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Jordan Harison Reader

Brief 05 - Dr. Me


BACKGROUND Dr.ME are a multi-disciplinary based in Manchester.

BRIEF studio


A primary focus of Dr.ME’s design practice lies with creating work for musicians, which often sees them producing innovative visual solutions for anything from record sleeves to gig posters . During the first few months of the academic year, Dr.ME came into university to set us a live brief challenging us to create a design for a musician named Evian Christ.

Extended Practice

Create a Vinyl cover for Evian Christs new single Duga-3. Responses should graphically represent the 10hz tapping sound that makes up the duga-3 transmission.

DELIVERABLES • Vinyl sleeve design for Evian Chrit’s new single Duga-3. • Appropriate documentation of design process and final outcome recorded on blog. 01/04

Jordan Harison Reader

Brief 05 - Dr. Me




The target audience will predominantly consist of music lovers, particularly those interested in Evian Christ’s music.

Through a quick body of research I was able to discover that Duga-3 is a huge transmitter located in Russia that emits a repetitive 10hz tapping sound. Visually, much inspiration can be taken from the transmitters layered geometric aesthetic.


Also reviewed as part of the project research was Evian Christ’s track which is named after the transmitter and features the 10hz tapping sound. The track itself is comprised from layers of subtle yet eerie sounds, reminding me of sounds that are often percieved when alone outdoors.

The tone of voice will predominantly be communicated visually, reflecting the track by taking inspiration from the music and the geometric attributes of the Duga-3 transmitter.

Extended Practice


Jordan Harison Reader

Brief 05 - Dr. Me

Design Development

DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Responses produced for the Evian Christ track are heavily influenced by the geometry that can be found within the structure of the transmitter and the layering of sounds and colours. The outcome looks slightly disorientating, but forms an accurate visual representation of the track itself.

Extended Practice


Jordan Harison Reader

Final Resolution

Brief 05 - Dr. Me

FINAL RESOLUTION The chosen design was selected due to the aesthetic balance that is formed between the geometric pattern, background image and distorted colour scheme.

Extended Practice


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