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RADIANT RAYS BEAM BRILLIANTLY The kick bnngs up the score.

A ray of light encases years of trad1t1on.


The two o'clock rush hour.

Jordan g1ves Alta the final blow.

DOWNWARD UPON A COLLAGE OF CHAOS At the end of a hard day.




Stacey Evans eats to his heart's content.

The pause that refreshes.

Barbra Shettel hopes for a successful "throw" .

4 •


Sharon McDonald LOVES hotdogs.

Wendy Wilkinson and Debbie Smith rap at lunch.

ENCHANT THE ENTRANCE -~The pathway to an endless education.




A framework of faces fill Jordan Htgh

The artwork of the master


Silence surrounds the shadows.

Temporary pods let us expand our education.


The sounds of days gone past.




Nothing can " beet" this assembly!


Mark Ord1kowski leads the band on and on and ON!

R1d1ng p1ggy back is a GREAT form of transportation!

Ongmallty .. a Jordan first!



The sign of the times.

Marty VanAmen goes for the touchdown.

The Homecoming victory!

The Charlonians started the parade w1th a salute.


Precious moments are captured on film

HOMECOMING "Color My World" was the theme of the Homecoming Dance. This well-organized, beautifully decorated dance was sponsored by DECA. Two hundred and seventy couples attended the dance with Raintree providing the music.


-u.r-ÂŁs ~


A message to the football team.

Royalty: Melanie Toole, Kelli K1tchen. Annette Deuel, Marci McCaffree.

The dance company had the winning float.

#10 goes for an Interception.



HOMECOMING Homecoming Week included: Farmers' Market, a pep rally, a fantastic march by the Charlonians, and winning the football game. DECA sponsored the Homecoming Dance making 1t a memorable occasion for all those who attended.

The pass that led to the Homecommg v1ctory!

The lunch bunch!

Dan Anderson and Chnsty Bess color the.r world together Students concentrate on the Homecom1ng Parade.


The beat of Ralntree.

The Charlonians march to "Night on Disco Mountain."

Fans cheer football team to victory!

The burning of the "J".

Couples enjoy the Homecoming Dance.



David Matheson ... , #1 hot dog seller!

The oomp pa pa of the band.

Lori, Barbie, and Cindi are overcome by excitement.

Migel Chavez loves to perform!

14 .


Decorated sidewalks boost our spirit!

GET ACQUAINTED Races, tug-o-war, obstacle course and chug-a-lug were only a few of the events at the Get Acquainted Assembly. The studentbody officers sponsored the event which was won by the seniors.

The thirst that quenches.

The obstacle course gave Pat Lucero a rundown.

The proudest farmer in the senior class is Louis Ballames.

The spirit takes Jordan to a win.

The crowd enjoys the Get Acquainted Assembly.




The Get Acquainted Assembly provided many exciting events for the student body to watch. The various grades competed against each other wtth the seniors as the victors. The Get Acquainted Assembly is a tradition at Jordan and is sponsored by the student body officers.

Mrs. Lovato takes a crash course on physiology!

The most ong1nal k1ss.

The b1g wheels keep turmn' at the Get Acqua1nted Assembly

16 •


"Enriched" students find themselves in the "dough".

The agony of defeat.

You make my melon water, Cory Barber!

Scott Silcox rece1ves h1s breakfast in one gulp!



JORDAN Ol YMPICS=KEEN COMPETITION Jordan High Olympics were held on January 12, 1979. This is a traditional assembly that is held for class competition. Some events were: marshmellow stuff, JUmp rope, relay race, licorice kiss, marshmellow dip, and jello snarff. The seniors were this year's Olymp1c Champs.

Shelly Thome f1nds 1ello to be great for a morn1ng snack

Stacey Welch competes 1n marshmellow stuff.

Tammy Thompson and Jerry Steadman go for a hconce kiSS.

Tammy Lemonds JUmps for Jordan Allyson Denn1son uses her leg power.


Greg Hyde finds transportation eas1er these days by ··three-wheeling:·

Nolan Fowles f1lls up on a marshmellow snack from Deanna Boynton.


Tannmy Payne has the sw1ng of th1ngs .

Randy Costanza


full of hot a1r


SENIOR WEEK Senior Week was filled with many exciting events for Seniors. On Wednesday a Great Assembly was put on by the Seniors, "Smokey and the Bandit" was shown on Friday, and the Senior Hop was Saturday night. One of the highlights was an original composition by our own class president, Cory Barber.

Sen1ors wear short shorts

Seniors Disco


Students see the K1ng Tut exh1bit

Sen1ors are a Barrel of Monkeys Two scoops of Raisins

Hey! Who wants my garter?


Debbie Chorlton sw1ngs at Sen1or Hop

Marlene Day enJOYS danc1ng.

Royalty: Karla Denison; Cory Barber, K1ng; Melyn Crapo, Queen; Hal Cooper, Pnnce; Dixie Olsen, Pnncess; Danny Brklac1ch; Corinne Anderton, Duchess; Jody Chavez, Duke.

SENIOR HOP On December 9th. Senior Week ended with Sentor Hop. The Senior Class Offtcers sponsored the dance with the group "FUN" providing the music. Cory Barber and Miguel Chavez presents roses to Deanna Boynton.

Mtguel Chavez tells everybody about Senior Hop.

Dtxie Olsen wtth date Danny Brklactch.

FUN's lead stnger had a lot of soul

Sentor Hop • 25

DOG PATCH After a week of competing in chopping-wood, baking cakes, and sewing patches on guys' pants, Merrill Strate and Karen Homer were chosen for Little Abner and Daisy Mae. ROCKWATER accompanied the dance with fantastic music and amazing fire and smoke.

Mark Terry pays Jod1 Thorn a v1sit at the ja11.

Dav1d Matheson gets down and boogies!

M1ke Johnson and Tammy Bednank get "h1tched " at Dog Patch.

26 •


Karen Homer and Merrtll Strate were Da1sy Mae and Little Abner.

ROCKWATER prov1ded the music for Dog Patch.

Students get 1nvolved w1th Dog Patch.

DOG PATCH "Marryin" Sam" Noble had a busy night.



Pnncess Kelly Eggen escorted by Todd Savage. Queen Cherne Hyde escorted by Pat Lucero.

Couples enJOY the dancing at Sweethearts' Ball.

~· ••

Wtnter scene sets mood for lovers. 28 • sWEETHEART'S

Duchess Susan Koehler escorted by Dave Olsen

SWEETHEART'S BALL "Our Day Will Come" was the theme for the 1979 Sweethearts' Ball. The gym was decorated with hearts, cupids, and a winter scene. Souvenior provided the music.

The night moves on w1th a faster beat.



Students part1c1pate '" school assemblies.

She smgs like a b1rd.

Cheerleaders rest the~r enthus1asm

The banJO man talks to the aud1ence


This year's assemblies were certainly diverse. They provided music, laughs and drama for our entertainment. The best assemblies were provided by our own Jordan High 'talent.'

A typ1cal spirit assembly.

Mr. Ash conducts an assembly.

Day Wages' one-man band.

Jeff Hepner heart1ly handles a "dog...


STOMPS Stomps were held on and sponsored by: Cheerleaders ....... September 1, 1978 GAA Club ......... September 30, 1978 Letter Club .......... October 14, 1978 VICA Club ........... October 28, 1978 Drama Club ........ December 22, 1978 Band ................ January 27, 1979 Baseball .............. March 23. 1979 Election ................. April 20, 1979


, The exc1tement of a stomp!

Shauna Tidwell sp1es a dude.

32 • sTOMPS

Shontell Christensen has the beat.

Dracula finally shows up. Someth•ng's got a hold of me!.



NATIONAl HEADLINES The land to establish the country of Israel was given to the war-torn Jews two decades ago. The land had belonged to the Arabs, who were naturally resentful , but not well-organized enough to pack much power into their objection. Now, years later, and after constant fighting, two of the major parties involved in the complex situation, are considering a peaceful settlement of the land conflict. The two leaders of Egypt and Israel, Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin , were trying to bridge the hate and hostility; hoping to give their people a more optimistic future. We cheer their efforts because the hot spots in the Middle East are hooked together with a fuse that could ignite and shatter the world.

NEWS BRIEFS President Carter signed the measure to extend the deadline tor the ratification of the ERA Amendment. The deadline was e~­ tended for three years and three months. If the ERA Amendment is ratified, there will be total equality.

The famous ventriloquist Edgar Bergen died in Las Vegas in Sep· tember. Mr. Bergan started his career in Vaudeville with his beloved "dummy" Charlie McCarthy. Mr. Bergen lightened our days . .. with laughter.

The well-known artist and illustrator Norman Rockwell died at the age of 84. Mr. Rockwell's freckled-face boys, pig-tailed girls and kindly doctors depicted an American small town as he wanted it to be. The legend of Norman Rockwell will live on as his paintings continue to be reproduced throughout the world.

Anwar Sadat , Jimmy Carter. Menachem Begin conclude a day at the Peace Talks.

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Two major religious events occurred in 1978. The First Presidency of the L.D.S. Church revealed that every worthy man (regardless of race or color) may receive the priesthood and its authouty. John Paul I died of a massive stroke just 33 days after he had been chosen as the Roman Catholic Pope. Church Cardinals met together to select a new pope to lead the 700 million Roman Catholics. Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, became the first Polish Pope in history.

She was born at 11:47 p.m. with a lusty yell, and it was a cry heard around the brave new ~orld. Louise Brown, blond, blue-eyed and JUst under six pounds, was the first child in history to be conceived outside of her mother's body. Her birth was in a British mill town. The event was variously hailed as a medical miracle, an ethical mistake and the ~eginning of a new age of genetic manipulation.



Did you say: "Keep your eyes on your fries" - McDonalds ''I'm a pepper" - Dr. Pepper "My bologna has a first name" - Oscar Mayer " Mikey" - LIFE cereal " Yummies ... mmmmm" - Yummies

Did you see: Mork and Mindy Happy Days Love Boat Fantasy Island Starskey & Hutch Charlies Angels Eight is Enough What 's Happening Welcome Back Kotter LaVerne and Shirley

Two popular fads were wearing Tee sh~rts wtth ''wtld and crazy" saytngs and BEETDIGGER vtsors

Did you hear: Dona Summer - " McCarther Park " Ann Murry - "You Needed me" Foreigner - " Double Vision" Ambrosha - " That's How Much I Feel" Nick Gelder - " Hot Child in the City " Exile - "Kiss You All Over" Kenny Loggins - " Whenever I Call you Friend" Rolling Stones - " Beast of Burden " Foxy - "Get On" Geno Beneli - "I Just Want to Stop"

36 •


THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT The "beat" went on with Disco being a part of our after school entertainment. The girls showed up in disco skirts and Danskin tops, while the guys wore vests and Angel Flight slacks. Dancin' Disco was a great way to meet guys or gals or just to pick up a few new steps. With more discoteques being opened, disco dancing was fast becoming a favorite American past time. Danc1ng D1sco 1s number one.

The years most popular flicks: Grease Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Heaven Can Wait Foul Play Almost Summer The Big Fix Corvette Summer T.G.I.F. Hooper Animal House The Boys From Brazil



THE DATING GAME Since most students start dating in high school, the average date tends to get a little boring. SO when you're in a creative dating mood, just get out your BEETDIGGER and choose from a variety of creative dates. Gordon and Allee head for the refreshment stand.

Debbie Tark tells her friends how to get a MAN!

DATING IN GRUBBIES When you don't feel like dressing up, here are some creative dates you might try:

1-Bike riding in the canyons 2-Go sand jumping 3-Go mountain climbing 4-Have a water balloon fight 5-Go on a hayride 6-Go kite flying on a windy day 7-Have a food fight 8-Go to the zoo 9-Piay croquet at night with flashlights 10-Go ice blocking at a nearby park

38 •


Jody Lundstrum asks Steve Lee for a date

CREATIVE DATING Below are listed ten creative ways to ask someone for a date. When you are out of ideas, try some of ours on for size! 1-A singing mail-gram. 2-Send the question in a puzzle 3-Send a postcard 4-Have a treasure hunt 5-A fictitious court summons 6-A cordial invitation 7-Kidnap your date 8-Give a coupon for a free date 9-Send a letter 10-The want-ads.

Stomps were a great place to get a date.

CASUAL DATING Below are a few SENSATIONAL ideas for a casual date! 1-Ride the Heber Creeper 2-Visit a wax museum 3-Attend the state fair 4-Have a banana-split making contest 5-Build an igloo dunng the winter months 6-Color in coloring books 7-Go water skiing. 8-Have a taffy pull 9-Go canoeing at the nearest lake. 10-Visit a ghost town.

David, Randy, Ronald ask advice on how to ask someone for a date.


WHATS NEW AT JORDAN? Many new and exciting things are happening at Jordan! We were told to keep our "eyes on our fries," and to not drive our cars to school to conserve energy. You could catch the trend of fashion by a Saturday night drive down State. Foreign students attended school while they added culture to Jordan.

Debbie, Cindy. Barb1e, and C1ndi sooth their Big Mac attacks.

K1m Roth models the new trend of fash1on.

Steffan. Micky, and V1cki show off a CLASSY Thunderbird'

40 •


The layered look included blousey-belted sh1rts and stove pipe pants. cowel-necked sweaters and calf-length skirts. Fashion is on the upchmb 10 populanty-and price!

As1an Students and Fnends: Chathy Khuu, R1chard Lee. K1m Le, Song K1m, Joann Ottman, Karen Sm1th, Somsak Somch1t, Chou Hong, Lee Vang, Chae Kim, Bill Sorenson, Lynn Jen sen.

You can always find excitement up State Street on the weekends! We have more sp1nt w1th the Sp1rit Club!

Special Sect1on • 41


The Spirit Club supports all functions in the school. They try to create spirit in the school. The club consists of approximately 100 students. The advisors are Miss Done and Miss Conkling.

Spint Club wraps g1fts for santa.

Sp1nt Club, enthusiastiC over school activities. Sp1nt Club gets ready for Christmas.

OI'I'ICE . . de . RS-Collette Stromberg. Pres1dent; Sharon Charlton. V1ce Pres1· nt, Teresa Harward Historian· Joy Clark Hand Movements; and Ca rri G' • • · e 1les. Secretary (missing).

CHARLONIANS Many early morning and after school practices led our Charlonians to second place in state competition. For the first time in Jordan's history, the Char-

Deanna Boynton

Cindy Brown

lonians were asked to march at the basketball games! The Charlonians would like to thank the studentbody for their support in cheering at the games and competition.

Michelle Butkov1ch

Tara Coggle

Ron Cannon

Ang1e Hadley

Robyn Johnson

A Charloman spec1a1ty!

Susan Ada1r LeeAnn Amsworth D1ane Adams Theresa Blomquist Shelley Bodtcher

46 •


Marlene Day

Stacey Demas

Analee Enckson

LeeAnn, Deanna. and Rori fly h1gh!

Chris Meadows Kathi Mulliner Marcyne Nielson Debbie Parker Stacy Reece Kathi Simonson

The Charlonians reach for perfect1on!

Angi Thomoson Michelle VanEkelenburg Geesette Walters Valaine Whetman Celia Willette Linda Woodruff




Charlon1ans get headaches.

Even C1ndy Brown plays w1th balloons.

48 •


Marlene Day JUmpmg for h1gh sp1rts.

Stacey, Ang1e, Marlene stand tense before Homecom1ng March

CHARLONIAN OFFICERS Stacey Demas . . .. . ... .. . ....... .. ..... President Shelly Badtcher ... . .. . . .. . ... . ... Vice-President Michelle VanEkelenburg . ...... 2nd Vice-President Deanna Boynton . .. . ....... . .. .. . ..... Secretary Robyn Johnson .... . ........ ... . . .. ... Treasurer Marlene Day .................. ... . . Drill Mistress Cindy Brown ...... .. ...... ... ... . . . 1st Assistant Valaine Whetman . . ......... .. .... . 2nd Assistant Geesette Walters . . ....... . .......... .. . Historian Celia Willette . ...... . ...... . .... .... Yell Mistress

_.- ,



Cherrie Hyde, Head Songleader

Becky Pangos enjoys song leading.


CHEERLEADERS It was easy to see why the cheerleaders received superior ribbons at their summer clinic. Their spirit unified a proud studentbody. They always had signs, treats and enthusiastic cheers for us and our teams.

Melante Toole "commands" her squad.

Karen Homer wishes for high sp1rits.

Sharon McDonald cheers the studentbody on and on!

Jerilyn Jorgensen prepares to lead the school song.

JV CHEERLEADERS Our J.V. cheerleaders were one of our greatest assets. They supported us through our best wins and our worst losses. Kelli Kitchen (head), Callee McClellan, Becky Butterfield, Cathy Mandet, and Shelley Thome put forth a lot of effort that strenghthened our spirit all through the year. We, the J.V. teams, say thanks tor a good year.

Cathy hits a defens1ve elbow.

Callee apparently approves.

Shelly wants a v1ctory.

Becky applauds a good move.


Kelh helps keep sp1nts up.


Tracy Horn and Merrillyn Bradford lead a rowdy crowd.

Connre. Tracy. and Mernllyn show mrxed feelings during a close match.

Bobbr and Lrsa watch rntently and clap wrth the beat

Bobbt Burt, Shrr Lynn Holt. Lisa Farnsworth. Connre Thornwall. Merrillyn Brad¡ ford, Tracy Horn.

Tracy shows one of our line wrestlers a thrng or two.

Corinne Anderton. Charlene Crump, Angy B1erregaard. Lisa Worthen. Annette Holm, Cmdy Jones. Laura Mace. Kristme Crump.

Annette Worlton. Angela Stearns. Trac1e Goodfellow. Marc• McCaffree. Stephan•e N1elson. Sheryl Faldmo. Nancy Ayers. Crystal Thornwall. Karen Hutcheon.

SOPHOMORE AND FRESHMEN CHEERLEADERS . Freshmen and Sophomore cheerleaders practiced and practiCed their routines. With high spirits they traveled with the teams and sometimes they were the only encouragement to be seen or heard. Karen Hutcheon gets excited!

Charlene Crump, Krtsttne Crump, and Annette Holm get enthused at the game.

Krts Crump cheering at a pep assembly.

Sophomore Cheerleaders go all out!


THESPIANS The Thespian Club held their annual Halloween party with the Alta High Thespians on October 31st. The club officers initiated the new members on December 12 and worked on dramatic materials for competition in the spring. The Thespians is a dramatic club that participates in various school and community activities that involve drama. The spring social and the awards banquet were the highlights of the year.

President. David Matheson: Vice-President. Marshall Hughey: Secretary, Karan Pace; Treasurer, Christi Bess.

Randy Baker, Dave Nelson, John Arm1stead. Marshall Hughey, Bob S1monson, Carolyn P1erce. Scott Lester, Troy Gogan, Jeff Ostler, Kev1n Rowe, Sandra Dahl, Nancy Ayers, Marin Gogan. Bnan Voiles. Debbie Puder, Gene Garnes, Stac1 Welch, Bnan Patten, Tand1 Evans, Stac1 Ontiveros, Richard Carter, Jamie Heaps, Julie Norton, Karie Jacobsen, Marnssa May, Karan Pace, M1kki Anderson, Lonnie Urton, Tammy Payne, Rachel Parry, Denise Higbee. Julie Swenson, Virginia McAllister, Peggy Burger, Kathy S1monson, Tammy Lemonds, L1sa Harston, Melyn Crapo, Shelly Thome, Collette Winkler, Darla Lykins. (Missing Chnsti Bess)


CINDERELLA "Cinderella" started the year off with a bang! This delightful play was done as theaterin-the round and proved very successful! The audience was enchanted by the certain magic that was created on the stage. Outstanding musicals and plays are a tradition at Jordan High and will continue to be in the future.

Karan Pace. Melyn Crapo, Rachel Parry, Barbra Edd1ngton. and Shelly Thome d1scuss the pnnce's ball.

Natalie Rueckert admires herself 1n her mirror.

Bob S1monson. V~rgmia McAlister, Jeff Ostler. and Dav1d Matheson try to fmd Cinderella


MUSIC MAN The Music Man was an outstanding musical performed by the students of Jordan High. The Music Man was produced by the talents of Robyn Stuver, Mrs. Christofferson, Mr. Zabriskie, Mrs. Prowse, Christi Bess, and Bob Simonson. The heart-warming story of the musical captivated both cast and audience.

T1m Crystal, Kent McClure. R1chard Carter, Bob Simonson, Scott Lester.

Shelly Thome. Brian Vo11es.

M1kk1 Anderson and the Wan Tan Ye g1rls


The townspeople of River City.

David Matheson.

Mclyn Crapo, Peggy Burger. Angela Maughn, Jeff Jones.

DANCE CLUB The Dance Club consisted of many devoted students. Girls as well as guys participated in various dance performances throughout the year, including many Christmas programs for the elementary schools.


Kathleen Sorensen 1s a real doll!

Mechan1cal dolls do the1r dance.

Becky Tarr performs


Cory Barber


h1s Chnstmas Fantasy

Off1cers Kathleen Sorensen. Colette Wmkler. and Melyn Crapo.

First Row: Colet te W1nkler. Jen Sm1lh. P.1tnce Elg. Sharon Me Donald. and Juhe Swenson Second Row: Duane Elg. Chen Thorckmorton. Juhe Muihner. Ke lly Eggen. Marsha Newhouse. Trena Worthington. Valame Whet man. C1ndy Brown. LuAnn Prowse. adv1sor. Third Row; Shelly Thome Nancy Cooper. Connne Burn1nelwm. Becky Pangos. Kathleen Sorensen. Melyn Crapo. Carolyn Johnson. Ramette Ostler. and Cory Barber~


Madrigals The winter months were the busiest time for the Madrigals. With the Dance Club they put on a Christmas program for the elementary schools. The Madrigals competed in district and state competitions, and displayed their talents to the other schools.

Officers: J1mmy D1xon. President; Sheri Haueter. Treasurer. Shenlyn Adams. V1ce Pres1dent. Laune Pendleton. Social D1rec tor


Mr Zabnske. an enthus1ast1c adv1sor

Laune Madsen. Brenda Comb. Jeff Jones. Laune Pendleton. Alan Eckman, M1chelle Dexter, Mark Wall. C1ndy Harwood. Jeff M1ller. Shenly~ Adams. J1mmy D1xon. Damon Sm1th. Karen Pnce. Lynette Kemp. John Armstead. Ang1e Terry. Ryan Lee. M1kk1 Anderson. Dale Edd1ngton. She' Hauter. MISSING¡ Shelly Brown. Karen Rager

A'Cappella The A'Cappella cons1sts of forty- six students. Besides did excitand makIng p1zzas to raise funds for the1r tnp to Arizona with the Madrigals. ~ntertaining the public in the Sandy area, they ~ng thmgs such as s1ngmg Christmas messages



Officers: LoUis Ballam1s. Pres1dent. Trema Worth1ngton. V1ce Pres1dent; Stephame Snow takes hme out for a dream.

Lynn Blackwood Secretary; Jody Jack. Secretary: Juhe Norton. Hlstonl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-a-n~·-D_w_l:g_h_t_P,n,n.cer.~Soclal Dwecto~ Conn1e Thornwall. Soc1al Dwector

.... First Row; Lonny Ve<Jtcr. John Armste<Jd. Scott Lester. LOUIS Ballam1s, Bruce Coombs. Ken Bell. Second Row: Mark Wall. Alan Eckman. Dw1ght Pnnce. Dua1n Harmon. J1mmy D1xon Third Row: M1kk1 Anderson. Stephan1e Snow. Lynn Blackwood. Jody Jack. L1nda Woodruff. Charlotte Perrencud. Llnd<J Lmd scy. B<Jrbra Edd1ngton. Shauna T1ndwell. Fourth Row: Conn1e Thornwall, Juhe Bentley. Ravae R1eves. Tammy Lemonds. Gayle Dumas. Conn1e Glad. K<.~ren Pnce Fifth Row: Susan Madsen. Becky Tarr. Karla Conner. Sheryl Faldmo, Juha Norton. Dawn Norton, Demse H1gbee

A'Cappella • 65



The Jordan Mixed Chorus part1c1pated in the Song Festival at the Tabernacle with the Madrigals and A'Cappella. They also participated in many other school activities. Mr.

路路z路路 has the strongest lungs at Jordan H1gh.

First Row: Sherry Ober. Jeff Dans1e. Hal Cooper. Bnan Vo1ls. M1le Loveall. Allen Eckman. Ravae Reeves. Second Row: Becky T,ur. Denese Evans. Carla W1nterhauler. Lanell Schof1eld. Mon1ca Westbrook. Susan Zafft. Chrstdl Thornwall. Tonya Nace. Third Row: Shcnlyn M1lls. Carlyn Wellmgton. Mane Lew1s. Lon Spencer Karn Spencer D~<me Dans1e. Tnsha Ji.ickobsen , Tnsha Ehnson. K 1rolee Buford. Bntt Kun1. Fourth Row: D1ane Shepard Tracy Sevy. Wendee R1tzman. Lynette Pnce, Sandra Cowley. Tern Culmer. Pattt H.msen. Jacky Ford


ORCHESTRA The Jordan Orchestra is the largest it has ever been. Many students participated in the Honor Orchestra and the Solo-Ensemble Festival. The Orchestra played for the Music Man and many other musical events.

Krts Lamber. Secre l <~ry; M.1rlene Day. L ibr<~nan. Sl ephan•e Snow. Pres•dent. Mrs Chns topherson. adv1sor; Jan Noffs•nger. V1ce Pres•den t (m•ssmg).

Jeff Skoubye and Chn s Mard en duel over Stephan•e Snow.

First Row; Ch•ng Ts,Jo, Steph;m•e Snow. Tand• Evens. Kns Schott. Kns Lambert Second Row: Pa•ge Bowman. Marlene Day. Jeff Skoubye.

her<'sJ BlomqUist, Ctndy Green, Chns Marden


SYMPHONY GUILD The Symphony Guild is a group of students who are sponsored by the Utah Symphony. They are real music lovers. The Symphony Guild goes as a group to many Symphonies.

Jeff Ostler and Michelle West discuss symphony plans.

Cra1g Bosch pract1ccs d11!gently.

Chns Marden. M1chelle West. Mrs. Chnstofferson, Jeff Ostler. Knst1n Lambert, Cra1g Bosch, Jan Noffsmger. Joel Grygla, Stephan1e Snow.


PEP BAND The Pep Band "moves" the studentbody and sparks crowd spirit for the various sports. They also help the Cheerleaders find the beat. Without them the pep assemblies just wouldn't be the same.

F•rst Row· Row. Ch1 Le. Carne G•les. Teresa Harward. LesJ Peterson. C.ndy Bell. Schontell Chnstensen. Ann Sekeret Breda Wnght Second Clark M•chelle West. Lynnette Johnson, Joel Grygla. Deborah Chorlton. Lnrry Ray, Jul•e Brady, M•ke Brown. Th1rd Row: Charlotte Despam, Ord·lkButler. Mike Chapman. D,lvid Mecham. Wendy F,JUik. Scott Faulk. M1ke Maughn. Scott Orme Four Row Rodger Chnstensen. Mark ' owski, Shauna B•lls. D;H1 K,Jnt. David Bailey, Bobby Lake. Mike Tob•n. Ern•e Miller. James Butler.


MARCHING BAND The Marching Band helps keep the spirit at the football games. They also represent the school in various parades. They are the cream of the band crop.

Bnan Patten rs a tnple threat on the drums.

Mark Ordakowskr ails for a column left


Larry Ray


Julia Norton play out.

Frrst Row Collette Stromberg, Jun Noffsrnger, RaVae Reeve, Julia Norton. Ehtubeth Hofehng, Glen Scdgcwrck, Cr.1rg Bosch, Brtan Patten. Allen Barley, Mark Ordakowskr Second Row Tummara Hrckman. Debra Faris. Curta Wrnterholler, Chnstrne Normun, Mrke Maughn, Shauna Brlls, Clark Butler. Chr Le. Randy Charlson, Debra Charlton BrendJ Wrrght, Mrchelle West, Schontell Chrrsten~cn. Ann Sekeret. Ter<'S.t H.Jrward. Bobby Lake. Vrrgrnra McAllister. Karen Grygla. Suzanne Marden . Thrrd Row Julie BroJdy, I ynnette Johnson. Mrkc Brown. Oavrd Mech.rrn, Lcsa Peterson, Charlotte Desparn. Dan Kunz. Davrd Barley. Scott Orme. L<my Ray, MrchJel Tobrn Mrssrng. James Butler. Mrchael Chapmo~n. Rodger Chnsten sen. Joy Clark. Carrre Gries. Joel Grygla, Shauna Kee. J<.~son Meadows. Gc.Jry Morrrll Scott F<Julk, T,rrnmy P<.~yne. Stacr Welch. Tracy Sevy, Crndy Bell

SPECTRUM The Jazz Band showed everyone what they could do when they played in the Christmas concert. It 1s always a n1ce change to hear them play.

J Dan Kun1, Shauna Bills. Mark Ordakowsk1. and Ern1c M1ller. blow the1r brams out.

Jason Meadows and Bnan Patten, play out w1th feeling.

~~st Row : Troy Densly, Wendy Faulk, Second Row 1 ynnette Johnson. Charlotte Dcspam. Ch1Le. M1ke Johnson. Ch1ng Tsao lrd Row: Dan Kunt, Shauna Bills. Mark Ordakowsk1 Ern1e M1ller. Scott Faulk, Bnan Patten. Jeff MacDonald, Jason Meadows




BAND Concert Band provides the music for all school musicals and other school activities. They also practice long hours to improve their Individual talents and to become a mus1cal unit.

M1chelle West and Deborah Chorlton play a d1fflcult passage.

M1chelle West. Deborah Chorlton, larry Ray, Julheann Brady, Chnsllne Norman and Collette Strom¡ berg follow Mrs. C and hopefully stay 1n tune.

Teresa Harward lutes the flute

First Row: Teresa Harward, Brenda Wnght Ann Sekeret. C1ndy Bell, Schontell Chnstensen, Came G1les. Ch1 le. Karen Gry~l1 Second Row: lynnette Johson. M1chelle West. Deborah Charlton L,my Ray. Julheann Brady, Chnst1ne Norman, Collette Stromberg. M1ci' "el Brown. Clark Butler. Charlotte Despam, Randy Carlson Third Row: M Jrk Ordakowsk1. Shauna 81lls, Dan1el Cun1, D.w1d Ba1ley. Bobby Lake, MIChael Tob1n, Eanest Miller. James Butler, Dav1d Mech3m. Wendy Faluk Fourth Row: M1ke M11ughn, Scott Orme. Al.m B.JIIey, Bnan Patten. Glen Sedgew1ck. Julia Norton, Jan Noffs1noer. RaVJe Reeve. Cra1g Bosch. Jason Meadows 72 • CONCERT BAND

STAGE CREW Stage Crew, Fifteen hard-working guys, who light, design, and build sets for all productions done during the 1978-79 Theatre season at Jordan High. This year the Stage Crew has bUilt sets for "Cinderella". " Musrc Man ", and a night of One-Act Plays. The Stage Crew also works on any activity or assembly that takes place in the auditorium during the school year.

Row one: Allan Hansen. Row two: Kent McClure. M1ke Baxter, Jon Duncan Row three: Robyn Stuver. Kevtn West. M1ke Moore Row fou r: Kent Demttl. Scott Bolander. Mtke Petersen. Ryan T'money

Ryan Timoney smtles at work.

Kevm West. Kent Demill, Ryan Ttmoney 1n the ltght room


BOOK STORE Selling goodies, arranging merchandise and balancing a register were a few of the responsibilities of the bookstore employees. Working in the bookstore gave students a chance to see what the business world was all about. It also gave the students a break from class work and school lunch.

Ken t Wolson. advosor, serves a sandwoch woth a smote .


The bookstore draws a cr owd!

\ Manssa M<~y . Chnsh Bess. Darla lykons Kent Wolson , Dave Ostler, Sotthosukw Ch.msnmone. Kevon Rowe



•'hnst1 Bess. Bnan Patten. Karan Pace. Darla Lykms. and Kev1n Rowe were DECA 1 'fleers.

D.E.C.A. was the club often behind the scenes. They sponsored the Homecoming Dance, and they helped with the Muscular Distrophy dance-athen. The enthusiastic officers, members and advisors were always busy, and during thier lunch hours they worked in the bookstore. Some members participated in state and region competition. Dunng the year they held an installation banquet. Their goals are to become future business leaders m marketing distribution.

Jon Sch1ffman. Kent W1lson. Clmst1 Bess. Kelh Sundell. Darla Hone. Kns Crump. LaRa1ne Tolman. Jeff Jones. Pat Calton. Chnstopher Marded. Bnan Patten. Darla Lyk1ns. Jod1e Thorne. Tamara Welch. Manssa May. Kev1n Rowe. Karan Pace.

DECA . 75

FHA Girls belonging to Future Homemakers of America learn about economics and homemakmg. The chapter's theme this year was "Wanted: Healthy Babies." In connect1on with th1s theme FHA attended conventions sponsored by the March of Dimes and Tooele H1gh School. They also participated in workshops and classes at the state convention at BYU. FHA was also very proud of this year's Sweetheart's Ball.

Kaylene Thornock. Sady Lovato. Jack1e Stevensen. Cam1lle H1cks. adv1sors. Debb1e Doten. Reporter, Barb1e Leonard. H1stonan: Lon Helson. Reg1onal Representative, Ton1 Mortensen. Treasurer. Nancy Cooper tary; Ten Breeze, V1ce Pres1dent. L1sa Crystal. Pres1dent

Ten Breeze Jnd Sheha Jensen clean up after an FHA party.

Debb1e Sm1th Cmdy Moore Menlyn Bradford Cm!h Cook, Debb•e Doten B<Jrb1e Leonard Lon Nelson. Toni Mortensen, N<Jncy Cooper. Ten Bree1e. L1sa Crystal (MISSing Debb1e Utley, Conn1e F Jrnsworth. and Jana Farnsworth )

FBlA FBLA DOES IT ALL! Throughout the year FBLA has been on the go. They traveled from Seattle to Provo. FBLA's Business Week went over with a BANG as students were given a tour of the business department. Students belonging to FBLA had the opportun ity to develop and use their business skills. Remember: The man on the top of the mountain didn 't just fall there!

Jen Sm1th. D1x1e Olsen. Robyn Johnson. Sandy Bon1steel. Lesa Bndge. Cmdy Roberts. Esther F1sher.

~onnne Burn1ngham. Debb1e Garfield. Bobby Burt. Kelly Eggen. Debb1e W1ll1ams. V1ck1e Gord. M1ldred

Marlene Day gets ready for Bus1ness Week

anson. Sh~rlynn Holt. Barbar a Edd1ngton. Menlyn Bradford. Lynette Kemp. Marla McPha1l. Lome Jensen.


W1ll1ams. Secretary: Jen Sm1th. Pres1dent. Mildred Hanson. Reporter. V1ck1e Gord. H1stonan: Marla McPha1l. V1ce Pres1dent. Lynette emp, Treasurer

KEY CLUB The Key Club is a national service club that is affiliated with a local Kiwanis Club. With limited membership the club still managed to do some very worthwhile projects. Mr. Boskov1ch helps club members orgamze a morn1ng donut

Randy Maw. Pres1dent, Ryan Lee. V1ce Prcs1den1. LeAnn Brown, Secretary, Lmlla Dunc.m ,mll Debb1e




FORENSICS Forensics Club, under the direction of Denna Brandenbur , argued their way to many fantastic moments of debate. All of the Forensics members were wellequipped to debate with anyone on just about any subject. One of their "extra" activities was the much discussed COMPUTER MATCH UP. The computer supposedly matched everyone w1th the1r most compatible fellow Jordanites. (Were you one of the lucky ones who happened to be most compatible with a teacher?)

Robert Proffitt shows the stance used 1n De bate

Brent Hoph1nes and Rober t Pro ff1tt show how debatIng 1s done.

lop Row: M1chelle Austin, Julie Asay. Carla Brand. Denna Bradenburg. Tammy Hockman. Jam1e Heaps. Bottom Row: Br ent Hophmes. Rober t Pro ff1tt. Mark Anderson. and Chns Marden .

M1chelle Auston and Jam1e Heaps show how to use good fllong technoques


SKI CLUB Jordan' s Ski Club was one of the most popular clubs. They alternated lessons with " open" skiing, tried their skill s under the lights at Park West and had to fight some severely cold days. - But what 's a frostbitten nose to the dedicated skier???

Jeff M1ller. Pres1dent: Shelly Ham•lton. V1ce Pres•dent: Bnan Washburn, Treasurer (Missing: Annettee Holm, Secretary)

Jeff M1ller practices "hot dogg•ng "

K•m Burn•ngham, Dw•ght Pnnce. Shelly Hamilton. Jeff M1ller. lou•s Ballam•s. Randy Nelson, Stacy Welch. M.1ry Ann Storper. Joy Miller. Tracy Seeb and Bnan Washburn were a few of the club members who enJoyed skung. Ballam1s wa•ts pat1ently for a nde to Alta and wonders. "Where IS the snow? "


80 • sKI CLUB


Jordan's Law Enforcement classes involved over 100 of Jordan's students. Activities included running police obstacle courses, handcuffing fellow students, and participating in mock trials. Police training, films were especially popular. Deputy Cunningham and officer Pepper conducted the program. Budding police officers and future citizens enjoyed viewing Law Enforcement from the other side.

Terry Pepper "uncuffs" fellow off1cer, Paul Cunmngham.

Teresa Maynard1s out to get you.

Wendy Wllkmson ass1sts Deputy Cunn1ngham as he IS once aga1n caught w1th h1s ""bracelets'" on

fhe students get Involved in the law.


RED CROSS The Red Cross Club provided information and experiences to those students who were interested in the health field. The members helped with the blood drive sponsored by the Red Cross. They learned the basic procedure for taking blood pressures, extending mouth to mouth resuscitation , and applying CPR. The Red Cross Club involved exciting, educational experiences.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

James Arnold. Troy Butterfield. Carolyn Collelti. Brenda Combs, Knston Dana. Scott Gessel!, Shen Haueter, Kelly Ludlow. LeRoy MacKay Alan Wade. Cra1g Walters. Kev1n West. Venny Williams. Troy McDonald M1chelle Butkov1ch. Jeff N1elsen Dav1d Schott LeeAnn A1nsworth. Barry Bauer . Ang1e BJerregord. Scott Chamberlain, E1leen Harms. L>rne Jensen. Lynn Jensen. Shern Kelly. Debb1e Lang, John Lew1s. Randy Maw. Garth M1tchell, Julie Mulliner. John N1elson. Jeanna Osborne. Jeff Ostler. Denton Parker. Mark Pnce. Lynn Ruffell. lisa Ulibarn. Brad Welch. Joanne Wil cox, Karn Shepherd. Nancy Jorgensen. Mildred Hansen, V1ck1 Schultz. Debra Willi ams. Brad Argyl e. Sam Bentley. Rebecca Bnmhall, Peggy Burger, Carolyn Chnstlansen, Steven Cowley, John Curt iS, D1ane Dans1e. Karl a Denison. Kayla Dennison, Cathen ne Fogel, John Kezele, Dav1 d Lund. Karan Pace. K1m Praag, Lyle Rob1nson. K1m Roth. David Rowell. Demose Sc)l:tz Kathen ne S1monson, Karn Spencer. Mark Webster. Greg DeBoer. Heather Math1e Kevin Shepherd



The members of Service Arts expressed their school spirit through their ability in art. Any artistic assignments relating to school functions, was done by the Service Arts Club. These students are to be commended on a job well done!

Serv1ce Arts d1splay the1r abstract pamtmgs.

Decorated bullet1n boards add to school spirit.

Bread dough ornaments are a spec1alty of the Serv1ce Arts.

G.A.A. G.A.A. is a club that gets girls involved in school athletics. Even girls who are not athletes have lots of fun at parties and services projects. At the end of the year a banquet was held for all club members and Letterwomen. Awards were given for outstanding achievements. One of the club's special projects was to hold a Christmas party for some very special kids.

G.A.A.'s Chnstmas party.



Mrs Pnce. Debb1e G1lgen, Lon Jensen. Carolyn Collett, Kelly Ludlow. Kell1 Sundell, All1son Denn1son, Knshn Ostler, Allyson Goff. Manssa May, Juhcann Bentley, Sandy Bomsteel, J1ll Carter, Collette W1nkler, Tracy Brannon, Tern Hard1ng. Susan Ad:m, Cornne Burn1ngham. Ela1ne Arnold. Barbara Shettel. Shelly Thome, Becky Pangos

84 8 GAA

VIC A Students who were interested in an occupational trade participated in VICA activities and took classes pertaining to a trade.

Sam Bentley, Pres1dent: Den1se H•gbee, VICA Oueer'l: Mike Chapman. Sec¡ ~etary: Cathy Duncan, Reporter: Joel Grygla. Treasurer: Martm Bird, Vice. res1dent, J1m Jones, Parlimentanan,

Scott S1lcox learns about wiring.

Future drafters perfect their sk1lls.

Troy Butterfield, hard at work.


••• •••• • •••

••• •••• ••••

.- .~·~



BROADCASTER ''Our staff this year has had a good time. Writing your paper to make school shine. We hope we've done well. For we have tried to cover events both far and wide."

Broadcasters hard at work.

Ed1tor. Angela Maughan

Adv1sor, Mrs Johnson

Tracy Horne m deep thought.

Gordon Brady sleeps on the JOb.

Ten Breeze checks her work



M1ke Htll, and Jeff Jones check a negat1ve for poss1ble

Alan Brady. 01stnct Photogr<.~pher

Fr~<l Hobert~ . Dtslttct Photogr,t

Arch SIMw. Dtstnct Photographer


Scott Chamberlatn Head Photographer. and Karen Pace. Ed1tor. calmly watch Mrs West · approve" th1s layout

Jod1e Thorn, Doug Pnce. Charlotte Anderson,


Crystal and Mtchelle Dexter d1scuss Doug's p1cture


Coaches Andrus. Hartw1g. and Shumway look on w1th gre at concern.

Dave Olsen makes h1s way

The th nlling feel1ng of the w1nmng to uchdown.

Beetdiggers wind up a LONG season . . . The Jordan High football team started the season with fire in their eyes. Wh1le scoring 66 points, they held their opponents to only 33. At the halfway point the team was 4 and 1. Then the door slammed shut after a dismal loss to Murray, a heartstopper at Judge and a disaster with Cyprus. At the end of the season we posted a 4 and 4 record. The Jordan High Football team did have its problems, but they always played w1th determination , sprrit , honor and heart.


K1rk Swanson THROWS h1mself on the ball

thru the two hole

In football Concentration tS a must.

Lucero comes through for us again.

VARSITY SCORES JORDAN ............... 33-14 ............... Union JORDAN .. . ........... 33-12 .............. Uintah JORDAN .... . ......... 33- 7 .............. Tooele JORDAN .... . ......... 00-35 .............. Murray JORDAN ...... . ........ 00-07 ............... Judge JORDAN .............. 00-33 .............. Cyprus J.V.

Marty Van Amen carnes the ball wtth the greatest of ease.


.............. 00-33 ........ . ..... Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-00 ............... Tooele .............. 08-15 .............. Cyprus 93



We always get Involved

Coaches West. Hartwig. Andrus, and Shumway

Randy Elk1ns

Ken Nev1lle

Dave Bailey

Mark Campbell

Barry Bauer

Dave Olsen

I Cory Barber


Grant Gnff1th

Kev1n Yazhe

Randy Sedgw1ck

M1ke Meldrum

- ~ ~ JJ

Joel Grygla

Ken Curry


Jeff Welch

Dw1ght Pnnce

M1guel Chavez

K1rk Swanson

Denton Parker

Wally Powell

Gordon Brady


L Jeff Davis



Pat Lucero

Lynn Jensen

Paul Medma



The plan for v1ctory!

#44 escapes from be1ng tackled.

Sophomores have a great defense.

Randy Baker, K1rt Beckstead. M1ke Bnnkerhoff, Cameron Brown1ng. M1ke Bueno. Pat Calton. Jody Chavez. Rodger Christensen. Enc Chnstofferson. J D Demare. Dav1d Denn1son. John Denmson. Dale Eddington. Randy Emerson. R1chard Frampton. Dan Gallager Gene Garnes, Dav1d G1les. Mann Gogan. Dav1d Gould1ng. John Groneman, Bnan Hermanson. Steve Johnson Chns Mart1nez. John McComb, Jeff McFarlane, Terry McG1nn1s, Jason Meadows. Bob Medma. Doug Meldrum, Edw1n Melville, Carren Mills. Dave Mmmck, Scott Orme. Cory Pace. Ron Parsons. Brian Patten, Kev1n R1ches. Dav1d R1et. Joe Schollmeyer, Dav1d Shell, Scott S1lcox. J1m Steadman. Brad Walker. Kenny Welch, Mark W1ckle. Bob Williams. Bob W1seman. Robert Taylor.



A super play for super players.

Flynn Andrizzi. Alan Bailey. Chris Barney. David Bueno. Joe Brown. Mike Brown. Steve Cressall. Joe Cunnrngham. Troy Densley, Dave Elkins. Mike Evans. Gary Gamble. Clay Garnes. Krrk Gibbs. Ron Hargrs. Greg Hyde. Mike James. Bryce Jorgenson. Paul Krebs, Dave lunt. David Mrlhgan. Mrke Oaksen. Val Peterson. Jerry Richardson, Scott Rogers. Danny Rogers. Chad Sayers, Ken Smrth. Rich Thacker. Brett Thomas. Jerry Thompson. Paul Valenzuela. Darrin VanGrol. Bryan Washburn

The quarter back

The krck-off that starts the game. FRESHMAN FOOTBALL . 97

----------Steve Hendncks

all alone

goes up for two

Manager Alan Ba1ly. Cra1g Ens1gn. Lynn Jensen. Steve Hendncks, Dave Olson. Pat Lucero. Coach Hale

of m.my

VARSITY BASKETBALL Jordan had only one returnmg letterman this year. They showed a lot of discipline and desire-plus pure sweat to get where they did.

M1ke Re1ch on a strong rebound

A concerned look from the bench.

Coach Ph1l Broadhead . M1ke Re1ch. lee Broadhead. Robert Haws. Doug Pnce. Robert Proff1tt. Manager Alan Wade.




Ca1g and Doug 1n act1on


Robert Haws looks for an open1ng

Pnce for two

Lynn Jensen goes up strong and scores


Pat Lucero gets around Un1on

J. V. BASKETBALL Jordan's J.V. basketball had one returning player. This inexperience cost them some games. They did show a lot of spirit and worked hard.

J1m Nelson on the move

Lee Broadhead on the dnbble

J1m Nelson, Lee Broadhead. Ken Curry. Larry Newbole. Mark Larsen. Randy Peterson. Danny McEntyre. Coach Broadhead Mark Peterson gets the ball 1n

Larry Newbole gets a foul shot.




The sophomore basketball team did a good job represent ing Jordan, by putting all their total effort into their games.

, Danny Whittenberg. captain; Coach Hartw1g. and Dave Minnick. cocaptain.

Jeff Mcfarlane dnbbles th e ball.

First Row: Dan Thackery. Jeff McFarlane. Dav1d Mmn1ck. Danny Wh1ttenberg, Kent Demill (manager) Second Row: Coach Hartw1g. Mann Gogan, Mark Peterson, Eric Pragg, Lynn Broadhead, M1ke Bnnkerhoff (manager)



The freshmen basketball team had five hard-working players who showed great determination but gained little glory.

Kendall Sm1th goes for the t1p.

Coach Murry and team play strategy.

Flynn Andnz11 , Joe Cunn1ngham. Steve Larsen. Jerry Richardson. Kendall Sm1th. and Coach Murry.




Hal Cooper commands his match at Alta

Jeff Welch struggles for a v1ctory.

BACK ROW: M1ke R1ech, John St•enagel. M1ke Meldrum. Hal Cooper, J•m B1rch. FRONT ROW: Kyle Hansen. Jody Chavez, M•ke Chapman, Joel Gyrgla. Brad Densley, Jeff Welch.


WRESTLING Take downs, dectstons and pins were common to our wrestlers. They had a successful season in region and state. Ntne wrestlers went to state and two placed in the finals: Joel Grygla. fourth place, and Scott Gessell, fifth place.

Joel Grygla hkes be1ng number one .

Scott Gessel! gets a "hold" of



Brad Densley wants a decis1on. Jordan wms an 1mportant meet w1th Umtah. WRESTLING • 105

J.V. WRESTLING The Jordan Invitational was the big event for our J.V. team. We had a young and mexpenenced team with h1gh hopes for the future.

Jordan gets a take down.

Jordan struggles through a match

Fi rst Row: Denk Cooper. Markus Melville. Mark Bentley. Todd Knudsen. H.Jrnson T~os1e . R1ch..1rd Savage. Paul Vene1uela Second Row: Kev1n R1ches. Chns Marden. Ern1e M1ller James Poll. Edw1n Medv1lle. Doug Meldrum. Ken Weick


CR<)SS COUNTRY The cross country team put in a lot of hard work. They woke up at 5i:OO and ran 4 or 5 miles. Cross country lost on ly one meet during the regular season. They went to region and state, doing well in both .

M1ke H1ll gets ready for compet11ion.

Hamson Tsos1e completes a hard work out.

Russell Brown. M1ke Hill, Hamson Tsos1e. R1chard Blomqu1st. Kev1n Shepherd. (Missing: Coach Broadhead)


GOLF With only two returning letterman, Mark and Martin Petersen, the golf team hurt for lack of seasoned players. However, they finished in a tie for fourth place in region. Steven Schnieter, a freshman, finished sixth in region medalist competition. Other future hopefuls are sophomore Mike Johnson, freshmen Casey Snow, and Tim Pierce.

Team listens to puttmg mstruct1ons g1ven to Mark Petersen. Mark Petersen. Coach Brady, M1ke Johnson, Tom P1erce Casey Snow, Martin Petersen. Doug Sm1th, Kelly Fadd1s. M1ssmg: M1ke Petersen. and Steven Schmeter.

M1ke Johnson blasts out of a sand trap.

Sen1ors Mark and Martm Petersen tee off for Jordan.

108 • GOLF

GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL The girls' volleyball team prepared themselves with long hours of hard work. They spiritedly represented Jordan in all their games.

Ktm Gardner. Debbte Gligen. Sandra Jurphy. Knst1n Ostler, Jul1eann Bentley, Sandy Bon1steel. Nancy Johnson Second Row: Brenda McComb. Wendy Faulk. Allison Dennison. Becky Pangos. Carolyn Collette. Kelly Ludlow. Mtldred Hanson. Peggy Wtnkler. Carla Brand, Corrinne Burntngham. Jodte Glover. Karla Alien

Allison Denntson "dives" after a return.

Wendy Faulk really t akes a fall.

Left : Kelly Ludlow says a little prayer.


GIRL'S TENNIS The girls thought that tennis was pretty fun. They didn't have a lot of experience , but they improved a lot during the season. Coach Hale was a big help and gave them a lot of encouragement.

Susan Koehler gets ready

Front Row: Karen Homer. Cherne Hyde. Debbte Roth. Back Row: Sunan Koehler. Lori Young, JaNae Beal. Susan Scorzato.

Lon Young talks wtth other team.


Karen Homer returns a serve



The girls Basketball headed for state after completing a most successful season long hard practices, a "winning" desire and enthusiastic coach ing produced this success.

Varsity: Kelly Ludlow. Carolyn Collett. Lome Jensen. Pam Maxfield. Debb1e Chorlton. Connne Burn1ngham All1son Denn1son. Debb1e Gilgen. Jul1ann Bentley, Manager Tammy Goold. Manager Jana Bentley.

Pam Maxfield dnves to the hoop.

J.V. Jod1e Glover. Trisha Marchant. Ton1 Butkov1ch, Sandra Bomsteel, Shelly Baker, Pam Cravens, Knst1n Ostler

Lome Jensen on the foul hne GIRLS' B.BALL • 111

GYMNASTICS Hours of hard work, blistered hands. scraped knees and stiff muscles are some of the things it takes to make a great gymnastiCS team. Our g1rls were willing to make these sacrifices to perfect their routines.

Kelly Eggen demonstrates ..control:¡

Shannon Ha1r shows strength on the unevens

Jenlyn Jorgensen, MarCI Mcalhy, Cherne Hyde. Melan1e Toole, KellyÂŁ ggl'n, Trcer1.1 More. Stacey Butters. Collette Wtnkler, P<Jtnce (lge. K1m Thompson, M1chelle Osborne, Carolee Bradford. Karen McAllister, Terry H,trd~ng, Ch<~rlotte Anderson. Karen Homer. Wendy R1t1m<Jn. C1ndy Sm1th. Sharon Hollinger, Connne Burmngham. Sh;mnon H<.~re Becky PJngos, T,Jmmy Allen, Carla Denn1son. Laura Mace. Leslie Scott


Leslie Scott gracefully flies off the bars.

Carla Dennison keeps her balance on the beam.

Cherne Hyde is trying to keep her balance and think at the same time.

Karen Homer "flips" over the vault.



AII·State Salt Lake Tribune: Dave Olson and K1rk Swanson

116 . HONORS

All Reg1on Deseret News: K1rk Swanson, Dave Olson, and Pat Lucero


Michelle West, Valaine Whetman, and Mildred Hanson


Dwight Prince and Joe Parry

HONORS • 117


The National Honor Society is an organization that involves its members in various social and educational activities. These students continue to strive for excellence.

Advisor: Ms. Ensign. Raelene Hamilton, Jackie Burnside, Sharon Me Donald, David Olsen, John Dansie, Karan Pace, Rachel Parry, Sheri Haueter, Joe Parry, KellY Kiyota, Peggy Burger. Sherilyn Adams, John Armistead, Randy Nelson.

President: Joe Parry Vice President: Randy Nelson Secretary: Kelli Kiyota



Charlon1ans practice hard for competit1ons.

Charlon1ans get 1nto the sp1nt.


Jenlyn Smith Busmess Education

Jill Mecham General Scholarship

Shenlyn Adams English and Literature

Marcy Nielsen Homemakmg






Melyn Crapo Perform1ng Arts

Randy Nelson Sc1ence


-... -----





Joe Parry Soc1al Sc1ence

Glenn M1tchell ViSUal Arts


:-.----~ -


SUPERINTENDENTS It takes more than students and teachers to run a school; It takes district leadership and supervision. L. Ray Brown Deputy Superintendent

Richard Gourley Assistant Superintendent

Ken Prince Deputy Superintendent


Lois Hirschi

Richard .Anderson

Mark Klotovich

Donald J. Parr Superintendent


Maurine Jensen

Ken Baker

Jed Wasden

Ray Whittenberg


Delbert Crump


Earl Thurman

Tom Owens and Orr Hill 124 . ADMINISTRATION


Jerry L. McCleary Pnnc1pal

Fredrich J. Ash V1ce Pnncipal

Mr. Evans. our new vice principal. checks attendance records for Monte Olson

William B. Evans Vice Principal ADMINISTRATION • 125

Jackie Sybrowsky Office Secretary

Thelma Ainsworth Financial Secretary Maris Olson Attendance SecretarJt

Lorraine Openshaw Attendance Aide

Kathy Allen Registrar Secretary Norma Riska Office Secretary


Nada Throckmorton Attendance A1de


Jan1el Houghton Attendance A1de

LouEtta Nelson Career A1de

Clara Sybrowsky Attendance A1de

Florence Steadman Counselor Aide Vadis Peterson Resource A1de


• 127

Bevan Chipman Psychologist

Ron Carter knows a lot about cars.

I Sharon Bettlnelh Counselor 128 . PERSONNEL

Jeffery Mitchell Counselor

R1chard Young Reg1strar




K1m Hong Resource

Wendell J. Petersen Vocat1onal Coord1nator

Glona lee Resource

Sandy Mehle Resource

Gym class fmds t1me to rest after a hard game.


Jerry Thompson spends h1s f1rst birthday at Jordan.

Marg1e Brown Counselor Aide


Gerald r1~her MPd1a Coo1 d1niJIOr

Florence Steadman Counselor A1de

Peggy Wright 1'.4edla Coordinator

Lena Wagstaff Med1a A1de

Robert Andrus Soc1al Stud1es. World H1story, Coach.ng

Perry Brady We1ght L1ft.ng. Health. & Coach1ng

Noal Bolhger B1ology, Sc1ence Compos1te

Dan Boskov1ch English. Spanish, French

Mr. West g1ves flnal .nstruct1ons for an assignment.


• /~

I Denna Brandenburg Debate, History, Speech, Coaching

Ph1l Broadhead Sc1ence. Track, P.E., Coachmg

Fred Brock Sc1ence, GenetiCS & Phys1ology

-' l Larry Ray works hard m shop.


Julie Chnstofferson GUitar. Band, Orchestra. AP

Bryce Collier Algebra, Algeometry, Math

Jackie Conkling Russian, Pyschology, Sociology, Social Stud1es

Mike Shiffman gets into shape.


Mark Crookston Drafting, Machine Shop,

Lynn DeMill Vocational Woods

Paul Cunningham Law Enforcement PERSONNEL . 133

Rob Harns 1mproves h1s muscles.

Dav1d Enckson Sc1ence. Dnvers Ed . 134 • PERSONNEL

Hal Hale Health. Basketball. Coacheng

Kenneth Hartw1g P E . Dnvers Ed


Camille H1cks Cook1ng. Foods. Crafts & lntenor Des1gn

Welding IS a great class.

Helen H1gbee Health Careers

Bruce H11ton Algebra. Tngonometry, Math

M1chael Hock Soc1al Stud1es. H1story. Psychology & Soc1ology PERSONNEL

. 135


'"".. ...-.


' I


~;~ Karen Imlay Type, English, Office Practice

Kay Jabush Humanities, English, AP 136 . PERSONNEL

Melanie Toole takes time out to sew.

Beth Johnson English, School Newspaper

Thomas Judd Biology. Scten ce


Roger Kmg Math, Electronics

Robert Langford Weldtng

Sandra Lovato Sewing


Dan May Social Studies, History, Coachtng

Jordan girls show their spirit.




Kenneth McCleary Physics. Sc1ence. Chem1stry


Bob McDonald Geometry, Computer Sc1ence, Math

Vickie Shultz is ready for mouth to mouth.


Judith McGee Algt!bra, Math

R1chard M1lne Fine Art, Commercial Art. Photography

Sam Bentley IS ready for the beach?

M1chael Murry P.E., Coachmg

Cade Monroe Student Government, Math, AP, Algebra

8111 Noble Focus, Job SuperVISIOn, Coach1ng

Rodney Oliver Consumer Math, Dnvers Ed PERSONNEL • 139



..... '


. •

.y}-;t, ~:··




JulieAnn Brady daydreams about her date.

Renee Pay Charlon1ans. Shorthand, OH1ce Practice 140 • Personnel

Terry Pepper Law Enforcement

Ralph Pace Ceramics. Art

Brent Plant Soc1al Studies. History. Econom1cs

Diane Zittmg stud1es hard for a test.

LuAnn Prowse Dance. English

Jeff Rasmussen U.S H1story, AP H1story

Margaret Price Gymnast1cs. P E.. Coaching

Brian Rawlings English, Coordinator Personnel • 141

I Scott Shumway P.E., Soctal Studies, History, Coachmg

Robyn Stuver Drama, Theatre Arts. Stage Craft 142 . PERSONNEL

Leah Smtth Creative Wnting, Servtce Art, Art, English

Lanae Tennts Cheerleadtng, English

Jacklyn Stephensen Marnage, Datmg, Child Growth

Kaylene Thornock Bachelor & Bachelorette Cooktng, Vocattonal Foods

Denn1s Tolman Vocat1onal Auto. Auto

D1ane Warner English. German

Patnc1a Webb Focus, Spamsh

l Carol West English. Yearbook

R1chard West English, Reading

Kevm Rocque Resource PERSONNEL . 143

Marietta Williams Charlon1ans, Beg1nmng. Intermediate, and Advanced Dance


Lula Winward Type I. Type II Rodney Zabriskie Madngals, Accapclla, M1xed Chorus. Gu1tar. Educat1on teachmg Coordinator


Cafetena Staff Claudta Slaugh (Head Cook). Karen Reah Smtih. Gtsele Banks. Jean Nuttall. Carolyn Schroeter. Jerry Thacker. Kaylene Peterson, V1rg1e Carroll


Custodtal Staff: J1m Sh1elds. Joyce Ainsworth. Gale Ainsworth (Head Custod1an). Fred Alldredge

Dave Ekste1n


STUDENT COUNCil The Student Council consists of the student body officers, home room representatives and club presidents. This council meets to discuss school business and to plan coming events.

/ Council members work to get information

Students work together.

Cory Barber takes over.

Kayla Den1son and John Dans1e g1ve thoughts M1guel Chavez and Cory Barber work on semor hop

148 •


First Row: Mike Orme, Bnan Washburn, Varginia McCallister. Bryce Jorgensen. Jerry Steadman, Elizabeth Hoffling, Tamara Welch, Row Two: Roban Harston, Lynn Jensen, Joe Cunnangham, Alycon Glassy, Janille Capson. Barbara Shettle, Cmdy Jones, Sharon Hollinger. Row Three: Mike Johnson, Baldemar Mendez. Danny Rogers, Angelica Schweatzer. Madred Hansen, Rusty McNeal, Lisa Crystal. Charlotte Anderson. Row Four: Lon Sorenson. Tammy Payne. Debbae Samons, Alace Hagberg. Carona Breeze. Darla Lakins. Julie Norton, Sheryl Faldmo. Connie Thornwall. Row Five: Pam Jenson. Sandra Greer, Mary Ann Storper. Debbae Allen. Lon Nelson, Karla Denason, Susan Scorzato, Shelly Hamilton, Angela Maughan Row Six: Bob Samonson, Terry Lyon. Carolyn Colette, Nolan Fowles. Kam Burnmgham, Bret Burdon, Jeff Dansie, Tracy Goodfellow, Debbae Roth, Make Meldrum, Row Seven: Jodae Chavez. Gene Garnes. Dave Olsen, Raelene Hamalton, Miguel Chavez. Kayla Denason, John Dansie. Gordon Brady, Dory Barber. Karen Homer STUDENT COUNCIL •


STUDENTBODY OFFICERS The winning spirit of Jordan High has had a great comeback in "79". As the studentbody officers we are proud, as well as thankful, for being a part of the best school in the state. At Jordan High we have many great traditions. We have tried to maintain these traditions and also create a few of our own. The support from the studentbody and administration could not have been better. It will be a year we will never forget.

Raelene Hamilton - H1stonan

John Dans1e - I st V1ce Pres1dent

Kayla Den1son - Secretary

Gordan Brady

Attorney General


Polly Chnstensen - 2nd V1ce Pres1dent

Dav1d Olsen



Senior Class Officers: Den•se Htgbee, Vtce Prestdent; Cory Barber. Prestdent. Susan Bogenschutz. Gtrls' Senator; Mtguel Chavez. Boys' Senator; Ctndy Lloyd. Secretary



Shenlyn Adams

Walt Argyle

Tracey B•rd

Karalee Allen

John Arm•tsted

Lynne Blackwood

M1kk1 Anderson

Lesley Anderton

Jo Anderson

James Arnold

Jeff Bagley

Holly Baker

Shelley Bodtcher

Susan Bogenschutz

Lyndon Bolliger




Tom Booms

Gary Bosch

Brent Bowles

Gordon Brady

Teri Breeze

Cmdy Brown

Troy Burk1nshaw stops for a bite to eat.

154 • sENIORS

Peter Chnstensen

Deanna Boynton

Paul Boynton

Brett Burden

Jackie Burns1de

Troy Butterfield

S1lth1sak Chansamone

Debb1e Cheriton

Polly Chnstensen

Cur t1s Chnstheb


Brenda Combs

Nancy Cooper

L1sa Crystal

John Dans1e

Peter Dav1s

Marlene Day

Stacey Demas

Randy Costanza

Steve Cowley

Melyn Crapo



Alan Eckman

Corey Edwards

" Thanks for the nde Mernll ."

Patnce Elg

Tern Elk1ns


. 155


Ron Enckson

Jeff Evenson

Scott Faulk

Bruce Griggs

Joel Grygla

Esther F1sher

Nolan Fowles

Paul Fntz

Byron Golberg

Ben Henderson

156 • sENIORS

Jeff Hepner

Raelene Ham1lton

Why do they always g1ve us the s1de w1th the sun?

M1l Hanson


Claud1a Lamp1ng wants someth1ng for a headache.

Cherne Hyde

Lorne Jensen

Lynn Jensen

Robyn Johnson

J1m Jones

Tracy Keele

Lynette Kemp

Danette Kennelly

Usa Kocherhans

Scott Jackson

Jenlyn Jorgensen

Diane Korpi




M1ke Krebs

Dav1d Lasater

Melv1n Lambson

Enn Lee

Claud1a Lamp1ng

Barb1e Leonard

Heather Larsen

Terry Larson

John Lew1s

Karen Lew1s

Harns Linford

Pat Lucero

D1ana Lynch

158 •


Lon Lund

Susan Maroney

Randy Maw

Man at work.


Chuck McClellan

Manssa May

\ Melyn Crapo & Ryan Timoney at lunch.

Marla McPha1l

J1ll Mecham

Troy Me1er

Cam Miller

Jeff M1ller

Julie Mulliner

Wade Neff

Lon Nelson

Randy Nelson

Ken Newbold

Marcy N1elsen

Aaron N1eman

Dav1d Olsen

Bnan Olson

Dave Ostler

Sharon McDonald

Debbie Mitchell

Glen Mitchell




Reece Ostler

RaNae McDonald at work?

Usa Parks

160 .


Joe Parry

Douglas Price

Dw1ght Prince

JoAnn R1ch1ns

Rulon R1gby

Steve Pace

John Perry

Robert Proff1tt

Dav1d Ov1at

Karan Pace

Becky Pangos

Mark Petersen

Joe Pullan

Chns Sadler

Steven Powell

Teresa Rann

Stephanie Salter


Holly Saunders

M1ke Sch1ffman

Drew Schm1dt

Randy Sedgw1ck

L1sa Sharp

Shaunna Simmons

Robert S1monson

Jen Sm1th

Marty Sm1th

Steven Smdeman

Danny Snow

01ana Storper

Merrill Strate

K•rk Swanson

Vala•ne Whetman & Cindi Brown get into the game.

Kathleen Sorensen

M1tch Swilor

James Stehnepple

Bnan Terry




162 • sENIORS

Cherrie Throckmorton

Ryan Timoney

Lon Troester

John Valdez

lonny Veater

Mildred Velez

Ph1lhp Watson

Brad Welch

Paul Westerman

Greg Westphal

M1ke Tolman

Melan1e Toole

Sam Bentley. a potato or a Beet'

Valalne Whetm,m

Debb1e W1ll1ams

M1ke Trtpp

Shelly Westbrook

Scott W1lhams


Venny Will1ams

Tracy W1seman

Colette Winkler

Trena Worth1ngton


Someday we will be only shadows m the hall.



Junior Class Officers: Angela Maughan. Vtce Prestdent; Mtke Mel· drum Prestdent Susan ScorLato. Gtrls' Senator: Charlotte Ander· son, Secretary: Rusty McNeal. Boys' Senator




Susan Ada1r M1ke Adler Denn1s A1nsworth

Charlotte Anderson Knst1na Anderson Mark Anderson

Val Anderson M1tch Anderton Brad Argyle Conn1e Argyle Susan Ashby Bnan Bailey

Dav1d Ba1ley M1chael Basmore Barry Bauer M1ke Baxter Juliann Bentley Jeff Berner

Chnst1 Bess Sally B1gelow Theresa Blomqu1st Sandy Bon1steel Mary Bowles Tracy Brannon

Scott Gessel!. I want you!




Carolyn Chnst1ansen Rhonda Chnstheb Jeannie Chnstofferson

Matt Breeze Becky Bnmhall Lon Broders Angela Brown LeAnn Brown Shelley Brown

Patti Buchanan Kane Budd Connie Burden Peggy Burger Corinne Burningham Bobbi Burt

Jeanette Chnstofferson Monica C1sneros Doug Clark

M1chelle Butkov1ch Becky Butterfield Stacy Butters Mark Campbell Scott Chamberlain M1ke Chapman David Nelson INDULGES himself.



Kelly K1yota gets exc1ted

Tara Coggle Carolyn Collett Bruce Coombs

Hal Cooper Mark Culmer Ken Curry

John Curt1s D1ane Dans1e Dav1d Dav1s Jeff Dav1s Sue Dav1s Doug Day

Greg DeBoer Shauna Deem Brad Densley J1mmy D1xon Debbie Doten Randy Dow

Donna Dumas Gayle Dumas Barbara Edd1ngton Danny Edwards Karen Edwards Kelly Eggen




Duane Elg Russell Eliason Randy Elkins Analee Enckson Stacey Evans R1chard Evenson


Kelly Faddis Connie Farnsworth Jana Farnsworth

L1sa Farnsworth Wendy Faulk N1ck Fern

Carrie Fagel Janet Forbush Wendy Foster James Ford Steve Fowkes M1ke Garahana

Debb1e Garf1eld Scott Gessel! Debb1e Gllgen Lynette G1llman Marg1e Glassey Bart Glover


Richard Halton R1chard Hansen Ricky Hansen

Allyson Goff Roger Goold Brenda Green Rodney Green Jill Greer Joann Grygla

Shen Hansen Teri Hansen Keri Hard1ng

Danny Harkins Dwaine Harmon Rob Harris Robyn Harston John Hatch Kevin Hatfield

M1chelle Guffey Jeff Gurney Ang1e Hadley Bruce Hales Cynthia Harward Jay Hallstrom Lon Broders tells Callee McClellan a good one!



Sue Dav1s' favonte past1me.

R1chard Hatton Kelly Hensler M1ke Hill Brent Hofh1nes Denn1s Hollinger Roxann Holt


Marshall Hughey V1ck1e Hurdsman Bonn1e Hyde Patti Jackson Brenda James Jay Jenson

Leroy Jensen Carolyn Johnson Janet Jones Robert Jones Ron Jones Cathy Khuu

lohn K1holm Kelh K1tchen Sherry Kelly

Kelly K1yota R1chard Kocherhans Mark Larsen


Gerald Leany Ryan Lee Steve Lee

JOdi Leprey Scott Lester Kelly Ludlow

Dav1d Lund Don Luttrell Terry Lyon Joanna Mace Leroy Mackay Laune Madsen

Casey Ma1stron Cathy Mandet Suzanne Marden Dav1d Matheson Angela Maughan Pam Maxfield

Teresa Maynard V1rgima McAllister Callee McClellan Annette McDonald Eve McEntire Rusty McNeal

Carolyn S1ebold 1s d1sgusted.



Doug Milligan Greg M1nn1ck Gordon Mishler

Garth M1tchell Rex Mornll Kath1 Mulhner

Curt Nelson Dave Nelson Juhe Nelson Dayna Nielsen Jeff N1elsen John N1elsen

Troy McDonald Chris Meadows David Meehan Paul Med1na M1ke Meldrum Clifford Miller Lisa Farnsworth IS speechless


Becky N1elsen Marcyne N1elson Marsha Newhouse Jan Nofls1nger Julia Norton Donn1e Num1an


Marg1e Glassey and Jack1e Re1ben show support for our team.

Raeleen Oliphant D1x1e Olson Mark Ordakowski Jeffery Ostler Julie Ostler Rainette Ostler

Keven Ottman Morgan Pace Gary Parker Rachel Parry Shen Pask1ns V1cky Patterson

Charlotte Perrenoud Dave Pfleger Kirby P1per

James Poll Karen Pnce Mark Pnce

K1m Praag Wally Powell Karen Rager Joe Rands John Rann Ravae Reeve



M1ke Re1ch Eric Re1d Scott R1cks

Jackie R1eban C1ndy Roberts Glen Roberts

Bnan Robms Lyle Rob1nson Teresa Rosenlund Ferrando Rub1o Natalie Ruekert Lynn Ruffell

Dayna Neilson and Chnsty Schow take 1t easy.


John Sald1var Troy Schm1dt Dave Schott Gary Scholfield Chnsty Schow Den1se Shultz

Angehka Schwarzer Susan Scorzato Leslie Scott Chnst1e Scroggm Ted Scroggin Danny Se1ple


Carolyn Johnson gets caught by surpnse.

Daane Shepard Kevan Shepherd Brad Shaelds Cindy Sh1flett Carolyn Siebold Bradley Simons

Holly S1monson Kathi Simonson Brent Sm1th Doug Smith Stephanie Snow Karri Spencer

Lon Spencer Larry Stauffer Ronda Steeneck John Steinagel Collette Stromberg Mark Summarell

Julie Swenson Wade Sundell Becki Tarr

John Taylor Shauna Tidwell Shelly Thome



Shen Pask1ns shows great concern for the WATOOSI'S

Davrd Thompson Troy Thompson Connre Thornwall


LaRa1ne Tolman Andy Tong1sh Hamson Tsos1e

Phrlhp Turner Lrsa Uhbarrr Debb1e Utley Denn1s Valdez Enk Van Amen M1ke Vance

M1chelle Van Ekelenburg Alan Wade M1chael Walker Mark Wall Cra1g Walters Geesette Walters

Mark Webster Jeff Welch Kevm West Al1ce Westerman JoAnn Wilcox M1chelle WilCOX

Gary William~ Russell W1nkler

R1ck W1s~ler Anita Yeng1ch

Jolynn Yates M1ckey Conway

Ron Jones listens intently.

Interesting game boys???

Mr. West g•ves Jeff Welch some fabulous advice.

Our rough and rugged band.


Sophomore Class Officers: President: J1m Steadman, Vice Pres1dent: Pam Jensen. Boys Senator¡ Gene Garnes, G1rls Senator: Sandra Greer, Secretary: Debbie Roth



Diane Adams

Debb1e Allen

Jeff Adams

Dawn Alder

Den1se Allen

Ron Allen

Don' t ask Jeanna, she doesn't know.

Shelly Baker

Jane Baldwin

LeeAnn Ainsworth

Scott Ainsworth

Mike Aiello

Melod1e Allgood

Adriana Alvarez

Randy Anderson

G1na Anderson

Ty Anderson

Corinne Anderton

Bruce Arnold

Staci Banford

Richard Banks

Terry Axtell

Mary Ann Barnett

Randy Baker

Allan Barron





Jeanette Baugh

Janae Seal

Margaret Bearhman

R1chard Blomqu1st

Scott Bolander

Mernlyn Bradford

Kayrona Breze

Clark Brewster

Melissa Brewster

Lesa Bridge

Mike Bnnkerhoff

Lee Broadhead

Kirk Beckstead

Julieann Brady

Brian Bellon

Mark Bentley

Dav1d Brandt

Carla Brand

Hey Kelh Sundell, Whatcha got cook1ng?



Lynn Broadhead

G.na Brown

Darren Brooksby

Cameron Browning

Sheldon Brown

John Bryant

Clark Butler

James Butter

Steve Butler

Julie Byergo

Tammy Caldwell

Pat Calton

Ron Cannon

Geneil Capson

Jeanna Carter

Steve Chapman

David Chavez

Cheryl Chidester

Rob Childs

Kathy Christensen

Roger Christensen

Eric Christofferson

Joy Clark

Mike Bueno

Jana Young, another Farrah Fawcett?



Trent Collier

Karla Conner

Denk Cooper

Juhe Costanza

Sandy Cowley

Charlene Crump

Chns!lne Crump

T1m Crystal

Chnsty Cuatto

Tern Culmer

Marshall Curt1s

Lo1s Dahn

Wayne Dav1s

Steve Dean

Dave Denn1son

John Denn1son

Troy Densley

Annette Deuel

Tim Donahue

John Duncan

Mclinn Ebert

Julia Perez Sneaks a Peek.

M1chelle Dexter


Karen D1ckerman

Ron Dickerman


Tracey Eberts

Dale J. Eddington

Marla Espinosa

Debb1e Fails

Patt1 Fata

Troy Fillmore

Robert Finnegan

Jackie Ford

Pat Ford

Tony Frampton

R1chard Frampton

Brad Franch1na

Dav1d Fntz

Gene Garnes

M1ke Giles

LeAnn Gillman

Connie Glad

Tandi Evens

Darren Evensen

Terrie Evensen

R1chard "savagely" attacks his sucker.

Dan Gallagher

Jod1e Glover

Nancy Garner

Don Goetz




Marin Gogan

Tammie Goold

Sandra Greer

John Groneman

David Goulding

Rochelle Green

Julie Groves

Karen Grygla

Wade Guffey

Martina Guss

Steve Hadley

Allee Hagberg

Greg Hatr

Alena Hakala

Choe Hang

Debra Hansen

Danny Hardtng

Terry Harmon

Jamte Harnngton

Jamte Hams

Ken Hart

Glenda Hartwell

Teresa Harward

Lynnette Johnson is working hard for ftnal grades.



Brian Hermansen

Melanie Hernandez

Karen Hollinger

Annette Holm

Randy Holliday

Beverly Holt

Bnan Hermansen enJOYS another day of school lunch.

Sheila Jensen

Knst•e Jenson

C•ndy Jentzsch

Alyson Houmand

Elizabeth Hofeling

Mike Holdaway

Paula Homer

Darla Hone

Carl Hess

Sharon Hollinger

Tnsha Jacobsen

M1chael Javis

James Jema

Layne Jensen

Pam Jensen

Lynette Johnson

M1cheal Johnson

Steve Johnson

::iOPHOMORES . 185


Cindy Jones

Jeff Jones

Theron Jones

Lynne Kay

Tiena Kennedy

Lori Kennelly

Weldon King

Todd Knudsen

Mary Kocherhans

Susan Koehler

Dan Kunz

L1sa Khuu

Bobby Lake

Brent Larsen

Dalles Larsen

Troy Lawson

Lon Leav1tt

Dav1d Lems

Mane Lew1s

James Linnell

V1ctona Lucero

Wend1 Johnston

Kathleen Jones


D1ane Z1ttmg poses for the camera.

Jerry L1nnarz


Are you k1dd1ng. Angie Bjerregard?

Kristen Luck

Scott Long

Brett Lund

Laura Mace

R1ck Madrigal

Robyn Madsen

Susan Madsen

Chris Marden

Chris Marsh

Cynth1a Martinez

Chris Martinez

Candie Martinez

M1ke Maughan

Jul1e Maw

Kent McClure

Jason Meadows

Bobby Medina

Doug Meldrum

Ty McCall

John McComb

V1ck1 McCorm1ck

Edw1n Melville

Kathenne Meyer

Buck McDonald



Jeff McFarlane

Terry McGinniss

Den1ce McPheron

Chnst1ne Muthre1ch

Cra1g Myrick

Maureen Miller

Ronnie Miller

David Minnich

Kathy Mishler

Cindy Moore

Gary Morrill

Tonie Mortenson

Laura Nelsen

Bryan Nev1lle

Jody Miller

l Amy Schnelle attempts to wim her guy!

Sherry Ober


Sally Oienbus

Den1se Oliphant

Larry Newbole

Dawn Norton

M1chelle Oar

Monte Oslen

Nickey Olson

Rick Onsto


Scott Orme

Robert Ortega

Jeanna Osborn

Debb1e Parker

Rachel Parry

Ronald Parsons

Carolyn Perce

Julia Perez

Corby Petersen

J1m Petersen

M1ke Petersen

M1ke Peterson

Mike Proward

Debbie Puder

Stacy Reece

Brian Patten

Chrrs Perry

Steve P1ne

Errc Praag

Krrst1n Ostler

Ke1th Ottman

Cory Pace

Marrn Gogan m d1sgu1se?

Larre Pendleton

LuAnn Reed




Kns Rob1nson

James Rodnques

Nancy Rogers

Debb1e Roth

Kev1n Rowe

Don Rowsell

Rhonda Rupp

R1chard Savage

Jonathon Schffman

Amy Schnelle

Joe Schollmeyer

Glen Sedgw1ck

Melissa Sherman Th1s person



gUJity of copy1ng homework


Scott Stlcox

Ki.lren Smtth

Jeff Sntdem<Jn



Susie Taylor

Cultly Smtih

Debbte Smtih

McnJo Smtth

Sterling Smtih

Soms,tk Somchtt

Kclll Sundell

/lngcl,l Terry

"Hey, Look at hunt" observes Sherry Ober.

Jun Steadman

M try Stevens

Ron Strebel

Carvl Swasey

Steve Schofield

O,lle Taylor

Taylor Robert

Jody Tesch

Becky Thacker

Dan Thackeray

Jodre Thorne






Freshmen Class Officers: Jerry Steadman. V1ce Pres1dent. Bryce Jorgenson. Pres1dent: Tammy Payne. G1rls' Senator; M1ke Ormc. Boys Senator; Mary Ann Storper. Secretary



Lorne Adams

Scott Adelman

Knsty Allen

Paula Allen

Tammy Allen

Susan Allgaaer

Lars Ander:;on

Flynn Andnua

Joann Angell

Elaane Arnold Nancy Ayers Mark Baldwan

Ronnae Arnold Danny Baca Debbae Baranska

M1chele Austan Alan Bailey Chras Barney

Daana Bates

Robbae Beal

Tammy Bednarak

Candy Bell

Jon Berner

Kerry Berrett

S,mdri.l DJhl's tongue has sparat




Kevm T1dwell

Arthur Turner

Lanae Ulibarri

Sharron Uster

Bobby Valdez

Brian Voiles

Brad Walder

Ken Welch

Tamara Welch

Danny Whittenburg

Mark W1ckel

Wendy W1lkmson

Robert W1lhams

Peggy W1nkler

Kent Demill stud1es history.

Linda Woodruff

194 •


L1sa Wothem

Brenda Wnght

Blake Yates

Marc1a Yazhe

Lon Vawdrey

James Wilcox

Cella W1llette

Bob Wiseman

Evelyn Young

Lon Young takes a "bite."

Dan Gallagher takes a splash.

Jeanna Carter and Cindy Smith are SPinted sophs.

Yea Sophomores!




Dorothy Butler

Leon Caldwell

B1ll Candelana

Paul Chrisman

M1chelle Best Robin Bird Paige Bowman

Tim Bierce Debbie Blanke Ruth Bnmhall

Shauna Bills Rulen Bosch Joe Brown

Mike Brown

David Bueno

Karalee Buford

I Denms Burgener

196 •


Dave Burgon

Tom Butkovich

Seleena Luttrell gets involved 1n dress-up day.


Duane Christlieb

Steven Clark

Lynda Clements

Pam Cravens

Vern Coggle

Steve Cressall

Phylles Crouch

Laura Cope

Eileen Cooper

Brian Crump Sandra Dahl Linda Dennis

Joe Cunmngham Jeff Dansie Charlotte Despain

Tracey Cunningham Connie Davis Dawn Dillard

Brian Draper

Linda Duncan

Troy Densley waits for next year.

Rebecca Dixon Richard Cowley

Scott Cowley

Derrick Cracraft




Nancy Edwards

Trisha Eliason

David ElkinS

Denese Evans

Jackie Evans

Jordan does well on fire drills.

Crystal Fisher Bary Gamble Kirk Gibbs Janrce Evans

Kelly Fehler


Shawne Fned Kim Gardener Carne Giks

M1ke Gallo Clay Garnes Tom Gilgcn

Alison Glassey

Troy Gogan

Mike Evans

Tom Fern

Carol Fisher

FRESHMEN He1d1 Hardcastle

Tracie Goodfellow

Collen Gotberg

Jana Green Enedcha Gut1erre1 Dann H,m111ton

Morgan Hard1ng

Jam1 Grahham

Terri Harding

Darryl GrE-en Shelly Groncman Brent H.Jies

Jeff Hardmg

Ron Harg1s

Margo Hams

M1ke Gnffm Shannon Ha1r Scott Hancock Larry Ray caught in the act.

Ann Hansen

Annette Hansen

Kyle Hansen L1sa Harston

Chns Hatton

Jam1e Heaps



J1m Hendricks

Lonn Hermansen

Brad Holt Rachelle Hopes Glen Howard

8111 Hensler

Tamara H1ckman

Donna Holt Debra Horscroft Karen Hutcheon

Dav1d Jackson

D1ane Jacobson

Kane Jacobson

M1ke James

Jane Jenson

Lmda Johnson

M1ke Johnson

Nancy Johnson

Tawny Johnson

Michael Herman

Jill Hilgendorf!

Scott Hooser Karen Houghton Greg Hyde Tracy Sevy does two th1ngs at once


Paul K1el

She1la Kurench

Ted Johnston

Debra Jonsson

Bryce Jorgensen

Chantelle Juret1ch

Shauna Kec

Scott Kelly

Terry Kelly

Ryan Kemp

Cory Kenyon

Dave Lamp1ng Kurt Lawson Tammy Lemonds

Paul Krebs

Rose Kunz

Lon Lambert

Karen Lamont

Curt1s Langenbacker Jan Lawson Brent L1ster

Steve Larsen Keith Leaney Marlene Llv1ngston


FRESHMEN Cynth1a Lloyd

Rebecca Lucero

James Lusk

Marcia Martinez

Seleena luttrell

K1rk Marchant


Kathy Maxwell

Wendy Mangum

Tnsha Marchant

Mark Maxwell

Karen McAllister

Marci McCaffree

Knsty Me Call Kathleen McFarlane Tanya Middaugh

Shaney McDonald Annette Mecham Claud1a Miller

Donny McEnt1e Marcus Melville John M1ller

Cmdy Maroney

Tamara H1ckman gets 1nto the sp1nt of Farmers' Day

202 •

l1sa Maw


Joe Brown "cools" off.

Joy Miller M1ke Moore Glenn Mortensen

Frank Nelson

J1m Nelson

Shenlyn Mills Tnna Moore Stephan1e N1elson

G1nny Nelson

M1ke Nelson

linda Montoya Todd Mornll Dorene Nelson M1ke Oakason

Robert O'Brien

D1ane Oliver

Stac1 Ontmveros

M1chelle Osborn

Kurt Ostler

Jerry Nelson

Chnstlne Norman Joann Ottman

Kns Overman

Tracy Ov1att



FRESHMEN Lisa Pangos

Randy Paramore

Tammy Payne

Mark Petersen

Dawn Payton

Scott Petersen

Darin Parkrnson

Lesa Peterson

Juhe Powell

lynnette Price

Scott Price

John Provard

Sherri Pullan

Jerry Rrchardson Danny Rogers Corie Ross

Gail Rrnehart Scott Rogers Arrlyn Ruttell

Carol Peacock

Val Petersen

Larry Ray lrnda Robrnson Robyn Rose Casey Snow watches rn Horror!

204 •



Jerry Salaz

Rudy Sandoval

Allen Saxton

Stac• Ontiveros "eyes" the players. Chad Sayers

Kns Schott Kev1n Severson Mark Sh1elds

Steve Schne1ter

Rhonda Scott Tracy Sevy Kevm Sh1flett

Lanell Schof1eld

Ann Sekeret Carrie Sharp Doug Simons

Holly S•mons

Jeff Skoubye

Damon Sm1th

Ken Sm1th

Casey Snow

Russ Sorensen

Lori Sorensen

Jerry Steadman

Angela Stearns



FRESHMEN Mary Ann Storper

Susanne Stremberg

Colleen Sybrowsky

Jerry Thompson

Terry Thompson

Roger Thornblad

Up sta1rs or down sta1rs g1rls?

Holly Thorne Lenora Tohno Paul Valenzuela J1ll Tar

J1m Taylor

Jason Thackeray


Michael Tob1n Lan1a Urton Darren Vangrol

R1chard Thacker

John VerslUIS Brett Thomas

Crystal Thronwall Lynette Truscott Lottie Vanderhock

K1m Thomas

Glade Wall

Bryan Washburn


Den1se Welch

Staci Welch

Juh Wharton

Janet Wilcox

Arthur Williams

Annette Worlton

Jon Young

Sandra Young

Susan Zafft

Conme Zup1n

Kevm and Dav1d stroll to class. The "gym guys" get ready for a race.



Carla Conner crams for an exam.

The lunch lad1es pause between lunches.

Jordan fans enjoy the sun & the game.

Rob Harris mot10ns the Cclmera closer

The studentbody honors the "shy" basketball team.




Marshall Hughey and Natahe Ruekert act up!

Loveb1rds become Ja1lb1rds at Dog Patch.

Greg Ha1r. Brad B1rch, Terry Axtell enJOY the football game.

Barry Bauer has nothmg 1n·between!


Mike Maughan enJOYS h1s lunch.

Sandra Greer falls mto David Schott's arms.

LeeAnn A1nsworth caught 1n the act

Mark Ordakowsk1 rep laces Mrs. Chnstolferson .


Every strong steady sound representing

Brad Densley plays the lncredtble Hulk! Lottie Vanderhoek gtves the camera a shy gnn.

Stact Reece has the cutest ltttle baby face! John Lewts tS "forced" to practtce mouth to mouth resuscttatton. 212 8 AFTERWARD

Cam Miller gives out under the car.

Jack1e R1eben attacks a milk carton.

Scott Jackson and Gordon MIShler add sparkle to the lunch room!

Bryan Ba1ley has the tongue market cornered!

Laughs and loves of so many who became pieces of this place.


In mellow majesty

Tammy Bednank looks through the camara lens.

Many spec1al moments are spent 1n empty halls

The Jun1or class adds sp1nt to pep assemblies .

Creeping from cracks and crevices, 214 . AFTERWARD

SENIORS A Adams, Sherilyn 64, 118, 120 , 153 Allen, Kar2lee 153 Anderson, l\1. jo 153 Anderson, !-o!ikki 58, 60, 64, 65, 153 Anderson, Russe II 20 Anderton , Lesley I 53 Andrizzi, Lance Argyle, Walt 153 Armitstead , john 58, 64, 65, 118 , 153 Arnold , james 82, 153

B Bagley, Jeff I 53 Bailey, Carol Baker, Holly 120, 153 Ballamis, Louis 65, I 53 Barber, Croy 23, 24, 25, 58, 63, 148, 149, 152, 153 Barber, Jeff 153 Beckstead, Mark Bentley, Sam 82, 139, 153, 162 Bergeson, Cary Birch, Jim 116, 153 Bird, Martin 153 Bird, Tr2cey I 53 Blackwood, Lynne 65, 153 Bodtcher, Shelley 46, I 53 Bogenschutt, Susan 152, 153 Bolliger, Lyndon 153 Booms, Tom 154 Bosch, Cary 154 Bo"les, Brent 154 Boynton, Deanna 21, 25, 46, 154 Boynton, Paul 154 Brady, Cordon 86, 87, 116, 149, ISO, lSI, 154 Breeze, Teri 76, 86, 87, 154 Brown, Cindy 46, 63, 154, 161 Bro"11, Russe11107, 154 Burden, Brett 149, 154 Burgener, Korby Burkinshaw, Troy 154 Burningham, Kim 149, 154 B=ide, jackie SO, 51, 118, 154 Butterfield, Troy 82, 154

c Carter, Ronald 154 Chansamone , Sltthlsak 74 , I 54 Chavez, l'.Uguel 149, 154 Cborlt.cm, Debbie 24, 154, 111 Christensen, Peter 154 Christensen, Polly ISO, 151, 154 Christensen, Tony Christlieb, Curtis 154 CoWer, KJm ISS Combs, BreDda 64, 82, 155 Cooper, Nancy 63, 76, 155 Costanza, RaDIIy 21, 155 Cowley, Bret Cowley, Steven 82, ISS Crapo, Melyn 24, 58 59, 61, 121, 155,


Crookl, Cindi 76, 155 Crouch, Michael 155 Crystal, Usa 76, 88, 89, 149, 155

D Dansie, John 118, 121, 148, 149, ISO, lSI, ISS Davis, Peter ISS Day, Marlene 24, 46, 67, 77, ISS Deboer, Doug Demas, Stacey 46, 155 Denison, Karla 24, 82, 149, 155 Denison, Kayla 82, 148, 149, ISO, lSI, ISS Duncan, Catherine L.

216 . INDEX

E Ebert , Kirk ISS Eckman , Alan 64, 65, 66, ISS Edwards , Corey I 55 Eggett , Kathy Elg , Patrice 63, ISS Elkins , Terri ISS Ensign, Cr2ig 98 Erickson , Ronald I 56 Evensen, Jeff 156

F Faulk , Scott 156 Fisher, Esther 77 , 156 Fogel , Catherinea Fowles, Nolan 149 , 1S6 Frill , Paul IS6

G Cadd, Kay 156 Gallagher, Robert 1S6 Caramendi, Mark 156 Cord, Vichie 77, 1S6 Cotberg, B}TOn 156 Gribble, Clen Griffith, Grant 116 Griggs Bruce I 56 Grunwald, john Grygla , Joel 68, I 56

H Hallock, James Hamilton, Raelene 118, 149, ISO, lSI, 156 Hanson, l'vUldred 77. 82, 117' 149, 156 Harding, Robert Harding, Tom 156 Haueter, Sheri 64, 82, 118, 121, 156 Haws, Robert 99, 156 Heaps, Nell Hendenon, Ben 120, 156 Hepner, Jeff 31, 156 Higbee, Denise 58, 59, 65, 152, 156 Hoggan, Richard Holllday, Brian Holt, Shirlynn 77, 156, 157 Homer, Karen 27, 52, 53, 110, 149, 157 Homer, Kaylene 1S7 Home, Tracy 86, 87, 157 Houghton, Michael Howell, Dan 157 Hunsaker, Pat Hutchinson, Rod 157 Hyde, Cherrie SO, 51, 110, 157

J Jack, Jodi 65, 157 Jacbon, Scott 157, 213 215 Jenkins, Debby Jensen, Larry Jensen, Lorrie 77, 82, 111, 157 Jensen, Lynn 98, 149 157 johns, Mofaan Johnson, Robyn 46, 77, 157 }ones, James 157 Jorgensen, Jerilyn 52, 53, I 57 Jorgensen, Nancy

K Kule, Tracy 157 Kemp, Lynette 64, 157 Kennelly, Danette 157 Knight, Wayne Kocherhans, Lisa 157 Koehler, Doug Korpi, Diane 157 Krebs , Mike I 58

L lamb, <:;athy Lambson!, Melvin 158 Lamping , Claudia 158 Lang, D.bbie I 58 Larsen, Bt athcr IS8 Larson, Terry 158 Lasater, vid I 58 Erin, Le 158 Leonard, 8Jrbie 76, 158 Le\\is, jqhn 82, 158, 212 Lewis, 1\!Jren 158 Linam, (iarry 158 Linford, Harris I 58 LLoyd, andy 152, 158 lucero, fat 98, 116, ISS Lund, Lonlc e 158 L}·ki ns , rb 58, 74 , 75, 149, 158 Lynch, ana 153, 158

M Maroney , Susan 158 Mathias, Kristlt• Maw, Randy 82, 158 Maxwell, Dannr Mar. Marissa 58, 74, 75 , 159 McClellan, Chuck 1S<l McCoomb, Brenda McDonald, Ranae 159, 160 McDonald, Sharon 5, 53, 63, 118, 159 McPhail, Marla 159 Meadows, Hal Meadows, Jamie Mecham, Jill 120, IS9 Meier, Troy 159 l'v!iller, Cam 159, 213, 215 l'vUller, JeU 64, 86, 87, 159 !.Utchell, Debbie 159 1\Utchell, Clen 121, 159 Moore, Marion Mulllner, Julie 82 , 157, I 5

N Nance, David Neff, Wad 159 Nelson, Lori 159 Nelson, Randy 118, 121, 159, 215 Nelson, Robyn Neville, Ken Newbold, Ken 159 Newsom«, Ladd Nielsen, Mar y 120, 159 Niemann, Aaron 159

0 Olsen, David 116, 118, 149, ISO, 151, 159 Olson , Brian I 9 Ostler, Dav I Ostler, Ree 160 Oviatt, David 160

p Pa e, Karen , 75, 82, 88, 9, 118 160 Pa e Stev I Palmer Jack! Panaos, Be k SO, I, 3, 160 Pari<, Craig 160 Park r, Denton Parks, U a 160 Parry, Joe 117, 118, 121, 160 Parry, }ohn 160 Petersen, Mark 108, 160 Petersen, Martin 108 Petersen, Rebekah Peterson, Robert Powell, Steven 160 Price, Dou1 88, 89, 99, 100, 160 Prince, ~sht65, 117, 160 Proffitt, Robert 99, 160 Pullan, Joe 160

R Rarm, Teresa 160 Richins , joanne 170 Rigby, Rulon 160 Riggleman, David Rivera, l'v!ike 160

s Sadler, Chris 160 Salter, Stephanie 160 Schiffman, Micheal 161 Schmidt, Drew 161 Saunders, Holly 161 Schnepple, James Sedgwick, Randy 161 Sharp, Lisa 161 Simmons, Sauna 161 Simons, Debbie 149 , 161 149, bl Simonson, Robert 58, 59, Smith , Jerilyn 63, 77, 161,,) Smith, Marty 161 Snideman, Steven 161 Snow , Danny 161 Somc hit, Mimi Sorensen, Kathleen 63, 161 Sorenson, Bill Spearman, Roddy Spencer, Lynne 5torper, Diana 161 Stehnepple, James 161 Strate, Merrill27, 155, 159, 161 Swanson, Kirk 116, 161 Swllor, Mitch 161


T Terry, Brian Throclanorton, Cherie 63, 162 Tesch, Janis Timoney, Ryan 159, 162 Tolman, Mike 162 Toole, Melame 52, 53, 162 Tripp, 1\.Ucheal 162 Troester, Lori 162

v Valdez, John 162 Vanamen, Martin 162 Vang, Lee Vawdrey, Curt Yeater, Lonny 65, 162 Velez, Mildred 162

w Warburton, Don 162 Watson, Phillip 162 Welch, Brad 162 West, Michelle 68, 117 \~estbrook, Shelly 162 Westerman, Paul 162 Westphal, Creg 162 Whetman, Valalne 47, 63, 117, 161, 162 Williams, Debbie 82, 162 Wllllams, Scott 162 Wllllams, Venny 163 Winkler, Colette 63, 163 Wiseman, Tracey 163 Wiseman, Tracy Worthington, Trena 63, 65, 163 Yazhe, Ernest

JUNIORS A Adair, Susan 46, 165

Adamson , ]ordy Adler, Mike 165 Ainsworth, Dennis 165 Alvare> , Liliana Andenon, Charlotte 88, 89, 149 , 164, 165 Andenon, Kristina 165 Andenon, Mark 165 Andenon, ~brk Andenon , \ 'al 165 Anderton , .Mitch 165 Argyle, 'Brad 82 , 165 Argyle, Co111>ie 165 Ashby, Susan 165 Auker, Tim AHry, Tonya

B Baca, Randy Badger, Deborah Bailey, Bryan 165, ~ 1 3 , 215 llailey, David 165 Barnett, Kevtii Batton, Donna Bashore, Michael 165 Bauer, Barry 82, 165, 210 Bauer, Gerald Baxter 1 Mike J 165 Bell, Ken 65 Bentle , Juliann65, 109, 165 Berner, Jeff 165 Bea, Chrbty 58, 74, 75, 165 Btaelow Sall 165 Blomqubt, Teftl& 46, 7, 16 BcmbteU, Sandra 77, 109, 16 , Ill Bosch, Craie 68

Boucher,Je Bowles,

165 76. 77

J!racHcxod. Mentl Brann, Robert ~ Trac 1 Breeze, tt 166 ~li.Beck

llroclen, Lort 166 1 Blown. Alii• 166 Blown, LeaiiD 166 Blown, She le 1 BuchaDan, Patti 166 Budd, Karle 166 llulden, Connie 160 Bwaer, Peav , til, 82, ll8, 166c:t_ JlurnlD&ham, Corinne 63 , , J09, 166, Ill 1lwt. Bobbi 55. 77 166 Butkovich, Mi h e 46, .82 , 166 Butterfi.,ld, BN~i<) S:l, 166 Butterfield, Kart·n Butters, Suey


Deboer, Crcg 167 Deem, Shauna 167 Dennison , Allison 20, I ll Densley, Brad 167, 212 Derbridge , Kate Dixon, Jimm}· 64, 65, 167 Dorius, Brent Doten, Debbie 167 Dow, Randy 167 Dumas, Donna 167 Dumas, Gayle 65, 167

E Eddington, Barbara 65, 77, 167 Edwards , Danny 167 Edwards, Karen 167 Eggen, Kelly 52, 53, 63, 77, 167 Eggett, Cathy Elg, Duane 63 , 168 Eliason, Russell 168 Elkins, Randy 168 Embree , Colleen Erickson , Analee 46 , 168 Evans , Stacey 168 Evenson, Richard 168

F f'addls , Kdly 108, 168 Fagel , Ca rrie 168 FomS\\ orth. Connie 76 , 168 Farnsworth, ]ana 76, 168 Famsworth , Lisa 168, 172 Faulk, Wendy 109, 168 F rrl, f'icky 168 Focel , Carrie Forbush, Janet 165 Ford , J ames 168 f oster , llti ~ette foster , Wendy 168 Fowl<es John 165 Francom, Diane Fullmer , Cheryl Fynbo, />.bureen

G Cauhana , l\lkhae l 168 Garfield , Debbie 77 , 168 Carner , />.laril}'Jl C t·e, Stephen George , Rhonda Cenell , Scott 82, 165 , 168 Gibbs, l'o'ichelle Cilgen, Deborah 109, Ill, 168 C!llman, L;-nette 168 Cbssey, Margie 168, 173 Clover, Bart 168 Goff, Allyaon 88, 89, 169 Coold, Rodaer 169 Crun, llreDda 169 Creen, Roclae 1 9 r, Jill 169 rd, Sandra Cryfla, joann 169 Cuff Mtche e 169 Jeff 169

Hatcher, John 169 Hatfield , Kevin 169 Hatton, Richard 170 Havens, Douglas llenderson, Brian Hendricks, Steven llenrie, Nancy Hensler, Kelly 170 Hill, Michael 88, 89, 107, 170 Hofhines, Brent 170 Hollenger, Dennis 170 Holt, Roxann 170 Householder, Julie Hughey, James 58, 170, 210 Huntsman, lleen Hurdsman, Vicki 170 Hyde, Bonnie 170

J Jackson , Patti 170 James, Brenda 170 Jensen, Carl Jensen, Jay 170 Jensen, Leroy 170 Johnson , Carol;-n SO, 5 1, 63, 170, 175 Jones, J•uct 170 Jones, Rob~rt 170 Jones, Ron 170 Jon~s , Tawna

K Kartchner, Daniel Kelly, Sherri 82, 170 Khuu, Cath)' 170 Kiholm, l.ohn , 170 Kim, Chae Kim, Song Kitchen, Kelli 54, 170 Kiyota, Kelly 118, 167, 170 Koderhans, Richard 170 Krebs, 1\brjorle

D Dana , Krlrt.on Dansie , Diane 66, 82 , 167 Davis' David 167 Davis, Jeff 167 Davis, Sue 167, 170 Day, DoUI 167 Dean, Ken

Ha e , ADcela 46, 169 Hale , llnac:e 169 Hallitsom. J• 169 Haltoll, RJ hard 169 Hamilton, Shell 149 HanHn, Allen Ha n, Klrl< HanHn, PJchard 169 Hansen, Ricky 169 Hamen, Sherll69 Hansen, Terl 169 Hardlnc. Kerrle 169 Harklm, Dan 169 Hannon, Dwaine 165 Harms, Eileen llarrls, Rob 169, 209 Harrt.on, Robyn 149, 169 Harward, Cynthia 64, 169

N Nelson, Curt 172 Nelson, Dave 58, 172 Nelson, David 166 Nelson , Julie 172 Nelson , Thomas Newhouse , Marsha 63, 172 Nielsen, Becky 172 Nielsen, Dyna 172, 174 Nielson, Jeff 172 Nielson , John 172 Nielson, l\larcyne 47 , 172 Noffsinger, Jan 68, 172 Norton, Julia 58 , 65 , 149, 172 Nuzman, Donnie 172

0 Oliphant, Raeleen 173 Olsen, Dixie 24 , 25, SO, 51, 77, 173 Olson, David Ordakowski , )'.lark 173 , 211 Ostler , Jeff 58, 59, 68, 82, 173 Ostler, Julie 173 Ostler, Rainette 63, 173 Ottman, Kevin 173

p lar"n, rk 1?0 l::i-n, Terry 1?0 U,,Klm Lean Gerald 171 Leb&ron, Barbers Leb&ron, Beth Lee, Ryan 64, 171 Lee, Steve 171 Leprey, Jodil71 Lester, Scott 65, 58, 59, 60, 171 Ludlow, Kelly 82, Ill, 171 Lunceford , T10y l.wXI, David 82, 171

l.uDdatlom. Jodi

Don 171 Lyon, Terry 149, 171


M , joanna 171 Leroy 82. 171 n, Leurle 64, 171 • c 171 ndet, Cath 54, 171 l\.1ard n, Susanne 171 Martin, Shlrle theton, David 26, 58, 59, 61, 171 1athle, Heather Mauahan, ADcela 61, 86, 87, 149, 171, 164 Maxfield, Pamela Ill, 171 Maxwell, Dale Maynard, Teresa 171 McAllllter, iralna 58, 59, 149, 171 McCaffree, Linda McClellan, Callee 54, 169, 171 McDonald, Annette 171 McDonald, T10y 82, 172 Mc:Entlra, Eve 171 • McNeal, Rusty 149, 171, 164 Meadows, Chris 47, 172 Mecham, David 172 Medina, Paull72



Meldrum, l\Uke 149, 164, 172 Mende>, Baldemar 149 Miller, Clifford 172 Miller, Earnest Miller , Willis Milligan, Doug 172 Miner, ~Uke Minnick, Charles 172 Mishler, Gordon 172, 213 1\titchell, Garth 82, 172 Morales, Uncia ~lorrill, Rex 172 1\!ulliner, Kathi 47, 63, 172 Murphy, Sandra 109

Pace , Morgan 173 Parker, Cary 173 Parry , Bryan Pa rry, Rachel 58 , 59 , 173 PasJ..ins, Sheri 173, 176 Patterson, \'icky 66 , 173 Perrenound , Charlotte 56, 173 Petersen, Mike 173 Petersan, Randy Pfleaaer, Dave 173 Picklesimer, Janet 173 Piper, Kirby 173 Poll, James 106, 173 Powell, Wallace 173 Praas, Kim 82, 173 Price, Karen 64, 65, 173 Price, Mark 82, 173

R Raser, Karen 173 Rands. Joe 173 Rann, John 173 Reeve, Ravae 65, 66, 173 Reilean, Jackie 173 Re1ch, 1\.Uke 99, 174 Reid, Erk 174 IUchmoad, Marilee lUcks, 5coct 174 Reiben, Jaclde 173, 174, 213 Rinehart. A1lysoD Roberti, CiDdy 174 Roberti, Clyn 174 Robins. llriau 174 Robinson, Lyle 82, 174 Roosendaal, Kevbl Rosenlund, Teresa 174 Rca, Kim Roth, Kimberly Rothday, Melanle Roundy, Ca10lyn Rowell. David Rubio, FersDdo 174 Rueckert, Natalie 59, 174

INDEX . 217

Ru!fell, Lynn 82, 174 Runcl!son, Btet

s S•ldvar, John 174 S•ndoval, Isabelle Schmidt, Troy 174 Schofield, Cary 174 Schott, Dave 82, 174, 211 Schow, Christy 174 Schultz, Oenhe 82, 174 Scharur, Angelika 149, 174 Scortato, SUS2n 110, 149, 164, 174 Scott, Leslie 174 Scroggin, Christie 174 Scroggin, Ted 174 Sei~l, Danny 174 Shepard, Diane 66, 17S Shepherd, Kevin 82, 107. 175 Shiei.Is, James B 175 Shiflett, Cindy 175 Siebold, Carolyn 171, 175 Simons, Brad 175 Simonson, Holly 175 Simonson, Kathi 47, 58, 82, 175 Sl3gowski, T crry Smith, Brent 175 Smith, Doug 108, 175 Snow, Steph•nle 65, 67, 68, 175 Sohn, Jungtae S~ncer, Kai'Ti 92, 175 Spenc.._r, Lori 66, 175 Stauffer, Lan; liS Steeneck, Ronda 175 Steinagel, john 175 Stromberg, Collette 175 Sturm, Cory Swnmarell, .Mark 175 Sundell, Wade 175 Swenson, Julie 58, 63, 175

T Tai'T, Rebecca 65, 66, Taylor, Brian Taylor, John 175 Thomas. Bert 'Thomaoon, Angie 47 Thome.~lichelle. 20, S4,;Sa, 59 'ThompsoR, David 176 ;.-..~-~ 'Thompson, Troy 176 Thomwa!l, Connie 55. 65, 149 Tidl,·ell, Shauna 32, 65, 175 Tolman, Laraine 75, 176 Tongish, Andy 176 Tsosle, llai'Tison 106, 107, 176 Turner, Phillip 176

u Ulibai'Ti, Lisa 82, 176 Utley , Debra 76, 176

v Valdez, Dennis 176 V•namen, Erik 176 Vance, Mike 176 Vanekelenburg, 1\lichclle 47, 176

w Wade, Alan 62, 176 Walden, Tim Wall<er, Michael 176 Wall, Mar). 64, 65, 176 \\'alters, Craig 82, 176 Walters, Ceesette 47, 176 Watson, DarI Webster, I\ lark 82, 176 We.ch, Jeff 176, 1n W•;t, Kevin 82, 176 Westeman, Allee 176 Wilcox, Joanne 82, 176, 210 WLcox, Michelle 176

218 . INDEX


y Yates, Jornn 1n Yathe, Kevin Ycnglch, Anita 1n

SOPHOMORES A AdanlS, Diane 46, 179 Adams, Jeffrey 179 Alder, Dawn 179 Aiello, Mike 179 Ainsworth, LeeAnn 46, 82, 179, 211 Ainsworth , cott 179 Allen, Banv Allen, Debbie 149, 179 Allen. Denise 179 Allen, Rontld 179 Allgood, ~lelodJe 179 Alvarez, Adriana 179 Anderoon, Gina 179 Anderson, 1\;lndall 179 Anderson, Ty 179 Anderton, Corinne 24, 56, 179 Arnold, Bruce 179 Asar, Julie anna Atwood, Frank Axtrll, Terry 179, 210


c Calswell, Tammy 181 Calton, P•t 75, 96, 181 Cannon, Rori 46, 181 Capson, Ceneil 149, 181 Carlson, Diane Carter, Jeanna 181 Chansamone, Naphaphon Chapman, Steve 181 Chavez, David 24, 96, 149, 181 Chidester, Cheryl 181 Childs, Robert 181 Christensen, Kathy 181 Christensen, Rodger 96, 181 Christofferson, Eric 96, 181 Cbr~, Joy 181 Collier, Trent 182 Conner, Karla 65, 182, 209 Coo~r, Dem 33, 106, 182 Conanza, Julie 182 Cowley, Sandra 66, 182 Crump, Charlene 56, 182 Crump, Kristine 56, 75, 182 Crystal, Tim 60, 182 Cuatto, Christy 182 Culmer, Tei'Ti 182 Cummings, Cindy Curtis, Marshall

D Dahn, Lois 182 Davis, Wayne 182 Dean, Steven 182 Demaree, James 96 Oemlll, Kent 102 Denison, David 96, 182 Dennison, John 96, 182 Densley, Troy 182 Denslow, Monica Deve I, Annette 182 Dexter, Michelle 64, 88, 89, 182 Dlckeman, Karen 182 Dlckeman, Ron 182 Dineen, John Donahue, Tim 182 Duncan, John 182

Cu!fey, Cary Cuss, Martina 184 Cutiei'Tez, David

H Hadley, Steve 30, 184 Hagberg, Alice 149, 184 Hair, Greg 184, 210 Hakala, Alena 184 Hang, Choe 184 Hansen, Debra 184 Hansen, Lamar Hansen, Patricia Hansen, Tauna Harding, Danny 184 Hargis, Kim 1&4 Harmon, Tei'T}' 184 Hai'Til'gtOn, Jamie 184 HaiTh, Jamie 184 Harris, Troy Hart, Ken 184 Hartwell, Glenda 184 Harward, Teres• 184 Hemansen, Brian 96, 185 Hernandet, Melanie 185 Hess, Carl185 Higgins, Karri Hofeling, Elizabeth 149, 185 llofhines, Russell Holdaway, Mike 185 Holliday, Randy ISS Hollinger, Karen 185 Hollinger, Sharon 149, 18$ Holm, AA!Mne 56, 185 Holt, Beverly 185 Homer, Paula 185 Hone, Darla 75, lBS flood, Kelly Houmand, Alyson 185 Howard, Mike

I Irving, Jody


Bal<er, Rand 58, 96, 179 Bal<er, Shelley 179,111 BaldWin, ~ne 179 Bmaid, Tr•na JacobSen, 'tri$lia ~, Banford, Stacl179 Jarvis, l-Uke 185 Banks, Richard 179 Ebert. McLinn 162 Jema, James Barnett, Dun Eberts, Tracer 183 Jensen, Kristie 185 Bamett, Maryann 179 Eddington, Dale 64, 96, 183 Jensen, Pam 149, 186 SalTOn, Alan 179 Edwards, Christie Jensen, Sheila 185 Baugh, Jeanette 180 Emenon, Randy 96 Jentzsch, Cindy 185 Seal, JaNae 110, 180 Espinosa, Marla 183 Johnson, Lynnette 184, 185 Beckstead, Kirl< 96, '!17, 180 Evans, Tandi 58, 67, 183 Johnson, Michael 97, 108, 149, 185 Behmann, Margaret 180 Evensen, Darren 183 Johnson, Steve 96, 185 Bellon, Brian t80 Evensen, Tei'Tie 183 Johnston, Wendy 186 Bentley, ~lark 06, 180 Falls, Debbie 183 Jones, Cindy Lee 56, 149, 1~6 Benton, Micheal 180 Fata. Patti 183 Jones, Jeff 61, 64, 75, 88, 89, 186 Bess, Debra L}]l80 Fillmore, Troy 183 Jones, Kathleen 186 Bingham, Daviil 180 Finnegan, Robert 183 Jones, Theron 186 Birch. Brad 18d Fori<. Jackie 66, 183 B)erregaard, Al!lie 56, 82, 160, 187 Ford, Pat 183 Blackwood, Ka~~en 180 Frampton. Anthony ':17, 183 Blomquut, RJcliard 107, 180 Frampton, Richard 96, 1S3 Bolander, Scott 180 Franchina, Bradley 183 Booth, Richard ~::::==::::::::::::=:=f~t~lta~,~O.~v~·~~::::=:=:::::::;::;:::::::=:=::::~W,=ti;Mi'1~=::::==~1 Brad!ord, Merrillyn 180 r , lt'ft11~ H!~ Brady, Julieann 180 Kennedy, Tiena 186 Kennelly, Lori 186 Brand, Carla 180 Brandt, David 180 Kezele, John Brcete, Kyrona 149, 180 Khuu, Lisa 186 Brewster, Clark 180 King, Weldon 186 Brewster, David Call•gher, Dan 96, 183 Knudsen, Todd 106, 186 Brewster, Melissa 180 Camer, Nancy 183 Kocherhons, \lary 186 Bridge, Lesa n, 180 Cames, Gene 58, 66, 87, 96, 183 Koehler, Susan 110, 186 Btinl<erhoff, \ti el96, 102, 180 Giles, \like 96, 183 Kunz, Daniel 186 Broadhead, Lee~· 101,180 Gillman, LeAnn 183 Broadhead, Lynn 102, 161 Clad. Connie 65, 1&3 Broods!>}•, Darren.181 Clover, Jodie 1&3, Ill Brown, Gina LJ!Illll81 Goetz, Don 183 Cogan, ~!arin S8, 96, 102, 184 Brown, Sheldon 181 Brown, Stephani Goold, Tammy 1&4, 111 Browning, Cameron 96. 181 Goulding, David 96, 1&4 hke, Bobby Ui6 Bryant, John 181 Creen, Rochelle 184 Lanen, Brent 186 Bueno, 1\.tichael Creer, Sandra 149, 184, 211 Larsen, Dalles 186 Butler, Clark 181 Crlaard, Shirley Lawson, Troy 186 Butler, James 181 Croneman, John 96, 184 Le, Chi Butler, Steve 181 Groves, Julia 184 lezvitt, Lori 186 B}•ergo, Julie 181 Grygla, Karen 184 Lems, David 186





Lewis, Marie 66, 186 Linnart, Jerry 186 Linnell, James 186 Lister, Sharon Livingston, Jimmy Long, Scott 187 Lucero, Victoria 186 Luck, Kristin 187 Lund, Brett 187

M Mace, Laura 56, 187 Madrigal, Ricardo 187 Madsen, Robyn 88, 89, 187 Madsen, Susie 65, 187 Maez, Judy Malouf, Margo Marden, Christoph 67, 68, 75, 106, 187 Maroney, Michael Marsh , Chris 187 Martinez, Chris 96, 187 Martinez, Candie 187 Martinez, Cynthh 187 ~taughan, Mike 187, 211 ~taw, Julianne 187 Maxwell, Marie McCall, Ty 187 McClure 60, 187 McComb, John 96, 187 Me Cormick, Vicki 187 Me Donald, Buckley 187 Me Donald, Je!C Me Farlane, Jeff 96, 102, 188 Me Clnnis, Terry 96, 188 _..,__ __ Me Pherron 1 Denice 188 Me Pherson, James Meadows, Jason 96, 187 Medina, Bobby 96, 187 Meldrum, Douglas 96, 106, 187 Melville, Edwin 96, 187 Meyer, Katherine 187 Miller, Cindy Miller, Jolene 188 Miller, Maureen 188 Miller, Ronnie 188 Mills, Darren 96 Minnick, David 96, 102, 188 Mishler, Kathy 188 Moore, Cindy 188 Morrill, Cary 188 Mortenson, Tonya 188 Mounteer, Ben lvlousley, Mont Muir, Gary Mullen, Roy Murphy, Sheila Muthreich, Christine 188 Myrick, Craig 188

N Nelson, Laura 149, 188 Neville, Bryan 96, 188 Newbold, Larry 188 Nichols, Kelley Nichols, Wade Nolan, Melody Morton, Dawn 65, 188

0 Oar, Michelle 188 Ober, Sherry 66, 188, 191 Oleavus, Sally 188 Oliphant, Denise 188 Olson, Monte 188 Olson, Nic ky 188 Orme, Scott 96, 189 Ortega, Bobby 189 Osborne, Jeanna 82, 189 Ostberg, Jolene Ostler, Kristin 111, 189 Otunan, Keith 189

p Pace, Cory 96, 189 Parker, Debbie 47, 189

Parry, Rachel Parsons, Ronald 96, 189 Patten, Brian 58, 75, 96, 189 Pearce, Carolyn Pearson, lisa Pendelton, Laurie 64 1 189 Perez, Julia 182, 189 Perry, Chriss 189 Perry, Mike 189 Petersen, Corby Petersen, James 189 Petersen, Mike 189 Peterson, Lari Pine 1 Steven 189 Praag, Eric 102, 189 Provard, Mike 189 Puder, Debbie 58, 189

R Rasmussen, Sherry Reece, Stacy 47, 189, 212 Reed, LuAnn 189 Rees, Russ 190 Reeves, Ken 190 Reid, Jo 190 Reit, David 96, 190 Riches, Kevin 96, 106, 190 Richins, Patsy 190 Ridgley, Apryl Riet, David Robinson, Kristine 190 Rodriguez, James 190 Rogers, Nancy 190 Roth, Debbie 110, 149, 190 Rowe, Kevin 58, 74, 75, 190 Rowe 11 , Jon Phil Rowsell, Don 190 Rupp, Rhonda 190 Ruth, Debbie


u Ulibarri, Lanae Uster, Sharron

v Valdez, Robert Va wdrey, Lori Voiles, Brian 58, 60, 66

w Walker, Bradley 96 Welch, Kenny 96, 106 Welch, Tamara 149 Whittenburg, Danny 102 Wicke!, Mark 96 Wilcox, James Wilkinson, Wendy Willette, Celia 47 Williams, Robert Robert 96 Winkler, Peggy Winterholler, Carla 66 Wiseman, Robert 96 Woodruff, Linda 47, 65 Worthen 1 Lisa 56 Wright, Brenda

Yates, Blake Yazhe, Marcia Young, Evelyn Young, }ana 111 Young, Lori 110


Saley, Dave Saunders, Waune Savage, Richard 106, 190 Schiffman, Jonathan 75, 190 Zitting, Diane Schnelle, Amy 190 Schnepple, Valerie Schofield, Steven 191 Scholbneyer, Joe 96, .,1.;.._._~-90 ---Schultz, Vicki Sedgwick, Glen 190 Sharples, Teresa 190 Shaw, Tony Shell, David 96, 190 Shepherd, Karie 190 Shen11an, Melissa 190 Shettel, Barbara 4, 149, 190 Silcox, Scott 96, 191 Adams, Lorrie 193 Smith, Cindy 191 Smith, Debbie 191 Adelman, Scott 193 Allen, Kristy 193 Smith, Karen 191 Allen, Paula 193 Smith, Meri Jo 191 Allen, Tammy 193 Smith, Sterling 191 Allgaier, Susan 193 Snideman, Jeff 191 Anderson, Lars 193 Somchit, Sonsak 191 Andritti, Flynn 97, 103, 193 Sorensen, Bryon Angell, JoAnn 193 Stanley, Heide 191 Arnold, Elaine 193 Steadman, James 96, 102, 191 Arnold, Ronnie 193 Stevens, Mary 191 Austin, J\.1ichele 193 Strebel, Ronald 191 Ayers, Nancy 56, 58, 193 Summarell, Bonnie 191 Sundell, Kelli 75, 180, 191 Swasey, Carol 191



T Taylor, Dale 191 Taylor, Robert 96, 191 Taylor, Susan 191 Terry, Angela 64, 88, 89, 191 Tesch, Jody 191 Thacker, Rebecca 191 Thackeray, Dan 102, 191 Thome, Jodie 26, 75, 88, 89, 191 Throckmorton, Cathleen Tidwell, Kevin Tjagvad, Steven Tsao, Yuehching Turner, Arthur

Baca, Danny 193 Bailey, Alan 97, 193 Baize, Jared Baldwin, Mark 193 Baranski, Debbie 193 Barney, Chris 97, 193 Bates, Diana 193 Beal, Robert 193 Bednarik, Tamara 26, 193, 214 Bell, Cindy 193 Berner, Jon 193 Berrett, Kerry 193 Best, Michelle 196 Betts, Bethie Betts, Joey Bills, Shauna 196

Bird, Robin 196 Blanke, Debbie 196 Bosch, Rulon 196 Bo\Vman, Paige 67, 196 Brimhall, Ruth 196 Brown, Joe 97, 196, 203 Brown, lvfike 97 , 196 Bueno, David 97, 196 Buford, Karalee 196 Burgener, Dennis 196 Burgon, David 196 Butkovich, Toni 111, 196 Butler, Dorothy 196

c Caldwell, Leon 196 Candelaria, Bill 196 Carlson, Cindy 196 Carlson, Randy Carter, Richard 58, 60 Chorlton, Sharon Ill, 196 Chrisman, Paul 196 Christensen, Robert 196 Christensen, Shontell 33, 196 Christian, Stacey 196 Christlieb, Duane 197 Christofferson, Bill Clark, Steven 197 Clements, Lynda 197 Coggle, Ver 197 Cooper, Eileen 197 Cope, Laura 197 Cowley, Richard 197 Cowley, Scott 197 Cracraft, Derrick 197 Crandall, Shanna Cravens, Pam 111, 197 Cressall, Steven 97, 197 Crouch, Phyllis 197 Crump, Brian 197 Cunningham, Joe 97, 103, 149, 197 Cunningham, Tracey 197

D Dahl, Sandra 58, 193, 195, 196 Daniels, Norma Dansie, Jeff 66, 149, 1!)9 Davis, Connie 196 Decker, Chuck Dennis, Linda 196 Densley, Troy 97, 197 DeSpain, Charlotte 196 Dillard, Da\Vn 196 Dixon, Rebecca 196 Draper, Brian 196 Duncan, Linda 196

E Eckman, McKay 198 Edgeror, Shane Edwards, Nancy 198 Edwards, LaShelle Eldredge, Lawrence Eliason, Trisha 66, 198 Elkins, David 97, 198 Ellison, Robert Espinosa, Franco Evans, Denese 66, 198 Evans, Jackie 198 Evans, Janice 198 Evans, Michael 97, 198 Evensen, Darren

F Faldmo, Sheryl 56, 65, 149, 198 Fehler, Kelly 198 Ferri, Toni 198 Fisher, Caroline 198 Fisher, Crystal 198 Forbush, Scott Fried, Shawne 198

INDEX • 219

G Gallo, Mike 198 Gamble, Gary 97, 198 Gardner, !Gm 198 Games, Clayton 97, 198 Gibbs, !Grk 97, 198 Giles, Carrie 198 Gilgen, Tom 198 Gillette, David 198 Glassey, Alison 149, 198 Glen, Joe Gogan, Troy 58, 198 Goodfellow, Tracie 56, 149, 199 Gotberg, Colleen 199 Graham, Jami 199 Green, Cindy 67 Green, Darryl 199 Green, Jana Lee 199 Griffin, JvUchael 199 Grittard, Snooks Grone man, Shelley 199 Gutierrez, Enedelia 199

H Hagberg, Joycelyn Hair, Shannon 199 Hales, Brent 199 Hamilton, Darrin 199 Hancock, Scott 199 Hang, Chou Hansen, Ann 199 Hansen, Annette 199 Hansen, Kyle 199 Hansen, Raymond Hardcastle, Heidi 199 Harding, Jeffery 199 Harding, Morgan 199 Harding, Terri 199 Hargis, Ron 97, 199 Harris, Margo 199 Harston, Lisa 58, 199 Hatch, Jay Hatton, Christine 199 Heaps, Jamie 58, 199 Hendrix, James 200 Hensler, Bill 200 Hepner, Lee Ann Herman, l\Uchael 200 Hermansen, Lorin 200 Hernandez, Susie Hickman, Tamara 200, 202 Hilgendorf!, Jill 200 Holt, Brad 200 Holt, Donna 200 Hood, Kari Hooser, Scott 200 Hopes, Rache lie 200 Horscroft, Debra 200 Houghton, Karen 200 Howard, Audrey Howard, Glenn 200 Hutcheon, Karen 56, 200 Hyde, Greg 97, 200

J Jackson, David 200 Jacobson, Diane 200 Jacobson, Karie 58, 200 James, Michael 97, 200 Jensen, Jane 200 Johnson, Linda 200 Johnson, Michael 26, 200 Johnson, Nancy 200 Johnson, Raymond Johnson, Tawny 200 Johnston, Ted 201 Jonsson, Debra 201 Jorgenson, Bryce 97, 149, 201 Juretich, Chantelle 201

K Kee, Shauna 201 Ke!.y, Scott 201 KPlly, Terry 201 Kemp, Ryan 201 Kenyon, Cory 201 !Gel, Paul 201

220 . INDEX

Krebs, Paul 97, 201 Kunz, Britt Kum, Rose 201 Kuretich, Sheila 201

L Lambert, Kristin 67, 68 Lambert, Lori 201 Lamont, Karen 201 Lamping, Dave 201 Langenbecker, Curtis 201 Larsen, Steve 103, 201 Lawson, Jan Laree 201 Lawson, Kurt 201 Leany, !Geth 201 Learned, Donna Lee, Richard Lemonds, Tanuny 20, 58, 65, 201 Lems, Robert Lewis, Deborah Lindsey, Linda 65 Lister, Brent 201 Livingston, Marlene 201 Lloyd, Cynthia 202 Loveall, l\Uchae1 66 Lucero, Rebecca 202 Lunt, David Lusk, James 202 Luttrell, Seleena 196, 202

M Mangum, Wendy 202 Manwill, Diana 202 Marchant, Kirk 202 Marchant, Trisha 111, 202 Maroney, Cindy 202 Martinet, Marcia 202 Martinez, Candia Maw, lisa 202 Maxwell, Kathy 202 Maxwell, Mark 202 McAllister, Karen 202 McCaffree, Marci 56, 202 McCall, Kristy 202 McDonald, Shaney 202 McEntyre, Daniel 202 McFarlane, Kathleen 202 Mecham, Annette 202 l\lelville, Marcus 106,202 Menna, Marie Middaugh, Tanya 202 Miller, Claudia 202 l\.Uller, John 202 Miller, Joy 203 Milligan, David !\.tills, Sherilyn 66, 203 Montoya, Linda 203 Moore, Katrina 203 Moore , Mike 203 l\lorales, James Morrill , Todd 203 Mortensen, Glenn 203

N Na. Okie Nance, Tonya 66 Ne!son, Dorene 203 Nelson, Frank 203 Nelson, James 203 Nelson, Jerry 203 Nelson, Michael 203 Nelson, Virginia 203 Nielson, Stephanie 56, 203 Norman, Christine 203

Ottman, JoAnn 203 Overman, Kristie 203 Oviatt, Tracy 203

p Packineau, Sarah Pangos, Lisa 204 Paramore, Randy 204 Parkinson, Darin 204 Payne, Tanuny 58, 149, 204 Payton, Dawn 204 Peacock, Carol 204 Perkins, Teresa Petersen, :\1ark 102, 204 Peterson, lesa 204 Peterson, Scott 204 Peterson, Troy Peterson, Val 97, 204 Pierce, Tim 108, 196 Powell, Jim Powell, Julie 204 Price, Lynnette 66, 204 Price, Scott 204 Probst, Jackie Prova rd , John 204 Pullan, Sherri 204

R Rasmussen, Kim Ray, larry 199, 204 Richardson, Jerry 97, 103, 204 Richardson, Nickki Rider , Dee- Dee Rieben, Rina Rinehart, Gail 204 Ritzman, Wendee Robinson, Erlinda 204 Rodriguez, Alejandra Rogers, Danny 97, 149, 204 Rogers, Scott 97, 204 Rose, Robyn 204 Ross, Corie 204 Ruffell, Arilyn 204

s Salaz, Jerry 205 Sanders, C~"llthia Sandoval, Rudy 205 Saxton, Allen 205 Sayers, Chad 97, 205 Schneiter, Stephen 108, 205 Schofield, LaNe ll 66, 205 Schott, Kristina 67, 205 Scott, Rhonda 205 Sekeret, Ann 205 Severson, Kevin 205 Sevy, Tracy 66, 200, 205 Sharp, Carrie 205 Sherrill, Gregory Shields, Mark 205 Shiflett, Kevin 205 Shryock, Nelson Simons, Doug 205 Simons, Holly 205 Skoubye, Jeff 67, 205 Smith, Damon 64, 205 Smith, Ken 97, 103, 205 Snow, Casey 108, 204, 205 Snow, ]1. tic helle Sorensen, Lori 149, 205 Sorensen, Ru.<Sell 205 Steadman, Jerry 20, 149, 205 Stearns, Angela 56, 205 Stephens, Sydnee Storper, Mary Ann 149, 206 Stromberg, Su>anne 206 Sybrowsky, Colleen 206

0 Oakson, Mike 97, 203 O'Brien, Robert 203 Oliver, Diane 203 Olson, Todd Onesto, Rick Ontiveros, Staci 58, 203, 205, 213 Orme, l\.tichael 149 Osborn, Michelle 203 Ostler, Kurt 203

T Tarr, Jill 206 Taylor, Jim 206 Taylor, Meshell Terry, Kelly Thacker, Richard Thackeray, J~son 206

Thomas, Brett Thomas, !Gm 206 Thompson, jerry 97, 130, 206, 20 Thompson, Tammy Thomblad, Roger 206 Thome, Holly 206 Thomwall, Crystal 56, 66, 206 Tobin, Michael 206 Tolino, Lenora 206 Tufts, Allen Truscott, Lynette 206

u Urton, Lania 58, 206

v Valenzuela, Paul 97, 106, 206 Van Amen, Nell Vanderhoek, Charlotte 206, 212 Vang, Yia Vangrol, Darren 97, 206 Van Tassell, Jesse Versluis, John 206

w Wall, Glade 206 Warburton, Holly Washburn, Bryan 97, 149, 206 Watts, Brent Webb, Lorri 207 Webster, Mathew Welch, David Welch, Denise 207 Welch, Staci 20, 58, 207 Wellington, Carolyn 66, 207 Wellington, Charil~., 207 Westbrook, Monica 66 Westphal, Randy 207 Wharton, Jul\e 207 Wheeler, Glen Wilcox, janet 207 Williams, Arthus 207 Williams, Ka )•lene 207 Winterholler, Carla Wissler, Steve 207 Workman, Steffan 207 Worlton, Annette 56, 207

v Young, David Young , Jo., 207 Young, Sandra 207

z Zaft, Susan 66, 207 Zupan, Connie 207

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