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BEETDIGGER Jordan Hi•h School 9351 South State Sandy, Utah 84070

Student body officers capitalize on their talents We, as your Student Body Officers, appreciate all of your support and willingness to participate. You made this year a successful and memorable one. We wish you luck in all of your future endeavors and hope that the friends you have made and the activities we have shared will be those that shall remain with you forever. T hanks for letting us represent you.



Paula Greenwood 14

- ht V1~:e. Enn FltLgerald - 2nd V1ce



Students use the cafeteria for more than eating.

Daene Anderson R11hert Anderson Ru"ell Anderson Shcnlyn Adarm Wendy 1\rn~worth Davrd Akagr I ro) /\~apr Grc~ Aland

JoAnn Alder Bnan Allen Gordon Allen Karalcc Allen Rerd Allen

Lc,le) Anderton Lance Andrinr Trae)' Andru\

R)'an Archuleta Walt Argyle John ArmrMead

Shen Allsop Jamc~ Alvey Brett Andcr~cn Rela Andersen Carne Anderson



Bryce Gregory and John Neria spot a foxy chick.

't,.,.i• ---·

'.\- .

James Arnold Frank Arnone KtrtAshton


Jerr Bagley Carol Batley Wendell Bailey

Holly Baker Louts Ballamts Wayne Ballard

Cory Barber Ru~s Barlow Debi Bates Charlene Baugh Lmda Beardall

Mark Beck Danny Beckstead Russell Beckstead Troy Bell Hetdt Ben~on

Sam Bentley LynAnn Bergeron Morton Bess James Birch Marty Bird


Tracy Bird Lynne Blackwood Bryan Blundell Shelley Bodtcher Susan Bogenschutz

Lyndon Bolliger Russell Bolton Todd Bonham Jim Bonisteel Tom Booms

Gary Bosch Brent Bowles Steve Bowman Deanna Boynton Paul Boynton

Gordon Brady Chris Brimley Caroldeen Brown

Cindy Brown Leisa Brown Michael Brown

Ronald Brown Russel Brown Carmen Bucy


Juniors ..



My blue shoe; how old are you?



~~~· - ~-~~ Kent Bunkall Roger Burak Brcll Burden


Korby Burgener Tro) Burktn\haw Ktm Burnmgham

Brad Burn\ldc Jackte Burn\tde Sco11 Burton

'·:·. Sherry Burtun froy Bullcrfteld Steve Buller' Cratg Caldwell Doug Cannon





Br)an Carroll Ronald Carter Loren Ca,tcrl tne M tguel C'havc1 Terry C'hl\holm


Dchhte Chnrhnn Dave Chrt\tcn\cn Mark Chn\lcn,cn Nyle Chmtcn\cn Polly Ch.-ten,cn


" Don't get carried away, Miss Ware!"

Staci Crook Cindi Crooks Michael Crouch Ruth Christensen Carl Churchill Richard Clark Jeff Coletti Nata lie Coletti

Kim Collier James Colouhoun Brenda Combs David Conley William Cornaby

Lisa Crystal Ken Curtis Tony Curtis

Veri Curtis Heather Cutler Todd Cutler

Randy Costanza Steve Cowley Susan Craggs Melyn Crapo Ron Cremo



Diane Jacobson puts her heart into her work.

Joe Da1gneault John Dans1e Ronald Dav1dson


Darwin Dav1s Pete Dav1s Marlene Day

Larry Deal Doug DeBoer Risa Della-P1ana

Stacey Demas Karla Denn1son Kayla Dennison Keely Denm~ Ca~ey Densley

Bryan D1ckerson Angela Dittmar Randy Dowland Shen Dunn K1rk Ebert

Allen Eckman M1ke Edvalson Cheryl Edwards J anet Edwards Polly Edwards


David Olsen gets a MOUTHFUL!

Patrice Elg Karla Ellingson Melodie Enniss Janet Erickson Ronald Erickson

Jeff Evensen Marvin Fairbourn Rodney Fairbourn Tammy Farnsworth Jacki Fenton

Esther Fisher Cathy Fredrickson Paul Fritz Lisa Foutz Nolan Fowles

Steve Furner Rob Gallagher Lori Gansauge

Mark Garamendi Jan Garfield Cathy Gibson

Rebecca Goodrich Patricia Gonzales VickieGord





... \


., ,.,,, -. .


"1a rtine gets out of her usua book.

B) ron (,utherg Ron Graham Bryce Gre~or)


Glenn (,nhble Dernwnt Gnffnh' R"k (,nmaud


Denl\e (,ru,>m Jod Gr\~la Jam1 Guc't

'-i cmtt <•u) mon Warren I laic' I 1m l lall 1.1"' nJ Ualhgan R.~e:lcne Uam11111n

0,1\ 10 11.111\Cil M ll drcll ll <llhon Robert ll.trllmg "1 1Ch.tcl ll.trm Jenntfcr ll atch

Shcn ll auctcr I .nc II c.l!on BcnJ,IIllln ll cndcr,on 'l-1.m ll cndnd,on '-i Jne llendncl.."m


./" ~


.._.f. .f ¡¡-

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Jolene shovels down a quick lunch before going to class.

David Henrie Jeff Hepner Shiloah Hermansen Lewis Heywood Ronda Higgins

David Hill Karen Hill Mark Hoffman Richard Hoggan Gayle Holle

David Holley Brian Holliday Kendell Holmstead ShirLynn Holt Karen Homer

Kaylene Homer Tracy Horne Michael Houghton

Brenda Houskeeper Kevin Howard Dan Howell

Russell Hunt Troy Hunter Cherrie Hyde



Nellte gets advice on how to get a certatn person's attentton.

Shell) ha~son Jody Jack Scott Jack\on

Dm ne J acoo\on Yvonne Jarv1e Marmn Jenk1n\

Doug Jen\en Karen Jen\en Le~a Jcn\Cn Scotl Jensen Steven Jensen Randal l Jcn\Cn Karen John<.<>n Randy John<.<>n


Rohyn John,on Chad Jone' J1m Jone' Jcnlyn Jorgen\en M~eheal Ju

V1ctor Ju\t I racy Keele I yneue Kemp Rooert Kemp

Danettc Kennell)


Smile Pete, it's not that bad.

Lana Kerbs Lance King Alan Kirton Doug Koehler D1ane Korp1

M1ke Krebs Melvm Lambson Debbie Lang C'hrys Langenbacker K1rtu~ Langston

Heather Larsen Terry Larson Dave Lasa ter Veralene Lee Gerry Lehenbauer

Jack1e Lehenbauer Barbi Leonard Julie Lester

Karen Lew1s Harnett L1mb Rick Lmam

L1sa Lm narz Den1ce Lloyd Jenny Logan





#25 takes ftve.

• . : "t•

-:t .

.; .

rca ·~

~' . 1 ..;-~~. ,....,.....·

lodd Loosle Shelly Loveless Jtmmy Lucero




Pat Lucero Lon Lund Todd Lunt


Darla l.yktn\ Jim Lyman Leslie Lyman

Monte Lyon Shernll Maim ·rom March Mane Marcovecchto Su\an Maroney

D<~v•d Mantn Ralph Marwede l l.aunc Ma"' Shelly Ma\on R<~nd} M<~w

Kathleen Mayall Ranac McDonald Sharon McDonald Dave McDowell C'ratg Md lcnry



. .. r





Gerry Lehenbauer and Mr. Hilton are ''good buddies."

-- -,




fracy McMa,lcr Maninc McNu l1y Marla McPhai l George Mecham J1ll Mecham

I C\IIC Mcencn Shan MclvJIIc Manann Mendenhall Mar~ Mernll Mar~ Meyer

Darren M1ller Bryan Mincer Debbie Mi1chell Glen Milchcll Nelhe Morgan

Juhc Mulhner Laura Murphy Paul Nagel

Lon Nelson



Robyn Nel\on Tina Nelson Roben Ncna



Did you hear the one about the traveling salesman???

-~.,;' .

Ken 'ewbold Aaron 1'-1eman Holly oke\

Tma ' oorda Cra1g 1'-owotn) Chad Olsen

Dav1d Ohen Bnan Ol,en Conn1eOben

. ~ .}A D1aneOI~en

Doug Org1l Bnan Orth Dave Ostler Momace Ostler


Reece o,tler Shelly Ovcr~on Dav1d Ovmt Karen P.1ce Ern1e Pandolf1e

Becky Pango' Craig Park Denton Parker L1sa Parh Joseph Parry


Melyn Crapo shows her school spirit.

ran Pancrson M1ke Peart Bruce Pederson Ymce PercÂŁ Boyd Peterson

Mark Peterson Martin Peterson Rebekah Peterson Donna Peterson Matt Peterson

Kaylene Pelly Mitch Phipps Jackie Pierson Brent Pixton Stephen Powell

Jeffery Prall Doug Price Kaye Primm

Dw1ght Prance Robert Prorr111 Joey Pullan

Jeff Radden Russell Ragsdale Pat Reading


Juniors .






Kirk, Lonny, and David discuss the day's big game with Brighton.

Jack1e Reber Lynne Reber Karl Reece


Knsue Re1d Renee McFarlane Lance Richards

Todd Rtchard' Joanne RKhtns Btll R1d1ng

Kent R1d1n~ Rulon Rtghy \111chael Rtvera l oma Rol>erl'<ln ('a ml) n Room,on

I ynn Roden Ro" Roger' I red Romero K1m Ro" Ru,lln Roth

Ken Royter C'hm Si!dler Steph.tnte Salter Roher! Sant I loll~ Saunders


Roger Burak writes graffitti on .,.. indow sill. (No, no Roger!)

, Drew Schmidt James Schnepple Randy Sedgewick Tricia Shatl Ltsa Sharp

Kathy Shaw Carl Simmonson Debbie Simmonson Robert Stmmonson Dawn Sinnott

David Sirrine Mitch Skippworth J1m Smart Jen Smith Kelh Smith

Kevm Smith Lane Smith Paul Smith

Steven Sntdeman Danny Snow Gene Snow

Kathleen Sorenson Marjone Sorenson Bill Sorenson



The crowd ga thers at Chub's fo r a grea t lunch.

Don Sorenson Evelyn Spen~er Kyle Spnnger


L) le Slephen\lln Kevm Sle"-arl Teresa S11el

He1d1 Sl1llm.tn D1ana Slorper Mernl Slr<llc

Sctlll Sudhur) L11 Sum"on K1 rk Swan,on Doug Swcn'<ln Swll Sw1der

Milch S" dor Orc1 I akemon Kcnvon I an ncr Renee I cmre.,l SlC\C I cnnc)

Bn.tn I err) Mclan1c I ha;~.wn Wavnc I homa., Dchh•c I homp,on Shdh\ I hOillfl'>On


M ike Brown R EALLY "Gets Acquainted."

K 1'1\tiC I hO IIl Dav1d I horpc Che n I hroc~ morton Ryan T1111011C\ M 1 ~c I o lman

'VIda n1c I oolc Rod I orrc' M 1chacl l 11pp

I on I roc,tcr I mil' I urncr

Rcnae r uttlc Marty Van Amen Glen VanStcctcr Stacy VanTa\\ell Curt Vawdre)

Ma\lnc Vawdrc' Pau la Vawdrc) Scott Vawdrc\

J.onn) Ve;llcr 1);1\c Vmcyard 1 od Wad'''orth

Jolene Wahlen J eff Wal~cnhor.. t Don Warburton



Jacki Fenton always has time for a snack.

Kirk Ward Claudia Washburn Bryan Waters

Ron Watkins Phillip Watson Michelle Weaver

Mark Webb Cindy Weed Brad Welch Michelle West Shelly Westbrook l>aul Westerman Greg Wc\tphal Valaine Whetman


Karie Whitlock Debbie Williams Scott Williams Cary Williamson Kri~lln W1negar

Collette W1nkler Tammy W1\eman 1 racy W1seman Conn1e Withers Bryan Woobcy

Trena Worthmgton

K1m Yergensen

Kurt Young

Shayne Young

Toni Young

And they call it . . . "Puppy Love"


has been a great honor to represellt lbe sophomore class this year. We tried our best to be responsible . Thanks for your help and


s 0 Su"m Ada1r

Sahra Adams



Todd A1nw•orth

Br)an Akag1

Jenn1fer Aland

p h 0

m Cmd) Allen

Jne Allen

Da rr\ I \ IJ,op



Peek-A-Boo, Jacci.


Jm1 Ander,on

K 1rk Ander<,on

\1.trl. Ander;;on

\1ark Ander;;on

'-adme ·\nder;;on

Val Ander,on

Daren Andrus

Pam Andru'

Rory And us

rro~ Angell

"11chael Anthon

Cary Arch1bald

Brad Argyle

Con me Argyle

L;ury Atkmson

Leshe Atkmson

Brad Ault

r e s


s 0


Randy Baca

Bryan Ba1ley

Kelhe Bates

Barry Bauer

Ralph BaUer

Steve Barlow

Donna B.trton

h 0

m Suzanne Bed


r e s


Vance Beckstead



Luc1lle Begay

Kenn eth Bell

Jeff Belt

Juliann Bently

Steven Berg

Ruth Bergener

Jeff Berner

C"mdy Black

Juhe Blanck

Terrie Frkovich races to meet deadline.

C"hmty Bess

1 111.1


("mty B1shop

Pnsc1lla B11\0c

s 0 Kern Bnv.dcn

Trac.:) Brannnn

Matt Brce1c

p h 0

m Melmda Brewster

Mark 13rklac:ic:h

Angela Brown


r e

Ma rC) ne, daydreami ng again?



Ll\a Burke

Cnnnne Burn1ngham

M1chcllc Butl..ov1ch

Sherr} Butler

C'mdy Brown

Ph) Ill\ Brown

M1ke Buhl

Sarah Bunl.er

C'onnu: Burden

Barbara Burgener

Jenn1rer Burns1de

Robm Burton

Gordon Campbell

Kell} Campbell

Ard1\ ( .lldv.cll



s 0


Llamc Ctrwll

Tom Cannon

Jun Caner

h 0

m Lmd.t


Angda ( a'rcr


r e Dou!! Ca11cr


Rand) ( h.tmpton



( h.tml>crlatn

Yea. We're talktng to you. Dan.

\it I.e Chapman

lc.ulll,'llc ( hrt,torrcr,cn

s 0 Brett Colclll

Carolyn Collett

Todd Conwa}

B1lhe Cooke

p h 0

m Bruce Coomh'

Ken Cozzens

Melinda Crebs


CuJ) ( u1lcr


C u1ler

Jcrr Da'"

Duugla\ Culler

Jefr Crenw

Mark Culmer

Sleven Cummings

Leah Curl"

Bl)an Cushmg

Carolee Culler

Colette Dahl

Ru1hann Dale}

Jean1e DanJanov1ch

Doug Da}

y,eue Da}

r e s


s 0


Jtm Dehha11

Greg Dt:hoer

Jt~<:~ Dc11n"

Allt'o11 Dcnl1t,ol1

Jtm Dtxon

h 0

m 0

r e s

Brenda Fagg 66

Scott f'atri>Qurn

I m~ f'arnngton

Dchhtc Doten

s 0 C'hm Ferag,l!n

Heidi Ferguson

Nick Ferri



Lauri Fisher

Valerie Fisher

p h 0

m Blake F11zgerald

Jacci Fi!Zgerald

Janel Forbush


r e James Ford

Raeleen and Leslie enjoy a le1surely lunch.

Terne r rkOVICh

Mary Fuller

Gerri Gentry

Cheryl Fullmer

Wendy Foster

01ane Francom

Randy Frandsen

Debbie Frauo

Mac Fnschnech1

Enmss Garf1eld

Scon Gassman

Juhe Ann Gatehouse

Michelle G1bbs

Julie G1lchris1



s 0


Lynette Gillamn

Kimberlee Glade

Marjorie Glassey

Kim Gordon

Blaine Goulding

Pam Graesser

Tamera Graham

Blake Graves

Jay Green

Rodney Green

Troy Green

Bruce Glines

Bart Glover

Joseph Gonzales

h 0

m 0


e s

Michelle Gressmcn

Jill Green

Angela Hadley 68

Julie Greenwood

Connie Hales

Shelly Hamilton

Scott awaits chance to take pictures.

Joann Grygla

Jeff Gull

Greg Hadean

Bobic Hansen

Jana Hansen

s 0 Jcfr Han\c:n

Kevan Han\cn

Kirk llansen

R1d) Han\en

Ted Hanson

Keri Harding

p h 0

m Keri Hardman

C'arol Hard)

Shanna Hard)


r e Brad Harger


Take it away. Sherry!

Debbie I Ieaton

Jcnn) llcndncbc:n

St;H:C:) Hendnd.son


C'ollcc:n 1-lee.,ch

Jack1e Harmon

Rob Harns

Mike Harward

Kevin l latfield

Brian llc:nderson

Terri Henderson


Bc:,c:rl) IIerman 69

s 0

p h

Johanna lievelone

John Heywood

Ray H10klc

Dennis llolhngcr

Kathy Holt

Roxann I lolt



Brent Hofhines

R1chard Holley


m 0

r e


Mark Huber

V1ck1 I lurd\man



Ann Hustvedt

Larry ll umphrcy

Bonn1c llydc

Mothers get excited over winning teams, too.

M1ke Jensen


s 0 Janet Jones

Robert Jones

Ron Jones


Stephany Ju

Tim Judd

p h 0

m Andrew Keefer

Sandy Kelly

Michelle Kempner


r e Dan

Oh, Darn it!

Todd Landecn

Jenn1fer Lang

Tawn)·a Laveder

Marilyn Leake


Connie Knaras

Jean Knofler

Pam Knopp

John Krinke

Lohn Kiholm

Clint Larsen

Tami Larsen

John Larson



s 0


Andy Lerohl

Scou Lester

M1kc l.cwl\

Paul Lloyd

Lynsey Lucas

Kelly Ludlow

Shawn Ludlow

Jod1 Lundstrom

Donald Luurell

Joe L}on

Terry Lyon

Kevm Lythgoe

M1ke L1butl1

M1chael Lind

leslie Lloyd

h 0

m 0

r e s


Everyone get\ tnvolved with Jordan l llgh.

Joanna Mace

Leroy Mackay

L11 Maddocks

Gary Mad~en

Sherry \<1angum

Shelle} Mamac1

Dma March

Pall} Martin



J1m Marunez

Ca,ey Mal<.trom



s 0 Gary Math1c

Heather Mathie

Angela Maughan

Pam Maxfield

Dav1d Mayhew

p h 0

m Teresa Maynard

Kelly Maynes

Kevm Maynes


r Virgmia McAllister

Leslie McCorm1ck

Troy McDonald

e s

Kan cans off half of the bookstore for lunch.

'vtadel)nne \11C)Cr'>

David Mecham

M1ke Meldrum

Corey Meynck

James M1ddleton

Mart) M1lenoff 73

s 0

p h

Ernest Miller

Selena Miller


Garth Mitchell

Keith Mitchell

T1m Mitchell

Abby Mock

Sheila Mortensen

Jeff Mountecr

Kathy Muhlestein

Kathi Mulliner

Todd Murphy

Gordan M1shler

Craig Mitchell


m 0

r e


Sophomores fight to keep grades up.

Marty Nelwn

Tracy Nelson


Marsha Newhouse

J. C. N1elsen

Jeff N1elsen

Marcyne N1elscn

Wayne Nielsen

s 0 Jan Noffsinger

Bob Nohavec

Pam Nowotny

Donn1e Nuzman

Cmd) O'Brien

Alison Ogden

p h 0

m ChnsOgden

Raeleen Ohphant

Darlene Oliver



Brett Coletlt '>hows acting ability.

DeeAnn Oliver

Dixie Olsen

David Olson

Mark Ordakowsk1

Jerrre} Ostler

Rameue O~tler

Kcvm Ouman

Carolyn Ovard

Nathan OverMreet

Morgan Pace

Peter Pandolfi

Gaf} Parker

Ken Parker

('hm Parks

Rachel Parry

Dav1d Paskeu

V1cky Pauerson

M1ckey Palllson

e s


s 0

p h

I ro:r Pcarm;un

Steven Peart

lamara Pea-.c

B.trhara Peder-.cn

Donna Perk1n-.

Charlotte Perrenoud


m Shane Perry


r e


We go11hc -,pinl. )C~ we do ...

Bonme P1erce


Connu: Plott'

Bnan Pratt

Marccc Pugnmc

Karen Rager

Karen Pncc

Mark Pnce

Colette Ranc



Wally Powell

Rohcrt Rat)

s 0 Ra\ ae Rec\C

M1ke Re1ch

Trena Rentfro

Chnst1e Richards

p h 0

m 0

r e


l \ nn Ruffcll

Ra) mond Sadler

Joann Savage

L1sa Schm1dt 77

s 0


Dav1d Sw11

Troy Schmid!

Angclika Schwarzer

Susan Scorzalo

Ted Scroggin

Jennifer Seward

John Sharp

Gcorgann Shell

Denise Shellon

Diana Sheppard

Eva Sheppard

Jamc~ Sh1eld~

L1>a Shuhen

Carolyn Siehold

Vicky S1cvcns

I lolly S1monson

Ka1h1 S1mon,on

Sieve Sloan

Sieve Sloan

Anlla Smllh

Dolores Scoll

h 0

m 0

r e s

ferry Slagowski


Mr. Burkinshaw "shoots" an unsuspecting sophomore.

Sieve S~1h)

Anncll<" Sm11h


S~ 1pwonh

Br.-nl Sm11h

s 0 KaeSmlth

\.1untc Smith

Stev.art Sm1th

p h 0

m Tamm} Smith

Stephanie Snow

Susan Sorensen




Jcrr Stnl.cs

Juhn Stcmag.cl

Jack1c Ste~en">on

S.lm Sturc.l)

Ec.lv.arc.l Sosa

Gv.cn Spnng.er

Kenc.lall Spnnger

Juhe Stev.art

\lfcrnlce Sullman

Jamcc Stokes

r e s

Cor) Sturm


s 0


Steve Sundberg

Wade Sundell

ron) Swcn,en

John raylor

Steve Taylor

Lon I crry

Jerr l etnck

Lmda Thelin

Michelle Thome

Robert T1mothy

Bryan Tolman

La Ra me l ulman

Jory rurner

Ltsa uhbarn

StevenS) J,c,ter

Beck• Tarr

Bram I <1\ lm

h 0

m 0

r e



J)chra Utle}

D1ane Tremelhng

(,Jcnd,t l 'cthhL11

Denn" Valdez

Pctr.t V,t,quct

s 0 Gary Vawdrey

Julie Visser

Glen Walbeck

Timothy Walden

Craig Walters

Geesette Walters

p h 0

m Pauline Walton

Russell Walton

Renee Weed



The pause lhal refreshes.

Toc.ld Wetsel

Wall1s Wincager

Mike Wheeler

Donna Winters

Renee Whitehead

Jolynn Wiseman

Barry Webester

Mark Webester

Jeff Welch

Susan Welch

Kevin West

Alice Westerman

Mary Whitlock

Leslee Whitmore

Gary Williams

Richard Wissler

Todd Wright

e s

Steven Yaka 81

Sophomores Jolynn Yates

Kevin Yazhe

Bradford Young

Deborah Young

Denice Young

Calm down Angela, it's only a game.

Sophomores get together on front lawn for quick rap session.





ADVISOR: Mr. Zabriskie

Acappella Acappella- fun, exciting and a great way to make friends! It's neat to be able to make people happy with a song! Along with singing everywhere we could, we had a trip to Arizona planned for the spring. Besides developing a greater understanding for music, we've developed a pride in our singing. Learning our songs was hard work but it was worth it! THANKS MR. Z!

OFFICERS: Spencer Cannon. Cindy Fagg. Gina Schmidt. Karen Christensen.

Dawn Sin not hits a high note!

'"" Ro~ Shell' lloiiC). Rela Anderwn. '1atahe Durr. C'alloe fhoma,, Doane Ohcn. Kclloc Smith "!axone V;owdrc\. Sut;onnc Grc"m.m. Shcrol\n AcJ •• m,. Allen I dm.on. D.I\JU Sw11. 11,oul Smoth. Carla Ma~all. 'vielonda PholloJl'· C'onnoc Perkons. Vovoan \.lcAIIo\ler. Paula llarcJca,tle. Dcann<t Arnold I rena Wnrchon~ton. I loll\ S.ouncJcr,, Anot;o I ckm.on. Delnr"' Swn St·tmod Rm• Cond) I .o~g. Barhra Peter-on. Shaunna Sommon,, "ad one Pendahon. L) nne Blaekw<>Od. Jod) Jack. Rebecca Ve;otnr. Lana Allen. \.lark Wool'' O.o-.d "';llhc,nn Oan Oxln Dun Rodonj!. Bern Pa\ ne. l.ane Smoth. Su,an Ro). Gona Schmodt. L)nnc Rober. Shcro Hauter. Janel Evan"'"· I on>a Rohcrl\on. Shcro Dunn !lurd Rn~ Ga\ lc llolle. llc.llher l .•oN>n. K.oran Pace. D;o"n Son noll. Daenc AndcN>n. Kath\ Tobon. Karen Chmten,en. Leah Jone\. Moke l.andeen. Doug Smith. John Arml'ted. Srencer Cannon. I ern llohnn . I nu" O.oll.unc,. I \lc Stephcn,nn. I"·' l'ocrce I ""'c Smolh. C.m>lec C'utle.r. Karen Over"lll. l.onda felon. "'clanoc 1 haxton. Heather Cutler

Concert Band # 1

ADV ISOR: Mrs. Christofferson

Jordan High's Concert Band was a smash hit this year! They spent many hours entertaining the public with their fantastic music! The profit that they made on fund-raisers sent them to California. We are proud to say that our Concert Band is #I!

OFFICERS: Guy Caskey. Jeff Pratt. Craig Bosch. Andy Lehrol. Michelle West. Shelly Manachi. Janet Roberts. Missing: Todd Bonham.

First Row: Debb1c Chorolton. Pauline Holt. Michelle West. Tadiana Walton. Melanie Gottfredson. Eva Sheppard. Heid i Ferguson. Kae Smith. Pam Graesser. Janet Roberts. Second Row: Kyle Harward. Kelly Close. Bob Nohavec. Mike Tripp, Kim Yergensen. Joel Grygla. Denise Brower. Viv1an McAllister. Susan Maniaci. Kathy Brown. Shelley Maniaci. Third Row: David Bailey. Russ Walton. Todd Wright. Mark Peterson. R1ch Rogers. Ron Carter. Diane Olson. Todd Landeen. Wendy Faulk. David Mecham. Jeff Pratt, Spencer Cannon. Fourth Row: Colette Gottfredson. Steve Barlow. Scott Faulk. Andy Lehrol. Alan Gregory. Dean Morril. Tim Mitchell. Evelyn Spencer. Danny Smith. Gem Gcntr). Leah Jones. Guy Caskey. Tracy Gale. Cra1g Gosch. Missing: Selena Miller. Todd Bonham. Mark Ordal..ow~kl. 115

FBLA - Helping plan futures FBLA is a club interested in planning and preparing students for their futures. Through service projects in the community, they learn to serve a nd participate in exciting activities. Special business meetings and various social activities teach members about the opportunities that await them in the business world.

ADVISORS : J oy Nelson. Renee Pay. and Karen l mla}.

FB LA OFF ICERS: Row I D1ane B1anchi. Ton1 Young. Leslie Lyman. Row 2: Sonya Tauer. L1'a Mumford. Vickie P1erce.

F BLA members that went to Europe for 2 weeks are from top to bottom: Toni Young. Stephanie Ross, K im Ross, and Tina Tait.

Mildred Hansen brushes up on her typmg skills.


Row 1: Cathy Kelso. Barb1 Meyers. J eri Smith. Robyn Johnson. Rela Andersen. Denice Lloyd. Row 2: L1sa Mumford, Pat Gonzales, Nellie Morgan. D1ane Bianch1. Sonya 'I aucr. Toni Young. 'Tan Patterson. Sandy Bomsteel. Row 3: Ralyn VanLeeuwen. Julie Greenwood. Mildred I Janson. C'hns Cunhffe. Lone I urner. Tammy McPherron, Leslie McCorm1ck. Leslie Lloyd. Row 4 Ll\a Schmidt, Debb1e Wllhams. Sut.anne Palmer. Ann Hustvedt. ll e1d1 Ferguson. Juhe l:ngh. Allison Ogden. Sheila Jones. Row 5 Leshe l yman. Dma Draper. Marlene Tondro. Julte Blanck. Su1.anne Carlson. Mehnda Brewster. Cathy Frednckson. Row 6: Ricky R1ce, Sondra Jensen. Vick1e P1erce. Rot.anne Fa1rbourn, "I amara Pease. V1cky Patterson. Marcee Pugm1re.

VICA utilizes student potential

VICA QUEEN: Jeanette Christopherson

Rich Miller is "finely tuned."

The Vocational Industrial Clubs of America is a youth organization designed to develop the student in leadership abilities, in addition to his or her particular skill or trade, which will aid him in being a successful employee in his chosen field of endeavor.

OFFICERS: Ron Day, Mark Hardy, Advisor Dave Palmer, Del Williams, Von Okason, Kevin Hill, Darren Flynn. VICA advisors, officers and some members withstand the cold to smile for the camera.


The Twinkie Sellers Jordan's Bookstore served as Grand Central, McDonalds, and a hangout all rolled into one. This was especially nice when we needed a package of pencils for our A. P. History tests, a hot sandwich when our stomachs were tired of having Big Mac attacks, and just a place where we could get to talk to our friends. Disappointment struck Jordan when the Bookstore ran out of Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and Ice Cream Sandwiches. The Bookstore gave us a break from classwork, teachers, and school lunch. THANKS BOOKSTORE

Front Row: Tracy Andrus, Tony Welch, Sharon Sant, Ranae Olsen, Mr. Wilson. Back Row: Marty Bird, David Hanson, Darren Andrus.




• • ~



ADVISOR: Mr. Wilson MANAGER: Tony Welch

.~ "Hey! can I borrow a nickel???"

" WOW! Is that how that works???" 118

Maxine "cuts into it!" OFFICERS: Rebecca Veator, Holly Murphy, Karen Lewis. Front Row: Lunt, Brenda Coombs.

t vtJto...w.,u<:

FHA says: HGive me the Campbell life!~~

rs. Ware, Miss Thornock.

Front Row, Left to Right: Rebecca Yeater, ~renda Combs, Karen Lewis. Second Row: Lisa Cryst~l. Rayae Re~ve, 1: Whumore, Dodi Rogers, LeeAnn Greenwood, Ang1e Ph1hps. T~1rd Row: Tina Reeve, Nellie Morgan, Elaine Carroll, Shaunna Bybee, Bonme Ande:~on, Carolyn Siebold. Fourth Row: Sharon Jolley, Denise Shelton, Te~ne ~kov1ch, Sondra Jenson, Lisa Peirce, Paula Greenwood, Coral Le1gh ~~cord, Carla Kunz, Michelle Gressman. Back Row: Trica Paskett, DeeAnn rown, Kaylene Homer, Susan Bogenchutz, Holly Baker.

FHA is an opportunity to serve others through the use of personal skills learned in various home economics classes. A good experience is gained through active association with others of the club and those they have served. This year, club members joined efforts in raising funds and conducting seminars for the March of Dimes. They also were successful in sponsoring the Sweetheart's Ball. 119

Dance Company performs



The Performing Dance Company was composed of many of Jordan High's best dancers. Their calendar for this year's activities included a traveling Christmas show with 14 performances, the Dance Assembly in March and the concert in May. The social highlights of the year included a formal dinner in December and the spring dinner dance. The success of the organization was due to outstanding leadership and dedicated members.



DECA "'s great in ''78"'"' With the main objective of becoming future leaders in marketing and distribution, members of DECA (Distributive Educati?n Clubs of America) learn salesmanship, advertising, cash register operation and on-thejob training. But to become a well-round~d person, social skills and leadership development through dances, socials and fu~d raising projects are required. Commumty involvement also plays an important role. Included in the program are service projects, appearances at civic groups and an employeremployee banquet.

OFFICERS: Bottom: Kevin Mitchell, Ranae Olson, Cathy Kelso. Middle: JoAnn Tuttle, Advisor; Karen Jensen, Kent Wilson, Advisor. Top: Tony Welch, Bruce Panas, David Hansen.

Row 1: JoAnn Tuttle, Advisor; Tony Welch, Kathy Kelso, f'avid Hansen, Ranae Olson, Kevin Mitchell, Kent Wilson, Advisor. Row 2: Ann Joos, Melanie John, Sherrie Cazier, Pam Andn¡~ • ..,orain Tolman, Patty Jackson, Cindy Weed, Tracy Rasband. Row 3:. Scott Fairbourn, Billy Cooke, Joe Ganzalas, uebbie Fratto, Marcyne Neilson, Beckey Tarr, Darla Lykins, Gayle Holly, Diane B1chc1e. Casandra Stout. Row 4: Wally Powell, Craig Smith, Ron Davidson, Mark Christensen, Monice Ostler, Tracy Andrus, Suzanne Stiger. Row 5: Mount Lyon, Lance Richards, Darren Andrus, Marc Fenton, Anette Gamble, Gary Madsen, Ricky Rice, 122

Dan Vowles, Pamela Ham, Phil Sorensen, Doug Havens, Jolynn Wisman, Kathy Mulliner, Julie Swanson, Lisa Bowman.

GAA The Girls Athletic Association has been involved in many exciting activities this year. Farmers Market, a spook alley, skiing, and a great stomp have kept us going. We're out to have a good time and we do. We'd like to thank our advisor, Mrs. Price, for all that she has done for the club and for being a great friend. Mrs. Price: Advisor

Becky Pango!-.: 1st Vice. Shari Melville: Social Chairman, Michelle Weaver: President, Diane Wtnegar: Historian, Jodi Walkenhorst: 2nd Vice

Fir~t Row: Karla Ellingson. Tricia Shail. Joanna Maynes, Kristin Winegar. Jackie Burnside. Janice Stokes. Second Row: Kae Srnnh, Terne Frkovich. Vtckie Sieverts. Robyn Burton, Diane Winegar. Jean Knofler, Gerry Gentry, Allison Dennison. Third Row: Jacki Ftllgerald. Shan Melvtlle. Mtchelle Weaver. Carolyn McDonald. Jenny Logan. Sherry Burton, Becky Pangos, Jodi Walkenhorst.


Forensics: The Great Debate

Long hours of filing evidence cards, refiling evidence cards after the file drawer has been dropped, writing affirmative cases five minutes before the next round, tough competition, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat - this is the world of Forensics Club. and welcome to it. Despite all this we still managed to have fun through the activities we sponsored.

G a ry Pa rnell, Advisor; Mellisa Barret, Kelley Close, Jeri Smith

Front Row: Lee Green, Melissa Berret, Jeri Smith, Doug Cutler. Second Row: Mark Anderson, Shaun Ludlow, Todd Chisholm, Brent Hofhines, Todd Lunt. Third Row: Rod H utchison, Jana Hansen, Celia Rowley, Kim G ordon, Elizabeth Rooker, Gessette Walters. Fourth Row: Andrew Keefer, Todd Wright, Kevin Maynes, Jeff Burner, Allen Eckman, Gary Vawdrey. Back Row: Danny Vowle, Bob Profitt, David Christenson.

Spectrum Adds Life

Practice makes perfect . . . SO GET TO IT

Front R ow: Kelly Bush, Russ Phipps, Scott Fairbourn, Jeff Ostler, T im Mitchell, Rich Rogers, Guy Caskey, Evelyn Spenser, Todd Wright, Mark Peterson, Mike Landeen, Mark Huber, Todd Wetzel, Marshall Hughey. Back R ow: Jeff Pratt, Steve Barlow, Allan Gegory, Andy Lero, Kelley Close, Bob Nohavich, Chris Okey, Michelle West, Terry Chisholm, Advisor Mrs. Christofferson. 124

A jazz rock ensemble which combines a synthesis of jazz and rock music. Students in this group played for d ances assemblies, and festivals. They attended a national festival held in Alta Lorna Calif. this spring.

Key Club: A Gentler Form of Protest

Coach Garcia and Jay Pond

~ront Row: Tracy Keele, Maxine Vandrey. Back Row: Chad Olsen. au! Smith, Kerry Nelson.

Basically the Key Club is a service organization. They serve the school, the community, the state, and the nation. Through this service and the activities involved they develop leaders for the future of our nation and the world.

Jordanettes: High School Service Club

Jordanettes is the service club of the school. Their duties include ushering at the school functions, cheering at school functions, supporting the cheerleaders, charlonians, and all other activities.

Fro~r Row: Teresa Steil, Cindy Little, LeAnne Greenwood, Joy Web.ster, Lesh Whitmore. Karla Mayall. Connie Hales, Paula Hardcastle, Mrs. H1cks. Advisor. Second Row: Tracy Keele. Pam Andrus. Kim Gordon. Back Row: ~ohana Hevelone. Barbara Burgener. Patty Jackson. Janet Forbush. Natahe Ruchert.

OFFICERS: Johana Hevelone, V.P., Paula Hardcastle. Pres.. Barbara Burgener, Secretary


1977-78 Madrigals

During the first half of the year, we had more programs than previous Madrigal Groups had in a whole year. We attended an invitational song contest in Arizona, and we have attended regional and state voice competition meets - and have been rated highly.

ADVISOR: Rodney Zabriskie

OFFICERS: Historian, Anita Eckman; Activity Chairman, Julie Lennberg; Treasurer, Leslie Lyman; Vice President, Ronda ¡ Presiden Mike Derricott.

Madrigals sing their lives away!

Front Row, Left to Right: Julie Lennberg, Dwight Prince, Connie Sterling, Shelley Holley, Jim Martin, Stephanie Green, Spencer Cannon, Anita Eckman, Lisa Mumford, Melinda Phillips, Berry Payne, Karla Mayall. Back Row, Left to Right: Barbara Mayhew, Danny Oxley, Mark Woolsey, Cherly Eddington, Terry Hilton, Melissa Barrett, Ronda Higgins, Dean Morril, Leslie Lyman. Not in the Picture: Melody Bingham, Mike Derricott, Mike Oar. 126

Flag Girls assist Marching Band Practices, half-times, competitions and parades were all part of the marching band's year. We were especially proud of our first place trophy from the U of U.

ADVISORS: Camille Ware. and Julie Christofferson.

First Row: Barbara Peterson, Twirler. Second Row: Vivian McAllister, Twirler and Majorette; Jeff Pratt, Drum Major; Glenda Tsethllkia, Twirler.

Front Row, Left to Right: Renee Fitzsimmons. Vera Lee. Back Row: Angela Maughan, Virginia McAllister. Sdsan Scorzato, Shelly Loveless, Kathy Mayall, Karla Mayall.

Row 1, Left to Right: Evelyn Spencer, Craig Bosch, Gerri Gentry, Guy Caskey, Traci Dale, Kyle Harward. Row 2: Joel Grygla, Denice Brower, Kelly Close, Pam Graesser, Kae Smith, Shelley Maniaci, Tadaina Walton. Debbie Charlton, Susan Maniaci, Kathy Muhlestein, Dtane Olson. Row J: Mike Tripp, Danvid Mecham. Allen Gregory, Michelle West, David Bailey, Collett Gotfredson, Russell Walton. Todd Wright, Mark Peterson, Mark Ordakowski, Todd Landeen, Meloni Gotfredson. Row 4: Bob Nohave~. Steve Barlow, Andy Lehohl, Ron Carter. Ernie Miller. Heidi Ferguson. Barbara Peterson. Richard Rogers, Glenda Tsethlikat, Dean Morril. Vivtan McAllister. Jeff Pratt. Missing: Todd Bonham. Spencer Cannon. Pauline Holt. Timothy Mitchelle, Janet Roberts. Eva Sheppard, Kim Yergenden. Alma Eskelson. Dan Kersey. Selena Miller.


Orchestra The orchestra is a special group of students who were busy accompanying "Fiddler on the Roof" and "Guys and Dolls" put on by the drama department. They also participated in concerts and festivals.

First Row: Nadene Anderson. Michelle West. Suzanne Palmer. Mary Fuller. Second Row: Mrs. Christofferson. Evelyn Spencer, Barbar Peterson. Third Row: Stephanie Snow, Tim Mitchell, and Jan Noffsinger.

Front Row: Tim Mitchell Vice-Pres. Back Row: Michelle West Sec., Barbara Peterson - Pres .. and Mary Fuller - Treas.

Young Americans



First Row: Kelly Close. J1m Galegos. Alan Carroll. Second Row: Glenn Bally. Dave Akagi. and Scott Howell. Missmg: Den1se Dillard.

Pep Band entertains us all. Our Pep Band is a volunteer group made up of members of the marching and concert bands. They help provide school spirit at Pep rallies and games.

lsr Row: Heidi ferguson. Kae Smith. Janet Roberts, Pan Graesser. Dan Kersey. Craig Bosch. Gerri Gentry, Guy Caskey. 2nd riow: Mrs. Chnstopherson. Conductor. Denise Brower. Shelley Maniaci, Kathy Muhlestein, Susan Maniaci, Vivian McAllister, y ebb1e Charlton. Pauline Holt. M1chelle West. 3rd Row: Glenda Tsethlikae, Leah Jones. Evelyn Spencer, Kelly Close. Kim ergenson. 4th Row: Andy Nelson, Rich Rogers. Ron Carter. Ernie Miller. Russ Walton. 5th Row: Dean Morrill, Mark

Ordakowski. Mark Peterson. Todd Wright, David Baily, Spencer Cannon, Steve Barlow, Andy Lerohl. Jeff Pratt.


Stage Crew The Jordan High Stage Crew has finished another brilliant year. Completion of the .. Fiddler on the Roof" and "Guys and Dolls" sets were our biggest achievements.

Front Rm~ · Robm B1shop. Second Row: Ryan T1money. Todd Ross. Kcv1n West. T1m Knofler Tlurd Row: Paul Maug. Dav1d C'iec1a. Ryan Timoney: Stage 'v1anager, Robin Bishop: Adv1sor.

Service Arts

Mrs. Lea Sm1th: Adv1sor

The main JOb of the service arts club is to cover the school halls and stage with creative color. This unique collection of talented artists comes up with winning combinations of posters, banners, etc.

Front Row · Debic G1lgen. Ang1e C'olhns. Susan Brown, Kan '1 hurgood. Second Row· Steve Anderson. Patt1 Dayton. K1m C'olher. Yvonne Jarvcy. Lea Sm1th


M ousikeitharra

Club The Mousih'e Kithard and Company are a group of guitar players and singers who get together to play songs, have parties and participate in community service projects. ~ .. KC strives to show its members how enjoyable guitar playing can be and the importance of music. ADVISOR: Mrs. Christofferson

Front Row: Ruth Bergner. Scott Chamberlain, Lynette Gillman, Jolynn Wiseman, Evelyn Spencer, Chris Ogden. Back Row: Chris Jensen, Tim Carroll. John Stephens, Steve Barlow, Scott Fairborn, Cindy Black. Missing: Sherry Cazier.

Future stars?? Guitar class is an e'(cirmg experience. 131

Ski Club hits slopes

SK I CLUB OFFI CE RS: Celia Rowley. Mike Mitchell, Sherrie Hyde.

The winter of 1978 will go down in Digger History as one of the greatest years for skiing. Blankets of the fresh white powder covered the surrounding mountains. Often during the winter season members of the Jordan High Ski Club could be found skiing the slopes of Alta.

ADV ISO RS: Robert McDonald. Kaylene T hornock.

MEMBERS: Troy Akagi. Bnan Allen. Cindy Allen. Jtm Anderson. Daren Andrus. Mtke Anthon. Brad Auh. Brtan Batley. Holly Baker. Mitch Baker. Mtke Baxter. Suzanne Beck. Heidi Ben\on. Susan Bogenschuu_ Shetla Boyd~ton. Meltnda Brcw<,ter. Chris Brimley. Carmen Bucy. Mike Duhl. Korby Burgener. Ltsa Burke. Ktm Burntngham. Ltsa Burntngham. Mtchclle Butkovich. Troy Butterfield. Shauna Bybee. Bryan Carroll. Loren Casterline. Randy ('hampton. Mtguel ChaveT. Davu.J Chnstensen. Nyle Christensen. Carl Churchill. Wayne Clark. Gary Cox. Ken Cozzens. David Cut ler. Douglas Cutler. Jeannte Dan1anovich. John Dansie. David Dennison. Bryon Dickerson. Duane Elg. Karla Elltngson. Kelly Faddts. Rodney Fatrbourn. Roxanne Fairbourn. Hetdi Ferguson. Valene Fisher. Dtane Francom. Cathy Fredrtckson. Mac Fmchknecht. Terne Frkovtch, Mark Garamendi. Mark Gibbsons. Todd Glover. Troy Green. Darla Gurr. Greg Hadean. Ant.ue lladley. Kevtn llale~. James Hallock. Bobie Hansen. Jana Hansen. Jeff Hansen. Shanna Hardy. Jackte Harmon. Johnny Hatcher. Ben Hendrtckson. Dave Henroid. Bev Herman. Terry 1-lihon. Robert Hodson. Rtck Hoggan. Kaylene Homer. Mark Huber. Cherne Hyde. Pattt Jack· son. Heidi Jenkins. Grant Johansen. Sharon Jolly. Allan Ktrton. Datane Ktrton. Pam Knopp. Jtm Lattmer. Dave !.aster. Kathy Leake. Manlyn Leake. C'tndy Ll oyd. Kelly Lunlow. Jodt Lundstrom. Monte Lyon. Kevm Lythgoe. Jerry Mace. Joanna Mace. Gary Madsen. Dina March. Melante Marshall. Rusty Mcneal. Kevin Mitchell. Mtke Mttchell. Jeff Mounteer. Todd Murphy. Barbi Myers. Jeff Nelson. Nat<> he Nelson. Marsha Newhouse. Kevtn Ntchol. Mttch Nye. Alt,on Ogden. Sydney Ogden. Dar· lene Oliver. Joe Oswald. Nathan Overstreet. Davtd Ovtatt. Davtd Pasdett, Troy Pearmam. Trent Pcter~en. Russ Phtpps. Bon me Pierce. Stephan Powell. Kaye Pnmm. Don Rtdtng. Steve Reed. Troy Robtnson. Doug Rocks. Eltlabeth Rooker. Celta Rowley. Kevin Sackett. Cindy Salt,bury. Sharon Sant. Todd Savage. Angeltca Schwarzer. Susan Scornto. C'hnsue Scoggtn. Georgan Shell. Dentse Shelton. Stan Short. Antta Smtth. Annette Smtth. Monte Smtth. Stewart Smtth. Tom Smtth. Don Sorenson. Ken· dall Springer. Scott Steed. Connte Sterhng. Netl Summerhayes. LtL Sumston. Glenn Sybrowsky. Bret Takemon. Becki Tarr. Steve Taylor. Wayne Thomas. Troy Thompson. Robert Ttmothy. La nne Tolman. Rod Torres. Stephen Vancampen. Curt Vawdrey. Gary Vawdrey. Scott Vawdrey. Todd Wadsworth, Cratg Walters. Russell Walton. Tadtana Walton. Bryan Waters. Steve Waters. Ronald Watkms. Barry Webster. Mark Webster. Frank Welch. Cary Willtamson. Jolynn Wtseman.


Toss-Ups Explore the Unknown The toss-up club was formed to study science fact and fiction. Unexplainable phenomenon was a favorite subject area to discuss and research. The members of the club spent their spare time learning about subjects like the Loch ness Mons.ter, Big Foot, Space Travel, UFO's and Nuclear Advancements. They shared their knowledge and discoveries at their monthly meetings.

1nt Ro11. Ja) Jenssn. d \1athc ...on. Kevan Hansen. and Scott Lc~ter. Third RmL \1r.,. Prow-.e. Dan Oxic). and R1ch Roger~. M1ssing: Mar'hall llughey. Ruth Burgener. Dan Reading. Julie Stuart. anti Leah Curti~.

Dan Oxley. Committee Chairman; Mrs. Prowse. Advisor: David Matheson. President.

Symphony Advocates

rs. dent~

n. advisor. encourages stuto become involved in music.

SUBDEBS & SQUIRES is a club that is organized in conjunction with the Utah Symphony. It is part of a statewide club and in addition to its local activities. participates in many statewide activities.


As a club, we attended P.M.T.'s "Fiddler on the Roof'' at the end of September. but much preferred our own school's version. which opened the 29th of November. O ne of the fu n activities we had this year was our fund-raising project, ma king up kid's faces for Halloween (which is becoming a J .H .S. tradi tion!). Bei ng in this club a llowed us to learn a nd to a ppreciate fi ne dramatic a rts in a nd out of school. Besides, thi s year we added a new club song, which the new members sang a t initiations!

Little ghost poses for a picture.


Thespians add a new club song. "I am a Thespian!"

Advtsor Robyn Bishop (State Chairma n ), A ngela D ittmar T reasu rer, Barbara May hew Prestdent. Ji m Gallegos Vice-President. Sonja PasSecretary.

Barry Payne created a face for Robert Stmonson.

First R ow, From Lej1 10 R ight: Denise Dillard. Barbara Mayhew, Shelley Maniaci. Vtrginia McAllister. Angela Maughan. Mclyn C'rapo. Claudta Washburn. Holly Lcavttt. M tke Oar. \llcltssa Barrett. Ytvtan McAllister. l.cshc Chne. J ulie Gatehouse. Second Row: Dtane Olson. Mary f¡uller Colette Ranc. Scott Lester. Mar..,hall llughey. Colette Dahl. Christy Bess. Karen Chnstensen. Jolene M ayne-.. Sabra Adams. St.tct Crook. Tlurd Ro11 SonJ.I Pasely. Ytck} Steverts. Todd Ross. Scott Sudbury. Dawn Stnnott. Davu.l rhorpe. T awna Halhgan. Don Rtdtng. Karan Pace. Mtc:hcllc l unt. Shelley Holley. Barbi Kiehan. Mary Whitlock. Shcrtlyn Adams. fourth Row: Stephantc Green. Dan II ams. Scott G assman. Bonnte J ohnson. Mtchclle Ebel, Mtkc Oerncott. Angela Dtttmar. Jtm Galago .... Fifth Row: Alan Carroll. M ark Hardy, Carol Hardy. Brian Orth. Jeff Ostler. 'I im Knoflcr. Rtchard Olson.

Law Enforcement A new VICA class was welcomed this year by many students. It was the law enforcement class taught by Deputy Paul Cunmngham. As a part of the VICA program, the class participated in all of the club's activities. The students learned the basic function of law enforcement agencies and the requirements for a career in that area. Many in-class activities such as shooting on the police combat course, and running the obstacle course, and other competitive activities were enjoyed. Policeman Gary Saville assisted Deputy Cunningham in instructing the class. Deputy Cunningham lists many aspects of crime law enforcement class.


Johanna Hevelone - Secretary, James Alvey mentarian, and Robert Jack President.

Lana Allen and Sandy Willson finish class bulletin board about topics to be discussed. Remaining Class Members Are: Pat Allred, James Alvey. Jay Cowley. Su7.anne Dunn. Raleigh htlstmmons. Jay Green. David Hill. Karen Lewis, Sheila Mortenson. Glen Vanstccter, Michele West.


• Students listen to the interesting subject matter discussed in class.




Another Good "Catch" for Pat Lucero.

COACHES: Bob Andrus. Gary Garcia, Doug Berry and M1ke Murray.

Team huddles during t1meout.


Ref watches closely for visitor mistakes. (Jordan doesn't make mistakes.)

Team depends on Jim Birch for a successful kickoff . . . 141

J. V. Football The J.V. football team made its presence known in the 4-A ranks as they out-fought many of their opponents. The squad didn't Jet down during any of their games: they always showed determination and pride.

Jordan invades enemy line.


Movtng in for the kill.

Back Row, Left to Right: Jeff Coletll, Pat Lucero. Davtd Chnstensen, Robert Kemp. Gordon Brady, Davtd McDowell, Blair Bowman, Grant Griffith, Curtis Langston. Middle Row: Bill Sorensen, Jim Btrch, Marvm Fairbourne, Lonny Yeater, Rick Linam, Guy Richards, Brian Allen. James Schnepple, Russ Hunt. Front Row: Marty Van Amen, Joey Pullan, Davtd Olsen, Mtke Rtvera, Owtght Prince. Rod Taylor. Joel Grygla. Dave Sirnne.

Sophomore Football

Coach Ra;. Brooks. Coach Dan May

In the year 1977 the sophomore football team did themselves proud bringing honor to the team and school through their deeds and actions. Boys turning into men. learning what the words "we will overcome" truly mean. The Jordan Beetdiggers can look forward to qualit; leadership from fort; good men. formed and seasoned on the gridiron. Thanks sophomores for being part of the Beetdigger tradition.

l"im Judd. Jeff Monteer. Scott Earl. Gar) Mathie. Greg lladean. L)le Robmson. St•cofltl Roh llarm. Ron Jones. Wall\. Powell. f1m Walden. Doug Smith. Brad Bauer. Third Row. J1mm" Ander.,on. Bla~e httgerald. Greg L:nckson. Bnan Taylor. Ted Scrogg1n. Fourth Row: Jeff Davis. Wayne Ncl,on . .lor) lurner. John Christenson. Drew Pierson. Fifth Row: Don Wattell. Robert Hodson. Jim l.all1mer. Robert l"imothy. Si\th Row: Gordi Campbell. Mac Frischknecht. Larry Stauffer. Brian HendeNH1. Craig Walters. Bacf.. Row¡ Cra1g Smith. David Mills. Ennis Garfield. Jeff Welch. Wallace Winer. from Row


The sop h. team gets ready to walk all over C';. prus. Jordan goes m for a tackle. 143

Golf The golf team made an excellent debut into 4A play by winning II of 12 matches. Unfortunately they weren't at their best in the region tournament and finished in second place. They placed well in the state tournament by finishing 7th.

Boyd Petersen lines up for a putt.

Marc Petersen. Co-Captain

Marc Fenton, Co-Captain

Back Row: Marc Fenton, Marc Petersen, Hal Cozzens, Mike Brown, Mr. Brady, advisor, Jeff Ballard, Doug Cannon, Mark Petersen. Front Row: Kent Woodruff, Tony Cannon, Boyd Petersen, Bryan Dickerson, Scott Steed, Mike Petersen.

Cross Country In September when most of us were still trying to remember our schedules, the CROSS COUNTRY team was off and running! Between the agony of getting up at 5 a.m., and pushing to go that extra mile, the team had moments of happiness and victory! We are proud to have these men at Jordan: A team of dedicated perfectionists! Sometimes it's nice just to watch and rest.

From Row: Jerry Mace, Larry Allred. Kevm Mttchell. Mark Woolsy, Mtke Lind. Back Row: Shen Allsop. Bruce Coombs, Brad Burnstde, Blaine Gouldmg, Russel Brown, Kae Smith.

Coach Jensen checks our score.

ADVISOR: Ray Jensen 145

J. V. Cheerleaders

Today we try.

Jacki Fenton cheers the team on.

Karla and Tina thank the team for flowers.


We gave our time and spirit supporting some super guys. The hard work and effort put forth by the teams made us proud to be Beetdiggers. "We are proud of you, say, we are proud of you."


Erickson, Jackie Fenton. Front Row: Tricia Shail.

Soph. Cheerleaders Tomorrow we conquer.

Though there were very few at the games, our teams made us feel proud. Thanks for a great year - even if we did have to practice in the showers.


Wrestleretters Cheer as Grapplers Try for a Pin.

Shirl) nn Holt -

Head ~ rc'>tlereltc

Bed,} Pangos. Wend) I oster. anJ Roxanne Holt pract1cc the1r rouune in the halls.

Di\IC ()J,en. Sh1rl) nn l lolt. Ka\ Ia Dcnni,on. Roxanne I loll \u,,tn \eoruto. \\end) I oster. Bed.\ Pangm•.


ccwe are the diggers and the diggers are the best, we shall conquer I"

Jer i n does school song with enthusi-

Cheerleaders and Songleaders raise spirit at the Jordan-H illcrest game.

Songleaders and Cheerleaders get ready for the b1g game.

D iane Jacobson feels great after our victory. Smile, Jacki Fenton!


get mad when opposg team scores.


Girls Tennis

JORDAN'S TENNIS TEAM: Knstin Winegar, Cherrie Hyde, Diane Winegar, Carolin McDonald, Shari Melville. and Jennifer Ovard.


Coach Hale stays in shape.

We were the ones who helped bring one more successful year to the tennis history of Jordan High. We didn't know how many years there had been, but then again we weren'tjust another tennis team either.

Shan ts ready for the perfect return.


Varsity Volleyball

Row I: Allison Dennison, Jenny Logan. Becky Pangos. Shari Melville. Row 2: Coach. Margaret Price. Sandi Christensen. Michelle Weaver. Sherry Burton. Jody Walkenhorst.

Michelle Weaver blocks a play from the opposing team.

J. v. Sandi Christensen reaches to keep the ball in play.

Robin Burton returns the ball with a bump.

Row I: Allison Dennison. Becky Carroll. Row 2: Vera Lee, Robin Burton, Terry Frkovich, Caroline Collett. 161

Girls Basketball Although we didn't do great in basketball this year. we all had some good times and we learned a lot from our losses. We had a small team consisting of only three seniors and a few juniors and sophomores. But even though our team had little experience our coaches did a real good job teaching us, and we tried our hardest to win. I'm sure we'll do better in the coming years.

Front Row: Sheri Allsop. Judy Creelman. Debbie Gilgen. Melome Marshall. !Jack Row: Alhson Denmson. Paula Greenwood. Carolyn McDonald, Jam• Grey, Jod1 Walkenhorst, Carolyn Collette.

Go for 1t, Judy.

Coaches Garcia and Berry

Hey Deb, over here . . . 162

Hang in there Paula. Friday's comm'.

Varsity Basketball "Because I was six foot five, I thought I might be able to qualify for the Varsity Basketball team. After I made the team I rushed right over to tell my girlfriend all about it. That was the last time I ever saw her, too, because I practiced every night after school and on Saturdays. Coach Hal Hale tried to make the team dedicate their lives to basketball. This was kind of hard for me to do, but I loved the competition of basketball, so I gave up on girls, late nights on State Street and practiced with the team. I thought I was pretty good at making baskets, but it seems everyone else was just a little bit better than I. After hours of practice we would go out and play the best we could. The student body supported us and we played to win!!!"












Mitch Swilor dribbles Jowtl court. 16.4









Jordan scores two points. All right Beetdiggers!

Curus Culler makes foul sho1. Jordan gels the Jump. 165

J. V. Basketball Defeat is usually followed by discouragement except in the case of the J. V. team. They played hard and developed their talents. It matters not if you win or lose but how you play the game!!

Jump, jump, higher, higher, get that ball and go like fire.




The J.Y. team "don't take no jive!"

The Beetdiggers can really move!

Front Row: Steve Butters, David Mills, Curtis Langston, Steve Hendricks, Troy Bucy. Back Row: Mitch Swilor, Tim Walden, Glen Wallbeck. Pete Davis, Mike Reich. David Olsen, Pat Lucero.


Soph. Basketball

Front Row: Gary Williams, Craig Smith, Clark Pierson, Mike Reich, Scott Earl, Matt

~eets, Tony Cannon. Back Row: Steve Hendricks, Tim Walden, David Mills, Troy B:ucy,

Teamwork and quickness carried this year's sophomore team to another successful basketball campaign. Their hard work and effort is preparing them for varsity play. Thanks sophs!

ed Scroggin, Greg Walker. Jim.

Fellow players watch the J.H.S. skill . . .

Jordlan stuns the Brighton Bengals.

Jordan gets grab by!! Where did the ball go???


v a r

s . l


y Dean Baer

Mike Baer

Tony Sieverts picks up two near falls against Howell of Granger.

J im Birch 168

Dan Brklacich

Bryce Flake

w r e s


l e Joel Grygla

Darin Miller

r s

Dan Brklacich. lsi place Regton.



Scou Mtller


Tony SieveriS

Kurl Young 169

J. V. Wrestlers

Front Row: Steve Taylor, Mark Brklacich, Jay Middleton. Middle Row: Robert Anderson, Scott Gessell, Brad Burnside, Jeff Welch. Back Row: Frank Arnone, Mike Meldrum, Rick Linam.

These J .V. wrestlers have also wrestled Varsity: Front Row: Sam Bentley, Robert Anderson, Brad Burnside. Bac/.. Row: Todd Savage. Mike Meldrum.


Bryce Flake tries to prevent his opponent from standing.

Dean Baer getting cradled.

Dave Gessell with a tight figure four on opponents head.

This year's wrestling team did extremely well. Jordans placing in state is an indication of the team's desire, ability and willingness to devote all they had to the sport. Wrestli ng requires the ultimate in physical endurance and in mental stamina. Our wrestling team paid the price and met the standards that produced winning results.




:ront Row: Be~ Henderson Todd Murphy. Middle Row: Kevin Lythcoe, Mark Webb, teve Sylvester, Wayne Nels~n. Back Row: Sam Bentley. Stewart Smith, Mac Frichknecht. 171




SONDRA JENSEN General Scholarsh1p

ALAN CARROLL Social Studies


BRYCE. FLAKE Art and Art Craft

DENISE DILLARD Speech and Drama

Scholars CLINTON ALLEN Mathematics

LISA JONES Foreign Language

KELLEY CLOSE English and Literature



KENT BROADHEAD Vocational Education




Over 300 excited and anxious girls journeyed from all over the state, to Ceder City and SUSC for a busy week of fun and activities at the annual Girls' State Conference. Eight girls were chosen from our student body to represent J.H.S. The girls participated in such activities as mock elections for city, county, and state officials, and in the process became aware of the political structure of our government as well as making life long friends.


National Merit Scholarship Commended Students






SCOTT JENSEN- Art Award of Merit


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Art Award of

RAY JENSEN - Best Dressed Teacher

BRYCE FLAKE - One Man Art Show




s ... "J ...),C

J~P SCHOLARS: Bottom 10 Top: Lisa Mumford. Patricia Paskett. Paul_a Hardcastle. Bri_uon ~assman. Cheryl Eddington. Sana Jensen, Sonja Tauer. Holli Murphy. Tammy Butler. Alan Carroll. M1chelle Lunt, Demse D11lard. Scott Howell.



SON lA T AZZER- State Finalist - Exec. Secretaries Program

SCOTT HOWELL - Young American Award

KENT BROADHEAD AND ROBERT SIMON -Received Welding Certificates


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FORENS ICS WINNERS: Brent Hofhines, Doug Cutler. Glen Bailey. Cheryl Petersen. Jim Gallegos.

ALAN CARROLL- National Youth Rep. in Scouting


r J H




UN IVERSITY OF UTAH BAND CONTEST: Row 1: Evelyn JORDAN HI G H MARCHI NG BAND - FIRST PLACE Spencer. Craig Boch. Gerri Gentry. Guy Caskey. Traci Dale. Kyle Harward. Row 2: Joel Grygla. Denice Brower. Kelley Close. Pam Graesser. Kae Smith. Shelley Maniaci. Tadaina Walton. Debbie Charlton. Susan Maniaci. Kathy Muhlestein. Diane Olson· Row 3: Mike Tripp. David Mecham. Allen Gregory, Michelle West. David Bailey. Collett Gotfredson. Russell Walton, Todd Wright. Mark Peterson. Mark Ordakowski. Todd Landeen, Meloni Gotfredson. Row 4: Bob ohavec, Steve Barlow. And) Lehohl. Ron Carter. Ernie Miller, Heidi Ferguson. Barbra Peterson. Richard Rogers. Glenda Tsethlikai. Dean Morril. Yivial1 McAllister. Jeff Pratt.

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r FOOTBALL HONORS: Bnan Still, 2nd team All-State; Burke Ross, AJI District; Bryce Flake. AJI District; David Olsen, 1st Team All Region; Joel Oswald, Honorable Mention AJI Region.Missing:Kenny Jensen. 2nd Team AJI Region; Clint Allen, 1st Team All Region.

S •



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WRESTLING HONORS: Bryce Flake. \1ike Baer. Dean Baer. Tony Sieverts, Scott Miller.


Take time out to get acquainted

Chug-a-lug Todd Richards. Enn shows anxious participant how to get started.

Pat and James race for the fintsh line in wheelbarrow race.


Bonnie Hyde stares with amazement. Motorcyclist takes chances at "Get Acquainted Assembly."

Participants dig for coins in piles of flour.

At this year's Get Acquainted Assembly the juniors won again. They won the obstacle course, best body contest, greased pole climbing, and the tug-of-war to name a few. Included this year was a motorcycle show that everyone enjoyed, even the wrecks. We really got to know each other, and had a lot of fun doing it.

l'odd Ross struggles with tire in the "Get Acquainted Assembly."


Homecoming Welcomes Alumni

Shiela \ifortensen enJO)S Homecoming Week. Jordan works Its way to a wmning Homccommg game.

IIOMECO MING ROY 1\L.I Y: 2nd Dcn1se Dillard. I st/\11.: I ana Kerb~.


This year's Homecoming Week was one that all the students participated in. There was a Farmer's Market, parade, dress-up day, lighting of the "J" and hall decorating. To top it all off, we won our game against Kearns and had a dance to celebrate. It was a great dance with "Rumpus" providing the mUSIC.

Policeman Gary participates in Homecoming Week.

Jodi Walkenhorst. Shari Melville. Sandi Christensen help make Farmer's Market a real winner.


Dogpatch Salutes Sadie Hawkins Day Come on Daisy Mae. Little Abner's been awaitin', For }OU take him to the drag. clear since you started datin'. lt onl} takes a minute. so Daisy go and ask, and the time you spend at the dance. will really be a blast~

Dogpatch Band livens up the assembl).

Couples get ¡¡tcgall)" hitched at Dogpatch Drag. Greg Da"1d~on ha.., a barn sLOmplll blast at Dogpatch Drag.


Dogpatch Drag IS a dance celebrating Sadie Hawkins day. It's the dance where girls ask, pay, and sometimes even drive. The dance was only part of this week's festivities. The Dogpatch Assembly let the candidates for Lil Abner and Daisy Mae show the students their abilities in things such as baking, eating and the obstacle course. The dance ended the week with S.L.C. providing the fiddling.

Dan slides his way to victory.

Tumbleweeds and Holly Hamhocker finally get together.

Diane Jacobson. Daisy Mae - Merrill Strate. Lit Abner.


Seniors Are Great in '78! Senior Week '78 included Tie and Garter Day, a class meeting, a seniors only movie"Fun With Dick and Jane," and the Senior Hop held at the U of U Ballroom. The Senior Class Officers thank everyone for their participation.

Couples enjo} the romantic atmosphere at the Union Ball-

Hey, where did you get those roses???

Is th1s what you call "Saturda} N1ght Fever."

The seniors get announced!

SENIOR HOP ROYALTY: Queen, Karen Thome; King, Dan Harris. 193

But How Did We Ever Graduate?

"Slow dancin' swaying to the music."

Dan l'ongi'h ruffle.., lm feathers at Sen-

Boola-Boola Man auacks Dina Pore tn Scntor As<.,cmhl) .

Did Rich Miller get a new haircut or did he stick his ftnger in a ltght socket? 194

Couple.., dance to the music of " Roundabout."

Students enjoy FHA refreshments.

Gina and Mick start the dance by themselves.

Scenery added the right atmosphere for lovers. Students do the "Twist" at Sweethearts Ball.


Pauline and Clyde get together during slow dance.

Angie makes eyes at other guys. Dancers stop for a breath of air.


Stomps The G .A.A., Thespians, FBLA, Vica and Forensics stomps really made this year a lot of fun. It gave the students a chance to get together and have a good time and maybe find a new girl or boy friend. The stomps also helped many clubs raise badly needed money for trips, uniforms, etc. The participation of the students who came to the stomps was appreciated. THANKS!




_; Hey Jackie, look at the guy over there.

Angela enjoys stomps.


Stomps sometimes cause broken hearts.

He quit looking. you can come out now.


Assemblies The assemblies this year were great. Besides getting us out of class, they also promoted school spirit and brought the students together. Some of the best assemblies were the Homecoming Parade, Get Acquainted, Senior Assembly and the Jordan Olympics. Thanks for your participation. Sandi Christensen /ovesjello.

Julie Greenwood, Dixie Olsen and Susan Scorza to are possible match ups in the "Dating Game."

Julie Greenwood and Mike Meldrum enjoy licorice contest.

"Bird" falls apart at Senior assembly.


Date is chosen by Gordy Campbell.

Tricia Shailts an agile junior in limbo contest. Snoopy cheers for DE.C' A at "Homecoming Parade."

The computer age is represented during Homecoming Parade.





Bottom to Top: Wendy Taylor, Dav1d Christensen, Mrs. Martin, Joe Parry, Diane Olson, Todd Stringfellow, Angela Dittmar, Kelly Close, Glenn Gribble, Shauna Bybee, Jill Mecham, Russell Ragsdale, Spencer Cannon, Todd Ross, Gary Cox, Melonie Marshall, Pauline Holt, Michelle Lunt.

"We the willing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long we are now qualified to do anything with nothing in no time at all." Special thanks to Jay Burkinshaw, "Mom," the yearbook photographers and Mrs. West for helping us to accomplish our purpose.

The Broadcaster Staff is always hard at work?

Editor-m-Chief ....................... . .. Kelley Close Associate Editor ....................... Wendy Taylor Feature Editor ......................... Michelle Lunt Copy Editor .......................... Angela Dittmar Exchange Editor ....................... Shauna Bybee Cartoonists .................... Richard Throckmorton Glenn Grible Staff Todd Ross ......................... Davtd Christensen Jill Mecham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spencer Cannon Gary Cox ........................... Russell Ragsdale Pauline Holt ............................... Joe Parry Diane Olson ........................ Melonie Marshall Todd Stringfellow Advisor .............................. Marian Martin


R 0 A




Mrs. "Mom" Martin asks for better copy.


s T E


.. .

I \...

Wendy Taylor, Associate Edt tor; Kelley Close, Editor; Michelle Lunt. Feature Edttor.


James Hallock and Troy Schmidt fight to the end.

Russ Thelin plays dead. Tina Nelson gives Jordan spirit.

Teachers and Secretaries seem to enjoy assemblies, too.



A "'EL GALLO" Tries to remember.

s T I

"THEM UTE" lifts the lid to reveal the off-left indian.

c K


"LU ISA" longs for a different life. " HUCKLEBY AND BELOMY" discover that "It depends on what you pay!"

"MATT" realizes hfe tsn 't make-beheve.

"HENRY" arrives to save the day.

Jordan High School's summer musical, "The Fantasticks," was totally astounding! The cast had a certain energy that is rarely achieved. The audience was so drawn to this heartwarming story, that they spent two more dollars to see it the next night! With a cast of seven the musical produced a certain magic in each heart that was there to witness it. "The Fantasticks" will long be remembered.


Lt. Brannigan and BigJule: Todd Ross, Mark Hardy.


STUDENT DIRECTORS. Mtchelle Lunt, Carla Mayall, Melinda Philltps, Vivian McAllister.

Guys and Dolls



Hot Box Dolls: Sue l\eilson. Melyn C'rapo. Ytnan McAlltster. Virginta McAIItster. Holly Levttt. C'oleue Dahl. Michelle Lunt. Angela Dittmar.

'//Nathan Octroit: Mtke Derncott

GAMBLERS: Bob Simonson, Paul Smith, Scott Gassman. Andy Netlson, Allan Mason, Jtm Gallegos.

Rusty, Benny, and Ntcely: Dwtght Pnnce, Scott Sudbury, Berry Payne.

Sky Masterson and Sarah Brown: Mike Oar, Shelley Holley. Btg Jule and Harry the Horse: Mark Hardy, Jim Gallegos.

MISSION BAND: Davtd Matheson, Marshell Hughey, Vance Beckstead, Don Riding, Staci Crook, Jolene Mayn~s. Shelly Holley, Karan Pace, Stepha me Green. Karen Chnstensen. Shenlyn Adams.

"GUYS AND DOLLS"- Dice, fake money, hot lights, sweaty dancers, junk food, poor grammar, fake fingernails, lost pink bows and minks, itchy mission jackets. crazy directors, lost tickets, opening night excitement, crying cast members, strong characters, captivating voices, silly jokes. boistress laughter, enthusiastic audience, .GREAT SHOW!!! 207

CHAVA- Angela Dittmar

FYEDKA - Dan Harris

TZIETAL - Barbra Mayhew

THE PAPAS- Dean Morrill, Mike Derricott, Vance Beckstead, Scott Dahl, Mike Oar. Troy Federspeil, Paul Smith, Dwight Prince.

Fiddler the

Bl LEKE- Enid Atkenson

SPRINTZE - Shelly Holley

ST UDENT DIRECTORS: Karan Pace, Diane Olsen, Karen Christensen, Milinda Phillips.


INNKEEPER - Mike Derncott

Sell-out crowds. potential academy award winners, and a cast of many. all went into the dynamic production of "Fiddler on the Roof." Rave reviews came in from all corners of the globe. No show since "Gone With the Wind" has brought such excitement to the hearts of man. The auditonum was so packed that the people were hangmg from the rafters. Sweat rolled from each brow tn the auJtence but it went unnottced, because of the outstanding and entrancmg performances which held the aud1ence at the edge of their seats. "F1ddler on the Roof" was truly a theatncal milestone 1n the h1story of Jordan High School.


Stephan1e Green



Todd Ross

M1ke Oar


Scott Dahl

MOTEL - David Mathesen .

HODEL - Denise Dillard

PERCHICK - Marty Bird

T HE MAMAS- Vivian McAllister, Juile Gatehouse. Leslie Cline, Dawn Sinnott, Rachel Parry, Teresa SteiL Tawna Halligan, Jolene Maynes, Heather Cutler, Shelly Manachi, Collette Dahl, Millissa Berrett, Jolyn Wiseman, Janet Evansen, Lisa Jensen, Sabra Adams, Sonja Pasley, Virginia McAllister, Leslie Whittmore.

on Roof

FRUMA SARAH - Karan Pace

GOLDE - Sonja Pasley

Dl RECTORS - Robyn Stuver, Robyn Bishop

T HE RUSSIANS _ Dan H;rris, Brian Orth, Berry Payne, Scott Sudbury, Ryan Timony.


CONSTABLE - Tim Knoffler

Scott Gassman, Mark

Baseball Jordan had ten returning lettermen from its 1977 AAA second place team. Prospects looked good for an extremely competitive team in the new AAAA division. Hal Cozzens, Don Draper, Roger Fitzgerald, Kenny Jensen, Marc Petersen, Martin Petersen, Burke Ross, Mitch Swilor, and Mick Taylor, (the returning lettermen) and the rest of the team were real contenders. STEVE OSBORNE Outf1eld



Front Row: Martin Petersen, Mike Brown, Marc Petersen, Hal CoLZens, Don Draper. Allen Niksich, Burke Ross, Mick Taylor, Kenny Jensen. Back Row: Tony Cannon (Manager), Peter Davis, Gordon Brady, Lance Andrizzi, Mitch Swilor, Marty Van Amen. Bryce Taylor, Darrin Miller (Manager), Coach Brady.



Coach Garcia reminds Martin of signals.





... ' -


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Front Row: Jeff Welch. Matt DtetL, Craig Smith. Tim Judd, Jeff Cremo, Glen Walbeck, Jeff Mounteer. Back Row· Cor) \1eyrick (Manager), Blake Fitzgerald. Ted Scroggm. Mike Reich, David Olsen. Craig Caldwell, Kevm Ottman. Doug Ruffell, Doug Pnce.




SWILOR Pttcher



DON DRAPER lnfteld

Bat Girls are: Front Row: Kathi Shaw. 2nd Row: Janet Erickson. Carmen Bucy. Sharon McDonald, Barbi Ktelian, Melyn Crapo. Back Row: Martine McNulty.





Pitcher/ 1st

Doug delivers.

Conference on the mound. GORDON BRADY Outfield

Brady and Allen discuss play. Coaches watch for a double play.



Roger fires a fast one.


Kenny beats out a single.

Bryce squares off to bunt.


TIM JUDD Shortstop



Track Under the direct1on of Mrs. Price the girls track team did very well th1s year. It took not only physical. but mental ability as well to obtain the skills that had to be learned. These Jordan girls put in many hours of practice and hard work to do their best and they did a fine job!

AdviSOr :

Mrs. Pnce

Dianne Winegar, Kristin Winegar and Shari Melville race around the track!







Yes. Michelle. we like your new shoes!


Ready or not here I come!

Jordan Gymnasts Go For #6

Everyone attending Jordan High can be proud of their gymanstics team. In the past five years the group has taken five firsts in state competition. These victories encourage the team to add just one more honor to the already impressive list. We will always remember the superior performances of our all-star girls. What a terrific and super tradition these dedicated athletes keep alive! MRS. PRICE Head Coach


BECKY PANGOS Beam, Bars, Floor, Vault

TR ICIA SHAlL - Beam, Bars, Floor, Vault




JAMI GUEST - Beam, Bars, Vault

Mike Landeen - Spotter. Michelle Butkovich - Manager, Karla Ellingson - Manager. Bill Riding - Spotter. Missing: Kae Smith.


REBECCA YEATERBars, Floor, Vault

PATRICE ELG - Bars. Floor



DENICE YOUNG Beam, Bars, Floor



KAREN HOMER - Bars, Vault



Tricia Shail executes an original.



KELLY EGGEN - Beam, Floor




Karla Denison shows her strength, control, and skill as she moves across the beam.









Floor 219

Boy's 1rack Spring brought the official opening of track season. With high hopes for the season, the team put forth a superior effort to increase skill and build power. Coached by Ray Jensen, Robert Andrus, and Ray Brooks the Digger tracksmenjumped, ran, and threw their way into many exciting duels.

Coaches: Robert Andrus, Ray B1r0oks, and Ray Jensen

Curtis Cutler springs over like a six-million-dollar man.

Brian Still chucks the javelin through the air. 220

James Hallock clears the hurdle.

Curt Young has smooth sailing all the way.

Clinton Allen mastered th<: discus.

Kirt Swansen " pitches the putt."



Starting early in the spring. this years' tennis team, coached by Hal Hale, prepared for tough matches. Practicing every night after school, they strengthened their forehand and backhand swings, serves, stability, and net play. The end result was the development of a skilled and hard fighting Jordan Tennis Team. The team is coached by Hal Hale.

Cody Jensen gives extra advan-

Scott Sudbury makes a smooth return.

Troy Ontiveros meets the ball on its own terms.

Tim Hall swings into action!

Cod} strams to make a return.


Sophs Still Looking For Their Pot of Gold. Let's boogie! Disco is "in". You can do the hustle, get up and bump, even shake your bootie. And we did just that on March 17. The sophomore class sponsored a dance, "Over The Rainbow", with the group "Legacy." It made Sophomore week a big success!!

ReJects from the "Gong Show"???

Smile. If your having a good time!!!

Get up and boogie!


Sophomores work hard on decorations for the big night.

Not now fans . . .

Drama Stars of Tomorrow

Robyn picked the cream of the crop To compete in drama and never stop. We worked so hard fo r our success, And wouldn't settle for anythi ng less In Retold Stories and One-Act Plays We labored with love both nights and days, We competed in 4A for the very first time With readings and scenes and pantomime. Mike Oar and Denise Dillard astounded audiences with their one-act play.

We'll cherish the memories one and all, Because being together we had a ball!

Firsr Row: Vivtan McAlhster, Mehssa Barrett, Scott Gassman. James Alvey. Gary Mathie. Mtke Derricott. Dan Harris. and Ryan Timoney. Second Row: Dwight Pnnce, Bob Stmonson. Mehnda Phillips. Karla Mayall, Jolene Maynes. Karen Christensen. Holly Leavitt, Melyn Crapo, Sonja Pasley. Lias Jensen, Lorie Troester. Third Row: Shelley Holley, Staci Crook, Jeff Ostler, Paul Smith. Rtchard Olsen. Marshall Huey, Colette Dahl. Natalie Derr. Colette Rayn. Virginia McAllister. Uda Limb. Sabra Adams, Michele Lunt. and Angela Dittmar. Fourth Row: Lisa Ltnnarz. Kevtn Hansen, Shenlyn Adams. Tom Henline. Jtm Galagos, Denice Dillard. Allen Mason. Davtd Matheson. Pat Allred. Kane Thurgood. and Knstte Bess. Fifth Row: Teresa Suet. Sue Nelson. Karan Pace, Stephanie Green. Todd Ross. and Barbara Mayhwe.




INDEX COOKS AND CUSTODIANS Amsworth. Gale Ill Powell. Larry I I I Shields. Jim Ill Walker. Joyce Ill Banks. Gisile 110 Butterfield. Tina 110 Carroll. Virgi I 10 Daronche. Mary 110 Jllckman. Joann 110 Slaugh. Clad1a 110

COUNSELORS Bolland. Barbara 107 Brown. Marg1e 106 Mitchell. Jeff 106 Nelson, Louetta 106 Petersen. Wendell 107 Rlska, Norma 106 Sm1th. Earl 107 Steadman, Florence 106 Young. Richard 106

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Anderson. Richard 86 Baker. Kenneth 86 Bateman. Glenn 86 Brown. L. Ray 86 Crump. Delbert C. 86 Gourley, R1chard 86 Hirschi. Lois 86 Klotov1ch. Marl.. 86 Parr Donald. J. 86 Pnnce. Kenneth 86 Roberts. Fred 237 Shaw. Arch 237 Thurman. Earl J 86 Wahlqu1st. Mark 86 Wa'>den. Jed 86 Whittenberg. Raymand 86

FACULTY Andrus. Robert 95, I59 Berry. Doug 103, 158 B1\hop. Ra lph 98 B1\hop. Robyn 93. I 34 Boskov1ch. Dan 89 Brady. Perry 102. 144. 159 Brook\. Ray91. 158 Browne. Artiem1~sic 94 Burkmshaw. Jay 105, 237. 251 Chatf1eld. La ac 89. 90.91 Chn\lofferson Juhe 93. 127. 128. 133 Colhcr. Bryce 96 Conkling. Jacque 91. 95 Crookston. Marl.. 98 C'unnmgham. Paul 104 Done. M1chele 91 Ens1gn. Kaye 90 Enckson. Dave I03 Garcia. Gary 96, 159 Green. Peggy 101 Groves. Gerald 96 Gunnell. Farre1196 llalc. l-la199. 102. 159. 160 Hilton, Bruce 100 Imlay. Karen 92. I 16 Iverson, Ann 102 Jen~n. Ra) 102. 158 Johnson. Beth 89

Judd. Tom 96 Kmg, Roger 99 Langford. Bob 99 Lovato, Sandra 97 Manm. Marian 89. 94. 202. 203 May. Dan 94. 159 McCleary. Kenneth 96 McDonald. Robert 100 McGee, Judith 100 Mecham. Gale 98 M1lne. Richard 101 Monroe. Cade 100. 158 Murry. Mike 102. 158 Nelson. Joy 92. I I6 Noble. Bill 104 Ohver. Rod 103 Olsen. Lori 104 Pace, Ralph 101 Palmer, Dave 98 Parnell, Gary 93 Pay. Renee 92. 116 Plant. Brent 94 Pond. Ja) 95 Pnce. Margaret I03. !58. 16 I Prowse. Louann 90. 133 Rasmussen. Jeff 95, 128 Rawhngs. Bnan 90 Smuh. Gary 100 Sm1th, Leah 91.94 Stephenson. Jacklyn 97 Stuver. Robyn 104 Thornock. Kaylene 97. 99 Tolman. Denms 99 Tuttle. Joann 92. 122 Wagstaff. Lena 105 Ward, Barbara 90 Ward. Don 94. 101 Ware. Camille 97. 127 Warner. Diane91 West. Carol 89. 91.237.238 Williams, Marietta 103 W1lson. Kent92. 122 Wmberg. Edi 104 Wootton. Carol}n 95. 158 Wnght. Peggy 105 Zabnskie, Rodney 93, I26

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION Ash Fredric 88 McCleary. Jerry 87 Thatcher. Reed 88

SECRETARIES Amswonh. Thelma Houghton. Jamal 109 M1llerberg. Norene 108 Naylor. Larae 109 Olsen, Maris 108 Sybrowski. Clara 109 Sybrowsky. Jacl..1e 109 Wagstaff. Manlyn 109

SENIORS A Adamson, Jeff 17 Alldredge Johnny 17. 138 Allen, Clinton 17, 138, 164 Allen, Kim 17 Allen, Lana 17, 114 Allred. Larry 17, 145 VICA Anderson, Bonnie 17, 119 FHA Anderson, Glen 17


Voc. Drafting Anderson, Brad 17 Anderson. Dallas 17,236.237 Year Book S1aH Anderson, Gene 17 Anderson, Kevin 17 Anderson, Rhonna 17, 154. 155. 228 Songleader Anderson, Scott 17 Anderson, Steve 17, 130 Anderson. Susan 17 Anderson. Wayne 17 Andus, Kirt 17 Arnold, Deanna 17, 114 Atkinson. David 17 Atkinson, Denise 17 Musical Atkinson, Kristine 18 VICA DECA Ski Club Honor Roll Auker. Max 18

B Baer, Dean 18. 138 Baer. MichaeliS. 138 VICA Bailey, Glen 18. 124, 128 Bakker, Mitch 18 Ballard, Brenda 18 Assemblies Tennis Team Ballard, Jeff 18, 144 Bankhead. William 18 Barker, Ralph 18 Barlow, Debbie 18 Barrett, Melissa 18. 124. 126. 134 Jordannetts Thespians


Forensics A Capella Madrigals Debate Manager Musicals Girls' State Bauer, Keldon 18 Beck, Ken 18 Beckstead, Brad 18 VICA Bednarik. Steve 18 Belnap, Mark 18 Football Track Letterman Benson, Robert 18 Berg, Dan 18 Best. Shaunna 18 DECA Homecoming Decor. Bianchi, Diane 18, 116 Biggs, Suzann 19 Bingham, Melody 19 Musicals Madrigals Blank, Janeen 19 Blankenstein, Mary Jane 19 Bodtcher, Randy 19. 34 Bosch. Taffie 19 Brinton. Bonnie 19 Ski Club Swim Team Track Team Judo/Wrestling Brklacich. Danny 19 Letterrnans Club Wrestling Broadhead, Kent 19


Brower. Denice 19. 115. 127. 129 Brown, Blaine 19 Brown. Deanne 19. 119 Brown, Leslie 19 SkiClub Honor Society Brown. Susan 19. 130, 148 Buhl. Larurie 19 Ski Club FHA Represenlative (FHA) Sweethearts Commiltee Bunkall. Kelly 19 VICA Bunker, Joann 19 Burak. David 19 Burnside. Sean 19 Basketball Dogpatch Decor. Com. Burshnick, Ann 19 SkiClub FHA Dogpatch Committee Sweethearts Committee Bush. Diane 19 Bush, Kelly 20 Guitar Club CBCiub Butler, Tammy 9. 20. 150 Bybee, Shauna 20. 119. 202


Campbell. Corby 20 Campbell, Joyce 20 Candalot. John 20 Cannon, Spencer 20. 22. 114. 126. 127, 129. 202 A Capella Madrigals Concert Band Jazz Band Marching Band Pep Band Home Room Representative A Capella President Musical-Fiddler Do$patch Competition Sentor Assembly Boys State District Honor Band District Honors Chorus Carlson. Tammy 20 FHA Carroll, Alan 12. 13. 14. 15. 20. 128. 134, 138 Student Body President Carroll. Tin 131 VICA MKC Guitar Club Electronics Vice Pres. Carter. Joyce 20 Casterline. Kaisa 20. 124 Cazier. Sherie 20, 225 Cervantes, Quendalina 20. 125 Champion. Terry 20 Chapman. Robert 20 VICA Band Pres. Voc. Machine Shop Play(Orchestra) Chase, Rick 20 VICA Chidester. Annette 20 Childs. Suzanne 20.120. 121. 148 Christensen. David 20. 138, 202 Forensics Seminary President Broadcaster Staff Christensen. Karen 20. 114. 134. 208.209 GAA Jordanette Thespian Club A Capella Jordanette Vice-President A Capella Treasurer "Girarre Story" "Oklahoma" "Fiddler on the Roof" Student Director "Guys and Dolls" Reg10n and State

Drama Team Honor Roll Christensen. Kelli 9. 20, 121. 150. 151,228 Christensen. Sandi 21. 148. 161 . 189.200 Charlonian Christoffersen, Denise 21 VICA Electronics Reporter Oose, Kelley 21, 115, 124, 127. 118, 12?, 202,203 f.: orenstcs Pep Band Nat'! Honor Society Band Jazz Band Forensics Vice-Pres. Broadcaster Editor District Honor Band Region and State Forensics Competition Orchestra "Guys and Dolls" Top3#' English Sterling Scholar Collins. Angie 21, 130 Coombs. Joe 21, 27. 43, 138 Combs, Mark 21 VICA Stage Crew Cowley. Patty 21 Cox, David 21 Cox. Gary 21. 202 Ski Club Forensics Broadcaster Staff Cozzens. Hal21 , 144.231 Crebs. Penny 5, 21 Creelman, Judy Nat'l Honor Society Girls Basketball Crook. Cathy 21 Cummings. Julie 21 Cunliffe, Chris2 1, 116 Curley. Scott 21 Cutler. Curtis 18,21 Debate Team Basketball Letterman Basketball Captain Track Letterman Region and State Comp.

D Dahl. Scott 21.208 Danielson. Don 21 Davidson, Greg 21 Davidson. Gwen 21 VICA


VICA Reporter Davis.Greg21 Davis, Karl22 Day. Juliene 22, 120. 154. 155 Dance Company Sophomore Cheerleader Songleader "Oklahoma" Sweetheart Attendant Dance Company Concert Honor Roll Day. Ron 22 VIC A VICA Reporter Dayton, Red 22, 130 Dennison. David 22 VJCA Ski Club De{tscoll, Mike 22. 24, 134. 206. Madrigals Madrigals President Drama Team Head of Pantomime Cla~s Assembhes "Oklahoma" "Fanlastiks" "Fiddler on the Roof" "Guy~ and Dolls" Playwrite Commll tce Boys State Top 10'

Superior in "Scenes" Student Director District Solo Festival Deuel, Debbie 22 Devore. Jamison 22 Devore. Terry 22. 206 "Oklahoma" "Fantastiks" Drama Team Dillard, Denise 6. 22. 120. 121 . 134. 188,206 Ski Club Thespians Dance Compay Nat'l llonor Society Cheerleader Songlcader Co-Director Dance Co. "Oklahoma" "Fantastiks" "Fiddler on the Roof' "Guys and Dolls" Student Director State Drama Competition Dance Company Concerts Gymnastics State Comp. Homecoming Queen Sweetheart Prince~s Wasatch Forensics Meet Sterling Scholar NMSTCommended Student Honor Roll

E Eckman. Anita 22. 114. 126.209 Eddington. Cheryl22. 126 Madrigals District Solo Festival "Oklahoma" Honor Roll Nat'l Honor Society FHA Eliason, Chris 22 VJCA Ski Club Jr. Girls Senator VICA Secretary Dogpatch Committee Jr. Prom Committee 2nd at VIC A Reg1onals 3rd at State Entwistle. Eileen 22 Erickson. Ron 22 VIC A President-Section Officer-VIC A Evans. Mark 22 VJCA Evans. Tim 23 Evenson. Janet23, 114.209 Drama Team "Oklahoma" "Fiddler on the Roof'

F Fagg. Cynthia 19. 23. 114 A Capella Charlonians A Capella Historian Fails. Diane 23 Fa1rbourn. Brad 23 Fairbourn. Rozanne 23. 116 Fehler. Richard 23. 236. 231 Fenton. Belinda 23 Ski Club Service Arts Wrestlerette Dogpatch Commiuce Homecoming Committee Fenton. Marc 23. 144 Fergus, Dianna 23 Firmage. Terry 23 Fischer. Milton 23 Ski Club VIC A Class Secretary-Electronic\ Seclion Fisher, Daron 23 Fitzgerald. Erin I 2. 14. IS. 23. 35. 120. 186 VICA Ski Club Charlonians

Student body 2nd Viceprestdent Gtrls State Fitzgerald. Ro~er 138 Flake. Bryce 2 . I38 Flores. Jess 23 Flynn. Daren 23 Forbush. Sidney 23 Red cross VIC A Freeman. Mike VIC A Sid Club Fnebel. Gean 23 Fullmer. Perry 23

G Galland. Louisa 23 Galegos. James 24. 128. I34. 206 Youn~ Americans "Okla oma" "Guys and Dolls" Thesptan Vice- Pre~tdent Gassman. Bruton 24. 120 VICA Dance Company Charlonians Ist. 2nd Vice-Pre~ident Charlonians Co-D1rector Dance Co. Gee. Melmda 24 Skt Club SwtmTeam TenmsTeam Doapatch Commtuee Jor an Olymptcs Gessell. Dave 24 Gilchrist. Lisa 24 Giles. Tom 138 Glover. Todd. 24 Sk1 Club Goold. Becky 24 GAA Honor Roll Gonzalez. Luis Graham, Kathy 24. 236 Green. Jill 24. 149 Green. Lee 24. 124 Green. Stepanie 24. 126. I34. 208 "Oklahoma" "Fiddler on the Roof" "Guys and Dolls" Thesptans Madngals District Ensemble fe\llval Greenwood. Lccann 24, 119. 125 Yearbook Starr Jordanettes FHA llonor Soctety Greenwood. Paula 12. 14. 15. 24. 119 VIC A GAA ACaklla Skt Cub A Capella Histonan Jr. Vice-President Sophomore Girls Sen Student body lltstorwn Jr Prom Commtttee Do~atch Commtllee Bas etball Team Volleyball Team Gre~~men. Su1.anne 24. 114. 149 Gnbble. Starling 24 Service Arts Gribble. Steve 24. 133 Grygla. Mark 24 Guymon. Gina 24. 120. 154 Songleader

H ll adle~. Gal Ann 24

llam. a me a 24 l lan~en . Judy 24 VICA ltonor Roll llansen. Lisa 25 Hansen. Ste~hame 25 Hardcastle. aula 25. 114. 125 JordaneHes llonor Soctety

FHA Pres.-Jordaneues Sweethearts Commiuee Hardman. Brett 25 Hardk. Mark 25. 33. 134. 208. 209 "0 lahoma" "Fiddler on the Roof" "Guys and Dolls" Thesptan Hams. Dan 25. 134. 138.208.209 "Oklahoma" "fiuuler on the R.oor· Drarna


Football Team Harris. Lorie 25 Hartlcrodc. Cnthy 25 Heinm1ller. John 25 Hendnch Ron 25 Hcncricksen. Scou 25 Hendricksen. Stacy 25 Henmngsen. Fred 25 Hevelone. Dean 25 Hewttt, Robert 25 VICA AID Heywood. Ronda 25 Hiau. Kacee 25 FBLA A Capella Acuvuy Chairman Sophomore Cheerleader Charloman 2nd at Turkey Strut Htckman. An neue 25 Sltt Club FHA Hill. Jenny 25 FBLA Hill. Kevin 25 Hilton. John (Terry) 25. 114. 126 ACalulla Skt Cub Forenstcs Madngals Sophomore Assembly Holley. Shelley 26. 114. 126. 134. 208.209 A Capella Madrigals "Fiddler on the Roof' "Guy\ and Dolls" Holm. Steve 26 Holmstead. Lome 26 Holt. Pauhne 16. 26. 115. 127. 129. 202 Nallonall lonor Soctety March1n~ l~and

Pep Ban Senior Class Vice-President Broadcaster Starr Dogpatch Committee Student Counc1l Jumor Assembly Semor A\)embly Honor Roll State Math Test Top 10' Hooser. Merl 26 VIC' A Houmand. Lt~a 26 Howard. Greg 26 Howell. Scott 26. 128 Vul~dtctnrtan

Youn~ Amencan Team Capt:un Semmary Bowl Captain Salt Ulke Sctence Metropolitan Fair Wmncr Intermountain Sctence and l lumantties Sympostum Scholarshtp toN. Y. Camp Repre\enung Intermountain West Scholar\htp to U. of U. Summer Chemtstr; Youth of the Month Sc1ence Sterhng Scholar .• Weber State lnvita uonal Debate Excellent at State m Debate Eagle Scout Du~ to God Award ht lace Semmary Bowl Reg~onal Young Amencan Award B.S.A.

Epsilon St~ma Essay Wmner $25 Bond rom Gov Rampton

I lpson. Marilyn 26 Key Club Youth Service CeMer

J Jack. Robert 26 Law Enforcement Prestdent Broadcaster Starr Tenm> Letterman Football James. Janet 26 A Capella Jarvis 26 Jensen. Alden 26 Ski Club Jensen. Brian 26 Jensen. Cody 26 Jensen. Jerry 26 Jensen. Kenny 12. 13. 14. 15. 26. 138 Leuermans Club Student body Offic:er-Attorney General Leuered in Ba~ket Ball Leuered in Footba.ll 2nd Place in Sculpture Duke Sen tor Hop l~otlt> Honorable Mention tate Art Show Honorable Mentto•n-RegJOn Football Jensen. Mike 26 Jensen. Sondra 26. 1116. 119 Jex. Jeff 26 Johnson. Heidt 26 Jones. Leah 26. 114. 129 A Capella Band Jones. Ltsa 26 Jones. Shetla 26. 116 Joos. Beverly 26

K Kelso. Cathy 27. 116, 122 DECA FBLA DECA Secretary Skt Club Kendrick. John 27 Kerby. G1na 27 Cheerleader K.telian. Barb1 VIC A Bat Girl Thespians Reg1on Drama le11m State Drama Team "Ftddler on the Ro-of' "Oklahoma Su/knor m Monoacung Kno er. Tim 134,209 Thespians "Fiddler on the Ro-of" Constable Krebs. Steve 27 Cross Countr; Track Kruefer. Ro,ana 27 VI A Secretary of Draht ng Seclion Kunzz., Carla 27. 119 FHA Honor Roll

L Landeen. Mtke 27 ACarona Jazz nsemble Pep Band President Jazz En,•!mble Boys State Langford. Kenny 27 Larsen. Chris 27 Leake. Kathy 27 VICA FBLA Leaviu. Holle}' 16.27. 134. 208 Thespians Senior Girl~ Senator

Semmary Bulletm Broad VtcePrestdent "Oklahoma·· "Fiddler on the Roof" Grandma Tzeitel "Guy~ and Dolls" Dogpatch Commiuee Get Acquainted Assembly Sen tor Hop Commiuee Sen tor Progresstve Commtttee Senior Assembly Junior Assembly Jordan Ol)mp1cs llonor Roll Thespian Honor Award Leavttt, Jodt 27 Ski Club Lennberg. Julie 27. 126 A Capella Madngals Madrigals Acuvu; Chatrman Ltmb. Mea27 VICA Red Cross L1mb. Uda 27 Ltule. Cmdy 28. 125 Jordaneues Ltvingston. Wendy 28 Lockyer. Starling Servtce Arts Lucas. Karste 28 Lundberg. Davtd 28 Lunt. Michelle 28. 134. 202. 203. 209 Nat' I Honor Society Thespians FHA Broadcaster Staff Feature Editor FHA Vtce-President Sweethearts Commiuee Reg10n Drama Team Sophomore Pia; "Oklahoma" "Ftddler on the Roof" "Guys and Dolls" Lavern Top 3' all Three Years Lyon. Jeff 28 Lythgoe. Boyd 28

M ~aag.

Paul28. 130 \1ace. Jerry 28. 145 \1addocks. Mark 28 ~aghone~. Gale 28 Mantact. usan 28. 127. 129 Band-Pep Marching Band Band ltbrarian Orchestra for Plai \1a~hall. \1elonie 8. 202 Martm.Jtm28.126 "Oklahoma·· Judd Fn \1adngab Thespians Mason. Allen "Guy) and Dolls" VIC A Skt Club VIC A Class President l.tghung Crew Stug.,Crew 'Jew York Tnp Ment tn Art Mathte, Jackte 28 Maw. Delynn 28 Mayall. Karla 28. 114. 125. 126. 127 Madngals A Capella "Guys and Dolls" Fla3Squad Jor anettes French Club Fla~ Squad Head l)t lace Small Band Anz.ona Compeuhon Solo Ensemble Competition To~3:;;:'

May ew. Barbara 28. 126. 134. 208.209 The~ptan Prestdent Regton and State Drama Team

2.4 3

"Fiddler on the Roof' Tzeltel

"Guys and Dolls" Madrigals Maynes. Jolene 28. 134.209 Thespians "Oklahoma" "F1ddler on the Roof' "Guys and Dolls" Drama Team Maynes. Kevm 124 Maynes. Larry VIC A Mcallister. Y1vian 7. 28. 114. 115. 127. 129. 133. 134.209 Thesp1an~ Club Dance Club Band A Cappella Honor Society "Oklahoma" "Fiddler on the Roof" "Guy~ and Dolls" "Honor Roll "Once Upon a Mattress" McDonald. Kathy 28 Mcle1sh. Kerry 29 McPherron. Tamara 29. 116 FBLA Mead. Chde 29. 139 Meyers, Margaret 29 Miller. R1ch 29 Miller. Scott 29 Millerberg. Colleen FBLA Ski Club Junior Class Secretary Jun1or Prom Committee M1llerberg. Tracy 29.236.237. 239 Yearbook Starr Sk1 Club President of "Comb" Club Sophomore Class Secretary Assistant Editor of Yearbook Honorary Member of the Farrah Fawcett Fan Club Dogpatch Comm1ttee Sophomore Assembly Mills. Telvm 29 VIC A Golf Club CBCiub Mitchell. Kevm 29. 122. 145 DECA Sk1Club Parliamentanan-DECA Homecoming Committee Mitchell. Michael 29 VICA Sk.J Club Ski Club President VICA Drafung Secuon Treasurer Morrill. Dean 29. 126. 127. 129. 133. 208 Toss-up Club A Capella Madngals Pep Band Marchmg Band Concert Band Sub-Debs and Squ1res Vice-President of Toss-Up Club Historian of Toss-Up "Oklahoma" "Fiddler on the Roof" "Once Upon a Mattre\~ .. Honors Band Honors Choir District Solo Festival Supenor Rating Mortensen. Brad 29 Sk1 Club Football Track AJl Male Cheering Secuon Senior Assembly Mortensen. Parley VlCA Mortensen. Rose VIC A Jordanette

Yearbook Staff Jordanettes Secretary Editor of Yearbook Home Room Representative Homecoming Comm1ttee Mounteer. Mitche1129 Mumford. L1sa 29. 116. 126 FBLA FHBLA Secretary Madngals Murphy. Holli 29 FHA VIC A Broadcaster Staff Editonal Editor FHA Pres1dent Nat'l Honor Soc1ety Semmary Execuuve Counc1l Bulletin Board Vice-Pres1dent Devotional Vice-President Sweethearts Dance Committee G1rls State Top3#' Sterhng Scholar m Home Econom1cs

N Nagel. Ann Marie 29 Nelson. Brad 29 VICA Nelson. Kerry 29. 125 Nelson. Sue 30 "Guys and Dolls" Nena. John 30. 40 Neve. Doug 30 Nichol. Kevin N1chols. Dawn 30 Niksich. Allen 30 Noffsmger. Dannie 30 "Oklahoma" "Once Upon a Mattress" Thesp1an Club DECA Region Drama Team State Drama Team Excellent Rating Noms. Nolan 30 VIC A

0 Oakason. Von 30 Oar. Mike 30. 134.206. 208 Thesp~an Club "Oklahoma"-Will Parker "Fantasuks"-El Gallo "Fiddler on the Roof"-Tev}e "Guys and Dolls"-Sky Masterson "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown"-Charlie Reg1on Drama Team State Drama Team Solo and Ensemble FesuvaiSupenor Ratmg 10 all Events ()aden. Sydney 30 Ofdfather. Blll30 Olsen. Ranae 30. 115. 122 FHA Jordanettes DECA Bookstore DECA H1storian Homecommg Committee Olsen. Richard 30. 134 208 Soccer Team Thesp1an Club ·'Fiddler on the Roof" OnuverO\. Troy 30 Ordakowsk1. Michelle 30. 31. 120 Osborne. Steve 15. 16, 30. 139 Letterman Club Lettered in Football Lettered in Track Lettered m Basketball Jumor Class Boys Senator Oswald, Joel 30. 139 Sk1 Club Football Basketball Lettered in Football Ovard. Jenmfer 30 GAA Sk1 Club

A Cappella "Once Upon a Mattress" "Oklahoma" Gymnastics Team J. V. Cheerle.ader Overman. Norlene 30 Overosn. Karen 23. 30. 114 Jordanettes FBLA GAA A Cappella Jordanettes ,Secretary "Giraffe Story" Honor Roll Seminary G1raduate Overstreet. Pat 31 VLF J.H. Vars1ty Dnnkmg Team Buz.zCiub Vice-Preside:nt VLF President VLF Secretary Buzz Club Most Unhkdy to Succeed Oxley. Danny 31. 126. 133 A Cappella Madngals Sub-Debs and Squ1res Club Owsky. Catherine 31

p Palmer. Suzamne31. 115. 116. 128 Concert Bartd Orchestra Orchestra for "F1ddler" Orchestra for "Guy' and Dolls" FBLA Panas. Bruce 31. 122 Pasley. Sonja 31. 134. 209 "Oklahoma" "Fiddler on the Roof" -Golde Thesp1an Club "Gu,Ys and Dolls" Reg10n Drama Team State Drama1 Team Paskett. Patrie ia FHA Gymnasucs Team Captam "Oklahoma" P1amst 4th m State C:::ompeuuon All-Around in Begmmg Gymnastics Patterson. Brent 31 Payne. Berry 6. 31. 114. 126. 134. 206.209 ''Fantasuks"-Matt "Oklahoma" "Fiddler on the Roof"-Sasha "Guys and [)olls"·Nicely N1cely Johnson Thesp1an Club lmprov ream at Reg1on and State A Cappella Madngals Solo and Ensemble FesuvaiSupenor "Once Uporl a Mattress" PecoreIh. Sam 3 I DECA VICA Toss-Up Club V1ce-Pres1dc:nt -1 0\s-Up\ Pendleton. Nadme 3 I, I 14 Perkms. Connie 3 I, I 14 Perkins. Juhe 31 DECA Yearbook Staff Dog.patch Committee Sophomore Assembl) I fomecomm g Committee Petersen. Cheryl I 2. 14. I 5. 31. I 20. 121. 124 Sk1 Club Student Government FBLA Dance Company f'orens1cs Student body Secretary Gymnastics Team Debate Team State FBLA Accounting Contest Wrestlerette Dogp.uch Committee

State Math Contest Guls State Nat'l Honor Soc1ety Top5' Governors Cup Debate Quarter Finalist Honor Roll Delegate Senate Youth Program Petersen. Marc31, 136. 144.231 Peterson, Barbara 31. I 14. 127. 128. 133. 149 A Cappella Orchestra Band Orchestra for "Guys and Dolls". "Fiddler on the Roof". and "Oklahoma" "You're a Good Man, Charhe Brown"- Pianist Piano Solo at District Festival Charlonian Peterson. Kay Lene 3 I Phllhps. Ang1dl. 119 FBLA Sk1Ciub TenmsTeam FHA lfomecoming Committee Sweethearts Committee Phillips. Cindy 31. 149 Ph1lhps. Melinda 31. 114. 126.208 A Cappella Madrigals School Play-So(>homore Student Mus1c Dlrector"Fiddler in the Roof" "Guys and Dolls" Solo & Ensemble Fest1val Ph1pps. Russ31 Spectrem Picket. Greg VICA Pierce. Lisa 31. I 14, I I 9 A Cappella llonor Roll FHA Semmary Counc1l Pierce. V1ck1e 32. I 16 I BLA FBLA Reporter Pingree. An 32 Pitts, Janet 32 Plotts. lfelen 32 Powell. Nonman 29. 32 VIC A AJI Male Cheenng Section Sen1or Assembly Pep Assemblies Recipient of Spirit Stick Pl1mm. Sandra 32, 149 Charlonian

Q Qumtana. Core} 32

R Readind. Daniel 32, 133 Reeve. Teena 32. 119 R.Jcord. Coral 32. I 19 f'BLA fHA DECA Nnt'l Honor Soc1ety Seminary Council lfonor Roll Semmary Histonan R1dmg. Don 32. I 14. 134. 20i DECA Thesp1an Club A Cappella Sk1 Club "Fiddler on the Roof" "Guys and Dolls" R.Jdmg. Janet 32 R.Jdmg. Susan 32 Robmson. Sandy 32 Rocks. Douglas 32 Rogers. Dod1e 32. 119 VICA FilA-Hero Romome. Annie 32 Ronme. Mary 32 Ro\s, Burk 12, 13. 14. 15. 32. 139.

141 Leuermans Club Junior Class President Student body First Y1Cc· Pres1dent Leuered 10 Football Track-Leuered Wresthn$ Team Leuered 10 Baseball Football Capta10 2nd Team All Reg1on and 1st Team All D1stnct in Football Ross. Todd 6, 32. 120. 130. 134. 139,187,202.208 "Guys and Dolls"-Brann~an "Fiddler on the Roor'-Fi dler Stage Crew Region and State Rama Team Thespian Club Roundy. Laurie 32 Rowell, Darrell 33


Sadler, Scherie 33 Sant, Sharon 33. 115 Sava$e. Todd 33 Sk1 Club Wrestling Savolaianen. Jaana 33 Schmidt, Chris 33 VICA Schmidt. G10a 33. 114 ACa~pella

Vice res. A Cappella Giraffe Story Sharp, Karin 33 Sharp, Raymond 33 Toss-Up Shaw, 33 Shelton, arc 33 Shipley, Elame 33 Shon, Stanson 33 Shczt· Luan 33


Gymnasucs State Medal10 Gymna~llc\ S1everts. Tony 33 Letterman Y1ce Pres. Leuerman Wresthng 1st Place RegJon WreMhng 2nd Place State Wresthng S1lcox, Bryan 33 Sirrine, Robert 33. 139 Simon. Robert 33 Skinner. Teresa 33 Model U.N. VlCA Smith, An neue 33 Smith, Becky Smith, Dou~ 34. 114 A Cappel a J-lonor Society Top 10' Smith, Jeff 34 Sm1th, Jeri 124 Sm1th, Paul 34 Sm1th, Ph1hp 34 Smuh, Ranae 34. 149 Smuh, Roland 34 Sm1th, Steve 25. 34, 139 VlCA Slo Club Leuermans Club Wresthng Team Track Football Honor Soc1ety Top 10#' Sm1th, Tom 34 Sk1Ciub Smith, Trac1e 34. 114 FBLA FHA VlCA A Cappella Sorensen. Debra 34 Sorensen, Phillip 34 DECA Spratt, Rosemane 34 DECA VIC A Stendman, Jana 34, 149


hen~. John



Sterlt'1r; Connie 34. 126.209 Ma rigals "Fiddler on lhe Roof" Stewart, Mark 34. 125 Still, Brian 34, 16, 139 Leuerman Club Senior Class President Football Basketball Track Baseball lnte:bative Team Foot all Captain Track Captain 2nd All State Football 1st Team Region 1st Team District All State Track Stillman. John 34 Stringfellow, Todd 34,202 Stubblefield, Roger 34 Sundell, Jack 34 Sweetnng, Susy 34 Sybrowsky. Glenn 35

T Ta~rt,

Terrell 35 Ta11, Tina 35 Tapia, Mary 35. 120 Taylor, Bryce 35 1 aylor, Karma 35 Tal!or. Mick 35, 139 uerman lub Football Baseball Ta~lor. Wendy 16, 35, 202. 203 loCiub FBLA GAA FJA Nat'l Honor Society Semor Secretary Broadcaster Assistant Editor Do~atch Commiuee Sha espeare Week Student Counc1l Honor Roll Tazzer, Sonyia 35, 116 Slo Club Jordanettes Club FBLA Broadcaster Editorial Editor To£3' terlinll Scholar in Business Educallon Thaxton, Shawna 35 Thelin. Russe1135, 137, 139 Letterman Club Football Co-Captain Football Track and Field Wrestling Thomas. Brad 35 Thomas. Calh 35. 114 ACapralla Thome, aren 35, 149 Charloman Thome, Jod1e 35 Thome. Lori lee 35 FBLA Halloween Stomp Commlltee Thorpe, Anne Mane 35 Throckmorton, Richard 101 1imothy. Bill35, 139 Timothk. Debb1e 35 Tobtn. athenne 35, 114 Tong~sh. Dan 21.35 Football Basketball Mana~er Get Acqua10ted any Commmee Jordan Olympics Dogpatch Assembly Excellent in Region Debate


u Ulibarri, Pam 36 DECA FI-lA


Vaccaro. Glona 36 Vanamaen, Ne~a, 36 Van Leeuwen, alyn 36 FBLA Yeater. Rebecca 24. 26, 36, 119. 114 A Cappella Veltri, Steven 36 Vowles. Danny 36, 124

w Wadsworth, Con 36 Wagstaff. Karen 36 Wa~taff. Tenlyn 36 Wa ton, Tad1ana 36 Orchestra Waters, Steve 36 Webster, Dav1d 36 Webster, Joy 36, 125 FHA Model United Nations Jordaneues Sweethearts Commiuee Webster. Michelle 36 Welch, Patsy 36 Thespian Club ''Once Upon a Mauress" "Giraffe Story" Christmas Play Region and State Drama Com~tition in Dramatic Rea ing Superior at Region Excellent at State Alternate at State m Pantom1me Welch, Tony 36, 115, 122.236.239 DECA DECA Pres1dent Yearbook Staff Nat'! Honor Soc1ety Honor Roll Whetman, Mark 36. 139 Wilkins. Randy 36 SkiClub Basketball Willette, Shwnna 36 GAA Jordanetle) Sk1Ciub Oass Representative Lettered 10 Basketball Honor Roll Willson. Sandra 36 Williams, De1137. 124 VICA Forensics Utah State Officer-VIC A State Parliamentarian Jordan Parliamentarian State VJCA Conference National Conference Held 10 Ohio Williams, Terry 37 Woodruff, Kent 37, 144 VICA Football GolfTeam Woolsey, Mark 37, 114. 126. 145 Chess Club Honor Roll Madngals ACa~pella

Marc 10g Band Leuermans Club Capta10 of Cross Country Track Cross Country Sem10ary Bowl Team Music Sterhng Scholar Honor Roll 1st Place Sem10ary Bowl 8th 10 Track-M1le at Reg~on Top 10#' W\rman,Brent37.236,237 earbook Staff VlCA Model United Nations All Male Cheerin& Section Pep Assembly Top 10#' Honor Roll


Yazhe, Gary 37 Yergensen. Niel37 Yost, Brenda 37 GAA Softball Volleyball Basketball Track Young, Don 32 Young, Francene 37 Young. Mark 37


Zupan, George 37 VICA

A Adams, Sherilyn 39. 114, 134,209. 236,238 Ainsworth, Wendy 39 Akagi, David 39. 128 Akagi, Troy 39 Aland, Greg 39 Alder, Joann 39 Allen. Brian 39. 138, 142 Allen, Gordon 39 Allen, Karalee 39 Allen, Reid 39 Allsop, Sheri 39, 145 Alvey, James 39 Anderson, Breu39, 125 Anderson, Rela 39, 114, 116 Anderson, Carrie 39 Anderson, Daene 39 Anderson. Robert 39 Anderson, Russell39. 43 Anderton, Lesley 39 Andrizzi. Lance 39 Andrus, Tracy 39, 115. 122 Archuleta, Ryan 39 Argyle. Walt 39 Armistead, John 39, 114 Arnold. James 40 Arone. Frank 40 Ashton. Kin 40

B Ba~ey. Jeff 40

Ba1ley, Carol 40 Bailey, Wendell40 Baker, Holly 40 Ballamis, Louis 40 Ballard, Wayne 40 Barber, Cory 40 Barlow, Russ 40 Bates, Debi 40 Baugh, Charlene 40 Beardall, Linda 40. 125 Beck. Mark 40 Beckstead, Danny 40 Beckstead, Russe1140 Bell, Troy 40 Benson, Heidi 40 Bentley, Sam 40 Bereson, Lynann 40, 148, 230 Bess, Morton 40 Birch,James40, 138, 141, 142 B1rd, Marty 40, 115, 209 B1rd. Tracey 41 Blackwood, Lynne41, 114 Blundell, Bryan 41 Bodtcher, Shelley 41, 148,228 Bofienschutz, Susan 41, 119 Bo tiger. Lyndon 41 Bolton. Russell41 Bonham, Todd41, 127 Borusteel, Jim 41 Booms, Tom 41 Bosch. Gary 41 Bowman, Blair 138, 142 Bowles, Brent 41. 208 Bowman, Steve 41 Boynton. Deanna 41, 148 Bonton, Paul41 Bra~. Gordon 41, 138, 142 Bri ey, Chris 41 Brown. Caroldeen 41 Brown,Cindy41, 148 Brown, Leisa 41 , 148 Brown, Michae141, 57, 144 Brown. Ronald 41 Brown, Russell41. 145 Bucy. Carmen 41


Bunkall. Kent42 Burak. Roger 42. 55 Burden, Brett 42 Burgener. Korby 42 Burkinshaw. Troy 42 Burnmg,ham. Kim 42 Burn\1de. Brad 42. 145 Burns1de. Jadc1e 42. 123 152 Burton. Scott 42 Burton. Sherry 39. 42. 123. 161. 236 Butterfield. Troy 42 Butter~. Steve 42


Caldwell. Cra1g 42 Cannon. Doug42. 144 Carmen. Suey 42 Carroll. Bryan 42 Carter. Ronald42. 127. 129. 138 Casterline. Loren 42, 124 Charlton. Debbie 127. 129 Chavet. M•guel42 Ch1solm. Terf) 42 ChnMensen. Dave42. 124. 138. 142 Chri~teno;en. Mark 42. 122. 199 Chnstensen. Nyle 42 Chnstensen. Polly 42 Christensen. Ruth 43 Churchill. Car143 Oark. R•chard 43 Coletti. Jeff 43. 138. 142 Colett•. Nata he 43 Collier. K1m 43. 130 Colouhoun, James 43 Combs. Brenda 43 Conley. David 43 Cornaby. W1lham 43 Costanw. Randy 43 Cowley. Steve 43 Craggs. Susan 43 Crapo. Melyn43. 105.120. 134. 206.209 Cremo. Ron 43 Crook.Staci43. 134.209 Crooks. Cind•43. 124 Crouch. "'•chael 43 Crystai.L1sa 43. 119 Curtis. Ken 43 Curt1s, Tony 43 Curtis. Verl43, 125 Cutler. Heather 43. 114.209 Cutler. Todd 43

0 Da1gneault. Joe 44 Dans1e, John 44 Dav1dson. Ronald 44. 122 Davts. Darwin 44 Davis. Pete 44 Day. Marlene 44. 148. 209 Deal. Larry 44 Deboer. Doug44 Della. P1ana R1sa 44 Demas, Stacey44. 148 Demson, Karla 44, 152 Denison. Kayla 5, 44, 156 Denn•s. Keely 44. 148 Densley. ca~ey 44 Dlckerwn. Bryan 44. 144 Dittmar. Angela 44. 134. 198. 208. 209 Dowland. Randy 44 Dunn. Sheri 44. 114. 20':1

E Ebert. K1rk 44 Eckmann. Allan 44. 114, 124 Edvalson. M•ke44 Edwardson, Chryl44 Edwards. Janet44. 148 Edwards. Polly 44 Elg. Patnce 45 Ellmgson. Karla 39. 45. 123 Enniss. "'elodie 45 Enckson. Janet45. 152 Er1ckson. Ronald 45 Evenson. Jeff 45

F Fairbourn. Rodney 45 Fairbourn. Marvin 45. 138. 142 Farnsworth. Tamm) 45 Fenton. Jack•45. 152.157


F1sher. Esther 45 Foutz, Lisa 45, 148,228 Fowles. Nolan 45 Fredrickson. Cathy 45 Frill. Paul 45 Furner, Steve 45

G Gallagher. Rob45 Gansauge, Lori 45 Garamend1, Mark 45 Garfield, Jan 45, 124 Gibson. Cathy 45 Goodnch. Rebecca Gonzales. Patricia 45. 116. 186 Gord. Vick•e 45 Got berg. Byron 46 Gotfredson. Collett, 127 Graham. Ron 46 Gregory. Bryce 40. 46 Gnbble. Glenn 46. 202 Griffith, Grnat 138. 142 Gnffnhs. Dermont 46 Gnmaud. R1ck 46 Groom. Denise 46 Grygla, Joel46. 115. 127. 138. 142 Guest. Jami 46

H Hales. Warren 46 Hall, T1m46 Halligan. Tawna 46. 134.209 Halhck. James 138. 186 Ham•lton. Railene 46 Hansen. David 46. 11 5. 122. 124 Hansen. Mildred 46. 116 Hardin~. Robert46 Harris. M•chea146 Hatch. Jenmfer 46. 149, 228 Haueter, Shen 46. I 14 Heaton. Enc 46 Henderson. Benjamin 46 Hendnckson. Mark 46 Hendnckson. Marie 46 Hendnckson. Stace) Henne. Dav1d 47 Hepner, Jeff 47 Hermansen. Shiloah 47 Heywood. Lewis 47 Higgins. Ronda 47, 126 Hill, Dav1d 47 H1ll, Karen 47 Hoffman. Mark 47 Hown. R1chard 47 Holle. Gayle 47. 122 Holley, Dav1d 47 Holliday. Brian 47 Holmstead. Kendell47 Holt. Sh1rlynn 47, 156 Homer. Karen 47. 150. 151.228 Homer. Kaylene 47. I 19. 124 Home. 1 racy 47 Howell, Dan 47 Howard. Kev1n 47 Houghton. Mickael47 Housekeeper. Brenda 47 Hunt. Russell47. 138. 142 Hunter, Troy 47 H utchln~n. Rod 124 Hyde, Cherne 47. 160

I Isakson. Shelly 48

J Jack.Jody48. 114 Jachon. Scott 48 Jacobson. D~a ne 44. 48 I 20. 154. 155. 157. 191.228 Jarv1e. Yvonne I 7, 48. 130 Jenkins. Marian 48 Jensen. Doug 48 Jensen. Karen 48. 122 Jensen. Lesa 48. 147. 149. 209 Jensen. Scott 48 Jensen. Steven 48 Jensen. Randall48 Johnson. Karen 48 Johnson. Randy48 Johnson. Robyn 48. 11 6. 147. 149 Jones. Chad 48 Jones. J1m 48 Jorgensen. Jnlyn 48. 150, 151.228

Ju. Michael48 Just. V1ctor 48

K Keele, Tracy 48. 125 Kemp. Lynette 48 Kemp, Robert 138. 142 Kennelly. Dannette 48 Kertx. Lana 49. 188 K~ng. Lance 49 Kirton. Alan 49 Koehler, Doug 49 Korpi. Diane 49 Kretx. M1ke 49

L Lambson. Melv~n 49 Lang, Debbie. 49 Langenbacker, Chrys 49 Langston, Kirtus 49, 139, 142 Larsen, lleather 49, 114 Larson. Terry49 Lasater. Dave 49 Lee. Veralene49. 127, 161 Lehenbauer. Gerry 49 Lehenbauer. Jackte 49 Leonard, Barbi 49 Lester. J ulie 49 LeWIS. Karen 49 L1mb. Harriet 49 Linam. R1ck 49. 139. 142 Lmnarz. L1sa 49 Lloyd. Denice 49. 116 Logan. Jenny 39. 49. 123. 161 Loosle. Todd 50 Loveless. Shelley 50. 127 Lucero. J1mmy 50 Lucero. Pat6. 50. 139. 140. 142 Lund. Lon 50 Lunt. Todd 50. 124 Lykms. Darla 50. 122 Lyman, J1m 50 Lyman, Leslie 50. 116. 126.209 Lyon. Monte 50. 122

M Maim. Sherrill 50 March. Tom 50. 139 Marcovech•o. Mane 50 Ma roney. Susan 50. 125 Martin. David 50 Marwedel. Ralph 50 Masa. Laune 50 Mason, Shelley 50 "'aw. Randy 50. 125 Mayall. Kathleen 50, 127 McDonald Ranae 50 McDonald, Sharon 50 McDowell. Dav1d 50. 139. 142 Mcl lenry. Cra1g 50 McMaster. Tracy 51. 149 McNulty. Marune46. 51.236.237. 239 McPhail. Marla 51 Mecham George 51 Mecham, Jill 51. 202 Meenen. Leshe 51 Melv•lle. Shan 39. 51, 123. 160. 162. 189 Memtt. Mark 51 Meyer. Mark 51 M1ller. Darren 51 Mineer. Bryan 51 M1tchell. Debb•e 51. 149 M1tchell. Glen 51 Morgan. Nalhe 51. 116. 119 Mulhner. J uhe 51. 149 Murphy. Laura 51

N Nagel. Paul 51 Neff, Wade 51 NeJ..en. Jeff 5 I Nelson. Andy 129 Nelson, Lori 51 Nclwn. Randy 51 Nelwn. Robyn 51 Nelwn, Tma 51. 152 Neria. Robert 51 Newbold. Ken 52 N1emann, Aaron 52 Noke\, Holl} 52 Noorda. Tma 52

Nowotony. Cra•g 52

0 Olsen. Chad 52. 125 Olsen. David 45. 52. 54. 139. 142 Olson. Brian 52 Olson, Diane 52. 127. 134.202.208 Olson. Connie 52 Orgill, Doug 52 Orth, Bnan 52, 209 Ostler. Dave 52 Ostler. Moniace 52. 121. 122 Ostler. Reece 52 Overson. Shelly 52 Ov•att. David 52 Ovard. Jenmfer 160

p Pace, Karen 52. 114, 134.208.209. 236.238 Pandolfi. Ernie 52 Pangos. Becky 52. 123. 156. 161 Park. Cra1g 52 Parker, Denton 52 Parks. Lisa 52 Parry, Joseph 52. 202 Patterson. Tari 53. 11 6 Peart. Mike 53 Pederson. Bruce 53 Pere1. Vmce 53 Peterson. Boyd 53, 144 Peterson. Mark 53, 144 Peterson, Martm 53 Peterson, Donna 53 Peterson. Matt 53 Peterson. Rebekah Petty, Kaylene Ph1pps. Mnch 53 Pierson. Jack1e 53 Ptxton. Brent 53 Powell, Stephen 53 Pratt. JeHery 53. 127, 129 Price. Doug 53 Pr1mm, Kaye 53. 149 Pnnce. Dwight 53. 126. 139. 142. 208 Proffitt. Robert 53. 124 Pullan, Joey 53. 139. 142

R Raddon. Jeff 53 Rag.\dale. Russell 53. 202 Read mg. Pat 53 Reber, Jack1e 54 Reber. Lynne 54 Reece. Karl 54 Re1d. Krisue 54 Richards. Lance 54. 122 Richards. Guy 142 Richards. Todd 54. 139. 186 R1chms. Joanne 54 R1dmg. B•ll 54 R1d1ng. Kent R•gby. Rulon 54 R1vera. Michael 54. 142 Robertson, Tonia 54, 114 Robertson, Carolyn 54 Roden. Lynn 54 Rogers, Ross 54 Romero. Fred 54 Ross, K1m 54 Roth. Rustin 54 Royter. Ken 54


Sadler. Chns 54 Salter. Stepha me 54 Sant, Robert 54 Saunders. Holly 54. 114 Schm1dt, Drew 55 Schnepplc. James 55. 139. 142 Scott, Craig 55 Sedr:ick. Randy 55 Sha1l. Tnc•a 55. 120. 12 1. 123. 152. 210 Sharp, L•sa 55 Shaw, Kathi 55. 236. 239 Simmons. Shauna 55. I 14 Simonson. Carl 55 S•mmonson. Debb1e 55 S1monson. Robert 55. 134 Smnott. Dawn 55. 114, 134.209 S•rnne. Dav1d 55. 139. 142

Slopworth. Milch 55 Smart. J1m 55 Smith, Jeri 55. 116 Smith, Kelly 55. 114. 124 Smith. Kevm 55 Smith. Layne 55. 114 Sm1th. Paul 55. 114. 125 Snideman, Steven 55 Snow, Danny 55 Snow, Gene 55 Sorenson. Kathleen 55, 105. 120. 121 Sorenson, Mar~orie 55 · Sorenson, B1ll 5. 139. 142 Sorenson, Don 56 Spencer. Evelyn 56, 115. 127, 128. 129, 131. 133 Springer. Kyle 56 Stephenson. Lyle 56. 114 Stewart, Kevin 56 Steil. Teresa 56, 125. 209 Stillman. Heidi Jo 56 Strate, Merrill 56. 191 Stofbur. Diane 56, 149 Sud ury. Scott 134.209 Sumsion. L•z. 56, 121 Swanson, Kirk 54, 56, 139 Swenson. Doug 56 Swider, Scott 56 Swilor. Mitch 56

T Takemon. Bret 56 Tanner, Kenyon 56 Tempest. Ranee 56 Tenney. Steven 56 Terry. Bnan 56 Thaxton. Melonie 56. I 14 Thomas, wa ne 56 Thompson. ebbie 56 Thompson. Shelby 56 Thorn. Krist1e 57 Thorpe. Dav1d 57. 134 Throckmorton. Shen 225 Timoney. Ryan 57. 120. 130,206, 209 Tolman. Mike 57 Tondro. Marlene I 16 Toole. Melon1e 7, 9. 57, 150. 151. 228 Torres. Rod 57. 139. 142 Tripp. M1chcal 57, 115, 127 Troester. Lori 57 Turner. Lorie 57. 116 Tuttle. Ranae 57


v VanAmen, Marty 57. 139. 142 Vansteetcr. Glen 57 Vantassell. StacJ. 57 Vawdrey. Curt 7 Vawdrey, Maxme 57. 114. 119, 125 Vawdrey. Paula 57 Vawdrel.' Scott 57 Yeater, onny 54, 57. 139, 142 Vineyard, Dave 57


Wadsworth. Todd 57 Wahlen. Jolene 47, 57 Walkenhorst. Jeff 57 Walkenhorst. Jodi 123. 161 Warburton. Don 57 Ward, K1rlo. 58 Washburn, Claudia 58, 134 Waters. Bryan Watkins, Ron 58 Watson. Phillip 58 Weaver. M1chelle 39. 58. 123. 161 Webb, Mark 58 Weed, CmdJ 58 Welch, Bra 58 West. M•chelle 58, 115, 127. 128, 129. 133 Westbrook. Shelly 58 Westerman, Paul 58 Westphal, Greg 58 Whet man, Valaine 58, 147. 149 Whitlock. Karie 58 Williams, Debbie 58, 116 Wilham\. Scott 58 Wilhamwn. Cary 58 Winegar. D1ane 123. 160

Wme~r. Knstme 58. 123. 160 Wmk er, Colette 58 Wiseman, Tamm~ 58 Wiseman, Tracy 8 Withers. Connie 58. 149 Whoolsey. Bl)an 58 Worthington. Trena 59. 114

y Yergensen, Kim 59. I 15. 127. 129 Young. Kirt 59 Young, Shayne 59 Young. Toni 59. 116

A Adair, Susan 61 Adams. Sabra 61. 134. 209 Adler. M1ke 61 Ainsworth. Todd 61 Akagi, Bryan 61 Aland, Jenn•fer 61 Allen, Cindy 61 Allen, Joe 61 Allsop. Dar:ryl 61 Anderson, B1ll6l Anderson, J1m 61. 143 Anderson, K•rk 61 Anderson. Mark 61, 138 Anderson. Mark 61, 124 Anderson. Nadme 61. 115. 128 Anderson. Val61 Andrus. Daren 61. 115 Andrus, Pam 61. 122, 125 Andus, Rory 61 Angell. Troy61 Anthon. Michael61 Arch1bald. Ca~ 61 Argyle, Brad 6 Arfyle, C{)nme 61 At mson. Larry 61 Atkinson. Leshe 61 AuiL Brad 61

B Baca. Randy 62 Bailey. Bryan 62 Bailey. David 62. 127. 129 Bakker. Ralph 62 Barlow.Steve62. 127, 129.131 Barton. Donna 62 Bates. Kellie 62 Bauer. Barry 62. 143 Beck, Suzanne 62 Beckstead. Vance 62 Beesley, Kathleen 62 BeW.}< Lucille 62 Be I, enneth 62 Belt. Jeff 62 Bently, Juliann 62 Berg. Steven 62 Bergener. Ruth 62. 131 Berner, Jeff 62, 124 Bess, Chnsty 62. 134 B1shop, CristD 62 Bitsoe, Prisci Ia 62 Black, Cindy 62. 131 Blanck. Julie 62, 116 Bhss. Do¥; 62 Blundell. ma 62 Bonisteel. Sandy 62. 116 Bosch.Cra~62. 127,129 Bosworth, ena 62. 63 Bowden. Kern 62. 63 Bowman. L1sa 62. 63. 122 Boydston. She1la 62, 63 Brannon, Traci 62. 63 Breeze. Matt 6 , 63 Brewster. Mehnda 62, 63, 116 Brklacich. Mark 62.63 Brown, Angela 62. 63, 125 Brown. Cmd~ 62, 63. 66 Brown, Phyl is 62. 63 Buhl, Mike 62, 63 Bunker, Sarah 62, 63 Burden, Conn1e 62. 63 Burgener. Barbara 62. 63. 125 Burfer, Pe~ 62. 63 Bur e. Lisa 3. 125 Burningham. Corrinne 63 Burnint,am. Lisa 63 Burnsi e. Jenmfer 63 Burton. Robm 39. 63. 123. 161 Bu\sing. Teme 63

Butkovich, Michelle 63 Butler. Sherry 63. 153


Caldwell, Ard1s 63 Campbell. Gordon 63. 201 Campbell, Kelly 63 Cannon, Tony 64 Carlson, Suzanne 64. I 16 Carroll, Becky 64. I 61 Carroll, Elaine 64, 119 Carter. J1m 64 Caruso, Judy 64. 125 Ca~. Linda 64 Cas ey.Guy64, 127.129 Casper. Anfela 64 Caz1er. Bee y 64 Caz1er, Doug 64 Chamberlin, Scott 64. 68. 131 Champion, Rand~64 Chadcman, Mike Chi ester. Bryce 64 Ch1dester. Chris 64 Chnstensen. Dan 64 Chnstensen. Jim 64 Christensen, John 64. 143 Christensen, Ted 64 Chnstensen, Warren 64 Christiansen. Carolyn 64 Christoffersen. Jeannette 64. 117 Oark. Angela 64 Oark, Dou~as 64 Oements, avid 64 Oine. Leslie 65. 134, 209 Coletti, Brett 65, 75 Collett, Carolt 65. 161 Conway. M1c ey 65 Conway. Todd 65 Cooke, Billie 65. 122. 133 Coombs, Bruce 65. I 45 Coz.z.ens, Ken 65 Crebs. Melinda 65 Cremo. Jeff 65 Culmer. Mark 65 Cumrmngs, Steven 65 Curtis, Leah 65, I 33 Cushing. Bryan 65 Cutler. Carolee 65. 114, 209 Cutler. Cody 65 Cutler, Dav1d 65 Cutler. Douglas 65. 124

D Dahl. Colette 65. 134,209 Dale, Trac1 127 Daley, Ruthann 65, I 25 Da11.1anov•ch. Jeanie 65 Dav1s, David 65 Davis. Jeff 65. 143 Dawdy. Phil 65 Day. Becky 65. 153 Day. Doug65 Da&. Yvette 65 De ban, Jim 66 Deboer. Greg 66 0eMIS. Joey 66 OeM1son. Allison 66, 123, 161 O.xon. J•m 66 Doten, Debbie 66 Dumas, Gayle 66

E Earl. Scott66. 143 Eddmgton. Barbara 66 Eggen, Kelly 66. 153 El~, Duane 66 Ehason, Russell66 tllsworth, Vance 66 Engh, Julie 66, 116 Enckson, Ana lee 66 Enckson. Greg66. 143 Eskelson, Alma 66. 127 Evans, Stacey 66 Evenson. Richard 66 Eyre. Den1se 66 Eyre. Steve

F Fadd1s, Kelly 66 Fafrtc,Brenda 66 Falf urn, Scott 66. 122. 131 Farnsworth. Conn1e 66 Farnsworth, Jana 66. 125

Farrington. Troy 66 Federspiel. Troy 66 Feragen. Chris 67 Feruson. Heidi 67. 115. 116. 127. 129 Fern. Nick67 Fischer. Monika 67 Fisher. Laun 67 Fisher, Va Ierie 67 Fitzgerald. Blake 67, 143 Fitzgerald. Jacci 61, 67. 123. 153 Forbush.Janet67, 125 Ford. James 67 Foster, Wendy 67, 156 Francom. Diane 67 Frandsen, Ran'2?67 Fratto. Debb1e 7. 122 Frischnecht. Mac 67 Frkovich. Terrie 65, 67, 119. 123. 161 Fuller, Mary 67, 82, 115, 128. 133, 134 Fullmer. Cheryl 67

G Garfield, Enmss 67 Gassman. Scott 67, 209 Gatehouse. Julieann 67. 134, 209 Gatherum. Keith 67 GentJJ. Gem 67. 115. 123. 127. 129 Gesse I. Scott 67 Geibbons. Mark 67 Gibbs, Michelle 67 Gilchrist. Julie 67 Gilgen. Debbie 130 Gillman. Lynette 68. 131 Glade, K1mberlee 68 Glassey. MaJorie 68. 76 Glines, Bruce 68 Glover, Bart 68 Gonzales. Jos~h 68 Gordon. K1m . 124, 125 Gotfredson. Meloni 115, 127 Gould mg. Blaine 68, 145 Graesser, Pam 68, 115. 127, 129 Graham, Tamera 68 Graves. Blake 68 Green. Jay 68 Green. Rodnel68 Green,~6

Greenw , Julie 68, I 16. 153, 200 Greer, Jill 68 Gregory. Allen 68, 127 Gressmen. M•chelle 68. 119 Gryfa· Joann 68 Gul Jeff 68

H Hadean. Greg 68. 143 Hadley, Angela 68 Hales. Connie 68. 125 Hamilton. Shelly 68 Hansen, Allen 68 Hansen. Bob1e 68 Hansen, Jana 68, 124 Hansen, JeH 69 Hansen. Kevan 69, 133 Hansen, K1rk 69 Hansen. R1cky 69 Hanson. Ted 69 Harding. Ken 69 Hardman. Kari 69. 73 Hardy. Carol 69 Hardy, Shanna 69 Harger, Brad 69 Harmon, Jackie 69 Harris, Rob 69. 143 Harrison. R•chard 69 Harward. M1ke 69, 115 Hatfield. Kevm 69 Hatton, R1chard 69 Havens, Doug 69, 122 Heaton, Debbie 69 Heesch, Colleen 69 Henderson. Brian 69 Henderson, Terrie69 Hendricks, Steve 69 Hendricksen. Jenny 69 Hendrickson, Stacey 69 Henrie, He1di 69 Henroid. Dav1d 69 Herman, Beverly 69 Hevelone, Johanna 70. 125


Heywood. John 70 Hmkle. Ray 70 Hodson. Robert 70 Hofhines, Brent70. 124 Holley, Richard 70 Hollm~er. Denms 70 Holt. a thy 70 HoiL Roxann 70, 156 Houmand. Jami 125 Huber, Mark 70 Hughey. Marshall70. 133. 134.208 Humphrey, Larry 70 Hunter, Gavm Hurdsman. Y1ck1 70 HuMvedt. Ann 70. 116 Hyde. Bonnie70. 187. 188

J Jackson. Patty 122. 125 James. Brenda 70 Jarvis. David Jenkins, Heidi 70 Jcsen. Chris 70. 131 Jensen. Jolene 70 Jensen. Jay 133 Jenson. Mike 70 John, Melanie 70. 122 Joh nson. Blair 70 Johnson. Bonn1e 70. 209 Johnson. Carolyn 70 Johnson. Trac1 70 Jolley. Sharon 70, 119 Jones. Bret 70 Jones, Janet 71 Jones, Robert 71 Jones. Ron 71. 143 Joo~. Ann 71. 122 Ju. Ste~hanie 71 Judd. im 71. 143

K Keefer. Andrew 71. 124 Kelly. Sandy 71 Kempner. M1chelle 71 Kersey. Dan 64. 71. 127. 129 Knaras. Connie 71 Knoffer. Jean 71. 123 Knokp. Pam 71 Knn e. John 71 K1holm. Lohn 71 K1mball. Kathenne 71

L Landeen. Todd 71. 127 Lang. Jenmfer 71 Larsen. Clmt 71 LarM:n. Tamy 71 Larson. John 71 Latimer. Jim 71 Laveder. Tawnya 71 Leake. Manlyn 71 Leany. Sheryl71 Leany. Gerald 71 Le1M:r. Tamm1e 71 Lerohl. Andy 72. 127. 129 Lester. Scott 72. 133. 134 LeW!\, 'vf1ke 72 L1but11. \.11ke 72 Lmd. M1chae112. 145 Lloyd. Leslie 72. 116 Lloyd. Paul 72 Luca\. Lynsey 72 Ludlow. Kelly. 72 Ludlo~. Shawn 72. 124 Lundstrom. Jod1 72 Luttrell. Donald 72 Lyon. Joe 72 Lyon. Terry 72 Ly. thgoc. Kev1n 8. 72

M Mace. Joanna 72 Mackay. Leroy 72 Maddocks. Liz 72 \.1ad\Cn. Gary 72. 122 'vfaJor. Darcy 72 Mal\lrom. ca~C) 72 Man~um. Sherry 72 Man1ac1. Shelley 72. 11 5. 127. 129. 134.209 'vfarch. Dma 72 'vfanm. Patty 72 Manmez.. J1m 72


Matheson. David 72. 114. 133.208. 209 Mathie, Gary 73, 143 Mathie. Heather i'3 Math1e, Sherrie 73 Mi(fan. Angela 73. 82. 127. 134. Maxfield. Pam 73 Mayhew. David 73 Maynard. Teresa 73 Maynes, Kelly 73 Maynes. Kevm 7J. McAllister. Y1rgm1a 73. 127. 134. 209 McO>rm1ck, Lesli1e 67. 73. 116. 125 McDonald. Troy 73 McDonald. Carohn 123. 160 McHenry, Marsh 73 McLe1sh. Kathy 73 McNeal. Rusty 73 McNichol. Dondi 73 McNulty. Michellle 73. 80 Meadow\, Christine 73 Meadow). Loren 73 Meadow~. M1ke 73 Meyer. LoUJs 73 Meyers. Madelynne 73 Mecham. David i'3. 127 Meldrum. Mike 73. 200 Meynck. Corey 7 3 Middleton. J maes 73 M1lenoff. Mar~ i'3 Miller. ErneM 4. 127. 129 Miller. Selena 74. 127 Miller. Willy 74 Mills. Dav1d 74. 139 Mishler. Gordon 74 Much ell. Cra1~ 74 Muchell. Gart 7·4 Mitchell. Ke1th 74 Mitchell. T1m 74. 11 5. 127. 128. 133 Mock. Abby 74 \.tonen<,en, Sheila 74. 125. 188 Mounteer. Jeff 74·. 143 Muhlestc1n. Kathy74. 127. 129 Mulhner. Kathi 74, 122 Murphy. l odd 741

N elson. Becky 74 Nelson. Curt 74 Nelson. Martfj 74 Nelson, Nata ie 74 Nelson. Steve 74 Nelson. Thomas 74 elson. r racy 74 Newhou~c. Marsha 74 Niel\en. J.C. 74 Nielsen. Jeff 74 Nielson. Marcyn•e 63. 74, 122 'lielsen. Walne 74 1\loffsmger. an 75. II 5 128 Nohavec. Bob 75. 115. 127 Nowotny. Pam 7.5 Nuz.man. Donni~: 75

0 O'Bnen. Cmd1 7S. 124 Ogden. Ah\on 75. 116 gnden. Chm 75. 131 0 phant. Raelean 4. 67.75 Oliver. Darlene 75 Ohver. DeeAnn ~15 01\en, Doue 75. 156.200 Olson. Dav1d 75 Ordakow\kl. 'v1a rk 75. 127. 129 Ostler. Jeffrey 75. 124. 134 O..tlcr. Ramctte ~15 Ottman. Kevm 75 Ovard. Car~n ~15 Ovef\treet. athan 75

p Pace. 'vforga n Pandolfi. Peter 75 Parker. Gan 75 Parker. Keri 75 Park\. Chm 75 Parry. Rachcl75. 209 Pa~kett. Dav1d 7 5 Pater\on. V1cky 75. 116 Patti\On. \.I JCkey 75 Pearmam, I ro) '16

Peart. Steven 76 Pease. Tamara 76. 116 Pedersen, Barbara 76 Perkins, Donna 76 Perrenoud. Charlotte 76 Perry. Dave 76 Perry. Debb1e 76 Perry. Sbane 76 Peterson. Mark 76, 127. 129 Peterson. Mike 76. 144 Petersen. Trent 76 Pierce. Bonnie 76 Pierson. Clark 76. 143 Pitts, Gavm 76 Plotts, Con me 76 Pratt, Brian 76 Price. Karen 76 Pr1ce, Mark 76 Pnce, W~ ne 76 Powell, ally 76. 143 Pugnure. Marcee 76. 116

R Ra~er.

Karen 76 Ra1l. Dana 76 Rane. O>lette 76. 134.209 Rasband. Tracy 76. 122 Raty, Robert 76 Reece. Ma.r.;Ann 77 Reeve. Ra ae 77. 119 Re1ch. M1ke 77 Rentfro. Trena 77 Rice, Rickt 77. 116. 122 Richards, hristie 77 Richmond. Man lee 77 Rldmg. Ronda 77 RJeben. Jack1e 77 RJ~, Rolayne 77 Ro rts.Janet77.115.127.129 Robinson, Lyle 77. 143 Robinson, Troy 77 Rogers. R1chard 77. 127. 129. 133 Romero. Jad.1e 77 Rooker. Elizabeth 77. 124 Ross. Stephanie 77 Roth. Melame 77 Rowell. Dav1d 77 Rowley. Cella 77. 124 Rueckert. 'latahc 77. 125 Ruffell. Lynn 77 Runolfson. Brct 77


Sadler. Raymond 77 Salisbury. Cmd{. 77 Savage. Joann 7 Schmidt, L1sa 77. 116 Schmidt. Troy 78 Schwa ncr. Angclika 78 Sconato. Su\an 78. 127. 156. 200 Scott. Dav1d 78. 114 Scott. Dolore\ 78. 114. 209 Scrogg1n, C'hnst1e Scroggm. Ted 78. 143 Seward, Jenn1fcr 78 Sharp. John 78 Shell. Georgann 78 Shelton. Den1se 78. 119 Shepard. D1ane 78 Sheppard. F.va 78. 11 5. 127 Sh1clds. Jmae\ 78 Shulscn. l.1sa 78 S1cbold. Carolyn 78. 119 S1everts. V1d) 78. 123. 134 S1monson. ll oll~ 78 S1monson. Kathl 78 Sk1by. Steve 78 Sk.pworth. Sonaa 78 Slagowsk1. 1erry 78 Sloan. Ste~c 78 Sloan. Steve 78 Sm1Lh. Anua 78 Sm1th, Annette 78 Sm1th. Brent 78 Sm1th. Cra1g 79. 139 Smuh. D1ane 79 Smith. Dou~ 9. 143 Smuh. Kae 9. 115. 123. 117. 129. 145 Smith. Monte 79 Smuh. Stew<~rt 79 Sm1lh. 1 amm~ 79 Snow. Stepha rue 79. 115. 1211. IJJ

Sorensen. Susan 79 Sosa. Edward 79 Springer. Gwen 79 Springer, Kendall 79 Stam. Robert 79 Stauffer. La~ 79 Steed. Scott 7 • 144 Ste1ger. Suzanne 79 Stemagel, John 79 Stevenson, Jacki 79 Stewart. Julie 79 Silliman. Merrilee 79 Stoke~. Janice 79. 123 Stokes. Jeff 79 Stoss. Raymond 79 Sturdy, Sam 79 Strum. Cory 79 Stunn. O>ry 79 Sud weeks. Jeff 79 Summerhays. Neil 79 Sundber~Steve 80 Sundell, ade 80 Swensen. Tony 80 Sylvester, Steven 80

T Tarr. Becki 80, 122 Taylor. Brian 80. 143 Taylor. John 80 Taylor. Steve 80 Terry. Lori 80 Tetnck. Jeff 80 Thehn. Lmda 80. 114 Thome. Michelle 80. 82. 153 Thompson. Cheryl 80 Thompson. Troy 80 Thopre. Amber 80 Timothy. Robert 80 Tolman. Bryan 80 Tolman, LaRaine 80. 122 Tongish. Andy 80 Tremelhng, Diane 80 T\ethllka1. Glenda 80. 127. 129 Turner. Jory 80. 143

u Uhbarn. Lisa 80 Ulnch. Ton1e 80 Utley. Debra 80


Valde1. Denms 80 Van Camren· Stephen Va~quez. etra 80 Vawdr~. Gary 81 V1\'ier, uhe 81


Walbeck, Glen 81 Walden. Timothf 81. 143 Walters. Cra1g 8 Walters. Geesette 81. 124 Walton. Pauline 81 Walton. Russell8 1. 127. 129 Weed. Renee WebMer. Ba~ 81 Webster. Mar 81 Welch. Jeff 81 Welch. Susan 81 WeM. Kevm 81. 130 WcMcrman. Allee 81 Wel\el. Todd 81 Wheeler. M1ke 81 Whuehead. Renee 81 Whulock. MaT) 81. 134 Whumore. LesLee81. 119. 125. 209 Williams. Garr; 81 Wmegar. Wal i\ 81 Wmter\. Donna 81 W1\Cman. Jol) nn 81. 122. 131. 209 W1\\ler. R1chard 81 Wnght. fodd81.124.127.129

y Yaka. Steven 81 YatC\. Jol}nn 82 Ya£he. Kevm 82 Young. Bradford 82 Young. Deborah 82 Young. Demce 82

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