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C. C. Crapo 路& Sons Buy Guaranteed Shoes, Clothing~nd Furnishings


Hower Photo & . Enlarging Studio MRS. J. I-lOWER, Proprietor

Murray, Utah

Bell Phone 379


OFFICERS N. THOMPSON. Clerk JOHN HANSEN, JR .. Supt. )f Schools W . G. SCOTT, Treasurer ENOCH JORGENSEN, High School Principal



til(' lllO~t.

itt! porta nt <lay of 1h<> yeHr to \Villc'"trd 'l'h<· wor·ld <·ontain<>d nmw of tho~<' hnteful c·ondiLion~ that ho had of1 <'Il d<>Hel·ilwd, wlwn rrfrrring to lliul~cll', a~ "illlp<'ditnen1H" in th<' em'C'er of rirsing yotmp; nH'Il. \VhPn he fondly r<>flc>dc>d that thrrse wor<l~ w<•J'<' i h<· du pl i('<li·<' of II awthorne 'R, he ('Onsickred it a <·ontpliltH'Il1. to l1i~ nH~nlory I'HilH'r than a r<•prmtC'h to hiH originality. 11 nttts1 <tl~o ))(• ~;lid 1lw1 h<· po~~<'~~<'d 11H· rare· power of aeC'mnmodaiing- nil hi~ <'XJWI'i<'IH'<' to 11 proof' ol' hi~ own ·w orth ;-md fmpcriority. Wit.h 1.ll<' dignity ol' pt·onwt.ion snppm·ting hi~ lH'1Hl in a rigid upright po~it.ion h<• llt1lr('h<'d nH·eh;tni<·<llly dovvn ih<' ~1t'<'d towar<l1hr n1ilI'O;td ~1 n 1ion. "Nny, Bill!" <'1trll<' in ~HI'<'Hf·di<· 1onp~ J'rotn <Ill or<·hard hy tlw 1'0:1 d~id<•, '' ~1wJyi llg' H~1l'OIIOillY ·~ '' II<' ~i.opp<•d Hht'tlpily and JH'<'i<'JHling not io noti<·<' ih<' al1w-Jion, answm·<·d <'OIJd<'s<'<'lldingly: "I <llll going 1o ih<' <·ity on lnu;iness." ·'You'll go 011 foot if' you don'i rnn for that tre1in," repliPd the l)(l.)' wit.h l>r·mtd grin. A r~~w lll0H1CI11H ln1Pl' lw waH ('Olllfortably HPHt<'d in the westhound 1ntin, ind11lging in the prowl thonght of his rc><·ent promotion 1'r·on1 ·11 <'Oilllllon wor·lnmm in his llnC'l<''~ mills to a position of trust. rl'odr~y IH• wa~ l><·g·inning what lw tPt'med hi~ finmH'ial <·arr(,r, and air<·Hs11<· a 1'1 PI' <1 i n·~1st I<' n t'ose frolll his d<'lnd<'d imagination. ITc> 1houg·ht wi1 h <',ont<>lllp1 o!' the yonng· mau who had fornwrly oc('npie(1 l 1 i~ posit ion 1111d o[' hi~ dis}wnora ])]p ('OJHJnet in Pllcleavoring to roh his <'lllploy<'l'. \\rhil<· ih~1~ <'llg'}lg<'d lH· <·h<llH'<'d to hear a remark from :\Ltdi~Oil.



a young man who was sPat ed i>Phind hint and ll<' list PnPd with interest to the <'Oilvt'nwtion thHt l'ollowPd. ' 'Our plan m:-dPt'i<tli?;Pd twrl'<'<'ily," snid on<• with sntisfadion . " Bell ton was too [H'Olld to im·<•st igat <' 1 h<' <·hnq.l,·<·~ ot· 1o q1H:st inn Old .Toe! 'H aetion and thnt. yonug l\ladi~;on is too <'.Ott<'Pi1<•d <ltHl shnllow to be of' H.ll,Y ('OrlNeqU<'ll('('. ' ' " Ilavp Ut<' fair·n<•ss to S<ly yo111· plnn," r<'pli<'d his <'Otllpanion with fe<~ ling. ' ' I assist<'d yon in irnpli<·ating HPniorr l>y unl'ctir lll<'<ltlS and he lofit hi:-; po:-;it ion, hut I wHs l'ot'<'<'d to it by tny fittn n<·inl obi igation to yon.',

" Oh , e<l1l it wlwt you <'homw.' ' was th<• <'old tutdisturiH'd l'<'ply. '' Helll('nJ IH'r you HI'<' <ltl <H·<·onrpl i<·t• nnd may k<'<'P your· p<·nmnnl ob~owrvationH to yourH<'IL We11t until IllY H<'<'.ond pl<lll nwtul'<'H nnd ,J O<l Bon ton wi 11 lm \'<' sont<'t hi ng IH'sid<·s HIH'Pt's and <·ont <'Ill pi uous glar]('CH to f'a<'P." 1 }1 urther r·prnarlu; WC'l'<' lost in ih<> <'Ottl'usion of' thP trnin's lll'l'ivctl in i!Hl c:ity. Willard ~lcHlison st<·pp<'d lllltJoii<'Pd l'ro111 lh<' train. llis flttsh<•d f'ac·<· told ol' th<• blow his tnid<' h;HI J'<'<'<'in'd. " CorJ<•<•ited <111d ~d <tllow, <1111 I? " lw Jnuttt't't•d fi<'t'<'<'ly. "II<' rnay find Uwy <It'<' <l<~ng<·rous qwtli1i('s <'Olnl>iJH'd with d<'t<•t'Jninntion." Jn ih<' Hli<'('('Pding· W<'<'kH i><'opl<' of' lhPil' <H'<Jll<litil<lll<'<' W<J1<•h<•d .Jo<' BPrli.on and WiiiHrd l\lndi:-;o11 wi1h tllltlStt<ll inl<'l'<•st. ~l()st ol· B<'nton's fornH't' f'ri<·nds shunJH•<I llin1 wilh :-l<'OI'Jl. Only <l l'n\', who fwd dis<·r<~dit<'d Ow rPporl<'d S<'<lltd;tl nnd 111aintnin<'d llis ittno<'<'tl<'<'. knt•w tlud. h<'ll<'Hth his <·old t'l'S<'J'\'<' th<~ blood ol' nohl<' lll<lll In pnl>li<•, S<'Ot'tl, <'<llli<'lllp1 <IJHI hood r<ln ft'<'<' <tnd il'lt<'. insultr-; W<'n' rn<'1 with <'It during sil<'ll<'<>, l>u1 llt'\'t•r· did It i..; <'.V<' 1':1 If with guilty ('OllH<'iOUSilPSS wh<'ll <·IJnlll'llp,:-<'d by lhOS(' of' rill (1('('\IS('J', Willard l\Jadison \V}\S ;-dwnys in (\ pt<' ()('('llpi<•d sl;ll<· or lllilld. l.ilu· nil Jl(\t't'OW-Illilldl'd p<'opl(' Iris J)('}\('(' or mind\\'(\"\ ('011Hiillllly distui'!H'd I><'<'Huse of' its dq><·ndt>ll<'<' on 111<' 111inor and rnon' l1·ivinl <'ir<'lllll Htan<·e:-; of' Iii'<'. All olh<'t' thonghts W<'t'<' lm.;t in H hul·nittg· dPsirt• !'or· r<·vnng<• on l{oy Np<'ll<'<'t', t h<' ttn<·ortst•ious ol'f't'lHI<'t' on t h<' 1'<1 ilroad tr·ain. An llllO\'C'III J'ul month p<lHS<'<I. 'I'll<' I';Jll l>l't'<'7-<'S S\ ' <'pi <JW<l.Y til<' gr'<'<~n o[' stl!rllll<'t' and told with <'hill nnd lllO<lll ol' th<> <·oming· winl<'t' . Hhowprs 1'<'11 , light hut <·ontinn;d, ht·inging· disnrnl <i<l,VS <IIHI I>I;H·k n ig·htH. Daily tiH• IJ oust on sL;q..!,'<' slrngg·l<'<i 11 p t h<' long slopP, 11 1r 011 g·ll HlP narTow g;1p Hll<l still higll<'t'io lltls1otl l'alls, wh<'t'<' th<· 'l'llr·;Jsh<·r· l\lills wc•r'<' lo<·~d<•d. Psnnlly :-i<'\' ('t'HI J>ilSS<'III-('<'l'S o<·<·npi<'d til<' <·iltlllHY V(~ hi<·l<\ on its !Pel ions jollt'll<',V, hut 011 llw pnrt i<•ttl;tt' dny of' wlli<·lt llli:-; stor·y l><'<tr's t'<·lntiotJ, .Jo<'l 'l,llrnsltt'l' wns Ill<' only O<'<'llJHlll1.



'l'IH' 1nisis of dusk ViTPT'C just e1osing over thr ram (lrcnrhed -vvorld, inteJJHifi<'d by tho Rhadows of rnonntaim; and forests, as the <~oa('h <~roARed a ridg<~ H:nd Rwung jnto a ravine where the map] \~ tr<'eH ovedmng th<~ roHd. 'l'IJe song on the jolly miller's lips IYH~ loudly suppl<'lJWilt<'d by hjs by-word, "What's up?" and he thrust his IH'<Hl out into til<' rain HS ihe <·oaeh stopp<><l Huddenly. '"I'll r·ow 11p your h~llHlH <llld get out here Ill ighty Rudden!" mnti<'r<'d <t thr·<·Ht<'lling \'OJ<'<', ''or I'll blow off your head, .Joel 'l'hra~:dwr. '' '' I '<I gi \'(: hal r IllY lllOJl('Y to wrmg your <·owanlly n<:ck,'' waq 1.1J<' l'ttJ'iOtiH t'<'ply. But 'l'hntHIH•r· hl<'W <'llottgh 1o limit his r<'RishmC'e to vvonls :md Hi.<'JlJWd to t.IH' ground wi1 hout d<>h-ly. A S<'<'OlHl disguised figure :-;1<'JllH'd l'orward <1 nd r<·l iuY< ~d 1he fumjng miller of hjs valuable~. W(' v\'HS t'(' <~Jli.('J'illg th<' <'OH<'h <lt their <~Ollllllalld, when, quick llS 1bought, H<'V<•nll 111<'11 dnrt<·d from the snrToundillg thicket h1Hl N< ~ <·tJt'<'d t IH' l'ol>l>er·:-~ bdoJ'< ~ J'Psistan<·e was possible. "Now, wouldn't that spill . y<;r· i<1st. drop of honey~" ejacnlat<~<1 ,Jo('l iJH'<'J·dulously. "Whai 's tlw mPanin' of Hll thi~ rohhin' n,Jl(l k<·1<·ilin 'l '' " It lll<'<lllN that I ll:l\'<' f'nsir·at<'d a plot 1o roh you," Raid \Yill<lt'd 1\lndi:-.;on <jlli<·kly. ''At. l<'nst. you at'<' now t'i<·ller· Clnd sH f'er than a few mom<>nts pt'<'v ious,'' s;1id .Jo<' B<'Jlt.on quidly, ''a nd further c•xpl81Htbon and inqni1·i<•s <'Hil l><'i.L< ~ I· h<~ Jll<Hl< ~ wiih th<~ nssistaJH'<' ol' light and Rhelter.'' An llotll' la1<'J' 1h1s gr·onp of' HH'll <•nt<>r<'d '11 lH<lSht>r'R offiee half' dr·:1gging tlw two rohl><·t·s al't!'r tlwm. \Villtnd .:\laclison at Oll<'<' IH'g'illl :

" ]1'ir·s1, in ord<'r 1o lllHk<' lllH1ters <·l<'ar, JH'rhaps"' · N<'<' h<'J'<', Jl<'l'll<l ps or· 110 p<'rha ps, I'm first go in' to find out \V ho t.h<'lll sn<'H ki 11' nlS<'<tls <H'<' i 11 disgnis<' ilH•re. Roy Spencer! l~'J·< ~d Willicltlls! W<:ll, of' all animals! Yon eowar<lly coyotes! Wlwt. do you JtW<lll by t•ohhin' ,Joel 'l'hraRher? " 'I'll<· <l<'<·tJs<'d ltH'Il s1 ood l'ol' c-1 monH·nt with lowered heads, then \ViJii;-JlllH, S1Ppping !'onvnrd. Sflid firmly, ''J{p]ease me and [ will 1<'11 you." [~'t'< • d

.Jo<' lknt.on look<~d s1r·aight into the spc'aker's fcl<'<' for an instant, tiH'Jl <·trt. th<' <'ord tlult hound his hands. '"l'llanl< yo11," lw said Himply. ·'.Joel 'l'hrHsher, these are the fa<·1N. W<' <1Ll<'lllp1c·<l to rob yon 1onight for one definite purpose, <111rl tlt:1!. w<1s to plcl<'<' 1lw guilt on .Jo<' Bc>nton. II<'rt> are articles



W<' int<'nd<'d IP;lving n<'ilt' 11u· S<'<'n<' of' t·ol>h<•ry 111<11 wottld id<·niify Jtim.

Ji e is <lS inllO<'<'ni of rH'PViOtlS il<' <'liHtli.ions il H 11<' is


J'J'( ' ('

of' ('t'iJlle '·

I' and none• th e ]pss g'tliliy l'ol' plnc•ing· 11\0il<',Y !>don•·

Boi h plc1ns W<'T'<' fnwH•d il<' <'illlN<' Np<'II<'<' J' h<li Pd IJ i 111.

<1111 IHJ <-l<~ <·onlpli('<' honor.''

" And who <·Hug·hi you in your own t r·;1p '?" . " I O\Prhc·m·d ih<'ir plc1n nnd d Pvis<'d 11Jis sc•IH' lll<' 1o e·nie·h 11Jc•Jn, " an sW<'t'<'d

l\I <HI ison proudly.

" OentiPn w n. " f'r•llows kin go .


' l' hrH shPI',

" with

I sc •c• <l IPsson in t.hc:it·


I'<H'<'~ that


ilH'N< '

won ' t. h<• !'or·g·ot.

It's a good Lric·k you\rp S<'l'V<'<l tll<' tonig·IJt, illld irmd ,Jo<' Tht'<lNil<•J ' io pny his <l<'his.

l\l<uli son, you ' ve' don<• lll<'

wagps won't g·o Hmiss.


I'HvoJ' ;lnd n r·nisc • in

lt ain 't iiH• fir·si tim<' 1h<ll good hns J'< ' stJll<'<i'

!'rom HJI evil <ksign. " 'l'h<' W<'<llt.hy, hc•Hriy mill<'l' i.ll<'n t llt'llPd 1o BPtlion. " II<·r·<' , ,Jo<' , sh<lk<' lwndH.

I owe• .Y<>ll lllOJ'<' ilt<lll

I ' v<> hurt ,Y<'t' Y'<'plli ;Ji ion <tnd

g iv<'.

he f'ri<'nds . nc•r of' old


WIH'll you gi1 11p i<Hllot'J'o\\' lllOl'llin' yo11'll

,J o<'l

I ' v<' p;oL to

ikjudg<•d Y<'r <•h;l t'il<'ie•J' , l>ui 1<'1 's


1hc• pnr·t -

'I'll nJ.siH't'. "

" Nonl<' l'ollu~ H<'% Bt·<''<•r· Williarns .

<I<· sun got pe•opl<· in ii, dis Ink' dis wcll·l ," s11id

" You r<·<·kon it is ?' '

" W<·II, I Hin ' t S<l,Yin ' it is ,

Pll I <1 in '1 Hnyin ' ii. e1 in 't, hut <i<'lll hlcu·l< spots looks suspic·iotrki.V Ink '


nH·c ~ pr'ohlPm hHd hit it! "


,Johnny " J>;l\\' , wh;JI 's tlw t'<' :·d o!' 111:r1 qrwt-tiotr IH•gir 111 ing . " l'nrt.h iN mig·h1y ?' " 1

[1 <li.lwr·

''' Scarce,' l

t'<'<·kon .' '


THE MASK PARTY. [Jii; old ,i<lttitm· g·il\'l' lliH broom


lctk1 intpnLi<•nt jpr·k

il K

il<' whiHkPd th<' (t'H<'<'H ol' last nigh1 's f'<•nst into tiJ;. :· wl:ool ,Y<lt'd, nnd wns <lhont to tlll'n HW<l.\' wh<'ll , e·HI<'hing· kig·lti ol' <1 lwppy g·o -ltH•ky k<'nior , IH' sigh<'d: ' ' W< •ll, wh;li 's ttp now ! 1\lwnyssonH'ihin' to k<'<'p an old lll<lll diggin '." Whll<' W<Jidting 1lH· young lllilll 'H approne·h IH• s;1w nnd

f'<dt. 1JH· IH'nllli<•s <1hout hin1. 'I'll<' g'l'<'e'n ol' 1lH• gT;lHH. the• l'<'llll'lling nod of' (hP ]H'(llti.i!'ui floW<'I'S fo lh<' SlllllH'<llllH , illld tiJ<• J>aJmiJH'i-4~ of' tlr<' :rir put n<·w Iii'(' <lnd C'll<'t'g',Y into <'\' <'t',Yihing·.

'' I low do ,

old tll<tll , how g~o<'~-:

it ''


JORDAN COURIER ".Juf.;t nhou1. 1.lw wa.v you J<•llers

" Oil, say!


it, nowa<lay s."

MiN1.<~t· PriC'e,

1h<> sPniors arc> having a swell party <tnd dan<'<' 1onigh1. You know 1hr PXHms Hre all ov{~r and so vve havc> 1o <'· <'l<>hnd,<~; tomot·r·ow'H <·otllHH'n<·em<•nt

and we jw;t luwe to have and keep

a timn Jwl"ot'o w<: sqwrat<• , 11nd we want you to C'ome 11p

tlw fit'('S ["or us.

1t will IH' jw:;t great for yon; Nl<'h senior invitrs

his par1.n<~t· <llld parents and you 1own will be tllrre . " [)('j)('lld



I~<'H1 W<l1.<·h o111 l"ot·

and ..111 thP ot lwr swc>lls of tlw

None• Jm1 th<• nohil ity ell'<' invited." I '11 h<· Uwr·c , for r 'm c-dW}lYR lookin' for vvork. 1.11<• junim·s, though, they tllllY <'OllH' uninvited;

rH~V<'I" <'<Ill 1ell <thout th<'m f<>ll<'I'S, - ll<'V<'l' <·an t<>ll. ''

'W ith a srnil<' ol" Hatif.;f'<wtion tlH' old


wanderc>d into


building·, f'p<•ling thai lle lw<l dotH' his duty by giving n hint <IS to <'Ollling· <'V<'nls.

'l'lw <lir· H<'<'Jil<'d f'nll of' 1lw spirit of the o<·<·asion, fot·

lw N<'<'ll gr·oups dis<·ussing t bat all important Uw .i<tnitor· 1.ttl'JWd to go to his work, <l S<'nior girl ruslwd

in <'V<·ry eot'IH'I" <'Ollld da11<~< L


p:1sL llitn, and , going- to a l"r·i<'nd, R<lid: ' ' Oh , ( )m·ol , 1lw d<'<'Orator hHs shown mP his plmm :m<l they <1 r<• v< ·t·y HJlJH'opi'iHt<' and JH'dt.y.

And 1h<> <"at <'t'Pr is S<'l"\' ing f.;1H·h :1 filH•

IilLI<· IHJl<'h; <W<•ryi.lling· iH n1nd< ~ ol" om· <·lass <'Oiol's <llld

ii is nll

going; to l><· Ho Hpi<'Jl<lid ," Hlw <·ri<'d enHnmiHNti<·ally. " NCiy, C<tt"OI , you don ' t H<'<'Hl nt all <'IJ1lnu·wd ovn th<~ <dTHit', Hnd

I tllliNt <·otlf"<•Hs I <':Ill lwt'<lly wait !"or it.

\Vhat 'H 11w lllatt<'l', girli<' ~ ,,

nt1d fr'<'ll<' pul h<•t' ;Jl'lll Hl'Ollll<l 111<• Jl<'<·k ol' IH•r <·las-;ma1<'. C:11·ol sig;IH·d d<·<'ply mtd I or <l l"<·w H<'<'<>tHls did not SJWH k . " Oh , I do wiHh ,JpJJni<> W<'t'<' <1 HPniot·! Nh<''s thP <l<'<ll'<·s1 gi1·l in :1ll tllt• W<ll ·ld , <tnd tll;t L Bob Doug·lnsH is i h<' nl<'cln<'s1 1hing; I <'\' <'r H<IW, I don ' l <'ll.l'<' il' h<· iH ollt' <·lctHs pt'<' s id<>n~. I wonld .i 11Ht lih <· to Hhnk<·· hilll good ," ni<'d 1lw ol!tHpoJ.::pn girl [W<'vishly. 1

" Why , wh<tL do yon llH'<ln , ( <lt'ol ? Slll'<'l.Y Boll iH going 1o tnk<·

.J < ~ II Lo 1.h<' pa rt.y '? " '' No , h<· iHll 't., and h<• ' H' the lll<'<lll-

'l'lwr<• I \' <' told some one

niJ'<'ady :111<1 ,Jenni<> tllll<l<' lll<' JH'omiH<' I wo1Ildn ' t say <mything cdwnt it, h<·<·niiR<' siH~ iN going to Hhow him that -.lw doPsn 't <'<11'<' if" lw

d onNn '1. in v i1 <' h<'r. 11

Bn t I know Hlw does <·H t'e-who wonldn 't . when

boy has 1><'<'11 HS ni<'<' <IH <·an lH• for so long :-md th<>n ('h;.mgPH ;.dl nt

on(•(• Oll il<'('Ollllt


HOlll<' lit11P llO!lS<'llSi<·Hl thing !

I don 't lnl<nY

wh<li it. iH or· I would giv<' hint <l piP<'<' of lll.V mind; lm1 of <·mn·s<· .Jen iN too proud to s:ty <lnything about it.


is tlH• only thjng Hh<·

il<INil '1. told llH' l"ol" n long- till!<' , hut sll<• knows "·Jwt I would do. so ;-;llp won '1 1<'11 lll<' n. word. "

f-ilw st<llll]H'd hPt' foot :lH slw <·ott -



eluded an<1 hnr· fri<>nd sank inio a thoughil'ul lllood wlwn :-dw h<l<f finiHhed. rrhey WCt'C sit~, ing thllH, in a small <dmdc t'OOill f'ot• tlH' gir·JH, Wll<'ll · tho door op<~n<'cl and a Hl<'tHl<'r' young gir·l wi1h light hair <111d bitt<' <~yeH entered. "Oh l i r yon girlH (II'(' pi <11111 ing· !'or· 1,11(• party, l will 1101. dis turl> you, but- '' ''Come in hm·P, you li111<· gooN<>,'' <'T'i<'d Car·ol. ;ls sh<· lulll'.l'or·c·<•d IH~r friend into a <·hair·. "V\r<, W<l!t1. you to gi\'P tts sonl<' ol' U1<' spl<~ll ­ d id ideas wh i<~h you a Iways }w ve, i I' you will Inti." "Why, of' <·om·s<• I will. why shouldn't I?" "V\TeJI if r ('Otddn't go to this pndy, I " "l~tt1 I am g·oing 1o 1his JHll'I,V.'' l'l'pliPd .j('tllli<'. "Oood l You will look so W<'ll tog<'1h<'r. lw with his <'<1(>, g'0\\'11. and tll<lHk, <111d you <IS .Jo;Jtl ol' i\t'<'; hut I ltopt> ,\'Oil s<·old<·<l IJitll good fir·st., did yo11 1l" "N<~old('d whotn?" l'<'pli<"d .l<·nni<·. tr·ying· lo <tpp<'<ll' stt.'pris<•d and un<~OJJe<'t'n<·<l. "N<"oldPd whottl! Why. Boh. of' <'Otii'S<'." nlntost slll'i<'k<'d ll<'t' inL<~t'<'f·d, Pd


"W<•II, I'm 11ot g·oing to lilt> Jl:lt'ty \\'ith HoiH·r·t l>ougln'S. I <lilt g·oing with l<<'llll<'t h Cnrlyl<·. I hn\'<'11 't tIt<· slig-111<•-;t id<•n wltotlr J{olH•r·t has invi1<'<1. noJ' do I <'flt'P <•i!ll<•t:. it do<'S not <'Oll<'<'l'll Ill<' ;1l

;til." I<<•fln<'th C;1t'I,YI<• was ;1 spl<'tHiul <·ilnp, llllt .l<'tllli<' <'fll'<'<i no rnore f'or llin1 than nny of' the olll<•J' boys. Cal'ol Ct·Hig· <111<1 lt'<'ll<' f.JeWiH kll<'W this, <lnd ilS th<',Y look<•d <lt <'il<'lt otll<•t', 1h<• SCllll<' t!Jollght WHH in their· minds. Knowing tlud ,J('IJ!li<· 11<1<1" good <1<':11 or <lignily of' h<'r' own, th<'Y uncl<·r·stood tlwt sh<• wns going to 11!<' Jl<l1'1y Jno~tly to try 1o show l~ol> 1hnt :·dl<' die! not <'Cll'<' ll<'<'CIIIS<' or til<' <·llnng·<· in l1is nJHntH't' 1ownr·d IH•r-. In this Sltltnis<' tll<•y W<'l'<' <'OI't'<'<·l.

'J,fw flriJJj;Jil1i,V Jig·hf<•<J 1'00111 \\'<IS Oil ' ' \'fiSt wftil'l ol' Ill<'l'l'illl<'IJ{. (I W<'S1<'t'll <•owJ>o,Y \\'(IS ('<ll'll<'Stf;r <'Oll\'PJ'sing with ;1 ~\fnJ•in N111<lf't, Hlld 1h<'r'<' <111 1\rn<'l'i<·nn snilor· \\'<1:-\ jollying·\\ i111 <1 tllllsit· git'l. In Oil(' ('01'11('1' sat(\ .Jnclll or,\)'(' S('('lllingly llll<'OllS<'iOIIH ol' tb<· 111<'1 r·i Jl<'f'('

lli('Jll, ~tr'OiltJd h<'t'. Bnt sll<' \\':ls <'OIIS<·io1tS ol' two giriH H<·;Jt <·d n<•<tJ' IH·r·.


<'Oll\'<'l's;ll io11 ll<'t \\'<'<'II

"W<'II. whnt do yoll 11Iink ol' the dnn<'<'!'' nskecl Oil<'. "Oh, it is Hll t·igii1, gii<'SS, l>ul lll<• s<•nim·s think tlH•y ()J'<' nw-

JORDAN COURIER f'ully ~->ttrll r·t.



ju~->1. we~ it until tomorrow, \YP ' ]] htke them <lown

n I it.tle, " ! ' <~plied he1· elnH~->lltate. "Why, what'~-> doing· "? " HHked the firHL ·

"Oit , I thought nll the

juniors loww it.

\Vell, you know Bob

DouglaHH iH to give ih<' big Hddr·<·~->s at Uw <·omnwJwement exercise~-> !otttotTow, and om· hoy~-> HI'<' going to Hend him <1 telegram in the lltOt'tting, ~->t<l1ing that hi~-> tnothet· , who iH in the eountry, is very


will go 011 tltP Jttol'lling tntin and it will h<' impm;sible to

g·<'L h<l <' k.

'l'ltc'1'<' he i;-; 11ow, i 11 1h<· <'H p and gown , having a spry


lint<', ll11t our· tinw iH <'Otllil1g totttot'f'ov,r. it

I gU<'HH it

will tnke ltim dovvn

p<·g·.'' ,J<'nni<· Hell elH OJH' ~->tttntt<'d.

f-;h<' H<'lll'<·ely breathed.


1><'<'11 with <'nrol so lllll<'lt ~->h<' ktH'\V what <'OJilllH'II<'C'lllent llH'<llli to !It<' <·l;lss, Cllld sit<• l'<•lt tit<' illq>m'tHn<·<· of h<'t' f1·iPnd's <Hldress.


JJpr· l'<'<·li11gH lwd h<'<'ll hm·t d<><>ply by Boh'H tr<>at111<'11 t. () r hPI'. NIH· would Ita\'(' d iPd l'Cl tlt('r tIt <I tl (:](' knowlc•dgPd it, lmt

should HIH· do?

sit<' <'flt'<'d tttof'<' l'oJ·Itint 1h<tl1 sh<' h<HI illlagi11cd . " Will you wnl !,y, with tit<' 1 h iH tintc' '? " l;ooking up .J<•!Ini<' Hetw a <'elp and gown.

~kar<·c· ly knowing

wlte~L HIH· did ~-dtP dnn<•<>d tit<' d<llt<'<' \vithml1 n word.

'l'lwn aH he

wns Inking h<·r io h<·t· S<'ed, HIH· H<lid, in a voie·<' ·whi<·h slw H<·m'<'<'ly t'< ' <'ogni:t.<•d ;tH IH·r own, l'ot' whi<·lt slw th;lnkP<l Ileel\' Pn.

"rl'<th• no

noli<·<' ol' ! It<• i<'l<'gt'clltl totnotTow, it iH n H<·hPllH' of ilw jnniorH," <llld, slipping ctW<lY, sh<· Well-> lo~->L itt th<• <'l'owd. Hh<· wns Hilt'<' it. lwd t;t k<'n <'f'f'e•<·t

Tie laughed H litt](>, but

nnd 't ho!!g-ht shP had not beC'll

t'<~<·ogn iY-nd.

Ho\)(•t·1 tltlt<"lt.

Douglnss Hlepi

\' <'t'Y little· 1hat night, lmt lw thought

While• <I<IJ]('ing wii h ,Jmln ol' Ar<', h<' l'<'<·og-nizecl a litt]P

:-;ig-tH'l ring on hiH p<l1'1li<'I''H fing<•r.

II<' knew ~->lw WelH not joking

nnd lw ! ltollght. s<·riously upon whc-lt sh<> hc-1d told him.

By d<lylight

It is pin tts W<'t'<' l'ortllP<l. 'l'lt<• <'XJH'<'1<•d t<'l<•g-ntllt <tt'l'ivecl. otH'<'.,

Conw at .J A :\1 I•JN DO CG I.u\SS.

' 'l\lothPr VPry Hi<'k.

'l'lw W<'~->1-bound in1in ld't nt IO:L), and <·omtll<'tH'<'llt<'nl W<IH <11 11 o'(·l<H'k. 'l,he juniot·s had <ll'l'Hngt•cl things w<•ll, httt lte• wns not io lH' tak<'n Ho easily. Tlw lnurying llH'HS('llgC'r' It wns tiH•n !):-fi).

wns giv<'JI thP id<>H of his itlllll<'diai(' dl'J>lll'im·<·. lmt upon the cUTiYal

Uu• joy['ul j11nior·s eli 1h<' <'XPl'<'if'<'H, tltPI'<' Bat HohPrt Dougl;.IHH iu nil his dig·nity. JliH HJH'<'<·It wa~-> the <'Vent ol' the exerc·is<'~->. nnd more hono1·s Rtill nwnit<•d ltitn ;ti. 1he dHt1<'<' in iiH' e\'Plling. i\1-1 It<' wetlk<•d np to ,Jennie al't('r it WHR O\' <'l', his lw;ut lwat ol'



\' <'t·y lowll.Y. Il<· r><•<lliz<'d wlwl siH• lnl<l dotH' I'm· him <lnd how ilP· lt<l<l rnistr< •<d<'d it<·r·. l~ul h<' <'111'<'<1 n g·;<•nt <1<-<d , nnd wus orlly al'r·;1i·d :-;II('. would not pnrdon him l'or i1.

",J<•nniL', I h;lY<' so lllll' ·'l I :\lny I <l<'<'Oill[Hlll,\' yo11 t.o th<• dnll<'<' lhis I'V<'ll-

" ,J<•nni<· ," his voi<·<· trPml>lt•d. wnnt. lo s;ry to you.

ing- 1"

.J <'I Ill i<• [><IIHH>d ,- '" Y<'s, Hoi>. "

i\ nd h<· wan 1Pd l o :-;hou L I'm· I<>)

as lr<• saw IH·r· wa\'<' his <·lass <·olors.


111~;:--.: l'mil

J>nt'k<'t' \\'<Js


lll<'l'<' l>oy ol' uin<', hi:-; l'n1ll<'l' di<'d ,.

'lltlt I i<'i!Yiug; hi111 1111d his lllollll'l' i11 ext rl'llll'ly po111' l'il'l'llll' Jtll1 st;rn<·<>s. 'l,irrrl':-; W<'t1<' h<lt'd, l'or· it WHH just a l'nv <'<II s.. -~--

prim· to lltP Civil \Vnr, wht•n all lil<' <'OIIllt.t·y W<IH i11 ll'!

., [?fj[j_t.[j~J

11pro<tt', and wiH•n out· Union wa~ g:r<'ally in dnrr!.!,'<'l' l'<tlll li,·ud in lilt• lidl<• town ol' t' <'W llop<', wll<'l'<'. !'or·

H<'VPntl ,Y<'11l'H, h<~ workl'd wrtll 11 pllinll'r, Hnd thus pr·ovid<•d l'm·ltittJ ~·wll' lllld nJOthN. Though 1hl'ir l'nlions Wt'l'<' poor· Hlld <'OilV<'Ili<•P<·<• ...; ln<·king, y<·t th<'.Y kPpt pit<'<' wiLl! tiH· llY<'t'ng<' l'olks, <tnd Lhr·<,ll:l,'h l'<ttd's dilig('rJ<'•<' nnd loil <111<1 nig:IJL sludying:, h<· a<·quirPd a r·,,,,·J,r good <·dtr<·<t1ion.

II<· was <'Ht'tiPi-il nnd l';1ilhl'ul in Hll tllal. II<' ll!ld(•J'

took. H nd wiH'll H<>lll<'1 hi tlg' <'<I Ill<' in !J is W<IY IJ<• a! \\'<I,Y:-4 tti<Jd<• till' h<'si ol' it. J[p w<ts <'\'<'t' <I Sllliling·, <·h<'<'l'l'lll Ind. hut owing lo 111<' llftt•d <·it·<·ttnrsffltl<'<'H to .wltid1 IH· waN <'onfin<'d and lht• odd <'osttiiii<'H whi<·lt II<> wot'<', IH· lH·<·<llll<' tlw lntlt ol' <til lilt• .i<•Nt:-; <llllOIIg' tiH• l'olldy lown l>oyR. 1 otwithsf<tnding lhis, l';tttl's <'Ollt'ilg'<' g;tin<·<l a nw;·k I'm· hint whid1 <•J'<'<ltt>d n jc·;llousy <llllOIIg' lliN <·hunrs. l'hilip 111 \lllk W<IH lh<• lc•c.1ding rowly ol' llr<' tow11. II<• W<IH <1 <'Oil s1.ant. rws1. to tiH· n<'ighhorhood, hul his c·ttlllling <"knr·<·d hint in <'<1<'11 <·as<· , and l'<nll got 1!1<• hiHill<'. On<> nig·hl a <·t·owd ol' boys, undt•t' liJ<• I<•C1d<•t'Hhip ol' Philip. pro<·m·<·d H<Hll<' old worn oul o\'<'t';tlls <IIHI t'<tg·:-; ol' diV<'I'S d<'H(•J·ipliorr nnd sfrlf'f'<·d Nho<'lllllk, r .\loor<•':-: <·hilllll<',\' !'till lo flw hr·int. \Vlwn th<• ol<t TllllJI ltt'OS<' fh<' 11<' .'1 lllor·ning· lo lighl his fir<', IH' disc'O\'('I<'d sorn<•11ti 11 g \VI'<>Ilg. lnsl<·nd ol' its lnrrning briskly ns it 111-lllllll,r did, it jttsl SIIIOitl<i<'l'<'d lllld \\'('trf Ollt.

fJ•(' Wnif<•d llllfiJf}H• SlllOk<• IJ;td <'l<'lll'('d

l'r·orn fh<· morn lltld lh<'JJ fri<'d it ngnin. only fo find lh<' I'<'Hillfs fh< · Hlllll<' liS h<•i'ot'<'.

"J)nd hln:-·d il !" slrout<·d 11H' c·nnlg·c·d <'nhhlc•r. "'l'lwt is lH·youd



jok<·; I 'II find oui the hHl wllo difl it, and if I <lon 't trounce him, Hi 1111 U t'. ' ' .Jw-;t 1.11<'11 Philip i11nwd ilw <'Ot'lH'r, on hiH way to find out the t•nr-~ul t :-; of ll ir-~ triek. ' ' A,y Uwt'<' , '' r-~houi1<~<l tile <'obhler. '· 'rhis way. Uau you tell me who r-~tufl'<·d lll,Y <'llitlllH'Y l'nll of r·ags ;md then w<•nt away and ldt it.'?" "No, r-~it· , · ' N<tid Philip. "\Vlwn did Hwy do it'?" "lutr-;1. night," r-~nid til<' old nwn. ' 'I r-;hould Jike to sec ihe color o ' 1fw l;: d'~.; hair 1hat would do it ih<' H<·<·ond time if I find him out." P<tlll h<q>p('n<'d l>y on h ir-~ way to the paint Hhop. "l'erllapr-~," r-~nid Philip, "that fellow <'<lll gtYC yon r-;omc ml'm·nt;ttion <lk to who fill<'d your <·himney. lie n:· nwlly 'knows all H

f ' It I a

ahont r-~'u<·lt . tltingr-~."

"Oood lltOl'ttittg, " r-;;tid Pntd with ;.1 <·h<><'rl'nl r-;mile, not knowing o I' 1f1<• r-~h<WlllH k<·r· 'r-~ t.r·oul>lcs. "IJook IH·r<~ , lad," <'X<·lailll<~d 1\Jr·. l\loore, "<·tm yon tell me who fiiiPd ltty eltimney lnst night '? " "I <·<tttnot," :-mid Patti, and he W<tlked on to work. 'l'h<• old lllHtl Jl<'V<'l' l'ound mit who played hiu1 the iri<·k, but he ;tlwii,YH NllNJWI'L<·d l)<llli as lwing Ute guilty one. Paul had 'vVOil l'e~vot· in tlw <~yes of a ll('at littl<• girl, Daphine Dnr·<·. Nlw g'CIV<' n Christnws party e:tnd invi1e<L her J'riendH. Paul was <ltttollg t.hos<' w,lto r·e<·<•ivud an invitation. 'l'his was a great surpris<· to hitn, l'or IH• had nev<'r hdor<· t·e<·<>ived sueh <:m invitabon. lfis g-t'eHt delight wns O\' <'r-hai<lll<'<'d by the thoughts of not having good <·lot h<'s, and wlwu he Hhow<•d his motlwr the invit<:dion and t.old lwt· tlw r<•ason IH• <·ould not go, sh<' soon r<'lll<'diP<l th;-11. by telling IJitll ol' his grandi'Hth,<\I''H swallow-tailed <·oat, cllld a pair· o£ his 1'<1 t llnr· 's 1t'ottN<'t's sh<' would lll<l k<· 0\'<'1' I' or him , HlHl 1hey Y'i'onld ht> pl<·nty good enough. i><ttd wnr-~ pl<~ns('d wit 11 1h<' sugg<•s1 ion, hut when the time came nnd Jw r-~iood hdor<' 1~H' tnirror, his hPal't fail<•d him, and h<' begau Lo <:ry. "1\lotlH•t·," k<lid he, ''they'll laugh <li 111<' and make clll sorts of l'tlll. I 'II not go. It's IHi<' <lnyw;.ly." ''I am sur·<~,'' S<lid his motlwr, ''that s1wh refilH'<l people as the ~Ioot·p's and ,Johns' won't mak<' fun at you, and I know that neither Da ph in<' nor· hnr nw1 her- wonld perm it any hoy to make fnn at you. Cont<' on, son, you look aJJ right. ,Your father would ha \'C he en prond ol' Sll<'ll <~lotiH•s <lN 1hmH' when he firr-;t eame to He<' mP." Paul ph1<·k<'d up <'Ollt'~g'<' and although it was Y<'ry late, he



fleeicled to go. Ifc kiHH'ked 011 the ball door of tlw Dare Jwus<~ arHl Daphine met. and grr<' 1<'cl him with a swC'Pt sm il<'. ' ' J W<ls aJr·nid you weren't corning, hut uow l a tn so glad you <U'e lwn'. Wc W<~n~ juHt waiting I or you to <'Olll<' H ud start sonH' gmtH'." \.Vhcn Pcwl C'ntered i.h<' parlor , he hPard sni('k<'rings and hif'Hillg~ from ~omc of the r·n<le hoyR, hut t.lr<'t'<' wHs too Jtttl<'ll ttutnlitH'SH e1hont him to pay any nttent.ion to tlwt.. liP sugg<>H1Pd sont<' gaHteN and from then on the whol<' evening was <1 eont imwl Ill iss nnd tlH'rt·,y making. Philip was jH'<'S<'llt, hut lw Rt.ood

h<H·k , <'n.ioying· 1h<' W<l.Y in

whi<'h Daphin<' <'S<'Ori'<.'<l Paul to IIH' t·oont, as IH', too, d<'<'ply <uhnir<'rl rc~ fined hcmt1.i<'s of Dnphin<', Hnd gr<~ a1ly f'p;.n·cd

11wt. P<liii would her, and be would loos<' 1h<' Wfll'lll Hf'I'Pdion whi<·ll sliP had lwr'<' tofor·e held f'or him. II<• k<'pl. <1. haughty nir· 1.l1rough the <'.V<'ning, while Paul'~ ehe<·rfulll<'HN plP<lSPd lti Ill iII t.IH· ('RL<'<'lll () r HII pt'<'S('ll1. 11Jven Mr. and l\lr~. Dat'<' admir<>d t.h<>ir daug-ht.Pr':-; <·hoi<'<'., !'o!' ;tl Uw


though Panl'H c·osttllll(' J'('S('lllhl<>d that or() ('Otll('di()ll , ,Y<'t 11H't<' was Hmnething in his lli<UJII<'r whi('h pi<'HS<'d tlteu1.

par·t.y dn·w to a <'lm;<' the ri\'His app<'itn•d as 1wo h,,,._ ga 111 iII!!,' Uw vidor·y. i\H Philip d<·pm·t <'d, lw swor·e V<HlgPan<'<' upon t.IH' on<~ who lwd <kprin'd hiut ol' his pl<'HS\11'<'. i\ft<~r the p<trty, Daphiu<' wnlkvd to Ill<' g'<li<' with J>Hul , nnd When the

i u g fought

a d nPI , Paul

af't<~r giving hi111 a swe<·1 good night kiss t.h<'Y [Wt'1vd nud P<Jtd \V<'Jlt hOtiJ('.

N<·xt lllOf'tlillg h<· (lf'OH(' ('/lt'ly to tvll !tis lll(lt h<•J'


t h<' g ,)O:[

lw had had at. Hw party and how p:<'<JR·<~d Daphitu· h"d lH'<'Il to see hi111. i\11 d<1y loug, wltil<' nt his wor·k. h<' \\'ltist!Pd <111:! Hilllg' time

and of't<·n thought ol' tltP HW<'Pt lit11<· gir·l who had lllfld<' hilll h<'t' c~hoic·e.

YearH pnsf-wd to manhood wh<·n

on and the Civil \ 1Val' broke out.. 1'<1111 h;td g·r· o\\·n <l


<'<llll<' f'ront tiH• Oo\'<'t'llOI' l'ot· volttnl<'<'r:-; to

d of' e n <l t.l1 <' lJ 11 i o n . J> a ul lnt d oft <• 11 I h o tt g h 1. o l' h o w h v w o 11 I d I i h, t. o do HOIIJ<'thing f'or his <·ounlry, so ])(• ki11dly \' olun1C'<'t'<•<l. II WCIH h<lt'd l'or him to l<'HV<' hiH kind old !ltoth<'t' a11d DnpllinP <llld <·onfill<' hintwll' Lo the lw rdsh ips


<hlll g'<'l'S () r Welt' I i r(', but il


It is clu .Y nnd "lll -

l>ition to HCT'V<' IJiH ('0\lllti',Y; RO 'Nll<'ll till!(' <'<llll<' IJ<• h<l<l<~ hiH lll01lt<'l' and Daphin<' r~H'('W<'IL and ])(• W<'ll1 Lo \\'()]'. During t.ltP parly dHyH or tlw


Philip h<'l'Hlll(' involvPd in

HOllie t.roadt<'r'OllH H<'1.H in NPw I fop<', and to shun 1.11<' c·ous1Hll1 ridi (~tde of ltonH' , lH' <·nlist<>d in 1h<' sottth<'J'll nr'Jny.

ltirnH<~ lf to







ll<•n• It<• prov<'d

'0\VHrd Hlld a tntil.or·, Hlld, l><•ing·

c·Hllght at H1<•Clling f'ro111 1h<' r-wldi<'l 'H, h<• W:tH plil<'<'d in ;1 ho11orlli<'HS lmrT<Jl

and was l<>d Hl>ott1 l'l'otll ntnk 1o

r·e~nk with 11H• ins<'l'iption ,



"Philip J11Unk, 'l,hief and Rohher," printed on the barrel. He was J'or<~ed to do the dir·ty work of the army and one night, after having lH'nn shunned by the 1-wldiers, he sought refuge in a cavalry wagon and ther·e f'rozc to death. While this was going on in the south, Paul was gaining favors in the not·thern ranks. As a sc·out he was considered unequalled. I le c·r·c~pt e•.autiously into Uw southern ranks and there made careful tnaps and c·har·ts of the situation, and plans of his enemies. Paul w~ts a I W<t,YS nt the front n~ ady to serve his eonntry first, and he was c·on:-~id<'t'c~cl to be one of' the ht ·ave~st men our country has even seen. AL th<~ Hinge or Andersonvill<> he took a prominent part, and it was 1lt<'r<~ tlwt lw and his c·omt·ades (t <~ n thousand in number), were C<:tpt 11 r·c•d <t nd eon finc>d to 1he horrors, torchery aml killing miseries of the A nd<•r·son \'ille JH'ison , while there was SC'arce room for two thousand . •\ <'t'<'<'i< nt.n Un·ough the e!enter· of the prison, not a stream of cool, ('I e•ar, l't·<~slt water·, but a ereek of filthy, mud ely water, colored r ed hy t.IH~ blood l't'om the bat.tldielcl. A little com meal and dirty water <·ottsl it.llt<'d 1h<'ir daily nlt,ion. '!,his, toget her with the boiling hot Hllll and wounds whic·h tlwy had rec·eivcd soon transformed their HI t'OIIg' physic·<tl bodic•s in1o wt>ak living skeletons. Paul was wounded i11 H<'\'<'l'rli pl;u•<'H, whieh addPd gl'C'atly to his miseries. rrhoughts ol' ltolll<' , ol' nwtlt<'t' and Daphine hronght tear~) to hiR sunken eyes. lhty <ll'l<'t' day, nwnth nl'tm· month, the cleacl eart came through, ltr1 111 i llg' off fl is C'Olll nui<'S to SOJYH~ t1·eneh outside the prison walJR, wh<•t'<' t II<'y W<'t'<' pil<·d 11p and eove'rPd with dirt. P<t11l ':-; lllis•<'ry \VllH nPllrly at <lll end when n ews eame that the pl'ison<'l s W<'r<' to IH' t•t•lc·aHt'd. Ill' had not lward from home for· tllontlls, and hi:-~ Jnotll<'t' !tad not hpard ft·om him , but still he often itltrlgin<'d s<'<·ing h('t' hy th<' fireside , wondering, with tearful eyes, wll!'t'<~ lt<•r boy wns. 'l,lw g<ltes wer finally thrown open ancl a line o I' w~tl king skeletons :-~1 owly plodded their way to the tr:tin which w:u-; to h<'<t ,. th·em to 1lte suu·oast. The train vvas not ma(le up of l'<ltl<'Y tri tllllH'd , c·ushion sen ted c·ars, hut of roughly finished c:tttle <·H.t'H. '[ 1 h<'y I i1.1le rc·n I ize'd what was in store for them if they eonl(l only liv<' until tlwy re~H·hl'd the> eoast, for th e men were not alone in S<'t'\ ing tltc'ir· eoun1ry. Ilnndrc'ds of nurses mHl cloetors were anxiott:-~ly vvaiting to l<'nd <t helping lu-m d to the suffering soldiers. Among the' anximts throng vvas Daphin e, who littl·e realizecl Lll<l1, Pmll wHs still alive~ . As she' passed through the rows of dyjng so ldi<'f'S 1o find tlw W<'<tkc>Rt of the lot, ~he knelt ewer one from whom it (I PP<'Ht'<'d tlHtt 1i r(' had flecl. She' heaved H High ~mel da~ped her lt<tndH. 11. waH P(ltll. lie op<'ll<'cl his cle<'p snnk <'Y<'R and whispered,



"DapllinP," lltl<l tlt<'ll snnk IHH'k ou U1<• floor. ''D<>!'1.0I'! Do<·tor·!'' <'l'iPd Dr~pl!itH'. ''ConH' qni<·k.'' 'l 1 ~H' do<·1or l>;ltlwd Pn11l'H lips with <ll<·o~wl Httd II<• l>ngnn to

l>n·;dh again. II<> WflS pi<H·Pd upon " <'Ol <111d wm·; <'<\l't'i<·d into <I WPII \'('Ill i 1;.11 <'d r·oo111 wlwt'<' t h<' Sllll 's I'CI,YS int<·n·<'pi Pd 1lw glootny dm·Jowss. DHphitH' <'<lt'<'d !'or hint <ltHl HC\1 by his h<'d night rtl'1<•t· night, ttn111 h<· r<'<'O\'<'t'<'d <'llOttg;h to lw 1<tken l!onH'. N<~\VH r·<>a<·!Jed N<·w llorw tluli J>nul wns ;tlive <tnd w:ts <'Oining· home. '1 1 hrongs ol' jH'O]>l<' m<'i him <ltH!Daphill<' at tlw 1.rnin <tlld <~H­ <·ort<'d 1hC'tll to l\1r·s. J>nrk<'t''H, when• t ll<·.v H<'1.11Pd down wiLl! i>Htll 's ntoilwr·, Hw lwppi<·st li111<· l':tmily in N<·w llop<'. NIIJi\N BBADY .



1J1arulty. "LEST WE FORGET."

GAIN it heeomcR our pleasant duty to offer a word of


eneouragement to all who are working so earnestly and unitedly for thP HlH~ccss of the school we love, our own .Jordan lligh, and briefly to call attention to some mat~-*J?~ tm·s which lllH.Y he overlooked hy all of us, teachers as well as stuclents. I Jess than i hree years ago the Jordan High Sd ool was established in Sandy, and hy many it was regarded 118 n doubtf'ul ventnrC', in l'nct, leading sehool people discouraged at1<'tnpting any wor'k ahovt' the ienth grade in a district so near to ·Salt. ];ake Uity. But tho superintendent and the school offic·ers gen<~r·ally kilt aid and etl<'ouragenwnt to the faculty in its efforts to r·muw the high Rchool spirit, and to make the district r·epresentative in this litH' as it long had hc('ll in the work of the grarles. Now, we n1ay Hay, without hmu-;ting, that our school is well established, that it is l'<'(·ognizcd aH one among the largest and most efficient pliblic high :·wltools o [' lit a h, that in everything that makes for work of 1hP A. r. <·lctHs, wP JH'<'d not- nay we will not, take a back seat. ~

But while goocl l'ortune attends us, and the futur·e promises g·r·owth and <·ontintwd support and Rucccss, let us not lose sight of Lh<' untir·ing ef'!'ot·LH ol' Uw pr·csPtli, school offi('ials in Ol\r behalf, nor l'or·gd j ltn s<'l 1'-Ha<'t'ifi<·illg' spir·it ltl}Wif'Pst in thc> good will of the patI'OilH l1y p<'rlnitt.ing Uwit· sonH and <laughters to atten(l so regularly. Nt.u<l<'llLH, yon l<11ow who an' building for your rise, who grieve n1 yout· nJis1akeH, whos<~ IH'<tlis 1hroh with ,ioy where your star is as<'<'lld in g. Oil, do not l'o1 get ! JJight('tJ tlwit· hurd ens; bless them hy IJl<~Hsing ymn'H<'IV<'H, throw hoquets at father and mother while tiH'.Y at'<' with you, th<'n yom· hcarts will he light and your tasks <'HH,Y. Auxili;-try orgnni.r,Htions of our s<·hool arP doing much to further its inL<'I<'StH . 'l1 lH' student body and <·lass organizc1tions are arhve in th<'ir· t'tl'or·tR to build up out' library. 'J1hc orchestra, than which there iH none hPtter in thiH part of the state, say critics, is ever ready Lo l <~nd its support; the C'hoi r· is alwayFl appreciated-its work at the 1 <'<'mit '1\'aeherH' J nstitnt<' was highly eommended; the dramatic <·l u h iH husy preparing to present the eomedy, "Our Boys," W cdnes-



day <wd 'l'hun;dny, DP<'Ptlll><'r 20th Hnd


'l'h<' i\1h1Pti<· Soei<•ty

ha~-; one I'PaUt<'t' in itH <'<t p \lvhi<·lt it nmy w<>ll he pl'oud or- ('\'Pt'.Y ol'f'i-

<'ial in Hll l<'Hg'll<' g'Htlt<'H ltns givPn t h<' .Jot·d;tn hoy:-~ <'t'<•dit rot' gmn<'n<~HH, fair-play, 1nu• sport:-~ntHll:-~hip. N<'Vet· hnv<' we lwd <1 ttt<l.ll di~-;­ <tualifiPd l'or f'oul piny W<' 1Hk<' oil' our· h<ds to 1lt<' hoyH. Non(' or l'IH will soon l'org<'t 11t<' spll'ttdid \\'ot'k ol' 0\11' dotlWH!l(' I·WiPtl<'<' d<'prtr'tllt<'ttl dm·ing Uw t'<'<'<'lll. 'l'<'<l<'h<'l's' lnstitttl<'. i\lot'<' Huw 1wo hundr·<·d nnd lil'ty p<'opl<' w<'t'<' hHnqtt<'i<'d, <lll<l ottt' gll<'Nts Wl)t'(~ lavir-;h in tlu'it• pt'(tiS<', not HIOJH' of' tiJ<' ('Ooking, hut or lit<' rnann<·r·, Or'<]('t' rllld disp<l1<·h or tiH' :-1<'1'\'illg. :\lisN ,J('IIN('ll HI](] Hi<IN, our· <~Oitl pl im<'ll 1H. · '!'he pt·in<·ipnl I'P<'Is that It<' ltns th<' ttnqtwlili<'d suppol'l ol' 1P;H·h<~t·H nnd ~-;tud<'tds, and t.IH•y in ttll'll know tlwt t.IH•y ll<t\'<' his good will. \Vn (H'OHf><'t' h<'<'HilHI' j>Hit•ons ;~nd S<•hool o/l'i<•i:tiN Ht<tlld by \IS Hnd W!' daro hcNp<'<~ k ih<' Hll ppot·L :tnd rri<·nd:-~lt i p o (' t h<' t'<'<'<'ttlly <'1<'<'1 <'d ttl(!tltlH•rr-; ol' 1lw honrd. llnity and progr'<'SS <;Ill. tnotto, <·ottlintt<'d HIH'<'<'HH IIIIIH1.




l·d 1111d ard!



1£ngltnq 1IIrpttrtmPttt. A ROLLING STONE GATHERS NO MOSS. ~IAN who iH not H;ltisfi<>d to nd\'<tll<'P Hi<'p

hy step, <:llHl who ll;lH not. <'Ollt'<lg<• enough io 1-day with th;.li he UJ](lertah•s, iH t ikC' n s1 otH' 1h<11 r·oliH down 1lw s1H'Hlll. liP c•aJHlOt <t<"hi<·V<' gt'<.•nt. t'<'Sttlis h<-'<'<l11SP ~w has noi thP fort<' of purpose. J>r·ogr<>Hs is Hlo·w, and unl<'HS tw has energy to l'ot'<'<' IJ iH WHY through it kHontc drudgery and d r·y d<'taiiH, II<> will_giv<' ttp. Only pcttiPnt working <llld <·omage will help 1 ltittt to <·otdimt<' his put·pos<'. ''li 1'lli1 h<'s1 wodh waiting for oft<.•n ripPIIS 1h<· Hlow<'st. '' It is \' <'I'.Y Pasy to <lt·i l't Hway J rom ont· purpmH' ctlld IH•gin HOI11<'1hing nnd th<'ll <lrif't hway agHin, until our lif<' iH <·lo:·wd <111<1 w<· hnv<• Cl<·hi<~V<'d V<'t'.Y tit11<·.



A !though (J oldHtll it It IH'<'<llll<' <1 gn·a t pod, hP would h<-1 \'(' 1><'<'11 tlltJ<·IJ gt·<·<l1<·t· il' h<' lwd IH'<'Il e~l>IP to stay with his puq)()se. Ile was itl<'<'SS<lll11y wnnd<'rittg nhout. Ilis r<'lations-t·<tis<•d fifty pmuHlH and sPilt hi111 to study lctw nt. th<' '1\·mpl<>, lmt hP got tlo fctrtlwr th<llt I>u hi i 11, wh<•n• h<· g<tlltl>l <·d nil his 1\lOII<'.V- 'l,h<•n h<' WPnt to Bdi nhltt'glt to sttuly n~<•di<·ill<', <tlld waH l'on·<~d to go, having h<'<'Olll<: Nllt'<'Ly l'ot· a l't·i<>nd. II<· Htat'ied on <-l tour ol' l1~Ut'ope without any IIIOII('Y itt It is j><)('k<'L wi1.1Jo\lt Clll,Ythillg· 1>111 lliH flutt•; H!ld he })('g'g'<:d find pl<t.Y<'<l. until h<· <'<ltll<' hfl<'k as poor Hs h<· W('llt. 'rlw morp money IJ(' ft;l<l t.l1<• lllOI'(' t ltoughtl<'SS <llld ];1 \'iHh W<IN his <'X]Wl1dltlll'P. lJp \\'Ottld hott·ow <1 guin<'<l <111d giY<' it to <1 IH•ggar. liP <.·onl<l 1'<'fusc tH>I>ody. II<' ol'tPn ntis<'d ntotl<'.Y hy [H'Olltising io writ<' hookH, whi<·h 1>(' ll<'V<'I' hq~·ntl. 'l 1 lllls ll<' di<•d HH hP hHd liV<'<I. poor and in <.kht. Y<'i <Joldstn it h in his thought l'ul lltOlll('l1ts, loww tlw t•ight path, hnt did not. lmv<• <'otn·ag<• to plll'SUC it. In a IPit<T to his brother Ilenry, t'<'SJH'<'ti 11 g t.h<> <'<U'<'<'I' ol' his son, UoldHtnitlt wt·otP: '·'l\•;-wh, my d<'<ll' Hi r·. to you t' son, tllri 1'1. a n<l <'<·onoJuy. ]_;Pi h iH poor wandering lllJ(•le 's <'Xiltnpl<· ])(• plcH·<'d I><> I'm'<' his <'Y<'S." Ik<·ansc of his IV<-Wclering hnhit Hlld h1<·k ol' poW<'t' to stay with that whi<·h h<' began, I haY<' <·i1<·d hitn <IN <Ill <'Xiltnpl<' to illusintt<· tlw truth th;lt "A Rolling Ntonp U:lih<·t·s 110 !\JosH."



A DECEMBER EVENING. '! IN all evening in December; the :;;novv iH f'nlling fin<' and fast and Jays in b1r·gp b<1nks Hnd drifts along Hw :-:1r'<'<'Ls; !h<' pi<>n·ing wind blows <'111.1 iugly; tll<' s1<1t's look <·oldly down 011 the 1rnv<'l<>rs rushing by, shiver·ing even in Uwir· f'nn·L 'l 1 h<' li!11(' new~;))()y, hht<' with cold, iH SPeking a 1


siP<'ping plae<' <111d OV<'t'.Y<Hl<' iH anxiom; to r·mwh sh<'ltet· Now 1h<' st t'<'Pts are d<'H<'d c•d; pale stat'H ar·p growing nlOl'<' pal<>; 1h<· wind <'<'<lH<'s shrieking, t.lw dogs stop barking, Ute ligh1s ar • blown out; 11H• <·old, dark, l'rm·d,y <'V<'ning de<'pcns. Ahov<~ ho\<'rs I h<' gum·ding ang<•l ·who H<'<'lllH to lllUilllltl' a las! pnding ben<'dietion on til<• :-:l<•<•ping !own <llld silen<·n r·eig11s supr<'JtH'.

and a r•os.v fit'<'.




N I)() LJ y J 1

J) ]<~

w}1~ y.

WHY WE NEED AN ENGLISH LIBRARY. Eng I iNb is a IJ('('('Ssity in UH· ('\l('l',Y-day I i r' o!'


pn~mn, 110

his prol'~'SSiOll iN, <1 knowi<>dg<.' ol' J~ug] ish iH l}('('('SS<H'~. Wn rwed <lll Engli~h lii>tnr·y l'ron1 whi<·ll to oh1<1in this knowl


WliH (

<~<ig<~, Hll<i from whid1 Wt' <'llll 1-!;d, id<'Hi-\ of' (he opilliOllH ol' diff<H'('td anthor·H. '[ 1 h<· wor·k ol' no 1wo authm·H :lt'<' alik<', <lltd by <:onHtlltinglllany W<~ <~Hll Pll[Ht'g'<' Ollt' 0\Vll idPHH lllld !"onll ('Oil<')I!SiO!lH lot• Otll':-w!V<'H. W<· <·an itH't<'HHt' our own id<'ns nnd <'tllnr·g<' our· lll<'l<tl <'H pal'ity, hro:Jd<'ll th<' rnind. whi<'11 urak<'i-\ on<> in1<'t'<'Hiing in <'V<'l'.Y ('ir<·l<·, and pj('\'<11<· 1h<' Hlnndar·d or Iii'<•. l~.v t'('Hding· lit<· h<'SL \VOI'kN, otu· id<'<JlH ar<' imrn·ovPd; \\'<'think nohl<• and good llwugh1H, :1nd otu• rn indH IHwottH' <·levat\~d.

Om· lihntr·y shonld <·ottlain J)()<'lllS, <'Hsa.vs <I'' I novPls, lH'<'<lllS<' Ut<' roman<'<' <lnd history itt lh<'llt is Pl<•vn!ing· <llld <·ontain:-; Uw h<•s1. langmrgo; li1Pralut·<'H, t'<'loti<'H and g't'Hilllllfll'H, whPt'<' W<' <'<1ft oh!.<1in Uw <'SH<'tl1i<lis ol' Ji~ng·lish; Ji~nglish Hnd Ant<'l'i<·an histot·i<'H, 1><'<':1\IH<· our litm·a1ttr'<' iH <·los<>ly int<·rwovt'll with tlw hiH1or·y of' our· tt:rtion; di<·1ionHrit's, <·n<·.v<·lop<'dinN Hlld nil kind:-; of' hookH J><'t'lnining· to Eng I ish work. Ji~ng)islt is HOtn(•(hing

W<' lllllHI l<'lll'll fot• Olll'Hl'IV<'S, flO Oil<' <'<111 \V<• <'Hilllo( <'n.io.v I ltv h<'<lttl il'ul and wond<•J·I'ul thing·.-: of lifo withott! IP<ll'ning. 'l 1 IH't'<'l"m·<' w<.· !l<.'<'d att l<~nglislt lihnlt·.v whPt'<' W<' c·a11 obtain !his [parninn·.


it for· us.



Published by the Students of the Jordan High School Basil Wall< er

Editor in Chief AssiHtant, Editor Bnsin<'K!-l \-1nnagt~r 1-\(•o'y Hntl Trcas /\ sHL . Bttsi ne!iH !\lanagcr Art.i!iL As~-.r . i\ rtiKL

_Mark Gardner Printis FHzgerald Gene-vieve ,Johnson Clement, Crapo Carl ~mitli 8cnj . Peter:so11 HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS

Noro Tangwall Clam i'l<'llaltl

IGn!.! I ish ~oC'inl

1\ t h l<·t.i<:s ~ilns Brndy

'II .


l\lelvin Lind Hnymon<l Berrett

Alirin Golf


'l 1 hi:-; i:-; Uw H<'<'otHl is:·m<' of' 1lw ,Jor·dan Uourier, and although w<~ fl<IV<' Ollli11l'd lllflll.Y <·u1:-; whi<'h l<'nd to mak<> the appcaran<..:e and t II<' g'<'rH'I'(il 101]( or <1 pcl}H'I' higlwr, we have ClldPnvored to mHku it. eqttal1.o 1h<• otlwr p<lp~·r in all otlwr l'('Rpedr-;. 1

Oonsid<'r·ing that 1h<• ftr·s1 (']<ISH of gnHiuates will h~ ::we tbiH institution in th<· spl'ing, W<' will lllak<• thP ll<'Xt issne of the ,Jordan Cotlr'i<'t' 1fw h<•st we ean. as JJl'arly all onr p<qwr \\' ill hP de\·ott><1 to our· ~<'ll iors.



'l'he dol')e oi>Herver ·w ill noti<'<' tlwt Mr. AudPt'HOtl lmH a f't>w white whir-;kcn; on hiH <·hiu.

'rlwir· l'lumge ol' <~olot· haH lH'<'Il <'<lllH<'d

through worryjng ahon1 tlH' lliglt 8<'hool Jihnn·y.

ll<>r<' iH a <"lwn<'<'

for elar-;r-; rivalry whidl will lw an honor to the <·laHH and PV<'t'Y nH'Ill lwr in it. By giving a dan<"<' or a <·qm'<'ri you l'Hll rair-;<' enongh monpy to l>lly a good r-;d of' l>ookH. I11 ollow the jnnion.;' example and the book Hhelves will soon fill Hp. If the HPnio1· <'lHHH i:-; dPsirous o[' doing sonwthing for· tlw Iligh :·khool hdon· tlwy kHV<' lwre is th<· <·hall<'<' . Ilowever, if tbe frpr-;bnH'Il and t.he Hophomor<~H ar·e awake Lhcy will not 1<'1.


i·wniorr-; put th<> fin;t sd of bookH in the lilmuy.

II' r-;tudc ~ ttt body IIH'd ings W<'t'<' ltdd ~nol"e l'r'<'<tllently thet·o would be a l>t>H<·t· Hd10ol spir·it , and through LhiH a gn•at. dt>al ol' <·laHH rivalry woul<l he eliminated. If you ea11 not filld auy l>uHineHH t.o tnws<leL c·all th<> stwlPn1H Logt>t ht>l' and 1ur11 t hl' Ill<'<'t.ing into a y<•ll praeti<~ e.

It will not do


any hctl'lll.

Ho far Uw H<·hool IHJH h<'<'ll unnhk to pl'<'i'\<'111 ,J 'H to Htttdc•ntH who have won thern by tnki11g pnri in <1Lllidies. Wt~ had two spniot'H on the footlwll squad this Y<'HI' who havP won a ,J. It iH the dut.y ol' th< • Httulent. body to <·onHid<'t' this at on<·<' and giv<' tit<• hoyH t.h<·ir ,J 's wit.hont fart.lHn' delay. Ht.ndent.H, wlwn you


c·all<'d upon l'ot· slol'i<'H Hlld <·laHs r·~·pot'ts

for our· ll<'Xl pap<'t' mak<· tiH·m th<' l><·sl yon ('<lll, <ltHI hav<' th<'lll t'<'<HI.v wil<•n t.lwy <LI'<' waui (Hl. \Ve will pia<·<· a <·ontrihution box m 11H• stndy t'OOill, and we would like C\'cr·y H1udPn1 to writ<' up a joke or· r-;onw Hkd<·h rot· o\lt' ll<'Xt. papPr.

Uet ill<• hurry up spirit nnd ht>lp th<• staff' all you <'illl.

What is t.lw lJJa1t<·r with tlw HtlldPut. body <llllliH<'tll<'ll1. <'lltll Jtl i1.1.<·<~ q A <hill<'<' ot· H p<l rt y would not h ul't th<' :·whool a I. H II. W<• kindly aHk the l'al'ulty to hPip t.h<• poo1· ft'<'HlliPs r<>ston· 1.11<~ lit.t.J' H[HIT'I<H of' <·lasH Hpil'it. wlti<•IJ til<'.)' H<'<'lll to ll<l\'(' lost. Wll\'11 1heir· Jll<'<'i ing; was hl'ok<'Jl up l>y t ht'<'<' stnall HophotnoJ'<'H <llld about the Hatll(• llltlllher of' jnniorH.

'Jlhe ()lJt'iHtnwH holidHys will :-;om1 i>P IH•t't', <llld W<' wish <'V<'t',\' st.ud<•td, and all th<' l'<l<'lllly a ";\Jpny ChriHtutnN nnd NPw Y<'HT' 1H work nt 111<' ,Jorde~n lliglt Nc·llool.''





~rniorn. 'l'hcre w<l:-> so m ueh ability in the worHt of uH, And Ho nmeh inability in the hest of us, 'l'hat it hardly beho •d any of us 'l'o I><~ pla<'<ld ahe<Hl of' 1he rest of us. '!'hat i:-~ Uw reHHon Ul;ua l\Idlale was elee1 c>(l president and Sila~ nr·ady vien-pr·<·Hidc·r11. of' tlw Senior Class of 1 !)11. Ma\'y Goff ·w as c·hm;<\tl HH S<•eretHry arHl treasurPt', she h<'ing the only one who knew IlOW to lw:-~t use Hw :->pH re m i nutc>H. l~'or· tlw ex<~entive department we needed 1hree big-hracled persons, :-~o A Ivall r-~'itr.gerald , Arthur PetPrson and Genevieve ,Johnson W<'l'n appoinL<~d to ad on that <~ommiit<~e. Ahlli<\ l~;lllard nPver got ov<!r 1lw sho(·k whieh was eansrcl h.? 1llc• Sl.ucl<~nt Body in llot ()]ceting her as yel1 master of the Hchovl, so we gav<' hn1· a lligiwr· po:-~ition of' ho11or in ehoosing hPr as yell mastm· ol' 1llc• s!'nior c·lctHs, wi1h 11~('('jp Smith as her assistant. Orson N1n ith iH th<! only otH' that c·auf-I<'S a distnrbanec> in om· c·ln:-H lll<'C'ting:-~, and 11H'f'<' is only one nwmher of ttw elaHH who can lm\'<' any infhl<'ll<'<' ov<'t' llin1 , Ho J;jl:-~i<> T~\1rrpr WHS nmmimonsly (']eC'ted SC'I'g'('<llli.-ai.-<li'JrlS.

1 r·i<'d to g<'t Pr·ofc•SflOl' Pc'ytcm eTohnRon, the offiee, but it was thought best hy 11Jc\ llleljOl ity of i 11<' el<lHH io kc~c•p hi111 in rC'S<'rYe, for in the pa::;;t he hnH h<'('ll 1h<' only lll(~llll)('l' thP elaHS who's byword ifl. ''::\fr. Prc·sid<•Jli. , I Ill()\'(' \V(' adjollt'll, nnd r alHr> H('('()]H11h<~ motion." <'f'<ll tilll<'H



HliH~iJlg llWnllH~r ol' tlw f'ac~ulty, into


l''r·c·Hlnnan to NPnior- ''Nay, iR the~ nHme o!' th~1t river in GHmany pt'OJlOlllH'<'d f{hirw or Hhmw. f 'v<' hearcl it hoth wayf.l ·?"

D<•<·c·mlH'l' 2, tlw Sc'nior Clnss took rharge of th<) 'l'h<' progra.m givC'n wns as follows: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SilaR Brady


c·lta]wl <·xereis<'R. J>nty<'J'

l\ltiHi<·<ll SPI<'<·tion ............................. ,J. II. S. Orchestra Hc~c·i 1ai ion ..................................... ILuolcl Brindley Song ( ord1<•s1 ra ~H·<'On1JHlrlimen1) ............ ..... ..... Alice

Goff Prin. Enoch .Jorgensen NJW<'<' h ( e1 d vi<'<' i o sind<•n1 H) ...................... Snpt ..J. Uc-msc>n

H.<• ad i 11 g




THE DANCE. 'rhe Senior UhiRH gave a 1il>nu·y l>Pndii. d<UH'e in the rtnpericd Hall at Midvale November 11. Ila\'C' you noti<·ed tlw gt'<'<lt ehangp since then ? (h1 the Hi:w of the seniot'H Y)

.Junior Girl- How do yon like my new hat ?. Benior GirJ- ,Just fine. I lwd one wiH'II they


in :·dylP.

THE WATER MELON BUST. 'Phey Hay that th<> senion; are

ln~y arHt

trirling, hnt .iw·d liH1on t<)

thiH aeeonnt of hat·d , H1t'CllllOUH irll>or OJI tiH' pHr1 or 11loH<' Hl11l1C

Henion; mw day dut·ing the watet'lllPlon :-;easotl.

'ro h<!gin with, Orsotl nnd Alvah :-;tnrl<>d out. at about half pa:-;t eleven (they had h<'<>n dilig<>ntly rnu·sujng th<•ir r-;!udiPH <iw·ing tlw earlier pnd. or 1hP PV('Ilillg ) 1o obi<lill vV<t1Pt'lllt'IOIII-; l'or 111P party to be held next day. 'l'hrough HOJlll' uJiHtnke o1· other ~It·. Ond' lwd !'ailed to deliver 1lwm , Ho lh<· boy:-; rw1 f'ot'lh nwr-;t vnliantly lo gd them, hraving bad><•d wit'<' l'<'ll<'<'H, big hlcl<'k dogs I h<l1 bnrk!'d , <lnd all sueh nightly 1<•rror·:-; nnd fitllllly HITiv<>d at. ~It·. Unl'I''N tll<'lon pate h. Strang<· to :-;ay, l\1 t'. Oar I' ilnd no1 <'\'<'II H<'<'ll 1o it t Jw L th< ' molonH were ('111 l'rorn tlw ,· in(~:;;; . But nothing· d<llttll<·d l>y thi:-; <tp pat·ent l'or·gdl'uhH·:-;:-; on i\lr. Onrl' ':-; pnt'l, tl1<•y Hd to wor·k <llld :-;oon had t.lw water·nl<·low; piled into 0t'N011 ':-; lumlwr wagon whi<'11 :-;!ood waiting by the l'<'nee. 'J'hiH waH only 1lw l><'g·inning, l'or tho rw.·t. day <11. I In·<·<: Lhil't.y tho H<•Jtior UIHHH N<'t ont l'or lh<' ['ootllill:-; wi1ll l·~ll'i<' ',.., IJilt IPnding· l.l1<~

way and P<•y1on with otH' ol' IIH• ba:-;kdl'ul:-; ol' w<ll<'l'lll<'lonH ln·inging J\ f'1<·r llHlliY pro1<•:-;ta1 iom\ nud d(•lfly:-; l><><'illl"<' ol' l'<·yton'H i'mnish<'d <·ondition, Ill<· jolly pctt·ly hnl1t•d ;It llownr·d':-;

up the r'Pllt'.


Ilet·e (kn<•viev<', 1\l<ny, Jj}IHi<' nnd ljJI'f'i<' put f'orlh thPil· g'l'<'ii1<·H1 <'fl'or1H to <>Htahlish a good nprwtiL<' J'<'<'ot'd. Jn Jllnking· thi:-; <·ln:-;~ifi<·n ­ t.ionH, Ularn 'H I'('('() I'd :-;how:-; I hal Hh<· ht>IOI!g'H to(\ <'hiHH by ]l(•t• ...;e] r, <'X (Wpt when :-;h<• wH:-; <ll'<'Olllpilni<'d by Alvah in 1hP buggy lond of t uhH. Orr-;on and Arthur <It'<' not lll<'ntiotl<'d h<'<'<l.llH<' tiH•y nr<' nhn1y:-; nt LPndPd with il Jnininlltlll <llllOUIII. ol' I'Pi'<'t'<'tl<'<' lmt n Jll<L "illlllltl <llliOH!I1


0 [' (I('{, 0 II.



lJuutorn. }\ L i,}l(• hPginn ing of 1his sdwol y<·ar. <I merry troup or juniors, llllttlll<'t'ing tw<'nty-fi\ <', join<•d in e1 fripndly hand-shake and vowed to put l'ot•1lt 1Jwir· IH·s1 d'l'orts to ltla k<> tlw .J ordau High Sehool "s<~<·otld to nmH·." .J. Basil \\T<llke1· was <~host>n president; Nora Tangwall, v ic·<•-pn~sid<•tl1 ; l'~stlwr L.~ind<'ll, se('re1 H t'Y, and ::\1 artin 1\tdit'(', lt'l'll.HUf'l't'. Nitl('(' tht'('(' ,V<'<li'S or <'X}l\'t'it'lJ('e has IH'en tfwics, <Uld thr·ongh tltt'<'C' .Y~'HI'S of' 1111i1<'d work 11H• <·lass has proven to the sthool that 1.h<·y <II'<' on<' nnd ins<·pnral>l<', '1 is no won<l<·r th<• juniors stand on I op. THE JUNIOR'S PARTY FOR THE FRESHMEN. Do ,Y0\1 think tit<' r·r·<·shiPS will ('\'et• l'orgd tiH· weltOllll' party giv<'ll LIH'IIl by t h<' juniors '? I do not know. 'l'h<• j11niors prid<' tlll'mS<'IV<'H i11 l><'ing ilw fil'st 1o w<'l<'otn<~ 1lw l't·<·shi<'s to om· sdwol. As tH•i1 h<•t• Oil<' or t h<• oth<•t• <'I<ISS<'S proposPd giving <1 party to the l't·<·:·dti<'s, lh<· juniot·s plann<'d to giv<~ thPm a W<'l<·onH' par·ty on t.l1<• S<'<'ond l''r·iday night <I f'1<·r S<•hool had Htm·t<'d. A Hplendid prognun was J)l'<'JlHIT<L Notll!\ or th<· printipal piP<'PS \V('l'(': N<d<·<~Lion ......................................... l\1iHs \\rilliams W<•l<·otll<' Addt·pss ................................. Basil \\Talker H<·<·ilation ....................... . ........ . ..... Nora Tankwall Np<'<'<·ll .......................................... .Jl r. ,J orgrmH'll Nong· ............................................ Glora Boberg ~ly I.J()s1 l~l'it<"llPs ...................... . .......... J\h1rtin Kuhrc> Oration ..................................... Cha rl<'s Anderberg 'l'lw w<·l<•otlH~ addr<•ss W<IH H d<~eid<·d SU<'<'<'HH. l~,rom tlwn on tlw l't'<•shi<•s r<'lt Hwt. 1h<'.Y W<'t'<' H part oJ' th<' sehool whrr<• tlwy had <·onH· to do <1 Y<'HI' or h<l r·d work. The prognnn wns followed hy the J'<•rt·<·sltnH'IliH. \Vhil<· t h<· r<'l'rPshnwJJts w<'t'<' h<•ing scrvrd. a few shot·l SJH'<'<·h<•s W<'J'<' gi \'<'11 by ll1 ighty HH'lll h<'rs of the 111 l'<'Shm;-m ( 1lass 'l'h<· p;.n·ty disllliHs<•d Pal'ly IH·<·ausP ilw fr<'shiPs did not ln·ing 1hPir 11101 h<•t'H with thPnl. }1Jv<'ryho<1y W<'ll1 honw aft<'r h<1ving all they ('Ot!ld ('()1, Cllld Oil(' or 1h<' IJ!'s1.1iHl<'S of t}H'it·Ji\'PS.





have to admit Umt the seniot'R 'l,IH'y boast ol' theil' <·olon.; leadi11g up to this rtwk, but we have seen notldng done thiH y<'Hr that would give them this honor, were it not l'or tlwm hcing· l'our·t h yt•ar· Hi nd<~ ni.H. If you want a ·laHR that t'('illly Htnnds [ot· highJH'HH, :~nd on<' that does rnore f'or· the~ llp-huilding ol' the H<'hool than all other· elasscs, juRi. wat<~h the juniors. 'rh<·y wt•t·o rir·st to orgnni;;;p at l.lw beginning of' the sdwol .Y<'ar·, find. to do anything in Lhn w;ty of <'Jt arc the highest elass in sehool.

tcr'taining any oJ the othel' elasHnH, nnd although not the first to <·onduet dmpel cxereiH<>s, ilwir lH'ogt·nm ol' thP ~:~nl l'ar <'X<·ell('d ['orrn<'l' one~. 'rhc exer·cisPs WPt'<' r·ondw·t <'d by i\1 is-; Nor:~ Tangwa!l 111Jd i.IH· progr·am was as follows: Pr·ayer· . ................... . ... . ......... . .. By l~oh_<>r't rJl\ll('HSLt• I'

Heleetion .......................... . ..... . 11 ig·h N<·hool Ordu·H1.t·n f;ong .............................. : .............. UhtriHH<l Oorr Addr·css ......... . .......... . ........ . ...... Prineipal ,Jot·gpnsell Dnnnatie H.e<Hl ing

........................ . .. Ow<'lldolyn D<'W<'.V

Bong ............... . ............................. .!VI l'k. Cnt·lson Heleetion ..................... . ............... . ...... Or·<·IH·sLt·a of Ill<' JwokH hy l~nHil Wnlk<'t'. ''0<'<'! 1lloHr~ When Basil hr·oug·llt thPnl irdo Ht<~ uss<\lllhly nnd plrl<·Pd t.bern on 1h<' dPsk, you \\'otlld ll<tY<' tlwught it \\'llS five' <1. nt. All the seniors b<~g·an to rub 1h<•it· <'.Y<'H <1:-: il' IIH'.Y hnd .iw·d <~w<tk<'tt<'d. Wo believe, hy 1.h<' wily, 1lH11 il did pull the• wir('H to lh;li "hut't'.V up" spirit of' tltc•ir·s, l)('<'<liiS<' WP lla\' <' IJ('<ll'd Hin<'<' lhc•tt, tlt<'it· int(•tt1,iott.• are to fH'C)H<'I11. a S<'l ol' hooks I o 1he f.whool. Prer·H·nb11ion






Who i:-: 1h;d jolly httn<·li o[' bright fltudentf.; at the Jordan High N<·hool?

'l 1 lwy m·p sophoJllOl'<'H-honorahl<' sophomorefl, the leading

:-:pirit ol' 1lw s<·hool

tlnd ':-:


Always thrre with


eool heads ho<ly allCl

<Ill<! :-:1.P<Hly lwnd:-;, W<~ Ht'<' 1.hP l'oundation of the Htudent til<~ h<·l p<~t·s of' t.hr ka<'hers.


;n·<~ l'ully org<JIIiZ<\d lllldPJ' tlw

irne eolm·s of rrimson anrl

int.Pnd to k<·<·p pn<·<~ '"'ith those swPil ht><)(led juniors a1Hl knowl<•dg<·-lr~dPn :-;pniot·H, whiiP in r·egat·d to 1h<· freshnH'n, wr will HP<'


<Ill< I

1hn1 th<·y g<'1 1l1<•ir r·igh1s nnd jus1ifiPd sytnpaihy, both from the 1<'<1<'h<'t'H and pupils. \\Tp hCI\'<' om· pl<l<'<' in tlw (~om·i<'l' and WP llH<' it. "rl11H'rl' iR Hlwny:-; NOlll<'i.hing doing in til<· live:-; of l'aHJOUH tll<'ll." So· is tlwrc• 111 1.h<• I i I'P ol' a sopllOillOt'<~. ]11J'e:-;hi<'H, yo11 will


lH· :-:ophonlot'('S ll<'Xt year and !'arry on om· So w<'l<•otll<', )111'<•shl ll<'ll , WP]eomc·. I lel'<' is our hand and ]pi,

11:-: lH• :-:tnnq..!,'<'t'H no nwr<•. Altl ottgh we• lov!' 1 h<' J'rp:-:!mH'll, W<' <·,.mnot h<'lp Hllliling H1 tl1<•ir iJliiO<'<'Ilt -

no, not qn<'<'l'


Yon may IH•-

Ii<·v<' 111<' l'ollowing, il' ,YOIII' h<'<lt'1 do<'S 1101 di<·i<d<' otherwisP: 0

'J1mH·il<•r· "Who d iHI'O\'<'l'<'d oxyg('ll ?" J11t'!'Nhy ,, IJU<·il'<'t'. '' ]~ 1 t'(•:-;ily '' I )o<~N '<'' on a tiH'lll<' m!'a 11 <'xc·Pll!'nt 1'' ilav<' 1'00111 to ndV<ltl('('. Advclll('(' W<' will. Yon C'an )t :.:;top llfl.


''1\va:-; hut til<' o1il<'l' day tha1 Hlittl!' !'n•shy said to ·' I ' 111 HOI'I'.Y f'or you.''


tall HophmllOI'<~:

"W hy "? " "l~<'l'<lllN<' yon <'Hn'1.look np HO far as I c·Hn." '' I don '1. llP<'d to look up. SophonHll'<'S look llp 1o no on<·; hut W<· nitll high." Novv. i:-:n '1. 1lw1. good logi<· q Aitn high, you frr:-:hiefl, don 'L l><' :-:n1.isfi<~d with the bottom. 1:-:n '1. it JH'<·uli<ll' how sonH' of our 1Paelwn; <·a in foretPJl the w1m1 il<'J' l'ot· d<l.VH <llwnd ~

E:-:pPeially in Engliflh Tfi:-;tory.


N<'<'ltl to g;iv<• IP:-::-:on:-: <l<'I'Ol'dingly, too. I low<'Y<'I', w<~ :-:ophmnol'PS, no J!Hlti<'l' how diil'i<·nl1 the task, over<'<>Hl<' <~V<'I'y1.hing-.

Our c•hi<·f aim is io gHin knowlc•<lge; hut we <He do havc> g·ood 1.imPs, not only at pm·tiPH, hut eveey day jn R<·hool. Those dig-

also W<'ll a<·qttaintecl with 11H· W<H'd "fnn," for we 1·erta.inly nifkcl junior·:-;


s<•niors 1hink tlH'Y are aho\'f' any nonsenr.:;e, but we

ol'1<·n Hlnil<' at 1h<'lll in N<'<'J'<'1.

()[' c·ours<· on1 of <·<mrtefly, we \Yonld



not have 1hem know it, I'm· 1lwy 111 ight lH'<'<>IllP dt'<'<Hl l'ttlly of'I'<•JulPd and then WP wonld h<' bronght. hdm·<· 111<• l'a<:uliy, whout W<! all know to lw a sevPr<• .indg<•. "CJPll<'l'<tlly Hp<'Hking, iltc ['a<'lllty HI'CYPH

they a r<·.

Ar·c what? 0 <'JH' r·a Jl y :·qwa k i11 g·."

SOPHOMORE H.ALJ,OWE'EN PARTY. 'l'lw rnost sn<·<·<•ssl'ul nnd splvndid (Hit'i.Y <'V<'I' gi\'Pil nt i.IH! .Jm·dn11 Iligh Ndtool was the on<• g·i\'<'ll l>y ih<' soplloJllOl'<'H 011 N1. [J;lllow's <'V<~ in honor of' t h<' g'l'<HIIw1 ing· <·l;tss 1hoH<' 11ol>l<' H<'n iors. 'l'~w building wns dnqwd with hlt1<·k n11d y<'llow. 1h<· t'<•;ll llnl low<~'en <·olor·s, <llld ghw·ds fliUPd h<•t'<' <llld 111<'1'<'. !'r·igltt<•11i11g tl1< ~ pom· H<'ll ion; until t h<· pitying :·wphoJtlOt'<'H hnd<' 11H'lll IH· Jllot'<' lenient. 'l'h<> gtu•st s W<'l'<' gT<·Pt <'d ;II ih<• dool' l>y 11 ghost who ~·x1 <'11d<'d his eold, <:l<tllllrl,Y h:tnd in W<I.Y ol' WPI<·ont<' nnd 111<>11 sii<•Jtlly dit'<'<·1<·d 1h<'m upN1air·s ;wd into th<· dillli.Y lighl<~d <lltdilot·iunt, wh<•J'<' 11H~ <~N ­ ~·wmhl<·d gii('Nts W<'t'<• tll<tking lll<'I'I',V. NPV<'r·al good, jolly g·ctlll<'H \\'('! <' p<ll'1 i<·ip;li<•d in. 'l'h<•n !It<' gtwHtH W<'J'<' 1ak<•n through "[[;ul<•s". n i<'t'Jif'ying· <'XJH't'i<'ll<'<' in whi<·h 11H· g·ir·ls W<'t'<• <lllow<·d l.o OJH'Il wid<· 1hPi1· \'oi<·<· l>o. · <·~. hut t.ltey l-111 <'llltl<' out nli\' <' Hrrd norJ<• Ill<' woJ'H<' !'or· tit<' littl<• in<·id<•tJJ. Supp<'l' W<lH H<'t'V<'d , whi<·lt Hot·! ol' <·;drn<'d tiH•it· IIJlN<•I tl<'I'V<'H, <llld i,hp priz<'H \\'l't'<' th<•IJ <IW<InlPd to th<• <'hlillllllllH. Al't<·r· thiN W<' <mjoycd otn·:-;p] V<'H g'!'tl<'t'<t lly <lllcl <1 hiding; hy 11!<· s1t'i<'1 l<1 \\'H ol' 1111· :·whool, w<· d isp<'l'N<'d nt 11 o '<·l<l<' k shnr·p t h<· sophonlot'<'N wi 111 IJpar·ts full ol' prid<· iltul H<'lliors with IH·nr·ts l'ull ol' <lppr·<·<·iHiiott.




nrc gt>JH'I'aJly r:;pokeu of as the l>ahy class of the <·lass oC 1~)11 howevc>r, have shown themH<dv<~H indep<~ndent. ol' tl1<• o1h<•t' thu;sl'H. VIc have gained a stronghold in t.IH· ,J or·dan 11 igll :·kltool t.h.a t will llot. be Jesscued by the ndioiiH ol' ou t'H<d v<~H or otllm· s<·hools. \Ve have gained the con:fidencc ol' out· 1.<'<l,<'il<'t'H <llld of our· J'p1Jow-studen1s. which will enable us to sh'<'llg11H·n out· dwtadu1s nnd lll<lkc us a hand of broc1d mincled lll<~n nnd vvonwn who will lwlp 1o build up thP great. tomorrow. 'We, us llt<'llt h<•t'H of' 11w 1~ r<•shnwll <·lnss. have shown ourselves loyal unto <Hit' H<•hooJ fi n\1 and OUt' c·JclHH liP XL J ll this l'CHped tJw J~ l'P~hma,ll <·lass t'ttnks high in 1h<· .Jord<ltl Iligh l·khool. Their· suppor·t at gcttli<'H <llld at dan '('H PqllaiH tlwt. of the ot!Wt' <•bJSH<)S. ~·whool.

'1 1 h<•

t~1 J'cHhnwn



JUNIOR'S-FRESHMAN PARTY. AL the ('lid ol' the SC<'OIHI W<!Pk or S('hool, tlw .Junior elass gavP a ni<·. <~ <'ttt.cl'tainnt<'llt l'or the 111 t'cshman <·lass. 'rhe .Junior members W<H'<) aL the door· to weleotno us. We WPI'e at on<'P taken up to tlw assomhly t·oom, wlwr·o we vvorc highly <•tl1N1Hin<'d hy t.be ,Jnniou;; and tho 1~\t<'Ulty. A niee progt'<Ult wns renderc!d Hnd i<'e l'l'l'Hlll and c~akc) Wt't'<) ser'VPd. l~oth <"lnssc•s did not l>c·lic>v<' in staying up late HO wo stopp<'d in tillH' !'or· the D1ap<'t' s1nd<'uts to eateh the t.r·ain. ·

A 11 ac·.t.ion w:ts 1.a k<'ll i 11 <l st H<lPnt hody nw<·1 ing to l'lC'et tlw 1 of'f'ic•('l'S in Uw srn·ing inst<'nd or 11H· fall. 'l,hiH would prohibit J1 l'PShlll(~ll i't•ont \'oting, 'j1}1is ;wtion was pu1 in fmm of,., motion. Tlw 1 11 t'<~si{Jttan c·lass votc•d agnin:-~1 it h<•c·<UlHP 1h<'y h<'li<'\' C'd in gi\'ing· the l'oii<.>VVing I'IIISS('S ol' li1 t'('Sltltl<'ll t}l<' H<llll!' I ight of \'oting as they had. Al'1<·r· voting had <'<'HS<'d J\Ir. Basil \\'alk<'r of the .Junior el<tss got up Httd S}lid th<Jt lw would lik<· to h<'Hl' Htty Frc'sLnum tell what lw hHd vot<·d for. ~Ir·. Ot·<·goey ol' the ]i1 t <'Hhman <·las_, said that hl' didn't. think it WHH any ol' J\lr. \Valk<·r's htt-lillPHH. 'l1 h<• j11 tTHIIHH'll hPid a <·l<t~s ltl<'<'1 ing in l\1 r . .Anderson's room. Al't<~r· '"' <~had l'airly s1<lt't<'d, <1 ])ll!H'h of roudy Hnph ..; e:-md .J uni o r~ r·uslt<•d in nnd ('lld<>aVOI'l'd to ])l'(•ak up om tll('<'ting. Th'y put )il·. B<I1<'111Htl in J>rPsid('n1 Hlld in <'<lll'yi,tg


1'ar1h<'r 1h<' ~' ll1<1'lv




a di~tnrhnnc·c· thn1 .Jlr. 1\nd<'r~ : m <'Hill<' 111 <lnd ord<'n'd 1l!<'lll 'l'hey took the hint. Mr. Batmnar~ took the <'Ht' hollle tlwt. night ['or fH' lwd o\·<'rlJ<'nn1 a plotting to mob hin1 on hi:-; way honH'. 'Phe Soph~ and tlnnior·~ Ht'e nfi'Jid<'d ·w ith th<' tt>nlpor<tr,V dis<'ns<~ k11own a~ ( thP HW<'IIPd II Pad) <md i 11 ti nw t lwy n1ay l'i nd it ll<'<'<'SS<ll'Y to wear a h<-md. Why, it. would only t.ak<~ two o!' Olll' lntri.Y Ft·<·shmen to hrcH k up a whoiP Nophon\OJ'<' lll<'<'1 in g. out.

I'd rnther· he a B1 l'<)Hht<) Th<· moon that. l'aintly shiJH'H, On that 8<~nior <'Oilpl<' That <'I i m h~-; Lll(• dark <'nshri 111~. f'd rather h<' <1 l' r·c·~hi<· 'L1 o S<'<' 1l1e .Junior nlllk nnd :-~t . l'<'llg'. fJ<!ad the d j rn eyed 8opiJOlll01'(' 1 And tc·ll him wlw1 is wr·ong. 1

@Jnrirty. 'I'll<· SO<·inl nl'l'nir·s or ilw ,Jordan ITigh Rehool thiR ye::n lHl\'(' not. I><'<' II <·h;U'<I<'t<•t'il':<'d by 1h<'it· nnmlwr so lllU<'h ashy their quality. W<• hHV<' not gi\' t'll l<'<'1nn·s ;md oilH·r thingH of the same sort af'l W<'l'<' giv<'ll o11wr y<•at'N, lmt. we have aimed io put forth our 1H'St. df'ot·t. in11lmH' <'tl1<•r1;til1lll<'llts in whi<·h W<' lwve taken part.

J. H. S. DANCE. Ollr' opc~ning dan<'<' in the Imperial Ilall at ::\Iiclvale was a pr·onoutl<'<'d su<·<'<'HS, <'ver·ymH' having r-t most Pnjoya hle time. It WHs givC'n in ord<'r to lwndit the Hrh<wl lihrary. \Vhrn the proceeds vV<•r·e dei <'t'minPd it. wHs found that the ,J or(len High w;;~s a hle to <'quip a lihrar·y s<'<'OlHl t.o none in S;;~ncly.

TEACHER'S INSTITUTE. l•~ri<hly, Deeemlwr 2, the Institute' of the .Jorden district Teach· <'l'H' WHs

held at the High School.

Over two hun<lred and fifty



teachcrR Hnd U1<•i r· l'r·ipnds W<'l'<' <'Ill Pt'i <1 itH•d by i It<• !1\1 <·1tl i y <lltd the Student Body. At 10:15 A. lVf. a l<'<'illl'<' was giv<•n hy Prol'<>sNot' P;utl o[' 1h<' U. of U. on the dil'f'<'t'Pnt plants nnd hil'ds <'OilllliOil to tTt;dl. Al'iet· Lhe leetu r·e tho d i I'I'Pn•ni t<'<H'IH·r· 'N d<'Jl<1 t'1 nt<'td s h<>ld 1il<'t'<' Ill<'<' I i ngs. in the elasR rootnN ol' ilt<• Iligh H<·lwfd lmild.ing nt 2 ::W P. ~1. nil ltt<'i together in tlw Nt udy Hoo111 f'ot· 1lw n l't <'t noon pt•ogt Hlll wh i<·h wns as follow:.;:Rclnction .................. ., . I I. N. Ot·<·lwst 1·a Rong ...................... 1bt t'l',Y n t'('g'Ol',Y Ii<)ading .................... Blnn<·lw N<•lHoJt.

Nong (Anvil ( 1 horlls ) ........• J. II N. ()lwit· Violin Nolo

............... Po1!1ll<llli<l llyd<'. l 1~dith 01'<1111. Heading ...... ·.............. Pr·i11. .Jor·g'<'IIH<'tl. N{ ng ...................... J. II. N. Choir·

Nong ...................... ,\I iss

Sclcdion •................ I. II. N. 0l'<'h<•s1ra. '] ~H' f'oot h;tll g£1111<' <li 1

l :00 P. I \1. ;d'l'ord<>d 11 o't'<'<li <1<-<ll of' <'lt.io.v llt<'nt to both 1hf' I I ig·h N" hool l'oot <'I::; ;tnd i h<• 1<'<l<'il<'rs who, it W<l~ f'onnd, It< d not . l'org·o1 i<'ll how to <'h<'<'l' l'or t hPir· Nqll:td. J\ bu·g·<· bnnqll<'i W<l"' S!'l'\'('d in thP llnH<'Il]('llt ol' tit!' Snndy vVt~rd llow.;u. 11 waH quit<' <1 lnq.?,·<· lllld<•t·tnkilq.~· hnt dtw io ~ltss .J<'IIH<'Il'H d l'oris it iru·n<'d oul 1o h<• n g'l'('<li <1 N1l<'<'<'SS. jJ\'<'11 nl'i<'t' th<' dittlt<'t', tfl!' t<•Hd!Pt'H did 1101 H<'('lll c•ntir<'l,Y Hntisfi!'d, HO \V(~ l'OillldPd llj) lll<li f<~r'H witlt ~~ dnn<·<· nt th<· N<)('inl ll;lll 011 Ht;ll<• H1r<'<'i. W<>


nil \'<'t',\' 'g-I;Hl to h<l\'<' ~lisN .\llwr1n W. Brown viHi1 '1 1 11<• old<•t· st ttd<•nls who W<'l'<' in ~1 iH"i

1h<' Hc·hool <1 l'<'w W<'Pks IHH'k.

Brown's <·btss<'H wlt<•n .'It!• taug·h t IH'I'<' two ,V<'<l I'H Hg-o, <'HfH'<·iH lly W<'t'(' pi<'Hf·Wd. ,..

Th<' Hl<'lllh<'t's ol' tlw progT<llll c•otllllli1i<'<' HI'<' now lutl'd n1 work, I ot· :111 <'V<'Il i ng 'N c•1l1 <'t'n i ltH'Ili. to

r~r·c•pn r·i ng· <1 111 isc·<'llnnc•o!ls pmgTnnt

lw gi\'<'11 <11 111<• l l nio11 BHZ<tHI' It<' ·t W<'<'l\. Th<· Union JH'opiP ~lt·e p11slting 1lw hnznnr nlo1qi:. Hnd H<'ll<l word io lht• Ilig·lt Nc·ftool to 1' 0itt<' ovc•1 1 c· . 1 \\'<•dtt<'Hd<t.'' <'\'<'lling. Otn·


h<q><·l <'X<'l'<·is<'H, whi<·h ltn\'<' l><'<'ll li1nitPd to Oil<' <lay of' t.lt<' wc•pl\, ell'<' <'Sjl<'<'ittlly o·oc><l 'Ill I illi<'I'('Siillg. \\'<• IJn\'<' JH'<'ll V!'I',Y l01'1llll(Ji<• ill hn ·ing· hHcJ JH'Oj>JP o[' I'('('()O'tJi:r.<>d 1fJlPili wifiJ IIH Oil lftt>S<' O('('(JSiOIIS who ft;t\<' iak<'ll Jlilli Ill 0111' Jll''lg'l'<llllS. '(11Jp <



i\,<'' cr<~nd [. 1..~. Gm;hell of Salt I..~ake deli vere(l an excellent plea J..~oyal1.y. II is talk is something that wj]] rcm::dn with each one HH 1hHt hearcl him ~peale l\Ir. Claude Nettleton, the notefl. viol in iHt, r<'lHkrcd a nmlllH'l' o[ sr1ection~ which were greatly <1ppr路i<'iH1ed. W<' would br grC'rl11y pleased to welcome visitors to our Chapel <'X<'t'<路.iH<'S, and <'Xt<'nd a warm welcome to all those who are interest~ <'<l in Olll' work ll<'re <11 tlw ,Jordan High R(路hool.




.I \


i\tQlrtirs. Football. When the ,J or clan boys reported for practice at the hegi n11ing R<'MHH1 Coiieh Dutton was surprised to find that four of' i.lH' h<'Ht plHym·s of' l;-tst year's team were not there. A rareful <·n n VHH of' the S<"hool showPd thai then' ·we1s not a l~..,reshman, who WHN lar·g<' Pnough to iak<' a pla<"e on the sqnacl, so practice started with <'l<'V<'ll nwn and no more. 'l,hrough-ont i.lw whole footb<11l NeaHon it waN impossible to ~H1cl more th;.m tJ1irteen mC'n, ·who -vverp ablp to play, to our sqmt<l. 'Piw f'ir·Ht. praetie<' game of ihP season 1vas phtyed 011 our eampus. 'l'lw .Jordan hoys lined up Hgaim;i Granite mHl ::tftPr a hard game ihe fimtl sc·m·e stood 6 to 0 in ,Jonhm 's favor. This was a great en<·ountg<'ment to the players anC! to tlw sC"hool. <1S it "\VRS the fir. t g'<llllC we hacl ·won of any importcwce £or som<' time. Shortly l-:llterwar<l there was a foothl-:111 league formecl and our fit'Ri. game was set with Ogclen Iligh Rehool. ,Jor<htn met dcf<'ai from this time on. 'Phe seor<'S wcr<' as follows: 1. Og<l<'n vs .•Jordall , ~)6 to 0. 2. Ogclen vs. ,Jorclan, 82 to 0. .

,>[ th<~ l'oot.lH11l


JORDAN COURIER U. )11 f'<' · dunnn \'~. ,Jordnn. ~2 to 0. 0 r H 11 it l' vs. •Jon I H 11 . 11 t. o G. ::l . Onwitt> \ ' H. • Jo!'dnn. ;~to 0.

1. 1.

JORDAN VS. BINGHAM:. ArT~IJJg<'llH'Ilt~ W<'l<' lli<Hl<· !'or n gall!<' l>dw<·vn l~ing;hnlll Iligh H('hool and .J onlc111, Ill<' ga Jill' to IH• plHy<·d 011 Hinglw 111 's <·:w1 pitH 'l'h<· .Jorde~n hoy~ \V('l'<' in filll' <'OIHlilion nn<l l'ror11 th<' lll llllll'llL 1.!1< • whist!<' wns ~OlltHkd to lh<' <·lo!-'<' ol' thl' 12,'<1111<' .lol'di11J plny<•d 1';1~1 h;dl. Al'ter rolling 0\'('1' tlu•iJ' ro<·ky fi<'ld l'or· thr'l'(' pl'!'iod~ ol' llu• glllll<' witho11t Hll<'('l'HH, tiH• h;lll wn:-; finnll.Y ('<tl'l'i(•d o\'<'t' l>y I. (Jirl'd n<·r·. Hhortly al't<'l' ];ind lll<Hl<- n g()(>d turn and <'<ll'ti<•d til<• llnll ov<'r' BinghH!ll':-~ !'o<"k,\' gonl lin<' 011 <1 l'ot'\\' <lrd pnHs. 'l'IH• fiJwl H<'IJI'<' W<lH ]() to() in i'H\'Ol' ol' .Jor·dnn .



Tlw l~n~k<'i I~HII spirit or ih<· H<'llOol ~('('IllS to h<' dPad, n1'11'1'111<· Jwrd ~<'i-INOII of' f'oot !JnJI, whi<·h \\'(' hll\'1' j11~j' ('0111)>1<'1<•<1. 'J'Jw ('()(l<•h itlld 1h<• lHIHk<'l -\>;Jl[ 111<11 Pl'i;JI ol' 1]11' ~l·hoo] <11'<' y\'L llll<i<'<•id<•d liS j o what <•X1<'n1 this garll<' will ll<• <'lll'l'i<·d 011. Horn<' t.alk h11~ lH'<'Il going on lH•i.w('<'ll IIH• oi.IH·t· high H<·hools ~1a1<' to l'ol'lll H 1<-agll<', hut as y<·l no t><'l'lll<Ul<'ll1 lllO\'<'Jll<'llL I111H h<'<'tl tcll«•tJ.. II' tlu• s11id kagu<' is l'ot'lll<'d lir<' .Jord1111 boys witl1 t.h<'il' 11l>l<· <·oa<'h Dntton, will ~ttt'<•l.v I><· lu·nl'd l't'Olll. II' a. ddini1<' H<'l'i<'s ol' g'<lllll'H i:-; s<·ll<'dlll<·d th<• Ho<·inl II<Jll will lH'ol>nllly I)(• H<'<'lll'('d h,v lh<· llig;h :--l<'llOol, in wlli<·ll \\'('\\'ill play our· O'(l.Jll('H.

ol' Lh<'


wh (' 11

\Vi II t h(' i l' g I ()I' .Y rad(' ;

( )h tlw g'l'<'<11 hons! I IH'Y JllH<k: \VP loH'W 11l<'.Y l111d hlund<•t'<'<l. Hom<' ol' th(' l''il<'ldty'H <'1<'\'<'ll hnd dt'<'<llll<'d ol' n llH11<·h g'ClllH' ol' l'oot hnll hdw<'<'ll tlll'it·s <llld tlH• lligh H<'hool l<'<lllt, Hlld nwnk<•ni!lg lt!i!.d<\ n I'<'W jPH1.H oJ' H I'll t'IJI('I' ha<•k fi<•ld Oil <•ii h<•t• side. 'Phe wiHlwd l'ot· gnn1<• linHlly <'<lllH'. tit<' lligh H<·lwol boyH anivillg' on t.lH• fi<·ld ol' h11l!l(• 111. :l::W o'elo('k; sonH' ol' tlJ<• 1<"n<'lH·rH bt'l'ot'P 111<'11, sorJH' n h<tll' hout· lnt<·t· nnd otH' ot· two ol' tll<·ir· Hqund




fail<'d to khow up at nll, whieh <'<-lllS<>d no grNit surprise to the Jordan I lw.;kies.

Yet v,dwn tlwy fimllly gatlwr<•d their squad, they

look<'d, indeed, hk<' nn i1npene1rahlP. wall. some weighing one hundr<'d H<'V<'nly :-wd som<' 1wo lmndrc>d S<'\' en1y pounds. ~md e:1s they

r·n 11, on<' hundred H<'<'lllPd to ha\ <' lW<'Il add<'<l to e~H·h man. rl 1 h(' g'Cilll(' lH'g'H Jl a1 '('loelc with lllH ny Pt>dagoguc>s t-llld High N<·hool siud<·n1s on til<' si<lP lillPS. ~l<tHiPrs lllllpired, I'efert>ecl HlHl jnngl<'<l 11w g'<llll<'. At til<' <•nd ol' ilw fhsi qmn·t<>r th<' H('Ol'P stood () to 0. ;lltllough th<· 1'\H·ulty had played lund def<'nsive hall on ilt<•ir· 1t•n yar·d lin<'. Wh<•n tilt• thn·<~ Jninllt<• r<'s1 was up the IIigh N t·lwol l~oys r'Citl io 1h<'it· piH<'<'S and IHiiierlily wait<·d fo1· thre<' ltlittlli<'H tllOl'<' until ih<> l''<H·nlty \\'CIS in a t•rudt•, hut its best forme:l1iott. ,J onl:-1tt ki<·kt•<l, H nd Oar·dn<·r. t h<' I' H<·nJty· H <·ollege star, ad' <llt<'<'d 1h<' h;-1ll H<'V<'l':-11 y;u·dH wh<'Jl again Ow struggle Ht;uted. At iht• t•nd or this <jllflll<'l' ill<• H<'Ol'(' WCIH HiiiJih<' SCilll!', hut the f:.wulty S<'<'llt<'d \'('I,Y lllii<'IJ pi<'(IS!'d, ror :\iHS1Pl'H inf'ol'lll<'d th<'m of H 1.<.'11 Ill illtt1.(• I'(•H1.. 'I'll<• g<llll<~ <11'1<•r this ini.<•t'nliHsion WflH plHy<'d well by eiih<>r 1<'<I Ill·. 'l 1 h<' l~\l.<·HI1.y 'H l'orw:-n·d fHlSH<'S by 0. IT. Dnti on to Gardner wor·l«•d V<'l y <'f'f't><·t iv<'IY, and Dunk Om·dn<·r·'s <'tHl nms pro\'<'<1 as y<lt'd g<~in<'t'H. '1 1 11<• ,Jord;-ln l>oyH played qui<·k h;-111 and gt>nerally i11 11H· oppoH<'I'H' iPl'l'iim·y. }11inally Lh<· <'t'iHis <'<-lllH'. an in<·ompl<>t<' j1111t. by D111i.on on 1h<•ir 1<'n yar·d litH>, HJJd iiH• gr<'<li r.l'<'O\'t>I',Y oJ' tlw ball l>y t~}lgin Wall«·t· h<'hind Uw gmll postH, d('iennirwd tht> i-4('()1'( cllld tit<' loss or t.IH· ]1'H<'Illiy. Brady ki<·k<·<l goal, making the :-)('()!(' <lL ihP ('lld or 1.11<· thit·d qmu·i<•J', ,Jot·dall (i, I~\l<'lllty 0. 'I'll<· rout'1h qwtt't<·t· was plcty<'d tHHinly on nPntnll tPrritory, nltltollgll ih<· 1~ 1 ;1<'1\liy Oil<'<' ll<l<l ih<' good llH·k to play on ,Jordnn's f\\'('111.)' ,Y<ll'd litl<'. 1\1 iiH• <'lld of' 11Jt> f'onriiJ <jiHlltcr thP l<'clthPl'l-i, di:·dl<'<lt'i<·n<'d, lnnis<•d <ltl<l ll;111Pt'<'d tt·od :-;o]H•rly down to tlw hanq 11<'1, wh i I<• l><'hind 1h<•n1 <'H tll<' t lw ,J or·dan boys 1t'i1llll plwntly <·;u·r·.v-

+ ()


i 11 g 11 1< • only pi g'H k i 11 th ·.v h 11 d <' v <' r won .

'''POPULAR SONGS.'' · l ' ;ts Anyh<Hiy 11<'1'<' St'<'rt l(pJJy-~l<'tl Nianrt "D<'<It'i<'"- Nont io Arthur. "K<•<•p Your l'1 oo1 on tlw Ho!'i. P<•dHI."- .AbhiC' ·\vith IIm·old. ''Old t~ 1 nithl'ul"

l\l<·sst'H. ,Jorg<•tts<•n ;.md AndPt'SOil.

"lk<tlltil'lll 0<1l'd<•n ol' Hmws"-Ciara 'H I~'cl<·<'.

"Any Bllg'H. Any notl('S, J\lly Botil<'S 'l,od;.ly - .:\lariin PctPrSOll.



'' Gif'l of l\1 y Dr<'anm ' '- I~Jll('nor l\1 i<·klPHOtt. " lf I Had a 'l, ~wwmnd f_;iv efi to f_;ive " -1\lark to !Ji!lie 'l,o

·" All In , Down and Ont " -'rhr H<>niorso " l'vc Grown No {hwd to You"- 1\lro ,Jorg<'llR<'Il to 1\li:-;H \'Villmms. '' I Wish I TIHd n Oirl ' ' -,John NimonHorl. " When W <' W <'t'<' 'J1wo I.Jit11r BoyH " Dt•nn<·y and N d~on . " fn lr<'land "-Al\'~t nn<ll\liss \Yilli<1tnS.. " B c < ~ aus<~ I 'rn l\·lani ed Now " Nilas . " 'J'a ffy "..,...-- M a r·y Goff '' Sweet O<·ne v]<•v<' '' Houth J>::nvo " Glow Wor·m " ~lyrtiP Bn1<'tllHtt. " l\Iy Irish l{m;<> " ~ s th<'r Ounnis ono " J' m Orowi rrg· 01 d , f)(';H "- ~!i s :-; ll<n·t I<' .Yo " In Uw l\loonlighi witlr tit<· Oirl You lJ<>Yt' " - \\"ctyrt<' no <1rrd 0

Ell enor· M


"' Ne<1,th LhP Nh::Hk o!' th<' NilvPt'Y ~loon "- lhlrTY Uo to ~lnl>d Rtnitho " f_;o\' e Sp<'lls 'l' ronhl< · to ~It> " Ot·No n Hnritl!o " Oh , \?{hat. I 'd Do !'or <r Oir·l LikP You " Eghvr·t. <llm·<·r·, Cnrn mprou and Bn1<'llH'I1 to l\liHs D<'W<'.Yo

GOOD BOOKS. " 'I'~H' l\l!'rlloriPH of' H !~<thy " J~Jstlwr Our11rison . " Sh e Stand s AlmJ<' "- ~lyrtl<' Bat<•nntno lkH1 iny " Ut'(J('(' Nltnrpo " A I.Jit11P Nis1<·r


'"l' h<' S<·HpP-Oont " Cnl'l N111ith o '' Blind !.JO\' <' '' Uw<'ri<lol y n <lnd \\' nyrH' E. " '!'h e Point of' llonor· " Mark's Nose. '' Come and l11 ind l\'Jp '' l\lni> Pl.

'' 'I' he Ntonn (Jpnt<'r- '' 'l,lw Ofl'i<'<'o " An Anr<'ric·::ln J>oliti<·imr '' 0 : II. Dlll.tott. '' .A l\T e r·c· Cy phpr· '' Bt·o<·kmP,Yl'l'o '' 'f1he 'l'owrr ' l't'HV Pl<-r '' llnr'l'.V Ot·<· g·or,\"0 '' Poor P< • opl<~'' '11 11<' l~'r<·shrP so " In ttw Da y ~ of' l\J y Youth " ~liss ,Jvnsen. " NawdttH1. Doll s" lr<' IH' All<•n <lrHI l ~;l g ino " A Man WitJrout.:~llPad " Oill so ",Niht s l\T H nwr " 011 o h ·inso " 01 iv<'r 'l\v1st "-1l<l n ·e,v Drig-g~·L





'"J1he Return ol' Uw NativrR "-PreHhmen going to RngliRh daHs. "A l~\ ~ llow and lliH Wife "-Bracly. "Wild AnimalH I Ilavc Known"-:B1 reHhmen. '"l,lw Pr·i ne<' ol' lnd ia "-II. Glover. "A Stiff Neek<•d Generation "-'rhe SeniorR. '' rJOVe }\lone I R r.~ord ' '- A hbie. ''Wrong· Nid<\ Out "-Denney. "A l.ady In WHiting"- Orli<' Hmiih. ' " A Ro y~ll 11~ n d " ,J. I I. N. J1~oot ball team. '' J.~il 1.1<' 1\1 <'11 " - Dri ggH, Nell.;on, Oi IIR, Hansen, Denney ,Jenkins~ .i\1\'<lh



JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL BRIEFS. OrHon Sm it it says IH' haH got a <·hoice eollt>ction of profane <'pitlwl s, ~~ lH•arski 11 eo at H nd a soapstone foot-warmer, and all he Jl<'<~dH now iH a hH rT<'I or gmndr·ops an<l a <:mtplc of ERquimax and he is <ill I'<'<Hiy to H1<tl'i, oul Hlld find the Pol<'. i\o ERqnimax with <.:ons<·i<·n<'<' ot' <t ppn1 il <'H tl<'<'<l apply. ~I <'11 011 P<·i <'f'son hHR got H s<•cond-hancl sewin' ma<'hinr, three hnHlt<'IH ol' m11.s, <1 doz<'tl t<lll<'t' <·andl<'R, a ne<'k-yokP an<l a patent wt·ing<•r· to 1.t'H<k l'ot· ~~ grindsl.otH\ a sl't of wagon springs, four cans ~>I' ;\XI<• gr·t>aN<' <ltl(l a JHilwake gridcllc. Ji. look~ like a good chance I'm· <l di<·k<'r, and Alva [11 itzg<'r<lld r-;ayR he will trade if l\Ielton ·w ill 11trow inn i>uf'f~llo robe and a pair of slnlirs; hnt l\lrlton says he wott't do 1he~1. uniPss Alv~1 will giv<' tht<'e pounds of •orn starch nn<l <1 ntonk<'Y wr<~n<·h to hoot; bttt Alva HHYR he eouldn't give that tlllt<'h lo hoot nnl<•ss 1\l<'li.on will throw in a wh<'<~l-barrow and a wlnli<'IHliH' buggy whip. 11 looks likP the matter will have to be finnlly sdil<'d hy tlw J><'H<·e eonl'<~ren<·e at '!,he Jiagu<'.

Nilns BnHly SHYH h<' is goin' to move up to thr 1 rorth Pole, wh<'l'<' 1lw nights al'<' six JllOilths long, HlHl then he won't have to 12,'<'1. 11p nnd start the kii<'lwn fir'<~ l'or his wife hui twiee a Y<'<H.

rl,lw dan<·<' giV<'Il hy th<' sPniors ai ~Jidvale was a <lt>eided sur<'<'HS, HtHl *:~.K7 WMi nd<l<'d 1o their library funcl, whi<·h is now swelle(l 1o $:Um. ~I m·y Oof'f' offieiated most gr;.H·c>fully :1t tlw refrPslnnent s1nnd. <111<1 did H Jushin' bnsin<'ss. ft is hopPd that the $-!0.00 neceRsary for dnnH1ges will he rniR<'d soon.



·Rila:;;; (aJt<·r· a (jUC\rTC'l, bitterly ) -"



a Cool


r marri'<'<1

you." ~jlpha-" J

knew it, lmt I thought yon wonl<l improvt'."

Printis J:i1 .- "1 am g'l'Cai.ly troubl<•<l with a rw.;h or blood 1o heatl. ITow do yon ae<'mmt !'or it, dodor'?" Doctor- " Well, nature ahhon; ~~ v~H'lllllll, yon know."

1.11< ~·

Miss .J<msen "What! 'l,hirty-C'ight ('('litH a dm';t'll ror <'g'g'H! Why that's more than thr·ce <'ents !'or on<~ <'gg·! '' Clem U.- "Well, mum, ym1 mu:-;1. n•nwmh<·r th·11 one· <'g"g' i:-; <1

whole <lay':-; work for one hen." '!,here wa:-; }In oppr<'HHive sil<'ll<'<~ in t I}(' p<~rlol'. At l;1:-;·j t IH• d<'Hrerate young lcHly l>rol"' ont: '' V\' nyno," HHk<'d sh<>, "why don '1. you pror·o se·f" "Nomehow soJnehow, I ean't hring" lll,YH<'ll' Lo do it . l•~ll<'llOJ'! ' . blnrte<l tho young man. "It's only a short :-;cnt<•rH'<', \V<l,Yll<'. r "It. 'H a Hen ten <~c for· Ji f<~."

l\1is:-; WmiHmH "Whnt do you w:1nl, Jll.Y li11f<' lllHll ?" Harvey D. (<·Hnying a <~at) "I wnnt tln\1 fh'C' <lollnt·s yo11 t)f'f'er·ed HH a rowan! f'or tit<· r<'iurn of' yon1· <'Hllat·y hi1·d." 1\lis:-; ~rillianlH '"Pha1 'H 1101. :1 <'<HJ:try; it,':-; n e;ll. 11 lfn r·r·y D.- " l know it.; but t he• bird':-; insi-d<'." DnttonIInrolclDuttonHarol<ltrying."

''Jlarold, whN<' is the• ol'lll Poi<' '! '' ' 'Dun no.'' "You don't l<now, ;.d'i<'l' <ill Tli.V l<'ct<·llillg' !j " "NopP. If' Cook c·;tn't fi11d it,. tlt<'l'<•'s 110 llH<' ol'

1 1~lsi<' -

"1\Tothf'T', C'ould I loY<' two nt<'ll n1 th<' H<llll<' tilllP'!'. Motltc·r·- "Not i!' On<' or thern g'<'1H wis('." )<Jisie iH an c•xc·<·ption, <tnd Ot·Hon isn'L wis<•. lfar·old "11.':-; quit<' 11'11<' tlw1 th<'f'<' <tr'<' llli<'l'ob'(•:-; in 1\iHs<•s."~ Abhic•- "Oh, th<• HWPPI litllc· dnrling-s.'r


Murra~ [lectric Suppl~ &fixture Co. First door South of City Hall, Murray, Utah A happy young couple in Nome From cafe to cafe did roam When she told him he oughter A toast stove he bonght 'er And now they breakfast at ron1e.

Call and see us about your electric heating devices, Toasters, Broilers, Pan Cake Griddles, Chafing Dishes, Disk Stoves and Water Heaters Mrs. Murphy up north in Racine On wash day was a sight to be seen Wht~n her back nearly broke She made a bold stroke f\ nd bought an electric machine.

Washing machines, with or without wringer attachments, lighting devices and Chandeliers for all purposes And there was sweet Kitty LaPearl Whose hair would' n t stay in a curl But after some thought A cuder bhe bought And now she is a contend--3d girl.

Electric curling irons, massaging machines, medical batteries, searcnlights and miniature appliances, shades, irons, globes, everything electrical. Last summer Miss Maggie Odell In her rod dr路est3 appeared very swell An electric iron was the reason Sht-~ made the hit of the season While her friends worked arow.Jd hot as -

Eleetricians for All Kinds of Work

J. H. LYM, Mgr. Office Phones:

Bell 343, Ind. 57

and Sec. Residence; Bell 522 Blk.

The Progress Co. MIDVALE, UTAH

C. H. Spencer, Jr., Commercial Agent


Electric Lighting and Power Co. ''Electricity for Everything"

Contractors of Elec.t.ric Wiring

Everything for Electricity Can you think of a more acceptable Xmas Present than something electrical ---one of the many things we have for Xmas

Preparing a Dainty .P.leal in a dainty way means keeping of the kitchen and doing the c0oking on the dining table with a

W estinghouse Electric Toaster Stove You can cook almost anything on it---cook it faster and better than on the kitchen stove COST FOR ELECTRIC CURR ENT TRIFLING



Ifar·vey Drigg::-;- " 1\lamma, every tjme I pull pusRey'R taU her . !wad i-HJlH•alo{. ''


Ali<· in ( i 11 domr~ti(' S<'ienee ) -" Boohoo! l\Iyrtle threw a bjscu]t One t.h at I lllCI d<· 1ll y::-;e] r, too.'' ~1 iHH ~J eltHPn - '' 'l,ht\ lllOl1Hi cr· ! Rl1c lllig~}lt have ]\:il]c(l yo1~ . ''

lll e.


1~\Hler , wln1t's sup<~rHttoliR '? '' \V ear·i ng a llO<~ktie ven you 'V(' got a )ward. my boy.'·



EX. NO.1.

I r D is 1~,i nd







lull!. and B

i~ <1 \'(l('cll1t


and II.

JOKES. Wlw1 <'V<'I' Lr·ouhl<'s .'\(l<lln hnd. No lll<ltl <·ould IIIHk<· him Hore By saying whrn lw 1old a .i<~Rt, "I 'v<· ll<\nr·d t.lwt jok< ~ before."

l'<•dcJ]pr (H<•]]illg <I J>ot,j]p oJ' S('('lli 1o <I <·ook ) -":\<m·. iVh<lt wotlld you lik<· 1o Slll<'ll lik<>, C\ du<'h<'SR or· just c1 l><li'OJI('Si-('? '' - Ex.

Hl11d<•nl - '· Whi!·ll



g'l\' <'


ih<' higlwHt positim1

q11i<'k '! " 'I'<><H·IJeJ'

' ·A powd<>l' Jll<1g<l:;,irw. espe<·ially if' yon eon tribute a

liPry <ll'1 i!'IP. " Nin<'<~ 1<1 king

dn ily <·ross-<·mJntr·y runH out to hjs Y<>gda hle fcnm .

hlo<·k or 1wo south ol' his n•sidPll<'<', Mr ..Jorgensrn is <leting quirt· ,\'01111 g' <l g'<l i 11. <l

No ph " 'l'll<'l'(' wns )1 pi<lllist at the matinrr to< lay '''ho C'nuhl pl<lY with his to<>R." ]~1 J'<'Hhi<> -' ·'['hat's 11othing. I C'onld (lo th<1t wlwn I W<-lS a Slll<lll


- Ex.

Pt·os<'<·llt ing A11 m·nry '·Your· IIollor, ilw hull pnp h<-1s gone mHl <·h<lw<'d up the c•ourt Bihle."


50 .Judge-"W<~ll, <~an't

makr 1l;r wi1n<•ss kiss 1he lmll pup, 11wn. \V< adjour11 eour·t [or a we<~k just to hunt up a ll<'W l~ihln. " -Ex ..

IN MEMORIUM. 'J.1wo .Jews stopped to talk to each other, one w'aring a lnl'gn fliamond tie pin. "Solomon," sHid one, "thai,'s a fine diamond you have. Where did yon get it'!" Solomon-"W ell, my hrotbcr IkE~ <lied alHl l<'l't. $2GO !'or· a stonP. 'nds js the stone." -Ex. Iri~hrnan (after waiting at the theatl'<' entntn<·e Jor a lo11g tinw on a (•old night)-"Shnrc its myself' wctd soorwt· walk fil'iy miln~ than shtand five! "-Ex.

"How old aro.you, my dear?' 1 "Bight at home, Hoven nnd a ·h<llf' whon l go hy train, and s1.· when I go out with mmna. "-Ez. IJady (to ship eapt.ain)-" PleaHe 1 ·11 my httsh:tll(l wlwt to do j r lw gets seasick.'' Uaptain-" Don't worry, utadHm, il' your lnrshilnd g'<'1s S<'<tsi 1·k he 'Jl do it all right."

An J~ngli~lmmn hired an Irish <·abby to g<!L hint to the trairr . 'Pbe I riHhman 's hor·Hn WllS going Y<'ry slowly <llld 1h<• English Ill 1,, Ht.n<·k hiH head out of' tlw <'<t b windovv and H<t id: "Whip !Jim 11p. (Jiv<• him gad. llit hint in <1 vit<ll sp.Dt." ''An' sure," rPpliPd 1h<' eabhy, " l'v<' hit hint in <'V0l'.\' \ i1<tl Hpot hut the ears, <1ttd I 'w saving th<'lll l'or· 1lw !till. -Ex.

A FRESHMAN'S COMPOSITION ON HENS. IIem! iH <·nrious animals. 'l'h<',Y dor1 't. lwvP no nos', nor no 1<'e1h, JIOT' JJO ('(It'S. '{'~H'Y SWHIJow t.hPit• \'it1]ps wltok lllld eiH•w ;1 llp in t.lwir· <~·rops insid<• ol' '<'111. 'I'll<' ontsid<• ol' h<'llH is g<'ll<'ndl,v put into piJion; and Jra1.h<H' dnstPrS. 'J'hp insidP of H h<'ll is SOill<'1 iiJJ('~ filiPd up with mar·l>l<'s Hnd shirt lmttons <1Jld :·w<·IJ. A h<'ll is \'<'-~'.\' tntwh snwller th;~n a good nwny oth<'l' <UtinmiH, l>tLt Uwy'll dig up rnore torn<t1o plnntH 1hnn anything that :1in't <1 h<•rt. ll<'ns is V<'t')' nsdul to lay r•ggs !'or· pl11m pttdding·. I likl' pluut pudding. ll<•tt.

Dr. 路J. H. Brown DENTIST Office at Residence, Main St.

P. C. Rasmusson


MIDVALE. UTAH Bell Phone I 5 7 I red

Fresh and Cured Meats Staple and Fancy Groceries

All Work Guaranteed

Good Prices and Prices Right

Latest System of Painless Dentistry

Midvale, Utah

Mathematics Teach Us That "every little bit added to the little you have, makes just a little bit more."

A DOLLAR will start a savings account with this bank. C]J We also have the exdusive use in this territory of the Burdick Cash Reg~ ister Home Savings Bank, which we furnish to our customers free of charge


GENERAL BANKING 4 % Interest paid on Savings Deposits.



has go1 wing~-< and <'<Ill fly wlwn Uwy nre H<~art. I eut my UneTe· \rVillian1's h<•n's IH'<'k ()ff wi1h a h<1Lel1n1. and it. H<'.art her to death. llm1H somdiult>H 111akm; very fine HpT'ing c~hi<·kenH. Ex. J\I1·s. If<'lllH'<'k "\VIla1. do you eoJIHidet· iH the mo~-;1. ~tttraetivc­ period in a womltll'H Iii'<> '/" 1\lr·. Il<'llLH'<'k

"WIH•n Hh<' i~-; <U·d<'<'p." - Ex.

l'c>d<·st rinn - " What <I hot'l'ib!P whi11<~ you haY<) in aHking f'orn:-;HiH1Hlt<'<'. Yon onght to llav<· your voi<~n <•Jlltiva1.ed." '1 1 t'Cllll p ''Dot:-; W<t1' I WH 111 t,il(• lli<HI<~.Y I' or J>OHO. r 7 111 thin kin' ol' h<l\'ifl' IllY voi<'<' il'l'ig-;~ted."- Ex. l;il.tl<· B<tHitlH

"H11t <1h kaint ond:dJ:-;1.nJI 'bout. d<~ .YHT'th an~

dP Hllll. '' lfn<·l<' 1\loH<'- " 1;<'111 '111<~ ':-;plain hit 1.<'r' y<•t· all. Now, ':-;po:-><~n di.· IHnt.<·rll :ttl\ d<' HUll, <til' nwlt IH1i<l ;tlll d<' yar·tll. Ah swings cl<• lant~~··n I'Ollll' <Ill' J'Oitll' ;til' jj dOll<' HIJPd light Oil <Jp iniJ:JJ>il.nn1,:-; OJ' lll<I.1J IJnid. 0Jow do<'H yo' ond<tll~·dctn' 'l'' Ex. '' l)p J'('lll l'('HOlli'<'Pi'lll lllllll," H<tid lJn<'l<' J~J!Jcn, "whn11 HOntP ('I llnndN hi111 " l<'lllOII, i:-; t'<•<tdy wil' d<• Hllgat· and oLllot· fixi1 H t.o ttlllk<'· il Lol '<lill<· pl<•a:-;n tll to t,,, k<~." x.

'''l'lwt'<' is Oil<' llol<lhl<• thing I ll<lV<' oi>H<~t·vnd," Haid 1~'~· !''>t'l'lg"f! IP<'illl'<'l'. "You Anl<'l'i<'<lll wonl<'ll IW\'<' tiH· moH1 lnxur·i<llll llait· ol' ilii,Y wonH'Il on tit • glob ." "HniH!" HhOIII<'d Ill<· il'l'<'\'('1'<'111 illdividu<ll l't'OLll UH· had( or tlw· lwll. -Ex.

A \V<'Hf<'l'll KnnH<lH <·dit.m· wils t'<'<'<~tl1.1y told that th<• fH•a.d 1 {' l;in<•oln npp<'HI'H on 111<• ll<'W :-~ilvc•t·llnll' doll<ll', 1.h;l1. the bti:->1. of' Cl<·vrlnnd will'}(' Oil 11H· 11('\\' $10 ('('J'1ific·<lll', <ltld tli<lt or Orant Oll the$;)() Oil('.

''I:-; 11urt <Ill :-;o '! '' lw <lHk<'d. "You don 'I :-;uppo:-><' I '111 lying to yo11 '1 " t'nplied hi~-; infot'lltHn1.. "Not H1 <Ill. not 111 nil," wa:-; thP <~ditot·'~-; t'<'ply. "I waf'ln't thinking nlong tiled litl<' ;d :dl. I just want<·d fo h<· Hilt'('. I '11 rrohnl>ly g<'t :1 sig·ht of' l;in<·oln !lOW <lncl tllc•n, <ltHl it may l><• rny ran· and wond<'J'ous.good l'or·lltll<' 1o O<'<'<lHion;dly H<·t·ap<) np a fl<'<'1ing ae-

JORDAN COURIER qw1 intllll<'<' ·w ith CleYPland. Uod l>l<•ss you." - Ex.


Bnt Grant-<1('31' Grant, good-bye, and

'l'h<~ Pt·oud Motlwr·- " 'Ph iH hoy (lo(~S grow more like his father <'\'<'t'Y dny." NPig;hl>or· -"Do '<', p<H'<' dc<H. And 'HY<' yon tric(1 rvcrything~"

-Ex. " PI <'HSP sir·," said the ofl'i(~e hoy, "me gran 'muddrr 's d<:ad. I w n 1!1 d <• n I' t <' t'n oo 11 o fl'. " ",Johnny," <'X<·blillled his <'nlployer sc ~ verely, "do you kpow wh<'l'<' litll<! boys g;o wllo 1<>11 lies '? " " Y<•s, Hit'; to dP hnll gn1n<•," r<'pli(•d .Johnny nnhlnshingly.-Ex.



l\lt·. Dutton tPils ol' nn old n<'gTo whos<; worthless sou 'vafl mari<•d son<' I ly. 'l'IH· old llHlll hPard of i1 and asked the hoy if he was lllill'l'iP<l. "I nin't snyin' I ain 't , " the hoy rPpliP<l. "Now, yo11 H.nsLtlS," Htorlll<'d thP old mnn, "I ain't askin' yon is you nin'1, I is e~skin ' you ai11't you ifo;.''Ex.t

1\ll'. ,Jor·g<'IIH<'ll, ;d'1<•t' ealling the roll or his (']<ISS flai<l: "Ditl I iss n nyolll' '? '' I Jilt I<· Cnl'l llc1nH<'Il held up his hand. 1\lr·. ,Jm·g<•ns<'ll "And who al'e you; do you ·wish to enroll?" 'l'lw only <lllN\V<'l' wns a loud l<mgh from Carl. l\lr·. ,J oq~·<'llS('tl ( (•on l'wwd )- '' \Vhai is his name, ~lr. ,Jenkins~'' 1\lr. ,J'<·.nli:ins (hlllghing ) - \Vhy, thnt's Carl 1Ianse11. lie's had a l1 n i r'-<'UL. ''


!\It'. I )utt on was cxph1 ining <'H rthquakc sho('ks to his physical t IH· <·on \'t'l'S<l1 ion ran <lfl foJlows: ''I pt'<'Hlllll<' you <lll und<'l'Simld that a sho(·k from an e:arthqnnkn will <'CllTY n f'm·i fH't' diH1an<·<· on hal'd, froz('ll ground than on sort, loos('ly P<l<·ked soil." Os<·n t· P. anHW<'t'<•d "Hnre,. fo1· on loofl<'ly p<H·ked soil it would ])(• Iik<· phoning· 011 " l>ustrd wire.'' g<•ogrn phy <'I <lSH, nnd

'' P11, pa, w IH'l'(' ':-; th<· Hho<'-horn, qui<·k! '' ''I don 'i know. What do vou want i lw shoP-horn fur? ' ' "i\la got H1tl<'k hnll' wny i1.1 her ll<'W <lt'<'fiS alHl can't gPt it on or

ofL" Ex.-



A musical dictionary defines a shout to he au llllplem·Htllt noi:-~n produced by over-straining the throat, Jor whieh great singer~ m·c~ paid well and small children are punished. - Ex.

Pat- " An' phwat the devil is a chafin il.ish ~" Mike- " Whist! li 's a fryin' P?-D thai's got into scwi<'ty." -Ex

''I want a tablet of soap, i£ yo pla~e, sor. '' ''Scented or unscented~'' '' rrhank ycr kindly, sor·, but 1 '11 take it with mP. - Ex:


A Cambridge student sent to another stndcnt to honow a hook . "I never lelHl my books out," was the answer, "hut i r t,IJ() gTu tleman chooses to eome to my room he may w.;e them hcr·e." A few days alter the book owner· sent to tlw other studm1t to borrow a carpet sweep r. "1 never lc~nd my earpct :-;wcepcl'," he replied, "but if the gentleman chooses to c~ou1<~ to my room, he nwy use it here.

BETTER SHOES For Men and Women at

$2.50 cannot be found. Two Dollars and .Fifty .Cents worth. of leather In every pair



Vienna Bahrf E. A GILDNER. Prop .


Churches, Weddings Banquets, Lodges and Parties

fresh Baked Stuffs Daily Headquarters for the Best Confections and Fruits


For a Strictly Up-to-date line of---

Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishings, Shoes, Hardware, Lumber, Etc. Call and see the

DRAPrR M. &M. CO. Draper, Utah.

When Your Education is Finished :.ho nnxt important stop in lil'tl is to H<'l~llll' a good wifo and a honw - if y()tJ lnvo propvrly appli(~d youtsPlf durin!-( ynttr s1;lw()l day8, yuu prohahly hav(~ t.hP wif'o in vipw. Wh<'ll it conH'H to furnisltJng t.IJo h1>nH· llow OVPr, that, is w hero W<' H t·e in l<'l'est_ed

IN FACT OUR BUSINE5S IS FURNISHING HOMES :1nd on pasy payrnun1,s wllotl dnsirnd. Wo gnar allt.Pe Pvoryt hing wP s<>ll as t.o quality a,lld wo also guat'<lllt<·<' t.IH~ pri<'q to lw as low as tl1P s:lllH~ :u'i.i<!l<· can h<! pur('lt<h<'d anywlH·r<> in t.llt\ sLat t•


Booth's Furniture Store MIDVALE, UTAH

Meats, Fish

The Xmas Store Everybody goes for gift things of superior . Quality 路

Staple and Green , Grocerie$

'ilhe Big Toy Store" 路 MIDVALEJ UTAii



This winter, buy your C:OAI.::. of us. We also carry all kinds of Hardw~re


Comtnercial Co.

& Kuhre

Corner fVlain and State Streets,


Everything New and at a

We wiiJ appreciate your trade for

Lumber and Fencing too

New Price

-~: P. Jens~n, Jr. M~r.



PHONES: Bell 148


Invites your business and is prepared to .. render prompt and efficient service. $1.00 will open an account with us.



Paid on all. Savings Deposits

W. D. Fitzgerald, Cashier


JJrtnr fS,tatinnrr!T Visiting Cards, Dance Pro~ grams, Wedding Invitations,



Staple and Fancy



Groceries, Our Motto:

Eagle Pub. Co.

"The Best is None too Good"




We Want You to see our new styles :::;::::::s:::

We want you to know just what the most popular winter styles are, and what a splendid showing we have. We want you to know how reasonably everything is priced too ---how well we can dress you for a small outlay. . • In Style, in Quality and IDv Low Prices, We Lead

No other store can- offer you the styles we show or the "i values we gtve. Each year we grow stronger in that field and make more friends by our modern methods, etc. Make this store Your store.

FRANK'S The Leader


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