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the hand ol time records the three richest, most carefree years ot lite
classes with oooortunities, resoon sib il ities, competition ... the iov of success
soorts ... thrills, excitement the dull acne ot deleat, the hard won reward
ol victory
memories etched bY lila's own tool we will leave a big chunk ol our hearts inside Jordan's walls. beyond today we will be
on the outside looking in
studantbody aresident: John BishoP
JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL 9351 South State Street SANDY, UTAH 84070
JERRY McCLEARY Assistant Principal
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Rand Andrus 1st Vice President Rand's the guy with the jack o' lantern smile, that seems to light up every second or two. His unforgettable wit and down-to-earth enthusiasm keep him one step ahead of everyone else. Whether Andrus was fighting on the football field or battling with school activities, we could count on our "curly headed tease," to always pull through. His game was to make us part of "the family." Who could turn down a deal like that?
Kristie Graham secretary Kris definitely isn't a girl you could order from a Sears Catalog. Her unique personality and individual ideas are anything but a carbon copy. Her presence seems to linger even when she's not around. To know Kris is to admire her consistent happiness and the natural leadership ability that comes so easily. Jordan is a part of her and she has become a part of Jordan. 18
We couldn't walk down the hall for very long without hearing the voice of Becky. It seemed as though she carried an ~ndless amount of enthusiasm with her wherever she went. She wasn't all fun and games though; when it came to work, Beck was always on hand. Her ideas were new, her motives were real, and her dedication was to Jordan.
Becky Reed Historian
Lori's the type of girl who is almost too sweet for words. With her honest and innocent smile she automatically left a strong impression on all those she came in contact with. As an officer she not knowingly but unmistakably projected her personality throughout the year by trying to keep the rest of the officers straight.
Lori Andersen 2nd Vice President
A straight forward personality that senses the subtle humor of being an officer, gives Jamie an insight to us as Beetdiggers. One can't help but admire him for his dedication and sincere desire to achieve. Jamie's secret to success lies in his willing attitude and honest smile. This is the picture of Jamie Bay.
Jamie Bay Attorney General
Vice President
Lori Woodward
Eddie Romero
Laura Nelson
Being sensitive means having an insight to people and in Lori's case, it's sharing a quiet warmth with others. Who can ignore her convincing smile and bubbly laugh? Her self discipline is an example to us as a means of motivation. To know Lori is to know you belong.
Eddie's his own man and he's not afraid to let you know it. He shared with us a silent spirit that didn't need a lot of explanation. Maybe this was the proud humility that touched the seniors. Being our athletic pres., Romero helped to make our last year at Jordan an unforgettable one.
Laura has the knack of seeing both the funny and serious side to life, particularly life at Jordan. One couldn't help but admire Laura's happy-golucky personality, and sincere desire to succeed. She has a unique way of making everyone feel "at home."
an o 22
Kathleen Aerts
Ross Ainsworth
Peggy Allen
Mitra Amiraftabi
Lori Andersen
Connie Anderson
Denece Anderson
Linda Anderson
Paula Anderson
Philip Anderson
Renae Anderson
Brett Andrizzl
Rand Andrus
Roger Andrus
Lori Armstrong
Peggy Atkinson
Sheri Atkinson
Leslie Auker
Marty Bakker
Steven Ballamis
Jamie Bay
Wilford Begay
Gary Bell
Rosalee Bell
Evelyn Birchell
Joel Bishop
John Bishop
Janet Bergener
Suzanne Best
Duane Bingham
Kennard Black
John Bleazard
Todd Bogenshutz
Karl Bolton
Scott Bonham
Mitzi Boynton
David Bradbury
Randy Bradfield
Kenneth Brady
Brent Breeze
Michelle Brinton
Doreen Brower
Peggy Brown
Ricky Brown
Gary Buhl
David Burke
Ned Burningham
Rebecca Burningham
Bary Burton
Debra Caldwell
Susan Campbell
Gordon Cannon
Barbera Caplinger
Robyn Carlisle
Julie Carlquist
Tim Carmichael
Michael Cary
Debra Cates
Shannon Chamberlain
Carol Chapman
Diane Chapman
Ralph Chavez
Jared Christensen
Lane Christensen
Bill Clayton
Bill Clough
Jeannie Coffin
Scott Collier
Brent Cook
Marion Comes
Brinda Cope
Robert Cowley
Kevin Cox
Rod Cody
Marty Cozzens
Mike Cracroft
Kelly Crebs
Douglas Curley
Kenneth Day
Michael Dowding
Cathy Darling
Gary Densley
Tom Dowland
Debra Cutler
Douglas Draper
Debra Dumas
James Dunn
Barbara Ebert
Wayne Eckman
Marilyn Eddington
Craig Everill
Doug las Eyre
Sharon Farnsworth
Michelle Fellows
Randy Fellows
Lani Fenton
Julia Ferguson
Kathy Fitzgerald
Roberta Flores
Chad Foreman
Alan Fowles
Karma Frantz
Karen Fullmer
Scott Gallagher
Kory Garfield
James Garland
Carl Gifford
Geri Gordon
Lynette Gotberg
Yvonne Gotberg
Kristie Graham
Shaun Greenwood
Gerry Gustafson
Edward Hall
Michael Halladay
Barbara Hansen
Scott Haraman
Karlin Hardy
Mina Hart
Marvin Hase
Julia Haslem
John Heard
Carl Hendricksen
Georgia Highland
Shelly Hill
Terry Hill
Loren Holdaway
Terri Holm
Leann Holmstead
Janine Homer
Craig Houmand
Robyn Howard
Kevin Howlett
Colleen Hranac
Kevin Hughes
Debora Hurst
Don Hyatt
Susan Hyde
Brent Jackman
Ron Jackson
Corey Jensen
Randy Jensen
David Jentzsch
Vernal Jeppson
Ray Jewkes
Ann Jex
Billy Johnson
Dave Johnson
Pamala Johnson
Penny Johnson
Russell Johnson
Steve Johnson
Carol Jolley
Denise Jones
Diane Jones
Sam Jorgensen
Jeanne Kendrick
Gary Kennedy
Elaine Lambson
Mark Landeen
Debbie Lane
Josephine Larrinaga
Carolyn Lavery
Claudia Lawrence
Debra Lawson
Virginia Leany
Janet Lehenbauer
Judy Lehenbauer
Kurt Lindeman
David Linnarz
Carma Ush
Sandra Lockwood
Francis Longstaff
Richard Lucas
Kim Lybbert
Harold Mace
La Dean Mace
Phyllis Maestas
Lee Macklin
Susan Mahon
Peter Massa
Susan Matheson
Leila Mauchly
Cindy McClure
Steven McPhernon
Cheryl Mead
Richard Meadows
Linda Mellor
Deborah Melville
Sylvia Mensen
Debra Merchant
Sharla Mickelsen
Jeanene Miller
Pam Miller
Kevin Mills
Charlotte Mitchell
Karrie Mitchell
Jaydene Moody
Linda Mounteer
John Mounter
Sally Murdock
Jeff Mumford
Edna Myers
Russel Necaise
Diane Nelson
Julie Nelson
Laura Nelson
Wilford Nelson
Jan Noorda
Blaine Oakeson
Shelly Oakeson
Craig Oliver
Cindee Olsen
Janet Olsen
Joyce Olsen
Claudia Orr
Ryan Orr
Alan Orwin
Michael O'Steen
Debra Ostler
Warren Ostler
Melinda Overson
Bryan Paget
Steve Parker
Kevin Patterson
Bonnie Pearce
Gary Pelch
Anne Pendleton
Chris Perry
Beverly Peterson
Kendall Peterson
Lon Peterson
Nancy Pett
Cathy Pierce
Holly Pierson
Robert Pixton
Ruth Price
Glenn Pyle
Scott Ragsdale
Roger Rains
Gary Rane
Karen Ray
Becky Reed
Shirlene Reich
David Richards
Keven Richardson
Lori Ricks
Coleen Ricord
Kip Rishton
Douglas Robinson
Eddie Romero
Becky Rowell
Tonya Runolfson
Susan Russell
Jeanne Sadler
Eric Sanders
Jon Sargent
Andrea Searcy
Lori Schmidt
Rebecca Sessions
Valerie Setterberg
Ooma Short
Louise Shryers
Paula Sjoblom
Terry Skinner
Bertha Smith
Christine Smith
Kevin Smith
Mark Smith
Ruthann Smith
Tracy Smith
Virginia Smith
Nolan Snow
Michelle Snyder
MaryEllen Soper
Dawn Sorenson
Harvey Sorensen
Mariann Spratt
Tamara Stephenson
Susan Stevens
Dent Sturdevant
Ralph Sudbury
Lane Summerhays
Jon Tait
Kevin Tanner
Kevin Tate
Gayle Taylor
Robert Taylor
Pat Teuscher
Lon Thomas
Richelle Thomas
Kerry Thompson
Ron Tingey
Howard Tolbert
Connie Tolman
Barbara Tremelling
Joe Tucker
Mark Urry
Sharlene Veater
Joe Velasquez
Nanette Wagner
Bryan Wall
Wendy Wallin
RaNae Walters
Marie Waters
Susan Watterson
Susan Webb
Shirlee West
Lloyd Westenskow
Lori Whetman
Jill White
Kenny Williams
Walter Wilson
Julianne Winkler
Julie Wolfgramm
Elaine Woodbury
Sheryl Young
William Young
Lori Woodward
Kirk Wright
Don Yates
Renee Young
If nothing else in these three years we learned about time and how to live within that time to make it the time of our lives ... you see now, and will se~ that those moments were umque in their freedom from the kind of pressures that make so much of the world forget what living is all about.
Linda Zupan
Vice President
Julie Porter
Scott Featherstone
Marcy Wright
With wild enthusiastic ideas Julie plunged into the work and responsibility of being an officer. Adding a new atmosphere to student government, we felt her happy energy. She's loaded with talent and loves people, but best of all, people love her.
If we were to analyze Scott closely we might say he was an "organized crime," but on the other hand who really knows? For "Feather-rock" it was either crack a joke or move straight ahead, (or both.} Thanks to his unforgettable wit and personal vocabulary, the junior class survived.
Marcy's a laugh a second - a laugh that can be heard above any crowd! And just being around her makes a pretty fast moving minute. She can see a funny side to everything, yet underneath it all lies that natural leadership ability - a combination making Marcy unique.
Junior 36
David Adamson Robert Albretson
Judy Allen Marilyne Alvey Brent Anderson Callie Anderson
Dawn Anderson Lynn Anderson
Scott Anderson Ryan Anderton Sherry Andus John Archibald
Sheri Atkinson Duane Bailey
Joan Bailey Eddy Bakker Bonnie Ballard Greg Ballard
Susan Ballard Ginnie Barlow
Kim Barlow Susan Barton Mark Bay Patti Bean
Bryant Beckstead David Beckstead
Debbie Bednarik Folleen Beesly Margie Begay Gay Bergstrom
Daryl Bingham
Mike Black Mark Blackham Debbray Bleazard Diane Bocchino
Joni Bogenschutz
Vance Boulter Kelly Bowles Phil Bradford Patti Brinton
I'm tired of buying a face that fits into the isoceles triangle. Brand X suits me fine.
Reed Brklacich
Craig Brooksby
Lorin Capson Terry Carpentier Corey Cartwright Tony Cates
Drew Chamberlain Cindy Chase Anita Chavis Craig Christensen
Don Brown Justin Brown
Doug Christensen Linda Christiansen Dave Clark Gerry Clarke
Paul Brown Reva Brundage
Jay Clift Mike Clough Deanne Cody Jim Coffin
Bambi Bryce Marilyn Burningham
Valorie Combes Keith Cornia Bill Cowley Annette Crebs
Carol Butler Loretta Butler
Randy Crebs Bryan Criger Wayne Crow Ralph Crystal
Robin Cann Oakley Cannon
Brent Curtis Sharon Curtis Curtis Dahl Jim Dahl
Beverly Davenport Duane Davis
Allyson Day Kevin Day
Mike Day Steven Deleeuw
Brenda Denison Dorree DePew
Jessie Derricott Sandra Dineen
Cindy Dowding Rex Dumas
Gary Durrant Marianne Ebell Laurel Elder LaMar Elison
LaVar Elison Ryan Enniss Karen Everill Kathy Everill
Shauna Eyre Vicki Fairbourn Jan Fannin Lynn Farnsworth
Scott Featherstone Laura Fergus Karen Ferguson Suzanne Ferre
Craig Fisher Kyle Fitzgerald Scott Fitzgerald Sherm Gallagher
Stewart Gardner Bobbie lee Gate house Terri Gatherum Marty Gerber
David Duncan Kent Dunn
Reid Gifford Rick Gilchrist Robert Glad Joanne Glassey
Brent Gotberg
Julia Hanna Bill Hansen Carma Hansen Melanie Hansen
Mark Gotberg
Vicki Hansen Brent Hardcastle Cathy Hardcastle Pauline Hardcastle
Brian Gough Joe Goulding
Gary Green Bennett Greene
Jim Greenwood Darrell Groves
Craig Grow Vicki Hadean
Alan Hall Joe Ham
Rose Harding Jim Hardy Dan Harmon Judy Harper
Marlene Harrison Janet Hartlerode Judy Hatch John Haueter
David Henderson Irene Henline Kim Hiatt Jim Hickman
Jan Higgins Deanna Hill Cynthia Hillock Brenda Hollander
Kent Holsten Jeri Holt Chad Homer Teri Hougton
Catherine Houmand Martin Ish
Dennis lpson David Jacobson
Roger Jaynes Kathy Jarvis
Brent Jensen Brian Jensen
Cindy Jensen Dana Jensen
Gloria Jensen Philip Jensen
Kellie Jenson Sheril Jensen
Kevin Jeremy Scott Jewkes Becky Johnson Jennette Johnson
Craig Jones Mati Jones Sid Jones Cindy Jordan
Charmaine Kemp Garn Kemp Becky Kinsey Paul Krueger
Angie Kunz Shirley Lakerveld Cheryle Lamping Scott Landeen
Jan Larsen Jeff Larsen Scott Leavitt Eugene Lehenbauer
Wallace Leigh Louis Leon Kathy Leonard Elizabeth Limb
Nicole Longstaff Lynda Lyman Karen Macklin Jim Maddocks
Don't confuse me with bits of psychology and algebra theorems ... I'll stick to innocence in it's purest form!
Mike Marcovecchio
DeVi Marler
Michele Marshall Vicky Martin
Lorraine Mathie Chad Maxfield
Kurt Maynes Julie McCormick
Sidney McCulloch Amy McNeil
Carrie Mead Pam Melville
Merlin Miller Cheri Millerberg Kathy Millerberg Marta Millsap
Nadine Moller Jodie Monte Joan Mortensen Mike Mounteer
Darrell Murdock Jim Nelson Kelly Nelson Kevin Nelson
Kim Nelson Carol Neve Ted Nezos Robert Nielson
Carol Neilson Kim Noorda Sharon Nye Tami Okubo
Jeanine Oliver Kelli Olsen Laura Olsen Tim Olson
Roxana Ordokowski Steven Overson Cindy Paget Karen Pangos
Cindy Paramore Rick Parker
Kathy Pearson Don Petersen
Grant Petersen Kirk Petersen
Nola Peterson Loe Pierce
Wade Pierce Julie Phillips
Mike Primm Julee Pugmire Greg Radway Marsha Rane
Debra Rasmussen Pat Ray Shelley Reed Erich Reich
Janae Richards Cindy Richardson Dean Riding Jesse Ritzman
Cindy Robinson Pam Robinson Scott Robinson Marianne Rogers
James Romero Micki Roundy Lorri Rowsell Tom Russell
Jeralyn Pixton Ken Pollard
Cheryl Rynearson David Rynearson Kelly Savage Clark Schmidt
Julie Porter Nancy Price
Kirk Scott Kevin Scroggin Kent Setterberg Buck Sharples
Julie Sheppard
Barry Shettel
Keith Shirley Lynda Short
Darla Simon Clair Skoubye
Cindy Slade Curtis Smith
Erin Smith Kathy Smith
Kris Smith Lucille Smith
Robert Smith Robynn Smith Stephanie Smith Tammy Smith
Tari Smith Tressie Smith Jeri Sorensen Lydia Springer
Terry Sprouse Steven Squires Sharon Stanger Francine Stapley
Doreen Stauffer Betsey Steadman Susan Sterling Robert Stoedter
Cheryl Stratton Susan Stringfellow Kelly Strong Jay Stuart
Tammy Sundell Doug Swenson Larry Swensen Mike Swenson
Kevin Sybrowsky Brenda Taggart Rick Takemori Colleen Terry
Juniors know how to find the darkest corners at stomps, eat the good part of school lunch and paint the ceiling with the bad, cause floods from drinking fountains, and just have fun while completely blowing everything. Fortunately for them, they can spare the time.
Judy Tetrick Valerie Teuscher Roy Thacker Evan Thomas
Mike Thompson Jolene Tingey Terrie Trimble Neil Tunbridge
Julie Turner Paul Urry Glen Vawdrey Calvin Wadsworth
Vincent Wagstaff Lynn Ware Ray Willette Debbie Williams
Mark Williams Steven Wintle Daniel Washburn Stephanie Welch
Susan Weller Earl Wentz Rusty Withers Ginger Wright
Marcia Wright Ted Zegorec Dave Zeller
There's security in being a junior freedom that ~omes from not being too deeply committed to the future. I'm at ease in my time; comfortable among familiar faces. The pattern of my life is set for awhile with the security of knowing there's still another year. I hope I make the most of it ... while I'm in the middle.
Vice President
Susan Kendrick
Terry Davis
Brenda Reed
Trying to keep the world happy right along with her, Susan enjoys the novelty of being a girl and more specifically a sophomore girl. It's refreshing to see someone laugh just for the sake of having fun. Her bright enthusiasm and super-bubbly smile seemed to tie the sophomore class together.
By projecting the conviction that soph's take themselves too seriously, Terry came upon the solution that sophmores, "should Just break loose and have fun." As "Mr. All Smiles, Big Words and Crazy Ideas," Terry struggles to make the small voice of a sophomore big. Terry's business- involved sophomores.
What do you say about a girl who breathes the word "smile"? To kno~ Brenda is to admire her consistent laughter and the natural happiness that comes so easily. She was once seen collecting money from juniors and seniors for a sophomore activity. But, "soph's are worth it."
ODhO 48
Dean Adams Mike Akagi Pride Alldredge Bill Allen David Allen Kevin Allen
Roger Allen Dane Allred Tari Andersen Dara Anderson David Anderson Jeri Anderson
Maurine Anderson Wayne Anderson Colleen Angus Grem Armstrong Kay Atkinson Dan Auker
Maida Auker Diana Baer Becky Bailey Scott Baker Janice Ballard Laura Ballard
Nancy Ballard Desi Barker Brad Bauer Steve Bawden Lynn Beardall Blayne Beck
Tamara Beckstead Vincent Bednarik Jody Bentley Gina Bernardi Brent Best
Kent Best Jeff Bills Dan Bianchi Jeri Bishop Matt Bishop
There were days I was so caught up in the lives of others I forgot to look at the change in me. But leaving myself behind was fun. I always thought that giving was hard, Until someone said, "thanks."
David Blackett Tina Bodell Pat Bogenschutz Dale Bohm Pam Bolliger
Judy Bonham Mark Boynton Wayne Boydston Darwin Bradfield Bonnie Brennan
Yvonne Broadhead Blair Brown Scott Brown Tamara Brown Val Ray Brown Kelly Brundage
Alan Buchanan Sandra Buhl Wendy Bunker Steve Burch Stephen Burger Mark Burningham
Careen Candalot Jennifer Cannon Kris Cannon Michael Carter Leah Chamberlain Pam Chapman
Vickie Chapman Roger Chase Ben Christensen Chuck Christensen Cindy Christensen Jolene Christensen
Karen Christianser. Randy Clarke Jim Cleland David Clough Debbie Clough Jan Coffin
Guy Conway Jesann Coombs Ronda Cope Susan Cowley Blane Cozzens Dave Cracroft
Jenalee Crapo Jill Crebs Peggy Crouch Connie Crow Kevin Cutler Laura Dansie
Debbie Darger Tom Darling Edward Davis Terry Davis Sherri Dean Gaye Despain
Gale Devisser Jan Dickerson Loraine Dixon Bob Dowland Peggy Draper Randy Draper
Cherrie Duffey Kathy Dumas Ann Dunster Shiela Eastman Keith Eddington Artie Edmunds
Brett Ellis Kim Ennis Sallie Enis Wendy Erickson Barbara Evans Conn ie Ewell
Paul Fairbourn Rochelle Fairbourn Brad Fenton Staci Fenton Marcy Ferguson Lynnann Ferre
John Fish Mark Fitzgerald Stacey Fitzgerald Jerry Flores Pat Flynn
Cindy Forbes Dan Francom Sandra Frantz Ellen Fratto Wade Freschknecht
Jill Fritz Leslie Gailey Kevin Gallagher Wendy Gardner Lee Garfield Billy Garner
Karen Gatehouse Tamee Gatherum Debbie Gentry Sherry Giles Holly Glover Ron Glover
Richard Gord Lisa Green RayPaul Greenwood Penny Gregory Debbie Hadley Helene Hallock
Jill Hanks Laurie Hardcastle Larry Harding Kathy Hardman Kristin Hardy Wyndee Harman
Hilton Harris Marcie Harris Lowrie Hathaway Dan Haun Sherrie Haws Richard Heard
Paula Hebert Sherry Helbig Kelli Hiatt Linda Hickman Teresa Higbee Holly Hill
Lori Hillis Joseph Hilton Tamera Hofeling Bob Hoffman Bruce Hollander Tamie Holmes
Dinah Holmstead Roger Hopes Corey Houmand Greg Houskeeper Kris Howard Charlotte Howlett
Bob Hughes Randy Hughes Peggy Hummel Tracy Hunsaker Marilyn Hyde Karlenna Izatt
Kent Jacobson Cheryl Jarvis Jeff Jensen Steven Jensen Karen Jenson Kathy Jenson
Steven Jeppson Bruce Jeremy Frank Jex Darrell Johnson Gerald Johnson Sherrie Johnson
Dennis Jones Glen Jones Lori Jones Cathy Keele Richard Kemp Susan Kendrick
Playing the role of a sophomore isn't too hard ... especially when the juniors and seniors do it for you.
Jim Kennelly Brent Killian David Kimball Wade King Rick Kinsey
Carrie Kirton Kelly Kunz Sandy Lambson Troy Lancaster Kevin Langford
Jeff Langston Lorrie Larson Rhonda Lawson Laree Leany Jeff Leavitt Tracy Leavitt
Dori Lewis Russ Leyba Flora limb Debby Linnarz Julie Livingston Julie Lloyd
Kelly Lovell Debra Lugo Lori Lukich John Lundstrom Greg Lunkwitz Tamara Lykins
Craig Mace Joe Mace Kevin Marchant Kathy Markham Pauline Martin Amy Matheson
Robert Mathie Jeannene Maxfield Tammy Maxwell Tom McCandless Kathy McCarthy Andria McCleary
Tammy McClure Lesa McDonald Margaret McGuire Robert McPherron Tina Mead Arman Meadows
Cathy Meadows Jeff Meldrum Blake Mellor Tamara Mellor Gina Melonas Anne Miller
D'Ray Miller Vicky Miller Steve Milne Pam Mitchell Randy Mitchell Shauna Moore
Pat Morgan Lynnette Morrill Patti Mortensen Stacy Myers Cheryl Nadeau Michelle Nance
Terry Napier Wendy Neff Lloyd Nelson Patty Nelson Robert Nelson Karoleen Neria
Jeff Newland Pam Newton Janet Nielsen Janice Niemann Ken Noffsinger Cathy Noorda
Karla Norton Rhonda Norton Randy Oakason Mark Ober Bruce Obert Scott Olsen
Suzanne Ordakowski David Orgill Sandy Orth John Orwin Richard O'Steen
Blake Ostler Brent Ostler Dan Ostler Rhea Pace David Panek
Philip Panas Diane Parker Ruth Parry Elaine Paxman Jill Perry David Pett
Jeff Phillips Jeff Pierce Tammy Pierson Duff Pingree David Popelmayer Colleen Prince
Grant Ragsdale Jeff Rappleye Kris Rasmussen Patsy Rasmussen Brenda Reed Ben Reeve
Peggy Rich Mariann Richards Jan Richardson Carla Ricord Kirk Riding Nicolene Riska
Cindy Roberts Brian Robertson Jani Robinson Larry Ronne Tammy Ross Tammy Rowell
Penny Rowley George Russom Carl Sargent Lance Schmidt Reed Scott Duncan Seale
Rod Sedgwick Doris Sharp Yvette Shelby Mike Sheppard Lester Short Roger Shryers
John Sieverts Debra Simmons Steven Sirrine Michele Smiley Colleen Smith Kathy Smith
Lee Smith Marjean Smith Nadine Smith Patrea Smith Paula Smith Tim Smith
Barry Sorenson Jalynn Steadman Sterling Stephenson Elaine Stiel Heidi Stoedter Bob Stone
Keith Sturdevant Pam Summerhays Debbie Sutherland Del Swenson Linda Tadehara Jeal Takemori
Susan Tate Pat Taylor Pamela Tazzer Le Ann Terry Chris Thacker Mark Thaxton
Christine Young Harry Young Ken Young Mark Ziegler Charlene Zupan
Gary Thomas Jill Thomas Mark Thompson Janie Thorn Mike Thorpe
Megan Timoney Dale Titus Sharon Tobin Dawn Tolman linda Tripp
Darrell Troester Kim Vandenburg Jazan Vawdrey James Veater Debbie Velasquez
Craig Wagstaff Tammy Wagstaff 6rad Wall Tamara Walkenhorst Leslee Walker Karen Walters
Kevin Walters Larry Walters Valerie Washburn Wade Webster Wilma Weller Dennis Wharton
James Whitmore Diana Woodruff Debbie Wright Willie Wright Michelle Yates Maxine Yazhe
A mixed up year, "the little guy." Suddenly becoming just one piece in a mosaic of people ... Putting up with cafeteria food since I don't have my license yet, or maybe just because I don't know better, genuine yellow slips, Snellen eye tests, actually doing some homework Thinking back, it's funny how I could get lost in these halls so familiar to me now.
Thinking back I remember that first feeling of insignificance among the masses of people; the eagerness to become a part of school the pride in finally belonging. At first it was baffling; the endless hallways and room numbers, unknown cheers and the school song. As we groped among the multitude searching for ourselves; smiling at strangers for the first time, sharing little moments, we opened up, and the newness gave way to friendship.
Senior Senators: Anne Pendleton Doug Curley Junior Senators: Marianne Ebell Archie Blackam Sophomore Senators: Tammy McClure Steven Bawden
Ask anyone on the Officers Council what it's like to wade in trivia, and they'll probably tell you that they forgot ... in the midst of personal jokes and just messing around. It's hard to appre~~iate the real strength of this body when their accomplishments remain anonymous; however, their strong personalities reflect a job well done. The Studentbody Officers reflect their "talent" by decorating the Christmas tree.
Row One: Lori Anderson, Terry Davis, Kris Graham. Row Two: Jamie Bay, Scott Featherstone, John Bishop, Eddie Romero, Rand Andrus, Becky Reed. Missing: Susan Russell.
Row One: Brenda Reed, Marianne Ebell, Pam Summerhayes, Susan Kendrick, Joanne Glassey, Marci Wright, Tari Smith, Lori Woodward, Laura Nelson, Jeanene Oliver, Julie McCormick, James Romero, Scott Featherstone. Row Two: Danny Robinson, Ronda Cope , Careen Candalot, Lori Jones, Marianne Spratt, Anne Pendleton, Jaydene Moody, Karen Fulmer, Renee Young, Coleen Ricord, Janet Bergener, Susan Russell, Lori Anderson, Drew Chamberlain. Row Three: Fred Ash,
Julie Pugmire, Edna Myers, Paula Sjoblom, Stephanie Smith, Karen Pangos, Tonya R,unolfson, Kris Graham, Becky Reed, Kirk Riding, Bob Hoffman, Kevin Webster, Jamie Bay, Eddie Romero, Curtis Smith, David Bradbury, Ralph Crystal. Row Four: Brent Breeze, Scott Gallagher, Darwin Bradford, Jared Christensen, Rand Andrus, John Bishop, Scott Ragsdale, Vern Jeppson, Craig Houmand, Doug Robinson, Kerry Thompson, Ron Jackson, Archie Blackham.
udant council Making up the student council, a mass of some fifty odd bodies considering themselves a definite workhorse of the studentbody, worked to more or less tie Jordan together. And with such topics as assemblies and independent periods, where could they go wrong.
John Bishop and Rand Andrus look on as Kris Graham voices her opinion.
Clemont Bishop, Principal
Jerry McCleary, Asst. Principal
To the Studentbody of Jordan High School:
I feel very fortunate in having the opportunity of returning back to Jordan after a year's absence. Spending a year away made me realize that Jordan High School is one of the outstanding schools in the state. The high caliber of students combined with an outstanding faculty make Jordan the great school that it is. The traditions of Jordan combined with the new innovative ideas of our present students make Jordan number one in the minds of many people.
The students who have attended Jordan during the academic year 1973-74 have been some of the most energetic, ambitious, enthusiastic, and patient students ever to attend Jordan. With the problems of remodeling the shop and P. E. areas the students showed a limit of self control that would be hard to match by any studentbody anywhere. Under all these handicaps our students continued to excel in athletics, academics and extra-curricular activities. My special thanks to faculty and students for their special understanding and extra special actions during this very unusual year.
My congratulations and thanks to all that helped Jordan have another outstanding year.
Days full of ACT schedules, scholarships, college representatives, schedule changes, and the every day common problems of students turn into weeks of helping young people. Our counselors were always at our reach whether we needed them or not. They were concerned with showing the individual his imimportance- how could we refuse?
/ Mary Fitzgerald
Dr. Earl Smith
Wendell Petersen
Robert Young
secretaries and Librarians
Cheri Millerberg, Lani Fenton, and Thelma Ainsworth discuss problems in main office.
Margie Brown Counselor's Office
Joan Gamble Main Office
Genee Tyler Library
Lena Wagstaff Library
Well equipped with yellow slips, counselor appointments, schedules, the ever faithful check-in list and the "I didn't check this out," library fine cards. Our office secretaries and librarians get the job well done with efficiency, accuracy, and good support from the studentbody.
Thelma Ainsworth Main Office
Evelyn Beers Counselor's Office
Jackie Sybrowsky Attendance Office
Jay Burkinshaw Media Center
Mrs. Wagstaff assists Mrs. Nichols
Cafeteria Ladies We could never pay enough gratitude to our lovely cafeteria ladies here at Jordan. They endeavor to nourish and strengthen hundreds of growing bodies every day. Because of their efforts, no casualties due to starvation were reported during the past year.
Evelyn Brown Manager
Row One: Florence Peterson, Joanne VanAmen , Florence Whittenburg, Marian Oldham, Elma Couch , Marilyn Wagstaff, Marilyn Monthy, Evelyn Brown. Missing: Margaret Simonson .
These are the beautiful behindthe-scenes people who help keep Jordan in one piece. The accumulated garbage in the halls vanished mysteriously each night, thanks to the phantom custodians. An important element can be gained through the example of these fine men - taking pride in their work.
Fred Alldredge
Ken Silcox
Howard Cude
Weston Workman
Ken Silcox Head Custodian
Fred Ash English
Lynn A. Ballard Social Science
Doug Berry Physical Education
Ralph Bishop English
Lowell Boberg English
Carol Clark English
David Clark Consumer Education
Lori Clark Resource Study
Kaye Ensign English
David Erickson Drivers Education
Gerald Fisher Industrial Arts
Sharon Gailey English
James A. Gibson Music
Garth D. Gooch Math
Farrell Gunnel Biology
Cheryle Argyle Resource Study
Lawrence Green Social Worker
Joyce Haldeman English
Hal Hale Health
Betty Henderson Home Economics
Tracy Holt Auto Mechanics
Hue Jewkes Drivers Education
David Judd English
Roger King Vocational Electronics
Robert Langford Industrial Arts
Marion Martin English
Dan May History
Kenneth McCleary Chemistry
Robert McDonald Math
Donald B. Milne History
Mike Murry Physical Education
Joy Nelson Type
Carolyn Nichols History
Rodney Oliver Drivers Education
Donald P. Olsen Fine Arts
Ralph Pace Ceramic Design
Margaret Padfield Physical Education
David Palmer Industrial Arts
Gary Parnell English
Peggy Patten Home Economics
Brian R. Rawlings English
Raymond Rogers Science
Gary Smith Math
Kent Swedlund Biology
Renee W. Pay Stenography
Jay Pond History
Kaylene Thornock Homeliving
Robyn Timoney Drama
Leah Tippetts Art
Marietta Lee Williams Dance
Lila Wilson Business
Rodney Zabriskie Music
Don Ward Social Science
Board ol Education
Robert A. Stowe, appointed to Board of Education to replace Richard Anderson.
Kenneth Prince, John Wheadon, Ben Bagley, Clayton Fairbourn , Richard Anderson, Rodney Dahl, Donald J. Parr, Ray Brown.
Donald J. Parr Superintendent Ray Brown Asst. Superintendent
Eight men dedicated to the cause of providing the best education for the least money. Perplexed with the problems of education, they skirted the major issues and concentrated on technicalities. Their very name reflects our attitude - Board of Education yes we are.
Oakley Cannon
Sharon Curtis
Vicki Fairbourn
Laura Fergus
Sharlene Yeater President
Jaydene Moody First Vice President
Kim Barlow
Stephanie Smith Second Vice President
Kim Hiatt Secretary
Joan Bailey
Paula Anderson Treasurer
Jan Noorda Historian
Sherry Atkinson
Susan Webb Drill Mistress
Cindee Olsen Assistant Drill Mistress
Julie Nelson Yell Mistress
Lucille Smith Assistant Yell Mistress
Mitzi Boynton
Allyson Day
Joni Bogenshutz
Jolene Tingey, Allyson Day, Joan Bailey, and Mitzi Boynton.
Lucille Smith and Marilyn Burningham
cnarlonian 76
Judy Harper
Becky Johnson
Cheryle Lamping
Karen Macklin
Charlotte Mitchell
Karrie Mitchell
Kelly Nelson
Laura Olsen
Anne Pendleton
Nancy Price
Marsha Rane
Debra Rasmussen
Shelley Reed
Mlcki Roundy
Janae Richards
Charlonians of 1974
Linda Short
Red on white, the Charlonians wear a once-in-a-lifetime smile. Battling gnats in the summer, frostbite through logger boots in the fall. Quivering lips, cotton mouth, yet turning to salute and grinning 'til their faces ached. Spending time and money they never had laughing and crying simultaneously - their chance to be young. Jeri Sorensen
Susan Sterling
Betsy Steadman
Julie Nelson
Jolene Tingey
Beetdigger '74: Joyce Olsen, Garth Gooch, Reva Brundage, Kris Graham, Rhonda Norton, Kim Hiatt, Lane Christensen , Debra Rasmussen, Bennette Greene, Jeri Sorensen, Ruth Parry.
There were times when what we had just wasn't enough to accomplish what we had to do. Too few people, not enough time, missing pictures ... But, those times came and went, leaving in their stead a feeling of accomplishment and a valuable insight into people's characters. When together we discovered the meaning of Beyond Today. 1974 BEETDIGGER STAFF Garth Gooch . . .. .. . .. .... . . . .. .. Adviser Arval Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser Leah Tippetts .. . ........ .. . Art Consultant Kris Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Kim Hiatt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co-Editor Gayle Taylor Tonya Runolfson Joyce Olsen Rhonda Norton Reva Brundage Alan Fowles Kory Garfield Lane Christensen
Bennette Greene Gary Webster Jeri Sorensen Debra Rasmussen Ruth Parry Gerry Clarke David Hendersen
tdiuuar Beetdigger '74: Gary Webster, Kory Garfield, Gayle Taylor, David Hendersen , Tonya Runolfson , Gerry Clarke, Alan Fowles.
Kris Graham Editor
Kim Hiatt Co-Editor
Garth Gooch Adviser
Arval Nelson Adviser
Broadcaster '74: Carol Clarke, Rusty Withers, Francis Longstaff, Lowell Kevin Cox, Jan Noorda, Carrie Mead, Diane Bocchino, Bill Clayton, Pamala Johnson, Julie Carlquist. Missing: Joel Bishop.
Joel Bishop, Carrie Mead, Bill Clayton, and Francis Longstaff take a break.
The Broadcaster must cram comments on the state of the universe, and not only Beetdigger, but Sandy news items, along with sports reports, into a four ... page publication. That they can do it successfully, shows that these journalistic geniuses are seldom at rest.
Pam Johnson Editor
Bill Clayton Assistant Editor
1974 BROADCASTER STAFF Carol Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser Jay Burkinshaw . . . . . . . . . . . Adviser Pam Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Bill Clayton . . . . . . . . . . . . . Co-Editor Jan Noorda Julie Carlquist Pam Johnson Francis Longstaff Bill Clayton Rusty Withers Carrie Mead Diane Bocchino Joel Bishop Kevin Cox
Carol Clark Adviser
Jay Burkinshaw Adviser
roadcaster 81
Row One: Mr. Zabriskie , Debora Hurst, Jan Higgins, Janet Bergener, Cindy Paget, Sharlene Veater, Ruthann Smith, Debra Dumas. Row Two: Robert Glad, Lori Anderson , Mark Landeen, Marianne Richards, Brian Paget, Cathy Darling, Randy Fellows, Janae Richards , Wayne Eckman ,
Wayne EcKman President
Lani Fenton , David Jacobsen, Sherri Atkinson. Row Three: Susan Matheson , Kerry Thompson, Valorie Teuscher, Mike Halladay, Lynette Gotberg, Kennard Black, Anne Pendleton, Kirk Wright, Chris Smith, Carl Gifford , Terry Sprouse.
Working together to maintain a reputation of musical perfection and a lot of good times, the Jordan High Madrigals caroled with enthusiasm through the winter snows of Christmas and the lazy days of spring. They brought joy to others and a sense of satisfaction to themselves as well as their dedicated director who made each rehearsal well worth while.
One more time!
Row One: Mr. Zabriskie, Marianne Rogers, Francine Stapley, Susan Stevens, Sharon Farnsworth, Rebecca Shelton, Peggy Allen, Dana Jensen, Debora Hurst, Jaydene Moody, Kenny Day, Kory Garfield, Brent Hardcastle, Mark Landeen, Elaine Lambson, Debbie Cutler, Cindy Paget, Joni Bogenschutz, Marleen Harrison, Doree DePew, Ruth Ann Smith, Pattie Bean, Reva Brundage, Lorraine Mathie. Row Two: Judy Tetrick, Julie Sheppard, Susan Hyde, Shirley Lakerveld, Oakley Cannon, Tami Okubo, Jeanette Johnson, Irene Henline, Chris Smith, Bri~:m Paget, Kirk Wright, David Jacobsen, Robert Glad, Jeff Muphin, Jul1e Haslem, Sharla Mickelsen, Janet Olsen, Lynda Lyman, Judy Harper, Judy Hatch, Tari Smith, DeAnna Hill. Row Three: Jill White, Mary Ellen Soper, Bambi Bryce, Folleen Beasly, Cindy Richardson,
Jessie Derricott, Charlotte Mitchell, Laurel Elder, Debbie Dumas, Rusty Johnson, Lynn Ware, Kip Rishton, Karl Gifford, Curtis Smith, Kerry Thompson, C?ary Durrant, John Bishop, Cathrine Houmand, Sylvia Manson.. Lan1 Fenton, Ter\y Sprouse, Karma Hansen, Kathy Aerts, Andy H1llock, Jeanne Kendnck, Joy Hansen, Jerylnn Pixton. Row Four: Renae Anderson, Julia Ferguson, Kim Barlow, Gloria Jensen Terri Gatherum, Kim Hiatt, Renee Young, Karlin Hardy, Cindy M~Ciure Virginia Leany, Debbie Lane, Jean Sadler, Lynette Gotberg, Debbi~ Cates, Randy Fellows, Wilford Begay, Ron Jackson, Daniel Washburn Kenneth Black, Drew Chamberlain, Scott Featherstone, Craig Anderson' Kendall Peterson, Michelle Brinton, '!'a~my Stephenson, Sally Murdock: Bev Davenport, Bonny Ballard, G1nn1e Barlow, Susan Stringfellow Sherri Atkinson. Mariann Ebell, Valorie Teuscher. '
cap pella A Cappella Officers: Carma Frantz, Terry Sprouse, Debbie Cutler, Lynn Ware, Jessie Derricott, Kirt Wright, Kenny Day.
David, Wayne, and Cindy voice their opinions with their musical talent. The graduating class of "hummms and ahhhs" found a new light to music this year. Voices echoing in the tabernacle, breaking up the boys on the front row, and yearning to sell more light bulbs than anyone else. A Cappella opened so many doors for us, but mainly an appreciation of a universal language ... music.
A Cappella sings out at assembly for Mt. Jordan Jr. High.
Cindy Jensen, Tonya Runolfson, Mike Halladay, Jan Larsen, Alan Fowles, Jill Thomas, Laura Nelson, Steve DeLeew, Cindy Dowding, Drew Chamberlain, Kerry Thompson, Jeannie Coffin, Karlin Hardy, Curtis Smith, Ken Black, Brent Hardcastle, Bennett Greene, Michelle Brinton, Shirley Lakerveld , James Hardy, Joyce Olsen, Dane Allred , Karrie Mitchell, Sharla Mickelsen, Susan Hyde, Claudia Orr, Jan Coffin, Peggy Brown, Cheri Millerberg , Janette Johnson, Geri Anderson, Julie Turner, Kathy Hardman , Marjean Smith, Karen Walters, Coleen Prince, Jaylyn Steadman, Sharon Tolman, Cindy McClure, Gayle Taylor, Jeri Bishop, Laurie Hardcastle, Susan Cowley, Cathy Smith, Peggy Rich , Carrie Kirton, Cathy Meadows , Rhonda Lawson, Pam Sumrnerhays, Sheri Atkinson, Rhonda Norton, Charlotte Howlett, Tracy Leavitt, Denette Moore, Tammy Maxwell , Pam Robinson , Sharon Stanger, Pam Johnson ,
Kristin Hardy, Francine Stapley, Shaun Greenwood, Anne Pendleton, Susan Stevens, Bonnie Pearce, Margaret McGuire, Renae Anderson, Elaine Woodbury, Debra Cutler, Lori Woodward, Lori Anderson, Elaine Lambson , Cynthia Hillock, Kathy Aerts, Darla Simon, Brenda Denison, Dave Cracroft, Jan Higgins, Kory Garfield, Megan Timoney, Kirk Riding, Tammy McClure, Kenny Day, Oakley Cannon, David Jacobson , Susan Ballard, Jennifer Cannon, Gloria Jensen, Lynda Lyman, DeAnna Hill, Tammy Beckstead , Dinah Holmstead, Doree DePew, Debbie Sutherland , Jaydene Moody, Robert Glad, Kurt Peterson , Tammy Pierson, Kip Rishton, Allyson Day, Robyn Timoney, Rusty Withers, Nadine Smith, Tari Andersen, Holly Glover, Rebecca Shelton, Kris Cannon, Nancy Ballard , Mariann Richards, Carla Ricord, Carma Hansen, Irene Henline, Dana Jensen, Nola Peterson.
Masque and Gavel Officers: Jan Higgins, Peggy Brown, Kerry Thompson, Cindy Jensen, Karlin Hardy, Kip Rishton.
Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it?
Masque and Gavel - the club that has fun just for the sake of having a good time, or having a good time just for the sake of having fun. Varied activities combined to form a club of laughter, happiness, and a bunch of goof-offs. Seeing the movies, "The Haunting," "Jonathan Livingston Seagull," the play "Miracle on 34th Street" and preparing a Sub for Santa, brought out their true drama loyalty. Miss Timoney
Ski ClUb Row One: Miss Thornock, Steve McPherron, Don Hyatt, Tracy Leavitt, Cindy Forbes, Carol iolley, Lani Fenton, Debbie Williams, Carol Suter, Miss Tippetts. Row Two: Dave Duncan , R?ndy Draper, unknown, unknown. Row Three: gr ndy Jordan, Glenn Pyle, Gayle Taylor, Joyce Cl1sen, Tonya Runolfson, Brent Jackman, David Hough, Cindy Dowding, Suzanne Ferre, Julia anna, Rod Sedjwick, Terry Sprouse, Tammy
Maxwell, Ralph Crystal, Karla Norton, Jan Larsen, Mike Halladay, Debbie Hadley, Kenny Brady, Terry Davis, Lee Macklin. Row Four: Kirk Peterson, Kelli Olsen, Glen Vawdrey, Greg Ballard, Jay Stewart, Paul Krueger, Steve Overson, Chris Chapman, Gaven Dillard, Scott Robinson, Stan Stringfellow. Row Five: Cal Wadsworth, Ron Glover, Rick Brown, Kevin Patterson, Lynn Farnsworth, Marty Cozzens, Lynn Mathie.
"Hey Marty, should we show her how to do it?"
Flying down the snow covered slopes, refreshing their minds and their bodies with more than just a textbook - the ski club was able ~o find other ways of compensating for their boredom. Three-legged ski races on the football field, meetings during independents, spaghetti dinners at Miss Tippett's house, and soaring down the mountain in the moonlight - Ski Club '74.
Ski Club officers: Kevin Patterson, Ricky Brown, Kelli Olsen.
o mila These are the kids that will probably be around longer than any of us. Each making a committment to run a thousand miles, they kept up their pace to place high in the health and achievement rank.
Kennard Black, Kerry ThC?mpson! Dou.g Draper, Ralph Crystal, Jared Christensen, Todd Zagorec, Duane Davrs, Curtrs Smrth, Randy Bradfield, Sid Jones, Kent Holsten.
Who would have ever thought that a bit of Hollywood was within our own school .. . the mad student directors and producers, the frustrated actors and actresses which had to be in two major productions, and receive a grand total of 20 points are all combined into an honorary drama club that has definitely impressed us as beetdiggers. These determined students have shown us the talent we could have had if only we would have been brave enough to try. Omega Psi officers: Joyce Olsen, Susan Hyde, Randy Fellows, Michelle Brinton.
Valerie Teuscher and Cindy McClure chuckle at initiation activity.
Kirk Peterson shows his acting talent by balancing atop the fence.
" Now brothers and sisters."
Miss Timoney Adviser
Row One : Miss Timoney, Laura Nelson, Kip Rishton, Susan Hyde , Robert Glad , Sherri Atkinson, Debbie Cutler, Mariann Richards (non-member), Cindy Dowding, Ju lie Tu rn er, Paul Krueger, Karlin Hardy, Peggy Allen , Michelle Brinton, Shirley Lakerveld. Row Two : Julie Sheppard, Judy Hatch, Jeralyn Pixton , Drew Chamberlain, Valorie Teuscher, Lori Anderson, Jan Higgins, Claudia Orr, Bennett Greene. Row Three: James Hardy, Joyce Olsen, Jon Sargent, Randy Fellows, Kirk Peterson , Rusty Withers, Cynthia McC lure, Marty Gerber.
Row One: Cathy Smith, Susan Watterson, Julie McCormick, Karen Fulmer. Row Two: Marianne Spratt, Linda Zupan, Cathy Darling, Karrie Mitchell, Coleen Ricord. Row Three: Carolee Nelson, Susan Campbell, Denece Anderson, Ann Jex, Kevin Day, Rusty Johnson, Steven Squires. Row Four: Cathy Hardcastle, Sidney McCulloch, Clair Capps, Laura Fergus, Julianne Winkler, Duane Bailey, Alan Fowles. Row Five: Pat Teuscher, Jamie Bay, Kennard Black.
It came to $1.95 and $3.05 is your change. Distributive Educational Clubs of America- D.E.C.A. -the training of our future business executives, providing opportunities upon opportunities for students interested in merchandising, marketing and management. Thinking about being a salesman?
DECA Officers: Bill Clough, Julianne Winkler, Carolee Nelson, Mike Mounteer.
Mrs. Wilson Adviser How should I know what d.e.c.a. stands for?
No, deca doesn't stand for don't ever catch amonia.
Was it that bad.?
With the goal of having the best interp. team in the state, the Jordan Interpretive team practiced and studied for hours trying to perfect their individual talents. Monoacting, dramatic and humorous readings, retold stories, pantomime and the one act play were among the competitive categories. The interp. club was full of a lot of hard work, but the unforgettable personal jokes and a lot of fun, will always be remembered.
Row One: Jim Dahl, Dane Allred, Kory Garfield, Drew Chamberlain, Rusty Withers, Randy Fellows, Kip Rishton, Bary Burton, Marty Gerber, Jon Sargent. Row Two: Joyce Olsen, Kirk Peterson, Megan Timoney, Tammy McClure, James Hardy, Scott Anderson, Bennett Greene, Karlin Hardy, Michelle Brinton. Row Three: Julie Turner, Tammy Pierson, Jan Coffin, Carolyn Lavery, Judy Tetrick, Ronda Cope, Jeannie
Interpretive Officers: Michelle Brinton, Laura Nelson, Kip Rishton, Claudia Orr, Francine Stapley, Robyn Timoney, Randy Fellows, Joyce Olsen.
Sing your heart out Kory!
in taro 88
Coffin, Valerie Teuscher, Cindy McClure, Peggy Allen, Patti Brinton. Row Four: Sherry Atkinson, Joy Hanson, Bonnie Pierce, Laura Nelson, Marcy Wright, Betsy Steadman, Rebecca Shelton, Geri Anderson. Row Five: Miss Timoney, Kristin Hardy, Debbie Cutler, Susan Stevens, Francine Stapley, Roxanne Ordachoski, Ruthann Smith, Claudia Orr, Cindy Dowding, Tari Smith, Doree DePew.
Drew's acting ability shows through again.
Miss Timoney Adviser
"You better not."
Mr. King Adviser
v.i.c.a â&#x20AC;˘ Ross Ainsworth adjusts the VICA Club symbol.
VICA Officers: Kevin Sybrowsky, Blaine Oakeson, Ray Allred, Ross Ainsworth, Scott Hardman.
Row One: Mr. King, Shannon Chamberlain, Debbie Cates, Kevin Sybrowsky, Ross Ainsworth, Robyn Carlisle, Kim Nelson , Peggy Atkinson , Scott Hardman, Blaine Oakeson, Ray Allred, RaNae Walters, Mr. Holt. Row Two: Mr. Fisher, Lori Armstrong, Susan Mahon, Lance Schmidt, Lane Christensen, Jeff Phillips, Neil Mock, Alan Orwin , Kenny Williams, Jessie Ritzman, Connie Anderson, Jeanne Kendrick. Row Three: Sally Murdock, Lori Woodward , Tonya Runolfson, Pam Robinson, Cindy Slade, Mike Thompson , Reed Scott, Richard Kemp, C~aig Mace, Jeanene Miller. Row Four: Ted Nezos, Bryan Wall, Jeanette Johnson, Cheri M1llerberg , Tracy Leavitt, Les Gailey, ¡Ralph Chavez, Terry Hill, Jon Tait, Billy Johnson, Ed Romero, Mark Williams. Row Five: Robert Mathie, Paul Urry, Pam Johnson , Janine Homer, Sharla Mickelsen, Eric Sanders, Ken Noffsinger, Ricky Brown, Jeff Eastman, Ben Reeves, Lee Macklin, Marvin Hase. Row Six: Mark Urry, Carl Sargent, Mark Smith, Mike Cracroft, Carl Hendrickson, Scott Brown, Don Hyatt, Brad Kemp , David Richards. Row Seven: Darrell Groves, Alan Buchanan, Kevin Hughes, Greg Penky, Chad Forman, Kevin Patterson, Greg Demke, Nolan Snow, James Maddocks, Jay Stuart, Mike Akagi . Row Eight: Guy Conway, Russ Necaise, Marty Cozzens, Chris Chapman, Randy Hughes, David Orgill , David Anderson, Joseph Hilton, Duffy Pingree, unknown. Row Nine: Kevin Tate, Mike Cary, Ned Burningham, L~wry Hathaway, Brent Best, Randy Hughes, Lloyd Westinskow, Suzanne Ferre, Jan Fannin, Cmdy Robinson.
Promoting high standards in trade ethics, workmanship, safety and scholarship, members worked to improve themselves personally and civically. Participating in a bicycle excursion to U.T.C., a VICA breakfast, parliamentary training, public speaking and their own exclusive rabbit hunt.
Craig Mace finds the easy way to get a ride.
The FBA and FHA's own underground organized crime unit.
Miss Patten Adviser
Joyce Olsen, Kris Graham, Gayle Taylor, Mitchell, Beverly Petersen, Doreen Stauffer, Waters, Debbie Caldwell, Janine Homer, Lori Helene Hallock, Carol Jolley, Debora Hurst,
Karrie Marie Ricks, Susan
Waterson, RaNae Walters, Lori Woodward, Lani Fenton, Terry Sprouse, Wilma Weller, Cyndee Slade, Tracy Leavitt, Rhonda Norton, Colleen Hranac, Elaine Woodbury, Linda Zupan, Lori Anderson, Cindy Jordan, Tonya Runolfson, Diana Baer.
.a. FBA Officers: Lee Macklin, Brett Andrizzi, Peter Massa, Scott Gallagher. Missing: Gary Pelch.
Lee Macklin, Scott Hardman, Brett Andrizzi, Peter Massa, Scott Gallagher, Brent Cook, Mike Halladay. Missing: Gary Pelch.
FHA Officers: RaNae Walters, Stephanie Welch, Miss Patten, Suzanne Ferre, Debora Hurst, Tonya Runolfson.
FHA - Future Homemakers of America and FBA Future Bachelors of America. When we combine the two, only Miss Patten and the officers can express to us what that means. Days full of memories that none of the club will forget. An early-morning breakfast, an officer initiation, one Thanksgiving turkey for 55 people, and a little children's Christmas party that proved to us that kids are afraid of Santa. Days of chaos and laughter that none of us will forget, but we will share in our "Future Homes of America."
math ClUb \
Kevin Cox, Mike Agaki, Keith Eddington, Clark Schmidt, Duane Davis, David Bradbury, Francis Longstaff, Bill Clayton, Curtis Smith.
Francis Longstaff President
David really gets his mind into it.
Mr. Gooch Adviser
That must be some equation!
From its humble beginning as the think club, a new breed of math club and mathematical wizardry evolved and embarked on the search for a new, provocative title - namely, "Empty Set" and "Common Denominators." Impromptu meetings, no membership dues and occastional guest speakers characterized the club.
modal u.n.
Model U. N. - a group of concerned students. Concerned with the affairs of foreign countries and the United Nations. Aware of the growing activity in governmental affairs these students sought to air the differences by by roleplaying the customs of Ruwanda and Jordan. Preparing day by day for the general assembly at the U, of U. Model U.N.- expanding the entire scope of student awareness. Jared Christensen , Mrs. Tyler, Scott Olsen , Patr icia Morgan , Tari Anderson , Nola Peterson, Cindy Jensen , Julie Carlquist, Nancy Ballard, Kris Cannon , Pat Nelson , Sharon Farnsworth , Michelle Nance, Kirk Peterson , Karlin Hardy, Billy Clough, Kendall Peterson , Lynn Ware , Megan Timoney, Tammy McClure.
"As the World Turns."
Mrs. Tyler Adviser
Speak, Jared, Speak!
dance club Twenty-two barefooted twinkle-toed, young beauties displaying their talent in sharp contrasting and personalized movements. All of them bedecked in their second-skinned "lards" and expressing their moods in their own unique style. Preparing for the Christmas assembly, tantalizing the men, showing their talent at the dance concert. Dance Club unknowingly creating memories.
Row One: Shirlee West, Terry Sprouse, Cindy Jordan, Elaine Woodbury, Elaine Lambson, Lori Woodward, Gayle Taylor. Row Two: Lori Schmidt, Debbie Caldwell, Carol Jolley, Juliann Wolfgramm, Marie Waters, Cheri Atkinson, Karen Everill, Kathy Everill, Shelley Reed, Susan Webb, Susan Russell, Diane Jones, Barbara Tremelling, Lisa Dunn.
Together dance club shows grace and poise in the technique within themselves.
Row One: Barbara Tremelling , Susan Russell , Karen Everill, Kathy Everill, Lori Schmidt, Gayle Taylor, Sheri Atkinson. Row Two: Lori Woodward, Diane Jones, Li sa Dunn, Shelley Reed, Elaine Lambson . Row Three: Terry Sprouse, Juliann Wolfgramm, Shirlee West, Carol Jolley. Row Four: Susan Webb, Elaine Woodbury, Cindy Jordan , Mari e Waters, Debbie Caldwell.
Dance Club Officers: Susan Campbell, Carol Jolley, Lisa Dunn, Janet Olsen. Missing: Gayle Taylor.
Jordanette Officers: Richelle Thomas, Bobbie Lee Gatehouse, Lori Whetman.
Row One: Richelle Thomas, Laura Nelson , Yvonne Gotberg , Tamara Lykins, Karen Kay Gatehouse, Sheri Atkinson , Lori Ricks, Sandy Orth, Bobbie Lee Gatehouse, Janet Nielson, Carol Nielson, Cathy Darling , Vicky Martin, Lori Armstrong , Debbie C?te~, Linda Zupan, Evelyn Birchell, Sandy Lambson , Beverly Davenport, Jill White, Gmn1e Barlow, Valerie Setterberg, Lori Whetman, Janine Homer, Doreen Stauffer, Kelli Hiatt, Pam Summerhayes.
Laura Nelson ushers at Jordan game.
Bobbie Lee Gatehouse and Mr. Ward assist Mr. King in finding his seat.
Jordan's official hostesses who started the year off with a good looking uniform. They combined their varied talents to form a unique organization prepared to offer their services whenever needed. Sharing warmth and laughter, caring about others, ushering at basketball games, "Guys and Dolls," and graduation. Jordan's Jordanettes, the girls that serve just for the fun of it.
Jordanattas 93
Row One: Claudia Orr, Jan Larsen, Lori Woodward, Janine Homer, Pam Johnson. Row Two: Beverly Davenport, Cindy Richardson, Dian e Nelson, Julie Carlquist, Kathryn Houmand. Row Three: Clark Schmidt, Duane Davis, Robert Pixton, Francis Longstaff, Curtis Dahl. Row Four: Nelson Clayton, Ron Jackson , Kendall Peterson , Todd Zagorec , Craig
Mr. Smith Adviser
Houmand. Missing: Sharon Atkinson, John Bishop, Susan Brinton, Randall Child , Kelly Crebs, Allyson Day, Douglas Eyre , Vicki Fairbourn, Chad Forman, Stewart Gardner, Joanne Glassey, Lynette Gotberg , John Haueter, Dana Jensen, Ray Jewkes, Jeffrey McArthur, Marta Millsap, Charlotte Mitchell , Jaydene Moody, Jeffrey Mumford, Jeralyn Pixton .
Reading, writing, and arithmetic have found their places in the hearts of these students. On the first day of school you can pick them out - not always the teacher's pet and not always the one speaking the loudest, or the most. Initiative and individual expression are the marks of the honor society. Craig Houmand President When these Jordanites learned to play tennis they found out what "love" was all about. Working under the sun they "served" their very best- even when it caused a "racket." These are our aces ... the tennis club. They "netted" a lot of good times.
David Bradbury President
Mr. Ash Adviser
Row One: Mr. Ash, Linda Tripp , Nancy Ballard , Dana Jense n, Susa n Ball ard , Franc is Long staff. Row two: Bill Clayton , Ron Jac kson , David Bradbury.
u.a.a. These are the determined and athletic girls of Jordan, besides, who said that "it's a man's world?" Anyone who watched these displays of grace, agility, exertion, and coordination have a personal conviction that women are alive and living on the court as well as in the kitchen. Row One: Debra Clough, Jena Crapo Jeri Bishop, Loe Pierce, Susan Webb, Tammy Smith, Cindy Paget, Coleen Ricord, Wendy Wallin, Tamara Walkenhorst, Jolene Christensen, Dara Anderson, Linda Zupan, Debbie Cates, Doris Sharp. Row Two: Margaret Padfield, Karen Pangos, Gina Melonas, Cathy Noorda, Bonnie
There's no need to fear, I will stop her here.
Ballard, Bev Davenport, Karen Ferguson , Cheryl Nadeau, Mariann Spratt, Geri Gordon, Susan Sterling, Margie Begay, Joan Mortensen, Ruth Price. Row Three: Sandy Orth, Carla Ricord, Bobbie Lee Gatehouse, Debra Bleazard, Karlin Hardy, Evelyn Birchell, Karen Gatehouse, Julianne Wolfgramm, Patti Mortensen, Tami Okubo.
G.A.A. Officers: Bonnie Ballard, Ruth Price, Miss Padfield Joan Mortensen, Cindy Paget, Coleen RicAdviser ord, Karen Ferguson, Miss Padfield, Debbie Cates. Forensics taught one the art of saying little in many words. This was the competitive club that represented the "beet" in an optimistic way. They competed in many categories such as oration, debate, legislative forum, impromptu speaking, and extemporaneous. The countless hours of cutting, pasting, and filing paid off for our Jordan Forensics squad as they maintained the respectable tradition of the past.
Row One: Gary Rane, Karlin Hardy, Jeanne ~adler, Julie Carlquist, Kevin Cutler, Kendall eterson , Todd Zagorec, Duane Davis , Kerry
Thompson. Row Two: Kirk Peterson, Kennard Black, Lon Thomas , Steve Parker, Ken Grimes, Leslie Gailey, Francis Longstaff, Jared Christensen.
Forensics Officers: Kendall Peterson, Todd Zagorec, Jared Christensen.
Fritos, Cheetos, a twinkie and four candy bars, what a hog.
Duane Bailey, Lon Thomas, Brent Jackman, Julianne Winkler, Carolee Nelson, Bill Clough.
Students in bookstore get away from school lunch.
Bill Clough Manager Jordan's good ol' bookstore not only served as an escape when school lunch wasn't your favorite, but it was also generalized as a mini Grand Central. Bic pens, notebooks and our own Jordan Beetdigger sweatshirt could be found there during lunches and before and after school. Under the direction of Lila Wilson.
No, we don't have anymore twinkies.
sub-dabs and sou ires
With a style and distinction all their own the Sub-Debs and Squires added an exciting and unique flavor to Jordan's music department this year. You might say they were the more sophisticated students In the musical field. They not only attended symphonies and concerts, but were featured at the U. of U. as the guests of the day.
Mr. Zabriskie Adviser
Row One: Bryan Paget, Francis Longstaff, Susan Ballard, John Bishop. Row Two: Drew Chamberlain, Bobbie Lee Gatehouse, Julie Carlquist, Kevin Cox, Kendall Peterson. Row Three: Kip Rishton, Duane Bingham, Sherry Atkinson, Cindy Paget. Row Four: Janet Bergener, Dana Jensen, Ginnie Barlow, Claudia Orr, Jalynn Steadman, Carma Hansen, Shirley Lakerveld, Tari Smith, Julie Sheppard, Judy Hatch, Geralyn Pixton.
Drew Chamberlain President
Julie Carlquist President
kBV ClUb Key Club - epitomizing service to the school and community, striving to enrich man's existence. The traditional raising of the flag every morning and takIng it down every afternoon gave this club a good reason to either be a few minutes late to class or to get out a few minutes early. Also, being the patriotic students and striving for a flag In each classroom - Key Club.
Row Two: Scott Jewkes, Janice Ballard, Colleen Smith, Jazan Vawdrey, Mr. Pond . Row Two: Keith Cornia, Pride Alldredge, Ray Allred, Blaine Beck, Dave Henderson.
Mr. Pond Adviser
Key Club Officers: Keith Corn ia, Joel Bishop, Dave Henderson, Ray Allred.
Mr. Gibson Adviser
oren astra Sometimes I wonder how I got to be so perfect. Orchestra - a symbol of what we could have been if only we hadn't ignored our mother's frequent re· mlnders to practice a full hour. Thanks to a group of aspiring young musicians and Mr. Gibson's "tolerant disposition" the orchestra was successful in providing music for "Guys and Dolls" and other activities.
Row One: Heidi Stoedter, Sheri Atkinson, Ellen Fratto, Debbi Gentry, Ginger Wright, Diane
Woodruf, Kariena Izatt. Row Two: LaRee Leany, Gayle DeSpain, Pat Morgan, Willie Wright, Mr. Gibson, Dinah Holmstead.
band Rest, one, two, three, four! This group of Jordan's musical talent spent the year concen· trating on sustaining the right notes and getting their pages turned on time. The long hours of rehearsal paid off In the excitement of successful pep as· semblles, sports activities, and cafeteria serenades.
Row One: Cal Wadsworth, Mike Merrill, Bonnie Brennan, Ellen Fratto, Mark Ziegler, Elizabeth Lamb. Row Two: Tim Olson, Mayda Auker, Heidi Stoedter, Patrea Smith, Grem Armstrong, Richard Herd, David Panek, Dave Kimball, Jody Bentley.
Row Three: Ke rn Pollard, Dale Titus, Janina Maxfield, Dave Cracroft, Darrell Toster, Scott Brown, Keith Sturdevant, Del Swensen. Row Four: Keith Eddington, Jeff Jen sen, Tom May, Jeff Langston, Jeff Phillips, Richard Parker.
service art 11
0h, I wish the bell would ring." A small room complete with a stereo, leaky faucet, and Miss Tippetts' unique personality make up the home of 15 artistic geniuses. Along with paint flying fights, singing along with the Jackson 5 to beat the 7th period blahs and laughing so hard that our stom· achs ached came the talent of preparing dance posters, scenery for "Guys and Dolls" and ..Auntie Mame" and our own original masterpieces.
Leah Tippetts Adviser
Row One: Kristine Howard, Gary Bell, Edna Myers, Michelle Snyder, Cathy Darling , Tammy Rowell, Cindy Dowding, Kristie Graham. Row Two: Steve McPherron, Pat Bean , Carl Hendrickson, Joyce Olsen, Leah Tippetts.
Robyn Timoney Adviser
Yes, Robyn! With headaches caused from short circuited lighting systems, curtains that wouldn't close, and records that always skipped, the stage crew tried to create the kind of activities we would come to ••• They helped with the "unique concepts In entertainment" that kept us amused.
"Freeze" R~w One: Randy Fellows, Bryan Paget. Row Two: Mike Sheppard, Ktp Rlshton, Robert Glad, Paul Krueger, Lynn Wright.
Ross Ainsworth Left End Outside Linebacker
BreH Andrlzzl Guard Defensive End
Rand Andrus Tackle
Randy Bradfield Defensive End Guard
Kenny Brady Tackle
Reed Brklaclch Tackle
Cory Cartwright Defensive Tackle
Gerry Clarke Flanker Middle Linebacker
Bill Cowley Offensive Tackle Defensive Tackle
Kelly Crebs Quarterback Defensive Halfback
Ralph Crystal Flanker
Jim Dahl Center
Mike Day Halfback Defensive Halfback
Ryan Ennis Guard
ScoH Gallagher Safety Place Kicker
Sherm Gallagher Quarterback
George Gonzales Tackle
Gary Green Left End
Gerry Gustafson Tail Back Allstate
Joe Ham Quarterback Safety
Brent Jackman Tackle
Randy Jensen End
David Jentzch Center
Rusty Johnson Tackle
Sid Jones Guard
Brad Kemp Middle Linebacker
Lee Macklin Flanker
Merlin Miller Center
Kevin Mills Center
Rick Parker End
Steve Parker Defensive End
Wade Pierce Gary Pelch Middle Linebacker Outside Linebacker
Kim Powell End
Glenn Pyle Quarterback Safety
Scott Robinson Halfback
Eddie Romero Nose Guard Offensive Guard
Kelly Savage Fullback Defensive Halfback
Kevin Scroggin Tight End
Nolan Snow Tight End
Stan Stringfellow Quarterback
Bob Taylor Left End
Pat Teuscher Defensive Tackle Offensive Tackle
Jay Turner Halfback
Lynn Ware Fullback
Kevin Webster Guard
Don Yates Tackle
Dave Zeller Defensive End
Ralph Chavis Manager
Peter Massa Defensive Tackle Offensive Tackle
It began on a hot summ~~B~r running along, muscles flexed, I tried to convince myself I was an animal. The first game - warming the bench through frustrating moments I wanted to get at 'em. Football- a world of final effort, a game of physical combat, of guts and determination.
Drew Chamberlain Manager
Ray Jewkes Manager
Vern Jeppson Fullback 103
I'd say it's¡about time for a field goal.
varsitY scores Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
13 0 7 18 14 0 0 16 23
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillcrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brighton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Layton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cypress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tooele
6 22 0 56 21 20 20 0 6
Oh where oh where can my blockers be, oh where oh where can they be!
soonomore team
Row One: Craig Wagstaff, Kirk Riding, Terry Davis, David Clough, Bob Stone, Keith Eddington, Ken Young, Rod Sedgwick, Mark Burningham, John Lundstrom, Del Swenson, Tom May, Robert Yaka, Ben Christensen. Row Two: Steven Milne, James Yeater, George Russom, Pa~l Fairbourn, Barry S~renson, Blake Ostler, RayPaul Greenwood, Blame Cozzens, John F1sh, Jeff Meldrum, Gregory Lunkwitz, Kevin
Gallagher, Lance Schocker, Bob Hoffman. Row Three: Dane Allred Robert McPherron, Steve Bawden, Jeff Leavitt, Jeff Newland, Duff Pingree, Joe Hilton, Scott Olsen, Frank Jex, Steve Jepson, Randy Hughes, Judson Boynton, Roger Chase, Darwin Bradfield, Larry Walters, Dan Auker, Chuck Christensen, David Jewkes, Darrell Troester, James Whitmore, Coach Jewkes. Missing: Gary Thomas and Brian Robertson.
This summer found football players tackling dummies, lifting weights, laps around the track, giving up wine and women, and hitting the sack at 10:00. Anticipation was shared by coach, team, and spectator. Even the bench warmers had a positive attitude. The team lived in their own world of first downs, red flags, fumbles, and intercepted passes. All trying to become what coaches Berry, Murray, and May wanted - a team of mini Joe Namaths. Forty-nine Mighty Beetdiggers who felt proud when intoxicated with victory, yet learned to accept defeat.
Bingham about to be tackled by a multitude of Jordan players.
Gallagher to Gallagher, another pass completed.
Some people wouldn't recognize defeat If It walked up and grabbed them by the neck.
Susan Russell Wearing the name "head cheerleader," Susan had the job of keeping things up when everything was down. She could look past the bleachers into our faces and really bring out our school loyalty. Whether Russell was singing the school song, or making five back handsprings in a row look easy, she gave the Beetdiggers an extra shot in the arm.
Shirlee West Shirlee's familiar smile always seemed to make us welcome. She faced the games with a double enthusiasm for a second year. Sometimes it's pretty awkward to stand up and cheer, but when West looked up at us everything became so natural. Shirlee gave Jordan all her energy, and more.
Peggy Atkinson Adding a childish spark to Jordan, Peggy fulfilled the little girl excitement of having a good time. She automatically left a strong impression on all those she came In contact with. To watch Atkinson is to love her, to laugh with her, and to care with her.
Cindy Richardson If ever there was a born Beetdigger, it would have to be Cindy. She's as crazy, happy, and enthusiastic as they come. As the only junior in the bunch, she somehow kept everyone else In line. Always cracking that needed joke, Richardson brought the cheerleader role down-to-earth.
Debbie Caldwell Cheering along with Deb, "We are the Beetdiggers, we are the BEST," became more than just a cheer. An optimist by nature, Caldwell made positive thinking believable. Whether it was hanging posters, cheering at a game, or freaking Bingham, Deb stood out.
Diane Jones "Onward ever onward, 'til the victory, Jordan triumphant, fighting for the red and gray shall always stay. Fighting ever fighting 'til the goal's in sight .â&#x20AC;˘. " Diane involves herself in songleading as she involves herself in everything she does - a hard working perfectionist.
Elaine Lambson "The team took the floor with just one thought in mind, Viva-la-VIctory FIGHT! The other team tried but was so far behind, Viva-la-VIctory- FIGHT . . . " Unlimited enthusiasm and a sparkling smile sums up Elaine. She has a magic way of bringing out the best in people.
Barbara Tremelling "Hurrah for Jordan, Hurrah for Jordan, someone in the crowd is yelling hurrah for Jordan. One, two, three, four, who ya gonna yell for? Jordan, Jordan, that's us!" There's a certain sophisticated shyness about Barbara, yet she seemed to radiate a quiet energy.
Elaine Woodbury "Jordan High School, cheer for Jordan High School, Jordan High School, the best school in the state!!!" Taking things lightly, always too happy to worry. Bouncy, reckless, and carefree. Woodbury - she's contagious.
Cindy Jordan "V-1-C-T-0-R-Y, Victory, Victory, is our cry, la-te-dah, those Beetdiggers are the best, la-te-dah, the best of all the rest .â&#x20AC;˘. " Cindy is a spirited girl who has the unique ability of involvIng the studentbody.
Bonnie Barllard, Rich Parker, Sherrie Johnson, Ronda Cope, Dane Allred, Shelley Reed.
Tracy Leavitt, Dane Allred, Marsha Rane. Jennifer Cannon, Cindy Forbes, Rich Parker.
Row One: Jared Christensen, Kennard Black, Doug Draper, John Pyle, Kerry Thompson, Curtis Smith, Duane Davis. Row Two: Joel Bishop, Daryl Bingham, Todd Zagorec, Mark Ziegler, Kevin Sybrowsky, Mike
Swensen, Lon Thomas, John Bishop. Row Three: Wilford Begay, Walter Wilson, Scott Jewkes, Jim Romero, Marvin Hase, Scott Bonham, Jon Tait. Row Four: Mike Akagi, Randy Oakeson, Wade Frischnecht, Brad Fenton, Scott Crane, Dave Henderson.
ross ountrv ALLRIGHT!!!! It was a time, a season, a feeling. Jordan Cross Country 1973-74. During the frostbitten months each morning and afternoon, if you were driving down the road or pedalling along on your 10-speed, you could see a determined and breathless Beetdigger jogging on the side. It wasn't until we saw a big "J" break the finish line ribbon that we realized what perseverance really meant.
Prepping for the "Great Race."
Nolan Snow Nolan can scratch the bottom of his arch while standing up straight. Defense, rebounding and his accurate hook shot kept Jordan flying.
John Bishop Bishop's machine-like scoring set him up as top scorer. His unusual determination and accuracy weren't easily ignored.
Craig Houmand Craig was always in motion, whether on the bench or out hustling Bingham. He had the guts to go along with the program.
Ross Ainsworth Between back passes and head lay-ups, Ross seemed to be everywhere on the floor. He played with a tenacity that amazed everyone but himself.
Kevin Smith Smith gave the team a good deal of depth as he came in to add a little "umph" in the middle of the defense.
Have you ever wandered into the gym after a game when the thronging crowds have gone, leaving only a few contemplative stragglers? There is a certain hollowness in the air, the walls still resounding where only minutes before hundreds of voices were unified in a desire for victory. Where tension permeated the gym, devoted players sweated away the time clock, trying hard to outshoot the opponent and to do their best for Jordan. Buying precious time and points, and paying for them with floor burns and sore ankles. A prized victory over rival Bingham and only five Points away from qualifying for State. Jordan Basketball . . . a reason for hope.
Mike Cary ''Killer" was up in the air, ripping across the floor, ~nd showing Jordan that havIng guts and determination really paid off.
Jon Sargent It seemed, going all out at practice, was well worth it for Jon, especially when he always seemed to give the team an extra boost.
Mike Day "Break-away" showed a lot of promise by his quickness and hustle while on the court, and his attitude toward the team while off it.
Phil Bradford Whether "burn" was wearing his practice shirt backwards or acting a little abnormal he made shots once he got on the floor.
varsi IY scores Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
Corey Houmand Never having to worry about a razz from his big brother, and as the only soph. on the team, "Rookie" added with his maximum effort.
54 62 42 53 65 47 59 58 72 59 61
. . . . . . . . . . . Davis . . . . . . . . . . Judge .......... Tooele . . . . . . . . Bingham . . . . . . . . . Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . Davis . . . . . . . . . . Judge . . . . . . . . . Tooele . . . . . . . . Bingham . . . . . . . . . Cyprus . . . . . . . . . Carbon
Paul Brown "Solo" was about as energetic and determined as they come, even though he spent a good deal of time spread out on the floor.
48 71 64 56 64 60 70 60 68 48 66
Garn Kemp Between personal jokes and clowning around at practice "Oak" found it doesn't always come easy ... but when it does, the whole team gains.
Archie Blackham Arch didn't waste a lot of time messing around ... well maybe sometimes, but he got what needed to get done, and did a good job of it at that.
Managers Row One: Jim Kennelly, Kevin Allen, Kevin Walters. Row Two: Ray Jewkes, Jim Dahl, Drew Chamberlain, Dane Allred.
1.v. basketball
i.v. scores
Row One: Jim Dahl, Bob Hoffman, Corey Hou~an.d, Gary Thomas, Jeff Pierce, Kenneth Young, evm Waiters. Row Two: Ray Jewkes, Don Peter-
sen, Phil Bradford, Kevin Nelson, Drew Chamberlain. Row Three: Mike Crowther, Mike Day, Mark Blackham, Paul Brown, Garn Kemp, Coach Hale.
Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
64 75 49 69 79 66 79 72 80 68
. . . . . . . . . . . Davis . . . . . . . . . . Judge . . . . . . . . . Tooele . . . . . . . . Bingham . . . . . . . . . Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . Davis .......... Judge . . . . . . . . . Tooele . . . . . . . . Bingham . . . . . . . . . Cyprus
50 52 47 67 69 48 63 59 66 60
sophomore scores
Row One: David Clough , Bob Hoffman, Gary Thomas, Duffy Pingree, Kenneth Young. Row Two:
Corey Houmand, Ben Christensen , Del Swensen, Rod Sedwick. Row Three: Carl Sargent, Jeff Pierce, Coach Murry.
Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
47 63 53 48 64 67 57 77 59 82
........... Davis . . . . . . . . . . Judge .......... Tooele . . . . . . . . Bingham . . . . . . . . . Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . Davis . . . . . . . . . . Judge .... ...... Tooele . . . . . . . . Bingham . . . . . . . . . Cyprus
59 42 39 58 51 62 53 63 54 53
sophomore basketball 115
wrestling John Sieverts 981bs.
Jim Romero 105 lbs.
Jon Tait 1121bs.
Eddie Romero 119 lbs.
Wilford Begay 126 lbs.
Ralph Crystal 132 lbs.
Marvin Hase 138 lbs.
Jordan High Varsity Wrestling Team of 1974.
Scott Crane 138 lbs.
Twist his head off!
Scott Bonham 145 lbs.
Randy Bradfield 1551bs.
Gary Pelch 1671bs.
Pat Teuscher 185 lbs.
You've gotta hold on me baby!
Peter Massa Heavyweight
J.v. wrestling
Row One: Jon Tait, Eddie Romero, Walter Wilson , Wilford Begay, Gary Pelch, Scott Crane, Randy Bradfield, Kevin Webster, Darrell Bingham, John Sieverts. Row Two: Scott Jewkes, Marvin Hase, Pat Teuscher , Peter Massa, Kevin Sybrowsky, Kelly Savage, David Hendersen , Don Yates , Gerry lvie, Scott Landeen , David Jentzsch, Glen Vawdrey, Les Auker, Joel Bishop, Tom Darling . Row Three: Coach Kent Swedlund ,
Kevin Langford, Kevin Gallagher, Robert Smith, Brad Fenton, Darwin Bradfield , Paul Fairbourne, Wade Freschknecht, Steve Lyngets, Steve Milne , Darrel Troester, Randy Hughes, Rodney Allen, David Jewkes, Chuck Chri stense n, Armon Meadows, Randall Oakason, Coach Dan May. Row Four: Jeff Leavitt, Dan Auker, Jim Romero, Jim Cleland, Jerry Florez, Mark Ziegler, Jeff Newland, Matt Sorenson, Joseph Hilton, Lon Thomas, D'Ray Miller, Mike Akagi , Kirk Riding.
David Hendersen struggling for a pin.
A typical Jordan hold.
At first we didn't think we could make it. The wrestling room that was supposed to be finished in August wasn't done by January. The mats had to be carried out on the gym floor at 6:30 and rolled up by 8:00. It made you wonder if it was all worth it. But our team shared in an optimistic attitude. They worked and gained an everlasting superiority. They showed Jordan what the word victory really meant when they qualified for State and took Second Place.
Come on, just three more inches.
J. V. Team: Manager, Brian Robertson; Gerry lvie, Kelly Savage, Darrell Bingham, Jeff Leavitt, Kevin Gallager, Mark Bay, Kevin Langford.
One, two, three, ROLL.
Coaches Swedlund and May.
I'm ready if you are.
The smell of success is never too sweet. We want ... 6 points.
Look, a push me, pull you.
wrestlers: 2nd in state
Jordan wrestling team accepting the state trophy.
Scott Bonham waiting to receive his 1st place trophy. Spilling into the sports arena we kept our fingers crossed and hoped for the best for Jordan. We shared with the team the realization that every match was crucial; that we were only moments away from victory or defeat. Suspended in . excitement the State Tournament was a picture of unsettled nerves. But, it all paid off when Jordan took second in the State and we brought home two first place State Champs; Eddie Romero and Scott Bonham.
Eddie Romero happily receives his 1st place trophy.
Coach Swedlund and captains present the State trophy to the studentbody at Jordan.
State and Region Wrestling Trophies.
Row One: Mrs. Gailey, Janine Homer, Jan Larsen, Karen Gatehouse, Debbie Williams, Tina Mead, Carol Butler, Bobbie Lee Gatehouse. Row
Two: Larry Craig Steve
Kirk Scott, Dave Bawden, Jeff Meldrum, Walters, Grant Ragsdale, Alan Buchanan, Fisher, Scott Ragsdale, Greg Ballard, Overson, Blaine Beck.
Go ahead, I dare you to STREAK against the bottom of the pool.
That last bit of advice before the big race.
Swimmers find relaxation time before getting down to work.
Famous for the longest and toughest work-outs in athletics, swim team members found their place with a pair of noseplugs and their breast stroke. Preseason meets sharpened their stamina, and entitled them. If such a thing exists, they were glad to be in the uniform of the beetdigger. Craig Fisher gives his best to finish first.
Tina tries one of her super dives.
swimming 121
Row One: Kent Dunn, Jon Sargent, Ray Greenwood, Milan Swllor, Mike Merrill. Row Two: John Haueter, Don Brown, Garn Kemp, Mike Marcovecchio, Clair Skoubye, Coach Murry.
Coming back on a successful season the golf team sharpened the accuracy of their irons and added a few yards off the tee in order to crush their opponents. This helped them develop some finesse, and that's what makes the golfer avoid triple bogeys.
Whoops, missed the ball.
Mike Marcovecchio takes a practice swing before putting the ball.
Concentration and careful aim get it there.
The symbol of success is lonely.
Kent Dunn takes into consideration windage and elevation.
Clair Skoubye's a real "swinger."
Row One: Joseph Ham, Lon Thomas, Kerry Thompson, Kennard Black, Doug Curley, Vern Jeppson, Jared Christensen, Craig Houmand, Glenn Pyle, Kent Holsten, Kevin Scroggin. Row Two: Merlin Miller, David Zeller, Kelly Savage, Curtis Smith, Todd Zagorec, Peter Massa, Jeff Tempest, Cory Cartwright, Jay Turner, Lynn Ware, Scott Robinson, Jim Dahl, Brent Hardcastle, Duane Davis, Coach Berry. Row Three: George Russom, Kent Best, Mark Ziegler,
Ken Young waits for the gun for 880 Relay.
Doug Curley gets it all together.
Craig Wagstaff, Doug Christensen, Scott Brown, James Whitmore, Duffy Pingree, David Clough, Terry Davis, Kevin Gallagher, Paul Fairbourne, Mike Akagi, Brent Best, Richard Kemp, Coach Ray Jensen. Row Four: James Nelson, Stewart Gardner, Lance Schocker, Mike Thorpe, Rod Sedjwick, Ben Christensen, Gary Thomas , Ken Young, Kevin Walters, Chris Chapman , Keith Eddington, Hilton Harris. Missing: Kirk Riding, Brad Kemp, Gerry Gustafson, Scott Gallagher, Ross Ainsworth, John Bishop.
Sophomores practice jumping over low hurdles.
Another victory for Craig Houmand in the high hurdles.
Craig Houmand gets a nafural high in the broad jump.
Scott Robinson tells his javeline where to go.
Warm weather creates a new kind of excitement in athletics. Track is a variety of different events: a sprinter trying not to let the thought of time disturb his rhythm while a discus thrower works for perfection in muscle coordination. Each event requires the extra amount of skill and endurance necessary for victory. Oh, no, only ten?
Ryan Ennis winds up for discus throw.
Todd Zagorec passes baton to Jared Christensen in mile relay.
Oh, no, where's the mat?
uirls sports
Strike her out Susan.
Ruth Price gives it all she has. An independent group of Jordan women. Endurance and coordination, mixed with bruised shins, scraped knees, and twisted ankles are the prices a girl has to pay when she tries to prove that her scores on the scoreboard can be as good as the "male" athletes. Girls' Sports - the sophisticated version of Women's Lib.
Ugh ... why did I ever say I'd do this?
On your mark, get set ...
Girls' Baseball team warms up for the game.
Up up and away.
Swing your racket around and around ...
coach as
Doug Berry
Hue Jewkes
Rodney Oliver
Fred Ash
Sharon Gailey
Dan May
Margaret Padfield
Hal Hale
Mike Murry
Kent Swedlund
gymnastics "Bend and stretch, reach for the sky .â&#x20AC;˘. "
Susan Russell performs floor exercise for studentbody.
Susan Webb practices her bar routine.
Did you feel a wind blow by?
Cindy Paget performs vaulting stunt.
Jan Noorda, vaulting Super Woman.
Linda Anderson Bonnie Ballard Jeri Bishop
Debbie Clough Ronda Cope Jena Crapo
Stacy Fenton Marjean Hooser Sheri Johnson
Susan Webb demonstrates floor exercise routin' Carol Jolley Elaine Lambson Joan Mortensen Patti Mortensen
Jan Noorda Kathy Noorda Tammy Okubo Cindy Paget
Carol Jolley warms-up for gymnastics practice.
1974 Gymnastics Team of Jordan. Karen Pangos Nancy Price Cindy Richardson Susan Russell
Gymnastics - the sport that combines dance and acrobatics with grace and accuracy. Many individual routines performed with precision and tension. Working out daily and after school only to be judged and awarded with criticism. After competing in the Region meet, Jordan sent many of its gymnasts to the State meet, and won the State Championship.
Lori Schmidt Cindy Slade
Susan Sterling Gayle Taylor Sharlene Veater Marie Waters
Susan Webb Shirlee West Elaine Woodbury Lori Woodward
Ross Ainsworth Pitcher
Scott Anderson Short Stop
Brett Andrizzi Third Base
John Bishop First Base
Matt Bishop Right Field
Carl Bolton Short Stop
Scott Bonham Pitcher
Randy Bradfield Left Field
Reed Brklacich Third Base
Blane Cozzens Third Base
Ralph Crystal Second Base
Mike Day Center Field
Sherm Gallagher Left Field
Scott Gallagher Center Field
Gerry Gustafson Third Base
Swing, batter, swing.
Team loyalty still exists at Jordan.
Baseball is something anybody can play, but few succeed beyond neighborhood diamonds and games with the local color. Mixing a personal effort to make contact with the ball and a team coordination for the double play - a swinging Jordan team coached by Hal Hale and Lynn Ballard were on their way to make Baseball history.
c.,~ Gerry lvie Second Base
Brad Kemp Catcher
Mike Day gets ready for his turn at bat.
Billy Johnson Pitcher
John Lundstrom Second Base
Russell Johnson Catcher
Steve McPherron Short Stop
Jeff Pierce Right Field
Wade Pierce Catcher
Buck Sharples Pitcher
Bob Stone Right Field
Del Swensen First Base
Wade Webster Pitcher
Baseball Managers: Kevin Allen, Dane Allred, Leslie Gailey.
Strike three, we're out.
Wind her up Sherm, baby.
The great Jordan baseball team of '73-'74.
Bob Stone slides into second base.
Scotty, come " home." 134
Grve up, Randy, you're out.
Row One: Steve Overson, Don Yates, Wade Pierce, Doug Draper, Steve McPherron, David Jentzsch, Kevin Sybrowsky, G.lenn Py~e, Curtis Smith, Ralph Chavez. Row Two: Coach Murry, Ketth Corn1a, Craig Houmand, Joel Bishop, Kevin Mills, Pat Teuscher, No!an Snow, Scott Galla~her, Jan Larsen, Bobby Lee Gatehou~e, Janme Homer, Debra Williams, Kerry Thompson, Coach Oliver. Row Three: Coach Berry, Robert Smith, Scott Bonham, Brent Jackman, Scott Robinson, Mike Day, Craig Fisher, Lynn. Ware, Sherm Gallagher, Bill Cowley, Ray Jewkes, Duane Dav1s. Row Four: Jeff Leavitt, Doug Curley, Ralph Crystal, Gerry lvie, Kirk Petersen,
Oeser n the halls and heading for the locker room. Jordan Lettermen '74 - a reason for being proud of the big "J." These are the guys with the enthusiasm, dedication and endurance to bring ou the real meaning of being a Beet ¡ ger. They have shown us wh a title confidence and a lot of can do. "The Jordan SuperStuds,''- Lettermen '74.
Greg Ballard, Glen Vawdrey, Scott Ragsdale, Billy Johnson Phil Bra~ford, Rusty Johnson. Row Five: Scott Jewkes, John Sie'verts, Davtd Henderson, Garn Kemp, Randy Jensen Lee Macklin Ross Ainswo_rth, Kirk Riding, John Bishop, Jon S~rgent, Kevin 'smith. Row S1x: Lon Thomas, Kelly Crebs, Joe Ham, Ken Siack, Vern Jeppson, Kent Holsten, Kelly Savage, Sid Jones, Dave Zeller, Dave Jewkes, John ~yle. Row Seven: Kenneth Day, Jimmy Romero, Wilford Begay, M1ke Cary, Brad Kemp, Jerry Gustafson Marvin Hase Ed Romero, Gary Pelch, John Tait, Randy Bradfield ' Rand Andrus' Peter Massa, Brett Andrizzi. ' '
Row One: Kelly Crebs, Scott Featherstone, Phillip Bradford, Kevin t:Jelso.n, Ca~l t>aryt:?l~l¡ Corey Houmand, Rich Parker. Row Two: Fred Ash , Drew Chamberlain , K1rk Wnght, Ph1lllp Anderson, Steve Parker, Mike Swenson.
Where'd the ball go?
What better way to enjoy the last two months of school than to spend them playing tennis? Jordan's team was on the courts, exhibiting their skills, ability, speed, and concentration. Working to keep Jordan's formidable record alive, Coach Ash kept his team hustling with this reminder, "Tennis is a racket."
David Bradbury reaches out to return the serve.
19 to 2, and he says he can play tennis?
tennis Concentration is a big part of the game.
Carl Sargeant takes careful aim.
Corey Houmand shows good form at practice as well as at the games.
Kelly Crebs puts his soul into it.
Coach Ash overlooks his tennis team.
Jordan homecoming Homecoming Royalty: Scott Featherstone, Julie Porter; 1st Attendant; Doug Curley,
"My you're looking pretty tonight!"
"Cute" - - - - - sophomore float.
Alumni and students enjoy Homecoming dance.
Charlotte Mitchell, queen; Terry Davis, Karen Walters, 2nd Attendant.
"CHARGE ! ! !"
Jordan Homecoming game.
Kenny Brady and date enjoy Homecoming dance.
Beetdiggers cheer at Homecoming Game. Homecoming ... our chance to remember the 'ole "hasbeans." Never getting half the jokes because they were "before our time" we watched and listened. Listening to the old cheers and watching the old dances made us realize what we really missed. Maybe it was because behind the forgotten faces, "Jordaners" are quietly going back to their own memories of being a "Beetdigger." It's hard to know the feeling, except that we'll be sitting with them, someday.
I'd been so anxious to leave ... thinking I'd outgrown high school. But yesterday I stuck my hand in the pocket of my winter coat pulling out an assortment of stale gum, holy mittens, and ticket stubs from last year's games. It made me think. I could hear the laughter, feel the love And wonder what is waiting beyond today.
Carl, they're taking a picture, don't move.
Jordan alumni look on during Homecoming assembly.
dog oaten
Pastor Pete hitches another lucky couple 'til midnight.
Yes, John, it's only 'til midnight. The dog patch was a smash. We got out of our cars with a feeling of excitement. The air was clean and warm, we had our dates and were ready to rock and roll. We were ready for a great night. We walked in - danced - watched 'Lil Abner and Daisy Mae do a jig and got hitched 'til midnight. We walked out, drained of all our energy, we now were married and had been blessed with the first blizzard of winter. Dog Patch - a night to remember.
John Pyle and date pose for wedding picture. Dan, look, they're taking our picture.
Looking back over my shoulder, I remember laughing at my own Insignificance in a big, new school. I think of being a senior, and of doing things That were so stupid nobody laughed ... but me. And I laughed When I should have been serious, Right out loud But it was me. I am me ... always. At last I've reached the point in my life Where I dare shoot for the sky And not be afraid Of fouling up or looking foolish. Because at last I am my own person My life belongs to me.
After twelve years of school that went by before we stopped to notice, our Senior class began to realize that we only had a short time left and then our high school days would be over. We held our Senior Hop at the Capitol with the theme, "Games of Magic," (and you really would have thought we were playing "games of magic" by the blizzard we drove in that night). It was the first year for a Mighty Senior Promenade and each girl received a rose. It also was the first time we took notice of what we were going to miss.
sweetheart' ball
Stewart Gardner, Sweetheart Royalty Prince, and Devi Marler talk to friends during break.
"Watch the feet." "Sorry!" When all the giggles are thrown together, And sunshine and flowers could last forever. When sorrow is touched by joy and smiles And a light by each shines for miles. All those precious little things end up in "Sweet Happenings." The Sweetheart's Ball was sponsored by the Sophomore Class. A Valentine Heart "Couple Tree," a presentation of roses and heart printed boxers to the rolayty, and cute pink punch spotlighted the dance.
I think my stomach has a headache.
Hurry Cindy, the refreshments are this way.
Hey Roger, I locked my wallet in the car and lost the keys. can we go eat with you?
Sweetheart's Ball Royalty: Mike Halladay, King; Bob Stone, Duke; Vicki Fairbourne, Princess; Lisa Dunn, Queen; Tari Anderson, Duchess, Missing: Stewart Gardner, Prince.
I don't believe in Valentines. They are young and vulnerable And hopelessly old-fashioned. Valentines are for Sentimental sentimentalists, Romantic romantics, And those who still believe in Happy endings. I am at that point in life When I know how the story ends And when the nights grow cold. So I do not expect Lace slips, Surprise trips, Cherry flips, Or tender little poems Because it is That Day. Instead I want my Valentines At unexpected times. I want to know you think of me In mid-May, March, and June. For I believe, My dear, One day a year Is not enough for love. 147
Smile, you're on "Beetdigger" camera.
"Oh, dear, you're such a dream girl ... "
"I told you never to blow another bubble again."
The attraction of stomps was magnetic! People were drawn to them for all sorts of reasons the closeness of being among friends, people having a good time, losing their inhibitions and appreciating the atmosphere. Pretending we were from the fifties with our leather jackets, pony tails and bobby sox. Rolling up our pants to show off our cute new socks, and appreciating a great sound of rock at the Christmas and Vica wing-dings.
"And then we'll get a house, and a car, and ... "
Have I ever told you that ... ?
What's yellow and goes slam, slam, slam?
My name's Lee, what's yours?
Scott Ragsdale and Mitzi Boynton swing to the "beet."
Eli Sheol provided great music for most of Jordan's stomps.
Valerie Teuscher escorted by Marty Gerber. Paula Petingale escorted by Ray Allred.
aaauntia mam
Michelle Brinton Au.ntie Marne
Joyce Olsen Vera Charles
You really can't express in words the feeling you get when you're sitting in an audience in our own high school and you see the kids you walk down the hall with, put on a performance that's good enough for, if not better than a Hollywood production. It makes you wonder if someday you'll be watching T. V. and you'll see one of your old classmates performing in some great show and you'll say "I went to school with him," and someone will look at you like "oh sure." This year "Auntie Marne" was a big success, not only to the Jordan Studentbody but to all the outsiders who came to see it. The cast and Miss Robyn Timoney have created a "tradition" that Jordan will be proud to live up to.
"I'll just call you plain Claude."
Jared Christensen M. Lindsay Woolsey
Kirk Petersen Patrick Dennis, a boy
Francine Shapley Norah Muldoon
Bary Burton Ito
"Did you dear, that was Tallulah Bankhead!"
"For nine years I've tried to open some doors to this boy's life."
Marty Gerber Ralf Devine
Kip Rishton Mr. Babcock Student Director
Nuts, jelly beans?
Scott Anderson Beauregard Burnside
Valorie Teuscher Miss Loomis Student Director
James Hardy Cousin Jeff
Judy Tetrick Sally Cato MacDougal
Matthew Bishop Emory MacDougal
Judy Hatch Mother Burnside
All right Brian, just what is it you're trying to say?
Kory Garfield Patrick Dennis a young man
Karlin Hardy Agnes Gooch
A toast to the lovely, young couple .
"Agnes, you're coming out!"
Party Guests; Cathy Darling, Student Director.
Bennett Greene Brian O'Bannion
Megan Timoney Gloria Upson
Southern Belles and Gentlemen.
Peggy Allen Doris Upson
Little Southern Girls, Laura Nelson and Sherry Atkinson.
Drew Chamberlain Claude Upson
Cindy Dowding Pegeen Ryman
Kent McClure, Michael Dennis; ~eanna Hill, Cousin Fan; Ronda C?pe, M1ss Waldo; Rusty Withers, Groom; J1m Dahl, Dr. Shurr.
Macy's customers. 153
You say you bet two on Epitaph, the 8th?
When we stopped to think about it, we didn't really want to pay a dollar of our hard earned money just to see Guys and Dolls, but the play was so good we went both nights and ended up paying two dollars. This year's cast really outdid themselves. The talent and long hours of hard work really were projected through the characters. The enthusiasm of the audience proved to them that losing their sleep, skipping their meals and walking down the halls repeating their lines really paid off. Three months of rehearsal and three nights of triumph for a cast of "Guys and Dolls" who really knew how to succeed.
cast Main Characters Wayne Eckman Mariann Richards Kory Garfield Deanna Hill Kip Rishton Robert Glad Ron Jackson Michelle Brinton Randy Fellows Karlin Hardy
Jared Christensen Kirk Scott Bennett Greene Renee Young Bary Burton Cathy Darling James Hardy Dave Jacobson Martin Gerber Rusty Withers
Mission Band and Chorus Phil Anderson Kristin Hardy Lance Schmidt Chris Smith Sharon
Lori Anderson Cindy Paget Jan Higgins Valerie Teuscher Atkinson
Hot Box Dolls and Patrons I don't bet, Mr. Gambler.
Susan Russell Elaine Woodbury Debbie Cutler Laura Nelson Elaine Lambson Tammy Pierson Terry Sprouse
Megan Timoney Jeannie Coffin Kirk Peterson Dane Allred Tammy McClure Julie Sheppard Cindy McClure
Opening Broadway Pantomime Lori Schmidt Judy Hatch Debbie Sutherland Peggy Allen Joyce Olsen Julia Ferguson
Shirley Lakerveld Lorraine Mathy Marcey Ferguson Jeri Anderson Ginnie Barlow Julie Turner
Robyn Timoney, Director Joyce Olsen and Cindy Dowding Student Directors
Grand Finale!
Luck be a lady.
"I've got the horse right here."
and dOllS''
Michelle Brinton "SHE"
Cindy Dowding "Nurse, Maid, Waitress, Daughter"
Drew Chamberlain "HE"
Time touches us all.
one act
The act of portraying sensitive characters in front of an intimate audience is a 'scene with which people are both amazed and entertained. Mastering the tiniest details from body movements to voice inflections, Jordan's actors continue to draw a "review of excellence" for being the best.
'' Michelle, Cindy, and Drew rehearsing for the Mayflies.
My name's Don Ward and I've got swamp water in my coke can- Junior Assembly.
Susan's got Doris in her Webb -
Ah, so, you see what I see? -Halloween Activity.
Assemblies seemed to break the monotony of a regular classroom day. Even when it enabled us to make a trip to the library. The times we did make it our imagination was tested, with bits of dry humor and creative cliches. The entertainment circle this year spotlighted everything from our annual John Goddard adventure flick, Lythco the hypnotist, to our tradditional Jordan Olympics. Our sanity was spared, thanks to the daily bulletin, "Assembly Today!"
Jordan Olympics.
Coach Berry introduces our Jordan Football Team - Pep assembly.
Smash the bengals- Pep assembly.
assemblies Geri Gordon blocks Lori Clark - Student, Faculty Game.
Madrigals act out the Twelve Days of Christmas Christmas Assembly.
Take it away Jo Jo. - Juggler Assembly
Scott Robinson and Mike Sheppard plunge out differences - Jordan Olympics.
Cheerleaders and Songleaders pound the ground for spirit- Pep Assembly.
Randy Hughes wins a live turkeyThanksgiving Assembly.
Alumni put on skit -Homecoming Assembly.
Jena Crapo and Corey Houmand really get acquainted- Get Acquainted Party.
Man, what an audience -
Irish Duo.
The subjects sleep during hypnotist presentation- Hypnotist Assembly.
Miss Thornock shows her talent -Faculty Assembly.
Mr. Ward is just too-too in his tu-tu- Faculty Assembly.
Sound Column hams it up with a favorite tune.
Participants wait for their turn - Get acquainted Assembly.
Dave Burke wins T.V.- Christmas Assembly.
Man, what a body -
Slave Sale.
Wrestlers receive honors for receiving second place in State Tournament- Honor Assembly.
And now you see before your very eyes, a lion leaping through a ring of flaming fire- Weber State Assembly.
Kory Garfield and Megan Timoney dress SO's style- SO's Day.
Now, what would you like for Christmas, Santa?
The leader of the pack SO's Assembly.
Sherry Johnson receives chocolates from Rand Andrus Christmas Assembly.
Our pep band was always on hand. -
Pep Assembly.
"He's so fine ... "-SO's Assembly.
honors Quietly mastering their own fields, these students put forth their energy towards achievement. Whether it means a brilliant mind, personal goals, or outstanding leadership - they have been recognized. It seems that somewhere they find the time and the energy to do more with their lives than merely survive.
Young Americans Team: Bill Clayton, Diane Nelson, Todd Zagorec, Claudia Orr, Francis Longstaff, Kendall Petersen.
Girls State: Paula Anderson, Lynnette Golberg, Julie Carlquist, Debra Cutler. Missing: Lori Anderson. 162
VICA State Officers: Robyn Carlisle, Kim Nelson, and Peggy Atkinson.
Inquiring Editor Team: Rebecca Bailey, Mike Akagi, Stephanie Smith, Robert Pixton, Julie Carlquist.
Boys State: Kip Rishton, Bill Clough, Kennard Black, Jared Christensen, Randy Fellows, Kerry Thompson, David Bradbury. Missing: Kendall Petersen.
4-H Winners: Judy Hatch, Joyce Olsen. Missing: Susan Hyde.
Deca W~nners- Row One: Clair Capps, Cheryl Mead, Karen Fullmer, Kathy F1tzgerald, Laura Fergus, Julie Winkler, Karrie Mitchell, Susan Cambell. Row Two: Jay Stewart, Pat Teuscher, Alan Fowles Duane Bailey, Bill Clough, Lon Thomas. '
Top 10% - Row One: Howard Mackert, Kevin Cox, Francis Longstaff, David Bradbury, Jeff Mumford. Row Two: Rebecca Sessions, Lynnette Golberg, Sandra How-
lett, Janine Homer, Claudia Orr, Pamela Johnson Julie Carlquist. Row Three: Karlin Hardy, Diane Nelso~, Bill Clayton, Ron Jackson, Susan Matheson, Lori Armstrong. Missing: Kendall Petersen, Judy Yaka. Kelly Crebs.
Forensics Winners- Row One: Claudia Orr, Holly Pierson, Tammy Pierson. Row Two: Kevin Cutler, Lon Thomas, Ken
Grimes, Gary Rane, Kennard Black, Steve Parker Todd Zagorec, Jared Christensen, Vernon Harris Franci; Longstaff, Kirk Petersen. '
Solo Ensemble, Superior Ratings Row One: Randy Fellows, David Jacobson, Wayne Eckman, Kerry Thompson, Kirk Wright. Row Two: Sharlene Yeater, Cathy Darling, Chris¡ tine Smith, Susan Matheson, Valorie Teuscher, Jeralynn Pixton, Marianne Richards, Julie Carlquist, Roxanne Ordakowski, Rebecca Shelton. Missing: Lorraine Mathie and De Anna Hill.
Jared Christensen Oratorical Contest
John Bishop Play Maker Award
Bill Clayton National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Francis Longstaff National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Scott Bonham 1st Place State Wrestling
Gerry Gustafson Allstate Football
Claudia Orr National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Cindy Jordan State FHA Secretary
Anne Pendleton Betty Crocker Award
Ed Romero 1st Place State Wrestling
State Wrestlers- Row One: Ralph Crystal, Peter Massa, Jim Romero, Gary Pelch. Row Two: Pat Teuscher, Wilford Begay, Jon Tait, Randy Bradfield.
Young Americans- Row One: Diane Nelson, Francis Longstaff, Claudia Orr. Row Two: Todd Zagorec, Kendall Peterson, Bill Clayton.
state champs Gymnastics Team- Row One: Cindy Slade, Kim Noorda, Elaine Lambson Tami Okubo Susan Webb, Ronda Cope, Susan Russell. Row Two: Lori' Woodward,' Gayle Taylor, Shirley West, Susan Sterling, Cindy
Richardson, Patti Mortensen. Row Three: Joan Mortensen, Jan Noorda Nancy Price, Linda Anderson , Carol Jolley, Jena Lee Crapo, Debbi~ Clough, Jeri Bishop.
in memoriam CHARLENE STURDY Born: August 4, 1957 Died: August 19, 1973 TRACY MAJOR Born: January 14, 1957 Died: December 13, 1973
It's sad wat(;hing the flowers bursting hrough the soil, bending in the breeze and reaching out for the sun. They'll be gone tomorrow, But their fragrance ... lingers.
In appreciation
After all the hassles an aches, we sat down and took notice of all the things we didn't notice before. Reliving the yelling, the crying, and the feelings of accomplishment when a section finally went in, we began to realize that even though all of our work didn't seem to amount to much at the time it was really a dream that became a reality.. S face acquaintances became valuable friendships, regrets became an everyday experience and a year long goal became accomplished. Thank-you's too often went unsaid. ur sincere gratitud Garth Gooch Arval Nelson who were always about attitudes, the quality of the
Rich Grimes for their patience concern. To Scott Gallagher and Darling for coming to our rescue with their art work and to Wheelwright's for their perfection in rkmanship. Our sincere apologies to Kirk Riding, Shirley Lakerveld, and Lorraine Mathie for not being able to include them on the Beetdigger pages. To Lynn Ballard for leaving him off the Coaches page and to all those whose names are spelled wrong, left out, or misplaced. But, most of all to the staff who gave and put up with more than they realized, and rece1ved more than they ever thought possible. Their thank you lies in the meaning they und and will find in "Beyond Today."
sa ior um arv a Senior Summary
Ainsworth, Thelma .. 68 69 Alldredge, Fred ..... Argyle, Cheryl .. . .... .. 69 Ash, Fredrick ........ . 63, 70, 94 136, 137 Ballard, Lynn ....... 70, 133, 170 Beers, Evelyn ............... 68 Berry, Doug .... .. .. 70, 124, 128, 135, 157 Brown, Evelyn .............. 69 Bishop, Clemont .. .. ... .. ... 66 Bishop, Ralph .............. 70 Boberg, Lowell .............. 70 Burkinshaw, Jay . .. . .. . ... 68, 81 Brown, Margie .............. 68 Clark, Carol .. ..... . ..... 70,81 70 Clark, David . .. ... Clark, Lori 70, 157 Couch, Elma .. 70 Cude, Howard .. 69 Ensign, Kaye ..... . .. ... .. . . 70 Erickson, David ..... . 70 Fitzgerald, Mary ....... ... ... 67 Fisher, Gerald ....... o • • • 70,89 Gailey, Sharon 70, 121, 128 Gamble, Joan ....... 68 70, 98 Gibson, James . Gooch, Garth . . . . .. 1, 70, 78, 79, 91, 170 Green, Lawrence .... . ... .. .. 7.1 Gunnell, Farrell . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 Haldeman, Joyce .... 71 Hale Hal ....... 71,115, 128, 133 71 Hende son, Betty olt, Tracy ...... , . . . . .. 71, 89 Jewkes, Hue 71, 104, 128 Judd, David .. 71 King, Roger . . . . . . ... 71, 89, 93 Langford, Ro ert . ....... 71 Martin, Marian .... .......... 71 May, Dan ... 71, 118,119,128 McCleary, Jerry ............. 66 McCleary, Kenneth ... 71 McDonald, Robert ........... 71 Milne, Donald . 71 Monthy, Marilyn ............. 69 Murry, Mike .. 0.. . 71, 115, 122, 128,135 Nelson, Joy ............... 71 Nel on, Arval 1, 79 Nichols, Carolyn .... 72 Oldham, Marian . . . . ... 69 Oliv r, Rodn y .... 72, 128, 135 Olsen, Donald .... 72 alph ..... .......... 72 Pac Padfield, Mar aret .. 72, 95, 128 Palm r, David . . . . ... 72 Parnell, Gary . 72 Patten, Peggy . . . . . .. 72,90 Pay, enee ... ........... ... 72 Pete on, Florence . . . . . .... . 69 Peterson, Wendell .... . ..... . 67 Pond, Jay ............•.. 72,97 Rawlln s, Brian . . . . . . . .... 72 Rogers, Raymond . . . . . . . .... 72 Silcox, Ken . . . . . •......... 69 Simonson, Margaret . 69 Smith, Dr. Earl .... 67 Smith, Gary 72, 94 Swedlund, Kent ... 72, 118, 119, 120, 128 Sybrowsky, Jackie ......... 68 Thornock, Kaylene .... 73, 85, 159 73, 84, 86, 88, Timoney, Robyn 99, 154 Tippet~, Leah . 1, 73,79,85,99 Tyler, Genee 68, 91 Van Amen, Joanne .......... 69 Ward, Don ....... 73, 93, 157, 159 Williams, Marietta ..... 73, 87, 92 Wilson, Lila .. 73, 96, 103, 105, 141 Young, Robert ... 67 Wagstaff, Lena 68 Wagstaff, Marilyn . . 69 Workman, Weston . . . . . . . ... 69 Zabriskie, Rodney .. 73, 82, 83,97 0
o •••••••••••
o ••••••
o •
o •••
o •••••
o •
Aerts, Kathleen . . . . • . 23, 83. 84 Masque & Gavel, Sr. · International Club, Jr. Ainsworth, Ross .. 23, 89, 112, 132, 146, 162, 164 Junior Boys Senator, Jr. Key Club, Jr. VICA, Sr. Chairman VICA Stomp, Sr. Basketball Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Baseball Team, Jr., Sr. Football Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track Team, Soph. Letterman Club, Jr., Sr. All Region Team, Football Sterling Scholar Honor Society Honor Roll Allen, Peggy ...... 23, 83, 86, 88, 153, 154 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Omega si, Jr., Sr. FHA,Soph. Subdebs & Squires, Soph. lnterpre. So. Meet, Jr., Sr. School P.lays, Soph., Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Orchestra, Sop h. Musical, Soph., Jr., Sr. Andersen, Lori .. 19, 23, 62, 63, 82, 84,86,90, 154,162 Masque & a el, Soph., Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Sr. F A,Sr. Studentbody 2nd Vice-Pres., r. Foren ics, J . lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Soph., Jr. A Cappella, Jr. Musical, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Girls State, Jr. Anderson, Connie . . . . ... 23, 89 VICA, Sr. Anderson, Denece . . . ..... 23, 87 Charlonians, Jr. Deca, Sr. Ski Club, Sr. Dec a Stomp Committee, Sr. Anderson, Linda ......... 23, 130 Gymnastics, Soph., Jr., Sr. Girls Volleyball, Soph. Girls Softball, Soph. Anderson, Paula ..... 23, 76, 162 Sophomore Secretary, Soph. Charlonian, Jr., Sr. Charlonian Treasurer, Sr. Girls State, Sr. Sweethear Ball Committee, Soph. Anderson, Philip . 23, 136, 154 VICA, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph. School Plays, Sr. Musical, Sr. Anderson, Re ae . . . . . 23, 83, 84 Masque & Gavel, Sr. Charlonian Club, Jr. FHA, Soph. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Soph. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, Soph. Andrlzzi, Brett ... 23, 90, 102, 132 Letterman, Jr., Sr. VICA, Sr. Baseball, Jr., Sr. FBA, Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Wrestling. Jr. Andrus, Rand ..... 18, 23, 62, 63, Bovs Club Sec., Soph. 102, 161 VICA, Sr. Deca, Sr. Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track. Sr. Wrestling, Jr. Letterman, Sr. Studentbody 1st Vice-Pres., Sr.
Andrus, Roger •.. ; .........• 23 VICA. Soph., Jr. Football, Soph. Armstrong, Lori . .. 23, 89, 93,163 VICA, Sr. FHA, Soph., Jr. Jordanettes, Sr. Decorating Co mittee hairman for Dog Patch, Sr. Track Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Gymnastic Team, Jr., Sr. Atkinson, Peggy .. 23, 89, 107, 162 Cheerleader, Jr., Sr. Dance Club. Jr. VIOA Club- State VICA Queen, Sr. Sweethearts Decorating Committee, Soph. Student Council, Soph. Jr. Prom Decorating, Jr. Musical, Jr. Sweetheart Duchess, Soph. Atkinson, Sheri .. 23, 82, 84, 92, 93, 97,98 Sub Debs Vice-President, Soph., Jr., Sr. FHA, Jr. Dance Club, Sr. Jordanettes, Sr. Dog Patch Decorating Committee, Sr. Junior Achievement, Soph. Vice President of Sales, Jr. Secretary, Sr. Band Librarian, Soph. Orchestra, Sr. Musical, Jr., r. uker, Lea ............. 23, 118 VICA,S. Football, r. Track, Jr. Wrestling, Sr. Ballamls, Steve .•• , •.....•.. 23 VICA, Soph., Jr., Sr. Bay, James ••... 19, 23, 82, 83, 87 Oeca, Jr., Sr. VICA,Sr. Masque & Gavel, Soph. Junior Prom Committee, Jr. Marquee Committee, Sr. Studentbocly Attorney General, Sr. Football, Soph. Track, Soph., Jr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr. School Play, Soph. Begay, Wilford ... 23, 83, 111, 116, Deca, Sr. 118, 164 Wrestlinth Jr., Sr. Letterman, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Bell, Gary ............... 23, 99 Football, Soph. Wrestling, Soph., Jr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Goff, Soph. Bergen r, Ja et .... 23, 63, 82,97 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Dance Club, Jr. Musical, Jr. Music Festival, Sr. Best, Suzanne .............. 23 VICA, Sr. VICA Competition, Jr. Bingham, Duane .......... 23, 97 Sub Debs & Squires, Sr. Birchall, Evelyn ....... 23, 93, 95 Girls Athletic Assoc. Vice President, Jr., Sr. Jordanettes, Jr., Sr. FHA, Soph., Jr., Sr. National Honor Society, Sr. Girls Softball, Sr. Track Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Honor Roll, Soph., Jr. Bishop, Joel ..... 23, 81, 97, 111, 118, 135
K-& Club, Vfce President, $r>ptl. K§V Club, Twas rer, Jr. 1<ey Club, Vice Pr idtnt St,
ool Pa.,.r, Sr.
Editorlalc O•Editor, $r.
Wrestling, SQPh., Jr., Sr.
J_!etterman, 'Sr. Cross Country., SOph., J ~~ • BlahoP, John ... 16, 17, 23t CJ!, 6~ 83, 94, 1 112, 132; 143, 183, 164 Sweetheart DUke, Soph.. Junior PFom King:, Jr. Forensics, Soph; Jr. Key Club, Soph. Student Council, Jr•• Sr. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Studentbody President, Sr. Baseball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Football, Sop h., Jr. Track, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Cross Country, Sr. Debate, Soph., Jr. Forensics, Soph., Jr. A Cappetta, Sr. Play Maker Award, Sr. Seminary Jr. Class President Bl ck, Kennard .... 24, 82, 83 84, 85,87,95, 111,124,162 1000 MUe Club President, r.
Math Ctub
Masque &Gavel, Sr. Wr._tnng, Saph., Jr., Sr. Lttttlrman, Jr., Sr. Cross Country Clp in, r., Sr. Debate, Soph., Jr., Sr. Forensics, Soph., Jr., Sr. A Cappella. Jr., Sr. Band, Jr. Orchestra, Sr. Muslgal, Jr. Boys State, Sr. State ~glslatlve Forum Model United Nations
B....,d,John .............. 24 VICA, Jr., Sr. lolenacltulz, Todd .......... 24 Oeca;Jt. Wrestling, Soph., Jr.
Letterman, Soph., Jr. Deca State Award
Bolton, Karl ............ 24, 132 Model United Nations, Jr. Baseball, Sr. Wrestling, Jr. Bonham, Scott .. 24, 111, 117, 120, 132, 135,164 Jr. Class President, Jr. Masque & Gavel, Soph. Junior Prom Decorations, Jr. Homecoming Oanee, Sr. Baseball, Soph., Jr., Sr. FootbaH, Soph. WrestllFJgt, oph., Jr., Sr. Let;tJtman, Jr., Sr. Cr Country, Jr., Sr. lntet-Pre. p. Meet, Soph. School PJAva, SOph. 1st Region Wrestling 1st State Wrestling Boynton, Mitzi ....... 24, 78, 149 Charlonians, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Soph., Jr. Bradbury, David ... 24, 63, 91, 94, 136,162,163 Math Club, Jr., Sr. Tennis Club - President, Jr., Sr. Tennis, Sr. Boys State, Jr. German Club AP Math Student Top 10% Bradfield, Randy .. 24, 85,102,117, 118, 132, 134,184 Key Club, Jr. Letterman, Jr., Sr.
Baseball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. 1st Region Wrestling Brady, Kenneth .. 24, 85,102,141 Ski Club, Sr. Letterman, Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Breeze, Brent ....... . .... 24, 63 Student Council Representative, Sr. Brinton, Michelle ... 24, 83, 84, 86, 88, 94, 152, 154, Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. 165, 164 Omega Psi, President, Sr. Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Sub Debs, Sop h., Jr. Dog Patch Drag Committee, Jr., Sr. Forensics, Jr., Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Soph., Jr., Sr. School Play, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, Jr., Sr. Honor Thespian, Sr. Brower, Doreen ......... . .. . 24 Debate, Sr. Brown, Peggy .........•.. 24, 84 Dance Club, Sr. Brown, Ricky . . ..... . . 24, 85, 89 VICA, Sr. Ski Club President, Sr. uhl, Gary VICA, Jr., Sr. Burningham, Becky .......... 24 Jordanette , Jr. VICA, Sr. • Burningham, Ned ........ 24, 89 VICA, Sr. Deca, Jr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr. Letterman, oph., Jr Cappos, Clar . ..... . ... 87, 1 Deca, Sr. Caldwell, Debbie 24, 90, 92 107 J. V. Cheerleader, Soph. Cheerleader, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Jr., Sr. FHA,Sr Gymnatfes, Soph.
VICA, Sr. Dog Patch Drag Committee, Sr. Chavez, Ralph .. . 25, 89, 103, 135 VICA, Jr., Sr. Woods, Jr., Sr. Automobiles, Jr., Sr. Football Manager, Sr. Wrestling Manager, Sr. Christensen, Jared . . 25, 63, 85, 91, 95, 111,124,125,152, 154, 162, 163, 164 Honor Society, Sr. Forensics, Jr., Sr. Forensics, President, Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Model U.N., Jr., Sr. 1000 Mite Club, Sr. Debate Meets, Jr., Sr. Student Council Representative Sr. Track, Soph., Jr., Sr. Cross Country, Soph., Jr., Sr. School Play, Sr Musical, Sr. Boys Sta e, Jr. JHS American Legion Oratorical Contest Winner, Sr. JH U.• Senate Youth Delegate, Sr. Governors Debate Tournamen, Sr. State Debater Jr Sr. Chri tenaen, Lane .• 25, 78, 79, 89 earbook, Jr., Sr. School Paper, Sr. Clayton, N•l•o~ .. 25, 81, 91, 94, Mathematics, Jr. Sr. 11ennls Club, Jr., Sr SchOOl Paper, Sr Young Americans, ~r. Inquiring Editor, Sr. National Merit Finalist, Sterling Scholar S fence Nominee, Sr. Top 3% Clough, Willia
Crebs, Kelly .. 25, 94, 102, 136, 137 Sophomore Class President, Sop h. Class Representative, Sr. Letterman Club, Soph., Jr., Sr. Letterman Sergeant of Arms, Sr. National Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Tennis, Soph., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. One Head Well Done Outstanding High School Student Top 10% Honor Roll Curley, Doug Boys Senator, Sr. Junior Prom Co mlttee, Jr. SeAior Hop Co mitt e r. Marquee Committee, r. Football, Jr., Sr. Track, oph., Jr., Sr. re tl n , Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr, Sr. C tier, Dfbra ... 25, 83 84 86, 88,
154 162
, luaan .. 24, 81, 92, 163
Olub, Jr.
'Oab,n Club, Jr., Sr.
Dan~ Club Historian, Sr. Dance Concert Chairman Carlisle, Robyn VICA, Jr. State Meet Opening & Ce VI VI
... . . .. •. .. 25
Eddington, Marilyn . .......... 26 FHA, Soph. Sub Debs & Squires, Soph., Jr. Masque & Gavel, Jr. Model U.N., Soph., Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, Soph., Jr. Everill, Craig ................ 26 VICA, Jr. Farnsworth, Sharon .... 26, 83, 91 Masque & Gavel, Sr. School Play, Soph. A Cappella, Sr. Model U.N., Sr. Fellows, Randy .. 26, 82, 83, 88, 99, 154, 162, 164
Omega Psi, Sr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Gifford, Carl .......... 26, 82, 83 Track, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Band, Soph., Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Gordon, Geri ........ 26, 95, 157 GAA, Jr., Sr. Girls Softball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track, Soph., Jr., Sr. G bert, Lynnette .. 26, 82, 83, 94, 97, 162, 163
Chess Club, Pres., Sr. Seminary Bowl, Sr. Tennis Club, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Sr. High School Outstanding Student National Honor Society School Chess Champion, Jr., Sr. V.I.P. Invitation to Apollo 17 launch Skylab I & II launches at Cape Cod, NASA, Jr. NASA Science Award Jensen, Cory ............... 27 Basketball, Jr., Sr. Jensen, Randy .......... 2~ 102 Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. ln te. S . Meet, Soph. Je , ODe .. 27, 102, 118, 135 ootball, . restling, Soph., Jr. etterman. Jr. Jeppsoh, r ... 27,63, 103,124 Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track Team, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Jr., Sr. Jewkes, Ray ..•.. 27, 94, 1 ~
Kemp, Brad ........ 89, 102, 133 Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Letterman Vice President, Sr. Baseball, Soph., Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track, Soph., Jr. Kendrick, Jeanne ...... 28, 83, 89 FHA, Jr. Charlonian, Jr. VICA, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Lambson, Elaine ... 28, 83, 84, 92, 108, 130, 154 J.V. Cheerleader, Jr. Songleader, Sr. FHA, Sr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Dance Club, Secret! Club, Sr. lub, Jr. astics Team Ca in, Sr. G astics, Sop h., Jr., Sr. State G.¥.mnastics Traok'feam,Jt., Sr. A Cappella, ~r.. Musical, Sr. Landeen, Ma Madrigals,
A Cappe~tta.•r·• 1v1usl
Class Vice-President, Jr. Charlonians, Jr., Sr. Junior Prom Committee, Jr. Charlonian Ball Committee, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Homecoming 1st Attendant, Jr. Homecoming Queen, Sr. Mitchell, Dennis .............. . Basketball, Jr. Mitchell, Karrle .... 29, 77, 84, 87, 90, 163 Charlonian, Jr., Sr. FHA, Sr. Ceca, Sr. asque & Gavel, Sr. Moody, Jaydene ... 29, 63, 76, 83, 84,94 Ski Club, Sr. Pep Club 1st Vice Pres., Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Dance Club, Jr. Student Council, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Jr. Mounteer, Lyn . ............. 29 Deca, Soph., Jr. VICA, Soph., Jr. Seminary Bowl, Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Soph. Musical, Soph., Jr. Honor Roll, Soph . Mumford, Jeff .. .. 29, 94, 163, 184 A Cappella, Soph., Jr., Sr. Myere, Edna ..... .. ... 29, 63, 99 Masque & Gavel, Jr. Service Art, Sr.
can H.S. Students, Jr., Sr. Math Club, Jr., Sr. Dog Patch Drag Committee, Jr. Forensics, Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Sr. School Plays, Sr. Oeca, Jt. A Cappella, Jr•• Sr. Masq~.;~e .& Gavel, Sr. Orchestra, Soph. Sub De s. & Squires, Sr"'. '.-~···"·"''"""'. """"'~ usieal, Soph., Jr. 1 Sr. tlfoung American earn Young Americans, Jr., Sr. Sterling Scholar Ostler, Debbie ........ 30 National Honor Society Merit Award in Ceramics Melton, JUlie . . . . • • • . 29, 76, 77 Ostler, Warren . . . . • . . • . 30 Pep Club, Jr. Sr. Ski Club, Sr. Pep Club Ye 1Mistress, Sr. Paget, Bryan ... 30 82, 83, 97,99 Nelson, Laura . . 22, 29, 63, 84, 86, School Plays, Soph., Jr., Sr 88 93,145,153,15 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Senior Class Secretary, r. Musical Soph., Jr. Masque & Gavel, oph., Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Sr. M ·gue & Gavel Actsvity Stage Crew, Soph , Jr., Sr. c airr:nan, Jr. Parker, Steven . . . . . , , 103, Omeg1;1 Psi, Jr., Sr. 136, 163 Jor ttes, Jr., Sr. Forensics Club, Sr. Forer\&tcs, Jr., r. Basketball, Sr. fnterpre. Sp. Meet, Soph., Jr., Sr. Debate, Jr., r. School Plays, Soph., Jr., Sr. chool Plays, Sr. tnterpre. tate, E cellent, Jr. Band, Soph., Jr., Sr r sics State State Debate, Sr. orda, Jan .. 30, 76, 81 , 129, 130 State Extemp., sr. Pe Club, Jr. Ptltereon Ktvln . . 30 85, 89 Pep Club Historian, Sr Ski Club, Sr. Charlonian Ball Decorating VfCA, Sr. Commi1tee, Jr. Sr. Tennis, Jr. School Paptr, Feature Editor, Sr. Pearce, Bonrtle .. 30 84, 88 Tennle, Sdj.irt. Masque & Gavel, Sr lnterpre. SP.. Meet, Soph. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Jr., Sr 1st Place State Gymnastics, Jr. Pelch, Gary ..... 30~ 90,103,117, Oalclson, SheUey . . . . . . . . . . 30 FBA Secretary, Sr. 118, 184 Forensics Olut:J, Sopl'i. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr Masque & Gavel, Sr Track, Soph , Jr. Debate, Soph. Wrestling, Soph, Jr., Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Jr., Sr. 2nd Region Wrestling American Legion 1st Place 3rd State Wrestling Speech, Jr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Girls State, Jr. Pendleton, An e ... 30, 61 , 63, 77, Oakeaon, Blaine . . ....... 30, 89 82, 4, 164 VICA Club Jr., Sr. Senior Class Girls tor, Sr. VICA President, Sr. Masque ave I, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track, Soph. harlonians, Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr. Secretary of Charlonlans, Jr. Letterman, Jr. A Cappella, Jr. 3rd ion Wrestling Madrigals, Sr. Olsen, · dee . . . . . . 30, 76, 146 Betty Crocker Award Charlonians, Jr., Sr. Sterling Soh lar Homemak1ng Charlonians Crill Mistress, Sr. Peterson, Bever ey .. . .. .. 30, 90 Charlonlan Ball Decorating Pep Club, Jr., r. Committee, Jr., Sr. Peterson, aU .. 30, 83, 1, 94, Junior Prom Decorating 95, 97, 162, Committee, Jr. 163, 1 Olaen, Janet .......... 30, 83, 92 Forens Vice Pre iden , Dance Club, Sr. Sop ., Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Vice President, Sr. A Capp , Soph., Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. National Honor Society, Humorous Reading, J . Sop h., Jr., Sr. Olsen, Joyce ... 30, 78, 7 , 4, 85, bate Soph., Jr., Sr. 86, 88, 90, 99, 143, Foren sics, Soph., Jr., Sr. 152, 154J 1 Musical, Soph. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. Excellent Legislative Forum, Omega Psi ivity Soph., Jr., Sr. airman, r. National Honor Society Ma ue & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Boys State FHA, Sr. Sterling Scholar Nominee Yearbook, Sr. PeH, Nancy ................. 30 Forensics, Jr. Musical, Jr. lnterjre. Sp. Meet, Soph., Jr., Sr. Pierce, Cathy ............. .. 30 School Plays, Soph., Jr., Sr. Sub Debs & Squires, Soph. Student Director of Junior Achievement, Soph., Jr. Guys & Dolls, Sr. Musical, Soph. Musical, Jr., Sr. Pler1on, Holly . . . . . 30, 162, 163 4-H State Winner Sub Debs & Squires, Soph., Jr. Ski Club, Sr. FHA, Soph. Office Aid & Library Aid, Jr. Jr. Achievement, Soph., Jr. Childrens Productions, Jr. Pep Club, Jr. Honor Thespian, Sr. Girls Volleyball, Soph. Excellent in Region & State Debate, Sr. Oratory Fore ics, Sr. Service Art, Sr. xton, Robert ........... 30, 94 Orr, Claudia ... 30, 84, 86, 86, 94, National Honor Socie ty, Jr., Sr. 97. 162, 1 ' 164 Price, Ruth .......... 30, 95, 126 Masque & Gavel, Sr. GAA, Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. Intramural Coord inator, Sr. National Honor Soc., Jr., Sr. Base ball , Soph., Jr., Sr. Sub Debs & Squir , Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. oph., Jr., Sr. Track, Soph., Jr., r. So iety of Outstanding Ameri -
Pyle, Glenn .. 30, 85, 103, 124, 135 Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Ski Club, Sr. Football, Soph., Sr. Track, Soph., Jr., Sr. Ragsdale, Scott ...... 31,63, 121, 135, 149 Secretary of Letterman, Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Chalrman tor March of Dimes, Sr. Track, Jr. Swimming, Soph., Jr., Sr. Rane, Gary ..•...•.. 31, 95, 163 Debate, Sr. Forensics, Sr. Musical, Soph. State Forensics, Sr. Reed, B . ... . .. 19, 31, 62,83 Masque & Gavel, Jr. Student Council, Jr., Sr. Big Pal Little Pal, Sr. wee heart, Soph. Studentbody Historian, Sr. Reich, Shirlene , ............ 31 Track, Soph. Fllcharda, David . . . . • . . 31, 69 VICA, Jr., Sr. Rlcb. Lori . . ...... 31, 90, 93 FHA, Sop h., Sr. Sub Debs & Squires, Soph., Sr. Forensics, Sr. Jordanettes, Sr. Chairman, Cog Patch, Sr. Junior Achievement Secretary, Soph., Jr. Debate Rlcord, Coleen . . . 31, 63, 87, 95 Girls At I lc ssoc. Sec., Jr. Girls t letic Assoc. , Pres., Sr. Oeca, Sr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. H mi Refreshment Comm tt e, r. Charloni n 13a ecorating Committe , Jt Do Patch Refr hment ommitt , Sr. Big Pal Little Pal , Sr. Volleyball, Jr. Softball , Soph., ., r .. Manager Basketball Team, Sr. Rishton, Kip .. . . 31, 83, 84, 86, 88, 97, 99, 145, 152,154, 162 Masque & Gavel, Soph., Jr., Sr Masque & G vel Pre ., r., Sr. Omega sl, Jr., a, Sr. Sub Debs & Squires, Sr. Sweetheart, Ball Committee, Sr. Forensics, Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Soph., Jr., Sr. School Plays, So ., Jr., Sr. A Cappella Jr. r. Musical, Soph., Jr., r. Boys State Honor The pian Superior 1 provi sation Region, Good at State Robin on, Doug ... ... . • .. 31, 63 Romero, Ed .... 22, 1, 62, 63, 89, 103,116,118,120,164 Senior Class President VICA, r. Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Runolfson, Tonya .. 31, 63, 79, 84, 85,89,90 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Ski Club, Sr. FHA, Pr ident, Sr. VICA, Sr. Yearbook, Sr. Stud nt Council Rep ., Sr. Russell, Susan . ... 31 , 62, 63, 92, 106, 129, 131, 154 J.V. Cheerleader, Soph. Cheerleader, Jr., Sr. Head Cheerleader Masque & Gavel, Soph. Omega Psi, Jr., r. Dance Club, Jr., Sr. Gymnastics, Soph., Jr., Sr.
FHA,S Tremelling, ra ... 32, 92, 109 S der, Sr. Da e Club, Jr., Sr. Musical, Jr. School ·e, One Head Well
Yeater, Shar
31.:82,8$ 164 1614 Madrfgate, St. Junior A hlew~t, Soph A CtappeUa, ~r , tr. Musical, Sopb , Sr Received Superior atin g Region Solo Fe&tl al Smith, Ktvm . . . . . . . . . 31 , 11 2 m n, . etball, Soph , Jr., Sr. Football, Soph.
Smith, Mark . VICA Sr. i lub, Sr Sml, on .. Deca, Sr
mlth, Ruthann
. ....•.
lntetpra Sp M t A Cappella Jr , ~ Musical, S..,b Madriqala, Sr Smith e .
;}!, tl
Musica l, r. Snow, Nolan . . , 8 , 103, 1 Bas ketball , Soph. , Jr., Sr. Foo b II, Jr., Sr. Trac k, Soph. , Jr., r. Letterman, Jr., Sr. Golf, Soph. nyder, Michelle . . . . . . A Cappella, Jr.
rvlce, Art, Jr., Sr. oper, Marvl!l..n . . 32, 83 A Cappetta, Jr., Sr. Sorenson, Dawn . . . . . . . . . . 32 Charlonlan Ball Decoration Committee, Jr. Spratt, Marlann . . 32, 63, 87 t5 FHA, Sr. Deca, Sr.
Jensen,Phillp ........... . ... 41 Jensen, Sheri I ............ . . 41 Jeremy, Kevin ............... 41 Jewkes, Scott , ... 41, 97,111,118 Johnson, Jeanett .. 41, 83, 84, 89 Johnson, Rebecca ........ 41, 77 Jones, Craig ................ 41 Jones, Mati ................. 41 Jones, Sid ........... 41, 85, 102 Jordan, Cindy .. 4:1, 85, 90, 92, 109 Kemp, Charmaine ........... 41 Kemp, Garn .... 41,114,115,122 Kinsey, Becky ....•.......... 41 Krueger, Pau I ...... 41, 85, 88, 99 Kunz, Angela ..•............ 41 Lakerveld, Shirley . 41, 83, 84, 86, 97, 154 Lamping Cheryle •....•... 41, 77 Landeen, Scott ......••..•... 41 Larsen, Jan . . . • . • 41, 64, 85, 94, 121, 135 Larsen, Jeffrey ......•.••.•.. 41 Leavitt, Scott ............•.. 41 Lehenbauer, Eugene ..•.•..• 41 Leigh, Wallace .•.•..••••..•. 41 Leon, Louis ...•....•.•...... 41 Leonara, Kathy ........ . ..... 41 Limb, Gladys . . . • • • . .... 41, 98 Longstaff, Nich()le • . ••...... 41 Lyman, Lynda ..•..•. 41, 83,84 Macklin, Karen •••.•••• 41, 77 Maddocks, Jam •.•..•.41, 89 Marcovecchio, Mt®
. 38 76 194 114, 24, 153 183,93, 94,95 194,95, 124, 135 /6 , 84,94 •. . 39, 87 113, 115,
135, 151 •. . . 39, 84 •.. 39, 84 83, 84,88 .•... 39, 83 ••.... 39, 85 ..•...... 39 Dowding, Oindy . . . 39, 84, 85, 86, 88,9~
Dumas, Re)( . • . . . . ..•.... . . . 39 Duncan, David .. ......... 39, 85 Dunn, Kent ... . . . . 39, 122,123 Durrant, Gary ....•....... 39, 83
Pyle, John ............. 111, 143 Rodway, Greg ............... 43 Rane, Marsha ........ 43, 77, 110 Rasmussen, Debra .. 43, 77, 78, 79 Ray, Patricia ................ 43 Reed, Shelley ..... 43, 77, 92, 110 Reich, Erich . ............... 43 Richards, Janae ....... 43, 77, 82 Richardson, Cindy .... 43, 83, 94, 107, 131 Riding, Dean . . . . .. . .. . ..... . 43 Ritzman, Jesse ........... 43, 89 Robinson, Cindy .......... 43, 89 Robinson, Pamela .... . 43, 84, 89 Robinson, Scott .. 43, 85, 103, 124, 125, 135, 158 Rogers, Marianne ........ 43, 83 Romero, James .. 43, 63, 111, 116, 118, 164 Roundy, Micki . ...... .. . . 43, 77 Rowsell, Lorri ............... 43 Russell, Tommy ............ .43 Rynearson, Cheryl .......... .43 Rynearson, David .. . ......... 43 Savage, Kelly ...... 43, 103, 118, 119, 124 Schmidt, Clark ........ 43, 91, 94 Scott, Kirk ......... 43, 121, 154 Scroggin, Kevin ..... 43, 103, 124 Setterberg, Kent ............. 43 Sharples, Buck .......... 43, 133 Shelton, Rebecca .. 83, 84, 88, 164 Sheppard, Julia ....... 44, 83, 86, 97, 154 ...•••.•....... 44 ...... 44 .. 44, 77 .. 44,84 22, 123 90, 131 84, 85, '124, 135 ........ 44, 64 ........... 44 •....... 44, 76 ....... 44, 118, 135 ............... 44 anie .. 44, 63, 76, 162 , Tammy ........... 44, 95 Tari .... .44, 63, 8, 97 Tressie ••••••..••...•1144 J;<,..J-.Man, Jeri . . • . 4.4, 77, 78, 19 Ly ia . . . . • • . .. 44 e y . . ~4, 82, I:J3 5, 90, '154 !IJIMif~. . .... 44, 84 <N re r en .•• . 44...,S7 Stapley, Frantln .44, , 88, 162 Stauffer. Doreen . . .... 44, 90, 93 Steadman, Betsy ~ •.... 44, 77, 88 Sterling, Su 44, 77,95,131 Stoedter, RobMt .........•..• 44 Stratton, Cheryl ............. 44 Strtngfellow, Sutan ....... 44, 83 Strong, Kelly ............... 44 Stuart, Jay . . . . .. 44, 85, 89, 163 Sundell, Tamara ............. 44 Swenson, Doug ..•....•..... 44 Swensen, Larry .......•..... 44 Swenson, Michael ... 44, 111,136 Sybrowsky, Kevin ..•. 44, 89, 111, 118, 135 Taggart, Brenda ............. 44 Takemori, Rick .............. 44 Terry, Colleen ......... ...... 44 Tetrick, Judith .... 45, 83, 88, 153 Teuscher, Valorie .. 45, 82, 83, 86, 88, 151, 152, 154, 164 Thacke~ Roy ........ ....... 45 Thomas, Evan ............... 45 Thompson, Joseph .... .. . 45, 89 Tingey, Jolene ...... .. 45, 76, 77 Trimble, Terrie ....... . ...... 45 Tunbridge, Neil ..... ........ 45 Turner, Julie ... 45, 84, 86, 88, 154 Urry, Paul ............... 45, 89 Vawdrey, Glen ... 45, 85, 118, 135 Wadsworth, Calvin ..... 45, 85, 98 Wags taft, Vincent ............ 45 Ware, Lynn ....... 45,83,91, 103, 124, 135 Washburn, Daniel ........ 45, 83 Webster, Gary .............. 79 Webster, Kevin ...... 63, 103, 118
an ....
Welch, Stephanie ......... 45, 90 Weller, Susan ............. , .45 Wentz, Earl ................• 45 Willette, Ray ...............• 45 Williams, Debra .. 45, 85, 121,135 Williams, Mark ........... 45,.S9 Wintle, Steven .... .. . .. ..... 45 Withers, Rusty .. 45, 81, 84, 86, 88, 153, 1fj4 Wright, Ginger ........... 45,98 Wright, Lynn .... . ........ . .• 99 Wright, Marcia ..... 36, 45, 63, 88 Zagorec, Todd ..... 45, 85, 94, 95, 111, 124, 125, 162, 63 Zeller, David ........ 45, 103, 124
Sophomores Adams, Dean .............. ..49 Akagi, Michael ....... 49, 89, 91, 111,118,124,162 Alldrege, Pride .............. 49 Allen, Bill .................. .4& Allen, David . . .... . ........• 49 Allen, Kevin ........ 49, 114, 133 Allen, Rodney .............. 118 Allen, Roger ................ 49 Allred, Dane ...... 49, 84, 88, 104, 110, 114, 133, 164 Anderson, Dara ........ . .. 49, 95 Anderson, David . .. .......... 49 Anderson, Jefilyn .. 49, 84, 88, 154 Anderson, Maurine ........... 49 Andersen, Tari .... 49, 84, 91, 1 Y Anderson,VVayne ....••...... Angus, COlleen .............. 48 Arms~, Grem ......... 49, 98 Atkin •...... · · · · · · · Atkin ry ............ · Auke n •••...... 49, 104, Auk aida .. ..... ..... 49, Baer, a •..... . ..... .49, Baile~ becca ......... 49, 162 Baker, cott ................ 49 Ballard, nice ...... ..... 49, 97 Ballard, a ............... 49 Ballard, N 49, 84, 91, 94 Barker, Des •..•......... 49 Bauer, Brad . • . . ..•..... 49 Bawden, Stev • . . .. 48, 61, 104 Bay, Mark ......•...•.•... 119 Beardall, Lynn . • . . . • . . . • .. 49 Beck, Blayne ....•••.•.. 4~. 121 B~kstead, Tamara .. . .... 49, 84 Beclnarik, Vincent ..•......... 49 BeMiey, Jody . . . . . . . .... 49, 98 Bernerdi, Gina ........•..... 49 Best Brent ... ..... .. . 49, 124 Best, Kent ............•. 49, 136 Bianchi, Dan ......•......... 49 Bills, Jeffrey .......... . . ... .49 Bishop, Jeri .... .. 49, 84, 95, 130 Bishop, Matthew .... 49, 132, 153 Blackett, David ... . .......... 50 Bodell, Tina ................ 50 Bogenshutz, Patrice .... .... .. 50 Bohm, Dale ................. 50 Bolliger, Pamela ............. 50 Bonham, Judy . .. ......... ... 50 Boynton, Mark .......... 50, 104 Boydston, Wayne ... ......... 50 Bradfield, Darwin .... .... 50, 63, 104,118 Brennan, Bonnie .......... 50, 98 Broadhead, Yvonne .......... 50 Brown, Blair ... ..... ... ..... 50 Brown, Scott .... .. 50, 89, 98, 124 Brown, Tamara ......... ..... 50 Brown, Val Ray .............. 50 Brundage, Kelly ............. 50 Buchanan, Alan ...... 50, 89, 121 ~uhl, Sandra ................ 50 Bunker, Wendy ... ... ... ..... 50 urch, Stephen ............. 50 Burger, Stephen .... . . ....... 50 Burningham, Mark ....... 50, 104 Candalot, Careen ......... 50, 63 Cannon, Jennifer . . ... 50, 84, 110 Cannon, Kristine ..... ..... 50, 84 Carter, Michael ............. 50 Chamberlain, Leah ........... 50 Chapman, Chris ......... 85,124 Chapman, Pamela ........... 50 Chapman, Vickie ............ 50
Wyndee . . .......... 52
rrts, Anton ........... 52, 124
Harris, Marcie ............... 52
Hatttaway, Lowrie .. . ...... 52, 89 Waun, G~n ............ . ..... 52
Ha s, 11errie ............... 52
Richard ........... 52, 98
l;Jibel"t, Paula ......... ~ ..... 53 f,Jelbig, Sherry ...... . ....... 53
Hiatt, Kelli ............... 53, 93 HiCkman, Linda ............. 53 Higbee, eresa ............ . 53 HiUt..HoUy .................. 53 ''ffis, Lori .............. . ... 53 Hilton, Joseph ...... 53,104,118 Hofelipg, Tammy ............ 53 Htlftmttn, Robert .. 53, 63, 104, 115 Hollan'iter, Bruce ........... 53 f!fotmes, Tamie .............. 53 HGtmstead, Dinah ........ 53, 84 Hooser, Marjean ...... .. .... 130 Hopes, R~er ............... 53 'tieumantf, Corey .... 53, 114, 115, 136, 137, 159 HousefCeeper, Greg .......... 53 ~.Kristine .......... 53, 99 Howlett) Charlotte ........ 53, 84 Hughes, BOb ................ 53 ~,Randy .. 53, 104,116,158 Hum'Pet Peggy ... .. ..... .. . 53 Hunsaker, Tracy ......•...... 53 ~ Mafilyn ...•••......••. 53 'tiitt, Kltlen na .•••....... 5I. 98 Ja~ Kent ............ 53 .Jatvi§; Otieryl ................ 53 ~. Jeffrey •.••••...... 53 Je~ ve . • ..••..... 53, 98 ren .•............ 53 1 t.lethy • • • • · • • • • • • • • .53 ~~~~:~~~~~i~~i,:·i~i{f.fJ~~:;J{.J.(~~~~iilteven .....•... 53, 104 fl ~. ce ......•.•..... 53 .•.............. 51 Jewkes, David .......•• 104, 118 astman, Sheila ............. 51 Jex, Frank ..........•..• 63, 104 Eddington, Keith ......... 51, 98, Johnson, Darell .........•••• 53 104, 124 Johnson, Gerald .........•••. 53 Edmunds, Artie ............. 51 Johnson, Sherrie ........ ~, 110, Ellis, Brett .................. 51 ' 1 Enniss, Kim ................. 51 Jones, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . • • . . 5 Ennis, Sallie ................ 51 Jones, Glen ..............••• 53 Erickson, Wendy ............ 51 Jones.. Lori .............•••. 63 Evans, Barbara .....•.•...... 51 Jonies, l..ori •............• 53, Ewell, Q.onnw .............. 51 Keelff, thy . . . . . . . . . . . . • •• 53 Fairbount.Paul • _.104, 118,124 Ke,.,.,_, hard .........•53, 124 Fair fl •.••...... 51 Kendrick; Susan ...... 48, $3, 83 Fenton,tttedtey ..••• 51, 11l, 118 Kennelly Jim ........... 51. 114 Fenton, ci ..•..•..••. 5 , 130 Killian, Ekent .............•• 54 Ferguso , Marcy •..•••••• 51, 154 Kimball, David ........... 54, 98 Ferre, Lynnann .............. 51 King, Wade ....•............ 54 Fish, John ............... 52, 104 Kirton, carrie ............ 54, 84 Fitzgerald, Made . • •......... 52 Kunz, K.-fly .........•....... 54 fitzgerald, Stacey .... ...... .• 52 Lambson, Sandra ...•..... 54, 93 Ftores, Jerry ••.•.•.... . ..... 52 Lancaster, Troy ........... .. 54 Flynn, Pat .•....•........... 52 Langford, Kevin ..... 54, 118, 119 Forbes, Cindy ........ 52, 85, 11 Langston, Jeffery ......... 54, 98 Francom, Dan ...........•... 52 Larso , Lorrie ............... 54 Frantz, Sandra . . . . ......... 52 Lawson, Rhonda ........•. Fratto, Ellen . ......... . .. 52, 98 Leany, LaRee ............ 54, 98 Frischknecht, Wade .. 52, 111, 118 Leavitt, Jeffery ... ... 54, 104, 118, Fritz, Jill . ..... .... . ........ 52 119, 135 Gailey, Leslie ..... 52, 89, 95, 133 Leavitt, Tracy .. 54, 84, 85, 90, 110 Gallagher, Kevin .. .. 52, 104, 118, Lewis, Dori ................. 54 119,124 Leyba, Russ ... ....... . ..... 54 Gardner, Wendy ............. 52 Limb, Flora ................. 54 Garfield, Lee ................ 52 Linnarz, Debby ... ... ... ..... 54 Garner, Billy ................ 52 Livingston, Julie ......... .... 54 Gate ous , Karen ........ 52, 93, Lloyd, Julie ................. 54 95, 121 Lovell, Kelly .. .. ....... ..... 54 Gatherum, Tamee ........... 52 Lugo, Debra . . .. ...... ...... 54 Gentry, Debbie ........... 52, 98 Lukich, Lori ................ 54 Giles, Sherry ................ 52 Lundstrom, John ........ 54, 104 Glover, Holly . .. ........ .. 52, 84 Lunkwitz, Gregory ... 54, 104, 133 Glover, Ron ..... . ........ 52, 85 Lykins, Tamara ........... 54, 93 Gord, Richard . . .... .. ....... 52 Mace, Craig . ........ ... 54, 189 Green, Lisa . ................ 52 Mace, Joseph ... .. .... ... ... 54 Greenwood, Ray Paul . ... . ... 52, Marchant, Kevin .. .. ..... .... 54 104, 122 Markham, Kathleen .......... 54 Gregory, Penny .... . ......... 52 Martin, Pauline ..... ......... 54 Hadley, Debra .. .......... 52, 85 Matheson, Amy .............. 54 Hallock, Helene .......... 52, 90 Mathie, Robert ........... 54, 85 Hanks, Jill ..... ........ . .... 52 May, Tom ....... ....... 98, 104 Hardcastle, Laurie ..... ... 52, 84 Maxfield, Jeannene ....... 54, 98 Harding, Larry ....... ...... . 52 Maxwell, Tammy ....... 54, 84,85 Hardman, Kathryn ...... .. 52, 84 McCandless, Tom ... ........ 54 Hardy, Kristin ..... 52, 84, 88, 154 McCarthy, Kathryn ........... 54
McCleery, Andrea ........... 54 O!sent Scott , ........ 55, 91, 104 McClure, Tammy ... 55, 61, 84,88, Ordakowski, Suzane . . .... , .. 56 91, 151,154 Orgill, David ..•..... • ... 56, 144 McDonald, Lisa . ........... , . 55 Orth, Sandra .......... 56, 93, 95 McGuire, Margaret ......•. 55, 84 ' Orwin, John ........... • . .. . 56 McPh~rron, Robert •..... 55, 104 O'Steen, Richard ...... . ..... 56 Mead1 Tina.. : ~. . ...• ~.55, 121 · Ostler, Slak$ ... , •...... •56, 104 Meadows, Ar •.·.,,, .. 55, 11f3 Ostler, Brent .. . ...... 56 Meadows, Oat .:: , ,,., ..• 5~~ 84 ··Ostler, Dan .... . . : . .. . 56. "Pace, · Rhea •..•........ , . . .. 56 Meldrum, Jeff, . . .... 55, 104, 121 Mellor, Blake ..••...........• 55 Panas, Phillip . . ............ 56 Mellor, Tamara ..•........... 55 Panek, David .....•....... 56, 98 Melonas, Gina .. , ........ 55, 95 Parker, Diane ... . ........... 56 Parry, Ruth ........... 56, 78, 79 Merrill, Michael ......... 98, 122 Miller, Anne ................• 55 Paxman, Elaine ............. 56 Perry, Jill ........•.......... 56 Miller, D'Ray ...... ~ ..... 55, 118 Pett, David .... . .... . .. . .... 56 Miller, Vicky ............•..• 55 Phiflips, Guy ................ 89 Milhe, Steven .... t •• 55, 104, 118 Phillips, J~ffery , .. , ...... 56, 98 Mitchell, Pam . . . . . , ........ 55 Mitchell, Randy· , •. • . ·, , •..•.. 55 Pierce, Jeffrey ...• . . 56, 115, 133 Pierson, Tammy ...... 56, 84, 88, Mock, Neil .• ; .• , ·~ l • , • • • , • • • 89 154,163 Moore, Shauna ....... , ...•.. 55 Pingree, Duffy .. 56, 104, 115, 124 Morgan, Patricia .. . .... 55, 91, 98 Popel mayer, David ..... . ..... 56 Morrill, Lynette .............. 55 Prince, Colleen ..... . . .. .. 56, 84 Mortensen, Patti :"""•.... 55, 95, 130 Ragsdale, Grant ......... 56, 121 Myers, Stacy ................ 55 Rappleye, Jeff ............... 56 Nadeau, Cheryl ........... 55, 95 Rasmussen, Kristine .. . ....... 56 Nance, Michell ....•...... 55, 91 Rasmussen, Patsy •.......•.. 56 Napierz. Terry ............... 55 Reed, Brenda ....... , . 48, 56, 63 Neff, wendy .... , .... .• . . ... 55 Reeve, Bennie •.• • .... . .. 56, 89 Nelson, Llqyd • .. ............. 55 Rich, Peggy •.• • ...... . .. 56,84 Nelson, Patricia . , ........ 55, 91 Richardson, Jan ............. 56 Nelson, 11obert ....•......... 55 Richards, Mar'iann .. 56, 82, 84, 86, Neria, Karoleen ....... . ..... 55 154, 164 Newland, Jeffery ..... 55, 104, 118 Ricard, Carla . ..... • .. 56, 84, 95 Newton, Pam ............... 55 Riding, Kirk ... .... 56, 63, 84, 104 Nielsen, Janet ........... 55, 93 118, 124 Niemann, Janice ............ 55 Riska, Nicolene .. ........... 56 Noffsinger, Kenneth •...... 55, 89 Robertson. Brian . . .. 56, 104, 109 Nootda, Cathy ....... 55, 95, 130 Roberts, Cindy ... . . . .... . . . . 56 Norton, Karla .•.. . ...••... 55, 85 Robinson, Jani ... . .. . •... . .. 56 Norton, Rhonda ....... 55, 78, 79, Ronne, Larry , , ... ; . ... , ... . 56 84,90 se Rossi lammy ....•. . . Oakason, Randall .... 55, 111, 118 Rowell, Tammy ........... 56, 99 Ober, Mark •. ..... . ......... 55 Rowley, Penny .....•.. . .... . 51 Obert, Bruce .• , ...•. . ....... 55 I
Russom, George .... . 51, 104, 124 Sargent, Carl •....... 57, 89, 115, 136, 137 Schmidt, Lance ...... 57, 89, 154 Scott, Reed ..•........... 5~89 Seale, Duncan .............. 57 Sedgwick, ·Rodney . . 57, 85, 104, 115,124 Sharp, Doris • ........ 57, 95, 157 Sheppard, Michael .... 57, 99, 158 Shelby, Yvette .............. 57 Short, Lester ................ 57 Shocker, Lance ............ 124 Shryers, Roger ...... . ....... 57 Sieverts, John ....... 57, 116, 118 Simmons, Debra ............. 57 Sirrine, Steven .............. 57 Smiley, Michele . . . .......... 57 Smith, Colleen ......... .. 57, 97 Smith, Kathryn .•....... . . 57, 89 Smith, Lee •.............• • .. 57 Smith, Mattean ........... 57, 84 Smith, Nadine ........ . ... 57, 84 Smith, Patrea ............ 57, 98 Smith, Paula ............... . 57 Smith, Willain ....... . ....... 57 Sorenson, Barry .•..... . . 57, 104 Steadman, Jalynn ..... 57, 84, 97 Stephenson, Sterling ......... 57 Stlel, Elaine ..•... . ......... 57 Stoedter. Heidi ........... 57, 98 Stone, Robert ...... 57, 104,133, 134, 147 Sturdevant, Keith ..... . ... 57, 98 Summerhays, Pamela .... 57, 63, 84,93 Sutherland, Debbie ... 57, 84, 154 Swenson, Del ... .... 57, 98, 104, 115, 133 Swllor, Milan . ..... .. ....•.. 122 T~dehara, Linda ...... ...•... 57 Takernorl, Jill . . ....... • ..... 57 Tate, Susan . . . ........ ..•... 57 Taylor, Patrick .... . . . ....... 57 Tazzer, Pamela . . .... .. ..... 57 Tempest, Jeff . ........ .... . 124
Terry, LeAnn .. . ... . .. •. ..... 57 Thacker, Christine ..... . ... . . 57 Thaxton, Mark ....... . ....... 58 Thomas, Gary .. . 58, 104, 115, 124 Thomas, Jill ............. 58, 84 Thompson, Mark . ....... . . .. 58 Thorn, Janie .. . . .. ... . ...... 58 Thorpe, Michael ... . ..... 58, 124 Timoney, Megan ... 58, 84,. 88, 91, 153, 154, 161 Titus, Dale .. . .. . .. . .... . 58, 98 Tobin, Sharon . . .. . ..... . . 58, 84 Tolman, Dawn .............. 58 Tripp, Linda . ........... . 58, 94 Troester, Darrell .. 58, 98, 104, 118 Velasquez, Debbie ........... 58 Vandenberg, Kim .... . ..... . . 58 Vawdrey, Jazan .. .. ......... 58 Veater, James ........... 58, 104 Wagstaff, Craig . .. ... 58, 104,124 Wagstaff, Tammy ..... . ...... 58 Wall, Brad ..•. .. . ... . . . .... 58 Walker, Leslee ............ . . 58 Walters, Karen ... 58, 84, 140, 150 Walkenhorst, Tamara .. . ... 58, 95 Walters, Kevin ...... 58, 114, 124 Walters, Larry . . . 58, 104, 115, 121 Washburn, Valerie ........... 58 Webster, Wade . . .. . ..... 58, 133 Weller, Wilma ... . ........ 58, 90 Wharton, Dennis .... ..... . . . 58 Whitmore, James .... 58, 104, 124 Woodruff, Diana ... . ...... 58, 98 Wright, Willard ....... . ... 58, 98 Wright, Debbie . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 58 Yaka, Robert . .... .. .... .. .. 104 Yates, Michelle . . . . ......... . 58 Yazhe, Maxine . . .. ..... . ... . 58 Young, Christine . ... . ..... . . . 58 Young , Harold . .. . . .. . ... .. . . 58 Young, Kenneth . . .... . . 58, 104, 115,124 Ziegler, Mark .. . ..... 58, 98, 111, 118, 124 Zupan, Charlene . ............ 58
P.S. This yearbook was completed on April 11 , 1974 at :20 in the 68 ° atmosphere of the yearbook haven on a cratched and banged up wood grain table. In the pres· ence of Mr. Gooch and all the staff.
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