radius sink, whilst allowing for easy cleaning and drainage. The quality steel resists staining while the bottom boasts a diamond shaped base that assists in drainage towards the waste – meaning less time spent cleaning the messy dregs from the corners of your sink.

Perrin & Rowe stainless steel sinks are not just any sink. They are a fully insulated bowl providing acoustic deadening and heatretention. Gone are the days of disturbance from late-night dishwashing enthusiasts. These sinks will also retain the heat in your water longer with the full wrap of insulation, for extra squeakyclean dishes.

A range of sizes allows you to mix and match to suit your needs. Choose your main sink based on the size of your oven trays, with a second sink beside for symmetry or positioned elsewhere as a smaller accessory sink.

Perrin & Rowe sinks are available from In Residence,

We've got 90 ABS edgetape matches for you

The beauty of a benchtop isn’t just what you see on the top, but also how it’s edged - which can make or break a project. At Laminex New Zealand we know rolled edges are not as in demand as they used to be. Instead we see more people opting to select a clean, squared-edged look which is more in keeping with design trends. Therefore, we set out and invested to source the best edgetapes from Germany to match, as precisely as possible, our laminate range.

The journey has taken longer than expected, however we're excited to announce that we have 90 ABS edgetape matches for the Laminex Laminate range (that is 80% of the total range!); leaving just some laminates such as magnetic writeable unmatched as it’s proved impossible to get the right quality.

These ABS edgetapes have great depth of colour, are soft yet durable and impact resistant – providing that finishing touch of an almost invisible join, to a beautiful benchtop. They are mostly available in 53mm width and 1mm thickness, with an option of being unglued or pre-glued.

For a full list of the edgetape matches that are available, view page 63 of the Laminex Laminate brochure or the availability guide at, under ‘Trade and Specifier Resources > Technical Resources.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 16

Black Marble

Create a stunning & timeless marble benchtop from Stone & Joinery Solutions

This black marble benchtop is putting an interesting spin on the classic white marble counterspace, making the island stand out and becoming the focal point and main feature of this minimalistic kitchen. The black and white colour scheme that was used also compliments and enhances the simplicity and natural beauty of the stone.

This project was completed in the Viaduct, where the designer and owner wanted to match the modern and elegant flair with this contemporary kitchen. By choosing closed cupboard spaces, a sleek finish is accomplished, and the attention can naturally focus on the wide and stunning kitchen island, the star of the show.

The Nero Marquina Venato Honed Marble is a high quality, deep black marble with a delicate inverse bright white veining, which promotes

an essential elegancy to any space it is used in. This is one of the most internationally recognized black marbles and originates from Spain, which the high demand in supply for interior designers and architects can confirm. The uniqueness of this kitchen is also the biggest feature of the marble stone, since no slab is exactly like another. And by choosing a marble countertop over other options, you can know that you will have an incredible natural product that will be timelessly elegant.

For more information about the product range, visit

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 17 Stone & Joinery Solutions Telephone: +64 9 442 5922 E-mail: 28 Poland Rd, Wairau Valley, Auckland 0627 Granite Endless Design Possibilities. One of the hardest and popular natural stone benchtop material. Engineered Stone Practical and aesthetics in one product. Man-made stone that is non-porous and requires little maintenance. Marble An elite product of nature. Adding unique features to your home. Stone & Joinery Solutions Porcelain Ultra compact and sintered Stones. The perfect example of modern style that can be used inside and out. EvoStone Look and feel of real quartz stone. EvoStone is a unique, innovative and versatile solid surface product. DumaWall Lightweight, easy to install waterproof panel. Featuring an interlocking tongue and groove system. DesignerSplash Durable and mirror like high gloss finish solutions. Fire retardant aluminium composite splashback and wall panels. Luxe High scratch resistance panel in a range of surface finishes. State of the art lacquering technologies applied to high grade MDF panel.

PearlArc by Zomodo

2019 was the year that Burns & Ferrall launched PearlArc by Zomodo – an Exclusive range of premium colour sinks and matching tapware - into the New Zealand market. First showcased at the NBKA Conference in Melbourne, PearlArc received outstanding feedback from all delegates.

Featuring hand-crafted sinkware made with premium SUS304 stainless steel and a luxurious MicroBrush polish, the PearlArc range is finished with Zomodo’s unique triple surface treatment. A combination of the 10mm corner radius (and 3mm bridge in the double bowl) present the most striking and contemporary sink for any dream kitchen or laundry. The PearlArc surface treatment is a 3-stage process to craft beautiful & long-lasting products for the home.

Firstly, the products go through Shot-Peening to produce a hard, scratch-resistant surface. Then onto the Titanium Oxide Coating (PVD), which gives the metal its rich colour. Lastly, the Nano Resin Coating forms an ultra-thin protective & easy to clean layer which also reduces fingerprints.

All four sizes of PearlArc sinks come with matching PearlArc strainer waste kit, waste cover, fitted drainer grid/s and a sink care pack. Optional accessories include

FibreRock chopping boards and matching PearlArc drainer trays.

Beautifully crafted and coloured to match your sink, the Zomodo PearlArc Tapware range is the perfect addition to complete the look. Choose from the Cignus Collection with its elegantly curved lines, or the modern Orizuro Collection, inspired by traditional origami paper cranes.

PearlArc colours include Black Pearl, Eureka Gold, Rio Bronze

Omega your Kiwi Classic

and Sonic Grey. Both tapware designs are also available in classic stainless steel.

Display models and colour samples are available to stockists Nationwide by contacting their local Territory Manager.

For more information call Burns & Ferrall Customer Care on 0800 MY SINK or visit online collection/pearlarc

Burns & Ferrall offer a wide range of classic sink inserts and bowls that are still a big part of their product range after many decades leading the market. The Omega is the most cost-effective sink and drainer range, and a true New Zealand classic. The centrally placed 90mm waste creates a reversible design, allowing for the drainer to be installed on the left or right to create an efficient kitchen or laundry workzone. A recent update to the bestselling design allows for a 15L/min overflow rate which exceeds current building regulations. The Omega is available as a single bowl 860mm wide and 1000mm double bowl option. Both are finished in 0.8mm thick, 304 grade satin stainless steel to complete the classic kiwi style crib, bach, lunchroom or home.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 18
Available Nationwide from leading plumbing & building merchants and kitchen showrooms.

PearlArc Orizuro Collection

The Orizuro stainless steel tap features a pull-out spout with dual function spray & stream in five stunning colourways. Also now available the Cignus Collection, which reflects the elegance and grace of a swan with its smooth flowing lines.

Complete your dream kitchen with matching PearlArc sinks and accessories.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 19 FREEPHONE 0800 MY SINK
Exclusive NZ Distributor ORIZUROCIGNUS
Inspired by the traditional Japanese origami paper crane or orizuru (ori- “folded,” tsuru- “crane”)

Ordering at your fingertips anytime, anywhere

Making purchases online is not a foreign experience. As technology has developed, our experience and expectations of what can be achieved from a purchasing perspective has changed.

With more than two years of intense pre-work, last year we introduced our e-commerce platform allowing our customers to order products online. Through many months, our customers trialled online ordering and fed back improvement suggestions –there’s a continuous improvement cycle even till today, all with a focus to deliver an evolving online solution suited for our customers.

We asked Matt Sheehy from Wardrobe World to share his experience of online ordering;

3. How has your process changed since you became an e-commerce customer? We can order whenever we want from wherever we want; we’re not governed by business hours or reliant on calling someone and emailing before a set time. We can also order using different devices like mobile or tablet. With the flexibility of location and time, we can have staff that had been ordering, now focused on other tasks during business hours.

4. What is your favourite feature of online ordering? Ordering whenever we want – it’s always open. All the products are there along with colour swatches and it’s easy to find what you’re looking for.

5. How did having an e-commerce system help you during lockdown?

1. Before switching to online ordering, what did your order process with Laminex look like?

We used to use Laminex’s NetStore online ordering. Prior to that we use to have a template that we filled out and faxed through, and prior to that it would have been calling customer services to put an order through.

2. How much time did you spend placing orders with Laminex prior to our new e-commerce platform?

Using Netstore, it took anywhere between half hour to one hour per week during business hours.The amount of time depended on product mix and finding the product codes and descriptions first; with the e-commerce platform the search is quicker, and everything is there.

Having an e-commerce system helped during lockdown, as we were still able to order board, for jobs we knew we had to machine once lockdown ended, and for jobs orders which kept coming through during the lockdown period. Also knowing that products were sent out by Laminex by the order date, we knew by placing our order via the e-commerce system, we would likely get our orders closer to the top of the queue because we didn’t need to wait to return to our office to place our orders.

As well as ordering products, the platform allows you to check order status, expected delivery dates, get copies of invoices and credit notes. During lockdown we extended the service offer of our website, and you can now order samples directly too. By signing up with your account you get access to higher sample limits.

To save even more time you can easily reorder from your ‘Frequently Ordered Products’ section.


If you’d like to find out more and see whether our e-commerce online ordering would work for you, email or phone 0800 303 606.

If you’d like to sign up today, start the signup process at www.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 20
Use the ‘Quick order’ function to search for product, and then choose the details of substrate, size, face, and quantity. If ordering for multiple projects, you can even enter a project name to easily track the products.
All of this can be done whenever it suits

PVC Interior Finishings

Not long ago, the 'done thing' for edging HPL benchtops were to use laminate strips cut from the same sheet. Most users saw no problem with this, you're guaranteed a consistent colour match and was a 'usually' cost-effective option as materials were at hand.

Except using laminate edging strips has its setbacks. The occurrence of chips or microcracks whilst processing edging strips cause unnecessary wastage and more often than not hiding the dark coloured inner layers of HPL is impossible.

Chances are you're pretty familiar with a scenario where time is against you, you need to wow your customer but not their wallets. Hutchco can same-day-dispatch (add an extra day if you need this preglued) benchtop edging matches in pre-slit widths of 29mm, 35mm, 45mm as well as wide in selected colours.

For a plywood worktop without the added maintenance of oiling, pair any Benchtop decor panel with Tekton's pre-lacquered 35mm or 45mm 'ply-look' veneer edging Multiplex Birch. Solid colours & woodgrain benchtop edging matches can be found at our

website in the TEKTON, PROFLEX 2mm, PROCLASSIC 1mm, PROACRYLIC & PROLASER ranges, if you get stuck, our team are happy to put you on the right track.

Even as the Covid-19 Alert system moves to various levels nationwide, our service levels and lead times remain unaffected. Same day dispatch on all unglued orders received before 4.30pm with overnight deliveries to North Island customers and most South Island customers receiving deliveries within 1 - 2 days. We have a solid supply chain in place with shipments incoming from Europe uninterrupted each month.

And on a final note, Happy 100 issues to Michael & Bob, thank you for your tireless efforts to keep the industry informed and up to date after all this time.

Stay safe out there

Put the finishing touches on your Benchtop offerings with Hutchco's range of Pre-lacquered Veneer, PVC/ABS & Laser edging. Matte benchtop edging from Hutchco to put the finishing touch on your benchtop.

Ross Campbell

The notion of selecting Kiwis who have done well in Australia is not a new one. There have been such stories written by many, about many, successful New Zealanders across the ditch in all sorts of industries and activities. About a year ago at the last Master Joiners Conference I broached the subject with one of my two selections, Ross Campbell, if he would do me the honour. He did and the following is a commentary from him based on questions I put to him. Covid 19 knocked my idea of going to Sydney to do it in person. For the record, Ross was born in Kawerau. His replies are incisive, as you would expect from the Australian Managing Director of ten years standing, of one of the biggest woodworking machinery manufacturers in the world, Homag AG. Despite this there is a distinctive Kiwi feel to his comments which I have left untouched. Many readers will either know or know of Ross. I’m very pleased he agreed to participate in this, our 100th issue. Bob Nordgren.

I first met you back in 1996 when you were a Divisional Manager and director for W & R Jack Ltd based in Auckland. What got you into the woodworking machinery scene?

Good luck? Cannot have been good management! Or maybe being born in Kawerau to the aroma of the pulp and timber mills had something to do with it. A little bit of wood something was in my veins. Reality was purely chance along with some people who put their faith in me and gave me a go. It was late 1974, I was seventeen, lacking direction and casting around looking for a job. I responded to an advertisement from Jacks for a job as a woodworking machinery salesman (I knew what a skillsaw, a hammer drill and a sawbench was OK!) and so I was offered a job in the warehouse. Well that’s one way to learn the business. Fortunately I was surrounded by good folks and with plenty of encouragement, some great guidance and mentoring I was soon offered the chance to ‘go on the road’. On a part-time basis of course. That was a life-changer and a lifeline really. Turned out I had some ability other than packing parcels and paperwork and with huge support have never looked back. They were great days, still a way off 20 years old, company car charging around the countryside selling buzzers and thicknessers and spindle moulders and all kinds of machines many in the industry today would not have even heard of. In those days, many of the customers were happy to take you under their wing, share their knowhow. Thank goodness for that.

The 1990’s was a period of great change in the woodworking machinery industry, especially with the emergence of CNC technology. What bought that about and what challenges did it present for the woodworking industry?

Think I am right in saying the engineering machine tool industry had some sort of numeric control on some of their machines since the early 50’s. Analog and digital control followed some time later. Woodworking machinery was the poor cousin although we worked with tool speeds which even at that time would make the hairs on the back of an engineer’s neck prickle more than a little. But it was very artisan, the quality of the product was mostly determined by the skill of the individual wielding the tool or operating the machine. And there was some clever buggers around that is for sure. The first woodworking process with a computer was of course the CNC router. Voodoo and witchcraft and a healthy bank balance were needed to contemplate one of those beasts. Quite quickly

the nc router morphed into the point to point borer which become todays modern day ‘cnc’. Parallel the panelisation of wood fibre expanded, and machine components that could be controlled from computer via a PLC grew in quantum leaps and the rebirthing of today’s woodworking technology was underway. At that time and still today there is no other technology that can determine the destiny of a woodworking business in such a significant way. Today there is no destiny without digtial.

Your professional career took a turn when you moved to Australia in the early 2000’s to end up working for the German company HOMAG AG, one of the largest and most influential woodworking machinery manufacturers in the world. That business started with you in the role of Sales Director and you have been their Managing Director in Australia for some ten years now. What led you to join them?

First a little more background to put it into context. From 1974 to 2002 I had a wonderful career with Jacks. Robin Jack opened doors for me and there was no looking back. During the 80’s and 90’s I was given the opportunity to focus on timber processing and sawmilling and that was a very successful time for our industry, for Jacks and for myself. Eventually Jacks invited me to join their Board and to become a small shareholder. A long way from the packing bench when I started in 1974! I loved it.

As Jacks grew in the NZ market they became the HOMAG distributor in NZ. Within a very short time HOMAG invited Jacks to start a company representing HOMAG in Victoria, and later Western Australia. It wasn’t long before HOMAG like many multi-nationals was globalising, partnering and taking ownership of its front line distribution around the world. Australia eventually was in focus and so a joint venture

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Successful Kiwis in Australia
Ross at AWISA in 2018 with Robin Jack ... and an earlier version, from the good old days on the Auckland harbour
JOINERS Magazine
(continued over page)

Like to know more about HOMAG software? Scan the QR code to connect ...

was born. The Jacks business in Australia morphed into HOMAG Australia which took over the distribution of HOMAG nationally in Australia.

Why did I join the move to Australia? Well it was the opportunity for a completely new adventure. For Jacks I was already spending considerable time in Aussie, the market was new for me, it was vibrant, it was ‘here-andnow’ and I was ready for a change.

The world woodworking machinery market has been coloured by the influence of China and its ability to produce cheap machinery. In your experience over the last twenty years has the ‘West’ reacted to this successfully?

Your putting me on the spot. HOMAG also has a large manufacturing plant in China (as we do in Germany, Poland, India, USA, Brazil) and we have delivered numerous machines from our Shanghai plant into Australia. And they are not cheap. My experience is you can buy everything you want in China, and you can choose at which level on the price spectrum you will buy. And you get what you pay for. There are other countries also building ‘cheap’ woodworking machinery, China is not alone.

Yes, the Chinese machine building industry has grown significantly, not just in scale but also complexity and maturity. Chinese manufacturers are like others around the world, they want reliability, they want the latest technology, they want support. They can also choose to buy at the lower end of the price spectrum and forego some of these things, or they can choose to buy at the higher end of the price spectrum and their expectations are no different to an Australasian manufacturer. As they say, you get what you pay for. I think John Rushkin had it right way back in 1768: It is unwise to pay too much, but worse to pay to little. Pay too much and you lose a little money,

that is all. Pay too little and sometimes you lose everything because the thing you bought is incapable of doing the job. The common law of business prohibits paying a little and getting a lot. It cannot be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add something for the risk. And if you do that, you will have enough for something better!

Technology and the workplace: a match made in heaven?

Today there is no place, workplace or otherwise without technology. Every day we are increasingly connected and if you don’t embrace it you will be lost. From the connected television and refrigerator at home to the connected processing machines in the workplace. Our expectations are now, today, we want the answer ‘now’. That’s the diet that the Internet has been feeding us and we are intolerant of anything less. Long gone are the days when I first started at Jacks and you requested help or information from a European machine builder by writing a letter, sending it by airmail, and getting an answer 4, more likely 6-months later. Think about that! So an emphatic yes to that, a match made in heaven because the alternative is not survivable.

Where to from here?

More of the same yet more and more. Our lives, our machines, our ability to seek and source information, cooperation, support’ is now well

on the digital path and I see no going back. Technology will foster mutual co-operations, sharing, pooling of resources, the ability to ‘crowd resource’ skills and competencies the likes of which we have not seen before.

If you can take one thing away from Covid 19 it is that we have learned to communicate effectively without the absolute need to be face-to-face. Yes its different, but it can work and can be more efficient. That’s the why, its more efficient, as to the where-to? I do not have a single answer to that but as Benjamin Franklin said if you do tomorrow what you did today you will get tomorrow what you did today. With that in mind all I can say is don’t look back!

What’s it mean to you being a Kiwi who has been a major part of and then led a large German company in Australia – in a tough competitive industry - for the best part of two decades?

Who would have thought? Not I. As mentioned earlier there is no way would I be where I am without having had the support of two great mentors. Firstly Robin Jack and latterly a guy from our German head office, Thomas Frey. Both exerted great influence and encouraged me to reach higher. What’s it mean? Well it’s an honour really and only made possible by the mentorship and the ongoing support and guidance of all the other people working at HOMAG Australia and let’s not forget the people in the industry. I reckon the woodworking industry has more than its fair share of good folks working to do the right thing by themselves and those around them. Maybe it’s something to do with working with wood.

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Kiwis in Aussie - Ross Campbell (cont)
It is unwise to pay too much, but worse to pay to little. Pay too much and you lose a little money, that is all. Pay too little and sometimes you lose everything because the thing you bought is incapable of doing the job.
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 25

Successful Kiwis In Australia Geoff Holland

To any of you out there going to the largest show of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, the AWISA Trade Exhibitions held every two years in Sydney (although also in Melbourne and once in Brisbane) over the last thirty years or so you might not know that the event is organised by a born and bred Kiwi in Geoff Holland who runs the events company engaged by the AWISA board since 1990 to run the event. The Australian Woodworking Industry Suppliers Association aka AWISA is well known both in Australia and New Zealand and for most in the various industries represented at the biennial event it is a must see for the latest in overseas developments and trends. Many, many Kiwis have attended over the years and this magazine has had the privilege of being able to also participate to promote what Kiwis as well as Aussies have to offer. I was delighted Geoff agreed to answer my questions and be in this our 100th issue. I had, as with Ross Campbell, intended to fly to Australia to interview Geoff personally but alas, Covid 19 got in the way.

Where did you come from in New Zealand and how did you end up in Australia?

I’m Auckland born and raised from good South Island stock! Spent my early career in building products marketing moving around a bit as any good marketing person needs to do in their early career. Lots of exhibiting at trade shows and home shows which lead to an offer to join the major NZ organiser of the time, and then transferred to Sydney with them.

The first AWISA was held back in 1988 in Melbourne. What was the original concept for the event and what drew you into involvement in it?

I was involved in the running of Austwood in Sydney in 1985. There were similar independently owned shows run or proposed in other states and that lead to the industry’s suppliers getting together to form an association to ensure that Australia just had one large national event. By 1988 my wife Laurel and I had started our own company and we were approached by AWISA to run AWISA 1990.

The biennial event has grown in stature and size since 1988 to become the largest of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere. What have been the challenges you have seen in it’s growth since then?

Probably the biggest challenge is that AWISA’s logistics are as complex as a trade show can get. More crane use than any other trade show, complex electrical

work and the highest power consumption of any trade show. It’s completely different from almost any other trade show. Convincing venues that we are different is often a challenge, but to be fair they listen and always rise to the occasion. Our one day record is 136 trucks, 7 tonne and bigger but mainly semis, through a venue loading dock. It’s often at the design stage of venues that we have been ignored, even though we have supplied historical information to the designers. The new venue in Sydney is a case in point. Our electrical contractors had to do major eleventh hour temporary extra work to enable AWISA 2018 to operate. This has since been done in a permanent manner. Don’t worry – the venue paid for the temporary and the permanent work !

One of those challenges I’m sure has been that shows of this size always seem to have some degree of politics involved and AWISA has been no exception. Running an events company overseeing AWISA you must have seen some interesting scenarios arise. What stands out for you as being a challenge for you?

I have worked with over ten trade associations in the last 30 years, and some are very political, even to the extent that we resigned from one event’s management because the relationship was unworkable. The organisation of the AWISA show has very little politics. I have always reported to a board that simply wants the job done

and done well. The board, full of competitors, has always operated like the classic bar scene from an old Western movie – the guns are left at the board room door. The board works quickly and cooperatively with the one aim –to bring about a great event.

The GFC (Great Financial Crisis) in 2008 saw a major challenge for AWISA leading to the cancellation of the 2010 event. Take me through the story as it unfolded and where it led to:

I’m not one to reminisce about negatives, especially when we are in the middle of another one right now. But to answer your question: It was very clear soon after AWISA 2008 that the world had a problem. The woodworking machinery and hardware manufacturing industries were severely impacted. Yes, AWISA could have mounted a show in 2010 but it would have been small. This would have damaged the ‘brand’ and the following shows would almost certainly have been smaller. Visitors want a big show with every major supplier

involved. The growth of the show since then is proof that the right decision was made.

The show has of course evolved particularly in the last ten years: the emergence of the two distinct show elements of machinery and production on the one hand and the design element with the architects and designers on the other. What are the influences you see that led to this?

Go back to the beginning –AWISA was a machinery show with a few standard small booths of hardware companies. The range of hardware, materials, decorative products has exploded over the last 30 years. Some visitors now come purely to see the design side of the show, so it was logical to split it into a separate area. This gave the design side some relief from the noise of machinery, but now that the show is split over different levels the relief is total !

Attendees come to AWISA from all over the world including New Zealand. For many Kiwis it saves a more expensive trip to Europe to see the latest developments. An affinity with Kiwis seems apparent: what is your view on this?

Nearly all the major suppliers have operations on both sides for the Tasman and want the show to be an Australasian event. I guess I bring an Australasian flavour to it. Kiwis should remember that they are very, very welcome.

(continued over page)

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 26
JOINERS Magazine


BIESSE SUPPORT FOR NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURING Talk to us today on 0800 Biesse (243 773) Handling Sanders Beamsaws Drilling Edgebanders CNC Processing Centres BIESSE.COM

Running AWISA 2018 from a reconstructed Darling Harbour complex with more floor space and six levels must have been a challenge. What were they?

Let’s concentrate on the two levels of exhibits. People generally don’t like changing levels – for example if a shopping centre is not designed very cleverly retailers on a upper level can suffer. Even a perception of ‘suffering’ can be a problem, even if it is not the reality. So the challenge was to make sure everyone had clear direction and opportunity to get to both levels. We invested heavily in signage and directional barriers, but in my view the best investment was in what I’ll call human signage. Lots of staff in AWISA T shirts at lots of locations, especially operating the elevators to ensure they had full loads. To put it simply – it all worked.

We can’t forget COVID 19 of course and the cancellation of AWISA 2020. What has that meant for you and your team?

This is, of course, a very surreal year. AWISA will be back from 6-9 July 2022 and the space sales process will start in the second quarter of 2021. So we have to start planning for that and AWISA publishes a well-received quarterly trade magazine. So starvation is not imminent. Much of the woodworking and furniture industry services the new house and home renovation market. Thankfully for this industry but not for others there is a lot of evidence that family travel budgets are being spent on home renovations. The people that I know that I feel for the most are the exhibition industry contractors. Many have other sides to their businesses such as marquee, temporary building hire, and grandstand hire. They have zero business.

You have been the face of AWISA for some 32 years now, if you had your time again would you have got involved in the trade show business or done something else?

Yes, I’d do it again. I don’t know another industry that has such variety. Different industries have different personalities. I deal with floor cleaners through to CEOs. Venues, trucking companies, electrical contractors, display designers, caterers etc, etc. Then there’s the huge range of humanity that visits the range of various trade shows. And starting with an empty venue and few days later having a complex trade show up and running and humming is immensely satisfying.

Adapting to the Individualisation Trend

The demand for individualisation is intensifying as it becomes the norm in many different industries. And for those in industries like joinery, where a high expectation of “tailor made” already exists, there is even more need to look at creative and efficient tools and products to meet that demand with ease.

Individualisation may be recognised as a worldwide trend now, but it has always been a part of New Zealand’s design culture. The kiwi joinery industry is mastery when it comes to catering to the huge variation in living spaces and customer briefs – it has had to be. But other industries are being transformed by the individualisation trend and this change is driving higher expectations among consumers.

Combined with the now long-standing globalisation and digitisation trends, customers are being influenced by design and products from all over the world – not just what they see in their neighbourhoods.

The implications of these trends are that the criteria the customer is using to make their choices is likely to change, as will the process of supporting them through decision making. We predict that there will be three key changes to the way cabinet makers work with consumers:

1. Customers will research the manufacturers and designers they choose to work with differently. They will be looking for a style match up, and examples of previous work will be more important than ever. Being able to show

your projects will help customers see what you can work together to produce. And being able to demonstrate creative solutions to unusual requests will give the customer even greater confidence in you.

2. Customers will want to understand their product options. They will expect to understand how the products being used in their spaces can open or restrict their design choices, and how recommended product compares to other commonly known brands.

3. The design phase will be extended. Additional consultation at the design phase will drive a need to manufacture faster. Every production efficiency can help you balance out the overall length of a project.

This is not just a pressure on cabinet makers – product suppliers also need to make sure they are developing the right products for the customer’s needs. The most successful projects are driven by compatibility between the customer, cabinet maker or designer, and the products being used.

The New Zealand joinery industry is perfectly positioned to excel amid changing consumer demand if it can work together with suppliers to understand what consumers need.The individualisation trend is bound to produce some impressive furniture and spaces, and we look forward to seeing how well the joinery industry rises to this and future challenges.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 28
AvanTech YOU by Hettich in Pure Matte White with a Design Profile in Oak
Kiwis in Aussie Geoff Holland (cont)
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 29
The latest slim-walled drawer system from Hettich A modern, seamless aesthetic Endless design possibilities As individual as you are Inset: AvanTech YOU displayed with a custom coloured DesignCape.

Dezignatek Dezignatek expanding colours & capabilities

Dezignatek Business Manager

Mike Meekings says the major colour update for Dezignatek marks a significant milestone for the business as it continues to grow and evolve.

Eight of the 16 new colours have been sourced from the Arborline range and their introduction marks the end of the Arborline brand. Hamilton-based Arborline was bought by NZ Panels Group in 2018 and the manufacturing of doors was integrated into the more sophisticated Dezignatek production line at East Tamaki.

The expanded thermoform production facilities now include five CNC machines, two thermoform press beds, a new fully automated sanding line and robotic spray booth. Combined with the introduction of a new door scanner and tracking system, Dezignatek is now the largest and most sophisticated door producer in the country.

“The 16 new colour additions brings the total thermoform range to 48 and allows the range to include more on-trend colours and a lot more matt finishes which are a big favourite of designers right now,” said Mike.

“Our sales team is just itching to get out and show the new colours to clients – it’s a big job to remerchandise all the folders and boards, but if people can’t wait to see them, they can order a keychain direct from the Dezignatek website.”

Edging services also upgraded

In the past 18 months, the edging capability for Dezignatek has also been expanded. In addition to the two laser edge banders, a 45 degree edge bander was

bought to satisfy the demand for hidden handles which are increasingly requested. More than 40 colours in the Prime and Bestwood melamine ranges can be finished with a 45 degree bevel edge and 43 colours have the option for laser edging.

Acrylic doors can all be edged with laser and all can be finished with a 45 degree straight edge. The very popular Prime Laminate Soft-Matt Laminates can also laser edged by Dezignatek.

With an improved five-day turnaround time on edged doors, Mike says the team is feeling pretty chuffed about the changes, and the positive feedback being received from clients.

“In combination with our newly upgraded online ordering system for edged acrylic, melamine and laminate doors, we’re very positive about where the business is heading for both our edging and thermoform doors business.”

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 30
Pistachio - one of 16 new colours being added to the Dezignatek range this month.
Mike Meekings

our Thermoform Range


We’ve just added 16 great new designs to our thermoform vinyl range, expanding the offer to a total of 48 colours. That’s 16 more creative possibilities for you and your clients. A welcome addition of colour sees some soft greys, blues and greens added to the range, meeting the demand from kitchen designers and their clients for these tones.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 31 0800 333 350
Breaking News: for
Your Dezignatek account manager will be in touch about updating your boards or folders with these new colours. Please visit the thermoform colours page on our website to view the expanded range and to order samples.

Spectra 48 productive manufacturing

Awesome Kitchens was started by Nathen Liu in 2016. Starting with a staff of three, in just four years, Awesome Kitchens has grown to a team of over 20 staff, manufacturing around two kitchens per day. They have a wide scope of supply, including property developers, commercial and residential clients. They aim to provide good quality kitchens at a reasonable price.

When it came time to choosing machinery to start their new business, Nathen knew that to be successful in a competitive industry they would need modern and efficient machinery from the outset. After considering the options, Nathen chose a mix of new and used machines supplied by Jacks. An economical Chinese made CNC, an edgebander and new Felder K500S panel saw formed the backbone of the workshop floor. They also chose the PRO100 Kitchen design-to-machine software package to ensure efficiency from design to manufacturing. Together the software and machinery package had Awesome Kitchens up and running quickly, and it wasn’t long before they had one of the most productive manufacturing processes in their area.

Awesome Kitchens have already begun the process of upgrading to the next level of machinery. Last year Nathen chose to trade-in their existing CNC for an Anderson Spectra 48. At 3000 kilograms and with a reputation for being extremely reliable, Nathen felt their business was on firmer ground with such a well-built workhorse of a CNC. The new CNC has also increased their efficiency– another requirement of upgrading. With a faster vector speed, larger drilling head, and material pusher with vacuum arm, the Anderson Spectra 48 ticks the box of increasing productivity.

“The transition from our old CNC to the Anderson Spectra was very smooth,” says Nathen. “Jacks took care of everything. The installation and training process went as well as could be expected. Our staff love the new CNC. It’s good and functional and we’ve had no problems with the machine since it was installed about a year ago.”

Nathen has plans to continue growing their business, with an edgebander for laser-edged tape their next purchase. Going by their track record over their first four years of business, there’s undoubtedly more growth to come as Awesome Kitchens make in roads into the Auckland kitchen market.

Anderson GS-612

AWISA 2020 was to provide Kiwi visitors with an opportunity to view and discuss the fastest and most productive flat-bed CNC available in the world.

Available through Jacks, the Anderson GS-612 uses groundbreaking lineal iron core motors to drive the X & Y axis movement – the same technology as used to propel high-speed trains. With an acceleration of 0.7G and vector speed of 169m/min, the GS-612 delivers an average 30% more productivity than conventional CNCs. Wear and maintenance free, the iron core motors in

would have been seen

combination with the 11.2kW liquid cooled spindle enable cutting speeds of 45m/min.

The Anderson GS-612 is built for speed, accuracy and durability. These claims are supported with the quality of the componentry -for example the 32 spindle drilling head with twin 2.2kW motors, large 25mm THK guides and 32mm Z axis ball-screw.

There’s no need to wait for the next AWISA: there’s an Anderson GS on the showroom floor at Jacks in Auckland. Call today for a demonstration.

Safety first with Felder PCS

AWISA 2020 was to provide the official lunch of the Felder PCS® system in Australasia - a safety system that makes serious accidents on sliding table panel saws a thing of the past.

Every woodworker has ten good reasons not to compromise when it comes to safely working on a sliding table panel saw. Felder Group’s new PCS ® system prevents accidents at the speed of light. When the risk of an accident is detected, PCS® triggers the lowering of the saw blade under the saw table at the speed of light. The functionality is based on the electro-magnetic law of repulsion, facilitating an extremely short response time of a few milliseconds.

Upon detection of an unexpected and fast approach within the saw blade area, PCS ® triggers the safety mechanism, lowering the blade. A safety zone envelops the saw blade and protects against access from all directions.

Unlike other safety systems, the PCS® safety system works with damage. After an activation, a simple push of a button and the sliding table panel saw is immediately ready to use again. PCS® works without consumable parts and is therefore completely adjustment and maintenance free.

For more details talk to Jacks. 0800 522 577

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 32
Nathen Liu in front of his new Anderson CNC.
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 33 Cut and drill cabinetry components up to 50% faster Anderson Bridging the productivity gap between nesting and cutting on a beamsaw Anderson GS-612 Call Free 0800 522 577

SCM Live huge success for high technology

More than 4000 on-line guests from 100 countries took part in a SCM live streaming event from 30 June to 2 July. A television show with more than 24 hours of original content live streaming world-wide in nine languages, presented the latest technologies that should have "taken to the stage" at the various international trade fairs that have been postponed or cancelled due to the Covid-19 health emergency.

With the "SCM Live Show" event, SCM decided to use innovative multimedia channels and tools to open the doors of its headquarters in Italy, via web, to thousands of customers from all over the world. SCM brings the new machines and industrial plants for the entire wood machining industry, directly into customers own home: from the furniture industry to windows and doors and from the construction industry to artisan businesses.

The numerous technological new entries displayed - integrated standalone cells and machines - satisfy the most varied production needs of secondary wood processing:

from upgrades on the wide range of machining centres and panel drilling to those concerning machining centres for solid wood and timber construction: from proposals for flexible and j-shape industrial edgebanding, to angular sizing; from integrated surface treatment, with the latest in the ranges for pressing, sanding and finishing, to state-of-the-art solutions for packaging; from specific technologies for windows and doors and integrated lines for doors, to models for squaringtenoning and profiling.

The Smart&Human Factory for the furniture industry

Already presented at Ligna 2019, SCM's Smart&Human Factory was re-proposed with new additions to further increase productivity and flexibility, reduce waste and optimise the quality of the end product. The new version - only an example of the various configurations that this production model can achieve based on customer needs involves modular, flexible automated cells integrated with articulated robots and interconnected by intelligent AMR unmanned shuttles.

Sizing/nesting cell

The "Morbidelli X200" nesting machining centre, designed for "Batch 1" flexible production

is directly integrated into the high performing "Flexstore HP" automatic storage for boards. This allows the stored and labelled panel to be directly loaded on to the worktable. Once the nesting function has terminated, an articulated robot unloads the operating panel directly from the worktable and positions the different parts on the AMR shuttles which depart towards the next cell for edgebanding.

Another new aspect concerns the management of smaller pieces and waste: the robot also picks these up, making them available for future made-to-order productions with a considerable reduction in waste material.

The "pack" cut made with a blade that guarantees high productivity on repetitive logical cuts is done simultaneously to the nesting that offers excellent flexibility when cutting single sheets. This function is carried out by the new "Gabbiani P80" panel saw, that was given its world preview at the event. This model offers a number of exclusive advantages: The "Saw-set" device for an automatic, precise setting of the tools, the 60 and 80 mm blade projections, more powerful motors, and automatic blade release with switch.

The SCM Live event content is still available on the platform and contacts from clients all over the world, looking for more in-depth information and new appointments continue to arrive.

Flexible edgebanding cell

The new "Batch 1" "Stefani Cell E" cell is configured with an articulated robot for fully automatic management of panel loading and unloading operations. The solution combines the advantages of a customised production and large volumes with a compact overall design and, above all, with an accessible investment even for SMEs.

Parameters like colour, edge thickness, the position and depth of the mortise, the management of the protective film and panel sizes can be continually changed without interrupting the production flow. With the new gantry panel return system for the automatic return of panels, the panel is automatically rotated to speed up the next in-feed. It will also be possible to unload at the end of the cycle in masked time with the next loop load.

Integrated surface treatment

Examples of the integrated process for exclusive, sought-after finishing solutions introduced at the "SCM Live Show", demonstrating SCM's capacity to make its mark on the market as a unique, complete partner in this sector.

(cont. over page)

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 34
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 35 606D Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand l 09 820 9486 One of New Zealand’s most popular edgebanders in its segment MachinesRUs 100%NZownedandoperated supportingNewZealandMade SCM Minimax ME35TR • Pre milling with diamond tooling • Quick change glue pot • Top and bottom high frequency radius trimmers • Single motor corner rounding • Top and bottom radius scrapers • Surface scrapers Complete finishing Compact dimensions Quick change glue pot Easy simple controls * Terms and conditions apply Please note that this finance example is indicative only and is not an offer to contract. Finance is subject to full application and Finance Company Credit Criteria. ‘Errors & Omissions Excepted’. own this for as little as $35.00 a day Buy before December 2020 and we will pay your first 6 months of payments *

client advantage

John Fleet owner of SCM agent Machines R Us with some thoughts on 21 years of selling and servicing woodworking machinery in NZ

This gives our customers big advantages, the software and controls of all our high technology SCM products follow a common platform meaning an operator can operate between CNC machines and an edgebander for example with the appropriate training. Also with communication technology developing all the time the ability of machinery to share data via a common communication platform presents a great advantage to our customers. The days of simply looking at a factory as a collection of individual pieces of equipment is no longer valid as it is now possible to integrate all these individual machines into one data sharing system using SCM's technology advantage.

Flexible painting cell

For Machines R Us this is our 21st year of supporting NZ woodworkers and it has been an interesting journey for both ourselves and the industry in general.

Prior to setting up Machines R Us I qualified as a fitter & turner and was a registered electrician, so working as a technician within the woodworking industry was a good fit. In our early years we were focused only on service support for all types of equipment but inevitably customers started asking us for advice on purchasing new machinery which ultimately led us to representing several agencies for panel processing.

In 2014 the opportunity arose to represent Italian giant SCM Group in New Zealand this was really a time of growth for us with a large portfolio of high quality machinery available from SCM we were able to offer full turnkey solutions without the need to fill in the gaps with other brands. You can cut, edge, machine, sand and paint using only SCM machinery which is not something our competitors can offer from a single manufacturer.

Alongside our woodworking business we are also the largest supplier of advanced aluminium machinery in New Zealand with our CNC machines used by all but one of the extruders operating in the New Zealand market. We saw aluminium as an allied technology where our technicians could also offer the same high level of support we are known for in the woodworking industry.

All in all we see New Zealand as a country of innovators with people willing to take up new technologies to compete in a global market and we want to be there for the future in supporting them.

As far as changes we have seen coming through over the years the growth of the internet for information sharing and for machinery shopping has had immense effect. And also the growth of the fake internet. This is dangerous as people can be led to believe what they are presented with on screen, this can portray small machinery manufacturers for example as something much more advanced than they actually are.

Also, the growth of assembly plants versus true manufacturing, today the amount of German equipment actually made in China is huge, rebranding has now become the norm for some manufacturers. While there is nothing wrong with this disguising it from potiential customers does I think raise ethical questions.

The versatility of the finishing effects is guaranteed by the "DMC Eurosystem" sanding machine, fitted with two new additions: a completely new planetary unit, ideal for structuring, chamfering, sanding the cross grain and precision finishing of any surface, and the interchangeable brushes unit, ideal for those in search of maximum production flexibility. The integration with the Superfici "mini" sprayer is essential. It is ideal for the sprayer's automation even in small businesses, that allow for the easy management of small production batches with regular product changes.

Machining centres for furniture

If the all-in-one "Morbidelli M100" machining centre for drilling and routing evolves further with the new ultra-compact, reduced bulk solution, that makes the 5-axis machine the smallest on the market, in the "Morbidelli P800" boring-milling and edgebanding centre, the combination between the MATIC work table and the innovative operator unit allows the most complex shaped pieces to be machined in just a few steps.

For nesting, the "Morbidelli X200/X400" range makes its mark by cutting pieces, even shaped ones, in a variety of forms and sizes with production levels once considered inconceivable for this kind of machining.

Flexibility and high productivity find their ideal synthesis in the drilling process with "Morbidelli UX200": thanks to 4 separate operator units (two upper and two lower), any kind of piece can be machined in a few steps. Furthermore, the possibility of machining two overlapping pieces means the production of symmetrical pieces can be doubled.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 36
SCM surfaces technolgies make it the perfect finishing partner
SCM Live success for technology (cont) 

more efficiency in panel processing

Manufacturers are facing major challenges due to their customers demanding changing quantities as well as requesting a wide variety of carrier and decorative materials to be used in panel production.

The new Leitz DT Premium compact hogger is the solution for increasing productivity thanks to its long tool life – with perfect quality on the edge and cutting surface. Thanks to the new tooth shape, optimum machining results are achieved over the entire life cycle of the tool. The design enables efficient chip removal and the vibration-reducing tool body further increase the tool life and thus the economic efficiency.

At a glance

■ Constant cutting width over the entire tool life cycle

■ Two different tooth shapes available

■ DFC® chip-breaker and gullet area

■ Damping elements on the tool body

■ Up to 15 times resharpenable

■ Suitable for all conventional panel materials

■ Diamond tipped

Maximum economic efficiency through long tool life

■ Long tool life even under difficult operating conditions thanks to new tooth shape

■ Reduction of set-up costs due to long tool life

■ Efficient chip removal due to innovative gullet geometry and integrated chip-breaker

■ Cost efficient processing of various materials

■ Ideal also for batch size 1 due to adapted cutting geometries

■ Resharpenable up to 15 times through larger resharpening area

Perfect edges and cutting surfaces

■ Excellent edge quality and smooth cutting surfaces through adapted cutting geometries

■ Clean workpiece finishes due to efficient chip removal with DFC®-Technology

■ Constant cutting width over the entire life cycle

Longer tool life time, less dust and noise

■ Reduced noise due to special tool design

■ Reduction of noise and vibration through damping elements

■ Longer tool life time through larger resharpening area

Freephone: 0800 578 665

email :

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 37
Leitz Compact Hogger DT Premium
hogger DT Premium More efficiency
in panel processing

quality, innovations and solutions

some thoughts from Hafele’s Michael Farrugia

Häfele NZ Ltd have been part of the New Zealand architectural hardware landscape as far back as 1989 when it was first established as a fully fledged subsidiary under the leadership of Peter Farrugia as its first Managing Director. His brother Michael Farrugia joined the company in January 1990 as an 18 year old in customer services followed by a time in a purchasing role. Michael, who interestingly along with his brother, were born in Malta, helped establish the company’s Christchurch branch in 1996. In 1998 Peter was appointed to the role of Managing Director of Häfele Australia and Uwe Adam became the new NZ Managing Director while Michael became NZ General Manager. In January 2009 Michael became NZ Managing Director. In this our 100th issue, Bob Nordgren asked Michael about his time at the helm and his views on where Häfele is headed.

When the company was established here in New Zealand the model used was as a wholesale supplier and distributor. This has proved to be a very successful approach, what vision was there back then of where Häfele would go and is it there now or has the vision changed?

The vision has always been to bring a broad range of quality, innovative hardware solutions to the New Zealand market at a competitive price. The vision hasn’t changed and in fact the recent release of our new TCH catalogue is testament to this. We are constantly sourcing the latest innovations from suppliers around the globe and that’s what sets us (and our customers) apart with over 12,000 SKU’s available.

The Complete Häfele has been our signature catalogue from day one, and still a much loved reference to this day - featuring the full range of products available in New Zealand from around the globe across over 1500 pages. We have also released an ‘Ä Book’ catalogue in conjunction with the ‘Complete Häfele’. The Ä Book is designed and based around our commitment to service for our trade customers. We endeavour to have these items ready on hand when our customers need them, to ensure their business runs smoothly – which is very important to us.

Over the years our business has diversified slightly with involvement in the trades and commercial projects as well as in retail. It should also be remembered that some 20% of our current range we in fact manufacture in our own factories, for example our drawer systems.

An important aspect has been the role of ever evolving technology. How important has this process been in the architectural hardware industry in your view?

Technology has certainly impacted on Häfele’s product range. The Loox range of LED lighting systems is evidence of that impact. The Loox

system today is a large part of our success in the NZ market and I can only see that growing with the Generation 5 system due for release in the last quarter of 2020. Loox 5 really starts to take us down the digital pathway with connections to smart home devices and so on.

It is no doubt a very competitive business you are in. How do you perceive competition as part of your role as head of Häfele here in New Zealand?

Competition is healthy in the New Zealand market. We are a small market but everyone is well represented just the same as in larger markets. Competition keeps us focused and is healthy for our customers in the sense we are always trying to be better and offer better solutions than one another, so in the end the customer benefits from this.

Häfele here in New Zealand as indeed it appears to all be around the world, stands on its own two feet, funding itself as a local branch if you like, how do you see the New Zealand operation in terms of Häfele worldwide?

Häfele New Zealand is an important subsidiary to the Häfele Group. In fact we sit just outside the top ten out of 38 subsidiaries worldwide. That’s not bad considering we are a country of just under five million people.

Handling change as a process is part of running a successful business. In your view what have been the big changes for Häfele over your time at the helm and what changes do you foresee coming?

The introduction of products like double wall drawers to our range back in the late 90’s was a game changer for our industry as was lighting in cabinetry, these two product ranges are very successful for us in the New Zealand market. The new Loox 5 system will move us into other areas of application with connections to smart

home devices, etc. The purchase of the German architectural lighting company Nimbus recently confirms Häfele’s commitment and desire to explore the world of LED lighting technology. The amalgamation of the Loox and Nimbus ranges is something we are excited about for the future.

On an administrative level, the introduction of enterprise resource planning software from German software producers SAP some nine years ago was a significant challenge for the company. This software enables us to better manage all our business operations across procurement, manufacturing, service, sales, finance and human resources. It has made us a stronger company moving forward.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 38
 JOINERS Magazine

Free Space Flap Fitting smaller

FREE SPACE is a hingeless, upward-opening

flap fitting of a compact construction that only requires a very shallow installation depth of 63mm. This makes it suitable for use even with very shallow cupboards. Despite its small size, it can securely support heavy flap weights. A fitting with a 400mm flap height can for instance support front loads of 1 to 11kg.

Due to its strength and capacity, this model can therefore be used for a wide range of different application areas, thereby saving resources in transport and logistics, and enabling greater standardisation in production.

Modern, compact design

Minimal installation depth 63mm and installation height 172mm do noticeably leave more usable storage space in the cabinet.

Standardization in planning and production

One model series with a sustaining capacity of up to 10.7kg for 400mm high flaps does allow for a very wide application range.

Optimized logistics and processing

Less components are reducing transport and storage volume. At the same time installation becomes less complex and more time-efficient.

Mature Häfele flap technology

Free space expands the proven Free product family. Basic functions as adjustability of the tension force, integrated soft-close or ‘pushto-open’ are just a given as are high reliability and quality from the Häfele plant.

Compatible drill pattern

The plug-in pins on the base plate suit 1:1 the 32/37mm line boring dimensions on the side wall and allow for a pre-installation of the fitting with just one hand.

Fastest installation

Coming equipped with just one pre-set fixing screw, Free space can be fitted in record time.

Easy push-on mounting of front panel Front panels can be installed and removed in a quick and easy fashion without any tools.

Self-explanatory adjustments

Intuitive and comfortable tension adjustment from the front. 3D flap alignment with generous adjustment ranges. Integrated opening angle limiter 107° to 90°.

0800 442 3353 |

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 39
Open your phones camera above this image to view Free Space in action.
size – more storage space

Sage Doors changing the shape of laseredge in NZ

Sage Doors – a kiwi-family-business – have been leading the laseredge market in New Zealand since buying the first laser edgebander in the country over 7 years ago. Here, we continue to lead the way by taking laseredge to a whole new level with shapes and angles.

Yes, you read that correct – we are quite literally changing the shape of laseredge in NZ, one edge at a time!

Design opportunities are endless with these new additions to our range. With mitres from 1045 degrees, internal/external shapes with a minimum radius of only 10mm, and our minimum width now much smaller than the standard 60mm wide, new possibilities include handle cutouts, mitred end panel/door details, shaped shelves and curves. Your imagination is the limit of what can now be seamlessly laseredged!

We can’t see what you may design with this new laseredge opportunity but here are some inspiration:


Angles: We can now laseredge mitres that go to a sharp point. These mitres are perfect for a seamless, modern mitred-endpanel/door detail, and finishing off tricky shaped kitchens that need angled edges. As we can do any angle from 10-45degrees, your options are endless.

Note: For a handle-less design, we would still recommend our standard Mitred Handle for its soft, ergonomic design.

Handle Cut-outs: Handle cutouts are perfect for simplistic, modern kitchen, bathroom, laundry & study designs. Do you want your handle cut-outs centred or off-centred? With angles or something squarer? Big radiuses or small radiuses? It’s up to you!

Shapes: Curves, squares, triangles, hexagons, orheptagons – we’ve got you covered.You’ve heard of the L-shaped panel, but what about the rest of the alphabet?

Shelves & Desk Tops: Your open shelf units and shaped

desk tops can look the part with matching laser edgetape. We can edge your shaped panels to save you the trouble. Our laseredge shapes can even have a minimum 10mm radius - perfect for corner cupboard shelves.

Thick Stuff: We can edge built-up panels up to and edge thickness of 60mm thick, so your options are literally endless.

Narrow Stuff: We can now edge panels much narrower than the standard 60mm wide - what about 30mm wide? 20mm wide? 10mm? 5mm? No jokes: we can edge it! We know you’re as excited about this as much as we are, and can’t wait to see what you design with a whole new world of possibilities!

Itis with incredible joy that we introduce you to NZ’s first ever melamine marble door: Textaura™ Sophie.

Sophie (short for 'sophisticated'), features a lusciously smooth matte surface and subtle tones hidden in its depths, creating a versatile,yet sophisticated look.

Textaura™ Sophie gives you the opportunity to design that marble kitchen, vanity, feature wall or shop interior that you've always dreamed of, without the weight or price of stone & laminate alternatives. Sophie is a melamine product, so, if you’re a cabinetmaker, you know how to work with it.

Sheet Size: 2800H x 2070W

Thickness: 18, 36 & 60mm

Surface: Melamine

Substrate: MDF

Edge: Invisedge®

Handles: Mitred handles available It's simply 'marbelous'!

Get in touch with Sage Doors today to talk about your next

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 40
unique Sometimes you just need that touch of sophistication
Mitre any angle from 10 - 45 degrees.
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 41 JOI OIJ NER NEERS Ma Magaz gaz gaazine ne ine Sep ep eptem m em e ber beer 20 2020 20 0 pag a ag g p pa e 4 e4 e 41

Pull-Out shelf lock

Whether it's that existing shelf in your home office, an idea brewing for your kitchen or a solution you didn't know you needed in your laundry - Blum's MOVENTO pull-out shelf lock is on its way! Because quality of living is not just determined by design but also convenience. The discreet and space-saving mechanism for MOVENTO

Cabinet Configurator

Configure AVENTOS? Plan cabinets? Installation help? Easy ordering? – All in one place.

Blum E-SERVICES is a practical and innovative solutions package to bring together all your ideas, planning, innovations, and so much more! Signing up for the basic package will give you immediate access to the tools you need to plan, configure, install and design. Cabinet Configurator is the latest E-SERVICES innovation available to the New Zealand market, giving you access to countless cabinet configurations and design options. Including options such as different panel thicknesses or materials in your carcase, inset or overlay applications, mitred front panels, internal or front designs - the possibilities are endless! The successor product to DYNALOG is an online platform, so updates are instant and don't require space on your device. Cabinet Configurator is available on-demand in the palm of your hand.

Contact your Blum Account Manager to request a complimentary training session. Email

Space Step

Brand new to the New Zealand hardware market is SPACE STEP - the innovative cabinet application by Blum creating new and enhanced storage opportunities throughout the entire home! Available in two depths and a multitude of heights and widths, SPACE STEP will integrate seamlessly into plans and projects. Enabling storage to be added in the toe kick of the base unit, as well as opening up opportunities for higher AVENTOS wall cabinets.

securely holds pull-out shelves open in place, stopping them from sliding back in. Quickly lift the lever on either side of the shelf to guide it back into place, softly and quietly with integrated BLUMOTION.

See all of the specs and ordering information on

But it's not all about storage - SPACE STEP can be used by children as a safe replacement for that dangerous plastic bathroom step, or in the kitchen to get them involved in the baking, cooking and cleaning.

Configure your SPACE STEP effortlessly online using Blum E-SERVICES! Visit

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 42

Panelform introduces … Silk Matt finish for Durostyle thermoformed doors

Available now, Panelform is announcing the launch of 4 new Durostyle colours in ‘Silk Matt’ finish – a finish that uses the latest European anti-fingerprint technology to bring a warm and luxurious silky-to-touch finish to thermoformed doors.

Durostyle Silk Matt brings this technology to profiled doors for the first time in New Zealand.

Durostyle Silk Matt incorporates the following unique features:

• Anti-finger print surface

• Silky touch matt finish

• Very low light reflectivity

• High scratch resistance/anti scratch technology

• Micro scratches are repairable

Durostyle thermoformed doors continue to be hugely popular due to their diversity of style – from contemporary modern kitchens to traditional and country style ‘shaker’ kitchens.

Durostyle Silk Matt is very competitively priced when compared with other super matt panel products and acrylic – but with the option of profiling and seamless edges!

Visit the Durostyle colour page on Panelform’s website to view their full Durostyle colour selection and melamine matching list.

Durostyle Silk Matt , from Panelform, is a shine-conquering, muted finish with hidden depths.

Its appearance is enticingly tactile but smart, anti-fingerprint technology means you’d never know curious and admiring hands had ever been near.

The light-cancelling properties of Silk Matt absorb any trace of distracting reflection while helping create aesthetically engaging layers of colour and interest.

Colours evoke emotions. We chose accordingly.

There are four stunning new colours; Lumisade, Sugar, Sketch and Pitch Black. Shiny? Absolutely not. New –most definitely.

Contact Panelform today for Durostyle brochures and colour samples.

Phone: 03 982 1195

Phone: 09 320 0340


JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 43
Not shiny. But new.

The Blum Story in New Zealand

Blum New Zealand began operations formally in July 2010 and is one of the leading architectural hardware supply companies both here in New Zealand and worldwide. Led by Managing Director Mike Hawkins from their purpose built site in Avondale, Auckland since that time, the company has gone ahead in leaps and bounds to this day. Blum’s presence in New Zealand goes back well before 2010 of course and it is an interesting story. Bob Nordgren has known Mike since the early days of the magazine in the mid 1990’s so it was with some pleasure to have Mike participate in this, our 100th issue by providing answers to some questions put to him.

There is quite a history to the Blum brand in New Zealand prior to Blum NZ being established in 2010. Tell us a bit about that and how you became involved with them.

Blum was “discovered” by Sanco, at a European trade fair in the 70’s. Back then, Sanco was a very typical kiwi family business. Quite diverse in that they were manufacturers, producing tooling for the primary timber industry, and importers of tooling and woodworking machines. Sanco started with Blum’s concealed hinges in 1972, which was exactly 20 years after Julius Blum founded the company. Over the years as Blum’s product range and popularity grew, and in parallel, so too did Sanco’s business. In the mid 90’s they took on more of the SCM Groups range, which is when I entered the picture.

I gave up my very relaxed lifestyle in Mount Maunganui; where when the surf allowed, I was contracting to British American Tobacco and moved to Auckland to join Sanco selling SCM woodworking machines. As much as it was a hardship to move from the “Mount” to Auckland, it was a fantastic opportunity for which I am eternally grateful. I’ve been very fortunate, I loved the job, I got to travel all over NZ and the world, and over the years I’ve met many I count as friends today. The machinery game was, and I’m sure still is extremely challenging, but rewarding. It was a difficult start. I think I went 6 or 8 months before I finally sold a machine. I’m lucky Stu had more patience than I have!

It took many more years to build sufficient knowledge and trust, to be able to consistently sell machines in such a competitive, high-value environment. Being involved with start up’s and seeing them grow into successful business’s, I particularly enjoyed. The boat building (super yacht) industry in its halcyon years was a real eye opener for a small town kiwi. The quality of the boats we produced for the international

market was exceptional. Selling 5 axis CNC machines into this market and the America’s Cup racing industry, and seeing what they produced at an international level and some of the names behind this was particularly rewarding. In an effort to be totally transparent, I don’t miss edge banders at all.

As Sanco continued to grow in all directions, Blum, SCM and people it became too big for Mel and Stu to comfortably manage on their own. So they split the business into three, sold off the machinery and tooling business’s to concentrate solely on Blum. I stayed with SCM until 2009 when the opportunity came up to join Blum. Mel and Stu Sanders were approaching retirement age, and began discussions with Julius Blum to purchase their business. I know from Stu and Mel’s perspective; they wanted to see the business go to Blum. They knew the culture, they had a high level of trust with Gerhard Blum, and they knew the outcome for the staff would be good under Julius Blum’s ownership.

I joined Blum in October 2009, and initially spent time in Austria gaining an intimate understanding of the company, the culture and key people we would work with in the following years, planning for the ownership change the following year. Over the remaining eight

months, we prepared for the takeover, and on the 1st of July 2010, Blum New Zealand began trading.

Blum had been successfully sold through an agency when Julius Blum in Austria decided to have its own presence here in New Zealand. What motivated them to do this?

The benefit Austria saw in buying Sanco, and taking control of the distribution in NZ was the direct contact with the kitchen maker. To learn how this kind of distribution model worked. Being able to get direct and honest feedback directly from the market. They would learn what they could do, to better support not only the distribution model which is their primary customer, but to go a step further in what they could do to better support the kitchen manufacturer.

Two of our newest products within Blum’s “E-SERVICES” are testament to this. Order Management and our Product Configurator, are digital tools to aid in the specification and ordering of Blum products. These digital tools were designed and built with direct help from our Blum New Zealand team, and a few of our NZ customers. We had NZ customers trialling these digital products in a test phase and providing feedback. As a country, we are particularly useful for this, partly from a cultural standpoint, in that

we are quite comfortable providing honest feedback. Not just saying what we think they want to hear. And we are very innovative as a people. What we know of as the “#8 wire mentality” Not afraid to try new things, and if it doesn’t’ work; find a solution. So I know our Austrian colleagues have found us particularly helpful here.

Blum has come a long way in the time since I have known of them back in the mid 90’s. Known primarily as a manufacturer of the Blum range of architectural hardware, what has been the underlying approach to the market by Blum since you became Managing Director in 2010?

Globally and locally we are a very customer centric business. We have a very simple strategy where we want to support the industry by providing a high-quality product to the market; which our customer can trust and depend on. We want to support the product and our customer with a reliable distribution platform, where they can rely on us to supply it on time and in full every time. And we want to provide a high quality support network with well trained staff. Here we have improved significantly over the years.

When you look at the kitchen industry, which is where the majority of our business comes from. A kitchen is a complex product, with a massive number of variables. Our simple goal is to make our part of this complex production as trouble free as possible for our customer. From the time of product specification, to well past any warranty obligations. I would say the only major direction I’ve taken, which is different to Sanco; was in our approach to marketing. We’ve worked tirelessly over the years on the exposure of the Blum brand with the end user. While we only have a small marketing team in NZ, they have done an outstanding job in bringing the name – brand and our reputation into the household.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 46
Mike Hawkins (second row 4th from left) ever the team man!

The company has had considerable success in recent years. What do you attribute this to and what have been the biggest challenges for Blum?

On one hand not much has changed, and on the other nearly everything. One thing I’ve learnt over the years is success, or a win, rarely occurs because of one factor or person. From the local side, I’m very proud of the fact we still have nearly all of the original team from the Sanco days. Joseph Eggels has just hit 25 years and Moira Smith is about to. One of our guys in the warehouse is now over 20 years. To me, this is a testament to Blum as a global company who places a very high value on its people. We see our people as our biggest asset, without good people and a highly motivated team, you can’t get far, so this is number one. Locally we have a very good team across the board. From our sales team in the field, through to our customer service and distribution team generally out of sight, in the back room.

Of equal importance is the Blum product itself. Over the years the product and brand have built a formidable reputation for quality, reliability and high functionality. These are key drivers in our success, We also see innovation as a very important aspect, particularly looking ahead; however with innovation comes challenge. One of our biggest challenges would be the increasing complexity of our products. Of course, the GFC and now COVID 19 provide some unique challenges to deal with; but these are the same for nearly all businesses.

If we look back 20 years ago, there was just one drawer type, with one colour, and a handful of hinges, that was it, no choice, easy! Now we stock nearly 100 different hinges in two colours, and sell four ranges of drawers, with seven different colours and four different opening and closing technologies, some using electrical components, and multiple packaging/quantity options. Soon we will have smart technologies integrated into kitchens. Who would have imagined being able to open a drawer with no hands using a voice command via a phone in your pocket 20 years ago?

This provides a range of complex challenges to deal with, not just in our business, but in our customers. Our sales and customer service teams, need to be highly trained, and able to support our customer base right across the full range of our products.

The adoption rates of products such as SERVO-DRIVE and LEGRABOX in New Zealand also tells an important story. When I look at our growth over the last 10 years and you look critically at yourself; and ask what have we done well, or why did we do well? A big part of our success has been our customer. Without them and their product, we have little.

I don’t know how many in our industry realise, but we make some of the finest kitchens in the world! On average; the standard of workmanship and design is extremely high here. Any kiwi kitchen maker who’s been to Eurocucina will tell you how good their kitchens are compared to the big name Euro brands. An easily proven fact; we have some of the very best kitchen designers in the world here. Not just one or two, there are quite a number who have won world design titles in recent years. And I have to say; we derive a great deal of pleasure vicariously, through their success.

I’ve been on many trips to European kitchen fairs, and on more than one occasion I’ve had Australian designers talk to me with envy at the scope and design they see coming out of our industry. There is no doubt in my mind that the innovation and design trends in the modern kitchen, driven by our industry; are one of the main reasons why the kitchen has become such an integral part of the home today. And because of that, we have all benefitted.

A very competitive marketplace is always creating demands. In your role as head of Blum what do you see as the most important things driving the marketplace? There are always a number of factors, fashion, the dollar, resources. It’s very clear to us all that the kitchen has been through a massive transformation in the last 20 years, which has been very good for our industry. It is

often the focal point of the house, prioritised with a prime position and generous floor area. The days of a tiny room next to the laundry at the back of the house, are virtually forgotten. This prominence has led to design, fashion and innovation becoming very important. These designers and manufacturers can lead or create fashions or trends in kitchens. And these trends or ideas very quickly find their way into mainstream design, due to the speed and reach of Social Media. This means we now see requests, even orders for new products and technologies which are only available in Europe, and still very early in their life cycle.

We’ve worked very hard over the years with our in house efficiencies. Like many of our customers we’ve invested heavily in automation, which has allowed us to run a very lean operation. This has meant over the years as volumes have increased, we’ve been able to keep our overheads in check. The end result is with a broadening of our range we have become more competitive in the low to medium segments of the market, where Blum was not so competitive in the Sanco years. Looking to the future, I believe we will see increased pressure or presence from the big box manufacturers. These are the current crop of DIY - building supply merchants. And in the future the likes of Ikea. I’m sure they will become increasingly professional in their offering, and the retail dimension they bring to the kitchen market, will bring new competitive challenges to our industry.

There is no hiding from the demands of ever changing technology. Where do you see Blum heading: broadening their product range or remaining ever focused on what you have sold successfully to date?

Only 2 years ago, I wouldn’t be able to speak about future products here. Blum used to keep a tight lid on information reaching markets before the product was available. It But with the increasing prevalence of social media being the carrier of news as well as traditional advertising, we know its an impossible task to corral this information. Better to control it; so we are releasing it much earlier, at a global level out of Austria.

With this in mind, I can say we have a number of very exciting products on the horizon. Some are about to hit the market right now, some are still years away. Most are variations of what we have, so it is pure innovation at work. One is a totally new product, putting us firmly into a new category in the market.

We have the SPACE STEP. This is a step to allow access into higher areas if the kitchen, with built in storage designed to be integrated into the toe space of the kitchen. Available now. We have a product called pull-out shelf lock for MOVENTO which enables you to lock a MOVENTO runner in an open position. Due October 2020. In the not too distant future; we will have a new drawer system coming called MERIVOBOX, which we are very confident will quickly become a favourite in NZ.

And lastly, we will enter the sliding door market with a brand new Pocket door system. It was exhibited at Interzum for the first time in 2017 as a prototype, where it got very good feedback from a couple of very well known icons of our industry who were among the many thousands of visitors who saw it. It was shown again in 2019 and has since gone into production. Right now, a small number of pilot customers within Germany and Italy are using it, which is the final phase of our testing process, before it becomes available for global distribution. To give a little insight into the planning that comes with these new products, we have just completed and opened our new Christchurch facility, which in itself is a new product with its revolutionary new showroom. In 2017 we planned the racking layout for the building. It will hold a new size pallet for the pocket door we won’t see until 2022 at the earliest.

But when we do, two unique features will make it a favourite very quickly!

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 47
 JOINERS Magazine


delivering a result

Sometimes there is nothing better to indicate the capabilities and character of a business than asking their clients to comment on their experience in working with them. Some comments from clients of Auckland spray painters FSB Group.

The FSB team have been a pleasure to work with. The knowledgeable demeanour and years of expertise earned our confidence with this complex specification. They worked within tight time constraints to complete the offsite intumescent coatings to the cedar boards, and their attention to detail and professionalism exceeded our expectations. They deliver an excellent result.

When I visited their factory, I found it to be very tidy and well equipped. They've got large spray booth and drying rooms. It's well lit, with good access to natural light.

We worked with the FSB team for some time now and found them very efficient and professional, with attention to detail with fast turn around. They ask the right questions from the beginning to make sure the desired result is achieved. Open discussions and working as one big team is helping us all enjoy working relationships.

FSB Group’s attention to detail and finish has won them respect from clients and end users.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 48 09 630 5049 65 Carr Road Mt Roskill, Auckland Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Retail, Marine Interior Cabinetry and Fittings. 3-5 days turnaround for a 45-55 sq m kitchen Free Pickup/ Delivery Fire-rating coatings and Abrasive Blasting to any surface (including timber)

End of a journey

Sandra Josephs has been a long serving member of the team at Burns & Ferrall Ltd, an iconic commercial and domestic kitchen componentry company of some seventy years standing. Bob Nordgren from JOINERS Magazine recently had the pleasure to attend a tasty lunch prepared by their showroom chef in their fantastic kitchen facility at their new headquarters in East Tamaki, Auckland which offered a chance to chat with Sandra in person. The following are her thoughts, in her own words, on the industry since she entered it some thirty years ago, her time with Burns & Ferrall and her impending retirement. We at JOINERS Magazine wish her all the best in her retirement.

After approximately 26 years with Burns & Ferrall, I have made the tough decision that it is maybe time to “hang up the boots”, and retire. I always thought that this would happen when I woke up one morning and realized that I didn’t want to do this anymore. However, that has never happened, (with the exception of the odd day of course), But I thought with the Covid pandemic, it might be a good time for both the company and myself to advise I would leave at the end of August. Then I get the added bonus of being able to stay in bed for an extra hour or two in the mornings!

At the start of my career in sales, I was working as a kitchen designer for 10 years, and then left to go and rep for HMC tapware – at that stage a division of Methven Tapware. When they closed their sales division down, I was advised that Burns and Ferrall, were in the process of employing a new rep, and so my new career started. Initially, I was working out of East Tamaki where we had a large warehouse where I went to learn and identify the various products


we supplied. The bonus was that at lunchtime we would go out into the fields and collect mushrooms as it was very rural in those days.

After 14 years I left to go to another company to work with the commercial side of their business helping the reps with stainless steel sales into restaurants and commercial buildings. This was a good experience, but I realized that my passion was with the domestic side of the business, and so when approached to see if I was interested in returning to Burns and Ferrall, I jumped at the chance.

It has been amazing to watch the growth in our industry. Where once a kitchen was tucked away in a separate area with a small bowl in the bench, or a bowl and drainer configuration it has now become the social hub of the home. With this of course, it has given the opportunity to be able to offer a variety of products for designers to be able to meet the needs of the individual client and their lifestyle situation. Very exciting times with not only the

availability of stainless steel sinks, but Granite composite or coloured stainless options also, and a variety of accessories to complete the package.

Not being a sit around person, I am sure we will be kept busy getting out on the golf course again, or riding our newly acquired E Bikes, or just takeing off in the caravan. I am sure I will remain in contact with a lot of you, but after all these years, it is time for a lifestyle change, and so I say farewell, and will watch all the interesting times ahead from the sideline

Turn your projects into a live 3D interactive experience, on the spot! Fast and easy, just import your job from Cabinet Vision into Spaces, and see your designs come to life. You can also see what other materials will look like instantly with the click of a button.

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Get in touch today to see how Cabinet Vision and Spaces can work for your business.

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Sandra Josephs

Felder fitout investment for future

On a large site close to town, and spread across several workshops, Ashburton Joinery was formed in the early 2000’s by the amalgamation of two long-standing local joinery shops. Now part of the Mastercraft group, and under the joint management of James Donaldson and Billy Nolan for nearly a decade, the legacy of the original companies remains. Antique tools decorate a workshop wall, qualified workmanship is prized, and a display rack with companybranded job cards record labour and materials ‘the old fashioned way.’

But Ashburton Joinery isn’t a business stuck in the past. With a staff of 11, their production utilises a mixture of modern and classical machinery that cater for the wide variety of work that the wider mid-Canterbury region provides. As well as plenty of kitchens, wardrobes and panel-based work, there’s also benchtops, wooden doors and windows and then the specialised products needed by the rural community – such as riddles for the local seed industry.

Panel-based work is driven from the office, with both Directors and an in-house designer feeding a flatbed CNC, Homag and Janssen edgebanders, and two panel saws. In the solid timber area there is a mixture of classic Wadkin and even a Robinson planer which stand alongside the latest European technology from the Felder Group.

Worksafe prompted the first Felder purchase a couple of years ago. A routine audit required additional guarding to be fitted to a very old and large bandsaw. Realising that the cost of doing so would be as much as buying new, James and Billy invested in an FB710. With a tiltable table (-10° to +45°) and ceramic guides providing maximum blade stability and reduced friction, the FB710 offers a heavy duty and long-life solution for Ashburton Joinery’s solid timber processing.

Beside the FB710 is a Felder F900M Spindle Moulder, fitted with table extensions, telescopic support rail and digital readout. Felder’s MULTI-fine adjustment system guarantees the fence relocates exactly and squarely

when removed and returned, every time. It’s this repeatability that’s so valuable. “Our old spindle was worn out” explains Billy. “Stepping up to the Felder with the titling spindle, fence and digital read-out means we get perfect duplication every time. This is great for custom mouldings and fence-cap rails, with no need to change any knives”. The consistent finish quality is helped by Felder’s F48 4-wheel powerfeeder, which is also integrated into the F900M’s controls for additional safety.

Completing the set is Felder’s D963 thicknesser, offering a 630mm planning width, simple and precise adjustment, and featuring Felder’s renowned Silent-POWER cutterblock. “We just can’t hear it” says James. “Our old machine used to scream, but we can barely tell whether the D963 is running.” The spiral block is also living up to claims about finish quality and ease-of-use.

“We’ve also had a huge improvement in finish quality,” James says. “I’ve also turned the knives once and it’s simple and effective.” Being the biggest

thicknesser in Felder’s range, and at 845kg, the D963 also offers the strength and power you’d expect in a European machine designed for tough timber processing.

The mood in Ashburton is optimistic - despite the ongoing COVID-19 situation. With strong support from the area’s dairy industry then the town is busy. “Volumes are good” says James, “and our relationships with local builders means the work is flowing in.” The company’s ability to take on all types of joinery work, and a strong reputation for fair pricing and quality workmanship, keeps them busy across the region.

With all the production staff qualified, several having done their time on site, the company also has a long history of investing in the future. And James and Billy are focused on what’s next. Straight after the photos for Joiners magazine they were off to sign on their next apprentice, due to start the very next day.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 50
Billy Nolan (left) and James Donaldson in front of their Felder F 900 M spindle moulder.
stepping up to the Felder with the titling spindle, fence and digital read-out means we get perfect duplication every time
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 51 151b McLeod Rd, Te Atatu South 0610, Auckland, NZ. Ph 09 835 4090, Fax 09 835 4070, 100% madeinNewZealand

expansion by delegation

we decided right from the start that we would just work incredibly hard and pay our way as we acquired more plant and capacity,” says John.

In2006 Tamahere couple John and Lisa Kay took a punt and opened a bespoke joinery company working from their home garage.

A Global Financial Crisis and world-wide Covid-19 pandemic later, IntaWood Products Ltd is operating out of a purpose built factory in the Hamilton Airport precinct with a team dedicated to carrying on the original vision built on hard work and a vision centred around producing consistently excellent, crafted products.

“It was hard to get started, to find a way into the market, so we adopted the attitude that we would take on any work opportunities that presented,” says Lisa,

“When you start out it’s a bit of a leap of faith as you don’t know how the market will respond but

It also meant taking opportunities when they came about, so the couple made a huge sacrifice for a number of years when John worked on joinery for large construction projects in Fiji and the Solomon Islands. When he returned home in 2011 he was determined to grow his own company and carve out a niche for the products he is so passionate about.

First stop was a small factory down the road in the old Matangi Dairy Factory site. Then as the business grew they doubled the footprint – but soon that wasn’t enough for the couple’s vision and WCML/Coresteel Waikato was commissioned to build the classy Ingram Road factory. Since moving in a year ago, lockdown aside, the Kays have been increasing both staff and plant to realise their goal.

Now they are at that point.

Key to the business are the people. Lisa has joined John fulltime in their business, but more importantly new and experienced

staff have been recruited both in the office and on the floor to free John to oversee the whole operation and fit in where the help is needed. “I know every aspect of what we do, so I’m best fitting in rather than being stuck in a specialised role,” says John.

Hamish Diprose has been with the team for about three years and is production manager. His main role is to monitor workflow through the factory, using a new tracking system to ensure each job is at the right stage at the right time to meet an end-goal of being delivered on budget and on time. He is joined by Andrew Baker as part of the production team who is also the estimator – pricing all jobs and specialising in solid timber componentry. Both men are experienced joiners, with firsthand knowledge of being ‘on the tools’, so they know the processes inside-out.

IntaWood has established itself as predominantly a trade supplier and, like most of its clients, uses PolyBoard software as a design tool and to maximise efficiency of its two CNC machines and edging equipment. Hamish is an expert in the use of PolyBoard and double checks all files submitted by clients to make sure there are no errors that could cause costly

mistakes for either party before work proceeds.

The system has been fine-tuned by the IntaWood team to include a fool-proof labelling system and the entire job is quality checked by the fastidious staff before being shipped, usually as a flat-pack job lot.

John says IntaWood has a fantastic mix of people and equipment that delivers the best result at the best price. The couple agree it was a key moment that impacted positively on the company’s development when John and Lisa both agreed on the decision to devolve his role and hand over responsibility and a sense of ownership to the team working on the factory floor and in the production and design processes.

“I can’t emphasise enough just what a difference it made when John stepped back from holding everything and gave over some of his responsibilities. Now he’s there to support the team through their day,” says Lisa.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 52
Lisa and John Kay WCML/Coresteel Waikato was commissioned to build the Ingram Road factory. 67 Ingram Road, R D 2, Hamilton.

Hamish Diprose Production Manager 021 251 6446

Contract Cutting LPM Production Edgebanding

Andrew Baker Production / Estimator 021 077 0651

2 Piece Doors Solid Timber Components Solid Timber Doors Quoting

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 53 Flat Pack Component Manufacturers • Solid Timber Components • Composite Plastics • All LPL Products • Edgebanding including Laser Edge • Cutting • CNC Contract Machining Laminex is proud to be a trusted partner to IntaWood Products Ltd We supply our high quality Melteca product, which comes in an extensive range of colours and finishes to help IntaWood best service its customers

Waterbased Coatings are winning the battle

The wood coatings industry has seen many changes in recent years with the most important being the evolution of waterbased paints as a viable alternative to solvent based paints. Bob Nordgren from JOINERS Magazine recently had a chance to catch up with Wellington based Territory Manager Gavin Graham from PPG Industrial Coatings along with John Te Kawa of Total Bodyshop Supplies, the Wellington distributor for PPG and one of their key customers Mike Telfer from Total Resurfacing Solutions (TRS) to find out more about how waterbased paints have been received particularly by those in the wood coatings sector.

“We have been using waterbased coatings for a number of years now with mixed results. We have not had the confidence in the durability of the coatings until PPG developed the Amerthane 500 product” comments Mike Telfer Managing Director of TRS who spray 5000-7000m2 of panelling and doors per year.

Having a product that can rival traditional 2K/Solvent based coatings for durability also has the advantages of lower emissions and cost savings. Mike acknowledges his company saves $20,000 per year in purchasing and disposal of solvents not to mention the beneficial health effect on their workers.

The market has been asking for a system like this and PPG have put a lot of resources into developing a full workable system with primer and topcoat. It has the right quality and speed of turnaround that spray shops require.

Waterbased has reignited the market for specifiers like architects and designers because it can produce hard durable finishes offering multiple colours and sheen levels while having a low carbon footprint. We use the product on various substrates new MDF, whiteboard, timber, glass and have found it compatible with re-painting previously painted (2K) kitchens.

This is reinforced by Total Body Supplies factory manager John Te Kawa. “It’s an exciting time having introduced the WB primer/ pigmented topcoat system from PPG to our customers. Our three shops in Petone, Palmerston North and Napier are open to the public and retail customers as well as the trade applicator’s and we see an increasing number of customers repainting rather than replacing kitchen componentry with the waterbased option: it’s cost effective, environmentally safe, user friendly and has a large colour and gloss level selection. You might be surprise but PPG refinish first developed WB automotive coatings some 10 plus years ago and now 80% of our automotive work these days is with waterbased coatings.”

What about from the paint suppliers point of view? Gavin Graham is the Wellington Territory Manager and has been some sixteen years in the neighbourhood.

“There has been no doubt that the move to waterborne paints has now fully infiltrated the paint scene here in New Zealand. Now customers have a “Greener coating choice” that customers, applicator’s and designers are genuinely excited about using and specifing. WB clear and pigmented systems are also helping our larger applicators to reduce their DG (Dangerous Goods) levels as only the part B (hardner) needs to be locked away, which is an important fact when council compliancy is a major issue these days with flammable goods.

Through our local distributor Total Bodyshop Supplies we can now offer all our end users such as TRS the full benefit of new coating technology that has taken 5 years to fully develop. All the testing and trialling we have done has confirmed that.”

Total Bodyshop Supplies deals both with retail and general industrial trades meaning they supply not only colour matching services but also offer every sundry you can think of to achieve an excellent finish, such as sandpaper, safety equipment, spray guns, air tools and the like as well as PPG powdercoating and wood finishing

products. “The 2K waterbased system we now offer has been gaining acceptance with every day especially among cabinet and furniture makers be it for new or refinish work.” notes Gavin. The solvent vs waterbased paint wars are coming to an end and the best thing of all ‘it has been 100% developed and manufactured in NZ for NZ conditions’ which is important with what’s happening in the world at the moment.”

For further information contact

John Te Kawa, Total Bodyshop Supplies on 021 056 4202 or john@

Mike Telfer, Total Resurfacing Solutions 027 435 4741 or mike@

Gavin Graham PPG Industries NZ Ltd 021 288 9518 or ggraham@

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 54
Mike Telfer from TRS, John Te Kawa from Total Bodyshop and Gavin Graham from PPG

Take your site measuring to the next level

Picture this common scenario… you have just won that soughtafter tender but anxiety has just surged as there are some very complex measurements that need to be taken, many of them difficult to access with your tape measure or hand held laser distance meter. You also realise that many hours or even days will be devoted to accurately measure the site, not to mention the templates that will need to be scribed around all those curved and angular surfaces. Even when all this is done, the measured data still needs to be drawn in your CAD software. You then think to yourself … ‘there must be a better way’.

As is often the case, advances in technology can provide a remedy to such anxiety and a solution to achieve an accurate and efficient site measure. The German manufactured Flexijet 3DLaser Measuring System is a device that will do just that.

Flexijet 3D site measures and instantly creates a 3D (or 2D) CAD drawing. The drawings created are compatible with most CAD software used in the joinery industry thus providing a seamless workflow from site to your CAD software. It is so versatile that it accomplishes site measuring tasks with a speed and accuracy that will astound many. It not only handles mundane tasks like measuring walls, pipe penetrations, bulkheads, windows and many other elements with ease, but will handle the most demanding measuring assignments.

In the following example a Melbourne based joinery team was tasked with the manufacture and installation of acoustic ceiling panels at a major public building. The considerable expanse of this area, its height of approximately 5 meters and its octagonal shape provided substantial challenges for accurate site measuring using traditional methods.

Using Flexijet 3D on many projects prior to this one, the Melbourne team completed the site measure with a precision that even astounded them. All the measurements were performed at ground level (scaffolds or scissor lifts were not required), and this even included accurate positioning of all penetrations such as sprinkler heads.

From site measure to CAD in a single step!

All the measurements measurements were performed at were at ground level including level accurate positioning of accurate all penetrations such as all penetrations such as sprinkler heads heads.

Laser measuring system

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 56
+61 1300 077 977 one person. Measure in 3D or 2D equipment.
Flexijet 3D … in action on-site.

The company director commented that “I could not believe the accuracy of Flexijet 3D. When we imported the model into AutoCAD, we questioned many of the measurements as what we though were straight edges, many had variations and were not straight at all. However, we were confident in the model that Flexijet 3D gave us and we proceeded to production. The end result was that every panel fitted perfectly. I am always amazed at the features and accuracy of Flexijet 3D.”

In summary, Flexijet 3D is a measuring system that will revolutionise your site measuring. The ability to not only measure, but to instantly create a CAD drawing on site is a huge leap from the days of deciphering handwritten measurements on a note pad. With a visual model to refer to while the measurements are being performed gives you instant feedback and reduces the likelihood of missed

The measured model (above) with millimetre accuracy and (right) the end result, panels manufactured with millimetre precision.

measurements. The increase in efficiency and accuracy with Flexijet 3D will provide a return on investment in a very short time.

To see Flexijet 3D in action, call Flexijet Australia for a demonstration. Phone +61 1300 077 977 or go to www.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 57
CHRISTCHURCH 32 Coleridge Street, Sydenham PH. 03 381 0077 l E. AUCKLAND 155 neilson Street, Onehunga PH. 09 838 1112 l E. New Zealand owned and operated for over 30 years ABRASIVE and proud of it!

maximise space with the Salice pocket door

It seems that a prolonged period of working and learning from home over April and May has had lasting impact on many Kiwis, in particular on their plans for renovations. The team at Fit are receiving many queries from trade customers, designers and even directly from homeowners, where the end goal is to carve out areas from existing space to create dedicated work from home zones.

We believe the Salice pocket door is one of the best pieces of hardware for this purpose. Whether your goal is housing a laundry zone within a kitchen or garage space, creating a work from home zone that can be quickly tidied away when not in use or even an appliance work station within a larger kitchen, the Salice pocket door is a terrific aid to creating accessible, functional work spaces.

Pocket doors are growing in popularity for new builds too, as more and more Kiwis look for options for maximising floor space in smaller accommodations like apartments, townhouses and retirement village units.

Salice have been a distributor of Italian made and imported furniture hardware since 1926 and making their own patented hardware since 1957.

In their hardware and hinges, Salice prioritise simplification of installation, increasing installation speed and advancing technical solutions.

Salice hold ISO9001 and ISO14001 accreditation and all production takes place in Novedrate, Italy.

Why a pocket door?

Similar to a cavity slider, the Salice pocket door slides back inside a double cabinet wall when the space within is in use. However, unlike a standard cavity slider, Salice’s pocket door mechanism attaches to cabinet or cupboard doors and allows the door to pivot 90° to slide back to sit within a double cabinet wall. This is absolutely ideal when space is limited as it means that open doors do not extend out into walkways

and nor do they block light from the work area. This aids efficiency and usability when you have a work surface or work area housed within a cabinet or cupboard and would like for the doors to be out of the way when that space is in use for example a kitchen appliance zone or a pull out/drop down desk within a cupboard.

Salice pocket door features Salice’s cam-assisted door extraction and cushioned door insertion make for a smooth motion and the soft closing and soft opening buffer ensure quiet operation and no harsh banging. Installation and removal are facilitated by quick coupling hinges and a slide movement. Door adjustment is accessible from the front of the cabinet,so you don’t need to completely remove the unit to make any necessary adjustments.

Of course, left and right door mechanisms are available, so there is an option to suit your project.

Pocket measurements

Suits door thickness from 18mm to 30mm

Suits door heights from 2200mm to 2500mm

Suits door width from 400mm to 900m

Maximum weight per door 30kg (distributed evenly)

Vertical adjustment +4mm/-1mm

Horizontal adjustment +/- 2mm

Front adjustment +/-4mm

Internal pocket width required 55mm

Contact your Fit rep, phone 0800 852 258 or email sales@ to discuss your pocket door requirements.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 58
Salice’s pocket door mechanism allows the door to pivot 90° to slide back to sit within a double cabinet wall.



Since the purchase of a small garage-based kitchen bin maker in 2007, the Tanova team have held a philosophy of continuous innovation. We develop in New Zealand after consultation with Kiwi designers and trade businesses. We manufacture and powder coat all frames and all steel baskets here in New Zealands. We assemble here in New Zealand. And we’ve now brought production of our 20L and 36L plastic buckets and baskets home to New Zealand.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 59
2020 FIT KITCHEN WASTE & LAUNDRY SOLUTIONS PROJECT BOOK Tanova range info for you and for your clients HEAD OFFICE & WAREHOUSE: Northgate Business Park, 22 Hood St, Wellsford 0900 SHOWROOM BY APPOINTMENT & WAREHOUSE: 4 Morse Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8042 CALL FREE 0800 852 258 FAX FREE 0800 852 259 EMAIL
All Tanova ventilated drawers carry the official NZ Made licence.
Photo kindly supplied by the team at Duncan Joinery in Temuka. Tanova kitchen bins with 20L and/or 36L buckets are NZ Made licenced. YES! We have kitchen & laundry models compatible with LEGRABOX drawers. Check out these & all Tanova models at
All Tanova laundry units carry the official NZ Made licence.

Celebrating 25 years in business

Established by Brent Oliver in 1994 Penthouse Furniture Spraypainters specialise in high quality lacquer finishes for domestic and commercial joinery, completing work for a number of Wairarapa and Wellington's leading joinery businesses. Examples of their work can be found in beautiful homes, restaurants and bars throughout the Wairarapa and Wellington region and they have completed major contracts for landmark buildings like Parliament, Government House and Te Puia Rotorua.

Penthouse Spray-painters use high quality two pot spray finishes which give a superior finish and are longer lasting. The clear finishes bring out the best features of the natural beauty of wood, while colour finishes can be produced in virtually any colour imaginable.

Brent Oliver says some of the main reasons for the success of the business is their professionalism, high quality of their applied coatings and ability to deliver on time.

“We have 3 qualified level 4 tradesman who have all done there apprenticeships here with us and are vastly experienced. Also our ability to meet our deadlines is very important. Being one of the last trades involved in the joinery process we have installers, plumbers, electricians and builders all booked in on a certain date. So getting the clients joinery finished on time is an essential part of our business and something we pride ourselves on, and as a result of this most of our regular

joiners have been with us for many many years and we have built up a strong relationship with these companies.”

Penthouse Spray-Painters also offer a factory to factory pick-up and drop-off service to the Wairarapa and Wellington Region and offer a complimentary full quoting system from architectural plans, drawings and designs. Meaning there are no surprise costs at the completion of a job.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 60

Give your dream kitchen the ultimate finish

Over the years Penthouse Spraypainters have been involved in numerous “Master Joiner” award wining kitchen of the year titles which reflects the quality of our workmanship relates Brent. “Our kitchens tend to be in the middle to high end of the housing market and can be found in beautiful homes throughout the Wairarapa and Wellington region and reflect the times they were designed. Back in the 90’s greens, blues and reds where all the rage then we had a period in the 2000’s where whites

and neutrals dominated the kitchen market. Of late we have seen a new trend by designers and architects favouring dark greys and blacks which look outstanding when installed.” Brent points out that a strong advantage a 2 pot urethane kitchen has over a laminate kitchen, is an unlimited colour range, virtually any colour imaginable can be matched. Also in a painted kitchen designers can choose a lot more intricate detail to make your dream kitchen come alive. As well as that water proofing

of joinery has improved immensely over time with better moisture resistant MDF and improved 2 Pot urethane undercoat & topcoats.

Penthouse Spraypainters are an approved Mirotone applicator and all coatings meet the international recognised furniture coating standard BS-6250.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 61
Penthouse Furniture Spraypainters 133 Ngaumutawa Road, Shed 2, Masterton. Ph: 06 378 9294, E:

Commercial, doors, windows and benchtops

Penthouse Spraypainters also do a lot of work in numerous restaurants, bars, cafes and shop fit-outs. “When I first started out in the business it was just kitchens that kept us going, but now we have a full section in our factory dedicated to interior doors and pre-finished exterior windows,” says Brent.

“We are pre-finishing house loads of interior doors for some of Wellington's leading house building companies, which we pick up and deliver back to site. We also refurbish existing internal doors for older homes, this works out more economical for the customer to refurbish existing house doors, than buying new ones.

Another main stay of the business is the coating of solid timber bench tops in a 2 pot UV/heat resistant coating, with outstanding durability, ranging from a natural matt finish to a superb high gloss finish.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 62 Penthouse Furniture Spraypainters 133 Ngaumutawa Road, Shed 2, Masterton. Ph: 06 378 9294, E:

Jacks announce return of a classic

Joiners of a certain age will be very familiar with the Weinig Profimat. From 1979 through to the early 2000s, the Profimat series found many homes in joinery factories and jobbing workshops before being discontinued.

The Profimat series now returns with two new models: the Profimat 30 and the Profimat 50. These machines are aimed at delivering the ease of use enjoyed by users of the popular Weinig Cube fourside planer, with the additional capability to be run as a moulder.

Skilled machinists are very hard to find, and the touch screen CNC controls of the new Profimats will enable manufacturers without fourside moulding experience to get started without having all that knowledge in-house. They will also be a great replacement for

those old Profimats that are now getting quite long in the tooth - or for companies that no longer have “the old guy” who can set up and run a fully manual moulder!

With CNC controls, working sections up to 260x160mm, and feed speeds up to 30m/min, these machines over a new level of performance at entry level prices. And even better, they’re fully plug and play – you can even move them around on a (big) pallet jack.

The new Profimats should find a home in small to medium timber machining operations, larger joiners, timber suppliers, furniture manufacturers, or Cube users looking to take the next step.

A Profimat 50 will soon be available to view and demonstrate at Jacks Auckland. Contact Jacks on 0800 522 577 to arrange a time to visit.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 63
The new Weinig Profimats are aimed at delivering the ease of use enjoyed by users of the popular Weinig Cube fourside planer with the additional capability to be run as a moulder.

Metallic finish on the start line

WOCA and Triboard combine for a designer result

When Design Denmark introduced WOCA Diamond Oil to the New Zealand market eight years ago, it was an instant game-changer; now the latest version - Diamond Oil Active – the world’s first 1K plant-based oil that performs like a 2K, is set to bring a fresh shift in perspective.

Joiners and interior designers have long appreciated the functional characteristics of a single-coat, quick-drying system that is free of nasty isocyanates. And the ability of a penetrating oil to preserve the natural beauty of wood on floors, cabinetry, walls, ceilings and furniture is a given. But now there’s an extra reason to choose the new-generation WOCA Diamond Oil Active.

A few months before the country was plunged into lockdown,

Design Denmark began collaborating with local woodproduct manufacturer Juken (JNL) to develop a single-coat system for their Triboard panels. As the name suggests Triboard is a three-layered panel with a woodstrand core sandwiched between an MDF skin. The result of this innovative technology is a strong wall panel that has structural and non-structural applications with a smooth surface that is easy to paint.

Imagine our shared excitement at the serendipitous discovery that when the unique composition that is Triboard is coated with WOCA Diamond Oil Active, it transforms that surface into a metallic-look finish. Metals are an on-trend favourite among kitchen and spatial designers who like to incorporate the raw appeal of materials such as steel, brass and

bronze in kitchens, bathrooms, feature walls or even floors.

With nine different colours of the oil available, a world of possibility opens up in metallic finishes that range from light neutrals to industrial greys and brown-based tones. “By applying a pre-colour to the panel you can achieve the look of galvanised steel all the way across the spectrum to the coppery red of weathered steel,” says Bill Carrig of Design Denmark.

Triboard and Diamond Oil Active are both environmentally responsible products so this was a natural pairing but one that has had a surprising effect. As Chris Maskell of Juken (JNL) puts it, “The addition of WOCA Diamond Oil Active has elevated Triboard from a cost-effective commodity to a designer item.”

Furthering this collaboration, the two companies have also developed a process for Juken’s J Panel, engineered timber panels made of pine, typically used in interior joinery and cabinetry. The concern with pine is that it can yellow over time. To ensure the pale Scandi-style look stays put, a coat of WOCA Softwood Lye and Diamond Oil Active White seals the deal beautifully.

Diamond Oil Active

• Fully-penetrating plant based.

• Fast-drying, single coat application.

• First 1K oil that performs like a 2K.

• Coverage 20-25 sqm per litre.

• Low VOC.

• No isocyanates.

• Hyper cross-linking

s like a 2K. r litre an tute.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 64
• Approved by the German Biological Building Institute. Find out more at 12 Maidstone Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | 09 361 3333 |
For clients who want the benefits of structural soundness plus a high-fashion aesthetic, the teaming of these two products is a bonus – a union greater than the sum of its parts.

New flatbed TH Joinery moves forward with Proform CNC

Business for Blenheim based joinery shop

TH Joinery has been good, more so since they commissioned a new flatbed router from Proform CNC Ltd in August 2019. Joinery and timber machining specialists as well as manufacturers of kitchens, customised architraves, spiral staircases and houselots, TH Joinery was set up by owner Tony Hammond back in 2014 and services the Marlborough region of the South Island.

“The machine, a Proform Fusion ATC25/13, really fitted the bill for us” comments Tony “especially since we added the 300Z and horizontal boring aggregate which has a higher gantry allowing us to use thicker materials like 300 by 300mm timber posts as well as 3D routing and the use of a hanging door jig to do end boring.” The machine gets well used: up to 8 to 10 hours daily, three to four days a week cutting both melamine board and the like for kitchen cabinetry as well as solid timber on occasion. “The machine has allowed us to up production for all our joinery work and particularly for things like wardrobe doors.”

The new look Fusion range from Proform offers a solid, reliable machine especially for small and mid size joinery and cabinetmaking operations. With three full time staff and an 850 square metre factory TH Joinery is well positioned. “Rob Hutchings from Proform really did the job for us: a quick easy install and all the training we needed to get underway. It’s an easy machine to operate with a small footprint and a robust demeanour, just ideal for us and Rob is just a phone call away for any advice we might need.” says Tony.

The future looks good “Back in 2015 we started doing work on campervans and caravans as well which has continued to this day so we are happy moving forward.”

For more information contact Tony Hammond at TH Joinery on 027 326 1485 or visit them at 3 Murphy’s Rd, Springlands, Blenheim.


JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 65 68 Montgomery Crescent PO Box 40-809, Upper Hutt, New Zealand PH 04 526 8589 FX 04 526 8580 EM WWW.PROFORMNZ.CO.NZ POSTFORMERS PRESSES GLUE SPREADERS JIB CRANES VACUUM LIFTERS CNC ROUTERS
CHOOSE THE CNC ROUTER SYSTEM THATS RIGHT FOR YOU! PROVEN RELIABILITY ATC 25/13 Automatic tool change model 8 Tool Capacity EN N LITY 3S 25/13 3 Spindle Model FULL PACKAGE from $58,000 +GST
TH Joinery’s Jim Ross loading a 280 x 280mm hardwood post into the machine

Leadership through Listening

Master Joiners have ten regions across New Zealand. Each region is unique and strives to be proactive for both Master Joiner members and industry. Nelson –Marlborough Master Joiners takes in the top of the South Island and is led by Myles Sellers. Myles shares what has been achieved for the region by leveraging good communication.

Great leaders are great listeners, and therefore my message is a simple one – talk less about you and your business and listen more.

The best leaders are proactive, strategic, and intuitive listeners. They recognize knowledge and wisdom are not gained by talking, but by listening. Take a moment and reflect back on any great leader who comes to mind … you’ll find they are very adept at reading between the lines. The best leaders possess the uncanny ability to understand what is not said, witnessed, or heard.

Now I have your attention I would like to expand upon this point and explain how we have approached and gained some significant success’s in our region.

In 2012 the regions’ joinery business discussed becoming the 10th branch of the Master Joiners, we listened, within 6 months we established a branch. Seven years on we have 21 members that represent 90% of the region’s joinery and manufacturers.

In 2013, it was raised by our members that we need a strategy, we listened, a vision to develop our people and our business’s was agreed. In 2014 our members talked of the draining of talent from our industry and the seepage of skills through retirement, we listened. A skills audit was implemented, and the outcomes indicates that we had only 8 apprentices in training with 60% of our workforce over 45. In 2020 we have 42 apprentices, a growing work force and an aspirational pathway for young people.

In 2014, our members celebrated success at the National Master Joiners’ awards and we discussed how could we become more involved. 2020 saw our 5th regional award event with 186 category entries, the last 5 years have seen unprecedented success on a national level and far greater regional participation. Quite simply Nelson Marlborough provide the largest number of entries from any individual region.

In 2016 it was raised by our membership that we needed to have greater local exposure, we listened. In 2020 we have active Instagram, Facebook and an incredibly region focused website.

Our vision remains strong and our journey continues. We have developed significant relationships with our training providers, in return they have innovated and adapted. They have with our support introduce new pathways, new techniques to train. We work together talk together and support each other. We are represented both on regional and national industry advisory groups. We continue to listen to our members and provide solutions to their needs.

Training and education remain at the forefront, our local joinery business leaders have listened to presentations as far reaching as Dust Management to Human Resources to working with Architects!

Want to become a better joinery business’s? Want to become a leading master joiners branch? Stop talking and start listening. Start investing not saving. There is far more to be gained by surrendering the floor than by dominating it. It is easy with our busy lives and busy business’s to become internally focused and fail to realise the value of everything that can be gleaned from the minds of others.

It is simply not possible to be leader without being a great communicator. It has remained our regions focus to have training and development central to our agenda, our social media forums are active, and we focus on listening. The big miss for most leaders is that they fail to understand that the purpose of communication is not to message, but to engage.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 66
Nelson Marlborough Skills Audit 2014 Nelson-Marlborough Master Joiners members enjoy a post meeting catch up. A 2014 skills audit in the region showed up an apprentice shortage.
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 67

Industry meets furniture technology drylin linear rails for a sliding extension

Two pieces of furniture made by budding carpenters from Bergisch Gladbach demonstrates that industrial design combined with a Scandinavian look makes for unique furniture. Because they have that certain something extra, not only visually, but also functionally. This is ensured by lubrication-free drylin sliding linear guides – known by the industry. They allow smooth and maintenance-free movements in a bedside table with a linear guided element as well as in a coffee table with a pull-out unit.

As part of the machine course at the Cologne Chamber of Trade, 24 trainees from the Bergisch Gladbach Vocational College had the task of producing a small range of furniture within five days. “On the course, the carpenters should learn how to handle the various machines, such as a bench milling machine”, says Frank Monschau, master carpenter and trainer at the Cologne Chamber of Trade. Over a period of several weeks, the trainees designed the furniture themselves. The results are impressive: a pullout bedside table and a coffee table with rotating drawer and drawer opening. “We consulted the igus catalogue for the pull-out elements, because for years we

have had very good experience with the linear guide systems in particular”, explains Manuela Abbing, teacher at the vocational college in Bergisch Gladbach. No sooner said than done, the students selected anodised aluminium shafts with lubrication-free drylin linear plain bearings and a drylin NT telescopic rail.

Opens at the touch of a button

The designers completely dispensed with classic drawers for their bedside tables, but there should still be a “hidden storage space”. In addition to a small shelf, the user has the option of opening the body of the table by pressing a button. For this extension, the carpenters resorted to igus linear

sliders. A total of two shafts made of hard anodised aluminium and two linear plain bearings made of tribologically optimised highperformance polymer iglidur J are used. “The round shafts fit in perfectly with the design of our table. The slider allows the table to be opened and closed easily, quietly and smoothly. The solution can be quickly installed and it easily convinced us”, says Jascha Schmitz, a second-year apprentice.

Quiet gliding & long pull-out

The carpenters also came up with two special elements for the coffee table. On the one hand, the table has a revolving drawer that can be opened and closed by means of a

push-door opener, and on the other hand, the table can be slid open from the centre, so that books and magazines can quickly disappear into the body. “For this pullout we needed a telescopic guide that was durable and visually appealing. The drylin NT-35 telescope made of aluminium convinced the students”, says Manuela Abbing. For its telescopic rails, igus relies on visually appealing anodised aluminium and sliding elements made of high-performance polymers. The tribo-polymer ensures a smooth and jerk-free sliding of the guides. But the plastic sliders have even more advantages: by dispensing with rolling bodies, they run very quietly and the incorporated solid lubricants make them completely clean and maintenance-free. Since no greases are used, neither dirt nor dust adheres to the rails. Furthermore, there is no risk of contamination during operation or of the books and magazines stored. This makes the rails ideal for furniture and design.

The lubrication free igus linear guides are available from Treotham Automation phone 09 278 6577 or visit www.treotham.

Schmalz Vacuum Lifting & Clamping

Treotham Automation supply the range of Schmalz Vacuum Lifting devices, customizable and suitable for standard weights up to 750kg.

Schmalz clamping solutions are used for a wide range of machining and assembly tasks. With vacuum power, components made from wood, metal, glass or plastic are fixed securely and without distortion. | | 09 278 6577 | Auckland & Hamilton
Anodised aluminium shafts with lubrication-free drylin linear plain bearings provide storage space in a bedside table.

labels made by rock n’ roll royalty

Cabinet label making with rock n’ roll? What have the Beatles got in common with your humble white cabinet labels you probably use every day? Most of the cabinet labels we make at All About Labels are made by Ringo “with a little help from my friends”. Let’s start by telling the story about how these labels are made.

All About Labels manufactures labels from bulk material. Basically, bulk label paper is shipped in by the pallets and then we take this label paper and use specialised label die cutting machines to take these very large paper rolls and convert them to make labels into the sizes, quantities, materials and adhesives needed by our customers. So how do the Beatles help?

One of our longest serving machine operators, Ivan, is a music enthusiast and a great Beatles fan. We have a tradition of naming our machines with names so when we took delivery of two machines back in 2013 we had to name them so we settled on Ringo and Jeremy. Ringo is an obvious explanation but for those who are not familiar, Jeremy Hilary Boob PhD describes himself as the “eminent physicist, polyglot classicist, prize-winning botanist, hard-biting satirist, talented pianist, good dentist too”. He becomes friends with Ringo in the Beatles movie - Yellow Submarine. He is also known as the Nowhere Man, hence the

song. So, Jeremy and Ringo work together in our factory, only fitting we thought. But that’s not the end of the story.

Later we needed another die cutting machine just to keep up with demand. When the new machine arrived, this machine needed a name. We then had a majority of male names Ringo, Jeremy, Roger, Henry and one female name Lola for our machines. The office girls wanted the balance evened up a bit so we had to think hard. The new machine was to ease the load on Ringo so eventually we name her “Barb”. For explanation, Barbara Bach is Ringo’s wife and our Barb helps out beside Ringo every day in our factory! We also have machines called Ruby and Buffy and now that a new die cutting machine has arrived everyone is thinking hard about a suitable name. It’s a big decision, they are like babies, once they have a name it’s theirs for life! I guess we still have some Beatle names to go!

So, next time you purchase our A4 label sheets and roll labels they were probably made either by Ringo or Barb even though “they get by with a little help from my friends”- us humans.

All About Labels manufactures all sorts of labels but especially removable labels for cabinet makers. Hundreds of sizes, labels per roll, core size etc are available.

Call us on 1300 762 603 (in Aus) or +61 73 056 0236 (from New Zealand).

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 69

Bay of Islands magic

Adding value to Northlands timber resource whilst limiting exposure to dangerous dust

Cobalt dust poisoning is a real safety issue in some industries, but especially sawmilling. It’s a common problem in such areas as saw sharpening workshops in the wood processing industry.

A major sawmill processing plant, employing more than 100 staff in KeriKeri has a saw shop where the saw blades are sharpened, a process which produces a fine dust off the teeth, harmful due to the cobalt containing compounds. NZ DUCT+ DFLEX were asked to come up with a design to reduce staff exposure to this hazard.

NZ DUCT+FLEX staff first had experience of this issue at Honda UK’s car plant 20 years ago and had completed a very similar solution for another NZ sawmilling operation 2 years ago.

The KeriKeri site’s busy Saw Workshop deals with dry grinding for older machines, so the solution here included 2 moveable fume arms which can be moved out of the way for machine changes, yet pulled in close to capture the fine, dry, airborne dust.

Some machines were also ‘Wet’ with oil fluids used in the process of sharpening the blades. To deal with the mist produced, NZ DUCT +FLEX used Danish

company GEOVENT’s Oil Mist Filters which extracted 1.000 m³/h of oily fume mist and removed it with a high filtration efficiency of 99% at 0.3μm ( better performance than many of the traditional oil mist filters on the market). These GEOVENT filters are ideal for filtration of oil mists in many situations: CNC lathing, milling and drilling machines which use cutting oil (regular, semisynthetic or synthetic), or waterbased emulsions. Oil captured is recycled, back to the machine, saving money.

A smaller GEOVENT Oil Drawer was also used for the removal of the oil mists from the cutting machines to ensure the mist cannot condense in the central extraction system. This simple unit is typical of a wide range of low cost but highly efficient products from GEOVENT, benefiting the working environment while protecting staff and company budgets.

Once oil free, this extracted air was then combined with the dry cobalt duct air generated by other processes in the saw workshop to a simple, cost effective, 2 Bay Bag emptying modular filter from JKF Industri, also a Danish company, serviced by a JKF 25D 4kw material handling fan.

All this was completed during the week with the sawmill operation fully functioning during the installation – NZ DUCT+ FLEX used both their install teams, permanent employees of the company, to complete the work on site withing 4 days.

Saw shop staff were very happy with the solution installed in July – the extraction system improved the work environment which was noticed by staff within hours: the problem smell and dangerous dust removed.

Says Geoff Ebdon, Sales manager for NZ DUCT+FLEX, “We are a NZ owned family business and have installed hundreds of extraction systems in NZ over the last 10 years. The company originally, in the 1980’s, only supplied metal LIPLOCK ® Ducting and flexible ducting products, but expanded to offer the widest range of dust and fume extraction products on the market. Working in conjunction with our long term Danish suppliers, we complete a new system each week on average, while also undertaking larger 1 million + projects across New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. Backed by the largest stock and range of product in the country, we can quickly solve any level of Dust or Fume issues.”

For more information visit

Or phone 0508 69 38 28

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 70
Geovent Oil Mist filter removes the oil before it enters the filter.
these GEOVENT filters are ideal for filtration of oil mists in many situations
JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 71 DUST SOLUTION FILTERPAKS the economic route to a proper dust extraction system Built by Spencer Bremner at his Dunedin factory from$11,995.00 A standard 2 Bay Bag emptying modular filter deals with the pollutants
mechanism to reduce
saw workshop. Oskar Air Fume Arm 100/2 with external hinge
maintanence and changeover times.

preserving the life of your High Speed Router Spindle

Following on from the previous issue, which was Spindle Safety. Spindles NZ Ltd now covers the important issue of how to preserve the longevity of your spindle.

A high speed spindle is usually at the heart of most CNC machines and is therefore probably the most important piece of mechanical equipment. It is still an electric motor but runs on bearings and has complex tool changing mechanisms. Most spindles are sealed for life (greased) ceramic or steel bearings. They are all of the highest precision P3 or P4 quality. Ceramic bearings are now becoming common in most makes of spindle and the advantage over steel is that they run cooler. This being said we occasionally overhaul spindles with steel bearings that could be up to 10 years old.

Warm up

It is important to warm your spindle before use. The bearings are the first thing to heat up, and everything around the bearing is expanding very quickly from cold. If you add the extra pressure of cutting materials you are adding more heat into the bearing area before the rest of the spindle has had time to heat up. The bearings will grow in size and as they are such a fine tolerance the clearances will get tighter. This is the science but a recommended warm up is:

2 minutes at 6000rpm, 2 minutes at 12,000rpm, 2 minutes at 18,000rpm (then another 2 minutes at 24,000rpm if your spindle runs at this speed)

Allow the spindle to rest, usually a good time to load your work, sort out programs etc. Now your spindle is ready to work.


If you have a collision with your spindle things may not be that bad. Most factories have extraction, vacuum pumps which can make hearing difficult. At the end of the day or at lunch time spin the spindle by hand. A good spindle makes a hiss, a damaged bearing has a notchy or rumbly noise.

The larger spindles handle worn or damaged bearings better than the smaller ones so if you think the spindle is damaged after a collision, plan it in to your work schedule. The smaller spindles (4kW and under) usually have cheap housings and if left with noisy bearings can easily spin in the housing causing expensive rebushing repairs.

How fast should I run

15,000, 18,000, 24000 ??? Tooling manufacturers will tell you what the tools can run at but spindles are all different. Listen to it. Spindles are fed by High Frequency and even without tooling can have strange harmonics at different speeds. We often test spindles and sometimes a spindle can be ‘sweet as’ at 17,900rpm and then at 18,000rpm sound totally different. If you have manual spindle speed override try it yourself. It will even give you a better finish.

Feed Speeds

Tooling manufacturers will give you the best possible speeds under perfect conditions, these are rarely reached as things like tool wear, work holding, changes in material being cut, all affect the feed speeds. Again listen to the noise the spindle makes, if the sound dips or changes tone it may be the spindle is working too hard. This will increase the heat and over time denature the grease and then failure could well be possible.

Clean the ISO taper

Every so often check the inside of the taper on the spindle. Most spindles mark inside and with some scotchbrite and a bit of care they can be easily cleaned. Some spindle leave marks which look

like rust, but it isn’t. Some factories are just prone to moisture. The air cleaning blast which comes down the middle of the spindle MUST BE clean dry air. It should not be lubricated by the CNC and should ideally go through an air dryer. Some spindles we have for repair are from just this issue.

HSK Spindles

Due to their design, HSK spindles actually tighten the grip on the toolholder the faster they spin. The problem is that there are areas which can get an ingress of dust and dirt. Whereas ISO30 toolholders tend to shed the dust and dirt. HSK spindles seat on the face of the spindle and the taper AT THE SAME TIME, so spend time and clean the inside as far as possible with a solvent cleaner and then blown out with an air line

Check the cooling vents

SCM spindles cool their spindles with extraction. This a great idea but this can be an area which is prone to off cuts blocking air flows. We recommend a look up the spindle every week and to clear if necessary. Almost all other spindles have aluminium extrusions with air flutes to direct the air a quick blast with compressed air can help.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 72
SERVING KIWI BUSINESSES FOR 20 YEARS WE SHIFT THE BALANCE IN FAVOUR OF THE INSURED It’s our business to know your business For your ONE STOP SHOP DEAL contact one of our team members today on (09) 630 2090 or 022 345 1679 E: Protect your commercial Assets, Property & Stock, Fleet, Equipment, Employees and Conduct Specialists in Business Insurance, Property Insurance, Liability Insurance & Trade Insurance Tailor made policies to suit your needs Dedicated Claims Personnel Property Finance
Inverter and spindle package, a 3.5kW HSD Router Spindle, manual tool change. ER25 Collet matched with a 3.7kW high frequency Inverter.

Stability, continuity, trust

Peter Vuille-Bille is one of the industry’s quiet achievers. In the age of ‘groups’ controlled mostly by overseas interests, Ville-Tec Engineering stands amongst one of only a few companies that can claim to be truly independent and fully focused only on their Australian and New Zealand customers. Ville-Tec has the experience, expertise and commitment borne of Peter’s 40 years in the industry, and Ville-Tec’s 24 continuous years in business come July 4th this year.

Peter came from the heyday of the furniture industry’s surge into the new age, the days of just-in-time manufacturing, CNC routers, and point to point machining centres. Names like ACME; Wickman; Forrest and of course Allwood were the fore runners of today’s major equipment importers, supplying a host of groundbreaking new technologies which Australian manufacturers took full advantage of.

In 1996 Peter was National Service Manager for Allwood Machinery. These were boom times just after a major recession and some of the biggest furniture companies were starting to appreciate the advantages of technology over labour. Leda Machinery had started in Adelaide just a few years before and the time was right for Peter to take up a challenge offered by Costa Sanders to distribute their product in Australia and later, New Zealand, a sole agency that has continued to this day.

Starting out in a small shed in his backyard, Peter quickly learned a good machine sells itself so long as you could back it up with technical know-how and committed service. To Peter and Ville-Tec, service relates to machine parts and maintenance, and applies also to the training and knowledge customers receive to get the absolute best out of their investment. It’s fair to say that what Peter doesn’t know about sanding isn’t worth knowing. He

recently said, “Wide Belt Sanding machines are simple if you don’t know how they work.”

Peter’s sales have been largely word of mouth referrals from satisfied customers who rarely stray from a brand they trust. It is a fact that over 80% of all the Costa machines sold by VilleTec over the last 24 years are still oprating! Ville-Tec’s range includes Streibig wall (panel) saws with hundreds installed around the country. You would be interested to know that the very first Streibig sold in Australia in 1969 is still operating! Gannomat drilling and dowel insertion machines and cabinet assembly equipment round out Ville-Tec’s sole agency range. Peter also brings in the Langzauner Edge Sander, a wonderful machine with an almost unheard-of accuracy of 2/100th of a millimetre!

Ville-Tec also supply Australia’s largest range of clear dust collection bags and bin liners and

you will be pleased to know that all bags are made in Australia, not overseas. Now covering both Australia and New Zealand, Ville-Tec supplies and services customers in both countries. Peter has the stability and continuity of 24 years of service and has gained the trust of thousands of customers through his knowledge, experience and hands-on approach that is second to none. Check out their new website at

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Barriers to training removed

Over the last few months the impact of the COVID 19 lockdown and the Government’s response has been, in that now well used term, ‘unprecedented’. But it indeed has been.

Without intervention, we anticipated a significant decline in apprentice numbers over the next 6-18 months but the extent of that decline, and the recovery time, is difficult to assess with any certainty at this early stage.

Our view relies on past experience of the issues and trends identified from those experiences. We see no particular reason why the outcomes would be markedly different this time given the construction sector has been through recessions many times before and the results are always the same. You just have to look at

what happened in 1987 with the stock market crash, 1997 with the Asian financial crisis and of course, the 2008 global financial crisis. Unless the response is changed this time round, 2020 will be no different.

A good barometer

As a general overview, apprentice numbers are tied directly to the health of construction firms, mainly residential construction firms. As the largest sector of construction (it is also the largest employer of construction apprentices with over 80% of BCITO trainees) it is a good barometer when it comes to considering how construction activity and training is likely to react to the current circumstances. The amount of existing work and the ongoing confidence in the supply of future work is the crucial determinant in the willingness of employers to take on apprentices.

We know that for every construction employee that is laid off four apprentices are. During the GFC the construction workforce shrunk by 8% but apprentice numbers fell by 32%. With economists predicting a reduction in construction activity (and the workforce) of anywhere between 8-12% this time round the effect on training would genuinely be significant.

We are aware of the Government’s intention to accelerate investment in “shovel ready” construction infrastructure projects to help kick start the recovery. We support any moves in this vein and while these large infrastructure projects will help with unemployment, they will do little to address the loss of construction apprentices given most are employed in the housing sector. Infrastructure has no call for floorers, roofers, tilers, joiners, carpenters, electricians, plasterers, interior designers, kitchen and bathroom apprentices and the like.

The challenge going forward

We expect consumer confidence in the housing market to be negatively affected, which will result in residential construction being similarly impacted. Trainee numbers will be an early causality and it is difficult to see how this can be avoided (although we hope we are wrong). The property

FEES FREE* is not just for apprentices. If you’ve been working in your trade for a while, we’ll assess your current skills and knowledge against the requirements of the industryrecognised qualification for your trade.

Get qualified faster, best of all, if you haven’t done any prior study, it might be FREE!

Find out if you’re eligible, talk to your BCITO Training Advisor now on 0800 4 BCITO to find out how.

*You will need to be an eligible individual enrolled in an eligible qualification to qualify for Fees Free. Find out more at

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 74
TODAY 0800 422 486
Warwick Quinn

The challenge is to try and retain the number of apprentices currently in the system, not to waste their learning to date, and have a capable and trained workforce ready when the recovery is underway.

market often seems to hold up well initially, as it did in 2008 and 1987 but a year on is when it starts to bite. This is due to the length of construction transactions and the degree of pre-commitment but once these have run their course work can get thin on the ground. The challenge, therefore, is to try and retain (or keep a connection with) the number of apprentices currently in the system, not to waste their learning to date, and have a capable and trained workforce ready when the recovery is underway.

Accordingly, we wrote to Ministers sharing these views, and with the Budget, on 14 May we saw their response. Investing $1.6b in trades training and apprentices is truly unprecedented (there’s that word again) and along with $5b for 8,000 new public houses will go a long way to supporting us.

The two main planks of the Government’s policies are no fees for Targeted Trades Training and Apprenticeships and the employer financial support for training an apprentice – the Apprenticeship Boost Scheme.

No fees

All apprenticeships (i.e. a Level 4 programme over 120 credits) are now free from 1 July 2020 until 31 December 2022. Some targeted sectors have other programmes free as well and construction is one of those. So virtually all BCITO apprentices and trainees will not be charged fees from 1 July and this applies to current apprentices and new ones.

Apprenticeship Boost

The Apprenticeship Boost scheme runs for 20 months from 1 August 2020. It is administered by MSD and is designed to support employers who have an apprentice in the first and second year of their apprenticeship. An employer is eligible to receive up to $12,000 for a first year apprentice ($1,000 per month) and $6,000 for a second year apprentice ($500 per month). As the scheme runs for 20 months, the maximum support available is $16,000 per apprentice.

However, there are some conditions to the support. The Apprenticeship Boost scheme is not the wage subsidy in disguise; it is not cheap labour. The apprentice must be enrolled in an apprenticeship, show progress in their learning and the support is paid monthly. If the apprentice is not progressing, then the support will cease and if the apprentice changes employer then the money follows the apprentice, with the new employer eligible for the balance.

Build the best model

We have been asking for support for years, particularly during a recession when training gets whacked. We now have that support, and it is up to the construction sector to do the right thing, step up to the plate and respond in kind. We will only get one opportunity and we cannot afford to blow it. We know plenty of work is the best medicine for firms and apprentices, but maybe, just maybe, when it is thin on the ground that firm with plenty of work on, and who doesn’t formally train now will, and we increase the number of firms training in our sector. If we do, then we have a model that will work next time.

more suction

Kitchen Draw, Taranaki’s progressive kitchen maker, is continuing to grow and expand in turbulent times.

Wayne Hall, owner of Kitchen Draw, leads a dynamic team delivering imaginative design, high-class workmanship and excellent customer service to hundreds of happy homeowners throughout Taranaki.

Wayne’s most recent acquisition was a new CNC machine that can speedily and accurately cut, machine, drill and manufacture components for the kitchen of your dreams! In conjunction with this, Wayne abandoned the outdated messy mobile bag-extractors and installed a centralised Egmont Dust Collection system that provides a massive improvement in suction to each machine and also central collection of dusts.

The benefits of a pristine clean workshop, more floor space, less noise and dust, and more productive factory were all achieved with the new Egmont Air dust extraction system.

Wayne has further plans for expansion with a new factory on the horizon, more staff, and a continuing vibrant contribution to the small town of Inglewood.

Egmont Air, trusted suppliers to the wood-working and manufacturing industry, offer a comprehensive designto-installation service of spray-booths and dust & fume extraction systems nationwide. Egmont Air’s team of CAD designers, sales technicians, project manager and installers work together to ensure customers expectations and outcomes are realised.

Contact Egmont Air by phone 0800781200 or sales@ for more information.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 75

Steering a course

Know your numbers

Ian Featherstone is a business advisor and leadership coach, and the owner of Glass Half Full. He specialises in the construction industry, particularly the joinery & cabinetry sector.

For more information or to find out how you can move your team forward,please visit

ItsFriday 14th August and this afternoon we will hear the governments decision on how they propose we handle the latest outbreak of Covid-19. We are again moving into uncertain times and are reminded to keep each other safe and look after our own mental and physical health. Easy to say and harder to do, I know. For many of us we are feeling frustrated, angry, and disappointed that we are back in this position, however, we must re-group and lead the way forward. By the time you read this, we will have accepted the situation, felt the emotions of decisions made for us and have made the necessary adjustments at home and at work.

This year we have all learnt to deal with unprecedented changes and have re-shaped our thinking and our businesses. I see many employees in our industry who are deeply grateful for the support they have had from their employers and to still have a job. Now is a good time to share more of what makes

the business successful and enlist them to keep your boat shipshape and moving faster, rather than merely focusing on survival and keeping it afloat.

Business KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Key Performance Indicators are measurable values that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving its key business objectives. Organisations can use KPIs at different levels to evaluate their success at reaching targets. High-level KPIs may focus on the overall performance of the business (revenue, gross margin, profit for example), while other KPIs may focus on processes in areas such as safety, sales, marketing, manufacturing, quality and process adherence.

Make some time to identify the key measurable things that if done well and often enough, will make your boat go faster. Decide on a frequency of measurement (daily, weekly, monthly) and decide on

who is responsible for each KPI, then give them the responsibility and accountability so they can report it to the business, to the toolbox meeting or elsewhere as appropriate.

Then think about how often and how these will be communicated to feedback and motivate your team to think of ways to improve. You can then coach the responsible individuals to achieve their improvement activities.

Keep an eye out for more webinars hosted by Master Joiners on this subject and others over the coming months.

2020 page 76
Some examples of KPIs for a joinery business, large or small. Not all these need to be used, it depends on the type, size and structure of your business.

What students say

With free fees until 2023, those wanting to get the benefits of a qualification in

Designer, Katherine Lightfoot and Director of SMJ, Stu Martin are two NKBA members who have reaped the rewards of study in kitchen design. Both have used their qualification to increase their professional contribution to the industry and ultimately improve their experience and offering to their clients.

In this article, Katherine and Stu share with us why they decided to study and what difference it has made to their careers.

Looking back on his career, Stu Martin of SMJ can almost pinpoint the moment everything changed. He had finished school in sixth form and managed to secure himself an apprenticeship with a local joiner. Now with many years in the industry under his belt, Stu has decided to retrain in kitchen design. He is currently studying towards a Level 5 Diploma in Kitchen Design.

“We are all evolving, and it was important that I looked to the future and what I wanted to do with my career in the next 10-15 years. SMJ has now grown beyond manufacturing to include kitchen design, which has been a fantastic step as it provides us with options and flexibility in the future,” says Stu.

Katherine Lightfoot is an interior designer at Nicola Manning Design. She is also a graduate of the Level 4 Kitchen Design Qualification and is currently studying her Level 5 Kitchen Design Diploma. Katherine had been working in the industry for about a year when she decided it was time to start a new chapter in education.

“I am a person who is always willing to learn more, to keep furthering my knowledge and skill set. I have a hunger to thrive in the industry and I felt that it was necessary to gain these qualifications to be the best I possibly could be in my career. I enjoyed meeting people along the way, and the relationships you build with people in the industry. I also enjoyed the new knowledge and information I learnt from the qualification, which I have taken through my career. With this came the confidence in my designing ability, which was an important aspect for me. It has given me great confidence in my ability to design beautiful and functional kitchens for my clients,” says Katherine.

NKBA and BCITO support students through the process and offer direction, assistance and advice when needed. They are also available to discuss how free fees might work for you and if a professional qualification is right next step for your career.

“It’s interesting the variety of students coming through, they come from many different sectors within the industry and backgrounds. Stu and Katherine are just two examples, but there are many more who have benefited from the education and the professionalism the qualification adds to your CV. One message I would like to get across is how much support there is on offer from both BCITO and NKBA for aspiring, current and graduating students. We all want to see them succeed,” says Suzie Rees, Executive Officer of NKBA.

Katherine Lightfoot agrees, “NKBA and BCITO really support their students. There is always someone to help and support you through the process. I am an advocate for the kitchen design industry and believe that more people should consider it as a career path. I say go for it!

For more information on free fees and kitchen and bathroom qualifications visit: kitchen-bathroom-design/

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 77
CAD+T Australasia Pty Ltd Interior Design & Production Software Level 5, 23-25 O‘Connell Street NSW, 2000 Sydney Phone: +61 (2) 800 620 67 E-Mail: Web: * Figures based on our reference client New Age Cabinet Design in Perth Up to 50%* increase of factory productivity Direct CNC connection within 1 week Complete ERP solution Software solutions for bespoke furniture design, construction and production
kitchen design should take advantage now. Katherine Lightfoot is a graduate of the Level 4 Kitchen Design Qualifi cation and is currently studying her Level 5 Kitchen Design Diploma. With many years in the industry under his belt, Stu Martin (left) decided to add to his qualifications and is currently studying towards a Level 5 Diploma in Kitchen Design.

Due Process

Is there a limit on the variations that the client or the contractor can ask for?

Geoff Hardy has 45 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer and is a partner in the Auckland firm “Martelli McKegg”. He guarantees personal attention to new clients at competitive rates. His phone number is (09) 379 0700 and email geoff@


to the scope and specifications of the building project as originally agreed, occur on virtually every project, and they complicate what would otherwise be a straightforward process. They occur for a variety of reasons, including the discovery during construction that aspects of the design are impractical or can be improved upon, site conditions proving to be more difficult than anticipated, clients changing their mind about structural or aesthetic components part-way through, some of the intended materials becoming unavailable, or the Council insisting on changes.

In the larger commercial projects in the highly competitive construction sector, contractors often underbid to secure the job and then hope to make up the deficit in variation claims. There is a rigid process for directing and pricing variations, and either party can end up missing out if they fail to follow the rules. The project then becomes a fractious contest where competing teams of designers, quantity surveyors and lawyers battle it out on a more or less continuous basis from commencement to practical completion.

In the residential sector the process is a little less formal and changes are often requested by the clients or recommended by the contractor, on the spot, and without any formal documentation or pricing. In both fixed price projects and cost reimbursement projects these variations are often responsible for the price ballooning out beyond the parties’ expectations, frequently leading to payments being withheld and disputes having to be resolved.

Variations aren’t automatic

It might surprise you to know that under the common law, a variation that is insisted upon by just one of the parties, is unlawful. That is because a deal is a deal, and the deal the parties struck at the outset of the project was to build – and pay for – the structure that was originally designed and specified. Unless you have a contract that allows for variations, or you both agree, then the clients cannot make the builder deviate from the plans and specifications, and neither can the builder do so at his own discretion.

For that reason, and because there is usually a sensible reason for variations, all of the standard-form building contracts in common use in New Zealand allow the client to require the contractor to carry out variations to some extent or other. The contractor is then entitled (or obliged, in the case of variations which make the job cheaper) to adjust his charges accordingly, and to claim an extension of time.

However even if there is a variation clause in the building contract, there are still limits on what the building owner can demand of the contractor – unless the contract makes it very clear that there are no such limits. If that isn’t made clear, then the common law will not permit the owner to direct variations that place an unreasonable burden on the contractor or require the contractor to do something well outside the general nature of the responsibilities the builder took on at the outset. Nor will it allow the owner to remove work from the builder’s scope so that he can do it himself or give it to another contractor.

What the standard contracts say The New Zealand Standards (“NZS”) suite of commercial building contracts limit variations to those “within the scope of the contract”. The NZS Housing, Alterations & Small Buildings Contract, and the New Zealand Institute of Architects contracts, prohibit variation orders which are so peculiar, unexpected or different from what was anticipated that the scope of the builder’s responsibilities is significantly altered. In the Master Builders contracts the builder must give reasonable consideration to the owner’s written request for a variation, and cannot arbitrarily withhold consent. And in the Certified Builders contracts, the builder must carry out all requested variations provided they don’t impose an unreasonable burden on the builder.

Sometimes the contractor does something that is not found in the agreed plans and specifications and yet it is not a variation. That commonly happens where the plans are simply not detailed enough, so the contractor has to use his own initiative or call for more detail from the designer, but what the contractor ends up doing is still consistent with the original design. In those cases the contractor might be denied an extra payment and extension of time unless he can prove that his pricing simply could not have contemplated the additional work that the extra design entails.

What if the building contract specifies a process for directing and claiming variations, but the parties ignore it? For example, they don’t record the variation

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 78
This article is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice.

in writing, the contractor doesn’t price it before starting work on it, the contractor doesn’t claim an extension of time until a dispute arises, or the parties don’t observe the time limits in the contract. All of those are very common in residential projects where the parties aren’t that familiar with the contractual terms, but it is surprising how often it happens in commercial projects too. The short answer is that where the Principal knows about the informality or lack of process but goes along with it, it will be too late to deny the contractor an additional payment or a time extension simply on a technicality, if a dispute erupts later.

Variations under subcontracts

Interestingly, in a subcontracting situation if there is no formal subcontract other than the initial quote (which is frequently the case) then technically neither the head contractor nor the subcontractor can force the other to accept a variation. However the form of subcontract in most common use in New Zealand (SA 2017) allows the head contractor to direct the subcontractor to do any kind of variation, and can even terminate the subcontract if the Principal removes that work (or a substantial part of it) from the head contract. The subcontractor is left with no claim for damages or loss of profit unless the head contractor can claim them from the Principal. Even if the subcontract does allow the head contractor to direct the subcontractor to carry out variations, sometimes that isn’t as easy as it seems, as was illustrated by the 1984 South Australian case of Chadmax Plastics Pty Ltd v Hansen and Yuncken (S.A.) Pty Ltd.

Hansen and Yuncken won the head contract to construct an 8 storey office building. The design called for the stairwells and corridors to be coated with “Wallflex” and the head contractor subcontracted that work to Chadmax. Then the Principal changed its mind about the wall coating and directed Hansen and Yuncken to paint the walls instead. Both the head contract and the subcontract provided that all variations had to be within the general scope of the contract and be of a character and extent that is contemplated by it. These were standard form contracts in common use in South Australia at the time.

Ironically, the change in wall coating was held to be within the general scope of the head contract (because it was only a minor change to the overall project) but the Court said it was not within the general scope of the subcontract (because it meant deleting 98% of Chadmax’s work, which it was already committed to). That put Hansen and Yuncken between a rock and a hard place, because it had to comply with the Principal’s variation, but could not impose it on Chadmax. So it ended up paying damages to Chadmax which it was not able to recover from the Principal.

What do we take from all of this? First, even standard-form construction contracts can let you down at times. And secondly, there is a limit to the extent that your superior can order variations that either increase or decrease your work.

Subscribe to the future

Subscriptions replace the significant outlay of buying perpetual software licenses with predictable low-cost payments making software more affordable.The benefits of the subscription model are vast. Subscribers are always upto-date. They get the latest and most complete applications – all with minimal upfront risk and minimum impact on cashflow.

Microsoft recently announced the shift towards Microsoft 365, thus making purchasing perpetual licenses for it's Windows operating system a thing of the past. Dropbox, G-Suite, Xero, MYOB, Adobe products & Zoom are just a few more examples of software that are all offered as subscriptions. Why are all these businesses moving to this model? The answer is in the undeniable benefits to both the consumer and the provider.

For providers, the value of a subscription model is the ability to predict revenue through recurring sales. This consistency in revenue also allows subscription-based companies to calculate the lifetime value of a customer, scale resources and offer simple pricing. Implementing a subscription model helps shift the focus away from customer acquisition and more towards customer retention.

For consumers, the value of a subscription model is in the affordability and adaptability. You don't need to make a significant upfront investment and hope it turns out to be the right choice. You can forecast and budget for a consistent monthly or annual cost.

Software is never one size fits all. Some CAD/CAM software applications are ideal for designing cabinets fast and efficiently, and other software applications are perfect for manufacturing reception desks and commercial shops. Then you have software designed for 3D carving and signwriting. Most businesses might benefit from running all three styles of software, but the cost of perpetual licensing makes that unrealistic. That's why I am excited to see the shift towards subscriptions. It will give the consumer the ability to use the right tool for the job and the freedom to switch providers easier if their needs change.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 79

master joiners

Operations Manager - Allison Delaney, PO Box 12269, Thorndon, Wellington 6011. p: 027 234 1727, e:


Secretary, Michael Bangs

24 Linwood Ave, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025. Ph 09 846 3364, email

Advanced Timber Joinery

PO Box 132, Silverdale, 217 Spur Road, Stillwater/Silverdale, Ph 09 426 9785, contact Wade Saunderson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

All Timber Joinery (2017) Ltd

Unit A, 1058 Great South Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland. Ph 09 270 9605, contact Rory Johns. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Alpha Joinery Services (2010) Ltd

124D Felton Mathew Ave, St Johns, Auckland, Ph 09 578 0391, contact Juan Whippy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Auckland Joinery (2014) Ltd

2 Taylors Road, Morningside, Auckland, Ph 09 846 0346, contact Ross Webster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Blue World Yachting Ltd

6 Ngahura Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland, Ph 021 150 5710, contact Serge Landry.

bmc limited

Unit E, 191B Archers Road, Auckland 0629, Ph 027 511 3717, contact Sandra & Bjoern May.

BML Builders Ltd

18 Shamrock Drive, Kumeu, Ph 09 412 2350, contact Kaye Butler. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Canam Joinery Ltd

196 Swanson Rd, Henderson, Auckland. Ph 09 836 0732, contact Angus Welton.

Carlielle Kitchens

138 Manukau Road, Pukekohe, Auckland 2120, Ph 09 238 5222, contact Doug McMiken.

Cedarlite Industries Ltd

4 Mahunga Dr, Mangere Bridge, Auckland, Ph 09 633 0410, contact John Harrison. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Continental Stairs Ltd

32 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 836 1935, contact John or Anthony van Erp.

Counties Joinery

36 Sedgebrook Rd, Patumahoe, RD 1, Pukekohe 2678. Ph 09 238 7264, contact Roy McKerras NZS4211 Affiliated.

CT Timber Joinery Ltd

48 B Porana Road, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 444 9041, contact Cameron Stringer. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cube Dentro

8 Tironui Station Rd, West Takanini, Auckland. Ph 09 297 7830, contact Leonie Hamill.

Cutting Innovations Ltd

70 The Concourse, Henderson, Auckland 0610, Ph 09 836 9050, contact Alec Stringer

Dando Doors and Windows Ltd

62 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. Ph 09 629 0222, contact Peter Facoory. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Danska Cabinetmaking

Unit 5, 56 Rewarewa Rd, Raumanga, Whangarei, ph 09 438 1100, contact Aaron & Carolyn Rawson.

Design Timber Doors & Windows Ltd

118 Mangere Road, Otahuhu, Auckland, Ph 021 0868 6770, contact Sailesh Prakash. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Doorways (2009) Ltd

428 Church St East, Penrose, Auckland, Ph 09 571 0605, contact Neville Shirley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Euro Timber Joinery Co Ltd

34 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 837 1833, contact Shane Paterson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Fineline Joinery Limited

4 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Auckland, Ph 09 836 2212, contact Richard Schaefer. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Format Ltd

17 Parity Place, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 914 4560, contact Frank Schlaffmann.

Geoff Locke Cabinetmaker Ltd

67 Hodge Road, R D 6, Ruatangata, Whangarei 0176, Ph 09 433 5745, contact Geoff Locke.

Goldfinch Timber Joinery Ltd

20 D & E Onslow Avenue, Papatoetoe, Auckland, Ph 09 277 8803, contact Harvey Whitehead.

NZS4211 Affiliated

Grandvue Joinery

42 Gregory Road, Waitakere. Ph 09 810 9398, contact Robert Piacun. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Guyco Kitchens & Joinery Ltd

8 Rewa Rewa Road, Raumanga, Whangarei, Ph 09 470 0653, contact Peter Dainty.

G & J Joinery (1997) Ltd

372 West Coast Rd, Glen Eden, Auckland. Ph 09 818 5585, contact Alan Parry. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Heritage Joinery Ltd

1007 Paerata Road, Paerata, Pukekohe. Ph 09 239 2794, contact Michael Oglesby.

Hewe Kitchens & Interiors

10 Triton Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632, Ph 09 479 6504, contacts Tony Hewetson or Craig Hewetson.

Haydn & Rollett Ltd

1 Warehouse Way, Northcote, Auckland 0627. Ph 09 443 8315, contact Christopher Hartley.

JT Cabinetry Ltd

32 Neil Park Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland, Ph 09 279 8984, contact Noel Rowse.

Kay Joinery

1226 Oruru Road, R D 2, Peria, Kaitaia, Ph 09 408 5547, contact Daniel Kay. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Kitchen Dynamics Limited

122 Kitchener Road, Waiuku, Auckland, Ph 09 235 0252, contact Colin Drummond.

Kitchen Inspirations Ltd

Unit 15, 518 Buckland Road, R D 2, Pukekohe, Ph 09 239 0875, contact Justin and Rebecca Berry

Legacy Joinery

120 Captain Springs Rd, Onehunga, Auckland. Ph 09 250 2150, contact Brandon van Zyl. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Leslie A J & Co Ltd

PO Box 35 628, Browns Bay. Ph 09 479 4662, contact Steve Leslie. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mahurangi Joinery Ltd

23a Glenmore Drive, Warkworth, Auckland 0910, Ph 09 425 9849, contacts Joel and Suzannah Hemus. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Matakana Kitchens & Joinery Ltd

50 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana, Ph 09 422 7804, contact Jeffrey Smith. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mattson Joinery PO Box 76690, Manukau City. Ph 09 277 7642, contact David Mattson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

McNaughton Windows and Doors

PO Box 27 061, Mt Roskill. Ph 09 620 9059, contact Andrew Riley or Dave Cunningham. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Meridian Joinery Ltd

18 Parity Place, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 444 9247, contact Kieren Mallon.

Neo Design Ltd

96 Hillside Road, Glenfield, Auckland. Ph 09 443 4461, contact Wayne Church or Paul Burgess.

Next Level Joinery Ltd

3D Target Court, Wairau, Auckland. Ph 021 568 655, contact Brendon Sowerby. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Nicks Timber Joinery Ltd

56 Forge Road, Silverdale, Auckland. Ph 09 426 6862, contact Ken Caldwell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ninety Degree Kitchens & Design Ltd

11 Tanekaha Lane, Kerikeri, Northland 0294, Ph 022 624 0056, contact Carli Scoles

Owairoa Joinery Ltd

PO Box 58 336, East Tamaki. Ph 09 273 3699, contact Mark Harriman. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pakuranga Joinery Ltd

2 Canon Place, Pakuranga, Auckland. Ph 09 576 8858, contact Gary Farquhar. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Papakura Joinery Ltd

45-51 Tironui Road, Papakura North, Auckland, Ph 09 298 7145, contact Glenn Haszard. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Regal Plus Joinery Ltd

35 Commerce Street, Whangarei, Ph 09 438 2989, contact Jason Hammond.

Rockfield Woodworkers (2003) Ltd

9 Parkwood Place, East Tamaki, Manukau, Ph 09 274 4698, contacts Bryan Hancock and Nick Jones. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Seaboard Joinery 2016 Ltd

59A Leonard Rd, Penrose, Auckland. Ph 09 579 9571, contact Michael Kreft. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Smith & Parker Joiners

35 Waipanga Road, Kamo, Whangarei, Ph 09 435 5415, contact Albert Smith or Simon Parker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Southey and Knight Group Ltd

50 Hooper Ave, Pukekohe, Ph 022 455 9975, contact Ryan Southey. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Kitchen Tailor

536 Mahurangi East Road, Algies Bay, Warkworth, Ph 027 448 1879, contacts Adam & Kirstyn McNeil

Timber Joinery Solutions Ltd

1007 Tauhoa Road, R D 4, Warkworth, Auckland, Ph 09 422 5873, Contact Dave Sattler. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Total Timba Joinery

PO Box 101 153, Glenfield. Ph 09 444 7772 contact Rob Pickup. NZS4211 Affiliated.

VSP Interiors Limited

68 A Hillside Road, Wairau Valley, Northshore, Auckland, Ph 021 183 9151, contact Vishal.

Westpine Joinery Ltd

7 Binstead Rd, New Lynn, Auckland. Ph 09 827 6488, contact Bill or Donny Rawlinson. www. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wendekreisen Travel Ltd

Unit 1, 197 Montgomerie Road, Mangere, Auckland, Ph 03 489 6507, contact Sascha Warnken; Dieter Schuetze

Whenuapai Joinery (1988) Ltd

49 Pupuke Rd, Takapuna, Auckland. Ph 09 416 4995, contact Ian Midgley. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Secretary Ph 04 471 1133


Advance Joinery 2015 Ltd

71 Higgins Road, Hamilton, Ph 07 846 0026, contact Kris Allen.

Artisan Carpentry Ltd

747 No2 Road, R D 2, Te Puke 3182, Ph 027 344

1918, contact Charles de Lapomarede

Autocrat Joinery

31 Maru Street, Mount Maunganui, Ph 07 574 8162, contact Steve O’Donohoe. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Beaver Kitchens Ltd

28 McAlister St, Whakatane, Ph 07 308 7642, contact Michelle McAnulty.

Classical Doors Ltd

Cnr Chadwick Rd & Sherson St, Tauranga, Ph 07 578 4908, contact Scott Wilkins. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Clearline Ltd

65 Hull Road, Mt Maunganui, Ph 07 572 4307, contact Barry Ririnui. NZS4211 Affiliated.

CM Joinery 201 Bowman Rd, RD 9 Hamilton 3289, Ph 07 846 7192., contact Craig Mackie.

Colourform Joinery Ltd PO Box 10121, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 6655, contact Mike Taylor. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Concept Kitchens & Bathrooms Ltd 73 Riverlea Rd, Hamilton, Ph 07 856 4705, contact Ross Bones.

Countrylane Kitchens

44 Marshall Road, Katikati 3178, Ph 0274 761 315, contact Darrell Garrett.

Cromptons Joinery PO Box 751, Taupo. Ph 07 378 7968, contact Allan Crompton. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Customtone Kitchens 33 Progress Drive, Otorohanga, Ph 07 873 8083, contact George van Boven.

Designline Limited

21 Gateway Drive, R D 4, Whakatane, Ph 07 307 0058, contacts Hayden and Rachel Boyd.

Fernlea Cabinetry & Joinery Ltd Unit 3, 593 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 4844, contact Frank Lawrence. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Fine Woodworking

1536 Main North Road, R D 5, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 6194, David Higgins. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 80

Gartshore Group

PO Box 2117, Tauranga. Ph 07 578 4529, contact

Bill Gartshore. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Got It Made Kitchens and Cabinetry

360 Rickit Road, Te Awamutu 3800. Ph 07 871

3998, contact Cherie van der Poel or Eric Prole.

Harker Laminates

58 Bryant Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 7745, contact Steve Harker.

HK Kitchens

144 Taurikura Drive, Tauriko, Tauranga, Ph 07 927 3092, contact Jason Smith.

Hopkins Joinery

126 Taupo St, Putaruru. Ph 07 883 7951, contact Ron or Hilary. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Hostess Joinery Ltd

PO Box 1048, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 3099, contact Peter Clarke.

Huntly Joinery 2000 Ltd

PO Box 170, 22-26 Glasgow St, Huntly, Ph 07 902 5250, email NZS4211 Affiliated.

Interior Fittings Ltd

23 White St, Rotorua 3010, Ph 07 348 1041, contact Josh Anderson.

Keith Paton Joinery

15 Carters Crescent, Cambridge, ph 07 827 3249, contact Keith Paton.

King Country Kitchens

49 King St, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 8820, contact Richard Pethybridge. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Kitchen Fx Ltd

801 Arthur Porter Dr, Burbush, Hamilton. Ph 07 849 2801, contact Mark Davies.

Lee Brothers Joinery Ltd

PO Box 1170, Rotorua, Ph 07 348 0620, contact Paul Ingram. NZS4211 Affiliated.

LPS Cabinetry Ltd

55 Miriama St, Taumarunui 3920. Ph 027 539 4702, contact Lewis or Deborah Stewart

MAKZ Joinery

26 Alexander Ave, Whakatane, Ph 027 284 9412, contact Jamie McConnell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Makepiece Limited

Unit 2, Number 10, Gateway Cres, Coastlands, Whakatane 3194, Ph 07 219 0903, contact Richard Knott. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Montage Kitchens & Joinery

PO Box 5266, Frankton, Hamilton. Ph 07 8479

174, contact Ian Megchelse or Craig Mackie. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Morrinsville Industries Ltd

PO Box 69, Morrinsville. Ph 07 889 5199, contact Murray Foster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Native Timber Joinery Ltd

92 Bruce Berquist Drive, Te Awamutu, Ph 07 871 6188, contact Stuart Walker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pacific Coast Kitchens NZ Ltd

471 Omokoroa Road, R D 2, Tauranga, Ph 07 548 0606, contact Eric Thompson.

Plain & Fancy Furniture & Kitchens

2 Lake Rd, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 4563, contact Michael Kenyon.


49A Matai Street, Taupo. Ph 07 378 8049, contact Stu Martin.

St Andrews Joinery Ltd

46 Mahana Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 3050, contacts Stewart and Robert Cunningham. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Treetown Kitchens Ltd

57 Albert Street, Cambridge, Ph 07 827 7309, contact Kevin Middlemiss.

Thames Joinery (1995) Ltd

913 Queen Street, Thames, Ph 07 868 6951, contact Bruce Fulton.

Torrington Stairways

24 Matos Segedin Drive, Cambridge, Ph 07 827

6323, contact Brian Courtney.

Wackrow’s Joinery Ltd

Gillies St, Box 150, Cambridge. Ph 07 827 5981, contact Carl Riley or Liam Wackrow. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Waikato Benchtops Ltd

Glasgow Street, Huntly, Ph 07 902 5353, contact Simon Curran.


Secretary, Louise Healey


Al-Wood Joinery (2019) Ltd

7 Arthur Street, Pahiatua, Ph 06 376 8692, contact Gus Shilvock.

Benchtop Surfaces Ltd

590 Tremaine Ave, P. North. Ph 06 356 9384, contact James Hurren.

Careys Joinery (1989) Ltd

PO Box 229, Marton. Ph 06 327 7949, contact Shaun McDowell.

Counter Concepts

16 Bisley St, Palmerston North, ph 06 355 5971, contact Graeme Andrews.

D-Mac Joinery Ltd

517 Lees Rd, RD5, Feilding, 4775, ph 027 457 0490, contact Drew McBride.

Exclusive Furniture & Joinery Itd PO Box 5038, Terrace End, Palmerston North, 4414. Ph 06 357 6429, contact Stuart Robertson.

Heritage Doors Ltd

3 Muhunua West Road, Ohau, Levin, Ph 0274 418 934, contact Tod Aitken. NZS4211 Affiliated.

H.R. Jones & Co. Ltd

Aorangi St, Feilding. Ph 06 323 4388, contact Mark Pickford. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Hughes Joinery Ltd

PO Box 4250, Palmerston North, Ph 06 952 3581, contact Cliff Hughes.

Jeff Clayton Joinery

25 Roxburgh Cres, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 1736, contact Jeff Clayton.

Lanwood Joinery

26 North St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 4757, contact Steve Duck.

Mastercraft Kitchens By Healey

127 Keith St, Roslyn, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 4646, contact Peter Healey.

Murray Judd Joinery Limited

25 Station Street, Woodville, Ph 06 376 5043, contact Murray & Tessa Judd. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Rob O’Keeffe Joinery Ltd

368 Heads Rd, Wanganui. Ph 06 344 5040, NZS4211 Affiliated.

Reilly Joinery

18A Parkview Ave, Feilding, Ph 06 323 3743, contact Andrew Reilly. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Sayer Industries Limited

12 Waldegrave Street, Palmerston North Pho 06 355 8242

SB Joinery Ltd

2 Edward Street, Pahiatua 4910, Ph 027 979 0368, contact Scott Beales.

TBB Joinery Limited

51 Grey Street, Feilding 4702, Ph 022 633 2928, contact Bruce Birrell.

The Door Shoppe

157 London Street, Wanganui, Ph 06 345 7707, contact Mark & Diane Thompson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Townshends (1994) Limited

59 Makomako Road, Palmerston North. Ph 06 354 6699, contact Denise McLean. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Joiner – Leighton Judd Ltd

50 Johnston Street, Foxton, Manawatu, Ph 06 363 5119, contact Leighton Judd

Tweakit Joinery Solutions

200 Tutaki Road, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 2897, contact Vaughn Tongs.


Princess St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 952 7001, contact Craig Fleet. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Unique Timber Joinery

143B Gillespies Line, R D 5, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 2654, contact James Griffin. NZS4211 Affiliated.

WDA Installations

12 Serenity Cres, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North, 4414. Ph 027 443 1534, contact Craig Buckley.


Secretary, Graeme Paul PO Box 4136, New Plymouth. Ph 06 751 1111.

Broadway Joinery

381 Broadway, Stratford, Ph 06 765 6829, contact Graham Podjursky.

Elite Kitchens 2004 Ltd

23 Oropuriri Road, New Plymouth 4312, Ph 06 759 8221, contact Sean Rice.

Glen Valley Joinery

83 Breakwater Road, Maturoa, New Plymouth, Ph 06 751 4631, contact R G Barlow. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Hawera Kitchens and Furniture Ltd 24 Glover Road, Hawera 4610, Ph 06 278 7044, contacts Klinton Hunt / Lance Hunt.

In 2 Kitchens Limited

78 Portia Street, Stratford, Ph 06 765 4058, contacts Brent and Jo Russ. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Jones & Sandford Joinery Ltd

285 St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 9251, contact Roger Jones.

Kitchen Designz NZ Ltd

225-229 Courtenay St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 759 8324, contact Dan Holmes.

KP Joinery Ltd

2 Dowding Place, Waitara. Ph 06 754 4726, contact Ken Parsons.

MacLeod Joinery

42 Beach St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 757 8172, Kieran MacLeod. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mode Kitchens

77B Hurlstone Drive, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth 4312, ph 027 521 8527, contact Fraser Hall.

New Plymouth Joinery Ltd

10 Cody Place, New Plymouth. Ph 06 758 8580, contact Roger, Paul or John Ancell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Newton Gordge Joinery 2016 Ltd

67 Breakwater Rd, New Plymouth. Ph 06 751 5165, contact Scott Dudley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pace Office Furniture Ltd

113 De Havilland Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth. Ph 06 755 4012, contact Lew Dickie or Bryan Frank.

Prestige Kitchens 2001 Ltd

98 Molesworth Street, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 9177, contact Mark Schmidt.

Rhys Powell Joinery

7A Euclid Street, New Plymouth. Ph 06 753 3822, contact Rhys Powell. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Secretary, Sue Page QSM, JP

13a Charles Street, Westshore, Napier 4110. Ph 06 835 9549. Email:

Awapuni Joinery Ltd

22 Parkinson Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 3301 contact Peter Webster.

Alexander Joinery Ltd

55 Dunlop Rd, Onekawa, Napier 4112. Ph 06 843 2036, contact Jason Collins.

Brittin Builders Ltd

T/A Parkhill Joinery

475 St Georges Road South, Havelock North, Ph 06 877 7623, contact Tom Robertson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Burley Kitchens & Cabinetry Ltd

14 Lipton Pl, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5588, contact Craig Burley.

Cherrywood Joinery Ltd

11 PotaeAve, Lytton West, Gisborne. Ph 06 868 0971, Richard Childs.

Christie Builders & Joiners

11 Husheer Place, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 6676, contact Peter Christie. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Classic Kitchens (1977) Ltd

PO Box 3150, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 6500, contact Larry McKenna.

D Stevens Ltd

336 Childers Road, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 5700, contact Peter Claydon. NZS4211 Affiliated.

European Designer Kitchens 80 Taradale Rd, Napier. Ph 06 843 7319, contact Murray Nattrass.

Gemco Trades Ltd PO Box 8360, Havelock North. Ph 06 873 8756, contact Craig Russell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Kakapo Joinery

2/19 Mersey Street, Pandora, Napier, Ph 021 0258 9617, contact Robin Holthusen

Kitchen Zone 219 Stanley Road, Gisborne. Ph 06 863 2044, contact Tony & Lynda Sharp. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Kevin Molloy Joinery Ltd PO Box 3251, Napier. Ph 06 843 5037, contact Simon Molloy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

MCL Joinery Ltd

Box 320, Hastings, Ph 06 876 0252, contact John Bower. NZS4211 Affiliated.

McIndoe Kitchens

8 Carnegie Rd, Onekawa, Napier 4110. Ph 06 843 3880, contact Murray McIndoe.

Peter Norris Joinery Ltd

Unit 9, 28 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 8086, contact Peter Norris. NZS4211 Affiliated.

(continued over page)

September 2020 page 81 JOINERS Magazine Septem

Rabbitte Joinery Limited

807 Warren St, Hastings. Ph 06 870 8911, contacts Greg & Trudi Rabbitte. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Summerfield Joinery

4 Innes Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 868 4236, contact Dale Summerfield. NZS4211 Affiliated

Sunshine Joinery Ltd

44 Pandora Road, Ahuriri, Napier, Ph 06 844 6105, contact Rick Martin

Waipukurau Joinery Limited

2322 Takapau Road, Waipukurau. Ph 06 858 9961, contact Greg O’Kane.

Your Solutions Joinery Ltd

46 Ford Road, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5954, contact Adam Satherley.


Secretary, Scott Nichols


Ace Kitchens & Laminates Ltd

50 Montgomery Crescent, Clouston Park, Upper Hutt 5018, contact Ivan Johnson

Amalgamated Joiners 1977 Ltd

4 Mountbatten Grove, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 04 526 8091, contact Paul Pepper. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Bastian Wellington

6 Victoria Street, Alicetown, Wellington, Ph 04 576 0644, contact Sean Fitzgibbon.

BM Hamilton Kitchens & Joinery

39 Park St, Kingsley Heights, Upper Hutt, 5019, Ph 021 923 231, contact Benn Hamilton.

Carter-class Limited

72 Sydney Street, Petone, Lower Hutt 5010. Ph 021 246 1648, contact: Noah Edmonds.

Carroll’s Joinery Limited

148 Lincoln Road, Masterton. Ph 06 377 3160, contact Richard Carroll.

Commercial Joinery Wellington Ltd

232 Rongotai Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph 04 387 2050, contact Grant Smith

David Barker Custom Cabinets

Unit 1, 408 Hutt Road, Alicetown, Lower Hutt, Ph 027 248 8140, contact David Barker. NZS 4211 Affiliated.

David Ladd Joinery Ltd

19B Broken Hill Road, Porirua. Ph 04 237 9175.

Goldmark Group Ltd

9-11 Jean Batten St, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph 04 387 8964, contact David Goldsack.

Graedon Joinery

69 Pharazyn St, Melling, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 939 0405, contact Graeme Hopkirk. NZS 4211 Affiliated.

Interbuild Commercial Interiors Ltd

115 George St, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt 5019, Ph 04 939 8760, contact Neil Shackleton.

Joinery Productions Ltd

457 Jackson Street, Petone, Ph 04 569 8808, contact Wayne Wilmshurst. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Kitchen Distinction

15 Botany Lane, Porirua, Whitby 5024. Ph 04 232 3600, contact: Mark Spencer.

L & P Crown Joinery (2002) Ltd

37 Burden Avenue Wainuiomata. Ph 04 564 8895. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Living Timber European Joinery & Furniture Ltd

64 Fisk Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 567 2577, contact Horst Mundt. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Maycroft Construction Ltd

16 Gregory Street, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 567 0014, contact Chris Fayen

Maymorn Joiners Ltd

247 Parkes Line Rd, Upper Hutt, Ph 04 526 6657, contact Anthony Neustroski. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Orchard Joinery Ltd

14-18 Te Roto Drive, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 298 3380, contact Geoff Orchard. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Paraparaumu Doors & Joinery

14 Manchester St, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 297 2233, contact Tony Thomson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Pete’s Joinery & Building Ltd

205 Main St, Greytown. Ph 06 304 9137, contact Peter Algie, Rhys Severn or Paul Coventry. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Prestige Joinery Limited

140 Perry Street, Masterton, Ph 06 377 1331, contact Gregory Morgan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Renalls Joinery Limited

147 -155 High St Sth, Carterton. Ph 06 379 8008, contact Steve Ruscoe. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stylish Interiors Ltd

29D Dragon St, Granada North, Wellington. Ph 04 473 1944, contact Mathew Gubb. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The French Door Factory

14A Kingsford Smith Street, Rongotai, Wellington. Ph 04 387 7822, contact Alan Chambers

The Joinery King Limited

73 Hutt Road, Thorndon, Wellington, Ph 04 473 6367, contact Tony King. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wainui Joinery (1977) Ltd

34 Burden Ave, Wainuiomata Lower Hutt. Ph 04 564 7011, contact Nikki Wynne. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Well Hung Joinery

21 Lower Tyers Road, Ngauranga, Wellington, Ph 04 494 7230, contact Stephen Fairbrass. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wellington Joinery and Kitchens Ltd

8a Burgess Road, Johnsonville, Wellington. Ph 04 478 7652, contact Phil Schwartfeger. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Woodworkshop Ltd

118 Tirangi Road, Lyall Bay, Wellington, Ph 04 387 3228. Contact Steve Hind.

Woodhaus Joinery Ltd

54B Kent Street, Carterton 5713, Ph 022 322 0383, contact Andrew Woodhouse.



Secretary, Philip Thompson PO Box 1348, Nelson 7040. Ph 03 547 1730

A K Joinery Ltd

Units 3-5, 28 Dublin Street, Picton, Ph 03 573 6860, contact Andrew Kenny.

Bays Joinery Ltd

6 Tokomaru Place, Wakatu Industrial Estate, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0087, contact George Molnar. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Brightwater Cabinetmaker & Joinery Ltd

8c Merton Place, Annesbrook, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 548 6400, contact James Palmer.

Building Connexion Ltd

ITM Joinery, 16-18 King Edward St, Motueka, Ph 03 528 7256, contact Paul Rusbatch. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cantwell Joinery and Window Centre

15 Bristol Street, R D 4, Riverlands, Blenheim, Ph 03 578 3375, contact Ian Cantwell.

Casey’s Joinery

150 Vanguard Street, Nelson 7010, Ph 03 548 4066, contact Jack Wells.

Complete Kitchens Ltd

415 Main Road, Spring Grove, Wakefield, Tasman 7095, Ph 03 539 0055, contact Hamish Drummond.

Cooper Webley (2006) Ltd

64 Beatty Street, Tahunanui, Nelson, Ph 03 547 0010, contacts Noel Tait / Michelle Hill.

Decade Homes Ltd

32a Abraham Heights, Nelson 7010, Ph 027 546 8885, contact Phil or Maree Agnew.

James Neal Joinery

35 Fell Street, Grovetown, Marlborough, Ph 03 577 7872, contact James Neal.

Matai Joinery Nelson Ltd

26 Quarantine Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 7990, contact Greg Couper. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Motueka Joinery Co 2001 Ltd

20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka, Ph 03 528 9012, contacts Phil or Barb Sharkie.

Nazareth Joinery 2017 Ltd

1 Warwick Street, Mayfield, Blenheim, 7201. Ph 03 578 8752, contact Leigh Jones.

Orange Building Group Joinery Ltd

16 Nayland Road, Stoke, Nelson. Ph 03 547 9784, contact John Andrew.

Re Space Limited

2 Kidson Place, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 1636, contact Steven Harvey or Peter Harvey.

Prestige Furniture & Joinery Ltd

38 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson, Ph 03 544 1789, contact Richard Dohmen.

Ruby Bay Joinery Ltd

8 Warren Plc, Mapua, Nelson. ph 03 540 2123 contact Wayne Roberts. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Simply Joinery 2018 Ltd

924 Queen Charlotte Drive, R D 1, Picton, Ph 021 126 2514, contact Glen Godsiff. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Sellers Room

9 Echodale Place, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 547 7144, contact Margaret Sellers

Viking Furniture & Joinery Ltd

88 Vanguard Street, Nelson, ph 03 548 0493, contact Barry Thomas. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Waimea West Joinery Ltd

111 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0177, contacts Kathy & Alan Gibbs. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Secretary, Debbie Rahurahu


Adrian Harris Woodcraft Unit J, 3 Timothy Place, Wigram, Christchurch 8042, Ph 03 348 6996, contact Adrian Harris. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Advanced Joinery Ltd

27 Watts Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 7700, contact Greg Ayers. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Alsop Joinery Ltd

18 Alloy Street, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 4666, contact Paul Baker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Anderson Joinery Ltd

247 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 2988, email:, contact Dougal Anderson.

Architectural Joinery Ltd

82 Buchan Street, Sydenham, Christchurch. Ph 03 377 6760, contact Andrew Clark

Ashburton Joinery Limited 8 John Street, Ashburton, Ph 03 308 5059, contact James Donaldson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Bates Joinery (2008) Ltd

101 Shortland Street, Christchurch 8061, Ph 03 388 8111, contact Mark Allworthy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Bower Joinery

12a Bower Ave, Christchurch. Ph 03 388 2924, contact John Mudgway.

Brent Johnson Joinery Ltd

306 Flaxton Road, Rangiora, North Canterbury. Ph 03 313 6256, contact Brent Johnson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Busch Joinery Limited

1737 Boundary Road, R D 3, Ashburton, Ph 027 563 4537, contact Nathan Busch

Creative Joinery Ltd

Unit 1/ 7 Homersham Pl., Burnside. Ph 03 358 4900, contact Wayne Brown.

Don’s Joinery Ltd

43 Sandown Cres, Christchurch. Ph 03 382 0828, contact Don McClintock.

Douglas Furniture Ltd PO Box 7753, Christchurch, 8240. Ph 03 377 3597, contact: Howard Nossiter.

Dynamic Joinery & Cabinetry

6b Maces Road, Bromley, Christchurch, Ph 022 087 9918, contact Jeremy Smith.

Elite Joinery Ltd Unit 1, 97A Sawyers Arms Road, Papanui, Christchurch, Ph 03 354 8311, contact Hayden & Sarah Illingworth.

Evolution Interiors Limited

19 Stanmore Road, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1633, contact Karl Kitchingham.

Finesse Joinery

423 Main North Road, Christchurch. Ph 03 352 3457, contact David Street.

Hagley Kitchens

6 Nazareth Ave, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 961 0703, contact Nathan Moore.

Homeview Building Products Ltd

772 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch. Ph 03 343 9949, contact Howard Stone. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Joinery by Design PO Box 19 973, Woolston, Christchurch. Ph 03 384 8461, contact Evan McLachlan & David Phillips. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Joinery Concepts 2006 Ltd

25 Osbourne Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1066, contact Peter Robertson.

LX Joinery 39A Buchanans Road, Sockburn 8042, Christchurch, Ph 03 342 9605, contact Steve Mangan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mackay Kitchens Ltd 345 Brougham Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 365 3988, contact Chris Moore.

Misco Joinery

62 Williams St, Kaiapoi, Canterbury 7630, Ph 03 383 4384, contact Penny Abell.

Modern Age Kitchens & Joinery Ltd 127 Montreal St, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023. Ph 03 365 1675 contact Grant Woodham.

Modulink Screen Partitions 2012 Ltd

47 Hands Road, Addington, Christchurch, Ph 03 338 6464, contact Sam Bain.

Murray Hewitt Joinery Ltd

25A Lunns Rd, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 0360, contact Murray Hewitt. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 82

Murray Milne Ltd

PO Box 356, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 8018, contact Murray Milne.

MWF Manufacturing Ltd

23 Leeds St, Sydenham, Christchurch. Ph 03 365 6218, contact Gary Altenburg. NZS4211 Affiliated.

NZ Doors (2004) Ltd

41 Anchorage Road, Hornby, Christchurch, Ph 03 344 2516, contacts Ron and Lisa Zwarst.

NZS4211 Affiliated.

Paul Renwick Joinery Ltd

PO Box 11047, Chch. Ph 03 349 7049, contact Paul Renwick.

R A Hale Ltd

PO Box 9020, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03

3666 909, contact Donald Bisphan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ruben’s Joinery Limited

402 Bethels Road, 4 R D, Christchurch, Ph 03 329 5458, contact Ruben Patchett. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ryan’s Kitchens and Joinery

Unit 3, 50 Dakota Cres, Sockburn, Christchurch 8041, Ph 03 348 7921, contact Ryan Butler.

Sockburn Joinery

PO Box 11227, Christchurch. Ph 03 342 6044, contact Tony Lemmens.

Sydenham Joinery Ltd

6 Dalziel Pl, Woolston, Christchurch, Ph 03 379 6840, contact Bernie Hunt. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Joiner Shop Kaikoura Ltd

19 Beach Road, Kaikoura 7300, Ph 03 319 5562, contact Fraser Syme.

Timber Doors & Windows 2007 Ltd

194 Wordsworth Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 379 1725, contact Martyn Neville. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Timber Tru Ltd

374 Ferry Road, Woolston, Christchurch, Ph 03 389 2986, contact Tony van der Plas. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Trends Kitchens Ltd

34A Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 5242, contact James McKeown

Vision Joinery Limited

150 Ashworths Road, Amberley 7481, Ph 03 314 8083, contacts Scott Drewery & Yvette Drewery.

Woodshack Kitchens

113 Izone Drive, Rolleston, Canterbury 7675, Ph: 03 347 9790, contact Mark Davis.


Secretary, Jo Sherborne

PO Box 2115, Washdyke, Timaru 7910, Ph 03 688 4783, email

Alpine Joinery

480 Fairview Road, No 2 RD, Timaru, ph 03 688 5748, contact Paul Butchers.

Barrett Joinery Ltd

204 Hilton Highway, PO Box 2115 Timaru. Ph 03 688 4738, contact Mark Mitchell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Duncan Joinery Limited

20 King Street, Temuka, South Canterbury, Ph 03 615 7327, contact Craig Duncan.

Firman Joinery Ltd

10 Endeavour Cres, Nth Oamaru Business Park, Oamaru. Ph 03 434 1561, contact Gary Firman. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Geraldine Timber Products

27 High Street, Geraldine, Ph 03 693 9598, contact Paul Autridge. NZS4211 Affiliated.

J E Dennison Ltd

5 Redruth St, Timaru. Ph 03 688 0029, contact Gary Dennison. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JMAC Joinery Ltd

7 Laughton Street, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2725, contact Craig Mason. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Joinery Zone 2012 Ltd

110 Fraser Street, Timaru. Ph 03 688 8223, contact Warren Atwill. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Lunds Joinery Ltd

33a Grants Rd, PO Box 128, Timaru. Ph 03 688 9149, contact Mark Albert. NZS4211 Affiliated.

McMaster Joinery Leonard St, Waimate. Ph 03 689 7557, contact Des McMaster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Millennium Joinery Ltd

2 Regina Lane, Oamaru. Ph 03 437 0227, contact Michael Sandri. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Paterson Joinery

307 Rosewill Valley Road, Timaru. Ph 03 688 7060, contact Alan Paterson.

Rycole Joinery

44 Homestead Road, 1 DRD, Oamaru, Ph 03 434 5012, contacts Darryl and Adrienne Whitburn NZS4211 Affiliated.

Tony Boyce Builders & Joiners Ltd

Washdyke Flat Road, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2181, contact Tony Boyce. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Secretary, John Rigby

P O Box 473, Dunedin. Ph 03 456 1805

Abernethy Joinery

18 Melbourne Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 456 1654, contact Ian Abernethy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

B & M Joinery Ltd

4 Ree Crescent, Cromwell, Ph 03 265 2077, contact Brendon Munro or Mark Harrison. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Coronet Woodware (2017) Ltd

99 Glenda Drive, Frankton Industrial Est, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3700, contact Colin Strang. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cut-it Joinery Limited

22 Clan Mac Road, R D 2, Wanaka 9382, Ph 03 443 5031, contact John Titterton.

Elite Joinery Solutions

54 Mersey St, Gore 9710, ph 03 208 5819, contact Regan Hughes.

Formatt Bespoke Joinery Co Ltd

19 Glenda Drive, Frankton, Queenstown. Ph 03 441 4944, contact Reuben Bogue. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Gavin Player Furniture & Joinery Ltd

14b Chardonnay Street, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 8136, contact Gavin Player.

Howley Joinery Ltd

224 Mersey Street, Invercargill, Ph 03 214 1055, contact Peter Howley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JP Quality Kitchens Limited

66 Vogel Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 474 1395, contact John Peddie.

Joinery Specialists 1997 Ltd

608 Kaikorai Valley, Kenmure, Dunedin, Ph 03 488 2371, contact Graeme Emmerson.

Leading Edge Joinery Specialists Ltd

13 Surrey Street, Gore, Ph 03 208 3001, contact Donald McGuigan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Leith Joinery PO Box 778, Dunedin. Ph 03 477 0115, contact Peter Leith. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Masterwood Joinery 2008 PO Box 385, 28 McNulty Road, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0313, contact Don McDonald. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mearns & Leckie (2006) Ltd

7 Gow St, Mosgiel 9024, Ph 03 489 2024, contact Brian Ballantyne. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Master Joiners National Associate Members

Advanced Engineering Services

Allegion (New Zealand) Ltd

Architectural Hardware Supplies

Artia (Coventry Group NZ Ltd)

ASSA ABLOY New Zealand Ltd

Automation Equipment (NZ) Ltd

Biesse Group New Zealand

Blum NZ Ltd


Burns & Ferrall


Cosentino New Zealand Ltd

Crombie Lockwood (NZ) Ltd

Daiken New Zealand Limited

Elite Hardware Ltd

Enko Group Ltd

Glass Half Full

Häfele NZ Ltd

Halswell Timber Co Ltd

Herman Pacific

Hettich New Zealand


KLC Limited

Joinery IT

Knobs ‘n Knockers Ltd

Laminex New Zealand

Leitz Tooling NZ Ltd

Machines ‘R’ Us Ltd

Marbello International Ltd

Metro Performance Glass

Mojo Modern Joinery Ltd

2 Wolter Crescent, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0128, contact Craig Harrison.

Nigel Molloy Joinery Limited

300 Great North Road, Winton, Ph 03 236 0399, contact Nigel Molloy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

O’Brien Group 2012

8 Gow Street, Mosgiel, Ph 03 489 3849, contact Peter O’Brien.

Pooles Joinery Ltd

22 Bay Road, Invercargill, Ph 03 215 9167, contact Peter Fisher. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Queenstown Joinery

53 Industrial Place, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 7555, contact Kevin Harradine. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Riversdale Joinery Ltd

Liverpool Street, Riversdale, Southland 9744, Ph 03 202 5527, Barry O’Connor. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ron Kirk Joinery Ltd

403 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, Ph 03 453 5718, contact Ron Kirk. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stevenson & Williams Ltd Joinery PO Box 4007, Dunedin. Ph 03 455 4034, Email: contact Gary Turner. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Steves Joinery Ltd

22A Margaret Place, Frankton Industrial, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3206, contacts Stephen Walak, Amanda Trainor. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stewart Construction Ltd PO Box 2125, St Kilda. Ph 03 455 2057, contact Paul Mulholland. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Treebay Manufacturing Limited

17 Jutland St, Dunedin Central, Ph 03 453 0340, contact Brian Daken.

Wanaka Joinery & Glass Ltd

52 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 7890, contact Jason Fisher. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wedgerwood Joinery Ltd

11 Ngapara St, Alexandra. Ph 03 448 8832, contact Blair Harris. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Withers Joinery 78 Factory Rd, Mosgiel. Ph 03 489 4179, contact Paul Crawley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Wood Solutions PO Box 2443, Dunedin. Ph 03 479 2323, contact Andrew Bellamy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Miles Nelson MF Co Ltd

Mirotone NZ Ltd

Morgan & Aickin Ltd

Nelson Pine Industries Ltd

NZ Kitchens & Bathrooms

New Zealand Panels Group

Onboard New Zealand Limited


PSP Limited

Resene Paints Ltd

Rosenfeld Kidson & Co Ltd

Schlegel Pty Ltd

Seearco Industrial Abrasives



Universal Granites & Marbles

Tunnicliffe Timber Solutions

2018 Ltd

Unique Hardware Solutions Ltd

Viridian Glass

W & R Jack Ltd

Wurth New Zealand Ltd

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 83


Reports from Branch Presidents August 2020


For most of us returning from Covid-19 lockdown was like just releasing the pause button and carrying on with the work we had on our books. However, there were some joinery companies that experienced having jobs cancelled or put on hold. This was mainly due to their customers being associated with the Airlines or travel industry. Since the return to Level-1, the Auckland Northland members have found business favourable. The order books have been kept full of a constant stream of work with all the companies I have spoken to so far. The range of work has been varied from company to company from the larger jobs (over $50k) to small additions, sashes etc. Some members commented that they are even looking at how much work they can fit in before the Christmas break. Most members on the outskirts of Auckland have also been busy and struggling to cope with the influx of work. Confidence within the industry appears to be strong with positive feedback, with builders having good forward work and machinery suppliers and tooling manufacturers reporting good sales. Concerns of work levels for next year and beyond are on most of the Auckland members minds. We approached one of our larger architects, which reported their workload has increased substantially with ongoing work since Covid-19. We are also seeing an increase in domestic spending with no overseas travel, and with the current buoyant housing market and car sales being high. This domestic spend is all positive for our future. As Auckland President I feel our industry is in a good place for the recovery of Covid-19 and into the future. P.S. Then 12th August 2020 Lockdown level-3 hits! - Rob Pickup


Covid 19 has changed lots of things in the world, unfortunately mostly for the worst. However our Canterbury members have found

that the unexpected result of this epidemic is a huge increase in people wanting to update their kitchens and home offices after spending far too long in their homes. People that can no longer spend their excess cash on a overseas holiday seem to want to spend it updating their homes. Most of our members have more than enough work to keep them busy for the rest of the year. People seem keen to start projects immediately and want everything done yesterday. This will make the usually busy pre-Christmas season crazier than normal. After a period of zoom meetings we have now gone back to our monthly meetings. We are very grateful to Blum who have provided us with a new meeting space in their brand new South Island showroom/warehouse. We have had some great turn outs and good discussions. On the rural front we have had a very dry warm winter which has been great for the farmers who are currently in the middle of calving and lambing. The grass is really starting to grow and it does the heart good to see the young animals running around. Coming up we have our social event of indoor stimulator golf which should be a great event. We are striving to host more social gatherings as a way of spending time outside of meetings getting to know each other and having a beer.


Just when we thought we could get back to some normality Covid rears it’s head again, we can only hope that this doesn’t turn into another outbreak, our Government will finally learn that “Being Kind” to people coming back into the country will only lead to more and more outbreaks and further disruption to an economic recovery. Before this event the Central region had been experiencing a major resurgence in workloads with many reporting bookings well into the New Year, one can only assume that money once earmarked for holidays etc. is now going towards renovations

and new pools. Hopefully people don’t start getting cold feet and pulling pin on their building projects with so much uncertainty around. Master Joiners continue to be proactive though with several initiatives nearly ready to roll out to members, the 30K contract and disputes process are nearing on completion so we hope to have something for our members to use in the not too distant future. -



HB/PB Master Joiners are keeping very busy. Busier than normal perhaps with the compounding of time frames due to the five-week lockdown or with the interest rates kept low. Surprisingly still a good rate of enquiry in the residential market. Staffing levels have always been an issue in a busy market - to retain your main team and then the challenge of looking for new staff. With more pressure of the unknown further out, whether to take addition staff on can be a tricky decision. Along with the ups and downs of the year we have said our farewell to a long-standing local member Larry Mckenna. He is sadly missed at our meetings with his positive outlook on the industry and interest in the future of training. Personally, he was always welcoming to us at local meetings and was good for chat regarding new purchases on machinery. In reflection these are some of the reasons why we are members. Locally we have enjoyed a night out at our Mid-Winter Xmas dinner, which was a good time to catch up in a more relaxed atmosphere with a light-hearted Secret Santa. - Greg Rabbitte


We continue to wonder about the future of our local economy. In Nelson, the housing market and construction outlook are subdued, and consumer confidence is low. The impact of our closed borders removing the international tourist will be missed in the region. The

retail sector posted solid sales growth over the quarter across the entire region. The Marlborough region mirrors Nelson however the pipeline of construction work looks solid based on the value of residential and non-residential consents issued over the past year. We all understand that COVID-19 poses a threat to exports, a key element of our region’s economy. This includes the high value export of wine, which is certainly a challenge. But the grapes were harvested this year despite the lockdown challenges. Reports suggest it should be an outstanding vintage despite the challenging situation. Nelson Marlborough and the wider Tasman region have reasonably diversified economies, so we expect the top of the South Island will prove to be more resilient than others. Our members in the present feel positive, with full order books and some already planning to close off for Christmas. The future is less predictable which necessitates our focus on upskilling our members through training and product awareness. Control what you can control. To that note, in July we held our first Joinery and Design Awareness event. Held at the NMIT campus 12 suppliers and training providers provided insights into new products, new innovations and new opportunities. We also celebrated the 186 category entries into the JADA 2020 awards and acknowledged the winners. This

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 84
Myles Sellers presents the BCITO apprentice award to winner Raymond Davies.

is another example of staying true to a vision but working in partnership with all in our industry. I’m fortunate to have our local secretary Phil Thompson who creates the concept and the platform to make this happen. The man knows how to network! We cannot control the future both locally and nationally and it is difficult to comprehend the global economic outlook, but we will remain focused on our vision to develop people and business. I encourage our members nationally to invest in your people and your local economy. Apologies to the little French general for this bit of plagiarism but a last comment and some regional promotion. “Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of our Top of the South wine”. -


With this winter weather here now, we are getting rain and wind storms running through the Taranaki province, with just the odd day of fine weather and warm temperatures, and the Mountain in all its glory. Since coming out of lockdown most members are busy, and inquiries are steady. Materials are generally coming in on time, with most supplier having stocked up and are large ordering more than they need, especially if coming in from overseas, as time frames have stretch out. Taranaki has generally been sheltered a bit, not really relying on tourism, this has helped us to move on and resume normal work life for the most part. It will be interesting once the wages subsidy has finished, and what that looks like for employers. Housing seem to be steady, with most builders reporting steady workloads, commercial is a bit quiet, but with the government announcement that stage 2 of the Base Hospital project about to kick off in December, with the announcement of the main contractor being let now. Earthquake proofing Yarrows Stadium will also put money into the Taranaki economy, as well as the Hydrocarbon announcement

from the Government. It sounds like the oil and gas sector might be able to amp things up with some drilling taking place, so that can only be good. Most companies seem to be well staffed but finding the right person to want an apprenticeship is more of a struggle. Finding someone that is willing to work, has a good attitude and is interested in joinery, is quite the challenge. We need to be actively talking to the young people we know, or even, those looking to retrain, to gauge any interest. Maybe actively promoting this at high schools could be something to look at from a National Perspective.


What began as a busy year for most of the Master Joiner members in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty before lockdown - is rapidly becoming an extremely busy year! While a number of companies started back at level one on four day weeks initially, certainly the majority are back to five day weeks. Members throughout the region are reporting high levels of enquiries, paticularly with renovations, although new builds don’t seem to have slowed down either. Some companies have closed off for Christmas and are taking bookings for early next year. Not being able to travel overseas seems to have been a factor for a number of clients deciding to spend those funds on a new kitchen instead. While lack of work doesn’t appear to be an issue, the supply chain is becoming a concern. Delays with imported materials will likely only get worse, especially with the increased demand that wouldn’t have been anticipated by the suppliers at the start of the year. Where possible it would pay to get orders in promptly. It may be an idea to prepare clients that supply of their chosen product may be affected and perhaps they should have a back up choice. Well the news has just broken that there are four cases of community transmission in South Auckland


The Waitaki area continues to be very busy which was not what members expected after the Covid lockdown and pessimistic economic forecasts. Fortunately, for our area, very few jobs have been cancelled due to Covid. There seems to have been a bit of a slow down in the larger commercial jobs but this has been offset by a rise in residential jobs. There continues to be a high number of enquiries throughout the region as well as lots of pricing to be done for work to be completed both this year and next year. The high level of enquiries appears to be due to people not being able to travel overseas and deciding to spend money on their house instead. Some members have even had to turn work away because they are fully booked. Our members will be busy through until at least Christmas and the majority already have work booked well into next year. Staffing remains stable and some members are considering hiring new staff. One member hopes to start a new apprentice within the next couple of weeks. Two other members will both look at employing another apprentice soon if work carries on at the same rate as present. Both an office manager and a labourer have been employed recently by one member while another is currently supporting the high school ‘Gateway’ programme. It has been noticed by members throughout the region that some people are a bit more stressed since the lockdown and not so tolerant in the workplace. Members are looking at ways to assist/deal with this. Supply and delivery of material was a bit slow after the Covid lockdown but seems to have improved since then. It is currently good for most items but there are still some delays/courier issues. These issues seem to be affecting panel board, some timber and the supply of appliances. Most clients are paying on time with no issues. One member reported a couple of slow payers but noted that they are now current. No bad debtors have been reported for this quarter. While Waitaki’s members are

positive and have good forward workloads, there is still a lot of uncertainty about next year due to the ongoing Covid situation and the possible long-term effects it could have. The end of the Government wage subsidy could also impact on our industry – both directly and indirectly. Everyone is hoping that we don’t see a second wave of Covid in New Zealand. Despite the doom and gloom of Covid, the Waitaki area is enjoying being busy and will make the most of the current growth in residential work. -


As usual “Where has the year gone”. Guttered that AWISA was postponed … I’m sure we were all looking forward to that, myself included. COVID gets the middle finger for that one. It seems lockdown had a silver lining for us in the industry. Talking to reps and other fellow Legends of the industry, the general feel is “busy” and “positive”. The lock down for us was like an extended holiday with time to recharge the batteries. Also there is a noticeable reduction in sick days within my business, which I’d say is a direct benefit of everyone staying at home. Now we have the Christmas rush to look forward too. There is a high amount of renovation post lock down in our region accompanied with some large commercial construction underway. I suppose that is one huge Plus with the government being so local. Some members have seen an increase in apprentice enquiries which could be something to take advantage of … maybe get some fresh blood through training. We had a very large turnout to our last meeting which was great to see. We have a few new members join as well. Dear I say, Christmas is coming and we are looking forward to finishing on a high and this rollercoaster of a year to be over. –

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 85


AvanTech YOU

AvanTech YOU is the latest release from Hettich, and an innovative, design focused thin-walled drawer. The AvanTech YOU system allows unparalleled customisation, exceptional performance, and impactful production efficiencies.

Hettich New Zealand 0800 438 842

German precision

German manufacturer Mafell has been producing high-end portable carpentry equipment for nearly a century, and the P1cc jigsaw carries on that fine tradition. After sitting down with carpenters and engineers from around the world, Mafell took the feedback on board and determined that jigsaws needed to be far more precise than what was previously available on the market. The end result of all that R&D is the P1cc, a jigsaw that handles like an absolute dream, offers 11 different blade types, and even blows air across the floating blade to prevent burning. The P1cc is compatible with the Mafell guide rail system, as well as T-shank blades from most other manufacturers.

Jacks are pleased to offer the complete range of Mafell machinery. Phone 0800 522 577.

a virtual reality

SAi’s VirtualSign is a new augmented reality app which creates a virtual representation of how signs will look like in-situ in the real world. The objective, says SAi, is to enable sign and display businesses to secure go-ahead for projects faster. Not only does VirtualSign allow users to visualize signs in real life, but they can also capture and send images directly from the app, making it easier than ever to share creative ideas.

VirtualSign is available to download on iTunes and Google Play

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 86

Hidden NZ innovation used in Dutch museum

The new Naturalis Natural Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Netherlands, used 11,000 Fastmount clip sets in its lattice-panelled atrium, which is 36 metres high.

Designed by Neutelings Riedijk Architects in collaboration with fashion designer Iris van Herpen, the entire Naturalis project covers a total of 38,000 m 2, of which 18,000 m2 is of renovation and 20,000 m2 is of new construction.

With the interior fitout completed by Harryvan Interieurbouw, the Naturalis used Fastmount panel mounting systems in the ‘Kroongevel’, or Atrium of the building to attach the panels without seeing the fixings. The panels that line the latticed 36 metre high atrium are 18mm oak veneered MDF mounted to a 15mm MDF substrate, using a total of 11,000 PC-F1A + PC-M2H/PC-VMX sets from Fastmount’s Standard Range.

“We needed a solid and blind fixing off the wall panels, which we could easily program within the model/shape of the panels on our CNC machine. Fastmount has a wide range of hidden fixing clips, which fitted the job

perfectly. At Naturalis in Leiden, we used 11,000 sets of hidden clips for the shaped wall panels in oak veneer at the stunning Atrium,” commented Peter Dijkman, Engineer at Harryvan Interieurbouw.

“The Naturalis project demonstrates how many of our customers these days are using CNC machining for their panels in large scale projects, and how seamlessly our clip systems can be integrated to speed up installation time,” said Gregg Kelly, Managing Director and Head of Innovation at Fastmount.

Harryvan Interieurbouw worked closely with Fastmount distributor Kroon B.V. in the Netherlands for technical support and product supply.

Celebrating its 15th year manufacturing world-leading hidden panel mounting systems in New Zealand, the Naturalis project shows how a product once designed for the superyacht industry has been able to tack into a new field globally with success, whilst maintaining product manufacture in New Zealand.

JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 87
Photo: Hans Morren for Harryvan Interieurbouw. We’ll be giving away a free 12 months subscription courtesy of 3D Kitchen™ with every issue of JOINERS Magazine!

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JOINERS Magazine September 2020 page 88 67 69 68 74 27 44,45 19 ibc 71 7 64 72 5 59 56 48 ifc,1 25 29 23 70 21 16 53 49 13 37 35 63 2 71 11 31 24 43 55 65 41 57 15 17 9 51 73 33 ADVERTISER INDEX 3D Kitchen All About Labels Auto Equip BCITO Biesse Group Blum Burns & Ferrall CadMate CAD + T Carters Design Denmark Eclipse Insurance Egmont Air Fit Flexi Australia FSB Group Hafele (NZ) Ltd Hideaway Bins Hettich Homag HP Tech Hutchco In Residence IntaWood Joinery It Laminex Leitz Machines R Us Mirotone Nelson Pine Industries NZ Duct & Flex NZJMF NZ Panels Group One Finance Panelform PPG Proform Sage Doors Seearco Steelfort Stone & Joinery Solutions TMS Viking Villtec W & R Jack Technical Machinery Services Ltd NZ Agent for Holzher machines, new sales, spare parts & service • Edgebanders • CNC Machining Centers • Vertical Panel Saws • Pressure Beam Saws Panel Handling Mike French - 021 353 632 Rajan Pillay - 021 504 929 Showroom (by appointment) 6b Earl Richardson Ave, Wiri m a g a z i n e classified advertising $195 +gst Phone 09 820 9486 New Zealand SCM Agents Routers Edgebanders Beam Saws (09) 278 1870 MACHINERY Wide range of used machines available Prowood Machinery Ltd Phone 09 442 5699 NZ’s largest range of new & 2nd hand equipment W & R Jack Ltd 0800 522 577 e. p. 0800 PRO100 (776 100) $4,674.00(excl gst) 3d design, price & cutting lists
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Congratulations Joiners Magazine on the 100th issue! We look forward to the next 25 years Kiwis supporting Kiwis getting back to work Talk to Jacks today 0800 522 577 NZ’s largest range of new & second-hand machines $4m of spare parts stock on hand 14 technicians available nationwide

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Articles inside


pages 88-91


pages 86-87

Due Process

pages 80-81

What students say

page 79

Know your numbers

page 78

more suction

page 77

Barriers to training removed

pages 76-77

Stability, continuity, trust

page 75

preserving the life of your High Speed Router Spindle

page 74

Bay of Islands magic

pages 72-73

labels made by rock n’ roll royalty

page 71

Industry meets furniture technology drylin linear rails for a sliding extension

page 70

Leadership through Listening

pages 68-69

New flatbed TH Joinery moves forward with Proform CNC

page 67

Metallic finish on the start line WOCA and Triboard combine for a designer result

page 66

Jacks announce return of a classic

page 65

Celebrating 25 years in business

pages 62-64

maximise space with the Salice pocket door

page 60

From site measure to CAD in a single step!

pages 58-59

Take your site measuring to the next level

page 58

Waterbased Coatings are winning the battle

page 56

expansion by delegation

pages 54-55

Felder fitout investment for future

page 52


page 51

End of a journey

page 51


page 50

The Blum Story in New Zealand

pages 48-49

Panelform introduces … Silk Matt finish for Durostyle thermoformed doors

pages 45-46


pages 42-44

Sage Doors changing the shape of laseredge in NZ

page 42

Free Space Flap Fitting smaller

page 41

some thoughts from Hafele’s Michael Farrugia

page 40

more efficiency in panel processing

page 39

client advantage

page 38

SCM Live huge success for high technology

pages 36-37

Dezignatek Dezignatek expanding colours & capabilities

pages 32-35

Adapting to the Individualisation Trend

pages 30-31


pages 29-30

Successful Kiwis In Australia Geoff Holland

page 28

Ross Campbell

pages 24-27

Ordering at your fingertips anytime, anywhere

pages 22-23

PearlArc by Zomodo

page 20

Innovation & Heritage

pages 18-19

Strong industry voice in formation of WDC

pages 14-16

The value of membership

pages 13-14

Hideaway Bins are proudly NZ Made *

page 12

Auriga 1308XL Power

page 11

Blum Christchurch complex opens

page 10

25 years on and still here

pages 8-9

m a g a z i n e

pages 5-8

for a perfect finish start with GoldenEdge HMR0

pages 4-5
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