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Jordan High School Beetdigger

1981 . Volume 61 9351 South State St. Sandy, Utah 84070

Table Of Contents

Activities Page 8

Athletics Page 34 Organizations Page 60


Honors Page 96

Classes Page 114 Administration Page 102 Index Page 192

look to the future but preserve the past. Soon the future becomes present And the present is gone. Our lives are slaves to time And time never stops.

Imagine you could srop rime To examine the past. present and future Carefully Defore time changes it all. What would it look like?


The present ... The end of another year of schooling. For some it's a conclusion, For others a new beginning.

What is in the past? Dlurred images of memories. Out then a single. Maybe trivial, event Explodes into reality.

What do you recall of your high school experience? Friends? Events? Teachers? Places? Within these pages you' ll reminisce ... Deetdigger. The Next Dest Thing To Deing There



Starts With A Splat!




1. Trodirionol ""J"' 2. Jeff Jones sreps close enough in class pie frghr 3. Shan no Coleman's pride suffers 4. Gene Garnes. Julie Groves. Down Poyron. Super sell or Formers Marker 5. Sue Koehler and Moke Brinkerhoff poinr fronr sidewalk 6. Oond odds peppy sound ro Home coming Parade 7. Alumni enrerroin or assembly 8. Firsr Atrendonr¡ Nancy Ayers. Second Arrendonr Chris Johnson. Queen Loruo Mace. Third Arrendonr: Pom Snow. were rhis yeor Homecoming Royolry



Homecoming Week Ends With Game Against Murray And A Dance. Homecoming week welcomed bock alumni and included five days of craziness by studentbody and faculty. The alumni assembly included skits and donee numbers and ended with a graphic scene backgrounded by 'Anotherone Bites the Dust.' It was a hit with the students. Paraphernalia such as buttons, tee shirts and hats were sold at Farmer's Market, but there was no food. Clubs sold items during these two days as fund raisers and they also sold them at the Homecoming game Friday night. The parade of club floats during the day treated the students to skill and color. The VICA float won first place as the best float. Later that day at the game, the winning floats paraded around the track once again. The game was against Murray and we lost. During half-time our own Charlonians marched for the crowds. The week come to a close with a donee in the gym. The group that performed was Thunderbuck Ram. Pictures were taken and it turned out to be a very good donee.

(1) The moment after the tackle. (2) The quarterback getting ready to throw the scoring pass. (3) From the sidelines, Steve Johnson and Jeff McFarlane watch the game against Murray. (4) The Donee Company float. shows off girls and a colorful setting. (5) Tense moments like these mode the Homecoming game exciting. (6) #20. on the run for o touchdown. (7) A crowd favorite at the parade. (8) The winning float mode by VICA.







The Competition Was Close

At Get Acquainted Get Acquainted wos o close contest between oil four classes. The Juniors. through oil their struggles. come out the victors. The Sophomores were second. the Seniors third. ond the Freshmen. o little confused with the whole offoir. were fourth. Some of the events that were included this year were: o relay race. jello snort. egg toss. ond balloon pass. 1) Mike Thompson enjoys o squirt of whipped creom between events. 2) Jimmy Nelson gets Involved In the reloy roce. 3) Julie Powell. Mork Peterson. ond Stephonte Nielson. demonsrrore Juniors coordinolion in the four legged roce. 4) Derek Cooper wos deter. mrned ro win the Jello snort. 5) Scorr Chrrstionsen eors hrs sundae from the borrom up. 6) Mr. Andrus directs Joann Orrmon in the fine orr of making sundaes. 7) Lee Ann Ainsworrh hos to run ro her place tor rhe spirit yell.







''Once Upon A Mattress" Is A Sleeper. like anything that happens at school, there are bound to be memorable events. There is no exception with the production of 'Once Upon A Mattress.' During rehearsals there were things that the cost will never forget: Robyn Stuver trying to teach the Spanish Panic, Robyn Havens forgetting that there wasn't a mattress in the moat, when 'Shy' was totally forgotten and had to be reblocked, the tape recorder that wouldn' t work trying to record 'Quiet'. There were the auditions when 150 peo. pie showed up for nine major speaking parts. opening night, the perfecting of skills with each performance. closing night, and the feeling of satisfaction of a job well done. Rehearsals were every night for many hours, and cast members come home every night wondering why they got themselves into this, but had the strange feeling of obligation. So it went until November 18 for the Middle School performance and for four more nights. Cast members included: Robyn Havens (Fred), Troy Gogan (Dauntless), Sandra Dahl (Queen Aggravain), Orion Voiles (King Sextimus). Nancy Ayers (Jester), Jeff Skoubye (Minstrel). Marin Gogan (Wizard), Laurie Pendleton (Lady Larkin), and Rex King (Sir Harry), plus eighty people in the chorus and orchestra.






The story concerns a kingdom ruled over by a talkative queen and a mute king. A princess must be found to marry Dauntless. A girl. who arrives by swimming the moat. is brought in from the swamps. She must pass a test before she can marry the prince. The test is for her to sleep on twenty mattresses with one tiny pea beneath the bottom one. She passes the test and she can marry Dauntless. (1) Lourie Pendleton as Lady Larkin reads over her lines. (2) To ploy the port of the Jester, Nancy Ayres works on becoming like o clown. (3) Nicole Taylor tells Down Payton about the new princess. (4) Morin Gogan listens to Robyn Stuver's stage directions. (5) Now that the queen can't talk. the king tokes over. (6) Orlan Voiles tells Troy Gogan about the birds and the bees. (7) Princess Winnifred (Robin Havens) sings about why she wonts to get married.




Getting into the Christmas spirit.

Marin Gogan livens up the dance.

5inglng Christmas carols at the end of the night.

As the night went on some became crazy.


Senior Hop Winter Wonderland This year Senior Hop. also referred to as the Winter Wonderland Dance. was held on Friday, the sixth of December. The dance started at eight o'clock ond ended at eleven o'clock. Senior Hop has always been one of the most colorful donees of the year. and this year was no exception. It was o great success and the Senior class officers thank all those who participated. P.oyohy: Jim Steadman. King: Sue Koehler. Queen.

Mark Peterson and lee Droodheod toke o welcome night off from basketball.

Sue Koehler and Richard Blomquist taking o break.


Bake Cows, Milk Cakes Daisy 'N' Abner Make Mistakes At sunrise on Monday morning. Dog. porch week hod already begun with about twenty students meeting at o local born to milk cows. This was the first of the contests that would decide Daisy Moe and lil Abner. Tuesday morning those who were still brave enough to compete after their experience on Monday. met in Jordon High's Foods room to bake pies and cokes. Many found that they hod collected more flour on their

clothes than they hod put into their pies! Wednesday in the final competition, each contestant played o tune on their homemade instruments and ron the obstacle course. Finally the results were announced! The Lil Abner and Daisy Moe for 1980-81 were . . . Gene Garnes and Julie Groves! A very informal donee. The Dog Patch Drag. topped off all the fun.

Delegation provides rhe music for DogPorch.

Becky loves ro booglell

Lourie Pendleron serenades Dole Eddingron.


Dloke Yates is entranced by Heidi Hordcostlel

Chorlonions perform competition march at Dogpotch assembly.

Dole was positive he followed the instructions thoroughly I

Gene Garnes and Julie Groves. this years lit Abner and Daisy Moe.


Sweethearts Ball Sweethearts Doll. the annual Volentine's Donee. was sponsored by the Sophomore Closs Officers. Copper Ice provided the music for the evening of romance. The musical theme selected by the Sophomore officers was "Just the Way You Are."

Mike Provord ond Julie Brody donee ro rhe rheme song ''Jusr rhe

Woy You Are." Jon xhlffmon donees wlrh his sweerheorr. G•zerre Wolr•rs.


Lindo M on1oyo shows Chorlorre Despain how 10 " boogie!"

Lindo Lee (Queen) Tommy Allen

Pom Jensen Liz xhnieler

Beeldiggers ' gel down' ond enjoy 1he music.


Stomps: A Place To Meet New Friends

Mike Moore donees 10 lhe disco lroln.

I Diggers enjoy dancing 01 1he FDLA Slomp.

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Digger Flicks Night time movies added o unique way of entertainment for the studentbody. These movies were the highlight of our extra curricular activities. Besides being shrilling ond thrilling, these movies provided o fund raiser for Jordon clubs. Other forms of fund raisers were stomps. There were various types of music such os live bonds. disc jockies ond Disco Trains.

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Holloween movie provl~s humor.

Drenr Planr for all lg was responsible ,., hr time movie s.


Nothing Like Digger Pep Assemblies Pep Assemblies this year were great. The participants put all they hod info them to make them fantastic. The school spirit was really fired up because of these assemblies. The pep assemblies were the key to success of Jordon's school spiritl

Sophomor• Ch••rl4t0ders lnrroduc• rennls ream.

'Wresrler•n•s sklr sporks enrhuslosm info sru<Wnrbody.

The bond a dds a bong lo pep assemblies.

Cheerleaders and songleaders boogie on down 10 rhe Jordon High Juke Box.


Oh, Good Grief, It's Charlie Brown! Yes, it is the blockhead and this was the theatre arts annual stage production. This year they presented 'You're o Good Man Charlie Drown!' The six actors put their experience to test by performing on o stage with hardly any props and no scenery. The ploy contained many touches of humor that all 'Peanuts' lovers hove come to know. Many of the small scenes were token right out of the comic strip. The ploy was directed by Robyn West with the help of Sondra Dahl and Robin Havens. The stagecraft classes constructed the unusual set. Lucy tells Schroeder of her marriage dreams.

Snoopy contemplates suppertime.

Peppermint Potty listens to Linus's philosophy.

Student di mok rt-ctors Robin Hovt-ns and Sondra Dohl helped e tht- ploy 0 SUCCl'SS.

On his Sopwith Camel. Snoopy checks the air far thl' Red Doron.

Randy Doker Charlie Drown Jamie Heaps Lucy

Orion Voiles Linus Jeff Skoubye Schroeder Linus ond Schroeder can see that Charlie Drawn has failed again.

Nancy Ayers Peppermint Patty Marin Gogan Snoopy

Directors: Sondra Dohl Robin Havens Robyn West


Variety At Senior Week The Senior class officers presented an assembly for the studentbody, trying to include as much variety as possible, ranging from Jim Sreodmon's chicken-on-aleash to Loune Peodleron singing " Longer". Straight from Rome, Karen Blackwood performs her humerous reading, featuring Flavius Maximus. Our own Cowpucl~ played a jazzed-up "Jingle Dell's" tune, Morin Gogan's " Silent Wall" and the Charlonians doing a jazzy tap-dance.

On December fourth, a selected group of seniors had an opportunity to be stu. dent teachers. They taught class for the whole day. Friday, December fifth, the Seniors were fortunate to miss fifth and sixth per. iods to watch the movie " High Anxiety." Seniors comments of the whole week were "fun", "entertaining the studentbody," "an experience being a teacher", and " Heaven missing fifth and sixth periods."

Morin Gogon hoving o serious conversation with his good friend.

Lourie Pendelton singing "Longer."

Pom Jensen ond Sue Kohler ore securely typing Brion Voiles for his escope.

Koren Dlockwood performing her humerous reading ¡¡Private Eye."

Five Activity Filled Days For Girls

Girls at Jordon High enjoyed five activity filled days especially devoted to them. December fifteenth thru the nineteenth was girls week. They began the week off with G1rls lool~ beounful day. this is where every girl in the school wore a dress to look nice. Tuesday was I JUSt love girls day. this gave the boys a chance to get into the oct. If they did special things for a girl like corry her books' or escort her to class. then they would get I jusr love g1rls burron. This was a contest to see who could collect the most buttons by the end of the day and be the Girls week stud. the winners were K1ng. Curtis longenbocker. 1sr orrendenr. Chris Martinez. 2nd orrendenr. Morin

Candy Browning. 5helio Honnocock. Michelle Torez. con'r wail to get even with their Otg Po~

Gogan. Also on Tuesday Dig pols hod a chance to meet their little Pols in an assembly.. where their names were called out and they greeted each oth. er with the lirrle Par Gig Pol Hug Wednesday was the day for all lit. tie Pols (freshman) to inioted by their Dig Pol (Seniors). Some hod the oppor. tunity of getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning. putting on very funny looking clothes and going out to breakfast before going to school that day. A movie "Block Stallion" was shown on Thursday. and Friday was Dig Pol appreciation Day. This is where the little pols hod the chance to show appreciation to their Dig Pols. for the niCe things they did to them.

Cathy Jones. looks nice on G1rls


beout1ful day

Vicki Bilendorf coming bock from lunch or a costume porry?

Tricio Peterson. the morning after her first night our rill 9 '00 (o freshman .)


Good Talent, Strange Hair, Sophomore Week

Sophomore week was held on the 18.21 of February. On the 18th the sophomore class put on a great assembly for the student¡ body. Then on the 19th the studentbody put up their hair in funny ways for the "Crazy Hairdo" day. 104 to 42 was the score of the basketball game we won against Uintah.

Trlno Moore. Stacy Sovoge. ond Hollee Nelson hove crazy hair.

Jon Ourger. ond Ken Groves os Romeo ond Juliet.


LeeAnn Muir donees well for the stuck!nrbody.

Freshman Week:

''T-shirts' ' And ''Psycho''

Freshmen cheerleaders Holly Neff and Robyn Torr boost spirit.

Freshman Week was held on January 19-23. Some of the many activities participated in were: The studentbody dressed up for their " t-shirt" day on the 21st, and on the 23rd, the movie " Psycho" was shown and was the climax of Freshman week.

Mike Proag and his t.shirt during Freshmen Week.

Freshmen officers. Mike Thompson. Curtis Hill. Dorrell VanAmen. and Tauna Edwards. planning Freshmen Week .

Golfers Sink Their PLatts They shined up their clubs, polished their balls, laced up their fancy shoes and the Jordan Golf team hit the courses with a fury that blew the other schools away. With the

Schneiter brother-sister pair up (see feature story in Senior section) the team was sure to win. The golfers made a b¡ig impression at region and state competitic)ns.

Fronr 1\ow Steve Schneiter. Orod Oryon. Liz: Schneller. Rick Allen Gordon Treodwoy. Andy Pierce. Dock 1\ow Todd Olsen. Cosey Snow. Don Whlrrenburg. Coach Orody. Gronr Geerrsen. Jerry Sreodmon. Mlchuel Johnson.

Michael Johnson ond Coach Orody check Don Whlrrenburg's purr.

Liz: Schneller chips up.

John Young wails anxio usly for rhe boll ro moke lr In rhe hole.

Young Freshmen Play Against District Giants


Scorebox Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon

1• 6 14 28 0 ~5

19 ~

Aho Brighton Hillcrest Ding hom Alto Orlghton Hillcrest Dinghom


12 27 14 21 1. ~2


The Freshman Football Teom put on a good show by playing the other schools In the district (all class A.A.). With a 4-4 record they prepored themselves for the future. Hard workouts everyday helped these young men develop the skill and coordination needs for varsity playing.

Freshman octlonl

Tony Adams Guy Hendrickson Darren Ouley

Gory Danford David Heugly Kenneth Saldivar

Greg Ourk Curtis Hill Robert Schmid!

Eddie Clements Todd Hutcheon Druce Storley

Hell O.nnison Hothon Jones Pete Srropler

Fronk Despain Robert Ketterer Mike Thompson

Robert Farnsworth P.lcky Kemp Darrel Von Amen

Todd Forbush Kelly Meldrum Jeff Wissler

Lance Harris Rodger Oliver More Hunter (Coach)


Sophomore Football Demonstrates Skill

JeH Argyle Aoron Gurney Doren Olsen

A lion Do res Alon Helms Roberr Podimos

Ousrin Oolllger lonnie Knlghr llrenr Rogers

Shone Chrlsrensen Oorren larsen Kevin Trescorr

Tony Doyle Russ lewis Poul Wolron

Guy Glover Mork ludlow Greg Oorius

Varsity Football Shows Alot Of Action

Alto tries to kill our team's high spirit. Jordon keeP,s Murray moving.


Jordan Accepts Apology When Granite Farmers came to Jor. dan to take on our super football team they were stunned by the spirited crowd. The game was very close. going into overtime. Jordon scored a touch. down but was pulled back. The r~feree didn't acknowledge the score although both coaches did. The game went on with a win for Granite. Afterwards their coach told us the touchdown was good. Jordon gladly accepted the apology.

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan ScoÂŤ Osborne bocks ro fire pass.

Sco11 Adelmon Chris Dorney Mike Brinkerhoff lynn Droodheod Joe Drown Mike Drown Com Drowning Jodi Chavez Derlk Cooper Steve Cressoll Troy Densley Dove Elkins Don Gallagher Cloy Garnes Gene Garnes Mike Giles Greg Hair Von Heder John Henders Greg Hyde Bryce Jorgensen Curl longenbocker Scoll Lambson Rick Madrigal Chris Martinez John McComb Jeff McFarlane Oob Medina Doug Meldrum Dove Minnick Mike Moore Scoll Orme Scoll Osborne Jerry Richardson Kevin Riches Scorr Rogers Dove Shell Joe Schollmeyer Jerry Thompson Mike Thompson

Paul Valenzuela Bryon Washburn Kenny Welch Mark Wickie Art Williams Oob Wiseman Steve Yores


Varsity Scores

0 6 0 17 0 16 29 0 29

Alta Woodscross Dox Elder Cyprus Murray Tooele Granite Judge Ulntah

20 26 14

28 13 7 28 20 12

Vorslty gets down.

Varsity Football . A New Beginning

Oryce shows his feelings of the other teom.

Von He~r looks Intently ot o greot ploy.

Jeff McForlone looks for o reclever. Don Gollogher tells teom to get tough.


Girls Cross Country: First In Region The girls cross country team took first in region with six girls in the lead. They were: Chris Johnson, fourth, Wendy Bonner fifth, Sherie Condie sixth, Dorene Nelson seventh, Sue Koehler eleventh, and Jeonno Corter fourteenth. They went on to State, where they took fourth place. At on Invitational Meet, they finished sixth out of thirty, with Jordon twenty-three, Davis thirty-seven, and Clearfield fourty.one. The boys cross country team took second in region with Richard Blomquist fourth, Fernando Rubio seventh, Jeff Mace ninth, and Brion Draper fourteenth. At state they took fifth. At on Invitational Meet they finished tenth out of thirty, with Jordon thirty-nine, Davis thirty-one, and Clearfield forty. Girls ..........••.... 18 ...........•.... 15 ... •.... ........ 19 . . •. ........... 27 ........ . ....... 10

Tooele ......•••... . .. 40 Cyprus .............. .40 Jud9e .......... •... •.. 36 Murray ............... 28 Uintoh .........•...... 26

Jordon ...••... . ...... 22 Jordon . . ......... 22 Jordon .. . ...•......... 16 Jordon .... .......... 33 Jordon .......• . ... 10

Tooele ............... 39 Cyprus .............. .42 Jud9e .........•.... .. 58 Murray .......•..... . . 24 Uintoh ... . ...••••..... 26

Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Boys

Chris Johnson puts her best foot forward.

low score wins

Front row : Vol Gilgen, Russell Draper. Jeff Mace. Gory Wlnterholler. Middle row : Sue Koehler. Robert Cottle, Richard Blomquist. Kevin Tidwell. Trent Collier. lynnette Johnson. Dock Row: Dorene Nelson, Jeonno Corter, Wendy Donner. Sherry Condie. Nancy Johnson. Chris Johnson, Coach West.


Richard Blomquist gives it oil he's got!

Curtis Hill owolts o rebound.

Young Basketball Team Shoots For Top. The freshmen basketball team this year impressed many people. They p layed all of their games against the district schools. all 4-A. Coach Oldroyd hod a special interest in teaching these young men the basics and developing their coordination to ploy basketball.

Front Row- James Anderson. Donny McEntyre. Russel Muir, David lleorton, John Christiansen. Gordon Treadway Dock Row- Fronk Despain. Curtis Hill, Guy Hendrickson, Mike Gomez. Rob McCulloch. Drod Dryon. Coach Oldroyd.

Guy Hendrickson goes for two.


Sophomore Team Has Fun. Developing skill ond coordination wos whot the Sophomore bosketboll teom hod in mind, but it wos olso the fun of playing. They won most of their gomes ond were oble to ploy on the JV teom when they hod goined experience.

Shone Christensen ot the foul line.

Fronr Row Curt Swenson. Sreve Tofr. Jerry Householder. Greg Darius. Pere Soldlvor. John Eddlng. ron. Ood~ Row Doug Moore. Todd Thurgood. Tom Hourer. Dove Deem. Gory VonEkelenburg. Shone Chrisrensen. Cooch OeMIII.


A shor by John Eddlngron.

JV-Near Perfection Winning games was the trademark of the JV basketball team. They showed that they could handle any team. and when they got good enough they were able to play Varsity. The JV team made a big impression at every game. Jerry Steadman. Gory VonEkelenburg (on the soph team) ond Mike Thompson walt for the boll to come down.

Joe Cunningham Mike Moore

Kendall Smith Jerry Steadman

Mike Moore shoots for o basket ot the Judge game.

Mike Thompson Cooch Droodheod


Varsity Basketball Goes For State We did it again. Jordon went to State! The fantastic Varsity team went on to win most of their games and were in the running for the region title. This is the third year in a row that Coach Hole has token the Digger team to the State finals. Senior starters Lee Broadhead. Lorry Newbold and also John Dennison. Eric Proog. and Randy Pulsipher hove given themselves a year to remember. Close games like the Cyprus motchup were what the team was known for. the final score being 69-70.

l . . Oroodheod John Dennison Steve larsen Donny Mcintyre

Jim Nelson lorry Newbold Mork Petersen Moll Player

Eric Proog Rondy Pulsipher Jerry Richardson Coach Hoi Hole John Dennison mokes on easy one.


Rondy Pulsipher reody to moke o basket.

Donny Mcintyre mokes one from between three Cyprus members.


J.V. Wrestlers Know Their Holds

Bock Row: Robin Adair, Mork Bentley, Jeff Stelnogel, Terry Harmon, Joe Alsop. Mork Maxwell, Hlel Dennison, lye Korm . Front Row: Dove Drown, Mo'noger: Drod Nielsen. Cory Kenyon, 1 Jeff Moce. Rick Allen, Gory Stuck.

Junior Varsity wrestlers mode up o very important port of the wrestling squad. Knowing the moves was of great Importance in the individual matches. -










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lye Korm keeps his hold on Provo.





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Poul (Zulu) Valenzuela uses his weight os on odvonroge.

Varsity Wrestlers Stay On Top Wrestling was the hardest sport physically a nd mentally. Although the te am practiced tog ether the match was one-on-one. There was o nly moral suppo rt from othe r team members. One thing that boosted w restlers on the mot was the cheers from the stands. With physical strength. and mental endurance. the Jordon wrestlers come out o n top. Bock Row: Coach Don Moy. Poul Valenzuela. Markus Melville. Kevin Riches. Derlk Cooper. Richard Sovoge. Assistant Coach Richard West. Front Row : Jody Chavez. Kyle Hansen. Randy Washburn. Fronk Horword. Tony Nolan. Todd Knudsen. Von H&der.

Kyle Hansen counters o Gozzonl.

Todd Knudsen knows the triumph of victory.


J. V. Girls Getting Better During the pre-season girls. J.V. basketboll team won nine games and lost one. Their team was mode up of two freshman. seve n sophomores and one junior. This was the first time the girls J.V. basketball team has ever beat Murray. Uintoh. and Cyprus. Combining pre-season and region games together. this was the first time they hove won ten games. and was the first time they hove ever won more games than they hove lost. Coach Noble

Lori Jo Vawdrey guards defensively.

Chrlsry Orond Tracey Honsen Kersren Murhrekh

Koren Murhrelch Dorene Nelson Oororhy Simons

Koren Taylor Korhy Taylor Honey Thornblod


Season Good For Varsity Girls During the pre-season the girls Varsity baske tball team won four games and lost six. They did very well considering there were only three returning girls from last year. This was the fi rst time the girls Varsity basketball team has ever defeated Murray In Region and also it was the first time they have won two games in a row.

Toni Ourkovk h Terri Hording

Shelly Doker. Debbie Fosler Trisho Morchonr

Pom Crovens Sondy Helwich

Corio Drond Jodie Glover. Lori Jo Vowdrey

Shelly Doker worches for rebound.

Terri Ho di r ng handles rhe boll wilh skill.


Gymnasts Flip For Jordan The gymnastics team spent most of Its time Improving and perfecting skills on various pieces of equipment. They demon. strated pride and contributed to the enthusiasm of Jordon High. Their determination helped them win the majority of their meets and place well in region, and from there to stotel

Shannon Hair catches upper bar.

Sharon Holllnger.o tense moment on her performance on the bars.


O.Ann Toole mode the cov er of the Notional Gymnosrlcs rule book and ma nual

Tommy Allen Lorrie Adoms Korolee Duford Shelll Christensen Terri Cooper Donnie Creer

Shonnon Holr Terri Hording Shoron Hollinger Terri Judd Debbie Kokkolo Lindo lee

Louro Moce Koren McAllister Morel McCoffree Trlno Moore Holly Heff Michelle Osborn

llso Owen Wendee P.llzmon Vonisho Shell Cindy Smith DeAnn Toole Jennifer Wolke

Don Gollogher Joe Schollmeyer Cooch DeAnn Douer Cooch Morgoret Price

Froru 1'\ow Kl Ainsworth, ~ohnson, Christy Horrlngton. Shouno Jensen. Orendo Hiebert 2nd row llso Sorensen. Shelly Tiffony Dovl bie Gryglo. Morie K•nnelly Oock p,. w Holly Heff. Shelly Christensen. Danelle Mochon.


Michelle Osborn shows her skill on the beom.

Girls Tennis Place Third In Region To be on the Girls Tennis Team, it took a lot of effort and determination, like hours after school every day, practicing and learning the techniques such as backhand. forehand, serve and swing. Aside from total dedication and a g reat deal of enthusiasm, t he girls team had a relatively fun season, placing third in region.

Lori Young returns the boll from the net.

Koren Mutherich makes o serve.

JaNae Deal returns the ball backhand.

Front row left to right: Kersten Mutherlch. JoNae Deal. Tracy Hansen. Koren Mutherich. Lauro Lake. Bock row: Carolyn Hardcastle. Julie Groves. Stacy Ontiveros, Coach Hale. Lori Young, Vanlsha Shell, Shouno ()Ills.

Stacy Ontiveros practices her backhand.

Julie Groves returns the boll after the serve


Volleyball, Bump, Set, Spike And Serve ~rom Left to P.l9ht: Sharon Williams. Trlsho Marchant. Terri Harding. Toni Butkovich. orlo Brand, Susie Johnson. Debbie Foster. Koren McAllister. Coach Morgret Price. Teri Perk' P.' Ins. Marie Meonno. Peggy Winkler. Morlan Dennison. Nancy Thornbald. Patsy GIChens. Marsha Crane. Kris Simons. Kathy Taylor. Crlsty Brand. Dorothy Simons. Kim ardner, Nancy Thockery.

Varsity Dor0 th

captolns: Toni Butkovich ond Corio Brand J.V. Captains: Trisha Marchant and

Y Simons.

Marion Dennison awaits to bump the boil.

Dump. set. spike and serve. we had a volleyball named Merv. When you hit him to the floor. he always bounces back for more. Dive, roll. tip. and sproul, Jordan's team attacks the ball. When the Diggers won or lost a game, the girl's high spirits remained the same.


Baseball Hits It Off! With 8 returning lettermen, the diggers ore looking forward to a great season. Pitchers Jeff McFarlane and Don Thackeray ore expected to corry most of the mound duties while Don Whittenburg. Mark Wicke!. Com Browning. and David Minnick should provide power at the plate. Coach Brody thinks the infield is the best in the state and will be a major force i n the drive toward a state title.

Flynn Andrlul Mark Baldwin Cam Drowning Steve Cressall

Robert Farnsworth Oarrln Hamilton Jay Hatch Bryce Jorgensen

Darrln Hamilton takes a lead.

Jeff McFarlane David Minnick Jim Nelson Doug Simons


Jerry Sreodmon Jim Sreodmon Don Thackeray Mike Thompson

Dryon Washburn Donny Whltrenburg Mark Wickie Missing: Kim Keller

Dotflrls McCoff. rronr P.ow: Morlan Dennison. Audrey Homllron, Julie Ayers. Dock P.ow: Morel 'W'esr. ree, Debbie Kokkolo. Koren McAIIIsrer, Pom Snow. Sharon Chorlron. Korhy

Oryon Washburn hils low curve.

Don Thackeray concenrrores on Inside corner.


Team Members: J. Oaldwln. J. Beat R. Blomquist. W. Donner. J. Drown. T. Butkovich. J. Canter. S. Colmen. S. Condie. D. Cooper. T. Cottel. S. Crump. A. Densley. D. D. Draper. R. Draper. D. Foster. C. Garnes. V. Gllllgen, M . Gogan. L. Goodrich. C. Harmon. G. Hyde. C. Johnson. L Johnson. H. John¡ son. S. Johnson. J. Jones. S. Koehler. S. Lambson. M. Ludlow. J. Mace. T. Marchant. C. Martinez. R. Muir. K. Muthrelch. D. Nelson. C. Philips. L. Piper. K. Riches. S. Savage. L. Soxens. A. Saxton. J. Schlleske. E. Schneiter. J. Stevenson. K. Taylor. K. Tidwell. J. Trent. P. Valenzuela. J. Winterbottom. G. Wlnterholler. L Worthen. L. Young. Coach Noble

D. Horton. A. Saxton. R. Blomquist. W. Donner, D. Nelson. team captains.

T. Marchant

Coach Andrus

D. Draper. A . Saxton.

D. Nelson. W. Donner. S. Condie

S. Johnson T. Dutkovkh


Jordan Goes To State Jim Nelson guords while the crowd cheers with excitement.

When Jordan went to State this year, they found the competition very tough. Our great team first took on the Highland Rams for a loss. Our next game was against the Timpview Thunderbieds for a win of more than 15 points. The last game the Beetdiggers played was against the Bountiful Braves, a loss for Jordan. Just going to State was a great achievement for any basketball team. We are proud of our Beetdigger team and coaches Hal Hale and hil Broadhead.

lee Broadhead breaks away for two.

Mark Petersen. at left, stuffs for two as the team looks on.


Fresh, All Together Freshman Cheerleaders started out as a group of five. Then. for more enthusiasm and school spirit. 5 more great freshman were added. These freshman cheerleaders hod great spirit!

Michelle lllomquisr Shelley Chnsrensen

Don1 Hickmon ond llrendo Hieberr exhiblr freshman enrhusiosm.

Doni Htckmon llrendo Hieberr

Shouno Jensen Kim Moson

Shouno Jensen ond Pom Snow reoch for rhe sky .

Michelle lllomquisr cheers rhe fresh. mon reom for o vlcrory.

Norolle Mower Holly Neff

Freshman cheerleaders ger rhe rhyrhm os rhey cheer on rheu reom .

Pom Snow Robyn Torr

W restlerettes Cheer

Mat Men Where would the wrestlers be without the wrestleretts? They ore always there to support and cheer the wrestlers on to virtorv.

Merrillyn Orodford shows o look of concern.

Sharon Chorlron gives wresrlers confidence.

Wlrh enrhusiosm. Lori Young and Joneon Moore cheer wresrlers roo vlcrory.

Merrillyn Orodford Sharon Chorlron Corle Giles Joneon Moore

Oorboro Sherrell Susan Srromberg Lindo Woodruff lou Young

J. V. SophomoreSparked With Enthusiasm J.V. and Sophomore Cheerleaders kept our spirits high. Their confidence and enthusiasm sparked us on in time of worry.

DeAnn Toole cheers rhe defense on.

Teri Judd keeps rhe ream moving on.


Corle P.oss lifts o hand for rhe offensive ream.

l•• and Chris Johnson cheer foro victory .

Koren Hutcheon leads rhe cheer.

Carol Fisher Koren Hutcheon

Tommy Lemonds Trino Moore

Corle Ross Crystal Thornwoll

Crystal Thornwoll shows us howl

Donnie Creer Lourie Goodrich Chris Johnson

Terri Judd

Donnie Creer raises spirits high.

Lindo lee DeAnn Toole


Song leaders, Cheerleaders Super Great! leeAnn Ainsworth Tommy Allen

Our Varsity Cheerleaders ond Songleoders ore "Super Greotl" They keep our spirits high in or out of gomes. We'll long remember Jordon ond it's Cheerleaders.

louro Moce Morci McAffree

Songleoders enthusiosticolly show off their routine.

Annerre Worllon Corinne Anderton

Noncy Ayers Down Norton

Ceho Willetr

llso Worthen


Lauro Moce pounds to the cheer.

Down Narron Cheers our greor foorboll ream on.

Homecoming enthusiasm is displayed by rhe cheerleaders.

Annerre Worhon shows concern for our ream.

Corinne. Lauro. Annerre. and Morel hfr school spirit.

lisa Worthen has gor rhe ''Super Soul Spirit!"

Nancy Ayers tops off the routine.


Charlonians Smaller This Year

Since lost spring. the Chorlonions hove practiced hard for footba ll and basketball half-times and for state and notional competitions. This was the first year the Chorlonions hod ever competed or marched as a small group. They did very well, taking second and third place trophies, in the Holliday Classic at Alto. The main event of the year. was the notional competition held in Santo Monico, ColifoJnio. The Chorlonlons thank the studentbody, for all their support throughout the year.

Chorlonions perform to ''Another One Dltes the Dust."

Julie Ayers Debbie Horscroft Toml Myrick leso Peterson Carol Zofft

Shontell Christensen De Anne Howell Stephanie Nielson Dione Podlesney Susan Zofft

Shonle Christensen entertains crowd ot holf.tlme


Kris Crump Tiffany McDonald Debbie Porker leso Pryor Renee Pay

Dione Acloms llnclo Duncan Maureen Miller Down Payton Tommy Thompson Marietta Williams

Chorlonlons morch for Oinghom gome.

Julie Ayers loves ro spill.

Front row: Tommy Thompson. Historian: Lindo Duncan. Treasurer: Second row: Stephanie Nielson. Yell Mbrress: Dione Adoms. 1st VIce President: Debbie Porker. President: Tiffany McDonald. 2nd VIce President: Leso Peterson. Secretory: Dock row: Shonrell Christensen. Assistant Drill Misrress: Maureen Miller. Drill Mistress: Krls Crump. Assistant Drill Mlslle\S

Homecoming 80's holf.rlme enrerrolnmenr.


Dancin' 81 Dance Company was comprised of Twenty-three hard-working. dedicated girls. Although their many workouts. practices, and performances were hard. they received personal satisfaction and approval from the different audiences.

The dancers performed for elementaries. the school ploy. in concert at Mt. Jordon, and a volunteer performance for the Chorlonion's fund. The highlight of the whole year. was their dance concert Dancin '81. Mrs. Robyn West

Nancy Ayers Gino Brown Stacy Brown Richard Corter Chorlolle Despain

Kelly Dotson Carolyn Hardcastle Tomero Hickmon Koren Hu!Cheon Nancy Johnson

Cindy Jones Sue Koehler Jessie Meting Jolene Miller Maureen Miller

Lindo Montoya leeAnn Muir Michelle Osborn Down Payton Corle Ross

Cindy Smith Suzanne Stromberg Brion Voiles Lindo Woodruff


President, Lindo Woodruff: Vice President, Joleo" Miller: Secretory. Nancy Johnson.

Adagio tecnique shown by Orion Voiles ond Lindo Montoya.

Down Payton. Chorlorre Despain. Lindo Monroyo. design obsrroct shapes bringing emphasis to hands.

Photo montage of donee expression.


Mads Sing For Fun With more than thirty performances and a trip to California to their credit, the Madrigals kept up a long school tradition of being one of the best choral groups around. Winning many awards at District competition and at region, the twenty-eight member group reached their goal of near-perfection. Not only were there the many performances, but there were the hour long practices everyday during fourth period. In class they were taught tecnique and voice control. The Madrigal choir performed or many schools. Here they sing arrhe Jordon Volley School.

Sheldon Derrett Julie Brody Terri Culmer

Jim Day Drell Denslow Denise Durfee

Kathleen Durfee Dole Eddington Denese Evans Sheryl Foldmo Connie Glad lynnette Johnson Tommy Lemonds Kathleen McFarlane Sherilyn Mills Carol Peacock laurie Pendleton

Corby Petersen Cynthia Porter Mike Provord Kris Sadler Suzy Stromberg lonlo Urton Matt Webster

Nor p.crured Jeff Dansie, Damon Smith, Cyndi Thompson, Rex King .


Mr. Z(obriskle) Is rhe director

Acappella Choir Learn Technique And Voice Control

A class mode up mostly of juniors and sophomores. the Acoppello choir song their way into many audience's hearts. They toured California during April with the Madrigals and were able to sing at Disney. land. With the help of Mr. Z. they were successful at District and Region competition.

Jeanine Oerren Sheldon Oerren Michelle Oest

Ruth Brimhall Chad Christensen Kimber Cooper Trlsho Eliason

Denese Evans Terrie Evensen Matthew Guss Enedello Gurierrez

Koren Dorrln Kristin Shorlo

Houghton Jacobsen Lomben Mecham Denese Evans Is surprised to find out she is In both Madrigals and Acoppello.

Darren Ottley Karin Roger Lonell Schofield Peter Storper

Jill Torr Robyn Torr Gordon Treadway David 'Wilcox Jullit Johns Nor p.crured Chou Hong Michael Loveall Mark Petersen Pamela Smith Julie Stevenson Gino Zimmerman

Acoppello altos sing for KSL recording.


New Group Of Girl Singers This year some talented girls decided to form a new singing group. Girls Acappe lla. They enjoyed performing at the Christmas Concert, several churches, and for KSL Ra dio. Acoppello girls sing for KSL.

Monico Borton Jono Brody Tommy Connon Samantha Gold Julie Guenon

Lindo Jensen Becky Keener Koyleen lawson Michelle lloyd Susan lloyd

Michelle Morhews Kathy Maxwell Connie Richards Dorthy Simons Barbaro Stone

Tina Wiedbusch Mr. Zabriskie, advisor


Music Club Wha1t A Variety Believe it or not, everyone who was involved in music, was in the Music Club. This included members of a ll the singing groups and all instrument classes. They sponsored a stomp and all went to California to perform.

Src•cy Buchanon llsrens for insrrucrlons. Doug Moore roors or rhe Homecoming Parade.



Joson Meadows Lynnetre Johnson and Scorr Orme show off rhelr new lnsrrumenr t abiners. •

Usrenln~1 ro rhe roor of rhe crowd, Corl Vance rakes o look.


Students Involved In Instrumental Music

Steve Ainsworth Jomes Butler Troy D•nsly Robin Hov•ns Oob Loke


Alon Ooll•y Jomes Colton Chorlorr• O.spoln Dolton Hors•crofl Louro Lok•

St•v• Dolley Rondy Corlson Fronk O.spoln Llso Hymos Krls Lomb4trr

Dovld Beorden Bill Corrmell Mlk• Dormon Lynn•rr• Johnson Mlk• Moughon

Cindy lk-11 Son)O Clowson Fronk Horword Michelle Koy• Dovld Moxwell

Shouno Bills O.bble Cl•m Tereso Horword Don Kunz Rob McColloch

Music is on important port of the school. If it weren't for the Bond, Orchestra and Pep Bond, assemblies just wouldn't seem alto. gether. The Christmas Concert was one of the highlights of the whole year. It was on exciting evening for all who attended.

Trlcio P•rerson Kris Scholl Orion Voiles

Joson Meadows lorry Roy Ann Sekerr led Wolters

Jessie Mellng Sydney Robison Corhie S.rrers Sreworr Welch

0111 Monroyo Andrew Rodriguez Craig Show Jenifer Wilde

Doug Moore Orion Rowe Mark Simonson Orenda Wrlghr

Scorr Orme Lone Sayers Cori Vance Jeff Young


The marching bond played or many football halftimes.

• An informal porlroil or the pork.



The bond shows their stuff or the Homecoming parade.

Flag Girls Are A Crowd Pleaser

Getting up early every morning at the break of down. the Flog Squad practiced lost summer with the Marching Bond. They carried around red and white flogs and they learned how to twirl, wove and stand at attention. They led the bond in all the parades. They represented themselves well at the Homecoming parade and at the Fourth of July parade.

Gino Brown Lynda Clements Denese Evans Lisa Hymas

Kathy Johnson Kris Lambert Lone Sayers Cathie Sellers

The girls sparred red and grey ourflts and ore shown here with their red and white flogs.


School Spirit Year Round

Job The Spirit Club this year consists of 70 spirited members. They helped keep our spirits high not only at football or basketball games. but all through the year. They did what you would call. " Create Spirit."

Firsr row: Lisa Scroggin. Jill Jensen. Horolle Mower. Kory Brody Second row: Julie Ooxrer. Michelle Loyd, Jono Brody. Lindo McDonald Third row: Cindy Pearson. Cindy Porrer. Dione Roger. Trisho Eliason Fourrh row: Debbie Porrerson. Jennifer Conro. Jennifer Crofrs. Sonja Correr Flfrh row: Michelle Morhews, Sheila Holmgren, Cindy Sroy. Srocl Hess Sixrh row ¡ Lisa Gusroveson. Korhy Ellior. lisa Williams. Korhy Ewell. Doylene Densley. Koyleen lawson, Julie Guenon. Orenda Bellon. Paulo Dickson. Min Winword. Advisor Sevenrh row : Joml Maxwell. Toreco Joseph, Suzie Orwln. Towno Edwards. Wendy Colron, Tonyo Corter

Suzie Orwln ocrlvely porricipores In Spirlr Club meering.

Sheila Holmgren rakes o splrir club break.

Spirlr Club members really know how ro rhrow o meer. ing?


Ski Club Breaks Away Ski Club was a great break away from the fog of the valley which lingered for months at a time. Although there was little snow. the excitement of the slopes remained the same.

Front row. Kim lewis. Kim Hong. Jul.. Ooxtef. Jul~ flvKOOt, »di Morandi. David Jonel. Dock rowMis.s 'frfrotholl. Mr. MtOoookt Oorren Brooksby, Mls.s Thornock. lvcy Mow. Krls lombert. Tonyo Mktdough, Kurt Ostter. J9nnlfer Hens, P.kk Copelonct. Shorilyn Mockoy. Mike Foddls. Jerry kosmuuen. Corolyn Hkkmon. Jeff Crump. Ofone Out'-'· Marht Schmk1t. Chod Chr1sren.sen. Trlsh 'Wogstotf. Glenn Howard. Dove Morgan. Carolyn Curtis. ond Sheldon O.nen.




Julie Baxter and Glenn Howard found out just how fun the slopes con be.

Kris Lombert is so cold she can't movel


DECA Aides Community With Service

This year was a terrific year for DECA. They sponsored Homecoming Dance, which was a smash, and had service projects throughout the year.

Fronl Row: Eva Nuffer. Mary Kocherhons. John Helwich. Arl Turner. John Versluis. Robbie Versluis. Pol Moroni. Debbie Hansen. Bock Row: Mr. Wilson. John Burger. Alison Dumas. Aileen Cooper. Carol Peacock. Brion Simonson, Tony Kisslles. Gory Morrell.

Eva Nuffer makes decisions on DECA pions.

Mary Kocherhons and Sam Wilson eagerly make prepororlons for !he coming socia ls.


FBLA Travels' Continent For Various Conventions

The 1980..81 Future Business Leaders of America hod o great year. There were Notional and Western Regional Conventions in Washington D.C. and California. State Competitions were held at BYU in April, where several members placed well. They also hod several activities throughout the year including the installation of members where they all learned to be "BIONIC", an unusual Christmas Party eating spogetti with crazy utensils, and the Employer/Employee Banquet closing the year successfully.

Leso Peterson gives lnsrollotion speech .

~~~s Felshow

FOLA Advisor. " If rm not near. I don' t know who

FOLA Officers: 1st Row • Kristie Jenson, Pres .• Susie Madsen. Reponer. Dorio Hone, Secretory. 2nd Row- Dorothy Outler. Treasurer. Tomaro Welch. Vice Pres .• Genlelle Copson, Historian. Miss Felshow Advisor.


VICA Developed Leadership And Vocational Skills Developing leadership ond vocotionol trode skills, in Jordon students, the Vocotionollndustriol Clubs of America held o skills Olympics on Jonuory 21. " Preparing for leadership in the world of work" wos there motto. They hod locoL district, stote, ond notional competitions. This yeors officers were: Koren Hollinger, President; Todd Olsen, Vice President; Corio Brond, Secretory; Mike Orme, Treasurer; Corby Peterson, Porlimentorion; Mork Bently, Reporter.

KCPX FM oldes drohing sruclenr Gory Guffey. Ron Srrebel ond Lynn Droodheod line up selling on sow

John Dennison guides ponel router.


FHA Is Much More . Future Homemakers of America is more rhon just cooking and sewing! They ore concerned with rhe family as well as the community. They discuss ways to strengthen the fom. lly and serve the community. The Club has done service projects throughout rhe year and attended regional and store conventions. This year Jordon High held the regional conven. tion here with Chris Marsh. Jordon High's first State Officer. sponsoring it. Row 1: Mrs. lovoto, Mrs. Hicks. Lori Griffith. Tommy Con. non. Lindo Clements. Tina Guss. Koty Brody, Kolene Crebs. Kirstin Goss. Julie Campbell. Sharon Olsen. Brendo Hone. Row 2: Winona Wilson. Jamie Harris, Julie Jackson, Phylls Croutch. Sondra Dahl. Holly Simons. Sondra Ander. son. leeAnn Muir. Row 3: Alice Hogburg. Meri Jo Smith. Teresa Harward. Paulo Homer. Stacy Buchanon. Koren Houghton. Lisa Pongos. Colleen Sybrousky. Robyn Modsen .

Officers: Robyn Madsen. leeAnn Muir. Colleen Sybrousky. Paulo Homer. and MeriJo Smith.

luAnn Reed blind hemming her skirt.

FHA 85

Four Winds Explores Culture The Four Winds Club purpose is to bring its membership to a greater understanding of the world's cultures. Cultures include not only the customs, but the values, foods, clothing, education. courting process. marriage. etc. The world is a family of man. We find that even though many differences exist within the cultural groups of man, there are profound similarities. The Four Winds is interested in exploring these differences and similarities.

Mr. Boskovich tests Nophophon Chonsomone on world cultures.

Officers: Fernando Rubio President: Gino Zimmerman V. Pres.: Chris Saddler Secretory.

Front row left to right: Phil Brewster. Glen Howard. Mckoy Eckman. Art \lllllloms. bock row: Dove Kunz. Lourie Pendleton. Sharon Lister. Kay \lllfliams. Cheryl Chidester. Shaunno Powell, Ty Culmer, Napho¡ phon Chonsomone. Annerre Densley. Corrine Anderton . Mr. Boskovlce (advisor).


Key Club Basically the Key Club is a service organization. They serve the school. the community, the state, and the nation. Through this service and the activi. ties involved, they develop leaders for the future of our nation and world. Sherilyn Mills rakes charge of Key Club meerings.

Dock row Carolyn Cunis (secrerory). Krls Sodler. Lisa Fin in. Carolyn Turner (hlsrorion). Sherilyn Mills (Presidenr). Susie Madsen Mr. Eckberg (Advisor)/. Middle Row: Kay Williams. liz Schneller. Kim Johnson (Publk relorions). Sheldon Oerrerr (Vice.presidenr). Fronr row: Tye Culmer. Kun Osrler.

Carolyn Curlis ond Ty Culmer work rogerher on o service projecr.

Key Club's advisor. Mr. Eckberr.


J Club Promotes Skill

J..cJub was a club whose purpose was to promote athletics and sports activities. This year. J-club sponsored several donees and award nights to honor our outstanding athletes.

J-dub ,_mt..n Tommy AIS.n. lotr;. Adoms. Rkhord Olomqubt. Jo..- o.ol. lH e.oodl>eod SMidon e.own. Co,.ron Drowning. SMIIy Dok•r Corio e.ond Rondy Dok•r Ml•• Onnkethoff. Lynn •~- Toni Du~oviCh. Chu.s louwy. Mike ltown. Shouno O.tlls. Wendy &onn.r., Jody QK,ves Mn.w Corter. Derek Coop.r. Trent Coll..r. Sherie Cotw:Mo, M Cunn.nghom Ouon. Chnstt..b Bot\n• CtHr s.hon. Ot.rtiM'n.sen. J.tf Oronwt. Irion Orope-r Chudt o.dler Troy O.n,..y Oouen (v!HUOft Dove (tklns 0.~ FOirer. Don Goi1G9Mr G.n. Gouws. Mille Gt..S. Jut• Gloves. Kitn Gotde>Mt. Cloy Gorn.s. GfofttU..nt.Of'tl. V~ ~n. Shoron HoiU~r . AnMtle Holm. Gr~ KoN Terrl Ko~ Shonnon Hott. Ky.. Horu.on Donen Hom•lton. Von Me-der. John ...nct.r. Ttoc"' Hon,.n. Corolyn HordcoJtte. Sondy ...nct.rs.on. Oork Kormon. '-'~~~ )ohnJOn. Steve Johnton ly~He -'ohnton. Dry~ Jot~ns.n . .._,ncy Johnson Oni.s Johnsot\. Su~n Ko.h~r Todd KnudMn, O.bbie Kokko4o. loft l.avm . .SC.oH lomb$on. Undo t... Mort. ludlow Chns MorfiMl. Jeff Mcforton.. Dove Mlnnkk. Dob M.-dfno. Chm Mordlt'l . Doug Mekkum. ~kk Modt59GI. Ed Mefvdte. Morel McCoHrH. Koren Mc:Colllsrer. Trino MOOf•. MOt._ M•n..,o. Mlk• Moot•. Kot•n Mutht•k:h. K•rsr•n Murhr•lch. Jeff Moe•. lorry N•w~d. Jimmy Kelwn. Oot•n• N•bon. Scort Osbor.w. Scort Ofm.. Tim P._rc•. Morh P•r•n• n. O.~• ~oth, K• vln "lcMs. F•rnondo ~ubkt 'W•nc:t.. RltVT'Ion. J•ny Rkhordson, Scou Silcox. Cindy Smith. J~ Schollm•y•' · Oov• Shell, Jon Shlffmon. )lm Steodmon. Allen So•ton. Ste v•n Schnelt•r. Cosey S"'w. Chod Soy•rs. Ktls Simons, Don Thock•ry, K•vln Tkfw•IL J•ttY ThompiOf\. O.Ann Too~ . Kor•n Taylor, Poul Voloenzu.la. Don 'Whlrt•nburo. Mork 'Wkh•l. lbo 'WOfth•n. Kenny 'W•kh. P~y Wlnl!.t.r, Oob 'Wlw>mon. Dfyon Woshbvrn. J•nntfer Wolk•. Julte Wlnerbonom. lOft Youno. "obert Young

Our W'resrlers ore on lopl


J-club Officers Jim Nelson. Don W'hiuenburg. Terri Harding. Toni Durkovkh. Cindy Smilh, lee Drood~d.

GAA was an association to give sports-oriented girls a chance to participate in activities and friendships. Some of the activities they sponsored this year were: a Christmas Service project, a Hallow-Giving party, and a Valentines party.

GAA Sponsors More Than Just Sports

GAA whips up o skating party.

Directing traffic like o pro.

Front Row: Tommy Allen. Jennifer Wolke. Johnno Grlgler. Nikki Johnson. Lindo Lee, Denise Patterson, Sharon Oecksteod. DeAnn Toole. Second Row: Sharon Hollinger, Shounlee Jensen, Shannon Hoir. Kelll Lunnen. Mario Derry. Hollee Nielson. Stocl Sovoge. Corrie Oeo. Third Row: Lori Vowdry. Koren McAllister.

GAA Officers: Front Row.Tonl Outkovlch. Terry Harding. Carlo Orand. Dock Row.(lndy Smith. Mrs. Price. Jeonno Corter.

Trisho Morchont, Connie Gould. Lillie Derry. Trino Moore, Carolyn Hardcastle. Fourth Row: Wendy Oonnor. Jockle Joseph. Christy Orand, Jeonno Corter, Cindy Smith, Terri Judd. Dock Row: Terry Harding. Toni Outkovich, Corio Orand, Pom Cravens. Wendy Ritzman. Donnie Creer.


Service Art-Artists, Etc. During first period the Service Arts class learned to draw anatomy, dabbled in oil colors and did logo designs. They promoted school spirit through post. ers, bonners and other mediums. They also entered their work in local exhibits.

Jessica Delko Tracey Cunningham Krisrle Jenson

Creative Writers Show Talent

Deing crazy Is a prerequlslre for this class.


Leso Drldge Oorrln Homilron Nancy Johnson

A mind full of ideas, a bit of eccentricness and a dash of craziness were needed b) members of the Creative Writing class. They wrote poems, short stories and some even attempted novels but in the end It was all put together to publish the annual "Courier."

Joseph Drklocich Margo Harris Carol Peacock Jean Tyler

Sharon Chorlron Dilly Hensler Mike Provord Oob Williams

Guns Legal Here Where con you learn the lows of the land, all about drugs, and general knowledge of police work? In the Low Enforcement class, of course! They also learned how to use handcuffs and gun safety. It is a valuable class for those interested in this type of career.

The resident pollee officer checks MeriJo Smith's work .




Scott Bolander proff reads his rest.

Red Cross Members of Red Cross developed the ability this year to stand the sight of blood. They also got to draw blood from donors in the blood drive they held. The class also reaches first-old with some emphasis on CPR.

Debbie Thompson-ready


check a heartbeat

Denise Welch shows how ro do CPR.


Stage Crew Designs Set Designing sets for plays, working lights, moving props, helping assemblies and plays run smoothly, they were the stage crew.

Paul Valenzuela supervises Kerry Burdens work.

Front row: Troy Hansen. Francisco Chavez. James Demaree. Orlan Voiles. Becky Curtis. Second row: Tanya Nance. Glenn Mortensen. James Calton. Ted Johnson. David Wilson. Kent Demill. Jamie Heaps. Mr. West (advisor). Dock row: Michael Loveall. Keven Rowe. Dab Wiseman. Duck McDonald. Jon Duncan.Kerry Oerrerr. Jeff Oalless.

Front row: James Outler. Paul Krebs. 5tl've Larsen. Paul Valenzuela. James Demaree. John Helwlch. Den Mounteer. Dock Row: David 5tabnow. Kent Demlll. Lars Anderson. Jeff McFarlane. Scott Lambson. Dorene Nelson. David Shell. Chris Martinez. Kerry Durden.

Kenl M cClure show$ FronC•sCo Chov•z rechnlqu• s on working o homm•r.


B~ookstore F~or

Trains Employment

The Bookstore gave students the opportunity to ha¡ve responsibilities such os. handling money running a nd balancing a cosh register. It a lso gave the students a break from regular school work and o taste of the business world.

Giving change Is whor Marla Derry does besr.

Eve Huffer Is srunned al the day's sell.

Proresslonols model rhe Oooksrore's laresf fashions.

Mr. Wilson odds up rhe dolly fatal.


Monico Oorron Dove Orewsrer Charlene Crump Wendy Dennington

Broadcaster . . An Informative Paper A monthly summary of exciting events wos read in the Oroodcosrer The Oroodcosrer sroff under the odvisorship of Janice McKnight. put forth on informative newspaper, to apprise students of upcoming events. sports happenings ond the general everyday life of the studentbody. In each issue o different student hod the opportunity of being the issue editor. which meant thor she wos responsible for meeting that particular monthly deadline.

Oroodcosrer reocrs ro rheir losr Issue.


Tommy Lemonds Janice McKnlghr odv ~ Annerre Mecham Tanya Middaugh

Julie Powell Srocl Reece Sreve Schneller Wovo While Flagg


Monico Oorron discusses on orricle wirh Tommy Lemonds.

Fred Robens-Phoro advisor. Richard Milne.odvisor, Ala n Drody-Phoro advisor.

0. '("•ldKJ')~r wff work ing rowords o deadline.

Jackie Evans and Mike Provord. Deerdigger Co.Edirors. chose o picrure for Drood.

Paulo Allen Jesicco Delko leso Dridge Toni Durkovich Jackie Evans

Rochelle Hopes Krisrie Jenson Dryce Jorgenson Todd Knudsen Chris Marsh

John McComb Mike Provord Sreworl Woodruff Orion Rowe Richard Savage

Holly Simons Mark Simonson Jerry Sreodmon Dloke Yores Susan Zoffl

Beetdigger Publishes Instant Memories The job of publishing a good 13eerdrg ger was not all that it was cracked up to be. Things like writing copy for clubs. waiting for a photo to printed, deadlines to be met and drawing layouts that needed to be drawn yesterday. were some of the things accomplished this year. Mr. Milne (the advisor), Mr. Roberts (the photographer) and a hard working staff. put 200 pages in logical order. With the theme of "The nexr besr rhrng ro berng rhere The Oeerdrgger roff goal was to put together a book that would help the graduating students. as well as the underclassmen, remember that they were there at that one isttant. This was achieved through the con. tinuity of graphic lines. in the opening and through the sports and student sections, helping to tie the book together.


After 444 long doys. the 'i2 Ameflcon


Released, Reagan Elected As we moved into the new decade, the world inhabitants witnessed many events that collapsed the confidence of everyone. Sov1et troops Invaded their neighboring country of Afgonisron which, In time, caused a 38 notion boycott of the Olympics that were to be held In Moscow. The Olympics still went on as planned with all the glory and pageantry but just didn't seem the some without the U.S. there. Earlier In the year. the Winter Olympics held at lol~e Placid didn't quite make up for the summer games. Although we gained a new hero, Enc Heiden, winning five gold medals, our most promising lee skaters, To Oobolorno and !\andy Gordner had to bow out just before they were to perform because of a bod knee Randy had. The highlight of the Winter Games was the crushing win by the U.S. hockey team over the Russian team. The hostage situation wasn't any better but 13 brave souls went on a secret mission to rescue the 53 remaining hostages. When they found that they could not do it they aborted the mission but crashed a transport plane. Eight were killed. FBI agents disguised themselves and caught many Congressmen taking bribes. The elegant and famous MGM Hotel in las Vegas caught fire and 83 people lost their lives. Hotels around the country became aware of potential fire hazards In high rise buildings. The official 1980 census was taken. Eighty-eight million forms were sent out and we came to a total of 240,000,000. In New York, Pablo Picasso brought out all of his modern art and millions viewed his works. The #1 ranked Ojorn Oorg and the #2 ranked John McEnroe were at it again. McEnroe won the U.S. Open but Borg was the winner at Wimbledon. In the controversial fight. Sugar f\oy leon ord boxed his way to a win over 1\o berra Duron. Again In New York lost year's graduating class at Wesr P()l()t was given the first diplomas for women. Ex-Hostage !\!Chord Queen was released in July after Iranian officials sold he was mentally sick. Ex-President Carter's brother become politically Involved with the Liberian government and his crude antics spowned 'Odlygore ' The lux. ury liner 'Prlnsendam' caught fire in the Gulf of Alaska and 500 people were rescued before the ship sank. The source of many jokes was the Boston Marathon. There, the first place wom-


hosloges were released from the lronlon grip. II begon November 4 . 1979 when 90 embassy workers were token hostage by militant srudents. Two weeks lorer. most of the women ond blocks were released. On Jonuory 20. 1981. during the presidential inogurollon, the plone carrying the remaining 52 prisoners wos allowed to leave. Pictured ore flogs In the Hermitage. Pennsylvania. cemerory: one for each doy of coprlvlty. krvny Cone< wos credited for finalizing the negotiations.

On JonUO<y 20. 1\ordd 1\tocq>'> WOJ . . . ...., the> 40th pt•Uc:»nt o4 rM UnttH Sto,., ... wcw. The> •i«IOfOI VOle 'MOJ In fO'otOf

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The following movies are the big money makers In 19&0. Th•y or• listed In the order of the students choice. National ratings or• on th• right. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Smokey ond the Oondit II (6) The Empire Strikes Dock (1) The Blue Lagoon (4) fridoy The 13th (9) Urbon Cowboy (7) Cool Miner's Daughter (2) The Shining (8) &. Alrplonel (3) 9. Cheech & Chong's Hext Movie (10) 10. The Blues Brothers (5)


After swi nging around the planer Alpolef. the Voy~ I spacecraft come In contocr with the next biggest planer. Sonxn. As the shll) drew closer. scientists bock home got exclte•l . They discovered thor there were more than 1000 separate rings around the planer. ond there were now 15 moons circling. The spacecroft's twin Voy~ l is expected to encounter Saturn in the near future ond then both will fly Into deep space.

Gone this year ore many personalities thor many of us will miss. Joivl LecYlOO. ond exDearie wos gunned down in New York: Steve ~ died while raking the controversial loerril for his cancer: the 'Schnou' Jorrmy Du'onte: Petef Selers. the star of many Pink Panther movies: Allred H.tchcod~. the master of the macabre: Moe Wesr. the sex bomb of the thirties and Jesse Oweos who won four gold medols In the 1936 Olympics ond smashed Hitler's dream of o superior race.

The hit songs that we listened to on the radio were: 1 It's Still Rock ond Roll to Me


2. Cror.y Lillie Thing Coiled love


3. Mogk Oltv10 Newton John 4. Ride Like The Wind ChriStopher Cross 5. Coli Me

lllondo<• 6. Coming Up Pou McCatfY>Y

7. All Our Of love Aw: Suppl"

8. Lillie Darling Elton Joivl 9. Upside Down

Diona f\oss 10. Lost In love

A. Supply

In May of lost year. residents of southern Washington were alerted to the fact thor their once peaceful mountain wos now spilling our osh. molten lovo and debris on their heads. Since then. the mountain hos erupted five rimes causing mud flowing through rivers ond towns being burled In seconds. More than thirty people lost their lives or ore feared missing. The mountain spewed our 1.3 billion tons of osh. Millions of acres of timber were burned to the ground.

en's runner, Rosie Ruiz. was charged with riding the subway port of the race; she was stripped of her honor. The poor little Grand Canyon burros were flown out at the cost of $1000 each before officials were to shoot them. A very controversial subject in Utah is the proposed MX system to be placed in the western desert. Governor Matheson is opposed to it and so ore people who live in the towns that it will affect. The government wonts to place 200 missles on thousands of miles of racetrack and ploy a shell game with the Russians. Lee laccoco, president of the Chrysler corporation, has asked the federal government twice to help boil out the near bankrupt cor company. On the TV scene. everyone's favorite Drngbor has died oher nine years on ' All in rhe Fom1ly' On the game show Tic Toe Dough, contestant Them McKee become the biggest money winner in the history of television. He won $312.700 including 16 trips and eight cars. The perfect '10', Oo Derek mode two new films. ' A Change of Seasons· and 'Tarzan' prancing around almost nude in both. The lost of Sorurdoy Nighr Live's original cost left with the departure of Odl Murray, Jane Curro1n, and Lorro•ne Newman. The original cost of the Nu&.ey MOOS!: Club got together for their 25th anniversary. Johnny Corson signed a new contract for more money and a sixty minute program. 'The Empire Srril~es Oocl~' reached new heights and ended where another sequel of the 'Star Wars' sago will continue. The long actors strike in the fall postponed the new TV season, but when it did arrive It wasn't much to talk about. RK:hord Pryor recovered from his massive burns on his face and arms. Oeverly Stns sold good-bye to performing on the operatic stage but will still continue to teach young hopefuls. Carl Sagan launched a new series on PBS that explored space and our own world. Exrommunicoted Mormon Son10 .Johnsc:lrl ,tll 1 mode headlines by chaining hers.Jif to LOS temples. And finally the comic strip Olondle ' turned fifty years o ld. This Is a list of the 10 most popular shows In the notion. They ore listed in order of the students choice. Notional ratings ore on the right. 1. M' A 'S'H (2)

2. The Dukfts of Houord (5) 3. Three's ::ompany (3) 4. Real Pe ·~ple (7) 5. Dollos (4) 6. The Jeffersons (8) 7. Lillie House On the Prairie (9) 8. Alke (6) 9 . 60 Minutes (1) 10. Taxi ( 10)


, .,.







(£ f\

Pom Jensen English Gene Gornes Sociol Science


Don Kunz Foreign Longuoge Morin Gogon Performing Arrs

Jeff Jones Morhemorics Mike Giles Science

~ OUOt :J


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CorriM~ Afldttrlon Carolyn Peorce Visuol Ar~ f./ Homemaking 'f J 01J ~uson Modsen Dovicl Orondr Vocor·lonol Educorion l'lof./ rJ~~s Educorioct

0.J il

Sterling Scholars Top Of Their Class Twe lve se niors were chosen as scholars In v a rious departments. This year t here we re also seven a lternates chosen to lead Jordon's scho lastic honors. These stude nts o re t he top of the class in t heir fie lds. Several hove already receiv ed individ ual honors and awards. Their awards ore compiled to make a portfolio to present to the j udges. These Ste rling Scholars may not receive the state Ste rling Scholarship award. but the majority receive university scholarships.

Mike Giles discu~s his rheory wlrh onorher srudenr.

xorr Orme English

James Linnell Morhemorlcs

Orion Voiles Performing Arrs

Merl Jo Smirh Homemaking

P.ori Connon Business Educorlon

Mike Moughon Music

Drodley Franchino General Scholar

" Being chosen as Sterling Scholar in Social Science has been an asset to me when applying for a Political Science Scholarship at the 'U' ." -Gene Garnes

Carolyn Pierce whips up o borch.



Honor Society The National Honor Society at Jordan High School was one of over 20,000 .chapters of an outstanding national organization. Our 56 members were selected by a faculty committee from those students who have a cumulative grade point of 3.5 or better. Not only were these students committed to high scholarship. they also strived for outstanding character, service, and leadership. Membership in the honor society gave students an opportunity to enjoy the friendship of those young men and women who shared high goals and standards: it also allowed them to better serve the school.

Offkers: Lorry Newbold. Brion Voiles. James Linnell. Becky Thatcher


District Administration Establishes Guidelines The Jordon District Doord of Education was responsible for establishing the policies under which Jordon High School operated. This vast assignment covered everything from approving educational programs to adopting the annual budget and setting district tax levies. Acting within the framework of Utah public school lows, the Boord worked to serve the needs of the total school communi. ty. The Superintendent and members of the Administrative Stoff were the ex. ecutive officers of the district school sys. tem. Collectively they administered the policies and procedures established by the Boord.

-.... Whirtenburg Superintendent


SCH0 0 L DI S1-R I C T

The building where everything took place.

Mork l. Wahlquist Ooord President


P.ichord D. Anderson Ooord Vice President

lois Hirschi Ooord Member

Maurine C. JenHn Doord Member

Mark Klotovich Ooord Member

Jone Collister Ooord Member.Eiect

Administrators Provide Atmosphere This was a year of change for the Jordon administration. Mr. Bob Sproul was previously at Hillcrest before taking the job of vice-principal. Mr. McCleary was appointed principal at the new West Jordon High School. Amid the district shuffle. the studentbody was privileged to hove the administrative talents of Mr. McCleary, Mr. Evans, and Mr. Sproul. Their efforts provided a learning atmosphere that prevailed throughout the school year.

Jerry McCleary. Principal

William Evans. Vice Principal

Dab Sproul. Vice Principal


Thelma Ainsworth

Kathy Allen

Maris Olsen

Norma Risko

Jackie Sybrowsky

There's More Than Just Teachers!

Korhy Allen enjoys working for Mr. Young.

Norma Keeps Office Running Smoothly

Marie Egbert Argene Jorgensen

Janie Houghton Florence Steadman Nada Throckmorton


For the post three yeors. the moin office hos been kept running smoothly with the help of Normo Risko. Although keeping supply purchases in order. is her moin job. Normo con be seen helping students ond answering phones. She's olwoys friendly ond willing to help, no matter whot is going on. Before she wos o secretory. she worked in the Career Center for two yeors. She attended LOS Business College, then started secretarial work. She likes whot she does. working with students ond administration. When Norma's not hord ot work in the office. she enjoys sewing. crotcheting, ond being with her five grandchildren. Normo loves Jordon ond thinks oil students should "toke odvontoge of their high school education."

Korhleen Anderson Porry Nerio Cloudio Slough

Oelro Frondsen Mlchoel Pock Morgle Sronley

Foyerro Hursr Florence Perersen Jonice Toll

Lu Oeen Mechom Derry Podlesney Jonice Young

Dove Eksreln Sreve Smllh

D.R. Poul Korleen Urley



Robert Andrus University of Utah: Social studies, World history Korlene Dauer Sourhern Utah Store; Science, Cheerleaders Rick Oojock University of Utah; Weight training, Football Cooch

Diversified Backgrounds

Don Boskovich University of Utah: French I, Spanish 1,11, English II Perry Drody Utah Store: Health, Golf Coach, Ooseboll Coach Denno Drondenburg Orighom Young University; English 10, Speech

Aid Students

Phil Droodheod Drighom Young Universlry; U.S. Hi~rory, Social Studies 9 Alan Drock Utah Srore: Diology. Generics. Physiology

Julie Christofferson Drighom Young Unversity; ln. srrumenrol music Dryce Collier Utah Store: Moth

Dione Conrad Unlvers11y of Idaho: Honors English II. English 9 + 11

Coach May opploudes ream ploy.


Mark Crookston Utah State University: Vocational Drafting. Auto I lynn Oemill Orlghom Young University. Utah State: Woodwork. Vocational carpentry

Michele Higginson Drighom Young University: J.V. Cheerleaders. English 9 + 10 Arlen Ekberg Universiry of Utah: 9th Composite General Science

Dove Erickson Univcmlty of Utah: Drivers Ed.• General Science Julie Felshow Orighom Young University: Type II. Ill. IV. Office Practice. Ousiness English Mr. Plant. busily correcting papers.

Nine Year Stay Proves Good Decision After three years of playing prep boll at both Jordon and Hillcrest. Hal Hole earned a scholarship to Utah State University in 1963-67. While at USU, Hole performed well enough to land a pro contract with the Houston Mavericks in the old American Basketball Association. He completed one season with Houston when his career was cut short by the draft. Once out of the service. Hole went bock to school and earned a masters degree in health science at Utah State. Hole wasn't really interested In coaching. He wonted to find a career In his field but there weren' t any openings at that time. He was then offered a coaching job at Jordon. and he took it. He has hod other job opportunities but coaching at Jordon suited him best. Hole has coached at Jordon for the post nine exciting years. He has produced nothing but solid contenders: including 1979 Region 7 co-championship team. Hole isn't sure how long he will continue coaching. but he says as long as he con hold his enthusiasm and benefit the players he will stay. Hole has profitted many people by being the person that he is.


Gerold Fisher Brigham Young University: Media Hole Hole Utah Store: Health, Doskerboll coach Camille Hicks Brigham Young University: Cheerleaders. songleoders. Home Ec. Helen Higbee University of Utah: Health Druce Hilton University of Utah: Moth Janice McKnight Brigham Young University: English. Journalism Mike Hock University of Utah: 9th Social Studies. Humanities. Modern America Kim Hong University of Utah: Moth. Sa. cloi Studies. English


More Hunter University of Utah: Moth. Coaching Kay Jobush University of Utah: English. Humanities

Deth Johnson University of Utah: English

Miss Felshow marks one down


nine ro go

Roger King Brigham Young Unoversiry: Marh. Elecrronies Roberr Langford Saurhern Uroh Srare Col. lege: Weldong

Sandra Lovaro Universily of Urah Sewing I. II. Ill. Power sewing Clyde Mason Universiry of Urah: Chemistry. Physics. Science com. posite

Don May Brigham Young Unlversi. ry: History. Wrestling Oob McDonald Universiry of Arkansas: Compurer scoence. Busl. ness Moth

Mr Crooksron records his srudenrs remfic scores.

Sandy Mehle Unlverslry of Uroh: Healrh. US Hisrory Richard Milne Universiry of Urah: Arr Yearbook

Jeff Mitchell University of Urah: Counselor MiChael Murray Wesrminsrer: PE I. U.S. Hisrory. Weighr !raining

Jessie Nelson Universiry of Urah: Re¡ source. English Dill Noble Drigham Young Universl. ry: Focus. Psychology /Sociology

Doug Oldrord rakes coaching seriously.


Orent Plant W•stmlnister; World wars / Economics. Scx:iol Studies 9 Carino Prescx:tt Orighom Young University Counselor

Doug Oldroyd Utah State: English. Read. lng. Tutoring Rolph Pace Orighom Young Universi. ty; Ceramics. General Arr Composite

Margaret Price Origham Young Universi. ty; Gymnastics. Coed P.E. J•ff Rasmussen Origham Young Universl. ty; U.S. History

Renee Pay

Orlan Rawlings Orlghom Young Unlversl. ty; English 10. Honors Eng. lish 10 Lo11y Sonich Unlv•rslty of Utah: Moth. Assistant Football Coach

Orighom Young Universi. ty; Drill Team. Shorthand I.

sor-cOE Wendell Petersen Utah State: Vcx:otlonol Coordinator

Mr. Hcx:k enjoys lecturing to his students

Miss Hurst qui•tly •scop41s her class


Roben Shelron Drighom Young Unversiry: Grophlcs

Robyn Wesr Drighom Young Universlry: Dromo/ Oonce Compony

Koyleen Thornock Orighom Young Universlry: Home Economics

Corol Wesr Uroh Srore: English

Cooch Dojock rokes menrol nores during rhe Gronile gome

Rlchord Wesr Orighom Young Unlversiry: 500. Dromo. Sroge Crew Morierre Willioms Drighom Young Unlversiry: Donee, Chorlonlons Kenr Wilson Universiry of Uroh: Dooksrore. Morkerlng I + II. Accounring lulo Winword Uroh Srore: Typewrirlng I + II. Accounrlng Suson Wrorhol Universily of Uroh: Arr. Focus Peggy Wrighr Uroh Srore: Medio Rlchord Young Unlversiry of Uroh: Counselor Rod Zobriskie Orighom Young Unlversiry: Chorol. Germon



Robin Adolr Tony Adamson Shell! Alnsworrh Angelo Allen James Anderson

Mike Anderson George Arce-Larrello Forest Arnold Ooye Ashton Wendy Atwood

Gory Danford Anthony Dornes Dovld Dearden Susan Deckman Kim Decksteod

Sharon Decksteod Donny Dednorik Orenda Dellon

Sheldon Derrett Lillie Derry Corey Olonke

Michelle Dlomqulst Rodney Dradley Jona Drady

Thod Welch Is hoping she' ll soy yes to the donee.


Ren Drody Dwayne Dreese

John Drown Candace Drowning

Dryon Drodley Rodney Dullock

Gregory Durke Sreve Dush Craig Durterfleld Viccl Dyrendarp Tommy Connon Amanda Carlson

Kerry Carlson Sonja Correr Tanya Correr Michele Chldesrer John Chrlsrensen Shell! Chrisrensen

Dennis Chrlsrloeb Camille Clark Terri Clark Sonja Clawson Sonia Clesrer Sondra Coleman


Jennifer Canto Ricky Copeland Jennifer Crofts Dorin Crandall Marsha Crone

Koylene Crebs Steven Crump Todd Crystal Carolyn Curtis Dione Davis

Tiffonee Davis James Day Corrie Deo Kimberly Dennington Hiel Dennison

Fronk Despain Paulo Dickson Michael Dotson

Russell Draper Mark Earl Cathy Ebert

Angelo Eckman Towno Edwards Wendy Egbert

Camille Clark watches her Freshman doss com¡ pt?te ot Get Acquainted


Chodler Eggert Richard Elkins

Korhleen Elllort Korhy Ewell

Michael Faddis Orenda Foils

Roberr Fornsworrh Micheol Fashion Julie Fowson Kellie Fillmore lisa Finln Julie Fivecoor

Roy Flake Dono Flercher Dorey Feberr Troy Forbush Wade Forbush Roberr Ford

Debra Fosrer Marry Fowler Gordon Garner Terri Garner Richard Gores Donny Gibbs


Connie Gibson Bonnie Giles Samantha Gold Michael Gomez Connie Goold

Kirstin Goss Bonnie Green Daniel Greer Lori Griffith Debra Grygla

Julie Guench Mathew Guss Lisa Gustaveson Sheila Hancock Mitch Hansen

Shoun Hansen Ben Hardcastle Kelly Harms

Tyffony Harrelson Kristy Harrington Lance Harris

Fronk Harward Nichole Hawkins Eric Helm

Paulo Dixon tokes o break from her science studies.


Joneon Helwlch Guy Hendricksen

Jennifer Herre David Heugly

Tlno Hewill Doni Hickmon

Oovld Heugly raps off on excorlng doy in doss.

Orenda Hleberr Curtis Hill Robert Hoggan Sheila Homgren Krosll Hunsaker Todd Hutcheon

Uso Hyman Druce lsi Oorrln Jacobson Eric Jensen Jill Jensen Lindo Jensen

Sondra Jensen Shounolee Jensen Terry Jenson Shone Jewell Kimberley Johnson Julianne Jones


Norhon Jones Jocquie Joseph Michelle Kaye Corrie Kelso Barbaro Kemp

Lisa Kemp P.ick Kemp Jeannine Kennedy Marie Kennelly Srephen Kenworlhy

Sondra Kenyon P.oberl Kellerer Anrhony Kissilles Doren Kirchen Gordon Koplin

David Kunz Corherine Lamping Scoll Longford

Dorin Larabee Koyleen Lawson Shounno Lee

John Lewis Kim Lewis Shouno Linnell

Holly Neff spars Bobby Medina.


Susan Lloyd Mike lopez

Kellllunnen Oonette Machan

Freshman cheerleaders help boosr school spirit.

Jamie Malstrom James Markham

Freshmen Kim Mason Michelle Mathews David Maxwell Joml Maxwell Robert McCulloch loJuono McDonald

Donald McEntire Jill Meadows Shorlo Mecham Kelly Meldrum Tocld Mitchell Douglas Moore

Jodi Morondy David Morgan Hotolie Mower Russell Muir Melba Munguia Holly Heft


Kenneth Nelson Taro Nelson Stocl Ness Dorrell Neuman Orad Nielsen

Kenneth Nielsen Sherice Norton Lori Oldham P.oger Oliver Jsond Openshaw

Suzanne Orwin Tomaro Ostler Darren Ottley Donny Ownby Carolyn Pace

Orion Page Kevin Paramore P.heo Parry

Oeero Porterson Lincoln Paxman Ondy Pearson

P.lchord Peoy Orenda Peterson Sharon Peterson


Tomaro Peterson Trkio Peterson

Michael Proog Koren Prince

Jerry Rasmussen Undo Reith

Connie Richards Raymond Richins Tlno Roberts Holly Robinson Sydney Robison Angelo Roskelly

David Rostrom Lisa Rowe James Rowley Kenneth Saldivar Michele Schmidt Elizabeth Schneller

Hiki Schofield Usa Scroggin Jill Sekeret Dorothy Simons Bryon Simonson Anllo Sires


Jeffrey Smith Pamela Snow lisa Sorensen Tammie Spencer Bruce Starley

Cynthia Stay Judd Stewart Gary Stuck Hal Tang Cynthia Tanner

Robyn Torr Nicole Taylor Haney Thackeray Roger Thomas Brian Thompson

Mike Thompson Haney Thornblad Rebecca Thorne

Troy Timmons Michelle Torres Gordon Treadway

Juanita Trent Allen Turner Carolyn Turner

Russell Draper listens Intently to his teacher¡


Paulo Valdez Darrel VanAmen

Todd Vondebrake Robert Versluis

Angleo VIsser Mark Wagner

Dloke Wall Mark Wollin Shellee Webb Stuart Welch Thad Welch

Claude White Tina Wiedbusch Jennifer Wilde Lisa Williams Wendy Willson

Allan Winword Jeffery Wissler Jeffrey Young Julie Young


Rondo Abboll Craig Adolphson Sletvet Alnsworlh Rick Alletn JOCt Alsop Koy Anderson

Connlet Anderton Jeff Argyle Usa Aikin Julie Ayers Jeff Dolless Sletvetn Dolley

Jeff Doldwln Alletd Doles Suson lloslo Jessica Belko Jill Bennion Jeanine Oerrell

Marlo Deny Tony Djemtgoord Wendl Donner Ko1hy Orody Crlsly Orand Erik Orondl

Shonet Dronnon Philip Drewsler Valerie Orlnron

Jeff Oroders Orion Drown Don Drown

Orion Rowe etxplolns his yearbook loyoul 10 Mark Simon#

Dovid Drown Richard Drown Stacy Drown Todd Drown Stacy Buchanon

Kerry Durden John Durger Denise Durgon Deanne Outler Terri Outler

Jac:kl Durterfteld Julie Campbell Orad Carter Dill Cartmell Poncho Chavez

Alan Christensen Chad Christensen Scort Christenson Steve Christenson Steve Christiansen

;.; Sophomores Debbie Clem Melanie Coffin Shanna Coleman Orion Candle Frank Conner Kenneth Coombs

Kimber Cooper Terl Cooper John Costanza Robert Cattle Frank Cox Donnie Creer


Jeff Crump Tye Culmer

Mindy Dono Reed Davis

Oovid Deem Sheryle Dennis

Maroon Dennison Orerr Denslow Tonyo Dooley Greg Oorius Mike Dorman

Alison Dumas Korhleen Durfee John Eddingron Kmrine Elder Sherry Erickson

Terezzo Esplin Carolyn Evans Keilh Faddis Todd Former Susan Fornsworrh


Floyd finley Wendy Ford Morci Gorohono Gronr Geerrsen Guy Glover

Brenda Goodfellow Lourie Goodrich P.ondy Graham P.yon Greenwood Douglas Greer

Ken Groves Johnna Grygla Aaron Gurney Carl Hagburg Audrey Homihon

liz Hansen Marl Hansen Sheri Hansen

Showno Hansen Tracy Hansen Carolyn Hordcosrle

Clark Harmon Sreve Horsron Kim Harward

Paul Wolron skips lunch ro worch rhe girls or rhe Booksror•.


Keith Hatfield Michael Hollon Tom Haueter Robin Havens Dill Heder Allen Helm

Sandy Helwlch David Hermon Shelly Hiott Carolyn Hickmon Polly Holdaway Darry Holt

Orenda Hone Dolton Horscroft Jerry Householder Drigille Howard Rick Hulbert David lsi

Mike lsi Lisa Jock Eddie Jockell Julie Jackson Donette Jacobson Corrie James

Heather Jensen Tad Jensen

Athena Jewell Chris Johnson

Madrigals tryouts.


Kathy Johnson Man Johnson

Suzzan Johnson Ted Johnston

Steve Ainsworth knows the principles of hard work.

Stacl Drown watches Mark ludlow clean up the hall.



Hikll Johnston Darryl Jones Dovld Jones Jeff Jones Mike Jones

Glnl Jones Tereco Joseph Terri Judd Judith Jurica


Sherry Miller Asposlo Kotson

Troy Kotwyk Rebecca Keener

Sophomore president. Shonno shoves o balloon at Get Acquainted.


Sophomores Wode Knudsen Ron Krombule Todd Kuehn Lauro Lake Chris Larsen Darren Larsen

Tomro Larsen Lindo Lee Mike Lenard Mike Lemonds Mindy Levine Orad Linnorz

Michelle Lloyd Nolana Lord Mark Ludlow Dennis Lyon Lindo MacDonald Jeff Mace


Martha Killinger Michele Kiyoto

Shorilyn MocKoy Rick Moes Dyke Malstrom Melodie Manning Mike Markham

Frankie Mason Greg Maughan Kelly McCormick Decky McDermoll Tiffany McDonald

Troy McFarlane Tondi McGinnis Kim McNeal Dean Meadows Richard Miller

\t>on.- 0


ronnon rokl'l off hrs soft>ry glosses to see 1101 011 th(' norse 11 rn hr1 weldrng class

Kevin Stay ponders the thought of going to his next class.


Sherry Miller Mlchoel Montogue Joneen Moore LeeAnn Muir Koren Muthrelch

Kersten Muthrelch Kirk Myers Toml Myrick Brod Nelson Mellndo Oor

Shello Oberg Robert O ' Brien Doug Ollphont Oorren Olsen Noel Olson

Kevin Ostler Llso Owen Robert Podmos Bloke Poge Ronold Poge

Sophomores Denise Potterson Jerry Pendleton Pom Peterson Andy Pierce Lourie Ploer

Mot Ployer Cynthlo Porter Shouno Powell Suson Prince Leso Pryor


Cheryl Pulsipher Dione Roger

Roy Romir Steve Reece

Cindy Rieben Andrew Rodriguez

Brent Rogers Chris Roth

Orion Rowe Russell Runolfson Annene Sadler Kristine Sadler Lupe Saldivar

Pete Saldivar Lone Sayers Marie Schmidt Mark Schnelle Niki Schofield



Bugerr Schollmeyer Jimmy Schow

Robert Scorr P.uss Scrogln

Ken Sears Cathy Serrers

When it comes to tennis, Kersten Muthrlch knows how to return a serve.


Robert Stillwell Steve Toft

Vonlsho Shell Mathew Shelron

Dole Taylor Koren Taylor

Mork Simonsen Tomle Sinclair

Kathy Taylor Olivia Taylor

Brell Smilh llso Smilh

Sherman Taylor Poul Tetone

Pom Smith Tim Smrth Rhonda Thompson Reese Thorne

Kevin Stoy Bill Steele Todd Thurgood DeAnn Toole

Jeff Stelnegel Julie Stevenson Jean Tyler David Wilson


Adreon Ulibarri Paulo Valdez Gory VonEklenberg Susan Velez David VIncent

Bonnie Wade Trlsho Woodruff Jennifer Wolke Lyn Wollin Jed Wolters

Randy Washburn Eddie Webb Kathie West Druce Whitehead Stacey Wickel

Andrea Wlllberger Dove Wilcox Christine Williams Kim Williams Winona Wilson


Lone Sayers eats lunch with her friend. C<1rolyn Johnson.


Julie Winterbottom Gory Winterholler

Stewart Woodruff Goylo Yates

Andy Yocum Rob Young

Carol Zoft Gino Zimmerman

One of the top honors classes at Jordan High School is the Secretarial Office Procedures/Cooperative Office Education program. This vcx::ational 2-hour block class is an executive training program for students interested In careers, full-time or part-time, in the business office. The training received Is comparable to training offered by business and technical colleges. The most moder11 up-to-date equipment is available on which students are trained. Training is not only for entry level clerical positions, but also for executive or administrative level positions. During the second semester, after the training is mostly completed, students are placed on jobs where they obtain that "first experience" so they will be prepared to enter the job market in a good paying position. Students interested in the program must make application through the business department. Four teacher references ore required with each application. Students actually receive college training at the high school level. Very excellent jobs with high paying salaries are obtained directly out of high school for students completing this program.


Lorrie Adoms Scorr Adelman

Paulo Allen Tommy Allen

Suson Allgaier Lars Anderson

Flynn Andrlz.zl JoAnn Angell Elaine Arnold Ron Arnold Michele Ausrln

Honey Ayers Alan Dolley Mark Ooldwtn Chris Dorney Olano Oores

P.oberr Deal Tomaro Dednorlk Cindy Dell Kerry Derrell Michelle Oesr


Shauna Dills Robin Oird Julie Blackett Rulon Dosch Paige Bowman

John Boyce Ruth Brimhall Joe Drown Mike Drown Kevin Duckendorf

David Bueno Karalee Duford David Durgan Toni Butkovich Dorothy Outler


Cindy Carlson Randy Carlson

Richard Carter Sharon Charlton

Robert Christensen Shontell Christensen

Paul Valenzuela and Greg Hyde give friends advice.


Slocey Chrislion Duone Chrlsllieb Sleven Clork Sondy Clegg lyndo ClemeniS

Vernon Coggle Eileen Cooper louro Cope Scoll Cowley Sieve Cressoll

Phyllis Crouch Joe Cunnlnghom Trocey Cunnlnghom Sondro Dohl Jeff Donsle

Connie Dovis Chuck Decker Wendy Dennlnglon Troy Densly Chorlolle Desooln

A sldewolk poln!ed by !he Juniors.


Rebe<co Dixon Orion Draper

Lindo Duncan Mary Duron

McKoy Eckman Loshelle Edwards

Trisho Eliason David Elkins

Holly Erickson Denese Evans Jackie Evans Mike Evans Sheryl Foldmo

Kelly Fehler Carol Fisher Gory Gamble Kim Gordner Cloy Garnes


Kirk Gibbs Corrie Giles

David Gllletre Alison Glassey

Troy Gogan Colleen Gorberg

Juniors Dorryl Green Shelly Grnnemooo Eneodello Gutierrez Dono Guymon Joycelyn Hogberg Shannon Hair

Drent Holes Dorrln Hamilton Kyle Hansen Heidi Hardcastle Terri Harding Ron Hargis

Lisa Horsron Jamie Heaps Von Heder John Helwlch John Hender Dilly Hensler


Michael Hermon Lorin Hermansen Tomaro Hickmon Orad Holt Scali Hooser

Rochelle Hopes Debra Horscrofl Koren Houghton Audrey Howard Glenn Howard

Koren Hutcheon Greg Hyde David Jackson Karle Jacobson Jane Jensen

Tommy Allen points way

Is thor really you David Dueno?


Cherri Johnson Joe Johnson Undo Johnson Nancy Johnson Tawny Johnson Ted Johnston

Debra Jonsson Oryce Jorgensen Ryan Kemp Cory Kenyon Paul Kiel Debbie Kokkolo

Paul Krebs Kristin Lambert Lori Lambert Koren lamont Curt Langenbacker Steve Larsen

Kurt Lawson Keith Leony Donna Learned Lora Lee Tommy Lemonds Robert Lems


Undo Lindsey Stephanie Lindsley

Marlene Livingston Cynthia Lloyd

John Provord shows enthusiasm.


Mike Loveall Seleeno luttrell

Diona Monwill Kirk Marchant

Trisho Marchant Usa Mow

Kathy Maxwell Mark Maxwell

Koren McAllister Morel McCofrP..

Kathy Mcfarland Stacey McKendrick

Kristy McColl Donny McEntire

Annette Mecham Marcus Melville

Marie Menno Tanya Middaugh John Miller Joy Miller Sherilyn Mills

Lindo Montoya Mike Moore Trino Moore Glenn Mortensen Tonyo Nonce


Dorene Nelson Jim Nelson Mike Nelson VIrginia Nelson Hollee Nielsen Stephanie Nielson

Kris Norman Mike Oakason 1\aberr O'Drian Diane Oliver Todd Olson Stacl Ontiveros

Michael Orme Michelle Osborn Kurr Ostler JoAnn Orrman Kris Overman Tracy Oviorr


Lisa Pangos Randy Paramore

Down Payton Carol Peacock

Terri Perkins Mark Peterson

Lorin Hermonsen puts all he has into Studying.


Jerry Richardson Gail Rinehart

Leso Peterson Vol Peterson

Wendee Ritzman

Undo Robinson

Chris Phillips Tim Pierce

Alejandro Rodrigues Don Rogers

Dione Podlesny Jimmie Powell

Scotr Rogers Robyn Rose

Julie Powell Scotr Price Corle Ross

Arilyn Ruffell

Oecky Proctor John Provord Cindy Sanders Allen Saxton

Sherrl Pullan Lorry Roy Chad Sayers Steve Schneiter


LoHell Schofield Krlstlno Scholl Rhondo Scott Ann Sekeret Kevin Severson Trocy Sevy

Corrie Shorp Mork Shield Doug Simons Holly Simons Jeff Skoubye Domon Smith

Ken Smith Cosey Snow Michelle Snow Russ Sorensen Jerry Steodmon MoryAnn Storper


Su:tonne Stromberg Colleen Sybrowsky Jill Torr

Joson Thockeroy Orell Thomos Cyndl Thompson

Debbie Thompson Jerry Thompson Tommy Thompson

Mike Orem con' t bell•v• his •y•s.


Roger Thornblod Holly Thorne

Lortie Vonderhoek Oorren Vongrol

Crysrol Thornwoll Michoel Tobin

John Versluis Holly Worburron

Lonio Urton Poul Volenzuelo

Dryon Woshburn Mort Websrer

Denise Weich Corolyn Welllngron

Shorllyn Wellingron Rondy Wesrphol

Joner Wilcox Arr Willioms Koy Willioms Som Wilson Tino Winchesrer Corio WinrPrholler

Sreve Wissler Annerre Worlron Sreve Yores Jon Young Suson Zoffr Connie Zupan


Beetdigger Photographers Show Skill Besides taking extra ordinary pictures of the faculty and studentbody in various activities. Beetdigger Photographers like to take pictures of strange and wonderful images as



~ I<UO~£ N

shown here on these pages. Photographers display their imagination and talents through means of visual. imagery. which can be an outlet to a different world in which

they show others. To a Beetdigger Photographer. the world is not the same through a camera lens.

~ RIS II£ J£tiSOI'





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Fashion Goes Everywhere Fashion steps lively at Jordon. From classy to casual. we're lookin' great! This year, bold colors put pizzoz in fashions. New combinations of fob. rics and colors give a new exciting look. Plaids ore bock ... sweaters ore in ... styles ore designed for comfort and fun!



1) Brion Hermansen ond Marion Dennison odd o splash of color. 2) The double bell thot is so popular. 3) Koren McAllister cosuolly shows off the latest thing in jeans. 4) Classy new shoes for the classy goI. 5) Lee Ann Muir on the run in o sporty sweat suit. 6) Kathy West with her fashionable dress. odds o touch of doss. 7) Von Heder. Teresa Horword. LuAnn 1\eed. ond Mike Brown model the new Foil Fashions.





Academics: More Than Just Books

What do you think of when you mention academics? Dooks, studying for tests till two in the morning. Lectures . . right? Well, thots true to some extent, but besides oil the droll, dull work associated with academics. there is also o great deal of interesting. exciting work being done. For example, disecting o frog in your biology doss. or putting o challenging experiment together during Chemistry.




1) Pam Jensen explains lunch period policy ro Mr. Sproul 2) Jeff Jones ereores spirir pollon. 3) Paul Valenzuela explains rhe equolion pie x 02 + LOG (AP). 4) One more rurn and . . John Shiffman creores roorbeer. 5) The one concepr of Diology never forgorren. 6) Alison Glassey on her way ro onorher class. 7) Cindy Miller sold. " I finally finIshed rhe resr."





The think I remember most at Jordan High School is: How the smallness of the school made everyone a little bit closer. We had real school spirit and we showed it. Annette W orlton

J .I

The think I will remember most about Jordan High, is the pride that the students feel about their school. To put it in the words of one of my fellow students, "If I had my choice of going to any other school in the state, I would still choose Jordan." Mark Wagner




ACHIEVE Abbott, Rondo (10) 134 Abbott. Toft (12) Abreu. Towno (10) ACADEMICS 184-185 ACAPELLA 73 ACAPELLA GIRLS 74 Adair. Robin (9) 48. 120 Adams. Dione (12) 64. 68. 69 Adams. Jeffrey (12) 164 Adams. Lorle (11) 53. 83. 150 Adamson. Tony (9) 37. 120 Adelman. Scott (11) 40. 150 Adler. Down (12) 164 J.V. Cheerleader 11 Adolphson. Craig (10) 134 ADMINISTRATION 104 AIDS 106 Ainsworth. LeeAnn (12) 15. 66. 117. 164. Cheerleader 12. Honor Roll 10. 11. 12. Student Council 12. Asst. Drill Mistress 11. FOLA 11. Sweethearts Doll-2nd Attendent 11. Drill Team 10. Sophomore HopQueen 10. Red Cross Club 10. Ainsworth. Scott (12) 164 Ooseboll 11. Ainsworth. Shelly (9) 120 Ainsworth. Steven (10) 76. 134. 139 Allen. Angelo (9) 120 Allen. Debbie (12) 164 Honor Roll 12. Drill Team 11. Student Council 11. Allen. Paulo (11) 95. 150. 153 Allen. Rick (10) 36. 48. 131. 134 Allen. Ronald (12) 164 Allen. Tommy (11) 53. 66. 117. 150. 155 Allgaier. Susan (11) 150. 154 Alsop. Joseph (10) 48. 134 Alsop. Sherrlyn (11) Alvarez. Adriano (12) 164 Anderson. Sondra (12) 85 Anderson. Gino (12) 164 Anderson. James (9 ) 42. 120 Anderson. Koylei (10) 134 Anderson. Lars (11) 92. 117. 150 Anderson. Michael (9) 120 Anderson. Tony (10) Anderton. Andrew (10) Anderton. Connie (10) 117. 134 Anderton. Corinne (12) 66-67. 86. 98. 117. 164. 177. Andrlzzi. Flynn (11) 149-150. 56 Angell. JoAnn (11) 83. 149. 150 Arcelorreto. Jorge (9) 120 Argyle. Jeff (10) 38. 134 Arnold. Druce (12) 164 Arnold. Cindy (10) Arnold. David (9) Arnold. Elaine (11) 150 Arnold. Forest (9) 120 Arnold. Ron (11) 150 Asoy. Eric (10) Asoy, JulieAnne (12) ASSEMBLIES 26-27 Ashton. Doye (9) 120 Atkin. Lisa (10) 134 Atwood. Wendy (9) 120 Austin. Joyce (9)


Austin. Michele (11) 150 Ayers. Julie (10) 68-69. 134, 57 Ayers. Nancy (11) 11. 16-17. 29, 6667. 150

8EVOND Ooiless. Jeff (10) 92, 134 Dailey, Alan ( 11) 76. 150 Dolley. Steven (10) 76, 134 Ooker. Randol (12) 29. 164 Honor Society 12. School Musical 10. 11. 12. Varsity Footboll 11. 12, Oest Offensive Lineman 12. Seminary President 12, Gold Dot Club 12. Region Drama Team 10. 11. Classroom Rep. 10. 11, State Drama Team 10, 11. Thespian Society 10. 11 Ooker. Scott (10) Ooker, Shelley (12) 51. 164, Oosketboll Team 10. 11. 12 Ooldwln. Jane (12) 83, 164 Ooldwln. Jeff (10) 134 Ooldwln. Mark (11) 150, 56 DANOS 76-79 Danford. Gory (9) 37, 120 Danford. Stoci (12) 164 Oonkheod. Tony (9) Ooronskl. Debbie (11) Oornes, Anthony (9) 120 Oornes. Dion (10) Oornett. MaryAnn (12) 164 Dorney. Chris (11) 40. 150 Darrick. Michael (10) Darrick, Troy (9) Oorron, Alan (12) Dorton. Monico (11) 74, 94 Dorton, Norman (9) 121 Oorwlck. Chuck (12) 164 OASEOALL 56.57 Oosto, Susan (10) 134 OASKETOALL OOYS 43-47 OASKETOALL GIRLS 50.51 OASKETOALL STATE 59 Dotes. Ailed (10) 34. 134 Dotes, Diona (11) 150 Dough. Lisa (10) Deal. Jonoe (12) 54. 164 Deal. Robert (11) 150 Dearden. David (9) 42, 76 Deckman. Susan (9) 120 Oecksteod. Kim (9) 120 Beckstead. Sharon (9) 120 Oednorlk. Donny (9) 120 Oednorlk. Tammaro (11) 150 OEETDIGGER STAFF 95 Behrmann. Margaret ( 12) 164 Oelko. Jessica (10) 90. 95. 134 Dell. Cindy ( 11) 76. 150 Bellon. Orenda (9) 80. 120 Bellon. Orion (12) 101. 164 Honor Society 12. State Title 4 Advisory Council 11. 12. State Youth Advisory Council 11, 12. FOLA 12. Oennlon. Jill (10) 134 Oetley. Mark (12) 48. 84. 164 Wrestling 10. 11, 12. DECA 10. VICA Reporter 12. Derrett. Jeanine (10) 73. 134 Derrett, Kerry ( 11) 92, 150

Derrett. Sheldon (9) 72-73, 87. 120 Derry, Lillie (9) 120 Derry. Mario (10) 93, 134 Oess. Debra Lyn (12) 164 Oess. Suzanne (9) Oest, Michelle (11) 73. 150 Dills. Shouno (11) 54. 76. 101. 151 Olnghom. David (12) 164 Olrch, Orodley (12) 164 VICA 12. Honor Role 10. Oird. Oobin (11) 151 Ojerregoord. Tony (10) 134 Olockeurn, Lorry (10) Olockett, Julie (11) 151 Olockwood, Koren (12) 30. 165 Olonke. Corey (9) 120 Olomquisl, Michelle (9) 62. 120 Olomqulst, Richard (12) 19. 42. 98. 101. 165, Cross Country 10. 11. 12Coptoin 11. 12. Honor Society 11. 12. J Club 10. 11. 12. Sterling Scholar 12. Track 10. 11, 12 Oolonder. Scott (12) 91. 165 Bolliger, Dustin (10) 38 Oonisteel. Michael (10) Donner, Wendy (10) 42, 134 OOOKSTORE 93 Dosch. Rulon (11) 151 Oowmon. Paige (11) 151 Ooyce. John (11) 151 OOYSTATE 100 Bradford. Morrellyn (1) 63. 165 Orodley. Rodney (9) 120 Orody. Jono (9) 73. 80. 120 Orody, JulleAnn (12) 72, 165 FHA 12. Madrigals 12. School Musical 12. Acoppello 11. Pep Oond 10. Spirit Club 10. Orody, Koty (10) 80, 85, 134 Orody. Ren (9) 121 Orand. Carlo (12) 51. 55. 84. 165. GAA-Secretory 12. GAA 11. 12, VICA-SEC. 12. Girls Oosketboll 11. 12. Girls Volleyboll 10. 11. 12. J. Club 12. Orand, Cristy (10) 50. 55. 134 Orondt. David (12) 98. 101. 165 Orondt. Erik (10) 134 Brannon. Shone (10) 140 Dreese. Dwayne (9) 121 Dreese. Kyrono (12) 165 Brewster. Clark (12) 165 Brewster. James (12) 94. 165 Brewster. Melissa (12) 165 Brewster. Philip (10) 86. 134 Orldge. Leso (12) 90. 95. 165. FOLA 10. 11. 12. Yearbook Photographe r 11. 12. 5opCoe 12. Closs Representative 10. Orimholl. Ruth (11) 73. 151 Brinkerhoff. Michael ( 12) 10. 40. 165 Footboll 10. 11. 12. Oosketboll Manager 10. Orlnton. Valerie (10) 134 Orklocich. Joseph (12) 90. 165 Oroodheod. Lee (12) 19. 46. 165 Oroodheod. Lynn (12) 40. 84.166 Footboll 12. VICA 12. Oosketboll 10. 11 Oroders. Jeffrey (10) 134 BROADCASTER 94 Orooks. Cosey (9)

Orooksby, Darren (12) 166 Drown. Orion (10) 134 Drown, Donia! (10) 134 Drown, David (10) 48. 117. 135 Drown. Gino Lynn (12) 70. 79. 166 Drown, Joe (11) 40. 151 Drown. John (9) 121 Drown. Michael (11) 40. 151. 183 Drown. Richard (11) 135 Drown. Sheldon (12) 165 Drown, Stacy (10) 70, 135, 139 Drown, Stephanie (12) Drown, Todd (10) 135 Drowning. Cameron (12) 40, 165. 56 Ooseboll 10. 11. 12, Footboll 10. 11. 12, J.Ciub 10. 11. 12. Drowning. Candace (9) 31, 121 Oryon. Orodley (9) 36. 42. 121 Oryont. Joy ( 10) Oryonl, John (12) 166 Ouchonon. Stacy (10) 75. 85. 135 Ouckendorf, Kevin (11) 151 Oueno, David (11) 151. 155 Duford. Korolee (11) 53, 151 Oullock. Rodney (9) 121 Durden. Kerry (10) 92. 135 Ourger. John (10) 82. 135 Durgan. David (11) 151 Ourgon. Denise (10) 135 Ourke. Gregory (9) 37. 121 Ourke. Wes (11) Ourkhort. Michael (9) Oush. Steven (9) 121 Outkovich. Tony (11) 51. 55. 95, 151 Outler. Clark (12) 166 FOLA 11. DECA 10, Wrestling 10. Outler, Deonne (10) 135 Outler. Dorothy (11) 83, 151 Outler. James (12) 76. 92. 166 Outler. Stephen (12) 166 Outler. Terri ( 10) 135 Butterfield. Craig (9) 121 Outterfield. JockI ( 10) 135 Oyergo. Julie (12) 135 Oytendorp. Vied (9) 121

COACH Coldwell. Steven (10) Colton. James (9) 76, 92 Colton. Wendy (10) 80 Campbell. Julie (10) 85. 117. 133 Connon. Rori (12) 99. 117. 163, 166 FOLA 11. 12. Honor Society 12. Honor Roll 10, 11. 12. Senior Closs Secretory. Sterling ScholarAlternate. Chorlonlons 10. 11. Connon, Tommy (9) 74. 85. 121 Copson. Genell ( 12) 83, 166 FOLA. Historian 12. FOLA 11. 12. DECA 1C Student Council 10. Caraker. Druce (9) CAREER CENTER 107 Carlson. Amanda (9) 121 Carlson. Oorboro (12) 166 Carlson. Cindy (11) 151 Carlson. Dione (12) Carlson. Kerry (9) 121 Carlson, Randy (9) 76 Carlson. Randy (11) 151 Corter. Bradley (10) 135

Carter. Jeanna (12) 42. 166 Cross Country 11. 12, GAA-Presldenr 12. J-Ciub 10. 11. 12. Track 10. 11, 12. Basketball Manager 11. Volleyball Manager 11. Spirit Club 10. Carter. Richard (11) 70, 117. 151 Carter. Sonja (9) 80. 121 Carter. Tanya (9} 80. 121 Cartmell. Dilly (10) 76. 1~5 Cho, Oou (11) Chodima. Edward (9) Champion. Ty (12) 166 CHARLOHIANS 68-69 Chansamone, Naphaphon (12) 86. 166 Chonrhachene. Ky (10) Chavez. David (12) 40, 49. Football 10. 11. 12. Wrestling 10, 11. 12. First Place Sculpture District 11. Chavez. Francisco (10) 92. 1~5 CHEERLEADERS 66-67 Chidester. Cheryl (12) 86. 166 Chidester. Michele (9) 121 Childs. Robert (12) 166 Charlton. Sharon (11) 60. 90. 117. 151. 1~. 57 Christensen. Alan (10) 1~5 Christensen. Chad (10) 7~. 1~5 Christensen. John (9) 4~. 121 Christensen. Robert ( 11) 151 Christensen. Rodger (12) Christensen. Scott (10) 15. 1~5 Christensen, Shane (10) 38 Christensen. Shelli (9) 5J. 62. 121 Christensen, Shontell (11) 68-69, 151 Christian. Stacey (11) 101. 152 Christlieb. Dennis (9) 121 Christlieb. Duane (11) 152 Clark. Camille (9) 117. 119. 121. 122 Clark. Steven (11) 152 Clark, Terri (9) 121 Clawson. Sonja (9) 76. 121 Clegg. Sandy (11) 152 Clem. Deborah (10) 76. 1~5 Clements, Eddy (9) ~7 Clements. Lynda Jo (11) 79. 85, 152 Clerlcl. Nathalie (10) Clesrer. Sonia (9) 121 Cockroft. Lee (12) 166 Coffin. Melanie (10) 1~5 Coggle. Vernon (11) 152 Coleman. Sondra (9) 121 Coleman. Shonno (10) 10. 117. 1~. 1~5. 140 Collier. John (10) Collier. Trent (12) 42. 166 Cross Country 11. 12. Colver. Arthur (10) CONCERT DAND 76 Condie. Orlan (10) 1~5 Condie. Sheri (12) 42, 166 Honor Roll 12. Honors Society 12, Cross Country 12. Track Team 12. J.Ciub 12. Conner. Frank (10) 1~5 Conner. Karla (12) 167 Canto, Jennifer (9) 80. 122 Coombs. Kenneth (10) 1~5 Cooper. Derlk (12) 15. 49. 167 Cooper. Eileen (11) 82. 152 Cooper. Kimber (10) 7~. 1~5 Cooper. Terl (10) 5J. 1~5

Copeland, Ricky (9) 122 Corsi. Thad (10) Costanza. Julie (12) 167 Costanzo. John (10) 1~5 Cottle. Robert (10) 42. 1~5 COUNSELORS 107 Cowley. Richa rd (11) Cawley. Sandra (12) 167 Cowley, Scott (11) 152 Cox. Frank (10) 1~5 Cracraft. Derrick ( 11) Cracraft. Ted (10) Crafts. Jennifer (9) 80. 122 Crandall. Darin (9) 122 Crane, Marsha (9} 55. 122 Cravens. Pamela (11) 50.51 CREATIVE WRITING 90 Crebs. Kaylene (9) 85, 122 Creer. Donnie (10) 5J. 65. 1~5. 14~ Cressall, Steven (11) 40. 122. 152. 56 CROSS COUNTRY 42 Crouch. Phyllis (11) ~. 85. 152 Crump. Orlan (11) Crump. Charlene (12) 94, 167 Crump. Jeffery (10) 1~ Crump. Kris (12) 68. 69, 167 Charlonlons-Assr. Drill Mistress 12. Charlonions 11, 12. FOLA 10, 11, DECA 10. Spirit Club 10. Crump. Steven (9) Crump. Troy (10) Crystal. Timothy (12) Crystal. Todd (9) 122 Culmer. Terri (12) 72. 167 Madrigals 12, Drama 11. Accapella 10. 11. Culmer. Tye (10) 86-87. 1~ Cunningham. Joe (11) 101. 152 Cunningham. Tracey (11) 90, 152 Curtis. Oecke (9) 92 Curtis. Carolyn (9} 87. 122 Curtis. Marshall (12) 167. DECA 12. J.V. Wrestling 11.

DIGGER Dahl. Sondra (11) 16. 29. 85, 152 Dahn. Lois (12) 101. 117. 1~. 167 Honor Roll 10. 11. 12 Honor Society 11, 12. Senior Class Girls Senator. Spirit Club 10. Doll. Nancy (9) Dana. Mlndin (10) 1~ DANCE COMPANY 70-71 Dang. Llnhglom (9) Dong. Phanglam (10) Dansie. Jeffrey (11) 117. 152 Dansie. John (10) Dansie. Troy (10) Davis. Connie (11) 152 Davis. Diane (9) 122 Davis. Natalie (11) Davis. Reed (10) 1~ Davis. Tiffanee (9) 122 Day. James (9) 72. 122 Dea. Carrie (9) 122 DECA 82 Decker. Chuck (10) 152 Deem. David ( 10) 1~ Demaree. James (12) 92. 167 DeMIII. Kent (12) 92. 167 Light Coordinator 10. 11. 12. SKI Club

Dennington, Kimberly (9) 122 Dennington. Wendy (11) 94, 152 Dennis. Sheryle (10) 1~ Dennison, John (12) 46-47. 84. 167 Basketball 10. 11. 12. Football 10. 11. 12. Dennison. Marion (10) 55, 117. 1~. 1~. 57. 1~ Dennison. Nlel (9) ~7. 48, 122 Densley. Annette (12) 86. Track 10, 12. J.V. Cheerleader. Soph. Cheerleader. Spirit Club 10, SKI Club Secretary 10. Densley. Daylene (9) 80 Densley. Troy (11) 40. 76. 152 Denslow, Orett (10) 72. 1~ Denslow. Monica (12) 100. 167 Music Club 11. 12. " My fair Lady" 11. VICA 10. Despain, Charlotte (11) 70-71. 76, 152 Despain. Frank (9} ~7. 4.3. 76. 122 Deuel. Annette (12) DECA 10, Homecoming-2nd Attendant. Dial. Troy (10) Dickerman. Karen (12) Dickerman, Ron (12) 167 Dickson, Paulo (9) 80. 122. 124 Dineen, John (12) 167 Dixon. Rebecca (11) 15J DOG PATCH 20-21 Donohue. Tim (12) Dooley. Tanya (10) 1~ Darius. Greg (10) 38, 1~ Dorman. Michael (10) 76, 122. 1~ Dotson. Kelly (12) 70. 167 Dance Company 12. Track 12. Dotson, Michael (9) Dauangmolo, Amvanthon (10) Dayle. Tony (10) 38 Draper. Orlan (11} 15J Draper. Russell (9) 42. 122. 1~ Dumas. Alison (10) 82. 1~ Duncan, Jon (12) 92. 168 Duncan, Lindo (11} 68-69. 15J Dunigan. Orad (10) Duran. Mary (11) 15J Durfee. Denise (12) 72. 168 Madrigals 12. Honor Society 12. Accapella 11. Durfee. Kathleen (10) 1~ Dutchie. Elaine (11) Dutson. Jerry (11)

ENHANCE Earl, Mark (9} 122 Ebert, Cathy (9) 122 Ebert. Mclinn (12) 168 Eckman. Angela (9) 122 Eckman. Mckay (11) 86. 15J Eddington. Dale (12) 20. 72. 168 Madrigals-President 12. Madrigals 10. 11. 12. Swing Choir-President 11. Football 10. Eddington. John (10) 1~ Edwards, Lashelle (11) 15J Edwards. Tawno (9) ~. 80. 117. 119. 122 Egbert. Wendy (9) 122 Eggett. Chodler (9) 12~

Elder. Kristin (10) 1~ Eliason. Trlsha (11) 80, 15J Elkington. Orent (12) 168 Elkington. Cory (10) Elkins. David (11) 40. 15J Elkins. Richard (9) 12~ Elliott. Kathleen (9) 80. 12~ Ellison. Robert (11) Emerson, Paula ( 10) Erickson, Holly (11} 15J Erickson, Sherry (10) 1~ Espinosa. Marla (12) 168 Esplin. Terezzo (10) 117. 1~ Evans. Carolyn (10) 1~ Evans. Denese (11) 72-7~. 79. 15J Evans. Jackie (11) 95, 15J Evans. Michael (11) 15J Evans. Tommey (9) Evans. Tandl (12) 117. 168. Charlonians 11. Drama 11. 10. Orchastro 10. 11 Evensen. Darren (11) Evensen, Terrie (12) 7~. 168 Ewell. Kathy (9} 80, 12~

FRIEND FACULTY 108-11~ Faddis. Keith (10) 1~ Faddis. Michael (9) 12~ Fails. Orenda (9) 12~ Faldmo, Sheryl (11) 72. 117. 149. 15J Farmer. Todd (10) 1~ Farnsworth. Robert (9) ~7. 117, 12~. 56 Farnsworth. Susan (10) 1~ Fashion. Micheal (9) 12~ FASHIONS 182-1~ Fato. Portico (12) 168 Fawson. Julie (9) 12~ FDLA ~ Fehler. Kelly (11) 15J FHA 85 Fillmore. Kellle (9) 12~ Fillmore, Troy (12) Finin. Lisa (9} 87. 12~ Finley. Floyd (10) 1~7 Fisher. Caroline (11) 65, 117. 15J Fisher. Crystal (11) Fivecoot, Julie (9) 12~ FLAG SQUAD 79 Flag. Wovo (12) 94 Flake. Hal (10) Flake, Jon (11) Flake. Ray (9) 12~ Fletcher. Dana (9) 12~ Flippo. Joseph (10) Fobert, Darcy (9) 12~ FOOTBALL ~7-41 Forbush. Scott ( 11) Forbush. Troy (9} ~7. 12~ Forbush, Wade (9) 12~ Ford. Jackie (12) 168 Ford. Robert (9) 12~ Ford. Wendy (10) 1~7 Foster. Debra (9) 51. 55, 12~ FOUR WINDS 86 Fowler. Marry (9) 12~ Frampton. Anthony (12) 168 Frampton, Richard (12) 168 FDLA 12. Football 10. 11.


Franchino. Bradley (12) 99. 168 Honor Society 11. 12. Honor Roll 10. 11. 12. General .Sterling .Scholar Alternate. FRESHMAN CHEERLEADERS 62 FRE.sHMAN OFFICERS 119 FRE.sHMAN PORTRAITS 120-1~1 FRESHMAN WEEK ~ Fritz. Dovid (12) 168

GRADUATE GAA 89 Gabbitas. Gaylln (10) Gallagher. Dan (12) 53, 168 Football-Captain 12. Football 10. 11. 12. Gymnastics 12. Gold Dot Club 12. JOOC 10. 11. 12. Wrestling 10. Homecoming-Prince. Gallegos. Freddie (12) Gallegos. Juan (12) Gamble. Gary (11) 15~ Garohana. Moree (10) 1~7 Gardner. Kim (10) 55. 15~ Garner. Dane (10) Garner, Gordan (9) 12~ Garner. Terri (9) 12~ Garnes. Clayton (11) 153 Garnes. Ernest (12) 10. 20-21. 98. 100. 101. 1~. 169 Drama.Captain 12. Honor Society 12, .Senior Class Vice President• .Sterling .Scholar. Football 10. 11. 12. Track 10. 11. 12, Lil Abner 12. Boy's .State 11. Thespian 10. 11. Oroodcaster 10. Gates. Richard (9) 12~ Gaunt, Jared (10) Geertsen. Grant (10) 1~. ~ GET ACQUAINTED 14-15 Gibbs. Daniel (9) 12~ Gibbs, Kirk (11) 154 Gibson. Connie (9) 117, 124 Giles, Donnie (9) 124. 154 Giles, Carrie (11) ~ Giles, Michael (12) 98. 99. 1~. 169 Gilgen, George (10) Gilgen, Val (9) 42. 117 Gillette, David (11) 154 Gillman, LeAnn (12) 169 GIRL.s .STATE 100 GIRL.s WEEK ~1 Glad, Connie (12) 72. 169 Glassey, Alison (11) 117. 149. 154, 185 Glover. Guy (10) ~. 1~7 Glover. Jodie (12) 51. 169 Girls Dosketball 12. J-Ciub 12. Goetz. Donald (12) 169 Gogan, Marin (12) 16. 17. 18. 29. 98. 116. 169, .Student Body President 12• .Sterling .SCholar 12. Drama Team-Captain 12. Jr. Class President Oosketball 10. Football. 10 Drama 10. Gogan. Troy (11) 16. 17. 154 Gold. Samantha (9) 74. 124 GOLF~

Gomez. Michael (9) 42. 124 Goodfellow. Orenda (10) 1~7 Goodrich. Laurie (10) 65. 1~7 Goold. Connie (9) 124


Goold, Tammy (12) 169 Goss. Kirstin (9) 85, 124 Golberg. Colleen (11) 154 Goulding. Dovid (12) 169 Graham. Randy (10) 1~7 Greeff, Hans (10) Green, Donnie (9) 124 Green, Cindy (11) Green. Dorryl (11) 154 Green. Kyle (10) Green. Rochelle (12) Greene, Shannon (10) Greenwood, Ryan (10) 1~7 Greer. Daniel (9) 124 Greer, Douglas (10) 1~7 Greer, Sandra (12) 169 Charlonians 11. Girls .Senator 10 Griffith, Carl (10) Griffith. Lori (9) 85, 124 Grob. Sheri (9) Groneman. John (12) Groneman. Shelly (11) 154 Groves, Julia (12) 10, 20. 21. 54, 101. 117. 169. Honor Roll 10. 11. 12. Honor Society 11. 12. Daisy Mae 12. Tennis 12. Thespians 11. Groves. Kenneth (10) 1~7 Grygla. Debra (9) 124 Grygla, Johnna (10) 1~7 Grygla. Karen (12) 169 Guenon, Julie (9) 74. 80, 124 Guffey, Gary (12) 84, 169 Guiterrez. Dovid (12) Gurney, Aaron (10) ~. 1~7 Guss. Tina (12) 85, 169 FHA 12. Girls Oosketball-manager 12. Girls softball Guss. Mathew (9) 7~. 124 Gusto. Lizzy (9) Gustobeson, lisa (9) 80, 124 Gutierrez. Enedelia (11) 7~. 154 Guymon. Danalyn (11) 154 GYMNASTICS 52-53

HALL Hadley, Steve (12) 169 Hagberg, Alice (12) 85, 154. 169 FHA 12. Hogberg. Carl (10) 1~7 Hogberg. Joycelyn (11) 117 Hair. Gregory (12) 169 Hair• .Shannon (11) 52, 53. 154 Holes. Brent (11) 154 Ham, Orion (12) Hamilton, Audrey (10) 1~7. 57 Hamilton. Dorrin (11) 90. 154, 56 Hammer. Todd (9) Hancock. Scott (11) Hancock. Sheila (9) ~1. 124 Hong. Chou (11) Hansen. Clair (9) Hansen. Debra (12) 82. 169 Hansen. Elizabeth (10) 1~7 Hansen. Kyle (11) 49, 154 Hansen, Marl (10) 1~7 Hansen. Mitch (9) 124 Hansen. Patti (12) 169 FOLA 12. FHA 11. DECA 10. Hansen. Shari (10) 1~7 Hansen. Shoun (9) 124

Hansen, Shawna (10) 1~7 Hansen. Touna (12) 1~7. 169 Hansen, Tracy (10) 50. 54, 1~7 Hansen. Troy (11) 92 Hardcastle. Den (9) 124 Hardcastle, Carolyn (10) 54. 70, 1~7 Hardcastle. Heidi (11) 21. 154 Harding. Donny (12) 169 Harding. Jeffery (11) Harding. Morgan (11) Harding. Terri (11) 51. 53. 54, 55, 154. 169 Hargis. Ron (11) 154 Harmon. Joseph (10) 1~7 Harmon. Terry (12) 48. Wrestling 12. Drama 11. Harms. Kelly (9) 124 Harrelson. Tyfony (9) 124 Harrington. Jamie (12) 169 Harrington. Krlsty (9) 124 Harris, Jamie (12) 85. 169 FHA 12, Red Cross 11. Harris. lance (9) ~7. 124 Harris. Margo (11) 90 Harris. Melanie (9) Harris. Troy (12) 169 Harston. Usa ( 11) 154 Harston, Steven (10) 1~7 Hartwell. Glenda (12) 170 Harward. Fronk (9) 48. 124 Harward. Kim (10) 76. 1~7 Harward. Teresa (12) 76. 85. 101. 170. 1~. Bond-President 12. Bond 10. 11. 12, District Honor Bond. 10. 11. 12, FHA 11. 12. National Honor Society 12. Spirit Club-Historian 10. Hatch. Joy (11) 56 Hatfield. Keith (10) 1~ Hatton. Michael (10) 1~ Haueter. Thomas (10) 1~ Havens. Robin (10) 16. 17. 29. 76. 1~

Hawkins. Nlchole (9) 124 Heaps. Jamie (11) 29, 92, 154 Heder. Dill (10) 1~ Heder, Von (11) 49. 154. 1~ Helm. Allen (10) ~. 1~ Helm. Eric (9) 124 Helwlch, Janean (9) 125 Helwlch. John (11) 82, 92, 154 Helwlch, .Sandy (10) 51. 1~ Hemsouvonh, Detsouvon (10) Hender. John (11) 154 Hendricksen. Guy (9) 42, 125. 1~7 Hensler. Dilly (11) 90, 154 Hermon. Dovld (10) 1~ Hermon. Michael (11) 155 Hermansen. Orion (12) 170. 1~ Oosketball 10. 11. Football 10. Hermansen. Lorin (11) 155, 158 Hernandez. Melanie (12) Herre. Jennifer (9) 125 Hess. Carl (12) 170 Heugly. David (9) ~7. 125 Hewitt. Tina (9) 125 Hiott. Shelly (10) 1~ Hickman. Carolyn (10) ~. 1~ Hickmon. Doni (9) 62. 125 Hickman. Tamera (11) 70. 155 Hiebert. Orenda (9) 62. 125 Hill. Curtis (9) ~. ~7. 42. 117. 119, 125

Hofellng. Elizabeth (12) 117, 170 Honor Roll 11. 12. Seminary Council 12. Chorlonlan 11. Donee Company 11. Pep Bond 10. Spirit Club 10. Hofhines, Russell (12) 170 Hoggan. Robert (9) 125 Holdaway. Patricio (10) 1~ Hollinger. Karen (12) 84. 170 Hollinger. Sharon (12) 52. 53, 170 Gymnastics, J Club, GAA 10, 11. 12 Hollingheod, Jeanna (12) Holmgren, Sheila (9) 80. 125 Holt, Dorry (10) 1~ Holt, Orad (11) 155 Holt, Dale (10) Holt, Donna (11) HOMECOMING 10 • 1~ Homer. Paula (12) 85, 101, 170 FHAPresldent 12. FHA 11. Honor Society 12. Debate 11. Hone. Orenda (10) 85, 1~ Hone, Darla (12) ~. 170 HONOR SOCIETY 101 Hooser. Scott (11) 155 Hopes. Rochelle (11) 95, 155 Horscroft, Dolton (10) 76, 1~ Horscroft. Debra (11) 68. 155 Houghton. Karen (11) 7~. 85, 155 Houmand. Alyson (12) 170 Householder. Jerry (10) 1~ Howard. Origelte (10) 1~ Howard. Glenn (11) 86, 155 Howard, Audrey (11) 155 Howell, Deanne (10) 68 Hughes, Perry (12) 170 Weight lifting 12. 11. 10. Wrestling 12. 10. Photography 11. Hulbert. Rick (10) 1~ Hunsaker, Kristi (9) 125. 170 Hutcheon, Karen (11) 64, 65. 70, 155. Hutcheon. Todd (9) ~7 . 125 Hyde, Greg (11) 151. 155 Hymas. Lisa (9) 76, 79, 125

IMAGEAV Isaacson, John (10) lsely. Eileen (12) lsi, Druse (9) 125 lsi. David (10) 1~. 155 lsi. Mike (10) 1~ lskulehto. Raimo (12)

.RJ81lAHT J CLUB 88 Jack. Lisa ( 10) 1~ Jackett, Eddie (10) 1~ Jackson. David (11) Jackson, Julie (10) 85. 1~ Jacobsen, Trisha (12) 170 Jacobson, Dannette (10) 1~ Jacobson. Dorin (9) 7~. 125 Jacobson, Dione (11) Jacobson. Karle (11) 1~ James. Corrie (10) 155 Jarvis. Michael (12) 170 Jensen. Eric (9) 125

Jensen. Heather (10) 138 Jensen, Jane (11) 155 Jensen. Jill (9) 80. 125 Jensen, Lindo (9) 74, 125 Jensen. Pamela (12) 30, 98, 100. 116. 117. 170, 185 Notional Honor Society 12. English Sterling Scholar 12. Student Oody Vice President 12. J. V. Cheerleader 11. Girls State 11, Homecoming Princess 11. Sophomore Closs Vice-President. Jensen. Sondra (9) 125 Jensen. Shouno Lee (9) 62. 125 Jensen. Sheila (12) 170 Flog Squad 11. FHA 11. Spirit Club. Jensen. Tad (10) 138 Jenson , Kristie (12) BJ. 90, 95, 101 FDLA-Presldent 12. FDLA 11, Honor Roll 10. 11. 12. Notional Honor Society 11. 12, Service Art 12. Yearbook Photographer 12 Jenson. Terry (9) 125 Jentzsch. Cindy (12) 170 Jewell, Athena (10) 138 Jewell. Shone (9) 125 Johns. Julie (10) 73. 80 Johnson. Cheeri (11) 156 Johnson. Chris (10) 11. 42, 64. 65. 138 Johnson. Joe ( 11) 156 Johnson. Kathy (10) 79. 139 Johnson. Kimberly (9) 87. 125 Johnson. Lindo (11) 156 Johnson. Lynnelle (12) 42. 72. 75. 76. 98. 100. 101. 165, 170 All Stole Dond 12. District Honors Orchestra 12. Drum Mojorelle 12. Jazz Dond Pres. 11. 12. Jazz Dond 10. Lellered Cross Country 12. Dond Secretory 11. Madrigal Choir 12. Pep Dond and Marching Dond 10. 11. 12. Sterling Scholar Music 12 Johnson. Mark (9) Johnson, Moll (10) 139 Johnson. Michael (12) 36, 170 Johnson. Nancy (11) 42. 70. 90. 156 Johnson. Steven (12) 12. 171 Football 10. 11. 12. Four Winds 12. J Club 10. 11, 12. Leiterman 10. 11, 12. Ski Club 10. Track 10. 11. 12. VICA 11. 12 Johnson. Suzanne (10) 55. 139 Johnson, Towny (11) 156 Johnston. Ted (11) 92. 139. 156 Johnstun. Nicki (10) 139 Jones. Cindy (12) 70. 170 Head J.V. Cheerleader 11. Cheerleader 10 Jones. Darryl (10) 139 Jones. David (10) 117. 139, 56 Jones. Jackie ( 10) Jones. Jeffrey (12) 10. 98. 116. 117, 171, 176, 185 Honor Society 11. 12. Moth Sterling Scholar 12, Notional Merit Semi-finalist 12. Sandy Youth Council 12. Track Team 12. DECA 11. Madrigals 11. Yearbook Photographer 11. 12 Jones. Jeffrey ( 10) 139 Jones. Julianne (9) BJ, 125 Jones. Kathleen (12) 31. BJ. 171. FDLA 11, 12. Honor Society 11, 12. SOP/COE 12.

Jones. Lee (11) Jones. Michael (10) 139 Jons. Nathan (9) 37. 126 Jones. Theron ( 12) 171 Jones. Virginia (10) 139 Jonsson. Debro (11) 156 Jorgenson. Dryce (11) 95. 156. 56 Jose. Tlno (9) Joseph. Jocquie (9) 126 Joseph. Toreco (10) 80. 139 Judd, Terri (10) 53, 64. 65. 139 JUNIOR OFFICERS 149 JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS 65 Jurica, Judith (10) 139

KNOWlEDGE Kodjon, Todd (10) Korson. Asposlo (10) 140 Kotwyk, Troy (10) 140 Kaye. Michelle (9) 75. 117. 126 Keener. Rebecca (10) 74. 140 Kelly. Scoff ( 11) Kelso. Corrie (9) 126 Kemp. Dorboro (9) 126 Kemp. Lisa (9) 126 Kemp. Rick (9) 37. 126 Kemp. Ryan (11) 156 Kennedy, Jeannine (9) 126 Kennelly. Lori (12) 171 Kennelly. Marie (9) 126 Kenworthy. Stephen (9) 126 Kenyon. Cory (11) 48, 156 Kenyon. Sondra (9) 117, 126 Kellerer. Robert (9) 37. 126 KEY CLUD 87 Khounsovoth. Eth (11) Kiel. Paul (11) 156 Killinger. Martha (10) 140 Kim. Choe (10) Kim, Choe (11) King. Dorin (10) King. Weldon (12) 16. 171 Dromo Club 12, Madrigals 12. School Ploy 12. VICA 1. 12 Kissllles. Anthony (9) 82. 126 Kitchen, Doren (9) 126 Kiyoto. Michele (10) 117. 133. 140 Knight. Jeff ( 10) Knight. Loni ( 10) 38 Knudsen. Todd (12) 49. 95. 170. J Club 11. 12 Wrestling 10. 11. 12. Yearbook Photographer 12 Knudsen, Wade (10) 140 Kocherhons. Mary (12) 82. 179 Koehler. Susan (12) 10. 19. 30. 42. 70. 116. 117, Cross Country 11. 12. Donee Company 12. S.D.O. Allorney General 12. Sr. Hop Queen 12. Jr. Closs V.P.. track team 10. 11, Sweetheart's Duchess 10. tennis team 10 Kokkolo. Debbie (11) 53. 156. 57 Koplin. Todd (9) Korm. Thy (12) 48. 171, J Club 12. Wrestling 11. 12. Soccor 11 Krombule. Ron (10) 140 Krebs. Paul (11) 92, 156 Kuehn. Todd (10) 140 Kunz. Daniel (12) 76. Dond 10. 11. 12 Spectrum 10. 11. 12. Sterling Scholar 12

Kunz. David (9) 86. 98, 126

lAUGHTER Lake. Dobby (12) 76. 171 Lake. Lauro (10) 54. 76, 140 Lambert, Kris ( 11) 10. 73. 76. 79, 156 Lambert, Lori (11) 156 Lambson, Scott (12) 92, Football 12. Track 12 Lamont. Koren (11) 156 Lamping. Cothrlne (9) 126 Lamping. Dove (11) Longenbocher. Curtis (11) 156 Longenbocher. Rodney (10) Longeford. Scoll (9) 126 Larabee, Dorin (9) 126 Larsen. Drent (12) 171 Larsen, Chris (10) 140 Larsen, Darren (10) 38. 140 Larsen. Steve (11) 46, 92. 156 Larsen, Tomaro (10) 140 LAW ENFORCEMENT 91 Lawson, Koylene (9) 74, 80. 126 Lawson, Kurt (11) 156 Leony, Keith (11) 156 Learned. Donna (11) 156 Learned. Jerry (12) Leovill. Lori (12) 117. 156 Lee. Kathryn (9) Lee. Lindo (10) 53, 64. 65. 117. 140 Lee. Lora (11) Lee. Richard (11) Lee. Shounno (9) 126 Lee. Siong (11) Lemonds. Michael (10) 117. 140 Lemonds. Tommy (11) 65. 72. 94, 117, 156 Lems. David ( 12) 170 Lems. Robert (11) 156 Lengele. lola (9) Lenard. Mike 140 Levine, Mindy (10) 140 Lewis. Deborah (11) Lewis. John (9) 126 Lewis. Kim (9) 126 Lewis. Marie (12) 170. Manager Girls Dosketboll 12. A'Copello 11. School Ploy 10. Lewis. Russell (10) 38 Lindsey, Daniel (10) Lindsey, Lindo (11) 156 Lindsley, Stephanie (11) 156 llnnorz. Orad (10) 140 Linnorz. Jerry ( 12) 171 Linnell. James (12) 99. 101. 171. Honor Society V.P. 12, Sandy Youth Council 12. Sterling Scholar Alternate 12. Drama 11. Ski Club 10 Linnell. Shouno (9) 117. 126 Lister. Brent ( 11) Lister. Sharon (12) 86, 171 Livingston, Marlene (11) 156 Lloyd. Cynthia (11) 101. 156 Lloyd, Michelle (10) 74. 80, 140 Lloyd, Susan (9) 74, 127 Lo. Neng (9) Long. Scoff (12) 171 Lopez. Mike (9) 127 Lord. Nolana (10) 140

Loll, David (11) Loveall. Michael (11) 92. 157 Lucero, Notovldod (10) Lucero. Rebecca (11) Lucero. Victoria (12) 171 Ludlow. Mark (10) 38. 139, 140 Lunnen (9) Kelli 127 Luttrell. Seleeno (11) 157 Luu. Lon-To ( 12) 171 Lyon, ) 5, K 11 12 F 1 I Clb H Dennis (10) 140

MASTERY Macdonald. Lindo (10) 80. 140 Mace. Jeffery ( 10) 42. 48. 140, 147 Mace, Lauro (12) 11. 53, 66. 67. 117. 171 Varsity Cheerleader-Head 12. Gymnastics-Captain 12. Homecoming-Queen 12. Vrsity Cheerleader 11. Junior PromQueen 11. J Club 11. 12. Sophomore Cheerleader-Head 10. DECA 10, FBLA 10, SKI Club 10. Machan, Danelle (9) 127 Mackey, Shorilyn (10) 141 Madrigal, Dallas (10) Madrigal. Rick (12) 171 Football 12. Track 11. MADRIGALS 72 Madsen. Robyn (12) 85, 171 FHARegionol Representative 12. Oeetdigger Co-Editor 11. Editor 11. FHA 11. Oeetdigger Stoff 11. 12. Madsen. Susie (12) BJ. 87. 98. 101. 171 FBLA-Reporter 12. Honor Society 11, 12. Key Club 10. 11. 12. SOP / COE 12. Key Club President 11. FBLA 10, 11. 12. A 'Coppello 10. Moes. Rick (10) 141 Malstrom. Dyke ( 10) 141 Malstrom. Jomle (9) Manning. Melodle (10) 141 Monwlll. Dione (11) 156 Marchant. Kirk (11) 156 Marchant. Trisho (11) 51. 55, 156 MARCHING BAND 78 Markham. James (9) 127 Markham. Micheol (10) 141 Moroney. Cindy ( 11) Moroney. Pot (10) 82 Marsh. Christine (12) 95, 171 Oeetdigger Stoff 12. FHA-Stote Officer 12. FHA 11. Ski Club 10. Honor Roll 10, 11. 12 Martinez. Chris (12) 92. 172 Football 10. 11. 12 Track 10. 11. 12. J-Club 10. 11. 12. Martinez. Pot ( 10) Martinez. Tommy (10) Mason. Frankie (10) 141 Mason. Jolynn (10) Mason. Kim (9) 62. 127 Mathews. Michelle (9) 74. 80. 127 Mathews, Pot:lck (10) Maughan. Gregory (10) 141 Maughan, Mike (12) 76, 99, 101, 172. Dond 10. 11. 12. Jazz Dond 11, 12. District Honors Bond 10. 11. 12, All-State Jazz Dond 12. Sterling Scholar Alternate 12. Dond-Vice


President 12. District Orchestra 12. Hoflonol Honors Society 12 Mow. Julie Ann (12) 172. Honor Roll

10, 11. 12. Mow, Lisa (11) 156 Maxwell, David (9) 75. 127 Maxwell, Jomi (9) 80. 127 Maxwell. Kathy (11) 74. 156 Maxwell. Mark (11) 48. 156 MCallister, Koren (11) ~. 55. 156. 183. 57 McCoffree, Morel (11) ~. 66. 67. 117. 156, 57 McColl, Krlsty (11) 156 McClure. Kenr (12) 92 McComb. John (12) 95. 172 FootballVarsity 12. Honor Roll 11. 12. Oeetdigger Photographer 12. J.V. Football 11, Sophomore Football

10. McCormick, Jerry (10) McCormick, Kelly (10) 141 McCormick, Vicky (12) 172 McCulloch. Robert (9) 43, 76, 127 McDermort. Becky (10) 141 McDonald, Buckley (12) 92. 172, VICA 12. McDonald, Lojuono (9) 127 McDonald, Shoney (11) McDonald. Tiffany (10) 68-69, 141 McEntire, Daniel (11) 46-47, 156 McEntire. Donald (9) 42. 127 McFarlane. Jeff (12) 12. 92. 172, 56 Ooseboll 10. 11. 12. Basketball 10. J-Ciub 12. Football 10. 12. McFarlane. Kathleen (11) 72, 156 McFarlane. Troy (10) 141 McGinnis. Tondi (10) 141 Mcilrath, Susan (12) 172 McDendrick. Stacey (11) 156 McNeal. Kimberly (10) 141 Meadows, Dean (10) 141 Meadows. Joson (12) 75, 77. 172 Oond 10. 11. 12, District Honors Bond and Orchestra 10. 11, 12. Jazz Oond 10. 11. 12. Orchestra 10. 11. 12. Football 10, Guitar Club 10. 11. Meadows, Jill (9) 127 Mecham, Annerte (11) 83. 94 101. 156 Mecham, Corrie (10) Mecham, Mike (11) Mecham. Shorlo (9) 7J. 127 Medina. Bobby (12) 172 Football 10. 11. 12. Meldrum, Douglas (12) 172 J.Ciub 11. 12. Vorslly Football 12. Wrestling 10, 11. Football 10. 11. Meldrum, Kelly (9) 27, J7, 56 Mellng, JessleSue (12) 70, 77. 172 Melville, Edwin (12) 172 Melville. Marcus (11) 49, 156 Menno, Marie (11) 55. 156 Middaugh. Tonyo (11) 94. 101. 154, 156 Miller. Cindy (12) 172, 185 Miller. John (11) 156 Miller, Jolene (12) 70, 172 Donee Company Vice-President 12. Donee Company 11, FOLA 10, FHA 11.


Miller, Joy (11) 156 Miller. Maureen (12) 68. 69. 70, 173, Chorlonlons-Heod Drill Mistress 12. Donee Company 11, 12, Chorlonlons 11, FOLA 11. Miller. Richard (10) 141 Miller. Ronnie (12) 73 Miller, Sherry (10) 140, 142 Mills. Darren (12} 17J Mills. Sherllyn (11) 72. 87. 156 Minnick. David (12) 73. 56 Mishler, Catherine (12) 17J Mitchell. Todd (9) 127 Montague, Michael (10) 142 Montoya, Billy (9) 77 Montoya, Lindo (11} 70. 71. 156 Moore. Cynthia (12) 117, 173 Moore, Douglas (9) 75, 77, 127 Moore. Joneen (10) 6J. 142 Moore, Katrina (11} ~. 65. 157 Moore. Michael (11) 24, 157 Morondy. Jodi (9) 127 Concert Oond 10, Pep Oond 10. 11, Vlco 12. DECA 12 Morgan, David (9) 127 Morrill. Gory (12) 17J Mortensen, Glenn (11) 82. 92. 157 Mortenson, Tonyo (12} 17J. FHA-Hero Treasurer 10, Spirit Club 10. Mounteer, Oen (12} 92. 173 Mousley, Mont (12) 17J MOVIES 24-25 Mower, Natalie (9} 127 Muir. Gory (12) 17J Muir, LeeAnn (10} 70. 83. 85, 142. 183 Muir. Russell (9) 42, 127 Munguia. Melba (9) 127 MUSIC CLUO 75 Muthretch. Koren (10) 50. 54. 142 Muthreich. Kersten (10) 50, 54. 142. 144 Myers, Kirk (10) 142 Myrick, Craig (12) 17J Myrick, Toml (10) 68. 142

HOTAilE Nonce. Tonyo (11) 92. 156 Neff. Holly (9) :33. 62, 126. 1~ Nelson. Orad (10) 142 Nelson. Dorene (11) 42. 50, 92, 158 Nelson. James (11) 14. 46. 101. 158.

56 Nelson, Kenneth (9) 128 Nelson, Michael (11) 101. 158 Nelson, Taro (11) 128 Nelson, Virginia (11) 158 Ness. Stocl (9) 80, 128 Neumann. Dorrell (9) 128 Nevarez. Curt (9) Newbold. Lorry (12) 46. 101. 17J Honor Society-Treasurer 12. J¡Ciub 11. 12. Basketball 10. 11. 12. Nez. Davie (11) Nichols, Wade (12) 17J. VICA 12. Nielsen, Orad (9} 48. 128 Nielsen, Hollee (11) 158 Nielsen, Kenneth (9) 128 Nielson. Stephanie (11) 14. 68. 69.


Niemann. Julie (10) Holan. Anthony (10) 49 Nolan, Melody (12) 173 Norman. Christine (11) 158 Norman. Steve (9) Norton, Down (12} 66. 67. 117, 17J. Honor Roll 11, 12. Songleoder 12. Spirit Club 11. 12, Track 11, 12. VICA 12. Girls Basketball-Monger

11. Norton, Sherlce (9} 128 Nuffer. Eva (12} 82, 9J. 17J DECAPresident 12. Honor Society 12. Drama 11. DECA 11.

OPPORTUNITV Ookoson, Mike (11} 158 Ookden. Mark (11} Oar, Melinda (10) 142 Oar, Michelle (12) 17J Ober, Gordon (9} Oberg. Sheila (10} 142 Obrien. Robert (11} 142. 158 Odell, Norman (10} Oldham, Lori (9} 128 Olin, John (12} 173 Oliphant, Denise (12} 173 Oliphant, Doug (10} 142 Oliver. Dione (11) 158 Oliver. Roger (9) J7, 128 Olsen. Darren (10} :38. 142 Olson, Kathryn (12} 17J Olson, Monte (12) 17J Olson, Nicky (12) 17J Olson. Noel (10) 142 Olson. Sharon (10} 85 O lson. Todd (11) J6. 84, 158 Onechonh. Votsono (10) ONCE UPON A MATTRESS 16-17 Ontiveros. Stocl (11} 54. 158 Openshaw, Jsonu (9) 83, 128 ORCHESTRA 76 Orme, Michael (11) 84. 158. 160 Orme. Scott (12) 75, 77. 99. 116. 117, 17:3. Honor Society 11. 12. Football 11. 12. Jazz Oond 11. 12. Oond 10, District Honors Oond 10, Track 11, 12. Studentbody First Vice-Pres. 12. Sterling Scholar-All. English. O rtego. Bobby (12) 173 Orwln, Suzanne (9) 80. 128 Osborn. Michelle (11) ~. 70, 158 Osborne. Scott (12) 174 Ostler. Kevin (10) 142 Ostler, Kurt (11) 87, 158 Ostler. Tomaro (9) 128 Ortley. Darren (9) 37. 7J, 128 Ortman. Joonn (11) 15, 158 Ottman. Kellh (12) 174 Overman, Krlsfle (11} 158 Oviatt, Tracy (11) 117, 158 Owen, Lisa (10) 53, 142. 158 Owen, Monty (12) 174, Drama 11. Football 10. Ownby, Donny (9) 128

PHOTOGRAPH Pace, Carolyn (9) 128

Pace, Cory (12) 174 Football 10. Pace. Scort (10) Podmos. Robert (10) :38, 142 Page, Bloke (10) 142 Page, Orion (9) 128 Page. Ronald (10) 142 Pongos, Lisa (11} 85 Paramore, Kevin (9) 128 Paramore. Randy (11} 158 Porker. Carol (10} Porker. Debbie (12} 68. 69. 174, Honor Society 11. 12. ChorlonlonsPres.. FOLA 11. Chorlonions 10, 11. Porker. Kenneth (12) Parry, Rhea (9} 128 Parsons, Ronald (12} 174 Parten, Orion (12} 174 Porterson, Debra (9} 80. 117. 128 Porterson, Denise (10} 142 Paxman. Lincoln (9} 128 Payton. Down (11} 10, 17, 68. 70.

71.158 Peacock, Carol (11} 72, 82. 90, 158 Pearce. Carolyn (12} 98, 99, 100. 101. 174 Honor Society 11. 12. Asian Club 12. Ski Club 12. Sterling Scholar 12. Drama 11, Girh State 11. FOLA 10. Pearson. Cindy (9} 80, 128 Pearson. Lisa ( 12} 174 Peoy, Richard (9) 128 Pendelton. Lourie (12) 17. 20, :30. 86. 161. 174, Madrigals-Treasurer 12. Home Room Rep. 11. Swing Choir 11. Modrlgols-Sociol Director 10, Pep Club 10, FOLA 10. Pendleton. Jerry (10} 42 PEP OAND 77 Perkins. Teresa (11} 55. 158 Perrenoud, Shelley (10) Perry. Mike (12) Petersen. Carol (9} Petersen. Corby (12) 72. 84. 174 Drama 12. Madrigals 12. Vlco 12. VICA Treasurer 11. Petersen, James (12} 174 Petersen, Mark (11} 14. 19. 46, 158 Petersen. Michael (12} 174 Peterson. Orendo (9) 128 Peterson, Leso (11} 68. 69, 83. 159 Peterson. Pamela (10) 142 Peterson. Scott ( 11) Peterson. Sharon (9) 128 Peterson. Tomaro (9) 117, 129 Peterson, Trlclo (9} 31. 77, 129 Peterson, Troy (11) Peterson, Vol (11) 159 Phom. Minh (10) Phillips. Chris (11) 159 PHOTOGRAPHY OEETDIGGER 178-181 Phoothovong, Phouvonh (12} Pierce, Andrew (10} J6. 142 Pierce, Timothy (11} 159 Pine. Steven (12) Piper. Lourie (10) 142 Player. Mathew (10) 46. 142 Podlesny. Dione (11) 68. 159 Podrob.sky. Korlle (11) Porter. Cynthia (10) 72, 80. 142 Porter, LeAnno (12) 101. 174 Hollonoi-Honors Society 11. 12. GAA 12. Girls Oosketboll 11.

Powell, Jimmie (11) 159 Powell. Julie (11) 14. 94, 117. 149. 159 Powell. Shouno (10) 86, 142 Proog. Eric (12) 33, 46, 174. Dosketball 10. 11. 12. Proog. Michael (9) 129 Pro fl. Sherry ( 10) Price. Scoff ( 11) 159 Prince. Koren (9) 129 Prince. Susan (10) 142 PRINCIPALS 105 Probst, Debra (9) Proctor, Decky (11) 159 Provord, John (11) 156. 159 Provord. Michael (12) 72. 90, 95, 174 Deetdlgger Editor 12, Madrigals 12. Droodcoster Artist 12. Service Art 11. 12. Deetdlgger Stoff 11. Pryor, Lisa ( 10) 142 Puder. William (10) Pullan. Kenneth (10) Pullan, Sherri (11) 159 Pulsipher. Cheryl (10) 143 Pulsipher. Randy (12) 46. 47, 174 Varsity Dosketball 12. Honor Roll 11, 12. VICA 11, 12. Dosketball 11.

OUEST RAPPORT Roger. Dione (10) 73, 80. 143 Ramirez. Ann (9) Ramirez. Roy (10) 143 Rasmussen, Jerry (9) 129 Rasmussen, Tony (9) Roy. Anneffe (12) Roy, Lorry (11) 77, 159 Redmond, Anneffe (9) 174 Reece. Stacy ( 12) 94. 174 Reece, Steven (10) 143 Reed. LuAnn (12) 63. 85. 175 FDLA 12. FHA 10, Spirit Club 10. RED CROSS 91 Reich. Kevin (10) Reid. Joseph (12) 175, Football 12. Reiley. Louis (9) Reiley, Seon (10) Reith. Lindo (9) 129 Richards, Connie (9) 74, 129 Richards, John (10) Richardson, Jerry (11) 46. 117, 154,

168 Riches. Kevin (12) 49, 175 Varsity Football 11. 12. Wrestllng.Coptoln 12. Track Team 11. 12 Richins. Confer (9) Richins, Patsy (12) 55. 175, Volleyball. Richins. Raymond ( 9) 129 Relben, Cindy (10) 143 Rlet. David (12) 175 Football 10. 11, Wrestling 10. Rinehart. Gall (11) 159 Ritzman, Wendee (11) 53. 159 Robbins. Darlene (9) Roberts. Gory (9) Roberts. Tina (9) 129 Robinson. Lindo (11) 159 Robinson, Holly (9) 129 Robinson. Kristine (12) 175

Robinson, Sydney (9) 77, 129 Rodrigues, Alejandro (11) 129, 159 Rodlgues. James (12) 175 Rodriguez. Andrew (10) 77, 143 Rogers. Drent (10) 138. 143 Rogers. Donny (11) 159 Rogers. Scoff (11) 159 Roper. Nathan (12) 175 Rose, Robyn ( 11) 159 Roskelly. Angelo (9 ) Ross. Corle (11) 64. 65. 70, 117. Rostrom. David (9) 129 Roth, Christ (10) 143 Roth. Debra (12) 116. 117. 175, FDLA 11. 12. Studentbody Secretory 12, SOP /COE 12, Junior Closs Secretory 11. Sophomore Closs Secretory 10. Tennis 10. J.Ciub 10. Rowe. Orion (10) 77. 95. 134. 143 Rowe, Kevin (12) 92. 175 Drama 10, 11. 12. Rowe. Liso (9) 129 Rowley, James (9) 129 Rowsell, Don (12) 175 Royter, Kelly (11) Rubio. Fernando (12) 86. 175 Four Winds President 12. Cross Country 11. 12. Tennis 12. Four winds 11. Ruffell, Arilyn (11) 63, 159 Runolfson, Russell (10) 143

SUCCEED Sadler. Anneffe (10) 143 Sadler. Kristine ( 10) 72, 86, 87. 143 Saldivar, Guodolupe (10) 143 Soldlvor. Kenneth (9) 37. 129 Saldivar. Peter (10) 143 Sononikone. Aryo (11) Sononlkone. Lee (9) Sanders. Cynthia (11) 159 Sanfilippo. Debby (11) Sargeant, Joseph (9) Savage, Richard (12) 49. 95. 175, Deetdlgger Photographer 11, 12, Wrestling 10. 11. 12. Sovoge. Stocl (12) 175, FHA 11. 12. GAA 12. Track 10, 11. 12. VICA 10. 11. 12. Saxton. Allen (12) 159 5oyoroth, Oudom (10) Sayers. Chad (11) 117. 159 Sayers. Lone (10) 77, 79, 143, 146 Schiffman. Jon (12) 175, 185 Honor Society 11, 12. Tennis 11. 12. Schlleske. Jorg (12) Track 12. Schmidt, Marie (10) 143 Schmidt. Michele (9) 129 Schmidt. Robert (9) 37 Schneller. Elizabeth (9) 36, 87. 129, 174. Schneller. Steve (11) 36. 94. 159. 174 Schnelle. Amy (12) 175 Asian Duddy 12. DECA 12. Four Winds-First VIce Pres. 11, Student Council 11. Guitar Club 10. Schnelle. Mark (10) 143 Schofield. Lonell (11) 73, 160 Schofield, Nikl (10) 129, 143 Schollmeyer. Drigett (10) 144 Schollmeyer. Joseph (12) 53. 175

Schott, Kristina (11) 77. 160 Schow. Ja mes (10) 144 Schultz. Vicki ( 12) 175 Scoff. Rhonda (11) 160 Scoff, Robert ( 10) 144 Scroggin, Liso (9) 80. 129 Scroggin, Russell ( 10) 144 Sears. Kenneth ( 10) 144 SECRET ARIES 106 Seipel. Hope (10) Sekeret, Ann (11) 77. 101. 160 Sekeret. Jill (9) 129 SENIOR HOP 18.19 SENIOR OFFICERS 163 SENIOR PORTRAITS 164.177 SENIOR WEEK 30 SERVICE ART 90 Setters. Cathie (10) 77. 79 Severson, Kevin (11) 160 Sevy. Tracy (11) 117. 160 Sharp. Corrie (11) 160 Sharp. Lindo (10) Sharples. Teresa (12) 175 Show, Corlg (9) 77 Show. Tony (12) 175 Shell. David (12) 92. 175 Football 10, 11. 12. Doseball 11. Shell, Vonlsho (10) 53. 54. 145 Shelton. Mollhew (10) 145 Shepherd. Karle ( 12) 175 Sheffel. Dorbaro (12) 63, 175. Wrestlereffe 12. Track team 12. Chorlonlon 11. Ski Club 81, Soccor Cheerleader 10. GAA 10. Spirit Club 10. Shields. Mork (11) 160 Silcox. Scoff (12) 175 Simons. Dorothy (9) 50. 55. 74, 128. 129 Simons. Doug ( 11) 160. 56 Simons. Holly (11) 63, 85. 95. 160 Simons. Krls (11) 55 Simonson. Dryon 82, 129 Simonson. Mark ( 10) 77, 95, 145 Simpson, Corrine (10) Sinclair, Tomle ( 10) 145 Sires. Anlfo (9) 129 Slvonnoroth. Soumphon (10) Slvonnoroth, Vlloyvonh (11) Sl vonnoroth, Vlloyvone (9 ) SKI CLUD 81 Skouby. Jeff (11) 16. 29. 160 Smith, Drelf ( 10) 145 Smith. Cindy (12) 53. 70. 175 J.CJub officer 12. GAA 12. g ymnastics.. coptoln 11. 12. donee 11. 12. Smith, Damon (11) 160 Smith, Debbie ( 12) 175 Smith, Jeffrey (9) 130 Smith, Koren (12) 175 Smith, Kendall (11) 160 Smith, Lisa ( 10) 145 Smith, Merl Jo (12) 85. 91. 99. 100. 101. 176, FHA-Historlon 12, Girls State 12. Honor Society 12. FDLA 11. FHA 11, 12. Smith, Noble (10) Smith, Pomelo (10) 145 Smith, Sterling (12) 176 Smith, Tim (10) 145 Snldemon, Jeff (12) 176 Snow. Cosey (11) 36, 160

Snow, Michelle (11) 160 Snow. Pamela (9) 11, 62. 130. 57 Somchit• .SOmsak (12) Somerville Sheila (10) SONGLEADERS 66-67 SOPHOMORE CHEERLEADERS 64-65 SOPHOMORE. OFFICERS 133 SOPHOMORE PORTRAITS 134-147 SOPHOMORE WEEK 32 Sorensen, Dryon (12) 176. Doseball 10. 11. 12. Sorensen. Liso (9) 123. 130 Sorensen. Lori (11) Sorensen. Russell ( 11) 160 Sotele. Naomi (9) Sotele. Poeo (12) Spencer. Tommie ( 9) 130 SPIRIT CLUD 80 Stobnow, David (11) 92 STAGE CREW 92 Stanley. Heidi (12) 176 Stanley, Mark (10) Storley. Druce (9) 37. 130 STATE DASKETDALL 59 Stay. Cynthia (9) 80. 130 Stay. Kevin (10) 141. 145 Steadman. James ( 12) 19. 100. 117. 163. 57, 176. Days State Delegate 12. J-Club 12. Senior Closs President 12. Doseball 10. 11. 12. Football 10. 11. 12. Dosketball 10. Sophomore Closs President 10. Steadman. Jerold ( 11) 36. 95. 117. 149. 160. 57 Steele. William (10) 145 Steinogel. Jeffrey ( 10) 48, 136. 145 STERLING SCHOLARS 98.99 Stevens. Mary ( 12) Stevenson. Julie ( 10) 145 Steward. Judd (9) 130 Stillwell. Robert (10) 145 STOMPS 24-25 Stone. Dorbaro (10) 74 Stone. Honey (9) Storper. MaryAnn (11) 160 Storper. Peter (9) 37, 73. 117 Strebel. Ronald (12) 84. 176 Stromberg. Suzanne (11) 63. 70. 72. 160 Stuck. Gory (9) 48, 130 STUDENT DODY OFFICERS 116 STUDENT COUNCIL 117 Sundell. Kelli ( 12) 176 Seminary Council 12. GAA 11. DECA 10. Girls Dosketball 10. Swenson. Curtis (10) SWEETHEARTS 22-23 Swilor. Julie (9 ) Sybrowsky. Colleen ( 11) 63. 85, 160

TftANSCEND Tockeff, Edward (10) Toft. Steve (10) 145 Ton. Le Kim (9) Ton, Minh-Klet (11) Ton, Sonh (11) Ton, Von-Hung (12) 172 Tong. Hoi (9) 130 Tong, Von-Minh (12) Tong. Von-Son (12)


Tonner. Cynthia (9 ) 130 Tonner. Patrie ( 11), Torr. Jill (11) 73. 160 Torr. Robyn (9) 33. 62, 73, 130 Taylor, Orad (10) Taylor, Dole (12) 145 Taylor. Dole (10) Taylor, Koren (10) 50. 145 Taylor, Kathleen (10) 50, 55. 145 Taylor. Nicole (9) 17. 130 Taylor, Olivia (10) 145 Taylor. Robert (12) 176 Taylor, Sherman (10) 145 TENNIS GIRLS 54 Terry, Angelo (12) 176 Terone. Paul (10) 145 Thacker. Gory (9) Thacker. Rebecca (12) 101. 176. FDLA 12. Honor Society-Secretory 12. SOP /COE 12. FDLA 11. Thacker. Richard (11) Thackeray, Donny (12) 176, 57 J. Club 10. 11. 12. Baseball 10. 11. 12. Basketball 10. Thackeray. Joson (11) 160 Thackeray, Honey (9) 55, 130 Thoo. Siong (9) Thatcher. Sondra (10) Thovong. In (10 Thibodeau. Becky (10) Thomas. D•etr (11) 160 Thomas. John (11) Thomas. Troy (9) Thompson. Orion (9) 130 Thompson, Cyndi (11) 160 Thompson, Debra (11) 91. 160 Thompson. Jerry (11) 160 Thompson, Mike (9) 14, 33, 37, 117. 119. 130, 57 Thompson. Rhonda (10) 145 Thompson. Tommy (11) 68. 69. 160 Thornblod. Honey (9) 50. 56. 130 Thornblod, Roger (11) 117, 130. 161 Thorne, Holly (11) 161 Thorne. Jodie (12) 176 Thorne. Rebecca (9) 130 Thorne. Reese (10) 145 Thornwoll. Crystal (11) 65, 161 Throckmorton, Cathleen (12) 177 Thurgood. Todd (10) 145 Tidwell. Kevin (12) 42. 100. 101. 177 Cross Country 12. J.Ciub 12. VICA 11. 12. Honor Society 12. Track 11. 12. SKI Club 10. Timmons. Troy (9) 130 Tjogvod. Steven (12) Tobin. Michael (11) 161 Toole. DeAnn (10) 52. 53. 64. 65. 145 Torres. Michelle (9) 130 Tracy. Geon (12) TRACK 5a Tron. Harry (12) Tron. Hgoc (9) Tron. Phu (10) Tron. Soi-Denh (12) 177 Treadway. Gordon (9) 36. 43, 73. 130 Trent. Juonito (9) 130 Trujillo. Hick ( 10) Troung. Cuong (10) Truscott. Kevin (10)


T.soo, ChioOChen (10) Tsoo. Yuechlng (12) Sterling ScholarMusic 12. Tufts. Allen (11) Turner. Allen (9) 130 Turner, Arthur (12) 82 Turner, Carolyn (9) 87, 130 Tyler. Jean (10) 90. 145

UNIQUE Ulibarri. Adrian (10) 146 Ulibarri, lone (12) 177 Ulrich. Bryon ( 12) Ulrich, Chris (9) Urton, Lonlo (11) 72, 101. 161

VALEDICTION Valdez. Paulo (9) 131 Valdez. Robert (12) 117, 177 Drama 12. Football 11. Ski Club 10. Valenzuela. Paul (11) 49, 92. 146. 151. 161. 185 VonAmen. Dorrell (9) 33, 37. 117, 119. 129. 131 Yonce. Cori (9) 75, 77 Yonce, Tommy (9) Vondebroke. Todd (9) 131 Vonderhoek. Lorrie (11) 161 Vonekelenberg. Gory (10) 146 Vong. Dlong (9) Vong. Choo (10) Yang. Gee (12) Vong. Soy (10) Vong. Vue (9) Yang. Yio (11) Vongrol. Darren (11) 161 Vonvlloy. Doorhonh (11) Vonvlloy, Keomonivo (10) Vowdrey. Lori (12) 50. 51 Vorslry Doskerboii.Coproln 12. GAA 12. J. Club 10. 11. 12. Varsity Doskerboll 10, 11. 12. Velez. Susan (10) 146 Versluis. John (11) 82. 161 Versluis. Robert (9) 82. 131 VICA 84 VIEWS 96-97 Vincent, David (10) 146 Visser. Angelo (9) 131 Voiles. Orion (12) 16. 17. 29. 30. 70. 71. 77. 92. 99. 101. 176. Donee Company 12. Honor Society President 12. Jozz Bond 11. 12. Dromo Club 10. 11. Thespian 10. VOLLEYBALL 55 Vorovong. Kim (11)

WONDER Wade. Donnie (10) 146 Wagner. Mark (9) 131 Wagstaff. Trfsho (10) Wolke. Jennifer (10) 53. 146 Wall. Bloke (9) 131 Wall. Glade (11) Woller. Kevin (10) Wollin. lyn (10) 146

Wollin, Mark (9) 131 Wolters, Jed ( 10) 77. 146 Walton. Paul (10) 38. 137 Warburton. Holly (11) 161 Warnick. Morjeon (10) Washburn, Bryon (11) 117. 149, 161. 57 Washburn. Randall (10) 48, 146 Watts, Pamela (10) Webb. Edward (10) 146 Webb. Shellee (9) 131 Webster. Mathew (11) 72. 161 Welch, Denise (11) 91. 161 Welch. Kenny (12) 177 Football 10. 11. 12. Wrestling 10. Welch. Stuart (9) 77. 131 Welch. Tomaro (12) 83. 101. 177 Honor Society 12. FDLA VicePresident 12. FHA-Secrerory 11. DECA 10. Student Council 10. Welch. Thad (9) 120. 131 Wellington. Carolyn (11) 161 Wellington. Shorllyn (11) 161 Welsh. Michelle (9) West. Kathleen (10) 146. 183. 57 Westphal. Randy (11) 161 Whorton. Julie (11) White. lance (9) Whitehead. Druce (10) 146 Whittenburg. Donny (12) 36. 177. 56. 57 Baseball 10. 11. 12. J.Ciub Caproin 12. Basketball 10. 11. GolfCaproin 12. J.Ciub 10. 11. 12. FDLA 10. 11. Wickel. Mark (12) 177. 57 Wickel. Stacey (10) 146 Wiedbusch. Tlno (9) 74. 131 Wilberger. Andrea (10) 146 Wilcox, David (10) 73. 146 Wilcox. James (12) Soccer 10. 11. 12. Wilcox. Joner (11) 161 Wilde. Jennifer (9) 77. 131 Wilkinson. Wendy (12) 177 Wlllerre. Celio (12) 66. 177 FDLA 11. 12. Songleoder 11. 12. Track 11. 12. Student Council 12. Drill Team Yell Mistress 10. Williams. Arthur (11) 86. 161 Williams. Christine (10) 146 Williams. Koyleen (11) 86. 87. 161 Williams. Kim (10) 146 Williams. Llso (9) 80. 131 Williams. Robert (12) 90. 177 Dromo 12. Track 10. 11. FDLA 10. Football 10. Williams. Sharon (12) 15. 55 Willson. Wendy (9) 131 Willson. Winona (10) 146 Wilson. David (10) 92. 145 Wilson. Michael (10) Wilson. Sam (11) 82, 161 Wimbush. VIckie (10) Winchester. Tlno (11) 161 Winkler. Peggy (12) 55. 177, Volleyball 10. 11. 12. J.Ciub 12 Winterborrom. Julie (10) 147 Winrerholler. Carlo (11) 161 Winrerholler. Gory (10) 42. 117. 147 Winword. Allan (9) 131 Wiseman. Robert (12) 92. 177 Wissler. Jeffery (9) 37, 117. 131 Wissler. Steven (11) 161

Woodruff. Lindo (12) 63. 70. 177 Dance Company-President 12. Wrestleretre 11. 12. Accopello 11. Dance Company 11. 12. Chorlonlon 10. Woodruff. Stewart (10) 147 Woodruff. Trisho (10) 146 Worlton. Annette (11) 66. 67. 83. 94 161 Worthen. lisa (12) 66, 67. 117. 177. Honor Roll 10, 11. 12. Spirit Club 11. 12. Songleoder 11. 12. Track 10 11. 12. Cheerleader 10. WRESTLERETIES 63 WRESTLING 48-49 Wright. Orenda (12) 77. 177 Concert Bond 10. 12. Marching Bond 10, 11. 12. Orchestra 11. 12. Pep Bond 10. 12. FDLA 10. 11. Drill Team 11. Ski Club 10.

XYlOGRAPH Xiong. Ku (9)

YONDER Yores. Bloke (12) 20. 95. 101. 177 Honor Society 11, 12. Deerdigger Stoff 12. Wrestling 10. 11. Yates. Gayle (10) 147 Yates. Steven (11) 117. 161 Yozhe. Melissa (10) Yocum. Andy (10) 147 Young. Jono (12) 177 Young. Jeffrey (9) 77. 131 Young. Jon (11) 36. 161 Young. Judy (9) Young. Julie (9) 131 Young. Lori (12) 5 4. 63. 117. 177 J. Club 10. 11. 12. Service Art 12. Tennis 10. 11. 12. Trock 10, 11. 12. Wresrlerelle 11. 12. Young. Robert (10) 147 YOU 'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE DROWN 28-29

zoo Zoffr. Carol (10) 68. 147 Zoffr. Susan (11) 68. 95. 161 Zohn. Cindy (9) Zlckello. Dobby (10) Zimmerman. Gino (10) 86. 147 Zupan. Connie (11) 161

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