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i\luta flatrr W'o tl7t ~Jorilnn 1ijtgl7 ~rquul we give our heartfelt thanks, our sincerest gratitude. She has opened for us a treasure house of knowledge, of beautiful associatinns, which will linger with us ever; and of inspirations and ideals which will make us bigger and better men and women. She has been to us as the mother who leads us on and on, helping, inspiring, guiding us through periods of helplessness, rashness, or trouble, who chastises or checks our impulsiveness, who patiently and lovingly bears with us in all things. She has truly laid the first stones in the solid foundation of to-morrow. She has prepared us so that when we onter a more indeP'endent season of life we may realize its importance, that we may be more useful in bearing the burdens of the world. In all that we have undertaken Jordan has helped us, and made us feel that we belonged to her. That we belonged to her shall always be a source of pleasure, and although we may be far away we will ever feel to honor and respect her, our Alma Mater. P.R., '12.


uf 1拢buruthtn 3Jurlln u ID i!ltrirt


Board Members路 J. R RAWLINS. Pmid~>nt JOliN DUNN. Vic~>-Pr~>~idl'nt WM . D. KUHRE SETH PIXTON C. L. COUNTRYMAN

Officers: N THOMPSON, CINk ORSON RYAN, Supt>rint<"ndt>nt I. I. SHAKREY, Tr!'asurer ENOCH JORGENSEN Printipal of lli~rh School

111arulty 1Entttl1llorgrn.arn. ltlrtnrtpal ÂŽ. 1ij. muttott i!L iij. mam 1\. QI. <linulrn

l!Raubr 1ÂŁ. mill tant.a 1\ba 1!;. 1ijartlry

1El ita llrunrn

J©OO [Q)~~ ~@OlJ[K?~ft~o

NANDY, l 1rl'AII, :\lAY, 1!!12. FT1 1~H 0111· l"o11r ,Y<'<trs of dilig<'nt

work, W<' ar<• llhout to 1h(' ,Jon! an I I ig 11, the institui ion whie h have


I <'n V<' lov<'d <l!Hl <'IH•rished, <lnd whi<'h has IH'<'n our pride nnd joy. I''t·om tiH• IJ('ginning we hav<' honore<l and

work<•d l"ot·


lliiLst l<·a,·<· its

s<·hool, hut at thC' elos<' of thi::-; yem· we proi<·<·ting roo[', mHler whieh mnny

pi('HSilllt lloui'S lmv<' IH'<'ll spenL, to r<'tlll'll only as n visitor. rPitotlglt \\' <' 1nny go on to liigiH·t· institutions and l<'arn to lov<' olli<·t· SI ' ;Jools, W<' will look hH<·k with pl<'aS\11'<' to the honw and l>il'111pl;l<'<' of' ow· high<·r :-wliool lmowledg<'; and though".<' may II<'V<'l' ngnin <·tli<'l' ib doors, W<' will alwHys rejoi<·<· in the progr<·ss til is 0111' old honw, <llld \\ (' will ('\' ('l' IH· int<·rl'sted in thP Wt•l-


I" ill'<' o I' i I:-; Ill<' rn lH'I'H. \\'<' nr<' :-;ill<'<'r<'I.Y g1·:l1dul to tl1<' t<·<H·h<•r:-; who have labored pni i<'nily n nd dilig<•nily to pt·onlot<· our Hli<'<'('HH, and W<' will nlwny:-; look up io tli<'lll with du<' honor mHl l'<'sped. \\'1 nt<' l'ill<'d with joy wh<·n W<' l'<'ali:t<' that"' <' hHn' <·ompl<'1<'d Olll' work, nnd <·nn now ent<'r upon high " l' mHlertnking~. htli. n1 1h<' H<111H' iin1e W<' <ll'<' fillPd with sadtH'f.'H for"'(' kHow tlJ<li W<' tll11H1 p<l rt with J'ri<•JHls, S(' hoolm nt<'s n nd t <' <l(' hers. Btli. 1hough W<' part W<·· will Jll<'<'L ng<lin.

Nolll !'\\'h<>n'.

E . L .. '12.



Olla!ta 1!1 tntory liEN \\'e' ell(e•J'l'd Ill<• .Jord:111



1DOH, we•

pr'eJ\'!'d OIII'Selves WOl'ih,Y ol' g'Hlllillg ill<' <'Ollfid<'IH:e ol' our i.Pa<'hers and ol' our I'<· I low si ti<IPtlls l>y i.lw P<tl:'IH'st <'f'f'or·! pili l'orih. 'l'hJ·ottgh ill<' kindn<'ss ol' lite• thr<'c i !'~Wh<·r·s, 'I r· .• Jor·gc'llS<'Il, ;\Jr·. J\ ndc•nmn, :1nd :\I iss Bl'(nrll posi1ion.

W<' ploddc·d on, <'H<'h h;1ving· a d<'sil'<' lo <l1U1in <1 lligllc~· 'l'llc• boys p<ll'ii<'ipn1<'d in <lihl<•iic·s nnd 111<• gi1·ls h•lp,.d

1o hoos1, tfwj h<'illg tflp Olll,Y lll<'<lllS \\'(' lwd of' Nhowing Joynlty to <Htr i·Wilool. Will \\ <' e'\'c'l' l'org<'i <>Ill' firN! .)'!'ill' '? NO! !'or i1 W<lS 1h<'t'<' \\'c• Jlle•1 <111d l'm·nJc•d !iPs ol' l'riPndship whic·h h<l\'<' lnNtc·d i!Jt'OIIg·IJotd 0111' fljg·IJ S<'iJoo] !'0\II'S!'. 'l'IH· nc• .· 1 ,Y<'<ll' 1!10!1, <1 hl'ig·hi nnd jolly hllll<'h ol' sophonlOJ'<'N <'nllH' h:l<'k 1o de•iJr old .Jordnn. '1'1Jn1 ,Y<'<ll' :1s 111<' Jll'e'<'l'ding, \\'<' W<'t'<' tiH• l'ollnd:11 ion of I IH• s!lld<'nt body nnd W<'J'<' c•ng·<·r· f'or· g·nining· <1 sir·ong·<•J' l'oot hold in this N<·hool. 'l'hni Y<'<ll' wns rnost Sll<'<'<'SS f'td. 'l'h<'ll <'<llll<' 1!110, the• )'<'<It' tlut1 ll<'\'<'1' c·nn he• l'o1·g·ot. 'l'hc• ,JtJnior·s vow<'d to p11i f'oi'11J lh<'ir h<'sl !'l'l'or·ts to Jllnl.;<' the• sc·hool on<· of' !h<' IH'si in thP s!:ll<·. It \Yns !h<·n tlnll wc• \\'Oil<' in c'\'e'l'.Y 111ing in whie·h we· took jHll'l. Will <lll,Y on<'<'\'<'!' l'org<'L Ill<' <'lnss inH·k mc•e•l '? 'l'lli'Oilg'h 1ht'e'<' ,Y<'<li'N ol' llllilc•d c•l'l'oris \\' e• pl'O\'c'd Ollt's<'IV<'N to IH' one• m1d insc•plll'nhlc•, nnd we• stood in til<' l<':td. J•jv<'n til<' 1nig·I11.Y N!'nio1·s hnd to how to 11~. 'l'l1is .Y<'itr, whic·l! i~ 0111' Jn . ..;l; I h<' !Joys, "" \\'e•ll n:-; giJ·ls, h<l \ <' shown illi'IIIS<'h·c·s loy<il to 111<· :-;c·llool \\'<' lo\'(' so wpl]. In f'oo{ I>;Jil, clN \\'<'II <IN in <t!IJI<'ii<'N, ill<• S<'llior J,oy:-; IJ:t\'(' ll<'!'ll ;t( the• lop. \\'c• 11(1\'e' l><·e•JJ ll1<• hHsc•s ol' this sc·lloo11hroug110u( 0\11' l'otll' ,Y<'<Il''s e·ota·sc•. l~ttt \\'<'do not Ink<· I h<' ;Jio1 it to 1.11<' tnlii1·ing· pn1i<'ll<'<' to show 11s t.hc· It'll<' worth ol' :111 th;t1 Lll<' utli1ude· of' til<• c·IC~ss ol'

!Jono1· nlonc•, !'or ott!' Sli<'<'<'NN, \\' <' of' <>til' l<•nc·ll<•J's who IJ{l\<' (J'i<·d c•duc·nlion. \\'<'HI'<' g·lnd to sny 1!11~ lu1s not h<'<'ll to s[1·iv<' l'01·

hotJOJ' <lion(•, ln1l to nttnin n hig-hc•J' go;JI, nnd \\'<' ag·:till shortly, Cllld lllilkc• our nlls<'ll<'<' S\\' <'<'1.


!o liH'<'l

l•jN'l'lllljB l1., '1~



III•} dino<'J' hell had rung fif't<'<'ll minutes h!'iUl'<', hut .JulH' :-:till sat on tiH' graHN <·<upet that :-:loped g<'11ily dowo to tlw ru:-:hiug, l'o;-nning mom1tain :-:trcam. .A11 op<'n hook lay in hn lap, hut h<'J' thougl1ts were l'nr <I way. Nil<' wns Wllt<·hing the t umhling wat<'r, and o<·<·HsiomJlly :-:11<' would rnis<' h<'r <'.Y<'N to tllc> lol'ty lllOlllltnin:-; on hot h :-:id<'N ol' IH'l'. A slight hre<'IW WHN blowing, ;tnd :-:tnty wisps ol' ll<•J· g·old<·n -hrown hair WH\'<'d hpfore h<'r fa<"c. Nttdd<·nly, I'I'Oill I'HI' down tl1<• <·<Jtl,Yt>n, <1 l'nint, long dnnYn otll :-;ound <'<·ho<'d nnd t'<'<'<·l•o<'<l ;nnong th<' p<';-lk:-: and k<'pt gPtling l'<~int<•J' until it di<·d <tW<ty. 'l,h!' hook l1ad l'nll<'n to tlw gTa:-::-:, <llld .Jun<', with h<'<ld l><·nt l'oJ"W<ll'd ;md l'a<·<~ t<'IIN<', Ji:-:t<'ll<'d. Again <·<ltll<' ill<' :-:otllld, tlli:-: tilll<' llltl<'h pl<lill<'r", and .Jun<' r<·<·ogni:t.!'d th<' :-:ot111d ol' a :-:ir<'Jl. 1\ I'I;J:-:1! ol' t·<'d illtllllill<lt<'d lwt· ['a<"<', ;-md, rising qui<·kly, :-:11<' 1ripp<'d OV<'J' th<• gt'<'<'ns\n!rd tow<1rd th< ' I'O<HL l<'<ll' down til<· dusty J'ond Nh<' <·ould N<'<' a big J·ed ll1<l<·hin<· <'Oilling :-:wil'tly tow;n·d h<'J', <'<tving· i><'hind it a 1T<lil ol' dust nnd g·n:-:olin<' NlllOkl'. With <1 l'lotlt'i:-;11 th<• <'<!!' dr<'w up hefor<' .JutH', <11ld r1 j;Jil, W<'ll ht1ilt VOlltlg· 111<111 jllllljl<'d Olli <Jnd !'(1111<' tOW<ll'd IJ<•t·, 1t1king ol'l' hi:-: <·;1p <111d g·oggll':-; Ht lh<' N<llll<' tinw . ''ll<'llo, .J\111<','' II<' :-::1id, gT<lf.;ping· ll<·r h<md, ''how':-: <'\' <'J'.Vhody '! I 'v<' <'a1<'1l :-;o llltl<'ll dt1:-:t 1hnt I l'<·ll lik<· n t'<'gltl;-lr hri<·kynrd. '1'11<11 N1t'('(ll1l look:-; good to lll('. ~In.v r IHl\'(' (\ <lrinlc?" "Y<':-:, .1<1<·k, <'Oill<' O\'<•r to <'<lt1tp <tnd N<'<' tnoth<·t·, <llld I '11 g(•t .Y () ll ;), (. ll p. ' ' " Yott 'II do nothing· ol' til<' kind," ll<' ~<tid, and going- O\'<'l' to tiH' :-dt'<•<ttn ht' plllllg"<'d hi:-; lJ<·nt<·d f'n<·e into 1h<· <·old W<-11<'1' . •Jndc (Jll'a:-:on \\'HN n. young dodor, who, Hlthough only t \\' <•nty :-;<'\'<'11, had ;Jll'<'<1dy nwde hif.; lll<l'l'k in th<· lll<'<lieal wo1·ld. II<' Ht'OS<' at lnst, <'X<"lnitning·, "1\ drink of' th<lt \nlt<T i:-: \Yorth a t w<·nty Jllil<' trip.'' II<' w<•nt 0\' <'1' <111<1 N<'ilt<'d hinlN<'lf' h<• sidt' .JlJlw on tht' gT?tNN . •lll:-:t 11H·ntll<· p<'<tl of' anoth<'J' <nliolnohil<' horn .llll<' \\'ailing plain Li\'<'IY 11p t h<' <·anymL J\ l'ln:-:h of' <lnnoyHil<' (' pr~ss<'<l O\' PI' Olt'a:-;on':-; l';l<'<', <1tHll1<' <llHl .lllll<' <ll'ON<'. Th<'y both hr~d t'<'<·ogniz<•d th<· :-;o till< I. ··TIJnt :-:ottnd:-; lik<' Arthur L<lllg·ton':-; horn, do .•sn 't it,


8 '' I gum.;:-; :-;o. ''

Noon a lar·g<· g;t'P<'ll c·<u· :-;i.opp<'d iu Llw road. A young rnau jutnp<·d out. II<• pHtlH<·d an imdant upon H<'<'ing 0 l<'n:-;on, hut imnwdiatly doff'<·d hi:-; <·ap, <md t IH•n <'Hill<' toward the tcm pie. I le gr·<·d<'d .Jttn<• hPartily <tnd :-:pok<' a. <·old ''llowdy" to Ul<'HHOll. 1 'I 1H·y all :-;nt down on til<• gnt:-;:-;, h11t <'Ollv<·r:-~ntion langui:-~h<•d .

.Jaek and Ad.hm· both Plljoy<'d .Jtllt<''H pt'<'H<'I1<'<' mor·e tltHn anything <•1:-;e in i.h<· wcwld, Inti did not think a g'I'<'Ht d<'al of' <'nelt ot h<•r·. N<•Ping; how things stood nt tlr<' tint<', .llln<' ex<·lctitn<'d, "\Yeti! rninut<• <tnd I 'II go and g·<·t tIt<· fishing 1<~<'~-d<• nnd \\'<''II S<'<' if' \\'<' <'Hll <·<11 <·It sonw spdd<'d l)('cttd i<•s l'or supp<•r," <tnd ol'l' :-:h<· tr·ipJ><•d townl'd tit<· 1<·n1. '1 1 h<· instant sit<· W<tH g·on<· Ar·th11r :-~n<'<'l'<'d, "Who told yo11 to <·onw 11p hPr<• ' ?'' ·' Wlwt'~; t1Ht1. to you'? \\'Ito told you to <'Ottt<• ?'' 11

A h<·<l1<•d <jiUtt'l'<>l Hl'OI-:<', nnd \\'lt<•n .lllll<' <'<1111<' h:tdi: l\\'o <'t'NI \\'hi!<· dignifi<·d yo1111g lll<'ll W<'l<' rollirrg· 0\'<'1' and OV<'t' in tit<• gTns:-;, tr.ring to nnnihibtt<> <'a<·lt otltn. ,JIIll<' S<'l'<'Hllll'd, "\\'Jrnt<'V<'r in tit<• wor·ld <It'<' yo11 doing! Ntop tlti:-; instnnt !'' A motnPnt. JHt<·r 1\\'o young· tll<'ll ritl1 l'<'d l'<t<'<'s nnd :-:IH•<'pislt looks W<'f'<' tr·ying· to c•otlllt tit<· trc•<·s on til<• top ol' n lt<'nrl>y Ill 0 1111t (I j ().

'' What<'V<·r in tit<· world ell'<' you ehildt·<'ll qunr·r·<·ling· <tl>o 1rt !'' slw dJid<·d. ,Ja<·k spolu· 11p, ".Jun<', ~\list<'!' Lnyto11 nnd l hn\'<' d(• ·id1•d tlwt Oil!' ol' liS ltll!Hf Ht<ty ii\\'H,Y l't'Olll h<•t'!'. \\'1Ji1•1t Oil<' sllil!J jf Ill''!'' ''Wiry, yo11 l'oolisll boys,'' .Jttll(' <'X<·I<litll<'d, ''.)'Oil holit r·e~n c·onw, I> ttl . nt dil'l'c·r·<·td 1itn<'N." Hut. hot !1 oh.i<'<'l<'d nnd 110 alldllild ol' j)('t'SIIctding· Oil ,JIIIl<''s pm·t <'Ottld 111(11\(' (JH'Ill <·itnngc• lil<'il' <1<-c·ision. \\ril<•ll .JIIIl<' id<·a :-;1 t'll<'k h<·r·.


thnt. tlt<'l'<'


no \\'fly out ol' it,



''II('r<', t;ll((• th<•sp fishing rod:-:,'' sh<• <'X<·Ictitll<'d, ''nnd Ill<· IJIJ(' <·<ll<·hing tit<· ln·t'g<'st fi~h h<·l'm·<· tln·<'<' o'<·lo<·k lllil,\' <'Oill<' \\'h<·n it<' will." l~oth lll('IJ r·os(', gTnsping a rod nnd t'<·<·l, and plllllg·<·d into !h<· :-:1t'<'lttn, .Jnc·k going up, nnd ,\rtltur· down :-~tr<'<tlll. ,\s sooll a...; tllc·y \\<'t'c• <>lit ol' sight .June• !';Ill tow<ttd tit<• t<·nt.



l~otll nH·n W<'l'<' lH1<·k prontpt!y nt tln ·<·e o'<·lo(·k.


a smil<> of' tt·iuntph.

Both fates


KH·h hmHI<•d his reel to .June.

took t IH'lll both and W<'lli. OV<'t' to th<• t<'nt, but l'<'HPJ><•ared in a H nd <1 H('<tl<'. Nil<' OJH'll<'d At'tluu·':-; hn"lk<·t nnd empti<'d

ntotn<·nt with tit<' bn:-;kds

a 1Hl"lkl'tfu1


NIH· pi<·ke<l up th<' larg<'Ht,

a fin<'

Ensktll Pt·ook trout, <lll(l hookPd thP s<·ale into its gill:-;.


Hp<·<·kled 1t·out onto 1hP gT<tHH. lll<'ll <·t·owd<'d

I' los<',

1hPit· l'a<·<•s dt·nwn e~nd sd.

"Tilt'<'<' pottllds i<'ll oull<'PH." .Jn<•l\ ':-; I'll('('


and lit· loH'W h<· had a large Hain-

Arthur· smiled in tl·iuittph

signs or dC''l]lilil'.

l>ow tt·out in !tis h<tHkl't, l111t. hP kn<'W it wasn't quite that heavy . •lull<' llPX1 dutll]H'd th<' <'OiltPJJ{:..; of' .Jn<·k's gt'<IHs.




Nit<' pi<'k<·d up 1h<· lc1rgpst trout, nnd hung it on thP ~·wales.

l~oth tll<'ll'H I'H<'PS W<'t'<' dt'ilWll with <llL'idy, nlmo:..;t with


'',Just rout• pOtlll<IH <'VI'Il.'' J\d.httt' ro:-><' unst<•ndily, l<1o"ing· lik<' n tll<11l gomg·



d<·;dh, nnd w;llkc•d slowly townrd his <'HI'. Nid<' l>y sid<', .Jull<' 1111d <ll<'<IHOll wnt<·hed until the lllCl<·hin<' \\'<IS l>ttt'i<•d in dtts1. rnt• dO\\'ll tltf' l'llllYOTl road.


Jw turned

to tlu· git·l.

a H,ninbow. a lllOUntnin trout '? '' "I nlso w<·nt fislting nt ill<' :-.Htll<' iitll<' tltnt you did." ".Juuc·," h<' sHid, ''th(• IHrg<' trout I <·Hught WelH

!low is it tltel1. tiH· Oil<' you W<'ig!Jc·d WliH

"And you <·:tng!Jt 1lnt,t fish lllld put 1Jin1 in my ha:-~k<'t ]n <'X<·hnng<' rot· tll,Y Bel in how:''

,J ttnc•

:-;milc•d <!lid pw·k<·t·c·d

nttHW<'t' - -.

up IH•t' lips, hut l>l'l'ore she <·<mld 1'<·11

\\'<·11, :tnyhow, Art hut· Lnngton would not haY<'

llltt<•ll l>c•tt !'I' i I' it<• I'OtJid !tel \1(' Sl'<'ll tlt('lll.

A. B., '12.


l>nrl){'l', Hp<lt'<' 1hnt IH·nd,

'I 1 0il<'h not. a single stt·nnd! In youth hy tltnt ht•':-; l<·nd l~tli. now that stu!'! is "<':lllll<'<l.''

If<• <'itll'1 "'<':It' sist<•,t· 's :·nvit<·lt, Tltottglt it. would IH·Ip




JORDAN COURIER No har-IH·r-, SfHtn> tlwt hair·, 'l,hy shea t·s shall llctt'tll i1 uot. That old l'amiliar knot \\'llosp g-lory and n•nown On in1<·k Hnd fi<·ld 's on 1opWily would'st 1ho11 h<H·k it dowu! BariH•r·, l'odw}tt' to stun! 1 ( llt not it':-; ·w in• hound tiPH. IJook nt yon <·ot1on top :--.!ow y<·lping· 1o ill<' ski<•s. ll<' 's h11t a f'ooli~d1 hoy \\'!10 sottg-111 1o lH• in styl<•; I IP f'otl!HI it l<t('king· joy, A ltlJotrg-IJ it brought . a srnil(•. !!is tnoth<>t' loYt•d that ''mnne'·No l';dllt•t· did <dso. 'J'IJ<'y'JJthink h<''S flO\\' illSHllP, Ji\n· IPt t ing· it not gTo\\'. 11\>r l'li<•s on h<1ld h<·<lds sk<ll<• Nt11ootll is thy ht'<HI, old f'r·i<'tHI ~ 'l'ht·y will noL don thing· To thill<' old t·lipp<·d lctil <•nd!! \\'i:-;(• ltt<lll, sf;trt not 1o J'<tV<•! And, l>ariH't·, l<•<t \'t' tIt<' spot. \\'hill' I '\·t· g·ood looks to S<l\'t', 'I'IIy sil<'ar·s sllHII it;Jt'llt t h<'lll not~

.\. B.,


ll,J;IE .Jon<•s, tiH· ,·iii;Jg<' hoothlct<·k, was tit<' ont• IH't'sort in th<' town ol' \\'att•t·l><·t·t·y tllcti <'\'t'l',Vhody look<·d upon HN 11 rq.!,'Jtlnr llllisnrtt'<'. II' 1h<'I'P W<ts <'\'('!' n 1inl<' wht•rt n C'hi('k<'ll stt'<l,V<'d nway or <l llt<'lon or· two wns tnissing·, tl1is sllliling·, hlnt·l.:l'n<·<·d f'<·llow g·ot til<' hlnnH· whl't IH•t· or 11ot II<• got Ill<• t l'<'<tNtlt'<'. II<• wns h<'illg <ll>ttS<'d sh<Jltlf'!'tilly by tilt' ('Jtildt·<•JJ Wil<•IJ ;JII in!'id('flt O!'<'lll'l'<'d tltaL pCirtly <·liCtng·<'d lh<'ir f'<·<'litlg·s lo\\';rrd hint.



On<> day i\li:-:s l~t·own mlnottne<'d to hPt sehool: "If any one finds a ht·oaeh <·on1.nining thr<'<' t'<'d :-:tone:-:, pl<'<lNP r<'turn it to lll<'. /\ r<>ward is o!'I'PrPd.'' '' 0<'<', I \\'OlHlN i r it's h<'rn,', whispPred .fimmie Or('('n to All' 'l'lwlllpson, who :-:<1t just a<·<·ross tlw ai:-:le. ·'I 'II 1><'1. sliP rwv<>t' lost 110,- what do you c·all it,--l>r<'ast pin,., :-:ctid .Jan<> .Johnson <lS sh<' turned aT'ound to th<> other L\\'t ; . ''0!' <'.OIIt'S<' :-:h<' didn't. I'll l>Pt it W<ls l~ill.Jon<•s wilo :-:tol<' hPt' pin. II<· kin si<><ll p<-1'1. ll<'lll' P\'<'t'ything, h<> sets his 111ind ou; ,. SCI i<L A I r. ·'Y<·s, <llld 1'11 h<>t !1<' did, too,'' said ih<' otlwr two in v hol·w~. "i\11Piltion, in 1.11<• hct<•k p<ll't of t!JP l'OOlll ;'' ('01l11llHUd<•d thp ! <'<l('h<'r. 'l'h<· 1111'<'<' young·stns s11'aiglt1Pned tq1 in th<>ir SP<tL~, hut a look Pll th1•:r· i'"cc s show<'d that ih:•y \Y<'t'<' trouhiPd. \\ J.,·J: ;l t l:u·d. ~. ··l10ol w<ls disrniss<'d, .Jinnni<> <ll'<'<'Tl said to tlw Oi]}(•i' l\'." ll, .. \\'('11, \\'1''11 kd<·h that thPl'(' Bill .Jones this tinw, N\ll'(' i-l" rc-ttl·.'' 'l'lr<' youngsiPt's W<T<' w;llking· hotll<' " ·hen ju:-:t <lS they W<'n' pnssirq.~· 1h<' llig·h ho;ll·d f<'IIC'<' in front of the· .Jon('N hoy's pl<l<'<', 11H'.V hl'llt'd VOli'PS. '' \\' <·11, I g·ot it,'' wllispe•t·<'d Oil<' VOl<'<', nnd that was tlH· voie·<' ol' i It<' .Jon<'s hoy Slit'<' <'llOllgh. '''l'li<•t'<', I told you so,'' said AI!', W<' h<•Hrd hilll say so hiss<·! 1', too. "\\'l1nt's it look !ike·,'' s;tid <lnoillPr' voi<·<·, thai of l11 rPd Pltillips. "011, NOlll<' or it's l'<'d, looks lik<· spots,'' !'('plied Billie .JonPs; nrtd !l!e·ll ill<· e·ili!d1·<·n Oil ill<• other sid<> of tlw 1'1'11('<' almost .itllliJH'd l'or· joy, l'or 1ll<'.V \\'PI'<' stll'<'ly l'ig·lli. It had r<>d stOll<'S in



" \\' lwi you goi llg' 1() do 110\\' '? ' ' said 1~ 1'<'<1. '·I 'til g·oing· to stay home-, I dcn·s<•ni go anywher<· !'or a \Yhil<'." 'l'll<'ll .Jillllnie• (JJ·pe•n almo:-:t ntve·d.

I'd snt;l:-:il !tirn l'l;d,

"I wish I had him hPr<',

thP little <·oward."

'') e·nll s<'<' tiH'lll <·otniug now,'' <·anw Bill's

\' Ol<'e, ''[


I 'II go. 'I'll<' e·llildr·<·n look<·d tlp the s11'<'<'t <llld saw l\Iiss Brown (·om-

ing to\\'nl'd tiH'lll.

'l'll<t1 was Pnough for tlw <'llildren.

"\\' <•'11 r·un ;tnd i<'ll .lnll<'.


Brown this v<•ry

'l'IH• <'llildt·<·n ntn as 1'<1si as ill<·y <·ould.




12 '' Oh, l\1 iss


Cont<' with us 1o


.J Oll<'S'

pin<~<·,'' stammPn·d .Jan<·, HS th<'y P<·nt·<·d til<· 1<'<H·her.

"BilliP .Jon<'s got it, Hnd W<' kin prov<• it,'' sboui<'d .JiJllllli<'. '' Y('s, an h<· 's a <·ow a I'( I,- - I!<· 1old 11'1'<'<1 ~pl'll<'<'t' so, W<' h<•ar·d it ours<·lv<'s," gw.;p<'d Alf'. "\\Thy, what is th<· matt<'!'?'' 1-iilid :\li:-;s BJ'own, wh<·n shP <'oH!d finally g·pt to sp<'<lk to th<'Jll. Tht•y W<'t'<' w<llkil)g tow;Jrd til<• hom<' ol' th<· .J<Hl<'S hoy. "\Vhy, Hi IIi<' .Jon<·~; sHid h<• stoll' your pin lH'<'HliS<', lH'<'illlSt', it IHHI r<•d spots in it. ]1't'<•d NpPil<'<'l' ~. <!\\' hilll, nnd l 1't·<'d won '1. 1<'11 a lit·. You ju:-;t <'Olll!' with tts, w<·'ll g·t·1 it,'' <'X<·lnilll<'d .JnJI<'. ''ll<''s i.h<· Jll<'}ltH'si. kid, I know," <·ontinu<'d All'. "ll<·'d ~1<'al in hr·m1d day light, and hidt• l'or <l wholt• W<'<'k. nut. w<·'v<' <·aught him now. "Y<'s sit',\\'<' know IJ<•'s g·ot. it.'' 'l'h<' <·ompany IHHI now t'<'n<·IJ<'d Hilli<• .Jon<•s' pin<'<'. l\liss I ~r·own hnd h;J(I hal'd !y 1.illl<' 1o spt·nl< to 1h<•nJ. "I tntl<'h llppr<•<•i;Ji(' ,YOllt' t'i'l'ol't to tJ',V to rind lll,Y pill Jnt( I l'ound it. in my 1.1'unk. ll<•t '<' is tilt· n·"·n,·d, I oi'I'<•J"<•d ['ol' th<· t'<•ttu·n of' thf' pin. 'l'l11• thing with t'<·d spots, th:11. l~illi<· .Jorws }wd, is nt.<'aHI<·s, '' HH id :\I iss I ~~·own. 'Ph<' <·hildn·n lllll<'ll Slll'pl'isPd look<·d nt <'n<·h ot.h<•r. "\VIly, 1\liss l~t'O\\'tl, IHl\'(' .VOll round it, <llld lws l~illi<! .Jon<'~ got 1Jw rnPasi<·H? <·x<~lnitn<"d All'. si<'k.

".Just tbinl<! W<·'v<· l><·<·n <H·<·Itsing· ltin1 o[' HtPnling· <1lld ht·'s \V<· enn 't g·o to H<'(' !Jim <'it ht·t·," <~dd<·d .J inlllli<·.

"I <ltn sur<• you will IH· l'm·giv<'ll this tilll<', <·hildt'<'ll, hut you must 1><• mOl'<' <·<JrPI'ul in 1h<' l'utur<','' s:tid :\Iiss BI'0\\'11, ns sh<' itn·nNl to lcav<· th<·tn. "MiHs Brown, do tltl<<' tlw nton<·y to l~illi<'," snid .Inn<•. "Wt• pt·omis<· W<' won't I)(' HO suspi<'ious n l't <'t' tl1is. 'I'll<· lmppy inno<·<·n1 t·hildt·<•n \\'<llk<·d slowly :Jw:ty.

1;. K,

®ur 3Jtntiurn 'I'IH• .Jordi!ll .Jtlllior·~ hnd :t fig·IJI I fpo11 a lotH•Iy pnt 11, ( >h, l10w tl11• N<·nioJ s \\':1 llop<·d t h<'lll \\'it.l1 rig·IJt nnd glol'ious \\'!':ttl!.




And flS Lht>y "fit" ;-mel <>H<'h on<· ltit 'Ph<• otiH'J' with his fist ,\ hool>y ,Jllnior· with

a sti<' k

Ntnt<· k IHt I'd nt tiH'lll, l>11t Jniss<'d.

A tnigh1y N<'niot·, strong W<ls h<', II<· got into th<• ganl<';

and lll<HI<• in h<lsh a sh<l Ill<'.

Tit<' way h<' snwslwd ,J llllion;, it Wfls 1

l1 ttll long·" fit" 1 hey in l'e<ll'SOill<' fray , \\'hil<• Nophs stood qt1abng l>y,

With Oil<' sol<' wish \\' () l II d

p i (' k

t h('Ill

II p

th;-lt solll<' gt·<•;.li push <ll1 d


i\L lnst t.h<• .Jtltli<N"s lost til<' fight, 1

'1 h<'il' l>odi<·s in gr<'at pain; 1 '1 il<'ir linll>s ill links HtHI l>odi<'s kink<'d And nll ihos<' <H·il<'s in \'Hill. 1

'1 110s<' ,JIIniot·s W<'l'<' htn-t l>y g·t·<·nt s1J'<'ngth 1\nd tllHIII<'d i>y lll<lll,Y a <·lot , 1\nd ott<' stnnll p<•st st<·pt on his <·h<'st

01!, how hi:-~ t·il>s did pop. A11d wll<'ll 1h<·y

wok<', sotll<' rii>s W<'t'<• l>t·ok<',

'rhoS<' pOOl' Slli<IIJ .j \llliOt' ja Jcps; ( I lln\'<'


htt11<'h not· lllOt'<' l'ot· lun<·h

A :--knior rlag t.h<'y ' 11 tn k<'. )




1\lbtrt iblrokmrgrr Nora Wauguutll ~arttu 1Kttlfrt illltrlttttt tGittll 1Ebba ~tu.llrll

IDarrrl (f?)arllnrr ihtuil 1Wittlkrr t!ilrr ~htllrll 1El~Jht

1Wiall\tr Attllrrhrrg 1firiRon mtl!illlt 1Grlla &u.llh•r fllartitt 1lttrruuu Q~riulr &mttlJ


]Julfn t;ttuhtlitttt

lU llrtta iRattt (hut ilab!t• &mttlf


Sandy, Utah

"Great t.h<H t ~hts, t.trea.t feeling~ come to him L i ke Instincts unawal'es


Butler, Utah

"A na.tlv<· <lt·:.wo Its f~til' propOI't.imted, In !tnt' P' >lhdt<•d limbs. \ ' t'iiod 111 a. !'lmplo robo t.heir lwst at t.li·o, 11\•yond tlw pomp ol' dt't'KS: i'P t' lov<'liti<'~S N<•t·d ~ uot, t.llo l'nt'<lk n aid of' oi'III\tllt'll f . l111t i~ . when tttmdornod, a.dornt'd fh<• mo~t: •


Sandy, Utah

"Xothing- to hln~ > for awl nothing to hid< •. 'J'rw;f in his <·ltamcter, felt far ami wide. li e i~ a. t.tentl<-lllan 11atm·c has made. "


Union, Utah

'' IIi~ wore!~

:trf' IH>rHI:<, Iii:-; o:lt.li;; :11'1' or·nd""• IIi:< lo1·•· :-itH't~I'P. lib tltomdll~ ilnm:u·uLttP, IIi:-; t na r:-~ ptatw rno><"l'rlg'l'l'" H• nt l'r• •nt lti" li<·n rt, His he .t rl a-: l'ar l'l'olll l'ra.rtd a:< l1t':t\'l'll fr .. nr

cat·tli." --~-----------------


Sandy, Utah

''liar i>Prll:il i~ ~t.rikin:r, rPHiHt lei'H and ~rand:

lim· nntnnori!l,:renl.!l', eornplyin:; and lli:wd '' ·.~;



fll'l 1\ttl'lliy:·full ol'

West Jordan, Utah ]HI\\


A:-; "'t•nt.l1•. lilll't:t l!lli'lcit•d. ~n·at. ('on;;i:-;toni:WI'fll'lllg·allllirlf Wf'i!!ltl 01' It• tl'l1 iII!.! li:.dill .\ 1i I«• a llowt•r' '


Union, Utah

"Ambition is his idol, 011 whose wings Great minds are <·arried only to extreme; 'l'o he snhlimely gr·eat, or to he nothing."


Sandy, Utah

··, l' tlio11 nrl I'Hil'l'l' t lirtn IIi<• <'l'<'ningo air, <'] t il in t lto IH':II I IY ol' a tlto\IJ':Illd ~tars."


Midvale, Utah


nat lll'<' sa !da-.;s of champagne witl1 t li<• foam on'l " AK t<•Jl(lt~J· ::~s Flet<·ltt•r. as witty a" l !<•annwnt"

Ho his hest things are done in 1h-' flash of I he lll11lltl'll1 ,,


Midvale, Utah

"Ills open eyeH de!lin' the t.rnt h, And tho w!Hdom of



lies in them "

Draper, Utah

"A far·e with gladneRH oversprnad! Soft srnilos IJy hurnftn kinduess bred."

JOHN SIMJNSON "Ill' ltath l\ tP;u· fo1· pity, lllld a hand OJH'II

a." day fol' meltlttt:' 1:hat·ity.'·

Sandy, Utah


South Jordan, Utah

"rruc as the needle to the pole Or a.M tho dial to the sun."


Draper, Utah

''Her g-lClssy hair Is clustered o'f'r a brow B1·ight with intellig-ence and fair and smooth."

Draper, Utah

ORALif SMITH ' · ' l 'ho~e

about he1· l•'rom hm· shall n·a.d the pe1·fect.


of honor ''


Sandy, Utah

"A xwecL blos~om of htmHwity, Fallon from God' Hown homo to flowoJ' on eaJ'th . ''


Draper, Utah

"IIPt' f fl<'<' hPtol\('111" all tiling-:-; dPnr nnd w;ood, All<! lhP lkht IIPOll it Hhinos l'ro!l\ (Itt • Willdow ol' hl'l' ~oul. "

EA RNEST GREENWOOD ' I:J. Win ne t· of HO<:ond plll<'P ill tho ~Hate OJ·atol'kal <'Oil toHf. !I f' rnadP Utah hi ~ ~ nh ,joeL

]nrr.an 1!1tgq



~tmtiHtt~\; Jht~ll Anilrnmtt. <fll1ttrlt1t iGorilÂŁ1, <fllrmrttt <.!trupo, ]nlytt iluu. ~ittittt\: lflr!ltlltt ]ulymlutt, ~urtht i.l(ulyrt, <flurnl &mitly. Altrr. i.l(ulyrt





rdr·eslling, spring


I:Hl<'Tl with the


rtllll(' of' app]p I>JosSOillS, <llld tlw song of ihr hltH• birds,

sw<'pt ovPr th<' V<'rdant grass and wllisperPd a dreamy ltdl;1hy to littl<' IJU<'Y who sat twdr tiH• old appl<~ tr·e<' kn<l<·rly ro<·king an ugly rag doll. "0 it 'ould h<' 'ust lov<'ly if" W<' eould hav<' a party, Dolly! Dut t IJpJ'(' ':-; Jl() run 'tal·! 'w.;t liS lOll('. VV<' enn't ll<'VPt' do wh:1t W(' lik<•. C<lll W<' ~ \Vish W<' wuz rie!J. I)on 't you 0? That 'ittle g·irl who liv<·s in 1lH· big· IIOttSP on the hill eould hav<~ a party ir ~H'r wani<'d to hut h<'r 'ust don't <'Hl'<' l'or nothin'. I don't knovv h<·r hut l JH'V<'r s<'<'JJ ll<'r out pl<lyin '. I 'v<' S<'<'ll fwr· sittin' by til<· window. I'd lik<' to now why sll<' is so stupid and stingy.''

"Oh, Dolly, look at tlwt. prPtty hui.t<'t' r'y with tlH• yellow wings! I low I vvo1tld lik<· to <·at<·h it! I'd show it to llllel<' l'1 1'<•d, . aml a};k him i!' it wu11 tlw Oil<' lw tol' nw 'bout. in ill<' rnir·y stor·y. Now it h~1s stopp<'d on tllnt l>u:->11. ( 10lll(' on, Dolly, may I><· W<' <~an <'Hi<•h it." iJli<'Y qui<·kly HI'OS<', <tlld, gTCI:->ping l lr<• doll in 0110 <~illll>h,V ar·m and taking hpr- :->tr·aw hat in IH·t· hand, shp stnt'1od tlli'Ollg·h th<• blooming Ot'C'hHI'd ar1er tiJ<• rlyirq.!,· pt'<'.Y· ·NtH•lr H <·lws<' sh1· had : now around OtH' 1t'<'<' <1 nd now iU'Otllld n notiH·r·; <'n tit iously l'lopping t.IH• :->t.r·nw hat <'H<·h lirll<' ,i11:->t too l<tl<· If> <·at<·ll tiH· pr·izP: uow tripping <'<11'<'1<•:-.;sly ov<'t' til<' g'l'ilHH illtd !'nlling IH·<HIIong into a :->ti<'k.Y l><'t"t'y l>Hsh. Y<'t not dis<·otlt'Ug<•d l>y all tll<'l-il' llilJlfH'IIlllg'H :-.;IH· t r·ug·ged ('"('('t'l"ttlly Oil lllliil kiJ<• l'('(l('"('d Ill<· pond nt th(' !'oo1 or tlw hill wfri<·h J>Oild lwlong·<'d to tlu• 0\\'ll<'l" or 111<' l>ig hotiH<' 011 t,hp hill. "D<·ar-y tn<'! I do l)(•liPV<' I 'vp lost thnt l>uU.<•r· r'y. WlraL a <·lm:-w for· nothin '. IJW'.Y sat dowu ill t "(' :-.;lrnd<' or t "(' willow:-; wlli(•h OV('I' It till~ tilt> l>illlks or 1h<· poncL l'r·p:-.;;·ntly sh<· ll<:lll'd /1 buzzing SOlllld it.iHl on looking up sh<• HCI\\' n gTPilt y<•llow h<•e in 111<• VPt'.Y a('t of' iigl11 · ing· on poot• Dolly':-; l>ollll<'t. Ltu·y indignHilt.ly hi'IIHIH·d it orr, d,lld gHtfi<'Y'(•d h<•t' r'Hg <hn·liJJg ill 11<'1' ilt'HIS. ''I wond<·r· wh<'t'<' 1hal silti<',Y i><'<' is going,'' 1bought 1Jllt'.)' <L~ sll<• Wi11<·h<'d lh<· h<'<' l'ly nwny lntzzing with Hll its might. "I t lr ink I 'II go see."



Areordingly :-;lw piekecl up tlw doll, and started after tlw yellow hce. She did not aprwar to lw HO anxiom; to overtake this yellow beauty a:-; :-;he had been the yellow butterfly. Keeping at a :-;aJ<' distane<', she followed 1mtil shr found herself in the midst o·l" a lwautiful violc>t hNl. Tier joy was unlimited; and she was still trying to Pxpress h<>r delight to her rag dolly, when she heard a pleasant voiec> nrar her. Surprised and startled, she turn<'cl quiekly and <'Onf'ronted a c·harming, pleasant lady and H thin, pal<', yet hcautil'ul, l'i ttle girl. I.J1WY, in c·on l"usion a ncl hashfulnc'ss hung hrr head and fing<'red th<' rag dolly rr,:-;tlessly. Slw lnww that tlw little' girl lived in the· big houHc on thr hill .all(l that of c•ours0 the lady mm;t he h<'t' mamma. f,uey was on the vrrgc~ of' nmning away when thr lady gently laid h<'l' hand on little' J,uf'y's heftd, and asked hrr if she could not Htay alHl lwlp th<'m makt> a lll<'rry aftrrnoon for it was her IiLLI<• gir·l 's birthday. '' Pl<'aH<' stay,'' plead<'d the Iitt)<'. da11ghtc'r. ' 'I havP src'n you paHH l>y my honw ol'tf'n hut l have I><'C'n sick for a long timP <111d this iH tlH· first tim<' I havC' hc'<'ll out Hicll' l'or HO long. Isn't it. just lov<'ly lwrP o? W C' c·an have' a rc'gular picnic. Oh, hen' <'OIIH'HI DPI>or·n h with i he IJnHkC'i:-; now. Pl<·asp stay 'C'l1Usr 1 ne<'d a Iitt I'<' l"riPnd.' ' 'Ph11H :-;h<' prattl<'d on trying to gnin a rPply f'r.om Lw·y who sti II llnng ll<'l' h<'~ld. '' PI<'~IH<' S}IY ym1 will stay, ' ' sh<' plt'adcd. lf<'r thin , lit11<' Hl'nts W<'r<' around Lu<'y':-; nedc and the soft, l>l'own <'Y<'H piC"nded <'loquc'lltly. '' 0 don 't, ' ' at l<'ngth soiJlwd J,ucy, '·J 'm so wiekl'd and lll<'<l.ll. I :-;aid you W<'l'<' stupid and stingy. I clidn 't kn<nY you wet'<' si<'k or I woul'dn 't ha vc' HHid it. Do you think you fan l'or g;iv<· 111<' "? r 'm awful sorry I said it." ''01' eout·sr 1'11 f'orgivc' you. IIow eoulcl you ln1ow~" HlH' ln'11SlH'd r.uey 's clisorclerNl c·urls hade and kissed lwr roHy elwck. 'rhiH done tlw now little friends Hkippccl lightly OYer tlw violPts and gra·s·s to where the mother was waiting for them. 'rlmt night little !Jucy whispered softly in her dreams aH ~odH• tightly huggPd thP rag doll, " yes, Dolly, \YO had 0.. real party. HhP isn't stupid lmt i-.O S\Y<'et and good, and I loYe her .. , ES'rELl,A GHEg~\\'OOD.



:\I iss Williams in )1iug·l ish.- '' l\lr·. l.Jiud. Utopia '? '' I1ind.- ' ' Yo11. 'v<• got lilt>.''

Who wrote 1\1 on~<' ' ~->

Iler· Way. 1\lrs. Kni<'k<>r- ''Can you gd. your hoot~ but toned without I>PrHiing your knees '? '' 1\lr·s. Bo<~l<<>r. ''C<'rta,i nly, I rw1k<' my husband do it. ' ' - I Iar'[H'l' 's I ~a:r,nr·.

NIIOH'l, tiiiJ<' ago I llPanl ~Jr. Br·y<IIJ addn•ss an audi <'fl<'<' of' NaiL J.Jak<· j)('Opl<·. I [p dPiiv<'l'<'d <Jil onJ1,ion su<·h as ean I)(' giv<'n only hy ,n lllllll ol' gl'v<Jt int<'ll<·<·1 and gif't<'d pow<'r'H ol' HJ)('<'<'h, hut II<' gav<' ui t<•ratl<'<' to a n•mark whi<·h wc;s 1101 \'\' I'Y pl<'asing to tht> peopl<' ol' this Ht<lt.<'. · ' I h·a V<' 1)('('11 )('<Hl to und<'I'St.aud, ' h<· said,'' !'room r-<'port:-; of' l ' tah, Uwt Hh<' is amo11g Lh<· nJost i>H<·kwar·d of th<' sUlL<~S ol' th<• l'niot1. ' ' II<' \\'iJS fot'<'<'d to adrnit, ho\V<'V<'t', tlmt Hj>[>('}lf'('fl('('H did not hecll' out t lu· 11'\lth or t.hos<' l'('jl0t'1H. I hnv<' r·<'fl<·<·.tpd upon 1.11<11. :-;tat<'ltl<'llt, (]lld, while I will hav<' to agr<'<' that l JU1 h do<'H not hold " \'<·r·y <'X :II t <·d po:-.it ion in 1h<• <•:-;tirmlt.ion of' h<'f' sister s1a1<·s, :-.till I tllflintain that ilri:-. l"<'k ol' popuiHrit.y is dw· to no h1<·k of' tll<'l'it in ll1ah (]lld in her· p<·opl<·; and, I IJ<'Ii!'V<' that in :-;o doing·, I voi<·<· t h<• S<'lltinH'Ilt ol' <'V<'t'Y loyal son of' illi:-; :-;1}11<'. I Jndoul>tPdly iht• Jll'll<'iplt• (';l\1:-1(' ol' til<' i'<·<·liug or di:-;tr·u:-;( whit·ll <·xiHt<'d in <'<lrly d<1ys, nnd \\'hit·h l1:1:-. not y<'1. <•ntit·<'ly dis app<·ar<'d, l><'tW<'<'ll l 11ah nnd h<·t· ll<•iglll>ol's wns tll<· tlllpopulnr· r<>lig-iou proft•ss!'d by til<' piont'<'l'S ol' 1hi:-; stnl<'. As <111 ndhPt'<•tlt. to tJw t•t't'Pd tll!',Y proi'!':-1:-l('d, and <lH <I :-lOll of til<' :-.1H1<' ill<',Y f01111d <·d, J do 110t s<'<'l< io plH<'<' nil ol' th<· hlalll<' l'or·tht• P<'t'H<'t'tliion ol' I.IJ<' l\lormon pt•oplt• t'V<'II IIJ>Oll tll<· :-.liOl!ld<•rs ol' 1h<·it· Jl<'t'H<'<'II1or, lllll<'h !t'ss upon lht• p<'opl<' ol' th<' l 1 nit<·d Ni<lt<'s at lnrg<', who rwvt•r r<•<llly kn<'W t.IH'm , <llld whos<' opinion wns hin:-.Pd l>y rnis r<~pt'<'H<'IlLHtiotJ. 'Ph<· I inh piorH'<'I's, lik<' nil p<'opk who <'V<'t' liv<•d, \.Vt't'<' not l)('rl't·<·t, Htld I do 1101 wi:·dl to so l't'Jli'<'S<'llt 11H'IIl. Th<'.Y :-.iood for· :-;onH·tlring- 11<'\\', sotJ1<•1hing 1'<'\'olutioll<li'.V 1o <111 id<•a:-; ol' tilt• r·Plig·iotls world. Til<· wot!d t•allt•d th<•nt l'nnn1i<·s.



pur·pos<' is to pt'<'s<>nt this s11hj<·d h·ont a n\lion<Jl, unhiased stnndpoint, <ltHl not to pt'<'<H·lr a s<•t·mon on ~lormonism. 'l'lw:v w<•re '' V<'I'Y sntall ntinor·ity HN <·OtllJHtred to til<' other ChriHtian <'htm·lt<'N of' tlw world, Hnd ~o~o wet'<' suh.i<'d<'d to mtH·h Jwt·seeution <ttHI ridic·u l<'. An <'tlllll<·nt Arn<·r·i<·an t<>lls us though that tlw <·hos<'ll h('J'()('S or tit(' \\'()l'ld IHI\'(' h('('l] in tit(' minot'ity. It(' ~o~ays, '' Til<'l'<' is not <1 <"ivil Ot' l'<'ligious privil<'g<' whi<·h 1ve <'njoy today hut t hilt it .\WIN pttn·has<'d i'or· tiN l>y t h<' pray<•t·s, th<' teH rH, Hnd t!J<• <lt'd(•IJt blhOt'N or H lltinor·ity.'' But let that he <IN it may, l 1t (1 h It <IN 110 <I polo~d<•s t 0 IIIH k<'. I HIll not Hshamed or the l'ottnd<•rs ol' ttty st<li<•. On tit<• <·ontt'Ht'.Y, I houor tlwn1 HH I honor 1'<'\\' lll<'n <l!HI wont<'tl in ;lll t h<• history of' tnm1kind, ;md as <'V<'l'Y rHit· tnin<kd p<'rson tnust honor tltosp who have <H'<'Otnplislwd <nl l!IJd<'t'tCl king NO i.l'<'lli('JldOtlN. WP point with joy and Jn·id<• to that st11rdy hand of English i>tll·it<lllN wlto <·ross<'d HJJ 0<'<'<1ll, l;.ntd<•d on a hl<'ak, hatTen <·oast, illld lnid th<' i'oundation or tit<· lnigltii<'st nation on tlw fa<"<' of tiJ<• <·arth, w<' b1ud 1o 11J<• skiPs t IH·ir <'OIIt·ag·<', Hnd tit<• ind<'JH'lHl<'tt<'<' or spirit whi<·it pl'Olltpi<·d th(' lllld('t'trd<ing·. It is right and pt'OJ><'t' t 1!,;11 W<' sho11ld do 1his. l~11t, in ol'<l<•t· to do tlwrn f'llll .ittst i(·<•, 1<·1 tll<' quo1<• I'I'Olll Oil<' who is l'Ht' <lhl<·t· tlt;m 1 to paint 11H· pi<·ltll'<', on<· who <'<Ill bring· IH·I'on• us tlwt fir·st wintPt' of lit<' l'ilgt'iltls: "lis i>l'i<•l' sunsllin<•; til(• nig·hts of stor·m; tlH• d<ltllp <llld i<·,Y i>t'<'Htll 1'<'11 io tit<' pillow ol' th<' dying; its <l<'stitlltiolls; its ('OIIit'<ls1s 1o alltil<•it· l'ot'tll<'t' (•Xp('J'i<'ll<'<' in lif'<'; its 11tte1· i 11 sttl<t1 ion nnd lonlin<•ss; iis cl<•Cl1lt -h<>ds and lnll·i<lls; its lll<'lliOJ'irs, i1s nppt·<'IJ<•nsions, i1s hop<'s, 1Jt<> <·onsltlt<ltions of tlw ]H'Ud<>nt; t.IH• prny<·r·s ol' 1.11<' pious; t.h<· o<·<·asionHl <·1H·<'I'i'11l hymn, in whi<·h ilt<· str·ong· ll<'<ll'i till'<'\\' ol'l' its hul'(]<•n, and, ass<•J·ting its 1111\'llll<lltisiJ<•d llcli Ill'(', \\'<'IlL liP lik<· H i>ir·d or <l<twn to th<· ski<:'s ; do .)'<' think t 1!;11. whoso <'Ottld d<·s<·rilw th<·m, <·almly waiting in 1lut1 d<'fil<', dHrk<·t· 1lwu 'l'll<'l'tllOpyi<H', !'or <1 lllOI'llillg tiH1t mig-ht ll<'V<'t' dnwn, or mig·ilt show 1h<'tll wh<'ll it did, a. mig-hh<'r artn 1ilan 1it<li ol' til<• l'<'rsian, n1is<'d <IN in <1<'1'. io strik<•; \Yould he not s]((•1<·1l a N<'<'ll<' or t'fll'<'l' HtHI 11101'<' di!'i'i<·lllt IWt'OlSlll than that of tit<' Np 1u·tn11s 11t 'l'lwt·onlpylcw '! A s<·Pll<' as \\'01·dsworth hHs said '' :\l<'l<liWiloly, .Y<'H dism<JI, yd. <·onsolHtory <md full of joy.'' A s<'<'ll<' <'V<'ll IH'ti<'t' fi11.ed io stl<·<·or, to <'Xalt, to l<>Hd tlw forlorn ltop<•s or all g'I'<'(IL ('<1\lS<'S, till illll<' shall Jw 110 lllOI'<' !" 1~111. WHS 1101. til<' ('(]S(' of th<' !'01tll<l<'l'S of {TtalJ similar in allllON1 ('\'<'I'Y P"l'i i<·ttlar·! \Yh<1i WHS th<' diff<'r<'n<·<' hdW<'<'11 lwiug·



separtwted from I1Jngland by an ocean and being separatt'<l l'r01n the Hettlementi'i in tJhe states by a barrier that it would hav<' taken almm;t as Long to cross "? rrhese pioneers left their hom<'S and all they had, and traveled for thousands of milcH over a trackln;s desert. JJike the Pilgrims, they braved thP dangers ol' bPm!!" rnasscwred by th<> Indian hordes whi<'h r·oamPd over· the plains. In a valley as banen , as d<•sol!Ct:tc m; tlw eoaHt upon whi<•h ~~~<' PilgrimH landed,th<'Y laid the foundation of' a mighty inland empire. rrhey, too, W('l'e isolatrd and heJpl<'HS in a f>arrrn lnlld , nnd nobody but Ood would havr kno·wn or eared had they alf died, and their bonrs h<'<'n left to whiten und<'r the dPsPrL :-;ttn. Sumly theHe people w<•rr h<'roes if the world <'Ver produe<'d any : a makes me feel bigg<•r and hctter to look back on :-;u<'fl <t rnr~" of founders, and to think 't hat l, like tlwm, am an Americau. What iH the resnlt of' that hmnl>k heO'inning- 1 Today wP hav<' a broad, fair stat<', trPrning with lil'e and t'ttnning OV<'r with ra·osperity. Iler mirws arr among tiH' ridH'Ht in LltP vvorld; her harvests, thP f'ull<~st that ar<' l'<'apPd by man; ll<•r· lH~opl, ! a:-.~ free, as happy, aH in tell ig<'nt as any that th<' :-;un Ht><'s. l (•an think of no pla.e< ~ in 1a,ll the world that l would rathpr· <'nil lll.Y horrw than Utah lJtah, with h<•r V<'l'dant field:-; and <·rysta I Htrearns, h('T' num<~r·ous indw·;tri<':-;, and h<'r lloundh•N,..; w<•c~ltlt Utah, the erHtwhile dPHert, whi<'h ha:-; l><'en tott<'h<'d by 1LP hands of' industry and intel'lig<'lH'<', and Lransl'ornu•d iuto a land '' hi('.h overf'lowH with a.! most <'Veryt hing- whi<· h tlw h lillian tll'Cl rt <'H 11 desire. 'Pher<' is no logi<'al reason fol' lleliPviug that thi:-; ~L.de <'Hll not p rodue<' men and wonwn who will make the world :-;it up and take noti<~<'. lnd<•<'d, young <JH lJiah i:-;, :-;lw <'an honst of nwn <'tni n<'nt in almost l'Very litH' Of human ('lHi<'HVOl'- tnCll Of WIJOIII llli,V land might W<'ll h<' proud. Our syHtem of education ]..; in 1lw front rank ; th(' land in whi<:h W<' liVt' is lll'W, cl<'an , J.nd put'<'. rf'hc !JitH'rl('i-;1-\ of itH ski<'S, tJH• f'rP<'dOill Hlld lCld< of ('1\t'l' ill wlti<·h we live, th<• vpr·y bigrw:-;s of tlH' country, H<'Ptns to fill u:-; ·wi1 J, 11<'\V lil'< ~ , to brand us with that indes<·rihahl<' ma,r k ol' \V<':-;t('rni:-;m. W<· ar< ~ pn>Ud to H<'<' our state grow, and a:..;:-;um<' an H.q,ortan1. plao<' among Umt grand aggrega1<' or J)()W<'rH whieh mak<' up otll' Olorious Union. l~ut w<· feel likt• endorHiug thr s<'ll1itlll'lll n1 t<·r<'d hy Patri<'k li<'IH'Y wlH'n h<· said, "I am uot a ru·~~·111ian, but an Am<·r·i<·an." JJike Bee ·h<>r W<' feel that the law1--· <l:Hi in sti tutionl:l of thi:-; eou11tr·y ar<' mol'<! to tts thnu any mae 111 11!<· 1



eountry. We arc jtmt aH proud of all that the l;nited States is, and haH been, 1and stands for, as any people in the United States. W<' love to think and ta.lk about Bunker Hill just as well as do the HOnH ol' old Massachus.ettSJ. Our hearts swell with joy aud prid<' and we feel bettor and nobler for it when we hear the nam<> of the I-<1ather of his Country. 'rhe fact that J effcrson, ,,,ranklin, IIamilton, Clay, Webster, .Jackson, and dear old Lineoln were A rncrieanH makeH us Htrivc the harder to emulate tht:i1· exam pi<'H. VIe have HUch a gloriow.:; past that we feel trhat we must rnak<> ih<' pr·escnt worth while. We Hhould like to make our govcrmn<•nt perfect. 'rhe great Calhown tells us, however, tl1at l)(~rf eetion in the government of men cannot be -reached. But it <'H.ll he impr'oved, and the best way of improving ours is by plaHting in tlw IH•m·ts or American children an undying love for everyt·hing for which that government stands. And let uR, as sow; and daughters of aFJ fair a state as any in all tlH' wide world Reck to kccp Utah bright and ummlli<>d. Let tis !-'<'<' i hli, r-;he rllaini ainR h<'r Rtation and that Hhe ever advane<'R. l~11i fin.;t of' all, l<'i, llH remember that a Rtate is no stronger than the individwds or whieh it is composed. vVe must ever be such that W<' ean honor ourHclvcH, l'or some great poet tells us that he that eam10t honor hinu.;clf ean truly honor nothing else. And Cowper addi-l, ''When was public virtue to be found where private wa-1 I'O( 6? Cnn h<> lov(' the whole, who love8 no part? Ile, he a rw1 ion 'H friend, who i~ in truth tlw frr icnd of no man there; \Vho Hlig·ht8 the eharitieH for whoi-le de,a r sake that country if at all nluHt he h<'loved?" Not that we should he egotists, but only that W<' Hhould l1e too proud to do anyhing that would injure our self r<'Hpeet, and tlwn that we Hhould rather follow Hale's instruction, wh<!ll hC' hi<lH us forg(·t we have a self while we do everything for our· horn<' a11d onr' country. W <' lov(' our rugged mountain home; we love its institutions ; 1 nd its people; but most of all we love the nation of whieh it is a part, wl1ieh l1as eost so many lives and whose history is interwoven wii :h the lives of so many immortal patriots. We are pt'oucl io C'Hll ourselves Ptahns~ and we want to see our state and t h<• men of our state lead in the grand march of progress. I bel i<·vr this pride and love of one's state is altogether proper and praiHeworthy, if, at thP r-;ame time, that Htate is as loyal as any to tilt' nation. If w, arc proud to call ourselves the sons of Utah, \\"(' "r<· sti II prouder to eall ourselveH American8. \Vc want to



work !'or t!J<' l>rotll\'l'hood ol' 1 \llH'I'i<·<~n lll\'11. We W<lnt our <'Oitll Lt·yrnell to tru~t ll ~, to lay n~id<• tht•iJ' l'<•t>ling~ o[' [>l'<'.ittdi<·<· , Hlld to fpel tll.a1 w<· Hn• Uwit· <·o - worker~ in til<' · gt'<'Ht <·aww ol' d<•tno<·ratie gov<>rnnl<•nt. \\' e W<lll1 to do our part tow<tt'd k<•<•ping this nation l'rotn d<·<·ay l'rotn th<• intern;d <'OITHption and stt·il'<• whi<·h ~llati<·t·ed old Ur·<'<'<'<' nnd Botll<'. \\' <> ar'<' willing; to "work and vnti.<·h and fight and pray " that thi~ nation rn<ty gr·ow in int<'lli g<•n<·<· and f'r<•<•dorn , that it tna.v <'V<'I' <1<'1 ;1s 011(' 1111111 , with no f'< •vl It, Nout l1, or \\' <·~t; tll.Ht \\'<' rll<l.Y JH'< ' ~ e nt to I he \Yorld <1 pi<·t \It'<' ll<'v<•r· hdor'<' witne~s<·d, of' n n<li ion of' rt[(··n w·lro <·Hnrwt ll<' spoil<'d l>y Sll<'<'<'ss, hut who s<>< ' Ill t Ira! ~ li('('( ' HH th<· lrarHI or Ornnipot<'ll('('. l ' t;tll lll('ll nnd \\'Olll('Jl stnnd ['or· loy alt y to l ' t<dl first , last, and nil tit<• titll<', y<>itlt<>.v do not f'o:r get for a ~ ing; l<· hour that n gT<'<ll<•r all('g·inll<'<' is d11<· til<· Nt<~rs n.nd Ntrip<'H or the lfuit('d NIH(<'S. rl 1 h<·y stand f'or· ih<' prin<·ipl<· l'or whid1 vV<•I>sl<'l' stood;" l ' nion <llld l;ihpr·Ly , 110\\' and l'oJ'<'V<'f', <HJo ancl ins<' p<tl'<lhl<'. '' ing~ of' ditr·u~t toW<lrd I he Not't



irpartmrut nf -Agrirulturr l I J;J time hai-l arrived wtwn the world vvill not accept, a:-; an PdueatNi man , one \Vho has not many side:-; to hi:-; education. ];1 ormer1y, one who had mastered tiH· dead languagp:-; and certain hran<'he:-; of mathemati~:-; waH eons~dC'red <'<lurat<•d. Sill<'<' the rstahliRhment of tnodpr·n H<'hools, ther'<' ha:-; IH'Pn a tPndPney to chang<' l'r·otn <lll<'i<'nt to 1nodPt'n lPHrning. DirPdors of' sC'hoolR hav<' ~on­ stantly sought, and Hl'<' still s<'Pking, to imwrt in th<' school curr·i<'ulum som<'tJhing fl<'W, somPthing pra<'ti<·al, som<·thing that ean IH! ol' dir·Pet hPnefit to th<'il· students. 'PhPir' aim is to turn o11t sttldPnt:-. who <lt'<' pt·adi<·nl HH W<'ll aH tlte<n'Ptieal; nwn vd10 will, in a tn<·asllt'<', know Lll<' wor'ld nnd it~-; pr·ohl<'ms heforp tlwy an• pla<·<'d in adual eontaet with tltPlll. J;1 0f' that rPaRon thP study ol' HgTi<·tliLIIt'<' is h<'ginnin~· to play H1H·h <111 important part in th<' big <•o]]<'g'<'N. 'J 1 h<• dny ll:IH <'Olll<' Wh<'ll th(' tilling or thr soil is 110 long'(' I' look<·d upon ns an o<·<·upat.ion :-;uita hiP only for JH'opl<' whos<· ll<•Clds <11'( devoid or ht•aill mlltt(•r. On the ('Ontrary, it is h<'illg' 1.t'<lllHrOI'IlH'd into Otl(' or thP nohl<•st <·aJiing·s in Whi<·h llH'tl l11hol'. It is a work in whi<·h Oll<' <·;m <'X('l'<·is<• heart, brain, HIHl llliiS<'I<'. 'l'hl' li'SS llt'(l\VII <llld iiJP HlOt'<' hrnins otl<' liRe'S, tht' hrtt<'l' fIt(' :->tt<'('('HN }IN a l'<li'IIH'l'. 'l 1 1lis :-;(·llool is a l'nr·nJ<·r·s' sehool. ft i:-; supported hy thP l'nr·nll't'S' in 11 (imln<'inl wHy. ft is pt·ineipally tlwir sons and daugh f<•t·s who ntnlu· up tlt<' siudPnt hody. 'l'lwrdorP it is proper thnt <lgTi<'ulf ttt'<' should IH· tnugllt lwre. It is taught, and taught in St((•ll 11 Wll,Y <IN f,o nHtkP til<' s<·hoo] proud of its agri(·U]tura] depal'tlll<'llt. Onr· instru(·ior, 1\lr. Cooley, is a Ptah man, trained in a l ltct It sc·hool, and, tlh<•r<>rorl', thol'onghly <H'qnainte<l with tlw agri <·tlltlii'Cll eonditions in this state. Of' f'01lf' H<', we have not lw<>n ahl<' io <H·<·onlplish thos<' rPsults whi<·h ean lle attained hy tllr aid of pt·op<>l' lnhnttOl'Y <·quiplllPllt l'or tlw study of agriC'u}tnr<·. 'Y~' nt'(' h:l!Hii('ClPIH'<l. \V<' mmd stillln'<'P hcg~z:ing tlw diRtriet, whos<' p<•opl(• hnvP n,]r('ady shown 11s so nmeh kinclnPsR, to evc•n extPlld its h<'lp. IJowevPt', W<' h:tvP 1><'<'11 ahl<> to ('OVrr f'our hran('}H•s ol' l'll'lll<'lltary agrieultut'(', horti<'ulture. TlH' R<' nr<>: agronomy, elP1

lll<'lltnry HgTi<'ultm·<-, hor·ti<·ultur<', and stoek -judging-. Tl' <'S<' sul l.i<'('f s lln VP IH'<'ll si udied hotll f'rom standnn1 aut! orib es on tl:osL'



sttbj('<·Ls, and also f'rotn rwtur'<' its<' I l'. In ngronomy <llld <'l<•nwnbtry agri<;ultur·p l'r<'qll<'llt PX<~m·sions wct·e Jnade io nPighl>oring l'm·ms, wll<!re th<> soiiH W<'t'<' <'HI'<.d'ully siudi<>d and <'Olllpnr·pd. 'I'll<' nni.ttr'<' oJ' til<' Hoi! and i1H nd<q>tnhility l'or dii'I'<'I'Pllt. <'I'OJ>H \\'<1::-> in <'<Wh <'<lH<' diH<'llHS<'<l. In horti<·ulltlt'<' l'l'<'(j\IPnL l<'ssons in pt'<tdi<·al pruning and <~a ring I'm· tt·<><'H at'<' gi \'<'11. In Ht od•-.i udging t'<'gular· d<t.YH an· r<'H<'t'V<'d ror going out to f'nrtnH ;tnd judging all iyp<'H ol' farm anirnaiH. l11 <til <'<IS<'H l'<><·ords :tt'<' k<'pi hy <'<1<'11 studPnt of' hi~ work in <'ll<'h l>r·nrH·IJ. On i liP wltol<', W<' r<'<'l highly H<tLiHfi<·d with ottr fir·Ht y<·<~r'H ~-;tudy ol' ngTil'lllitll'<', <tlld noll<' will d<~II.Y !Jiclt the> addition or ifli~-; d<'J>Cll'illt<'llt ltHS Hll'('llg·tiJ<•IJ('d jiJp ,J()J'dHll llig·h N<'hool.

K K 0., 'l:L N<•ll"-<•xpoH<'<I.

''A ntttlti -rnillionHil'<' in n rnshionnhl<· t·<~sinu -

ntnt," Hill' snid, "point<'d ton lill<' on tiH' IJH'lltl <llld Hnid to tlw it (>f':


'' 'I'll h<tV<' SOill<' of' thnl, pi<'HH<'.· " 'I 111n sm·t·y, sir, ill<· wnil<'r <lllS\\"<'I'<'d, htli. th<· hnnd ts pl;ty tng· t hHL' " 1\nnsas ( iity Ntar.

g);];O\\' N'I'I'J)Ji~:\'l'N.

On<' ol' Ill<· gT<'<ll<·~-;t qtwstion~-;

ol' tit<· l'lllllt'(' or this s<·hool is: "llow is it possihl<' wilh -

0111 n gytnnnsitllll to d<·\ <'lop t lte body ;tnd tnind into llnr·tnonious whol<·. '' lt. is lor this r<·nson Lll1t1 I


trwk<• 1his <1pp1•nl. A<·tion tlltlst he tak1·n nt Oil<'<!. A<'1ion ol' tllind, <l<'lion ol' Ill<' body, unil'ontt, p<'I'Hist 1'111, and ii1·ing· is IIH· 1t'<•;litll<'tl1. II' this s<·l10ol is to JJl;lintnin its slillld<lr<r-Cind il' yo11 111'1' <ksi1·ou:-; ol' SP<·ing· this l1igh :·whool nd \'(1111'<' in th1• st<·ps ol' <'<llwntion, insl<'ll<l ol' l'nll, tll<·n tJJW·d yo11 s<•<• llt<li inlttH·dint1• ;wtion is tnk<·n l'ot· Ill<· h11ilding· ol' n g-yn1 i lJSIIIIII.

1;<•1 11s l'ot· n trtOIIH'Ilt. <·onsid<'r I h<• llrg·<·tll ll<'<·ds whi<·h ll<'<'<':..; .., jtn11· it IH'Oj><'l' pllll'l' l'ot• <·<tn·ying· on Pdll<'<ltionnl g)'tlllln:·di<·s.

Whnl l)(•<tt·s lllOI'<' on lit<' ll<'nlth ol' n IH'l'SOll tllilll t>.'<'t'<•is<' ol' nil 'I' ltliii-\(''I'S or till· body. It is It'll<' thnt Ill<· ht•;till j)OSS<'SS<'S (I ('1'1' !: Jill dl'g"l'l'(' or llitllll"ill str<•Jtgtll, hill 110\\ long· will it J'('fllitill il'



tllr• body wlti(' h NU ppor·h; it haN no phyHi<·aJ devr1opmrnt? 'rhe Jar·k ol' t.l1iN gr<'<li. liealih prornotc>r wc•akenH not only the mind hut th<' body a IHo, <'V<'ll to Hll<'h a, deg·r·pe i!Ja,t a,ll manliness, all vig·or, <til N<'liool Hpir·it dic•H out. Again the• fit·Ht rrquirement of pttl>l ic· HJWCI I< ing· iH pliysic·al Htrength, he<' HUH<' those~ who arc> drvotinp; I hPir tiltH' <llld HtiPntion to it <li'P mHI<'t' a Heven~ phyHic·a] stl'<l in. 'l'h<•ll, too, they lllllst posseHH stn•ngth, ac·tivity, and grnc·<•l'ttlrH·ss: all of' whi<·h fll'<' ~H·c·ompli:-;h<'d in a gymnasiwn. l Iow did Ill<' (J t'<'<'k onli Ot'H l><·<·ont<• so fa mouN and how eould tiH'.Y 1nnintnin thc•ir powc·r·s ol' PloqU<'Il<'P if' th<·y lac·ked pbyHi<'Hl cJ<'\'I'IOplll('lll. It ltns rigll11y 1><'<'11 Sit id, '' Exer-<·is!' d<'\' <'lops H ('Ons<'i<•nc·<· of po\\'<'1' v\'lti<'li inspin•s <·ottt·ag<•, <·onlid<·n<·r·, and r<'Holution. 'l 1 lit'Ollg·ll its inl'ltH'Il<'<' 1.11<· 11101'<11 N<'ll' <'Olll('S forth h<·<llthic·l·, pur<'r, and sLr·ong·<·r·, <ltHI ct lllflll IH·<·otll<'s in <'V<'l'Y \ray h<·ttc•r fitt<'d io lt•(l(] a Iii'(' or tiS<'I'Itlli<':-IN lo his l'l'llownl<'tl." Is it not 111<'11 i1npossil>l<• !'or· this s!'hool to <·mnp<'tC' in ath l<'li<·<·s or· in ptthli<· sp<'<lkiug with oilwr s<·lloolH whi<·h ol'!'c•r thP pt'OJH'r tr·;1ining. Nltall ill<' !'uittn· lll<'ll <lltd WOill<'ll of this c~om­ lllllllity f'nil in Iii'<· h<'<'<IIIS<' 1h<•y lu1V<' l><'<'ll d<'harpd l'r·om p<Ht of' !IH· 1'<'111 <'<iiH'<11ion! No, 11ln1 is not. 0111' dPsir<'. 'l'lwn l<~t us <'11<l<•avol' i 11 <'V<'I'.Y wny possi Ill<· 1o old <1 in 111 is 1nost ltrg·ent lH'ed. \\'<· will nsslll'<' ,YOII !.11<11 \\'<'will do nil that is within our JH>W<'I'N lo inl'lll<'ll<'<' Ill<· JH•opl<· of' U1is <·otlllllllllity to <·oopc•ratc• in this l;tsk ol' illtilding· /l gyltlll<lsi11!ll.

®ur §rquul II J~j l'ottt·tll y<·nt· ol' t ht• ,Jordctn llig-h Nc·lwol silH'<' ii:s <'s1nldislinl<'ll1. in N<ll)(l,Y is dntwing- to <l <·lose, and Wt' do not li<'si1<11<' to say that this is th<· most Nll<·<·<'sHful .Y<'HI' l'or tiH• institution, nut <tlmw in point of mmlh<'n; n11<'1lding, hut in til(' dwntd<'l' or th(• work ateom plisll<·<l. 0111' totHI <·m·olllll<'llt is <>ll<' hull(lred sc·vent.yfiv<·. N<'V<'Il t'<'glli<tr t<'<H·Il<•I'S ll;tV<' lH•<'ll c·mpiO,YC'd thP IYhoiP year·, nnd in nddition J><•yion .Johnson, <1 last ,Y<'<lt''s gTaduatr•, has l'<'lld<'l'<•d nilwdd <' <lssi:-:1 n ll<'<' 1o o11r splc•tHI id ~' Ollllg' Ol'<· lwstn-1. 'I'll!· OJl(' dl'il\\' h;l!'k to 0111' sc·hool is til<· <·t·owd~·d (•ondition;



h11L 1.<'}1<-iH·t·s and studPtJts ltav<' <'V<'r IH'<'ll willing <llld t'<'ady to ll!Hk<' <•IJ(Jllg'PS nnd lllO\'t'S, to t'('ll<'V<' <'Ollg'<'Si<•d <'OnditiOllS SO Ollt' vvork fu1s mov<'d lll<'tTily on with t'<•<ll spit·it or unity and progr<>ss, and though we IJavC' IH·<·n ohlig<>d to utili!';<' <'V<'ry !itt!<> enmny nnd ('Ot'll('t' in tfw building, PV<'ll ih<• J>t'lll<'lpa] ':-1 ()j'f'l('(' being tiN<'d f'or <·lass<•s ~111 dny long, no one lHls grumbiC'd. Our· grnn.t<'i'li YlPC'd, hOWPV<'t', lS ltlOt'C' t'OOIII, H1Hl to <H'<'OllllllOdatC' thC' nattu·al inc·rPas<' in att<'ndanc·p n<•x1 yc·nr·, rooms will h<• t'<•nted in tlw hasc•tnPnt of' t h(' 1.~. D. S. <·h<lp('l or· in oth<>r lH'Hrhy buildings, and tlHH'<' tc·<l<'lwrs IH' Plllployc•d, thus pr·os]wds nrc• hr·ighi. f'or· <·on tinued gTOWth 01' the• S('hool. or the· pr·c·s<·n1 ('Ot'ps or te•(l(•he·rs J>r·irH·iplll ,Jorg·e·nsPn, l\1 r·. Dut ton, :\]iss lbll·ti<',Y, CJnd ~li:-;s .Jc>uson will e·ontintH' in tlJC'it• t'<'S!><'<'i.ivP pltH·c·s. J\lr·. Dnw will I>P tr·nnsl'<'l'l'c•d to 111<' Bingham IIigh, <liHl we• wish to c·ongTid.ul:l1(• 111<11 S<'llool on its n·<·C'iving so ef'l'ic~ic•ni an Hddition to its l'nc·ulty. :\liss Willia111s, WP n•gT<'t to :-~ay, i:-: leaving US al'f.pr tiJr'('(' ,Y<'(Il'S or lllOS( f':-tit.hl'ul <tlld pj'f'i<•i('nt, S('J'Vl<'C', to join Iter P<'Oplc· on t h<' l'n('i(i<· Coast. '!,he• ,Jordan ITigll and Ll1c' pC'opl<' gPnc•nllly 'vvill <'\'C't' hold ~Iiss \\'illi:nns in high <•st<'C'Ill !'or· ll<·r· untiring· df'orts in 1.11<' <'dtwnt.ionnl uplif't of' tlw c·Oill Jn\lllit.y. 1\lr·. Coolc•y, who h<ls sttc'<'C'C'<I<>d in CIW:Jl((•ning <l liv<' int<·t· c•st in agr-iC"pltunJI study, has <H·<·c•pl<•d ct position with til<' OgdC'n f ligh. Aruong lh<' ic><H·h<·t·s who will il<· add<•d to 1he• I';H·trlty ll<'Xt y<·;a· an· Vi<·1or Kir·k or J<i,·lo-;ville, l\lo., Loui:-: PC'1<'t's<•n ol' 1\H. Plc·:-ts<lll1, Hoduc·.v C. J\l!t·l'd, now l<•nc·hing· in ihc> NPplli llig·lt sC'hool , 11nd ;\li:-:s .l'jina A. \Vooll'<· of' ~nit I.~nk<· City. Mr. Kirk iH <t SOli or Dr. Kirk f'('Jl)('Hl IH't'('d !'rom 0111' ln:-:1 St:lt (' 'Pc>H<'"('f'H lns1 i1111<·; II<' is n c·oll<·gc• tnnn who h<tH ntnd<• good in high s<"hool wot·k in his nati\'<· stat<', and h<• c·omc>:o-: to tts highly J'<'e'Ollllll<'tHI<'d. II<· will stiC'<'<'<'d i\lt·. D;nv in the· ;\lathe•mnti<·:-: dc>jl:lt'1lll<'ll1. l\lr·. PC'!Pl'H<'ll t.<ll<PS flis dPgr·rc• f'rolll {h<• tl. or If. this ,YPIH'; 11<' is e'SIH'<'ildi,Y qu:-tlifi<·d in Ji;ng·lish and i11 ;\fnsic·. ;\lr·. Allre•d hns pr·ov<'ll hitll sc•ll' a t.OW('t' or s1rc•ng·th in 1lw N<·phi Iligh l'or two ,V<'lli'H nnd he· is thorottg·llly pr'Ppar<·d to tnkP up thr work whc>l'<' ;\lr·. (\H>l<'y l<'ave•s off. l\lisr-; \\'ooll'<', nl .·o a gTnduntc• of th<· l r. oi' tr., will dir<•(•f, Ornl Expt'<•s:-:ion 1111d do p:lt't. of' til<' Ji~nglish. 'l,h<• dotn<•si.i<· :-wif'llC'(' 1en<·hl·t· 1~ not sc·c·tlt'Pd :11 thiN \\ r·iting, hut. \\'(' f'ppj Sill'<' 1.!1nt we· shnll find one• who <'<lll k<'<'P 11}(• el<>pnr·tmc·nl ttp to i1H pt'<'HC'lli. IJjg!J si~tlldClt'd o!' <'XC'PIJc•ll('(': ~liHs ,J('IIS<'ll will giV<' all het• u1.t<·n1 ion to S<'Will"' h!·t·c•al'tc·J'.



In all lin<'H o·f' Hi.lld<'nt <H·tivities- ath<'l<'tieN, dramatic~, con1

c~<~t't:-;, pub! ic· lc~C'tur·os, so<· in hl<>s, dan('ing· parti<>H, <'t<·., there

has a ttnanilllity o[' <'rr01-t tlwt has insur<'d BllttPNs. J;et us not f'orgod i 'IH' good vvork dorw l>y tho:-;<' who ha V<' had in eharge th<' P<iiting <llld pul>liBhing or tlw :-;c·hool pap<>r, rrhe ,Jordan Courier: it h<ts not l><'<'ll without nrista k<'s, but it haN l><'<'n c·lean and highlonc•d, a ('I'C'dit to t!JP ('rrof'i,:-; or th<> studc•nt:-; to promote tbe in(,(•t'('Hi.H of' ilr<'ir AlllHl ~latPr. Nd10ol orric·i,nl:-;, p<ltron:-;, mHI c~iblwn:-; in genPral ha'\re lent su ppot·l ;tnd pnc·otn'Hg'<'lll<'lli to til<' instiution, and W<' dare predid 11utl 111<' ,Jord<ln liigh will c·mrtimu• 1o nwrit tiH• eon{iden<'<' thus :-;hown by onf' Hnd HI!. Our· ainr is to kec•p it <1 monument of worth to Ill<' li\'(' c•dti<'Hiionn! spirit or the· ('Ollllllllllity. l;ong liV(' I he• ,Jo t'<i<lll lligh! IDNOCIT .JOIH~ENSI1JN. lH~<'Il


OJnututrur.rut.rut /;I; Ill<· s1tHI<-n1s wni1c ·d nu .· iously ror IIH· dc·c·isiou or Llle ·r,H·trlty, <l'-' to wl10 sllOtrld J'<•c· <·iv<' 1h<' S(·holHrship t 0 lw /.."i ve•fl ill ('()llllll<'ll<'('lll('JJt. rPitc•J'(• ll;HI been SOil](>

g·ood wol'k doll<' in c·I<1SH that .Y~'<lt' mHI NC'VC'l'Hl stu de•tt1s W<'t'e• C'Oillpc•jp!l( or I'<'<'Pi\'illg 1he• sf'I10Jarship, !Jut <Is only on<· "CIS 1o IJ<• given, iil<'l'<' would he many di:-;-

ppointc•(l ,J<H·k f><lrks lind wol'ked lqn·d nnd llllf'C'Clsing·ly to win tiH· ]ll'il:<' oi'!'C'J'('d hut SOJll('ilO\\', 110 Otl(' thought or his g<'tting it. On tit<' o11tcr lr:llld , Frnnk \\Tellsi<'l', <1 IV<"Cllthy Cll'isto<·t·nt of th<' se·hool, Oil(' who ll<ld l'l'i(•JJ(ls 011 ile'('()llllt or llis 1-.pc·nding· 1110llf'Y 1 so IClvishly, was c·xpC'ded to win. I' nmk had houg·ht his prohletlls l't·olll l1is sc•lroolruates <lltd thus stood high in his c·lass work. .Jne·k, ltowc·vc•t·, h;HI wot·kf'd h<1rd !'or tl1c c·rc·dit h<· lHtd n·(·ei,·N1, and 11ow did not ('\' Pil c'XJH'<'i 1he• ~· c·hol<~rship. lie htd worked for it ns it W<ls his only <'h<lll<'<' to <~ttend eollc·g·t•, lmt durin~ his fow .Ye'<ll'H ol' sc•llool work, he lutd lost hopes of <lti::tining his ideal (]:-, Jtp h;td round it llrC'('S~:Jry to h<' absent SO ll1HC'h. On 1he• lllOI'lling or 1\Iay 1wcniy-scvf'nth, the dny of c·otn tllc•llc·e·tn(•Jl1, )'1 t·:m k p;u·<'d t'c•:-;1l<"ss!y in the· stat<'ly hallB of his llj>llt'111J<'Il(s whil<· ,Jnc·k was outside c·11tting wood, nu entployliH'llt :t



II<' lwd kP<'llr<'d to pny l'or his ho:nd ;ll :·whool. All W<'f'<' lll<'rr',Y 111is morning, c•sJw<·inlly ,J<tc•k, who al'tPr hi:-;

<·llorPs w<>r<· dorH•, '' <>nt to his 1·oorn nnd lllHd<' a hasty toil<'i. in <JJ'dpr· to I><· r·pady I'm· n pJ><'<ll'mH·<· <11 t IH· <'X<'r<'iHrs. A It hough .J:I<·k 'N <·loths w<'r<' ehPliJl, 111<•. " W<'l'P 1ww and e.l<•an, mHl, with his ~dlO!'N ni<'I'I,Y poliNIJPd, h<• flt'!'SPilt<•d ih<• llj)Jl<'Hl'alH'e 01' H grntl<' 1

l~ ntnk

had l>ongh1 a very Ht,vliHII Nuit !'or Vl!is oc•c·.aHion :1nd Still!<• or satis!':H•iion and or H!'lr ·('OII<'<'ii, SW('j)t OVPF' hiH hand SOitl!' ('OilfltPfUH]('(' liS !Jp S\lt'\'(',Y<'d hlltlHP] [' lll tiH• mirrot•. '1\•n o'<·l<wl< <lt'l'lV<'d , all W<lH now lntH1l<' nnd hulnth in Lh<· 1 1-if 1'(•!'1 IJplow !'V<'f',YOII(' \\'HS going io t !Jp PX<'T'<'iS<'S. '( 1H• Silld(•IJtH rn:n·<·lJPd in lirH•s <l!Hitook 111Pir pla<'<'H on th<• Ntnnd. BC'l'OI'(~ tlH'Ill W<'t'<' tlwir· pC1r·c·n1s who had <'Oill!', c <l<'h <'XJW<·ting ihPir· HOll Ol' daug·htPr to r·c·c·piv<' 1hi' s<·holnrship. 1~ rnnk 's JHl.t'PntH w<'n' 011 til<' first f'OW and C'Ollld g·C'f. H c•l<'<ll' Yi<•W o!' aJJ 01' i.lt<• g'l'Hdtlat<•s lllafl.



lllllOrlg' wflom ]i,r•:~nk \VllS the lllOSt ('OI!Spl<'llOtiS.

.J:Jek 'H pat'('tl1.H <'Ould not <'Otn!' on <l<'<'<>llnt ol' tll<'il· lct<•k o[' d<'<'Pllt. !'lotlling nnd HN .Ja< ~ k giHn<'<'d <tt'Otl!Jd, IH• snw no Oil<' to r<'tlll'll ltiH Hlnilc•. Tlw prin<·ipa I Ht'OH<' and, nl't<·r· a I> rid prny<•r, OJH'll<'d til<· progTnm by <1 <·l<tss song· l>,v 111<' gTndttll1<•s.

N<'V<·t·nl oth<'l' pic•<'<'s

W<'t'<' r'<•ndPr<'d :tnd thc•n til<· willll<'l' ol' the s<·hol:trHhip w:1s to lH· annourwed. 'Piw <'I'OWd was sil<•nt <twniLing t.h<' f'~wuiLy':-; d<·<·iNimL 'I, II<' pri n<~ipal Nt<·ppPd f'or·w:1rd :md Hll id, "AH it wnN Ht.ai.<'d :t1. thP bPginning or th(' S!'ltool t.Pl .. lll (1. N<•IJOI:ll·ship, ol' two Y<'<lt'N l'rP<' tuition at <·oll!'g<', was ol'['pt•f•d to th<• Hi ud<•nt who did tlw lwst wor-k in Uw f'otn· Y<'<li'N nnd :111 hong-It nil work has IH'<'ll sn1is l'<tdory, W<' IHtV<' dPc·idPd to l'or·wnrd 1lt<• prilj<' to l\1t·.• J:wk M J>:u·k~-;, of' (!:tt·lton. ~Ir·. PmkH, <'Olll<' l'ot'WHJ'd fltH[ r<'<'C'iV<' yolll' ee>r-tifieatc. ' 7 A mid h<·a r·ty <t ppl<lltH<', ,J n<· k H1 <'JlJH'd l'onvard and with chw <'<'t'<•rnolly, r<·<·Pivc•d hiH pri/j<' wltil(' :llnid t.IH• smne <lpplauH<', (1,ra,nk \V<'I>Ht<'t' r<·c·<'ivt-d a 1<'tTii>IP blow to !tis p1·id(' ;md <'Olleeit. OH. ACI~}


'1 ~ 1.



\VAN HW<l k<'n<·d !'rom my P<'~H·PI'ul slumlwr



S<'<'m<>d to h<' i IH· op<'ning· of a window in the opposit<> t'OOnl f't'Otn Wh<'Y'<' f slept. r11 JH'n !'Rln(• the SOUnd of st<'althy st<'ps <·rossing th<• f'loor, -thC'n a viol<'nt .i<>rk at tlw door. At Lh<' sam<' 1im<' fHther> thunderPd out, ' '\\Tho's tll<'t'<' '? " 'J1h<' r·oon1 lH'<'<llll<' s1 i 11 instantly. Again he <~riPd out ' ' \Vho 's tlwt'<' '? '' 'l"h<'t'<' was no respons<·. I


inst<mt.ly at Ill)' l'aih<'r's sid!'.

tnotn<'tl1, vV<ls gr·<·nt,

no i<·luJIJOd Cnnw

'rh<· int('nsity



<'V<'ll more



<'tl<'d. Lh<lll I. ]11 11ih<·r hunt<'d l'or· a weapon, while mothC'r, with lwnds lo<'k<'d llltttnhl<'d sorn<·1hing· like a. psnlm or prayer. I' 0t' Vll<~ Slc<·ond time til<' door was .i<•l'k<·d violPntly. 1


ll<'t'V<'d to th<• utmost, pi<· k<'d up n h<'H vy stov<·-poker, and pro<'<'<'d<·d io 1h<· doot·, whil<· I, sttHJtnonillg· up all <·mtrag·p possihl<', l'ollow<'d <11 his ll<·<·ls wi1h lnrnp in hand.

wil h a lt'<'tllhling hn11d. l>r·<·;tllt.

liP op<·Iwd

Wh<l1 would happ<·n IH•xt '!-



I darC'd not

Nmtt!'thing hourHI<·d into 1h<• r·oom, hut not wh(lt



<'XI><'<·L<·d, l'or· LIH•t'<' in tlw lntltp light stood pussy, looking upon Ill'. :

Witll a lJIJilgT,Y !'X!H'!'NNiOil. J~Jf)

Not l>y


Old 111111d.

~h·s. Jijx.

\VI N PO tTU;:;ON.

' ' ft isn't right to ehHrg<·

\Villi<· wiLII tHking ilmt IIJOll<'.Y out of' ,vour po<·kd. \Vhy don't you <I<'<' liS<' ttl()?"

~lr·. I~Jx.

' ' B<'<'<l.IIN<' it. WHHll

't all

ta kc·n. ''

A I ~<'HNOJJ.- ,J onn:h <·nt<'l'<'d til<· whal<'. W;ll.<·r· wag·on! '' lw <~xel<lim('d.

BaNton 'rranscript.

" 'rhis is the origin a 1

I r<'1'{'\Vlth llOJH' \VOlld!'t'!'d i lwt he J'('Hl~l inC'd (}hoard only thY'!'(' dnys.

Philad<'lphia Pr('Rf\.






II.JIJ!E'N <tr'iNing· e·Hrly :\Iondny tnorning did

noi sttt'priN(' his tnothc•t' in the· le•nst, l'or it was quit(' n l!nhi1. with hint to I)(• doing ttnttsttnl things. WI!Pn ht'<'<tkl'ast W<ts OV<'I', IJP stnri<•d ol'l' to se·ilool. T·IJp morning· was onP ol' tilos<> rctt'<' spr·ing tnot·ning· ~ ; thnt tnctkc· tiN l'c•pJ the• blood tinc·lding in ott!' vc•ini-1. 'I 1 IH· air wm; l'r('slt <lltd IHJinty, nnd tlw bright sun, lnuglling· in Ht<' sky, c·<lil('d Ute• nH•ndow lcnk to ltis task ol' W<ll'l>ling. 11. sc•e•llJPd, too. th<t! it h<HI c·;Jlle·d soliH' Oil(' l't'Olll his task ol' s( 11dy, l'or Willie•, instPlld ol' l'ollowing· tht• t'O<HI down to till• old se·hool hottsc•, tttr'n<'d down 1ilr·ougll the· tll<'rtdow to wlle•rt• illP !iHie• l>t·ool · l>ul>l>l<'d listl<>Nsly ov<·t· (IJP shinillg p<•hhlt•s. \\'he•n It<' r·e•nt•ltt•d thc• strParn, h<• sCii down on Cl gr·;tssy knoll und<'t·th<• willows, <tlld h<'gan to think. LJI(·kily Ill' il<Hl fishing hook <ttHI !inc• in !tis poc·kPt NO h<> c·ould e·;lic·lt ntinnows. Hut il<· didn '1 lt;t\'<' n pole·. 'l'lm1 Wlls not so IJ;n·d to find though. !'or tit<• willows\\'<'!'(' .iwd 1 hi' kind l'or fishing poles. !lis lirw \\'<ls soon !'lung into tlrt· s1t't'<lltl, quite· to !tis sntis1' <wt.i on. !lis <'Cig'<'f', \\'ili1.ing·, (',Y<'S W<'l't• dirt•c•(('d ;lllllost. un<·on<·iomdy towm·d two squir·r·c·ls tltnt t'<lll to nnd l'ro l't•otnilt<•it· holc·, whic·lt wns tnar··kc·d by Cl l'r·<·slt ntotmd ol' dntnp <'<ll'(il. In tht· tnid~·d ol' r·<·vc•ric· and c·ont <·mpli11 ion <1 wlti~-!tling;, wilic·il H<'<'lltl'd to c·otllt' l'rotn th<' road CJttr·;H·t<·d his <111<'111ion nnd tttl'llillg, il<' Nil\\' 'l'ittt \\';tllin wlto lcnq.!,·lwd wil'kt·dly, \\'(1\'Pd tlli~·wili<·\ · ously, nncl nllt ol'l', c·r.ving·, '' Pli!y<·d ltoolu·.v, didn't yo11 !'' I don't <·an· a snnp tit<• snwrty," Willi<· snid to ltilltsPII', "I gtwss its none• o' 'l'itll \\'(Jilin's lntsill<'HH. 'J1<•;t<•il<•r si!id it \\' i!Ntt'( nny ol' !l!'l' husinPss il W<' didn't wnnt to lt•nt·n, I don't, so I g-ttt'SS it's nohody's httsin<'ss, <ll•d I 'II 1t•ll !Jt•t' so too." '!'his c·asc•d lti:-; tnind l'o!' <1 tilll<' h11t it \\'iiHil '1 long hc•l'ot'<' dr·<>nd c·;ttll<' 111-!,'(lin, l'ol' It(' knc·w th;Jt h<• \\':Is dist•o\'<'1 '<'<1. ' ' 'l'h<·r·c· don't sc•t•nt to he nn.v fi:-dt in this hlnmt·d wnic·t·, ' ' !Jt• l'<'tnCII'k<·d dr<twing· tit<' hook l't·ont !.Itt· tnngling tttoss. "llc·r<· Cl l'c·ll<'t' lt~ts L11' IH' 1:11<· l'<·t· s<·ltool nnd th<·n don't c•;lt<•h nothing. don't :-;c·c· wlllti in the• tltttt)(l<·r is tlH• llt;tltt•t· :1!1,\'\\' (I.Y," nnd IH· tIll'<'\\' t.l1<· pole· I'Ollgltly to 1h<· grnss.

" \\'lty, \\'illic·, wltn! <II'<• yo11 doing· h<'l'<'!

lsn '(

( h<'l'<' nn,v

H<' hool today



a? " asked some one he hind him.

lie turned abruptly,

t.h<•r sUt ri l<'d at Lh<' NIHid<'ll intruNion. lt was 'I'im 's f'ntll<•t·. A htilliant id<'a <'<llrlP into \Villic 'N head.



'' Y<•s,-

but I


sj<· k,- an' NO ma, Nhe -vvoulcln 't Jet me go,-

n·matkcd triumphantly

Hil' Lll<'ll I W<llli <'d to <'<It<' h minnows," h<' looking· into til<' kind old f'a<·<>.

" \Vnll, that is too had," II<' r<•p1i<'cl Nyrnpathctie::tlly.


H<'<' I WHN just g·oing to N<'<' your mamtna 1 gurNs sh.r iN homr isn't sh<' ?''

'';\!ow he'll go fwnu• <lll' tell hPr an' thPll f'll g·pt lic·k<'d," 1llottgllt \\'illi<', 1l'ying· lHtnl to kPC'J> IHl<·k thC' t<'ars. "No, sll<' <lin '1. llolll<', '' he S<lid lightly, " slw sni<l HhP'd go to N<tntll J><·l'kins' <lll' lll<'hh<' she'd stay <Ill' sewin '. "





I 'II jusL w;tlk Cli'OittHl that way and drop in f'or shr


tllCl.Y 1101 llctv<' d<•('id<·d 1o Nt<I.Y V<'t'Y long," t·c·pli<'d the man <'HI'<'I<•sHiy.

J>oo1· \\'illi<' snw tllnt sotndlling lllttst lw dmw he<'ause thet'<' \\'ilS 110 t<•llillg· Whelt \\'Oltld ('()Jl)(' OJ' it. \\Tilli<• kTIPW tOO, th<lt his tno1 IH·t· wllipp<'d llitll whPn h<' lied. "()I wish I'd g·on<' 1o s<'hool !" h<· sighed. \\'OI'S<•'n this.

01' <·ottt'S<' I llel\' <·n't dorH•

It <'Onldn't a' h<'ll

notllin' V<'t'Y had hut

1<'ct<'ll<•l'llillls g·its Stt' llt;ld <li>Otd, ('V<'l',Ything·.

0, d<•;H f just don't

ktlO\\' wlud to do,'' <tnd IH• wantrd to <·t·y. II<' snt down on 111<' g'l'<tss nnd thought s<•riously. s<'<'lll<'d 1o sttgw·s1 nnytlting· so It<' just




pnHhing- the

<'<tl'1h l'l'otn tit<· ltnnk ol' the <'t'<'<'k wat<'iling· it dissolve in the t·ippl ing· w;l1.<·t·. "W<·ll, IH• snid nL l<'ng·th, hr·ig·lttening· up a hit," otl<·' Llull it's IH'11<'1' 1111<· 1h<lll1l<'V<'r so I h'I<'V<' I'll go

1I<· \\'<llk<'d down 1IH· l'oad toward tlw s<·hool-h<nts(•. \\' <•11 Oil lti:..; <tl<•]y l'<·ll<:<'.




<jll<liJ l'<lll i1<'l'0SS his p;.lth.



t11' s<'lwol." II<' was

Jle illllll<'di-


<li't<'l' it ttntil it disHpp<'Ht'Pd ttnd<'t' tlw shr·uhs hy thP


II his st r<'ngt h s<'<'lll<'d to fail him and hP f'plJ ]wavily

into the· gT<tss HIHI !'I'll Hsl<•<•p.

A 1'1<'t' the gT<'<lt yellow sun hHd sunk hPlow the horizon, and til<· sh; 1do\\'s llnd IH'g;ttll to <'J'<'<'P slowly ov<•r· thP vall(•y, a man, \\'<tl king; down tiH• <'Ottn1 I',Y road f'ound his little hoy asleep in the gTn-;s. 'PI1at ('\'<'ning, f'e<'ling· t•;lth<•J' mw<~sy, \Yilli<' 'rait<'d as long <ts possil>l<•, <tlld th<·n l>lul't<'d ottt,



"Mamma, I got so sick N1at [- " "Ye~, dear," she replied, patting his curly head as she tucked him snugly in bed," Willie is tired lwd he must go to sleep." rrhe next morning when }H' H.T'l'ived at tlhe old school hom;e he saw rJ'irn sitting on the fpnce dangling his feet agaim;t the railings with a gr·in on his faee that t·eaehed l'rom <~m· to nar. "Why didn't yu' eome tn sehool yesterday," he ealled mischievOlmly. Willie did not am-rwPr hirn, hut wall«•d briskly up tiH• stmw stepR. Dur·ing ar·ithrnPtic· <'IHHH rl 1im lliCld(' I'~H'('H at him. \VIH'll tiH·y were sent to tlw boarcl, rpim whiHJH'l'ed to l'1 T'flll k ,J on<'H and boi h boys looked at Will ic~ and laugh<'<L "Nee her-<~, kid," said Willi<' :-;haking his fi:-;t angrily in rl,im':~~ f'~we, '' J 'J] shoW 'y ou at t'('(~PHH. '' At I'<'<~ess thP boys met. "Say Bil I," H<lid rl'irn , "You lllight HH W<'ll tPll Jll('." "0 I wuz si<~k," said 'Killi<>," shortly. "Your· ma told us all about it last night soy<'' tH'Pdn't think you kin bluff nw," sni<·kc•rPd rl,inl. "Oh," thought Willi<'," I '11 h<'t IH' told IH·t· au sh<' didn't say nothin' to me, hh1mP it all. "Nay rl,im," lw whispprpd t itnidly, "I I' you don't. 1.<'11 nobody I'll give you my old knife' totllOJTow."

Nun• Prool'. - " Pat·don

proi'PHHOJ', hut IHH1 uight yom· I hH \'(' ('H llt>d thiH · morning to ask you 11' therr iH Hny inH<IIli1y in yolll' I'Htnily '? " "rPiwrP must IH•." ,Judg<'. Ill<',

danght<H' ~L('.('(•pt.Pd my pr·oposal or lll<IITlHg<'.

ornplaint H<·mPdiPd. ( 1lpr·k ''~It·. NapiPigh <·om plain:-; in hi:-; l<'it<'r that lw i:-; not hPHring anything l'u1'11H•r ahout his ~mit.." Lawy<'r· "NPnd him a. hill. ' ' 'l'li(•gPnd<' nlaPt1('t'. (



Published by the Students of the Jordan Hiah School Editor in Chief. . . . . . . . . . . ...... · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ... · .............. Basil Walker Assil'tant Editor ................. · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ............... Martin Kuhre Busineas Manager ............... · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · ·. · . . . . .......... Mark Gardner · · M } Earl White Asststant Busmeas anagers .. · · ........ · .. · · .... · · · · .... · Allen Bateman Secretary and Treasurer ................. ·............ .. ............ Ebb a Lindell Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... · · · . · · .. · · · · · · · · · · ...... Gertrude Anderbera i;rab.a nf ltparfttttttts English......... . ................................ · · .......... Miss Maude Williams Social . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . . . . . Nora T angwall Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. · · · · · · .. · · · · · ........... Darrel Gardner ai.la!t.a i!ltpnrttr!l Melvin Lind ..................... 19 12 Wayne Egbert .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. 1914 Mark Gardner ................... 1913 W. Boberg ...................... 1915 With thi:-;, our· <·onrm<>tl<'<'llH'nt i:-;:-;uP, w<~ put forth our ]aHt and I><'H1 <' l'l'ort. }1\>r· two y('Hl's many rnem hPt'H of the> preHt>nt Ht<tl'l' haV<' Plld!'HVOl'<'<l to mak<' thi:-; J>HJ>Pl' OTIC' of thP hE'Ht Of itH kind, and aiHwug-lt ottr· 1-whool is :-;111all in <·c-nnpariHon with ~--;ome ol' our !'ld<'r si:-;1<•r:-;, W<' lwli('\'P that thiH iHHII<' will <·all forth l'ct vont hi<· <·ornlllPllt l't·onl <'V<'t'Y on<', and 1 hHt our· effortH, aH :-;tHd<·nts, wi ll I><• duly apjH'<'<·iat!'d. W<· wish to th<tnk <'V<'I'.Y on<· who has aided us in thr pnhlien1ion ol'


pH p<·r, for

W<' I'<'H

liz(' that "·itho11t the support of tlw



['aeulty, i,h!' Httld<'ll1N, and til!' adV<'l'LiNPI'N, tJH' papPI' Niaf'[' WOttld

be unable to t'O]H~ with 1h!' dif'l'i<•t!ICi<'S wlli<·h pt'<'scnL rrom day to day.


VI<~ (tf'(~ all pl<'<lN<'d with (h(' PI'Olllp1 ndion or ('\'('l'.V lll('lllh<'t' of' the student body, wflid1 I'!'Ntl](('d in 1.11<' illltll('dia(<~ diNpOsa] or

the laHt isNU<' o[' our pa P<'l'. 'l 1 his <l<'i ion of' lh<' st.ud<•ntN <·an not he over appn·eiatc•d. \V(' wish to thank <'V<'t'Y nH•nllH'l' ['ot· his loyal Sllpport, and ltiN il<'HI't.Y cljljll'<'<•iatioll or 0111' dl'or·ts. W<' WPt'<' all Nurpr·is<'d ilN wp]] ns pi<'Hs<•d "h<•n W<' lu•ilt'd t hell

i\1r. )1Jrn<·Nt Or<•<'llvvood had won s<·<·ond plil('<' in tlw sial<' or·H tori<:al eont<'Ni. 'l 1 ltiN is eliJOIIH'l' vi<·lory l'or· ,Jor·dan 0\'<'1' 1-·wlrools 1.l1at lwv<' h<·<·n <·stablislr<·d tnnny ,v<·at·s nnd it shows 11s tlrctt in spit<~ ol' ota· nwniH'rs, \\'<' IJaV<' t.ll<' nt<•n, th<' llrHins, ellld llr<' p11slr 1o nw k<' this N<' hool s<:<·ond I o non<·. With this nunil><'l', \\'<',as :·wniol'N hid rnt'<'\\'('11 to tlr!' s<·lrool <1nd to Ollr' <·otmid<•t'<ll<' l"el<'lllty, \\'Ito , ( lli'OIIgh <·onstnnt <'l'l'or( nnd 11nitPd a<'tion with tlr<' stud<·nt:-; lrCI\'<' lll<ld<· this s<·hool wllnt it iN today. AN \V<' look he~<'~-• 11pon Ill<' old dnys and old <INSO<'iell<·s, \\'(' f<·<·l (I [Hlllg or t'('llJOt':-\(' !'or Ill<' petl"ling is hnrd, nnd 111<' I<·Hviugof' til<• old N<·llOol t hell in !'ott!' y<·nr·s \\'<' h;l\ <' l<•;tt'tH•d to lo\'<' so well; rnnk('N tts !'or· n rnotll<'nl t'<'c..?.T<'I otrr· going;. On til< ~ oLit<'t' lrnnd, \\' h<•Jl \\<' t'<•;Jiizp I h;ll \\' <' <ll'<' g-oing out CIS f'<'pt'('N<'Tllcttiv<' grHdll<li<'S o!' this illN(illtioll, nnd (]w( the• J'('j'll l;ttion or thiN S('ltool will d<•j)('ll<l HOill(•\\'ltnt llpOll Ill<· st;rndnrd ol' <·xc·p]]Pll<'<'; whi<·IJ \\'!' rnw.;t <'Ninl>lisll, \\'!' long to go lor!ll HtH! to <'ll(<'t' llpon thos<· <·hos<'JJ wnlks wiH•t'<' \\(' <'Clll show thnt \\<'ill'<' <thlc• to <'OIH' wit.h 111<· dirfi<·ttlti<'s, whi<·ll will f'nll in <>Ill' pnth. \\'11<'11 \\'('think ()[' (h<• pOSNjiJj]i(iPS \\ hi<·IJ ()!'(' h!'i"Ot'< ' liS \\'!' i<•<•] I IIH1. we <·<til <·orit inu<· to, '' I~~~ ild til<'<' 11101'<' sl n (Ply IIICl nNiorrs, () IllY so1tl,

As tl1< · Nwil't. s<•nsons roll! l;c·nv<· tiJ.V low \'nttll<•d pnst! ];<•t. <'H<·IJ 111'\\. l<'lllpl<•, nohl<·t· lh<tll tiH· Ins!,

Shut til< '<' I'I"Oill IH·n\'<'11 with ;r doo111 IIIOJ"<' \';tNI, Till t hotl <ll lt•JJgt h ill'!. 1'1'<'<', L1 nving thin" ou( -g"l'o\\' 11 sh<•ll l>y lil"c•\ lllll'<'stillg s<· ;t ~ ..



'Plle close of the sehool is now drawing near and we know that every student is waiting for his summer vacation, with it~: joyH and freedom. To those students who still have work to <~omplete lwre, wP wish success and we sinePrrly hope that their l'uture wi11 appear as bright as that of the elass which is 11hout to leave 11s.. To the seniors, who are going to leave us this ye::r, W<' wi:-~h :-~tH'. <'<\RS. W r hope that they will hP in the futurf' as they have lH'Pll in the past, hon<•st, honorable, industrious and amhitiow-:.


42 .

lJttninra o :n.

'Joy a Jty !n '1 1 ttfl<' ":\ly ~l<n·ylcmd.'' Old ,Jot'Cblll'H HOIIH Clt'e ;liJ S('l'<'tl<'; ~1 h<' 'Lhir-tnPn <·lass, do not ll<'gi<·<·L 'PhC' m<•n of wisdom will IH' S<'<'n 'Po <~omc !'rom them, you tiiHY ex IH'<~L 'P~w d<tught<·rs, too, <lt'<' W<'ll in liTl<'; "P~wir l<·arning som1 will <Ill <'X<'<'I. 'Ph<' .Junior git']N arp doing fim•: 'I 1 1J<•y hc·lp old .Jordan's bo;lt pt·op<'l. 1

'Ph(' 'l 1 h('


hold, in houot·s high, hrn \'c• nnd nJa. yh<' I nw. ~PhP J11 t'<'HhHI<'Il, idt•;lis ol' til<.' sky, ~lu~-;t all how down to \\'!tit.<' nnd Hltt<'. Our· c·olors, N<'<'! t lw l~lt~e• and Whit(' flctv<' <·onst.<tn<·y 1o wiu the• fig·ht. Old .Jordan win~-; wit.lt liN in Hight. I~(' ,Jnnior·s, trw· 1o l~lttl' nnd Whit<·. ~oph 'rnot'<'N


'J h<• s1<Jtld<tl'd nJiH<', () <'Ollll':Jd<'N, ll'IW. ~o l'aihtr<'s ll<'<'d l)(• dark to you; "\1 isUt k<•s ll<'Pd not <'<lllN<' HOl'I'OWS 11('\V, Hut. N<'t'V<' aN Hi<•pping N1otH'N <111<''"AII h<·lp old ,Jot'd<m pu:--;11 ;dong. \Nc·'ll S<'<' tlla1 sh<' will win t liP day. 'PIH· 1~111<' Hlld WlliiP to ll<•r· lwlong. A II ltonorH h<' 1o [~<'d ;Jnd ( lt·ay! ~1

1<•<Jr our· ln11pr·pd <'llHigll down. 'l,hiH '"-':ts t liP sc•niot'N Jn·ng Y<·s!

Wlt<•JJ s<·<·t·<'tly oil<' <·nl'ly morn 'f1h!'y rc·n l'f'd t hPir Jllll'jll(• t'<tg .

I 1/PO N.

JORDAN COURIER Now what Nhould hap' when men should see f'rea1kH of' ehildren' play ? A fight or (' Olll'f-1('; no better thing ( ;ould <·om<> H .J union; way. Sw~b

1\ .Junior trod ding forth to s<· hool Saw t.yrany on high

11<' Htopp<•<l, he stared, he mHde hiH mind 'l'o 1.<•ar it down or Clie.

lie <'lim h<>d the shaky ladder, liP gained the sl<>nrler pole, lie t'<'ll<'ll(•d nnd <'lli i11<• vital <·orcl; Dovm 1'<>11 tit<' mighty seroll. It f'<•ll h<>side Pre S. l~roekm<·yer

Who ttl<'l{ed it '1wath hiN arm, And 1.11 t'JJing i o the <·ntranf'P r,ook<>d shyly r·otmd l'or harm. A. tinJ<' f'ot· l'eat· })]·ave Prexy lh·oek; On all sides IHy tlw l'o<>: Yott S<'<' not hut the vaeant hall l~td. <'lllpt·its <'0111<' <llld go. '' r~'nll

ljJa<• h


tit<> ~·WOllt! '' <"ried Grcemvoo<l :

('Ol'llPl' g'~l


<l llHJil ;

Down l'lopp<>d 1h<> mig·hty Pr·eHiclPnt; 'l'h<>it· l><tllllC'I' s<tved his '' c<m.'' Out with it t'H 11 the ,Juniors; I tnust hav<~ <'Olmted nine: He hind 1h<'ll <'H me the R('nior lnmeh 'l'o gentle ' ' i wo four" tim<' .

'l'he thirt<><'l1N tor<' their flag to ~-;hredN H<•l'or<' 1hey <·<JHH' in Hight; Hut then t h<· Hl<'l'I'Y game was on: 'Piwy 'd h<'<'ll so begged to fight.



JORDAN COURIER J1\n· (HI<' long hour 1he .Juniol's hPid rph<'ir· N<'nior· host at bay, And al't.Pr 1hat tlw fight was orr: rf1hat HH,ttl(• g'J'Pat hot;t gavp way.





IIJ;J tinl<' lws c·onlP again for us to take our place in the '' Cour·ier" a plaee whieh, ar-; Sophomores, we 1i 11 for til<' last time. Next year, whc•n a~-; r·epreHentativP:->, we :-;peak as repr·vsc•ntatives, it wil I i><' as ,J L·miors-- -llot tn<•J'e ,Junicw4, 1,111 .Junior~-; with an i.nereast' of tlw ' 'push" and <'tl<'t·gy whic· h ha:-; JllH r·kpd llH aH SophoIll 0 I'<'S ,Junion; who llt'<' working· toward tll1• building· of a lwtt<'J' 11lld IJ ig·g·<'t' s<' lwol. Ott!' <·otlt'S<' this Y<'HI' lllls !Jpen nJarkr·d by hard work, and <'Ht'll<'st <'rror·t, r·<·li<'V<'d now <llld then by H littlP toueh of tlH' ,'l<wi;ll whi<·h ll<H4 ndckd 1.hc> spi<~<' IW<~<'Hsary. 'Pit<' ltl()Sit Hli('('('SHI'tll (!V('ll1. or thP Y<'Hl' WaH the Sophomore <1;111<'<', giv<'JJ 111 the ltnperial I !all, };'<>hnwry fif'tc•c•nth. It was not only Sli<'<'<'SS !'ttl fi ll<tll!'iCl lly, hut SO<'iaJJy. H is with " l'<'eling or joy and regTPt that W<' take leave of' ottt' g·t·ndtt111.ing· <'lctss. J;'m· f'otn• y<>ars tlws<' worthy students have IH'<'Il wor·king· Log·<'tlwr· tnoHt <•arneHtly in ordc1· that they might <·otllpl<•t<• l1ig·ll s<·hool wol'k , and ent<'r eollege work, or that they tllig·IJj, llonot• this sdwol wi'11l f'utur·e IiveK or usdulncRs. 'Ph<'.Y W<'t'<' Ollt' tt'IH', loyal ~-whool - matcH, and although we bid LIH•nt f'llt'<'W<'II, til<' impt'<'HK of' Lh<'ir viJ'tlWH on ottr heftrts Rhall long· l'('lll/llll. w(' wir-;h t!H'lll SIH'('('HK Ill everything· tllcy do.


JORDAN COURIER Outlin<' ol' J~,ir·:-;t Yea1 Cooking .......... illi:-;:-; Hol'<'llHOII 1\,pading ............................ ~li:-;s <11'<'<'11\\'ood Fir-:-;t Y<'<l r· HPwing· ........................ ;\I iss 01<'<'11 Hong· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :\Iiss .A nd<'rl>prg· Br·eadhaking· ........................ ;\li:-;:-; I~,itl':g·<'nlid Hcmding· ................................ ~I iss IIHI'd.Y H<·<~ond Y<·Hr Dom<·st.i<' H<·i<'ll<'<' ............ ~li:-;:-; l;ind<'ll 1\lu:-;ic~ ........................... 1\lr·. and ~Ji:-;s J(u!JJ·<' HP<·ond Y<'Cl r· H<'wing· .................... ~I iss Hwimmn Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;\I iss Ht ok<'s H<•rvi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;\I iss Tnnguall OrdH•:-;1 r·a.

Af't<>t thi:-; <'X<'<'il<·nt pr·ogTnm 'v\'Cls l'<'IH{<'l'Pd, 111<' IH11'<'111N <ltld :-;tudnnt:-; wer<· :-;ilown throt1g·IJ LIH' <'xhil>it.ion r·ootns wll<'t'<' V<'l'.Y fino wor·k wa:-; display<>d l'or wlli<·h ~I iNN .l<'llN<'ll dcs<'t'V<'H lllll<'h c~r·edit.

Prol'c•:-;:-;or·:-; of' the• 1Tniv<'l'si1y <Ill'<' g·oing to giv<' l<'<·tun~s <lt. ih<·

Iligh Sd10ol in whi<·h 1h<'.Y will nin1 to show tlw oppor·lur,iiy l'ot· high Hehool gr·lldllat<'N in a11<'1Hiing 111<' llniV<'l'sity.

'Phe Corntn<•r)('('rtl('ll1. I~Jx<'l'<'iN<'N or Lh<' grndunt ing· <•ht:->H will be held Ht Nandy );, D. N. vVnrd llomH', ~Iny 17. 'Phe Cotntn<'ll<'<'tn<!nt. dnll<'<' whi<'h will he giv<'ll <tl t.IH' ln1 perial Tlall, J~1 t·iday <'V<'ning· ~lny 10, iN lookpd l'ot'W<ll'd to a:-; til<' big evc11t of' the y<!~u·.

'I'll<· <·l<•tn<•n1~, f<ll<•, or· 1lH' w(•;-ltlwr· man s<'<'lll to he againHt Ill<' ,JordHII Iligll N<'llool <11 hle1i<·s, for· <'V<'t'.Y tin1e tt·aining hegins i11I <'Cll'tH'st ' n ~tor1n <·onH'S Hlong to stop it,

and tll('n several. ho·ood

days n r<· <'OIIS\llll<'d in g<'Lting stat't<·d again. ·

Ott!' fit·st gant<' of ill<· sPason with OJ'anite was postponed on

'V'<'OtlltL of snmY, wlti<·ll s<•<•tn<•d to 1><~ a ))('ll<'fit to the .Jonlanit<'H, l'o 1• \\'h<'ll Ill<· giltll<' W<ls plcty<·d tllr following :\londay, the seore \\'Cis sixL<'<'ll lo 1111'<'<' in ,JordHn 's fa\'ol'.

'l'llis eamr aH a 1mrprise

1o <'V<'ryhody l><'<'<llls<~ it \\' <lS th<' populnr opinion that ''' ottld IH· t'<'V<·rs<·d at Ill<'

l<·a~t, hut


the score ::.;howed good form,

n <·ool IH'<td, <llld I!ClH th<· nw kings of a gn•at pit<'ll<'t'. 'l'ltis \\' <'<'k W<' piny Nal1, l;ak<' lfigh Nellool <ltHl the Univ<~rsity N<·<·onds.


,J tldging ft·otn 11l<· s<·on·s th<· o1hPJ' l<'a tns have made

ot1gld 1o ''"' k<· n good ::.;lwwing·. 'I'll<' <'I<~Hs 111<'<'1 will h<· ll<·ld thi::.; WPek i!' 1h<• w<·ath<·r pPrmits

n nd fr·otn i h<· g·<·li<'J'<tl

iL \\'Cllk HWily.


pp<'Cll'<llH'<' of things now the H<'llion; ha v<'

RECEPE TO CURE LOVE. UHe an ()llll( ~ (' or Hemw, 011<'-hall' grnin prude11('(', Oil(' gTmll Of UlldPrstanding, ()l]P 0\lllC<' of pati<'ll<'<' , 011(' pOUlld 01' f'('SOiutiml, one hand full of' dislik<'. Int('rmix tlH•m <111 tog<'tlwr, fold up in th e alPmhi<· of your brain for tw<'nty - l'ottr hours , tlH·n s<'i 011 t h<• slow fire of' hatr<'d; <·lean from tlH· dt'<'gs o!' melmwholy, SW<'<'l<'ll vvith forg·< ~ tl'uln<~ ss; put in tlw l>ottk of' yotll' hC'art, stoppiug it. down with a <·or·l< of' sound ,j11dgnl<'llL; let it st.<llld l'or l'olll'i. <'<~ n days in Uw watPr or <:old affcetion. 'rhis r<'rrwdy l'ightly mctd<· and pt·opnly appli<'d is til<' rnost. <'f'l'<'dllal rPm<'dy in th<· univers<'. It wns tl<'V<'I' known to l'<til. 'l 1H'S<~ ingr<'di<'nt.s may lw had <tl th<' hous<' of' l Tnd<•rstHnding·, UonHtant Ntr'('<'t, l>y going \lj> th(' hill or ~·wlf- d<·ni<ll , in tit(' town or l~\n·g<'tf'ulrwss and ihP County ol' IJO\'(' No !\lot'('. 1

LOVE CAKE. On<· siHHiy 1.t'< '<' , or a nHrTow IH'tl<'h; !Hk<• Oil<' nrnll'ul o[' prdty g·it·l , on<• loving l'a<·<', two laughing· bt·owtl ot· bitt<' <'.Y<'s, two t·osy dH·Pks , and two lips of' sintwh<'t'l',V. l\lix tog<'tlwr ctnd Jll'<'SS two JipH, thPll put in Oll(' hlllHli'Pd j>OIIIlds of !O\'(', Hlld <1 h<llld \\'<•11 <·lasp<'d , st.iJ· W<'ll and sPrvr aft<'l' dnrk. FROSTING. On<• PH'<'<' of' d~trk pi<t%7-ll ;wd <1 liitl<• moonlight.; tll<·n pt'<'s~ into on<' lc1rg·c· or· small h<llld , so lls not to Hitrll<'i <lit<'nt ion , two 0\lll('('S of' J'Olll/\ll('<'S, Oll<' OJ' t \\'0 whisp<'J'H, dissoJ \'(' Oil(' ilH]I' dmWll giHll<'('S into a qwmtity of' IH·sitlltion, two Olll)('('S or .vi<·lding, pl<l('<' kissc•s on hl11slling· <'h<•Pks OJ' t•osy lips, l'lll\'OJ' with <1 slight 1 SC'f'('}llll ~lJ)(] SPi. <lSidP (O <"001. ( ilJ'Oili<•k. l\Tod<'r'n Ani!OliJI<'<'11l<'ll1 '' \\'<Jtl!<•d: A g·o\' <'t'll<'SS who is n g·ood st<·nog'l'~lpiH•J' , to 1<11\<' down th<· <·1<'\'<'t' s<t,ving·s of' Olll' <'hild.' ' 0 . I I. I>.



B<'l<ll<'d A lll<lll JJalll<'d Nhakc'HJ><'Hl'(• haH l><'en trird and e;onvid<'d in l 1~ngland 011 a c ~ harg<' of lwving Htol en bac·on. Hather lct1<' deli<', isn't iU 8atire. l''<lnJilien· Path " ,Just as ,'\lill<'t and his widow r-;tartccl up tiH• <lisle• to the· elltal', <'V<'I'.Y light in tlw c·hun·h W<'nt out. " Pl'int<'ss ' ' What did tiH• C'oup]p do tlwn !' ' ljilli<' N. -'' KPpt g·oing; on. '11 h<· widow kn<'w tiH• way. " 1

aught Wil"<' - ' ' Did you post that IC'itC'r r g·ave YOH '? " lllrl>l>y '' Yc•s, dc•a 1', I c•aJTi<'d it in rny hand so I eouldn 't l"oJ'g<'t it ; and I d J'op1 it in t h<' firHt llHlil box . I rc•m<•mlwr, lH•,, !'<IllS!' \\' if"<' ' "J'h<'l'<', d<'ctl', that will do. didn 't give• you any lc·ll<'l" lo pos1. " 'Popc•ka ( 1apital. (

1\ 'J',·c·at ~·']l;l\' < ' you <lll.Y invisil>lc• h;lil'pimd" · · ( 'c•J't ;li nly ~1 eHI<llll. " '' ('ould I S<'<' th<'tll pl<'asc• .'' 1

Opc•J'H at llolll<' :\11'. ( oolc·y "Is your lllHJTiPd lil"<' one• gT<llld , swc•p1 song ~'' ~],·. Dtllton - "\\'c•ll, sinc·p Olll' bally 's bc•c•n hoi'Jl it 's lik<' Hll OJlC'l'Cl , 1'1111 of" gT<lll(] lllcli'C'Il('S, with Joud c•aJI:-; f'OJ' thP HllihOJ' c'\'<'J'.V night. ''

THE PARTING HYMN. NIIC· :->ely:-~, "'l'hC' ('OC'k ('J'OWS, -hell'k! " II<' S<ly:-~ , " No! still 'tiH dell'k.' ' Nhc· says, ·''I' he· da \\' 11 gTow:-; l>1·ight , '' II!' sHy:-~ ,' '() no , Jll.Y ljigh1. ' ' Nhc· say:-~ , "Ntand up and sa y, <lc·ts not the· ltc·Hvc•n gT<ly ?" 11<' sHys, '' 'l'lt<' lllOJ'lling- :-~t<lr i rnl>s tl1c· ho1·izml ':-; hell'. ''

( ~I

NIH• :-><lys, '' 'l'hl'll quic·k dc•p;n·t : Al;ls! you now llltls1 :-;tar·t;



But give the <'Oek a hlow vVho did rwgin our· woe!" AllOllYlliOilH. r~~hl>a

);indPII (to ;\lplvin who wns <'IH•wing- gunt.) - "l;<•i nw <'hnw your gurn till f'f'<'CSN." Melvin ];ind<' "I c;nn't, I inh<•t·il<•d this l'rotn tli.Y grand-

mother.'' glJha "W<dl, didn'i you hnv<' nnotlt<'t' grandnwth<•t· 4?" Melvin- "Y<'N, hut slw dic•d with lh<' g'lllll in lt<'t' tnouth."

"\\'hy hnv<'ll't you IH'<'Il to :·whool, Anna A nd<•rson \ViliJurn?" Wilburn 0. "OIJ, I h~t\' <' IH'!'Il sic·k." , Anna, Anderson "\\'hnt.'s 1><'<'11 tlw tl1Ht.1<'t' '? IJOV<' si<·k hut • Loo yotmg to mar't',y 'l "

'Phc• Wrong <luPss 'l'h<' young tnnn pl'odll<'<'d n stn~tll, sqtl;tJ'<' box f'rotn h iH [HH' l<ct. "I hav<' a pr·c·sc•nt f'or· you,'' l)('gnn ~It·. D<1w. '' 1 don 'l k11ow wlwHt<•r it will l'it yottr fing('J' OJ' nol, hut,- " "Oh, Hoy;il !" ;\I iss \\'illinnts hl'olq• in, ''this is so s11dd<·n! Why I nnv<•r· dr·f'arncd- " ' .' But .ittsL ihc•n Hoyal pt·odtt<·<·d lhc• gil't.- n silv<'J' ll!il\ri>l<·aJHl it got sltddc·nly c•oo!Pl' in l hP I'OOlll. 1\1 isH \Vi II ia IllS- ( Art(')' <1 Nc•n iol' <II' h;l1 ('. )- " .\1 1'. j>p t (')'SOil, yo11r gr·annn<lt' tnnk<'s Jll,V h;lil' slnnd on c•nd:·L (P~tiiS<' ) Cl<lsN, did yo11 not.i<~<· it ? " Ilar·v<'.Y (looking· nt Dnrl'<•ll \\Ito hns hnd his hnir slln\'('d "Wh;li lllfti«·s tho:-;(' :--<·arson Ill<· l><l<'k ol' ,V<>lll' lll'nd !'' 1><11'1'<'11 <;. "Oh! tltal i:-; \\'h<'J'<' lilt• hnrll<•t· sl<']>l><'d on Ill<' w lwn I was small."

ol'f'. )

C:1rl .rc·ns<•IJ lo .\Jr. ( 1ool<·y "l''ol' lnnd sak<•, \\'lint's lhnl 111 ll1at. big- NIH~ I<~" :\1 r·. Cool<•y ' "l'lwl 's l'c·t·1 iliz('J'." 1 ( <11'1 "\\'lt<ll's that l'ol'?" 1 ~lr·. ( ool<·y ''l 1'ol' fh<' 1:111d's :-;nk<'."



J1JJgin-"No Mir-:r-: Ei-lthrr· i:-; your Nir-:ter 0? Who comes after her?'' Nmall Rif.lter-"Nohody ain't eomr Y<'t; but pa sayR the firRt I'<· Ilow that eom<'H ean havP h<•r." Dar·r·<•ll (vc'r·y r-:IP<'pily r-:aying hik pray<•rH. )-"Now I lay me down to :·d<•ep, J pray the' I;ord my iWHI to kPep-" "If-" (pt·ompted tlw moUwr. ) Will iP- " If he hoi len; l<'t him go, Eni<•, mrc•ni<', miney, mo." 'l'<•aeh<'l'-" \\Thai elumgC' tak<'k pla<·p wlwn watPr freezeR ?" ,John Nimmpnf.lon (innoe<'ntly)- "A <·hangc• m price, g'II!'HH. ''

When 011 hir-: vvay to evening· krrvi<·<· th<' nC'w miniRter of tlw villag<' tn<'t a rising· yo11ng· HlHn of' i.hP plar<•, whom h<• ViraR anxiOIIH to int<·r<~st in th<' <~hureh. "O ood <'V<•ninp;, M r·. (;ind ," hr snid r-:ol<•mnly. " Do yon <'V<'r aU<•tHI a pill<'<' of worship?" " YC's, ind<'<'d, :-~it·; ev<'t'.Y S11nday night," rpp]ied thP young· I'<· II ow, wi1 h a smil<'. " I 'lll on my way 1o SP<' lwr now." " II' yo11 stand with yom· ha<·k to tiH• :-~ou1h what hav<' you on yottt' 1<'1'1. hand 11" nr-:ked th<' 1Nl('h<·r· dur·ing tlH· g<·ograplly lrHHon. ~1nr·1 in Pd.<·r·son tltollgh1, ('OnkidPt'<'d hiN hmHls, and gav<' th<· r·ig·lt1. n nsW<'t'. " ]11ing·<• t'N, r-:i r," IH· repli<•<l.

M,.. ,J org<'llH<'ll WHH instru<'1ing- a young- man, .Jlr. EO'lwrt, in tit<' ar·t of' p11 bli<· Sj)<'H king. " vVh<•ll you hnv<· finiNlH'd your IC'<'tllr<·," he Raid, " how gTac·<·l'ttlly :uHl l<>ave th<' platform on tiptoe." " Why on tipt0<' 11" qurri<'d \Vayne. ''So as not to wake the au diener, '' replied :\Ir..TorgenRPn. A Bo:-;ton girl who wnr-: watching a SedgwiC'k farmer milk a <1djur-:i.<'d hrr glaHs<'N and Raid: "It iR all vrry plain exct'pt lll1t1 1 dnn 't. under:-;iand !tow y<m tnrn it off."


"DC'n r· t<>a<· lwr," wrote little Nora's mother, "kindly excnRe Nor·a ':--~ :d>N<'lH'<' f'rom ~-whool Y<'f-lterday afternoon, a:;; Hhe fell in th<' mud. By doing th<· Hllnl<' you will g-reatly oblige hi:;; mother."



A young lady who taught a <'lass of' smnll boys in 1h<' NulHlllY sehool dPHired to impr'<'SS Oil thPlll t hP lli('Hlling 01' of'l'pring t,Jmnk~ he for<' a nwal. r[1 urning to OlH' ol' t IH• <·lass vvllmw rntJH•r wns <1 dPaeon in thP ehur·eh, shP ask<>d him. "\\Tilliarn, what is thP first thing ,V0\11' ruth 'l' S<t,YS Wll<•Jl ilP Hit:-; down to thP tahl<' )? " ''Jip HHYN, ''Uo NIOW with til<' huti<•t·, kidN; it':-; 10 <'<'Ill~ :1. pound," t'<'P Ii<•d \Vi Ilia m. Do<'tor "You hnv<• a l'orPip;n body in you1· <'Y<'." J>at iPnt "A l'or<'ig;n hod v, is u t '? W Pll, I don't oh.i<'<'i to n. (Jpnnnn, <·r· :1 J>ol<•, <'r <1 t~ 1 l'<'tH'lltlW!l; hut ir 111. i:-~ n Dago tlwt ·~ 111 tn<' <'Y<', git. him out qnic·k, nnd oi'll wnllup hi111 !"

rl,e<WiH'f' '' ,J oil nny, wlwt lS til<' llH'Hllillp; o I' 111<• word " .Johnny '')don't know jmd (' .' (l('(]y !Jut flll <'Xillll]li<• or if would IH· trying to 1i<·l<l<' H htl'il<>':-~ h:H·k with il <'lli<·kr•n r<·<11h<•r.''




l'vP rorg·otton :-~oJn<'thing· I wnnt<·d to :-~ny in lll,V ~hn II I sny, P. S.?"

rl 1 h(• young· nwn \\'CIS diN<'Ollsolntc·. Naid IH·: ''I <lNk<·d ll<•t' il' C'Oitld N<'<' h<•r• hOlfH'." "V{hy, r·c·r1ninly,'' :-~IH• HIJNW<'t'<'d; ''I will N<'lld vott 11 pi<·flll'l' of' it." One• g·:tnthl<'1t' lwi mw1h<'t' g·:nnhl<•r fif't,y dollnrs Jw <·ouldn't

r<'JH'<li. ill<· lJord ':-; pr~tyrr. rp)J(• H('('O!ld gmni>IPT' l'!'jl<'H1!'d: .. Now I lny Ill(' do\\ ll to HleeJ>- '' 'Ph<> first gnmhlPr :-~1opJwd llin1; "'Phnl'll do tnkc· t l1<· 1nom•y I did 11 't ~h ink .vou lm<'w i1." 'P<>ac·.hc·r·

(in gil'l:-~' <·Ins:-; in f-;undny N<·hool.• trying· to indi<·<l1<•

t.l1<• lliC'Illliug of' <'Vii inl'lltr•n<·<·:-;. ) "Wh:tl is it <'<IIIN<'N 11:-1 s!.ttml>l<' :tnd 1':111 by tlH· W<ty ?" "I think," <·hirpc•d <1 littiP g·ir·l. "it\ lh<• lwhhl!' :-~kil'i." lr1




pt'itn:tt·y H<·hool <· .· nlllimt1ion, ov<•r wili<·h I one·<· ltnd 111<· lo Jll'<•sid<•, 0\l(' or {IJp <jll<'Ntiom; \\<IS with l'!'g'lll'd to ill<'



fi V!' 1-\('Jli-\(~H. One 0 r tlw bright pupih.; hamileR the subject thus: '''I'!Je five 1H'llHes are: Snc~ezing, RObbing, crying, yawning, <·;wglling. I~y the Hixth H<'nHe ir-; m<'ant an <;xtra one which some f'olk~-; ili!VC'. 'f'!Jis is HIHH'ing." "Now J,<'I'OY," sHid the tea<·hc·r, ''You may g1ve an


a (•, oin<~id('Jl('('." '' W lly c•r·, '' said J,<•r·oy, with HOlll<' h<·r-;itation, '' \V !Jy er· wlry lll<' l'addN· awJ Ill<' mndder waH tll<ll'l'i<·d ou de H<llll<' day.'' ;rrnpl<'



;\ hoy sat Oil il r·nil I'Pnt·<· <'n<·losing· <I <·orn-fi<'ld. A eity ~hap, l>y, ~-;aid: "Yorlt' ('()I'll looks kind or yPllow, BrHI." ~' Y<'p; that's 1ll<· kind wv pl<wt<·d, '' r·eplied the hoy. "It don'1 look lik<· you will g·c:t rnor·c· than half' a. erop," Haid


Ute• <~hap.

''Nope; \\'<'don't <'Xpc•c·.t to; 1h<' landlol'd g<'tH the otht!l' Jrnl J', '' 1'<'1 01'1 C'd 1ll<' ,YOIIIlgH1 ('I'. 1 l'lr<' s1t'<lllg'<'J' lr<•si1 <11 ed a ll!Oill<'llt and then V<'lltured: ~ · Yor1 ;II'<' not V<'I'.Y l';n· 1'1·om a l'ool, a I'<· you, my hoy?'' · ~ 0Jop<'; no1 tllOI'<' 'n 1Pll l'<'<'t, '' H<lid th<· hoy, <llld tlr<' <·.ity <·lur.p I!IOV<'d \ :o




r·k 111n n

I go1


y<·st<"l'(I<Jy si 1'.

<'an you

g1 VP


in wng<'s '!

'I'll.<· Poss I '111 nl'rnid not. 'l'lr<' fir'lll <·mmot he h<·ld r<•:-:po1rsihl!' lor 11<'<'id<·ll1s thn1 happ!'n outsid<' til<' worki.;.

l)o!'1ot·- 'I'!JonurH,


l\Jr·s. ( 1<lrt<•J' g·et the nwdic~inc· I ord<>r<•d

.)'<'NL<•r·dny ~


I I>'!<'<'\'<' so , s11·.

I see all

t h<'

hlindH dowu


It l 0 I'll j llg'.

An ll'ishttl<lll W<ls sitting iu a drpot Hmoking, when a 'iYomau c·nllt<' <trHI, sit1 ing down beside him rpmarked: ·' ~ir· 1 j j' you \Y('l'(' fl grntiC'lllHll, ,YOU WOuld not Hll'lOk(' hC'l'<'. '' '' '; he Silid, 'I r f' .V<' wuz a lady, yc 'd Rit farthC'r away." 1 'r'<'1.1y Noon 1h<' wonJ<lll hurst 011t ag·ain:

~1Jl Jn,

.'r r

;011 WI' I'(' lll,Y huskmd, T 'd givr you poison.'' "\\'<'11. mutn," returned iJ1c Jr·ishman, as hr puffed away at i1is pip<>, '' f J' you WUZ Ill<' Wl f'<', f 'd takP it.''



A man wa:-; telling :-;ottw l'r·i<>tHl:-; about a propmwd fiHhing· trip to a lak<' in Color·ado whieh he had in <·ontPmplation. '' Ar·c• therp any tr·out out tlwr·c•?'' a:-;krd one l't'iPnd. ''rrhou:-;andH of' '<>m,'' n~pli<><l tlw fit'Ht man. ''Will they hit<' <>af.lily '? '' aHk<'d anoth.c•r l'riend. '-' \Viii th<'y '? '' Naid thP An.;t man. ''\\Thy thc•y 'l'<' ab:-;olutc{v vi<'iottH. A rnan ltaH to hidP !,<'hind a trc'<' to bait a hook." Mini:-;t(•r· ( ar·ow.;ing flim:-;Pll' in hnrhm· 'H ehai1· )- "A 11 through ypt?


I~arher·-'' Aye, lang· :-;yn<·." l\liniNtc·r· '"Piwn I lll11H1 hav<' lwt>ll itululging 111 a. qui<! net!> "? '' Hal'lwr· ''Y<' wi:-; that, :-;ir.'' l\liniNt<'f' "It wa:-; V<'l'.Y good or yoll not to wal«'ll Tnt'. THill VPJ'Y thnnkl'ul f'or whnt hn:-; l>P<'Il H moNt rdr·c•:-;hing Hl<'ep." lhu·l><'r"- " IIooiN, rna.n, hand y<•r· tongtw; it':-; only a !'air· r<'tllr'tl. I Nl<'pt all through your HPrmon la:-;t Na.whath."

"Want a :-;ituation n:-; <'tTandhoy, do you '? you t.c·ll tll(' how l'ar· LIH· moon l.' l'r·om i,lt(' c•at't.h, ('It 4?" Hoy "W<·ll, guvnor, I don't. know; but I J''<•ekon it ain '1 nP~tt· erwugh to int(~rl'<·t·<· ·wit IJ rnP I'll lining <'JTnnd:-;." II<' got Uw job. Shopk(•c·p<·r·



Tlwt I.JC~tt<'r If.- '' :\lm·y, wlwr'(' iH that <·hidu•n pi<• I told you

to hC'ctt up '? " "Wc·ll, llltltrl, you told it up." \Vhy

I lP W<'pt


to hc•nt it up and I




"Bet Hi I," d<'tllntHlPd hi:-; rnotlwr, "\Vhat.


t IH· mattPr with your hr·oth<'r Blgin 4?''

"l\1otlwl'," T'<'HpondPd l~aHil, "h<• i~ nying·IH•c•au:-;p I '111 Patin~ my <·.ctk<' and vvon 't giv<' hin1 any.'' "IN h iN own c·a I«· finiHhNl '! " '' YPH, tna 'am, and h<• <'t'iC'd while• WHH PaLing 1hat too." llm·p<•t·'~ \V<'Pkly. MiNH WilliatnH (al'1<'t' !Piling 111(' :-;tory or l)ittl<· J{pd Hiding II ood to ll<'t' J~,t'<'Hlmw 11 <·laHH. )- ''Now Ora <'<liJ you d<'H<'l'ih<• Ow woodH t.o Ill<', but fir:-;t ol' all what iH a wood?"

JORDAN COURIER Ora- -"It iN a whole pile of Ntiekl~ stuck up that. look H.w l'ul pretty.''

57 111

a back yard

Norry I le AN ked- Maggie- '' Who Js that ~trange looking rwut who Niat'<'H at me so mucld" l\1 ilt on ·' Oh, that iN llerr Ntoh.cnheitlwnvc•lNcrvarJoekenh!'illl th<' c•Jninent inNanity expert,"


~~~d it.orial I Iall,ing - "I hear· you aetually cn<"ourage your boy to Nend podr·y to Ow mag·a7.inc'N. Do you want your son to he<·orn< ~ a poet '? '' "No, I nt<'l'Ply w11nt to gPt thC' c;on<"eit knoc·ked out of hirn." LouiNviJle C. ,J.

illing- fl<'t' ProgTntn- " Ah, ~ay, l\1c•7. l\landy, Hill yo' profull?" "l 1 orcl<>P, no, l\lr. I,unil<'y, it takPN mo' <111 H N<tll'wic·h an' two ol i V<'N to fi II ntah pr·og-r·a 111. '' ]1



rl 1 ltp J>prfp<'f Hc•c•()Jllj)('llN(' l\liNH RawlinH- " You have NaV('(t 111y li!'c•, yot111g· nwn. !low <'<Ul I r·c•pay yon '? Ifow c·;-m I Nhow my g-nd it udP '! A r·c· you rntttTind '? '' ONc·ar· I'Pt <'t':·;on '' Yc•N, c·olll<' Hlld hP n (•ook for UN." <lilii<JtrL .\Jr. I>aw ''You Hl'<' quit<' c·onlf'ol'tahle dear?" l\1 iNN .J ('llN('ll - '. YPN, lOV(', ' ' ' 'rl 1 ltc• C'IINhiOilN ill'(' PilN.)' Cllld NOI't •?' ' ' 'Yc•N, darling." "Yo11 don't f'PPl Hll,Y jolt '! '' ' · No, NwPet c•Ni. '' ' ' i\ nd j l!c•J'<' iN 110 d I'll !'t Oll lll,Y l<llll h, lS i.IH'\l'e? '' ' . N () lll,Y 0\\"ll('Ni. OWll. '' ' ' rrltc'll (•ll(lllg·c· NC'<l1N wit II llH'. ' '

T<leas. J,ooking· Ah<'<Hl "My d<'ar," Naid Mr. ( ioolry as hiN \i·if't> to join him for· a w<llk, attin•<l in hrr· hol>hlf' ~kirt, 1Jn~krt hat, <llld oi.h<'r t.hingN of' pr'<'s<'nt mod<>, '' T want you to come to 1hP pho1 ogTH pher 'N and ha vr your pieturr made just a~ you are.·' " Why, do yo11 lik<' rnc• NO wrll in thi~ <'ONtunw 1" said his wife Mawt W. <'111lH'



"WeJJ, my idea is that two yean; from now I <'an Hllow yon the picture, and you will say the 1hings about it that I would like to say about yout· appearane<' just now."

SUNDAY JARS. IIe- ' "I,lw ehureh ir-; jammP<l." She- ' ' 'Chc [;ord J>r'PHet·ve us.'' What Did I I<) 'rhin k- " l\ly h us hand sHys liP n I W<lys d<h'~ hetter work when thinking of' me." "J notiee lJc did a Very good joh or ]H'Ht ing· {lH• ('cll'p<'i.S. ',

A wife, nJtpr· a divor·<·<', said to hPI' husl>nnd ~It·. ,Jor·g<'llS<'tl. "I am willing to loan youth<' l><lhy lu-ll!' or Lit<' tinw.'' "Good!" sai<ll\'lr .• Jorg<·ns<'ll, r·ul>hing his IJ<tnds, "Splendid.'' "Yes," shP resutn<'d, ' ' You mny hnv<' hint nights." Cold Ntorag<) I h1 rr<'ll - " \V IH't'<' is th(' Ii \'<' <' hi<·.lu·n I houg·h t par'iy ?" 'rheo N.- " I put. it in Oltt' ll<'W i<'<' box, to k<'t'IP it l't·<·:-~h \tnt il it was kiiiPcl tornonow."



A Nwif't On<~ ' ' Now, if I \\'<'1'<' onl.v an ost.ri<·h,'' Martin at ih<· hr<>HkrHsi iahiP, as flp pi<·kpd llp ()Jl(' or hi:-; his<\llits, "then - " " Ye:-;," in1.<'f'l"ltp!<'d th<' patiPn1 h<'lt<•t· hall', "'1 1 h<·n I g<!t n f'<~w n<'W l'mttlt<•rs for 1.11<· old hn1 I 'v<' worn !'ot·


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59 •





Out of' Date-" T am going to rtHk yonr father tonight for your halH1 jn marriage."

" Ilow dr·P adfu1ly o·l d -faf.lhionerl you arr." '' ln \vhat way 6?'' " Don't m;k hirn, tnll ldm."

''Now I lay me down to ~deep, I vViNh r h~ld a man to ker p ; And 1f' thrr·r is a rnan under my hrd; I prny 11lnt h<' has h< '<l nl ('V<'I'Y wot•d r 'vr. HHid."

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