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StudQntbody PrQsidQnt Fellow Beetdiggers, I hope this is one year you 'll remember because I know I will. Thanks for the great times and fantastic school spirit that was put forth. Being studentbody president has been a big responsibility, but I feel that I have fulfilled it to the best of my ability. Jordan is a great school with a lot of good years behind it. Many traditions have been broken and some new ones started. You've added so much to my school years. Thank you . Ronda Cope


This year is one I'll remember. I hope that everyone tried to make it a good year for himself and for those around him . For those who had a fun year, you have yourselves to thank for that. Jordan 's been known for its great studentbo~y and the school spirit which it displays. I hope that everyone may be proud that he or she went to Jordan High School and remember high school as part of their "good ol ' days. " Mike Akagi First Vice President

It's been quite an experience being an officer at Jordan . I've had some good times, such as sports events, the dances, but then again I've had some bad times such as school lunch, grades, etc. Between these two high and low points has been the fun of being a Beetdigger. Jeff Pierce Attorney General

This year has been a special time in my life. The challenges, the excitement, the work and the fun, together have made this experience a beautiful one for me. But I especiallY want to thank you , the studentbody, for all your support and the great spirit you expressed throughout the year. You 're fabulous and you 've made Jordan the greatest school around . This will be one year I'll cherish forever . Tari Andersen Secretary

This year has been outstanding for me. I almost hate to see it draw to an end . It has been an honor to serve as a studentbody officer. Being historian gave me a chance to work with many of whom I might otherwise have never known . It also gave me a chance to learn more about the school and what it takes to make a great studentbody like we have here at Jordan . Gale DeVisser Historian

This year has been a year I will never forget. It's had a lot of ups and downs but it was fun to be confused all the time . The support from the studentbody made it the fun it was. I really enjoyed being a Beetdigger and am very proud to say it. I will always have fond memories of Jordan High : the many things I learned , the wonderful people I met and just what it meant to be a Jordan High Beetdigger. Staci Fenton Second Vice President



Alan Buchanan President

There will only be one Bicentennial Class. This thought may be of great relief to the faculty, but hopefully pleasant nostalgia for its members. I am grateful for the opportunity of working with the class of '76.

Pat Morgan Secretary


We are the Spirit of '76. Seniors are the best! We have a lot of potential and can do anything ... almost anything . From the scared, scrawny sophomores, to the strong , massive seniors, I'm glad 1 was a part of Jordan.

I'm really grateful for the opportunity I had of being involved this year. Jordan High is the best and what makes it the best is the people . I'm really proud to have been a part of the senior class this year.

Sisters and brethren of Jordan High School , it is indeed a privilege to be part of Jordan this year. I am flabbergasted with the overwhelming spirit we have thi s year and I am proud of you as a studentbody. Thank you .

I have really enjoyed being senior girls' senator. The students make Jordan what it is and this is the best it's ever been . We have plenty of spirit and all the traditions make me proud to say " I'm a Beetdigger."


Diana Baer

Becky Bailey

Corrine Bailey


Pam Bolliger


Judy Bonham

Careen Candalot

Jennifer Cannon



Peggy Draper

Connie Ewell



Sandra Frantz

Tamee Gatherum


Kelli Hiatt

Linda Hickman



Kathy Jenson


Cynthia Kalleco

Carrie Kirton

Sandra Lambsom




Wendy Neff

Rhonda Norton




Tammy Ross


Penny Row ley

Elaine Sti 1




Charlene Zupan


Dennis Anderson Shauna Atkinson Laura Ballard Wayne Boydston Sandra Buhl Guy Conway Steven Dusenberry

Donald Edgington Marcy Ferguson Larry Gibson Tamara Hofeling Lorrie Jenkins Kelly Kunz Lori Lukich

Cory Miller Pam Mitchell Bill Murdock Thomas Murphy Cheryl Nadeau Robert Nelson Randy Robinson

Randal Rasmussen Nicolene Riska Carl Sargent Kathy Smith Martin Stringfellow Bryan Wood Maxine Yazhe

If we have learned nothing else in these three Years of high school , we have learned to live with people, how to associate with them and observe how they act. In the darkness we grew up so quickly and now have to face li fe like the rest of the World Without much experience. We can only hope for the best, knowing that part of us Will be left behind . We are adults now and we hope we will be able to catch a new spirit of living . 43



I have never held an office as full of responsibility as the office I have held this past year. Having to set an example has been a moving experience. Thank you .


I'm really glad that I have the The Spirit of '77 has been great. opportunity to do something We couldn 't have done it withfor the junior class and the out the enthusiastic studentschool. 1think Jordan has more body and especially without the spirit than ever this year and fantastic jr. class! Thanks for we have a great studentbody. giving me the chance to represent the jr. class.

In this school year I have felt that the junior class ' strength has greatly increased . I can 't help butthink that we, the junior class of '76, are the only hope for Jordan. It has been a great privilege to represent them .

Being active in school activities has really made this year fun. I've loved every minute of it. The spirit of the studentbody ~nd especially the juniors has really been fantastic .

Juniors Kerry Abbott Rick Adair Deborah Allan Mike Allen Therese Allen

Kerry Ammons Ken Andersen Debra Andersen Karilee Anderson Penny Anderson

Troy Anderson Wendell Andreoff Todd Andrizzi Elvin Armistead Sherilyn Arnold

Jeff Atkinson Warren Atkinson Matt Ault Arlene Bailey Gloria Bailey

Rick Bakker Shirlene Ballard Bruce B a nks

Ken Barber Terry Barlow


Juniors Brad Baugh Doug Bay Penny Beckstead Brook Beesley Billie Bentley

Kathy Bergener Michelle Bergeson Jaynee Besner Jeff Bingham Robyn Birch

Jane Black Jay Blain Sherrie Blank Jim Bogenschutz

Marie Bosworth John Bowdidge Mark Bowler Kevin Bowles

Lisa Bozarth Paul Brady Holly Bright Chris Brinton Saundra Brooksby

Bryan Brown Jim Brown Kelly Brown


Robert Brown Steve Brown Steven Bryant

Brenda Burden Jodi Burgener Richard Burgan Westy Burke Mike Burkman

Craig Burton Jodey Burton Janelle Bush

Renee Butler Todd Butler Tonyia Butterfield

Scott Caldwell Kistine Campbell Val Carlsen Roger Carlson Johnny Castill

Robert Causey Julie Chamberlain Lorri Chapman Steve Chase


Dan Chaves Trina Chavis Kelly Christensen Steve Christensen Bob Clark

Wendy Clarke Danny Clegg John Cleland Kerry Clements Doug Cline

Lisa Combes Doug Cowley Kim Cowley Danetta Cox Cathy Crane

Lori Cranney Mike Crebs Shane Crystal Mike Cummings Collette Cutler

Gayle Cutler Shelly Cutler Mike Dahl

Linda Davidson Elaine Davis Kaylene Davis


Juniors Laurie Davis Mark Davis Tammy Dennison Kathy De rricott Teresa Dickson

Cindy Dimick Shawna Dineen Paul Dowding

Ray Dowding Diane Draper Don Ebert

Jenny Edmunds Shawna Eggen Kim Elison Peggy Elswood Dan Englehart

Odette Enniss Terry Evans Kevin Fairbourn Bruce Farnsworth Larry Feragen

Dave Ferguson Kerry Fisher Brett Fitzgerald


Juniors Jeri Fitzgerald John Flores Mike Forbes

Debbie Francom Pam Freeman Phyllis Frischknecht

David Fulmer Diane Funk Richelle Furner

John Galland Kelly Gassman Neil Gause Shelly Geertson Pam Gessel

Elena Gibbs Rebecca Gifford Daniel Gingras Steve Glad Melinda Glassey

Liz Gonzales Mark Goodrich Brenda Gotberg Trent Gotberg Janet Gough


Kelly Goulding Steve Gourley Craig Graham

Dave Gressman Joyce Griffith Jeff Grimaud Kenneth Grygla Brent Haddenham

Rod Hadean Blane Hadley Alan Halligan

Mike Hamilton Tina Hamilton Bruce Hanna

Ginnie Hansen Karen Hansen Kenra Hansen Tracie Hansen Val Hardcastle

Tami Harding Rick Hardman Tammy Hardman Dianne Hardy Ken Harger


Mark Hargis Terry Hart Gordon Haueter Tany Hechtle Kelli Henderson

Marcia Hendricksen Michelle Hendricksen Mike Hendricksen Jim Henline Matt Hevelone

Lori Hickman Cory Higgins Susan Hillock Scott Hogan Jeff Homer

Steve Howlett Phillip Hunt Lorrie Hunter

Joyce Jackman Teresa Jarvie Jeannine Jaynes

Mary Jenkins Jill Jensen Joni Jensen Mark Jensen Debbie Jenson


Debbie Jentzsch Charlene Johnson

Doug Johnson Leah Johnson Wayne Johnson

Kent Jolley Kelly Jones Gene Ju Kristi Kelso Kim Kempner

Dan Kennedy Mike Kennelly Matt Kimball Robert Kimball

Richard Kirton Chris Knopp Mike Kramer Hialmar Krinke

Kevin Kunz Corrie Lamping Julie Landcaster Steve Landeen Mark Langston


Juniors Roi Larsen Valynne Larsen John Laveder Paul Laveder Chris Lawson

Lee Leany Wendy Lee Darrel Lego Jodi Leiser Terri Lester

Steve Lewis Donnette Lloyd Sherr ie Lloyd

Jeff Logan Daniel Longstaff Danny Lucero

Layne Lundstrom Lisa Lyman Lori Mace Ruth MacKay

Doug Maddocks Dennis Marler Bill Martin Monica Martinez Steve Massa

Hugh Matheson Mark Mathias Tammy McCarthy

Mike McClure Chris McCormick Shelly McCullock Cynthia McDonald Steven McDonald

Roger Meadows Mike Melonas Marti Melville Jaymie Meyrick Jill Middleton

Jerry Miller Larry Miller Joni Milne Lisa Mitchell Natalie mitchell

Dawn Moore Jackie Morgan Gordie Mori Becky Mortensen Kerry Mortensen

Richard Mortensen Jerry Mounteer Yolanda Munguia Reed Nelson


Royd Nelson Spence Nelson Steve Nelson Wendy Nelson Tami Nielson

Rod Niemann LaMar Noorda Teresa Nowatny Kaylynn Nuttall Mark Nuzman

Robert Oakden Sharon Oakeson Randy Oliphant

Sherrie Oliver Spence Olsen Rick Olsen

Dennis Orgill Nick Orr Mark Osborne Brent Ostler Connie Ostler

Robert Ostler Tom Ostler Dennis Overstreet Joe Pace Kevin Pack

Juniors John Padmos Mary Panek Brett Pangos Peggy Paramore

Gordon Parry Allen Patterson Dale Patterson Sheri Pease Penni Perry

Jim Petersen Cindy Peterson Eddie Peterson

Becky Petty Sandy Pickett Lynn Pierce

Lisa Pixton Kathy Pollard Les Porter Kent Price Bret Proveaux

Gary Rager Don Rammer Ricky Rasmussen Joan Recourt Jerrie Reed


Juniors Scott Remington Tawna Riding Karalee Rishton Jerry Ritzman

Sue Roberts Leila Robertson Ann Rodgers Bart Runolfson

Calene Rynearson Robert Sabo Stacie Saunders Debbie Schiffman Lisa Schmidt

Mike Schu lzke Kelly Scorazato Deanna Scott Lorrie Sevy Dan Shail

Penny Sharples Steven Shepard Beth Shettel Tony Simonich Hal Simonson

Paul Skoubye Kathy Smiley Suzanne Smiley


Bob Smith Carolyn Smith Connie Smith

Eileen Smith Hal Smith Jeff Smith

Kelly Smith Lori Smith Sandra Smith Teresa Smith Clayne Snedeger

Jeff Snow Kenna Somerville Joseph Sosa

David Spencer Robyn Spray Kev in Springer

Jack Sprouse Shauna Squires Kris Stam

Connie Stanger Lori Steadman Lisa Steed

Barron Sterling Craig Stokes Greg Strong Denise Sullivan Jody Summerhays

Dave Swenson Lisa Swenson Don Switzer

Randy Sylvester Curtis Tadehara Alan Takemori

Frankie Taylor William Teuscher Zelda Thacker Lanet Thaxton Kurt Thomas

Les Thompson Lorilee Thompson Maree Thompson Vicki Throckmorton Deanna Tobin


Juniors Kelli Tobin Mark Tondro Jeff Troyer Kevin Tucker

Rita Tyler Russ Tyler Steve Utley Laura Valenzue!a Paul Vanleeuwen

Gordon VanTassell Paul Vawdrey Randle Vawdrey Michelle Visser Julie Vowles

Kevin Walkenhorst Kyle Walkenhorst Nancy Walkenhorst Susan Walker Debby Warburton

Diane Washburn Kathy Washburn Veeann Watson Kelly Webb Dale Wells

Toni Wentz suzanne Westbrook Pat Wharton


Juniors Gary Whetman Jess White Stacy Whitmore Tim Wilkes Dave Wilkins

Sheri Williams Brad Winegar Pat Winger Cindy Withers Blake Workman

Paul Wright Vicki Wyatt Gary Yates Darreld Yost Ed Young

George Young Pam Young Mike Zeller Julie Zobrist

CAMERA SHY Brett Bowmen James Bowns ' Tammy Childs Lorri Dangerfield Scott Edwards Rick Groves Blair Hanks Michael Hendricksen


Shawn Heseltine Craig Heesch Jerry Lee Jacobson Bruce Loebert Glen Leon Cherese Mathews Doug Maupin Tim May

John Miller Bart Mounteer Lorraine Mulder Alden Park Jean Patterson Danny Petersen Lawrence Proffett Suzy Pullan

Kelly Smith Robert Smith Brett Sturm Bruce Tolbert Barney Walker Taunya Wimberly Lisa Zagarich

Talk about being in a bind. We, as juniors had to suffer through the "I can't find my class" sophs to the "Where do I go from here" seniors. I guess that's the Purpose for the middle man. The pattern of our lifestyle is set for a year because we still have a year to go before we are out on our own. We can have a blast while completely blowing everything. Fortunately for us, we have the time to spare doing it. 63

SophomorB Offit!BrS

Being sophomore class president was great and I hope all the officers had as much fun as I did . I loved being part of Jordan High and I hope the sophomores had a fun year. Thanks.

Gloria Vacarro Vice President

It was really exciting making the office of sophomore vicepresident. I think Jordan is the greatest because the sophomore class of '75-'76 had a lot of spirit and enthusiasm. Thanks. 64

Secretary Being elected sophomore class secretary has been a thrilling and unforgettable experience. I'm glad I was able to get involved . Jordan 's the greatest. Thanks for a super year.

I really had a lot of fun being boys' senator. To me, Jordan is a great school. I'm glad I was part of it. Thanks for a " right on " year.

Being sophomore girls' senator was really great! I think the sophomores had a lot of school spirit this year. I have really enjoyed representing the sophomore class. Jordan is a great school and always will be.


Jeff Adamson Larry Allred Rhonna Anderson D~anna Arnold Mitch Bakker

Johnny Alldredge Pauline Alvey Scott Anderson Denise Atkinson Brenda Ballard

Clinton Allen Bonnie Anderson Steve Anderson Kris Atkinson Jeff Ballard

Lana Allen Gene Anderson Wayne Anderson Dean Baer Ralph Barker

Lynn Allen Dallas Anderson Kirt Andrus Michael Baer Melissa Barrett

Ray Allen Kevin Anderson Dora Andreoff Glen Bailey Kim Bartlett



Keldon Bauer Terry Bell Melody Bingham Bryan Brewster



Bruce Baugh Robert Benson Karalynn Black Danny Brklacich DeAnne Brown


Scott Baugh Danny Berg Janneen Blank Kent Broadhead Leslie Brown

Ken Black Doug Best Mary Jane Blankenstein Dale Brooks Susan Brown

Brad Beckstead Diane Bianchi Randy Bodtcher Denice Brower Margaret Bryant

Steve Bednarik Suzann Biggs Taffie Bosch Blain Brown Laurie Buhl

Kerry Bunkel

~Orby Campbell

ammy Carlson terry Champion Karen Christensen

JoAnn Bunker Joy Campbell Wade Carney Robert Chapman Kelli Christensen

Sean Burnside Lyle Campbell Alan Carroll Rick Chase Laurie Christensen

Diane Bush John Candalot Tim Carroll Annette Chidester Sandy Christensen

Tammy Butler Spencer Cannon Joyce Carter Suzanne Childs Denise Christoffersen

Dawn Caldwell Rita Carlson Kaisa Casterline David Christenson Mike Clarke


John Clegg Kathleen Conley Gary Cox Julie Cummings Greg Davidson


Kipp Clements Joe Coombs Hal Cozzens Scott Curley Gwen Davidson

Kelly Close Chris Costanza S herri Crawford Curtis Cutler Greg Davis

Mike Coffin Jay Cowley Nephi Crebs Scott Dahl Karl Davis

Shelia Collard Patty Cowley Penny Crebs Don Danielson Kristi Davis

Mark Comb David Cox Scott Criger Penny Darling Jilien Day


Ron Day Bonnie Diener Suzanne Dunn Mark Evans Brad Fairbourn

Pat Dayton Denise Dillard Lynda Durrant Robert Evans Rozanne Fairbourn

David Dennison Dina Draper Anita Eckman Tim Evans Richard Fehler

Mike Derricott Don Draper Cheryl Eddington Janet Evenson Belinda Fenton

Jameson Devore Tracy Duke Chris Eliason Cynthia Fagg Marc Fenton

Terry Devore Danny Dumas Ron Erickson Diane Fails Dianna Fergus



John Feragen Roger Fitzgerald Mike Freeman Britton Gassman Lisa Gilchrist


Leslie Filbert Bryce Flake Karie Fuller Melinda Gee Tom Giles

Terry Firmage Jess Flores Perry Fuller Terri Geisler Gary Gilgen

Milton Fischer Darren Flynn Louisa Galland David Gessell Todd Glover

Glen Fish Sidney Forbush Jim Gallegos Doris Gessner Jerry Goetz

Erin Fitzg raid David Fox Selena Garfield Virginia Gifford Daina Gonzales

Becky Goold Greenwood _Ina Guymon ~~m Hamilton rett Hardman


Carrie Grah am Paula Greenwood GayAnn Hadley Lori Hamilton Sheryl Hardman

Kathy Graham Suzanne Gressmen Kevin Hales Stephanie Hansen Mark Hardy

Kathy Green Starling Gribble Diane Hall Ricky Hanson Robert Harper

Lee Green Steve Gribble Steve Hallock Paula Hardcastle Dan Harris

Stephanie Green Mark Grygla Pamela Ham Sandy Harding Lorie Harris


Kathy Hartlerode Fred Henningsen Kevin Hill Pauline Holt Ben Huntsman


John Heinmiller Gerold Herzog Jenny Hill Merl Hooser Kathy Hyatt

Ann Hemmers Ronda Heywood Terry Hilton Lisa Houmand Marilyn lpson

Ron Hendricks Kacee Hiatt Sandy Hodges Greg Howard Robert Jack

Scott Hendricksen Annette Hickman Steve Holm Scott Howell Janet James

Stacy Hendricksen Jay Hickman Lorrie Holmstead St ve Huetter Sandra Jarvis

Lynette Jenkins Brian Jenson Leah Jones Lee Kay Becky Knapton

Alden Jensen Jeff Jex Lisa Jones Julie Kelso Steve Krebs

Cody Jensen Grant Johansen Shiela Jones Kathy Kelso Roxann Krueger

Jerry Jensen Heidi Johnson Ben Joos John Kendrick Carla Kunz

Kenny Jensen Wade Johnson Rolayne Joos Gina Kerby Mike Landeen

Sondra Jensen Clint Jones Leslie Ju Frank King Kenny Langford



Chris Larsen Tim Linnarz Boyde Lythgoe Melania Marshall Lisa McCall


Holly Leavitt Wendy Livingston Paul Maag Allen Mason Kathy McDonald

Jody Leavitt Karstee Lucas Terry Mackay Jackie Mathie Debbie McKean

Kevin Lee Dave Lundbery Mark Maddocks Delynn Maw Kerry Mcleish

Mea Limb Michell Lunt Marla Mads n Jolene Maynes Tamara McPh rron

Uda Limb Jeff Lyon Cindy Markham Vivian McAllister Clyde Mead

Garth M ad Linda Mic k 1 n K vin Mitc h II Ros Mort ns n Ch ryl My rs

Carolyn Meadow s Chri s Miller Mike Mitchell Mitchell Mounte er Lorrie Napier

Leca Mellor Laura Miller Chuck Moors Lisa Mumford John Neira

Margaret Meyers Rich Miller Dean Morrill Holl i Murphy Brad Nel son

David M eyrick Colleen Millerberg Brad Mortensen Kevin Murphy Kerry Nelson

Bob Mickelsen Tracy Millerberg Parley Mortensen Barbi Myers Sue Nelson






Doug Neve Don Norton Debbie Olson Joel Oswald catherine Ozosky


Kim Nguyen Michele Nuzman Mark Olson Jennifer Ovard Ray Page

Kevin Nichol Von Oakason Ranai Olson Norlene Overman Suzanne Palmer

Allen Niksich Mike Oar Troy Ontiveros Karen Overson Bruce Panas

Dannette Noffsinger Tony Ob rt Mich II Ordakowski Pat Overstr t Tricia Pask tt

Nolan Norris Bill Oldfath r Stev Osborn Dan Oxley Br nt Patt rson

Cheryl Petersen Diane Pett Lisa Pierce Chuck Price

Berry Payn Mark P t rs n Angi Phillips Vicki Pi rc Sandra Primm

Sam P cor IIi Roxanne Petersen Cindy Phillips An Pingree Cheri Prouveau

Nadine Pendleton Barbara Peterson Melinda Phillips Helen Plotts Kim Purser

Connie Perkins Kathy Peterson Russell Phipps Brent Porter Corey Quintana

Julie Perkins Vicki Peterson Gregg Pickett Normand Powell Mike Quintana


Lynn Ratzlaff Janet Riding Dodi Rogers Gary Rupp Birgit Schwarz


Dan Reading Susan Riding Robert Ronne Cherie Sadler Sandy Scoville

Teena Reeve Gary Robbins Burk Ross Todd Savage Susan Sessions

Barbara Rich Becky Robertson Todd Ross Chris Schm1dt Karen Sharp

Cindy Richardson C1ndy Rob1son Laune Roundy Gtna Schm1dt Ray Sharp

Coral Ricord Doug Rocks Darr II Row II M1k Sehoul n Cary Shaw


Mark Sh lton Bryan Silcox Ann tt Smith Rana Smith Ros mari Spratt

Todd Sh lton Robert Sirrine Becky Smith Roland Smith Jana Steadman

Elaine Shipley Karolynn Sizemore Cindy Smith Steve Smith Connie Sterling

Stan Short Teresa Skinner Doug Smith Tracie Smith Mark Steward

LuAnne Shryers Lisa Sloan Paul Smith Debbie Sorensen Brian Still

Tony Sieverts Gene Smart Philip Smith Philip Sorensen John Stillman



Carol Stonehocker Jack Sundell wendy Taylor Cali Thomas Anne Thorpe


Brenda Stout Dave Swenson Sonia Tazzer Karen Thome Bill Timothy

Todd Stringfellow Glen Sybrowsky Shawn Thaxton Cindy Thompson Debbie Timothy

Roger Stubblefield Tina Tait Wayne Thayne Tianna Thompson Katherine Togin

Cyril Sturdy Mary Topia Russ Thelin D bbie Thorn Dan Tongish

Sheri Sunb rg Karma Taylor Brad Thomas Lorile Thorn Levon Trujillo

Carolyn Tuinman R b cca Veater Rick Wallgren Tony w lch Randy Wilken s

Pam Uigarri Steve Veltry Dave Webster Rob Wendt Brian Wilkenson

Darrell Underwood Danny Vowles Joy Webster Ken Wentz Shanna Willette

Gloria Vacarro Con Wadsworth Michelle Webster Cyndi White Robyn Williams

Mark Valenzuela Karen Wagstaff Ron Webster Jonah White Terry Williams



Bre nt Wyma n Fran ci ne Yo un g

J ea nette Yates M a rk Youn g


Susan Anderson Dane Atkinson Max Auker Tammy Beck Bryon Bloxham Mark Bowler Tami Brewster Dwight Bunker Samuel Compton Kevin Connors Tommy Dunn Daran Fisher Cyndi Geertson Dean Hevelone John Hilton Charles Johnson

Pat Knight Jerry Mace Pat Mace Sherri McAdams Trou McCleary Arnold Mendez AI Miller Celeste Millsap Rhonda Milne Tarry Mlynar Andy Mortenson David Muirick Debbie Olson Kevin Peck Kathy Petersen Rusty Reeve

Sandy Robinson Kale Shelton Luanne Shryers Robert Simon Dawagne Slater Jeff Smith Von Smith Russell Staffland Susie Sweetring Pat Tayton Brent Thelin Richard Throckmorton Cherie Tolman Diane Varley Mark Whetman Guy Young

Gary Yazhe Julie Ziegler George Zupa n

When we look back on our sophomore year we remember all the interesting and unique times we've had like the first day when it seems not one teacher in the school can pronounce your name right, and making it a point to say "hi" to anyone you recognized-and how scary it was to walk by the jocks in the hall and in the lunchroom-and the first time we were called down to the V.P.'s office for something we didn 't even do or thought we wouldn 't get caugh.t doingand Driver's Ed! But towards the end of the year we grew an air of self-confidence and even sat in the Juniors ' and Seniors' sections . 85


If you have a problem , almost anything , these people can handle it. They are really interested in how you turn out and are eager to help if you need to go to them. If it's a class change or if you 've just got a problem , they will listen .

Wen rson Vocational Coordinator


Colleen Allen

Doug Berry

Ralph Bishop

Robyn Bishop

Perry Brady


O 'Neil Brereton

Dan Boskovich

LaNae Chatifield

Dave Clark

Lorie Clark

We had no way of knowing it at the time, maybe some of us could feel it coming, but it didn't hit anyone full force until we shed the grumblings of assignments, the panic of tests, and the unwillingness of going to class. But someday we will realize something became a part of us for having known you. So, for that day we say, "Thank You."

Jacque Conkling

Mark Crookston

Lynn DeMill

Patrick Dover

Kaye Ensign

Dave Erickson

Gary Garcia



Garth Gooch

Hal Hale

Marilyn Higgins

Bruce Hilton

Karan Imlay

Ray Jensen

Don Johnson

Roger King

Robert Langford

Marian Martin

Dan May

Ken McCleary

Robert McDonald

Mike Murry

Joy Nelson

Carolyn Nichols

Rodney Oliver

Don Olsen


Ralph Pace

Margaret Price

Dave Pa lmer

Bri an R awlin gs

David Rudolph

Gary Parnell

Ran e e Pay

Brent Plant

Jay Pond

Bre nt Rass mu sse n

Gary Smith

Jacklyn Stephensen

Kayleen Thornock

Leah Tippetts

Herbert Tucker

Barbara Ward

Don Ward

Carol West

Lila Wilson

Rodney Zabriskie

Nancy Zimmerman


library Between the "Please be quiet's" and the "Shut up's", the library transformed itself from a place to get just plain books-to a professional plaza offering a complete selection of mechanical equipment and teacher's supplies. They even updated it's name to Instructional Media Center (IMC to the Sophomores). It was run by a very efficient staff with a high noise tolerance level.

Giving out change, listening to complaints from teachers and students alike, checkins, check-outs and typing were just some of the duties these women met with a smile. Our secretaries really did an accurate job on anything they undertook.

Aids When we needed help in the Career Center or the counselor's office, these ladies were here to help us. Whether it was checking out a certain career choice or helping us fit in an appointment with one of the counselors, they would help get it done.


Virginia Dicksen

CafBtBria Good grub is their business and they do a good job at that. Refreshing food on warm autumn days or piping hot food on cold winter afternoons, these ladies met the hunger pangs of many students every day. Gisele Banks, Ellma Couch, Helen Krueger , Cora Bake, Florence Peterson, Carol Gibson, Evelyn Brown , Head.

Custodians Jordan is a school we can be proud of because of these men. Th¡ey clean off graffiti from the walls , lockers , floors and all other well known places. Thanks to them the home of the Beetdiggers is a clean place. Ken Silcox Head


BicBnfBnnial Every area was involved in the Bicentennial spirit, from the cafeteria to the dance room. Jordan celebrated with such activities as a Bicentennial lunch, movies, and slides, a Bicentennial musical concert, a dance assembly with all dance classes, a dress up day and a national "My America" concert.


BicBnfBnnial WBBk 101



Upon A MattrBss

Kent Jacobson Kaye Atkinson Marty Melville Jill Hanks Kris Rasmussen Brett Childs Mariann Richards Megan Timoney Dan Chavez Mike Thorpe Lloyd Nelson Robin Spray

Debbie Sutherland Lisa Lyman Keith Eddington Ronda Cope Lisa Pixton Kistine Campbell Jackie Morgan Jan Coffin Chris Knopp Vivian McAllister Suzanne Smiley Scott Brown

Doug Cline Ken Barber Mike McClure Buzz Welch Donetta Cox Selena Garfield Diana Woodruff Julie Ziegler Lori Larson Brenda Ballard Gloria Vaccaro Michelle Lunt

Jan Richardson Patsi Welch Virginia Gifford Dane Allred Jeff Phillips Ken Noffsinger Mike Oar Jeff Logan Pat Taylor Mark Hardy Barry Payne Scott Gould

Trying out for the musical was harder than putting it on . But finding out we made it was worth the embarrassment. The cast grew close during rehearsals and the Saturday practices were comicql because everyone was asleep and in curlers. The panic over the set, the bed , scrambling for props, getting yelled at for forgotten lines, and hoarse voices were all part of the play. Then Opening Night. We were running around in trances, Ronda 's striptease and crying during the prayer on closing night. Then the curtain closed and something that had been a part of us for nine weeks was turned in with the script.


Dogpat<!h Drag


Johnny Alldredge takes a flying leap.

Dogpatch, a night to get hitched. Li'l Abner and Daisy Mae were finally picked ¡ after a week of baking pies and cakes, going through an obstacle course and seeing who had the longest beard and the hairiest legs. But then at midnight that Friday night, our "wedding vows " were finally broken .



When we couldn 't take 2nd period another day, sure enough we'd have an assembly. Always something entertaining whether it was watching real pros like Ballet West, the hypnotist or the skydivers or real clowns like the pep assemblies. But at the end we knew school must go on when the groans resounded as it was announced that we'd have to go back to class.


Skydivers Assembly.

Crowd at Homecoming Assembly.


Junior W BBk


Playing the role of a Junior isn 't too hard . . . in fact being one isn't all that bad . Sitting in the hall making a maze for people to walk through , making our own Rock Concerts. Causing havoc in the lunch room . Yet it's still nice to be able to have a special night of your own when you can dress up your body and your manners and have an enjoyable time with someone of the opposite sex at the Junior Prom. It just seems a shame this year couldn 't last.

Kick 'em high girls.


SwBBthBarts Ball

Waiting for the band.

Dave Clarke and Jenny Edmunds.

Bob Stone, Sandy Orth, Scott Hogan, and Tonya Butterfield.

Lori Hamilton , Lesli Ju, and dates. 122

We strolled with our sweethearts through a romantic park setting , complete with trees and benches , with our sweethearts-waiting for the band equipment, Ye old romantic theme was " Let Me Call You Sweetheart. " Aside from the late photographer, getting cars stuck in canyon snowbanks and mixed up reservations, the dance was a great way for sweethearts to spend a memorable Valentine's Day.

Rod Sedgwick, Cindy Brunson, Greg Davidson and Holly Leavitt.

Susan Kendrick Queen

Lisa Lyman Juliene -Day Attendants




GiraffB Story Reed Scott Lisa Green Mike Thorpe Jan Coffin Lloyd Nelson Scott Brown Lisa Lyman Wendy Gardner Dane Allred Mark Hardy

Jolene Maynes Steve Burger Rich Gord Karen Christensen Kathy Smiley Dannie Noffsinger Therese Allen Michelle 0 rdakowski Buzz Welch

Jeri Fitzgera ld B lake Ostler Kristin Hardy Jeff Phillips Mike Derricott Melody Bingham Marie Bosworth Patsy Welch An Pingree

Jaymie Merrick Dean Morrill Karen Overson Melinda Phillips Stephanie Green Suzanne Smiley Gina Schmidt ¡ Lorrie Sevy Denise Atkinson

Sensitive ... A word one has to feel to know. " Giraffe Story" .. a play one has to feel to know. It was a different play, a real play, a play on life. It combines "yes" with " no" then says "we can. " It's negative, positive, right, wrong , happy and sad , all the same yet not. The audience feels it, the performers know it, now everything is "just so."





Dane Allred Tammy McClure Scott Brown Megan Timoney Brett Childs

The first obstacle in the one-act play was trying to find the exact pronunciation of the title , second , was finding out what the title meant, and third , was trying to decipher the play itself. With such an abstract script, each person had his own interpretation which made the play unique and extremely weird . Could you act out a tragedy with comic properties?


Aria Da Capo

Bootdigg(!r '76 When it is impossible to gather 25 students together on a Saturday to get their picture taken, when a picture returns horizontal instead of vertical, when the copy is only 5 lines long instead of the 25 lines in the layout, when no one took pictures at the meet, when the deadline is tomorrow and we're still waiting for pictures, and we are all going insane, that's when we begin to catch the spirit of living.


Lisa Sloan

Dave Cracraft

Megan Timoney- Co-Editor

Cary Fehler

Buzz Welch

Dan Francom

Garth Gooch - Advisor

Kelly Goulding Kathy Graham


Marcie Harris Kathy Hartlerode

Ralph Bishop - Advisor

Kathy Hyatt

Arch Shaw- Advisor

Hugh Matheson

Fred Roberts - Advisor

Roi Larsen

Kenn Andersen

Tammy McClure

Scott Baker

Chris McCormick

Jody Bentley

Rose Mortensen

Dan Chavez

Gordon Parry

Dave Cracraft

Ruth Parry - Editor

John Fletcher

Lynn Ratzlaff

Robert Harper

Barbara Rich

Hugh Matheson

Beth Shettel

Nicolene Riska

Front row : Kenn Andersen , Dan Chavez , Nic Riska , Robert Harper. Row two: Dave Cracraft , Hugh Matheson . Jody Bentley, Ralph Bishop .


Front row: Gaye Despain , Margaret McGuire, Kathy Bergerner , Karen Walters , Gayle Cutler, Teresa Dickson , Rhea Pace , Colleen Sm-ith , Debbie Schiffman , Lorri Chapman , Jill Perry , Carol Swint , Marie Bosworth , Teresa Nowotny, Janice Ballard . Row two: Lisa Pixton , Brenda Burden, Lorriane Dixon , Patrea Smith , Kent Jacobson , Keith Eddington. Rodney Niemann, Jerry Moun teer , Blake Ostler, Michelle Bergeson , Marty Melville, Karalee Rishton , Suzanne Ordakowski, Robyn Spray , Carolyn Smith , Elaine Davis , Jani Robinson , Debbie Simmons . Patty Nielson , Danny Oxley, Ben Reeve , Buzz Welch , Steve Landeen , Penny Gregory , Tammy Beckstead , Tammy Mellor, Debbie Sutherland , Teresa Higbee . Row tour: Paula Smith , Jaylynn Steadman , Colleen Prince , Jackie Morgan , Lorrie Sevy , Chris McCormick. Bob Stone , David Clough , Roger Shryers, Sterling Stevenson, Linda Tadehara, Jennifer Cannon , Janice Nieman , Elaine Stiel , Jena Crapo . Row five: Kathy Washburn , Shauna Dineen , Joyce Jackman , Wendy Nelson , Peggy Hummel , Bob Hoffman, Ray Paul Greenwood , Ben Christenson , Steve Bawden , Rebecca Gifford , Amy Matheson , Kelly Hiatt , Michelle Furner, Suzzane Smily. Row six: Kelli Henderson , Tammy Gatherum , Jill Thomas, Diana Woodruff , Mark Ziegler , Jeff Phillips , Holly Glover, Carrie Kirton , Lisa Schmidt, Sandy Orth, Carol Groom , Susan Kendrick, Megan Timoney.


We put to use the voices denounced as "talkative" by other teachers (including Mr. Z) and organized them into a concert choir. We sang along to any tune even ones we didn 't like. Pre-concert headaches, planned trips that failed , " Play Buoys" and pizzas were all included on the agenda. We can honestly say that if one decent thing ever came out of this year, it would be our rather nice blue outfits.


Front row: Jeff Phillips, Mariann Richards , War:Je King, Lisa Lyman . Row two: Jan Richardson , Jody Bentley. Row three: Debra Simmons, Roger Shryers, Larrie Larson , Tari Anderson, James Veater , JesAnn Coombs . Row four: Dallas Lyon, Jeri Anderson, Penny Gregory , Keith Eddington, Penny Rowley. Row five: Sallie Ennis, Sterling Stephenson , Linda Tripp , Chris Thacker , Kent Jacobson , Scott Goold. Row six: Steve Landeen, Scott Hoggan.

Madrigals The year goes on and so do the Madrigals. Throughout our performances we got discouraged and excited. Some of us went through the day singing constantly and often people told us to shut up. Between climbing all over statues and singing everywhere, Madrigals was a g,reat experience.

Rodney Zabriskl Advisor


Sub& Dd>s Squiros

Front row: Lynette Morill, Danny Oxley, Roger Shryers , Lorrie Larson . Row two: Gaye Despain, Jani Robinson, Jan Richardson, Karrie Petty.

To some of us "Rachmaninoff" ran shivers up and down our spines. To the rest of us it meant absolutely nothing, but we'd try anything and try anything we did. The Utah Symphony Salute to Youth and Rubenstien all seemed to give us an appreciation for the great masterpieces.



We couldn't just sit and listen to music, it begged us to play along, and we made quite a few tunes on our own, each contributing his own little note to the school song or National Anthem .

Lynn Pierce President

Front row: Dennise Brower, Mike Landeen . Row two: Lynn Pierce, Paul Magg , Mark Grygla , Robert Chaptman , Spencer cannon , Ro~ert Benson . Row . three: Kevin Anderson , Glen Ba iley, Hal Sm1th , Scot Baker, J 1m Gallegos , Mr. Pond .


The Drama Club for experienced dramateers only. We were all $$$$ crazed this year trying to scrounge enough money to get us to the International Conference. We never lost our theatrical instincts. Whether it was playing show-offs in American Fork, selling pizzas, baked goods and "Worlds Finest Chocolates", or putting on children's productions in the elementaries.

Officers: Megan Timoney, Tammy McClure, Tammy Pierson, Robyn Bishop, advisor.

Front row: Scott Brown , Mike Thorpe , Vivian McAllister. Robyn Spray, Diana Woodruff , Dane Allred , Douglas Cline, Wade King , Tammy McClure , Tammy Pierson , Mariann Richards . Roll\' two: Brett Childs , Virginia Gifford , Michelle Lunt , Julie Ziegler, Jan Coffin , Selena Garfiei<:L Mike Derricott , Robyn Bishop (and baby). Megan Timoney. Row three: Gloria Vaccaro , ChriS Knopp , Mike Oar, Marti Melville, Ronda Cope , Ken Barber.






Mike Oar, Vivian McCallister, Marti Melville, Jeri Fitzgerald, Kelli Christensen, Gloria Vaccaro, Annette Co 1 r ' Suzanne Childs, Gai l D visser, Lisa Green . Row two: Judy Bonham, Brian Still, Donette Noffsinger, Don etta M x. he:eseAII n , Ken Barber, Doug Cline , Alan Carroll, Todd Ross, RandyVawdrey, Clinton Allen, Robyn Bishop, te egan T1mon y,Janet Evenson, Denise Atkinson, Dan Chavez . Row three: Ronda Cope, Berry Payne, Karen ChrisJan~ n, Brett Childs, Scott Brown, Wade King , Lori ~ace. Holly Leavitt, Patsy Welch, Brenda Ballard . Row four: Min~nderson, Mike Derrlcott, Mariann Richards, Lori lee Thompson, Cindy Dimick, Jolene Magnes, Susan Roberts, c ella Lunt, Kistlne Campbell, Julie Ziegler.

This is the competitive side of Drama in which several perfectly normal people act like several perfectly abnormal people-just to get a trophy. So far it's worked. Towards the end, the motions and words become mechanical. We have everyone else's mono-act or scene memorized. It's getting harder and harder to take state and top the score from the year before but we always seem to do it.

Officers- Front row: Don etta Cox , Mariann Richards, Doug Cline, Jeri Anderson . Row two: Robyn Spray, Kistine Cambell, Ronda Cope , Megan Timoney.



Front row: Mr. King , Erin Fitzgerald , Tammy Butler. Cindy Peterson , Sherilyn Arnold , Rose Mortensen . Paula Greenwood , Barbara Rich, Kris Atkin son , Karen Walters, Susan Kendrick . Row two: John Lavendar. Berry Sorenson , Gerald Johnson , Mike Zeller, Bob Dowland , Mark Thaxton, Larry M iller, Dan Hawn . Row three: J . Dean Adams , Steve Massa . Wade Frischknecht, James Whitmore , Kent Best, Dan Auker , Pride Alldredge , Steve Dewsenberry, Mike Fox . Row four: Dean Capson , Lee Garfield , David Allen. Norman Baugh , Todd Anderson , Roger Allen , Robert Sabo , Mr. Palmer, Val Carlson . Row five: Duffy Pingree , Alan Buchanan , Mr. Crookston , Jim Brown . Warren Atkinson .

Officers: Sandy Orth , Karen Hansen, Mike Zeller, Karen Walters , Bob Dowland , Susan Kendrick .

We had a real attraction for machines. But rather than be one, we attacked and out maneuvered them . Our price? Bike rides to Utah Tech and early, early morning breakfasts.


"Breaker 2-3," "Go Break." "Thank you much for the break. Ah-We're lookin' for the Purple Banana, you got your ears on? Come on" "Yea you got the Purple Banana ... "We finally organized a C.B. Radio Club, that started to strike up interest in C.B.'s. In the club we learn how to communicate on the radio's as well as having a great time. We also watched the parking lot during assemblies and lunch to help fight vandalism. It's a real riot!

Officers: Keith Sturdevant, Jack Sprouse, Robert Sabu .


Front row: Blue Stallion, Robert Saba ; S_andy School Teacher , David L . Palmer; Advisor , Red Flame, Keith Sturdevant; Sky R<;>cket, Dav1d Jensen ; Hardrose, Del Swensen ; Poker, Scott Brown; Blue Shark, Scott Hoggan ; Sm1~1n Jack , Jack Sprouse. Back row: Rebel , Nolan Norris ; Hog Caller, Mark Westbrook ; Stoner, Lowne Hathaway; Red Sword , Scott Goold ; Idaho Kid , Gary Robbins ; Shive A Get, Dan Haun .


Run by a few crazed kids, we take in the responsibility of serving those who ADon't like school lunch. 8- Are addicted to Doritos. C- Have a typing, marketing, shorthand or accounting class. D - The Dumbies who are habitual pencil loosers and last, but not least. E - Those who like to hear the sound of cash registers. We enjoyed everything from setting up displays to watching all our profits go into school funds.

Officers: Mike Burkeman, Ann Dunster; Manager, Jeff Meldrum , Diana Baer, Keith Sturdevant, Kelly Christensen, Julie Lloyd .


Competing, dancing, roller skating, throwing banquets, and sponsoring Homecoming are only a few events among the filled agenda of the Distributive Education Clubs of America, Jordan Chapter. On the .sideline we were also learning how the businesses were run top to bottom.

Front row: Craig Wagstaff, Sherilyn Arnold, Wendy Gardner, Deanna Arnold, Delsy Eckman, Mike Kramer, Chris Heimiller, Lisa Bozarth, Mike Burkman . Row two: Claudia Krueger, Wyatt Burke , Holly Hill, Ruth McKay. Row three: Mr. Clark, Kevin Mitchell, Tammy Maxwell, Corrine Bailey, Ann Miller. Row four: Randy Oakeson, Rene ' Velarde , Marla Madsen, Rose Marie Spratt, Lorraine Hannah , Flora Limb . Row five: Mrs . Wilson, Kevin Gallagher, Theron Larkin , Sherry Oliver, Peggy Paramore, Donnette Noffsinger, Michelle Smiley, Roi Larsen , Sherry Wil liams . Row six: Tammy Mellor, Ann Dunster, Jeff Meldrum , Tina Hamilton , Kim Elison , Collette Cutler, Tammy Nielson, Tonyia Butterfield . Row seven: Sam Pecerelli , Bruce Panas , Mark Thaxton , Kent Best, Brent Best, Karilee Anderson , Brad Fenton, Kelly Kunz , Randy Hughes , Terry Napier, Janet Gough , Sandra Primm , Terry Barlow , Susan Hillock, Coral Ricard, Kelly Christenson . Row eight: Gary Rager , Keith Sturdevant, Dale Bohm , Pam Ulibarri , Tammy McCarthy, Pam Bolliger, Valerie Washburn , Lynn Ratzlaff, Desi Barker , Gary Rupp , Debbie Thorn . Terry Firmage. Row nine: John Cleft, Mylan Swilor, Robert Yaka, Grant Ragsdale, Kevin Kempin, DeAnne Brown . Annetter Smith, Lori Roundy, Susan Anderson .


Randy Oakeson , Tammy Mellor, Tammy Maxwell, Mike Burkman, Claudia Krueger, Randy Mlthchell , Ann Dunster.

We were merely homemakers in the embryo stage , including our male counterparts, making the best of our high school years, waking up members at 3:00 a.m., joking, and trying to get romantic while decorating for Sweethearts Ball. Kaylene Thornock advisor

Jebbie Sutherland. Row two: Penny Gregory, S~net Nielson, Tina Bodell, Tammy Hardman . andlng: Diana Baer, Tammy Beckstead, 1 ammy Mellor.

Front row: Debbie Sutherland , Ta.mmy Beckstead , T~mmy Ha~dman, Penny Gregory, Tina Bodell . Row two: Donnetta Lloyd , Kistine Campbell , D1ana Baer, Janet N1els~n, M1ss Thornock, Tammy Mellor. Row thre~: N1colene Riska , Dinah Holmstead , Lanette Thaxton . Row tour: M1ke Hamilton, Lorrie Sevy, Ann Miller, Shenlyn Arnold, Karen Jensen. Row five: Jill Perry, Mik~ Melonas, M1chel~e Yates , Chuck Christensen , Marie Bosworth. Row six: Sherry Haws , Amy Matheson , Cindy Sm1th , Buzz Welch, Lmda Tadehara , Margaret Meyers .




One of the primitive forms of art, that we updated quite a bit. With the professionalism of Mrs. Nichols, we turned out such fantastic works as the hillbilly dance and the dance concert.

Front row: Marilyn Hyde, Jeri Bishop , Sandy Smith, Sandra Frantz, Debbie Hadley, Lori Ovard . Row two: Jena Crapo, Kelly Gassman, Jill Middleton, Marty Melville, Ronda Cope, Jan Richardson. Row three: Nadine Smith, Lori Jones, Kaye Atkinson , Paula Smith, Deb Clough. In the tree: Tracy Leavitt, Laura Valenzuela, LeeAnn Terry, Karla Norton, Sherry Johnson .

Caroln Nichols advisor

OFFICERS : Debbie Clough and Paula Smith


Front row: Karrie Petty, Susan Hillock , Yvonne Broadhead , Tamara Lykins. Row two: Sonja Westbrook , Diane Bianchi , Sonja Ta:z:zer, Melissa Barrett, Gaye Despain , RaNae Ols en. Row three: Patrice Bogenschutz, Pam Ta:zzer, Carla Ricord , Karen Overson , Karen Christenson , Cindy Peterson , Lori Larsen .

At times it seemed like we were the only ones in the school who could understand the seating arrangement of the gym , even if we were just faking our way through the seats. Whether faKing tickets or handing out programs, it felt like we were at every Jordan activity finally finding out what this school is about. Barbara Bolland advisor

OFFICERS : Karrie Petty , Pam Tazzer , Patrice Bogenschutz .


Cindy Brunson Jennifer Cannon Vice President Laura Dansie Kathyrn Derricott Shauna Eggen Asst . Yell Mistress

Kathy Evenson

Diane Funk

Brenda Gotberg Penny Gregory Kelli Hiatt

Marilyn Hyde

Jeannine Jaynes

Lori Jones Drill Mistress


Kimberly Kempner Susan Kendrick President Chris Knopp Tracy Leavitt Asst . Drill Mistress Shelly McCulloch Treasurer

Natile Mitchell

Tamra N ielson

Sandra Orth Secretary

Jill Perry

N icolene R iska Historian

Frozen fingers slapping against frozen legs was Only the beginning of your half time entertainment during games. We looked quite neat in our new boots and actually quite graceful (sometimes) . Competing with other drill teams one second and inviting them to tea the next were the main ingredients of our social events.

Kelly Scorzato Nadine Smith Yell Mistress Linda Tadehara

Char lonians 145 .

Miss Nelson


Miss Imlay


FBLA Put any one of us near a typewriter or dictaphone and we'd be happy, only temporarily though. We also had sights on service projects, such as Christmas kiddie shows. We were out to conquer the business worid but only after we'd had a few good times.


Finally, we decided to get into the spirit act and formed, quite unexpectedly, an all boys' cheering section, Which, all in all, brought school spirit and Big Mac sales up.


Front row: Lori Larsen , Kacee Hiatt, Tina Tait, Karen Overson , Kathy Keele, Tanya Butterfield, Terry Barlow , Frankie Taylor , Michelle Yates . Row two: Gina Melonas , secretary; Karen Christensen, Diane Bianchi , Sonia Tazzer , Terisa Dickson, Shauna Deaven , Kathy Evenson, historian ; Stacie Fenton, Laura Dansie . Row three: Cathy Crane, Oddett Enniss, Connie Ostler, Coll een Prince , Becky Mortensen, Kelly Gassman, Tammy Wag staff , chairman; Jill Perry , Brenda Gotberg . Row four: Sh eri Wil liam s, Wendy Smith, Diane Parker, Jane Black , Kathy Keele , Jame Besner, Teresa Smith, Kelli Henderson, Sheri Pease, Jolen e Christensen , Cindy Phillips , Jill Fritz, Norlen e Overman , Yvonn e Broadhead, parliament; Rochelle Fairbourn . Row five: Lori Hickman, Phyllis Frischknecht, Cathy Meadows, E laine Paxman, reporter ; Shauna Moore , vi ce pre s.; Kris Cannon, Peggy Hummel , president ; Linda


OFFICERS : Bob Stone, John Lundstrom , Gary Thomas, Steve Bawden .



.:::: ::::::.~.


OFFICERS : Kevin Cutler, Blake Ost:er, Desi Barker, Dane Allred .

Front row : Lee Green, Gina Guymon . Row two: Les Gailey, Suzanne Biggs,

~huck Christenson, Penny Gregory. Row three: Kevin Cutler, Blake Ostler, Desi

A arker. Melody Bingham . Row tour: Jeff Phillips, Becky Bailey. Row five: Dane llred, Patrea Smith . Row six: Dave Kimball , Dara Anderson

We tried to increase our vocabulary to find more sophisticated ways of saying very little. Whether it was extemp. , impromptu, debating or leg forum we soon realized we really didn't care if the development and allocation of scarce world resources be controlled by an International Organization.

Jackie Conkling advisor

One thing is for sure-we won 't ever be completely lost in a U.N. session and might even favor certain countries. We learned a lot about worl~ relations which just might come in handy if any of us become Secretary of State.

~:ont r<:>w: Sandy Christensen, Maxine Yazhe , Beverly Joos , Joy Webster, Mark Goodrich , Kerry Fuller, CoiM~n M1llerberg, Teresa Skinner, Sonja Westbrook . Row two: Brent Ostler, Kathy Graham, Wendy , Randy le'tchell , Rob Jack. Brent Wyman , Dan e Allred , Joni Jensen , Robert Whent. Row three: R1cky Hanson, Alton .Mason , Max Burton , Corby Cambell, Scott Tremelling , Russ Tyler , Brett Childs , Scott Edward. Row 0 ur. Brad Merril , Brian Still, Kent Jolley , Tom Murphy, Kell Bunkel , Kevin Springer, Trent Gotberg, Blake Stier, Kevin Cutler, Brad Win egar, Gary Yates , Mark Burningham .


StagB CrBw When you mix 23 students together with hammers, nails, boards and Mr. Tucker, how can you help but have a great time. When you get thinking about it, without them, the plays and musicals wouldn't have the same meaning.

Front row: Trent Gotberg, Mark Combes, Mike Sheppard , Kelly Lovell , Mark Burningham . Back row: Herb Tucker, advisor; Lori Sevy, Lloyd Nelson, Wade King , Les Porter. Missing: Doug Cow ley , Colette Cutler. Shelly Cutler, Kathy Derricott, John Flores, Debra Francom , Teresa Jarvie, Steve Lewis, Tami Nelson, Susie Pullan, Don Rammer , Connie Smith , David Spencer, Gary Whetman .


Adv isor Ralph Pace and Pres ident Dan Francom .

We gathered our inborn talents together and used them in such projects as the " Once Upon a Mattress" poster and program design and the Bicentennial poster contest. But generally the class was filled with creative assignments and sour jokes. Front row: Dave Atkinson, Belinda Fenton , Rod Sedgewick , Layne Lundstrom , Blair Hanks , Kim Elison, Jim Henline . Back row: Karoleen Neria , Brad Merrill , Rod Allen , Stacy Myers , Holly Hill , Neil Mock , Dan Francom , Kevin Springer. Missing: Carrie Kirton , Chri s Young .


Broadeastl!r We were trying to make a seemingly boring month look about as exci ting as a double overtime basketball game, and somehow we did it. Between the hassle of deadlines, lost articles, frantic headaches, zany soap opera columns and super editorials, plus sparking up the announcements, we accomplished our goals with a great newspaper to prove it.

Front row : Saundra Brooksby, Kelly Lovell , Jeannene Maxfield , Brett Childs, Pam Smith . Middle row: Les Porter, Kel Goulding . Back row: Ken Barber, Dave Popelmayer. Missing : Jolene Adams .

STAFF BOX Pam C. Smith . .. ... . . ... .. . . ... Editor Kelly Goulding ... . . . .. Associate Editor Kelly Lovell .... . . . ..... Editorial Editor Saundra Brooksby . .. . ... Feature Editor Les Porter . . ...... ... ... Feature Editor Ken Barber .... . ... . . .. .. Sports Editor Jeannene Maxfield . .. Business Manager Dave Popelmayer . . .... . . Photographer Les Porter .. .. .. ...... .. .. Copy Editor Jolene Adams .... . .. . ... Staff Reporter Brett Childs . .. .. .. . .. . ... Broadcasting Kim Kempner ... .. ... .. .... . Columnist Hilton Harris ......... .... .. Cartoonist Carol Clark . . ... . . . .. . ........ Advisor Carol Clark ad v iso r


Toss-ups Searching the unknown or being searched by the unknown-either way we had a great hunger for finding. Yet it didn't really matter if we solved the secrets of the universe or not. Just getting acquainted with the planetarium was enough.

OFFICERS : Dale Titus, Jeff Phillips. D'Ray Miller, Dave Popel mayer.

Row one: Dave Popelmayer, D'Ray Miller, Jeff Phillips. Dale Titus . Row two: Leila Robertson, Katherine Tobin, Joni Jensen, Deanna Tobin , Johnny Clegg, Lee Green, Lee Garfield , Brian Rawlings, advisor. Row three: Tim Wilkes , Carl Davis, Danny Auxley, Dean Morrill , Steve Burger. Standing: Lloyd Nelson, Alan Buchanan .


OFFICERS: Randy Hughes, Maida Auker.

Sky diving is for the more daring of the folks at Jordan. Yet we never really considered it daring, just fun and expensive. We would trek to Cedar Valley every once in a while to take a flying leap out of a perfectly good airplane.

Row one: Cathy Keele, Randy Hughes , Maida Auker , Chris Elison . Row two: Connie Smith , Bruce Farnsworth , Wade Frischknecht, Alan Buchanan . Row three: Brett Pangos , Debbie Francom , Mark Burningham .


Ski Club

OFFICERS: teve Hall



We never thought we could get out of some school to have a blast on the slopes but that's just what we did as members of the ski club. It sure was great to be able to get our minds on something else than our textbooks.

~aylene Thornock, advisor; Jill Hanks, Kevin Hales, Julie Perkins, Caroly~ Black, Randy Sylvester, Dan Auker , Dunca.n Seale, Scott Hoggan, Tina Hamilton, Penny Wnd rson , Tina Tait, B .r ad Baugh, Mike Schulz.ke, John. Laved~r, Jan .Drckerson, Daye Clough, Randy Draper, Corrr Lampin!;:j , Curtis Tadehara, Keith Sturdevant, ad Webster, Matt Brshop , Kaye Atkinson, Mrke Akagr , Jaymre Meyrrck, Colleen Prrnc~, Cathy Meadows , Jan.e Black, Dennrs Overstreet, Gayle Devisser, Karen ~alters , Elaine Paxman , Denise Dillard , Lynn Ratzlaff , Tammy Wagstaff , Julie Vowles, Bel.nda Fenton , Annette H rckman , Dale Bohm , Larry Walters, Blaine Cozzens, V herry Johnson , Sandy Orth, Nadine Smith, Terry Barlow , Steve Hallec~ . Frank Jex , Alan Buchanan, Kathy Smrth, Pat Galland, Karla Norton , Kelly Goulding, Paul A an Leuwen , Blair Hanks, Alan Takemori, Raymond Sharp, Chris McCormrck, B~ad Wrnegar, Rod Haddean , Lynn Perr<?e , Steve Gourley, Ben Reeve, Rick Adair , Jeff damson, Colleen Angus, Ken Anderson , Todd Anderson, Deanne Arnold, Krrs Atkrnson, Matt Ault, Dean Ba.e r, Mrke Baer, Diane Bianchi , Jeff Bingham, Sherrie 8 Clank, .J ohn Bowdridge, DeAnne Brown, Laurie Buhl , Wyatt Burke, Richard Burgan, Corby Campbell , Tammy Chrld, Kelli Christensen, Susan Cowley, Gary Cox, Julie Fiummrngs, Mark Davis, Greg Davidson, Don Draper , Angie Edwards, Sheldon Eskels<;m. Trm Evans, John Ferager:. Larry Feragen , Terry Firmage , Kerry Frsher, Erin itzger~ld, Daren Flinn. Cindy Forbes, Dan Francom, Phyllis Frisch~nechC Wade .Frrschk~echt , Karrre Fuller, Drane .Funk, Ke~in Gallagher, Britton Gassman, Vir~ nla Grffor~. Stephanie Green, Paula Greenwood, Gina Guymon,LorreHamrlton, Mrke Hamrlton, Jay Hrckman, Terry Hrlton, Lorrre Holmstead, Steve Howlett! Steve s uetter , Phrl Hunt , Ben Huntsman , Alden Jensen , Kathy Jenson , Doug Jens<;m . Jerry Johnson , Lr.sa Jones, Julre Kelso.' Kathy Kelso , Dennis Marler, Melonre MarC~all, Allen Mason , Stephen McDonald , Brad Merrill , Colleen Millerberg , Barbre Myers, De':lnrs Orgrl.l, Brent Ost~er , Jennrfer Ovard , Alan Patterson , Brent .Patterson , S ndy P<=:terson , Jinny Peterson , Kent Price , Tod Ross. Cindy Robison , Kelly Scorzato, Erleen Smrth , J~ff Smrth , Ranae Smrth, Sandy Smith , Stev~ Smrt~ . Teresa v;'ith, Lrsa Steed, Dave Swenson, Lisa Swenson, Glenn Sybrowsky, Wendy Taylor , Karma Taylor , Sonra Tazzer, Tranna Tompson, Mark Tondro, Lrnda Trrpp, Paul Wdrey, Danny Vowles, John Webster , Shauna Willette, Cyndi White , Ed Young .


Margaret Price advisor

We promoted intramural sports plus supported letterwomen. We showed the school and boys' sports that if the guys couldn't ¡ do it then the girls would. Several of our girls' teams went far in region and state competition. One of our goals for this year was to gain more recognition and we succeeded.

OFFICERS - Sitting: Jody Bently. Row two: Karen Gatehouse, Pat Galland, Tamara Walkenhorst. Row three: Tawna Riding , Ann Dunster, Deanna Scott.



Front row: Gloria Bailey , Lori Ovard , Michelle Nuzman , Louann Shrye rs, Juli e Chamber lain, Doris Sharp . Row two: Karen Getehouse , Lind a David son , Kim Hamilton, Annette Chidester, Bre nd a Yos t , K e lly Chri sten sen . Standing: Corrine Bail e y , B ecky Gould , Joyce Carter, Shaun a Wil -

lette , Tamara Walkenhorst , Ann Dunster, Tawna Riding , Jody Bentley , Pat Galland, Sandy Christensen, Karen Christensen , Louisa Galland , Karen Overson , Tina Tait . On ladder: Jill Jensen , Kelly Christensen , Deanna Scott , Dara Anderson , Jolene Christenson . Missing: Jena Crapo, Shauna Squires , Jennifer Ovard .

SeorBs VARSITY WRESTLING SCORES Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

.... 15 .... 19 .. .. 19 .... 41 .... 32 . ... 24 .... 15 .... 14 .... 22 .... 32 .... 63 .. .. 36 .. . . 31 .... 36

Provo ............. 45 Hillcrest ........ .. 34 Pleasant Grove .... 35 Spanish Fork ...... 13 Springville ........ 27 Davis .. ... ... . ... . 28 Orem ............. 37 Bingham .......... 33 Granger...... . . ... 29 Box Elder ......... 18 Judge . .... .... . . . 3 Cyprus ............ 22 Tooele .... .... .... 17 Murray ............ 24

J. V. WRESTLING Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

. ... 30 .... 17 . ... 17 ... . 35 .. .. 31 .... 22 .. . . 31 .... 36 .... 18 .... 27

Provo .. . .......... 30 Hillcrest ..... ..... 45 Pleasant Grove . ... 39 Spanish Fork . ... .. 23 Springville .... .. .. 26 Davis ............. 42 Orem . ....... .. ... 23 Bingham .......... 9 Granger .. .... .. .. . 21 Box Elder ......... 30

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

.... 62 .... 64 ... . 37 .... 36

Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Cyprus . .. . . ....... 7 Tooele ............ 24 Murray............ 21

VARSITY BASKETBALL SCORES Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

.. . . 61 .... 52 .... 65 .... 47 .. .. 48 ... . 71 .... 87 .... 64 . ... 48 .... 63 . .. . 65 .... 62 .... 68

Uintah . . ... .... ... 75 Ogden ........ .... 44 Bountiful .......... 50 Hillcrest .......... 74 Brighton ....... ... 45 Box Elder . . .... ... 67 Fruita Colo ........ 60 Cyprus .... ........ 68 Davis ............. 78 Judge ............ 68 Tooele ............ 82 Bingham .......... 73 Murray ............ 73

J. V. BASKETBALL Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

.. .. .... .. .. . ... .... ....

52 56 61

39 51 76

Uintah . .... ....... Ogden ............ Bountiful ..... .. ... Hillcrest .......... Brighton ...... . ... Box Elder ....... ..

56 60 72 77 63 41

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

.... 68 .... 41 ... . 71 .... 71 .... 45 .... 77

Cyprus ............ Davis ............. Judge ............ Tooele ............ Bingham ........ .. Murray ............

73 5S 51 73

77 7G

VARSITY FOOTBALL SCORES Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

.... 0 .... 21 .... 0 .... 12 .... 13 .... 10 .... 6 .... 0 .... 12

Hillcrest ......... . Pleasant Grove . . .. 2i Brighton ..... ..... 2f Bingham .......... 3A Judge . ... ..... .. . 2C Cyprus ....... . . ... C Murray ............ 2C Tooele ............ 1f Davis ............. 12

J .V. FOOTBALL Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

.... 12 .... 6 .... 12 .... 20 .... 16 .... 7 .... 6 .... 8

Pleasant Grove ... . Brighton ........ . . 20 Bingham .......... 8 Judge ..... .... ... 12 Cyprus ............ 0 Murray .. .... ... .. . 14 Tooele ............ ~ Davis ............. 22 '

Doug Berry

Perry Brady

O 'Neil Brereton

Gary Garcia

FOOTBALL: Doug Berry, Head; O'Niel Brereton , Gary Garcia, Mike Murry, Hue Jewkes, Dan May. WRESTLING : Dan May , Head; Gary Garcia. BASKETBALL: Hal Hale, Head; Doug Berry, Ray Jensen, Mike Murry. CROSS-COUNTRY: Ray Jensen . BASEBALL: Perry Brady, Head ; Gary Garcia. TRACK: Ray Jensen, Head; Mike Murry. SWIMMING: O 'Niel Brereton . GOLF: Perry Brady. TENNIS: Hal Hale. GIRLS ' SPORTS : Margaret Price, Head; Carolyn Nichols. Hal Hale

Being a coach was rewarding when we won but when we lost was a different story. Trying to keep them on the team, correcting them, and finally winning was a person a I victory for us.

Dan May

Hugh Jewkes

Mik e Murry

Ray Jenson

Carolyn Nichols

Margaret Price

Coae!hBs 157

1ThB Spirit Of CompBtition





Mary Tapia, Head; Karen Thome, Tammy Butler, Kacee Hiatt, Juliene Day, Gina Kerby, Denise Dillard, Kelli Christensen.

Sherry Oliver, Frankie Taylor, Tina Hamilton , Julie Vowles, Head ; Gayle Cutler, Deb Clough , Marty Melvill e.


Front row: Carl Davis , Kevin Gallagher, Mark Ziegler, Steve Landeen , Ken Noffsinger, Kelly Brown, Ben Christensen . Second row: Dan Francom , Duff Pingree , John Sieverts , Daniel Longstaff, Stacy Whitmore , Robert Simons , Richard Mortensen . Back row : Dan Chavez , Tony Sieverts , Randy M itchell, Rich ard Kirt on ,

B CrOSSJenCountry

During the sub-zero weather in the morning when you were driving to school , you probably saw one of us running for the cross-country team . We ran with one goal in mind . Taking first in region and third in state- that moment of victory made it all seem worthwhile .


Junior Varsity


Front row : David Meyrick , Steven Crebs , Johnny Alldredge, Rich Mill r . Ro w two : K nny J ns n , Bruc Baugh, Allan Carroll, D an Morrill , Clyde Mead, Kevm Andersen , Brent Porter, Steve Holm . Row three: Mitch Bakk r, Bnan Still , L sit Brown , Br tt Hardman , Rog r Fitzgerald , St v Hal lack , Brent Whtteman , Bryce Flake , Steven Veltri . Bac k row : Danny Brklacich , D an Ba r, Jo 10 wald , St v Osborn , Tom Gil s.


J. V.WrQstling

Sitting: Terry Hart. Row one: Dan Chavez, Stacy Myers, Tony Sieverts, Kevin Gallagher, Mike Zeller. ~ow two: Gary Garcia, Steve Milne , Paul Fairbourn , Darwin Bradfield, Darrell Troester, Dan Shail, teve Ma ssa, Dan May . Row three: Jack Sundell, David Wilkens , Kevin Langford , Gary Yates, Randy ~Y i vester, Mike M e lonas . Row four: Dan Brklacich , Matt Hevelone, Russ Tyler , Bryce Flake, Jeff ?mer, Willie Teuscher. Row five : Ken Langford, Glenn Sybrowsky, Mike Baer, Scott Dahl , Joe 11 Jlton . Row six: Brian Sterling, Mike Kennelly, Kim Cowley, Lee Garfield , Dean Baer.

We were the wrestlers who didn 't quite make it to the big time but still stuck around to give the Varsity something to worry about. We were the squad who examined the mistakes and tried to improve while competing with other J.V. teams. Maybe next year .. . .


We all felt the strain of the individual and the team competition; the mental pressure ; the exhausting, strenuous, tiring , practices; the wrestle off's and challenges and the stress of those six minutes. It is a team sport that depends on each individual 's performance. For all the work and sweat, it was rewarding to pursue and conquer.

WrBstling Darwin Bradfield

Scott Dahl

Dan Chavez

Paul Fairbourne Dan May Coach

Kevin Gallagher

Matt Havalone

Ken Langford


Kevin Langford

J ff Le avitt

S t ev e M assa

Steve Milne

Mike Zeller

Darill Troester

William Teuscher

Randy Silvester

Dan Shail

Stacy Myers

Jeff Newland

Kirk Riding

John Sieverts

Tony Sieverts


BaskBfball We were Dr. Jekels and Mr. Hydes floating about school laughing and acting relaxed. Then at the games the casual attitudes dropped and we turned into tense do-or-die men. With all the pains, disappointments and obstacles, we wouldn't trade it in.

Mark Langston




Carl Sargent

Del Swenson

Ken Young

Jeff Snow

Junior Varsity And SophomorB


Front row: Paul Brady, Jeff Snow, Brett Pangos, Spencer Olsen , Brian Still. Row two: Paul Skoubye, Curtis Cutler, Jeff Jensen , Darrell McKuen , Gordon Haueter.


Front row: Randy Wilkins, Sean Burnside, Joel Oswald, Steve Osborne. Row two: Cody Jensen, Don Draper, Marc Fenton, Mark Petersen . Row three: Joe Coombs, Paul Maag , Kevin Lee, Doug Neeve. Row tour: Larry Allred, Clinton Allan , Alan Carrol , Johnny Aldredge.


This year was the most successful year for golf that Jordan has ever had. Thanks to our men 's skill and finesse and winning determination our team took the state championship! The team did a fine job in all its matches and spent endless hours in practice. Thanks to a great coach and an excellent team .

Milan Swilor, Jeff Snow, Tom Darling , KurtThomas , Jeff Ballard , Marc Fenton , Steve Utley, Jeff Jex , Coach Perry Brady.


Tra~k And FiBid

Front row: Brad Baugh , Steve Landeen , Johr: Lavender, Kent . Price, Dan. Lucero, Spencer Olson, Mark Jensen, Gary Whetman , Mike Crebs. Row two: Brian Still. Dan Shail , Kevin Gallagher, Mark Ziegler , Curt1s C_utler, Ben Chr.lstensen , R1c~ Bakker, Ron Glover, Mark Osbourne , Kelly Brown. Row three: Stacy Whitmore , George Russom , Ray Greenwood , Joe Coombs , R1ch M1ller, Steve Mll.ne , Doug Cl.me , Ken Young, Paul Fairbourne, Dan Longstaff, Mark Woolsey, Stan Short. Steve Osbourne. Row four: Jeff Homer, Coach Je nsen , John Padmos , R1chard Kurta1n, Dale Bohm , Phillip Hunt, Coach Berry, Steven Lewis, Robert Simon , Mike Schulzke. Scott Dahl , Carl Davis, Richard Mortenson .

We are individuals yet collectively a team, conquering obstacles as a whole and on our own, whether it was a finish line , a hurdle or our own bodies. Each competitor added to the overall team score . The Jordan team is composed of winning men .




Todd Anorizzi

Matt Bishop

Paul Brady

Steve Brown

Blaine Cozzens

Hal Cozzens

Don Draper

Roger Fitzgerald

Mike Forbes

Gordon Heauter

Kenny Jensen

John Lundstrom

MANAGERS : Terry Hart, Baron Sterling .

Baseball is never a " hot dog and peanuts" game at Jordan. Baseball is taken seriously, it is like a more mature little league game with higher batting averages. Spring fever hits us hard so we become more and more fidgety to get out and bat something . To satisfy the urge, we begin practicing in the snow and we play on into the summer. It seems to make the end of the school year easier to take.

Steve Nelson

Perry Brady Coach

Doug Neeve

Allen N iksich

Marc Peterson

Jeff Pierce

Lynn Pierce

Burke Ross

Bob Stone

Del Swenson

Kurt Thomas

Gary Garcia Coach

Front row: Doug Maddox , Brad Winegar, Corey Houmand, Paul VanLeewen . Ro w t w~: Troy Onaveros , Cody Jensen , Steve Hallock, Willie Wright. Row three: Rob Jack, Kevin Pack, Carl Sargent, Kevin Kempin, Kevin Cutler, Coach Hal Hale.

Speed, agility and precision all make up the necessary elements of playing tennis. With hopes of being number one we played to the best of our ability. By smashing the balls we also smashed the competition.


~ront row: Debbie Clough, Jena Crapo , Deanna Scott, Jill Hanks , Pam .summerhays , Gayle Cut!er, Gloria Bailey. Row two: Jeri Bishop , Lori Ovard , DorIS S harp , C athy Noorda , Jol e ne Christensen , Kathy Hyatt, Sandra Pickett. Row three: Claudia Weaver , Kaye Atkinson , Ronda Cope , Dara Anderson ,

Tam e ra Walk e nhorst , Karen Gatehouse.


7 17 2 8

OPP Murray Judge Bingham Judge Third in Region

8 18 7 7

15 15 15 5 15 15

Bingham Judge Judge Murray Murray Murray Second in Region

7 2 13 15 8 6

State Games



15 9 9 12 15 15 15

OPP Cyprus Cyprus Davis Davis Tooele Tooele Bihgham



Region Games

8 15 15 15 0 8 2

8 12 15 15 15 15 13 14

Spanish Fork Spanish Fork Murray Murray Springville Springville Spanish Fork Spanish Fork Fourth in State

15 15 7 8 3 7 15 16


50 37 40 46 48 43 43 41 41

OPP Murray Bingham Brighton Judge Orem Davis Cyprus Tooele Orem Fifth in Reg ion

39 52 37 50 31 52 19 46 22

J.V. BASKETBALL Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

vs. Murray ... . Lost vs. Judge ... . . Lost vs . Orem ..... Lost VS . Davis ..... won vs. Tooele ... . Lost vs . Orem . . . .. Lost


Girls' Sports

Front row: Sandra Pickett, Karen Gatehouse, Jolene Christensen, Shanna Willette, Dara Anderson, Tamera Walkenhorst, Doris Sharp, Julie Chamberlin . Row two: Ann Dunster, Gloria Bailey, Kim Hamilton, Debbie Clough, Jena Crapo, Sandy Christensen, Deanna Scott, Kathy Hyatt , Lori Ovard .


In women's sports it takes extreme desire and an intense amount of physical strain for a team to be on top and Jordan 's name has been in the finals more than once. We have even taken the State title several times in girls' competition. This shows the devotion and determination that the female side can have. We were left with a tough job-to fill the empty spaces in the trophy cases left by the boys' sports-and we did!




Sure a gymnast needs a great body , but it also takes sh i n splints, calloused and blistered hands, bruises, muscles , chalk fights , finesse , vaselined teeth , six hours of practice a day, Cope's good luck stories, wearisome floor ex . music, last year's leo's, and warm-ups, two terrific coaches, two magnificent managers, three super spotters, perpetual inertia, at least a million falls , abstaining from fattening foods , practically giving up everything to do with the opposite sex, crying when a loss would come and crying when we won .


Honors TOP 3%- Front row: Corey Houmand, Jolene Christensen, Kevin Kempin . RoW tow: Ruth Parry, Ben Christensen , Dara Anderson, Laurie Hardcastle, Darrell Troester. Row three: Becky Bailey, Deb Clough, Frank Jex, Mike Akagi. Mis¡ sing: Dan Sullivan .

GIRLS' STATE : Jennifer Cannon, Marilyn Hyde, Karrie Petty, Patrea Smith, Mari¡ ann Richards . Missing: Nancy Ballard, Bonnie Brennan .

STERLING SCHOLARS-Fro.n t row: Megan Timoney . Row two: Wade Frischneckt, Corey Houmand, ~inal.ls~; Da~ Francom, finalist; Ed Morgan, finalist . Row three: Mike Akagi, finalist, Kevm Cutler, finalist; Becky Bailey , finalist ; Pam Tazzer , finalist; ArnY Matheson, Ruth Parry , finalist . Missing: Mari ann Richards .


BOYS ' STATE : Corey Houmand , K v1n Cutler, Scott Baker, Les Gailey . MissinO: Dave Kimball

TOp 1 0%-Front row: Jeff Pierce, Alan Buchanan. Corey Houmand, Laurie Hardcastle, Kris Rasmussen, Deb Clough, Jena Crapo, Pam Smith, Megan Timoney, Col.leen Prince, Mariann Richards, Patrea Smith, Dara Anderson, Kaye Atkinson, Mike Akagi. Row two: Patti Mortenson, Jolene Christensen, Penny Gregory, Linda Tadehara, Kathy Evanson, Becky Bailey, Pam Tazzer, Pat Morgan, Karrie Petty, Ruth Parry, Cheryl Tempest. Pat Nelson. Debbie Simmons, Tammy Wagstaff, Darrell Troester, Kevin Kempin, Mark Ziegler, Dan Francom, Jeff Jensen, Mike Carter. Row three: Ben Christensen, Blake Ostler, Stephen Burger, Brad Baugh. Missing: Lynnette Morrill, Dan Sullivan.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY OFFICERS: Corey Houmand, Ruth Parry, Mark Ziegler.

NATIONAL HONOR SOC IETY-Fron t row: l?e~bie Simmons, Patty Nelson, Becky Bailey, Patrea Smith, Frank Jex~ Megan Tim<:>ney , Tammy McClure, Mariann Richards, Karrie Petty, Gordon Haueter, Cory H1gg1~s. Row ~wo: Roger Hopes, Stephen Burger, Brad Bauer, Mark Z1egler , Claud1a Krueger , Keith Eddmgton, Kent Jacobson, Les Gailey. Row three: Paul Brady , Kev1n Kemp1n , Brad Winegar, Jena Crapo , Deb Clough , Kris Rasmussen, Laune H.ardcastle, Gordie Mon. Royd Nelson , Patti Mortenson. Row four: Mike Akagi , Alan Buchanan . Jeff Jensen , Kevin Cutler, Blake Ostler, Carl Sargent, Ken Barber, Richard Mortenson . R~ed Nelson , Darrell Troester , Ruth Parry. Missing: Kaye Atkmson, D~ra Anderson , Jane Black , Jay Elaine, Sandra Brooksby, Scott Brown, Kerr~ Fisher, Phyllis Fnschneckt, Corey Houmand , Robert Kimball, Pat Morgan, Lynette Mornll , Lloyd Nelson, Cathy Noorda , Lisa Schmidt, Pam Smith , Randy Sylvester, Lmda Tadehara . Gordon Van Tassell.


Darrell Troester National Merit Finalist

Jeff Pierce Playmaker award

Kevin Cutler Outstanding citizen

Les Galley Outstanding Key Club Secretary

STATE DECA WINNERS : Mark Burningham, Artie Edmunds, Kevin Kernpin, Charlene Johnson, Tammy Mellor, Dave Kimball. Missing: Cindy Roberts.

Darwin Bradfield 2nd Place - State Wrestling

Paul Falrbourn 2nd Place - State Wrestling

John Sleverts 3rd Place State Wrestling

Kirk Riding 4th Plac State Wrestling

YOUNG AMERICANS : Corey Houmand, Becky Bailey, Mark Ziegler, Dara Anderson, Robert Kimball, Ruth Parry. Missing: Dave Kimball, Les Gailey.



Jeff Pierce Region Football

REGION SOLO AND ENSEMBLE SUPERIORS-Front row: Debbie Simmons, Lorri Larsen, Mariann Richards, Keith Eddington . Row two: Jani Robinson , Jan Richardson , Jeri Anderson , Kent Jacobson, Diana Woodruff , JessAnn Coombs .

Ken Young Region Football

Paul Fairbourn Region Football

FBLA WINNERS-Front row: Kerry Mortensen , Jolene Christensen Tina Hamilton , Sonja Tazzer. Row two: Daniel Gingras , Sandy Smith, Shauna Moore , Gina Melonas.

FORENSICS WINNERS - Front row: Blake Ostler, Kevin Cutler. Row two: Le Green , Scott Howells , Dallas Lyon . Row three: Mr. Parnell , Steve Christensen, Becky Bailey, Patrea Smith , Dara Anderson . Row four: Kelly Close . Gina Guyman . Row five: Dave Christensen , Dan Tong ish, Glen Bailey, Les Gailey . Back row: Dane Allred , Dave Kimball , Brett Childs .

ART WINNERS : Bruce Jeremy, LeAnn Terry , Kerry Clements, Kevin Marchant .



GYMNASTICS - FIRST IN STATE - Front row: Deanna Scott , Denise Dillard, Rebecca Veater , Jena Crapo Claudia Weaver , Jeri Bishop , Jill Hanks , Patti Mortensen , Ronda Cope. Row two: Rhonda Norton , Gayle Cutler , LuAnn Shryers , Pat Galland , Sherry Johnson~ Cathy Noorda , Karilee Anderson , Mrs. Price . Row three: Trisha Paskett , Diane Washburn , Cheryl Peterson , Lorri Dangerfield, Tarni Harding , Kaye Atkinson, Kirn Elison .

VICA NATIONAL WINNERS : Duffy Pingree, Susan Kendrick, carl Sargent. Alan Buchanan .

CHARLONAINS- FIRST IN STATE - Front row: Cindy Brunson , Shelly McCulloch , Penny Gregory, Kelly Scorzato. Row tw~: Jeannine Jaynes, Tracy Leavitt , Lori Jones, Terry Barlow . Row three: KathY Evanso.n, Jill Perry , Nicolene Riska, Kathy Derricott. Row four: Laura Dansie, Susan Kendrick, Nad.m~ Smith, Marilyn Hyde . Row five: Jennifer Cannon, Shauna Eggan , Brenda GotberQ. Kelli Hiatt. Row six: Linda Tadehara, Kim Kempner, Sandra Orth, Diane Funk.


GOLF - FIRST IN STATE - Front row: Mylan Swylor, Tom Darling . AOtwo: Jeff Snow , Mark Peterson, Kurt Thomas.

StatB Champs

Front row: Julie Ziegler, Mariann Richards, Megan Timoney, Tammy McClure , Kris Rasmussen , Marti Melville, Judy Bonham , Dane Allred. Row two: Selena Garfield, Jeri Anderson, Patsy Welch, Robyn Spray, Melanie Marshall, Holly Leavitt, Lori Mace, Susan Roberts, Lorilee Thompson. Row three: Brett Childs, Jeri Fitzgerald , Scott Brown) Alan Carroll , Randy Vawdrey, Wade King, Mike Derricott, Doug Cline, Kris Hardy, Jolene Maynes, Kistine Cambell. Missing: Karen Christensen , Mike Oar, Liz Gonzales, Pat Taylor, Danetta Cox, Tammy Beckstead, Jon Coffin, Lloyd Nelson, Mike Thorpe, Debbie Sutherland , Ronda Cope.


Front row: Dave Zeller , Tonyia Butterfield , Karen Hansen , Roger Allen . Row two: Randy Draper , Carl Sargent, Duffy Pingree , Alan Buchanan , Craig Heesch , Dean Capson .


OVER US Clemont Bishop 88 Jerry McCleary 88 Fred Ash 88

McMili an, Greg 96 Millerburg, Norene 96 Naylor. LaRae 96 Neison; LouEtta 96 Stafford, Karen 96 Steadman, F1orence 96 Sybrowsky, Jackie 96 Tuttle, JoAnn 96 Wagstaff, Lena 96

LEADING US OTIIER HELP Allen, Colle en 90 Argyle, Cheryl 90 Ballard, Lynn 90 Berry, Doug s>o, 157 Bishop, Ralph 90 Bishop. Robvn T. 90, I 36, 137, 109 . Bolland, Barbara 143 Brady, Perry 90, J57, 17Y , 183 Brereton, 0';:\dl 90, 146, 157 BoHkovlch, Dan 90 Chatfield, LaNae 90 Clark, Carol 91, 149 Clark, Dave 91 Clark, Lorie 91 Conkling, Jacque 91, 147 Crookston, Mark 91, 138 DeMUl, Lynn 91 Dover, Patrick 91 Ensign, Kaye 91 Erickson David 91 Garcia, Gary 91, 146, 154, 157, 161, 173. 183 Gooch, Garth 92, 130 Groves, Gerald 92 Gummell, Farrell 92 Hale, Hal 92, 157 Higgins, Marilyn 92 Langford, Rob~rt 93 Jewkes, llue 157 Johnson, Don 92 Hilton, Bruce 92 Imlay, Karan 92, 146 Jen son, Ray 92, 157, 165 King, Rodger 92, 138 Martin, Marion 9.'3 May, Dan 93, 143, 157, J 71 McCleary, Kenneth 93 McDonald, Robert 93 Murry, Mike 93, 157 Nelson, Joy 93,146 Nichols, Carolyn 93, 109, 142, 157, lRH Olsen, Don 93 Oliver, Rodnev 93 Pace, Ralph 94, 148 Palmer, Dave 94, 1.'38, 139, 150 Parnell, Gary 94, 147 Pay, Ranee 94 Peterson, Wendell Plant. Brent 94 Pond, Jay 94. 135, 154 Price, Margaret 94, 152, 157, 188 Rasmussen, Brent 94 Rawlings, Brian 94, 150 Rudolph, David 94 Smith, Gary 94 Stephenson, jacklyn 95 Thornock, Kayleen 95, 141, ]51 Tippetts, Le~h 95 Tucker, Herb 94, 148 Ward, Barbara 95 Ward, Don 95 West, Carol 95, 154 Wilson, Lila 95, 140 Zabriskie, Rodney 95, 109, 133, 135 Zimmerman, Nancy 95 HELPING US Ainsworth, Thelma 96 Albanese, Karrie 96 Brown, Margie 96 Crapo, Maxine 96 icksen, Virginia 96 Gamble, Joan 96 Giles, Carol 96


Aldredge, Fred 97 Bake, Cora 97 Banks, Gisele 97 Brown, Evclvn 97 Couch. Elln{a 97 Gibson, Carol 97 Gregory, Harry 97 Krueger, llelen 97 Peterson.. Flore nce 97 Silcox, Ken 97 Workman, Wes 97


anaaa ADAMS. J. DEAN 25, 138 DECA-jr., VlCA-sr,, VICA S<Jfety cummittce-sr. AKAGI MICHAEL D. 20, 22, 23,25, 151,154, lHl , 190, 19l VICA-soph., tennis clubsoph. math club·sopll,. model UN-jr., k~y cluh-sr., model UN pres. -jr, 1 studenthody fir st vic~-sr .. key club-sr., hoard member, s tudent congress soph., inquiring editorsoph, foothall-jr .. wrestling-soph., track- sop h 1 j r .• sr., cross countrv-soph, top 3%-sr., mc.tht'lllatics sterling -;cho lnr finaliscsr. 1 National honor ~;oc ietyjr., sr .. va lcdictorian-sr .. intermountain jr. sdencc ond humanities symposium u of u-jr. ALLDREDGE, PRIDE 25. 13 8, 154 key club-soph., jr., sr .• key club 2nd vice pres-j1·., key bluh prcs~sr., VICAsr., VICA parliamcntariansr . ALLEN, BILL 2S VICA~soph., jr.,sr. ALLEN, DAVID 25, 126. J 3H. J47 VICA jr .. sr. ALLEN, R D 25, 148 ALLEN, ROGER 25, l.'3 8 rodco-jr., sr .. VICA-sr. ALLRED, DANE 25, l09, 125, 136, 146, 147 , 193 ANDERSEN, BRENT 25 ANDERSEN, TAR! 22, 23, 25, 134 madrigals-sr., a cappella jr., masque & gave l- soph . , model UN-soph., student body secrctary-sr., sweetheart's royalty-soph ANDERSEN, STEVEN 25 ANDERSON, DARA 25, 147. 153, 185, 186, 190, 191 I i 92, 193 national honor socicty -jr., sr., forensics- jr., sr., GAA - soph. , jr. I sr., young americans-sr., debatc-jr., sr., volleyball, baskctballsoph.,jr.,sr.,top 10% -sr., letter -volleyball, baskctball-sr., region forensics, superior-jr., s tate debate, cxcellent~sr., state debate, good-jr. ANDERSON, DAVID 25

ANDERSON, DENNIS 42 ANDERSON, JERILYN 25, l34, L37 , 138, 192 masque &gavel-soph., jr .. sub-debs& SCJU ires -sopil .. a cappclla-jr., sr . , madrigals-sr., activities chairman, a cappella-sr .. musical-soph .• play-soph., JV vollcybail-sr. , J orclan olympics- jr .. sr., o::;scrnblies-soph.,jr. ,sr. ,region interp-superiorsoph .. region <>olo& emsemb le, superior -sr., ex cellent- jr., district so lo & ensemble. s upcrior- sr . ANDERSON, TODD 25, J 3R. lSJ VICA .. sr .. ski club-::;r .. k~y club~sr.

ANGUS, COLLEEN 25. 151 ATKINSON, KAYE 25. 109. J-!2, 151, l::i4, 184 . 188. llJ(l, J 91, 1<J I FHA-!'oph,, jr .. sJ·., key duh•jl'., jordancllc"l -sr .. ski c lub-sr., dance club• jr., o;;r,, t,>ytunnstics-jr., sr., nationnl honor societysr ., key club '>wccllwart~ jr., .JOrdanclles vic~ p1·essr .. studcnr cou ncil-jr .• musical-s r. , swee theart comm . -jr .. Jordan olympics-jr,. state gymnastics. 2nd- jr,, top I 0%-'>r. ATKINSON, SIJAUNA 42 AUKER, DAN 25. 1.'315. I 51 AUKER, MAIDA 2S, 150 band -~.;oph,. jr., skytliving sr., skyclivinp, sec. -sr. bhbhh BAER, DIANA 25, 141, 139 , 151 FIIA-soph ,, jr., sr .. DECA-jr .. sr., dance cluhsr .. hookstore-sr., l 1 11A 2ncl v1cc ilssis-sr. 1 JIIJA vice pres-jr., DECA, 2nd v icc -sr. swc~ tlwa rt' s COillJll,

bailey, hcckv 25, 147. 190 1 191,192, .193 nntionnl honor socktv-st., forcnsics-sr. 1 inquil'ing c tlitor- soph., jr., voung amcricnns-sr., tracksopll .. jr., sr ., debate -sr .. top 10%-sr., sci<'ncc · ste rling sc hol:.lr finali~t~ sr,. state del>ntc, 1st pl:1ce-sr. BAILEY, CORHINE 2:'), J 40, 15.'3 DECA-sr .• CAA -st., hancl-sopll., jr., s r .• softball-sr. BALLARD, JANICE 2S, 1:32,

154 key club-soph., Jr.,.Jordarwllcs"sr.,a cappclla:sr., jordanclles pre .· - . r .. key club swccthean - soph . 13ALLARD, LAURA 42 f3AKER, SCOTT 25, 1.'3=5, 190 band-soph., jr., sr., VICAsoph ., play-soph., .tr., boys' state-sr., district honors llancl-sr. BARLETT, SUSAN 26 BARKER, DESl 26, 140, 147 fi!A-soph., jr., sr., VICA-Jr., FilA reporters r .• forensics scc-sr., DECA-sr., jr. asscm. Jordan olympics 1r., sr., lst nttcn. swcc tllcart s-jr . , who's who in American high students BAUER, 13RAD26,1SI,J9J national honor ">Ocicty-

sr .. top JO%-sr. BAUGll, NORMAN 7.6, 1:3H, 146 flAWDEN,STEVE 26. 13 2 .146 <;ki cluh-soph. , jr., sr., men's cheer dub-Br., a cappc lla -jr .• sr., senator-soph., .student council-jr .. sr .. cheer club coprcs-sr., foothull-soph .. Jr. basehall-jr., sweethearts comm-soph. 13EARDALL, LYNN _6 photogrnpher - sop h .. j r .. sr., VJCA region, '>tate contests BECK, IJLAINE 26 BECK, VJCKI 26 BECKSTEAD, TAMARA 26. J ~2. 141 FIJA-soph .. jr,. sr .. , cappcli<J-p· .. sr., masquc&g:lvel -soph., FilA reportcr-sr., swecthcilrts comm-jr .. sr .. interp tcilm-jr .. sr. BEDNJ\RJK, Vlt 1CE 26 VICA-s r, BENTLEY, fOOY 26. l:'lO. 131. l.'H, 1:12. 1S.l hnnd-s•Jpll .. jr .. G1\1 -jr .. sr,, ycarliook-Jr .. s r., i1 cappclb-Jr., maclrig<tl'>sr .. hand vice prc-;-p· .. GAA hi storiiln-sr .. madrigal social chn irmnn- sr., track- soph .. jr .. sr .. district solo&<.:nsemi>le. supl'rior-sr. 13ERRETT, RE E VELARDE 41 DECA-sr .. 2nd pi. region 13EST, llR 8NT 20. 26. l ·Hl. I I(J

track-soplt., ..,ki c luh-F .. s r .. DE A-<;r .. stud<.:nt c:ouncil-sr. BEST, KENT : l~fl.I..J6 VJCA sr . . I)ECA-'-;J· .. vull L lu h- s r . . s J.. i c lull- J1' .. trnck-soph. 13JANCI1f. DAN >(1 13)[ LS, JEFF 26,20 IHSIIOP, JERI 26, 1 2. I 12, I (> ~L I 12, I 62, I (JJ. I HS, 1HH. JIJ! BJSIIOP MATT 2h, 151, lH2 HODEL!., Tit 'A '1(1, I II \I!CA-1-ioph .. Flf,\-jt· .. sr .. Ff!A 2nd coun. - r .• swuL thearts conuu•Jr,, sr, llO<;ENS '11UTZ PATRICE 211. l·l.l jonlnnettt•s-SJ'., jonl:mcttes sec-sr. BOI !M, DALE :2.11, 1 10. 151, iSS, !Mi. I HI ski clui>-snph., Jr.. r .• DECA-sr .. lettcrnlans cluh-sr .. ki t'lllh pres-s1·. BON! lAM, JUDY 211. I 'l7 BOYDSTON, WAY, 'E ·12 BOYNTON, MARl' :2.6 BRAIW!ELD, D1\RWI N '>6, l:i'i, IML 171, 172, 192 l~ttcrnwn'c; cluh-Jr .. sr., footbal I, wn·stl ing-sopiJ .. )I' . • ·:n·. , lett · r In footh;lll. wr •stling-sr., 1r. r •stling, 2nd sta tc-sr., regionl s t- sr., .'3rd Jr., d1:1trict, 1 -<;1· .• i1pti1in-sr. 13ROADI lEAD, YVONNE 27, I 1:3, I 16 jordnnette-F. sr .• FBLAJT., sr ., FI3I.A p·Jdianwntarian-sr . BHOWN, BLAIR 27 VI A-sr. 13ROWN, JOL YNN 27 FiiA-soph.,l ECA-p·. DECA region 2nd place BROWN, SCOTT 27. I 2S, 12(>, 1.16, 1.'37. JJI), l!'i!'i. IRl. 191

VJCA-soph., jr .. sr., thespian club-s r .. en club-:n· .. l etterrnm1's club-sopll .. jr .. sr. honor soc ictv-jr .. vr A state prcs -fr .. play. s r .. musicul-sr.,onc-act-sr .. swimming-soph. handsoph., holnl'coming paracic-jr., rrack-soph., jr. sr. , footba I1. wrest! ing managcr-jr. BIWWN, TAMARA 27 flROW1, VALRAY 27 BRUNSON, CI 'DY 27. I 10 , 12:3, I · ~l. I 94 Fl IA-sr., plav-jr .. ch.q·tonimls -s1·. BUC!It\NAN, ALAN 'l7. 2..J. 211. 1:1R.I50. ISI,IS5, 191 V[CA-soph .. 1r .. "r .. ski cluil-jr,. sr., skvctivingsr., ross up-sr .. 1l•tter111~1l1' s duh-Jr .. sr .. VICA-vicc-Jr .. pres-sr., s r. ciLISS pres., student counc il-jr .. sr .. footlnliljr . . swimming-sop h .. jr., jr .. sr . ,c la ss ;tssem .. Utah jr.stJfcty cotllll.:ilsr .. nation <l l honor socicrv-jr,, sr,, top 10'1, sr .. VI , i\-lst pln cc-jr .. nationnl- sr. I3UI IL, SANDH ,12 13UNKEJ\, WENI)Y 20, 27 I~URC'II, STEVE 27 BURGE, ,JNA 27 llURCEH, STEP I JFN '27. 12S. I 1) I

h{lnor socie tv-Jr.,:-;r., toss-up-sr.;plav-sr., top I01t, -sr. · 13lJHKE, WYATT '27. 110 . l':il 13UR N i '(~lli\M, M,\IH.:. '2.7. 1·17. I IH, J.SO. I<H sk i c lull-Jl'., s t·. ,DEC J\sr .. sJ..vtl ivin,• -sJ',. ilo\s' L'ilt'l'l' sec tion- r., footil~ill-soph .. jr .. sr., s t : l ~l' cr •w-sr . IHJHTON, MAX 27. 1•17 VICA-sr .. I EC/\-~r., Wl'l.'Stllng-sopll,, Jl'.

CANDA LOT, CAR EF1 1 27. J!1'2., I (1' CANNOl'\, !E NIFER 27. 1~2. 1·1 ·1. J<>o. Jllt 1\HISCjll('&g:lve l- sop h .. J.V. cllL'L'l'lcnder-sopil., :1 clppcll:l-jr .. s · .. ,·lwrlnniilth-jl'., ~r ., LIHil'" loni;~n st•t'-.Jr,. I t vkt·s r .. ch<l rlon i:111 h;ll I L'<llll 111 . • gil"ls' St.ltC- ' 1', C\NNON, KHlS 27, I Ill 111:1squL· & g;l\vl-<,opil .. J·IH.~\-s1·.

CAI'SON, DEA. t '27, 20. i:3 H s tudent c<llllk il-.,1·., Vl ,1\-sr. AHTEH, 1JKE 20.27 VICt\-sr .. top J(r, ~sr . 'lli\MllEHLAh\ LFL\Il '27 sull tlvl>s & sq uirt• - ·oph. Cl lASE, HOGER · 7 109. CIIJLJ 126, 1.'36, 1:n. 1 16. 1·17. I ·19, I HH. I <):3 llnntl- II' .. 111<1'>(/lle &g;l\'l'ljr .. til ·s pinn s -jr , , sr .. ltcro-sr .. hovs' ehc<'l ing clui>-sr .. mmiL·I l11 - ·r .. musk:d-JI' .. pl:lv-Jr .. one-:lct-sr .. interp. -Jr.· dchnte-sr .. hro:tdc;t<-:l!.:rsr .. chct•rlcatling-sr .. o1 s '>l'lll hi 1es -1 r. , s r. Cl IR ISTENSEN, BENJAMIN NIEL 2H. 1'3 >, I S:'l, 16 ."i.

s, mmrr 2x.

174, L81 , 190 lctterlllan -~oph. , jr, , sr. , forensics - soph ., jr . 1000 milc-sopil ., jr . , sr . , a cappella-sr., l<:tterman's treasurer - s-c ., JOOO n1ile pres . -sr ., track-soph , , s r. , Iootlxd l soph . , jr., crosf< coumrysr . , baskctlJ;>Jl-sopll., JL, s r., U(.;'butc-';oph . , jr., l(•ttl:!red track - ~oph . , J'oo t bu ll -jr . , cross country-sr., llaskcthall-sr ., top 51J{,-sr . C! JRISTENSEN, CINDY 28 FTIA - j r. , masque&g<.tvcljr., r~gion drama- j r ., swct'lhcurt ' s ba ll com m . jr . CI IR JSTENSEN, C!IUCK 28 , 112, I 4 1, 147 V lCA-sr . , Jootha ll, wres t ling-soph . C IIH ISTENSEN, JOLENE 21-i, l HJ, I S.1, l8:i, 186, l 90 C !I R ISTENSEN , .l ULIE LLOYD 1-1, l lo CLARI'E , RAN DY 2il VICA - sr. CLOUG[J, l);\VE 21-l, J 46, 151 lL: twrm:ms-jr . , DECAsr., V ICA-s;· , . ye ll dub sr . sk 1 c lu ll-sopil . , jr., sr , s tudcn t counl.Ll sr . , fooL il.t ll - --opl 1. , l>nsk ·tballsopil ., t r ;td.. -soph . C LOUGI I, DEilHlE 28, I :32, 1 · 1 ~, I It I , 18">, I 8(), J l)() sk1 l.llll>-sopil . , jr., CAAo;o pll .,jr. , dun cc dul>-j r., sr . , IHJllOl" SOC L<Cty-jr., sr . ,CAA h istorl:m-jr., d<~m.:c.; dui> pn.:s-:-;r. ,JV cllcl'r lcuder- j r. , sr . , so ft l>; ill -sop il. , jr . , gyl11nnslJcs-sop ll ,, j r., baskcli>n l l-soph . , Jr., sr., top :l~l - sr . COFFIN, ,! 1\N 28, 11! 1). 11 2, I :H1 . 12S CC>.'WAY , c;uy ·12 C< OMilS, JESANN 2H, I :3·1, I 1>2 n <.:<!Jlpl' ll ;t- Jl ' , , n wtl r lg;tl ~­

sr. CO I'b, HONI A 20, 2 1, 2H, 1()<), l:let, l'l7, 1.1H, 1·12, I H5, I HH d:ttll'(' cluil-Jr., sr . , Llwspt .tn-sr . , studcntilo<ly Jll"l'S . , pl:.ty-sopil . , Jr., 111 us lc ;tl - j r . , s r . , F . :ISSL'I\1, 1 sr,, <.ISS<CJll,, gylllll;tstks-Jr., sr . , intcrpJi'., sr., JV L' lwc.;riL·:tdcrsoplt.,song lemkr-jr. C< WLEY, I'E!\1 I ClH COWLbY, SUSAN 28, 15 1 JllaSCJlll!Kg;tVl!l-sopil., p·., sl\.i c lttll-sr. · CC >W LIS I lAW, LJ\1~ HY 2H C O%Zh S, I! LANb 2· 1, 2H, li S, l S I, IS , I I(>, 1hH, 182 ll! tt v n n;tns-jr., :;r . , sk i ,· lnil-jl' . , s J' , , sv nntors t·., illlsL:il; tll -so p ll , , Jl' . , sr., senior ltop king CHAClWFT, DAY II) 2H, 11 2, I:W, 1:!1, I l(t, I SS, 168 l>ami-Hopli., VJ 'A-jr., tl\l!n'.., y~..· l l dui>-sr., mnHCJllt'c g:tv(• l -sop lt . , ktll!rllldl1-"iJ",, v ·arilook-. r . , stu<ll'll l cOll tH.:il-j r., scnttnarv "iOCilll VICC-Jr,, I i'l c~ilncr-sr., lootl>n ll ll!ttcr-sr. CHAPO, JENALEE 2H, 1;12, I 12, 15:3, 1Ct2, 16:!, 185, I H6, I HH, 19 I, 19·1 ;AA-soph., Jl"., sr., danl'l' cluil-Jr., sr., honor ..,ocJcty-sr., dunce.; cluh vtcl'-Jr.,song lcudcr-sr.,

baskctball-soph., jr., sr., gymnas ti cs~soph , , jr., sr., track-soph ., jr . , sr . , a cappe ll a · "'r ., pep assemblics-sr ., ZCMT youngtimer , top 3%-sr., swte I:,'Ymnastics, J st-jr., representative at Russian exhibition, most v<Jluablc basketball playcr-soph., jr ., basketball letter -sr . , on tv for 6'Ymnaslics demo. CREBS , JiLL 28 CROUCH, PEGGY 2/5, 146 CUTLER, KEVIN 23, 20, 14 7 1 18 '* 1 1901 191 1 1 92 o 193 forcnsics - soph., jr., sr., model UN soph . , jr . , sr . , sorensics vice - jr . pressr . , model UN dirccrorsr . , student c:ouncil-jr . , sr., debate - soph., jr., sr., boys ' state-sr . ,dramasr., tennis-jr., sr.,outstanding cilizen-sr . , social science sterling scholar finalbt-sr . , nationa I honor society-sr., who's who in American h igh students-sr., first place American legion contest, numerous deilate mvarcls at region ami state tlcb<Jtes . tltlddd f ANSJE, LAURA 28, l·i-1-, 146, 184 FIJA-soplt .. jr., sr., a cappdla-jr . , ski dubjr., FilLA-sr . , clw.rlon ian-sr., swccthcart's COI)]Ill, -sr. DA H LI NG, TOM 28, J 79, 19·1 D1\VIS, JOE 28 DAVIS, TERRY 2S, 1'16, 16~

DEAN, SflERRI 2H tntck-sop h ., jr., sr . , .1nl in rcgwn, 7th in Slil ll!-)1". DES I'/I!N , CIA YE 29, 1.12, I:lS, l ·l l sull-dcils&squircs - jr., sr., J<>n la nv n cs - sr . , :1 L·appc ll ~t - sr ., mus icu l soplt. DEV 1SSE H, <.JJ\ 1.1 ~ :zu, 22, 2:3, :Zll, I 1.1, I"> I sl\1 clull-'-ioph., jr., sr., lltnS( IliL'&g:tvcl- j r., s tud<entltody I1JStOri:tnSI',1JI', & sr . cl: tss :ts:St.·tnlllv, I st place.; ~ltort SIO I'V- 11',

', J:\N 29, ISJ Fl li\- Jr.,k tt crnwn-jr . , ski clull-sr.,JI". prom comtn . - Jr. I UPO, LE%LEE 29 DIXON, LO HHAINE 29, 132 I) W LAND , JIO il 29, J .18 VI ,A-sr . !)RAPE R, DEil13IE GENTRY ICKI~ R S01


F11A-Jl" . , DECA-sr. DR APE R , PEGGY 29 DRAPER, RANDY 29, l.S1 V ICA-soph., jr., sr., ski clull-soph .. Jl"., sr. D UM1\S , KAT11Y 29 F II A-soph. D UNSTER, Al\N 29, I :l9, 1-Hl, l 12, J 53 G,\A-.)1'., sr., DECA-Jr., s r ,, ilookstore-sr.,jr., GAi\ vicc-jr., pres-sr., DECA-Itistonan - sr., bookstore nwnagcr-sr,, DUSSE 1J3ERRY, STEVE ·12, 13H

eeeee ECKMAN, DELSY 29, 140 DECA, creative writing assem . EDDI lGTO , KEITH 29, 132, 134, 191 , 192 band - sop"l . , jr ., a cappel l n - jr. , s1· . , madngals - sr . , math - soph., honor so ciety-sr., lettcrmans sr . , band pre,, - jr . , band student direc tor , madri gal student d irector, seminary executive coun cil - sr., musical - soph . , jr . , sr., football - soph., jr . , track - soph jr sr district & ~~gi~~ .so·l~ · ensemble festival , top l 0% - sr . EDGI GTON, DON 42 EDMUNDS, ARTIE 29 , J 93 DECA -soph., jr., sr ., yell club-sr., Cl3 & park ing lot patrol-sr., stu dent council - j r. EDMUNDS, KL Y 29 ELLIS, BRETT 29, 168 VICA-sr. ENNlSS, SALLIE 29, 134, 154 ski club - jr., a cappe1lajr . , tcnnis-jr., madri gals - sr. ESKELSON, SIJELDO, 29 . J5l ski club - sr. EVENSON , KAT IJ Y 29 ,1 -H , 194 FllA-soph ,, Jr . , FBLAj r . , sr., char loni:ms - sr., f'I3LA histo r ian - sr . , top LO% - sr. EWELL , CONNIE 29 FflA - soph . ff[ff

FAIHBOURJ'\, PAUL 29, 146, 155,168,17 1, J72, J H1, 192, 191 letterman-soph., jr . , sr., letterman pres -sr . , jr . prom king - jr . , foothall jr . , sr . , track - soph., jr., sr ., 3rd in state, region, wrestling- Jr., sr . , 2nd in region, statc-jr .. 2nd rc.;gion, 3nl statc - ~a· . , all region footb;tll - sr . , wrcstl ing c ap - sr., prcp or the w<:ek in footba ll . FAJR13 UR, , ROCIJELLE 20. 2~. 30, 11-f, 1·f6 tr<Jck-soph,sr . , FI IA-jr., FilLA-sr., madrigalssr., sr . class vp. FE TJON, BRAD :30, 140 DECA-sr., ski club-jr., sr., wrestling-soplt., cross coun try - soph . rENTI01 , STACT 20, 22, 2:3, .10, 146 Fl lA - soph., FBL1\ - jr., sr., ski club-:;oplt,,jr. class vice, studentbody 2nd vi ·e, gym no stiessoph,, jr . , clogpatch comm. - -r . , gymnastics2nd in state - Jr . FERGUSON, MARCY -1-2 V JC,\ -soph .. jr., sr., FHA soph., jr .. masCJue&gavcl jr., play - soph . . drama, swcctlt~;Jrt ' s comm . jr., sr. FE RRE, LY1 1!\ AN 10 FISH , ]OJ L. :30, 1"i5. 168 FIT7GERALD , MARK .10 FITZGERALD, STACEY .30 nwsqu(,: & gavcl - jr., Ff!A-Jr . , sweetheart's comm.Jr. FL RES, JERRY 10,181

FORBES . CINDY 30, 162, 16.3, 151, 139, 194 POX , MIKE 30, 138 f'RANCOM, DAN 20, 30, 131, 148, 15 1, 155, 165, 181,190 ski club - soph., jr . , sr .. servic~ art - jr., sr . , yearbook- -r., swimming jr . , track- soph . , jr . sr., eros country - sr . , sterling scholar art finalist - sr . FRANTZ, SA!'IDRA 30. 1-±2 dance club - sr., ch.:~r ­ lonians-jr. dog patch comm. -jr., sr. FRATTO, ELLEN 30 band-soph., jr., orch cstra - sopt-,, musicalsoph. , jr, , honor band soph . F RIS CHKNECHT, WADE G . 30,138,150,151,190 VJC A - jr., sr., skydivcrssr., ski dub - ·r .. wrest ling - soph. , jr. , football~ jr., cross country-soph . , Governor's vocational scho larship, industrial arts sterling scholar-sr. F RITZ, JILL 30, 146 f!3LA - jl" . , sr. ggggg GA ILEY , LES 30, 20,147, 15-t, 190, J9l, 192,193 GALLAGHER , KEV IN 30, 110, 1 .tO, 146, J 55, 151, 165, 17 J. 172 GALLAND , PAT 30 . 151, 152. 153. l ll9 GARDNER, WENDY 30. 140. 125 ski club - soph . , a cappellatrcasurer - ~>r . . plav - sr. GARFIELD, LEE .10: 138, 150, 17 1 VICJ\ - sr . , toss up -sr. , wrestling GARNER, 13ILL 30 GATEIIOUSE , KAREN 30, 152, I ')3, 185 . 186, li\, <;ub debs & squiressoph. , jord<Jnettes -~oph., jr., sr., GAA-soph., jr., l'ir .. DECA - jr., GAA secretary-jr . , inter-coor.sr . ,swimming, lstK :3rd in region-soph . . 2nd & 5th in region - jr.,5th in rcgion - sr. , track - .S th in region - jr .. GATHERUM , TAMEE :30 . 132 DECA - sr. , :1 cappc ll o.jr., sr., F H1\- jr . . Castleton's fashio n hoa rd, clog patch comm. - jr .. sr .. pres of fash ion mer chandising class . G!BSO , LA RR Y ~2 GTLES, SHE RR Y 31 GLOVE R, HOLLY 31, 132. 160 . 101 masque gavel - soph. , a Cappella -F., sr., JV cheer leade r - jr ., cheer lcader - sr . GLOVE R, RO!\ 31 , J 1 ski cluh- soph . . jr . • foot ball soph .. t r ack- soph., srs. baseba ll- jr. GORD RICHA RD 31 .125 VICA - sr., play - sr. GREEN , LISA 2·L 31. 125. 137 FHA-jr., senator - sr . , play - sr. GREENWOOD , RAYPAUL 31, 132 . 11.1, L-i6, 155 . 168 yell c luh - sr .. a cappell a lr.. sr .. letrcrman - jl" .. ~r., pres. of a cappella -

le tter~i r . . golf- jr ., sr . GREGORY, PE t~NY 3 1,1 32. 135 , 144,l4 l ,J47, l 94

sr . , footbali

hhhhh HADLEY, DEl3RA 31,142 ski club-soph . . charlon ians-jr . , jv cheerle;Jder jr. , dance club~jr. , sr., ass is. vell m islr ss of char lmiians - jr. HAMIL TO ', KENT 31 HANKS, JILL 31. J09, 151, l8q, 185, 1.94 gymnastics - soph., sr., dancc-sr., skyd i ving-sr., ski club-sr . , musical sr. , jordan olympicssoplt. ,sr . HA, NA , LORRAIJ.\:E 31, 140 baske tball - sr., DECA sr . , Indian club-jr . . sr . IJA RDC:\STLE, LAURfE 31' 190, 191 V ICA - sr. , masque "· gavel - soph .. charloniansjr .. cltarlonian treasurerir .. state VICA sec. -sr .. inCJu iri ng editor-jr .. top 39f - sr., honor societv - sr. ll.r\RD!i\'G, LARRY .11 masC)ue&gavel~jr.,

rodeo-jr., VICA-::>r. HARDY , . KRIST!t 3 1. J 25 mas q uc&gavel - soph . . jr., thespian-soph., jr . . sr . , thespian ofJicel· - jr . . musical-snph . . jr. , sr . , pl av - soph., jr .. sr . . intcrp-soph .. j r. , !JAR MON, \VYNDEE 3 1 IIA RR!S , lliLTON 31. 149 service art-sr . IIATHAWAY, LOWRIE .1 1. 139 IIAUN , DAN 31. 1.1R VJC,\ - sr.. Cf3-sr. HAWS , SliERRIE RAE .11. 1-1-1 FHA - sr., sweetheart's comrn. l!ElNM ILLE R, CH RIS 3 1 DECA - sr. IIENDR ICKSEI\', LI I'-<'DA T HIPP 4 1, 1.14, 15 1 FBLA - sr .. F HA- jr . , ~r .. a appella - jr .. mo.dr i ga ls =sr .. tennis - sopll . . Jr., Jordunelles - sr . . tennis \'ice - p- . . swee theart's comm. -jr .. sr. HIATT, KELLI .31, 1:32, 1-14, Jt).f

fHCKl\ lt\1\, LI:\l)A :3 1, 1-16 FI3LA - ::>r . l-I!Gf1EE , TER ESA 31. 132 a cappella - jr., sr .. ski cluh - jr .. sr., jordane ll c~ -sr. , masque gavel - jr. HILL, !JOLLY 31,140,148 jorclancttcs - soph., VTCAjr . . debate - jr., DECA sr .. scrv ice art - sr .. literary mag. -soph .. jr., sr . HILLIS, LO R I 32 VICA - sr . , homecomi ng comm. HIL TO, , JOSEPH .12 . I 71 VICA-soph., jr., sr. IlOFELIL\'G, TAMARA 42 HOFFMAN, 1108 20. 32, 132. 1S"i. 168, 174 a cappella - sr. ,lettermanJr., <;r., parking lot pat rol-sr., student council · jr., basketball - jr . . sr .. football - sr .. lettered in basketball. football. 1-IOLLit'GSHEAD, JOYCE :32



141 FIIA-Jr., sr., ma:;que & gavel, musical-sop!J.,jr., sr., concert with Dr. Weich HOPES, ROGER 32, 191 HOUMAND, COREY K. '32, 175, 190, 1Sil, 1B4, 192 VICA-jr., sr., lettermansoph., jr., sr., national honor society-jr .. sr., seminary pres -sr., national honor society pres -sr., basketball cap-sr., young americans-sr .. pn:Jercnce ball most prcferreclsr., top .'3%-sr., bovs' state-sr., basketlx.lll region first ream-jr., second team-sr., letter in basketball, tcnnis-soph., tennis lst region-Jr., general sterling scholar finalist, -sr., offensive player of the year~jr., candidate for outstanding citizen-sr. ! lOUSE KEEPER, GREG 32 HOWARD, KRIS 32 HUGHES, HANDY 32, 140.

ISO VfCA-soph., Jr.,sr., DEC,\-jr,, sr,, skvcliver.ssr,, s'kvdiver pres--sr., c1'oss countrv-sr., football-soph., \Vrestl ingsopiJ., jr., V!Ci\-2nd in swte-soph., !!UMMEL, PEGGY 32, 20, 1'32, l-lb

F13LA-jr., Fl3LA pres-sr., a cappel lu-sr., student council-jr., sr., JUnior ac!Jwvcment-soph. IIUNSAKER, TRACY .32 IIYDE, MARILYN '32, 142, 1 t·l, I 90, 194 iiiil IPSE: , <;TEVE!\' '32 IZATT, K1\RLEN!\'A 32 PIIA-Jr., llliiSical-soph., honor orchestra -soph,

.i.iJJ.i JACOI3SON, KE!\'T :32, l09, 122,132, 1:3-l, 191,192 JARVIS, CHERYL 32 JENKI~S, LORRIE 42 JENSEN, DAVID .'32, 139 JENSEN, JEFF :32, 191 national honor societvsr., band-soph.,Jr., top WX -sr. jEl'JSEN, KAREl\' 32, 141 Fl!A-jr., sr., DECJ\-sr. JENSEN, STEVE 32 ]ENSOr\, 1--.:ATHY :32, 1'11 JEREMY, BRUCE :32 VICA-sr. JEWKES, DAVID 3:3. 146 JEX, FRANK :n, 146, 151,

190,191 veil cluh-sr., ski cluil-jr., ~r., football-soph., nntionul honor society-sr., top 10',, -sr. JOl!r\SON, DARREL J:3, 13H VJCA-soph., jr., sr. JOHNSON, GERALD 3;3 JOHNSON, SIIERHlE 33, 115,142,151,160, J6l, lil9, 194 dance club-jr., sr., skisr. , jv cheer leader -sop h. , jr., cheerleader-sr., homecoming attcnclantjr., senior hop queen, !-.'Ymnustics -soph,, Jr., sr. JONES, DENNIS ;lJ JONES, GLEN 3.'3



194 charlonians- jr., sr., dance- jr. , sr., student council-soph., head drill mistress for charlonians -sr. JONES, RHONDA LAWSON 33 masquc&gavel-soph., DECA-sr., student council-jr.

kkkkk KALLCCO, CINDY '3'3 KEELE, CATHY JE:\N .1.'3, 1·+o, JSO Fllt\-jr., 1-'RLA-jr., sr., sweetheurt's comm. -jr. KEMP, RICIIARD '33, 121 KEMP IN, KEVIN 33, J 40, l·~h, ISS, IR-1-, JlJO, 191,193 tennis-jr., sr., lerwrm:m-Jr., sr., lxJvs' cheer duh-sr., DECA-sr., tennts 2nd in region·Jl". most outstanding tennis playcr-jr,, national honor soc icty -sr. , top :3<;i,-sr. KEr\DR !CK, SUSAN :Ll, I 2:3, t:l2, t:3H, I·!S, I Sl·l VJCA-jr., sr., 1'13LAsoph., clwrlonians-jr., sr,, clwrlonian pres-sr., soph. vice pres, VJC1\ officet·-sr., musicul-jr,, jr. prom queen-jr., sweetheart queen-sr. KENNELLY, JIM :n DECA-sr., V!Cr\-jr. KILLIAN, BRENT :3:3 KII\1131\LL, DAVID L. ·n, 1-P. 19(l, 192, jlJ.'3 DEC,\-JI',,sr., l:'I3L,\·si· .. toss-ur-sr., forcnsicssr., lllodel UN-'-'r., !Joys' state-sr. KING, MARCIE IIARRIS :31, I:ll 1-'lli\-jr., sk1-jr., vc:u·ilook-sr., swecthc<lrt's comm-jr., Jl'.prom CO!ll111, -JI', KfNG, WADE :3:3. 1:34, 1:36, 137, HH rJWf'Oi'J, CARRIE :n, 1:32, 14H, I =i4 11w squc& gave I -soph. , service art-sr., VIC,\sr., ~1 cappellll-]1'., sr. KRUEGER, CLAUDIA :3:3, I..JO, 191 l'BLA-p·. I DECA-l!'.' sr., DECA treasurcr-sr., IWtwnal honor societvjr., sr., DECA-'hd r~·gion­ Jl',, 2nd rcgirJll-sJ',, ho!l1C'COllli!1g C'O!lllll, KUNZ, KELLY ·~2. 1<-!IJ FBLA-Jr., DECA-sr.

VICA-sr. LEANY, LAREE :34 FBLA-sr., play-Jr. LEAVITT, JEFF .l·+, 20, IM~, 172 DECA·Jr., kttcrnwnsopll., j r., sr .. a cappcllasr., student counciltennis- jr., foothull-sr., wrestling-sopll., ]r., sr. ,letter in rootb[l!J, wrestling, wrestling 2nd rcgi on, Is t s t:ltc -j r. LEAViTT, TRACY :l •l, l-~2, I ·lS, I 9l VICA-sorh., FJIA-sopl!., ski -sc,rh .. masqm: & WlVel-soph., dancc~Jr., sr., clw 1·l()l1i[l!1S- jr., sr,, ::;enator-jr., ussis. drill mistrcss-charlonians-sr. ,.JV clll..'crle~Jder­ F>oph.,jr., 1r. prom CO!lll11-Jl'. LEYBA, SIIIHLA I'JM 34 LEYBA, RUSSEL D. '3·1 LIMB, FLOHA :l•l, l..J.O DECA- jr., sr., Gf\t\ -Jr., sr., haselwll man, -sr., basketh:t!l-jr., sr .. 2nd place in DECA -Jr. LINNAR%, DE!li\Y :l•l LINSEY, I' AM BOLL JGEH 2h, I ·to L!Sll, TONY ·q LISTER, CUHTIS .l·l LOVELL, KELLY :14, l !H, J-ll) sUite crew, stnte crew man. hro;~dcaster-sr. LUNDSTROM, JOI IN :34, 1·1(>, 1'5"i, ICJH, IW1 letturnwn-jr., o.;r., men's clle~1· cluil-s1·., tt1clcnt council-sr .. hc:1d veil ll·n<lcr-sr., capwin t'ootll;lll-kr,, JV-Jr,, fontlJ;I[[-!->OJlil., jr., .::r., !Juscl>all-soph. jr., sr., t1·ack-sr., wrustlin~-JI'., lett ·r in l'oot!Jn II, h~l~c!Jall-Jl'. LUI\:T, DOUGLAS '!·I LY1'1! S, T:\l'vlAH,\ .3·1. l•l.l )ordanettes~sop!J., Jl',, sr. LYNCJJ, GERH Y 3 l key clull-jr., sr., fr><>tln!ll-sopll.. wrcsrltngsop!J. L.YOK, DALLAS 34, I'! I, [lJ:3 fot·cnsJLs-sqph., jr., s I''' CI3-(Cll if.) I VICJ\sr.,f>f\l(ll'nt councilsopil .. jr., sr., pl:tv-ir., nwdrlg<IIS-]1'., Sl',, supe1·ior 111 intcrp & rcgion solo & cnselnill ·jr. 111111111111111

lllll LAI'v!BSON, Si\l\'DHJ\ .n F13LA-sr., FI!A-sopiJ., tcnnis-jr., jordanettessopiJ., ji·., HJ'. LANCAS'fER, TROY ;3.3 VICA-11'. I Sl', Lt\NDEEN, !\liKE IT) Lt\NGFURD, I'EVJN :ll. 20, I -~6, I 7 I, I 72 LANGSTON, JEFF 1·l LARSON, LORHIE :H, l(JIJ, 1.'34, 1:3'5. H6, 14:3, 192 a cappell :1-jr., !11adrigals-sr., FBLA-sr., jonluncttcs-sr., subdebs&squires-sr,, suhdebs&squircs vice-sr., musical-sr., superior at district & region solo & ensemillc-jr., sr. LAVERY, ORMOND '34

MACE, CHAJC; ·~ l ~11\CE, JOSEf'! I ll

MALLEY, HEED ;31 MAHCl!ANT, KEVIN 'll MAH Kl !AM, K1\T!JY 'll Ff!A-Jr., sr., sweut11(; :Ht collllll. -.Jr. MAHTIN, l't\ULINP. FIIA-soph., Jl'.,!-'1',, I >ECA -s r. MATI IESON, i\i\lY !1, l'l2, 1'3:3, 141, jl)f) FJ!A-sr., <1 cupp"lln-jr., sr., a cnppelL1 !Jistorinn-sr., IHJI11C11Wking stcrl1ng sclwln1 nominee-sr., swcethc:Irt'!-> (;0111 Ill, - Jl'. MAT! liE, HOBEHT .lS MAXFIELD, JEANNENE :35, l ·l9 DECA-p· ., s r .. !Jnncl-

soph,, suh dehs~::;quJrcs­ sr., !land secretarvsoph., suh-dehs&s~uircs sec-sr., who's who Jn i\mencan high studentssr. MAXWELL, Ti\Ml\1Y 3S, 140 MCCARTIIY, Kt\TIIY :l~ MCCLURE, TM-.li\1Y '3'1, 126, 1.30, 131, J.%,JOlJ,JLJI masque&ga vel-soph. , Jr., thespi<JJh-]1'., sr., na tiona I honor soc ietvsr., yc:.lrhook-sJ',, singe crew-soph., ]1'. ,model UN-soph., sen;nor=snph .. lnasquc&ga\el vke J!'., thespian'> ,·ice-sr., play:;oph., dirccrm·-11'., musicnl-soph., Jl'., dircctorsr.,interp-..,opiJ., jr., sr .. one-act-sr., :1ssemhl i~o:s, swecthc;l rt 's comm-soph., /C:\11 youngti111cr-sr., top 10% -sr. MCGUJH E, 1\lARG,\RET 'l:=i, ll2 masq1tl' t:< gnvvl~sopiJ .. i 1·.. <1 C'~lppcii;I-SI', i\1CI'IIERHON, IWilEHT ;!5 i\1Ei\D, TINA .l=i I\1E,\DOWS, J\Hi\IJ\t' '!S t\IE,\])0\\'S, CAl'l !Y '!'1. I lh, lSI lll:t'-'([lll' & gn,·cl-'-'li]'II., ski-sr .. Flll..\--,r. MELDR!Ji\1, JEI'I· lS. J:l(), I ·10, ISS, li>K IJEC,\- J1' .. c; r .. [(•rtc rnwn-c:r., <.:IH.•eJ' ,·lull-sr .. DECt\ ViC'L'-)J',. lnntll;lll"0Pll .. lr .. c;r, i\1ELLOH, T,\:\IEH,\ lS, I 'l2, I •10, I ·II, I ll3 I'IIA- orh.,Jr., r .. J)EC,\-Ir., sr .. ;J ,·nppciL1JI'., sr., Fl!,\ tJ'<.:a lii'L'I'1r., 1~11,\ l~t vicc-s1· .. DE '1\ SL'I:-sr· .. swectilenrr's l.'Oilll11. - j r., o.;J' ., IH>mt·coming ·n111111. i\1FIJ>N,\S, Glt 't\ 211, :h. l•ll1 MFHRILL, llH,\1) Vi, 117, I II', IS I "'l'I'VICl' lli'I•JI' .. 1'., VIC1\- r .. ski-soph,. II' .. :-; J' .• foot hd II 111:111. -1 r .. ll;J. clwll 111<111.- opll. (llt'igllton), ll'ttL:r in louth;1l!-j r. (Ill'lgiJton) t\lET/::, JUD!F ;lS i\1ET/., j(JI.!F 'lS 1\lfi.LEH, 1\ ·, 'E .lS. I II. I !11 VIC,\-Jr.,DJ-:C,\- r .. Fllt\-sl·., swcctii<.:<Jrt'!-> l 0111111, -SI'. i\11Ll EH, C >HY ·12 MJLLEH, Lt\lJH EL ll'R,\ Y .l'i, !SO ·odco-Jr., toss~up-sr .. pres or toss-ups-. 1'. r. cl:1sc; n vn1llh•, crcnlivc writing :ISSl'll1!Jly-s r, i\11LNE, STPVE :l"i, I H>. I 'i I) • I ()H. I 7 I ' I 72 I I I M!TCIIELL, l'i\i\1 12 MITCIIELL, HJ\1'-.;])y .lS, !·Ill, I -17. I hS ~IJl'Cl' l'llll>- '!',I DFC,\11' .. sr., p1·cs of DFC,\sr .. crc•s<; countrv-1r .. ... r.,tt .. ICk-11', 1 !'-r, i\11TCIIELI,, Rl >llEHT 'l::i I\10Cf!', , 'FIL 'lh, I IR VIC -\-t;oph., F: crvicc :11'1SOJil., jr., sr. MOOHE, SII,\lJ, ' ,\ :11> , 1111 FilLA-jr., ~r., l· f!L ,\ V1<.:l' -s I' . MOHG,\N, EDI) .l11, t<J() MOHC;AN, 1'1\'1' .lh, 2 I, 20. l


1l)] 111oclcl UN-soph.,jr .. honor socictv-ir .. sr., sec-or senioi· clnss, mus ica 1-soph. MORH JLL, LYNETTE· JC1, US. l lJ I suh~dei>s ~ squires-sr,, national honor society.:; r. MORTENSEN, PATTI :~6, I .'\9, 191, I'll 11<1tion;J! honor sociervsr., dClllCl'-sr. ,1-,•vm-· n;rf'tics-soph.lr.: sr., c;,\A-soJ'li .. cheerkadcrJI' .. dance vicc-sr,, h~1skethal!-soph .. tn1cksoph., swimming-soph., s r. , top '1'~ -s r. , 2nd a II around 1-.'Vll11I:lSt-sopli., 1st all ;1round-ir .. letter in swimming, representative :Jt Russi;1n lllCL:t, tv de111o. MLTHDOCK, !liLLY 12 f\HlRJ'IIY, TIIOMAS .f2, 147 l\1YFRS, 'iTJ\CY :l6. I •IH, 171. 173 st'rvicc nrt-jr,,sr,, wrcstling-sr. llllllllll

NADEAU, CIIEH Yl. •12 ' t\,'Cl~. i\1ICI!El.LE ,!<> t\i\PIEH, TEHRY :ll>, ItO t\El.-F, \\'E:-\DY 'lh NEI.SO:'\, l.U>YD II. :3!>, ltlll. 125. I l~. I Stl. llJ I ski-ir., toss-up-sr., tlwspian-Jr .. sr .. rHltlon;JI honor ..;ocicl\'-sr., stngv CI'CW-sr .. llHIS<Jill' & g:1Vl'i-JI'., ski L'[tJIJ 1rl'< 1s 11 n· r- i r . , pI :1 v - 1r . , sr., tl111Sic:ll-sJ·., ~uper­ JCI!' in l'l'gion. 1lltl'l'[l ]I'. , Sid IL'-] r, NI~I.SON, l'i\'T~l'Y .16. 1.32. Ill! .! C:IJ1J1t:'IJ;J·]J·., Sl' .. lllr)(lel I JN-so]'il., honor socivrv-sr .• s111l dells & sq111 I'L;s ·sopil., 11'., sr. :1ssvn1hlv. top l!l'/u-sr. NELS00., IW!lFH'I' 12 l\:FHJ,\, I' \IWLEEN :H1, ll. '-'l'l'vil'v <lrt-sr. NE\\'L,\, 'D, JEFI· :lh, 17l DEC,\-p·,. sr, <'\!ELSE,', j,\, 1ET .ll1. 141 IOI'd:llleltl's·sopl!,. F!l,\-soJ'li ,]!'.,sr., F!l,\ ilJstorin!l-1 r., t l'l'<l stl rvr -s 1' .• s\\'l'elllL'nrt's l.'OIIll11, -II'. sr. N!ld\1,\, 'N, I M\lCF .ll>. 1.\2 :1 <<IJ1jll!IL1-sr. ,di~tril't f;l'll1in;~ !"\ L'011n · Jl-s r. f\:OFF<;I. 'C;FH, KEI\: 'lh, [()l),




l'o1ppL'Il :1-jr., DECJ\1}'.I d l':llll<I-S I' .• lcttL'1·!ll;11l-jr., sr .. .-ul> dC'hs K S(jtllrt·s-.·nph.' Jr.' I()( Hl 111 i Ic L' In h- j r. , o:; r .. VIC\-soph.,su[ldr ~ & squircs off. •Jl'., cross count rv l'ap. -sr .. music:!l-sr .. eros., countrv-11·., sr. ,'<>ORD,\, Ci\'J'I!Y J(,,IHS, 1.'\ll, Ill I. lll4 1 '< )HTO ', KM~ L,\ .!(1, I 12, l=il ski-~wpll., ]1'., sr., <1:1!1Cl'-JI'., :-;r., jordnn olyn1pics-sr., J!', .!SSl'J11i>J\' 0-0H 1'00., HI I01 ' [)J\ '3(1, H1!l, li1l, I K'l, llJ I sh:i-soph., ]!' .. venrl>ooh:-

soph., jr., jv checrleadcrjr., chcerleadcr-sr., a cappella- jr. , dance -sr., gymnastics -soph., jr., sr., swcetl1cart' s commsoph., dog patch comm.soph,,sr. ooooo OAKASON, RANDY 36 , 140 OBER, MARK 36 VICA-sr. OLSEN, SCOTT .% student council- jr., sr., swimming lettcr-jr. ORDAKOWSKI, SUZANE 36, 132 FilA- jr., model UNsoph ., a cappelln-sr., dancc-Jr., stude nt council-sr.,cxcellent in solo &. <.mscmble-jr.,sr. ORGILL, DAVID 37 ORTH, SANDRA 37, 122, 132, J 38, 145, 15 L ORWI , JOliN 37 VICA- so ph., jr. O'STEEN, HICK :n 0STLEH, BLAKE :n, 132, 113, 125, 147, l.f(), 169, l)


J ~>:3

a cappelln-Jr.,sl·., lc tter-Jllan-jr., sr., forvn-;ics-jr., sr., honor soc ivty- sr ., yu ll clullsr., forensics orr. -jr., a cappclln vice, lootballsoph., Jl'., plav-sr., del><t!L'-p·., sr., wn.'stl ingsopiJ., Jordan oly1npio1sopll. , .I r. , s J' . , top "io/t. -:-; r. , loothnll c:tp. -sorh., sever;ll dci>ntL' <JW<I rds. OSTLEH, DAN :37 0STLEH, JEFF .l7 OVARD, LORI '17, 1·12, 15:3, IH') c:AA-sr.' FIH.A-1 r.' sr. dance- s r., tvnni s, ·oJtI


143 ' 1 90' 191 national honor society- jr., sr ., jordancttes-jr ., sr., su h-debs &squires -sr. , jordancttc pres-sr., girls' state -sr., top 10%sr., chess club-soph., (Bingham), scc-soph . , (Bingham), sophomore drill team (Bingham). PlllLLIPS, JEFF :37, 109, 125, 132, 134, 147, 150 PIERCE, JEFF 22, 23, 20, :37, 155,169, 17S, 183, 192, 193 lcttcrnwn-soph., .Jl"., sr., studentbody ntt. generalst. , football-jr.., sr . , haskctha ll-soph., jr., sr. , haseball-soph., jr., sr., football all rcgion-Jr., s r., captain-sr., playllWkcr-sr. J'JEHSON, TAMMY 37, 12 I


masque&gavel-soph., jr., thespians-jr., sr., forvnsics-soph., a cnppcllajr., thespian sec-'ir ., pla y-soph., Jnusica\-~:Jph., musicnl-sop!J., jr., interpJI'. PINGREE, DUFFY .17, J '3H, JtJ 5 VICA-:-;oph., Jl"., sr., VJCA-1st stotc-jr.,nntlon;..li•Jl". POPELMAYER, DAVID :37 , 1·19, !:ill toss-up-jr., sr., hrondcustcr-sr., toss-up sec.Jl'., sr. I'HINCE, COLLEEN :37 , 132, I "il'




ll<ltional honor sociv tvjr., ~r.," c;lppella-Jr·., tl'nni. ·- jr., s111l dells &

squll'\.!s•sopll., jr., FilA -Jr., yvn rl)ook -sop!J., jr., sr,, vc:<~rllook vdttor-sr., yv<~rllouk ass. vtlitor-Jl'., Jl<ltional honor society scc~s r., young amvricnns-sr., top :ll}'c.-sr., district K rq.\ion solo & ense nlblc l'Xcclh.·nt-JJ'., Englbh stcrl ing scl10lar finalist-s r. I' AX MAN, ELAINE 20,:37, J4(>, JS 1

ski-soph., sr., .Jl",, ma squc&gavl'l-soph., FBLAJr., sr., FBJ.A rvporter, swcc tlwart's commsoph . PERHY, LANET.A JILLEEN :37, 1.12, 141,145,146 FJIA-jr., sr ., FBLA-sr., ski-Jr., a cappulln-jr. sr., clw rlonians -sr. l'ETT, DAVID 37 PETTY, KAHRIE 37, 135,


:n, 140,


DbC,\-Jr., sr ., lcttvrm nnJI'., sr., swimming-sop!J., Jl'.

RASMUSSEN, KRIS 20, :31), j(}l),


tiH..:s pians-Jr., sl',, clwrloni~lns-p ·., forl'llSil·s-soph., ski-sopll., cllnrlonians 2nd vJn•-jr., lllliSic<li -jr., sr., play-Jr., mtvJ'-JI'. H ASMUSSEN, RANDY 42 HEED, llHEND1\ lH DEC,\ -s r. , so ph. sec. , tltdcnt council-p·., sopll. REEVE, BEN JR, 1:32,151 V!Ct\-sc•pll., ski, a cnppvlla-sr., pby-sr. HICII, PEGGY :3H .Jordnncll cs -p·., nwsqtw& g<~vvl-sopll., FIIJ\-soph., Jord:ln<.:ttcs vkv-Jr., lordnn olvmptcs-sr. R ICOIW, CARLA .10, J ·13 RIDING, KIHK :38,12:3, 146, J") S, J 7.3, 192 R ICIIARDS, MAR !ANN 3R, 109, J:3h, 1'37, 13H, 1(12, 16.1, 190, 191,192, l.l4 H ICI JARDSON, JAN :3H, lOtJ, 1:1-1, 11 5, 142 s ull-dl'hs& squires-soph., .rr., sr., a cappdlu-JI"., maclrigals-sr., dnnce-sr., play-sr., sub-debs vice-

s r.

R ISKA, NICOLENE 38, 42, J..j I I 4S clwr1onians- jr., sr., I


SARGENT, CARL 42, 155. 176,184,191 SCHMIDT, LANCE 38 SCOTT, REED '38, 125 SEALE, DUt 'CAN :38, l:il VICA-jr., sr . , DECt\sr ., sky diving-sr., wrcstling-.p·., DECA, :3rd in district. SEDGWICK, ROD .18, 121, J.18

J f'()

FIIJ\-soph., Jl"., FBLAjr., sr., ski-suph., Jr., sr., <IC<.t ppella-JI".,!ir., carl>ook-Jr ., !itudcnt counc tl-sopll., ski vH.:cjr., plav-soph., lllusicaiJr., dogpatch cotnln.sop ll., top 10'}{-:-;r.

Ppppp PACE, HI lEA :37, 1:32, 1:13 a cappvll<l-.Jr,,sr., intr~tnlur;. Il!'-soph., skisopli., a l:appvlla I il>r<t rwn-s r., Sl'. asscJnllly, Jordan olyJllpll:s-sr .·, PANAS, Pllll.LIP 37 I'ANEJ, DAVfl) :l7 I'ARIEH, DIANE.37,1 ·!( 11HLA-s r. PAHHY, HUT!! 1, :37, 1:HJ, 1:31 I()(), I() I I ()2, Ill()

FBLA -sr. , FHA -sr. , charlonian historian-sr. ROBERTS, CINDY '38, 193 charlonians- jr., FBLAjr., DECA-sr. ROBERTSON, BRIAN 38 VICA-jr., DECA-sr., VlCA reporter. ROBINSON, JAN! 13. 38, 132, 135 sub-debs&squires-soph., jr . ,sr.,a cappella-sr., sub-debs pres-sr. ROBINSON, RANDY 42 RONNE, LARRY 38 ROSS, TAMMY 3R FHA-soph., jr., jordanettes-jr. ROWLEY, PENNY 38, 134, 154 a cappella jr., madrigalssr.,madrigals sec-sr., dogpatch comm. -soph. RUSSOM, GEORGE 38, 122, 155, 169,181 VlCA-sr., 1cttermansoph.,jr.,sr.,tracksoph ., jr., sr., footballsoph., jr., sr., wrestlingjr.

SHARP, DORIS 38, 113, 15.1, 1K'1, J Sh. 188 Gt\A-soph . , F. sr., mtt·amural coordinatorjr. 1dog pntch daisv mad. sr., softllall - soph .·, Jr., sr., tcnnis-soph. ,jr . , sr . , vollcyhall-soph., jr. ,sr., baskctha ll-soph., jr., sr ., gvmnastics -jr., tracksoph., Jr., sr., track, stnte-soph., tennis, 3rd-Jr. SIIELJ3Y, YVETTE 38 SIJEPPARD, MIKE 38, 148, 20 Sl fORT, LESTER 1R SIIRYERS, HOGER :38, l'l2, J.14, 11) c,uh·dehs~squires -sr.,

a cnppcll<1-jr., sr., nwclrigals -sr. SIEVERTS, JOliN '38, J 46, J5:=i,J65,173,192

lt:tterman-soph .. jr., sr . , cheer cluh-sr., lett rman trcasun:r-Jr., wrestling-Mlph . , jr., sr ., cro. s countrv-sr., 2nd rvginn, 3rd state, wrest~ ling- jr. , sr. SIMMONS, DEBRA '39, 132, 134, ]91, 192 SIRRINE, STEVE 39 VICA-Jl"., sr. SMILEY, MICHELE .19, 140 DECA-sr., creative writing magazine- oph., Jl". SMITH, CINDY 39 SMITH, COLLEEt\ :39, 132 key club-soph., a cappella-sr., seminary devotioni.Jl vicc-sr. SMITH, JOE 3() football-jr. SMJTII, KATHY 42, 146, 151 masquc&gavel-soph., service art-sr., FBLAsr., ski-sr., dogpatch

comm-sr. SMITH, LEE 39 SMITH, MARJEAN 39 masque&gavel-soph . , golden key award for work with handicappedjr. SMITH, NADINE 39, 113, 142,145,154,151 masque&gavel-soph., dance~jr . , sr., t,>ymnastics -jr., sr., charlonians -jr. , sr . , si - sr. , jordanelles-sr.,charlonian yell mistress-sr. SMITH, PAM C. 39, 149, 191 DECA- jr. , honor socictvjr., sr., broadcaster · copy ed. - jr. broadcaster editor-sr. ,JRN-sr., top 10%-sr., Deseret News staffer of the vear-jr. SMITH, PATREt\ 39, l32, 147,190,191,193 band-soph., jr., a cappella-jr., sr . , forensics-sr., sub-debs&squires-jr., sr., band sec-soph . , jr., girls' state-sr., 1st in dehate-sr.,top 10%-sr. SMITH, PAULA 39, 1.32, 142 SMITH, WENDY :39, 146 FHA-soph., FBLA-Jr., sr., FBLA activity chairman-sr. SORENSON, BARRY 39, 138 SPRATT, WADE 39 STEADMAN, JALYNN 39, 132 a cappella -Jr., sr., masque & gavel-soph., jr. STEPHENSON, STERLI0JG 39,132, 1'34 VICA-soph., a coppella • .Jr., sr., n1 aclrigals-sr. STIEL, ELAINE :39, 132 GJ\t\-soph., FIIA-jr., u cappclla-sr. STOEDTER, IJEIDJ '39 STONE, BOB '39, 122, 132, 146, J'i:=i, 16 9, JR3 a cappella -sr., yell cluhsr., lettcrnwn-fr., sr . , student council-soph., jr., sr., co-pres of yell club-sr., sweetheart roya lty-soph. ba sella 11jr., sr ., footho.ll-jr., sr., letter in haschall, football-jr. STRINGFELLOW, MARTI!'\ 42 STU1313LEFIELD, KAREN 39 STURDEVANT, KEITH ,19, 1.19, 140,148, 151 DECA-s1·., CB-sr., skisr., sec-of CB-sr. SULLIVAN, DAN 39, 190, 191 top .1'/[,-sr . ,.honor socictvsr., letter in swimming~ jr. (California) SUMMERIIAYS, PAM 40, 160,161,185,189,194 a cappella -jr., dance-sr., gymnastics-jr., sr., skijr., jordancttes-soph., JV cheer1eader - .Jr. , head cheerlencler-sr., student council-soph . , dogpatch comm-sr., I st in state t,>vmnastics -j r. SUTHERLJ\ND, DEBBIE -10, 109, 1.12, 141 FHA-soph., mas(juC'&: gavel-soph., interp-soph,, sr. , a cappella -Jr. , sr. , charlonians-Jr., FHA sec-jr., pres -sr., musical-soph., sr., playsoph.

S\VE 1S0!';, DEL 40, 139, 15 5 16 9' 1 76 l 8 l 83 letterman-jr., sr., CB-sr., foothall-soph., jr., sr., basketballsoph ., jr., sr., baseballsoph., jr., sr. , tracksoph . SWENSON, RONALD 40 SWILOR, MILAN 40, 140, 146, 179, 194 letterman-soph., jr . , sr. , DECA -sr . , golf- J st in state-sr. SWITZER, RA YMOl\U 40 1




ttttt TADEBARA, LINDA 4fl, 13 2, 141, 145. 191 FHA-jr., sr . , ski-jr., a Cappella-sr., honor societv-ir., sr., charlonians-sr., top 10\,-sr. T AKEMOH I, JEAL 40 FBLA -jr., service artjr., jv checrleacler-jr. TATE, SUSAN 40 DECA-s:r. TAYLOR, PAT 40,109 CB-sr., masque&g<wel· jr., model UN, dehatesoph., musical, battle of the bands a'Ssem-sr., intcrp. TAZZER, T'A~1 40, 143. 190 TET\1PEST, Cf!EHYL -10, 191

TERRY, LEANN 40, l·t2 clnnce-jr., sr., ski-soph., FHA-jr., winner at state art 'ihow-soph., jr., Sears fashion hoardsr. THACKER, CHRIS 40, J.14 madrigals-sr. madrigals activitv chairmansr., a cappella-j1·., stlldent council-jr. THAXTON, MARK 40, 138, I


VICt\-sr .. DECA-sr THOMAS, GARY 40, J46, 15'1, 169. J 81 VJC,\-_~r.,

1cttermansoph., jr., sr., men's cheer clull-sr., ski -jr., Jr. class pres, men's cheer club vice-sr., track cap. -jr. 1sr., jr. prom comm . , footballsoph., jr., sr., tracksoph., jr., sr. 1haskethall-soph., letter in track, football-jr., trock, 4th & 5th in stnte-jr. THO 1AS, JILL 40, 132 masque&.gavel-soph., jordanette-soph., FHAir.,a cappclla-sr . ,jr. prom comm. -ir. THOME, BRIAN 40 VTCA-sr. THOT\1PSON, MARK 40 THOMPSON, SUSAN 40 THORN, JANIE 40 THORPE, MIKE 40, 109, 125, 136 thespians. play-sr . , mus ica 1-sr.. , senior assem. , intcrp. superior in interp. TIMO 'EY, l\!EGAN 4!, 20, 130,1261109, 1.'31, 1'32, J.3 6' I 3 7' 13 R Jl)()' 191, 196 masque&gavcl-soph., jr.., model UN-soph., thespiilns-soph., jr., sr.,a cappella-jr.,sr., yearbook- Jr.., sr . , interpsoph. Jr., sr., honor society-sr . , masque& gavel historian-Jr., intcrp chairman-jr . , I



cap. - sr ., thespian pressr ., yearbook assist. editor- sr ., musical-soph., jr., sr . 1 play-jr. 1 soph ., one-act-s·r.,jr. & sr . assem ., pep asscm. 1 swee theart's comm.soph . 1 top 10%-sr .. drama sterling scho larsr . region & s tate interp., superior - soph . 1 jr. TITUS, DALE 41, 150 band-soph . 1 jr. 1 toss -upjr., sr ., to ss -up cofounder-jr., toss-up treasurer - sr. TOI3ll\', SHARON 4 1 TREMELLI!\'G, SCOTT 41 1 147 TROESTER, DARRELL 4 11 1:J5 1 169, 171 1 173,190 1 1911192 band-soph.,jr.,honor sociery - sr. 1 play-soph . 1 jr, 1nJtional meri t scholar finalist-sr., top 39( - sr . TUINMA 1, TOM 41

jr., thespians -j r. 1 a cappella- sr ., srudent counc ll-sr., musicaljr., sr ., play-jr., sr., yearbook - s r.,Jordan rep. a t freedom academy. WELLER, WILMA 41 FHA- soph. , sub debs& squires - jr. WESTBROOK, MARK 41, 139 WESTBROOK, SO!\l)'A 41. 143, 147 model UN-sr., jordanettes ~sr., s r, assemb ly. WHARTON, DENNIS 4 1 WHITMORE, JAMES 20 . 42, 138 VICA - sr . , student counci l, foothall-soph., track-soph., jr. WISEMAN, THOMAS 42 sub -cl eils&squ ircs - sr . . DECA-j'"., inter-Jr. WOOD, BRY.t\N 42 WOODRUFF, DIANA 42, 109 . 132,136 . 192 WRIGHT, WILLIE 42,184




VAWDREY, JAZAN 41, 15 ·~ YEATER, JAMES 41,135 J5 5, 169 madrigals -sr. 1 stude nt council - sorb .. footba 11soph ., jr., sr. letter in footlxlil, wrest lin g-jr., preference ball 3nl most preferred-sT. 1



WAGSTAFF. CRATG 41, 140, 146 I 55, 169 DECi\ - s r., footllall'>opil ., jr. 1 sr . track::-.oph ., wrcstlm g- soph . WAGSTAFF T1\MMY .fl, lSI ski -j r ., sr . 1 Fl3LA-~H., FHA-o..;oph., home comi ng parade-sr. WALKENHORST, TAMARA 41, 146. 152 1 I s.q. Ul..f, 11l6 GAA-soph., Jr., sr ., intramural coord., soft!Jall-jr., sr ., vo ll eyha llsoph. , jr ., sr .. ba.s'ketball-soph., Jr .. s r., track-jr .. sr . WALL, 13RAD·ll WALTERS, KAREN -11. 132, 1.1fl . 151 masque&gavel-sopl!., jr., VJCA -sr., a Cappellasr ., ski-jr,, s r., Jl'. class sec, VICA reponer-sr., musical-jr,, play - jr. , ho mecollling 2nd a ttl!n. so ph. , j r. , prom comm. WALTERS, KEVIl\' 41 WALTERS, LARRY 11, 146, 151 , 15 51 16 9 DECA-jr. 1 l etterman sr ski - sr cheer club~r:: footl;al·l~ soph .• jr. sr ., swimming - soph ., track-jr.' :H . s tud e nt council, j r. prolll comm ., faculty buske rhall game . WARBURTON, LY. N ~~ WASHBURN VALERIE 140 WEBSTER, JOHN 4 1, !51 ski, DECA-s r. WEBSTER WADE 41, !1 2, !5 1 V ICA-sr., ski - sr ., haseball - soph. , jr. WELCll, BUZZ 20 1 41, 109,125,131, J 32, 141 ski -jr., masqut'&gavc l1




YAKA, ROBERT 42, 140, 155, J 69 YATES, MICHELLE .J2, 1-J.l' 146 FBLA - sr., FHA•soph, YAZIJE, MAXINE •12. 14 7 f!IA-soph., DECA-jr., char loni ans -jr. YOUNG, CIIRlS 42. l -18 service nrt-sr. YOUNG, KEN 42, 169 , 17!l, 181, j():j %ZZZ%

ZIEGLER, MARK -12. 1.12. 155 1 J6 :J , IH1, 19 1,1 92 !(]()() 11\ik-jr.,sr., a c;lppclln-sr ., IJantlsoph., Jl"., IL!ttennunjr .. s r., hono r o..;oc ic:ry jr., s r. , cross countrysopll., Jf. s r, ,wrc:stlings oph. ,j r., track - sop il •. jr., sr, , young alllerh;uns~r .. nssem-sr., top u n; - s .r. letter in cross country. t ro ck. lorclilll cl istrict.IJonor lniml- sopll. ZUPAN, CIIARLE 'E J2 DECA-jr .. rodco-p·. 1

Ault, Matt 45, 15 1 bbbbb

Bailey, Arlene 45 Bailey, Gloria 45, J53, 185, 186 Ba kker, Rick 45, 155, l7 •1, 18 L

Ballard, Shirlene 45 l3anks, Bruce 45 BaTbcr, Ken 20 , 45, 10 9, 136, 1.17, 149 .1tlJ Rarlow, Terry 45, 140,146, J5 1 Baugh, 13nlcl 20, ¥1, 146, 151,155, !Ml, 1Hl Bay, DoU!.;l<ls 46 f3cckstcaci, f'e:nnv 20, ·!<1 l3ceslt'y, Brook 16 Be:ntle\·, Billie 46 13crg<..ncr, I ' nthy 46, 132 13ergeson, Miclicl lc ·l(J, 132 13csucr , Ofo yncc 4CJ Bingham, Jeff 46, JS1 13ircll. Hol>vn 46 Black, Jan~ ~6, 146, 151 , J 91 13lain, Juy 46, l lJ I l31ank, Sherrie46, 15 1 Bogenschutz, Jim ·16 Bosworth, Marie 46, 12;:), ).12,14 1 Bowdidgc. fohn 4(J. 15 1 13owlc:r, fanl <:s 4h Bowles. ·l'ev in 46 flowmon, 13rvtt 62 llow ns, .) tunes (12 Bozarth, Lisa .J6, I 10 Brady, l'oul 20, -II, 16. I .5!1, 16H, 17H, I H2, Jl) I 13ri ght, I lo ll y 111 llrinton, Cl11~istinv 1(1 llrooksily , Suunclra lh , 1 llJ, 19 1 llrown, l3rynnt ·lh ill'O\V11. Jim •l(l, l 'lH 13mwn, Kelly •16. 16 '), l h l 13rown, Hohc · rt i7 llrown, Stc:ven 47. J(J h. I H2 Hrv:11ll, St<:ven 17 13unl e n, lln: nliu 17, 13 2 Hurg~ncr, Joc!J ·17 f3urgon, H iclw rd 47. I ::, I llurk c:, Westy 17, 20, 121 Burkm a n. IVllch;tc• l •17, 1 1tl, 1:39 llurton, Cr;lig 17 llunon, Jodi 17 !lu sh, j ;mell c: .J7 llutlcr, Rc:net• ·17 Butlc:r, Todd 17 13uttc:rf'ic:ld, Tonytn •17 . 121, ! 22, I ·fO ccccc

SPlRfT OP ' 77

Abbott, Kerry 45 Adair, Rick l5, I :=; I Adam::; Jolene: 1,Jt; t'\llen, Deborah 45 Allen, Michael 45 Allen. Therese 45, 125, 137 Ammons, Knrrv •l'i Ande r sen, Kenn ·IS. 15 1,

lHS And erson, Dc:bra 4:J Andt'rson, Knri lec 45, HO, 160, J 6 J , 1 Hil, I 0·1 Anderson, l'enny 15. J s 1 Anderson, Troy. 15 Andreoff, Wc:ndell •15 Andrizzi, Todd 45, 160, 182 Arm istc<Jd, E lvi n ~ :) Arno ld, Sht'ri lvn 20, 45, 111:!, 140, 141 . Ashby, Lynette 45 Atkinson, .Jeff •15 Atkinson, Warrc:n <IS, !.1il

Caltlwc:ll. Scott 47 Cumpllell. Ktstim: 17. 10 9 1 1:37, J:3H. i II Cn rlsou, Ho gl'r •17 Carls •n. Vnl •17, J:lH Cnrter, 1'<1trici:1 17 Ca<otillfJ, Joililn 47 Cuusc•y, Hol>er t 17 Clw mhc:rluin, Juli ~ •17, 153. I 86 Clwpnwn, l.orri •17, 1.12 C hase:, Stevc:n 17 Clwvc.:%, D:lllt <.· l IH, 109, J:n, I 65, 1711 I 72, I HH Cilnv 1s. ·r rin:1 •IH C l1ild s T<lllli11Y (12, ISJ Cllristc.:nsc:n, K<:lly •lH, l 10 , I lH, I S.3 Chr Js tc:nsc:n, StC'Vl' •IH. 11J:3 C lar k, lloh IH, HI C lnrke, Windy <IH Clc:gg, D~11lllY lil, ! 5· 1 C le land, john IH Clc:mc:n ts Kerry IH C lin e, Doug Pl, ·!O lJ, 131\ J.17, J'lH, ! 55, ! HI Comil~s. l.i'i<l IH Cow lc:y, !Joug IH, I !H. I H2 1


Cowl ey, Kim ..J.R, 17 1 Crane, C<1tily 48, 146 Cox, Danctt ti. 4H, 1(19, 137 Cranney, Lori ·}H Crcbs, Mike •18, lil I Crvstal , Sha11e 4R Cul11mings, Michae l 4H Cutler, Colette .JH, l.J.O, 1-IR Cutler, Gayle ..JR, 132, Hl ·f, J R5, 18R, 1 9~ Cutler, Shelly 4H

Gough, Ja ne L SO, 140 Goulding, Ke lly 5 1,1 30, 13l. 149 , l S I GoUt· lev, Steve ::,I, 15 1 Gr<th::u-i1, Craig 5 I Gressmcn. Da vid 5 1 Griffith, ]ovcc S I Grimaud.· Jeff 5 1 Groom, Cnrol 13:2 Groves, Hick 62 Gryg la, l'cn51



Dahl, Mic lwel 41l I angcrficld, Lorri 62 , I HH, 194 Davi s , E lai ne .J.K, 1.12, 1:3.1 Dav is, Kavlenc IH Davi s, Lnurie IH Davi s, Mark 40, 15 1 D<1 vid son, Lind,1 .Jl). I S:3 Davis, Cnr l I 50 Denn ison, Tamm\' 4ll DerricotL, Kathy ·llJ, I 14. I ·IH, 19 I Dickso n, T~rcsn Ill . 1.12, 1·1(1 Dimick, Cindy 19 Dinvc•n, Slwwnn llJ, 1.12 . I 16 l)owcling, 1\llll i.JlJ Doweling, Hnv ·tlJ Dr[lper, Dian • ltl

ll:~clclenha Ill, llrcnt .::, I ll:lclcan, Hocl ney Sl. 15 1 llocllcy , mane 5 1. J{)l) llnlli gan, '\bn S i ll am ilton, Mike: 5 1. Ill,

Eilc.:rt, Don Jl) Edmunds. jt'lT\' Ed w~trcls. Gkndall Jl) Eclw;1rds, Scott 62. I 17 Eggen, Silawna Ill, I II, jlJJ Eil bon. K1m Ill, fl. I·Hl . I ·IH. I Hil. Ill I Elilert. Donald Ill El~wood, l'e g,~V 2!l. It, I IJ Englellnn, Dmi Ill J•:nni <:.s. Otleuc •Ill. 1 f<1 Fv:1nc;, 1 cri ll) Ewell, Tnm111~· •ll)

rrrrr Fni1·!Journ. Kevin Ill l,.arns\\'<JI' Ih. lll'lll', Ill, J )(l, I hS, I HI l,.:1rnsworth, Hi lwrd Fer:1gcn, l .;lrrv Jll, J:il Feq.,"tl nn, !) ;~vic! 11 l·isll·r, Kern Ill, IS!, l . 'i, JlJ I Fitl'ger,Tid. lll'e·rt Ill F itz ger:lid, fL'l'i -(), u; I lo n:s. John SO, I •Ifl l•orhcs, ~l1kc '10, I 1\:2 Fntllcom, lk hh it• 'iO, I fH, l 'iO Jireem:1n, Pn111 SO I• rischklll:cllt, l'hTII1'> 50, I •I(J,

I ~

I, Jl)J

Fullmer. D:tvtcl SO !o'unk, IJJ:l1ll' '10, I II, I :=i I. JlJ I Furm:r, i\1i !1•11 50. 1'32 ggggg Gall.mcl, john :'ill. 1Ml Gnssmnn. I cllv SO, 1 12. llf1 . G:111 t', 1 c tl . 0 Gc:c:ns ·n. Sh •llv 0 (;(·<;."ell. 1':1m :=ill c;ihhs, i\1.1 r1(l ;)() c;illord, lkhcn.: n )(), J:l2 Cingra-., D;1nic:l 'i(), 1C1 .. 1111 Glml. ')tc:vcn ;:)() (;):Jsscv. i\1eltntl:1 ;:)() c;oings, H<1VJllond (;onz.!les. Liz So. IS I Goodrich, l\1nrk Sn, 1 17 (;oold. Scott lOll. I:1 I. l.lll Gothvrg, lli'l'n<i:l SO, I II, 11(1 Cloth 'l' •. Trent So, 1 li, I IR


Il um ilton . Tin;1 S i. 1-10, 1) 1, ](J.] llnnk s, l l l ~1 ir C12, 12 1. l S I II :1 nn :t, Bruce S J ll o nscn, K:lrL'n ,::, I . 120, 1.1il llnnsen, l'e nr :1 S I I Ln1sen. Tracie: 5 I Jlnn sc: n, Virginin Si. 172 ll <l rd c:ns tl c. V:ll 'i l ll ;n·d in g . Tunwr:t :il. 120, I H1J, Jll I ll nn lm an, l~i -k :'i ! ll.tnlnwn, T:lllllll\' .'i l . Ill llurd\', Dcn nn l' ')i lbrgL·r, IL•mwtil ~ l ll :1 rg is, Mnrk '12 ll n rt. Tc:rry ::.2. IC1lJ, 17 1. l .'l'l li <Hll'tl'l', Conlon 52. lh:-i. 17il. JW1 • Jl)J lkclitl t. T~lll\' 'i2 Ikndcrson, 1-:L•lli 'i2, 1 ~:2. !/()

!lend l' id.sc n . 1:1 r"h'1 ::.2. ll ,• ndrid sc.• n, i\1ic1Jncl C1 :l ll t• ndl'J dsl'n. 1ic1Tc l lv 'i.!. IIC'nlltll'. !1111 52. I ·I H I lv sv ltinv. Sil:llln h:! ll.lnlon L. \]aJtilL'W .'i:! . 171. J7 I lli d: lllnll. l.ori S:.!. I !!1 /Iiggins. l'orv 'i2, j ") I . Ill! II illol'k. Sti'-'<lll ):2. 1·111. I I)

lloggnn. Svotl ::.2. 122. J.ll. J:lll. 15 1 ll o tll C.' I'. fdi' :12. I11 .'l, 171. I I' I

ll owk lt . StO\'L'Il :i2. IS I I lunt . !'IT ill ip ") 1 • I ~ I , 1!'1 I llttnt ' 1', Lorrie 1:! !Jill j.lcKill.lTl, Joyc<' '1:2. 1'!2 lncoilscn. j l' l'r\' (J.!. lnrvit·, ' lvr~. s.1 :12. 1SH lll\'n •s, jv tnnilll' S2 . I II. !IJI rc.·nkin s. 1\l.il'\' 52 lt' ll Sl' Tl, I ill S2. I li:l il' n<;vn. loni S2. I 17. I 'ill lv 11 Sl.! 1l. In rk 2. I 'i'>. I flo, 17'l. I I'l l lvn •ll ll. lkilllil' ::,:z jl'Tl t7.St'il. J)cll!JI ' ')3 loil11 on. J\ 111 iloll\' john "lll, ( ' li.T riC'lll' 1.!, I iJ:l !olin .on, J)otl g S.l, IS I lnlllt- Oil. lil iltt • 'i l jo[m..,on, Ll'.lil S l ioilllSl> ll. \\'.1\'lll' '3 lo ll v\'. KL'lll ~ · l. 1·17, IMi lnnl's. J'd lv S'! lu. Eugcn · .l

Kvlso, h1 1s ti 'L2tl l' cll1 J1lll'l', K1m ; ·1, I l:i, Ji ll KL'llTlL'tlV, D<!llll\' ::i.l I vn1H: lh·. i\l1kc S'l, 171

Kimball, MattiH::w 53 Kiml>all, Robert 53 , J 9 1,

192 Kirton, Richart1 5.3, J6 5, UH Knopp, Crysta l 53 , 10 9, 136, 145, 154, 194 Kramer, Mike 53 , J 40 Krinke, 11j a lmar 53 Kunz, Kevi n 53 lllll Lamping, Corri 53 , 15 1 Lancaster, Juliann 53 Landc.x.· n, Steve S.'i , 132, 134, 155 ,1 65 , l 8 l Lan gston, Mark 53, 175 Larsen, R o i 54, 130, 13 1, J 4()

Lm·scn, Valynnc 54 Lavetl<1r, Pal.1l 5·~ Lavc:clcr, John 5·1, I :3!), l :S I , 155, 16 H, 1 1\ I La wson, ' Jn·is 54 Le~my, Lee 54 Lee:, W<;m\v 54 Lego, 1)<1rrc:ll 54 Lciscl", Jodie 54 Leon, Clcn 62 L ester, T e rri 54 Lewi s, Steve 5'-l l ·f8, I il l Lloyd, DonnutLu ::i --1 , 1·11 Lloytl, Sherry 5·1 Logan. Jl'i'l' S'l, I OlJ Lon gswrr, 1):1 ni e l 5·1, 16 5, I,J J Lu L:cr , l)a nn v 5·1, I SS, 1()!) I I HI . Luntlstro111, Luynu 54, 14H Lyman, Li s:1 2tl, 5·1, J() l), 123, 11. I I ;j.J 1111\1111111111 MncL:, Lori ,., I, 1:37 Mack:1y, H11tl1 . I , I 10 Mnc.klo~·h:s, I )uu g ."l•l, J,'l·l Mn rkr , Dvnni s ::; I Mn rt 111, I\ ill "> I M<11 !Ill\.:/, l\1onlcn S 1 1\1;~ :-;~n, Stc.·vc.: :'> I, J:lH, 15\ 1(11), 17 1I 171 M:~ tl wson. llu g l1 ">:"~, 1:\o, l:l l M :llilL' \IS, CI1L:I'L'se (12 Mntlli:n.,, Mal k '):') M;n1pin, l)(lll g (d I'Vl;Jy, Tilll (11 f\kC :l l'!llV, '1':1111111V . 5, 1·10 Mc.. Clur~_·, Mi c iJ, Jl' l .. , lll 1) Mc.·Col"l\lid , C hri s 1l l, ">\ J:li , I :11, I,..., 1 M ·C: ull•>ch , Sllv ll ('y S~ , lb McCtlllc, J)u rrc ll 171'! f'vkl)olllild, C\'lllilln S.'i Mvl)u nn lc.l, Stvvun :15, 120, l "> l f\k·:Jc.iow s , Ho gv r . S Mvlunns, Mikv 55, I II, 17 1 Mvlvi lil' , Muni ~5. I( J1J, l:l:2, I :!(>, t:l7, I 12, I (l ·l Mvvrkk, j:l\' 1111 ·. :-, 115, h i Middleton, jill 5::1, 1·12 Milil'l', JVi' l 5'1, J:lR Mil iv r, jol111 (1:2 f\Jillt;r, !. :1I'I 'Y 5. MillL:I', 'L1111 1.11V Miln<·, foni. 5 · Mill'lll'll, l.! Si l ') Mn,·llL·II, Nn t nll l' .">5 , I 15

f\.1oorv. J),!W ll 5') Morg.Jn, . l <ll'~ic.'. S, 10 9, 110, I :l1, i .l(l Mon, (;or<ion :'lS, 15·1, I 1) I Monvnsl'n, Kerry 5:i MortL'llscn, HL·IK·cco 55, l •l(l Mortcns~.·n, H ic lwnl S:i, 12 1, l<1S, 1HI , I C.J I Moun tL'l'l', llnrt (12, !55 Mount l.'l'l', jl'rrv :">5, I :32

Muldvr, IJo rrn1nc (11 M1111<1uin, Yo l:1 nc.l u SS

nnnnn Nd son , Reed 55, 19 J Ne lson, Boyd 56, 191 Nel son , Spence 56 Nel son. Steven 56, 1 R3 Nel son, Wendy Sb, 132 N ielson , Tamra 5(J, 140 , .t4:i, l ..tB NieDw nH, Rodne y 56 . 112 Noonla, Lamar 56 Nowo tnv, Tcr(! s<J 5o, 1 32 N uttall,· Kaylynn 56 00000

Oakden, Hobbie 56 Onkeson, .S hnron 56 Ol iphant, Randy 56 Oliver, Shcrilyn 56, J 40,

J64 Olsen, Ri ck 5(1 Olsen, Spencer 56, .l55, 169, J 78 , J i\ .1 0 ·gill , Dennis '16, J 51 Orr, Nick sr1 Osbo rne, Mark 56, 155 , 160, J 8 1 Ost le r, GrenL ;:)6, J .J7, l!'il Os tl er . Connie 511, 146 Ostlur, Rober t 56 Os tler, Thoma s 56 Ovcrstn .:c..:t, Denni s 56, j

5 j 1 j 55

PPPPP l\ 1cc, Jo e :=i(J Pnd, Kevin 56, I !).1 1\.Jtlmos, ] olln 57 , l S:i, t6 <J, I H1 l' ~11wk, Murv 57 P:1ngo s, 13rc;t 57, 150, !S:i, 17H, 1HI P;1nJI1\orv, Pc..:ggv ':'l7, 140 l'nrk , J\l<i c n 61 · 1':1 rrv, Gorclon 57, I :HI,


l':lll \..:1":-.o n, \!len 57, l S I 1':11'tl'1·,on. Dnll- 57 l\·~1 sc , Slwrri "'>7, I <!(1 l'v rr v, Penni S7 l'vt •rscJl, l) ~m n y (J2 J'l' l 'l' SC I1, ji i11111V 62, I (J I Pvt · r so n, ·C in (l\; I :lH, I ·J:l, IS 1 l'etcn;on, E<idiu 57 11l' tt v, i3l'ckv S7 l'il' kc tl , Sundy '17, I H5. 1i-\(1 Pi er ·c.·, Ly nn S7, I .'iS , 15 J, 11-l:l l' ix ton, Li sn S7, \:32 l'o ll nn l, K<1ti1V 57 l'ortvr, I,L·s li e S7, I.J H, 1·19 Pr kc, I' en t 57, l S I , I K I l'rovc:v, llrclt '17 l'ull :m, Sunm1!..'(11, l ·IH rrrrr Rngl'r, C:~l'\' ~7, 110, lil lJ H:1 11lll\l'l'. l)onnltl "J7, I i H H<! s111\1ssL' Il , Hi ck 57 Hvco ul"t , Jo;Jn '17 Hl'id, Jl'ITI '!'i7 Hcmi ngton, Sco tt 5H Hidin g, Tnwnn SH, Ill , 1 ">2, l ');) Ri s llton, l'nrnicL' :iH, 1:l1 R it ~:m; m , J n 1·y SH Rollcns, Susn n -,H, I :37 Hollc n son, Ll'iln SH, 130 Hogurs, Ann "iH Huno l !'son, llnrt SH Hy nca r so n, C<llcne SH sssss Snllo, Hobert SH, 138, J.3lJ, 1·1H S:~untlcrs, Swcic 5H S ·hiffmnn, Dcllorah 58, 1.12 Schmitt, Li sa 5il, !32, llJJ Sc hul zku, Michncl 58, 1-!6,

151, 169 Scorzaro, Kelly 58, 44, 145, 15 J Scott, Deanna 58, 152, 153, 1 BS , 1 86 , 189, 194 Sevy , Lorrie 58, 125, 132, J 41, J 48 Shail, Danie l20,5, 155, 169 , J71, 173,181 Sharples, Penny 5 Shettel, Beth 58,130, 1.31 Simonich, Tony 58, J 55, 176, 181 Simonson, Hal 58 Shepard, Src:ven ';) 8 Skoubyc, Paul 58, 178 Smiley , Kathy 58, t25 Smiley, Suzanne 58, 109, 125, 132, 154 Smith, Bob 59 Smith, Carolyn 59, J 32 Smith, Connie 59, 148, !50, J 54 Smith, Eileen 20, 59, 151 Smilh, llal .SlJ, 135 Smith, j eff 59 Smith. Kelly 62 Smith, Lor·i 59 Smith, Robert 62 Smith, Sandra 59, 142. lSI Smith, Teresa :=i9, 146, 151 Snedcger, Clay 59 Snow. j eff 44, 59, 176, 178, 171) . 194 Sosa, Joseph 59 Somerville . Kenna 59 Spencer. Da v icl 59. 1413 Spray, Robyn SlJ. 109, 13 2 . 1.36. 138 Springer, Kevin .">lJ . 1+7, 1'-l }) Sprousu, Jnck 59 . 1.39, 1:15, 169. 176 Squi1·es, Shawna :=il), 153 Swm, Kris 5 1) St~1ngcr. Connie 60 Stc:1dmun, Lorie C10 Stee::d, Lisn 60, 1:=iJ Sterling, Barron 60, 171 , 1 H:l Stokes, Craig 60 Stro n g, Greg 60, 169 Sullivan, Denise 60 Sul\lmcrh:lvs, .Jodv 60 Swc...nson , f);1vid (10. J SJ Swcn~on, Lisa 60, J 51 Swint, Cnrol I 32 Switzer, Don hO Svlvcstcr, RJndv 10. 60, !46, I') I I 16 11, 171. 173, JC.) J Utlt

Tuclch:m1, Curtis 151 Tnd ·lwn1, CurtJs (11l T.Jkl:mori, Alan 60,151 T.~ v lor, Frankie 20, 60, 1 l(l , 161 TC'uschcr, William 20, 60, 169. 17 1' 17.1 Thackc·r, /clcl<J 60 Thnxton, La net (10, 14 J Thomas, Kun 60, 110 , 179. 1 H3, 191 Thompson. Le-. (1(1 Thompson. Lori lec: 60 Thompson, Marce 60 Throckmorton. Victor ia ()()

Tobin, Kc11 i 6J Tobin. Deanna 60, 1">0 Tolbert, r3rucu 62 Tondro, f\lark 61, l 51 Troyer, Jeffery 61. 1 ill Tucker, Kevin 61 Tyler, Russ 61, 169, 171 Tyler, Rita 61 UUUUU

Utley, Stephen 61, 179



Valenzuela, Laura 61, 142 Van Leevwen, Paul 61. 151. 184 . Vantassell, Gordon 61, J 91 Vawdrey, Handy 61, J 51 Vi sser. Michelle 01 Vowle;, Julie 61,151,164

Baer, Dean 65. 170, J 7 J Baer. Michne1 65, J5J, 171 Bailey, Glenn 65, 135 , 193 Gakker, Mitch 65, J 70 Bakker. Ha I ph 65 BallHd, Brenda 65,109, 137 Ballard. Jeff 65, 179 Barrett, Mel 65, 143 f3urtlett, Kim 65 Baller, Keldon 66. Baugh, !3rucc 66. 170 Baugh, Scott 66 Beck, Tammy 8 4 Beckstead. J3j~ad 66 Beduarik , Steven 66 Bell, Terrv 66 Be nson, Robert 66, J35 Berg, Danny 66 Best, Dougla s 66 !3ianchi. Diane 66 , 14:3 ,

wwwww Walkenhorst, Kevin 6 J Walkenhorst, Kyle 61 Walkenhorst, Nancy 61 Walker, Sus :.m 61 Warburton, Debhv 61 Washburn, Dian e. 61, 189, J 94 Wa s hburn, Karhy 6 J, 132 Weaver, Claudi<.i J 85, J R9, 194 Webb, Kelly 61, 169 . 1/\J Webster, Charlotte 6.1 Watson, Veeom1 61 Well s, Dale 61 Wentz, Tonv 61 Westbrook,· Suzanne 6J Wharton, Pat 61 Whetman, Garv 62. J -18, 181 . . White, Jesse 62 Whitmore, Stacy 62, 165, 181 Wilke s . Tim 62. J 50 Wilkins, Dnvid 62, 171 Williams. Sheri C12 . 140. 146 Wimil(!l"lv. Taunva v2 Winep;<.~r.. Brad 6l, J 4 7. lSI. 184. J 91 Winger, PatJ·ici a 20,62 Withers. Cindy 62 Workman, Bl::~ke 62 Wright. Paul 62 Wyatt, Vicki 62

Yate s . Gary o2. 14 7, 17 1 Young, George 62 Young, Pam 62 Yo s t, Derre1d 62 Young, Ed 62. 151

J-16, 151 Biggs. Suznnn 66, 147 Binghnm, Melody 66, 125, 147 Black, Karalynn 66. 15 1 Blank, JanecJ166 Blankenstein . Maryj:me 66 Bloxharn, Byron 84 Bodtcher . Randv 66 Bosch. Taffie 66 Bowler, Mark ?l -1 Brews t er, 13ryan 66 Brewster, Tami R4 Brklachich, Dannv 66, 170, 171


Broadhead, Kent 66 Brooks, Dal e 66 Brower, Denice 66 Brown. 13la in 66 Brown , Deanne 66. 140 . 151 Brown, Leslie 66, J 70 Brown, Susan 66 Brvant. l'v1<1 raga ret 66 Buh l , Laurie 66. 151 Bunker. Dw igh t 8 -1 Bunker, JoAnn 67 Bunkall, Kell y 67, 147 Burns id e, Sean 67. 20, 178


Zflgnrich, Lisa 62 Zeller, Micha e l 62, 13R. !55, J69, 17 1,1 7.3 Zobr ist, juli e 62


Adamson. Jeff 65. 151 Alldredge,. Jo hnn y 65, 170, 113, l 7R Allen, Clinton 65, 137 Allen. Lann 65 Allen, Lvnn 65 Allen, R ny 65 Allred, Larry 65, 178 Al vey, Pauline 65 Anderson, Bonn ie 65 Anderson, Dallas 65, 13 1 Ander. on , Gene 65 Anderson, Kevin 65, 135 l7l) I Anderson. Rhonna 65 Anderson: Steven 65 Anderson Susnn 84, 140 Anderson: Wayne 65 Andreoff, Dora 65 And us. Kirt 65 Arnold, Deanna 65, 140 Atkinson, Dave 8-1, J 48 Atkinson, Denise 65, 125 Atkinson, Kris 65, 13 8, 151 Auker, Max 84

Bush, Diane 66 13utler. Tammy 66, 1 J 1, 138. 164 ccccc Cnldwell. Down 67 Campbell, Corby 67,147, J.S 1 Campbell. Jov 67 Campbell. Lyle 67 Candalot. Jolin 67 Cannon , Jame s 67. l 3S Carlson. Tamra 67 Carl son, Rcta 67 Cnrncv. Wade 6, Carroil. Alan 67 . 170. 17/l Carrol, 'lim 67 . Carter, ]oyce67.1S3 Ca terline: Kai. a 67 Champion, Terrv 67 Chapman . Robert 67, J 35 Chase, Rick 67 Chidester, Annette 153,67 Childs, Suzanne 67, 137 Chri stensen, David 67,193 Christensen, Knrin 67, J25, 1.3 7, J53 Christensen, Kclli 20,67, 1.37.151. 153.164 Christensen . Lnur ie 67 Christensen, Sandra 67, 147 1 S3. 186 Chris~offcrson. Denise 67 Clarke, l\richael 67 Clegg. Johny 68. 140, 1SO. 154 Clements, Kipp 68 Close, Kelley 68, 193 Coffin. !\like 68


Collard, Sheila 68 Combs, Mark 68, 148 Compton, Samuel 84 Conley, Kathleen 68 Conners, Kevin 84 Coombs, Joseph 68, 178, 181 Costanza, Chris 68 Cowley, Jay 68 Cowley, Patricia 68 Cox, David 68 Cox, Gary 68, 151 Cozzens, Hal 68, 182 Crawford, Sherri 68 Crebs, Nephi 68 Crebs, Penny 68 Crebs, Steven 170 Criger, Scott 68 Cummings, Julie 68, 151 Curley, Scott 68 Culter, Curtis 68, 178, 181 dclddd Dahl, Scott 68, 171, 172, 181 Danielson, Don 68 Darling, PL!nny 68 Davisdon, Gregory 68, 12.3, 151 Davidson, Gwen 68 Davis, Gregory 68 Davis, Karl 68, 165, 181 Davis, Kristi 68 Day, Juliene 68, 123, 164 Day, Ronald 69 Dayton, Patty 69 Dennison, David 69 Dcrricott, Michael 69, 125, 1'36, 137 Devore, Jamison n9 Dcvore, Terry 69, lfl1 Diener, Bonnie 69 Dillard, Denise 69, 125, 1.5 11 188, 194 Draper, Dina 69 Draper, Don 69, 151, 178, 182 Duke, Tracy 69 Dumas, Danny 69 Dunn, Suzanne 69 Dunn, Tommy fl4 Durrant, Lynda 69 eeeee Eckman, Anita 69 Eddington, Cheryl 69 Eliason, Chris 69, 150 Erickson, Ronald 69 Evans, Mark 69 Evans, Robert 69 Evans, Tim 69, 151 Evenson, Janet 69 fffff Fagg, Cynthia 69, 122 Fails, Diane 69 Fairbourn, Brad 69 Fairbourn, Rozanne 69 Fehler, Richard 69, 130, 131 Fenton, Belinda 69, 148, 151 Fer!:,rus, Dianna 69 Fenton, Marc 20, 64, 69, 178,179 Fcragen, John 70, 151 F ilbcrt, Leslie 70 Firmage, Terry 70, 140, 151 Fish, Glen 70 Fischer Milton 70 Fisher,' Darou 84 Fitzgerald, Erin 70, 138, 151 Fitzgerald, Roger 70, 170, 182 Flake, Bryce 70,170,171 Flores, Jess 70, 181 · Flynn, Darren 70, 151 Forbush, Sidney 70 Fox, David 70 Freeman, Mike 70


Fuller, Karie 70, 147, 151 Fullmer, Perry 70

'186 iiiii

ggggg Ipson, Marilyn 72 Galland, Louisa 64, 70, 15.3 Gallegos, James 70, 135 Garfield, Selena 20, 70, 109, 136 Gassman, Britton 70,151 Gee, Melinda 70 Geertsen, Cyndi 84 Geisler, Terri 70 Gerrell, David 70 Gessner, Doris 70 Gilchrist, Lisa 70 Giles, Tom 70, 170 Gifford, Virginia 70, 109, 136, 137, 151 Gilgen, Gary 70 Goetz, Jerry 70 Glover, Todcl 70 Gonzales, Daina 70 Goold, Becky 71, 153 Graham, Carrie 71 Graham, Kathy 71, 130, 1.31, 147 Green, Kathy 71 Green, Lee 71, 147,150, l93 Green, Stephanie 71, l25, 151 Greenwood, LeeAnn 71 Greenwood, Paula (J4, 71, 138, 151 Greesmen, Suzanne 71 Guymon, Gina 71, l47, 151, 193 Gribble, Steve 71 Gribble, Star 71 Grygla, Mark 71, 135


Jack, Robert 147 James, Janet 72 Jarvis, Sandra 72 Jenkins, Lynette 73 Jensen, Alden 73, 151 Jensen, Cody 73, 178, 184 Jensen, Jerry 73 Jensen, Ken 7:3,170,182 Jensen, Sandra 73 Jenson, Brian 7.1 Jex, Jeff 73, 179 Johansen, Grant 7.1, liH Johnson, Charles H4 Johnson, Ilt!icli 73 Johnson, Wade 73 Jones, Clint 7.3 Jones, Leah 7:1 Jones, Lisa 73, 151 Jones, Sheila 7.1 joos, Beverly 73, J ·l7 Joos, Holayne 73 kkkkk l"enclrick, John 7.1 Kerbv, Gina 73, o4 King, Frank 73 Knapton, Becky 7.1 Krcbo:;, Stcvcn-7.1,181 Knight, Pat 84 Krueger, Hoxana 7.1 Kunz, Carla 7:3

Mickelsen, I .indn 7S MillL:r, Ac 8-l Miller, Cln·is 7S Miller, Laura 75 Miller, Rich 7S, 170 Millerberg, Colleen 75, H7, 151 Millerberg, Tracy 64, 75 Mitchell, Kevin 75 Mitchell, Mike 75 Morrill, Dean 75, J 25, 150, 170 Morre, Chuck 75 Mortensen, 13racl 75 Mortensen, Pa rlcy 75 Mounteer, Mitch · Mortensen, Randy 84 Mortensen, Rose. 75, 130, 1.11, 1.38,154 Mumford, Lisa 75 Murphy, Kevin 75 Murphy, I [oll i 75 Myers, Chc ryl 75 Myers, llarbi 7~, ISJ nnnnn Napier, Lorrie 7S NclHon, Bt.<HI 75 Nelson, Kerry 75 Nelson, Sue 75 Nel"ia, fohn 7S Neve, Doug 75, l 7P., l ~3 Nichol, lrevin 7H Niksicll, t\llcn 7 , 1H:3 Noffsinger, D<tll( tte 7H, 125, 117, J 10 1 onis, Nolan 7R, 139 Nol"ton, Don 7H Ng11yen, Kim 7R Nuznwn, Michelle 7H, 153

lllll 00000

hhhhh Iladdy, GayAnn 20, 71 Ilales, Kevin 71, 151 Hallock, Steve 71, 151, 170,184 Hall, Diane 71 flam, Pamela 71 llumilton, Lori 71, 151, 122 Hamilton, Klm 71, 153, 186 Jlansen, Stepi1anie 71 !Janson, Ricky 71, 147 !Iarclcastle, Paulu 71 Harding, Sandy 71 IIardman, Sheryl 71, 110 llarc.lman, Brett 71,170 Ilardy, Mark 71, 109, 125 llarper, Robert 71 llarris, Dan 71 llarns, Lorie 71 Ilartlerode, Cathy 72, 130, 131 llcinmiller, John 72 Ilemmers, Ann 72 Ilendricks, Ronald 72 I Iendricksen, Stacy 72 llcnclr icksen, Scott 72 llennigsen, Fred 72 I lerzog, Gerrald 72 Heywood, Ronda 72 llavelone, Dean 20 lliatt, Kacce 72, L.10, 146, 164 llickman, Annette 72, 151 llickman, Jay 72, 1 ') 1 llill, Jenny 72 lllll, Kevin 72 llilton, Terry 72, 151 Hilton, John 84 Ilodgcs, Sanely 72 llolm, Steven 72, 170 !!olmstead, Lorrie 72, 112, 151 llolt, Pauline 72 Ilooser, Marl 72 Howard, Greg 72 Howell, Scott 72, 193 lloumand, Lisa 72 !Iuetter, Steve72,151 Huntsman, Ben 72, 151 Ilyatt, Kathy 72, 131, JR5,

Landc·en, Michael 73 Langford, Kenny 7:3, 17 J, 172 Larsen, Chris 74 Leavitt, I lolly 74, J 2:3, 137 Leavitt, Jodi 7·t Lee, Kevin 74, 178 Limb, Mea 74 Lintb, Uda 74, 20 Linnarz, Tim 74 Livingston, Wendy 20,74 Lucus, l'arstc 7·~ Lundberg, David 74 Lunt, Micht:llc 7 I, 1.16, 137 Luthgoe, Boyd 74 Lyon, Jeff 74

mmmmm Maag, Paul 20, 74, 1:35,

17H Mace, jerry R I Mace, Put R·l Mackay, Teri 74 Madsen, Marla 71, l·IR Maddocks, Marl<" 71 Marler, Oc.:nni,; 151 Markham, Cindy 74 Mar'lilall, Mdonic J.37, LSI, 74 Mason, Allen 74, 147, J5J Mathie, Jacki 7•1 Maw, Ray 74 Maynes, Jol<.:nc 74, 125 McAdams, Sherri H4 McCall, Lisa 7•1 McCallister, Vivian 74, 109, 136, 1:37 McCleary, Troy H·l McDonald, Kathy 74 McKean, Debbie 74 McLeish, Verry 7·1 McPhe r ron, Tamara 7 4 Mead, Clyde 74, 170 Mead, Garth 75 Meadows, Carolyn 75 Mellor, Leca 75. Meyers, Margnret 7 I, I II Meyrick, David 75, 170 Mid den, !3ob 75

Onknc:;on, Von 7R Oar, i\1iclwel 7 , lOll, t3o, 1:37 Oldfather, Bill 78, lHl Olsen, lkbhi<.: 7R Olson, l'vlark 71'. Olson, Hnnae 7R, I ·1:3 Ontiveros, Troy 6H, 18·1 Ontah.owski, 1\lichelte 7H, 20, l2S Osborne, Steve 20, 7H, 170, 178, l Hl Oi'iwald, Joe 7 , 113, 170, liH Ovanl, fcnnifcr 78, 151, tS:l Ovcnn·tn, 1orll.:ne 7H, 14() Ov<:rson, Ka nm 78, 125, l 1.1, I 1(1, l.'1:l Overstreet, l':lt 7S Oxley, 1):11111Y 7H, 1~2, 1:~5 Or.o~>ky, Cntherin · 7H

PPPPP Page, Hay 78 Pnl 111 '1', Suzann<: 78 Pann ·, Bruce.: 7H, l 10 l'uskctt, P:ttricia 7H, l H9, l Y4 Patter on, Brent 7H, 151 l'ayn<:, 13 · rry 7H, l 09, 13(1 Peck, Kevin 8 t Pt:corellt, San1 7<J, lctO Pendleton, 'mline 79, I H9, 19 f l't:rkin , Connte 7lJ Perkins, lulte 7 1), 151 l'erser, Kim Peterson, Clwrvl 71l, l ,'9, 191 Peter ·on, B;t rbar<J 79 Peterson, 'lleryl 79, l H9, 19 f Peterson, l'nthv 7t Peter on, ~1:11'k 7<), 13H, l7R, l <J I Peterson, Ro. ann· 7 1J l'<:t 'l'SOT1, Vil;kk: 7<), 15 I l'c.:tt, Dinnn ill Phillip , Ang •li:t 7ll

Phillips, Cindy 79, 14o Phillips, Mclindn 79, l2.'i Phipps, Husscll 79 Pickett, Greg 79 Pierce, Lisa 79 Pierce, Vickie 79 Pin!:,rrce, An 79, 125 Plotts, Ilclcn 79 Porter, Brent 79, 170 Powell, Normand 79 Price, Chuck 79 Primm, Sondra 79, 140 Pronteer, t\1itchcll 79 Proveaux, Cheri 79 Purser, Kim 79

qqqqq Quintann, Corey 79 Quint'ana, lvlike-79 rrrrr R<.tt;rlaff, Lvnn HO, 1'30, 131, 1-Hl, I 51 . Heading, D<lil 80 Reeve, Hus · 8·1 Reeve, Teena flO Rich, Barbara 80, 1.11, l3il, J S-1 Hi hardson, Cindy HO H icon!, Cor<.ll HO. l W Riding, Jnnet HO Riding, Susan HO Robbins, Gnry HO, 139 Robertson, Becky HO Rollinson, Sandv· H l Rollison, Cindv RO, lSI Hocks, Doug ~0 Rogl·rs, Dodi 80 Honnc, Hollen HO Ross, Burke).)(), 1H.1 Ross, Todd HO, l'il, !HI Houndv, Lnuri<' H!l, 1411 How ·II, D:1rrd HO Rupp, Gary 80, l 0 RSSSS

Sadler, Cheri<: 80 S;Jvog •, Todd 80 Sdunitlt, ,hris 80 Schmidt, Cin<t HO, 125 Sciloutl'n, l'rank Hfl Scllw:1 rz, Hi rgit 80 Scovill, S:llldy HO St:ssions, Su~an RO Sharp, Knrin HO Slwrp, Hay HO, IS! Shaw, C•1 rv HO Shelton, Mnrk Hl Sh •lton, Todd Rl Slll·yer, LuAnne HI, 15.1, l Ill) Shipley, El<tine HI Short, St<mRI,IRI SiL:VI.:rt-;, Tonv Rl, ((1.'1, 171' 17.1 Silcox, llrv:m Hl Simon, HoiK•rt HI, 8·1, I 6S Sirrine, Rolx•rt Hl .Si:•elllor ·, Karolvnn SkintH.:r, 'lvrcsa HI, 147 Slnt<..•r, 1):1\\'nvnc ).)I Slo:111, Lisn Hl, 111 Stnnl'l, Cenc ~~ Smith, i\nncltl Hl,l37, 110 S1nith, IX:ckylll Smith, Cimlv Hl, l H Snlitll, DougH l Smith, f<:ff HI, !51 Smith, l'<tul Hl Sm itll, Philip HI SIll i l h, fb 11<1 e HI , l 5 l S111ith, Holand 8 l Snlith, Steve ).) I, IS I, l Hl Smith, Tr:1cil• H1 Smith, Von H-1 Sorensen, Debbie Hl Sort'I\Sl'n, Phillip 81 St;~ffl:JtHI, Hu. sell I Stcodm<Jn, Lllthl l ';tcrling, Conni·Hl Stcwn rt, M.1rk 81

Still, Brian 81,137, 147, 170,l7H,181 Stillman, .John 81 Stont:hocker, Carole 82, 122 Stout, Brenda 82 Stubblefield, Roger 82 Spratt, Rosemarie 81, 148 Stringfellow, Todd 82 Sturdy, Cyril 82 Sunberg, Sheri 82 Sundell, Jack 82, 171 Swcetring, Susy 84 Swenson, Dave 82 Sybrowsky, Glenn 82, 151, 171 ttttt Tait, Tina 82 ,146,151,153 Tapia, Mary 82, 164 Taylor, Karma 82, 151 Taylor, Wendy 82, 151 Taytun, Pat 84 T azzer, Sonia 82, l ·H, H6,

151 Thuxton, Shawna 82 Thayne, Wayne 82 Thelin, Russell 82, 181 Thomas, Brad 82 Thomas, Calli 20, 82 Thome, Karen 82, 164 Thompson, Cindy 82 Thompson, Tianna 82, 151 Thorn, Debbie 82, 140 Thorne, Lorilee 82 Thorpe, Anne 82 Throckmorton, Richard 84 Timothy, Bill 82, 181 Timothy, Debra 82 Tobin, Kathy 82, 150 Tolman, Cherie 84 Tongish, Dan 82, 193 Trumillo, LaVonne 82 Tsinniginne, Kathy 83 Tuinman, Carolyn 83 UUllllll

Ulibarri, Pam 83,140

Underwood, Da nell 83 vvvvv Vaccaro, Gloria 83, 64, 109, 137 Valenzuela, Mark 83 VanLeeu·.ven, Ralyn 83 Varley, Diane 84 Yeater, Rebecca 83, 189, 194 Vcl tri, Steven 83, I 70 Vowles, Danny 83, 151

wwwww Wadsworth, Con 83 Wagstaff, Karen 83 Wagstaff, Teri 83 Wallgren, Rick 83 Webster, Dave 83 Webster, .Joy 83, 147 Webster, Michelle 83 Webster, Ron 8:3 Welch, Patsy 83, 109,125,

136, 137 Welch, Tony 83 Wendt, Robert 83, 147 Wentz, Kenneth 83 Whetman, !v1ark H4 White, Cync\i 83, 151 White, Jonah White, Marquilinn 83 Wilkins, Randy 83, 178 Wilkinson, Robert 83 Willette, Shanna 83, 151, 153, 186 Williams, Terry 83 Williams, Robyn 83 Willson, Sandra 84 Woodruff, Kent 84 Woolsey, Mark 84, 181 Wyman, Brent 84, 147

Young, Franccne 84 Young, Guy 84 Young, Mark 84 Yost, Brenda 84, 153

zzzzz Ziegler, Julie 84, 109, 136, 137 Zupan, George 84

This yearbook was completed April 15, 1976 at 9:34 in the presence of the staff.

yyyyy Yates, Jeanette 84 Yazhe, Gary 84 Yergense, Nils 84 Young, Donald 84


STATE ART WINNERS - Top to bottom: Kerry Clements , Rick Bakker, LeAnn Terry , Dan Bianchi , Bryce Flake, Tammy McClure, Doris Sharp , Dan Francom . Missing: Kenny Jensen . Bruce Jeremy, Randy Mitchell , Ela ine Shipley, Kelli Tobin .

TRACK - 1ST IN REGION - 3RD IN STATE- Front row: Scott Brown , Ken Noffsinger, George Russom , MiKe Crebs. Row two: Kelly Brown, Jeff Pierce , Brett Pangos , Spencer Olson . Row three: Gary Thomas, Bill Oldfather. Brian Still , Mark Jensen . Back row: Ken Young .

TENNIS - 1ST IN REGION - 3RD IN STAT E: Willi e Wright , Cody J e nse n , Corey Houmand , Brad Winegar, Carl Sargent, K evin Kempin , Troy Ontriveros.


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