Page 1



Sta-rting t=,..es-h

Fall/Summer Page 4

Shining in the Shadows-

Winter Page 34

Sei~ing the Moment

Spring Page 52



Standing Out

People Page 134



"You nevei' know the ti'ue value of a moment until 1

you ve built a memoi'y that las-ts- a lifetime." 2

BuildingMt;MOR t;S



Welcome Back Diggers!

PRIDE What is DIGGER pride? ''Tradit1on 1s a part of us. and throughout the halls of Jordan there are md1viduals who make Jordan stand tall Within that tradition. To parallel our lives with the greatness 1t takes to maintam the tradition 1s evident m the footba ll stands or the classroom or any other phase of l1fe assoc1ated with Jordan. We create respect in v1ctory and we maintain a silent sp1rit in defeat. knowing that our efforts are set at the top. Though each of us are different, we can all un1te m taking credit for Jordan's accomplishments and pride m bemg a Beetd1gger" -John B1shop, class of '74

This yea r at Jordan High started out as any othe rw ith the end of long summer days, lazy w ays, and plenty of time to play! Diggers jumped right into busy schedules, nights filled with homework and getting to know new fa ces. The first day back started with our traditional w elcome assembly, lost stude nts roaming aimlessly and find ing fri ends. But one thing was for sure ... DIGGERS did this all with PRIDE!

Farmer•s Market .f=ood .J=-ren24

What better way to start the year than to sample a variety of delectable foods? The annual farmer's market at JHS was a b1g h1t as students purchased everything from 1ce cream treats. caramel apples, hamburgers. pulled pork sa lads and much more. the proceeds from the day benefit clubs at JHS.

DIGGERS Side 84 Side "Nothing brings people together like good food." 8 Fall



Ain 't nothing but a G thang. 11 -Jayden Beeny

Junio-rs- vs-. Senio-rs-

Powder Puff

Varslly Coaches Nathan Mower. Jayden Beeny, and Kostas Sergakos led the varsoty teom to voctory on thos crowd-pleasong JHS showdown

A S-to1"4 I of Friendship

SBO's and Each year, our ther to plan SCO's work toge ideas . ue and fun crazy, umq d ys for the for dress-up . a the week precedmg What a · 9 game. Homecomm STORY of life way to teiiH~uhr School and J d an 19 · "tl at the or unparalled o·19 ger Spm . 10 Fall

. ---=-


MerJco ~ Monija~ ~


~omecoming means mo-re than winning a competition o-r

spo-rting event;

It p-rovides an

oppo-rtunity fo-r all of us to come togetheT' and celeb-rate as a whole.



"I love dress up days! It is such a fun way to express yourself!" ,-, -Madyson Campbell

"I feel like Spirit Week is a week where you can be the real you." ·Brittany Smith

· ~""'-



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rhr Wba,

litur.sd<Jj .J'.

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Homecoming MAGIC

"I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?" - Sam Smith

Multi-Cultural Assembly A s-to-ry of o u-r ances-to-rsDiverse Individuals Valuing Each other Regardless of Skin, Intellect, Talents, or Years

"It is with your feet that you move, but it is with your heart that you dance." -Nicole Burnside

"The beauty of the world lies in the

diversity of its people."

"My culture is my identity and personality!"



lt a T~ Rl Llf;R niehi:l 1


At JHS, Halloween is one of many favorite holidays! It gives students another chance to express themselves more creatively, whether it1S by being the spunky, cool three blind mice, or a straight up scary clown like /t. Not only that but students spent the rest of the evening gettting down with goblins and vampires at the stomp! Oooooooh! Talk about scary. Jordan Diggers tell the story best; lt1S never too late to dress up for Fright Night!

Fall 15


J acob Ashman and Rebecca Nordhagen

"Good is better than evil becuz it's nicer!" -Li'l Abner

Building friendships



Mi~e-ra bles2..4..6..0.. 1!

19th century France, Jean Valjean is released from years of unjust imprisonment. He breaks his parole in hopes of starting a new life. He is relentlessly pursued by police inspector Javert, who refuses to believe Valjean can change his ways. Finally, during the Paris student uprising, Javert must confront his ideals after Valjean spares his life and saves the student revolutionarY who has captured the heart of Valjean's adopted daughter. This year, Jordan High School performed the timeless and beautiful French story centering on the ideal that lives can change. After four nights of performances, audiences overwhelmingly agreed that Les Miserables was, without a doubt, one of the most successful productions this school has featured. Director: Greg Larsen Music Director: Lara Kimball Orchestra Director: Brandon Cressall

Cosette Alyssa Koontz

Eajolras Max Moreao

Jean Valjean Taaner Tate

Theurdier Daniel l..nitt

Mi41M THurdier ChardoN McGee

Eponine Ariaaa Wihoagi

"Being a part of this production has been a dream come true."

Max enjoys watching sunsets with his brother & is in the ACapella choir.

'1hanks to my family for your love and support."

"My three words to live by are Dream, Plan, Achieve!"

"I hope to be in movies one day."

Ariana's three words to live by are "Always trY again."

18 Fall

Fantine Hallee Johnson Hallee has always loved music and performing since she was little.

Brett Johnson Brett has loved being Although this was his first involved with Theater and high school musical, Coltin participates in "Awkward is not new to musical Silence." theatre.

Cast Movie Night at the Tate's A very important part of putting on a production is bonding as a cast.

Techies No techies-- no show! Fall 19

Coaches Head Coach: Eric Kjar


perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication, and respect for authority." -Vince Lombardi

to Kim

8obb fOT' photo 'T'ightt. 20 Fall

2014 Captains 'What keeps you going?.. "Haterade!"

"I get a lot of motivation from just wanting to be the best at everything I do."

AJ T-.nrl-..d 'When in doubt, ball out."

"Soccer players pretend they're hurt, football players pretend we are not."

"My team keeps me going. Every game and every down, I play for them and they play for me."

Fall 21

Soph/JV Football

Vince Lombardi once said, ''The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand." The JV and Sophomore teams dedicated this year to making it a year of personal goals and successes, building their team up, and lookin forward to coming back even bigger and better in 2016!

22 Fall

Junior Varsity Captains "Thank you based God."

"Everybody has a plan until they get hit."

Sophomore Captains Max B,...own ''When the team works together, that's when the true magic happens."

~a4den Re4nolds"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

Beau McC,...ae '1he struggle that you're in today, is developing the strength you need tomorrow."

"You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take."

Fall 23


Ca m

Ou-r S-to-ry... This year was a season about goals. The volleyball team committed to each other at the start of the season that they each wanted to achieve a personal goal, but more importantly, a team goal. Attitude and commitment were at the center of every ball bumped, set or spiked. For these athletes, it wasn't just about winning, but about the lessons learned along the way. 24 Fall

--Covering New Groun------___,

To run or not to run? You don't have to ask any of the kids on this team twice. With Desie Thorn. Chase Jones. and Coleman Lloyd as captains. this team went places. Boys sent Chase Jones and Coleman Lloyd to State. The girls won many trophies in regions an took third over all at the state competition. They say. " We weren't JUSt a team. but a family." It was an unforgettable year that will be a favorite story to tell.


Team Captains-

Desie Thorn

Chase Jones "Don't ask me why I run, ask yourself why you don't."

"Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must,

up." an Karnazes

"I taught Austin Kafentzis everything he knows. " Fall 27

"I have improved so much, learned a whole lot, and jumped so far to get where I am."


"This season's definitely been the most fun and the most rewarding. Even though we didn't do our best, we learned a lot and were able to use it in our later matches."

Golf is one of those sports that doesn•t usually grab the limelight or find itself in the announcements or receive the appreciation or respect it deserves. The young men who make up the JHS golf team deserve all this and more. After a season full of hard work, dedication, and long practices, the team found itself as State contenders and enjoyed the rewards of their efforts.


ne Team: Jaida Ivins, Erica Thomas, Brooklyn Nielsen, Tiffany Huyette, Gabby Davis, Mercedes Langlois, Kaylin Bingham, Janet Wintercorn, Emily Bluemel, Rebecca Nordhagen, Lauren Christensen, Lena Undsay, Mady Twede, AuBrey Monson, Kyara Brown, Abigail Jensen, Raquelle Vander Veur, Savannah Page, Ashlie Bluemel, Kellsie Rector, Hannah Hiner, Alii Pickering. Sierra Paul, Kyra Radcliffe, Aubrey Butler. Mikale Miller, Nicole Freestone, Maida Aligagic, Bryanna Miller

Senior J ordan High School Girls Soccer Team Many of these girls have been on the team since their sophomore year, and now, in their senior year in high school, they have really put their best effort forth to make it count. Win or: lose, they still have each others' back. The girls have learned they can work together {o overcome problems on and off the field because they :are more than just teammates ..they're sisters!

Spotlight Lauren Christensen

Kellsie Rector

Tiffany Huyette

Hannah Hiner

Mikale Miller

Mercedes langois

Maida Alijagic Fall 31

Show our LEADERS Kevin Matthews

Gr 11

ater, no one can live without it. Yet, when voulre in it, it 1S sink or swim; This team has chosen to swim, and they do it FAST!

Swim Team

'The man who is swimming againsi the s-t,.,eam knows the si:,.,ength of it. 11 -"'¥/ood,.,ow "'¥/ilson

Winter 33

·ns the season for giving!

WARM WISHES The Spanish Club and Latinos in Action collected 136 fleece blankets to donate to families in need.

ASEASON OF CHANG~ Students in several dubs colleded change each day from the parking lot, commons areas, dassrooms, hallways and the traditio•al Penny Wars boxes.

36 Winter

DODGING FOR ACAUSE Several students participated in the always-entertaining dodgeball tournament to help raise money.

..Only by GIVING can you receive more than you have...

Each Year, the students of Jordan High embark on a Christmas adventure that leaves them feeling like ch_ampions. As holiday songs fill the hallway and students are involved in holiday club socials, one thing is at the center of their thoughts ... SERVICE. Jordan Gives Back is a whole-school movement to make a Positive impact in our community during the holiday season. This year, our goal was to provide several families with a Christmas to remember. This included gift cards to toy stores, turkeys for a d e ICious me~l, and the warmth of a fleece blanket. At the conclusion of the 3-week challenge, we'd e~r~ed $10,300 and the pride of knowing we're making a difference! As the Cinderella song, "I'm GIVIng love for Christmas" says, "We're giving love for Christmas to everyone we know; It doesn't need abo · W, It only needs to come from your heart."

W inter 37


8 ettei' Togethei'


TOP 10 LOVf; SONGS ' . -;-~in'l.ing Out Loud f;d Shee-r~n L 8ene~th You-r 8e~utiFul L~b-rinth Ft. ~meli Sa,de 3. "St~y With Me" S~m Smith L1 Neve-r Stop" -S~FetySu t 5. "Night Ch~ngesOne 0;-redion 6. "You Be Ok~Y -G-re~t Big Wo-rld 7. "Skinny Love" -Bi-rdy 8."0nly Love" 11




V'~nye Q "W~nted"

Hunte-r ~~yes 10. 'love Me ~~-rde-r" A-ri~n~ G-r~nde Ft.The Weekend

This year at Jordan High School, our drama teacher, Mr. Larsen, decided to choose four students to direct different one-act plays. An exponential amount of hard work and t1me was put in to each and every one of these plays. And the turn out? A complete success. This was Jordan's f1rst round of entirely student-directed plays and hopefully there will be many more to come. Directed By Ethan Barrus Director's Comments: "D1rectmg has given me the wonderful opportunity to take what I env1sion when I discover a new show and turn that into a reality."

Directed By Emma Belnap Director's Comments: "Directing has given me the unique perspective that, yes. sometimes everything is hectic and many things may go differently than planned,



Director's Comments: "Directing has allowed me to see theatre from a le new side and I feel like I have

Directed By Brett Johnson Director's Comments: "Everybody deserves a hand who helped put on this production. from stage tech to the wonderful actors I got to work with. To all of you, thanks! And to Jaxyn ... Muah. ah. ah!"

Thanks to Mr. Larsen & the tech guys for helping to prepare these shows!

Winter 43

"A good

is- not mec:mrred 64

the height of he'!" jumps-, but 64 the s-pan of he'!"



"Ou,., ~hARTS beo in 8 counts. 1


Those who claim that cheerleading is not a sport are proven wrong by the JHS cheer team. In the mornings, you can find these ladies on the track running a mi le or two, or maybe doing several sets of pushups, lunges, and drill after drill. After school, you can find them doing the same thing all over again. These girls have acquired strength, agility, and consistently demonstrate incredible school pride. They are amazing and unto ettable!

2 14

2 15


Basketball 'Tve mis-s-ed mO'l"e than

9000 s-hots- in my ca'l"ee'l". I've los-t almorl 300 games-. 26 times-, I've been t,.,us-ted to take the gamewinning s-hot and mis-s-ed. I've failed ove'l" and ove'l" and ove'l" again in my life. And that is- why I s-ucceed." -Micheal 001"dan

Coach Ols-en echoesthes-e thoughts- as- he looksback on the s-eas-on and 'l"eReds- on what led to the gi,.,ls-' individual and team S'UCCeS'S'- ha'l"d WO'l"k, s-olid competition, and fun!


Leadership Kelsey laramie

Varsity Captains •Follow yottr passion, stay tne to yourself, 11ever follow so11eone else's path unless you're in the woods and you are lost and you see a path, then by all means follow that."

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." -Michael Jordan

'1enadty will get you up in the morning, but humility will make you wealthy." -Grant Christensen

"Overall, it's been a good year. Our goal was to improve upon last year's season and we have done that. We had strong senior leadership and the underclassman have shown improvement. The future looks bright for Jordan Basketball."

Head Coach TT'ace Bevel I

Many thankr to

Kim Babka F01' team photo~.



..Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the Me for the We ... -Phil Jackson


50 Winter








Live life in full bloom

8-{;ST Dance Crew ls-t Nt;t=t=f;CT '2nd -LIA

J:IRf; ~d

You think you can dance? Then bring it on! Prove that you're the BEST dancer at JHS with all of your friends backing you up. The winners won shirts and coupons for being the best dance crew. The idea for Jordan's best dance crew was originally introduced by He Iaman and Soloman Matemate, but the dance teacher Mrs. Dunkley took the reins and made their idea a reality. She wanted to give the students who liked to dance that weren 't in her class a chance to perform for others.


GOT SPIRIT! Y~S W~DO!! After a week's worth of spirit, and battling it out to find the spirit stick, it all came down to the games. Each class went head to head for 1st place. Seniors came out on top scoring a total of 4 .785 points! Juniors took 2nd, sophomores 3rd, and freshmen ended the competition in 4th. The big prize at the end was an hour lunch, so in reality everybody won!

The intense parents in the stands, the coaches anxiously waving their arms, and the team cheering behind us on are all part of the excitement. The bases, the bat, the pitch, the swing, the ball, and the scrambling defense are what make up the game. This is our game. This is our passion. This is softball.





i~, and alwa4~ will


be the BEST


GAME in the WORLD." -Babe Ruth


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68 Spring







DANCI NG is- paM: of my SOUL; I enjoy it, it makes- people happy, and it

70 Spring

makes- me happy.



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~ ones-ty

f;ffort A ccountability R es-pect T olerance "Being a good

"Being a good example tor

What does it mean to have H.E.A.R. T? "Loving you rself and loving

"Being more than just a student that does homework and is involved all

"It's hard to describe, but to have heart is rn?re than JUst an action. It's being Yourself."

Theatre Arts To quote Hamlet Act Ill, Scene Ill line 92, 'No.11'

Skilled & Technical Sciences Education


Visual Arts lhe soul is lightened by the weight of a pencil in one hand, and a brush in the other... 11

"The best doctor in the world is a veterinarian. He can't ask his patient what's the matter, he's just got to know." - Will Rogers


"' "a "' ::c ::a "' c

::c "'

World Language ..1am passionate about World Language because it isn't just something I happen to be good at, but it is where I come from ...

English Awriter is a world trapped inside a person... -Victor Hugo

Instrumental Music '1he thing I love most about instrumental music is that no matter what your culture, ethnicity, language, age, sex, etc. is, you are always able to feel the emotions and messages carried within."



"'z 0

.... "' "'

i Science ..Inertia is a property of matter... - Bill Nye The Sdence Ciuy

Dance ..1 can't. I have dance...

Business & Marketing 'What can you do without business? Nothing. Absolutely, basically, nothing...

Social Science

"We•re all a a part of history•••


Math is as easy as pi!11

Make the most of it! ..

url::::Xcellence is- a habit, not an ad.

'We were e~ll given our talents, passions and abilities for a reason. I believe my purpose is to use my talents to help others and give badt. 'People don't care what you know till they know that you care.'"


It takes- p-ractice and pe-rs-eve-rance.

Language Arts Vowels-, Nouns-, and Adjectives-, Qh M4!

The brutal reality of the witch trials by Mrs. Larsen's 11th grade class.



STORY? Whe-re do you s-ee you1"s-elf in

l 0 yea1"s-? 78 AcademiCS

"I hope either to be teaching English or fm1shing a graduate degree in Secondary Education. W1th any luck. I will have finished a few drafts of novel by then." -Nain Christopherson

"Hopefully, I'll be m New York City workmg w1th Anna Wmtour at Vogue. makl.1g my way up to Ed1tor-m-Ch1ef!" -Gabnello Rojas

"I see myself winn1n9 rfl~ 3rd Oscar Award. mY 41 Grammy Award. and helping some needY 1116 children somewhere 111 world." -Helaman Matemate

Ink! Ma a

C'l"ea-f:ive '¥",.,j-f:jng tdi~Ol'S:

Tanne-r Ta~e Mikaela Sch,.,ade Ka~he-rine f=,.,eJ,.,ickson

"I honestly don't think I would be where I am today without Mrs. Dougal. She showed me my potential, and how writing is my life." -Katherine Fredrickson

To defend what you've written is a sign that you're alive."

"It's nice to have a class that's a lot more openminded and creative, and a lot of what you end up doing is your own decision." -Nicholas Renshaw

''IN riting is a way for us to escape our normal lives and to create a world INhere we can be free." -JJ Roges

"I love writing because I can create worlds and people. I can be and do anything I want." -Karajean Kirkland

"Writing is a way to escape. A way to take off your mask and let go."

"I feel like creative wntlng has changed my life.•

"Use your brain to create new worlds and people through your writing."

Academics 79

Unlocking our Past and calculating our future Calculations, dissections, figuring, explosions, the three laws of physics, and the one thing we all know, love and will never forget-the pythagorean theorem. All of these things are present in science and math classes where students can work with numbers and calculators to figure out what x, y, or z mean; Don't worry, it's all basic patterns that just need to be solved. On the other hand, if you want to learn how the world itself works, check out experimental science classes, which include but are not limited to: chemistry, biology, astronomy, physics, marine bio, wildlife bio, botany, and many others where you can dissect animals, mix chemicals to see what they do, study the stars, swing a bowling ball from the ceiling, and work with electricity.

W hat more do you need?


The bright, young minds of tomorrow•••

Socia I Studies

CIVIL WAR DODGEBALL Mrs. Lauritzen's classes participated in an all-out war. much milder in nature however. dunng the1r study of the C1vil War.


Students can explore new cultures through the study of: American Sign Language Chinese French German Spanish

Foreign lai!guage DINGAc


FINANCE &Marketing ==--MI ))l(}f\ ~~tnt



Sl im


Stand Up?



Shor·ty '





-~ ~ v




Computers- thems-elves-, and s-oftwa'T'e, yet to be developed, will 'T'evolutioni'Ze the way we lea'T'n.


-Steve JobS'

ART & Photography

IIART neve-r exp-resses anything

but ii:S'elf. 11

-OS'ca, 'Wilde

Academics 85




"A child has- - -- a s-pecial wa4 of adding

JOY to I

evEn'4 aa4.

86 Academics


Academics 87

88 Academics

IN ACTION •1he best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the SERVICE of others... -Cihandi

LIA is a service-oriented club that requires all members to complete several service hours by the end of the school year. Every year. a service project is organized; This year it was a blanket and food drive; In previous years. cereal drives have been organized. Apart from that. LIA visits a local elementary school twice a week to help younger kids who are struggling in school catch up on reading and/or




Students in Mrs. Hardy's Humamties class working hard to get those college credits.

Students m Foods 2 k1ck off the semester by ll'laking some delicious caramel Popcorn.



w ith these


All Work, No Play? 1

Livin it up! Within the walls of Jordan High, Diggers work tirelessly to earn good grades, participate in clubs and sports, organize events, and work at various jobs. But life can't be all work and no play. These Diggers know how to get the job done and when it is, it's time for fun! Weekends. evenings, and holidays, Diggers-

play ha-rd!

Right: Th1s year's ch01r tour m Orlando. Flonda. Ab ove: Malik Dav1s catchmg a great t1me of day to sk1

"Best friends are the people in your life that make you laugh louder, smile brighter, and live

"Everyday is a fashion show, and the world is Your runway!"

"Called to serve in the Washington, Federal Way mission!"

l eft: Cute. cheesy sm1les from M1a Harker and Tyler Floyd. Bottom: SQUAD PHOTO!

This phrase is often heard by Mr. Kennedy as

IIGO TO CLASS!II students would much rather work in the shoP th

811 8

attend other classes. This just goes to show whet great program JHS has!




Get read f . . i Y or cars, saws, Jumper cables, wrenches, sanders, and many other different tools and Instruments that can and probably wi ll put you in the hospital if you goof around with them. Students who ;veto tinker under the hood will be right at home in the autoshop, where they learn many skills that will t~ep them for future careers in automechanics. Or, if students enjoy making things instead of fixing them, e Woodshop allows students to make art out of wood by creating individually-crafted furniture pieces.

Theatre Arts To be OT' not to be?

Whether performmg or JUSt g out. theatre kids always have a time! In these p1ctures they are prepanng for a Shakespeare Festival With William Shakespeare's ongmal monologues and scenes. While at the Festival in Cedar City, UT. they've found time to just relax and enjoy eacll other's company!

Night of Shakespeare In all of Jordan High School's 108 years of establishment. we have never competed in Cedar City's Shakespeare Festival. This year was the first time Jordan H1gh's drama department has ever competed and the outcome was phenomenal. It helped the students to grow both as actors and people. May we have many more festivals to come!

Stage Tech "What S' S'ald 0 h adS' t na4S' on heads-et The tech crew is one of the most important parts in the creation of a show. They are typically some of the busiest people, but some of the hardest workers as well.

Thank you, stage tech, for all that you do!

1\\lclkwa,..J Silence lmprov Team

lmprov Dodgeball 'Awkward Silence' played dodgeball to help the Sub for Santa fundraiser. As you can see. they are a very expressive (and clearly generous) group of people. which is why we love them.

Team Co-Captain Jack Gardner "lmprov is basic everyday conversation. just louder and a tad bit more unusual."

4 Acapella is our biggest choir with 6 students. They'll have you tapping yoiJr toes one minute and then soothing a'l// 8~ your stress the next at their concertS· Performing a mix of Gospel, Classic81' and popular music, Acapella is wei~ known for its beautiful and melodiG sounds. It is one group you want to b8


part of! They have the opportunitY tO perform many times throughout the yesr and Christmas is an especially busytiJ118' They never fail to amaze audiences their fantastic concerts.





'"~. ' t.

Abbey Undsey, President


Hope Sekona, Vice President


Hallee Johnson, Historian


,,64 ..


J ordan Madrigals is an audition choir whose hard work and dedication brings them success in competitions and music festivals. The Mads are known for their lively performances and goofy personalities! In class they work on perfecting their music, which they perform throughout the valley.



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In Consiant Motion

Our hearts 8f;Q to the Music Music has a way of changing people, their emotions, their attitudes, and their perspective. Rythmns, beats, notes, and melodies become an artform at the hands of these musicians. Students involved in the variety of bands JHS offers know that they are a part of something greater. Practice, passion and perfection is given each day as they produce sounds that showcase their talent and love of music.




ORCHESTRA Mr. Cressall is Band Director. What is your Super Power?


PERFEOION Academics 103

Our Hearts8f;Qto the MUSIC...

-Louis- A'l"mst'l"ong

-a Dl

"'"'-· 0 ::1

PERCUSSION '"When -the beating of 40u'l" hea'l"-f: echoes- -the beating of -the J,.,ums-, the'l"e is- a life about to ~1"-f: when II tomo1"1"ow comes-.

MAKING ADIFFERENCE! 1 Link Crew 2 Military Fitness 3 HOSA 4 Art Club 5 Drama

"All we have to decide is- what to do with the time that is- given to us-.

J.R.R. Tolkien


Most Beetdiggers find a variety of ways to fill their time. Jordan offers so many clubs that cater to all different personalities and interests. Being part of a club creates an atmosphere of belonging and cooperation for those students who are committed to making a difference through action and service. We see the hard work the students here at Jordan put into activities such as service projects and field trips.

MAKING ADIFFERENCE! 1 Link Crew 2 Military Fitness 3 HOSA 4 Art Club 5 Drama


AII we have to decide is what to do

with the time that is given to us:'

J.R.R. Tolkien

Those who are fashion

[Top ~v~sof 2014] All Work, no play? Students who work to support their lifestyle find themselves spending this Pereentage of their income on teen musts.

21 % Food 21 % Clothing 10 % Personal Care 9% Shoes 8% Car

Uptown Funk Mark Ronson Thinking Outloud Ed Sheeran Blank Space Taylor Swift Take Me To Church Hozier Lips Are Mavin Meghan Trainor

It is almost imposstble to go five feet down a high school hall without seeing a student glued to their smartphone. Chances are they'll be using one of these popular apps:

Face book Trivia Crack Google Search Youtube Pandora

Google Maps guides Diggers to these favorite locations: Walmart Starbucks Target McDonald's Home Depot

Our Personal stories are told through our fashion choices. Like music, art, and dance, it is a 'Nay of expressing ourselves. This is what drives most of us to spend time every morning ;orting through every possible combination in our closet before making the decision. Putting ~9ether the perfect outfit is like writing a magical story or making an impressive statement. t e surf the Internet, catch fashion tips on TV, and read the most recent style updates just .........,o keep up with the newest fashion fads.

forward strut their stuff

Art Club Students work together and individuallY to create pieces of art with multiple representations. Art is something that cannot be recreated and it comes from a place deep within the soul. AOMTIES

Addison How~rd .,. "I found I could say th1n1s ~ color and shapes that I c..~ say any other way· things 1 no words for." ~ - Georgia 0' HISTORIAN

is anything you can get away with." - Andy Warhol


Ashlyn Cary

"Art doesn't have to be pretll'• has to be meaningful."


Kendra Cox

"An artist is an explorer." - Henri Matisse


'1o practice any art no"": how badly, is a way to 1111 your soul grow. So do it." ,f _I(Jirt \'o•

"We are all misfits in our own unique way. Theatre just makes it okay to be you."

Historian Elizabeth Johnson "Theatre is about capturing moments: things we wish we'd said. heartaches that haven't healed. the thrill of the unknown." Social Chair Ethan Barrus "I regard the Theatre as the greatest of all art forms. the most immediate way in which a human being can share w ith another the sense of what it is to be a human being." -Oscar Wilde

Publicity Chris Jones "Every action we take has a consequence. whether it is good or bad. Great theater teaches that through a

Publicity Robert "Mac" Minshew

COMMISSIONERS Link Crew is a high school transition program that has the ultimte goal of welcoming freshmen into high school and making it a comfortable place to be. Juniors and seniors applied last year to start this program. which debuted this year at JHS. As positive role models, these students are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to support freshmen in helping them learn the ropes of high school. plan for continued success. and involve them in the social and academic culture of our school. From planning and implementing Freshmen Orientation Day to organizing tailgate parties and organizing Chnstmas socials. these students do 11 all!



Link reVI

'Tell me and I fo-rget. Teach me and I -remembe1". Involve -Benjamin f=,.,anklin me and I lea-rn."

1 T"tt any Edel, Cortlyn

8 arnes,Tyler Wilson, Kelsey Stuart, and Chaylize Siufanua

Jacinda Riehm, Adolfo Bruno, and Akeakamai Babble


"y''I D

D~navyn A

and Amola

Oh, the places we'll go! A.V.I.D prepares students for college and beyond by teaching students skills that help with academic achievement and college readiness. Problem solving and cooperation are apparent in every AVID classroom. Students who participate in this organization also have the advantage of visiting several college campuses to get a taste of the college atmosphere and all it offers. With AVID teachers and mentors to support them, these students are off to great places to do great things!

Spotlight on



Cultural Club Do you want to learn about Chinese fan dancing or Japanese art or Cantanese writing or the Korean language? Then the Asian Cultural Club is waiting to welcome you! The club, which is in its first year, wants to learn about all aspects of Asian culture, both modern and ancient. They participate in exciting activities like karaoke, dancing, film and so on.


Military Rtness Club

--------Matthew Miyaraki

HroJT'ick BeckeT'



"We come from "Trophies, many different touchdowns, goals backgrounds and and yards don't matter here-Duty, cultures; It brings to Honor, and Country our group a more tight-knit feeling." do. II

116 Clubs/Orgs


"If you fail to push "Because of this club, yourself out of I decided what I your comfort zone, wnated to do with my then you're slowly life. I enlisted in the failing at Utah National Guard something." and can now serve and protect my country."

A stol'y of... 0

Young De11oc:rats The club was started when these students wanted to get involved with politics and informing people on politics. The members of the Young Democrats want students to know that they have a voice and to let their ideas be heard. During election season, the Young Democrats also helped on 7 campaigns. In late January, the Young Democr ats held a fundraiser for gender equality.

ka'l'i Schott

Becca Romano



"Got to start changing the world someplace a • ~d I started With Politics."

"I don't want to be a part of the generation of ignorance."

Mckinle~ Moffat: Mal'ijah Robins-on Secl'ei:al'~

"We're the next genertaion and we can change the country if we set our minds to it."

"It's important to know about politics if you plan on ruling the world someday."

Technology Student Association Michael Lily PT'es-ident


Debar T

~ ~

Digital Video Production Engineering Design

"The Technology Student ASSOCiatiOn fosters personal growth. leadership, and great opportunities."

MaT'k LaT'S'en Vice-PT'es-ident

Jacob \Wills-on SeCT'eU:!T'y

"I wanted to use what I was learning and take it to the next level."

"I decided to go o one meeting and ended up liking it. I got my friends to join also and it has been great."

Video Game Design Clubs/Orgs 117

Kelsey Laramie President

S panish Club is more than just a club where lovers of the Spanish language go. In Spanish club, the presidency and Senora Hardy organize socials for members to attend that reveal many aspects of culture such as viewing films, learning traditional dances, creating artwork, and enjoying food and t raditions. The Spanish Club is also a club where students who would like to get involved more in their community go. This year. like many previous years, Senora Hardy organized her "Fleece Navidad" blanket drive and teamed up with Mr. Bell and the Latinos in Action in an effort to help needy families in the community.

Kendra Cox

Daniel Levitt Secretary

Ben Falcon Historian



S1t do Wn and stuff your faces with popcorn as we wrap YOU II) IN d arm, cozy blanket of a story that's as sweet and 1 l'lle '~ate as a mother's kiss. At film association where Hov,es are the focus if you didn't already know. owever, if just sitting down and watching films isn't enough . rn k to sat1sfy your love of the movies, then you can a e Your own with them! So for those who love film enought . . co o JOin, prepare for the fun. horror, suspense. rnedy · th . · act1on, drama. and romance of Hollywood all et,me.


u have f 1 · both sh alt, m God and want to then thi:r.e and study it with others *f:o IS the club for you. rg,ven . You can b Provides a setting where about b . e Yourself and not worry rnen,b e,ng JUdged by other ers ab out your fa1th or beliefs.

"When You 1 arna~ 1 n ll'ld somethmg so don't... 9 and Wonderful you ·•ant t0 k , You Wa eep 11 to yourself! abo ~t to tell EVERYONE ut 1tl Th an-. · at wonderful "'a~,ng h' · t mg IS Jesus!"

"God 1s almighty. all powerful. and all fa1thful. The least we can do is praise him severy second of every day."

Clubs/Orgs 119


Gay Straight Alliance


You can t wait fo,., ins-pi,.,ation. You have -to go afte-r it with a club. ~ack London 11

SA was started by Lauren Bell, who was inspired to start the group because she had a friend who was being bullied because of her sexuality. The Gay Straight Alliance wants to model acceptance and express that it's all right at our school to be who you are. This club is for everybody and anyone who values diversity, kindness, and acceptance.



S'Ubjed and pla'leJ croquet, .J,;d, ir a Vel"'j good game fen> people ...ho <l'T'8 anno~ with


each oth8'T', giving man4 oppat'tunities- fen>


venting ..." -Rore Macaule'l



SkillsUS\. Champions a/Wortc:

USA empowers its

m._• .,,_M_ to become worldWorkers, leaders and I~'POrhlih,l... Amencan citizens the quality of workforce through l'!ll"''~~UCII••••..,. program of and

You-r 4ea-r. You-r book.


President Ellie Harrison

Vice President Andre Sicard

Historian Lylah Newman

f;xcellence in schola,.,ship, leade1?ship, se1?vice and cha,.,ade,.,

Activities Chair Ching Ching Tong

Service Chair Rachel Brooks

Senior SecretarY Alyssa KoonU

N ational

Honor Socie


"Workmg with my peers to help others has helped me to become a better person."

"Being in the PTSA makes me feel like I am a part of what goes on at JHS."

"Life is a neverending cycle of giving and getting"

"Bring it on!"

a. .... Cl::

....:ez :z:

.... "' ....Cl::


"You're a little fish in a big pond. but a little fish can make a big difference."


"If you can't blow them away with your brilliance. battle them with your bullcrap."

"It's nice to be important. but it's more important to be nice."

Service Chair

Ou-r ~earls Beet .f=o-r


Members Chair


Kylee Barlow Cole ::nenl)t:u• Class Rep Chair Competition Chair

...co r-------~----~~

t ~

· ·-- is an excellent organization that enables students to expand their horizons in the healthcare field and to invest in their futures. It has been a year filled with stimulation and of great companionship among the HOSA members. It is important for these members to actively participate in activities and events as well as have fun! They have worked to improve their communication skills and have broadened their knowledge of healthcare through member interactions, club activities, field trips and healthcare events.

'The g,.oundwoT'k of all +-lAPPINt;SS i~ gooJ

J-tt;ALTl-f' -Leigh l-tunt








Vice President



1-t's not about 1

ideas...i-f: s abou-t making ideas happen!


Future Business Leaders of America is a club open to students with a

common goal of improving skills, strategies, and knowledge of all things business. FBLA is the largest student-based business program in the world, and offers so many opportunities for students who want to go far in life.

Back to School Bash activities champions!

Fun activities and competitions at the FBLA opening social!






Public Relations

Ill'i: s a g 'Y'eai: 0


l'gani'Zai:ion, and ii: s a

BUSINESS LEADERS for tomorrow Congrat s to Dennis Kuduzovic on his 4th place award at

9l'eai: dub fo,... kids to 11

get involved in.

· M'Y's. Thompso n


Lead by President Desie Thorn. students participated in a week-long campaign to educate and encourage students to use safe driving habits. Activities included "red thumb" nail painting to remind students not to text while driving as well as a "protect your selfie" photo session emphasizing the dangers of media use while driving.

VI haJ.'_ ()l JT n -rpos-e? -To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life -To stregthen the fu nction of the family as a basic unit of society -To encourage democracy t hroug h cooperative action in the home and community -To promote greater understanding between youth and adults -To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibl ities. -To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today's society

Fun Fac:ts -What do the colors mean? Red symbolizes strength, courage, and determinationpersonal qualities leading to happiness through a positive self-image. White symbolizes sincerity of purpose and integrity of action-qualities that help individuals build a better tomorrow. - What is the f low er? The flower is a rose and it represents the organization because it gives joy through its beauty and fragrance. -What d oes the flower symbolize? The rose symbolizes a desire for beauty in everyday living.

What•s your


"I love ~OT'kina ~ith the .tudent~ in

-I=CCLA and ~eeina the a'T'Owth in thei'T' leod~ip and capabilitie~ and the connection the4 make with famil'i and con~ume'T' ~ienc~." -Natilie ~ancock

To promote growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education; Focusing on multiple roles of family members as wage earners and community leaders; Developing skills for life through : -Character development -Creative and critical thinking -Interpersonal cmmunication -Practical knowlede -Career preparation

"Queen, not President."

132 Clubs/Orgs


Sabnna lowder

Sara Alles

Kyle lechem~nant


uyoday you are YOU, that's truer than true.


There is no one alive, who is YOUER than YOU! .. -Dr. Suess

hen walking down the halls of Jordan, you will find every student has their own style, Personality, and individuality. Their style tells their story and their is be inning!


i.... "' --z 0

=Qe cc

Louise Atkinson Chris Babinski Cozette Baddley Trudy Barnes Karma Bateman Matt Bell Bonn1e Berrett Trace Bevell Dan Bowers Holley Brimhall Shannon Callister Gretchen Carr Jacob Chalmers Brad Charon John Chmchen Paul Cohee Greg Cramer Brandon Cressall Kenneth Damron Adrienne Dunkley Carrie Earl Kevin Egan Chad Fife Mary Kay Fortie Alison Freestone Victoria Ginsburg Marian Gladbach Sabrina Young-Glade Heather Gooch Natalie Hancock

Rachel Hardy Laurel Harris Suzette Holyoak Emily Housley Amanda Johnson Marsha Jones Wayne Jones Joe Kennedy Lara Kimball

Greg Larsen Charlotte Lartey Stephanie Lauritzen Kelly Leeper Jessica Littlefield Heidi Long Elizabeth Ludwig John Lundstrom Cameo Lutz Kevin Mark Allison Martin Brandie McCammon

Robin McConkie Suzanne McDougal Geordie Mcl eod Dave Mecham Mary Mikel Stephanie Morgan

The be~ teache'T's- teoch 1

fr,om the nne M a less, Nancy Enne£J8, April Sagala, and Chloe Ruebeck Front Row: River Oigerness, lisa Petersebm, and Dona Wintorh oller

Dave Morrill Peter Newbold Randy Olsen Trffany Parry Jessre Peng Mark Petersen Robert Pickering Roger Pinnock Carmen Price Keven Proud Mallory Record Traviis Rowley Jennifer Sant Holly Saunders Thomas Sawyer Hannah Sharr Angela Short Sam Soter Kyle Starley Alama Stone Casey Sutera Kim Thompson Donna Wallace Joshua Wallace Colleen Walz Brandon Watts Rand Winward Ann Wolsey Shauna Young Ginger Zupancic


Jill Jacobs, Robin Sleight, and Delia Bills


not the boo·k Cathie Wagstaff

Back Row: Carolyn Petrick, Debra Walker. and Laurel Harris Front Row: Robyn Cram and Joyce Jeffs

Back Row: Maria Robles and Sherri McPhee

.... .... := ..... "' :s ....0 "' = v Q

Back Row: Carolyn Petrick. Debra Walker, and Laurel Harris Front Row: Robyn Cram and Joyce Jeffs

Back Row: Nanette Davis, Kathy Greene. and Susan Milne Front Row: Andrea Olsen and Kathleen Clark

Back Row: Connie Evans, Stephanie Cullen. and Marilyn Collier Front Row: Jayne Raymond and Lynette Rasmussen

........ :=

..."'.-... v

.... 0 z


Leading with STYLt;

"' z '"

2015 building moments



Team ...

It's- not about IDEAS; It's- about making ideas- HAPPEN! People 141

MOST UNFORGETTABLE Jonah Mo-reno Manu Kinikini Simon Acosta Jacob Adams Tanner Adamson Kaela Afoa Patrick Aime Ethan Aleshire Maida Alijagic Sara Alles Taylor Allred Faautagia Alo Abigayl Anderson Jacob Anderson Sydney Anderson Madeline Anderton Benjamin Andrus Braxton Angell Reagan Anjewierden Christina Apostole Omar Aquino Samantha Archer Donavyn Arriola Nicholas Ashwood Khaitlyn Babbel Montana Babbel Jace Babka Bauer Bagley Rebecca Bailey Keauna Bain Jonathan Baker Alexander Balch 142

Sydney King 0on Bake'!"


Mi-tch T-pounce Samuel Bales Alton Barnhart Marcial Barrera Ethan Barrus Zoe Bartmanowicz Bronson Battaglia Madison Bedke Bowen Beecher Jayden Beeny Andrew Bell Spencer Bellon Emma Belnap Abigail Bennett Corbin Berg Burgon Bilbrey Clint Bingham Jade Bliss Sabrina Blosser Sara Blosser Cody Bode Yuliana Bogushchenko Robyn Bonesio Amalikah Boss Jared Bowman Alex Bown Chase Bowyer Dylan Bradley Brittany Bradshaw Tristan Bradshaw Olivia Braiker 143

MOST RETRO Matt McKane Sab,.,ina Lowde,., Jacob Braun Alondra Briones Rachel Brooks Lisa Brotzman Sapphire Brown Ashley Burgon Nicole Burnside Jacob Burt Austin Bush Russell Butterfield Alexis Carbajal Monique Card Connor Carlson Kyle Carmicheal Kayla Carruth Ashlyn Cary Breanna Case William Cassity Brittney Castillo Sara Chapman Harvey Chatwin Jenny Chau Lauren Christensen Nickolas Christensen


Brock Christiansen Ciera Church Mason Chytraus Kenzie Clark Rebecca Clinger Shiely Cluff

MOST COMEDIC ~bbey ~penc~

Collin ~mith Zachary Conder Jaydon Cooke Kendra Cox Alice Craft Nicole Cravens Zachary Cravens Trevor Cross Arika Datwyler Breanna Davidson Rebecca Davidson Bryton Davie Cody Davis Addison Day Jayden Devroom Maddilyn Dimick Annystin Dinsdale Emily Done Annie Dougherty Michael Downward Mekenna Drabner Spencer Duffin Landon Dunn Whitney England Brandon Enriquez Jacqueline Espinoza Anthony Estrella Jonathan Fairbanks Benjamin Falcon Cyra Farnsworth Jacob Farnworth 145

MOST FLIRTY Jacob f=a-rnwo-rth Sab-rina Pa-r-ris-h Karsyn Fergus Natalie Ferguson Andrew Fillmore Alexander Finke Preston Fisher Mitchell Folkersen Hanna Frandsen McKenna Frandsen Shelley Frisby Triston Frischknecht Dana Fulmer Braxton Futrell Alesha Gallegos Erick Gallegos James Garbett Ignacio Garcia Keaton Garner Christian Garrison Brenna Gaver Colin Gaver Gabriel Ghanem Dustin Gilger Erin Glassett Dellagrace Gordon Spencer Greenberg Jessica Greenlaw Makayla Greenwood Chase Gunnell Austin Hall Danielle Halversen


MOST MUSICAL Ga-r-ret Nielsen Al4ssa Koont-z Olivia Hamilton Chamae Hampshire Dacoda Hancey Dallace Hansen Kiara Harker Josie Harman Elizabeth Haro lackory Harrington Elizabeth Harrison

Dillon Hawke Jaxton Hawkes Moriah Hayden Christopher Haynes Calvin Hayward Tiffany Hebert Devan Helm Wesley Henderson Kiersten Herd Erin Hermes Mateuz Hernandez Ronaldo Hernandez Chelsey Heward Calvin Hill Sarah Hill Chad Hilton Colton Himstreet


MOST PHOTOGENIC And-re Sica-rd Madis-on Bedke Marie Hopoate Mackenzie Howa Gavin Howe Christian Howton Citlalli Huerta Campos Jaiden Hughes Jordan Hunt Tiffany Huyette Chelsea Huynh Madison Ingman Bryonna Isenhour Omarii Jansen Alexander Jarman Jessica Jenni Emmeron Jensen Tyler Jensen Chandler Jeppesen Cambri Jessop Creig Jewkes Ashley Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Hallee Johnson Tayler Johnson William Johnson


Chase Jones Hunter Jones Kailey Jones Kjerstin Jones Rachel Jones Samuel Jones


As-hle4 '¥"is-comb Taylor Jones Jacob Joosten Christopher Judd Cameron Juhl Austin Kafentzis Alexander Kakunes John Kallas Tatiana Kalm lack Kanishka James Kaysavang Erica Keddington Patrick Kelly Alaska Kelsch Micah Kenley Kaitlyn Kieffer Sydney King Manu Kinikini Kara Kirkland Caleb Knight Jessica Knight Joseph Knight ~dan Kocherhans Elise Koehler Ashleigh Koonce Alyssa Koontz Alyssa Korologos Sarah Kraft 149

MOST ADORABLE SOUL SISTERS Nicole c,.,avensf;,.,ica Kedding-ton Alyssa Kroll Jennie Kwok Kirsten Lake Dennis Lal Andres Lambson Chandler Lancaster Hailey Landeen Heather Landeen Gabrielle Lane Mercedes Langlois Kelsey Laramie Lausanne Larochelle Mark Larsen Kyle Lecheminant Emmerald Lee-Sang Kate Lesueur Ted Liljenquist Chase Lima Allie Lindquist Abby Lindsay Paul Little Jacob Lives Stockton Uewelyn Joseph Uoyd Abigail Longaker Mahonrry Lopez Sabrina Lowder Eric Ludwig Denise Lundell 1so Nicholas Lundgren

MOST COMPETITIVE Ronaldo ~e-rnande'Z


Tuileta Keaton Madrid Emmjel Magday Mohomanic Magee Ethan Maness Stephanie Marston Dakota Marvian Helaman Matemate Soloman Matemate Alexander Maughan Taylor Maxfield Alexander Maxwell Miranda McConnell Tyler McCoy Makala McDonald Matthew McKane Rebecca Mclain Jody Meads Chrisania Meecham Adriana Mendez Vanessa Mendoza Katherine Metcalf Gabriel Millard Mikale Miller Matthew Miyasaki Ahmed Mohammad Hamida Mohammad Monica Molina Tanner Monson Luis Morales Carpio Alma Morales 151


Jonah Moreno Parker Morgan Findlay Morrison Dylan Moss Jacob Moss Kelsey Mower Madelyn Mower Nathan Mower Mia Muecke Michaela Mulkey Andrew Mulligan Alysha Nageli Katelyn Nelson Shayne Nerdin Lylah Newman Tina Nguyen Kaiya Nield Garrett Nielsen Tiesha Nissalke Braxton Nyborg Chance Nzoza Kelsey O'Leary Anthony Olsen Olivia Olsen


Randi Olsen Thomas Openshaw Heather Overson Joseph Overstreet Kyle Packer Samantha Palmer

B'Pons-on 8aH:aglia

Nathan MowaT'

TannaT' Monson

TayleT' 0ohns-on

MOST DANCE-CRAZED Allison Stepan And-rew Bell Oliver Parker Sabrina Parrish Avery Paul Parker Paulsen Teona Pedockie Ethan Peffer Angel Perez Andrew Peterie Joshua Peters Jack Peterson Bryce Pilgrim Corey Pilgrim Sorell Pilgram Jade Pingel Augusto Player Austin Porter Hannah Powell Harley Prelip Jathan Prince Christian Purcell Richard Rachal liggy Rahn Madison Rampton Braden Rasmussen Kellsie Rector Brayden Reese Mario Ryes larry Reynolds Michael Reynolds McKay Richards


MOST PHONEOBSESSED B-raxton .f=ut-reff DeS'ie Tho-rn John Rillamas-Mohetau

Rosa Marina Rios Carlos Rivas Kaleb Robb Abby Roberts Alexander Robertson Nicholas Robertson Bailey Robinett Yareli Rodriguez Jacob Roestenburg Paige Ross Mary Roundy Alysha Ruffini Madison Rumsey Skyler Rushton Sabrina Sagers Benjamin Salle Cassidy Sanovich Michael Schab Joy Scheidle Jason Scherwinski Timothy Scholle McKenzie Schow Mikaela Schrade Sharmon Sealey Hope Sekona Taylor Sengpraseut Kostandino Sergakis Avery Service 1S4 Emily Sheby


Kie Shepherd Ashton Shorter Samuel Shrader Andre Sicard Trevor Skog Benaiah Smith Collin Smith Jesse Smith Kolten Smith Skylar Smith Erika Soya Megan Sparzo Abbey Spencer Aubrie Sperry Dax Steenbergen Allison Stepan Xaviere Stidham CJ. Stringham Benjamin Strobel Daniel Strong Zachary Stuart Duncan Summers Malone Sutherland April Sween Amata Tagaloa Emily Taggart Tanner Tate Amber Thomas Nicolla Thomas Sarah Thomas ISS


Jace Babka Ka4fa Ca'M'uth Desie Thorn Madison Tilby Hoi-Ching Tong Heidi Toomey Brantley Topham Tyler Tovey Lyly Tran Mitch Trounce Faaitiiti Tuileta Mut Tulow Rachel Turley Eva Urcino Angelica Valencia Diego Veropalumbo Joshua Villamor Alexandria Yom Dorp Barton Yom Dorp Ryan Wagstaff Erin Wakley Kyle Walkingshaw Kamille Wallin Ashley Wanlass Kaylee Warren Caylan Watson Katie Weaver Gaden Webber Estefan Weddell Ciara Weiss Mackynzi West Jackson White 1S6

MOST LIKELY TO BE lATE TO GRADUATION Kels-ey Mowe-r Ave-ry Se-rvice Laura Widenmann Ariana Wihongi Korianna Wilkinson Alyssa Willardson Angelene Williams K.rystin Willson Samantha Wilson Michael Wintercorn Rachel Winzenried Mary Wiscomb Nash Wissler Aspen Woolsey Carter Wozab Talon Wright Treighton Wright Adeline Yorgason Kaylee Young Austin lacherson Sofia Zuniga


''Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good." -Minor Myers Jr. 157





.. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader... - John Quincy Adams 158

Makeltlie Abrams Alyssa Adams Lauren Adamson Marshall Adams Jorge Aguinaga Bisabeth Alexander Kolby Allen Jennifer Alvarez Jennifer Amaya Nicholas Amodio Ginnyryan Andersen Riley Anderson Hannah Apgood Leslie Arellano Alan Armstrong Brooke Armstrong Justice Arnold Kaitlynn Arnold Alex Artemova Jacob Ashman Samuel Ashman Alexandra Austin Alejandro Baeza Aubrya Baierline M<Kayla Bailey Parker Bailey Kathryn Bangerter Alexia Barnes Rachel Barnes Tyler Barnes Jessica Barney Rhet Barstow Samantha Barton Jill Bawden Jennifer Bayani Brodrick Becker Tristan Beckett David lk:ll Ashley Bennion Lexington Bernson Madeleine Berrett Kaylin Bingham Filita Bloomfield Ashley Bluemel Andee Bode Brya1 Bohlender Jacksoa Bolingbroke Steven Bollinger Rhett Bonner Bailey Bourdos Brittany Brewster Isaac Briggs Luke Brockbank Kyara Brown Mickayla Browning Alexis Butler 159

Hampton Butler Michael Buttars Mariano ubrera Kylie Calderon Cassandria uli Alex Call Madyson Campbell Jocelyne Campos Alexis Cantabrana Mariah Cardon Lexie Caro Kameron Carpenter David Carr Michael Carroll Hannah Casaday Sharon Cassidy Denise Cervantes-Barajas Jordan Chan Christopher Cheney M<Kelle Christensen Stockton Christensen Benjamin Christenson Parker Christopherson Cooper Oark Elizabeth Clark logan Clarke Jenny Clayton Conner Clift Olivia Cline Justin Cobbley Kaylee Collins Kelsey Combe Scott Combe Ryley Connelley Kassandra Coon Elizabeth Corry Malerie Courter Rachel Cowdell Colton Cox Justice Crane Auston Cravens Cody Cravens Holly Cressall Brittany Critchfield Aleque Cronquist Austin Curtis Hayden Dalley Victoria Darke


Adam Davies Dominique Davis Luke Davis Parker Davis Sarah Davis Gabriel Dawson Emmanuel De Pat Candace Dean

Kendra Deaa Kristopher Delossantos Michael Demaree Victoria Dennis Alexandra Diaz Thomas Dickey Emily Doran Alyssa Drage Trevor Draney Namrata Dravid Olivia Dravid Dylan Draxler Katelyn Dukatz Kekoa Dunford Madison Earl landen Ecdes Erik Edlund nmothy Elkington Riley Elliott Joshua Ellis Emily Endicott Jason Ensign Alexis Espinoza Nychelle Espinoza Jesse Esplin Adrian Evans Braden Evans Joshua Fassbinder Mackentie Fermanian Rachel Ferre Brandon Fife Madison Fife Paul Fifita Espen Fitzgerald Monaliza Forbes lan Foreman Sara Forsling Hannah Foster Olivia Franz Josh Frear Katherine Fredrickson Anthony Freeman Alex Frogley Mikayla Fubriman Steven Fullmer Andrea Furuly Karla Gallardo Dylan Gallup Mercedes Garcia Hailey Gardner Maxwell Geiger Kyle Gengelbach Dylan Gibbs Cory Gilbert Mariano Gilger Sydney Gish


Alex Gralla111 Aubrey Green Camille Green McKayla Green Ray Green Isabel Gren Brayden Grisham Vannessa Guillen Elyssa Gustafson Jaden Habovstak Hannah Hadley Noah Hahn Caleb Hales Joshua Hall Makayla Halling Gabe Hamideh John Hanania Carson Hansen Wade Hansen Weston Hansen Bridget Hanson Robert Hanson Elir.a Harmer Samuel Harris Zackery Harston Townsend Haskins Tyler Hatch Tate Hathaway Jaxon Hatt Madison Haycock Alex Hecker Shawn Hellier Jaxyn Henderson Lauren Henderson Nathan Hendricks Iach Hendrickson Madison Hill Morgan Hirschi Ganton Horsley Ktiana Houston Addison Howard Ruth Hunter Austin Huylloom Sydney Hyer Ashlee ldema


Jaida Ivins Jordan Jacobson Faith Jacoway Riley James Tyler Jarrard Shaelynn Jeffs Cameron Jenkins Elise Jenkins

Tony Jenkins Abigail Jensen Andrew Jensen Coanor Jensen Kiah Jensen Nathan Jensen Ingersoll Jerra Robbie Jessee Karson Jewkes Jadyn Johnson Kade Johnson Christopher Jones Jojuanta Jones Sol Jones Tabytha Jones (ortney Karr Jake Kelly Jacinda Kendall Joshua Kenner Kylee Kenning Bailey Kera Kaya Kightlinger Melanie Kilbum Undsay Killpack Teresa Kim Wylie Kimball Cllaadler King Taylor King Dyan-Rose Kinikini Makayla Kirk Sydney Kiter Jacob Knaphus Keeton Knight Rylee Knight Chase Knubel Christofer Knudson Mason Koch Billy Konesavanh Camerin Koonce Marion Krieter Eduardo laborderie lslafanny lal Anthony lam Seattle landers Colm laro Hanna Laverty Arty Leal Olivia Lee Emmory Lee-Sang IJ!ke Leetham Sebastian Leon Erica Leonard Daniel Levitt Seijah Uava'a Michael Ully Skyler Undsey


Andrew Lisk (oleman Uoyd Tyler Uoyd Hannah l.o<ke Amanda Lohmann lacbry Lords Abbey Loveridge Tiffini Ludwig Thanh Luu Kanyon lym Callie Lythgoe Alejandro Magallanes Omid Malek Teuila Malo Brooke Mangum Spencer Martin (ristian Martinez Xavier Martinez lauren Mason McCa II Matson Kevin Matthews Dante Mc(onochie Matthew McD.1nnel Jessica McDonald Dallas McFadden Madison Mecham Tiego Mendez-Hasna Sakina Menti Michelle Mertlich Alexis Michaelsen Nicholas Millard Reuben Miller Payton Millet Jennifer Milne Morgan Milne Robert Minshew McKinley Moffat Aubrey Monson Miles Montierth (halise Moore Karen Morataya Hailey Moreno Richard Morgan (handler Morris Katelynn Mo"ow Catherine Mortensen Katherine Moser Aubrey Moses


Halie Mullins Kaitlyn Mundel Michael Munoz Duy Nguyen Tammy Nguyen Ashley Nielsen Brittany Nielsen Brooklyn Nielsen

Rebecca Nordhagen Daniel Nune1 Jazlya Nune1 Brendan O'heara Spencer Odom Stein Olsen Ashlyn Olson Oaire Olson Jennie Olson Riley Olson Stephen Olson Arthur Orgill Skylar Orton Abigail Page Savannah Page Andrea Palmer Allison Park Kienna Parkin Jasmine Parks Erica Parra Christian Pena Leaia Penca Emerald Pere1 Kaleb Perry-Jones Kylee Peterson Remington Peterson Agathe Picard Abbey Piep Chandler Pond Samantha Paole Daved Porter Tanner Prebe Devin Preston James Pro<tor Steven Psaras Talan Pullan David Purcell Madison Questereit Marissa Quintero Kyra Radcliffe Annabelle Rancour Parlter Reber Heatlter Repp Melany Reyes-Gome1 Kai Rigdon Calvi• Roberts Despina Roberts Hayley Roberts Cayla Robinson Marijah Robinson Gabrielle Rojas Rebecca Romano Cherise Romero Juan Romo Kaycee Rose Zachary Rose


Kaysit Ross Samantha Ross Jedediab Roundy Beajamin Sampson Brenda Sancher Isaac Sancher Sherit Sancher Areli Sandoval Marie Schmick Isabelle Schofield Kari Schott Bryce Seber James Seo Paola Servin Jayda Shell Dominick Shapard Taryn Shumway Walker Sickler Joseph Siddoway Jaden Simon Nicholas Simonich Madison Sims Michael Slezak Brittany Smith Brittany R. Smith McClay Smith Morgan Smith Nikolas Smith Savannah Smith Alondra Solares Hannah Sorensen Alexander Sosa laszlo Steffensen Cole Stenseth Nathan Stevens Orissa Sunde Eliza Sutton Garrett Swenson Kenidee Sylvester Wesley Syphus Alejandra Tadeo Danny Takana bqutliu lapia-Rodrigutl

Lukas Taylor Breanna Teaney Olivia Telford Jaelyn Teo Kaitlun Terry


Seth Thomas Skyann Thompson Taylour Thompson Ethan Throndsen Jeffrey Timothy Megan Timothy Jacob Tincher Ashton Tinney

Nairary Torres Rafabel Torres Rebe<ca Trick Alika Tuia Janine Turpie Madeline Twede Briana Ulibarri Enrique Valdez Kajsa Valder Olivia Vankomen Ivy Vawdrey Bertha Vilcher Collin Vining Kelly Vogrinec Loukiniva Vunipola Dakota Wagner Jacob Wahlquist Kaylie Wallin Taiyo Walters Sherri Waag Betbaay Warner Nicholas Watson Jessica Weber Jordaa Webster Glayde Wells Chanse Whytock Jacob Wiedricb Andrew Wiggins Serina Wihongi Dillon Williams Nathaniel Williams Payten Williams

' JO't>Jcm ~igh School, JeaT' to ou-r hea-rtS' rQJ the J,~~~ we have to paT'f:; ~ D da4S' ~ no-w





ool s~ool, 00T'dan -the S'chool we love S'O well.

Taylor Williams Jacob Willson Jevan Winn Rachel Woodmansee Austin Woolley lachary Wright Angelina Wrigley Zhi Bin Wu logan Wyness Joseph Youag Savannah Young lachary Yoang

Kayla Adalcai Vanessa Aguirre liutai Aioao Rileigh Aleshire Hannah Alldredge Thomas Almeida Braydon Anderson Dylan Anderson Emily Anderson Jordan Anderson Juan Anita Jacob Appel Gloria Aquino Nathan Archer Joseph Arriola Jonathan Avalos Heneli Avendano Haley Averett Antonio Ayala Akealcamai Babbel Jackson Babka Jacob Baker Caleb Ball Charles Barben Andrew Bardsley Kyl" Barlow Jovian Batchelor Collette Batty David Becker Bryce Beesley Lauren Bell Rachel Bell Melina Beltran Anson Bennett Eliza Bennett Tayler Bentley Malcayla Biesinger Amanda Birth Micken1ie Black C.hans Blanchard lindsey Blanchat Robert Bliss Cameron Blunck Vitaliy Bogushchenko Daniel Bolen Alex Bordakh Atravias Borley Jelyssa Brailsford December Braithwaite Kierstyn Bricker Adam Brimhall Brian Brimley Samuel Britton Matthew Broadhead Samantha Brockway 168 Brandon Brollman

Colli• Brown Leslie Brown Adolfo Bruno Brooke Brunsoa Kaleigb Bryce Kayla Bulkley Denise Burbank Angela Burch Brooke Burgon Garrett Burns Natalie Burns Neal Burns Shayla Burnside Carson Bushell Keith Butandu Dominique Butner Katie Calderon Martin Calderon Amber Campbell Jordan Cannon Cameron Carbine Nathan Cardall Kathryn Carling Joshua Carlsen Savannah Carlson Nicole Ceclano Braden Chapman Alexandria Chappell Marycarmen Chavez Cooper Christensen Jade Christensen Boyd Christiansen Nain Christopherson Sabrina Ciucci Amber Clark Matthew Clark Gabriela Clave! Alexander Clift Cooper Collett Fidel Colunga Ryan Conner Victor Contreras Coby Cook Savanah Cook Abigail Copsey Mekenzie Cordova Brianne Corriveau William Coult Ashlee Cravens Cartee Culberson Spencer Curtis Margo Dahlin Cameron Dalley Caston Dastrup Holden Davenport Lauren Davis


Ph.uoah D~vis Jatkson Debeaham Brianna Dewolf Stephanee Dial Peru Madison Dillard Gabriel Ditter Nataly Domingue1 Angel Downward Jace Duennebeil Anders Durfey Hannah Dutson Michael Earl Michael Egbert Chance Eggett Hattie Ellis Drew Ellisor Isaac Endicott Jaxon Evans Tristynn Faris Aria Fatahian Candace Fehr E.mma Filita Parker Fillmore Mariah Foerster Faviola Forbes Gabrielle Frailey Corbin Frandsen Sara Frandsen Candice Frisby Andrew Frischknecht Jeffrey Galbraith Tyler Gans Valerie Gardiner Jack Gardner Nicklaus Garner Benjamin Ghanem Kenneth Goler Cameron Golub Ronny Gomer Angie Gonuler Areli Gonule1 Nash Goudie Maria Goyweta Jamie Graham Arianna Granger Andrew Green Donald Green Nathan Green


Andrew Greenlaw Colin Greer Emily Guile Christian Gutierru Joshua Hadden Preston Hagen Emma Hale Sidnee Hallman

Kelsey Handricks John Hanni Alec Hansen McKeaite HanJeD Teagan Hansen Hailee Hardwtle Mia Harker Kaylee Haro VIViana Haro Evar Hashim Kyrinn Haynes Paul Hayward Alexander Hellings McKen1ie Hendrickson Skylar Hendrickson Nicole Henrie Haley Herd Angelica Hemande1 Christopher Hemander Diana Hernande1 Diu Mackenrle Hicks Connor Hill Kayann Hine1 Matthew Hinricbsea Rand HirJChi Matha Hodges Tmor Hodsdon Zachary Hogge River Holfeltz Jillian Holley Amanda Holliman Dexter Holmes Brett Holst Jadyn Honsvick Makayla Hopkins Garrett Howe Na~helly Huerta Campos Calli Hughes Cheyenne Humphrey Desirey Hunter Courtney Hutchen1 William Huynh Marco lruoqui Diego l~aguirre lsiah Jackson Sophie Jackson Camille Jeffer~on Sydney Jensen Tiana Jensen Joseph Jewlte1 Brian Johnson Devin Johnson Justin Johnson Stone Johnson Benjamin Jones O'Ryan Jones


Robert Josephson Braxton Justice Joseph Juston Joshua Justo• Andrew Kafentlis Kaija Kalm Celina Kay Caitlyn Kearl Elizabeth Kearsley Megan Keeter Ashleigh Kelly Celica Kelsch Alec Kener Casidy Kidd Shelbey King Xelan Kiniklni Adam Kin1er Breanne Kiser Tallis Kley Kali Kocherhans Tanya Konesavanh Morgan Koonce Ka itlyn Koonll Cole Lancaster Gabriel Lancaster Josephine Lane Phillip Lane Jamie Laramie Brendan Larsen Collin Larsen Bridger Larson Alejandro Leal Ainsley Leavitt Avery Ledesma Samantha Lemon Brandon Lesieur Trevor Lewis Noelle Lind Abbie Linderoth Sarah Lindquist Ariana liques Skylee Uewelyn BraydeaUoyd lan long Ashton lope1 Daniel Loua Kaden love Wayne Loveall Dax Macey Kyle Malmborg Ina Malo Marc Man1o-Biviano Austin Margetts Jordan Martell Jacqueline Martine1 Michael Martinn 172

Codi Martinsea Peter Maughaa Md(eaua Mazuran Eboai McCray Chardona McGee KC McKinney Sergio Mendoza Thomas Mercer Amanda Merrell Ammon Miller Quierra Miller Jayden Minjares-Dembowski

Breiden Miranda Ulises Mireles Ali Mohammad Kiley Mohler Hunter Monsen Michael Montgomery Natalie Montoya Erik Mora Maxwell Moreno Kenneth Moser Jared Moss Nicholas Moss Braxton Mounteer Max Muecke Mariah Mullins Erika Munor Connor Murphy Christian Musser Nicholas Musser Omar Nagar Morgen Naylor Kyle Neal Jake Nelson Tyler Nelson Makayla Nerdin Trevor Newland Danlee Ner No Nguyen Brandie Nielsen Brendea Nielsen Broderick Nielsen Cory Nielsen Devin Nielsea Nicholas Nielsen Kaily Noble Chase Noorcla Maclalyn Norris Britley O'Farrell Rebekah Oakeson Brenda Ochoa Zambrano Tyler Odom Oaklee Ohmie Todd Oldham Johnathan Olivas 173

Brittany Olstn Brandon Olson Barefast Ondll Taylor Openshaw Allison Osbome Ja<ob Osborne Frant Ottenberger Shaylynn Pablito Ryley Pabst Brayden Pa<ker Jesy<a Palacios Bryton Palmer Koleton Papi< Seaena Pappas Maxwell Parker Bru<e Parra James Parrish Sierra Paul Meilani Peffer Tyler Perlcins Myriah Perry Jared Peters Lorraine Peterson Alaina Phibbs Allison Pi<kering Max Pingel Zoe Plaza Baylee Porter Matthew Porter Amelia Posselli Casey Potter Douglas Proctor Emily Pryor Joel Pur<ell Audrey Rallison Andres Ramirez Bretton Randall Jaylen Rapoza Aaron Rasmussen Tyler Reed Abigail Rees Daeton Reest Undsey Reese Shane Reeves Aleksandr Renfro Ni<holas Renshaw Benjamin Reyes Maxwell Reyes Jumine Reyes-Gutierret Austin Ri<h Jacinda Riehm David Rillamas Jose Rios Deaundra Rito Ivory Roa<h Un<oln Robbins 174

Colby Robertson Alyssa Robinson S<ott Robinson Aleeslaa Rodriqt;ez Selaastiaa Roesler Benjamia Roestenburg Aizik Rogers Ethan Rogers Gladis Rojas Cruz Romero Hunter Rose Brionna Ross Heber Russell Isley Salais Marquez Janeth Salinas Daniel Sanders Kenna Sautia Tanner Saxey Talia S<arflorough Madison S<haugaard Allison S<hindler Alexander S<haeider Isabella S<hrade Catherine Seamons Zachary Selander Ethaa Service Abby Simmons Darren Singh Hailey Singletary Jake Sirstins Braden Skinner Austin Slauenwhite Karlee Smedshammer Breanna Smith Kirsten Smith Mikayla Smith Savanna Smith Savannah Smith Kaylie Snow Yummy Soaia Kaden Souter Alayaa Sparks Tyler Stauffer Morgan Sterner Tyler Stone Bridger Summers Trey Sutherland Gabriel Tachini Brittany Talbot Althea Tang Austin Tang Gabriella Thaxton Colton Thomas Danny Thomas Erica Thomas Hayden Thomas


lakary Thomas Wyatt Thompson John Tietjen Benson Tippetts Demie Tischner Jeremy Topham Abraham Torres Jumin Tovar Phuoc Tran Veronica Trujillo Jayden Trujillo-Carter Shyann Tuft Sosiua Tuitahi Mistie Tunbridge Aylin Urbina September Utley Nikolas Vaksmundsky Taulia Van Der Btek Mikayla Vance Raquelle Vander Veur Annika Vaughan Deigeo Villalobos Megan Vincent Isabella Vogt Madison Wagner Mykayla Wagner Alexander Walker Makayla Walker Jenna Warby Brayden Warren Alex Watson Eva Weddell Mia Weddell Jared Weekes Tori Weight Madeleine Wells Mackenlie Welty Xander West Connor White Megan White Whitney White Haley Wiese Cody Wiley Jessica Wilkes Shawn Wilkey Korman Willeitner Andrew Williams Donald Williams


frank Williams Hunter Williams Lauren Wilson Matthew Wilson Tabitha Wilson Collin Winder Carly Winegar Janet Wintercorn

Alexis Woodgate Madison Woodmansee Barbara Woods Ben Wright Delaney Wright Jessica Wright Creed Yorgason lsmael Zarate-Guillen Christian Ahelardo Wyatt Acerson Isabel Acosta Rylan Adamson Fernando Agustin Hayley Alcorn Avery Allen Casey Anderson Catherine Anderson Jordan Anderson Sierra Anderson Alec Anjewierden Adam Arents Hannah Ashman Isaac Astudillo Noah Bachman Luisa Baet Lua Daniel Baeta Alex Baker Jalyn Ball Mikaela Ballstaedt Adam Bangerter Landon Barclay Shambraya Barela Braxton Barham Jack Barker Summer Barlow Cortlyn Barnes Elisette Barnes Ellen Barnes Cheyenne Barney Kassicly Barney Tyler Bassett Ethan Baum Adam Beals Vanesa Beers Ryaa Beiser Noah Belnap Asher Bendixen Jacob Bennett Carlie Bennion Carter Bennion Tristan Bess Alexandra Best Caitlin Black Caytee Black Henry Blandon Selu Bloomfield


Emily Bluemel Taylor Blunck Charly Bohlender Kameron Boldrin Chris Bordenave Madison Bosley Jeremy Bourdos Derian Bowyer Dustin Bradford Zachary Brant Dakota Braun Caitlin Brennan McKenna Brennan Alexis Brewster Michael Brimley Nicole Brooks Jack Brown Cammie Browning Jayla Bryan Baily Burch David Burch Hailey Burnham Alan Burr Ashley Bush Aabrey Butler Christian Buttars Carlos Calata Kason Caldwell Kaden Call Elijah Canales Tate Cannon Julie Cantabrana Brittany Carlson Caden Carlson Gage Carson Jazmin Carver Tiffaney Castillo Brayan Castrejon Luis Cervandes Gabriella Chacon Colton Chamberlain TayiH Chapple Eliubeth Chatwin Zachary Cheney Katie Chinchen Alyssa Christensen Cambree Christensen Joshua Christenun Tarra Christensen Chandler Christenson KChristiansen Breckin Clark Nicholas Cobbley Casey Collett James Colson Nicholas Colt 178

Anthony Colunga Savannah Conrad Samantha Conte Gardner Cook Kenneth Cook Deandre Cooper Kyanna Cortes Kaitlynn Courter Jessica Cowburn Kelsey Cox Kennedy Crane Joshua Crestani Nicolas Croft Parker Croll Elizabeth Curtis Mikayla Czerny Michael Dalpiaz Rachel Dalpiaz Levi Darger Raegan Davenport Gabriella Davis Austin De Dios Maya De la Cruz Chandler Dean Marco Derakhshan Fard Kayli Desena Taya Devroom laurie Dickey Josef Doehring Kayla Dominguez Tyler Done Max Duffin Carter Dupey Kelci Earl Chloe Eaton Tiffany Edel Gage Eclwards Kallee Eclwards Tianna Ellington Kristina Ellis Benjamin Ellisor Benjamin Ensign Matthew Entwistle Skyler Erickson Hunter Estrada Edith Estrada-Pedroza Griffin Etulain Gage Evans Melanie Evans Karla Farias Megan Farnworth Sarah Filita Bentley Fillmore Samantha Finke Katelynn Finnegan Jaiden Flanders


Julia Folau Karina Forlles Dillon Foster Jonah Frederick Mason Frederick Nicole Freestone Karmen Frehner Michael Fricot Mekenlie Fuelling Jonathan Fullmer Ethan Futrell Careen Gaborski Zion Gadson Sierra Galarza Allison Gallagher Matthew Gallup Brianna Garcia Jayden Garcia Luke Garcia Samantha Garcia Wyatt Garcia Abigail Gardner Robert Gardner McKenzie Garrett Gabriel Garza Brianna Gaston Roui-Lynn Gates Matthew Gee Jayden Gibb Benjamin Giles Mason Glassett Alec Gold Grigory Golub Misael Gonralez William Gooch Addison Graham Hayfee Green Elliott Grimes Hyrum Gurrola Damon Gutierrez Manuel Gutierrez Matthew Hachtel Elira Hale Emily Hall Keegan Hall Sydney Halling Everett Hansen Connery Hardcastle Abbey Harman Dorenda Harmon Aidan Harrington Hans Harrison Teiasia Harrison Esperanra Hathaway Ronnie Hathaway Dallin Haycock 180

Joshua Heaps Emily Henderson Noab Hennings Carlos Hemandet Femando Hernander Naomi Hemandet Natasha Hemandet Genesis Herrera Aspen Hill Joseph Hill Lauren Hill Madelynn Hill Christian Hola Joshua Holmes Joseph Hong Abby Horsley Kabe Horsley Skylar Horsley Haylin Howard Jarren Howard Paul Hudson Bradley Hughes Jackson Hughes Daimon Hunter Gretchen Hyer Peter Ingman Sean lntharath Kaylin Ivins Danielle Jacobson Grayson James Andrew Jeffries Anna Jenkins Merynne Jenni Anna Jensen Asher Jensen Chandler Jensen Jonah Jensen Noah Jensen Max Jeppesen Freedom Jessee Wade Jessop Ethan Jessup Marshall Job Connor Johnson Laura Johnson Riley Johnson Seth Johnsoa Alec Jones Chandler Jones Demetri Jones Jessika Jones Jorge Jones Kaiden Jones Sarah Joosten Kaleb Juhan Rhett Juretich


Emily Kearsley Karlee Keddington Ann Keller Anna Kennedy Madison Kirk Keli Ann Kirkland Dalton Knight Raegen Knudsen Hannah Knudson Mira Kocherhans Koby Konschot Alexis Koonce Dennis Kudutovic Nina Kudutovic Trinity Kump Cooper Kunt Breanna Kuretich Daisy Lal Ethen Langlois Em me Laro Brecken Larsen Matthew Larsen Madison Leavitt Taylor !.eater Dalton Lechtenberg Mikaela Lee Collin Leishman Natasha l.entt Kadi• Lightel Sarah Lilly Chris Lindquist Lena Lindsay Benjamin lisk Latigo Liuni Isis Loera-Bustos Elitabeth Lomeli Jessica Lomeli Truman Longaker Jose Lopet Sofia lopet Henry lovell Nicholas Llldwig Lexie Lllnd Alexander Lllndgren Jenny Lllu Jaymin Mahler Andrew Mallett Jocelynn Malmborg


Julie Malo lan Maness Tanner Mangum Jaydon Manhard Samantha Mann Finau Mapa Ryan Marchessault Charles Marshall

Carter Martin Arely Martinez Bernice Martinez Mathias Martinez Azul Martinez Borges Gabrielle Marz Bridger Matthews Nicole Matthews Kenzie Maxfield Riley McAffee Alyssa McCullough Whitney McFadden Benjamin McKane Beau McRae Kylee Meads Braxton Mearian Alejandro Mendez Yovani Menjivar Kevin Metcalf Madison Michaels Bethanie Mildenhall Bryanna Miller Emily Milaer Jaxon Monson Corbin Montierth Aaron Montoya Jazmine Moore Kyler Moore Zachary Moore Elizabeth Mopadish Anthony Morales Kimberly Morataya Brady Morley Porter Morrison Rees Mottishaw Tanner Mounteer Ryan Mower Triston Mroz Alex Munoz Ashton Naylor Peyton Naylor Ahigail Nerdia William Newell Erika Newman Cainon Nice Brock Nielsen Treytan Nielsea Jordan Nohava Tasia Norris Devan Nuse Quentin O'Brien Nathaniel O'Driscoll Nathan O'Hearn Elizabeth Ocampo Aleckis Olson Andrew Olson 183

Drake Oneida Cody Orrock Tanner Orton Mattea Osborne Tyson Packer Michelle Padilla Emma Page Cecilia Paulsen Eli Paulsen Micah Paulsen Brooke Payne Sabre Pederun Casidee Peisley Savannah Perkins Whitney Perry Alexis Peterson Kailee Peterson McKay Pierce Emma Pinson Jandrei Pitti Tyler Pond Mitchell Popish Clifford Price Megaa Rathbun Graden Reber Melanie Reyes Jennifer Reyes Gomer Hayden Reynolds lan Rich Joshua Rigby Christian Riggs Madison Riley Luke Rillamas Laura Rios Miguel Rivera Isaiah Roach Kennedy Roberts Easton Robinson Hailey Robinson Ricardo Robles Jose Rodriguer Jennifer Rogers McKenna Rogers June Rose Rogerson Audrey Roper Elias Rosales Tristan Rose Daniel Ross


Eric Ross Lamont Roundy Karelis Ruir Tina Ruir Sophie Rumsey Katelynn Sadler Arionna Sagers Daisy Saligan

Joseph Sampson Carlos Sancha1 Brandon Sanchet-Rojas Emily Sandberg Carley Sanovich Vanessa Santiago Mercedes Saylor Jeremy Saysanasy Nick xhartman Talon xherwinski Autumn Schimmelpfennig Cody Schow

Jane Sepulveda Brandon Shaw Austin Shelton Sara Shenkel Cody Sherwood Nathan Shrader

Caitlin Simmons Kashish Singh Bailee Smith Kimber Smith Savannah Smith Brianna Snow Stephanie Solorio Celeide Soras Noah Sosa Donovan Spillers Benjamin Stepan Kelsey Stuart Bun Summers Jordan Swafford Elias Tadeo Madison Taggart Conner Tait Tyson Tate Isaac Taylor Josie Taylor Martina Taylor Katelyn Tenney Kilani Teo Makena Terry Daphne Thedell Brianna Thomas Dellarose Thomas Jacob Thomas Paige Thompson Jesse Thorn Owen Throndsen Jaxson Tilby


McKay Tilby Annie Timpson Cole Tobler Garrett Tolman Anderson Tomlin Galilea Torres Jose Torres Steven Torres Ashley Trinh Reilly Tripp Jared Trounce Lealofioaana Tua Taivasa Tulaga Kallie Turner Jason Valencia lan Vanderlinden Juan Velir Caden Vermillion Maria Vidrio Rylee Vierig Anthony Villalva Brensen Villegas Max Vincent Brian V"IVils Nicholas Waddoups Mer~edes Waibel Crew Wakley Keyton Warenski Spencer Wariner Joshua Watson Kourtland Watts Cody Welch Adam White Elisheva White Eric Whitlock Matthew Whitlock Shaydee Whittington Nikolai Widenmann Caleb Wiggins Anna Wilcox Benjamin Williams Emyrald Williams Grace Williams McCoy Williams Thomas Williams Amy Willis Jonah Wilson Tyler Wilson Zachary Wilson Alexandria Wisdom David Woodcock Ashley Woodmansee Ethyn Woodruff Christopher Woodward Damon Wright 186 Makayla Wright

Joseph Wrigley Cody Wyllie Deshawn Yauie Danely Zaragora Dylan Zettler

NOT PICTURED Class of 20 18 Noel Alder Sajjad AJ Herr Adrienne Alhamid Alexandria Avalos Brayden Ball Brayden Ballaine Aerianna Beard Cheraden Brown Sidney Brunker

Braxton Byrd Hunter Camel! Samuel Christian Alycia Dawson Elijah Evans Feagai Fruean Omar Gallardo De Ia Rosa Alejandra Garcia Loper Hannah Gleason

Jayden Hardy Tagen Harrington Jaden Heller William Herman Melanie Hopoate Nicholas Hunter Alex Johnson Daytona Jones Frederick Kaska

Jeran Kilpack Kalisitiane Uava'a Eric Magana-Beniter Jose Magana Tiara Miyasaki Miguel Munguia Gabriel Ovaitt Brea Payne Daija Perry

Avery Peterson Cherish Randall Jourbert Rouret-Rabanales Nelson Sings Bradshaw Soaia Cayson Sorensen Austin Spiva Ullian Tafoya Ashley Tagaloa

Melissa Troller Robert Vance Pedro Valuquer Samira Vincent Dami Soni Vunipola Erica Whiteman Fang Zhao Cheyenne Zylks

Stefani Mejia Harrison Mescal Jr. Dusti• Mireles Cesar Morales Uttth Morale Alysii M.l1101 llya NiYarro-S.ntillar Jon1than Nunu Bod·e Ot~kes

Jessie Roberts Altllooy Royt..ct

Class of 20 17 lt~cqueline Ahumada Yaltrli Ames Bria Buttr Cr,st.l Btnu-Mines KyteBillmaa Iiden Blackllum Ltuos Brock Dallin Burnett IUquiel ur·lla

Maria Corttl Lyric DeroS4-0iivtr Jessica Oyatt Yasmin Estrada Altt Evans AIMI Fe1111ndu Silaatel Femandu !ide Foreman Yue Gao

Hugo Gomez l..tsdi Gomer Alvaro Gonialet Connor Hackiag Aaroa Haasoa

z..is Heatil U.meron Heodricksea Justice Heri Mariano Hernandes

Femando Holloway Wt~dt Jessop Fagatogo Lavuii Brt~ndi Lma Loreate Locio s... Loi Robert Marcell Jacqueline Mllrtiner Jorden McCoy


Arm Tolo.«osaM!o lloona Urtieo c.llieW.,_

Ka-w..-u..t Slyter Wihoo Keaot4it Writbt (olb Z..l't

Class of 20 16 Alex Altman lynzee Argon Francisco Avalos Stephen Bailey Cameron Brown Mackayla Burr Osris Corcuera

Milagros Cossy Leon Tapia Gisell Diaz Luis Duarte Ethan Eldred Saydee Garcia Robert Gibson Evelyn Gonuler

Courtney Goodman Tyler Guerricabeitia Katherine Huntsmen Megan Isham Tiffany Josephson Diana Kunz Cheyenne Lee

Trevor McCullough Donovan Mendez Diaz Kelsey Mergens Madeline Mock Dalyen Nurnment Nicholas Okhomina Gissel Ortega

Randi-Michelle Ralston Antonia Regaldo Adrianna Robles Yovanni Robles Damian Snow Hannah Sorensen Ivan Tachini

Slade Trevet hick Carter Vincent Sonny Watson Barrett Weir Gage Welch Cooper Wiggons

Kasey Staker O'Brien Stewart Madison Strong Claudia Teatino Atofvio Townsend Zachary Vierig

Parker Williams Garrison Woods Alicia Zavala Nikita Zvyagin

Class of 20 15 Allison Amen Gradon Andersen logan Anderson Salem Bani Mikolo Bloomfield Raynie Boseman

Kendall Carlson Brennan Espinoza Shane Gardner Lissette Gomez Julian Gonzalez Austin Harrison

Broady Howes Christian lheanacho Frank Marukyan Alissa Montierth larry Noble Ryan Reynolds

Talon Ridgeway Pablo Rodriguez Alany Romero Mirsha Saligan Tiana Sam Brynnlin Smith

'We aT>e s-o vroud of you and all that you have accomplis-hed. This- isjus-t the beginning. 'We love you! Dad, Mom, Katie, and Devin


..,.. 0


ca Dl

--· c

Dl ,.. 0


·-"' You did vr pT'Oud! Conel'atulationd 'We Love you! Mom, Dad, and Ki,.,rlen

'We Gn'e so proud of you and yoU1" accomplis-hments. You a-re sma-rt, talented and kind. 'We love you! Mom and Dad

MITCHELL FOLKERSON 'WJe aT'e so pt'OUd of you and all you have accomplished. You have a b,.,ight futU1'e ahead of you!

'WJe love you! CongT'ats! Mom and Dad

DICiCiER for life!

JACOB FARNWORTH 'VJe a-re so pT'ouJ of both

of yoy. Now go and

hom the beginning, qou have been a complete people pel"S"on, a little diplomat. You have taken what life gave qou and excelled above and beqond, gt>aduating with honOT'S! 'We at>e s-o bles-s-ed and pt>OuJ! Love Alwaqs-, YoUT' f:amilq

"DVl'ing yolll' life, nevet> rtop dt>eaming.

No one can take

away yolll' d-reamd" -Tupac Shaklll'

I finally ag-ree with Tupacl Cong.,..at~ Alex and

Cia~~ of '20 15! Mom

Cong-ratulation~ A~leyl You CGin accompli~ hGI1"'d thingd Set high goal~ and -reach f01"' the ~-rs-, you d~et>Ve it!

'¥/e a-re p-roud of you and a1"'e excited to watch you continue to excel.

'¥/e Love you I David, Mom and -.J~~iCGI

5 CongT'atulations-! of you!

'¥/e aT'e ro pr>oud

'¥/e aT'e s-o bles-s-ed to have

you in OUT' family .

You aT'e s-uch a

gT'eat example t o all of us-. Be s-tl'ong and T'ememb9T' who you aT'e.

'¥/e love you mucho mucho!! Love, M om, Dad, Maeg ha n, a nd J aT'ed

STOCKTON LLEWELYN '¥/e aT'e s-o pr>oud of the gT'eat man you aT'e becoming. CongT'atulations- on all of youT' accomplis-hments-! Love, Mom and Dad


'WeOl'e V8T'Ij prouJ

of 11oul

Love ljOU




Mom anJ Savannah DIGGER PRIDE

Cong-tulationr on a rtJk.,. high s-chool jov-rneljl 'We love ljOUI Mom, DaJ, anJ ljOVT' little


Seem~ like yesieT'day wa~ yoUT' fim day of ~chool.

Now it.'~ the fn.rt day of the t>erl of yoUT' life. '¥./e couldn't. be p-roudeT'!

Congt>at.ulat.ion~ Chicken! You at>e ama'Zing and we at>e

~o proud to be yoUT' family! '¥./e love you and I



cant. wait. t.o ~ee whah next! Love,

Love, Mom, Dad, Kevin & Collin

Mom, Dad, Zak and 0ake

..... .... .-... ~

.... 0

..... ~

~ ~




focur on ...h..t'r omportDnt, C<:lptiiT'e the aooJ time.-,

L-.JI.... Cong'T'at.ulat.ions-!

'¥./e a'T'e ro

proud of you! Thank you

develop the negotive, onJ ;f


the s-mile~ and laughteT'. You

thingr don't ""O'T'k out-toke onoth.,. .hot." -Unknown

weT'e bo'T'n fo,., big t.hingr.

So pt'OUd of ~oul Love,

Keep up the good wO"I"k!

Mom, DoJ,


T~!..,.. ond g_,t

Mom and Dad


ALEC FINKE 'We..,... ro

So h..pplj with oiiiJOO've Jone ond excrt.J obovt the ~ ohe..JI

p1'0UJ of 1J00

'\:://• love ljOul

onJ ro excrt.J

to ree ,h.,.. ljO"" next


t..ker ljOul Love ljOU to the moon onJ b..ckl Love,

Mom, O..J. onJ S ..m

Take the ,;s-k_ Live ljOliT' Jr.eam.

No.., go out th.,... anJ get it!

You a,... loveJI Dad, Mom, anJ Da'l't'en

Narh, You bing continuous- love anJ laughter- to OV1' famil 4. 1=ollow Y OV1' Dreamr...t=ull Thl'oHie Ahead! 'We Love You! Mom and DaJ

OV1' beautiful blu&-e4eJ bab4 gil'l ir gl'aduating! Such a Cl'eative 40ung lad4 who ir alwa4r ringing. Nevel' rtop!

'WJe love 4ou! Mom, Dad, T8l'8n, Bl'eanna, Jarmine, and Ollie

'¥/e love you mo,.,e!

INt=INITY The end is you-r beginning ...




ro pl"'UJ of 4ou! So excited fo,. the aJventUl'er that al'e in ljOUl' fvt:Ul'e! Love ljOU ro much! Love, Mom 11

'"W/hatev9l' -DaJ


You a-roe h>vl4 an ama1ing pln'S'on 'tVonJetfvl talentrl Thank 40u

fo-ro being ...ho 40u a-roe. 'We a-roe

bl~ !o have 40u in

OVT' famil4.

Love, Mom, OaJ, Jake, Ben,

'Wade and Mit.ch

'¥/e a'T'e s-o p-roud of you and all yoUT> accomplis-hments-! CongT>atulations-1 Love, Mom and Dad

class of 20 15

Q~ANA mean~ family and yoUT' family

love~ 4ou! See yoUT'~elf thT'ough OUT' eye~ and know that f01" you, anything i~ po~iblel

OLIVIA HAMILTON You J;J it! Conunue being ~oU'I'relf QnJ ..,e kno.., ~ou ..,;II enjo~ a lifetime of h<lppinettl 'We love ~oul OaJ, Mom, ond Katie

Cong,.atulations;- Maddie!

"We Gl1'e s-o proud of you. 'W/e know that you will achieve 0'1'8Glt things;-! Love, Mom, Dad,


'W• ..,.. -., .,_J of 'fOV onJ oil tl...t 'fOV

!,.,.. ... _,.,pt,.w w• ..Jmn.....,. I- fo,. tl,. outJ.,.,... ,..._, fo,. cpot'tr. -..J.~ - t.

:...~...,.. t.o .......,._ """""'' t.ol.nts ..nJ 0.. ~" ,..J """ Jo .._.,u,"''l ...,tJ, (oocJ.,J"'G ..,lsng). {;-.,thong 'fOV rK out \.o do, IM'<vo with porrion onJ ..hoi..J-..t..Jnert, "" ""'tt.,. .l,.,t tho obrt.ocl.r n,.,.. " no cloubt """ ..JI rvc<...J '" l.f. I- ....,1


Mom..J D..J



You 'SIT lp1l" <t.:anJ..,J,

St..il "' cut.. 'W• ..,.. "' ~

Keep ~·ngl Love ~od ond Mom

.,d,;-J lp1l" 9""11 'W"~ to go!

of ljOU

Love. n. l=omil~

TANNER ADAMSON Cong,..,tulot.ionr 8ubb..l G'l'<>ndl"' would b. ro p1'0udl No mOt'e unJ.,.,itr

TIFFANY HEBERT T;Jfonlj, You ue gl'Own up to b. o rmo-rt ~oung 1

enthuriortic, can do onlJthing, odvenbnoerome, compomonote, bourbrOT-thlJ, intelligent, ond

ro proud of 11ou!

-YOln' ~omillJ


Cong'l'otulotionrl Y ou ve wo,..ked ho,..d, t8'1'Ved well, p~ected lJOin' tolentr ond hove rhown who lJOU

can be. So V81"lJ proud of lJOu.l Continue to rt:rive down the rl-'l'oight ond nCI'I"'''v. Love lJCI• Mom


Cong,..owlotionr-You ve come o long vo11! ~m Beetdigg.,..

~r fon to choi'l' ond muricalr 1

to SeminO'I'lJ CounciL lJOu ve enjo11ed it oil. You'll do g'l'eot thingrl Love, Yo"" f=omillJ

& Dod

Cong'T'atulationr Shiel4l You have g'T'own up ro

fan! 'We a'T'e ro p'T'Ovd of the p8'T'S'on 4ou have become. Love 4ou,

(ong'T'atulationr Ka4lee

Baa,.! 'We a'T'e ro p1'oud of 40V'T' accomplirhmentr and the beautiful woman 40u have become. Nev8'T' give up on 40V'T' d,.eamr!! II • Mom and Dad

L--.~- -

Mis-s- Ave-ry


'¥/e could no-t be mo'T'e p'T'oud of you, swee-t gi,.,l! Thanks- fo,., being -the bes-t example, daugh-te-r, s-irle'T' and fr,iend! May all you'T' wis-hes- come -t'T'ue, p,.,inces-s-1 Love, Dad, Mom, f;-than, Sophie, Livie and


You aT>e at the beginning of gT>eat things-! 'We love you!

Cong,.atulationr to oll1" little princes'S'! 'With a beautiful s-mile and con~dent at±itude, ljOU have laid the foundcroon fOT' an ama'Zing life. 'We1'8 excited to 1

s-ee wh81'e the futll1"e takes- ljOU. 'We love ljOu! Dad, Mom, Wolt, and Alex


, 'WJe a'T'e ro pt'Oud of 4ou! You have wO'T'ked ro ha'T'd

i:o accomplis-h lfOU'T' goalr. One joU'T'ne4 endr, ~he next of man4 joV'T'ne4r begins-.

TRISTAN BRADSHAW l=rom KinJ.,..beet to o ..,.lk.ccompliJ.eJ JorJon



YoV'T' s-mile ligh~r up ~he 'T'ooml

l011e. lJOU

fa,. in life. Can't wait ro s-ee ~hat lfOU1" futV1"e holds-.





e ar>e h>ul4 yroucl of 40u a11J exqteGI- thqt f;


r r -




IJr 1:

uou -h~e,.,Gtireoy~e l



~ '7

:;..·Jt-~wo.2·~.-. <lAd rin_gingas' ~ parrionr ifl ~ Jfe.

~mel Y.ou M~ m<:~r\4 t.alen~r. 'W/•loolt

f~Gl'T'd ~o IJOV'If amc:~ozing •

'¥/e a'T'e rupe'T' pt'OUd of lfOU and look fO'T'Wa'T'd W ljOU'T'

fvtV1"8. '¥/e love 4ou!


Mom, Dad,

WeJove ~urr- ~

and Andee



ljoung ma11 qotf he~ye

You made i~, 8ubba!

0 (j)





iD r


Jade: Ama'Zing, kind, ha-rdwQ1'>king, talented, gen81"ous-, intelligent, beautiful, compas-s-ionate, and you have a beautiful tes-timony of the gos-pel, which sohines- f;.om within.


You -re a bles-s-ing to thos-e

a-round you and you -re a <:~uiet, yet pow~l leader'. 1

'We a-re s-o p-roud of you! Love you fQ1'> always-.

DIGGf;R t=OR Llf=f






G .....J""t.on t.. .... •~ 1-.!T.,. !.... eon• b~ ro Forti R--b- th. fvw,.. l.oiJ. to much f.,. 'lOU• ro make the mort oF it!


Rob, Rees-, <et>accc:a o nJ


St..ll eot SMIL~I

Continue B~U{;VING.

...!line to


lov•, Mom

CONNOR CARLSON 'V::/1e a"re ro proud of 4ou! You a"re s-uch a talented d.,.umme'T' and s-inge'T'! As- 40u move on to this- next chapte'T', believe in ljOU"rs-elf, wo"rk ha.,.d, and follow ljOU'T' d.,.eams-!

'V::/1e love 4ou! Dad, Mom, Cas-s-id4, and Caitl4n


'We'.,.e luck4 to be ljOU'T' pa.,.ents-! 'V::/1e love 4ou Ve'T'lj much! Cong"ratulationd

'V::/1e'.,.e excited fO"r ljOU'T'

b.,.ight futU'T'e that lies- ahead. Love, Mom and Dad

A~..~...~.. o.,...._


113. 1 AI..-. M.\...... 67. 15Q A-W.,.u177 Aaxt.. ~.b.l 103. Aaxt.. 1 AJ.I,.;.K..,I.





.,.._ 147. 1Q7 ,J....I..I68 K.... 5. Q, 14 Q3. 117. 1?7. . 174. 1?7. 178. 147.717


A.-V.--168 177 A- P..t-1. 60. 147. 717 A-o.L;..;..i??. 168 Ak-.l-l..,l... 45. 177 AU.... (;tl.... 147. 71 7 AU... RJ.J. II 0. 168 A:.....l.. ~ 110.130. 15Q AI;..<. M.J. 31. 147 ~.



AI-.A-.177 At...KoL,I5Q A:-. 3. Q, 11. 41. 57. 76. 77. 174. 176. 135. 147 I>)..J.. r.,~o. 147 AL-J.. 84. 168 AJ..~. 177. 147 AJ.-,. j ....r..,. 17, 101. 117. 174. 15Q />...-... J.,..;f.. 15Q A-t...Ncl.ol.t 17. 15Q


Q4. 107. 14'2 A.J-. Not~... 168 A.J-. s ......u.. 7 I. 147, 1Q5 A...l..o.L..I.I5Q A-t..AJ..,. 177 A.....-., A).. 104. 15Q A......-..B,..,.,. 705 A~J,......ISQ

A...JJ K..;.l,.. 7.Q 15Q A.....J. o.-,. 74 75. QO 117. 113. 147 A.....J.. J-,1.168 A.t- A- 15Q AJ-.,~ 177 AJ-., Joool. 16. 17, 48. 4Q. 15Q. 711,717 A.t..... S.....l10. 37. 48. 4Q, 15Q. 70Q, 711 AJ,.....I.N.I.ol.. 147 A.Wfo. 1·- 8Q. 177 All.-. L - 136 A.- /lJ-J... 15Q A.Jo. ,J...tJ- 168 A-J-.. 1-:...\ 70. 73. 37, 58. 177. 168 A-.l-l-lo.168 A,.:... A-w- 168

B . 14?.





~R_.147.1QQ A,pJ.~ 15Q A,o.t.l. o,...... 16. 175. 14'2 ,A.w.J. J-1, 168 A.- Gl.... 77. 36. I 07. 168 A.13. 17. 36. 41. 8Q, QO.


Introducing the

2015-2016 Freshman/ Sophomore Class Officers

e~A1..;.15Q B~(:..tl,113.177

Br-.B--177 e.-. g.., 107. 177 e.-~ 117.174 15Q Br-T..J.136 B-- T.,l.. '23. 15Q e.-. 0..,..... 57. 107. 177 e...,...J.....,I5Q K~ 111 B...J-t. A~- 78. 80. 143 e.......... M.-1134. 143 e.....,.. !;u... 18. 1Q. 3Q. 117. Q6, Q7, Q8. QQ. 106. 111, 1?0. 143 9-to-. Rl..t 7, Q. 76. ?7. 11 ?. 158. 15Q a--.....Z.. I43.?1? ~ $.-U.. 76. ?7. 104 II? 1?4 130. 131. 15Q e--. T..'- 177 168 e.t-.K-136 e....,.~.o.e--13.37. 1?1. 1?4. 140. 143. 15? 10?. ?1? e-.~" 46. 168 e-. ~;.1- 4Q. 105. 177 B...J...J,II11'2. 15Q ~. J-r.. 15Q B..I..AI-77. 177 B~A-.. 113 e~. B..J..d. 116. 15Q e.,... D-In 168 B.Mt. r~ 15Q e-4. ~ lA?>. 148 B..J143. ?1? B-J.,;-3 Q,37. IA3. ?I? 9 - V · - 177 B-l..,. e._ 168 B-.R.,..I77 BJ.A..J-41. 101 1?1. 143. 153. 70? BJ.D-113?. 15Q BJ L..,..., 18. 34. 35. A3. Q6 107 111. 1?0. 168 BJ.M.!8Q. 136 B.t R.J..I168 B.&...S........ I43


e.w..:.. ..,._


A.J..-... AJ>....J 147 717 AJ.-.9....... 3() llQ, 168 AJ.-. 58. 177 AJ.-. 18. 100. 111 AJ.-. (),!.. 176. 168 AJ-,.., (;..J, 168 AJ-,...J-1,81. 147 A.;......,. Jo.J.• 103. 17 7 A.J.-. R;l.., 3Q. 87. 15Q AJ-,... s - 176. 111 AJ.-. s...,.... 147 ~ M.J,: ... 71. 147 AJ.,. e.,.- 11. 18. 1Q Q8. w. 147. 1Q8 ArP e..- 147. 1w A,.t,. J- 168 ~Aoc107. 104. 177


e...t..e...,.177 e...l..m. e....w. I 77 B..I.... J.,k 177 B..l.... K,l.. 106. 176. 168 B..l.... s,....... 45. 177


177 S.O..,.B-Q4 147 IQO fl-1.,.. AJ.,.,. 43. 15Q B..:....M<K•J. 15Q B·oi..o.P..I... 66.Q7,133. 15Q e•.1... Rot.- 15. 113. 147 e..... 14'2 K-.. 111 AI.. 4Q, I 77 9.t... Joool. 168 e.t... J-:... 147, 143. 188 A-..J.. 147 e.;... 143. 717 9.1~ 168 B-1. J.1,. I 77 BJ.w.Jt. M.....:. 113. 176. I 77 AI- 177 B..,.....t-. K.tJ..v. Q 67, 84 137. 15Q B...._.C1.,.1..40, 168 B..d.,. L•,J.., 4Q. I 77







e-. f - 18. 1Q.3Q 47. 76. 77. 06. Q7 106. 111. 1?0. 143 IQS B.J..,. N..1. 177 B.it-., M.l.. 168 B..J,..,A.l... 177 9.-..t~ Ab.o-176. 77. 1?A. 143 B.-..tt.A-168

e..-g..78. 168

e..-. Joool. 11 1

B-.AJ.1..,4, 7. 6?. 15Q g..,,...,, c.,.l.. I 77.? I I 65. 177. ?11 e ....... B-tl.,. T..,l.. 71,85. 168 e-. c,..o., QO. 143 B--. L~¥.- 7. 158. 15Q e-.e-.136 e ........ I'Wol-. 81 15Q r~ 111 eooi. Al--J,. 115. I 77 e....I.T-. 136 B-... M.;,...l. 45. 168 e.t-.9.-- 143 e.,.t-. CJ.t 1?5. 143 B.,.!..... K.;l. 7. Q 31. II?. 171. 158. 15Q, ?07 B..U..A--J. 168 91-J.. C-tJ., 1 77 91-J.. C+- 177 91-J.. J'1,.lt_,.. 168. ?04 ~0- 11Q 1?6, 168




fli,.J..,.I-:-, 11Q, 177 @.. J.J. 77. 104 105. I?A 143.


9\... R.A-1 168 91-f..:J ~ 75. 1?7. 15Q 91-f,.U Sol.. 57 1?7. 177 Blo-. Sol-. 143. ? 11 Bio-. s .... 143. ?11 Bi.-1. A.l.l.., 3. 31 46. 150. ?OQ Bi.-1. !;..J. 31.46 178 9'-t 48. 168 9\-.t.. T..,l.. 178 B..I..AJ..Q ?8.41 6?. 15Q B.J. c.J,3 6 65 134 143.701

n c.-...

~Vo.J.,168 ~Y..t-143

BJ.l..J.. B...- I ?8. ISQ BJ.~.,J.. CJ-1. 113. 178 B.U....K-178 e.r... [)..;.1 168 B~· Joe~- ?0. ?3. 37, 41, 58. 15Q e.JL.,... e""'. 1?. 1?5 B"'- St.- 104 150 e-.R.t..,..?>Q. 143. ?1? g...,... f<l,.., 7 16 67,84 13? 15Q e..--. CoL., I 0? e..,l.:.l.. AJ- 168 ~CJ.,;, 178 A...._ liD. 168 e..;.,. I"U- I 78 e-.A-".,.1.143 e....J.. A4 7?. 15Q e....J...,J......,4Q 178 e ....... 136 B--"· J-1 14?>




Freshmen. Gabnelle Marz. Pres: Wilham Gooch. Voce-Pres McKoy Tolby. Spont Voce. Danoel Ross. Servoce Voce Sophomores: Boyd Chnstoonsen, Pres. Carly Wonegar. Voce-Pres. Mockenzoe Black. Spont Voce. Max Moreno. Sei'Vlce Voce. Madoson ;.H""o~stoc:_cr_,;coa"n'----::.-.--~

e....,AJ-143 e....,...o-143. ?1? D-·3C:' 178


e~.0,....,178 e..J~.,. DJ.• 143 B...J.~,...B.,...,..,. 143

B...J.~,... T~ 1A3. ?01 e..:.... o- 110. 111. 174 lA?> B,..J,f..J. J.1.- 168 B-U-t.~ 43. Q6 106 Ill. 118. IIQ 1?0 1'26. 168 Z""-t 1 78 e ........ D.l.ol..178 g ....... Joool. I A4



e--.M<K-178 e-.AJ-.178 e~ e..J.....K......,..168 e ..... l-60.150 B......l..ll.A.I-168 B.....l..llW~ooo 136 B-J..B-168 B-J.. MJ...: 178 AJ,..J.. 1A4 e ......... s......;67 168 e-~-J. !'1M- 1ru. 168 e...,,J...J.. LJ.. 7. 17 3? 174 t?5. 15Q B....J....,.$.-tl.o168 B-i... Nc.l. 130. I 78 B-i... R.d..l 77. 1 I?. I ?4. I ,30. 131 144. 1Q1 e...,._ e.....~oo 168 e---.L·· 1A4 e--..c--8 e--. c.&d 1 160 e-...;..~ 178 e-..K-Q 31 1?1 150 g......, L..l. ?8 IY). 160 e......,s..J.... IM c:..-- 45 178 M.:...,L. Q8. 101. ISQ e - A.lJf. 60. 1 13. 160 e ........ e...:.. 1?6. 160 e...,.. J..,J. 178 e._ K.~..J. 160 BJ!d... K..,l. 160

e- . ....... 1so





B.,.J,. A....:. 160 B.,.J,. B.t., 178 9-J,. [)...;.j I ?6. 178 e.._ A.l4. ?5. 40 1A4 g...,..,.g...J.. ?5. 160 e--().1..65 e....J-~ II~ 178 e-.G--< 160 9..... Not.·.. ~ 113 160 B-. N-IQ8. 113. 16Q 08 J?ll B......J..Ncol.O 14 jll 1 · 144. ?06. ?07, ?1'2

~SI...,t.6'2.85.169 ll

·AI- 178

s::· M-K~ 78. I '20. I


fl..t. M.I..J. 1'26

ll • ..J-1. 65. lilA

-. A.IJ.., 178


lilA. 1Q8 ~C.....n6s.169

0 .



~·A..I.....~1. 103.178

B ·~70.160

'-· 0............169 9"-.0-t-.178 B.;;.,.,. M"'-1 1. 1'20. 160 ~R.....Il~7.58. 144. IQ7

c:;,:-- M...,.,.,,__....__.._ c,.,""

c,... 8-86. lilA <:.-4 !)I...... 8Q 160

c-.. 'o/1'- 66. 110. II?. lilA. IQ? c,.........I...J-4f-.103 ertJ..8.......,111 ~.8Q,Q~.107. 1'28. lilA c...J.. T.ff- 10~. 110. 178 c.-;.....8...,..178 C..._N..L.71.169 L,.o.178 c--..e...,... 160 (;.l..o.L 178

c--:.. o-.


0.1-~1~ O.~b...l.... CJt.. 178

o... ...J..J., 11'2. 160 o....... B..... 169 o....... s... lilA. 1Q4 0..,..1. AJ,,.,J, 16Q 0.,..1.. T..,l.. 178

o-.8...J 1~ O.t-. (;t.,.l,.o~ 1 I '2. 178 Ci..t-.J..l...-.14A o-...J-.liiA '21'2 o-..M...,16Q C!-. 0-t.o.l- ?.Q. 160 Cl-. Z.J-. ?.Q. 60. 178 Qw.,J...,..J,I..I~

Q.;..l...,.l(.t.. '26. '27. I 78

0,...--. AI.- 178 a,.;-..... C-4-115, 178 65 169 Q..;..--. ..)~ I '26. 169 Q..;..--. JoJ- 48. 178 Q..;.•--.t--31. 1?11 lilA 1Q6 a,..._ M.K',J. 71. 160 a,.;-..... Ncl,J., 5. ?.Q lilA CJ...r;-.... ,~oo 1. 48.4Q. 160 0..•--. T-178 67.160 o.-..-.O...J...178 Q.;rt;...... 8-.J 1?8. 16Q. ?011 8-~ 11 2. 1411 (l.,;.w.,..... ~: 178 ~.... N •• 78.16Q 0,....,1......,. p.,.~. 160 O....kC-144 Q..,t..... M..... 144. ? 1'2 ()...;. s.~.;.. 16Q ()..I.. A""- 169 ()..I.. 8-J.. ?. 116. 57. 178 ()..&.c.- '21, 160 Q.J.. Q,..l.otl. ?5 160 ()..I..!(...,. 40.44 45. lilA ()..I. Moo•'- 169

()..;.·--. c-

s... o.-.....e...,...... o.-n-....



160 167

Oft.C.......160 Q....()L.. 160 o.-.R.... 1'21. 130.14A 00 9...:, lilA lQQ <:...:... J,.t.. '2?. 160 CJ,t,j.. N.J..l. 178


c:.;_p.J I~


CJ,.tt. 178 CJ,.tt. c- 169 CoLw. K·- 160 Coi-...J,.- 178 Colt. N.J..~. 66. 105. 1'26. 178 CJ..... A-rtl-. 60. 17Q CJ.....I=J.i 169 Cmb..K.J... 160 C...b..5-8.160 c..J.... Z..J...., 104, 1115, '20 1 c.....J...R.,i..,160 C........R.,..,169 c-J. 5_...1. 17Q C...t..S-·tl..17Q c...-.Va...16Q C..l.. Cob. I 69 C..l.. (;..J,.. II~. 17Q C..l.. K......U. 60. 17Q C..l.. s.-,.1. 169 C.,:...,J..,J... 145 <:-.K~1~ 160 c- [),.....1..4Q 58. 17Q C.,....A1.,.;169 C-J,-.~169

c..--e--169 g,.w;. 4A 81, 160 c.-.K-17Q



c;.Jt. W'- 169

c-... K...tl.,w. 103. 17Q c-.. M-- 78. 160 ~J--57.17Q c,..l.lR~ lOl 117,1'24 160 C...C.lt...160 C... K.l..., 110. 118. 130. 17Q C... K..J... 5. Q. ~. 107, 110 118. 1'24. 1~1. 145, '206. '207 c ...Ft. Ak. 111. QQ. 11~. 145

c........ c;...1~ c...... ..)...w 41. 80. 84. 85. 1'2'2. 1'2~.1~.160 c...... K--.1, 17Q c - AJJ.. 45. 169 C-A...t...160 c-CJ..160 c ....... N..:. 5. 1~. 16. .35 '40. 145. 150. 18Q. '21? c - Z..J...., 145. 18Q 212 C--1. B...l.. 18. 10~. 105 C-\ 1-lo&. n 7~. 78. Q.3. 160 c-.... ..J,.J- 60. 17Q



o..-..;.....103. 160 Oft. A...._.. ?.Q :-7.80 169

C...J,f.LI e...._ 104 1?4 160 C,..ft. ~ 11~ 17Q

C..I.P..I..- 17Q c - . At.... ?s. 87. 160 c-.T-145 c.a-- <:.-!.. 104. 130. 169 c...... A...w. 160 c...... Q..U. 17Q c;....., '20. '21. 48. 169 c-Mw.I7Q [).1.1., M.-,o I~. 169 c...-J6Q



Dt-. G.l-1 n 110 ~..)...f17Q

[)..,o..p.. K.,J. I I~. 17Q [)..,o..p.. Not.~. BQ. I I~- 1 70

O,.,.,!;.J..5. 17.47, 145. IQ?

Do- T.,i..I7Q [)......~.J.,'2.6'2. 161

~A-~. 1.3.

n. 73.145.

'200. '205 ~A,.-.J 170 ~ Md-1104. 145 [)..~,....,Mol-.- 1~. 145

[),...,.. AI.- 161 [),.....,.T-7.161

[)......I.N.......w 161 [)......1.0,....161 ~.~.?6. 161.167

l)......l,...l,j..,. 4Q. 65. 170 l)..ffv,. Mox4Q. 17Q [)..If;.,. 66. 1 121. 145



I)J,.t., K..W... 161 ()..r.,.J. K~ 1?7. 161 ().,IJ.. AJ-.. 1~ [)....,. L..J.,. 1~. 1? 1. 145. '20'2 D-c-..179 [),.f-.. AJ- 1 14 1'25. 170 [M...,. ~ ?6. ?7. '28. 170


o-.e..~... 145 D- A;....160 ()..;, CJ,.I'2.~7.58. 1'21. 1?4. 145. IQ~. '21? ()..;, (),...;.,... 6'2 160 ()..;.. <;.l..o.L ~ 1. 17Q D-.L-169 D- L... 160 ()..;, D..,l,,. 160 ()...;. DI-J, '20. '2~. 170 ()...;. 5-I- 7, Q 40.66 160. ?1? 0......(;.1,.;.111.3. 1?'2 1?~. 160 0.. AU- 7.~ 145 O.O....A..v.10'2.17Q (). l- C..., 1'1..,. I 7Q (). p., f:--' 160 o..~ c,.J.,. ' 1~. 160 ()..., Q....A.. 4Q, 17Q ()..., K..J... ?5. 161 Dol-l-. ...J·'- 11.3. 1'28. 1?.Q. 170

~c:-1~ ~

K.:O 10'2. 113. 17Q

(;..t I"'W- 161

t-t MJ,..111~. 117, 170 ~OJ-17Q

(;.!... L...l.. 7.80. 1'21,161

Q.1. T~ II~. 17Q

[).1....""" K....top~...161

D--M.I...I.3. 161 [)....... y...._ '25. 161 [)....~1.1- 1=-.1. M- 17Q Do-. K.,k 11.3. 1'26. 17Q o.-.....J,..,J... 4. 70. 145 o..-. r ... 11. 17Q D-lf.B-170 ()... P..... Stool.- 8Q 11 ~. 1?6. 130.170 ()... Ar.-.1.. Q 11'2. 1'24 161 ()... (;;..1107 (). ,.. L- 17Q [).J... 11-48. 4Q, 161 [)1...1. I"'W- I 70 [)..;J. f1,..W,. 1.30 145 [)..J.i. ~ 17,41. 1?5. 145

{;...~.oott.~...1.110. 161 {;...1-tt. 1-- 6 7. 170

{;.,.L.J. WM-. 145 ~.......... B-.,J.., 40. 145. '21'2 ~....... B...,......67 11~.17Q ~....... ...J-161 ~M.ttl-17Q ~S,:..I7Q

~A-161 ~,j_..l....145 ~N.,J.J.110.161

!;.,l.. ..J,.n. 74 161 ~l-1..t..-17Q ~Art!-, 145

~;tJ-. Go4f.. n. 170 f-.. A;._ 161

~:..J-1.180 ~.........,... M- 65. 180


~..,J..J,.... K-tJ-;.. 70. 161. '205

f-. B-J... '20. 71 • .38. 4 I. 161 f-. G..on 110

~-A.t~-.11'2, 161

f-,,J-170 f-.. M.i- I 70 ~~. Jo.,.;l- 145

r:--A&-1~ ~N--31.180

r:.J-. K - 100. 113. I '26. 180 ~.Md-1180

~M-~...... 180

I=J.-. MI..J. 130. 161 (:.A.,.., J-<1- 60, 103, 180 I=J-. 5<- 103. 161

o.... 146 j:,J.,.A.""- 161 r:v~..11. a....... 16. 121. 146. 154.

I=J-.. 107

l=.-11. ~~~- 180 G.~.C-180



z.... 10:::::3_ __ ':>.!~WI_.







~$..-.1..1'26.170 ;:....,..._~113.170

!=.!-. B..J., 113 !=.!-.P-t.. 104. 105. 146

l=.t.e-U. J;.... 161 p,.J...,, .).J.., 170

G.G-~· ---~­ G.- ..J,..,;...180 G.- LJ.. 10'2 180 G.- M-..1..161 G.-s.-!1..180 G.- W..-« 10'2 180

1=-t-. Mo-J, 170


~. jJ.. 74. 1'26, 180

G-..1-. AL-.-!45. 180 <;...a-. J..I..J... 117. 114, 161 G-..1-. ..).. k 18. 10, 43. 48. 06.

~=Ji.--. M.w..l 13, 35, 40, 1'24.

141. 146. 180 ~. !=..mi. 170 ~.K-... 180 ~.M...'.,..161 j:,......"·'·" 161 ~

s.... n n. 1'24. 161

l=o.t... M-. K..., 1~ l=o.t-. [)II.. 107. I 80 l=o.t-. ~ 161 1=-i... <;.!.....~. 170 ~ c:..4;. '20 170 ~~-~-.~ 107 118.146.

150 ~-M<K~I46 ~$....6'2.108170 ~().;..101. 1'20. 161

~=- J,.l. 161

Gl-u. !;- 16. '25. 146 GL-tt M- 60. 180 GoU. Aloe 113. 180 Gol... K"""""' 77. 104, 170 G.u.C.-170 G.u.GU. 16'2 Golub. G.;,.... 180 Go-.1-1.... 103 Go-. R...,.. 60. 113. 134 170 (;..,.,~..,c.- 37. 07, 16'2 G;......l... A,.e.. 170 <;.....J...A~80. 106.118. 1'20. 1'26. 130. 170 <;.....!... M...l 180 <;-!.. I-I_,;_ I~ G-J. 180.704 G-J. Z.J-... 116. 16'2 <;..J...- [).~...._ 104 146. I 06 Go..L. N..l. 170 <;..,.... M.- 113. 170 c:;..,.l..... AJJ- 103. 108 180 c:;..,.I.......J-01 170 c:;..,.I.....V.....,3.1'2'2 173.167 c;...........A-170 G.- A,.,;- 170 G.- AJ,..., 167 G-. c...& l07 104 167 G-. ()....U 170 G-.l-l..;..180 G-. MeK.J. 16? G-. N.tJ- 74. 170 G-.R...,16? ~S--146 G-J... Pv.J- 65. 170 G-J,., J-.. 11. 17. 4/. 110. 143. 146.'21'2 {;._.._I M·I...J. 146 G-. CJ,n 66. I 70 G-.)...1,.116'2 Go- !;Lot• 180 <;.;.~-. B-"" 30. 167 <;.k. {;.J., 113. 1'20. 170 G.;~.... v - 113. 16'2 G-1. 113 146. 103 G-1. 1-1.- 180 ~G-08. 101,167 G-o-170 GA-. Do- '2? '26. 77 180 G-o-- M-1180




l=.f,t... P.J58. 1'27. 161 l=.f,t.. 5-J, 170 1=1.-. Pv,J- 146. '20 I ~=~.-. 65. 110 1=1.-. p..._ 170 ~ AJ-,J.. 146. 101

G.tl.~ 180 GIJ,. [),!.. 8 I '28. 161 ~c-. 100. 161 G. B....-67.10'2 180 GJ.-.C.,...146 GJ....M--161

07, 107 111,170 (;...I,...,R~ 180 <;-.... K..ton 17. 18. 10. 43. 08. 00. 1~. 146 G--. Nckiov. 170 G.-tt. 1'1 K..... 180 <;...;..... o,.;..... 146 <;..... ~ 40. 58. 180 <;....... B - 6. 180 G-. R...-L.,.. 180 G- B- 86 146. '211 G- (;.&. 146, ?II '21'2 G- Mottl- 180 <;..:... M-1 161 ~KJ-60.161

o.- e.._n 110


'~~ -- ..~ ~.~ ·. \, t ~.~.r : -


.':' . . .




1-1--. T-180

P-... 170 No.I. 8. 75. 167

~M.J-.3.44 45.147 ~z 73 58. 167 1-1-1- ~ 171 1-l-:...w T........J 16'2 1-l.td.. r .... 104 1'24 16'2

g .. l80 !;-10.170

~f-180 ~-~-<~-.. R180

c-.58 ,J..I... 80. 170




G..l.. 5.J-. 103. 161 <;U..J.. M-n 1~


A ... l70 170 """"'78. 107. 1'2'2. 146 !=..,..... N.t.t~ 130. 146 !=-. M.J...,.. 161 1=-R.J..' 75. 1'24. 131. 161. '200 !=;f.. B......lon60. 161 l=t...Q..JII. 1~.71'2 l=.f. M.J-, 7, ~ 08. 101. 11'2. 158.161

1-1.1-t.l...U.. .38. 4 '2 Ill' 167 Mottl- 10'2. 113.


J:..;.l.. c;...J.. 170 J:..;.l.. 9-£.. 8 1. 146 ~JJ.-1.< A.J- 1 70 1=-!Jv,.J.•. T....._ 146

M...n 71, 170 ..__......,..16

G..-. G.4-l 146. '205. '21 '2 s.;_ 80. 1~



46 ·..~., 110

180 116.110. 16'2


1-1-..-l M..l..... '27. 104. 117. 174

l~&... S..J.... 6. 180

1-1-lf-,.. SJ- 170 1-1-lw-. ().,;.1. 7'2. 73. 135. 146 1-1-..J.Io Gob. '23. 16'2 1-1-...k.... O .... I?I. 1'25. 147.196. 1-1-~,.a....


l-l..l.•. [)1... 15. 35. 110. 1'27 147 l-l.,.l.... j . . - 147. '203 j.l...-l ().&., 40. 104 180

- " 113.180

1-1-Lo, M-~o-.... 18. 167



r... 7.58. 167

a.- 1'24 147

J..l.,.....:. J.l.o 167

fl-... D-1- 147 Ho-k.N.t.t.. 131 ~~ ~-~-..~.o:...K.J..., 171 1-1-;. J.1.o 61. I 7 I

1'25. 16'2 I-I-.,J...M.....I.87. 147 ~-~--· 0.-..,.1- 14 7 1-1--.K.,.,... 1'26.171 1-1-..-J, C.'- 48. 4<;1. 141 1-1-..-J P.J67, 171 ~-~-... J.J... 1 181 l-l.b-1. Hr.... 147 107 f.-lOC:... A'- 78. 16'2 f.-l.r...S'-16'2

n oo.

1-1.&.,.. AJ-,J.. 171

j.l.....,.Afoo 17'

~Q.-67, 147

J..l..58. 167 J..l..- [).&..,. 86 14 7 I-f..-.. !;.-.<· 180 1-f-.-....J-60

J..•...J,.,..,. ~.J., 71. 181 ~J.·~ 1a 10 43 o7


100. 16'2 ~L.-70. 71 16'2

1-1--. M<K-- 171 1-1--. T_ . 7 '20. 5a 171 ~-~--.

w.;. 11. 1~5. 167

1-1o-. w- 16? 1-1--. B-4< 167. 711 l-lo......R.._ 167 ?11 ~c-...,180

1-1-..L-t!. J..l,.l.. ~ I?, 171 J..l-,1+ R.Jw 118. 137 j.l..l,... K..... 147 '217 ~-~-~... !'1.45


I-I..._. AU., 180 I~-" ..).,.. 86. I '2?. 1? J. IJO. IJ5. 14/,71? 1-1-- Gl ... 5. 9, 6'2. 84. 137. 16'2 1.j.,..,.,,[).....J..45. 180 1-1-. Q ...b.t~ J. 75. 80. 10 l. 177.

147 1-1--o,K.J-.171 1-1-.V-80.101 171 ~AJ..l80 ~z,J-,147 j.l..... l - ' IJ7

~M<.I(-171 ~S:,I..lll ~Z.J-... 167 ~-;........., No,.:- 58. 181

1-l-. Ncot. 1?6. I 7 1 1-1.-J.I-I.:.., 130. Ill 1-1.-J. K....- 1'1 o~. 171 t47 105. '207

1-1-" 'WA.~ 6. 43 1-1.--. !;- 14 7 1-1-..J.. [).., D- 17 1 1-f...,..J.. Mo-. R-U· ?0. 71 147, 151

1-!......J.. A.,.J;.,. 80. I 13. 17 I 81 f.-j...,..J., (:..!.. '27 89 11~. 1 J-1...,...1., 0..-1- 17'

1-l-...J.., I='--J. 18 1 '}(fJ J..1_.,...1., M..., 17. 60. 14 7 H.-J.., N-o 181 ?II J..l.-,...l.,. N.t-1.. 181. ?II

1-1-- G-80 107 104



~ Q..l.., 4 1? 6'1 147

I + - A.~;.. 58 ~+--. ~~ 10 11 1a 75. 76

77 11'2 1?0 1'14 130131

147 '2(1:) ~1-1-67,10'2


J..:.,.j,.;:_. N-<1- 5. 0 117 16'1

104 131

1-f,o, MoJ-;. 171 1-U.A.-45 181 J.U. C.J.;. 17 147

J.U.c- 171


4(J...,I. 107. 104. 181

L..... 10~. 181

..., M.J.I..- I 8 I ~M.J.... J03

~S....h37. 76,77 107. 103. 04, 117. 174. 147. 167. 167

o.llt...cw 147

~.Cit,.. 18. 147 4....1-i.....ul. 147 ~ K...-171 ~Mottl- 171 '-1...1..,.,._67 811 103. 167 ~R-J3? I~ 171 ~ M..J.. 171 1-l..t,...,_T-171

1-l.e.. Z..!-. 171 4.1..o........,n, 181

~.lt•• P-..70.71,147

~·-R-171 ~J.It,.,78.66. 171 .__,A,.....J..I71


"1.1... Jo.l... 1 14 181 l-l.l.t.e....,65 171 ~s- 137




~ M.l...,l. 17 I :.;;-. M.... 7 5. 11 14 18. IQ, ~ 1?7, 148. 187

l.l..,i,.. Abl.,45. 181

l.lo., c;...l_ 7, 167 " i... K.t.. 181 ~!... 51.,1.,. 181

1-l........ t;.J., 137 u


-- M..t_... 148

~ .A.LI- 110 1?4 167 ...!.4,,1.181 • ...!,;._ 181 G.-.171 'G....40 148 -.a-., 78 148 105. 181 C...,.. C•I.L 18. 36. 80. 08. 01 .lO 1I 1, 117 113. 118. 1?0. 4 . 148 ~C.~.., N • .t.I1.8Q, 106. 107, [; ~-1?6. 171


~B....JI..,181 ~ Col3. 45 17 1 I.J~C-.58

~ .;..:_se. 181 LL ,-..J.;J,., 13,41 58 174 148 .:--. a..,._ 176 I 71 75. 78. 103 148




~RvtJ. ?8 46. 167

~ c-......,130.171 -A..;.117117.11Q,16?,


J-\,. C-. I 7 80. 117 118.

K1..,. T.i. 177

1-l..,.tt.. T.ff.... ~-~1 . ~.9?.135. 1-l..,.h.Ch.l... 14.114, 1~?. 1~.

178. 148.701 J ..I.... J-,1- 171 J ..I.... K..-163



K~. Jocob ~5. 115. 13?. 163. ?05 K.,..i.t. C.l.b 17. ?Q. 58. 14Q K"'oo.t. [)..lw. 77. 43. Q7, 106. 182 K"'oo.t.JM-14Q K.;J.t.J".,J.41.Q4 14Q K..J.t. K.- 76. 77. 60. I 74 163 K.;J.t.R~41 6?. 163 K.J..:Q-.60. 174 163 K....J... R.._ 107 187 K"""'- Q....t.f.. 163 K-'-. J..l-,.1. 45. I 87 K.J..M- 163


1-l 1-l

;II...,. 1 14, I 71

76 77.67 100. 181 .,J...., 77, 37. 67 I 74 167 '4.6711716? 67 174 148 -60.181 $-QS. 113 181 M-..171 148 31 167 181 0..,. I 71 Joe~. ),.,.1, 48. 4Q 171 Joe'-'. S.,J,~ 1?6. 171 J.ck""' 60 J-1-,. [)....II. 113. 181 J-L-J...t.. 74 16? J--.~ 16? J.- G-.- 181 J.- R.&.717 J1.- R4. 167 J-,.0....: 148.717 J,.......,.AI....J.. 148 J.,.......j. T..- 77 75.811 16? J.1f- c..,.i. I 7 1 J.ff-_ A.J.... 181 J.!f,. 51-1..... 6. Q 6 7. 16 05 J..,I,.....A-181 J..,i.;.,.,C.-167 J.,.l.;.,. g.. 117. 174. 1? ...~.;.,. T.... 163 J-148.717 M...,_57 181 76 163 ....--~505. 163 .;..... At- 181 J--No-181 J - - Q-.'1.. 181 J.,..... 41 66. 87. 1?1l 163 J......,{;..-148. 717 J..,...,J....h 181 J--.K..I.163 J - N.th... 103. 104. 163 J..-.N..,1.60. 10~. 181 J,...... S.,.i-. 103 171




J--r..... " '

J,...... T<1-- 65 148 ..,-.o,....l-65 148 ?07 717 ..;_...,.Mo. 5. 6, 181 J - "-"' 163 J-.J:....J.,. 181 J--R~ 163 J-,. c,..l... 6? 148 J-,. '¥/.J. I 8 1 j._. {;tho.. I 81

JJ,.,....A.....J. 137 J.,l,.,..., A,IJ.., 148 JJ.-.B- 171 JJ,.,.... <:-- I 81 JJ.-. 1)...37 171 ...J,i.- g..u, 7 4 I 8. 1Q Q6 08. QQ I II 170 148 701 JJ,......- !-l.lo. 7 1Q ~ ~ 47 Q6, Q7, 08.QQ. 106,111 170148 JJ,......- J.J.., I 63

JJ,....., J..t~ I 7 1 JJ,-. K.J. 80. 163 JJ.-. L..... 45. 181 J~R;i.,45.181

JJ.-. S..h 18 I JJ.-. S~ono 8. 17l JJ.-. T..,I..?O. 71.50 148.157. 188.717

J.1.-., '¥!'- 4 18. IQ ~ 36 43.Q7 Q8,QQ 106 II? 148 18Q J,... AI.. 65 107 113 18 I J,... B..;-;. 76 77 171 J- (),...1...77. 78,135. 181. 711 J,..._Q-. 17.76.?7,Ql 148.


J-. CJ,.;..t.,,- 4. I?, 18. 1Q. ~4?.Q6.Q7,Q8.107, Ill, 163

J-. 0..,.....103. ?11 J-[)......; 181

J-. 1-1..-1- ?Q 37 148. IQ6 J,...J~181

J- J,;...o. 37 163 J- Jo.e. 103 181 J-K.J..,181 J,... i(.i.. 148 J,... K,...t.. 78 47 57. 148 Jo-.~137

J-.a....... 103. 171 J-. R.J-1 148. 7 17 J-. 5 •.....,1 66. 171, 148 J-. Sol ?8. 35. 163 J-. T.J..,.I.. 78.46 57 16} J-T..,I..Q. 14Q Jo- w_. 137 ,J-t....J-1. 13 65 14Q ,J-t.... $.-.!. 45 181 J-I-R~I77

J.,IJ Q.....tool- 14Q JJ-. K..:.o I 81 JJ<.<:-65 135 I4Q ..)..1... A,... 7 I 7 ,J....t.J..R~.ott 181

J.,t.c.. e~ 1n J,.t-. J.,..!. 177


JI.Q..tl.,. 45. I 77 g,.u.177 K......l..o.!;;..J, 187 K~!;;;.. 5. 17, I 4Q. 150. 1Q7 K~K...I..45, 187 K-.M-177 KJ...A,.. 113.187 K.&. ,A,IJ.J. 177 K.&. J.!.. 58. 163 K.&.P..,....14Q KJ.d.. A1.o!wo 14Q K.U..C.k-177 K...l.l J-,1. 163 K-. Aloe 70. ?I I 77 K..-. M...1. 104 105. l4Q K......L..A..... 187 K......L..J- 137 K-.J..1...163 K .......,.. K,.l.. 7, 62. 126. I 63 K ..... 9..1.., 11?. 130. 163. 167 K..U c.,J., 177 K..lf-. K..ti.,. 14Q. 706 K~K-134 163 K......,_M.:....163 KlooO.. L.;.J... ~ 163 K ... T-40. 70 163 K..4.ll.... IQ 137 717 K..4.l '¥/./. 7 65 87 13? I~ 158. 163. 70Q K,.,.o-t... 163 K..,. SU..., 71, 177 K..,..S,.J...., 17, 77. 73.143. 14Q 705.206 Kw.. T.,Jo.41. 1~ K~.:...... [)...,R... 163 K~J..,...M....,Q. 16. 11Q. 174 177 140. 147. 14Q, ?1? K-... X-113. I~ 177 I(,_AJ-.177 K...... M..t- 74 Ql 187 K-l M.~ 77 78 107 11 I 114, 11Q I 74 163 167 K ...I.J. K .... 7Q. 114 I 4Q K-.I..J. K~ A,.. 103 114 187 K .... Q1,11Q 177 Kn-.S,.J...., 163 1(;.... !;.;c 70. 137


K~AJ....14Q K~.K•'· 18.1Q, 1?6.177 K~.M-6. Q7, 106. 182 1(..,1.1.,., g.. 2. 5. 1Q, ~- 43. Q7, QQ, 14Q K...........J.. B;L, 163 K...........J.. r- 176177 K....d.ot.Koi.,4Q 187 K--.A:- 1~. 182 K-.~1~ 14Q K~c-... 163 K~~l7?

K.....,_Al.-3. 17 18. IQ 35 43. 88. 06. 08. QQ. 111, II 7 124 147, 14Q K.....,_ K.ot~.,. 114. 1~. 177 K...S.,... AI.«· I 4Q K...Ft. S....h 7. ~Q. I 08. 1OQ. 177 173. 14Q. ?17 K .... - P....l Q4 14Q K..- M-163 K..l. AI.- 3. Q_ II 116. 174 176. 135. 150.706 K.J-o... [)...w I 03. I 78 I ?Q 187 K.J..-ic.. N- 107 104 187 K..... T-.,62 176 187 K-..c-. 187 K.-.J. B-- 187 K.at J..- 30. 150 L......_(;j..,.,j.163 L·k..!<.::n.t... 107. 104. 105. 124. 150. IQ4 L.l. 46. 182 .17 150.705 163 163 .A.J-)50 .Q....A.. 150 . Cot. 65. I 77 ,(;.1,...:6 177 1-Uo., ?. 5. 18. IQ, 37. QQ


~_,_ .)...,lw.. 9. 1 L..... P.a. 17?


~.tll-187 ~.M....J..31150

t_.,....,;..J_ 17.46. 118. 177. 700 L - - K.l.., 17,47,107,117. 118. 150. 187 700 L .... C.I-.163 L .... t-67. 187 L...J..I.. t_........,. 150 L......_B-78 L ......... a_;... 103. 187 ~B-J.o67,17?

L--.c.r-.71. 177 L.-. G... 19. 96. 111. 137 L - . Mo-l. 75. 11 7. 150 L........ Mottl- 19. 43. 96. 97. 107. 104. Ill. 118. 175. 187 l-n.8..Je.. 177 L...... l.u. 106.176, 137 L......t-. Stool-.. 137

o ...


L..l. AJ.;...J.. 177 L.J.A..I., 163

L......tt. A;...t... 77. 73. I 77 L....u.J'1,.t...,187 L-T..,1..187 L~K.,I.5.9 17,104


l_,J,.. Au.. 88. 98. 99. 1 18. 174. 150 t_...~.... L-76. 77 31, 187 l;.J.... S1,J.. 163 L-.A-107,103. 113.177 L.l.. /!vJ- 71. 73. 37. 48. 49, 58. 164 L.l.. 49. 58. 187 l_._K.-138 Littl. P.J 5. 18. 19 96. 98. 99. 107. 111, 117. 135. 150.717 l,Atl.f.,U .J-;c. 137 t.;..... L - . n 187 LJ-.~5.9. 16. 17.104. 105. 150.717 Ll...l,... $1..1.. 177 Li-1;... S~«ktoo 150. 191 Lio.,48,....J..17? L~.c~.7.?6.?7. 164 L1..,4J...,J, 150.187 L~. T,.i.. 73. 37. 164 Lock.. ~.,.!, 164 L-8.-].. 176. 182 L.,__, A.-J. 8. 17. 164 L....t. (;t...~.ot~ 187 L....t,J..._l87 L...., l-l..ll77. 137 L....,J...l7? L - ' - ~ 9 13. 40. 44. 150.

e..,_ n


700 706


L..:-T-187 L-. A.l.t.. 113. 177 L-.J-182 L-. 187 L-Mo.o- MJ-... 150 L...l.. z,.._, 97, 164 L- D-13. 20. 21. 37. 127. 1 L - ~8. 26. 77.177 l-t.W_.17? L...l.l-l-. 107. 187 L--.leo AU... 103. 105. 164 L..... SJ,.... 76. 77. 137.133. L-L-..103 L......_ GL.W 10. 83. 137 LJ.,..G... L.l.,.. N<l..l.. 182 LJ:.... T,lf,., 7. 164 L .... 6. 100. 1.34. 18 L 6. 67. 150 L ....J-182 L 150 L 37

L..I.-A-.177 L-M-187 L- 0.0. 163 L-S....t--U 177.150 L-S....t--.9 177.163 L - K.l,l37 L..;l,..,. L- 119. 163 L..l--. c.r,.. 187 L-- 5-..U.. 15. 18. 19. 111. 114. 119. 170. 176 178. 177 L-*,_N.t.JwlO. 134.187 L-. s.~...w, 163 L--lt-163 L.._... 177 L - . K.t. 9. 13, 78. 35. 67. 174. 140. 150 L....tl [).,.,.1 18. 19. 100. 111. 117. 118. 119. 170. 163 L-.T-177 L-'•· 5.,.1. 46. 163 L,.M.I. K.J;, 119. 187 U,..,...,..t. T..l 150 L'.MJ-1117, 163 L.A. 5-I- 18. 187 L'-0...66. 150.199 L;.J No.L 79 177



L...L...t. AI- 150 L;.J...;. (),.... 187 L...L...t. s.,..~. 1





L L L L 1 M

M.-1--. At.,..,J, 164



M.C.... Q-17.3 f'1.C.I,.,J,. Mo.- 3Q 183 M.C,I...J.. T._ 81. 94 l'1c(),....J. M.td- 116. 164


MJ,I,... J..- 105. 187.212 Mol.:.. ()...I 164 f1,,.u. /!vJ- 187

Mc{)...U. J - 164


McO...U. M.I.J. 44 77. 151

M.:..O..... K.,.177


M.lo.Joo .35. 57. 127, 177


Moio,JJ,. 57,177.187 M.1o. T..J.57. 177.164 M.-. Gil- 151 M.-.]... 15. 187 M.....,..8-k. 164 M.......,.T~I87

M...I....I.J..,J.., 187 M~.S."""""" 187

M,..,,..fi_..., M'""' 177 M.,...l=.... 11.3. 187 M...d-..Jt. R.,.,. 187 ~. Au.t, 10.3. 1 77 M..I..K-1.37 M-o-. [).., 107 J'1,.,..1..\ (),..1.. 107. 187 M...t.... St.oJ-.. 40.67 174 151

M-t.l ,Jo..l.n 177 ~C-t-183


~ 77. 58. 164 167 M....._B...,.A.J183 M-A..&.,I83 M.-<-.8~ 183 M.-<-.C.-.;...164 1'1--<-. J-,1... 172 M-ti-. MoiJ,o.. 8Q II .3 183 ~MJ-l172

Mr<-. x.,.;.. 7, 164 M-- CJ. 119 173 M---.. [).:...,. 90. 151 M-.. G.J,.;.a. 103. 130. 183. 204 1'1-o...L-.-164 M-1-t. I-J,I....., 12. 17 20. 40. 78. 117. 127. 130. 151.211 M.t-t.,SJ-, 17.71.177,151 711 Mot..... i"kCC .35. 164 M.•t~-. 8...r... 183 M.ttl-.K.... 32. 174 164 Mottl-. N...l. 10.3. 183 M...,l..... AJ.,..J... 40. 151 M...,I..... P.... 173 M.,.f;.U.K..... 183 M.,.f;.U.T..,1..151 M.,...J, AI...J.. 17. 50. 121. 135. 151 M-- M<K- 45. 173 M<AfF- Ro&.. 65 183 McC--. B....J.. 137 M<C.:.. R.J.;.l37 ~M....J.75.151 201 McC.o-oJ.,.. ()....... 164 M<C... TJ..? 9. 10.13 171.140

s-- 137


MeG- (),...,j... 1, 18. 19. 97. 107, Ill 170. 1?7.173 MK-8-183 Ml(.._ Mot~h.. 144 151 M..K-Kc173 Mel-. R.I-. 94. 151 Mcl...l. G...J.. 137 McR...B-21. 183 M...l..J.J., 17, 76. 77. 117. 151 M..J•. K,l.. 183 M-.8..ootoo65. 183 M..'-. D-J 1.37 M..'-. ]'1..1..., 164 M-'-. CJ,.....;. 151 M..J..A.J.;-151 M...l... At.,..,J, 183 ~~. T-60. 74. 78. 164 ~.$...,..60.104. 113.173



l"lo+-. y - 183 ,....,..s.a.;..3 177 173.164 M--1\-173 ~.K.l.., 18.96.111 M-l A-.1. 120. 176. 173 M-;kl., Mcl..l. 8Q 164 M-f, K-tJ- 4 70 124 151. 10? ~.K-183

M..U. l'1oJ.- 18. 183 McU.... Ar...6.9.62 108.164

?05 MJ..: M-.137 ~B..h.... I02.183 J'1.L.J G.lo-1 21 151 J'1,I..J Ncl-.1.. 20. 98. 12 7, 164 210 MJ...A.....,.. 126.17.3 M.t.. 9...,.,.. 31. 183 MJ.. Mk-1..31 171 ,151,198 MJ..Q.;- 173 MJ.. R.J- 5. 18. 19. 98. 99. 106. 115. 126. 164 MJ.>. p.,..., 164 MJ,... J..,;f.. 9 16. 78. 164 Ml-. M.,.... 76,27 164 M.l-... ~... 183

M.,...:v. l'1oul- 78. 116. 151 MJM. f"l<Ko.J., 106. I 15. 117. 176. 164 Moi--l M...J 151 l'1ol--l AI 173 f1oi-..J. 1-1-J. 15 1 MJ,:..Ko&..97.111 130.17~ Mot-.. l'1ooc. .36 8Q I 13. 151 f'1o..- R.I-.. 78 f'1o,....I-J,..!.. 173 i"'1o-. AJ,.., 9. 76. 27. 31. 34 108. 174. 164 i"'1o-. J.- 49, 58. 183 J'1o.,.-. T - 1.3. 48. 49. 171. 140. 151. 157. 195.700 f'1,.,._,.. Mocl...l 17:; Mo.t-tJ.. Aln· 79 Mo.t-tJ.. Co.t.. 183 Mo.t-tJ.. MJ.. 164 Mo....... A.-113.183 Mont..,.,. N.t.,l.. 77. 176. 17:; M-. CJ,.I- 5. 9. 67 137. 164 M_..,J.,~ 183 M-. K,.J.. 107. 183 M-. Z""-t 65. 183 l'1o,..M. Q,.l,.tl, 183 M-. !;.-~ 91. 173 L... 151 ]'1....:.../>J-89 151 M-1.. Art~-. 183




,..,.._ 1-!.lo. 164 Mo.-J-1.3. 59 10. 13.17 147 .36.60 118.121.174 14 0. 157.717 Mo.-M.-.16. 18.19 65.6 7 176. 173.204

Moo.... P - 40. 48. 49 140 157.196 M.,....R;J....JI64 Me,.... St.ol-.. 137 Moot-. KJ... 112 Mo4.B....J.,l83 M.....J. D-J 138 M...... CJ,..J1.. 12. 133. 164 M...... J.J... 48. 49. 82. 167 M......... 1=-Ji.., 65. 157. ? 12 M.......... p.....,. 65. 185 M....... l(.!.l.,...75.124164 Mo.\-..,. C.•h.- 130. 1.3 I. 164 M-. K.tJ-;...39. 115. 110 !34 164 M- K-.+h 173 M-. Ak--. 73. 164 Mo.. D,l.. 157





M""'- R.t... 18. 19 38 42. 43.

Mo.. J.-1 65. 173

96 97 106 111. 120 164 M-J. 8..:.1.- 173

Monf\t.cl..l.l73 Mot""- R- 183 M.u.._ B-95. 119 17~

t1.oJ., l..&- I 73

N.bl. K.J.. 113. 173

NJ-. J..J.. 183 N-1. 173

P""'="""==-"'"'.W"-1 J>..~~. p p




165 N...;. ~ 1'26. 130. 173 N...;..T-183 N.-. [).....1 60. 165 N-.-.J.>I.· 103. 110. 11'2. 165 N...... ,J...,tl...113 N-.D-.183 N~ 3s. 60. 1s2 N-CI-.15'2 0\-. Q-t.. 183 QJ,;..,l N-<1-M! 183



p p p p P·IL.!:~""""',..,..:'l


p p p

P-.G-1'2.6'2. 184 P..10.-.J,..J...'2'2 184

D M-ol 174 P....... QL-153 P....iu..K-101,117 1'24165 P...I...,J...w..l65 P..... e""'. 102. 174 P-. G- 130. 131. 165 D.......I..J.,,.,.. 174 P......l.. S.i,.;., 14 3Q 44. 135. 146.153

DI...Zoo174 P-1, CJ-1.. 84 165 p..,j T,.i- 71.184 Pooi..S......t~..5. 1?.41. 1'27. 165 P....~. M...U 10'2. 104. 11'2. 184 p.,.... A,.t;. so. 65. 153 P...t...B.,J..71.174 p.,.... D-J 19. 97. 165 p ..... MoW- 113. 174 P-l.M.. 174 Potu...C..... 174 p~ 1-1.-.1. 153 D..l... T...... 165 p.J.,.~ 153 P,......,. [)..;. 18. 101. 111. 1'20. 1'24. 165 p.... g...,. 110. 118. 1?6. 130 P.....C--138 D-. ()ff..J 184 p,;... J,.tJ... 153 P-te.. Do...'- 174 D-t-. ..J- 11'2. 165. 187 P-1 K-138






'2. '21'2

o,... B~•u...., 17 4 a,... ()I... 15'2 a,.._ R..J; 15'2. 193


R..J;. 138 O.....S'- 165 O.....AU..6. 73.97.183 A-J- 105. 1'26. 183 01-. A.IJ.,. 38. 103. 11 '2. I '24. 1'25. 165 ()1,.,., g,...Jo. I 74 ()1...... o.~ 85. 165 o.... J-4 18. 98. 101 165 O.....R'...,65. 165 0.....5•.,1- 11'2.165.187 OJ. e-f-t 81. 174 o,.J. ()..!. 184 o,....1... T..,io.174 (),....~... TJ......15'2 (),.;.... [).,...! 113 0,.\A.tl.v.-165 o-~o.c~ 184 o,.. ... S\;.. 165 o-T-184 ~AL.-3. '28.174 ~J-1,60.1'25. 174 Oto- Motto. 3. 184 ()t'""'-e-.1=-· 174 ~ 104, 105. 11 '2 1'24 15'2 Q-t-...)...,!. 15'2 P.l.ll..SI...J..•114. 174 P.k R,.i.., 67. 105. 174 p ..~.o- B~65. 174 P..l.o-.KJ. 15'2


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1?4 156


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w~ MoJ-:76. 174

¥11><· A,J... 186


W\o<.o (.1.. I 0'2 105 W\o<.o c- 176 \\(11.•. Q.l- 118. 1?6 186


s been a year of double-takes. double the fun. double the trouble and triple

threats. At last count. Jordan High was Proud to be the school of 19 sets of Ins and 2 sets of triplets. Take a look atJ·u st a few of our favonte . · 1 tw1ns.



W........J R.J.J5. 157 W--1.. A,!,!, 17, ~ 117 141



10~. 117. 157. 187.707




WI-t.. J,.O.,.. 7Q, 156 M_.IOA 176 WM-.5. 176 WMiocl.. ~ I 05. 186 ~ ~ 10'2. IIQ 176. 186

w.... W..J,I.

W.,J.t.D. w..;,~ [).I...,.

170. 177 W,;J.t.J-17 w..;,. M.W. 7 w~ T.J..1~


w..;... r,....~. 1 w.;J.t.Z.J-. 1 W,o,J.. ~ I

104 117. 118. 174 175 167.708 W..J.. ...J-.J. 187 w.. ZJ.,o e.. 167. ?05 w~ ~ 10 sa. 1a1 w...... L-167 v......, [).I..•• n 187



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