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The sun rises, spraying the earth with radiant warmth; Together we will watch it. The birds sing sweetly the songs of the earth; Together we will listen. The flowers blossom fragrantly within the garden bounds 1 Togethe r we will behold their beauty. The teardrops sparkle brightly. reflecting the days gone by; Toge ther we will remember . .


Pens and pencils and paperback novels Teachers and classrooms a nd friends. The memories of good days and bad, of wishing that school would end. As the years go by. so swiftly now, How we wish we could just stand still And soak into our souls the days gone by. The fear. the joy and the thrill Of that Homecoming game that we nearly won And dancing with that special someone.




The classrooms are filled of laughter. Each seat filled with the bright sunshine Of a smiling face, a twinkling eye or a very mischievous grin These are the things that we will all remember And cherish with all our hearts The days that we spent here at Jordan High With all our teachers and friends. The feeling of friendship and security. and knowing it all must end. The road of life is a rocky one but. .. TOGETHER WE WILL MAKE IT Kelly Kiyota



L~ ¡ ~


lrt()ti31ElrllliEI~ II~



HOMECOMING This year homecoming was special to us. There was many activities during the week. Painting the sidewalks, making floats, farmers market, the pep rally, the game, and finally the Homecoming Dance.

Painting the sidewalks was great fun.

" What A Sightl" The burning of the J.

HOMECOMING ROYALTY: Dennis Ainsworth and Dixie Olson (Queen). Marin Gogan and Pam Jensen. Chad Sayers and Tammy Allen, Troy Mcfarland and Audrey Hamilton. (Missing: Ken Curry. King. and Dan Gallagher) ten

DECA's first place float.

louie's leggs return

She has digger power!


The better Side of Returning Sen1ors.

Debbie 1s cornered agam.


ASSEMBLIES The assemblies this year were the best ever! We had some laughs when Coach Hunter was found with a hole 1n his sock, and our pep assemblies really helped our sp1rit. We as students helped with the assemblieS by showing our spirit and appreciation.

Mrs. Smith expresses her feelings.

The snakeman presents his extraordinary hobby.

Bnan proposes to Shelly.

HElPII It's got mel




J "Do I have to touch u?"

Mann Gogan performs the Tango.

leaps over a capual T


a smgle bound.

Are you in there Coach Hunter?

Kathy Peacock models the new fash1on.


GET ACQUAINTED Get Acquainted was a day students could participate in many activities such as kissing, catching raw eggs. crawling under cans, eating flour, and going for a dip in a blow up pooll Togeth¡ er we did it!

Dawn Adler looks with disappointment.

D1xie Olsen awaits her kiss.

L1sa Farnsworth trys for a ternf1c ca tch.

The Can-Can Review.



HOMECOMING GAME Homecoming game was filled with excitement the first two minutes when Wolley Powl made the first touch down. Our un-BEET-able mascot was introduced and the Charlonians showed off their new uniforms.

"Mr. Flash" Steve Hendricks.

Wolly Powl and the "lone Touchdown"


STOMPS After the football games, we all looked forward to the stomps. Most of all the stomps were Disco, which made them a great success. People working together made them great and brought the student body out.

Stomps are a way to meet new fnends.

Can you show me the rnoves7 l1sa Worthen danced to the beat.

Can you believe these k1ds 1

SiXh. ~~


I .•


The traditional Jordan High Olympics were held on January II. 1980. There was great enthusiasm between class competitions. This years champs were the Seniors. Some of the events the students participated in were: Hoola hoop. jump rope, licorice kiss. jello snarff. marshrnellow stuff. relay race and rnarshrnellow dip.

"Just a little bit more. and I'll make itl"

"Muh guh buhl"

"Hey guys look at my new transportation!"

I. l. 3. over.

Look how Sandra Henderson moves her h1ps.

Bnan shows his talent on the unicycle.

Brian and Hal struggle to the finish. seventeen

DOG PATCH The sounds of the night was heard by the fantastic group called Disc. Connection. This was the dance of the year that girls could "grab" their guys, and corne-a-stompin'. Mark Campbell and Carolyn Johnson was chosen for Daisy Mae and lil' Abner.

Carolyn Johnson rries ro make music.

Amy Schnelle wa11s m hne.


Shauna Bills shows her ab1h1y.

Dtsc. Connection provtded a beat for the dance.

''Steve Johnson. ts thts your new way to get around?"

Ltz. Hofeling trams for boot camp. kyle Hansen has somethmg on his mind.

The students get involved at Dog Patch.


MY FAIR LADY This years musical. "My Fair lady", was one of the best plays that has ever been performed. The cast would like to express a special thanks to Robyn Strverm, Richard West, and Rod Zabriskie.

Julie Swensen. as Eliza. and Marshall Huey as Professor Higgins.

Bratn Vowels. Mann Gogan. and Randy Baker

Julte Swensen


gelling ready for the ball

. .... .. • ... • ... •

Troy Goga1 and Rachel Parry rehearse some of the lines .


.'* ..

... •

laurie Pendleton, and Jeff Sckouby as Mrs. Pierce and Col. Pickering.

Eliza with the help of Professor Higgins turns a flower girl into a lady.

Mark Wall. Duame Harmon. Scoll lester, Dale Eddington. and Juhe Swensen dreaming of !overly thmgs.

twenty· one

SENIOR WEEK Senior week was filled with many excttmg acttvtttes. The student body was fortunate to watch a great assembly put on by the sentors and the movie "Jaws" was shown.

Jeff Ostlers group really has the bear. A rose-a-gram for someone special.

r Dav1d Mathl?son says ··Enough 1s Enough·· to Angela Maughn.

twenty tWO

Senrors enjoyed the onginal ··JAws··.

SENIOR HOP Senior week ended rn an enjoyable evening at Senior hop. The theme was "You take my breath away" with Headwind prov1d1ng the mus1c.

Couples ge11mg aquamted and en1oymg themselves.

twenty¡ three

SOPHOMORE WEEK Sophomore week was held on February 18 thru February .23, 1980. The actiVIties for sophomore week were a great assembly and an enjoyable evening at Sweethearts.


twenty· four

Sophomore cheerleaders perform a dance.

look at those legs.

Jerry Steadrnan our class presrdent.

Put 11 all on.




"Thlf If the night I've been wanmg for", Jald Ruth Bnmhall.

• ..

Evergreen singina "How Deep Is Your love".

Couples enjoy the evening at Sweethearts.


Thit it ao•na to turn out to be a memonble evening.

"How Deep Is Your love" was the theme for the 1980 Sweethearts Ball. Sweethearts has always been the students favorite dance. The gym was decorated colorfully with hearts and cup1ds.


Dan Gallagher keeps the gtrls tn ltne.

Dawn Adler, a flower in the forest.

Brtan Voiles playtng a solo.

The entire cast of the JUNIOR ASSEMBLY.



Gary do1ng the lone J1r1pper. ..Summer I ov1ng happenl'd so fast ..

This years' Freshman Wt'ek started off with "kiss badges." On Wednesday they put on a great assembly. "A Tribute to Grease." Buddy Holly was shown on Friday. They greased back their hair and put on their bobby socks for the fifties stomp.

w~ sray~ct

out trll 10:00 O'Clock."

Rrc har<l C art<'r playmjl " solo


If th~

n•al I n•shman guys.

Anm'lll' dncl H,•,· k,•y IH'rfortllllljl d clarll'l'

tlurty ""''

This years Football did very well. They worked hard after school exercising, and learning all the plays. We appreciate the coaches for working hard with the team. We really had a lot of team work with the players. Good Job!


Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan



vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

Judge Tooele Uintah Cyprus Union Murry

Coaches, Mr. Hartwig. Mr. West Mr. Andrus, and. Mr. Hunter.

I T y

F 0 0

Ron Parsens

larry Stauffer

Hal Cooper

Steven Gee

Chris Martinez

Jim Steadman

Mike Brinkerhoff

Dan Gallager

Barry Bauers

Doug Meldrum

Brian Ham

Gene Garnes

Joe Schollmeyer

Mark Whickle

Mark Campbell




Craig Walters

Sco11 Gessel!

Scoll Or em

Sreve Hendncks

Paul Valenzuala

Randy Baker

Outnn Hearer

Jody Chavez:

Walley Powelle

Lynn Ruff ell

Kenny Welch

Mtke Gtles

Bnan Batley

Cameron Browning

Davtd Schell

Paul Medma

Scoll Ozborne

Kevin Riches

John Srienagale

Jeff Welch

I Edwtn Melville

Bobby Valdez

Absenr James Demarree


F 0 0 T B A

1 want you.

Give me a hug.


v A R

s I

T y Throw it.

Just shddmg on by.

thlrly· SIX

The game ball.

Can't dance don't ask me.

" HIKE"!

thirty¡ seven

s 0 p

H 0 M 0


Scott Adelman. Flynn Andnzz1. Alan Bailey. Chns Barney. Joe Brown. M1ke Brown, Mark Baldwm, Steve Cressall, Duane Chnstheb, Chuck Decker. Troy Densley. Brian Draper, Dave Elk1ns. Mike Evans. Darren Evensen. Wayne Gallup. Clay Garnes, Kyle Hansen. Jay Hatch. Van Heder. Greg Hyde, David Jackson. Bryce Jorgenson. Paul Krebs. Marcus Melville. M1ke Moore. M1ke Orme. Val Peterson. Scott Pr1ce. Jerry Richardson. Scott Rogers, Allen Saxton. Mark Shields. Ken Smith. J1m Taylor. Jerry Thompson. Bryan Washburn. Darren Vangrol.

The sophomore football team did a good job last year. They worked hard. resulting in some good victories behtnd them.

F 0 0


!>ophomores get ready to show the1r power



Dave Elkms runs hard w1th the ball

Young and enthusiastic freshman donned their uniforms to try their skill agamst the big 4-A power s in the district. But the big schools seemed to be to much for our freshmen. They never did give up (and there was times that they could have). We know that if they keep up the dedication and hard work that they wtll make it together in the comtng years.




N freshmen wan for the acuon.



0 0

T B A L L . :,

~~~ ~~



_. ... ~



... " .



Jeff Argyle. Allen Alv1n . Tony B1arreguard. Scoll 811hop. Dustin 8oll1ger. R1chard Brown. Jay Bryant , Alan Chnstensen. Scou Chnstensen. Shane Ch lu~IIStensen. John Cos tanza. Robert Corley. Aaron Gurney. l<ellh Hatfield. Dalton Horsecroft. Alan Helm. Troy latwyk. Russelllew1s. Dan lmdsey. Mark Va ow. M1ke Montegue. Darren Olsen. Bob Ostler. Robert Padmos. Ken Pullen. 8111 Puder. Steve Reece. Brent Rogers. Mark Stanley. Steve Taft . Gary nekelcnburg . Dav1d Vmce nt. Andy Yocum. Steve 8a1ley thirty ¡nme

JORDAN GOLF This years golf team was a young and enthusiastic one. They worked hard to achieve the things that they did. There will be several key golfers returning next year. Steve Schnieter. who is the number one golfer on the team will be returning next year. We had a few of our golfers place high in the region and they went on to represent our golf team in state. We would like to thank our golf team for representing our school and to show us that "Together they made it." Jerry Steadman

Danny Wh1ttenburg


Kelly Faddis

Doug Williams

Todd Olsen. Steve Schn1eter. M1cheal Johnson, Doug Williams. Coach Perry Brady. Jerry Steadman. Danny Whittenburg. Kelly FaddiJ.

M1cheal Johnson

Todd Olsen



CROSS COUNTRY This year's cross country team was really great. They played hard and won most of their meets. Coach Broadhead did a fine job of coaching. Our team put alot of effort in the meets and we are very proud of them. We hope they keep up the good work and have a good year next year. Thanks team and keep it up.

Coach Broadhead

Run Debb1e run.

Top: Mark Maxwell. Hamson Tsos1e. Fernando Rubio. Chnstopher Marden. Bouom row: Trent Collier, Ted Scroggm. M1ke H1ll, R1chard Bloom1u1st

TOP ROW Wendy Bonner. Sue koelher. Dorren Ne1lson Bo11om Row· Debb1e Gllgen. Jeanna Carter. Not shown· Tearsa Bloomquist.

Murray Cyprus Tooele Uintah Judge

vs vs VS

vs VS


R1c hard and Harnson runnmg for a wm.




Steve Hendricks

Mark Peterson

Randy Peterson

Ken Curry


larry Newbold

lee Braodhead


Steve larson

T1m Walden

Jun Nelson

The Varsity Basketball Team did an exceptional job this year. They played well together and developed great teamwork throughout the season. Watching our team brough the students closer together and helped our spirit grow. Together as a team they made it.

Mike muscles


for two.

D•ggers were tough on rebounds.



One of our many Baskets.

The J.V. team did an outstanding job, representing the juniors in Basketball. Through hard work and practice they really improved from the beginnmg of the season.


SOPHOMORE BASKETBALL The Sophomore basketball team represented Jordan well, by putting their whole heart and efforts into their games.

Top Row Coach Dem1ll. Troy Densley. M1ke Nelson. Troy Gogan. M1ke Moore. Joe CunnmBham. Jerry R1chardson. Bottom Row ManaBer: GreB Hyde. flynn Andnzz1. Dave Elkms. Jerry Sreadman. Kendall Smuh. Alan Ba1ley. Nor shown. ManaBer Bnan BrownlnB.


FRESHMAN BASKETBALL The FRESHMAN basketball team had long. hard practices and played well in their games against all 4-A teams.

Top Row, Coac h Oldroyd. Mark ludlow. Dave Dean, Dav1d Vmc:en1. Mall Player. Gary VanEJ..I'II'nburg. Scoll Chnuensen front Row Jl'rry Rl'nl'hon. Shane Christensen. Jl'rry Householder. Pete Sald1var. John Edd111g1on. Kurt Swenson. R1chard M1ller.

forly· SIX

With blistered hands, dirty socks, and a lot of bumps and bruises the Jordan High Gymnastics team is rated Number "I". With great coaching by Mrs. Price and Mrs. Prowse, they helped create a fine team. Together as a team we will make it.


0 R D A

N Freshman Front row Shauna Powell. Becky McDermott. Middle row Manan Dennison, Sheila Oberg. Back row Jill Bennion. l1z Hansen. Johnna Grygla

Managers and spotters Chad Sayers. Suzanne Marden. Pam Snuth. Ramelle Ostler. Lori Leavitt. Robert lee. not p1ctured Kelly Fadd1s




Class Ill Front row Vamsha Shell. M1chelle Osborn. Tern Hardmg. Karen McAllister. Sandy Henderson. Tern Judd. N1k11 Johnstun Back row Corllllll! Burn1ngham. Bonn1e Creer. Debb1e Kokkola. Marc1 McCaf ¡ free. Karolee Buford.


Rl!am Stacy Butters



s T I



Classlllront r\lw Lmda Lt!<.'. Sharon Holhngt?r. Tammy All<.'n. Lorn<.' Adams. St.'cond row DeAnn Toole. Shannon Ha1r. Stac y Butters. C1ndy Smith. Jt.'nnlft.'r Walk. ll•she Scott. Tlurd row Trma Moor<'. Jod1 lt.'Prt.'y. Wt.'ndet.' Rll zma. forty-seven





s s Wuh green fuzzy balls, sweat bands and mini sktrts, our young and enthusiastic tennts team set out to show that they knew thetr stuff. They had a two wtn and three loss season, beating Cyprus and Unitah. The following girls played: Susan Scorzato- #I singles. Janae Beal- # I stngles first 2 matches. Carolyn Hardcastle- #2 singles. Janet Jones and Lori Young# 1 doubles. Karen Muthretch- #3 singles. Keersten Muthreich and Tracy Hansen- #2 doubles. laura lake- Exhtbttion.

Tracy Hansen. Carolyn Hardcastle. Laura Lake. Keersten Muthre1ch, Karen Muthre1ch, Susan Scorzato. Janae Beal, Janet Jones, Lori Young.

I won, I actually won.

Susan Scorzato

Janet Jones.

Tracy Hansen

KeerSien Muthre1ch

Varsity is ready for the serve.

Victorious JV huddle.

Corinne spikes another hard one.

Bump. set and spike. that is what volleyball is like. With an eager and enthusiastic team. Jordan's volleyball worked hard with a lot of potential returning for next year. Even though they were not successful. they were still a team. they showed that together as a team they could make itl

Ready g1rls, he Is comeng our way.

Carolyn and Kelly Deflect the ball.

Coach Pnce

Sandy Bonisteel, Vanisha Shell. Coach Tawna R1deng. Coach Price. Kathy Taylor. Debb1e Gilgen. Manon DenniSon, K1m Gardner. Chnsty Brand. Corinne Burningham. Carolyn Collett. Juliann J. Bentley. Kelly ludlow. Sandy Henderson. Allison Denmson, Tom Butkovich. Carla Brand. Ahce G1llesp1e, Mane Menna. Peggy Winkler. forty¡nlne

v A R

Cortnne Burntngham

Jultann Bentley

Shelley Baker

Janet Jones

Teresa Blomqutst

s I T y


Teri Hardtng

Pam Maxfteld

Hunter explatntng hts strategy

ltne play awatts stgnal

Kelly ludlow

Toni Butkovtch


Alltson DenniSon






Carolyn Collett

Debbte runs the offense.

With a lot a dedtcat ton and hours of hard work the Gtrls Basket ball team has become a real contender. The returnmg Sentors and ftne coachtng have helped lead the team to many vtctortes. Outstandtng wms and surprtse upsets reafftrmed the team's destre to conquer. Together as a team we wtll make 11.

Alltson shoots for two

Shelley shoors wtth style.

Dtggers tough on defense.

Btg 'T' scores.



Our J.V. bench helped bring many victories.

Although this years Girls J.V. Basketball team consisted mostly of Freshman and Sophomores, they were very enthusiastic and eager to win. There over all season was really great. They helped to make this years team Number "1".

Our J.V. was tough on rebounds.

Doreen Nelson

•ersteen Muthrtch

Sandy Helwtch

Kathy Taylor

Karen Taylor

leanna Porter

Tracy Hansen


s s

Toni Butkovich

Karen Muthrich



Trisha jumps htgh for the rebound.

Managers. Jeanna Carter, Nikii Johns tun. Dawn Norton. Karen " Biacky" Blackwood.


Terri Harding

Pam Cravens

Carla Brand

Tnsha Marchant

Christ y Brand



fift y¡one

TOGETHER, WE WENT TO STATE Talk about a year of surprises. Our Boys Basketball team had many fantastic victories for e xample the game with Judge. where Jordan came back when they were down by 15 and won by one pomt. A young team. with starters composed mainly of seniors. had the dnve to win. Leading the region in perpetual scoring and had an awesome defense. Co-champions 1n Region 7 tieing with Judge. Our Diggers put up a good fight in state. Together they did their best.

.. M1ke R1ec h makes another strone dnve.

Steve Htndncks a~uns advant~ee wrth rebound.

t• '

J1m Nelson stU up a play.

All toeethtr now I. l . 3

"Practice makes perfect" was the track team's motto as they trained for the season. long hard hours fmally paid off in the end as this group of students did a fine job of representing Jordan High.

Coach Andrus

Coach West

Coach Hunter


Junn• ,.,,., llO yord rmy

koohk< I nut.. l mot.

Lon Yo..n11 440 •11<1 llO


c K

......... .__ Stt>t Nhn01>n .ko

An.n Snl"" 100 yil<d XO yord

ho~h """"· hur

RochMd Th•c\tr 440 yord run


ftfry· three

Cory Keyon. Todd Knudsen, Edwm Melvtlle, Kevm R1ches. larry Stauffer, Steve Crenel, R1chard Savage. Mark Wall, Randy Washburn, 8111 Heater, Marcus Melville. Tee Korrn, Dallas Madngal, R1ck Allen, Wade Knudsen. Jeff Mace.

fifty four


f•fly ·five


Th1s years wrestling team worked hard for their second place victory in region. The wrestlers who won reg1on honors and went to state were: Hal Cooper, (1st place). Mike Meldrum. (1st place). Scott Gessel!. (1st place). Jeff Welch. (.2nd place). Kyle Hansen. (3rd place). Jody Chavez. (3rd place). Brad Densley, (3rd place). Derek Cooper. (3rd place). Paul Valenzuela, (3rd place). Dan Harkins. (3rd place), and Mark Wall, (4th place).


s I

T y

w R E


Human wrench Welch.


Jod1 Chaves gets control.



Hal Cooper kyle Hansen goes for lwo.


ready to shool.

Row I: Coach May, Jeff Welch, Derek Cooper, Hal Cooper, Paul Vanzeula Row .2: Scott Gessell, Brad Densley. Mark Bentley, Jodi Chavez, Jeff Dansie, Kyle Hansen

Brad Densley gets a single.

Jodie Chavez gets set.


BASEBALL Homeruns were common to our baseball team. They had a successful season. During their long hard practices, they managed to be very enthusiastic and energetic, which paid off to be an enjoyable experience for them all.

Catch that ball Darrin Hamilton.

Dennis Ainsworth Bryce Jorgenson Scott Rogers Jim Steadman fifty -eight

Flynn Andrizzi Jeff Mcfarlane Dave Shell Danny Thackery

Bottom Row: Sharon Chorlton. Annette Deuel. Marsha Newhouse. Audrey Hamilton. Top Row: Marci McCaffee. Jacki Rieben. Kathy West. (missing: Angie Bjerregaard).

Mark Baldwin Russell Minnick Scot! Silcox Brian Washburn

lee Broadhead Jim Nelson Doug Simons Jeff Welch

Cameron Browning Kevm Otrman Brian Sorenson Danny Whitenburg

Darrin Hamilton Mike Riech Jerry Steadman Mark Wickel

J1m Nelson w.Jumg 1n the outf1eld.

Coach Br.~dy g1v1ng some helpful hmts.

CHEERLEADERS "Jordan. our dear old Jordan High School", rings on through the halls as Varsity Cheerleaders once again cheer our team. and keep their spirits high. Through much dedication and sore muscles. cheerleaders kept on smiling through sunshine and rain. the cheerleaders still show us that "Together we can make it".

Cheerleaders 79¡80

laura Mace


Kelh K1cthen

Becky Butterfield

SONGLEADERS Without the songleaders to cheer us up we could not have gotten through the year. We've really appreciated them being around!

Carolyn Johnson

Dixie Olsen • Head



Celia Wtllette

Corrine Anderton


lesa Worthen


JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS We would hke to thank our J.V. Cheerleaders for all the moral support that they have given our Studentbody. The sp 1r1t and enthusiasm that they gave us at the games. cheered our teams on to victory. Keep up the spintl

Dawn Nor1on Pam Jensen

J V. Cheerleaders of ''1979-80''








196 3

GYMNASTICS ~ c~ "".'. ?S

Dawn Adler

(mdy Jones

Fronl Row ~ 1ndy Jom•s. Dawn Adler. and Angy B1erregaard Back Row Dawn Nl.lrlon. Jnd PJm Jensen.


FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES CHEERLEADERS Freshmen Cheerleading IS really great. Our Football team tried to take the cake (but Darrin Olsen wanted eclairs). Wm or lose. we'll pass the test. 'cause Jordan's spirit shows we're the best. Freshmen Cheerleaders are really Hot We got something they haven't got. (Midgets). Basketball was really grand. G1ve our team a great big hand. Freshmen Cheerleaders

Sophomore Cheerleaders haw the Sp1r11 and are a very enthusiaStic bunch. Through ramy days and blistery afternoons they still kept the1r sm1le. They helped our team keep the sp1nt ahve. Together as a group we w1ll make II.

Sophomore Cheerleaders

Bollom, Sherry ~nckson, Tracy Hansl!n. (lms J<>hnson, D~!niSI? Pallo?rso?n. Tt.'rn Judd. M1ddlo?· Tamm1 Myn,·k , launo.' G<>odnch. Ho?ad. Top D~! Ann T<>olt.'

ld1 (ar<>l hsht.'r. Slt.'pham,• N~!lson, Trma M<>oro?. Nancy Ayro?s. Anno?lle Worlton , Marc1 McCaffro?e, ho?ad. Karen McCalhslo?r. Wendee Ritzman. Cone Ross Slxly '"'"


Jordan High through the years has had many traditions. One that has stayed with us. are the Charlonians. The thirty-one girls work very hard during the summer a nd the school year to make our half-times worth watching. They are known for being the best dr1ll team in the state and are asked to participate in many activities such as parades. and University half-times; this year they have been invited to Disneyland. The Charlonians Ball IS always looked forward to by the studentbody which carne this year on May .2. The officers this year have been. President - Marcyne Nielson . First Vice President - Geesette Walters. Second Vice President - Sandra Greer. Secretary - Debbie Parker. H1stor1an Michelle Van Ekelenburg. Yell Mistress - Kun Thomas. Head Dr1ll Mistress Tara Coggle, Drill Asitances - Diane Adams. and l eeAnn Amsworth. The advisors have been. Mrs. Williams. and Mrs. Pay. They do a great job, and their efforts have taken them to State Compel it ion for many years. This year they had a new 1mage. maroon uniforms. Uniforms are very Important. for you always know who they they are when you see them. At Pep-Assemblies and other var1ous act1v1t1es they sit together because they feel that this way they w1ll have more school spirit. and help us with ours. Overall most of the girls have felt that this year has been the best ever! For a drill team that earns the respect and cooperation of the school hke they have. just goes to show, " TOGETHER WE Will MAKE IT"

Geeselle Walters stands at at ¡ tent ion.

Try Try Aga1n


Charlon1ans cheer


the stands.

The banner that Introduces the Charlomans before each march.

HRST ROW Tara C<lggle. l<atiH Stm<lnson. ~u:helle Wtlcol<. Mtchelle Vanekelenburg. Geeseth.' Waltl.'rs. Marcyne Ntelson. Mtchelle Butkovtch. Susan Ada1r HCOND ROW Debbte Allen . t..1m Th<lmas. Brenda Wnght. Ron Cannon. l<ns Crump. D<lnna learned. lmda Duncan. THIRD ROW Dtan Adams . Shontell Chnstensen, C mdy Jentzsch . ~Iizabeth Hofehng, Debbte Parker. Lmda Dennts, ltnda Montoya. ROW ~OUR lesa Peterson. Barbara Shettel, Tamera Htckman. Tom Butk<lvl<:h. Maureen Mtller. Tand1 Evans. Sandra Greer leeAnn Amsworth upper rtght .

Tlus year s "ff u:ers

The end "' a great march.

Sll<ty sewn

WRESTLERETTS It began in November the practices long. boys out of shape and not very strong. After school they met through scratches & cuts, for anyone to last. took all kinds of guts. At the edge of the mat S girls appeared, whatever happened they applauded & cheered. Wrestleretts they were called, the name really fit, Full of excitment. sptnt. and Wit. This year was a winner, a success, and a best. The memories will forever last.

Lori Young, Bobbi Burt, Lisa Farnsworth, Cathy Mandel, Connie Thronwall, Merrilyn Bradford. Linda Woodruff, Tammy Lemonds.

First Row. linda. Merllyn. Tammy. Second Row. Cathy. Connie. Lisa. Third Row. Lon. Bob1.


L1sa Farnsworth

Bobi Burt

Conn1e Thronwall

Lmda Woodruff

Tammy Lemonds

Lor1 Young


Geerrsen. Scolt Geuell. Dan Harkrns. Rob Harrrs. Ournn Heder. Steve Hendrrcks. Mrke Hrll. Brran Ham. Sharon Hollinger. An·

nt>tte Holm. Shannon Harr. Kyle Hansen. Terrr Hardrng. Tracy Hansen. Carolyn Hardcastle. Janet Jones. Mrke Johnson. Steve Johnson. Sue Koehler. Todd Knudsen. Pam Maxfreld. Paul Me· drna. Mrke Meldrum. Chrrs Mardrn. C hrrs Martrnez. Jeff Mcfarlane. Bob Medrna. Dave Mrnnrck. Karen McCallrster. Marcr McCaffree. Trrna Moore. Karen Muthrerch. Kersten Muthrerch. John Nrelson. Dorene Nelson. Rarnette Ostler. Ke· vrn Ottman. Scott Osbome. Krrstrn Ostler. Mrke Peterson. Wally Powell. Tun Prerce. Fernando Rubrd. Kevrn Rrshes. Scott Rrcks. Debr Roth. Jerry Rrchardson. Wendee Rrtzrnan. Susan Scorzato. leslie Scolt. Teddy Scroggrn. Crndy Shrflell. Doug Smrth. larry Stauffer. John Sternagel. Mark Surnmerell. Joe Schollmeyer. Dave Shell. Scott Srlcox. Crndy Srnrth. Allen Sax· ton. Steven Schneller. Casey Snow. Hamson Tsosre. Dan Thackery. Paul Venzuela. Mark Wall. Kenny Welch. Dan Whrt· tenburg. Mark Wrc:kle. lrsa Worthen. and lorre Young.

J Club offrcers Jeff Welch. Kelly ludlow. Mrke Rerch. Carolyn Colle It. Jun Nelson. Julre Bentley. Members Dennrs Arns · worrh. Tammy Allen. Shelly Baker. Davrd Barley. Bryan Barley. Barry Bauer. Teresa Blornqurst. Sandy Bonrsteel. Corrrnne Bur· nrngham. Stacy Bullen. JaNae Seal. Rrchard Blomqurst. Tonr Butkovrch. lee Broadhead. Sheldon Brown. Cameron Brown· rng. Wendy Bonner. Mark Campbell. Scolt Charnberlarn. Mrke Chapman. Hal Cooper. Ken Curry. Jeanne Carter. Jody Chavez. Trent Coll rer. Derrk Cooper. Duane Chrrstlreb. Joe Cunnrng· ham. Jeff Dansre. Greg DeBoer. Allrson Dennrson. Brad Dens· ley. Kelly Eggen. Darren Evenson. Kelly faddrs. Steve Gee. Debbre Grlgen. Dan Gallager. Gt>ne Garnt>s. Krm Gardner. Grant

suct y nrne

G.A.A. This years young and enthusiastic officers helped to bring about a great year. One of the traditions of the GAA club is to have an annual Chrrstmas party with the Jordan Valley students. Another tradition IS on the first snowfall, GAA has a crazy game of volleyball, out in the snow. They sold candles to earn money for a banquet at the end of the year, this helped to buy maroon jackets.

OFFICERS¡ Cor inne Burningham, Mrs. Price-AdviJor, Toni Butkovich, Sandra Bonistell. Debb ie Gilgen

Mrs. Price after being advrsor for one year.


Smrel pretty Sandra and Mrchelle.

FIRST ROW - Dee Anne Toole.laura Mace. Tammy Allen. Sharon Hollrnger. Sandra Bomstell, Mrchelle Butkovrch.leshe Scott. Jeanna Carter. SECOND ROW Lon Kennelly. Tammy Mynck. Susanne Marden. Mehne Coffm. Sharon Chorton. Elarne Arnold, Tern Judd. Jana Young. Tammy Goold. THIRD ROW Susan Scorzato, Sandy Henderson. Juhann Bently. Cindy Smith. Marcr McCaffree. Shannon Ha1r, Susan Zaft. Wendee Ritzman. Tern Hard1ng. Chnslle Brand. Allrson Denmson. Debbre Grlgen. FOURTH ROW¡ Pam Cravens. liSa Pangos, Kelly ludlow. Connne Burmngham. Carolyn Johnson, Carolyn Collett. Janel Jones. Karen McAihsrer. Tra cy Hansen. Tony Butkovrch. Carla Brand. Teresa Blomquist, Stacy Butters

SPIRIT CLUB Spirit Club this year was very supporting in all school activities and games. They sported got new uniforms and kept the traC:etion of the school song.

Spir.it Club Officers: David Jones. Angelika Schwarzen. Jackie Ford. Kristy McCall. advisor, Min Done.




.. ' '



Angelika Scharzen showa are spirit.


First row: Wendy Ford. N1ck1 Schofield. Tiffany McDonald. linda MacDonald. Juhe Baxter. Den1se Burgon. Katy Brady. Second row: David Jones. Bngett Scholmeyer. Tand1 McGmms. Melanie Coffm. TriSha Ehason. Knsty McCall. Therd row: Billy Puder, Jack1 Butterfield. Johnna Grygla, Carol Peacock. E1leen Cooper. Fourth row: Jack1 Ford. Tareca Joseph. Kayle1 Anderson. Chris Barron. Gayla Yates. Miss Done. Fifth row: Sharon Olsen. Susan Farnsworth. Mane Schnudt. DeAnne Howell. Cmdy Porter, Kns Sadler. Sixth row: Angelika Schwarzer. Trish Wagstaff. Mindy levine, Jan Noffsmger. Pam Smith.


DANCE CLUB The Dance Club has perfor med in the school Mus ical and have put o n many fine programs. The Dance Club is a ver y hard work ing group and d eserves a tremendous hand.

Advrsor: Robyn Stuver

Dance Club Officers: Juhe Swenson. Robyn Stuver. Corrme Burningham

Bottom Left Marc• McCaHree. l rnda Montoya. Juhe Swenson. Tammy Allen. Row Two Shelley Thome. Nancy Ayres. V~rgma McCalhsrer. Cmdy Sm1th Row Three Duane Elg. Cathy Mandell. Charlotte Despa1n. Nancy Johnson Row four Mareen M1ller. Cherne Pasl..en. Jod1 M1ller. Susan Sccozota. Ehzabeth Hofehng. Cornne Burnmgham Row f1ve karen McCallister. Carolyn Johnson. Tamra H1cl..man. lynette Johnson. Lmda Woodruff.

seventy two


Concert Band knows their place that they hold in our school, and they have represented us well in both Dtstrict and Regional competition. Mrs. Christofferson puts her time and efforts to work for this class. and it has shown through the year in various activities and assemblies, such as provtdtng the mustc for the mustcal. My Fair lady. and the Christmas program.

Charlotte takes f1ve.

First Row. lynette Johnson. Andrew Rodnguez.laura lake. Ann Sekerer. Teresa Harward. Debb1e Clem, Cmdy Bell. Cheryl Pulser. Julie Norton, s~cond Row Julie Jackson. Brenda Goodfellow. l<evm Re1ch. karen Muthre1ch, Kersten Muthre1ch. larry Ray. Wendy Dennmgton, Mark S1mons. Jed Walters, Randy Carolson. Charlotte DeSpam, Th1rd Row• Rodger Chnstensen. Dav1d Mecham. Erme M1ller. Dalton Horscroft. James Butler. Bobb1e lake. Mark Ordakowsk1. Dan l<unz. Shauna 81lls. Alan Chnstensen. Deonne Butler. Fourth Row. Mrs. "C", M1ke Dorman. Alan Ba1ley. Jon Olin, Steve Amsworth. Cra 111 Hosch. Jan Noflsmger. Rob1n Havens seventy three

SPECTRUM The jazz Band has performed in many concerts. They had an opportunity to perform at grade and middle schools. M1ke Maughn. taking a little brake.

Jason Meadows. Earn1e M1llcr. Cr<11g Bosch. Steve Amsworth. David Bailey. Mrs. Christofferson. Troy Densley. Cheryl Pulipher. Juha Norton. Mark Ordakowsk1, lynnette Johnson, Rodger Christensen, Jeff Walters.

The Pep Band supported all sport teams. They added life to our studentbody during our pep assemblies. They helped the cheerleaders get the spirit feeling POP Music.

Mark Ordakosk1, playmg a solo.


MARCHING BAND AND FLAG SQUAD Our Marching Band and Flag squad really hved up to our theme (Together-we will make it ) through hours of prac tiCe they were able to refine their talent's enough to wm second place in the reg1onal competition last fall, and f1rst place in the Chnstmas parade m December. One of the reason's for the1r great success was the excellent's of the1r leader Mark Ordakowskl. Mark took first place m the Drum Major competition last year. Another reason for the1r success was 1he1r unity. Most members of the band gol 10 take a trip 10 Canada last summer and while they were there they performed for the Canad1an people, they also were featured on a Television program. It was great efforts such as this thai made us proud to be Beetd1gger m 79 and 80. This kmd of team work will keep Jordan High number one in the year's to come.

The drums provide the beat.

Flag Squad: She1la Jensen. Den1se Evans. Julie Norton. Knsten: lambert. Suzanne Marden. Susan Mcilrath, Tammy Payne. D1ane Podlesny. Pam Watts. Carla Wenterholler. Conme Zupan Marching Band: Brenda Wr1ght, Teresa Harward, Robm Havens, Ann Sekeret, Cindy Bell, Cheryl Puls1pher.lynnette Johnson, larry Ray. laura lake. Karen Muthnch, Chnstlne Muthnch. Andrew Rodregus. Juhe Jackson, Brenda Goodfellow. Wendy Dennington, Chns Norman. D1on Butler. Allen Chnstenson. Mark S1monson. Randy Carlson. Charlotte Despam, Jed Walters, Shauna Bills. Dan Kanz . David Bailey. Bobby lake. Dalton Horsecrofl, Jun Batler, Roger Chnstensen. Ernest Miller. Dav1d Mechem. Steve Bailey. Mike Dorman. Jan Noffsmger. Jason Meadows. Steven Ainsworth, John Olin, Rick Maes. Drum Major: Mark Ordakowski. seventy-f1ve

ORCHESTRA The Jordan Orchestra is one of the biggest groups ever. Orchestra members practice long hours. and very hard. It proved they were a success when they played at a fan tast ic performance for our own school play "My Fair Lady."

"Are we ready class"? Says Mrs. Christopherson.

Back Row: John Eddington. Troy Densley. Chresten Lamburt. Mark Ordakowsk1. Mrs. Chnstopherson. Jan Noff1senger. Teresa Bloomquist. Ch1ng Tsao, Brean Rowe, Front Row : Scott Lapsen. Tand1 Evans. Brenda Wnght. Page Bournm. Chns Shot.

Theresa Bloornqu1st says. " How many tunes do I have to prac t1ce 1h1s thmg?"

seventy¡ slx

C hns Johnson and Sandra Henderson p01rform well.

Symphony Gurld, is a state wide club. They help promote the Utah Symphony and Ballet West. Symphony Guild has a symphony ball every year. They play at the dances in spring.

Guitar Club meets once a week. They mainly teach each other how to play. and gaining the knowledge of music, through experience.


y M p H 0 N y

Symphony Gutld Fronl row: Scoll Larson. Broan Rowl.'. lanl.' Sawyt.>rs. Jon Eddtngron. KrtS Scholl. Second row: Kevtn Rowe. Theresa Blomqutsl, Chrtsloph\'r Mard\'n. Robtn Havens. Jan Noffstng<'r



u I T


Guilar Club ~ronl ruw knl.'eltng Karhy Juhns<>n. Lane Sayers. Danny Rogers. Jas<>n Meadows, Mtke Bueno. Mtke Johnson. Ernte Mtller. Second row. ~ l'<t.>sa hpltn. M<>ntc a C mcent.>ro. Chl.'ryl H<>ward. Mtchl.'ll\' R<>sl.'nbaum. Ttff any McDonald. flame Arnold, Third row· Rul.>n Busch. Sco11 Hooser. Allen axron. Alll.'n Hl.'lm. Aar<>n Gurn\'y. Andr\'w Andl'rl<>n SI.'Vl'nl y seven

MADRIGALS This year the Madrigals have been really busy doing concerts and activities. They have been to California to sing and have been a pleasant sounding group.

The ongrnal Madngal.

Offtcers. Sheryl faldmo. Laune Pendehon. karen Rager. Ryan Lee. Tanya Mtddaugh. Shelly Brown. karla Conners

hrs1 row · Mark Wall. Karla Conners. Ctndy Hardward.laune Pi!ndlelon. Shelly Brown.laune Madsen. Relky hrr . Angte Tl!rry. Sh~ryl ~aldmo. Julteann Bl!nlly. Susan S1romberg. Tanya Mtddaugh. Karen Rager. Shauna Ttddwell Second Row · John Danste. Mtkl! Chapman. Jun Dtxon. Duane Harmon. Bruce Coombs. Ryan Lee. Hal Cooper. Damon Smtih. Dale Eddrnglon. Sc:o11 lesler. ken Bell (\1tssmg MIChelle Dexler )

CONCERT CHOIR Concert Choir is made of altos. sopranos. basses, and tenors. Throughout the year, they have learned numerous songs and have sung them to the public. Learning more and difficult songs. they would ltke to thank Mr. Zabrrskre (director) for all the help and encouragement he has given them. The choir got bigger and better under the direction of Mr. Zabriskre. It consisted of 63 members.

OFFICERS Tammy Lemonds. Charlolle Perrnoud. Conme Thornwall. Chad Chmrensen. lrnda Woodruff

Row I , )!!(( Dans•~. Grt'll Mau11han, Br~ll D~nslow. M1kt' Loveall~ Lonn1e K1ughr. Chad Chnsh.>nSl'n Row 2 V1ckt W1mbush G1na Zunnumnan, Kunbt'r C..:oop~r. Mam.' Schnudr. Larol Peacod.. Tammy Lemons. karhll'en Durft't'. karalel' Buford. Tnsh1a ~hsl'n. Dl'MSt' hans, l1nda Woodruff. Row l J1ll 1arr. Slwnlyn M1lls. Dl'niSl' Durfl'l'. Charloll Pt'rrenoud. Suzanne Mardom. Jul1t> Campbl'll. Cynd1 Porrer. A11drea HJrlan. Pa111 Hansl!n, Tt!rn Culmer. D1ane Ragt?r. Row 4: Mu:hl'lll' Besr. Juht'ann Brady. Conml! Thornwall. L1sa

~arnsworrh. Crysral Thornwall. Cynd1 Thompson, Jl'amnl' Rt'rrt'll. Jacklt' ~ord.

Bonnie Wadt', Row 5: Karhlt'l'n McFarlane. Mane lt!wts. Tracy St'vy. Pam Smuh. Slwrn Pullan, lanellt' Schoftl!ltf. Karl!n Houghron. Jane Baldwm Mrss1ng Selt.>t'na Lurrrell. Chl'rn Johnson, \1onu:a Denslow, Stl'phantl' Ntl'l son. Carol Parkt'r, Margart?l Pl'rez. Dtannt' Sht.>pard, ~nt'deha Gur tt'rrt'. Sl1<1una Del'm. Jacku.' Jont'S. Dl!bbre leonard. Julie Srewnson. Srephanlt' Brown. Tnsha Jacobst'n, Srephanlt' Snow. Julie Powell


• st'venly·nmt'

SWING Swing Choir made its debut this year. They sang popular music and danced. With the help of their advisor, Mr. Zabriskie, they have become very successful, and enjoyed by the public.

Shelly Brown s1ng•ng scales.

Swing Off icers: laurie Pendlton. Shelly Brown, and Brian Voiles.

Front Row: Dale Eddmgton. Charlotte Perreod. Mark Wall. and Cynth.a Harward. S~cond Row · Becky T;ur. Susan Strongberg.lan~e Urton. and Stephanie Snow. Third Row. Tam•e Lemonds. Cherly Faldmo. laune Pendleton. Shelly Brown. Duame Harmon. and Conn~e Glad. Fourth Row. Scott lester. Mr. Zabnsk1e. Bnan Vo•les. and Dave Nelson.

THESPIANS Thespian's is an honorary club for students who have interest in or excelled in the field of theatre while attending Jordan High. Through the year they have participated in many theatre oriented activities. Once a month they witnessed a professional production at "Pioneer Memorial Theatre." Other activities this year have been a trip to Sundance, A Picnic, A formal dinner and a Alumni dance. They also sponsored the movie "SGT. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Davtd Matheson at a sertous moment.

Vtce President, Chrtstt Bess. Secretary-Treasurer, Jatrnte Heaps, President, Marshall Hughey

Nancy Ayers. Tammy Larson. Marty Ktlhnger. Charlotte Despain. Gary Winterholler. Peggy Burger. Julie Swenson, Jamie Heaps. Karie Jacobson, Shelly Thorne. Marshall Hughey. Terrte Culmer. Ttm Crystal. Richard Carter, Lisa Harston. Karen Blackwood, Julia Norton, Stacey Ontriveros. Dawn Payton, Angela Maughan. Sandra Dahl. Lama Urton , Randy Baker. Brian Voiles. Debbie Utley. Rochelle Green. Dave Nelson, Scott Lester. David Matheson, Barbara Eddmgton. Duame Harman. Leroy Jenson. Kevm Rowe.


RED CROSS Red Cross Club sponsers Blood drive the picture shows r.tudents practicing Blood Pressure reading. taking pulse and resperation. Dr. Cory pace double checks the nurses."

Back row left to right Monica Cusnenos. Jaumie Harris. Maxcyne Nilson. Karen Rager. Kelli Kitchen. Front Row Wendy Wilhinson. Michelle Oar. Toni Young. Cory Pace. Patient Cindy Jentsch. Mrs. Helen Higbee (Advisor)

LAW ENFORCEMENT law Enforcement Club, Watches movies about laws and how they are enforced. By knowing there knowledge. they ride with the policemen and help patrol the area.


Frank Sm11h rakes h1s work senously.


The Law Enforcement Club really Studies hard.

SERVICE ARTS The Servrce Arts Club this year helped boost school spirit by drsplaying their artistic abilities in the halls and in the library. Many of these students entered the Springville Art Show and won many outstanding awards.

Row I Don ~u. Moh Prov¥d. O~bb•• Gola~n. KN'I S..ckfl..,d. Mn. Smnh low J, Ana~ Btn••ao¥d. Borl Glov~. Morao H¥rll, SoNy 8oa•low. Mocholk Von Ek•~~~. Art r ... - . 8oly ~ns~.



huns up on shoes.

A masrerp1ec e l

Mrs. Smith goves some expert adv1ce.

STAGE CREW The stage crew spent most of their time. where e lse. but on the stage building sets. moving props and working the lights. They a lso helped the plays and assemblies run smoothly.

Mr. West, advosor.

Lars c hecks hos work .

Row I: Steve Butler. Danny Seopel. Kent McClure. Marshall Huey. Kent DeMIII. Ryan Greenwood. James Demaree. Mr. West. Row 2, Jerry Ri chardson. Paul Krebs . James Butler. Andrew Rodnguez. Dana Smith. Scott Bolander, John Duncan. Alvm Allen. Lars Anderson.

FBLA In the past FBLA has done lots of things, but this year they have out done themselves. This year they have had fun selling Happenings Books, Christmas Cards and workmg m the Haunted Old Mill. FBLA. are really proving themselves as Future Business Le8ders of America.

Boltorn Jolynn Yates, Phyll1s Crouch. Colleen Sybrousky. Virgin!<\ McAllister, Kathy Jones, L11a Harston. Chnsty Schow, Robyn Harston. Ron Cannon. leeAnn MUir, Holly S1rnons. Michelle Butkovich. Dave Scholl. Susan Ada1r. Brad S1mons, V1ck1 Palterson. Chnst1e Scroggm.L1sa Peterson.L1sa Wor then. Kell y Eggen. D1x1e Olsen. Susan Scorzato. M1ss~ng Maureen M1ller. Dave Mmmck. Brenda Wnght. L1sa Bndge. Becky Bu1terf1eld. Gene1l Capson. Lon Leavitt. Clark Butler. Melame Hernandez. Sally B1g1low. Sandra G1zzard , Jane Baldwm. Chad Chnst ensen. Peggy Burger. Ceha W1llelte. Kane Budd. Dorothy Butler, Debb1e Roth. Wendy foster. D1ane Adams. Karen Ragar, K1m Praag. D1ane f-rancorn, Shannon Grune. Daren Olsen, Debb1e Parker. J1ll Greer. leeAnn Amsworth. Tareasa Joseph.

e1ghty¡ four

VICA Vocationallndustnal Clubs of America. is V.I.C.A. There motto is: Preparing for leadership in the world of work. Members: Mark Baldwin, Shane Edgerly. Jay Hatch, Gary Guffey. Richard Hatton, Dennis Hollinger. Karen Hollinger, Kelly Kiyota, David lems. Andy longish, Mark Webster, Mike Adler, Susan Ashby. David Gillette, leroy Jensen, John Kezele, Doug Meldrum, Ronnie Miller. Keith Ottman. Corby Peterson, Allen Saxton. Kevin Tidwell, Jeffery Adame. Mitchell Anderton. Val Anderson. Bryan Bailey. Keven Buchewbonf, R1chard Evenson, Troy Harris, Steven Johnson. Terry lyon, James Patyon. Matthew Webster. Carry Williams. Kevin Yazhe. Brent Smith. Ken Hart. Scott Hooser. Terry Huntley. Gerald leany. Don Nuzman. Scott Peterson, Kenneth Curry. David lund, leRoy MacKay, Brad Sheilds, Brad Simons. Robert Taylor, Harrison Tsosie, and Angeleka Schwizer. Members of V.I.C.A.

Back Row , Mr. DeMille, Mr. Sleadman. and Mr. Kmg. Front Row: Mr. Crookston. M1u Thornock. and Mr. Langsford.

FHA Future Homemakers of America do alot more than learn about families. cooking. and sewing; after all their float carne in second place in the Homecoming Parade. They have sold mugs , had parties, participated in many activities. such as the B.Y.U. Convention. and between avoiding the turkey and slipping in the mud. having yearbook pictures taken at Hare Hollow made an experience which no one would ever forget. The club itself has been bigger and better this year than in the past.

Lori Broders - V1ce President. Secretary - Tammy Welch. Adv1sor - Mrs. Stephson, Regional Representative - Darla Hone. Advisor - Mrs. Lavato, Kim Praag President. Historian - Debbie Utly

FIRST ROW: Darla Hone. Cathy Setters. Kim Praag. Susan Prmce. Tammy Welch. SECOND ROW, Rurh Brrmhall, Becky Brrmhall. Robyn Madsen, Lori Broders. D1an Dansie. Stacy Buchanon. Chrrs March. Nancy Edwards. Karr Spencer. AL1ce Hesterman. Mrs. Stephson. Debb1e Sm1th, Mrs. Lavato THIRD ROW: Becky N1elson. Donna Holt. Lorr Spencer. Debb1e Urly e1ghry-s1x


Four Winds is an organization that studies other countries. They have had fund raising events throughout the year so that they will have the opportunity to tour all of Europe. in the summer.

Four Winds members.

Officers of Four Winds are: Ang1e Terry. Tara Coggle. Amy Schnelle.

Mr. Boskovich, the advisor of Four Winds.

Dayna Nielsen, is the president of Four Winds.


JBBC The Jordan Body Building Club now marks its place m the history of the school as one of the new clubs th1s year. These " Incredible Hulks" were under the supervision of Coach Brady and they worked out by lifting and pressing weights. Who knows. maybe one of these guys might be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger or Frank Zane.

Row 1, Denk Cooper. l ynn Wallen. Jtmmy Dtxon. Row l Dave Rtet. John Stemagel. Kteth Hatfteld. Cooper. Matt Breeze. Joe Schollmeyer. Doug Thomas. Row 3, Brad Densley. Scott Gessel!. Mtke Htll

Hal tnes hts hardest.

Mtke gtves John some help.

Heave Hoi

Offtc:ers Mtke Htll. John Stemagel. HJI Cooper. Scott Gessel!. Brad Dl.'flt ley


Mr W1lsons astonished at the customers.

OFFICERS, Russell Eliason, Mr. W1lson. Brent Hoi¡ hmes. Christy Bess.

This Year the Jordan Chapter of DECA has participated in many act IV I lles such as. the summer leadership Conference at Snow College; the Western Regional leadership Conference in Salt lake, and the planning of the Homecoming Dance. Their Opening Social was held in Park City. and the Installation Banquet was held at the Kopper Kitchen. The DECA members prepare for competition in the District. Reg1onal, State, and National levels. The Book Store is the most w1dely known service that DECA has for the students.

HRST ROW Walll!y Powl!ll. Jol! Schollmeyer. Brad S1mons. SECOND ROW larame Tolman. Russell Eliason. Ban Glover. Eva Nuffer. Mr. Wilson. THIRD ROW ~nc Re1d. Jonly Adamson. Br!!nl Hofh111es. Arllyn Ruffell. Sam W1lson. Ryan Lel'

KEY CLUB They sold refreshments at the football games. They started the Cambodian relief fund. They were a club that promoted school spirit. They were the Key Club.

Off1cers Sam W1lson. Mark S1mpson. Clay Garnes. Debb1e Jonuon. Susan Madsen. M1chelle Aust1n.

Row 1, l~nda Duncan. Debb1e Horscroft, Debbu.> Jonsson. Row J, M1chelle Austin. Susan Madsen. Sherllyn M1lls. Row 3, Mr. Ekberg. Sam W1lson. Mark S1mpson. Juhe Acey. Clay GarMs.

SKI CLUB This club consisted of skiers who wanted to hit the slopes and non skiers who wanted to learn how to htt the slopes just ltke the skiers. At any rate, they had fun domg it.

Sandy Clegg. V1ce President. Kurt Ostler. Pres1dent.


Row I • Dav1d Jones. Jeff Crump Row l Sandy Clegg. Brenda Wnght. Ten Cooper. Debb1e Roth. Row 3. Kyrona Breeze. M1ke Dorman, Chns Roth. K1eth Hatfield. Bruce Whitehead. Juhe Baxter. M1ke Hatton. Mr McDonald Row 4 Clark Butler. Kurt Ostler.

THE NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE Ever try to win a discussion. to logically prove a pomt. to back up what you say with proof. and all this with some listening and judging who's arguments best. that's DEBATEl The adventure of discussing. by logic and knowledge with a partner and against another team. Coupled with Debate is legislative Forum. The difference between the two being in Debate you've a partner and in legislative Forum you're alone. to verbally crusade your own cause. This year we went to several tournaments and won several awards.

You've got to be k1dd1ng Clay!

1st row . Manlyn Campbell. M1chele Austin 2nd row Men Jo Smith 3rd row W1lham kezele. Paula Horner 4th row Chrts Marden. Clay Garnes 5th row. M1ss Branden burg advlsOI'.

I th1nk I'm m LOVE ll

I thmk It's th1s one-or maybe


BROADCASTERS Pencils. paper. pens. and typewriters helped in the production of this years great Broadcasters. With the guidance of Mrs. Johnson they got the School paper out on time. They are an energetic group and all have fun doing it. So through hard work and dedication. "together we will make it."

Mrs. Johnson. busy at work agam?

Gene Garnes. typmg a lcuer to Angela Maughan?

BnT .. It's frÂŤzme '" herel


YEARBOOK This years staff consisted of 15 hard working members. Lack of pens, pencils, typewriters, people, and all the other equipment, makes it hard to put a yearbook together, but we did it. The theme of this book was shown throughout the year, and as an inspiration to the staff, "TOGETHER WE MADE IT" (barely)

Fred Roberts and Alan Brady.

Mike and Lori make a terrific team.

Editor - Robyn Madsen, Head photographer - Russ Winkler, Co-Editors Angie Terry. and Jackie Evans.

Front Row - Linda Robinson, Richard Savage. Rob Childs. Mike Provard. Jeff Jones. Andrea Goff Second Row - Scott Chamberlain. Kelly Ludlow, Carolyn Collett. Jackie Evans, Robyn Madsen. Lori Broders. Toni Butkovich. Angie Terry missing - Donna Molt


I I II "

lrtl)l31flrltilfll2 Wlllrlti IfA\ tCIUitlr"'


Mr. Evans buSies h1mself on the phone.

Jerry l. McCleary. Princ1pal

"I am exceedingly proud of the many outstanding accomplishments that have been achteved by you students thts year. The 1979 1980 school year has been an outstanding year for us all." Mr. McCleary has been very supportive of the studentbody 's acttvities and needs thts year.

Mr. McCleary s•ves cooncel to the students 1n the library

" I am cont tnually Impressed by the posittve stu dent att ttude here at Jordan. Most students are set t ing goals and are achtevctng them. I am impressed by the large number of students who are tnvolved tn the number of activtttes offered here at Jordan and tn the dedtcatton of the facul ty who asstst them."

"I have been most tmpressed this year by the sincere efforts of many of the students to show that they have pride tn themselves and the school. I still thtnk that we have the ftn est studentbody around, and am proud to be associated wtth Jordan Htgh."

Fredrick J. Ash. V1ce Prmc1pal


Wilham R. Evans. V1ce Prmc1pal

ADMINISTRATION AND BOARD The Board of Education and District Administration have brought to the school system a rich background of experience and commitment to the task of providing quality education in a dynamic. growing school system. l. Ray Brown.



D. Richard Gourley, Au!Jtant Supennt~n­ d~nt

R1chard D. Anderson, Board Vice Presi· dent

Mark l. Wahlquist. Board Presrdent

Maurine C. Jensen. Board Member

Kenneth l. Prmce. Deputy Superinten· dent

lo1s H1rsch1, Board


Mark M. Klotovich. Board Member

ninet y· seven


Thelma Amsworth

Kathy Allen

Noel Bolhger

Dan Boskov1ch

Robert Andrus

Karlene Bauer

Sharon Bell inelli



u L T

Deena Brandenburg

Perry Brady

Alan Brock


Bevan Ch1pman

Juhe Christofferson

D1ane Conrad

Mane l:gberr

Sue. Mrs. W1lhams, and Mrs. Pay out for an afternoon Jogl

Bruce Colher

Jacque Conkhng

Mark Crookston

lynn Dem11l

M1chele Done

Dave Ekstam

Arlen l:kberg

Dave Enckson

Juhe Ann felshaw

...,\ Gerald F1sher

West Hammond

} r

Hal Hale

Ken Hartwig

Cam1lle Hicks

c u


' Helen H1gbee


Bruce H1hon


Janice Hirst

Grant Hinchcliff

M1ke Hock

L T y

Kun Hong

Jamel Houghton

Marc Hunter

Roger Kmg

"Are you hungry. Mr. Rasmussen?"

Robert langford

Kay Jabusch

Sandy Lovato

Clyde Mason

Bob McDonald

Jeff Mitchell

M1ke Murry

Pa11y Nena

.. , Cathie Mclaughlin

Sandra Mehle

mnet y-nme


Bill Noble

Jean Nuttell

Ralph Pace

Renee Pay

Rodney Oliver

Doug Oldroyd

Mans Olsen

l ynnette Peterson

Varnae Peterson

c u L

Wendell Petenen

T y Margaret Pnce

Brent Plant

Jeff Rasmuuen

Mavis Reynolds

Marggu! Stanley

one hundred

Bnan Rawlmgs

Mans Olsen loves her workl

Norma Riska

Claudea Slaugh

Dan Steadman

Florance Steadman

frank Semth

Jacklyn Stephenson

leah Smuh

Robyn Stuver

' Jackre Sybrowsky

Kaylene Thornock

Nada Throckmorton

Lena Wagstaff

Carol West


c u

Rrchard West

Manetta Wrllrams

Kent Wilson

Lula Wmward

Larry Woolman



y Susan Wrathall

Peggy Wnght

Rrchard Young

Rod Zabnskre "You called" asked Mrss felshaw.

Mr. Enckson thought ''Thank goodness u 's Fnday"

Coach Hale pondenng the grades of hrs students.

one hundred¡one

A\~ ~lriUI()I[~lr~


STUDENT BODY OFFICERS This year the Student Body Officers have worked very hard to keep school spirit alive. They have brought us Activittes. Dances and Assemblies. We would like to give many thanks to our Student Body Officers.

Angela Maughan-Pres. We would all like to thank her for mak1ng one of tht most successful years in Jordan's trad1110n. As our second female Studeot Body Pres .• she really proved the old theory "Women have to work 1w1ce as hard as Men to get the same amount of credit. Fortunately 11 isn't hard." For Angela 11 was really easy.

Mark Walllst V1ce. Yes folks, inside the cute body IS one of the blggelt hearts that IS loyal to Jordan High. He worked long and hard to get through th1s year. He 1s one of the best S.B.O's we have ever had.

1979·80 Student Body Officers

Shelly Thome- 2nd Vice. If you were to describe Shelly in one word 11 would be "Spirit". You always see her 1nvolved in the activities at school.

one hundred·four

Dennis Amsworth· Attorney Gen. This year it seemed that one of Dennis' middle names was "'I'm Involved". He really rallied w1th the others to get th1s year off with a Bang. Thanks to Dennis. Its Work mg.

Virginia McAllister H1stonan. Is a true astel to our School. She really gathered the mformation and h1story that we created this year. V1rg1111a adds hfe to . Jordan Trad111on.

Jill Greer-Sec. J1ll is really 1n to JordaO She always keeps on top of school act1~ 1 ties. She really keeps everythmg 10 order·


The Student Council of Jordan High is one of the great groups that keeps our school going. They helped with all activities and attended many meetings throughout the year. They really made our school a better place to be.

FIRST ROW, Angel1ka Scharzer. Arny Schnelle. Pam Wnght. Karen Hollinger. M1ke Johnson, Ann Sekeret. Seleena Luttrell. Tracy Cunningham SECOND ROW, Juhe Brady. Chnsty Schow, Kelly K1yota, R1chard Evens, Joe Schollmeyer. Aaron Gurney, Bob Med1na, Dan Gallagher. THIRD ROW: Connne Burnrngham. Carolyn Collette. Mark Wall. J1ll Greer. Kat hi Mulliner. Paul Valenzuela. Dave Scott. Jeff Mace. Jerry Steadman. FOURTH ROW: Joanne Angel. Lois Dahn. Jeff Jones. Michelle Kiyota. Bobble Burt. William Kezelee, Mann Gogan. Tammy Allen. FIFTH ROW: M1ke Orme. Chad Sayers. Mike Hill. Sherlyn McKay. Randy Baker, Laurie Pendelton. Annelle Mecham. Sue Koehler.

one hundred·f•ve

SENIOR OFFICERS Senior C lass Officers this year have done their part. Results have been great. for example. the success of the Senior Week, and the dance of the year. the Senior Hop. Many fun and new ideas have been thought of, but time would not allow many of them to happen. Officers helping w1th and participating in many of the assemblies a1ded m making an excumg year for the Seniors.

Sen1or Clan Off1cers of 1980.

John Stemgal

one hundred


Kelly Keyota

Scott Gessel!

CLASS OF ''80''

Jordy Adamson

Mike Adler

Dennis Ainsworth

Shelly Allen

Charlotte Anderson

Val Anderson


Brad Argyle

Bryan Bailey

Dave Bailey

Chnsll Bess

Sally Bigelow

Theresa Blomqutst

Sandy Bontsteel

Cra tg Bosch

Kevtn Barnett

Tracy Brannon

Matt Breeze

lort Broders

Barry Bauer

Ken Bell

Juliann J. Bentley

look out Ballet West. here they come.

one hundred seven


Angte Brown

leAnn Brown

Shelley Brown

Karte Budd

Connie Burden

Cormne Burntngham

Bobbt Burt

Becky Butterfteld

Scott Chamberlatn

Pedal Mark. PEDAL

Montca Ctsneros

one hundred etght

Douglas Clark

Carolyn W. Collett

Mtckey Conway

Peggy Burger

Stacy Butters

Btll Carlson

Mtke Chapman

Bruce Coombs

Rhonda Chmtheb

Mark Culmer

CLASS OF ''80''

Duane Elg

Russell Ehason

Analee Erickson

Kell) fadd1s

Conme Farnsworth

Jana Farnsworth

And they called

l1sa Farnsworth


N1ck Fern

puppy love?

Maureen Flynbo

one hundred nme


Sieve Fowkes

Rodney Green

J1ll Grt?er

Slt?ve Get?

M1chael Garahana

Ot?bb1e Garf u.?ld

Ran Glover

Allyson Goff

Sharon Gray

Rrenda Grt?l?n

Sandra Gnzzard

Jl'ff Gurney

Ang1e Hadley

Allo?n Hansl'n

one hundrl'd len

Janel Forbush

R1d. Hanst?n

CLASS OF ''80''


Steve Hendncks

Nancy Hl'nru.>

Kl'lly Ho.>nsler

Mtko.> Htll

I (onntl' Thornwall as Jordans Mtlk Matd

Marshall Hughl'y


Pa11i Jackson

Brenda James

Jay Jensen

leroy Jensen

Carolyn Johnson

Janet Jones

lohn Kiholm

Kelly Kitchen

Kelly Kiyota

Mark larsen

Tami larsen

Gerald leany

Hae-woon lee

Ryan lee

Scoll lester

Jodi lePrey

Kelly ludlow

David lund

Terry lyon

leRoy McKay

Ha Ha Your wrong. he went that way. Marshall.

one hundred-twelve

Jodi Lundstrom

Laune Madsen

Casey Malstrom

Cathy Mandel

Suzanne Marden

Davtd Matheson

Angela Maughan

Annette McDonald

Eve McEntire

Rusty McNeal

Chris Meadows

CltH Mtller

Wtlly Miller

Greg Minick

Kathi Mulliner

David Mecham

Sandra Murphy

Mike Meldrum

Curt Nelson

one hundred-thirteen


Raeleen Oliphant

Kenny Parker

one hundred fourteen

Duoe Olsen

Dav1d Olsen

Mark Ordakowsk1

Chr1stme Parks

Rachel Parry

Sheri Pask1ns


Dave Nelson

Marsha Newhouse

Jeff Ostler

Kevm Ottman

V1cky Patterson

Jnn Pauton

CLASS OF ''80''

Shelah Peacock

Jana Peterson

Randy Peterson

Charlotte Perrenod

Kerby Peper

Wally Powell

K1m Praag

Mark P. Pnce

Karen Ragar

Meke Reech

Jackee Reeben

Enc Reed

Lesa Remy

Scott R1ck•

Cmdy Roberts

JameJ Poll

Marelee Rechmond

Lyle Robenson

Kevm Roosendaal

Kenny Parker geves advece to younger class.

Kun Ron

one hundred feheen


Kim Roth

Dave Rowell

Natalie Rueckert

Barry Bauer spots an ankle.

Cmdy Shiflett

one hundred Sixteen

Carolyn Siebold

Brad Simons

lynn Ruffell

Brei Runolfson

Troy Schmidt

Dave Schott

Christy Schow

Angelika Schwarzer

Susan Scorzato

leslie Scott

Chnst ie Scroggm

Ted Scroggm

Danny Seipel

Brad Shields

Brent Smith

Doug Smith

Kathi Simonson

CLASS OF ''80''

Stephame Snow

Karn Spencer

Lon Spencer

Wade Sundell

Van·Mmh Tang

Becky Tarr

Bnan Taylor

John Taylor

Shauna Ttdwell

Ben Thomas

Trung Hat Tran

Shelly Thome

Dave Thompson

Troy Thompson

Connte Thornwall

Larry Stauffer

John Stemagel

Julte Swenson

Mtke Adler JUSt ·loves .. Btology.

LaRatne Tolman

Andy TongtSh

Harrtson Tsoste

one hundred seventeen


Mtnh Tung

.~~Mike Vance

Debbte Urley

Lisa Ultbarrt

Solja Yehmas


Gee Vang

· ; tJ- Jt: r•:t~ .

Michelle Vanekelenburg

Alan Wade

Tim Walden

Mark Wall

Keualtne Voravong

>~!• Craig Walters

Geeselle Walters

Mtlks rhe one for Mtke Htll.

Jeff Welch

Altce Westerman

one hundred etghreen

Mt chelle Wtlcox

Gary Wtlltams

Krtslon Wtlltams

Kevtn West

Russ Wtnkler

Rtck Wtnler

CLASS OF ''80 11


• •,


•' p




Jordan's Animal House.

Seniors get ready for the big competition. This was supposed to be good. one hundred nineteen


Corinne laughs at a funny JOke.

John plays teacher during gym class.

J uhann plays peek a¡boo wllh the camera.

Wade. right on the money.

Is th1s a bortng class Cra1g?

What have you been up to Garth 1



Hello. Mom?

Debb1e greers anorher day wuh a sm1le.

Susan qu11 snuhng. he wasn'r rhar cure.

D1d you jusr see whar I saw 1

SUPER SENIORS The '79- 'SO Beetdigger staff has begun a new tradition. We hope this new tradition will be continued throughout the years. With the help of the Senior Class, we have compiled the SUPER SENIORS of 1980.

Most Athletic, Allison Dennison t Jeff Welch



Personality: Kelh Kitchen & Scott Gessell

Best Dressed: Dixie Olson & HarriSOn Tsoie

one hundred -twenty-two

Most likely to Succeed, Angela Maughn & Brad Simons

CLASS OF ''80''

Best looklnS• kelly Essen i Rob Harris

Most Humorous: Barry Bauer i Tara Cossle

Most Talented Marshall Hushey i Juhe Swenson All Around: Mark Wall i Carolyn Collett

one hundred-twenty-three

JUNIOR OFFICERS Though we have had a Challenging year. We have stayed level-headed. In the future we hope to achieve many things. We hope that this year has been a great one. Because you are the ones that make it that way.

Mann Gogan·Pres.

1979-80 Junror Class Off 1cers

Oebb1e Roth-Sec .

one hundred ·twenty· four

Sue Koeler V1ce-Pres.

Joe Schollmeyer Boys Sen.

Kr1s Robmson G1rls Sen.

Diane Adams

Jeff Adams

Dawn Adler

leeAnn Ainsworth

Scott Ainsworth

Debb1e Allen

Ron Allen



N Adnana Alverez

Gma Anderson

Ty Anderson

Yvonne Anderson

Cornne Anderton

Bruce Arnold

Terry Axtell


0 R


K1rt Beckstead

Magg1e Behrmann

Bnan Bellon

Mark Bently

Angle B1erregaard

R1chard BlomquiSt

Scott Bolander

Carla Brand

Randy Baker

Jane Baldwm

Stac1 Banford

Debb1e Bess

Dave Bmgham

Brad B1rch

Davad Brandt

Kyrona Breese

Clark Brewster

one hundred¡ twenty¡ flve



N I 0 R

Sheldon Brown

:ameron Brownmg

John Bryant

M1ke Bueno

Clark Butler

James Butler

Steve Butler

s Ron Cannon

Gene1l Capson

Barbara Carlson

Jeanna Carter

Na Chansamone

Dav1d Chavez

Cheryl Ch1dester

Kathy Chnstensen

Joy Clark

Charlene Crump

Kns Crump

Tm1 <.rystal

Pat Calton

Sandy Cowley

one hundred twenty SIX

"I lUSt washed my ha1r and can't do a thmg w1th 1tl"

Trent Collier

Tern Culmer

Denk Cooper

Marshall Curtis

Juhe Costanzil

lo1s Dahn

. t.3 James Demaree

Kent DeMill

John Dennison

Monica Denslow

Michelle Dexter

Annette Deuel

Ron Drckerman



N Karen Drckerman

John Dineen

Tun Donahue

Kelly Dotson

Jon Duncan

Jody Duran

Denrce Durfee


0 R


Dan Gallagher

Gene Garnes

Mtke Gries

leAnn Grlman

Dyann Dyches

Mehnn Ebert

Connre Glad

Juhe Groves



Dave Goulding

one hundred -twent y seven




Tamm1e Goold

Sandra Greer

Tauna Hansen

Karen Grygla

Tma Guss

Alice Hagberg

K1m Harg1s

Terry Harmon

0 R


one hundred twenty¡elght

Danny Hardmg

Bnan Ham

Debra Hansen

Patll Hansen

Jam1e Hams

Glenda Hartwell

Teresa Harward

Allison Haumond

Bnan Hermansen

Melame Hernandez

Carl Hess

John H1ort

Elizabeth Hofehng

Russ Hofhmes

Karen Hollinger

Sharon Hollinger

Annette Holm

Bev Holt

Paula Homer

Darla Hone

Tan Van Hung

Terry Huntley

Tnsha Jacobsen

Krist u.> Jensen

R1chard Savage. the world's greatest snulerl

Pam Jensen

Sheila Jensen

Cmdy Jentuch

lynnette Johnson

M1chael Johnson

Steve Johnson

Wend1 Johnston



N I 0 R


V1cky lucero

laura Mace

Robyn Madsen

R1ck Madngal

Susan Madsen

ChriS Marsh

ChriS Martinez

one hundred twenty¡Oine


Cyn1h1a Marlinl.'z

Mike Maughan

Juhannl.' Maw

Ty McCall

Kenl McClure

John McComb

V1ck1 McCorm1ck

Buck McDonald

Jeff Mcfarlane

Susan Mcllralh

Juon Meadows

Bob Medina

Doug Meldrum

Edwin MI.'IVilll.'

Jody M1ller

Maureen Miller

Darren M1lls

David Minnick

Cindy Moore

Gary Morril

Tome Monensen

Gary Mu1r

Chnsl me Mu1hnch

larry Newbold

Wade N1chols

Dawn NOt'lon

Eva Nuffer

Sally O'll.'avus

John Ohn

Dcn1cc Ohphanl

Monic Olsen

Scoll Orml.'

Robl.'rl On ega

Scoll OsbornP



I 0 R


on I.' hundrl.'d 1h1r1 y

Whal a way 10 gel 10 class!

kenh Ottman

Cory Pace

Debbie Parker

Ron Parsons

Br ian Patton

Carolyn Pearce

Stanley Pelt



l aune Pendleton

M1ke Perr y

Corby Petersen

M1ke Petersen

l ea nna Porter

Eric Praag

Steve Pme

N I 0 R


Sm1le Randy you're on cand1d camera!

Ruu Rees

Joe Re1d

Kevm Rowe

Fernando Rub1o

1<ev1n R1ches

Patsey R1chens

Richard Savage

John Schiffman

Mike Provard

Debbie Puder

Randy Pulsipher

Annette Ray

Stac1e Reece

luAnn Reed

David R1et

k ris Robmsor>

Debb1e Roth

Steve Schofield

Joe Schollmeyer

Amy Schnelle

one hundred thirt y-one


Vickie Schultz

Teresa Sharples

Dav1d Shell

Cindy Smith

Debb1e Smith

karen Smnh

Men Jo Smith

Sterling Smnh

Jeff Snideman

Tang Son

Bryan Sorensen

J1m Steadman

Mary Stevens

Ron Strebel

kelh Sundell

Angie Terry

Jody Tesch

Becky Thacker

Johnny Thomas

Cathy Throckmorton

Jod1e Thorne

kev10 T1dwell

So1 Benh Tran

Art Turner

ken Welch

Tamra Welch

Danny Whittenburg

Mark W1ckel



I 0 R


one hundred th1rty¡ two

"Rob do you really know how to use that th10g1"

Bobby Valdez

Lon Vawdrey

Bnan Vo1les

Jnn W1lcox

Cella W1llette

Bob W1lhams

Peggy Winkler

Bob WISeman

Linda Woodruff

Haia Woong

Lisa Worthen

Brenda Wnghl

Blake Yates




Jana Young

Lon Young

0 R


"My name



V1ck1 leads an excnmg hfe.

""Thank you. thank you. hold your applause!"



c aught '"a daze as HE walks by.

Gene Garnes runs for Ius life.


Dawn sneaks a bne between meals. M1rror. 1111rror on I he locker?

one hundred 1h1r1y three

Don't smile to hard - you might break the camera.

Corne on Paula-we know you better than that!

Jody says, "Ah come on guys"

Robyn's cover


When laura 1sn't Cheerleadmg she's domg other things.


Cynthia says. " Home James."

one hundred-thirty four

Jeana has a great plan!

Our favorite class


CAMERA SHY JUNIORS Mike Albrechtsen Julie Asay Alan Barron Janae Beal Karen Blackwood Merrillyn Bradford Julie Brady David Brewster Mart y Broberg Stephanie Brown Julie Byergo Diane Carlson Steven Chapman Rob Childs Brent Elkington Tracey Everts Haine Fakatoufihita David Fritz Donald Goetz Rochelle Green John Groneman Richard Gutierrez Steve Hadley Jamie Harrington Troy Harris Kent Hart Sue Hymas John Kezele Scott King Mary Kocherhans Thy Korn Lori Leav itt Jerry linnarz

Knsty Jensen takes a break from schoolwork.

Jeff MacDonald Margo Malouf Chris Marden Denice McPherron Ronnie Miller Ben Mounteer Mont Mousley Roy Mullen Troy Murdock Michelle Oar Sherry Ober Nikki Olsen Warren Parker lisa Pearson Chris Perry James Petersen Kevin Rowe Jon Rowell Don Rowsell Tony Shaw Barbara Shettel Scott Silcox Somsak Somchit Heidi Stanley Van-Hung Tan Van-Son Tang Dale Taylor Rob Taylor Dan Thackay Yuehching Tsad Lanae Ulibarri Wendy Wilkinson Marcia Yahze

Is Marty showing off Jamie or his cad

one hundred-thrrty-five



Jordan's first yearbook.

one hundred-thirty-six


one hundred¡th1r1y seven

SOPHOMORE OFFICERS This years Sophomore C lass Officers had a lot of spunk and enthusiasm. They lead the sophomores in a fun and exciting year. Some of the activities that were sponsored throughout the year were: Homecoming. Sweet hearts, Farmers Market a nd Sub for Santa. They would like to thank the Sophomore class, for helping and participating.

President, Jerry Steadman

First row. Jerry Steadman Karen Houghton, Tammy Allen. Mike Orme. Second row, JoAnne Angel.

Vice President. Tammy Allen

one hundred-thirty-eight

Boys Senator. Mike Orme

Secretary. Karen Houghton

Girls Senator. JoAnne Angle


Del Aavila

lorie Adams

Scott Adelman

Tammy Allen

Paula Allen

Susan Allsaler

Joy Miller says. "Duh, whats up Doc?"

Ron Arnold

M1chele Austin

Nancy Ayers

Debbie Baranski

Chris Barney

D1ana Bates

Robert Beal

Mark Berrett

Michelle Best

Shauna Bills

Lars Anderson

flynn Andnzzi

Elaine Arnold

Alan Bailey

Mark Baldwin

Tammy Bednarik

Cindy Bell

one hundred¡ thlrty-mne



Mark Maxwell hkes dreaming.

one hundred forty


Oebb1e Blanke

Pa1ge Bowman

Ruth Bramhall

Kev1n Bnnkhoff

Joe Brown

M1ke Brown

Dav1d Bueno

Karalee Buford

Dav1d Burgon

Antoma Butkovich

Dorothy Butler

leon Caldwell

Cmdy Carlson

Randy Carlson

B1ll Candena

R1chard Carter

Sharon Chorlton

Kam Choe

Robert Chrastensen

Shontell Chnstensen

Duane Clmslleb

Steven Clark

Stacey Chrasllan


I( yle

Hansen says. "I feel hke htding m the garbage can."

Sandy Clegg

Lynda Jo Clements

Vern Coggle

Don Cook

Etleen Cooper

Rtchard Cowley

Dernck Cracraft

Pamela Cravens

Steven Cressan

Phyllis Crouch

Bnan Crump

Joe Cunnmgham

Tracey Cunnmgham

Sandra Dahl

Conme Dav1s

Wendy Denmgton

Lmda Denms

Troy Densley

Charlotte Despam

Rebecca Dtxon

Bnan Draper

Ltnda Duncan

Mary Duran

Shane Edgerly

one hundred·forty·one


Nancy Edwards

Mckay Eckman

Trisha Eliason

David Elkins

Debbie Evans

Denese Evans

Jackre Evans

Mike Evans

Darren Evensen

Kelly Fehler

Crystal Frsher

laShelle Edwards

Jon Flake

Scott Forbush

Clayton Garnes

Eric Praas and Mike Brown. plannins there next move.

one hundred-forty two

Kenneth Grllette

Wayne Gall

Krrk Gibbs

Allison Glassey

Robert Ellison

Sheryl Faldmo

Krm Gardener

Carne Gries

Troy Gosan


Tracte Goodfellow

Colleen Gorberg

Damn Hamtlton

Scott Hancock

TerrI Harding

Ronn HargiS

Cmdy Green

Chou Hang

Margo Harris

Sharon Chorltan says. "He passt?d me by and dtdn't even say hi."

Shelly Groneman

Shannon Hair

Kyle Hansen

Heidi Hardcastle

JeHery Harding

ltsa Harston

Jay Hatch

Jamie Heaps

Van Heder

John Helwtch

Billy Hensler

Mtchael Ht?rrnan

Lorin Hermansen

Tamara Hickman

Darryl Green

one hundred-forty-three


Brad Holt

Donna Holt

Scott Hooser

Richelle Hopes

Dav1d Jackson

D1ane Jacobson

karie Jacobson

M1chael James

Jane Jensen

Chem Johnson

LIOdll Johnson

MIChelli Johnson

Nancy Johnson

Bryce Jorgenson

Chantelle Jure11ch

Scott kelly

Ted Johnston

one hundred¡forty ¡four

Debra Jonsson

Debra Horscroft

karen Houghton

Ginny Nielson shows her talents.

hwny Johnson

Ryan kemp


Cory Kenyon

Paul Kiel

Debbie Kokkola

Steve larsen

Kurt lawson

Robert lems

Becky leyiand

lmda lindsey

Rebecca lucero

Seleena luttrell

Dtana Manwtll

Tnsha Marchant

Candle Martinez

Dave lampins

Marcia Martinez

Kristin lambert

Donna learned

Marlene livinssron

Lori lambert

Karen lamont

Holly learned

Tammy Lemonds

Cynthia lloyd

M1chael Loveall

Diane Ohver buSily studyins for her science test.

one hundred -forty -five


lisa Maw

Chantelle Juretich. caught in the act.

Daniel McEntyre

Joy Miller

Kirk Marchant

one hundred-forty-six

Annette Mecham

Sherilyn Mills

Kathy Maxwell

Marcus Melville

Cindy Maroner

Tonya Nance

Karen McAllister

Marci McCaffree

lanell McCibery

Shaney McDonald

Tan Minhkiet

Tanya Middaugh

John Miller

Katrina Moore

Michael Moore

Glenn Mortensen

Kristy McCall

Dorene Nelson

James Nelson

Ginny Nelson


Mike Nelson

Stephante Nielson

Christine Norman

Todd Olson

Stact Ontiveros

Mtchael Orme

Mtchelle Oar

Mtchelle Osborn

Kurt Ostler

JoAnn Ottman

Krtslle Overman

Tracy Ovtatt

ltsa Pangos

Randy Paramore

Tammy Payne

Dawn Payton

Carol Peacock

Mike Peterson

lesa Peterson

Scott Peterson

Conntl.' Davts fashtons the new trl.'nd .

Robert O'brien

Dtane Oliver

Mike Olson

Val Pl.'terson

one hundred-forty¡ seven


Chris Phillips

Scott Pnce

Mat Player

John Provard

Timothy Pierce

Sherri Pullan

Wendee Ritzman

linda Robinson

Danny Rogers

Rulon Bosch

Cynthia Sanders

Allen Saxton

lanell Schofield

Stephen Schneiter

Krist ina Schott

one hundred· forty·e•ght

Diane Podletny

Jimmie Powell

Julie Powell

larry Ray

Tma Rieben

Gail Rnlt'hart

Scott Rogers

Robyn Rose

Corle Ross

Cindy Green gives a demonstration on "How to French"


Rhonda Scott

Ann Sekeret

Kevin Severson

Tracy Sevy

Carrie Sharp

Mark Shields

Kevm Sh1flett

Lori Sorensen

Colleen Sybrowsky

Cynthia Lloyd is practicmg a Dental Speech.

Doug Simons

Holly Slmuons

Jeff Skoubye

Kendall Smith

Casey Snow

Rusell Sorensen

Connie Springer

Jerald Steadman

MaryAnn Storper

Suzanne Stromberg

Jason Thackeray

Brett Thomas

Pall 1e Tanner

Jill Tarr

R1chard Tha cker

one hundred· forty·nine


one hundred fifty

Cindy Thompson

K1m Thoma.

Debra Thomp•on

Holly Thorne

Cryual Thornwall

Michael Tobin

Charlotte Vanderhoek

Hohn Versluif

Kin Vora Vons

Marsaret Wallace

Bryan Wuhburn

Holly Warsurton

Mathew Webster

Denise Welch

Carolyn Wellington

Jerry Thomp.on

Allen Tuftf

Tammy Thompson

Roger Thornblad

Lama Urton

Paul Valenzuela

Bryce Jorgenson. ready for that Jumpshotl

Sharlyn Wellington

Randy Westphal

Authur Williams


kay Wilhams

Carla Winterholler

Steve Wisler

Stef Workman

Annette Worhon

Jon Youns

Susan Zafft

Connie Zupan

Paul krebs

Rose kunz

Alejandra Rodnsues

Arya Sananikone

Seleena lutrell says "Ah ha causht you that 11me.

lonme Urton concentratins on a deep subject.

Dave Burgen says ah-ohl

Greg Hyde say• "I can't believe this."

Hurrymg between classes.

one hundred f1fty two

Prac t ic mg



01ane says. "F1rst th1s s1de hke th1s "

Talk1ng dunng lunch.


hundred f1fty three

FRESHMAN OFFICERS We as Freshmen Class Officers think it was a really great privledge to supervise our class this year. We are really proud of all the help we recieved on our activities. Our Freshmen have alot of Spirit, and enthusiasium. We really apprieciate it all. We believe JHS is the greatest place on earth because we have the best studentbody and teachers than any other school. Even though it was our first year here at JHS we think it was our best school year we have ever had. We would like to thank everyone for making so enjoyable. Thanks everybody for everything. It was such a great year, if we have the chance to do it all again, do you think we would ... you betl

Audrey Ham1lton-Pres.

1979-80 freshmen ClaSJ Officers

Vanisha Shell· G1rls Senator

one hundred f1hy four

Shane Chrlftensen·Boys Senator

Michele Kiyota · V1ce Pres.

lmda McDonald Sec.

Randa Abotr

Mananne Adkins

Craig Adolohson

Steve Amsworth

Mary ADan

Alvin Allen

Rick Allen

Kayle• Anderson

Andred Anderton

Connie Anderton

Jeff Argyle

Art Colver

Lisa Atkin

Juhe Ayers

N1kki Babcock

Jeff Bailess

laurel Bailey

Steven Bailey

Scot! Baker

M1ke Samek

Chns Barron

Ailed Bastes

l1sa Baugh

Juhe Baxter

Jeu•ca Belka

Jill Bennion

Jeanine Berretr

Mana Berry

Susan Basta

We love our school emblem. one hundred fifty -five

Audrey Ham1lton dreaming of Hal Cooper

Scott Bishop

Tony Bjerregaard

Andy Baldwin

Dustin Bolliger

Mark Bollinger

M1ke BomJteel



Wendy Bonner

Damn Bortunik

Mathew Bradford

Katy Brady

Crist y Brand

Enk Brandt

Shane Brannon

Ph1hp Brewster

Valene Brmton

Jeff Broden

Bnan Brown

Dav1d Brown

Richard Brown

Stacy Brown

Jay Bryant

Stacy Buchanan

Kerry Burden

Denlfe Burgon

Joe Burl

Deonne Butler

Tem Butler

Jack1 Butterfield




John Burger one hundred fdty ¡s•x

Steven Caldwell

John Collier

Wendy Calton

Julie Campbell

Brad Carter

Bill Cartmell

Pancho Chavez



Tomy Chavez

Allen Christensen

Chad Christensen

Scott Christensen

Shane Christensen

Debbie Clem



N Melanie Coffin

Shanna Coleman

Frank Conner

Ken Coombs

Kimber Cooper

Terri Cooper

Thad Coni

John Costanza

Robber! Cottle

Scott Coukey

Bonnie Greer

Ted Cracraft

Jeff Crump

Troy Crump

Tye Culmer

Shawnee Curtis

Mindy Dana

John Dansie

Marion Dennison gets advice from Jerra. one hundred fifty-seven

linda Sharp. An interesting specimen.


Sheryle Dennis

David Deem

Diana DelaCrue

Marian Dennison

Brett Denslow

Troy Dial

Tonya Dooley

Alison Dumas

Kathleen. Durfey

Terezza Esplin

Sherry Erickson

Cory Elkington

Kristin Elder

Jason Eddington

John Eddington

Jera Eakle

Carol Evans

Susan farnsworth

floyd finley

Hal flake

Thomas fletcher

Michelle Edelston

Wendy ford

Todd farmer

Grant Geerstsen

George G1lgen



s H


Ross fowlks one



Gaylin Gabbuas

Marcy Garahana

Jared Gaunt

F Ahce Gtllespte

Guy Glover

Andrea Goff

Brenda Goodfellow

laurte Goodrtch

Paul Graham



Randy Graham

Marie Grams

Kyle Green

Ryan Greenwood

Doug Greer

Ken Groves

Johnna Grygla

Aaron Gurney

Shelly Hambleton

Audrey Hamthon

ltz Hansen

Mart Hansen

Shart Hansen

Shawna Hansen

Tracy Hansen

Carolyn Hardcastle

Andrea Harlan

Clark Harmon

Steve Harston

Keuh Hatfteld

Mtchael Hatton

Robm Havens

Btll Heder

Allen Helm


Doug Ohphant. Smoktng straws? one hundred ftfty ntne

Chris Sadler admirers her Sweetheart.

Pat Holdaway

Dalton Horsecroft

Sandy Helwich

Dav1d Herman

Sandy Henderson

Carolyn H1ckman

Shelly Hiat

Steve Hinnen

Jerry Householder

Karren Houston

Cheryl Howard

Ram1o lskuleh

Usa Jack

Heather Jensen

Tad Jensen

Jeff Jones

Terra Joseph




DeAnne Howell

Tom Heuter

David lsi

Danell Jacobsen

Juhe Jackson

Carrie James

Athena Jewett

Darryl Jones

Gma Jones


one hundred s1xty

David Jones

Jack1e Jones

Chris Johnson

Kathy Johnson

Suzy Johnson

Niky Johnson

David Jones

Terri Judd



Shelly Kunz

Todd Kuela

Asoasia Katsan

Troy Katwik

Wade Kaudeen


William Kezele


Jeff Kiholm

Marty Killinger

Darrin King

Michele Kiyota

Ron Krambule

Laura Lake

Cindy Larsen

Tammy Larsen

Darren Larsen

Scott Larsen

Sharon Laughter

Linda Lee

Mike Lemonds

Mindy Levine

Russ Lewis

Jerry linrnare

Michelle Loyd

Nolana Lord


I scream, You scream, Mark and Mark scream for Ice cream. one hundred sixty-one

Nina lucero

J.H.S .. The best place on earthll

Dyke Malstrom

Jeff Mace

Melod1e Mann1ng

Mark ludlow

Denms lyon

Shanlyn Mackay

Dallas Madrigal

Tony Mansanarez

M1ke Markham

Matt Markov1ch

Becky McDermott

lmda McDonald

R1ck Maes



s H

Greg Maughan

Kelly McCorm1ck

Troy Mcfarlane

Tand1 McGmms

K1m McNeal

Dean Meadows

Jumor Med ma

R1chard M1ller

M1ke Montague

Janeen Moore

leeAnn Muir

Karen Muthre1ch


E N T1ffany McDonald

Janet Mitchell

one hunred s1xty two

Sherry M1ller

Kersten Muthre1ch

Tam1 Mynck

N1cole Nance

Brad Nelson

Mehnda Oar

She1la Oberg

Doug Ohphant



Bobby Ostler

Kevm Ostler

Darren Olsen

Noel Olson

Sharon Olson

Scott Pace



E Robert Padmos

Shelley Perrenoud

Den1se Patterson

Rachel Peacock

Jerry Pendleton

Pam Pt.>terson

Candy Ph1lhps

Laune P1per

Andy P1erc e

Marv1n Pme

C mdy Porter

Shauna Powell

Suun Pnnce

L1sa Pryor

81ll Puder



C her yl Puls1pher




l1sa. what 's down there7 one hundred SIXty-three

Diane Rager

Ray Ramirers

Reed Davis

Steve Reece

lorraine Reid

Sean Reiley

Cindy Rieben

John Rietveld

Stephante Rivera

Andrew Rodriquez

Chr1s Roth

Bnan Row

Marlon Dennison another Coke-aholic.


Kevin Rich

John Richards





Brent Rogers

lupe Salbevar

Mark Schnelle

one hundred SIXty-four







Bngett Schollmeyer

l~tne S~tyen

J1mmy Schow

Run Rnollson



Robert Scott



T1ff11ny Schm1dt

Run Sc roggm

Ken Sears

Cathie Setters

linda Sharp

Vanisha Shell

Matthew Shelton

Tamie Sinclair

F R Bart Slack

Brent Smith

Scott Staley

Mark Simmons

David Stokes

Mark Stanely

Kevin Stay

David Stokes

Roy Stevens

Julie Stevenson

Bill Stelle

Jerilun Smith

lisa Smith

Noble Smith

Pam Smith

Cort Swenson

Eddie Tackett

Steve Taft

Brad Taylor

Dale Taylor

Karen Taylor

Kathy Taylor

Olivia Taylor

Sherman Taylor




Russ Ronolfson. another cutie. one hundred sixty-five

Paul Tetone

Scott Thayier

Reece Thorne

Todd Thurgood

Robert Toilman

DeAnne Toole

Chia Chen lsac

Jean Tyler

Barry Udly

Brad linnarz

Sherry Errickson is involved 1n dog patch.


Korl Toone

Nick Truillo



Gary Van Ekelenberg

Wes Vanroosendaal

Dav1d Vmcent

Bonme Wade

Tnsha Wagstaff

Jenn1fer Walke

Kevm Wallm

Jed Walters

Paul Walton

Patricia WaPorette

Randy Washburn

Pam Watts

Stac y Wickie

David W1lcox


Tracy Wentworth one hundred sixty-six

Kathy West

Chris W1lliams

S1lson Wlholm

Vicki Wimbush

Juhe Winterbotiam

Gary Winterholler

Andy Yocum

Robert Young

Carol Zah

Stewart Woodruff

Mehssa Yazha

Gayla Yates

Bobby Zickella

Freshmen at football

Mechele Kiyota, Ahh Russ

Smile Mindy Dana your on showl

one hundred sixty-seven

-~----· -·-








Angela Maughan English and literature

Peggy Burger Mathemati cs

Rachel Parry Social Science


Jordy Adamson Science one hundred-seventy

Michelle Van Ekelenburg Visual Arts


Tara Coggle fore1gn Language

Becky N1elsen Homemak1ng

Christi Bess Business Education

Cynthia Harwaro Mus1c

Kelly K1yota General Scholarship

one hundred¡seventy¡one

N A T I 0

The National Honor Society is an honorary club of students who have earned a reputation as outstanding scholars and citizens. Their purpose is to serve the school and communit y better, as well as to enjoy many social and educational experiences together.


L H 0 N 0 R

The off1cers are Rachael Parry. President, Mike Giles. V1ce PresidentleAnn Brown. Secretary, and Scott Orme. Treasurer. The club sponsor 1S Mrs. Jabusch.

Mike Adler studing hard.

s 0 c I

E T y

Row 6 Blake Yeah?S, Juhe Groves. Carolyn Pearson. John Schiffman. Row 5 Darren Brooksby. R1chard Blomqu1st. Kathy Jones. Kns11e Jensen. loiS Dohn. Ryan Lee. Rochelle Gre~n. M1ke Adler. Mrs. Jabusch. Row 4 leAnn Porter. Mtke G1les. Jeff Jones. Scott Orme. Dav1d Matheson. LeAnn Brown. Shelley Brown. Row 3 Brad hanchma. Pam Jensen. lynnette Johnson. Cathy Mander. Carolyn Johnson. leshe Scott . Row ) Gayle Dumas. Barbara Eddmgton. Janet Jones. Rachael Parry. Jeff N1elsen. Row II ront. left to R1ght. Kelly Kyota. Raeleene Oliphant. V1rg101a McAihs ter. Becky Ne1lson. Peggy Burger.

Gale Dumas bus1ly at work .

one hundred seventy two


Girls and Boys State is part of the American Legion Auxiliary which brings girls and boys to a knowledge of the fundamental principles of American Government through actual practice and control of the state offices during Boys and Girls State. The students represented on this page were the delegates to the girls and boys state for 1979. Trained instructors brought actual demonstrations in parliamentary procedures to the delegates during the summer session.


/ Brent Hoffines

Ryan Lee

Angela Maughan

Susan Scorzato

Chmty Bess

Rachell Parry

Julie Swenson

one hundred-seventy¡ three


Superior Ratings


D1str1ct Solo and Ensemble; tnstrurnental

Shauna B1lls. solo John Eddington. solo Lynnette Johnson, solo Scott Larsen, solo M1ke Maughan. solo Jan Noffs1nger. solo Mark Ordakowsk1. solo Dan Kunz. t rumpet solo Lane Sayers. str~ng quartet Kr1stm Lambert. Strmg quartet Stephanie Snow. s t r~ng quartet Cath1e Set ters. strmg quartet



Ken Bell-I. II Shelly Brown-1. II Juhe Campbell- 11 Chad Chnstensen-11 Terri Culrner-11 Den1ce Durfee-! Dale Eddmgton-1. Ill Den1ce Evans-11 Cindy Harward-!. II Duane Harrnon-1. II. Ill Ryan Lee-1. II Scott Lester-!. II Laurie Madsen-Ill Becky N1elson I RaVae Reeve-11. Ill Susan Stromberg- II+

111 D1str~ct

Solo and Ensemble; vocal

Juheann Brady II M1ke Chapman I. II K1mber Cooper -11 Mon1ca Denslow路! Kat hleen Durfee I T r~ sha l:hason-11. Ill Sheryl ~ald mo I. II +. II Teresa Harward-!. II Tamera H1ckman I Tammy Lemonds II + M1ke Loveall II Tanya M1ddaugh-l Laur1e Pendleton 路!. II L)lane Shepherd 路ll . Ill Yueh Chmg Tsa-1 Lan1a Urton-11

(1-0utstandmg. II (ommendable. III路Good)

one hundred-$e\lenly four

HONORS ART State Sprmgville Art Exh1b1t: Ment Awards Sally Bigelow-Watercolor and Commercial Art Barbara Eddington-Commercial Art M1chele Van Ekelenburg-Conunerc1al Art Knst 1e Jensen-Pnnt mak 1ng Mark Waii-Pamt mg

BUSINESS Brad Sunons Wmner and candidate for the Utah State Business Career Devel- - - - opment Award. State Competition held at H1lton Hotel.

Cro.>ss Country Best offens1vt.> hnt.>man-Rryan Ba1ly Bt.>st offt.>ns1vt.> back-Wally Powell Bt.>st dt.>fens1w hnt.>man Rob Harns Bt.>st defens1vt.> back¡ Jt.>ff Wt.>kh

Valuablt.> Ru:hard BlomqUist and Sue l<l,ehler lnsp1rat1o.>nal M1ke H1ll and Debbie G1l~en

G1rls Tenn1s

Vollt.>yball Rt.>st offens1ve Corr111e Rurnm~ham Best defensive Allison Denn1son

Valuable Stt.>w Scluett.>r

.x~e hun.tr~

1 • '"'-'"'Y hve

THE ENTERTAINERS The entertainment world, filled the television screens, theatres, and drive-in movies. with lots of excitement, horror, and comedy. Television comedy awards were won by that hilarious medical group M* A*S*H, the all impulsive Three's Company, and the people who fell in love with the mixed couple Mork and Mindy. The entertainment world of "79" was full of enthusiasm. looking forward to the "SO's" made the casts of movies something. The musicians are looking into bigger and better hits, to reach the final goal of # I on the radio.

MOVIE STARS Steve Martin's first real movte "The Jerk", brought us laughter.

The "Muppet Show", won the hearts of children. and adults as well.

one hundred¡ seventy¡eight

From "Rocky I", to "Rocky II", Sly Stallon was made a star.



I. Babe-Styx

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Best vocal group of "79".

Reunited-Peaches and Herb Da Ya Think I'm Sexy-Rod Stewart She Believes In Me-Kenny Rogers What a Fool Believes-Doobie Brothers Sail On-Comodores My Sharona-Nack Heart of Glass-Biondie Tragedy-Bee Gees lonesome looser-little River Band


Kenny Rogers drops First Edition, and makes it big as a single.

In memory of "the King" Elvis Presley.

The lives of many remarkable men and women came to a close in the past decade, such as entertainers, musicians, statesmen, artists, athletes. and industrialists. Gone from the entertainment world: Charlie Chaplin, Betty Grable. Bing Crosby. John Wayne, Mary Pickford. Zero Mostel. Groucho Marx. Joan Crawford, Edger Burgen, Maurice Chevalies. Jack Benny. and Gypsy Rose lee. Musicians who died included: Elvis Presley, Guy Lombardo, Janis Joplin, Duke Ellington, Igor Stravinsky, Maria Callas, Pablo Casals. and Paul Robeson.

A song that everyone will remember, "ships".

one hundred-seventy-nine


The 1970's have been ten years of change. We all have seen them. we all remember them. When we look back we can say that we were a part of this time and that we saw them happen. In 1970 the midi started to e · tend the mini skirt. We started to watch some of our favorite shows, such as M*A*S*H, and L e Stor y. Peking astonished the world w en they invited the U.S. Ping Pong team to Chi a in 1971. and Richard Nixon announced that he would soon follow. Astronomers claimed that th y had proof of the first black hole in space, unti this time they were just theories. Arch1e Bunker; was born. soon to become our nations most fa ous b1got. in a humorous way. Richard Nixon finally made 11 to• Pekmg in 9172. with a warm welcome from Ch1r1a 's leaders. At our elections. the lowest voter turnout '" twentyfour years happened. N1xon won h1s "landslide victory." The O lymp1cs were also held 1n 1972 in Munic. Germany. Two great movies were made, "Godfather," and "Cabaret ." In 1973 Watergate carne to a head. V1ce President Spiro Agnew resigned and ( erald Ford re· placed him. Hang glidmg becarn a sport that fascinated us and became a sport I hat had a lot of excitement. "The Exorcist," ''T e Stmg," and "American Graffiti" became thre of the b1ggest box office sales this year. In 1974 the impeachment tide s elled. R1chard Nixon resigned, and Gerald Fo became our president. Later Nixon was g1 en a pardon. St reaking streaked in as fast as t streaked out. and streaking also brought one o f our funniest songs. " The Streak." 1975 affected the beaches when the mov1e. " Jaws" came out and seemed to 1;care everyone from the oceans. In the elections of 1978, Ford and Carter were the candidates. Many people never thought that a peanut farmer from Georg 1a WOlltld become our president. but he was voted mto the While House. A break through was made 1n the Hpace age when Viking I transmitted the f1rst p1ct ure of Mars to Earth. Melvin Dummar. a local ga:; stat iOn attendant. was mentioned '" the Howard Hughes will. that was later ruled as a fak e. The Concord was heard all over. The Supersonic dn~arn could soon be proved as a mghtmare. Our countnes .200th birthday was celebrated by all. ot JUSt 1n the United States. but all over the world. D1sco's



seemed to pop up everywhere even in Sandy, along with citizens band radio, and skateboards. "Rockie," and "Roots" became two of the most watched movies this year. The Olympics were held this year, and America was well represented. In 1977 our energy crisis started to hit, and solar energy was introduced. The $7.7 billion transAlaska pipeline opened. The decades best. and most expensive movie came out. "Star Wars," and a Star Wars Craze began. Other movies this year were "Saturday Night Fever," and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Thirteen days of isolation was spent at Camp Davis with Carter. Sadat. and Begin. Peace talks between Egypt and Israel and the Salt Talks were d1scussed. In 1978 Pope Paul VI died, The College of Cardi nals chose his successor. Albmo Luciani, but h1s leadership only lasted th1rty-four days. The first non-Italian pope in 455 years was then elected, Pope John Paul II. "Animal House" helped bnng about college toga parties, and another fad that came was transpar¡ ent pants. Louise Brown was born. the first child to be conceived outside of the Mother's body. Utah was in the news when Mormon's gave black's the priesthood. In 1979 Pope John Paul II became the first pope to v1sit America. The SALT II treaty was s1gned. Margaret Thatcher became the first lady Prime Min ister of England. Slit skrrts. baggy pants, and roller skating became our latest fads. "The China Syndrome" was released which later had a bit of reality in it. The University of Utah Med1cal Center made a break through when Siamese twins joined at the head were successfully separated. Muhammed Ah lost. won, lost. and won again his champion title. Then retired'" 1979. The pnce of gold went up. wh1le the value of the dollar went down. The Jordan School Distnct went through a change when in 1978 the freshmen became a part of the high schools. New schools were built; Alta, and Bingham. Mrs. Price has been the only coach rn Utah to take a gymnastic team to state '"so many consecutive years. and our Charlonians are known state wide. A decade has passed before our eyes, we all are ten years older, what might the future bnng us 7 Only what we make it. all of us together.


WHAT BEETDIGGERS DO FOR FUN When BEETDIGGERS aren't cramming for eXCfT!lS or supporting our athletes. they do some exciting things. We caught some working on their health and others just doing some wild and crazy stuff.

Darren Hamilton. soothmg h1s BIG MAC ATTACk ll

Danny Wh1tenburg

one hundred-e1ghty -rwo


gett mg '" shape.

''I've had 11. I c an't take 11 anymore"

Tony demonstrates go cart

"Erec l'v4! been wanttng to tell you"


one hundred-e1ghty·three


one hundred e1ghry four

SCOTT CHAMBERLAIN Scott has been on the yearbook staff or three years. one of those years he was Head Photographer. Two years ago he entered a Regional Photography Contest in which his picture of two hippopotami won first prize. Photography has been a bobbie for Scott. a bobbie that he has liked. Through the yearbook his skill has been used. On this page you can see his skill in the different sports.

ont.? hundrt.?d ¡t.?rghry-ftvt.?





D<'nno•on. Alhson SO. 69, 70. 92. 109.


D<'nsley. Brad 57, 69, 88 Doxon. Junmy 78. 88. 109 Dorous. Brent 109 Dotl'n. Debboe 109 Randall. Dow 109 Dumas. Gayle 109. 172

Ada1r, Susan 67. 84. 107. Adamson. Jordy 89. 107. 170 Adler. Mo~l' 85. 107, 117, 172 Aonsworrh. Dennos 23. 69. 101. 107 Alll'n Shl'lly 107 Alvarez. loloana Anderson. Charloltl' 107 Andl'rson. Mark l Anderson. Mark T. Anderson. Val 107 Anderton. Motchell Argyll'. Brad 107 Argyle. Connoe Ashby. Susan 85 Auker. Torn

Eddongton. Barbara 81. 86, 109. 172 Eggen. kelly 62. 69, 84. 109. 123 Elg. Duanl' 109 Ehason, Russl'll 89. 109 Elk ons. Randy Erockson. Randy Erickson. Analee 109 Evans. Stacey Evenson. Rochard 85. 105




Garahana. Mochael 110 Garfo..-ld. Debboe 110 Gee. Stephen 34, 69. 110 Gessel!. Scott 23. 35, 56. 57. 69, 88, 106. 110. 122 Gobbs. Mochelle 110 Gllgen. Deborah 41, SO. 69. 70. 83. 110 Gollman, Lynnelte Glover. Bart 89, 110 Goff. Allyson 110 Goold. Roger Gray. Sharon 110 Green. Brenda 110 Green. Rodney 110 Greer. Jill 104, 105. 110 Grozzard. Sandra 110 Guffey. Mochel<' Gurney. Jeff 110



ddddd Dansoe. Do ant.' 86. 109 Davos, Davod 109 Davos. Ervon Da.os. Jeff 109 Dl'bol'r. Greg 69 Deem. Shauna

Jam..-s. Br<'nda 112 Jensen, Jay II} Jensen. Leroy 81. 85, 112 Johnson, Carolyn 18. 63, 70. 112. 172 )OMS, Janet 48, SO, 69, 70, 112, 172 Jont's. Robert

kkkkk I< ohlom. Lohn 112

Baca. Randy Baol<!y. Bryan 35. 69. 107 Bailey. Davod 69. 74. H. 107 Barnell. Kevon 107 Barton. Donna Bashor<'. Mochael Baul'r. Barry 34. 69. 107. 116. 123 Bauer. Gcr aid Ba•t<>qohns. Moke Bell. Kenneth 68. 107 Bentley. Juhann SO. 69. 70. 78. 107 Bess. Chmty 89. 107. 171, 173 Bogl'low. Sally 83. 107 Blornquost. Theresa 41. SO. 69. 70, 76, 77. 86, 107 Bonostt>l'l. Sandra 69. 70, 107 Bosch. Craog 73. 74. 107 Brannon. Tracy 107 Breeze. Malt 107 Brornhall. Rebecca 86 Broders. Lon 86. 93. 107 Brown. Angela 108 Brown. leAnn 108. 172 Brown. Shell<!y 78. 108. 172 Budd. Karoe tal Burden. Connol' 108 Burgl'r. Peggy 108. 170, 172 Burnongham. Coronne 47. 49. 69. 70. 106.108 Burt. Bobbo 23. 68. 105. 108 Butkovoch. Mochelle 67. 70. 84 Bultl'rfoeld. Becky 62. tal Butters. Stacy 47, 69. 70. 108

Campbell. Marolyn Campbell. Marlo. 18. 69. tal Carlson. Boll 108 Caskey. Guy Chamberlaon. Scolt 69. 93. tal. 185 Chapman. Mochaol 69. 78. 108 Chrostheb. Rhonda 92, 108 C osnt.'ros. Monoca 108 Clark. Douglas 108 Coggl<'. Tara 67, 87. 123. 171 Colll'lt. Carolyn 69. 70. 93. 105. tal. 123 Conner. Losa Conway. Mockey 108 Coombs. Bruce 78. tal Co<>pl'r. Hal17. 34. 56. 57. 69. 78. 88. 106 Creb•. Brenda Crofuu. Mokc Culmer. Mark 108 Curry. Kl'nneth 42, 69. 85. 109.



Faddos. Kelly 47. 69, 109 farnsworth. Connoe 109 Farnsworth. Jana 109 Farnsworth. losa 68. 79, 109 Ferro, Nocky 109 Forbush. Janet 110 foster, Wendy Fowkes. Steve 110 Francom. Doane 110 Fullmer. Cheryl 110 fynbo. Maureen 109


Hadll'y. Ang<'la 110 Hansl'n. All<!n 110 Hansen. Rochard I(X) Hansen, Rocky 110 Hansen. Shero Ill Tero Han•en Hardong. Kerrol' Ill Harkons. Dan 56. 69. Ill Harmon, Dwame 21. 78. SO. 81. Ill Harms. bleen ' Hams. Robert 69. Ill. 123 Harston, Robyn 84, Ill Harward. Cynthia SO. Ill. 171 Hat held. Kevon Halton, Rochard Ill Ha.ens. Douglas Ill Heder. Ouonn 35. 69. Ill Hconola, Saty Ill Hl!nderson. Broan Ill Hl'ndrocks. St<'v<'n 15. 35. 42. 69. Ill Hl'nrll', Nancy Ill Hensler. lo.clly Ill Holl . Mochat'l 41. 69. 88. 105, Ill HofhoneJ. Brent 89. Ill. 173 Holder. Mochael Hollonger. Dennos Ill Hughey. Marshall 20. 81. 83. Ill. 123 Hurdsman. Vocko

Kotchen. Kl'llo 23. 62, 82. II}, 122. 172 Koyota. Kelly 105. 106. 112. 171 Kockerhans. Rochard Krebs. Maq~oe

IIIII Larten, Clont 112 Larsen. Mark II} leany. Gerald 112 Lee Hae-Myong ler. Hae-Woon 112 L..-e. Ryan 78, 89. 112. 172. 173 Leprey. Jodo 47. 112 l<'stt'r. Scott 21. 78. SO. 81. 112 Ludlow. Kelly 69. 70. 93. II} lund, David 112 Lundstrom. Jodo II} lyon. Terry 112

rnmrnmrn Mace. JoAnn Machay. leroy 112 Madten. Lauroe 78. 113 Malwom. Casey 113 Mander. Cathy 68, 113. 172 Marden. Suzanne 70. 75. 79. 113 Matheson. Davod 22. 81, 113. 172 Mathor. Heather Maughan. Angela 22. 81, 92. 104. 113, 122. 170. 173 Maxfield. Debbol' 113 Maxfoeld. Pamela SO. 69. 113 Maynard. Teren 113 Mcalloster. Vorgonoa 84. 104, 172 McDonald. Annette 113 McEntore. tv<' 113 MCNeal. Phollop 113 M<'adows. Chrosoton<' 113 M..-cham. Davod H. 75. 113 M<'dian. Paul 35, 69 Meldrum, Mochael 34. 56. 113 Moiler. Clifford 113 Moiler. hrncst 74. 75. 77 Moiler. Wolht 113 Monnock. Charles 113 Mitchell. Garth Moralet. Londa Morril. Rex Mulhn<'r. Katho 105. 113 Murphy. Sandra 113

nnnnn Na. Kyong Nelson. Curto• 113 N<'bon. Dave SO. 81, 114 Nelson. Thomas Newhouse. Marsha 114 Noelten. Dayna 87. 114 Nol'lsen. Jeffrey 114. 172 Noelson. Becky 86. 114. 171, 172 Noelson. John 69. 114 Noelson. Marcyn<' 67, 114 Noffsonger. Jan 73. 76, 77. 114 Norton, Juha II. 73. 81. 114 Nuzman. Donno<' 85. 114

Parker. K<'nny 114, liS Parks. Chrostonc 114 Parry. Rachel 21. 114. 170. 172. 173 Paskons. Sheri 114 Patterson, Vocky 84. 114 Payton. James 85. 114 Peacock, Shelah 115 P<'rrenoud. Charlotte 78. SO. 115 Peterson. Jana 115 Peterson, Randy 42. liS Pham. Hoew Than Poper. k or by 115 Poll. James liS Powell. Wallace 35. 69. 115 Praag. Kun 86. 115 Proce. Mark 115

rrrrr Rager. Kart'n 78. 82. liS Rands. Joe Ra tch. Wilhelm Reeve, Ravae Reoch. Mochael 69. 115 Reod. Eroc 89. 115 Remy. Lou liS Rochmond. Marollee 115 Rocks. Scott 69. 115 Rleben. Jackie liS Roberts, C ondy 115 Robons. Broan Robonson. lyle 115 Roosendall, Kevon 115 Ross, Jo.om liS Roth. Kunberly 116 Rowell. David 116 Rul'ckert. Natalie 116 RuffeD. Lynn 35. 116 Runolfson, Bret 116

sssss Schmodt, Troy 116 Schofoeld, Gary Schott. Davod 84. 116 Schow. Chmtona 84. 105. 116 Schultz. D<'nlse Schwarzcor. Angeloka 71. 92. 105. 116 Scorzato. Susan 48. 69, 70. 84, 116 173 Scott. Llfhe 47. 69, 70. 116. 172 Scroggon. Chnstoe 84. 116 Scroggon. hddy 41, 42. 69. 116 Scope!. Danny 83. 116 Shl!pard. Ooanr Sheolds. James 116 Shoflett. Cindy 69. 116 Soebold. Carolyn 116 Sornons. J Brad 84. 116. 122 Somonson. Katherne 67. 116 Smith. Brent 85. 116 Snuth. Douglas 69. 116 Soow, Stephanoe SO. 117 Spencer, karro 86. 117 Spencer. Lon 86, 117 Sprmger. Gwen Stauffer. Larry 34, 55. 69, 117 St<'lnag<'l. John 35, 88. 106, 117 Summerall. Mark 69 Sundell. Wade 117 sw .. nson. Juloe 20. 21. 81. 117, 123. 173


jj jjj

Olophant. Raele<'n 114. 172 Olson. Ooxoe 14. 23. 84. 114. 122 Olsen, Davod 114 Ordakowsko. Mark 73. 74. 75, 114 Ostler. Jeffrey 22. 114 Ottman. Kevon 69. 114

Tang, Van·Monh 117 Tirr. Rebecca 80. 117 Taylor, Broan 117 Taylor. John 117 Thomas. B<'rt 117 Thomas. D<>ua Thome. Moclwlle 12. 81, 104. 117 Thompson. Davod 117 Thompson. Troy 117 Thornwall, Connoe 68. 79. Ill, 117 Todwl'll. Shauna 78, 117 Tolman. laraln<' 89. 117 Tonj~lfh. Andy 85. 117. 171 Tran. Trung Hao 117 Tsosoe. Harrison 41. 69. 85. 11 7, 122

Jackson. Pallo 112




Uhbarro. Losa 118 Utley. Debra 81, 86. 118

vvvvv VanAonen. Enc Vance. Mochael 118 Vanekelenburg, Mochell<' 67. 83, 118. 170 Vang. Lee Vang, Ye<' Voravong. Ketulone 118

wwwww Wade. Alan 118 Walden. Tom 42. 118 WaH, Mark 21. 55. 56. 69. 78. SO. 104. 105.118. m Walters. Craog 35. 118 Waltert. Geesette 66. 67. 118 Wardell, Harold Webster. Mark 85. 118 Welch, Jeffery 35, 56. 57. 69.118, 122 West. Kevon 118 Westeronan. Ahct' 118 Wolcox. JoAnne Wolcox. Michelle 67. 118 Wolhams, Gary 118 Wolloams. Kroston 118 Wonkler, Russell 118. 184 Wossler. Rochard 118

yyyyy Yates. Jolynn 84 Yazh<'. Kevon 85 Yl'hmas. Solja 118

JUNIORS aaaaa Adams. Doane 67. 125 Adams, Jeffery 125 Anderton, Corronne 63. 125 Adler, Dawn 14. 64. 125 Aonsworth. LeeAnn 67. 125 Aonsworth. Scott 1}5 Albrechtsen, Moke All<!n. Ronald 125 Allen. Debboe 6 7, 125 Allgood, Melodoc Alvarev. Adroana 125 Anderson, Gona 125 Anderson, Randall Anderson, Ty 125 Arnold. Bruce 125 Asay. JuloeAnnt' 90 Axtell. Terry 125

bbbbb Bak<'r, landaU 20. 35. 81. 125 Baker, Shell<!y SO. 69 Baldwon, Jane 79, 86. 125 Banford, Stace 125 Barnt'tt. Mary Ann 125 Baugh. Jeanette 125 BNI. JaNae 48, 69 Beckstead. Kork 83. 125 Bl'hrmann, Margarrt 125 Bellon, Bnan 125 Bentley, Mark 57. 125 B<'ss. Dt>bra l yn 125 Bongham, Davod 125 8orch. Bradley 125 Btt'rregaard. AniJI<' 64. 83, 125 Blackwood. kar~n 81 Blomquost, Rochard 41, 69. 125. 172 Bradford. Merrolyn 68 Br•dy. Juhi'Ann 19, 105 Br.Jnd. Carla 51. 70, 125 Brandt. David 125 Br~es..-. Kyrona 90. 1}5 Brewster Cl.1rd 125 Brewstl."r, Oavod

Brewster. Melou~ 126 Brodge, leu 126 Bronkerhoff, Mochael 34. 126 Broadhead. lee 4l. 60 Broadhead, lynn 42. 126 Broberg. Marty Brooksby. Darren 126. 17l Brown. Gina lynn 126 Brown, Sheldon 69. 126 Browning. Cameron 35. 69. 126. 183 Bryant. John 126 Buena. Moke 77, 126 Butler. Clark 126 Butler. James 73, 83, 126 Butler. Stephen Byergo. Juloe

ccccc Calton, P~trtck ll6 Cannon. Rort 67. 84, ll6 Capson, Gentel ll6 Carlson. Barbara ll6 Carlson, Doane Carter. JeAnna 69. 70. 126 Chansamone, Naphaphon ll6 Chap.nan. Stephan Chavez. Jody 35, 56. 57, 69, 126 Chodester. Cheryl 126 Cholds. Robert 93. 187 Chrostensen. kathryn ll6 Chrostensen. Rodhl'r 73, H. 75 Clark. Joy ll6 Colher, Trent 69, ll6 Conner, Karla 78 Cooper. Derl'k 56. 57. 69. 87. 126 Couanza. Juhe ll6 Cowley. Sandra 126 Crump. Charlene ll6 Crystal. Tymothy 81. ll6 Culmer. Terri 79. 81. ll6 Curt is. Marshall ll6

ddddd Dahn. 105. ll6 Delaguola. Rosalvona Demaree, James 83. ll7 Demoll. Kent 83. ll7 Dennoson, John ll7 Denslow. Monru ll7 Deuel. Annette ll7 Dexter. Mochellt' ll7 Dockerman. Kart'n 1l7 Dockerman, Ron 1l7 Ooneen. John ll7 Donahue, Tom ll7 Dotson. Kelly ll7 Duncan. Jon 83, ll7 Duran. Jody ll7 Durfee. Dt>nose 79. ll7 Dyches. Dyann ll7

eeeee Ebert, Mcltnn ll7 Ebert. Tracey Eddongton. Dale ll. 78. 80. ll7 Edwards. Chrostoe Elkongton. Brent Esponosa. Marla ll7 Evens. Tandi 67. 76. 127 Evenson. Terri ll7

fffff Faols. Debra Fakatouftfota. Haonr fata. Patrocoa ll7 Follmore. Troy ll7 ford. Jaclo.ot' ll7 Frampton, Anthony 1l7 Frampton, Rochard ll7 Franchtna, Bradley ll7, 17l frotz. Davtd

ggggg Gallagher. Dan 34. 69. 105. 1l7

Gaftegos, Rochard 1l7 Garnes, Gene 34. 69. 9l. ll7, 133 Goles. Mochael ll7, 17l Gillman. leAnn ll7 Glad. Connoe 80. ll7 Got'tz. Donald 83. Gogan. Maron 13. lO. l3. 105. ll4. llS Goold, Tammy 70, 1l8 Gouldong. Dave ll7 Green, Rochelle 81, 17l Greer. Sandra 67, ll8 Groneman, John Groves. Juloe ll7. 17l Grygla. Karen ll8 Guffey, Gary ll8 Guss. Martina ll8 Gutierrez. Rochard

hhhhh Hadly, Steve Hagberg. Aloce llR Ham, Broan 17, 34, 69, ll8 Hansen . Debra ll8 Hansen, Patti 79, ll8 Hansen. Tauna ll8 Hardong, Danny 1l8 Hargos , Komberly ll8 Harmon. Terry ll8 Harnngton. J•moe Harm. Jamoe 8l. 1l8 Harrts, Troy Hart. ken Hartwell. Glenda ll8 Harward. Teresa 74, 75, 86, 1l8 Hermansen. Broan llS Ht>rnandea. Meloni' ll8 Hess. Carl 1l8 H1ort, John ll8 Hofelong. Elizabeth 19. 67, 1l8 Hofhones. Russell ll8 Holloday, Randy Hollinger, Kar<>n 105. 1l8 Hollinger. Sharon 47, 69, 70. ll8 Holm. Annette 69. ll8 Holt, Beverly ll8 Homt'r, Paula 86. 91. 1l8 Hone, Darla 86. ll8 Houmond, Alyson 1l8 Hung. Tan Van ll8 Huntley. Terry ll8 Hymas. Susan

iiiii lskulehto, Raomo

iii jj Jacobson. Tmha ll8 )avos, Mocht'al Jensen. Pamela 64, ll9. 17l Jt'nsen. Shetla 74. ll9 Jenson. Chrosty ll8. 17l Jentuch, Condy 67. 8l. ll9 Johnson. l ynnettt' 73. H. 75, ll9.

l7l Johnson. Mtchael 40. 69. 77. 105. ll9 Johnson, Steven 19. 69. ll9 Johnston. Wendy ll9 Jones. Condy l4.'4.' 64. ll9 Jones, Jeffery 93. 105, 1l7, ll9, 17l, 186 Jones. Kathleen 84. ll9. 17l Jones, Tht'ron ll9

kkkkk kelson. Carl kenned y, Tetna ll9 Kennelly. l«• 70. ll9 kt>zele. John kmg. Scott Kmg. Weldon Knt>rr. Troy Knudsen . Todd 55. 69. ll9 Kocht>rhans. Mary Koehler. Susan 41, 69. 105. ll4. ll9 Korm. Thy 55

Kunz. Danoel 73. 75. ll9

IIIII lake. Bobby 73. 75, ll9 Larsen. Brent ll9 leanard. Jerry ll9 Leavitt, loro 47 lems. David ll9 leonard, Debboe ll9 lewos, Maroe ll9 lonnarz. Jerry l on nell, James ll9 loster. Sharon ll9 Uvongston. Jommy ll9 long, Scott ll9 lucero. VtctOI'ta ll9 luck, Krtstln

mmmmm Macondald. Jeff Mace, laura 6l, 70, ll9 Madrogal, Rochard ll9 Madson, Robyn 86, 94, ll9 Madsen. Susoe 90. ll9 Marden, Chros 41. 4 7, 77, 91 Maroney. Mochal'l Marsh, ChroS!IOI' ll9 Martinez. Chm 34. 69, ll9 Martinez, Cmdy 130 Maughan. Moke 130 Maw. Juhe Ann 130 McCall. Ty 16. 130 McClure, ~ent 83. 130 McComb. John 130 McCOI'mock. Vtcko 130 McDonald. Buckley. 130 Mcfarlane. Jt>ff 69, 130 MCilrath. Susan 130 MCpht>rron. Denise Meadows. Jason 73. 77, 130 Medona . Bobby 69. 105. 130 Mt'ldrum, Doug 130 Melvolle. Edwon 35. 55. 130 Miller. Cmdy Moiler. Jolene 86. 130 Moiler, Maureen 67. 130 Moller. Ronnoe 73 Molls. Darren 130 Monnock. Davod 69. 130 Molouf, Margo Moore, Condy 130 M«tll. Gary 130 Mortt'nson. Tonya 130 Mounteer, Ben Mousley. Mont Mutr. Gary 130 Mullen. Roy Murdock . Troy Mutereoch. Crostone 130 Myrock, Cratg

nnnnn r-.elson, luara Newbold. larry 4l. 130 Nochols. Wade 130 Norton. Dawn 64. 130 Nuffer, Eve 89, 130

00000 Oar. Mocht'lle Ober. Sherry Oleavus. Sally 130 Olyn. John 73. 75. 130 Oliphant. Denose 130 Olson. Monte 130 Olson. Nocky Orme. Scoll 35. 130. 17l Ortega. Bobby 130 Osborne, Scott 69. 130 Ottman. Koeth. 131

ppppp Page. Cory. 8l. Ill Parder, Debboe 67, 131

Parson. Ronald 34. 131 Patton. Broan 131 Pearce. Carolyn 13l. 17l Pearson. losa Pelt, Stanley 131 Pendt>lton. l~uroe ll. 78. 80. 131 Perry, Chross Perry. Moke 131 Peterson. Corby 131 Peterson, Jamt's Pt>terson. Mochael 69. 131 Pone. Steven 131 Porter. leanna 51. 131. 17l Praag. Ertc 131 Provard, Mochael 83. 93. 131 PudOI'. DebOI'ah 131 Pulsopher. Randy 131

rrrrr Ray, Annette 131 Reece. Stacey 9l. 131 Reed. luann 131 Rees. Russell 131 Reod. Joseph 131 Roches. Kevin 35. 55. 131 Richins, Patsy 131 Roet. Davod 131 Robonson. krostlne 86. ll4. 131 Rodrtgues. James Romero. Rodger Roth. Dt>bbot> 69. 90. ll4. 131 Rowe. kevon 77, 81, 131 Rowt>U, Jon 131 RoseU. Don Ruboo. Fernando 41, 79, 131

vvvvv Valdarro, Robert 35. 13l Vawdrt>y. l«o 13l Vooles, Broan ll, lO. 80. 81. 13l

wwwww Welch. Kenny 35, 69. 13l Welch. Tamara 86, 13l Whittenburg. Danny 40. 69. 132. 18l Wockel, Mar~ 34. 69. 13l Wilcox. James 144 Wllkonson. Wendy 8l Wollette. Cella 63. 13l WiUrams. Robert 13l Wonkler. Peggy 133 Wtnter, Maroe Wrseman. Robert 133 Woodruff. ltnda 68. 79. 133 Wong. losa Worthen, losa 16, 69. 79. 133 Wright. Brenda 67. 75, 76. 90. 133

yyyyy Yates. Blake 133. 17l Yazhe, Marcoa Young. Jana 70. 133 Young. l«o 48, 68, 69, 133

zzzzz Zepf, Roc hard

sssss Savage, Rochard 55. 93. ll8. 131 Schoffman, Jonathan 131. 17l Schnt>lle. Amy 18. 69, 105, 131 Schofield. Steven 131 Schollmeyer. Joe 34. 69. 88. 89. 105. 124, 131 Schultz. Vodt Ill Sharples. Teresa 13l SheD. Davod 35. 69, 13l Shaw, Tony Shaw, Davod Shettel. Barbra 67 Solcox, Scott 69 Stmasongh. Asapong Stmasmgh. Sou·thep Snllth. Condy 47, 69, 70, 13l Smith. Debboe 86. 13l Smith. Kart>n 13l Smoth. Mero-1o 86. 91. 132 Smoth, Sterling 13l Snodeman. Jeff 13l Somchot, Somsak Sorenson. Bryan 13l Stanlet, Ht'odo Steadman. James 34. 13l St.--ens. Mary 13l Strebel. Ronald 13l SummareD SundeH. kelll 13l

ttttt Tan. Van-Hung Tang, Van·Hung Taylor. Dale Tayl«. Robert Taylor. Susan Terry, Angela 78, 87, 93. 13l Tesch. Jody 13l Thacker, Rebecca 13l Thackeray. Danny 69. 13l Thomas, Johnny 13l ThOI'ne, Jodoe 13l Throdmorton. Cathlt'en 13l TtdweU. kevon 13l T1agvad. Steven T ran. Soo-Denh 13l Turner. Arthur. 83. ll5. 13l

uuuuu Ullbarro, lanae

SOPHOMORES aaaaa Aavola. Del 139 Adams, loro 47, 139 Adt>lman. Scott 139 Allen. Tammy 47. 69. 70. 105. 138 Allen. Paula 139 Allgaoer. Susan 139 Anderson. Lars 83. 139 Anderson. Jan Angell. oann 138 Androm. Flynn 45. 139 Arnold, Ronnoe 139 Arnold. Elaone 70. 77, 139 Auston. Mochele 90. 91. 139 Ayers, Nancy 65, 81, 139

bbbbb Baca. Danny Baoze, Jared Batley. Alan 45, 78, 139 Baldwon, Mar~ 139 Ba•ney. Chns 139 Baranslo.o. D<'bboe 139 Bates. Drana 139 Seal. Robert 139 Bednarok, Tamara 139 B..ll. Condy 73. 75. 139 Berrett, Mark 139 Best, Mochelle 79, 139 Betts, Joey 139 Bolls. Shauna 18, 73. 75, 139 Brrd. Robon 141 Blanke, Deborah 141 Bosch. Rulon 77 Bowman. Paoge 141 Brown. Mochael 141. 142 Brown. Joe 35. 141 Brtmhall. Ruth 86. 141 Buc~end«f. Kevtn Bueno, Davod 141 Buford. Karalee 47. 79, 141 Burgener, Dennos Burgon. Davod 141. 153 Butler. Dorothy 141 Butkovoch. Tono 49, SO. 67. 69. 70. 93. 141


ccccc Caldwell. Tammy Caldwell. l~on 141 Carslon. Randy 73. 75. 141 Carlson. C1ndy 141 Cart~r. R1chard 31. 81. 141 Casey. M1chelle Chm1lleb. Duane 141 Chns rofferson. B1ll Chmllan. Stacey 141 Chmtensen. Shonr~l 67. 141 Chmrensen. Robert 141 Chorhon. Sharon 70. 141 Clegg. Sandy 90. 140 Clemenu. lynda Jo 140 Clark. Steven 141 Coggle. Vern 140 Cook. Don Cooper. E1leen 71. 140 Cope. laura lee Co .. ley. R1chard 140 Cowley. Scoll Cracr.th. Dernck 140 Cravens, Pamela 51, 70. 140 Crcssall. Srevan 55. 140 Crouch. Phyllis 84. 140 Crump. Bnan 140 Cunningham. Joseph 45, 69. 140 Cunn~ngham. Trac y 140

ddddd Dahl. Sandra 81. 140 Danoels. Norma Dansoe. Jeffrey 57, 69. 79 Davos. Conn~e 140. 147 D~cker. Chuck 35 Dennogron. Wendy 73. 75. 140 Dennos. l mda 6 7. 140 Densley. Troy 45. 56. 74. 76. 140 Despa1n, Charlo11e 73. 75. 81. 140 Dollard, Dawn DoKon. Rebecca 140 Draper. Bnan 140 Duncan. londa 67. 90. 140

eeeee Eckman. Mckay 141 Edgerly. Shane 140 Edwards. lashclle 86. 142 Edwards. Nancy 142 Elkms. Dav1d 45. 14) Eliason. Trosha 71. 141 Ell1son. Robert 142 Espmosa. franco hans. Jack1e 93. 141 Evans. Denese 75, 79. 142 h.tns. Jan1ce Evan. M1chael 35. 141 Ev~nsen. Darren 69. 142


l1vmgsron. Marlene 145 lov~all. Mochal!l 79, 145 lucero. Rebt'cca 145 lullrell. Seleena 105, 145. 151

hhhhh Hagbt'rg. Joycelyn Haor. Shannon 47. 69. 70. 143, 151 Hales, Brent Hamohon, Damn 143. 181 Hancock. Sco11 143 Hane. Chou 143 Hansen, Troy Hansen. kyle 19. 56, 57. 69. 140. 143 Hardcastle. Heodo 143 Hardong. Jeffery 143 Hardong. Tern 47. SO. 69. 70. 143 Hargos. Ronn1e 143 Harm. Mareo 83, 143 Harston, l1sa 81. 84. 143 Hatch. Jay 143 Ha11on. Chrosllne Heaps. Jamoe 143 Heder. Van 143 Helw1ch. John 143 Hensler. B1lly 83. 143 Herman. Mochael 143 Hermansen. loron 143 Hepner. leeAnn Hockman. hmar.t 67. 143 Hoskey. Clara Hoh. Brad 144 Hoh. Donna SE. 144 Hooser. Sco11 77. 144 Hopes. Rachelle 144 Horscrolr. Debra 90. 144 Houghton. karen 79. 138, 144 Howard. Glt>nn 144 Hutcheon. karen 16, 144 Hyde. Grege 45. 144. 153

iiiii Isaacson, John

jjjjj Jackson. Dav1d 144 Jacobson. Doane 144 Jacobson. kane 81. 144 James. Mochael 144 Jensen. Jane 144 Johnson. lmda 144 Johnson. Mochael 40. 144 Hohnson. Nancy 144 Johnson. Tawny 144 Johnston. Ted 144 Jonsson, Debra 89. 144 Jorgenson. Bryce 144. ISO Jurellch. Chanrelle 144. 145


faldmo. Sheryl '8. 80. 142 fehler. kelly 142 Fern Ton~ f1sher. Crysrall41 f1sher. CAroline 65. Forbush. Sco11 141 Fned. Snawne

kee. Shauna kelly. Scoll 144 Krmp. Ryan 144 kenyon. Cory 55. 145 K1el. Paul 145 kokkola Debb1e 47. 145 krebs. Paul 83. 151 kunz. Brnr 151 kunz. Rose



Gallup, Wayne 141 Gamble. Bary Gardener. kom 49. 69. 142 Garnt>s. Clayton 89. 90. 91. 142 B1bbs. kork 141 Goles. Cam~ 141 Gllgen. Thomas Gollellr. kenneth 141 Glassey . Allison 141 Goodlello ... Tracor Gogan. Uoy 21. 45 . 141 Gorbt'rg. Colleen 143 Grern, C1ndy 143. 148 Green. Darryl 143


Croneman. Shelly 143 Gu11errez. Enedella

lacon!. Todd lambert. loro 145 lambt'rr. li.n111n 75. '6. 145 lamoni. Karen 145 lampme. Dave 145 larsen. sr~v~ 41. 145 lawson. kurr 145 ~rarned. Donna 67. 145 learnod. Holly 145 Lemonds. Tammy 68. 19. 80, 145 lems. Robt'rt 145 lt>wJS. Deborah l mdsey. londa 145 lloyd. Cynlhoa 145. 149

mmmmm Manwoll. Doana 145 McAIIIstrr. karrn 47, 65. 69, '0. 145 McCall. krosry 71. 146 McCleery. lanell 146 McCaffree. Marco 47, 65. 69, 70. 145 McDonald. Shaney 146 McEntyre. Dan~el 41. I~ McFarlane. Kathlene Marchanr. kork 146 Marchant. Tmha 51. 145 Maroner. C 1ndy 146 Mar11nez. Cand1e 145 Marllnez, Marcoa 145 Maw. losa 145 MaK,.eU, k.tlhy MaKwell. Mark 41. 141. Mecham, Annellr 146 Melville. Marcus 35. 55. 146 Menna. Mane 146 'vloddaugh. Tanya 78, 146 M1ller. Claudta 146 M1ller. John 146 Moiler. Joy 139. 146 Mtlhgan. Dave Molls. Sherdyn 79. 90. 146 Mmhd1e1 , Tan 146 Montoya. l1nda 67 Moore. Karnna 47. 65. 69. 146 Moore. Mochael 45. 146 Mortensen. Glenn 146

nnnnn Nance. Tonya 146 Nelson. Dorene 41. 51. 69. 146 Nelson. James 42. 69. 146 "rison. Jerry Nelson. Gonny 146 Nt>lson. 'vl1kr 45. 147 N1t>lson. Srephanoe 65. 146 Norotan. Chns rme 75. 147

00000 Oakason. Moke Obnen. Robert 147 Ohver. Doane 145. 147 Olson. M1ke 147 Olson. Todd 40. 147 On11veros. SoaCJ 81. 147 Orme. 'v11chael 105. 138. 147 Osborn. M1chelle 47. 147 Ostler. Kurt 90. 147 Oilman. Jaonn 147 Overman. KfiSII<' 147 Ov1a11, Tracy 147

PPPPP Pangos l1sa '0. 147 PMamore. Randy 147 Payne. Tammy 75, 147. 152 Payton, Da"'n 81. 147 Pucock. Carol 71. 79. 147 Prrkons. TerC'u Prrrrson. Mark 41. 147 Peterson. Lesa 67. 14 7 Peterson. Sco11 147 Peterson. Troy Peterson. Val 147 Phollops. Chr1s 148 Player. Mall 148 Podlesny. Doall(' 7S. 148 Powell. Junm1e 148 Powrll. Julor 148 Pnc~. Sco11 148 Provard. John 148 Pullan, Shern 19, 148

rrrrr Ray. larry '3 7S. 148 Rochardson. Jerry 45. 69. 8J

R1chardson. Nockko Roebt'n, Tona 148 R1nehart. Gaol 148 Ruzman. Wendee 47. 69. 70. 148 Robmson, l1nda 93. 148 Rodrogues. Ale1endra 151 Rodgers. Danny 77. 148 Rogers. Sco11 148 Rose, Robyn 148 Ross. Coroe 65. 148 Rullell. Anlynn 89 Rulon, Brad 148

sssss Sanders. C ynrhoa 148 Sayers. Chad 47. 105. 148 Suron. Allen 69. 77. 148 Schnt'oter. Stephen 40. 69. 148 Schoelorld. lant'll 148 Schou. KrJStma 77. 148 Sco11. Rhonda 149 Sekerer. Ann 73. 75. 105. 149 Severson, kevon 149 Shy. Tr.tcy 149 Sharp. Carrie 149 Sherroll. Gr~gory Shoelds. Mark 149 Sh1fle11. Kevm 149 Somons. Doug 149 Somons. Holly 84, 149 S~oubye. Jell .>1. 149 Smuh. Damon 78. 149. Sm11h. kendall 35. 45. 149 Snow. Cast>y 69. 149 Sorenson. loro 149 Sorenson. Rusell 149 Spnnger. Connoe 149 Steadman. Jerald 40. 45.105.138, 149 Srrarns. Angela Srorper, MaryAnn 149 Srromberi. Suzanne 78. 80. 149 Sybrowsky. Colleen 84. 80. 149

ttttt Tan. Monh Koer 149 Tanner. Pa111t> 149 Tarr. Joll '8. '9. 149 Taylor. Junmy Terry. kelly Thacker. R1chard 149 Thacukeray. Jason 149 Thomas. k1m 66. 67. ISO Thompson. Debra ISO Thompson. Kom ISO Thompson. Jerry ISO Thompson, Tammy ISO Thorn~d. Roger ISO Thornwall. Crystal 79. ISO Tohno. lt'nora Truong. Van Tobon. Morhael ISO Turu. Allrn ISO

uuuuu Urton. lama 80. 81. ISO

vvvvv Vanderhoek Charlour ISO Valrnzuala. Paul 35. 56. 57. 105. ISO VersluiS, John ISO Voravong. kon

wwwww Wall Glade Wallace. M~rgarer Warburton. Holly ISO Washburn. Bryan JS. ISO Waus, Brrn1 Websrer. Mathew ISO Wiech. DeniS!! ISO WeUoniton. Carolyn ISO Welhngron. Sharlyn ISO Wesrph.tl. Randy ISO Wharton. Juhe W1icoK. Janet

Williams, Arthur 151 W1ll1ams. Kayleen lSI Wolson. leland Wilson. Sammy 89. 90. W1n1erhauler, Carla 75. 151 W1ssler. Steven 151 Workman. Stell an 151 Worhon. Annelle 65. 151.

yyyyy Youne. Davod 151 Young, Jon

zzzzz Zalh. Susan 70. 151 Zupan. Connoe 75. 151

FRESHMEN aaaaa Abbou. Randa 155 Adollson. Rochard Adkms. Mananne 155 Aons .. orrh. Srne H. 74. 155 Allan. Mary 155 Allen. Alvon 39. 83. 155 Allt'n. R1c k 55. 155 Anderson. kayleo 71, 155 Anderton. Andrew 77. 155 Anderron. Conn~e 155 Arayle. Jell 39. 155 Asay. Enc Arkon. losa 155 Ayrrs. Julie 155

bbbbb Babcock. N1kko 155 B.t1less. Jell 155 Ba1iey. Carl 155 Bailey. Su•ven 39. 7S. 155 Baker. Sco11 155 Baldwon. Andrew 156 Barrock. Moch.tel 155 Barrunek. Darnn Basra. Susan 155 Barron. Chr11 155 Bares. Susan 155 Bures. Ailed 155 Baugh. losa 155 Ba-rer. Juhe 71. 90. ISS Belh. Jeu1ca 155 Bennoon. J1ll 47, 155 Berre11. Jean~,.- 79. ISS Berry. Maroa 155 B1shop. Srou J9. 156 Bwrreh.tard. Antony J9. 156 Bolliger. Dus11n J9. 156 BonJSterl. M1<haet 156 Bonner. Wendy 41. 69. 156 Borrunok. Darr111 156 Brady. kary 71. 156 Brand. Cnsry 49. 51. 70. 156 Brandt. (roc 156 Brannon. Shane 156 Bre,.srrr. Phllop 156 Bnnron. Valene 156 Brockbank. Robert Broders. Jellrry 156 Brown. Broan 156 Brown. Dav1d 156 Brown. RIChard 39. 156 Brown, Sra<ey 156 Brown. Todd Bry.tnt. Jay 39. 156 Buchanan. Stacy 80. IS6 Burden. kerry 156 Burger. John 156 Bureon. Drmce 11 156 Burr. Josl!ph 156 Buller. Deonne 73. 75. 90. 156 Butler Ten 156 Buuerloeld. Jackot 71. 156

ccccc Caldwe ll . Steven 156 Campb~ll. Julie 79. 86. 157 Calton, Wendy 157 Carter. Bradley 157 Cartmell. Billy 157 Cavies. Patricia 157 Chaves. Francisco 157 Chaves. Tony 157 Christensen. Alan 39. 73. 75. IS 7 Christensen. Chad 79. 157 Chris tensen. Scoll 39. 46. 15 7 Chris tensen. Shane 39. 46. 154, 157 Christoansen. Steve 157 Clem. Deborah 73. 157 Conner . Frank 157 Coffin. M~lanie 70. 71. IS 7 Coleman. Shana 157 Collier . John IS 7 Colver. Arthur 155 Coombs, Kenneth IS 1 Cooper. Kimber 79. 157 Cooper, Tero 90. 157 Corso. Thad 157 Cos tanza. John 39, 15 7 Cou le. Robert 39. 157 Cracraft. Ted 157 Creer. Bonnoe 47, 157 Crump. Jeflery 90. 157 Crump. Troy 157 Culmer. Tye IS 7 Curlts . Shawny 15 7

ddddd Dana. Mondy 157 Dansoe. John 157 Dansoe. Troy 157 Davos . Evereu Davos. Randy Davos. Reed Deans. Deborah Deem. Davod 46. 158 DelaCrue. Doana 15 7 Dennongton. Shorley Dennos , She r yle 158 Dennoson. Maroan IS 7 Denslow. Bre11 79. 158 Doal. Troy 158 Dockonson . Shelly Dooley . Tonya 15 7 Dorman. Moke 73 . 90 Dumas. Aloson 158 Durfee. Kathleen 79, 158

eeeee Eakle. Jera Eddington , John 46. 76. 77, 158 Eddongton. Jayson 158 Edelelston. Mochelle 158 Egelston. Michelle 158 Elk ongton. Cory 158 Elder. Kroston 158 Emerson. Paula Erockson. Sherry 65. 158 Esplon, Tert'ZZa 77, 158 Evans. Carolyn 158 Everoll. Jell

fffff ~addos , Kellh farmer. Vern 158 farnsworth , Susan 71. 158 fonley . Hoyd 158 f loppo. J oseph flake. Hal 158 f I~ 1cher . Thomas ford. Wendy 71. 79. 158 ~owlk s. Ross 158

ggggg Gabbuas . Gayton . 158 Garahana. Marcelone 158 Gauno. Jared 158 Geerosen . Grant 69. 158

Gentry. Dion Groffilhs. Chris Golgen. George 158 Gillespie. Alice 49. 159 Glover. Guy 159 Goodfellow. Brenda 13. 75. 159 Goodroch. laurie 65 Goff. Andrea 93. 159 Graham. Ra ndy 159 Graham, Paul 159 Grams. Maroe 159 Greeff. Hans Green. Gerald Green. Kyle 159 Greenwood. Ryan 83. 159 Greer. Bonnoe Greer. Douglas 159 Grenne. Shannon, Groffith, Carl Groves. Kenneth 159 Grygla . Johnna 47. 71. 159 Gurney. Aaron 39, 71, 105, 159

hhhhh Habens. Rob on. 73. 75. 159 Hagberg. Carl Hardcastl.e. Carolyn 48. 159 Hansen. l oz 47. Hansen 48. 51. 65. 69. 70. 159 Hatfield, Ke11h 39. 88. 90. 159 Hauon. Mochael 90. 159 Helm . Alan 39, 77 . 159 Herroan. Davod 160 H~lw och. Sandy 51. 160 Heder. Boll 55. 159 Hoal. Sh~lty 160 Hone. Br~nda 86. 160 Honnen. Steve 60 Hoat. She ll y 160 H~nderson. Sandra 17. 47. 49. 10, 76. 160 Hamolton. Audrey 154. 159 Harston. Steve 159 Harmon. Clark 159 Harlan . Andrea 86. 159 Hambleton. Shelly 159 Hansen, Maro 159 Hansen. Sharo 159 Hansen . Shauna 159 Hansen. Trac y 65. 159 Harens . Robyn 159 Holtoday. Pao 160 Hoc kman. Carolyn. 160 Howard . Cheryl 77. 160 Horsecroft. Dalton 39. 73 . 75. 160 Houston. Karen 160 Householder. Jerry 160 Hauter. Tom 160 Howell. DeAnne 71. 160

iii ii lso. Davod 160 ls o. Moke 160 lskuleh. Ramono 160

j j jj j Jack. losa 160 Jacobson. Danne11 160 Jackson. Juhe 75. 160 James . arro~ 160 Jensen . Heather 160 Jensen. Tad 160 kwell . Aohena 160 Jones . Gone 160 Jones . Darryl 161 Jones. Davod 71, 90. 161 Jones. Jackoe 160 Jones . Jt>f f 160 Jones. losa Jones. Mochael Joseph. Tarec a 71. 160 Jones. Vorogna J<1hnson . Chros 65. 76. 161 Johnson. Kathy 77. 161 Johnson. Su zy 161 J<1hnson. Noky 47. 161 Judd. ferro 47. 65. 70. 161

Medina. Junior 16.2

kkkkk Katson. Appa soa 161 Katwyk. Troy 161 Kuadeen. Wade 161 Kezele. William 91, 105. 161 Koholm. Jeff 161 Killenger. Martha 81. 161 Kim. Chae King. Daron 161 Kiyota. Mochelle 105. 154. 161 Knoght. lonnie 79 Knusen. Wade 55 Krambule, Ronald 161 Kuehn. Todd 161 Kunz . Shelly 161

IIIII lake. laura 48. 73. 75 langenbaker. Rodney larsen. C ynth oa 161 larsen. Darren 161 l arsen. Scoll 76. 161 larsen. Tammra 81, 161 laughter. Shannon 161 lat wyk. Troy 39 lee. londa 47. 161 Lemonds. Mocheal 161 lengele. lola levone. Mo ndy 71. 161 lewos. Mochelle 161 lewos. Russett 39 lonmare. Jerry 161 lmdsey. Danoel 39 lonnarz. Brad 166 lloyd. Mochelle 161 lord. Nolana 161 lowery. Adlee lucero. Nat avodad 16.2 ludlow. Mark 39. 16.2 lyon. Dennos 16l

rnrnrnrnrn MacDonald. londa 71. 154 Mace. Jell 55. 105. 16.2 Mackay. loroe Mackay. Sharolyn 105. 16.2 Madrogal. Dallas 55. 16.2 Maes . Rock 16.2 Malstrom. Dyke 16.2 Mannong. Melodoe 16l Mansanarez. Tony 16.2 Markham. Mochael 16.2 Maroney. Pat Mason. frankoe Maughan. Greg 79. 16.2 McCornuck. Kelly 16.2 Mc Dermou. Becky 16.2 Mc Donald . Toffany 71. 77 , 16.2 Mc Dougal , Judy Mc Dougal. Scoll Mcfarlane. Troy 16.2 McGonnos. Tan d o 71, 16.2 Mc Neal. Komberly 16l Meadows. Dean 16l Moller . Gloroa Moller. Rochard 46, 16.2 Moller. Sherry 162 Moshier . Debra M11c hell . Janet 16.2 Montague. Mochael 39. 16.2 Moore. Jeneen 16) M11rales. James Muor. leeAnn 86. 16.2 Muoh~reoch. Karen 48. 51. 69. 7 3. 75. 16.2 Muthereoch. Kersten 48. 51. 69. 7 3. 16l Myers. Kork Myroc k. Tan11 65 . 163

nnnnn Na. Okoe Nance. Nocole 163

Steele. Wolliam 165 Steinagel. Jeffrey Stevens . Roy 165 Stevenson. Julie 165 Stokes. Davod 165 Stokes. David 165 Strong. Steve Swenson. Curtis 46. 165

Nelson. Brad 163 Nelson. Edwin Niemann. Julie Noffsonger. Kristine

00000 Oar. Melinda 82. 163 Oberg. Sheola 4 7. 163 Oliphano. Doug 159. 163 Olsen, Darren 39 Olson. Noel Olson. Sharon 71 Ostler. Kevon 163 Ost ler. Robert 39. 163


ppppp Pace. Sco11 163 Padmos. Robert 39. 163 Page. Ronald Parker. Carol Pa11erson. Denose 65. 163 Pauerson. M ochelle Payne. Rock Peacock. Rachel 163 Pt>ndleton. Jerry 105 Perez. Margaret 163 Perrenoud. Shelley 163 Phollops. Candy 163 Phopps. Ken Poerce. Andrew 163 Poper. lauroe 163 Player. Mathew Porter. Cynthoa 71. 79. 163 Powell. Shanna 163 Pronce. Susan 86. 163 Pracock. Kathy 13 Pryor. losa 163 Puder, Boll 163 Pulsopher. Cheryl B. 74, 75. 163

rrrrr Rager. Doane 78. 79. 164 Ramort>z. Candodo 164

Rasmussan . Jana Redf aorn. Oebboe 163 Reece. Stt>ven 39, 164 Reoben. C ondy 86. 164 Reoch. Kevon 69. 73. 164 R<'od. lorra one 164 Reoley. Sean 164 Rodrogu.-z . Andrew 73. 75. 83. 164 Rogers. Brent 39. 164 Rosenbaum. Mochelle 77. 164 Roth . Chrostoph 90. 164 Rowe. Broan 76, 77. 164 Runolfson. Russell 165

sssss Sadler. Annellt> 164 Sadler. Krostone 71. 160. 164 Sald ovar. Peter 164 Sdmlllh. Marot> 71. 79. 164 Schmodo. Toffany 164 Schnelle. Mark 164 Schofoeld. Noko 71. 164 Schollmt>yer. 8roge11 71. 86. 164 Schow . James 164 Sco11. Rob,•rt 164 Scr<~ggon. Russell 164 Sears. Kenneth 165 Seopel. An1eloca Sellers. Cathoe 165 Sharp. londa 86. 158. 165 Shaw, Greg Shell. Vanosha 47. 49. 154. 165 Shelton. Mauhew. 165 Sunons<1n. Mark 73. 75. 90. 165 Sondaor . Tanu 165 Slack. Bart 165 Smoth . Br<>ll 165 Smuh , Losa 165 Smnh . Jerolum 165 Smnh , Noble 165 Snouh. Pamela 47. 79. 165 Stanley. Mark 39. 165 Stay. Kevon. 165

ttttt Tackeu. Edward 165 Taft. Steve 39. 165 Taylor. Brad 156 Taylor. Dale 165 Taylor. Karen 51. 165 Taylor. Kathleen 49. 51. 165 Taylor. Ohvoa 165 Taylor. Sherman 165 Tetone. Paul 166 Thayer. Scoll 166 Thompson. Rhonda Thompson. Susan Thorne. Reese 166 Thurgood . Todd 166 T unmons. Troy

Tool<>. DeAnn 47. 65. 70.166 Toone . Koro 166 Tru1ollo. Nock 166 Tsao, Ch oa ·Chen 76. 166 Tyl<>r. Jean 166

uuuuu Uddley. Barry 166 Ulobarro. Adroan Urton . lanoa

vvvvv Vangr<~l. Darren Vanekt>kenberg. Gary 30. 39. 46. 166 Vanroosendaal. Wesley 166 Vonceno. Davod 39. 46, 166

wwwww Wat! e. Bonnoe 166 Wagst aft. Trosha 71. 166 Walke . Jennofer 47. 166 Waller. Kevon 166 Walt on, l yn 88. 166 Walters. Jed 73. 75. 166 Walton. Paul166 Washburn. Randall 55. 166 Wall. Shelloe Watts. Pamela 75. 166 Wentw<~rth. Tracy 166 West. Kathleen 166 While. James

Whotehead. Bruce ~ Whlltak.-r . lav11nne Wockel. Stacey 166 Wolkox . Davod 166 Wollams. Chrostone 166 Wols11n . Davod Wolson. Mll'hael Wollson. Wonona 86 Wombush. Vockoe 79. 167 Wont<>r bllll<1m. Juloe 167 Wonterh.,ller. Gary 81. 166 Woodruff. St~wart 166 Wroglu. Kevon

yy yyy Ya tes . Gayla 71. 167 Yazhe. Melossa 167 Y<1chum. Andy 39, 167 Y11ung. B~>y<l Y<1ung. Robert 167

zzzzz Zafft . Carol 167 Zockella. B"bby 167 Zonun<1rman. Gona 79. 86


Jt is ltafd to sou ''don't look back'' in a uearbook. "Citat is tlte purpose of tlte work. Often people look back for tlte wrong reasons, trgillg to recapture a happiness tlteultave lost. 'Cite Reetdigger taff sincerelu /topes tltat uou will recognize tlte intportance of eaclt new dau. Wltat uou do todau determines wltat uour tomorrow will be. Don't look back; look a/tend to 11011r one hundred nmely¡ lwo



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